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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering
Biomedical Engineering Department

BME 311- Medical Electronics I

Course Catalog
3 Credit hours (3 h lectures). Introduction to Semiconductors, Diode types, circuits and applications, Bipolar
Junction Transistors (BJT) types and biasing circuits, Field effect transistors (FET) types and biasing circuits,
Small-signal BJT and FET amplifiers, Multistage amplifiers, Frequency response of amplifiers, Introduction to
differential amplifiers, Medical applications of diode circuits and transistor amplifiers.

Text Book(s)

Title Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design; 2nd edition

Author(s) Donald Neamen
Publisher Mc Graw-Hill
Year 2007
Edition 3PrdP edition: ISBN: 007-125443-9.

Books • Electronic Circuits, Discrete and integrated, D. L. Schilling and C. Belove. McGraw-
• Microelectronics circuits; Adel Sedra and Kenneth Smith, Oxford Press, 1998.
• Electronic Design, Circuits and Systems; Savant, Roden, Carpenter; IRWIN
Journals • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems
• IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements
• International Journal of Electronics
• IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
• American Journal of Medical Electronics
• Japanese Journal of Medical Electronics
Internet links •
Software • PSpice and Orcad
• Electronics Work Bench
Prerequisites by topic Electric Circuit Analysis
Prerequisites by course EE 212
Co-requisites by course ----
Prerequisite for BME 312

Objectives and Outcomes

Objectives Outcomes
1. Understand semiconductor 1.1. Recognize the structure of a semiconductor material.
materials and operation of 1.2. Recognize the carrier action in semiconductor material.
semiconductor devices [a , b, c] 1.3. Recognize the structure and operation of a PN junction
1.4. Recognize the IV characteristics of a PN junction
2. Analyze diode circuits (small 2.1 Get familiar with the large signal applications of a diode with the large
signal and large signal signal applications of diode circuit rectifiers, clipping and clamping circuits
applications), [a, b, c, j, k] and peak detectors.
2.2. Get familiar with the small signal analysis of diode circuit.
3. Design and analysis of bipolar 3.1. Recognize the different configurations of a BJT
junction transistor (BJT) 3.2 Analyze different transistor circuits in DC and determine Q-Point.
circuits and amplifiers [a, b, c, 3.3. Derive and produce small signal model of a BJT
e, i, j, k] 3.4. Analyze amplifier circuits and determine gain and impedance matching
4. Analysis and design of Field 4.1. Recognize the different configurations of a JFET and MOSFET
Effect Transistor (FET) 4.2. Analyze different transistor circuits in DC and determine Q-point
circuits and amplifiers [a, b, c, 4.3. Able to derive and produce small signal model of a JFET and MOSFET
e, j, k] 4.4. Analyze amplifier circuits and determine gain and impedance matching
5. Design and Analysis of 5.1. Recognize the different methods of coupling of BJT and FET multistage
multistage circuits and amplifiers
amplifiers [a, b, c, e, j, k] 5.2. Get familiar with the analysis and design of multistage amplifiers
6. Study of Frequency Response 6.1. Get familiar with the effect of low and high frequency on an amplifier
of Electronic Circuits [a, e, j, k] 6.2. Able to determine approximate lower and upper cut-off frequencies
6.3. Able to determine the bandwidth of an amplifier.
7. Analysis and design of 7.1. Identify the importance of differential amplifiers
differential amplifiers. [a, b, c, 7.2. Recognize the different types of multistage
e, j, k] 7.3. Get familiar with the analysis and design procedures of differential
Week Topics Chapters in Text
Introduction to Semiconductors:
Semiconductor materials; Carriers, N- and P-
1-2 Chapter 1
types, Conductivity and Drift Current, P-N
Junctions; Forward and Reverse Biasing.
Diode Circuits:
Large signal applications: rectification,
2-3 filtering, peak detectors, clipping and Chapter 2
clamping circuits.
Small signal analysis and dynamic resistance.
Bipolar Junction Transistor:
Structure, symbol and types
I-V characteristics characteristics
Biasing circuits and types of biasing
Common Base (CB)
4-6 Common Emitter (CE) Chapter 3 & Chapter 4
Common Collector (CC)
Small signal analysis
Small signal model for CE, CB and CC
Specifications of BJT amplifiers
Field Effect Transistor:
Structure, symbol and types
I-V characteristics characteristics
7-9 Biasing circuits of FET Chapter 5 & Chapter 6
Small signal analysis of FET amplifiers (CG,
CS, and CD)
Specifications of FET amplifiers
Multistage Amplifiers:
Multistage Amplifiers
Methods of coupling
10-11 RC and DC coupling Chapter 5& Chapter 6
Cascade BJT, FET and BiFET amplifiers
Cascaded BJT, FET and BiFET amplifiers
Darlington amplifiers
Frequency Response
Low and high frequency response of:
12-14 Chapter 7
1. Single stage amplifiers
2. Multistage amplifiers
Differential Amplifiers
Basic BJT differential pair
15-16 Basic FET differential pair Chapter 11
Analysis of differential amplifier
Assessment Tool Expected Due Date Weight
Homeworks/Project Homework: one week after problems are assigned 10 %
First Exam According to the BME Department schedule 25 %
Second Exam According to the BME Department schedule 25 %
Final Exam According to the University final examination schedule 40 %

Class attendance is required and applied according to the university regulations (Student’s
Guide) U. Data support the idea that class attendance improves learning. It is very difficult
Attendance as well as uninspiring for me to help a student who does not attend lectures. What is
created in the classroom cannot be reenacted.
Make-up tests will be done according to the university regulations( please see student’s
Working homework problems is an essential part of this course and they represent a key
opportunity to learn the subjects discussed. All homework problems assigned during a
given week are due at the beginning of class on the second meeting of the following week
Homework unless otherwise stated. Late homework will not be accepted. Failure to turn in this
particular homework on time will result in a grade of 0 (zero) for the homework
contribution to your final grade. Team work is encouraged; however, the work one hands
in must represent his/her own effort. Homework solutions will be discussed in class.
There will be no handouts of homework solutions.
Every group (2-3) must do a project. Each group must submit a project Abstract. This
Abstract should be at most one page and must include:
Project title
Project Report:
The report is due at the project presentations during the final week of classes. The
submitted report should include a list of which student was responsible for each section of
the report.
There will be a formal presentation and demonstration for each project. All presentations
will be made during the final week of classes. The presentation should be limited to 10
All University regulations apply to this course. In particular, the policies concerning
Student Conduct academic dishonesty and withdrawal from a course apply.

Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component

The course contributes to building the fundamental basic concepts in Biomedical Engineering.

ABET Category Content

Engineering 3.0 Credits


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