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Out of this world goodness from Mother Earth!

by Bob Levin, *Eat Life Before Life Eats You!

Thursday, December 18, 2014 [Last updated: 02/26/2018, 9:30 AM PST]

Proudly buying local and baking with products from Bob’s Red Mill.
Bob Levin, nominated membership with the “Heroes of the Mill” since Nov. 2014.

I’m an Italian-Jewish-American and jokingly remark that should I ever design a coat-of-arms it will include a
meatball and a matzo ball. Between baking and other activities I am writing my first tell-all book
“Motorcycle of the Soul” and a movie will follow. Hope you enjoy this recipe. Eat life before life eats you!
Recipes for Drop & Country Style Biscuits
By Bob Levin

Note: This recipe as shown is for drop biscuits. For country style dough that affords the use of a biscuit
cutter and more handling, add two cups of Bob’s Red Mill flour. The latter country style recipe can also
be achieved by using one cup of milk instead of two. Variation of the recipe might include adding
yogurt, roasted garlic cloves and cheese. Great as is or with mushrooms, frozen peas and
vegan/seitan meat gravy. For my whole-wheat version I use 1:1 white and whole-wheat Bob’s Red Mill


● Bob’s Red Mill Flour …………. (4 Cups for Drop or 6 Cups for Country)
● Baking Soda…………………….. (1 Teaspoon)
● Baking Powder…………………. (2 Tablespoons)
● Kosher Salt………………………. (2 Teaspoons)
● Organic Sugar………………….. (2 Tablespoons/Optional)
● Unsalted Butter ……………….. (12 Tablespoons or 1-1/2 Sticks)
● Milk or Buttermilk …………….. (2 Cups)

1. The choice to melt the butter or use chopped chilled butter is up to you. That said I have
been melting the butter after recognizing little difference between the two methods.

2. Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, kosher salt, and sugar if used.

3. Mix any additional ingredients; i.e., cheese, yogurt or roasted garlic cloves.

4. Form a well in the center of the dry mixture and add the milk followed by the melted

5. Blend all of the ingredients together until they form the desired type of dough. Place
drop or shaped biscuits in a baking pan lined with parchment paper.

6. Bake in a 350F degree preheated oven for about 30-35 minutes or until biscuits are done
and golden brown on the bottom.
White Flour Biscuits.
1:1 White & Whole-Wheat Flour Biscuits.
1:1 White & Whole-Wheat Flour Biscuits w/ Roasted Garlic Cloves and Cheese.
1:1 White & Whole-Wheat Flour Cheese Biscuits.
1:1 White & Whole-Wheat Flour Biscuits w/ Roasted Garlic Cloves.
1:1 White & Whole-Wheat Flour Yogurt Biscuits.
Mazel a presto!

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