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The Complete Newbies Guide to Pheromones

by Sean Larson

Table Of Contents

How I came across pheromones and what I learned ........................................................... 3

Part I: The scientific details and how to use pheromones ............................................. 4

The actual names of chemical compounds inside pheromones and what they do ............................ 5

Tactical list of rules for using pheromones ................................................................................................. 6

Application points on the body ...................................................................................................................... 8

Dosage testing—How to avoid overdose (Important) ..........................................................................10

A list of possible hits .......................................................................................................................................11

Part II: Experiences .........................................................................................................................................12

My experiences with pheromones—real in-field footage ......................................................................13

My students’ experiences with pheromones ............................................................................................16

Thousands of forum users’ experiences with pheromones ..................................................................17

Part III: Real world applications of Pheromones .................................................................18

When to use which pheromones and for what purpose .......................................................................19

Hookups On Autopilot
Pheromone effects in big cities vs small cities ..........................................................................................20

Part IV: Field tested pheromone combinations .....................................................................21

The different pheromone mixes I have used and found effective ........................................................22

How to increase your own natural pheromone production ................................................................24

Part V: The top pheromone companies and products ......................................................25

A warning about getting addicted ................................................................................................................26

Get free samples, test them, then buy .......................................................................................................27

Companies and products ...............................................................................................................................28

How I came across pheromones and what I learned

After receiving tons of emails and messages on my Facebook about pheromones, I decided to
create the ultimate guide that outlines everything I know about synthetic and natural phero-

I started using them in 2010. I have been using them continuously for 5 years now. I actually
got into the seduction community after visiting a pheromone related forum. I was looking for
a quick fix.

Here is the forum thread from August 2010 that started my journey down the rabbit hole:

If you want to read the whole story, here is my blog entry titled “How pheromones can help
you in your quest to get laid.”

A word of caution: pheromones are not a quick fix or a magic bullet. But, they will increase
the attention you get from women and remove inhibitions that are involved in closing the

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Part I: The scientific details and how to use
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The actual names of chemical compounds inside pheromones and what they do

Just as in the animal and insect world, pheromones are essential in determining attraction.
When girls talk about chemistry, they're really talking about your raw male scent. It’s im-
portant to note that these chemicals are found naturally on the human body!

There are 4 different main types of pheromones:

 Androstenone: Male sex pheromone that is a byproduct of testosterone. It is responsible

for sexual arousal in females. Too much of this molecule and other males will become ag-
gressive and try to start fights with you and women will call you creepy and run away in
fear. You must be careful when using products with this pheromone.

 Beta-Androstenol: appears to make people become approachable, creating a willingness

to connect and share. It is not uncommon for people to feel as though they need to talk to
you. People appear to react as though you are a close intimate friend whose opinion is very
important. They can feel very comfortable with you, and, quite often, they will tell you very
personal things.

 Alpha-Androstenol: produced by both men and women and has significant effects on both
sexes, as the wearer appears more approachable. People just get comfortable with him or her.
It has been reported to create a fun, upbeat, talkative vibe.

 Androsterone: The male status pheromone. Older males have a naturally higher amount
of this pheromone in their body chemistry.On Autopilot
This pheromone gives off a high status vibe and
people will give you respect, open doors for you, call you sir, and in general be on their very
best polite behavior.

Beyond the 4 main pheromones, we have the following, more complex, pheromones:

 Androstadienone: The love molecule. It causes females to become clingy and develop a
crush feeling associated with you. Girls you don’t even know will be very compliant and let
you lead them wherever you want them to go. This molecule is naturally found in male
sweat and is the most highly studied human pheromone.

 Copulins: A female pheromone that indicates fertility. This is naturally present in the
vagina. Having this on you demonstrates pre-selection. You may have noticed that women
give you more attention right after you've just slept with your girlfriend. This is NOT a coin-

 Pregnenolone: A socially uplifting pheromone that can energize and relax when applied.

 Estratetraenol, oxytocin, epi-androsterone, etc.

Tactical list of rules for using pheromones

Below is a list of rules and tactics I developed over the course of years of testing:

Do not let any pheromones get on your clothes: If you spray it on your clothes, the scent
stays on that piece of clothing forever, even if you dry clean it multiple times. This means
that the effects of the pheromone will always be with you. If you have put on a pheromone
that causes women to become sexual, it may weird out your family if you wear it around
them, so there is a special time and place for different pheromones. This is why if you want
to put it on clothes, put it on something you don't really care about and is not valuable.

Wait between applications: Spr ay pheromones last 6 to 8 hour s and oil pheromones last
8 to 12, sometimes even 15 hours. Skip a day each time you put any type of pheromone on.
The reason for this is that pheromones will leave a residual trail on your skin even after you
clean them with your greatest efforts. And if you put too much pheromones on, you will
freak people out (overdose reactions). So, always start with a clean skin app point.

How to clean them off your skin: After use, clean the application point with hydrogen
peroxide and paper towels after use. You can also clean it off with witch hazel. Don’t let it
rub onto your bed and fabrics.

How to prevent breakdown of pheromones by sweat and heat: Make sure you don't
sweat on the application point. Androstenol based products can convert into androstenone.
and too much androstenone causes male On Autopilot
aggression. If you can’t avoid sweat, then you
should use coconut oil, or monolaurin, to prevent conversion and breakdown of pheromones.
Apply the monolaurin on skin, wait a few minutes, then apply pheromones over that area.

Here are pheromones that can convert into others via contact with sweat and heat because of
something called coryneform bacteria on the skin:

Androstenol + (Heat and Sweat) => Androstenone

Androstadienone + (Heat and Sweat) => Androstenol + (More Heat and Sweat) => andros-

The pathways always lead to androstenone, which can cause major problems, because as I
mentioned earlier, androstenone can cause male aggression.

To avoid all of this, you can simply apply the products to clothing you don't care about then
hit the clubs, or you can just use coconut oil/monolaurin for skin applications.

Buffering to prevent overdose:

I know you’re probably yelling at me through your screen right now for comparing phero-
mones to drugs. You’re probably wondering… what the hell is an overdose?

The synthetic pheromones you are using are not real human pheromones. They are produced
in a lab and are enantiomers, mirror image molecules. You may have learned about enantio-
mers in biology class. The molecules we are using have the a structure that is the exact oppo-
site of the natural chemical compounds. This leads to some possible undesirable effects.

Here are some inconsistencies produced by enantiomers:

Androstenone: If you put too much androstenone on your skin, it will produce extreme ag-
gression in males and disgust in females. Make sure to follow directions indicated on the
pheromone bottle, otherwise you will see negative responses from people. There are a
few companies—Liquid Alchemy Labs being one of them—whose pheromones are well
buffered and never produce negative side effects.

How to buffer androstenone: If you are wearing a high androstenone mix, the buffers includ-
ed in that mix can wear off over time. You may want to get social pheromone mixes, which
contain androstenol, to apply alongside androstenone heavy mixes to buffer them out.

Androstadienone: If you apply too much androstadienone, you will face depression and
sleepiness. This doesn’t happen when you naturally sweat, so it is a side effect coming from
the enantiomer version of the molecule. On Autopilot

How to buffer androstadienone: Apply androstadienone over a mix containing androstenone.

Use an oil based version of androstadienone, so that it is slowly released into the environ-
ment instead of all at once.

Application points on the body

I found the following guide for application points on some forums. It is an excellent diagram
but doesn’t need to be taken too seriously.

In general I recommend applying oil-based pheromones anywhere you have pulse


 on the jawline and under the jawline

 behind the ears
 inner wrists and innerHookups
forearms On Autopilot

You can apply spray based pheromones:

 on your hair if they do not contain androstenone

 on your neck, throat, and jugular area
 on your chest (just remember androstenone can be hard to wash off clothes)
 on your inner wrists and inner forearms

Do not apply spray pheromones:

 in the same area you applied the oil pheromones. The effects will be destroyed.
 on your hair if they contain any amount of androstenone. Androstenone is extremely hard
to get off hair, clothing, and skin. Although for skin, it dissipates sooner or later because
we are always shedding our skin, and because multiple showers deteriorate how much
androstenone is left on the skin.

Never apply pheromones in these areas:

 armpits: Your armpits are full of bacteria that will eat up the pheromones and break it
down. Your sweat will also wash away the pheromones so that you won’t see any effects.

 below your waist line: No one is going to be able to detect pheromones you apply down
there underneath all that clothing you have on. It will be a waste of product.

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Dosage testing: How to avoid overdose

As I stated before, an overdose on pheromones is the worst thing that can happen.

In order to prevent any type of incident from happening, you should test for the dosage that
is perfect for you. Your body chemistry is unique. That means 3 drops of Bad Wolf for you
could have the same effects as 4 drops of Bad Wolf for someone else.

I created a system for testing pheromones quickly as soon as you receive them:

Day 0:

If the pheromone has a high level of androstenone, start out with 0.5 drops / 0.5 spray.

Otherwise, start out with 1 drop / 1 spray.

Day 1 and Day 2:

No pheromones / Clean pheromones from previous day off

Day 3:

High androstenone product: 1 drop / 1 spray

Low androstenone product: On
2 drops / 2 sprays Autopilot

Day 4 and Day 5:

No pheromones / Clean pheromones from previous day off

Day 6:

High androstenone product: 2 drops / 2 sprays

Low androstenone product: 3 drops / 3 sprays

Continue the above cycle until you start seeing hits. A hit is defined as an event or occur-
rence that is obviously related to pheromones; it is something that never happens in your
daily life (such as a girl turning her head and then trying to talk to you, or something more
subtle, such as a group of girls giving you proximity with their backs to you).

Once you start seeing hits, go 1 drop above that just to test. If you stop seeing hits, you
know for sure that the previous dosage you had was your “prime dosage.”

A list of possible hits

A hit is when you notice an unusual occurrence when using pheromones, such as a woman
staring at you longer than usual. It could also be extremely subtle, such as some guy not be-
ing able to make eye contact with you because he is too intimidated by a super alpha mix
(Ex: Bad Wolf)

Here is a list of hits to watch out for:

 She gives you multiple looks

 She looks at you but when you look in her direction, she immediately looks somewhere

 She starts excessively playing with her hair when you are in her presence

 She starts hovering around you or mildly stalking you (she will make it seem incidental,
such as walking past numerous times hoping you open her or trying to go for the same
item as you’re about to grab in a grocery aisle.

 She is blushing heavily

 Eyes—Pupil dilation

 She is trying to showHookups On

you skin and lifts up aAutopilot
certain part of her dress to show off her
thighs or butt. She will do this as if by accident, to make sure no one perceives her as a

 Facing her body towards you. And whenever you move, she moves her body to face you
in whatever direction you are.

 Proximity — Girls will often keep their backs towards you and move in really close to
your body

 She incidentally brushes up against you and the more crowded the area, the more she
stays leaned up against you (for example: in a crowded subway car, she is pushed into
you, but she doesn’t move away, nor does she stop the physical contact from happening).

 People in general giving you special treatment: opening doors for you, calling you sir,
apologizing profusely if they say something that might be considered offensive (this stuff
happens with high status pheromones like Bad Wolf)

 Etc.

Part II: Experiences

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My experiences with pheromones—real in-field footage

First off, let me set you straight, pheromones are not a quick fix or a magic bullet. But they
will increase the attention you get from women and remove inhibitions that are involved in
closing the deal.

When you use pheromones on a girl who is even just slightly interested in you, i.e. a girl
who is coming to meet you for a date through Tinder, it can amplify that attraction to huge
amounts. I had one girl I met through Tinder, and I wore a pheromone that basically is for
intensifying sex. As soon as she met me at my apartment building, it was on and she actual-
ly started grabbing me and making out in the apartment lobby before we even reached my
apartment door.

More importantly, my actual experiences with pheromones in real life have been insane.
Girls are very warm and receptive to stopping to talk to me even though I am a stranger.

Instead of write a bunch of stuff, I will show you actual audio footage that I recorded while
I was wearing certain pheromones...

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Audio footage of pheromone effects cont’d:

Hookups On Autopilot

Audio footage of pheromone effects cont’d:

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My students’ experiences with pheromones

Here’s what one of my students, Jesse, had to say about a pheromone I recommended to him
called Bad Wolf:

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Another one of my students, Victor B, read the ebook you are currently reading and decided to
give it a shot. Here’s what he had to say about Bad Wolf (By the way, can you tell I’m a big fan
of Bad Wolf):

Hookups On Autopilot

Here is a long review about Bad Wolf he

wrote on some forums dedicated to pher-
omone use. Check it out at this link:

Thousands of forum users’ experiences with pheromones

Here are some forum threads where tens of thousands of real pheromone users are field test-
ing and posting their experiences with pheromones:

Pherotruth forums:

One of my posts on Pherotruth detailing my own experiences with a pheromone mix I was
Hookups On Autopilot

Pheromone Talk forums:

Men’s journals detailing their experiences (These are private, so you will need to create a
user account on the forums to view these):

Here is a page on Pheromone Talk forums that includes real scientific studies and abstracts
about pheromones:

Part III: Real world applications of Pheromones

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When to use which pheromones and for what purpose

Here is a simple rule of thumb to follow.

Pheromone mixes containing:

 androstenone should be used to attract girls sexually. Bodybuilders and men with huge
muscles have a lot of androstenone and thus elicit intense sexual attraction in women.
Use this in meat markets and packed nightclubs to stand out. You can also use this for
dates. If you use this to hit on girls during the day, make sure to use a social pheromone
like androstenol, otherwise you will scare and intimidate people!

 androsterone should be used when you are trying to give off a high status vibe, such as
when you are trying to get into a high end nightclub, or when you are going to court (I
have actually used high status pheromones to get a traffic violation dismissed)

 alpha– and beta-androstenol should be used in situations where you want to come off as
very trustworthy and socially reliable. People will open you and talk your ear off.

 androstadienone should only be used alongside androstenone to soften the aggressive ef-
fects of androstenone and also to create a warm vibe that when girls are exposed to it,
causes them to melt and throw themselves at you. They basically give themselves to you
when you have androstadienone on.

 Hookups
copulins should be used when you areOn tryingAutopilot
to demonstrate pre-selection. You should
only use a tiny amount. Men who have sex frequently have copulins on them regularly.
Copulins are also on guys who have just recently had sex. You may have noticed that
when you leave a girl’s house after hooking up, other girls are giving you more eye con-
tact. There is a reason for that: you have another woman’s scent on you. But don’t use too
much!!, otherwise men start rubbing up on you in nightclubs mistaking you for a female
LOL. And no, I’m not joking in the slightest.

 pregnenolone should be used to create a deep bonding experience in a current relation-

ship with a girl. It causes people to observe life through a positive frame of reference.
Everything is a happy experience.

Pheromone effects in big cities vs small cities

After field testing pheromones in numerous cities, I found that there is a big difference in
how people respond to pheromones in big cities, such as Chicago, New York, and Los An-
geles, versus small cities, college towns and villages.

In big cities, the reactions will be much more obvious from people who don’t know any-
thing about you or who don’t have any pre-conceived notions of your personality. Phero-
mones affect the parts of the brain that elicit emotions, the amygdala and the hippocampus.

In small cities the responses will be much less difficult to discern. People are friendly to
each other by default. You can’t use a social pheromone and see much difference. But you
will see a difference if you use a sexual pheromone and girls start panting like horndogs or
keep peeking stares at you constantly looking away when you turn to look at them, or actu-
ally physically stalking you, following you around in a way that seems plausibly deniable—
e.g., trying to grab a grocery item near you, etc (all of these things have happened to me).

So, just keep in mind that using pheromones on your friends and family won’t usually show
much effect because they already have a pre-conceived notion of how you behave and your
personality etc. However, you could of course try overdosing just to prove to yourself that
pheromones really work, and then you would definitely see negative emotions even from
family members.

There are some exceptions. I have encountered and used pheromone products that have real-
ly surprised me in termsHookups On Autopilot
of the level of intimidation and tangible results they produce. You
can read about these at the end of this pdf.

Part IV: Field tested pheromone combinations

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The different pheromone mixes I have used and found effective

Pheromone additives:

Pheromone additives are pheromones that should not be used alone. They should be com-
bined with the 4 main pheromones that were discussed in part I of this guide.


Androstadienone is a strong additive. What this means is that it does nothing by itself. You
must use it along with heavy androstenone applications. It immensely softens the rough ag-
gressive vibe of androstenone. You will find that girls immediately take your lead and are ex-
tremely open to touch; when I was using it, girls would start snuggling up into my body and
be all cuddly.

Avoiding negative effects: The synthetic version of androstadienone can cause depression in
males. It is a tough one to use. You should use low dosage otherwise you will get extremely
depressed, in a sad mood, and become sleepy and fatigued.


Copulins are another pheromone additive that can amplify results by softening the effects of
androstenone, but they do it by radiating aOn Autopilot
vibe that you just got laid. Combined with a an-
drostenone based pheromone blend, copulins will signal to women not only that you have an
alpha aggressive vibe, but also that you have been sexually preselected by some girl in the
past few hours. This makes you insanely attractive.

The Exact Pheromone Mixes I Rigorously Tested in Field to Produce Results

Panty scorcher mix #1:

LAL Bad Wolf — 2 Drops—Applied to jawline and under nose for self effects
AD P130—4 sprays—5 mcg each spray—Applied to sides of neck
AD Instant Shine—2 sprays—Applied to sides of neck

Back story: I used this combination to sleep with the girl I wrote about in my blog post titled
“How pheromones can help you in your quest to get laid.”

The Exact Pheromone Mixes I Rigorously Tested in Field to Produce Results (Cont’d)

Panty scorcher mix #2:

LAL Bad Wolf—3 drops—Applied to neck

LAL Androstadienone Oil—3 drops—15 mcg each—Applied to side of face
AD P130—4 sprays—5 mcg each—Applied behind ears


Below is a field report I posted where I pulled a girl within seconds of meeting her, after lift-
ing her up and doing an instant make-out:

Panty scorcher mix #3:

LAL Dirty Primitive—0.5 drops—Applied to neck

LAL Androstadienone Oil—2 drops—Applied to jawline

Backstory: I used this mix in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. I had just parked my car and
actually applied the pheromones while sitting in my car parked on the side of the curb near
the bars. College girls were walking all around hopping between bars. The first few girls I
approached turned me down, On Autopilot
but I was persistent and ran across a girl who was crying. I
opened her and she started crying on my shoulder cuddling into me. I just directed her to fol-
low me and told her that I was going to a “gay party in Hell’s Kitchen” (since I live in Hell’s
Kitchen) and then instead of driving to any club, I first drove to some isolated place, started
making out and fingering her in the car. Then, once I was absolutely sure she was down to
fuck, I drove to my apartment, which is 20 minutes drive away from Lower East Side. She
gave almost no resistance when I had this mix on.

Panty scorcher mix #4:

AD Instant Jerk—1 spray—Applied to neck

AD Instant Shine 2x Strength—2 sprays—Applied to neck

Backstory: I used this mix to get laid in college with quite a few girls, one of whom was a
virgin. It helped me to get physical fast and lower my inhibition. Instant Jerk is the second
best pheromone for low inhibition. Bad Wolf, which I discovered later on after I moved to
NYC, significantly lowers your inhibitions. You either take action or Bad Wolf will punish
you. Instant Jerk isn’t that extreme but it is high in androstenone content. Be very careful
when using it or you will overdose.

How to increase your own natural pheromone production

Over the last 5 years, I made friends with various guys who were good with women. What
was shocking to me was that the more muscle mass they had on their body, the more women
were attracted to them.

I knew that more muscle means more testosterone in the body. And since androstenone is a
derivative of testosterone, I knew that part of what was attracting women to these guys was
their pheromone signature.

I actually went on bodybuilding forums and guys were talking about girls who were basical-
ly throwing themselves into their arms because they were on steroid cycles. They theorized
that the increase in testosterone increases your natural pheromones into supernatural levels,
making you a walking sex toy to women.

Since I care too much about my health, I never tried doing steroids; however, I did start lift-
ing weights and created a solid diet plan that included a high calorie weight gainer (since I
can eat all I want and still remain skinny).

After gaining around 30 pounds of mostly muscle in the form of newbie gains, I started get-
ting a lot more attention from girls. But I noticed something: this attention was at its peak if I
went out without showering—going to the gym right after waking up—or if I performed
compound lifts, such as heavy squats and deadlifts. These made me sweat a lot and it is sci-
entifically proven that testosterone is increased immediately after you do heavy compound
lifts. Hookups On Autopilot
In short, if you want to boost your natural pheromone levels, do yourself a favor:

Start lifting, create a solid diet plan, and add muscle to your frame!

Part V: The top pheromone companies and products

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A warning about getting addicted

Here is a screenshot of how much money I have spent on pheromones in the 5 years since I
began my journey into becoming good with women:

Hookups On Autopilot

I wouldn’t have spent that much if they didn’t work. But I would also like to warn against
becoming dependent on pheromones. They do help you hook up with women and make it
easier to close, but you need to be disciplined and use them sparingly. Don’t use them every-
day or you will become addicted.

Get free samples, test them, then buy

Start out with free samples or a cheaper product, and if it works for you then buy more ex-
pensive ones.

In this section, I’ve provided links to legitimate sites that sell the real stuff because phero-
mones helped me a lot and I genuinely believe they can help you too.

I value my relationship with you guys—my audience—too much to just send you out to a
snake oil site and then lose my relationship with you altogether. That's why I suggest you
start with free samples (the companies I have listed in this guide will send them out to you if
you inquire).

Note: I will receive a small commission for referring you. However, I won’t receive any
commissions from Androtics Direct, because they do not have a referral program. Despite
this, I still included their products in this guide because my underlying purpose in creating
this guide was to help you gain a detailed knowledge of how pheromones work and to send
you to only the best companies. I really appreciate you using my links to purchase and I
promise to reinvest the money into Hookups On Autopilot to bring you amazing world class

Hookups On Autopilot

The Companies and Products

Liquid Alchemy Labs (Click here to Visit Site)

The single best company I have ever encountered with the best products. The company will
replace broken bottles with new ones and has a great refund policy. The owner has access to
a lot of different pheromone molecules, not just the few mentioned in this article. He creates
the craziest mixes. He also gives out free samples of high quality pheromone mixes with
every purchase.

Bad Wolf — Rating 10/10 (Click here to buy now)

This is a pheromone mix called Bad Wolf that I have been using to
pull girls in Meatpacking NYC for a couple years. It is the only one
that has worked for me to pull high status, high quality girls. Models
and 10s are a cakewalk with Bad Wolf. Bad Wolf is very, very ag-
gressive. Your personality will gradually change with regular long-
term use. Do not use it two days in a row, since you can overdose;
use it only once every 3 days or else, bad shit happens. Notice the
bottle on the left? It is a dropper bottle that Garry will include for
free. If you decide to get this one, make sure you tell Garry to use a
“dropper bottle” and not the “euro dropper”. It is much easier to get
dosage right with the dropper bottle.
Hookups On Autopilot

Dirty Primitive — Rating 7/10 (Click here to buy now)

Dirty primitive is a heavy androstenone mix buffered down by copu-

lins. When I used it with androstadienone, I got laid super easily
with a girl I talked to on the street in Lower East Side, Manhattan. It
is a really easy to use product and you will not overdose. The copu-
lins work to remove the negative aspects of androstenone aggression
and also let women know you’re alpha and you’ve just been with a
woman. It’s a win-win!

Liquid Alchemy Labs (Click here to Visit Site)

Androstadienone — Rating 10/10 (Click here to buy now)

This is standalone androstadienone. You can add it to other phero-

mone mixes you get. I recommend getting the oil version from Gar-
ry’s site. This is the most pure and high quality one you can buy.
The same molecule from other companies causes depression and
headaches because of impurities. This is the king of all pheromones
because when it is combined with high androstenone mix, girls be-
come open to following your lead, become very touchy, and are
highly compliant.

Copulins — Rating 7/10 (Click here to buy now)

These are standalone copulins. As I discussed earlier in this guide,

copulins are what women produce in order to indicate fertility. But
if you have some of this on you, it smells like you were just with a
girl, and the woman can sense subconsciously that you are prese-
lected by other women. This causes a huge attraction spike. I’ve
Hookups On Autopilot
used this in combination with Bad Wolf to tear up the playing field
and dominate the nightclub / pull girls from the street.

Nude Alpha — Rating 9/10 (Click here to buy now)

This is THE pheromone if you want to get a girl into a long term
relationship. This coupled with Androstadienone is a legendary
pheromone combination that has been championed by many many
users in the pherotruth forums. This is a picture of a free sample I
got from Garry. I used this sample and also applied androstadi-
enone when one of the girls in my rotation came to hang out. The
effects were insane. She wanted to stay over and cuddled and on
top of that wouldn’t stop texting me the next day. I had to cut con-
tact for a few weeks, because I’m not into long term relationships
at this point in my life.

Liquid Alchemy Labs (Click here to Visit Site)

Aqua Vitae — Rating 7/10 (Click here to buy now)

This pheromone gives off a raw alpha vibe. It basically signals high
status and contains a lot of androstenone. Be careful using this, but
when you get it right, it definitely let's you stand out in the crowd.
This is like a toned down version of the ultra aggressive Bad Wolf.
I used it a few times and it seriously had model quality girls turning
heads on a weekend night out. One girl was waving at me to join
her group, and I was like wtf?

Wolf — Rating 6/10 (Click here to buy now)

A less alpha version of Bad Wolf. There is low amount of andros-

tenone and people are friendly with you but still respectful. It was-
n't for me because I like things aggressive, but some people might
like the vibe this one gives off. I tested it at the office when I was
working in Wall Street and it basically got respect from my boss
and everyone was sociable, but that was it.

Hookups On Autopilot

SXD-9 — Rating 7/10 (Click here to buy now)

SXD-9 was produced with the traditional courtship process in

mind. It goes from social to sexual over the course of the day. This
one would probably be good if you work in an office where you
can't afford to use sexual or aggressive pheromones. By the time
you get out of work, voila!, you have a sexual vibe and are ready to
meet a Tinder date or go hunting at a bar.

Love Scent (Click here to Visit Site)

This website has some great products such as Scent of Eros and The Edge. I still have the oil
based Scent of Eros from many years back and use it occasionally when I want a chill friend-
ly vibe.

Scent of Eros/SOE — Rating 8/10 (Click here to buy now)

SOE is another pheromone that is good for beginners. There is no

androstenone in this mix so there is no possibility of overdosing.
Girls are very friendly and will give you "deer in the headlights"
type looks from afar. Applying a one inch strip onto a heat point
such as neck or wrist results in girls making friendly banter every-
where I go. It is more of a social pheromone and not aggressive like
Bad Wolf / androstenone based products.

The Edge — Rating 6/10 (Click here to buy now)

Hookups On Autopilot
The edge is a combination of androstenone, androstenol, androsta-
dienone, and androstanone. I was using this pheromone in the be-
ginning as I started out. Androstanone is basically an overdose-
resistant, much better improved version of androstenone. I would
recommend this if you’re new at this and don’t want to spend a
bunch of money going around creating your own pheromone mixes
and concoctions.

Chikara — Rating 6/10 (Click here to buy now)

Chikara is similar to ammunition cologne that I was referring to in

my blog post about pheromones. Ammunition has lost its touch
over the years because of Androtic’s quality issues, so I would
highly recommend Chikara in place of it.

Pheromone XS (Click here to Visit Site)

This site was basically started by a guy named Steve who left Androtics Direct because he
saw that the company’s quality was declining (don’t get me wrong, they still have some
great products). The pheromones sold by Steve are some of the best found online, rivaling
the quality of pre-2011 Androtics Direct.

Cohesion XS Oil — Rating 8/10 (Click here to buy now)

Cohesion XS Oil is a standalone pheromone mix that is based

around Androstadienone. It has removed the problem of depression
that has been associated with using standalone Androstadienone.

Xist — Rating 9/10 (Click here to buy now)

This is a great buffering additive and acts as a social component

along with heavy alpha mixes. In particular, it does well with Bad
Wolf and basically makes Bad Wolf much more social friendly.

Hookups On Autopilot

Love Boat — Rating 7/10 (Click here to buy now)

This one is a great additive that creates strong emotional bonds. I

searched the forums and found that it is based on pregnenolone,
which is a pheromone that basically is released in mothers and
newborns. It creates some kind of emotional bond. If you're look-
ing to form a strong relationship, add this pheromone to the base

Evolve XS — Rating 8/10 (Click here to buy now)

Evolve is a heavy androstenone mix. If you use this, make sure to

buffer it, and do not go overboard with it. A really good combina-
tion is Evolve XS mixed with Androstadienone/Cohesion XS.

Androtics Direct (Click here to Visit Site)

In my blog post on pheromones, I have mentioned pheromones from Androtics that I had
used when I was in college. I switched from Androtics to Liquid Alchemy Labs after the
quality of Androtics diminished. For example: there is a pheromone mix called A314 by An-
drotics that used to be amazing pre-2011, but they started releasing new revisions that had
weird effects, such as girls freaking out when I approached them. Nevertheless! A few of
their products have never failed me, and I still use them to this day:

Instant Shine —Rating 5/10 Instant Jerk — Rating 6/10

(Click here to buy now) (Click here to buy now)

Instant shine creates a youthful You basically become a Jerk.

happy feeling. It’s like you You won’t care about other’s
lose every care in the world opinions and are just very obnox-
and see everything in a posi- ious in a good way. Young guys
tive way. Lasts only a couple respect you as an alpha. Leave a
hours max though. day between applications: it is
high in androstenone. Easy to
overdose, so I don’t use it often.
Also, it can cause chaos in your
social life because of how it
Hookups On Autopilot makes you act, so be careful!

Turn Up The Heat — Rating Putative 130 / P130 — Rating

9/10 10/10
(Click here to buy now) (Click here to buy now)

Creates a raw sexual vibe. Pure This basically intensifies the ef-
sexuality. Good to use to inten- fects of any pheromone you com-
sify the sex. Don’t spray too bine it with. That is why I use it
much of this or you will piss with Bad Wolf. Definitely get
people off and men will start this! No negative effects except
fights with you—no joke… it for short effective time, only pos-
will happen if you overdose. itive upside. Make sure to get 15
Regardless, TUTH turns wom- mcg per spray if you buy.
en on, so I love it.


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