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Exercise 1: Put the verbs into the right present tense: simple or continuous.

1. I always ____________ (have) a fruit smoothie before I go to work.

2. What ____________ (yo do) ? I ____________ this email.
3. Look! Keiko ____________ (sleep) at her desk!
4. Mr. Smith ____________ (visit) his friend in hospital every Sunday.
5. John ____________ preparing dinner for his family right now.
6. Red meat ____________ (be) a good source of iron.
7. Drinking orange juice ____________ (help) your body digest the iron in red meat.
8. Susan ____________ (work) at the General Hospital in Hamilton.
9. My mother ____________ (be) a surgeon.
10. ____________ (you like) your job? Yes, I ____________.
11. Mary and her husband never __________________ (go) to family gatherings.
12. I usually __________ (go) to work by car, but now I ______________ (go) by bus.
13. The baby __________ (cry) sometimes.
14. John is not home right now, because he is __________ (pick) up his kids from school.
15. __________________ (you, speak) English?, Yes, I _______________
16. What __________________(you, cook)? It smells delicious.
17. She __________________(go) to school every day.
18. The sun always __________________(shine) in Spain.
19. It never __________________ (rain) in winter. It __________________( (rain) now.
20. My mom __________________(cook) some food in the kitchen now; she always
__________________ (cook) in the morning.
21. Buses usually __________________(run) along this street, but today they
__________________ (not run) because it is under repair.
22. __________________(you wash) your hands before every meal?
23. Why __________________ (you wear) a coat this morning? It’s hot.
24. __________________(you watch) television often?
25. I’m sorry you can’t see her. She __________________(sleep) still, but she usually
__________________ (wake) up much earlier.
26. I __________________ (not understand) English.
27. He __________________(not want) to go to school.

2. Verb Past simple Translation

buy _____________________ __________________
make _____________________ __________________
eat _____________________ __________________
drink _____________________ __________________
write _____________________ __________________
give _____________________ __________________
go _____________________ __________________
have _____________________ __________________
be _____________________ __________________

3. Translate into Egnlish.

1. Yo compro un vestido nuevo.
2. Yo compré un vestido nuevo.
3. Tú comes manzana y queso.
4. Tú comiste manzana y queso.
5. Susan escribe un libro.
6. Susan escribió un libro.
7. Mis amigos van de compras.
10. Mis amigos fueron de compras. 4.

4. Can-should-must
1. I _______________ speak two languages.
2. In England you _______________ drive on the left.
3. I _______________ drink more water. I only drink one glass a day.
4. ____________ you play the piano?
5. You _______________ wear a jacket. It’s cold outside.
6. You _______________ fasten your seatbelt.

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