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College of Health Sciences

SN 27 Name: Vincent Gregory O. Mendoza Date: December 10, 2017 Score________/60


1. Illustrate the updated value chain of the R&D-based companies and provide a brief explanation.

Discovery Product
Manufacturing Marketing

The discovery phase involves biological identification, validation, screening and optimization. In
product development, pre-clinical and clinical trials occur, and submission for regulatory approval is
done (Investigational New Drug Application and New Drug Application). In marketing phase,
distribution and sale to consumers is done. While marketing, phase 4 of clinical trials is still undergoing
(post-marketing surveillance).
2. Discuss the Philippine Pharmaceutical Market, its size and market segments: The Ethical and OTC
Drugs Market.
For ethical or prescription drugs, the most notable trend is the affinity for drugs that treat lifestyle
diseases such as hypertension or chronic diseases like asthma. This is most probably because of the
change in lifestyle of most people today. For OTC drugs, the most common drugs are vitamin
supplements and drugs for the treatment of minor symptoms like pain and cough.
3. Discuss the healthcare expenditure in the Philippines.
The pie chart in our lecture showed that 29% of the health expenditure per capita was from the
government, only 11% from social insurance and 60% from out-of-pocket. This reflects the need to
invest in health care programs like social insurances or government programs to ensure that we do not
spend too much money on health needs which we could have used for something else like investments,
food, housing and etc.
4. Enumerate the highly utilized product categories by therapeutic area/segments. Explain why.
With 22% of the total, drugs that affect the alimentary tract and metabolism are the most utilized
probably because of the amount of drugs that constitute this class. This also includes vitamins and
health supplements that are seem to be in today’s health-conscious trend. Cardiovascular drugs follows
next with 16%. This is due to the fact that diseases involving the cardiovascular system is becoming
more prevalent. This may be due to lifestyle changes. Anti-infectives constitute 14% of the total.
Infections caused by microorganisms may lead to serious consequences or even death if not treated
properly. This is why drugs that treat these infections are relevant enough to be highly utilized. 9% for
nervous system drugs; musculo-skeletal system drugs, blood and blood-forming organ drugs,
dermatologicals, and genito-urinary system and sex hormones all have 4% each. With only 3% is
antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents. All other drugs not mentioned is 9%.
5. Describe the market channels of the Pharmaceutical Market in the Philippines.
The principal provider distributes the products to the local distributor which then distributes it to three
sectors namely: drugstores, sub-distributors, and hospitals. Drugstores include both the chain
drugstores and also the independent drugstores. Sub-distributors include industrial and government
establishments. Hospitals include government hospitals and private hospitals. The Philippine market
channel is straight-forward and very simple to understand. It incorporates a way to distribute products
from the manufacturer or provider to the customer in multiple ways (either through drugstores, sub-
distributors, or hospitals).
6. Discuss the two (2) general categories in the Total Health Care System in the Philippines.
 Medical Care – involves professional care from healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses,
pharmacists or institutions like hospitals, etc.).
 Self-care – this involves self-diagnosis, self-medication, and self-care. It is usually unwise to
self-diagnose and self-medicate as this might lead to accidents. It would be best to leave it to
the professionals since their expertise on healthcare is usually more reliable than looking up
one’s own symptoms on the internet and self-prescribing medicines that might not even be
effective for treating a particular disease. This also involves the use of OTC drugs which are
very accessible. The proper utilization of these drugs should be considered for self-care to be
7. Differentiate the three (3) levels of health care facilities in the Philippines.
 Primary – rural health units, disease control units such as malaria eradication units and
schistosomiasis control units, volunteer groups, etc. In my opinion, these include those health
care facilities that cater to small groups of people like barangays or barrios or are the most
accessible health care facilities to these people.
 Secondary – these include regional hospitals and are more suited to caring for a wider group
of people; personnel here are also equipped with more specialized knowledge to deal with more
serious diseases
 Tertiary – very sophisticated and complex services are offered; they are adept in serving
specialized needs; the personnel possess highly technical knowledge to cope with very serious
diseases. They tackle on national health services.
8. Discuss the changing and expanding role of pharmacists with respect to self-medication/self-care.
According to Pharmacy Times in 2013, “Pharmacists have always played an important role in
recommending OTC products to help patients deal with their health issues. By asking their patients
appropriate questions, pharmacists can learn when self-medication is appropriate or referral is needed”.
With this, it is important to remember that we are the most accessible healthcare professional available
to the community. The proper usage of OTC drugs starts with us. By properly identifying the patient’s
needs, we are able to make better health-related decisions which will improve quality of life for the
9. What are the currents laws affecting the pharmacy practice in the Philippines? Enumerate.
 RA 6675 (Generics Act of 1988)
 RA 9502 (Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008)
 RA 10918 (Philippine Pharmacy Act)
 RA 10912 (Continuing Development Act of 2016)
 PNDF (Philippine National Drug Formulary)

10. How will you describe the current healthcare system in the country?

Despite the Philippines not having the most advanced facilities in the world, the healthcare
system in our country is, in my opinion, adequate and of good standard. Sure, we might not possess
state-of-the-art equipment, but this does not necessarily mean that we cannot provide quality
healthcare. We might need to wait for a while to be able to be more technologically advanced when it
comes to facilities but until then, we can still provide good quality health care service to patients. In
these changing times, we healthcare providers must shift our perspective from product-oriented to
patient-oriented in order to provide the best quality of service we can offer.

11. -15. 10points. Essay form.

Discuss at least one (1) health issue or medical issue that is currently happening in the country. As
future pharmacist, what change can you make to improve the healthcare system in order to achieve a
healthier and more productive population?

A cliché yet very serious crisis we face today is the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The
thought of running out of antimicrobial agents terrify me but at the same time perplexes me. What were
once easily curable infections caused by microorganisms have become even greater threats. What people
don’t realize is that AMR can potentially cause pandemics if not dealt with appropriately. That is why the
responsible use of antimicrobial agents should be of concern to everyone. There is no other way to combat
AMR other than to educate people. Information regarding this matter should be disseminated to
communities in order to prevent further damage caused by AMR. Simple seminars will be enough to at
least inform people of the dangers that are brought about by AMR. The damage of AMR doesn’t only
necessarily include the diseases brought about by resistant bacteria, but also the indirect effects caused by
them. With more drug resistant bacteria means more drugs that are needed to be developed. Drug
development is a long and costly process and I fear that maybe one day, if this threat is not to be addressed
properly, we may eventually be not fast enough to produce new drugs to combat infections. Resistant
bacteria might outrun us and cause a pandemic. The potential damage to society and loss of life is high and
there might be no way to stop it.

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