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Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro 5

User  Guide  


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Mapping  Tonal  Harmony  Pro  5  
What’s  new  on  this  version  

• MIDI EXPORT - export progressions as MIDI files in any key

• PRINT WORKSHEETS - print progressions as worksheets with functional analysis (or
chord progression in any key)
• SHOW/HIDE UNUSED CHORDS - the map now has the option to filter out all
functions not used in the current progression
• AUDIO HARMONIC MARKERS - audio tracks now show functional markers on a
timeline to analyze and understand the harmonic rhythm in the current piece.
• AUDIO ONION SKIN MARKERS - you can now select a section of the audio track
you want to view, listen and analyze.
• HARMONIC PATHS ON AUDIO TRACKS - harmonic paths are now available on
audio tracks (also reflecting the audio onion markers)
The map menu & keyboard are now always visible on desktop versions of the app
Also the desktop versions show key signatures for the selected key and a circle of fifths
in that key as well. The window is also resizable.

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User  Guide  

Main  Menu  

Mode Selectors
Study.Browse Mode
Tap and listen to the chords in the map. Read the Chord/Function info data

Listen.Analyze Mode
Load and listen to the progressions included within the app, in any key or functionally

Record.Create Mode
Create/manage your own progressions.

Audio.Song Mode
Load audio songs from our server and watch them play on the map.
Study harmony progressions while listening in real-time

Also included in the main menu:

Auto-slide button to view/hide a quick help for the current mode.
Audio-Loader progress bar for the audio file currently being loaded.

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The Map shows all harmonic functions for the current map level. The three main regions are:
Tonic, Sub-dominant, and Dominant. All functions are mapped to their corresponding region and
by using their standard circle of fifths location relative to the current key.

Chords from the major mode are shown outside the circles, while chords from the minor mode
are shown inside. Standard and alternative cadences are also shown as arrows.

You may tap on any chord symbol on the map to listen and view related info. Also, a voicing for
the chord will be selected based on the inversion chosen and the previous chord/function. (In Rec
mode you may double tap on a function to add it to the current progression)

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Map  Level  Selector  and  Settings  Menu  
The map’s current level may be selected from this auto-hiding
menu. To access this menu just tap on the Menu>> tab.

The map has seven levels of complexity, from the Basic

Diatonic Neighborhood to the Advanced Secondary
Functions and Augmented Sixth Chords. You may tap on any
level select the desired map level.

The map also has an alternative skin with more clearly defined
tapping areas and colors that identify the type of function for
each chord (tonic, subdominant, dominant). This skin can be
accessed by unchecking the Da Vinci check box.

The show all chords checkbox will only show chords in the
current progression or audio song when unchecked.

The progression lines checkbox (PROG. LINES) shows/hides

the paths between functions for the selected progression in play
and rec modes.

The main and alternative cadences may be turned on/off by

using the corresponding checkboxes or fade in/out by using the
knobs (or tapping on the - + buttons)

The detect basslines checkbox enables/disables the bass

movement detector.

If you want all voicings to be played using jazz chords instead of

standard classical ones you can turn the Jazz Bank on by tapping
on the Jazz Bank status light icon. When the jazz bank is
enabled, voicings are constructed by using standard tension
substitutions over the SSATB classical voicing (such as 9 for 1,
13 for 5, etc)

The MIDI button saves the current progression as a standard

midi file in the documents directory. On the iPad you will have
access to these files using itunes when the iPad is connected to
your computer. The exported midi file will have 5 tracks (one for each voice). MIDI export is
available in play and rec modes and will play the current progression in the selected key and
bounce it to disk.

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The print worksheet button exports the current progression and open a page in your browser
with the chord progression (chords at the top of the staff) in standard grand staff notation in the
current key or a harmonic analysis notation (analysis at the bottom of the staff) when the
functional view is active (the f key on the keyboard). The page could then be printed or emailed
as a worksheet.

The MAP VERSION shows the latest mapping version which is automatically updated from the
sever every time the app is restarted. (4.0.5 in this case)

Chord  Voicings  Panel.  Standard  Music  Notation.
The Voicings Panel (grand staff) shows the
voicing that has been played for current and
previous chosen function in an SSATB setting.

The voicing for the current function is decided

by using a voice-leading algorithm based on
the previous voicing played with a minimum
amount of randomness so that a certain
progression is not always played using the
same voicings.

In Browse.Study mode the user can browse and listen all possible voicings for the current
function by tapping on the << >> buttons on top of the grand staff. The voicing you’ve chosen
can then be used as a starting point in the harmonic progression you create.

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Keyboard  Panel.  Key  Selector  
The Keyboard Panel let you choose the
map’s current key. Tap on the note to change
the map’s tonic and check the USE SHARPS
checkbox if you want the map to display the
current key enharmonically using sharps.

The key labeled f will show all chords in the

map as functions.

The keyboard will auto-hide after a new key

has been selected. You may prevent the
keyboard from auto-sliding by enabling the lock icon. When hidden, the keyboard may be
accessed by tapping on the K>> tab.

The desktop versions shows the keyboard vertically and is always available. Key
signatures for both major and minor keys, and a circle of fifths are also shown for
the selected key.

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Inversions  Panel  
Inversions for any function may be
selected by using the inversions panel.

Each inversion is represented by a

specific shape which reflects the interval
number that belongs on the bass.

Before playing a function you may select

its inversion by tapping on the desire
inversion icon. (Next inversion will flash showing the next inversion to be played). The root
position may be used as default by enabling the Root Lock.

Inversions icons:
Root position. R. Circle (bass plays the root)
First inversion. 6(5). Triangle (bass plays the 3rd )
Second inversion. 64(3). Pentagon (bass plays the 5th)
Third inversion. 42. Heptagon (bass plays the 7th)
Pedal Point. PED. Anchor (bass repeat previously played note)

The inversion panel will also show the current inversion being played while listening to any
progression or audio song.

Bass  Movement  Detector  

When enabled, the
bass movement
detector will show
essential bass-lines
arising in the current
progression, in real-

There are four kind of bass-lines the detector is listening for: Step-wise Up, Step-wise Down,
Perfect Fifth Down, and Constant (Pedal point or anchor)

Every time the bass creates one of these lines the detector will light the corresponding icon and
increase the counter for that line by one. This information is of vital importance , since all well
constructed harmonic progressions present many occurrences of these essential bass-lines.

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Chord  Info  Panel  in  Browse  Mode  

The Chord Info Panel is available in browse mode and shows the function and most-often used
chord-scale for the current chord. Tap on the Chord Info button to turn on/off the chord info

Listen.Analyze  (Play)  Mode

In play mode you listen and study pre-recorded harmonic progressions. The progressions is
shown in standard chord notation (with / meaning bass note). In functional view (f on the
keyboard panel) the chords and inversions are notated in standard classical functional harmony
notation (with / meaning “of”, for example: ii6/V = II minor of V in first inversion.)  

The drop-down progression list

may be accessed by taping on the
music folder icon.

All progression are read-only.

New progressions are updated

from the server when available
every time you restart the app.

When a progression is loaded

you may view it in any key or
functionally by changing the
map’s key with the keyboard

Play/Stop the progression by

tapping on the play button.

Change the tempo by using the

slider or the (- + buttons)

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View/Hide progression paths by tapping on the path icon

Progression paths are shown using blue lines as links between consecutive chords (shades of
blue gradually change from dark blue at the beginning to light blue at the end of the progression)

The corresponding inversion icon is shown over each chord/function in the progression.

Paths (only the blue lines) may be turned off by unchecking the PROG. LINES check box
located in the MENU>>> panel on the left.

While in play mode you may also tap and listen to any function (as in browse mode.)
You may also tapa chord in the chord symbol staff panel to listen and find it on the map.

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The map has the ability to filter out all chords that are not being used in the current progression.
You can enable this filter by unchecking the show all chords checkbox in the menu.

The following is an example of a progression in Cm with all unused chords filtered out:

The show all chords checkbox does not work in browse mode since there is no progression

The MIDI button (in the left menu) allows the user to bounce the current
progression to disk in the current key.

When the MIDI button is pressed the current progression is played and
bounce to disk to the documents folder in the current key. On your iPad
the file will be accessible through itunes where you can save it to your
computer and then open with any program that handles midi files.

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The following picture shows the File Sharing view in itunes. (connect your ipad, goto to the
Apps, scroll down to File Sharing, select Tonal Harmony app from the list of apps and you will
see all the midi files you’ve exported using the app.

The naming is done by using the current progression’s name and the current key
(for example: WB1_I-V7-I(in_C).mid)

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The Print as Worksheet button exports the current progression and
opens the browser with an empty grand staff containing the chord
progression in the current key, or a functional analysis if the
functional view is active when the button was clicked.

Following is a progression exported while in functional view:

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The same progression in the key of Gm

The analysis or chord progression could then be printed, emailed, bookmarked, using the

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Record.Create  Mode  

In Rec mode you can create/save/edit your own progressions You may also do a Midi export and
Print as Worksheet with your own progressions in any key or functionally.

The Rec mode behaves like the play mode plus the following additional functionality:

• Create a new progression using the new music folder icon

• Delete the progression from the list by using the delete folder icon
• Clear all chords in a progression with the clear button
• Change the editing point (red blinking line) by tapping on the chord symbols staff
• Double tap on a chord in the map to add/replace at the edit point
• Double tap on the chord symbols staff to erase the chord from the progression
• Tap on the rec button to disable rec (to avoid unwanted editing of a progression)
• Tap on the progression’s name to re-name.

Progressions are automatically saved when a new one is created or you switch to another

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Audio.Song  Mode  

In Audio mode you can load audio tracks from the app’s server with their respective harmonic
analysis. You will need wifi accessibility the first time you listen to each track, since all audio
and meta-data is downloaded from the server. All files are saved after they’ve been played once.

To delete all saved audio tracks (if you want to free space) you may tap on the CLEAR MEM
folder icon.

When an audio track is loaded the map automatically finds the minimum map level necessary to
show all the functions in the song and modulates the map’s key to the original key for that track.

You may change the map’s current key at any time to view the harmonic progression for that
song in a key different from the original or functionally if desired.

The button in the top main menu will modulate the map back to the original key for the
current song.

The Timeline shows a function marker (small green circles) for every chord in the current song.

The harmonic rhythm could be clearly observed and analyzed by studying the distribution
pattern in harmonic functions through-out the piece.

The current playing position is shown by the yellow vertical line while the track is being

The two onion skin markers allows you to select a section of the piece
for studying in detail or to simplify the view when the harmonic
progression is too dense or moves too fast.
The skin onion markers may be dragged and dropped to any point in the timeline to choose the
section you desire to study (the will snap to the closest function at drop point)

You can now view harmonic paths for audio tracks as well using the path button.
Only the paths in the selected section (skin onion markers) will be shown

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The following picture shows Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Theme A section with the paths
enabled and the skin onion markers selecting the entire audio track. This is a nice global view of
the entire section of this piece. The harmonic rhythmic distribution is easy to analyze by looking
at the chord markers in the timeline (small green circles). The map has automatically changed its
level to the minimum required to show all functions used by Mozart in this piece.

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Here’s the same piece but with all unused chords filtered out

now using the functional view (f key on the keyboard)

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finally just a section containing a cadence using the skin onion markers

Panic  Button  
A panic button was included (next to the Tonic-House icon)

If the apps becomes unstable (audio does not stop playing) you
may tap on the panic button to stop all audio from playing.

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