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10/13/2017 Asset Accounting Business Questions for Implementation

Asset Accounting Business Questions for Implementation

The following are SAP Asset Accounting questions to ask your business users during implementation. Use it as a reference, you could add in more questions as you deem fit.

Description Questions Category

Business Process
Foreign Currency Are any of your asset values managed in a foreign currency? If so, specify the relevant countries and currencies.
Organizational issues (top
Asset Class Describe how your fixed assets are structured in the balance sheet?
How do you classify your fixed assets at the moment? How do you intend to classify your assets in the future?
Do you manage low value assets (LVAs) as fixed assets, or do you post them directly to an expense account?
Please list, or provide a list of the asset types that you intend to manage in the Asset Accounting system (e.g. Land, Buildings, Intangibles, etc).
For each asset category (asset class), list the default depreciation method and the period of depreciation you would like to use.
Business Process
Fiscal Year Does the fiscal year for asset accounting correspond to the calendar year? If not, specify the start and end dates of your fiscal year.
Is your enterprise currently using a shortened fiscal year, or you have used a shortened fiscal year in the past, for which you want the R/3 System to recalculate depreciation as part of the
asset data transfer?
Depreciation Is your enterprise required to calculate mid-month or mid-year depreciation? Customizing
Business Process
Master Record Who is responsible for the initial creation of an asset maser record? Who provides which information?
How does information flow back and forth between the person responsible for the capital investment project and the accountant in Asset Accounting, with respect to the creation of a master
record for an asset under construction?
Which organizational units and/or which functional areas have authorization for creating or displaying asset master records?
Business Process
Group Assets Do you need to manage and depreciate certain parts of your asset portfolio in the form of group assets?
Business Process
Master record In your enterprise, who has authorization to change asset master records? For which areas? Are these authorized individuals different from those who create the master records?
How often is it necessary to change your asset master records? Which parts of the asset master record are most often affected?
Are there certain asset master record fields that need to be protected against changes? If so, which fields?
Changes in Business Process
In your enterprise, who has authorization to change a large number of assets simultaneously?
Records Requirements
Do you need to make changes to a large number of assets simultaneously?
If so, under what circumstances? Please describe.
Capitalization of Business Process
Are some services (or internal activities) capitalized (such as legal costs or consultancy charges)?
Exp. Requirements
Do you activate costs for internal activity using: - Production order - Investment measure - Asset under construction - Direct capitalization - Other?
For reporting, would you like separate capitalized internal activities using different transaction types? Customizing
Asset Business Process
Describe the information flow for asset acquisitions in your enterprise.
Acquisitions Requirements
Describe your capital procurement requirements.
What types of acquisition occur in your enterprise?
[ ] Integrated with Materials Management (SAP MM)
[ ] Integrated with Accounts Payable (SAP FI)
[ ] Directly to Asset Accounting (SAP FI-AA)
Are asset acquisitions posted on a net basis (deducting any discounts) or as a gross amount (discounts are deducted only on payment)? 1/2
10/13/2017 Asset Accounting Business Questions for Implementation

Do you want to show acquisitions to certain depreciation areas differently than you do in the book depreciation area (for example, to fulfill certain cost-accounting, tax or group
Business Process
Posting Do you post goods receipt to assets valuated or non-valuated?
Do you want down payments for assets to be shown separately?
If using asset sub-numbering, do you want to permit asset acquisitions only to the main number in the year of capitalization, and post all later acquisitions to sub-numbers?
Do you keep a record of costs using acquisitions to the asset under construction?
Do you plan and budget for capital investments in your enterprise? Should assets that are capitalized directly also be included in the planning and budgeting processes?
How is the interaction between general ledger and asset accounting in the acquisition process?
Which is the procedure from invoice receipt to posting of capitalization? Outline the different steps.
Under what circumstances do you intend to post subsequent acquisitions to previously capitalized fixed assets?
Business Process
Authorisation In your enterprise, who has authorization to change a large number of assets simultaneously?
Business Process
Mass Changes Do you need to make changes to a large number of assets simultaneously?
If so, under what circumstances? Please describe.
Business Process
Leased Assets Who is responsible for the acquisition of a leased asset? Who will negotiate the leasing agreement?
Describe the process for the acquisition of a leased asset, from the purchase order to capitalization in Asset Accounting.
What are the methods of depreciation that you are currently using?
Which depreciation method is used particularly for leased assets?
Business Process
Depreciation Do you calculate depreciation values to the day?
Do you want to allow negative depreciation for certain assets or categories of assets? If so, please specify.
Do you distinguish between a fixed and a variable depreciation portion?
How do you handle the period control for depreciation values?
Is there a business need to post depreciation directly to cost accounting? If so, what receivers are to be charged when you do so (for example, cost centers, internal orders etc)?
How often do you intend to post depreciation to the general ledger and to cost accounting?
Do you post depreciation to assets under construction?
See Also
Stop Depreciation For Some Fixed Asset

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