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The Wolf Within

I am the night, I’m the darkness. I’m the shadow that moves across the trees and

sweeps the edges of the forest. I’m the whisper in the wind, I’m part of the pack, I know the

joy of the hunt and the hunt.... is me.

My eyes open and sweep the wooden roof above the bed. I ran again last night, the

delicious burning in my muscles remains from the sprint.

My name is Maria, Maria Angela Smith to be exact. It is the winter of 1863. I’ve

seen sixteen winters in my life, but nothing as cold as this one. A chill intrudes the warmth

of the wool blanket and I try to escape into the comfort of a feather pillow.

A tiny snore escapes and I turn to look at my sister’s bed to see she is still sound

asleep. Her blanket is pulled close to her chin and by the tassel of hair, I can tell she had

nightmares last night.

Little Victoria is only five years old and the favorite of my siblings. She resembles

our mother the most, with her blond hair and green eyes. I was eleven when my mother
passed away giving birth to Victoria, ever since then I have treated her like my own child.

Sitting up, I pull the clasp out of my dark hair and let it flow down my back. I’m the

odd one in my family. My appearance for one, has never ceased to amaze people. Unlike the

rest of my kin or the village for that matter, I have black hair and amber eyes. My skin is

pale and has been since birth. No matter how long I stay in the sun, it is always a ghostly


Rising from my bed, my muscles argue against the motion. My neck cracks and I

“pop” with every movement. The forest is still trapped under my nails and I start picking it

out until something catches the corner of my eye.

Very slowly, I turn to look in the corner bedroom mirror. My eyes see the image of a

large black wolf staring straight at me. A puff of white breath fills the air and the wolf sits

on it’s haunches, with an intense look.

It seemed as though it was testing me, seeing if I would run or scream. I closed my

eyes tight and opened them to see my normal shivering self. Ivory fingers came to my lips

and I bit my pinky nail.

Then a stinging drew my attention to my back. Slowly rotating my body, I see two

long scratches running down my shoulder blades,“I must have fallen last night.” I whisper

as I pull my nightgown over my frozen shoulders.

The villagers are afraid of me, they’ve branded me “odd”. There have been many

accusations placed against me and my parents, from witchcraft to evil spirits. They refuse

to accept me. I probably would have been thrown out of the village years ago, if it had not

been for the church proving my innocence against these claims.

Although, I can’t say that I fully blame them. I am quite strange at times, or strange
things just seem to happen to me. One incident is when I was a child of seven at school. My

mother and father were called to the schoolhouse to observe the first of many strange

events that would occur in my life.

It was a stormy autumn day, the leaves were falling from the trees in a shower of

orange and gold. I was sitting on the rickety swing, held by the large oak tree next to the

school. Alone, as usual, I sat singing to myself. That wasn’t the odd part though, what

frightened the teacher, was that surrounding me, was every dog from the village.

They laid in a rough circle around me, watching, protecting. The children were

summoned inside and my parents watched in utter confusion as I rose up off the decrepit

swing. Once my feet hit the ground, a chorus of howls sounded and as I walked by, every

canine rolled onto their backs in submission.

Now sixteen years have gone by and I have taken this house as my house. My

younger brothers and sister are mine and my elder brother’s children. Ben is four years

older than me; by all rights he should be married and have a family by now. I’ve asked him

about it before and he refuses to leave father to raise the children on his own.

Our father is a broken man. When mother died, he drowned himself in his work at

the mill. He is there from sunrise to late hours in the night, when he stumbles in and goes

straight to his room without a word.

New snow has fallen on the ground. The trees are bare, but patches of brown still

show. From the look of the sky I’d say it was early morning since the sun had barely

peeked over the horizon.

Sitting in my window sill, I look at two deer, trying desperately to peel off some

bark from a tree. Then something catches my eye, my youngest brother is walking toward
the forest.

“What in the world is he doing out there this early?” I say to myself as I grab a

shawl to put around my bare shoulders. My silky nightgown flows behind me as I slip on

some slippers and go out the door.

“Jacob? Jacob, what are you doing?” I ask walking to him. He is staring out into the

dark trees that border our village. My hand finds his chestnut hair and I turn him to look

at me.

Jacob is seven years of age and extremely shy. He has never liked people or speaking

to them, the only beings he addresses are close family. We don’t know why he is that way,

my suspicion is mother’s death. Once she died, he stopped talking to anyone but us.

“Jacob, answer me. What are you doing out so early?”

His green eyes stare into mine as he pointed out at the forest. I followed his

outstretched finger to a young man standing between the trees. I stood straight and felt

Jacob’s small hand slip into mine.

“May I help you sir?” I called out, but he shook his head.

“Do you have business with my brother?”

Again he shook his head and smiled. He was very handsome, I’ll give him that. Tall

and dark as the trees around him. From far away I could see he was a stranger in our

lands, because he had bronze skin. Everyone around here is white, not as white as me mind

you, but never that dark.

He stared at me and I at him, before he backed into the forest without a whisper. I

felt a chill go down my spine as I bent down to look in Jacob’s eyes.

“Jacob, do you know that boy?”

He shook his head and I looked back to the forest.

“Why did you come out here in the first place?”

He began to quietly explain that he was asleep in bed, when he woke suddenly and

looked out his window. He felt pulled outside and when he saw the boy, he was interested

in his odd skin color.

I tightened my jaw. How easily children mistake danger for beauty.

“Jacob, if he ever comes back, you wake up Ben or I. Understand?”

He nodded and I wrapped my arms around him. His small body was shaking with

the cold and his head only went up to my waist. I held out my hand for him to take as we

walked back into the house. When we reached his room, I looked over to John, my first

younger brother.

John was a lazy boy and he hadn’t even stirred from his sleep when Jacob left. After

seeing twelve winters, it was time he started working at the mill with our father or in the


I tucked Jacob back in bed and kissed his head. He looked at me with tired eyes and

I smiled, humming gently. It was a song mother used to sing and he asked softly, “Do you

miss her?”

I nodded and brushed back his hair, “Very much.”

He nuzzled my hand and sighed, “Father misses her too. Does he hate us?”

“No, he doesn’t hate us. You should be ashamed for thinking that Jacob. He is very

lonely and he is jealous that the angels took mama to Heaven. He just misses her so much

and sees her in us. He loves you very much Jacob, so do I.”

He smiled, closing his eyes and whispered, “I love you too, Maria.” I stroked his soft
face with my nails before quietly sneaking out of the room.

My sights turned down the hall to Ben’s chambers. While walking, I suddenly

became dizzy and leaned against the wall, “Not again.” I whispered with one hand on my


I opened my eyes and saw the forest, then a cave. Wolves lined the walls, sleeping,

eating, cleaning each other. In the middle was a very old looking, white male.

He looked straight at me and howled loudly. The rest of the pack began to join his

symphony and my mind shot back to reality.

I glanced around at my house and took a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart.

Once I had a normal breathing rate, I went to the kitchen to wash my face. I was drenched

with sweat and a trickle of blood poured from my nose.

While pouring the water, I saw an image in the water of two eyes staring back. As

quickly as they had appeared, they vanished.

“What did I do last night?” I questioned my reflection. The cold water felt

wonderful on my face and I dried off before heading back to Ben’s room.

I knocked and came in seeing he was still sleeping. Ben was very handsome, with

father’s chestnut hair and chocolate eyes, a firm yet longer built and a good heart to match.

Many girls in the village were interested in him, but he denied them all, since he couldn’t

focus on marriage now.

I sat on the side of his bed and shook him lightly. Those velvety eyes opened and

scanned my face.“Maria? What in Heaven’s name is so important that you have to wake

me up this early?”

“I’m sorry brother, but we have a problem. I just followed Jacob outside in the
snow. I thought maybe he was sleep walking, but he was awake and staring at a strange

boy in the forest.”

Ben sat up slightly and questioned in a brotherly tone, “A boy? What do you mean a

boy? How old?”

“I’d say about eighteen. He was standing in the forest looking straight at Jacob and

me. His skin was dark and he didn’t once come into the light. I asked him his business here,

but he just shook his head and left. He was very odd Ben. Sent chills through me.”

Ben looked forward and ran through what I had told him. “Do you think he is


“I don’t know, but Jacob was fairly entranced by him though. I think we need to

keep a close eye on our brothers and sister.”

“Make sure you keep a close eye on yourself Maria.”

I scoffed, “No man can tame my spirit Ben, you know that.”

“Yes, but it is your body, not your spirit I’m worried about.”

He looked at me seriously and I didn’t like the intensity of his eyes on me, so I

pushed him over and sat on his chest. Then I began tickling him, he squirmed and laughed

under me, “Maria don’t make me hurt you!”

“Like you could. Say it, ‘no man can tame me’.”

I ran my nails up and down his stomach as he gave a defeated, “Fine, fine I give up.

No man can tame you, sister.”

I jumped down smugly, “And don’t you forget it.”

He shook his head and turned over on his side. I went out and started a fire.
Chapter two

The day went on normally as I shooed my younger siblings off to school. Ben woke

earlier and was off working at the blacksmith’s shop. He had been an apprentice for three

years now and soon he would take over the shop when Mr.Willance retired.

I needed to go for confession today. My family had always been strong believers in

Christ and the church, dedicated Catholics our entire lives. Slipping on my black dress

with the matching lace shawl, I headed for church.

The crisp snow crunched under my feet. I looked up to see the sky was weeping

white flakes down to Earth. It seemed as if winter would never surrender to spring this


I held out my gloved hand and watched one of the snowflakes melt. “Are you as

different as I am, little snowflake?”

I usually loved the snow, but with four months of it, I began to long for spring’s

warmth. While passing by the Johnson’s house, I saw Mr. Johnson stumbling out of the

house. Drunk again. I raised my hand to wave as he gave a loud, sloppy, “Ello Maria!

Where is a pretty girl like you off too this early?”

“Going to confession, where you should be sir.” I replied in a playful tone.

He laughed a hearty laugh, “If I went into the confession box, I might never come

I laughed lightly as he questioned, “Why does a good girl like you have to go to

confession for any way?”

I stumbled on an answer, but luckily the voice of Mrs. Johnson rang out, “James!

Have you been drinking again?”

“No dear,” Hiccup, “Just one drink.”

“You could die from such a man.” She mumbled as I smiled at their argument.

“Well, I had best take my leave sir.”

“Mind how you go, Maria. A pretty little girl like you could get taken advantage of.”

I nodded and went on my way. Normally I would have been outraged by such a

comment, but I knew Mr. Johnson meant well. He was one of the few villagers that didn’t

care if I was odd or not. Mr. Johnson wouldn’t have wasted good drinking energy, caring

about what people think of others. All he saw was a pretty face, that is what most boys saw

first when they looked at me.

It was true that some of the boys in the village had asked for my hand before, but

none of them interested me. Something just didn’t feel right.

I had a brief romance when I was fourteen. To the son of the richest family in the

village. Although, when I denied his proposal, the village got more reason to question my

nature. I just didn’t want him, no matter how rich his family was. I wasn’t ready to settle

down like the other girls.

They would have sold themselves out as slaves just for one glance from Timothy.

Most girls were married by sixteen, so I was on the brink of being labeled an “old maid” on

top of being “odd”. But that was fine with me, since I already had children to raise. I

refused to be another shallow girl in this village, to be married off, as if I were an object.
My spirit was too strong for that.

Since I denied Timothy’s proposal, none of the other men in the village wanted me.

One thing Tim didn’t like was refusal of what he wanted. He started spreading lies about

me, which hyped everyone up more. What an immature way of handling rejection.

Eventually though, he married off to Emily McVay, the second prettiest girl in the

village. Good match, beautiful and shallow upper class people. They deserved each other.

My eyes graced upon the cathedral, it was the largest building in Rinsa, my village.

The figure of Christ was carved into the face of the massive wall. I tightened my shawl and

fled out from under His eyes. Sitting myself in the confession box, I spoke the all too

familiar phrase, “Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been thirty nights since my last


“That’s not too long, daughter. Tell me your sin.” The soft voice of Father Thomas


“I ran again the last night Father. I tried to resist the temptation, but it was too

strong. I abandoned my clothes and ran through the forest. The full moon light is having a

stronger effect on me than it used too. I began to see the visions again. The vision of a

wolf’s life. Why am I cursed Father?”

“The great Lord has a purpose for everyone, my child. For some reason beyond our

understanding, He has given you wolf blood.”

“Am I wicked Father?”

“Yes, this is the work of Satan on you”

“Satan? No, Father, I don’t want to be wicked. What can I do?”

Father Thomas was silent for a moment and said, “Thirty hell Mary’s as usual, one
for each night between runs. Also the promise that you, my wicked one, will not give into


I looked down and sighed, replying with little more than a whispered agreement.

Coming out of the confession box, I glanced over at the model of Christ hanging on the

cross. I walked down the aisle and kneeled in front of Him, whispering one word, “Why?”

I have done this since I was a child. Every day after the full moon, I have come to

confession and asked the Lord why I am cursed. Never have I received an answer back.

My family doesn’t know about my curse, only my brother Ben. He was the only one

I could open up to, about the strange visions I was seeing. He didn’t understand, but he

always stood by me. Never has he called me wicked or unclean.

My mind drifts back to when I first started running. I was ten, Ben was fourteen. I

walked out of the forest and stumbled into the barn where Ben was brushing his horse. My

blood ran hot and the sweet intoxication of night was still lingering in my veins.

“Maria? What in the world were you doing in the forest this early?”

I smiled and fell onto the hay pile, “I don’t remember everything.”

“Well tell me what you do remember then!”

I took a large breath of air and sighed happily. Then turned over and said, “I’ll tell

you later, I’m really tired now.”

I knew he wasn’t satisfied, but my body was too exhausted to say anything.

When I had taken a nap, I snuck into Ben’s room and said, “Ben, I’ve found the

most wonderful thing in the world. Last night, when the moon was round, I ran through

the forest as fast as I could. The moon lit my way and everything was so new and bright.”

Instead of joining in on my feelings, Ben’s face fell, “Maria, there is something not
right about that. Don’t you think we should tell mother and father?”

“No! They would never understand. They’ll make me stop, I just know they will.

Mother is already under enough stress from being with child and father just wouldn’t

understand. Please don’t tell them Ben, please?”

He sat for a moment and looked me over. I gave him my best pleading eyes and he

said, “I won’t tell them, but you have to promise that you won’t get hurt. Promise?”

“I promise.”

“Also, I want to go with you some night. It is my responsibility as your elder brother

to make sure you don’t do anything reckless.”

The smile across my face was huge and I agreed. Of course I would want my

brother to share in my new found discovery.

The next full moon, I woke Ben from his bed and we set off. I was beside myself with

the joy of it all. The sensation of sprinting, feeling my heart race and my blood pulsate.

Then having my brother next to me only increased that joy, but wait, where was my


I turned to see Ben twenty feet behind me, gasping for air. I slowed and walked over

to him, “Come on Ben! You are missing it!”

“Maria, I can’t keep up. You are running too fast. I’m going home, I don’t see why

you enjoy this so much. It’s weird, but it doesn’t seem dangerous, so I won’t tell mother or

father. Just remember to be home before they wake up.”

Ben turned and left. Although I was happy he would keep my secret, that was the

night I felt the most alone when I ran. I wanted my brother to feel what I did. I wanted Ben

to feel the forest surge with him, but he just didn’t see the beauty I did.
That was when I knew that there was something very wrong with me. Ever since

then I have gone to confession to try to clear my sins.

As I walk home, my acute sense of hearing tuned to a woman whispering to her

child about fourteen feet away, “There goes the Smith girl.”

“Mommy, she’s pretty.”

“You stay away from her Elizabeth. She is a cursed one, with that black hair and

those eyes.”

Then another woman slithered up and said, “I hear that she runs in the middle of

the night. Just like a wild animal.”

“No! You can’t be serious.”

“Yes, she is a bad one. I heard it was she that sent her mother into death.”

“I heard it was the baby that did it, Christine’s body was weak.”

“What do you think made her body weak? The constant worrying over that wicked

one, took its toll on her. It is her fault that Christine Smith, God rest her soul, is dead.”

That was it, I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned and looked at them, my bright eyes

wide with anger, “Quiet! Why can’t you just silence your gossiping tongues for once?!?”

They stared at me with alarm, “No normal girl should have been able to hear from

this far away! She has Satan in her!”

They screamed as tears started to roll down my cheeks. I bared my teeth and felt my

cheeks flush in the cold. “It’s not my fault! I didn’t ask for this! Just stop your ignorant


The women ran and I sprinted off out of town. When I ran past the black smith’s

shop, I heard my brother’s voice call out to me. I ignored him and ran farther.
The snow crunched under my feet and the cold burnt my skin, but I didn’t care. I

couldn’t stop running, my feet flew under me and my breath came out in white puffs.

Once I got to my destination, I threw open the large black gates of the cemetery and

fell at my mother’s grave.

Tears flowed down my reddening face as I touched the words written on her


“Here lies Christine Smith. 1773-1800. Beloved wife, loving mother.

May angels’ wings fly thee to thy Father’s hands.”

“Mother, why? Why is this happening to me?”

I cried into my arms until I felt eyes on me. I looked up to see the boy I saw earlier,

on a hill watching me. His eyes looked saddened then I realized, his eyes were like mine.

The same wild, topaz eyes that shone against his dark skin.

“Who are you? Why are you following me?”

He looked as if he were going to answer, but then he glanced forward and sprinted

off. I still had tears in my eyes until I felt arms around me.

“Maria, what happened?”

The voice of my brother was warm in my heart as I told him of what had occurred

earlier, but I left out the part about the boy. He turned me to look into my wet eyes,

“Maria, no matter what those gossiping old geese said, you are not wicked. You are my

beautiful, free sister. I wouldn’t want you any other way. Besides, wasn’t it you that said

‘no man could tame you’?”

I nodded as he wiped away one of my tears with his thumb and said, “So are you
going to let two old bats have the honors?”

I smiled slightly and shook my head. Ben helped me up and we looked at our

mother’s grave again. The angel with an upturned face smiled at us as we left together.

Chapter three

Many days had passed since then and I decided not to show my face in the village

unless it was going to church on Sunday. Whenever my siblings asked me why Ben would

walk them from school and not me, I would merely reply that I had too much to do at

home. It satisfied all but Victoria, I should have known, she could always see when

something was wrong.

So much was going on and I was holding everything inside. Sometimes it felt like my

body was going to explode. I sat by the fire place, knitting a new blanket for John, when a

knock sounded at our door. My eyes glanced over to Ben and he shrugged before

answering the door.

“Good evening, can I help you?” He asked the darkness. I peered over and saw a

tall man in a ragged cloak. His hair was long a stringy and a black hat covered his left eye.

His back was hunched and his finger nails dirty, the smell was like the forest only tainted

with body odor.

“Good evening, may I take a moment of your time?” He asked in a scarred voice.
My brother nodded and invited the stranger in. I didn’t like him, I didn’t like any part of

him. Something was very, very wrong.

“This is my sister, Maria.” Ben introduced me and I nodded my head in respect.

The foul smelling man bent low and I shivered when he looked me up and down. “What is

your name good sir?” I asked, trying to ignore the chill going down my back.

“David.” He replied, his eyes still searching me. Ben saw my unease and stood

between us. “What brings you to our home sir?” The man turned his eyes to Ben and said,

“I’m here to warn and inform you. A wolf has been spotted in the area, where there is one,

the pack isn’t far behind. The village called upon me to take it out.”

“You’re going to kill it?” I asked disgusted. I wasn’t a sensitive girl, I’ve killed quite

a few chickens in my time, but killing for no reason appalled me.

“Of course, a wolf brings nuttin’ but death. Your livestock is at risk and any small

children,” his eyes went upon Victoria in the hall way, “will be a number one target.

Wolves are sneaky, malicious creatures that will kill you before you can blink.”

“No animal is that cruel, how would you know what a wolf thinks?” The man

showed a cracked smile and took off his hat. The grotesque hole that replaced his eye

stared at me. The disgusting pieces of stripped flesh and scar told me that his left eye had

been ripped from its socket.

I lowered my head and felt the bile rise in my throat. “So much more than you know

madam. The wolves and I have had a run in before, but I’d say I’m on the winning end.”

He flipped his cloak off and I saw that his entire outfit was made of wolf skins. I

grabbed Ben’s hand he squeezed back. The hunter gave a low bow again said, “Well I

think I’ll take my leave. Stay out of the forest and keep your dogs and children inside. I will
be hunting and tracking the foul beasts and I wouldn’t want an..... accident to occur.”

Ben saw him out and I stared at the ground. “Maria, are you all right?” I nodded

and picked up Victoria. I needed to distract myself and she needed to go to bed any way.

I sat braiding her hair and broke the silence, “You are very quiet tonight sister,

what’s on your mind?”

I saw her emerald eyes in the mirror look down as she said, “I should really be

asking you that, Maria.”

I knew something like this would come up in the conversation as I said, “Oh, just

some nasty talk in the village is all.”

“What are they saying?”

I looked at her in the mirror and sighed finishing her braid, “Nothing you need to

worry about.”

“Is it because of your hair and eyes?”

“Partially, yes.”

She turned and looked up at me. Then she took her little fingers and ran them

through my dark hair.

“I think you are more beautiful than anybody Maria. I love your hair and your


I loved my sister so much. She was so sweet and somehow, she always knew what to

say. Victoria was my favorite person in the world. I had been there when she lost her first

tooth and I was the one who taught her how to walk.

Many nights, Ben and I would practice parenthood. He would come in from work

and I would have dinner made. After dinner and putting our brothers to bed, I would sit
by the fire, rocking Victoria; while Ben would be whittling a piece of wood and telling

stories. We were great partners and this system worked well until Victoria started to call

me “mommy”. That was when we stopped playing parents.

I still took care of Victoria like mine own child. Making her clothes, attending her

school meetings, making costumes for the village Thanksgiving play. Things like that, so

she would never feel unloved. In return, she looked at me with such love and admiration. I

wrapped my arms around her and held her close, “Thank you my dear one. I think you are

beautiful too.”

“People say I look like mama did.”

“Yes, you look just like her.”

“What was mama like?”

I paused for a moment and looked at my dresser.

“Wait a second.”I said, leaving the chair and digging through my clothes. I dug

until I found my prize, it was a family picture we hired an artist to do before mother died. I

sat on the bed and patted it for Victoria to sit beside me. She nuzzled into my arm and

looked at the picture.

“That is daddy, and Ben and John and . . . who is that?”

She pointed at a boy of about two.

“That is brother Jacob.”

Then her fingers fell upon a girl that with black hair and golden eyes, “That is you


“Yes, this was before mother had you in her stomach, I would have been ten.”

“So that is mama?”

“Yes, that is mother.”

Victoria’s eyes widened. She ran her fingers up and down our mother’s gentle face.

She held the picture to her heart as I said, “Keep it, she needs to belong to you now. Just

keep her out of sight, father doesn’t like reminders of mother.”

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and

leaned against the head board of her bed. I cradled her sobbing body in my arms and ran

my fingers through her sun kissed hair. “I miss her.”

She cried as I said softly, “I do too.”

Victoria cried for a while until I felt her body relax as I swayed slightly. I placed her

on her pillow and put the hand-made quilt around her. Backing off, I went and sat on my

window sill.

The moon was not full, but close. I shivered at the thought. I promised I would not

give into temptation. It seemed so hard though, not to give into the need to run. The feeling

of the wind in my hair, the forest floor at my feet, the moon’s light ahead of me. Especially

with all the stress and fear I’ve been feeling lately.

Silver moonlight had made the ground sparkle and I glanced around until I saw two

golden eyes shining in the forest.

That boy was staring right at me. I stared back for a moment until he backed into

the forest again.

“Oh no you don’t. I’m not playing this game any more.” I said out loud as I snuck

out my window and down to the ground. Once I did, my feet led me out to the forest. I

searched for him and listened for a moment. The soft sounds of crunching were about

twenty feet ahead of me. I ran after him and he increased speed as I chased him.
The forest was my playground and now it is my paradise. I knew every twist and

turn and where the fastest paths were. There was no way I would let this stranger out run

me in my forest.

I tried to keep up, but that was hard to do in a full length dress. I stopped and

removed the outer layer. That made it so much easier to run without the noise and tearing.

I ran after the boy and was gaining speed.

Then a very different thought came into my mind, he isn’t a boy, he’s my prey. Live

prey that is escaping, this thought only made me go faster, until I was sprinting... flying

over the forest.

“You won’t escape me, little deer.” I said out loud and then stopped, catching


“What am I thinking? This isn’t normal. I’m in the middle of the forest in nothing,

but my under clothes, chasing a strange boy.”

I heard a branch snap up ahead.

“Where are you?” I asked as I saw a shadow fly across the trees ahead. My heart

felt like it would beat out of my chest as I chased after him until we stopped at a stream.

One side was me, a pale, panting girl in a white undercoat and on the other was the

male I was searching for.

This was the first time I had seen him close. He was even more handsome than I had

given him credit for.

Eyes of burning gold, dark midnight hair, and bronzed, marble like skin. We stared

for a moment in silence until he began to shift like he was going to run again, but I called,

“No, please don’t run away. Who are you? What do you want with my family?”
“Not your family.” A gentle voice answered.

“Are you looking for me?”

He nodded and I asked, “Why? Tell me who you are.”

He came across our stream barrier and stood near me. Now that he was beside me, I

realized how strong he looked and how he towered over me. Placing one hand on my ivory

cheek he replied, “I’m waiting for you to wake up Tala.”

That name sent a spark through me.

“What did you call me?”

“Your real name.”

“Please, what is your name?”

He was silent for a moment and then sprinted away. I sighed and searched for him

until I saw him on a rock ten feet from me. He looked back and replied, “Vikas.”

“Vikas.” I whispered. I stood there for a moment and felt a cold wind behind me

chilling my spine in the snow. I walked back in a daze.

Who was this Vikas? What did he want with me? Where did he come from? All this

ran through my mind as I found my outer layer of my dress and slipped it back on.

Climbing back up my window, I changed into night clothes and laid in bed. All my

years of sneaking in and out of my window had made me an expert climber and I could do

it without making a sound.

My mind was full, but my body was exhausted and I drifted away into sleep.
Chapter four

My dreams consisted of wild tossing and turning. I heard growls and yips, I felt fur

around me. My heart raced with excitement as I ran with a pack of wolves. I ran and ran

until I saw a figure ahead of me, standing alone in the moonlight. It was Vikas, he held out

his bronze hand and said, “Tala, I’m waiting.”

I jolted awake and looked around wildy. Everything was still, and morning light

was just now showing in my window. I got out of bed and changed into my burgundy dress.

It was normally a working dress, but I used it for other things as well. I came into the living

room and saw my father making tea.

“Good morning father.” I said as he put up his hand in a wave. I started a fire and

sat in the chair beside him.

“You are in your riding dress. Where are you going daughter?”

“Just for a morning ride. Sage is starting to get restless.”

Sage has been my horse since he was a colt. A beautiful black stallion with a single

white streak down his mane. It was a defect in his breeding, but I’ve always loved it.

“The horse fits the rider.”He said with a bit of a smile. My father was a handsome

man, but worry and sorrow had taken its toll on him. His chestnut hair was graying, his

chocolate eyes clouded, deep bags had formed under his eyes and cheeks. He was not the
strong man I knew that would lift me on his shoulders with a smile. He was tired and he

was broken.

“Don’t go too far Maria, there is talk of wolves in the area.”

That caught my interest, “Wolves father?”

He nodded and said, “Sightings of a large, black wolf have been seen around the out

skirts of the village. No pack sightings, but where there is one wolf, the others aren’t far

behind. You will do well to keep your distance.”

I nodded, but inside my heart was thumping. Did he talk to the hunter? That

sounded just like David. Please, don’t let my father and brothers get caught up in the

madness. Was it such a bad thing that I felt pity for the wolves? That I would rather see the

hunter lose and the animals win? Now that I think about it, it was getting less terrifying

and more exciting to see through wolf eyes. I started to welcome my wolf visions. Maybe I

was more wolf than human.

I walked past our well and ran my fingers along the rocky sides. Sighing, I glanced

into the water and saw with relief, my own face. “I’m being paranoid, I’m just a normal

girl.... who runs in the middle of the night, has wolf visions, feels afraid and disgusted when

this random hunter comes by and chases a mystery boy named Vikas. Yes, completely


I growled slightly and pushed off the well. Walking into the stables, I called out,

“Sage, where’s my boy?”

A shrill neigh answered. There he was, just as glorious as ever. Sage was my best

friend and he understood me better than most humans did.

I remember the first time I saw Sage. I was eight years old and my father took me to
the stables to watch our mare give birth. I got on my tip-toes to watch, but my eyes didn’t

see past the gate. Father lifted me up on his shoulders and I watched the Arabian mare

grunt and push. It seemed like forever until a small head came out, followed by a scrawny


At the time he didn’t look like much, a small, black bag of trembling bones trying

their best to stand. Who would have thought that he would become my best friend? As I

grew, Sage grew with me. We played and rode together almost every day.

The day I turned ten, was the day I became more cautious of his limits though.

I took Sage out for our normal ride. Everything was going fine until I saw some girls

jumping their horses over a gate.

I was always picked on for my hair and eyes, even at that age and those three girls

were the usual source of torment. Oh, how I longed for their beautiful golden locks and

their blue eyes. At that time I would have given anything to be just like everyone else.

I tried to slip past unnoticed until I heard a shrill, “Hey! Ink hair!”

I knew the voice. That was the voice of Emily, the leader of the group. The triplet

taunters were named, Emily, Emma and Emmy. “Ink hair” was Emily’s favorite insult. Oh

the cleverness of youth. I chuckle about it now, but then that was a stab in the heart.

I began to ride on, ignoring her until she yelled, “Hey, I’m speaking to you! What?

Are your ears full of ink too?”

This of course gave way to hilarity with her friends. They always laughed at what

she said, no matter how hurtful it was. I was used to it, but she pushed too far when she

screamed, “I guess your horse fell into some ink too!”

That was it, she could insult me, she could insult my hair, but no one insulted my

I turned and glared saying, “Don’t say that about my horse.”

This was met with a smirk as Emily trotted her palomino to the front and said, “I

bet your inky horse can’t do this.”

She kicked the sides and her horse gave into a sprint that gracefully glided over the

three-foot fence. Her friends clapped and smiled at me.

“My horse can jump twice that high!” I boasted. They all laughed and pointed to a

fence that was twice as tall. I gulped and trotted him over to the fence.

My chin up, my pride on the line, I nudged him onward. Sage broke out into a

gallop and went to clear it, but just as he leaped, his back right hoof caught the board and I

flew forward.

The laughter of the blonds brought me back to reality. I failed, my ego and my

body, face first in the mud. As much as I wanted to hide my tears, I couldn’t.

“Aw, Inky is crying!” Emma called.

I stood and clenched my fists. Sage found his footing and stood beside me.

“Don’t call me Inky!” I yelled.

Emily laughed and said, “Oh, Inky’s mad. Does Inky want to fight?”

“Stop calling me that!”

I screamed as I came after her. I pulled her down from her horse and smeared mud

in her sunshine hair. She screamed and hollered and pushed me off. Once she stood I said,

“Now who has inky hair?”

She looked at her stained locks and screamed, “This isn’t over! I’m telling my

She mounted her horse and they all rode off together. That little display cost me a

powerful whipping, but it was worth it.

Looking at Sage now I said, “I bet those girls would think twice about messing with

us, huh boy?”

He grunted while I patted him.

I brought him out and said, “Ok, bridal or free style today?”

With a low grunt from him, I replied, “That’s what I thought. Free style it is.”

I mounted onto him and kicked his sides slightly. We took off out of the stable

doors. I held onto his mane as he galloped and trotted along the country roads. Soon I

gained balance and put out my arms wide. Then with my eyes closed, he led me. I never

rode Sage, I rode with him.

I let out a cry when were away from the village and Sage whinnied along with me. I

grabbed back onto his mane and we rode into the forest. Leaping over downed trees,

sprinting through water, catching leaves as I passed, it was all beautiful to me. The snow

was beginning to melt around us so there was more forest floor for his hooves to steady on.

“Come on Sage! Let’s go boy.” I called enticing him to go faster. I let out another

cry and another, until from deep inside me a long howl sounded. Sage panicked at the

sound and stopped suddenly. I flung off and hit against a tree.

“That was smart Maria.” I said to myself as I rubbed the back of my head. Sage

trotted over to me and began nuzzling my shoulder in apology. I patted him and got back

on slowly since my leg hurt from the impact. We started back home at a slow pace. Then

out of no where I heard a howl.

“That wasn’t me.” I whispered to Sage, but mainly to myself. Then another was
heard in the distance.

Sage began to move back and forth uneasily, when about fifty feet away I saw three

white and grey wolves. Oh, they were beautiful! I stared at them for a moment, but Sage

couldn’t take it, he sprinted off in a dead gallop. I turned and saw the wolves following us

at a rapid speed. Two followed on the sides of the hill right of me and one behind me.

“Come on Sage! Faster boy, faster!” I shouted, but I knew he was going as fast as he

possibly could. The wind was whipping my face and thin tree limbs reached out to grab my

hair and tore my dress. I didn’t even notice, all I knew was I needed to get away, fast.

Then we came to a large mountain side.

“Dead end.” I said in fear. That was their plan, corner me into a mountain and

block my way of escape. Then they would make the kill. I wasn’t sure how I knew, but

something inside me told me their plan of attack.

I turned and saw one wolf walking slowly to me and then the other two closing in

the escape routs. Sage reared and knocked me off. I fell to the ground as he sprinted off in

a panic. I backed against the wall as far as I could while the wolves closed in, teeth bared,


“Oh, no.” I whimpered as the white leader crouched down low ready to pounce.

When it leaped, I screamed and put my arms over my head. I paused for a moment and

then opened my tear filled eyes to see a large black wolf in front of me. It was growling and

snarling at the white wolf. They began to circle each other.

I saw a ledge above me and I pulled myself up on it. Watching the wolves circle was

an eternity of waiting for one to make a move. Then the white leaped upon the black’s

There was a sound of yipping and then a yelp as the black flipped the white against

the ground and bit hard into its frosty fur. The white coat was stained with a flow of

crimson blood; as the other two wolves helped the white off across the distance. I stared at

the black wolf and it turned and looked at me.

“Those eyes!” I said out loud, I knew those eyes. Golden like mine only exhausted

and hurt as the massive beast fell in front of me. I began to leave, but then turned back.

“I can’t leave you like this. You saved me.”

I jumped down from the ledge and moved towards the wolf slowly. Kneeling down, I

placed my hand on its black fur. While petting it slowly and softly something incredible

happened. The fur began to shrink, its back legs grew longer and its snout shrank into a

human nose. Laying with my hand on his back was Vikas.

He was unconscious and his back, chest, and left leg were bleeding. Then I noticed

on his right foot, a trap. He had the beastly thing dug into his skin. I bit my lip and pulled

the two sides apart. His ankle was badly damaged and the blood stained my hands.

“Oh my goodness, you poor thing.” I took off my shawl and placed it around him. It

didn’t cover much, but it could keep him somewhat warm. I whistled for Sage and heard

him trotting.

Slipping Vikas on my horse, I mounted behind him and rode home. Along the way I

heard him mumble, “Tala... Tala..”

“It’s alright Vikas.”

His body relaxed and when we got to my house I knocked on the door of Ben’s


“Ben, I need help!”

He saw the boy and looked at me oddly. He helped Vikas down and supported him

on his shoulder. Once we were inside and Vikas was on Ben’s bed and under the covers; I

explained what had happened. I left out the wolf part, but said that he saved me from a

wild animal.

“Why is he naked?” Ben asked with a serious look in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes, sure forget that I could have been killed by a wild animal. Only

care about why he is naked.

“In the fight, the creature tore his clothes. They were hard to move him in so I kind

of took off the shreds.”

“What an odd shade of skin he has. So this was the lad you were talking about all

those days ago?”

I nodded and asked, “What are we going to tell father?”

“The truth. Once he wakes up, I’m sure father will want to thank him, for saving

his precious little girl.” Ben said with a smirk. I made a face at him as he went and got out

a bowl of water and a wash cloth.

“You are a woman, do your duty.”

“You know, just because I’m a woman, doesn’t mean I know how to do this!” I spat

out at him. He went and got out a pair of his pants, I turned my head as he dressed the

bottom half of Vikas.

“Well I have to go to the shop. Just clean his wounds and see how bad they are.”

“Great help Ben.” I said as he left. I turned back to Vikas and began dabbing his

chest with the cloth. This wasn’t so hard, in fact, it felt natural. I started washing out his

cuts and bite marks. The worst one was on his ankle, and I prayed that it wouldn’t need the

He started to sweat and I felt his forehead. The poor soul was burning up. I brushed

back his dark hair and placed a wet cloth on his head. I began humming and dabbing him


“Tala... Tala..” He moaned again.

“Shh.” Was my reply and his burning eyes opened slightly. They scanned my face

and he said, “Tala, why won’t you wake?”

“What do you mean Vikas?”

But it was too late, he had fallen back into sleep. After I had cleaned out his wounds,

I started a fire and wrapped him tightly in the covers.

Sitting myself in a rocking chair, I pulled my knees to my chin. My eyes refused to

leave him, in fear that he might disappear if I closed them. I’m not sure how long I

watched, a few hours maybe, before my curiosity refused to yield.

Curiosity was always my downfall. I had too much of it for my own good.

That took me back to when I was six and wanted to find out what was at the bottom

of the well. I leaned over and fell in. Father had to put the ladder down and get me out

himself. I wasn’t badly hurt, just a few scrapes, but it was my pride that was bruised.

Mother was washing out my cuts and provided the necessary kisses where they were

needed. I still remember her comforting voice as she said, “Curiosity is a powerful thing

Maria. It can get you into a lot of trouble but, sometimes, it might answer the questions that

others are too afraid to ask.”

I smiled, and got the courage to press on. Pulling back the blankets slightly I saw

that his wounds were almost healed!

“What are you?” I whispered, but no answer came from his still lips. I sat on the

bed side and very slowly took his hand. Rubbing my thumb along his, I started examining

his fingers that were once claws. His hands were rough and fairly big in my petite palms.

His dark skin made my snowy hands stand out even more and I noticed the forest under his

finger nails.

My nails traveled down the lines of his palm as I said, “Where have you been


“In the forests of the night.” A velvety voice replied. I looked at him with wide eyes

as he said, “In your dreams, in the mountains and on the breeze. I’ve run with you late at

night and been through your pain and sorrow. I’ve laughed and cried with you and held

you late at night. I’ve even held your hand like you are holding mine now.”

I looked at his hand still clasped in mine and felt my cheeks flush. I dropped it as he

let out a toothy smile.

“What are you Vikas?”

“Don’t you remember anything, Tala?”

“No, that’s why I’m asking and why do you call me Tala? My name is Maria.”

“Not your real name. That is the name they placed upon you. It is disgusting to hear

you called that my dear one. Tala is your rightful name.”

“You need to start explaining.” I said as I retreated to the rocking chair. He put his

head back on the pillow and sighed, “Where to begin?”

“The beginning is always a good start.” I replied as he nodded in agreement.

Chapter Five

My eyes danced upon him as he explained, “You are probably not going to believe

this. The human’s lies have filled your head, but I believe that your heart still remembers.

You and I are not human. We are part of a much greater species. We run in the night and

fall under the blessing of Lady Moon. We are wolves.”

“Wolves?” I said staring at him with disbelief. He nodded and said, “Yes, what you

saw earlier today, that was my true form. Long ago, you and I ran together in a very large

pack. I miss those times so badly, it is almost maddening. Your onyx fur, your golden eyes,

the way you would leap and run on the breeze. The smell of you in the morning after you

were done with a good hunt.”

He was quiet for a moment as his eyes trickled down me.


He shook his head and apologized as he continued, “Our pack lived together in

harmony for years. Until the first humans started to arrive on the shores. Half of the pack

decided to just leave the humans and go on with our lives but the other half. . . well they

wanted something else. That half was lead by a male wolf named Connell and his mate


Suddenly I gritted my teeth and felt a low growl escape from my throat. Vikas

smiled and said, “You still hate them, even subconsciously. They always were ruthless and
cruel, never merciful by any means. They were the ones who would let their prey suffer

instead of just killing it.

Well, Connell believed that the humans had no place on our lands. He said that we

should just treat them like bigger prey and go on a killing spree. Soon the pack split, on one

side were the ones in favor of killing. The others were lead by you and I.”

I stopped him for a second and said, “You seem to think we were together a lot. Are

we related?”

Vikas turned on his side to face me. His topaz eyes melting into mine as he said, “I

am your life mate.”

“My what?”

“Your life mate, the one you chose to run with. Long ago, when we were young,

there was a ritual between males and females as to who would be life mates. You and I

hunted together and tested each other’s movements. It was our dance of courtship. You

chose me, to run, hunt, love and work with.

Lady moon blessed us, and made us one. You gave yourself to me that night.”

I stared at him blankly, as he whispered, “You have... forgotten me.”

His eyes were downcast and his forehead wrinkled slightly. He pulled his legs a little

closer to himself and looked forward sadly.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t remember anything. I’m not even sure what you’re telling

me is true.” I said coming over to the bed. Seeing him upset hurt me more than I thought it

would. Something about him touched me. Maybe what he was saying was true, if so he was

connected to me. I sat down beside him and placed my hand gently on his bare back. He

stiffened slightly, but then relaxed.

“I didn’t mean to upset you.” I said as he nodded. I slid my hand away until I felt

him grab my wrist gently. He held my fingers in his warm hands and said, “If you don’t

mind. I like to feel that you are beside me. It’s been too long without you.”

I nodded as he went on with the story, “War was the last thing we wanted. Nothing

is uglier than a pack fight. Someone you love will be hurt, no matter what. So we took it up

to the council.”

“Council?” I asked as he nodded saying

“The oldest of our kind. There are four of them, two males and their mates; Adu,

Kinica, Rammoth and Serieth. On the harvest moon we gathered and discussed what was

to be done. Connell said his piece and managed to get the pack even more rowdy.

You were beautiful that night, silent until the perfect moment when you spoke of

mercy. You said ‘The humans were pups on our land and needed our help more than our


Adu, the oldest member of the council, fancied you above the others. He let you

speak and made everyone listen. The wait was too much for Connell to handle and he stood

and shouted ‘The humans are strangers, they will hunt us and trap our pups. They will take

our prey, and run us off the land that is rightfully ours!’.”

“What did I say?” I asked eagerly as he looked at me and smiled warmly.

“You were always wise beyond your years. You replied, ‘Is that what they want? No

one knows what these humans are like. Why should we persecute them when they have done

nothing to us? Not one of you has ever been close enough to a human to read their thoughts.

Maybe they can help us, we can live in peace like we always have.’”

Adu smiled at you and said ‘You speak the truth Tala, no one knows how a human
thinks. There is no way to know, except one. A very deep magic that has only been used once

in the history of our kind. We can put a wolf into a human’s body. He or she will run with the

humans and learn their ways. The question is, who is brave enough to enter the human


His long fingers rubbed mine gently as he continued, “You stood and volunteered

without a second thought. Of course I was not about to let you go alone. You were my mate,

I promised to be by your side forever. The two of us were selected to be born into the

human world. Something that had never happened in our lifetime. We were supposed to

walk in human skin and then when we had seen sixteen winters, the change would be


I regained all my memories a few months ago. I don’t understand why it is taking

you so long.”

I was silent. My mouth moved, but no words came out. Instead my eyes moved to

the fiercely burning fire. I watched the flames rise and shrink and lick the top of the fire



I heard Vikas, but I couldn’t respond. All I could do was raise one of my long,

snowy fingers for silence. I started to look deeper into the fire and soon I saw a figure in it.

Then another, and another, soon I heard barking and howling. I saw a pack of fiery wolves

dancing in the pit of flames.

The more they moved, the faster my heart beat. Then the wolves ran in a circle

around a human girl in the middle who was slowly changing. They circled faster and

faster, howling and yipping and snarling. My nails dug into the bed sheets, my teeth bit
hard into my bottom lip until I tasted blood. My breath came out fast.

When the pack let out a group howl, my head jolted back and I howled with them. It

was a long, deep, mournful howl that rang from my head to my toes. When I finished my

hand shot to my mouth and I bolted for the door.

I ran barefoot into the forest, my feet flying across the leaves and pine needles. I

couldn’t stop, my legs wouldn’t let me stop. I needed to run, I needed to get away. The sun

was setting, but I didn’t care. I leaped over fallen logs and ran until I ended up on a cliff

over looking the valley. It was here that I stopped and fell to the ground.

Tears began to fall down my frozen cheeks as I cried loudly. I felt myself rocking

back and forth saying, “This isn’t me, this isn’t me. I’m Maria, my name is Maria Smith,

I’m sixteen years old. I have three brothers and a sister. I’ve grown up in Rinsa. This is a

bad dream, I’m a normal girl. I’m human, I’M HUMAN!”

Soon I felt two arms come around my trembling body. I didn’t need to look to know

it was Vikas. I could smell him, he smelt of leaves after the rain. He smelt like the pine trees

that surrounded me.

He put his head on mine and rocked back and forth with me, “It can be shocking at

first. I know what you are going through. I felt the same way when I got my memories

back. But I’m here for you now, you don’t have to do it alone.”

“No, you don’t know how I’m feeling. Because this isn’t true.”

“Yes it is Tala, the sooner you admit it, the easier it will become.”

“Don’t you understand? I can’t admit it. Everything I love is here, my father, my

brothers, my sister, mother, Sage. I can’t abandon them.”

Vikas turned me to look at him as he said, “You have a real family. An amazing
pack that loves you more than human words could express. This life isn’t yours, you are an

intruder in this world. Do you wish to be human so badly? To be so weak?”

His eyes searched mine. Those honey-colored eyes stung with hurt and

misunderstanding. I knew him, somewhere deep inside told me I did. There was a block

though. Something wouldn’t let me remember, if what he was saying was true then I would

have to abandon everything. Could I really just get up and leave? Leave Ben to look after

our siblings? Put more worry on father? Never see Victoria grow into a woman? No, I

couldn’t do that.

“Is it weak to put someone else’s needs above your own?”

He was drawn a back by my question. His thoughts reflected on his flawless face.

For a moment I became lost in his features, his brow pulled together, a slight blush gracing

his cheeks.

“This must be what an angel looks like in turmoil.” I thought when suddenly his

eyes turned on me and he smirked slightly. “Tala, darling, you are making me blush.”

I felt my own cheeks flare up as I said, “How? Did you read my mind or


He shook his head so his dark hair fell into his eyes slightly and he said, “No, it is

the smell you are putting out. You always smelt like that when you thought about me.”

I sniffed the air for this odd scent and got nothing, “No fair.”

He smiled and placed his hand on my cheek. I trembled under it as he said, “What

in this life has made you so cold Tala? You are frozen inside.”

I shook my head and said, “I haven’t exactly been treated kindly. I’ve never felt

about anyone the way I feel about you.”

“So you do remember me!” He said, eyes filled with triumph. I smiled and shook my

head gently, “I don’t remember you, but I feel like I’ve known you before. I wish I could

make you understand what is going on in my head. I know I don’t belong here, I’ve always

known that, but there is some kind of block in my head. Something is keeping me from

remembering everything. From letting me accept it.”

He looked down and shook his head sighing. He shrugged and looked at me saying,

“You win. Come on, you’ll catch a cold out here.”

He helped me to my feet and on the way home I said, “So what are you going to


“I’m just going to have to try harder to make you remember. We will just have to

work together.”

I liked the thought of us working together, I liked the very thought of being near

him. Something about him felt right, I felt more complete when he was beside me.

We walked home and once we reached the house he stopped at the door way.

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you coming in?”

“I don’t belong here, this isn’t my home.”

“You are a welcomed guest here Vikas. I’m sure my father will want to thank you.

Oh! I forgot to thank you, you know for saving my life.”

He smiled gently and said, “No thanks needed, it’s what I swore to do when we

became life mates. I promised Lady Moon that I would honor and protect you.”

“How did you know I was in trouble any ways? I don’t recall screaming or


He smiled and pulled me close. Placing his nose to my hair he inhaled, “I could smell
you. You were afraid, I could smell you five miles away. I’ll always come if you need me.”

He let me go and I stumbled slightly. Embarrassed, I tried to regain my composure

and said, “I would still like to thank you though. Is there anyway I can?”

He thought for a moment and said, “You can close your eyes.”

I looked at him oddly as he whispered, “Trust me.”

I closed my eyes and felt his strong arms wrap around me. His lips pressed softly

onto my forehead and he brushed my hair from my neck and smelt me.

“Even in human skin, you still smell the same.”

When I opened my eyes, he was gone. I searched frantically for him in the night, but

he had disappeared. Then I heard a wild howl, it didn’t sound pained or sorrowful; it

sounded pleased.

Smiling, I walked into the house completely lost in my thoughts. When I closed the

door, my hand went up to my head and my fingers danced upon where his lips still


I walked up the stairs and into my room. Without saying a word to Victoria, I knelt

into bed and closed my eyes. My heart fluttered and no matter how I tried, the smile would

not leave my blushing face.

“Maria? Are you all right?” Victoria’s sleepy voice asked.

“Yes darling, I’m quite all right.”

Chapter six
My thoughts drifted for a few hours until suddenly my eyes shot open. I stumbled

over to the window sill and looked up at the dark sky. From out of the clouds, a bright

moon called out. I glanced over at the mirror and saw the image of the wolf flickering back

and forth. The moon’s sway pulled at me and I clawed at the window to get it open.

Quicker then I remember ever going, I slid down from my window and ran to the

forest. As I ran, I tore at my clothes. I ripped them off and ran my fingers through my hair.

The sweet tension bubbled in my legs and ran through my body. My black hair flowed

behind me as I pushed back branches and leaves in an effortless motion.

Soon I saw shadows running down from the hills, a small group of wolves met me at

my sides. They yipped and howled and barked as they ran, I found myself making the same

noises. I didn’t know where I was running, but I felt a strong urge in one direction.

Soon this began to look familiar, the trees parted in the same way, the ground began

to turn from nettles to rock and out on a cliff was the one person I longed to see more than

anyone, Vikas.

He smiled and held out his arms to embrace me. Then he pulled back my hair and

kissed my cheek. Still holding my hands, he crouched down low and began to grunt and

moan. He squeezed my hands as he struggled between the two stages, his skin turned to fur,

his nose and legs grew out along with a tail. Vikas had turned back into a wolf and nipped

at my legs as he took off.

I smiled and ran after him. We sprinted through the night. I never felt better,

someone I loved was running beside me, I wasn’t alone.

We leaped over streams and moss covered rocks, around a badger hill and under

the sight of the snowy owl sitting on a large branch. Passing by a startled deer, we began to

chase it. My heart pounded wildy as I kept up with the pack. The deer escaped unharmed

since the wolves didn’t hunt now.

I noticed how the pack followed Vikas. Every move he made, they made, every

gesture, sound and turn. He must have been the leader for this particular run.

Vikas stopped at a hill and the rest of the pack stopped with him. They sat and

rested, so I followed the example. I kneeled next to him and locked my eyes with his.

This is where I belonged, I knew that. This felt so right.

He came near and licked my neck and shoulders. I held his black face in my slender

fingers. He came closer and nuzzled his massive body next to mine. I wrapped my arms

around his neck and held him for a moment as he allowed my curious hands to run down

his coat.

Laying on my back, I petted his mighty chest while he licked my pale neck and

abdomen. Squirming from the tickle of his sand paper tongue on my sensitive stomach, I

laughed out loud.

He whimpered and pushed me down the hill playfully. I gripped onto him and we

rolled down the massive hill side. Once we landed, I laughed and pushed him off.

He licked and nuzzled me, until he stopped and yanked back suddenly. I saw blood

on his snout and I reached behind my back and felt a wet spot.

“I must have cut myself on the way down. It’s nothing.”

But as I said that my eyes started to close, and a light-headed feeling draped across

my mind. The last thing I saw was Vikas’s golden eyes burning in the night.
Chapter Seven

Whatever happened after that became like a dream within a dream for me. I woke

in the forest next to my dress. My eyes scanned the tree tops and I tried moving my legs up.

Bad idea, a familiar pain shot up my muscles. The same pain was in my arms and

abdomen. I’ve been sore from a run, but not this sore for quite some time.

I pulled up my hands and saw that my palms were scratched and the forest was

trapped under my fingernails. A small chipmunk was chattering away and the sound was

piercing to my sensitive ears. I glared at it for a moment and it continued making that

horrible noise. I felt a low growl, rumbling in my chest.

The chipmunk stopped and fled up the tree, into the safety of its hole. I smirked and

cracked my neck.

Very slowly, I slipped my dress over my head and leaned on the trees for support.

The walk home was going to take a while. Even though I was only about a mile from the

house it was going to take me a few hours of slowly shuffling my sore muscles.

Everything seemed hazy and I think I passed by a couple walking on the road. I

heard a greeting in my direction, but ignored it completely. My mouth wouldn’t have been

able to make an audible sound anyway.

My mind was still in an uproar and I came to the house hours later, positively drunk

with ecstasy.

Judging from the sun I would say it was ten in the morning....ten! My feeling of

floating turned into a sickly lump in my stomach. I was missing from my house and my

family was no where to be found.

I leaned against the barn for support and as if on cue, Ben walked by.

“Maria? What in the world have you been doing?”

“You know very well Benjamin.”

“You were running again, weren’t you?”

I felt the lazy smile return to my face. “Yes brother, and it was a good run.”

“Where is that Vikas lad? The one who saved you?”

I shrugged and went to the well to wash my face. Ben’s questioning wouldn’t cease.

“What do you mean you don’t know? The boy saved you!”

I rose, slightly aggravated that he was ruining my positive mood. “I don’t know

where he is. He left in the middle of the night.”

“Did he run with you?”

I didn’t answer, but I could feel the blush returning to my cheeks.

“Maria answer me, did he run with you last night?”

“No. As much as I might have wished it; he was no where to be seen.”

My lie worked well for he seemed somewhat satisfied.

“Why are you so late this time? Usually you are home in the early morning.”

That was it, I was tired of him destroying my good feeling. Bringing me back to the

coldness of his reality.

“Brother, I’m tired. I was out late and the reason I was out later than usual was

because I got lost. I ended up further from home then planned. Now are you satisfied or are

you going to continue this not so fun game of “question Maria”?”

He glared down at me, “Get some sleep, your mood is foul.”

I’m not sure when he saw or how, but the cut across my back drew his attention and

he flipped me around quick enough to make my head spin.

“What is that?!?”

“Just leave me alone, I’m fine.”

“You know, maybe I should inform father on where you have been sneaking off too

in the middle of the night.”

I felt my breath catch in my throat, “You wouldn’t dare! You promised you

wouldn’t tell.”

“I said I wouldn’t tell as long as you didn’t get hurt.”

I shook off his arm and said, “I just fell. It is night after all.”

“I don’t believe that Maria. Your eyes are just as good in the darkness as they are in


Time to change tactics, “Look I fell. I really did, my foot was caught and I fell down

a hill. Please don’t tell father, you promised you wouldn’t.”

He contemplated for a moment and then reluctantly agreed.“Why do you even do it

Maria? This is no way for a young woman to be acting. Don’t you think it is time you out-

grew this little fantasy and started acting your age? Wouldn’t it be something if you

actually came down from your tower and married? It’s your own stubbornness that is

getting in the way of a real life. Mother would have wanted to see you happy and married.
If you can’t do it for yourself, think about her.”

I felt my jaw clench and my eyes narrow as he put up his hands and said, “All right

I won’t tell, but if I see another mark like that on you, I’m going to tell father. For your

own safety.”

We parted and I growled under my breath, “What makes him think he has the right

to go all High and Mighty on me?”

I walked into the stables and kicked the water jug over, “He doesn’t even know

what it feels like. How can he judge me? Why did he have to bring mother into this?”

I kicked the wall of the stable again until I heard a shrill protest from Sage’s stall.

My anger subsided.

“Aw I’m sorry boy. Did I scare you? I’m sorry.”

He calmed until I went to pet him and he began bucking and rearing away from me.

“Sage! Sage! Whoa boy, whoa, what’s wrong?”

Every time I came near he panicked. I couldn’t understand what was frightening

him. I looked around to see if a snake was near by or a rat in his stall, but saw nothing. I

looked into his water bucket and witnessed something I’ll never forget.

“My teeth!” My lip was being punctured by sharp canines. I calmed and saw them

change back to their dull tip.

“What in Heaven?” I questioned sitting on the ground.

“It must have been when I was angry with Ben.”

I looked back up to Sage and said, “Shh, it’s ok boy. I’m back. Calm down, steady.”

He calmed and nuzzled my shoulder.

“Sister, what’s going on with Sage?” John called from feeding the chickens.
“Nothing, just got a little..... spooked.”

After feeding the horses, I left into my room for a nap. My legs refused to hold me

any more and I collapsed into the bed, then I heard the door open slightly.

“I know you are there, why don’t you come in Jacob?”

Jacob walked in slowly and looked at me oddly. “How did you know Maria?”

“Because I heard your footsteps coming.”

He came near and sat on my bed side.

“How are you today?”

He moved closer saying, “Well, and you?”

“I’m really tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“Where were you this morning?”

“I went out in the forest. I just needed to think..”

He put his hand on my head and pushed back my hair. Then he pulled out a dead

leaf tangled in my dark locks.

“Looks like the forest came with you sister.” He added as I smiled.

“May I lay with you? I had bad dreams last night.”

I nodded and moved over so he could lay in bed with me. I stroked my hand

through his chestnut hair asking, “What were your nightmares?”

“I heard noises outside my window. It sounded like howling. Then I looked out and

saw a dark animal run past.”

My eyes widened and I felt my heart speed slightly.

“Sister? Did I say something wrong?”

“No darling, let’s take a nap now.”

I began humming. Soon I felt him slip into sleep and I pulled him closer to me.

Jacob was one of my favorite people to nap with. He was a comfort to me after my nights

out. He connected me back to my humanity.

It was usual for him to come into my room after the full moon. Somehow he would

know that I needed his presence next to me. Only this time, I didn’t really want to feel

human again. I was content in my wild state. My own eyes closed, and I fell into

unconsciousness as well.

Later I felt someone shaking my shoulder, “Maria, Maria, wake up.”

“Not yet.” I groaned sleepily.

“Maria, come now, are you ill?”

I wanted to say “Yes I’m ill, let me sleep!”, but the shaking wouldn’t stop. My eyes

opened to John shaking me.

“Maria, it is passed noon. Are you ailing?”

“No, John. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“Well, you have chores to do and Victoria and Jacob want their lunch.”

I turned and saw that Jacob was not beside me, and groaned saying, “Why didn’t

Ben do it?”

John shrugged and said, “He left on a hunt.”

I sat up suddenly, much against my better judgement. “For what?”

“Normal hunt, deer, bear, maybe a rabbit or two. Why are you so concerned?”

“No reason, I just heard that there were some dangerous animals out lately.”

John smirked and said, “Ben can handle any beast out there.”

I rose and came down to make lunch for them and breakfast for myself. For some
reason the food just wasn’t appealing anymore. I watched them eat hungrily and felt bile

rise into my throat.

“Why are you not eating sister?” Victoria asked as I pushed my soup away.

“I don’t feel well.” Was my reply, which was such an understatement. The very

sight and smell of their vegetable meals made my stomach churn. I walked outside to get

away from the pungent smell.

Then my nose caught something tantalizing on the wind. I followed it to the village,

then to a booth. Hanging upside down were four skinned rabbits. My mouth began to

water and I felt my stomach growl.

“What am I doing?” I asked myself, but my hand started moving hungrily toward

the limp bodies. My stomach growled more and more until I felt something slap my hand

“Ow! What was that for?” I asked the air. I looked to see who would have the nerve

to strike me, then my eyes turned down on a hunched over man.

“Those are not for a creature like you.”

I felt my heart speed up. “What do you imply sir?”

“I imply that those are not for you! Those are for men to handle, not young ladies.”

My heart slowed. I glared leaving the booth.

“What is going on? Why do I feel so jumpy?” I asked as I began to walk through the


“Wolf! Wolf!” I heard a shrill voice call and I whipped my head around ready to

run if needed. I calmed as I saw the local puppet master performing the story of “Little

Red Riding hood.”

It was to the part where the woodsman brought his silver axe down on the wolf and
killed it. The children laughed and clapped as I looked at the lolling head of the wolf

puppet resting on the side of the booth.

I felt myself growl quietly. Just to think that years ago I was cheering with those

children. Now I thought about ripping the puppet booth apart with my bare hands.

I pulled my attention from the giggling children and walked with my head down

through the streets. Suddenly I began to feel more and more paranoid, I felt eyes on me,

following my moves. I heard whispers of “Wolf, cursed, wicked, wolf-girl.”

I began to walk faster and faster, breathing harder with every step until I broke out

into a run through the ally way. Out onto the other path in the village I heard a voice that

broke my stride.

“Come here deary. Granny has something to show you.”

I turned and saw another booth painted all different colors. The reds and yellows

clashed, but it did fit the woman’s attire. She was an elderly woman with long white streaks

in her once dark hair. Large, tacky jewelry hung all around her feeble body and the booth

smelt of incense.

I came over cautiously for I had heard tales of gypsies being in work with the devil.

“What is your business milady?” I asked as she said, “I wish to read your future,


“That is the work of the devil.”

“No, it is the work of Lina.”

I assumed that was her name, but I was still hesitant.

“I won’t hurt you deary, just let me have a look into your future. Maybe a young

man or two is waiting for a pretty little thing like you.”

I rolled my eyes and came close. Sitting myself on a bench across from her, she

reached for my hand.

“What pretty, white, skin you have.”

“Thank you.”

She turned my palm and started to run her long fingernails down the creases of my

hand. She closed her eyes and started chanting something inaudible. I looked at the

wrinkles of her face. Time had not been kind to her.

Though, I imagine she was very beautiful in her youth. Past the cracked shell, I

could see long eyelashes and high cheek bones. My mind began to imagine her appearance

when she was young.

Suddenly her hands tightened on mine and she shouted. “I see death! Young girl

dead, torn to shreds. Blood running down your fingers, her blood!”

I looked around and saw people staring as I tried to pull my hand away. Then her

eyes shot open. “You are not what you seem. You are a cursed one. You are a wolf!”

I tried desperately to pry her fingers from mine, I sprinted away from the village,

only to crash into a dark figure. I gasped as a solitary eye stared me down, “What are you

doing, pretty one?”

“David.” I replied out of breath. Suddenly the old woman’s voice shrieked out,

“Wolf-girl! Wicked beast!” David looked at me again and I felt his grip tighten on my

shoulder, “What are they saying poppet? Why are they accusing you of these things? And

why is your heart beating faster?”

I tore from his grip and sprinted away. Away from him and everything that was

happening. I fell and took safe-haven near a tree. My heart pounded, my legs shook and my
eyes searched frantically, searching for any who may have followed. Once sure no one had,

I started home.

“What did she mean that a young girl would die? Probably rubbish... but then, she

did know about my wolf blood. Oh Vikas, what is happening to me?”

I walked a few more feet until I entered the gate of our house and Victoria came

running up to me saying, “Sister, sister! See what I found!”

“What dearest?” I asked in pretend enthusiasm.

She presented a plump, brown rabbit. Putting him right up to my nose.

“Oh Heaven.” I said in my mind trying my best to hold off the urge to tear it to


“Oh how adorable, where did you find him Victoria?”

“Outside our house. He was hopping around funny so I picked him up. Can I keep


Every single bit of me was screaming, “No! No! Do you want that thing eaten?!?”

but I saw the joy in Victoria’s face and resist.

“All right, but only if you keep it locked up.”

She smiled and said, “Thank you Maria!”

She hugged my knees and ran off.

“This is going to be bad.” I said to myself as I followed to make sure she locked it up

properly. I passed by a tree and saw a hawk staring at me. My tongue ran against my

sharpening teeth and I stalked down low.

Quicker than I thought I could move, I was in the air and I had the hawk dead on

the ground.
“The poor thing, what have I done?” I asked in tears, but the smell of blood filled

my body and I bit hard into its breast. Oh, how good it was to eat something that didn’t

make me vomit. I ate it and sucked the bones dry.

When I finished, I stumbled down to the stream and looked at myself in the water.

My eyes shone bright and my teeth were pointed. The blood on my mouth terrified me. I

splashed my face with water, in an attempt to remove the stains from my lips.

Once the water calmed, I saw myself normal again, only with tears blurring my eye

sight. I pulled my knees close and began to cry silently.

“What am I?”

That night I cried in bed. Victoria tried to calm me, but I said it was something she

would understand when she was my age. This gave to the thought that I was crying about

not being married and she was satisfied in giving me my peace.

I laid there, crying into my wet pillow for hours; until I felt two arms wrap around

me from behind. Sniffing the air, I found the familiar smell of forest.

“Vikas?” I whispered.

“Yes Tala?”

“What are you doing here?”

“I heard you crying, so I decided to pay a visit.” He whispered.

His voice was wonderful, it was warm, and felt like silk.

“We’ll get caught.”

“No, I’ll be able to hear if anyone moves. The youngest female is in deep sleep. She

won’t be woken by us. The other males of your human pack are all deep in slumber.”

I liked him saying my “human pack”. It made me feel like I had two families.
“I heard about what happened today with the hawk. The forest tells me things. I

know it’s terribly frightening at first. I took down a sheep my first time. But you are not

alone Tala, I’m here with you.”

Those words were all I needed to hear. I smiled softly, having him near me was like

a warm blanket. I felt his firm chest on my back and his strong arms around my waist. He

began to kiss my neck and hair.

I turned and faced him, letting him hold me. I felt so tiny compared to him. I was

naturally petite and he wasn’t that large. In fact he was tall and had long, firm muscles,

but, I felt so safe in his toned arms. He gently kissed my forehead and nuzzled me into


“I like this.” I whispered. “It feels right. I feel complete.”

He smiled and mumbled an agreement. I smelt his breath on my face. It was warm

and comforting, yet it still smelt of trees. He brought the forest to me, he brought my world

to me.

That night I fell asleep in his arms and for once in a very long time I slept through

the night with peaceful dreams.

Chapter Eight

Vikas came a lot more after that night. Almost every night I would leave my window
open so he could sneak in and sleep beside me. I knew I shouldn’t have been doing it, that it

wasn’t something a proper young lady should do, but the funny thing was, I didn’t care.

Things seemed a bit more simple now. I accepted what I was. Whenever I had a

question, Vikas was more than happy to answer it. It was morning and I was running my

hand along the trees on the edge of the forest. This is where Vikas and I would meet before

he would escort me further. I waited impatiently, stretching and leaning against a trunk.

“Hurry up Vikas.” I said to the air. I decided to play a small game with myself as I

bended my legs to sit on the grass. Picking up a new spring daisy, I began to pull off the

petals with the typical, he-loves-me, he-loves-me-not, routine. Smiling at the first response

and sighing with the second.

I got down to the last petal and smiled with success. “He loves me!” I shouted louder

than I had intended. Then to my terror, I heard a low chuckling above me. Glancing up I

was met by Vikas leaning on a tree branch. His eyes light, his mouth moved into an impish


“Did you really need a flower to tell you that?” He asked as I stared angrily at him.

“You were eavesdropping?” I asked as he turned his head to the side and leaped

down from his perch.

“Only a little.” He replied playfully.

I turned from him and crossed my arms in embarrassment, “You’re infuriating.”

Then his arms were around me. He sniffed my neck and ran his fingers through my

hair, “And you’re intoxicating.”

I bit my lip and nuzzled him slightly. He took my hand and escorted me into the

forest. Looking back, I suppressed a giggle and followed him. I was finally breaking free
and acting my age. For once I didn’t have to be the adult, I could do what I wanted. Even if

what I was doing wasn’t proper.

Vikas kissed my hand and we broke out into a run once we were out of eyesight. I

laughed loudly and pushed him playfully. He bumped into a tree and said, “Oh no you

don’t Tala!” He charged after me and I let out a girlish scream as I hid behind a tree.

“You have to catch me first!” I yelled, egging him on. Waiting patiently, I noticed it

had gotten very quiet. There were no signs of Vikas anywhere and the birds had stopped

singing. Why was it so quiet? Soon the hair on my arms started to rise and I felt a prickle

on the back of my neck.

“Vikas?” I whispered, coming from behind my tree sanctuary. “Vikas, where are

you?” My voice shaking, I searched the forest for him until I heard, “Hello, pretty girl.”

I screamed and whipped around to stare into the one-eyed phantom of a man.

“Didn’t mean to scare you poppet. Now what’s a pretty little thing like you doing all alone,

in a spooky forest like this?”

“Just out for a stroll David.” I said trying to avoid his predatory gaze.

“Now I warned you about that, there are wolves in the area. People shouldn’t be out

here, especially a poor, defenseless woman like yourself.”

“Defenseless? I assure you sir, I’m am not defenseless.” I said putting my defiance in

place of my fear. David ducked around me and said, “I would hate to see something

happen to a beauty like you. From what I’ve heard in the village, you aren’t married are


“Why do you ask?” I enquired, feeling my fear start to creep up again. David’s eye

searched me as he said, “Just wondering how a woman like you hasn’t had a claim put on
her yet. If you were my woman, I would have you at home knitting, not out here in the

forest. Maybe all you need is a real man to claim you. To put you in the place a woman is

meant to be in.”

His gaze had become much more of a hunter. I felt like a bird, caught in the eyes of

a cobra and he was getting ready to strike. David came closer and whispered, “What a

pretty little thing you are. So delicate, so fragile, like a small fawn.”

It was when he put an arm around my waist, that I screamed as loud as I could.

Then I felt myself ripped away from him, and standing in front of me was Vikas. He was

crouched low, actually growling and baring his teeth at my perverted admirer.

“What’s this? A little boy?” David asked mockingly as Vikas replied, “Take your

hands off her. Maria is not interested in you. If you ever touch her again, you will lose your

other eye, hunter!”

That was the first time I had ever heard Vikas call me Maria, it sounded odd

coming from his lips. David straightened and said, “I don’t like being challenged, little boy.

I am the hunter, and I always get my prey. The hunt is on and Maria is the doe, make sure

that you don’t fall into any traps on the way.”

With that he took one more glance at me and smiled wickedly. Then he passed us

and disappeared into the shadows of the trees. I turned and slapped Vikas on the cheek,

“Where were you?!?” I shouted and he rubbed his face.

“Nearby, I saw the hunter and went up a tree to watch. I’ve smelt him for quite

sometime, but I thought you wanted me to keep out of sight so you wouldn’t have any

problems or questions. When he put his hands on you, that was enough. I couldn’t take it

I softened slightly at the red spot developing on his cheek. “Sorry, I was just scared.

I didn’t know where you were and he frightens me.” Vikas put his hands on my hips and

kissed my forehead, “It’s all right, I should have intervened sooner. Forgive me?” I nodded

and accepted his embrace.

“So, shall we press on?” He asked as he put out his arm. I nodded and took it. We

sat by the stream where I first met him. We laughed and talked about everything and soon

the encounter with David was forgotten with his company.

“Vikas, may I ask you a question?”

He put his hand on my cheek and replied, “Of course. You may ask me anything.”

“It’s nothing big, I just want to know more about you. Since you get to smell me and

know what I’m thinking. I find it is only fair I have a little bit more of an idea about you.”

He leaned back against a tree trunk and said, “Ask away.”

I came closer and took his hand in my own. While I was stroking my finger down

his arm, I began to ask a series of random questions.

“What do you like to eat?”

“Manly deer or rabbit.”

“What is your favorite weather?”

“Storms, I like storms.”


“They make me feel powerful. Thunder and lightning are simply invigorating.”

“Where is your favorite place to be scratched?”

He looked away and smiled sheepishly. Then he pointed behind his left ear. I almost

giggled with delight as I raised my hand to itch it. He leaned his head near my hand and
moaned happily. Then my eye caught his right leg moving up and down slightly.

“That’s what I thought. You are no more than a puppy.” Suddenly he drew back

and looked hurt towards me. “Vikas, what’s wrong?”

“You don’t think I’m strong enough for you?” He asked pained.

“Of course I think you are strong enough. I didn’t mean it like that. I was just

playing.” He glared at me and with a flash of movement he had me pinned to the ground.

He bit my neck softly and growled holding my wrists to the ground. Then came close and

whispered, “Me too.”

He leaped off and laughed at me. “You should have seen your face! You were


I sat up and dusted myself off, pride hurt slightly. He was still laughing as I said,

“Really, you didn’t give me a chance to defend myself.”

His laughter quieted as he saw the look on my face of sure challenge. He arched one

eyebrow and said, “Are you sure you can handle me?”

I got down low and said, “Easily.”

“Well all right then, let’s see what you’ve got.”

I smiled and pounced. Knocking him over, he effortlessly pinned me on the way

down. I wrapped my legs around his back and flipped him off of me.

“Good, good, I’m impressed Tala.”

Then he came behind me and tackled me to the ground. Pinning me by the wrists, I

tried to move, but it was useless.

“All right, all right, I give up.” I said defeated.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. “You’re actually quite good, especially for being
in human skin.”

I accepted to compliment, but Vikas didn’t move off of me. Instead, we locked eyes.

His eyes became melting amber and they poured into my soul. He leaned forward and

brushed his lips on my eye lids. My wrists were released and they moved down his chest.

He kissed my cheeks and my nose, he kissed my neck and then finally, his lips rested on


A fire let off inside. His touch was like liquid fire moving through me. I wrapped my

arms around his neck and deepened it. He pulled off and breathed heavily.

“Not yet.” He said, “You aren’t ready yet.”

“What? What do you mean I’m not ready?” I asked breathless. He smiled and

kissed me on the forehead. “Not yet, Tala.”

“It’s getting late, my family needs their dinner.” I said, trying to regain my

composure. I stood and began to walk quickly through the trees. Vikas smiled and

followed. He took my hand in his and said, “Don’t worry, very soon you will be ready to

fully be with me.”

“But how will I know?” I asked trying not to look into his eyes. His eyes were

catching the setting sun and they were glowing slightly. How was one person allowed to be

so beautiful?

He placed a hand on my cheek and said, “Trust me, you’ll know. Instinct will take


I nodded and allowed him to escort me to the edge of the forest. We stopped and he

embraced me saying, “Good night, my beautiful one.”

Then he was gone. I shook my head and turned to go inside.

Seven days had passed since my encounter at the village, but the fortune teller’s

words stayed with me. That night, my dreams consisted of her voice saying, “Young girl

dead! Bloody fingers! Your fingers!”

I saw our well outside and walked to it until I saw a feminine hand laying on the

ground. When I circled around, I saw a young gypsy girl, torn to pieces. Her dark eyes

stared up at me with no life left inside. Tears had left their trail down her cheeks.

I looked down at my hands and saw blood under my nails and in the creases of my

palms. “No! No! Please no!” I cried, backing away from her murdered form. I backed into

our barn and threw open the doors. Inside, wolf pelts lined the walls and in the middle a

place saved just for me.

Then I felt shaking on my bed as Victoria’s voice called out, “Sister! Sister! Wake


I opened my eyes and saw her panicked expression looming over me.

“Oh Victoria.”I said, wrapping her in my arms. She pushed me away saying, “The

stables are on fire Maria!”


I looked out the window and saw the stables engulfed in flame.

“Oh no! Wake up Ben and father now!”

We both ran down the stairs and I rushed to the stables. I heard the horses’

panicked cries as I started to beat my blanket on the flames.

Ben rushed down and threw water on it from the well.

“It’s no good, the flames are too high!”

“Sage is in there!”I cried as father said, “Leave him Maria, it is no use now.”
I glared and ran into the fiery building. Beams were falling and I kicked down the

doors of Ben’s horse and my father’s. Then I rushed to Sage’s stall. He was rearing and

bucking as I undid his lock and led him out.

“Come on boy, let’s go!” I called, pulling him out. We came out of the fire and it

collapsed behind me. Once out, Sage fell to the ground.

“Sage! Sage! What’s wrong?”

My father knelt beside me and placed a hand on the Arabian’s chest. Then he

opened one of Sage’s eye lids to see his eyes rolled back.

“I’m sorry love, he must have died of fright.”

He placed one arm around me and I shoved him off, clinging to my best friend.

“Sage? Come on boy, wake up. Please.”

Tears came to my eyes as I hugged his dark neck and stroked his burnt coat.

“That’s my beautiful boy, I love you.”

“Pa! Pa there was a note on the door!” John said, running up to us.

“Get rid of the wolf-girl or get out of the village?!?” Father read out loud.

“What do they mean wolf-girl?” He asked as I said, “Me. They are talking about

me. The other day I was in the village and this fortune teller screamed out that I was a


“They believed her? The work of the devil’s servant?”

“I don’t think the villagers did this father, it smells of incense.”

I looked at Sage one last time and ran my finger down the white streak in his mane.

“They’ll pay for this.”

I stood and ran into the forest, tears pouring down my face. I ran to the top of a cliff
and I called out, “Vikas! Vikas! Where are you?”

Silence. I searched the forest with my eyes until I gave up on calling since my voice

was raw from crying. Panic and frustration filled me. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t

want to be alone. My heart ached, my eyes hurt from crying and I was cold and angry. I

needed Vikas, now.

I felt a sound coming from my throat. A strange sensation that felt like instinct

taking over me. So I let my jaw drop and a distressed howl exploded from my chest.

Then I heard howls sounding in the distance. I howled again, telling them where I

was. Suddenly Vikas behind me.

“Tala, what has happened?”

I fell into his arms and explained what had happened to Sage. He embraced me and

let me cry into his strong chest as he said, “Don’t worry Tala, we’ll handle this.”

“What do you mean? What are you going to do?”

“Take care of this.”

Then he let out a loud howl and disappeared down the side of the cliff, abandoning

his human form half way down.

My shaking legs carried me home as I came into Ben’s room and got into bed with

him. He put a hand through my hair and pulled me close, feeling my pain. I cried the night

hours away.

When I did surrender to sleep, my dreams were of Sage and my life with him. They

were comforting, for a moment, until I heard shrill cries outside the window. My tired eyes

opened wearily and I turned to see Ben was no longer beside me. I focused my attention to

the yells sounding outside.

“Bring her out! Bring out the wolf-girl!”

“Be gone off our land! Servants of Satan!” My father’s voice responded.

I looked out the window and saw a group of about twenty gypsies. In the middle was

the fortune teller clinging to her walking stick, glaring up at my father. I saw two women

sobbing and falling on the ground with men in multicolored clothing trying to comfort


“Your daughter killed her!”

“What are you implying Satan worshipers?”

“Our beloved Rishka, the princess of our tribe is dead! Last night, wolves came

down from either side of the hills and attacked our family. They took Rishka out of her bed

and tore her to pieces!”

This gave way to more wailing and sobbing. I came out slowly and was met by

shouts of, “There she is! The wolf-girl! She murdered Rishka!!!”

My dream flashed before my eyes and it was all I could do to keep from falling over.

I saw her little face flashing back and forth, between dead and alive. I gathered myself and

managed to keep my vision from going blurry.

“Why do you say these things? I did not do this!”

Cries of protest screamed out as Ben came beside me saying, “She couldn’t have

done this! Maria slept beside me all night. Crying from the loss of her best friend, the

friend that you, servants of the devil, took away from her!”

All was silent for a moment as the fortune teller pointed saying, “There is your

Satan servant! She sent her spirit out and called her pack to destroy our darling Rishka.

She did it to scorn me for revealing her secret!”

“What proof do you have that I did this to you?”

“Clever wolf-child, taking the thing I cared about the most in life. My Rishka, my


I searched my brother’s face frantically and he put one arm around me and backed

me into the house.

“She did not do this. Get off my property before I call the constable!”

“We will have our revenge!”

“Leave!” Father shouted as they disappeared, wailing and sobbing all the way.

I looked at my father and didn’t see the broken old man; he was strong, he would

protect his child. For one moment in the chaos, I felt safe.

“I’m sorry Maria, these people are insane!”

“Why would they blame Maria? Their princess was killed by normal, common


“I don’t know, they have this odd thought that Maria has bonded with the devil.”

I didn’t hear the rest of the conversation between my brother and father because my

mind went to the thought of Vikas.

“Did he kill her? Could Vikas really send down wolves to murder a helpless girl? No

Vikas wouldn’t.... would he?”

My concentration was broken as I heard Ben say, “We can’t have wolves killing

people, Satan servants or not.”

“You’re right, we will assemble a hunting party and go after the pack. We’ll call

David to lead the hunt.”

“No!” I cried loudly as they stared at me.


“Don’t kill them! Why should these wolves die? We don’t even know if they even

did anything or if it is just some excuse to rid me from the village!”

They were silent for a moment and then Ben said, “Maria, from the way they were

carrying on, I don’t think it is an excuse. Besides, if there are wolves in the area, that means

the livestock are in danger. Wolves only mean trouble. We need to be rid of the threat.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. I was torn between my family and the man...wolf, I loved.

Looking down, I felt a hand on my shoulder as Ben said, “Watch over the children Maria,

we will go to town and plan the hunt.”

They left and I slumped against the wall. The cold, sickly winds of despair, blew

over me and visions of wolf pelts hung on the walls chilled me.

“No, I won’t let it happen. Vikas, please be safe.”

I sprinted out to the forest and sat beside a tree and waited. This was the same tree

that he and I had laughed at just the other day. I took a look around the forest and

suddenly the magic was gone. The trees were no longer comforting, they were tall, dark

and sinister. The innocence of my home was gone and in the shadows lurked creatures that

could kill children. Beings that could tear a person, and a heart, apart.

“I know you’re there Vikas, come out, I need to speak with you.”

Out of the shadows I saw golden eyes watching me. Vikas stepped out from them in

human form and said, “Tala, darling, whatever is the matter.”

I saw the blood on his fingers. My eyes danced on his face. I know longer saw the

kind, gentle, person I had fallen in love with. He was a murderer, I imagined blood on his

muzzle, the sick look of pleasure on his face. The young, innocent gypsy girl torn apart.
“Tala? You don’t smell right. What’s wrong?”

“You killed her. You killed that girl.”

His face looked confused, “I don’t know what you are talking about. I didn’t kill a


“Really? Then what did you mean when you said that you would ‘take care of it’?”

“I was going to talk to the council about what happened and see if there was

anything that could be done.”

“So what did the council decide?”

He looked down and away from my eyes.

“Oh I see, just because you didn’t actually kill her yourself, it is supposed to be all


“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I was trembling from anger and sorrow. That girl was probably no older than

Victoria. I was angry with him, I was angry with myself. I had taken down my barriers, I

allowed myself to trust him. I allowed myself to love him. He could have killed Victoria on

any of those nights he slept beside me. I was so stupid. “How could you Vikas, how could

you do such a thing?”

“I didn’t kill her or order anyone to do so!”

“A girl is dead! She was killed by wolves! And now you have blood on your hands!

How do you explain that?”

He shook his head and held out his hand saying, “My own blood.”

I stared at him for what seemed an eternity, as he said, “I knew what happened last

night. Connell and Luna heard what I said to the council. It was their decision to attack the
gypsies, without permission from the elders. I caught them sneaking off with a pack of

assassins. Trying to stop them, I took on Connell, Luna tried to protect him. I did kill a

female last night, but she wasn’t human.”

The wave of reality hit me so hard I had to step back. Vikas looked down and I

could see him shaking, he was going to cry.

“Vikas, I’m sorry.”

I came near and took him into my arms.

“She was my cousin. She was part of my pack. I didn’t mean to kill her. Even after I

tried so hard to stop them, they took the young girl as payment for Luna’s death.” He said

through sobs. “It’s my fault, it’s all my fault that she’s gone.”

“You did what you did to protect humans. You protected me.”

Vikas was tall and toned, but now he looked small and helpless. He seemed lost and

confused and truly tortured about what he had done. And here I was questioning him,

instead of trusting his word.

“I’m sorry Vikas, I never should have doubted you.”

He calmed and remained in my arms for a moment, before he straightened and

regained his composure.

“Now, why are you out here Tala? Other than questioning me. I sense that

something is still wrong.”

My mind snapped back, as the terror I had previously felt returned.

“You’re in danger Vikas! My village is assembling a hunting party to kill the wolves

that murdered the gypsy. They think you did it!”

He looked down and hugged me saying, “I know Tala. Things like this have
happened before. We can deal with it. Although that means, I’ll have to disappear for a

while. I need to take the pack and move, but I’m hesitant about it.”

“Why? You need to get away!”

“Your awaking, it’s coming, Tala.”


A smile came on his beautiful face as he said, “I spoke with the council as to why

you weren’t changing back into a wolf and they said that it was probably because you had

a block in your mind. When the next full moon comes, they will meet and help you

remember. The full moon is tonight!”

I stared at him amazed and asked, “What’s going to happen?”

He picked me up in the air and said, “You are going to become a wolf again! We will

run and hunt and live together like we used to be. With you by my side, I can be the next

alpha. It was decided last night at the council, you and I are going to be the next leaders of

the entire pack. It’s amazing! We can be together again.”

He put me down and I looked away.

“What’s wrong? You don’t seem happy.”

“I can’t become a wolf Vikas.”

“Tala... don’t you want me?”

I looked up at his hurt face and said, “Of course I do.”

Then I thought about my family, the village, the gypsies. What did I really have

here? Hate, persecution, a constant feeling of out cast. I did have a family that loved me

though. Victoria needs me, but she has Ben. Also, she was constantly teased for being my

sister. In fact, all of my family was tormented by my odd ways. Could they live without me?
Would their lives actually be easier? Could I really leave it all behind? Could I drop my

human life and embrace my wolf one?

My eyes searched his flawless features and I came into his arms saying, “Yes Vikas,

I’m ready! I want to be with you!”

He smiled and howled happily. I closed his mouth and said, “I need to go home and

I’ll meet you tonight. Right here.”

I began to leave as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. I looked into his tawny

eyes and he wrapped an arm around my waist and placed his lips on mine. I placed my

arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

“I’m ready now, I know I’m ready.” I thought as I let him move his hands to my


We broke and I brushed my lips against his. The smell of his warm breath was

intoxicating, it was the smell of the forest, the smell of freedom. Freedom from all the hurt

and persecution I felt from the village and the church.

He kissed me again and I broke off and fell backwards slightly. He nuzzled me and

said, “I’ll see you tonight my love, my Tala.”

Chapter Nine
At home I glanced over all the things I knew in my life. My bed, my closet, my

sibling’s possessions. I looked at the picture Victoria had of our family.

“Hm, I never belonged here.” I said to myself as I placed it down on her pillow.

“I need to leave a note, to tell her that I love her.”

Sitting down at my desk, I barely was able to keep my hand straight. On a

parchment I wrote,

“Darling Victoria,

You weren’t just my sister, you were my dear one. You understood

me more than anyone ever could. I love you, you always made my life

worthwhile. I’m leaving on an adventure of my own, it is likely you will

never see me again, but I will be watching over you. My darling, my love,

my Victoria.

All my love,


It felt odd using that name. Tala felt so much more natural to me now. I placed it on

her pillow and left out the door. Going down the hall, I turned into John and Jacob’s room.
Picking up a stray sock and straightening their beds, I smiled. Jacob is going to be a kind

husband and loving father. He will meet a lovely woman and live a humble life.

One day John will grow out of his laziness and when he does, he will be a great

worker and strong husband. They will be great assets to the village.

I left and went passed Ben’s room. For some reason, my feet wouldn’t let me enter.

Too many memories. Ben was the one person who stood by me all my life. No matter what

darkness could throw at me, my big brother was the one who would ride in to save me.

As my eyes swept the room I remembered times we had laughed, cried, and been

there for each other. When mother had died, the sky was cloudy and small drops of rain

were falling. I held baby Victoria in my arms and felt Jacob sitting at my feet, crying. A

single tear ran down my cheek and I felt Ben’s arm come around my shoulders.

“Even the skies weep, Maria.” He whispered in my ear and he put his other arm

around John. Father was knelt down at her grave and the villagers were paying their

respects while shaking their heads at us. I could feel the pity they had and I knew nothing

would be the same. I knew when father refused to hold Victoria, that I had to become the

mother now. If not, then Victoria would never get the love she deserved.

I grew up that day and Ben was right beside me. We became adults that day.

“Thank you Ben, thank you for everything.” I whispered as I closed his door.

Outside, I knelt by the pile of ashes that used to be our stables. I drew a heart in the

ashes and put my fingers to my lips. Sage was still with me, no matter what happened.

Beside the stables I saw five daises that had survived the fire.

The sun was sinking in the sky as I walked past the cemetery. Kneeling down,

daisies in hand, I touched the tombstone and said, “Mother, I’m not afraid anymore. For
once in my life I belong. I’m counting on you to watch over my human family. I love you.


I placed the flowers on her grave and looked up. For one second, I could have sworn

that I saw her smiling face staring down at me. My eyes closed and her voice came to mind,

“Follow your heart Maria. Sometimes, it may very well be your only light in the darkness.”

I walked to the forest, taking one last glance at my house. With a smile, I turned

back to the dark trees as the moon embraced the night sky.

My movements felt like a dream. Everything was quiet and peaceful as I turned

through the brush and saw the clearing. Leaning against the oak tree was Vikas, looking as

glorious as ever. Behind him was a large pack of wolves, without counting I would have

guessed there were about twenty-five.

“Tala, come here.” He said with his arms open for me to run into. I embraced him

and held tight. The white wolf came near, it was the same wolf in my vision! He came close

and said something I couldn’t understand. I looked to Vikas and he said, “Look into his

eyes, concentrate and listen with your heart. You’ll understand Adu.

“This is Adu?” I asked in amazement. Vikas nodded and I bent to look the elder

wolf in the eyes.

“Tala, it’s been too long.” A gruff, yet kind voice replied

“Adu?” I asked the wolf. He nodded and said, “Yes, you probably don’t remember

me. I’m the head elder of the council. Behind me are the other members and your pack.”

I glanced behind him and saw three other older wolves. I assumed they were the

ones that Vikas told me about. “Kinica, Rammoth and Serieth?” I asked and Adu nodded.

“I see Vikas informed you well.” He said, glancing to the pack. “Tala, do you wish to
come back to your real family? To join your pack once again?”

I glanced to Vikas and smiled, “Yes, I want to be a wolf. I want to remember


He nodded and said, “Very well then.” Vikas tightened his grip on my hand and I

felt his smile behind me.

“Prepare yourself Tala, beautiful, strong Tala. Prepare to return to your real

family.” Adu commanded.

The four wolves of the council let out a howl. The rest wolves howled and ran in a

circle around us. Vikas pulled me into his chest and tightened his hold on me. A feeling

came from inside, like a mighty wind was engulfing us. My stomach felt as if I was falling

quickly. Vikas laughed loudly and placed his lips on mine. The charge let off and when we

broke, I had to bite my lip to prevent howling.

I was so excited and I couldn’t take the smile from my face until suddenly the

circling stopped and I heard growling.

Vikas was stiff, his eyes fixed forward. Turning, my heart stopped. Ben and David

stood, Ben shocked, David disgusted.

“Ben, what are you doing here?!?”

He just stared at me in the circle of snarling wolves. I looked at the pack in terror,

tore myself from Vikas and stood in front of my brother.

“No! Please don’t hurt him! He is part of my human pack!”

I began to whimper and cry to Vikas as he called off the pack. They took off in the

forest as he called, “I’ll be back for you Tala!”

David took out his rifle and lit it, fully prepared to shoot. I flung myself at him and
pushed the gun from his dirtied hands.

“No! Hurt any of my family and I’ll rip your throat out!” David pushed me away

and I began clawing and beating on him until I felt a strong hold turn me. Ben slapped me

across the face and said, “What did you think you were doing?!?”

I stared at him with wide eyes as he grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the

house. I reached back for that life, for Vikas, for the forest. I was being pulled out to sea,

caught in the tide of humanity’s borders.

“No! No! Don’t take me back! Vikas! Vikas please help me!”

Ben dragged me home and threw me into my room. Through the locked door I

heard he and David explain to father what had happened.

“She’s mad!” Father exclaimed.

Then Ben went on to tell him everything about my running in the middle of the

night and my visions.

“Traitor!” I screamed through the door. “You can’t keep me here! He’ll come for

me. Vikas will come.”

“Silence Maria!” Ben called as I yelled, “My name is Tala!”

“She’s been bewitched. That’s the only reason for her sudden madness.”

“I suggest you keep her locked in her room. Wolves are powerfully sneaky beings,

they will take her in the night. I knew something was wrong with her, the wild look in her

eyes said it all. I already took the liberty of nailing her windows shut before we left.”

Outraged, I turned and beat on the window.

“Vikas! Vikas!” I called in desperation, but the window wouldn’t budge. The moon

was it’s peak and I felt the same strange bubbling in my skin. I paced frantically back and
forth, back and forth, back and forth trying to numb the feeling.

The tingling in my legs shot out from my thighs down to my toes and back up. My

skin felt tight and I began to pant. Then I heard a symphony of howls in the distance.

Stumbling to the window I saw pairs of golden eyes stalking out of the dark trees.

They were coming for me. In the middle was the large black wolf I longed for. Their howls

sounded loud and clear, calling my name over and over and over again.

“I’m here!” I called. They began to circle the house. The wolves circled round and

round, howling, yipping, calling me out. I felt something inside me, something wanted out,

now. It felt as if something was clawing from the insides of my skin.

Then suddenly the wolves stopped and let out a pack howl. It sounded into the sky

and something in me exploded! My old life flashed before my eyes. I knew what I was.

I am Tala. I am the night, I’m the darkness. I’m the shadow that moves across the

trees and sweeps the edges of the forest. I’m the whisper in the wind, I’m part of the pack, I

know the joy of the hunt and the hunt.... is me.

My clothes tore off, my skin melted away. I looked in the bedroom mirror and saw

my reflection. I was beautiful again. My black fur met my topaz eyes, my tail was long and

full, my four legs strong.

“Come, come to me Tala!” I heard my mate howl.

Vikas wanted me. No human device would trap me again. I broke through the

window and landed on the ground in one graceful leap.

There he was, waiting for me. I leaped and bounded over and around him as he bit

at my neck and nuzzled me affectionately. Then I heard a sound that brought me back

slightly, the sound of tears.

I looked up to see Victoria in the broken window, crying out to me. One thing had

happened when I turned into a human. I learned to love others, I learned to expand my

pack. Victoria was my pup, she was my baby. I stared at her for a moment and turned to


“She needs me.”

“I need you.”

Adu, came near and urged me to come, but I looked back to her and he said, “You

will see her soon enough.”

“What do you mean Elder Adu?”

“She has wolf blood. She will join you soon.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It doesn’t take our magic for a human to turn to a wolf. Some special humans have

it in them already. They may not even know it, but it’s there. Those humans know they

don’t belong in this world. One day they will find out their abilities and they will find a

way to join the pack.”

With this knowledge in my grasp, I turned back and saw Victoria scurrying down

the lattice work as I did so many times. She made it down and ran to me, long night gown

making her clumsy. I walked slowly and she stared at me with those big green eyes.

“Maria?” She asked, afraid. I could smell her fear and upset, bowing my head, I

licked her little hand. She gasped at its roughness, but soon giggled at the tickle. Victoria

moved closer and wrapped her arms around my neck. It was her love and youth that made

it so she could see past what I was, and love who I am.

Taking her sleeve in my mouth, I pulled her closer to the pack. They drew back and
were wary, but Vikas came beside me and licked her face. Standing upright, Victoria was

no bigger than Vikas, so he was staring eye level with her.

“Come greet my little sister.” I said to my pack, but no one moved. All were too set

in their fear to come near a human. I felt myself growing sad, I went through sixteen years

in human skin just to have nothing solved. Sixteen years just for this?

But just as my hope was waning, the pups from the pack came from behind their


“Puppies?” Victoria asked them. She knelt down and put out her hand, looking to

me for any sign of warning. I nodded and the pups came closer. Two blacks and three

whites licked Victoria all over and she laughed and pat each one affectionately.

This is what I was waiting for. My generation was to stuck in its own way to change,

but maybe, the next one wouldn’t be. Maybe there really would be a time when wolves and

humans could find peace. That was what I wanted when we set out and now it was coming


But with sounds of David and Father closing in, I knew it was time to leave. I called

the pups off and took one last glance at Victoria before running back to the forest. With my

pack around me, I was home.

I was strong, beautiful and powerful. I could kick a hole in the sky and leap over

mountains. Soon I would lead the pack with Vikas by my side. Suddenly I was on the my

back on the ground, Vikas staring me down.

“Oh yes”, I thought, nuzzling his neck. He bit at my ear and I kicked him off of me.

Leaping up, I did a lap around him. “You think you can still catch me Vikas?”

“It’s been a while since you ran on four legs Tala.”

“Well then, let’s find out.”

The End

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