Imaging Evaluation of Developmental Hip Dysplasia in The Young Adult

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Beltran et al.
Imaging of Developmental Hip Dysplasia

Musculoskeletal Imaging
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Imaging Evaluation of
Developmental Hip Dysplasia
in the Young Adult
Luis S. Beltran1 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this article is to review the clinical and imaging features
Zehava S. Rosenberg1 as well as the potential complications of hip dysplasia in the young adult. Hip dysplasia is an
Jason D. Mayo 2 important cause of secondary osteoarthrosis, which accounts for a significant proportion of
Maria Diaz De Tuesta3 patients requiring total hip arthroplasty. The radiographic diagnosis of mild hip dysplasia in
Olga Martin 3 the young adult may be subtle and is primarily based on the detection of deficient coverage of
the femoral head by the acetabulum.
Luis P. Neto 4
CONCLUSION. Cross-sectional imaging, including CT and MRI, afford improved de-
Jenny T. Bencardino1 tection and characterization by providing morphologic information about acetabular deficien-
Beltran LS, Rosenberg ZS, Mayo JD, et al. cy. MRI also allows evaluation of potential associated injuries to the articular cartilage, the la-
brum, and the ligamentum teres. Familiarity with the radiographic and cross-sectional imaging
findings of mild hip dysplasia in the young adult may allow a timely diagnosis and implementa-
tion of treatment strategies, which may prevent or delay the development of early osteoarthritis.

evelopmental dysplasia of the hip and acetabular dysplasia have been implicat-
encompasses a wide spectrum of ed as causative factors in “primary” or “idio-
hip abnormality, ranging from a pathic” osteoarthrosis of the hips [7].
shallow acetabulum to a complete- Wedge and Wasylenko [4] on the basis of
ly dislocated “high-riding” hip. The diagno- a consensus of the literature showed that if
Keywords: complications, CT, developmental dysplasia sis of developmental hip dysplasia can be ob- concentric reduction and normal function are
of the hip, MRI, radiography vious but may sometimes be subtle, with a achieved before 1 year of age, femoral antever-
normally shaped femoral head and neck that sion and acetabular dysplasia improve sponta-
DOI:10.2214/AJR.12.9360 simply lack sufficient coverage by the ace- neously. Before 4 years of age, concentric re-
Received June 6, 2012; accepted after revision
tabulum. Despite attempts at early diagnosis duction plus correction of either the anteversion
August 2, 2012. by screening at birth and during infancy for or the acetabular dysplasia result in improve-
hip dysplasia, a relatively significant number ment of the other. After the age of 4 years,
Winner of the Society of Skeletal Radiology Excellence of cases go undetected until adulthood, with spontaneous improvement is unlikely, and con-
Award for an Exhibit: Diagnostic Evaluation of Hip
an estimated prevalence of 0.1% [1]. The de- centric reduction must be accompanied by sur-
Dysplasia in the Young Adult: Emphasis on Cross-Sec-
tional Imaging at the 2011 Society of Skeletal Radiology layed diagnosis and lack of early intervention gical correction for secondary deformity on
annual meeting. can lead to early osteoarthritis in the young both sides of the joint [4]. It is generally accept-
adult [2–5]. ed that if developmental dysplasia of the hip is
Department of Radiology, New York University Langone The natural history of developmental dys- recognized early, correction of the deranged
Medical Center and Hospital for Joint Diseases, Room
plasia of the hip has been well evaluated in anatomy must be undergone to prevent coxar-
600, 301 East 17th St, New York, NY 10016. Address
correspondence to L. S. Beltran ( the literature [2, 6] and has been noted to throsis [4]. Even in mild hip dysplasia, the rela-
lead to the development of osteoarthrosis in tive lateralization of the hip center of rotation,
New Britain Radiologic Associates, New Britain, CT. 25–50% of patients by the age of 50.3 years. the poor coverage of the femoral head, and the
More specifically, Wiberg [5] in his stud- smaller contact area between the femoral head
Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain.
ies of congenital subluxation of the hip not- and dysplastic acetabulum can produce highly
Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP/HSP, ed that all of his patients with definite sub- asymmetric concentration of force across the
São Paulo, Brazil. luxation showed osteoarthrosis by the age of hip joint (Fig. 1) and secondary articular car-
50–60 years. Wedge and Wasylenko [4] indi- tilage and labral damage [8–10].
AJR 2013; 200:1077–1088 cated that, in general, patients with develop- Treatment of adult hip dysplasia is aimed at
mental dysplasia develop coxarthrosis about prolonging longevity of the joint by perform-
10 years later than those with subluxation. ing periacetabular osteotomy, femoral varus
© American Roentgen Ray Society Additionally, increased femoral anteversion osteotomy, or both early in the course of the

AJR:200, May 2013 1077

Beltran et al.

Fig. 1—Normal and dysplastic hips.

A and B, Anteroposterior radiographs of right hip
with graphic representations in 29-year-old woman
(A) with normal acetabular roof with weightbearing
forces applied over entire surface and 24-year-old
woman (B) with dysplastic shallow acetabular roof
with weightbearing forces distributed over smaller
area. Arrows indicate acetabular roof and arcs
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indicate weightbearing forces.

disease. Hip joint replacement is required in ation of patients for adverse effects associated patients having Tonnis osteoarthritis grade 2,
patients who develop severe arthrosis. with a metal-on-metal hip implant should in- delaying or eliminating the need for total hip
Hip replacement options include standard clude an expedited physical examination with arthroplasty. However, a trend toward a poorer
total hip replacement and hip resurfacing arth- an orthopedic surgeon, routine radiography, outcome was observed in patients with preop-
roplasty. The long-term problem with total hip and both standard and metal (cobalt and chro- erative noncongruent joints and Tonnis osteo-
replacement is failure resulting in revision sur- mium) titers in blood tests. arthritis grade 3.
gery. Failure of total hip replacement is often A significant number of hip arthroplasties The radiographic diagnosis of hip dyspla-
caused by aseptic loosening secondary to poly- are performed for the treatment of develop- sia in the young adult may be subtle. Cross-
ethylene wear [11] or dislocation of the prosthe- mental dysplasia of the hip with superimposed sectional imaging of hip dysplasia, includ-
sis [12]. Hip resurfacing arthroplasty has been arthrosis. A recent study by Engesaeter et al. ing CT and MRI, can provide additional
advocated because it uses alternative bearing [16] performed in patients younger than 44 morphologic information that may improve
surfaces that have lower wear and allow larger years found that 26% of 634 hip replacements detection and characterization of acetabu-
femoral head sizes. In theory, hip resurfacing were performed for the treatment of osteoar- lar deficiency. MRI can also assess the hip
arthroplasty when compared with convention- thritis secondary to hip dysplasia. Several au- joint for potential associated injuries to the
al total hip replacement has better preservation thors have shown that the number of patients articular cartilage, labrum, and the ligamen-
of bone stock (less bone removal), fewer dis- requiring hip replacement may be modified by tum teres. In this article, we discuss the mor-
locations attributed to a larger femoral head early diagnosis and treatment of this condition. phologic features of hip dysplasia, the radio-
size, and easier revision surgery to a total hip In particular, a study performed by Takatori et graphic and cross-sectional imaging features
replacement given greater availability of bone al. [17] evaluated the results of rotational ac- of acetabular coverage, and the complica-
stock [13]. Hence, hip resurfacing arthroplasty etabular osteotomies in 13 severely dysplastic tions of hip dysplasia. In addition, less-well-
may present a better alternative for younger pa- hips with subluxation in 11 young women be- recognized features in hip dysplasia, includ-
tients in whom life expectancy after implanta- tween 20 and 35 years old at the time of sur- ing abnormalities of the ligamentum teres
tion is long. gery. At a minimum follow-up period of 10 and labral abnormality, are also discussed.
Nevertheless, a recent study [14] showed years, the patients had minimal or no pain and
that 6.2% of metal-on-metal hip implants had of the 13 hips, 12 showed no significant find- Imaging of Hip Dysplasia in
failed within 5 years, compared with 1.7% ings of osteoarthritis. Comparing the outcome the Young Adult
of metal-on-plastic and 2.3% of ceramic-on- of these patients with the natural evolution of Radiographic Evaluation
ceramic hip implants. Furthermore, larger, severely dysplastic hips, the authors concluded The diagnosis of hip dysplasia has tradition-
rather than lower, femoral head sizes in met- that rotational acetabular osteotomy may pre- ally been based on radiographic evaluation.
al-on-metal hip resurfacing articulations in- vent the onset of articular cartilage damage. The most commonly used measurements of
crease implant failure rates, with each 1-mm A study by Badra et al. [18] assessed the hip dysplasia are the center-edge angle, verti-
increase in head size of metal-on-metal hip functional outcome of a group of adult patients cal-center-anterior margin angle, and acetabu-
implants being associated with a 2% increase after Bernese periacetabular osteotomy in 24 lar index angle, which provide information on
in failure. This study has led to a reevaluation patients with mean follow-up of 3.5 years. They acetabular deficiency, and the caput collum di-
of metal-on-metal hip resurfacing arthroplas- found that 75% of their patients had good to ex- aphysis angle, which focuses on the femoral
ty. In particular, the United States Food and cellent results. Even patients with radiographic head-neck-shaft relationship. Radiography has
Drug Administration (FDA) issued a patient evidence of mild coxarthrosis benefited from been used as the mainstay for diagnosis in hip
advisory on metal-on-metal hip implants and Bernese periacetabular osteotomy, with good dysplasia and has certain advantages, such as
established an advisory panel 2-day meeting to excellent results seen in 75% of patients hav- lower cost and better accessibility, compared
in June 2012 [15], recommending that evalu- ing Tonnis osteoarthritis grade 1 and 81.8% of with CT and MRI; however, radiography lacks

1078 AJR:200, May 2013

Imaging of Developmental Hip Dysplasia

TABLE 1:  Radiographic Measurements of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

Measurement Technique Description Normal vs Abnormal Values Example Figure
Center-edge angle Anteroposterior pelvis Angle between vertical line through femoral head center Normal > 25° 2
radiography and line tangential to lateral margin of acetabulum Borderline dysplasia = 20–25°
Dysplasia < 20°
Vertical-center-anterior Lateral “false profile” Angle between vertical line through femoral head center Normal > 25° 3
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margin angle and anterior margin of acetabulum Borderline dysplasia = 20–25°

Dysplasia < 20°
Femoral head-neck-shaft Anteroposterior pelvis Angle between line through femoral head center along Normal 120–135° 4
angle radiography axis of femoral neck and intersecting line drawn along Coxa valga > 135°
femoral shaft axis Coxa vara < 120°
Tonnis angle Anteroposterior pelvis Angle between horizontal line at level of medial edge of Normal ≤ 13° 5
radiography sourcil and line tangential to medial and lateral edges of Dysplastic > 13°
Delta angle Anteroposterior pelvis Angle between lines drawn through medial edge of Normal > 10° 6
radiography sourcil and superior edge of fovea capitis through Fovea alta ≤ 10°
femoral head center

sensitivity for assessing early coxarthrosis. than 20° measured on a well-centered antero- tered on the point midway between the supe-
Furthermore, significant measurement errors posterior radiograph of the pelvis (Table 1 and rior border of the pubic symphysis and a line
may occur on radiographs due to suboptimal Fig. 2). A center-edge angle value greater than drawn connecting the anterior superior iliac
patient positioning and difficulties in identi- 25° is normal [5]. Values of 20–25° are con- spines [19]. Stulberg and Harris [20] reported
fying the exact osseous landmarks in patients sidered borderline dysplasia and describe pa- that the average center-edge angle of 60 nor-
with hip dysplasia. Additionally, the imaging tients who are at the lower limits of normal in mal patients was 37° in men and 35° in women.
evaluation provided by radiographic methods terms of coverage of the femoral head but not Reliable measurements of the center-edge
lacks the 3D information obtained with cross- quite considered to have uncovering [5]. angle have been reported on the basis of both
sectional imaging and thus limits accurate The anteroposterior radiograph of the pel- 3D CT [21] and MRI [22] assessment of the
quantification of the degree and location of ab- vis should be obtained with the patient supine hip. A refined version of the classic Wiberg
normalities in the hip joint articular surfaces. on the table with both lower extremities ori- center-edge angle on the pelvis radiograph was
ented in 15° of internal rotation to maximize proposed by Ogata et al. [23] when they ob-
Center-Edge Angle and Vertical-Center- the length of the femoral neck [19]. The x-ray served that, in some hips that had a normal Wi-
Anterior Margin Angle tube-to-film distance should be 120 cm, with berg center-edge angle, the lateral point of os-
The diagnosis of hip dysplasia can be made the tube oriented perpendicular to the table seous condensation of the acetabular roof did
with a center-edge angle of Wiberg of less [19]. The crosshairs of the beam should be cen- not reach the lateral rim of the acetabular roof

Fig. 2—Measurement of center-edge angle.
A, Drawing shows center-edge angle (CEA), which is measured by drawing line through center of both femoral heads on well-centered anteroposterior pelvis radiograph
perpendicular line in femoral head of interest and line through lateral margin of acetabulum and femoral head. Angle formed between perpendicular and lateral margin of
acetabulum is CEA.
B, Anteroposterior pelvis radiograph in 38-year-old woman shows dysplastic left hip (CEA < 20°).

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Beltran et al.

and poor acetabular coverage developed later. Fig. 3—Measurement of vertical-center-anterior

They stated that the classic center-edge angle margin (VCA).
A, Drawing shows patient positioning for “false-
was not reliable in these hips, and they modi- profile” view of hip used to measure vertical-center-
fied the center-edge angle measurement meth- anterior margin (VCA) angle for evaluation of anterior
od to account for this factor by measuring the acetabular coverage. Insert shows VCA angle used
to evaluate anterior acetabular coverage. Vertical
center-edge angle at the lateral point of osseous
line is drawn through center of femoral head in lateral
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condensation of the acetabular roof when that false-profile view. Second line is drawn connecting
point did not reach the lateral rim of the ace- anterior margin of acetabulum and center of femoral
tabular roof. Omeroglu et al. [24] subsequent- head. Angle between these two lines is VCA.
B, False-profile radiograph in 36-year-old woman
ly evaluated the intraobserver variability and shows VCA measuring less than 20°, considered
interobserver variability of the classic Wiberg diagnostic of hip dysplasia.
center-edge angle method and the refined Oga-
ta method. They reported an average intraob-
server variation of 3.1 ± 3.0° (range, 0 –17°)
for the classic center-edge angle and 3.8 ± 2.8°
(range, 0–17°) for the refined center-edge angle
(Student t test, p = 0.02). Average interobserver
variation was 4.0 ± 3.6° (range, 0–26°) for the
classic center-edge angle and 5.1 ± 4.8° (range,
0–26°) for the refined center-edge angle (Stu-
dent t test, p < 0.001). They attributed the near-
ly 1° less intraobserver and interobserver vari-
ability in the classic center-edge angle method
compared with the refined center-edge angle
method to easier determination of the most lat-
eral point of the acetabular roof used by the
classic method than that of the osseous con-
densation used by the refined method. How-
ever, they pointed out that although the clas-
sic center-edge angle measurement may have
less intraobserver and interobserver variabili- A B
ty, it carries the risk of radiographic overesti- 0.83 (95% CI, 0.72–0.90) [29]. However, the hip dysplasia may have a normal caput col-
mation of the lateral femoral head coverage in kappa coefficient of 0.41 (95% CI, 0.07–0.74) lum diaphysis angle or, less commonly, coxa
some cases. Nevertheless, the center-edge an- indicates only moderate reproducibility [29]. vara; therefore, the caput collum diaphysis an-
gle measurement of Wiberg remains the most The false-profile radiograph is obtained gle is of limited value as a diagnostic marker.
used measurement and is included in most ra- with the patient in a standing position with However, the caput collum diaphysis angle is
diographic classifications of hip dysplasia [25]. the affected hip against the cassette and the of clinical importance because it may affect
A vertical-center-anterior margin angle, pelvis rotated 65° in relation to the Bucky the treatment decision and surgical planning.
also known as anterior-center-edge angle, wall stand (Fig. 3) [19]. The foot on the same A study by Clohisy et al. [31] indicated that
evaluates for anterior coverage of the femo- side as the affected hip should be positioned in their research of 108 dysplastic hips, which
ral head by the acetabulum (Table 1 and Fig. so that it is parallel to the cassette [19]. The were corrected with periacetabular osteotomy,
3). The vertical-center-anterior margin is mea- central beam is then centered on the femoral 44% had coxa valga and 4% had coxa vara.
sured on a lateral or “false-profile” view (Fig. head, with a tube-to-film distance of approx- They concluded that identifying and treating
3) of the hip as the angle formed between a imately 102 cm [19]. these proximal femoral abnormalities in pa-
vertical line through the center of the femo- tients with acetabular dysplasia may optimize
ral head and a line tangential to the anterior Femoral Head-Neck-Shaft Angle joint congruency and minimize secondary im-
margin of the acetabular roof. Normal ante- The femoral head-neck-shaft angle, or ca- pingement after acetabular reorientation. Mea-
rior acetabular coverage is present when the put collum diaphysis angle, is measured at the surements of the caput collum diaphysis angle
vertical-center-anterior margin is greater than intersection of the femoral neck axis with the should be performed on a true anteroposterior
25°. A vertical-center-anterior margin measur- long axis of the femoral shaft (Table 1 and view of the hip; external rotation of the femur
ing less than 20° is considered diagnostic of Fig. 4). Normal values for the caput collum may simulate a coxa valga deformity. Simi-
hip dysplasia. Vertical-center-anterior margin diaphysis angle in adults range from 120° to larly, femoral anteversion may produce a false
measurements between 20° and 25° are repre- 135°. An increased caput collum diaphysis an- appearance of coxa valga deformity. There-
sentative of borderline dysplasia [26–28]. The gle greater than 135° is diagnostic of coxa val- fore, when an increased caput collum diaphy-
interobserver reproducibility of the vertical- ga, whereas a decreased caput collum diaphy- sis angle is encountered on radiographs, it is
center-anterior margin radiographic measure- sis angle of less than 120° is consistent with probably better to use the term “apparent coxa
ment has been reported to be satisfactory on coxa vara [30]. Although hip dysplasia may valga,” particularly if the hip is suboptimally
the basis of the intraclass coefficient (ICC) of be associated with coxa valga, patients with positioned. The interobserver reproducibility of

1080 AJR:200, May 2013

Imaging of Developmental Hip Dysplasia
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Fig. 4—Measurement of femoral head-neck-shaft or caput collum diaphysis (CCD).
A, Drawing shows femoral head-neck-shaft or caput collum diaphysis (CCD) angle
formed by line extending through center of femoral head along axis of femoral
neck with intersecting line drawn along axis of femoral shaft.
B and C, Anteroposterior pelvis radiographs in 32-year-old man (B) with mild
left and moderate right hip dysplasia and coxa valga (CCD > 135°) with CCD
measurement shown for left hip and 39-year-old man (C) with severe bilateral hip
dysplasia with dislocated hips and coxa vara (CCD < 120°) with CCD measurement
shown for left hip.

Fig. 5—Measurement of weightbearing acetabular

index (Tonnis angle).
A, Drawing shows measurement of weightbearing
acetabular index (Tonnis angle) or horizontal toit
externe angle, formed by angle between horizontal
line at level of medial edge of sourcil and line
tangential to medial and lateral edges of sourcil.
B, Anteroposterior pelvis radiograph cropped and
magnified to right hip in 32-year-old man shows
dysplastic hip with horizontal toit externe angle > 13°.

AJR:200, May 2013 1081

Beltran et al.
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Fig. 6—Assessment of fovea capitis position.
A, Drawing shows assessment of fovea capitis position. The δ angle is created by drawing lines extending from medial edge of sourcil (point A) and superior edge of
fovea capitis (point B) to center of femoral head.
B and C, Anteroposterior radiograph of right hip (B) and corresponding coronal T1-weighted MR image (C) in 33-year-old man show normal δ angle > 10°.
D, Drawing shows proposed theory of early superior acetabular chondral wear due to decreased femoral head contact area in setting of fovea alta.
E and F, Anteroposterior radiograph of right hip (E) and corresponding coronal T1-weighted MR image (F) in 31-year-old man show dysplastic hip with “fovea alta” and δ
angle ≤ 10°. In this case, angle is negative because of overlap of superior edge of fovea and medial edge of sourcil.

the caput collum diaphysis radiographic mea- whereas a measurement greater than 13° is the lines drawn from the center of the femo-
surement has been reported to be satisfacto- a radiographic sign of hip dysplasia. The in- ral head to the medial edge of the sourcil and
ry on the basis of the ICC of 0.83 (95% CI, terobserver reproducibility of the acetabular to the superior edge of the fovea capitis [34]
0.72–0.90) and a kappa coefficient of 1.00 index radiographic measurement has been (Table 1 and Fig. 6). A normal delta angle is
(95% CI, 1–1), indicating almost perfect re- reported to be satisfactory on the basis of the greater than 10° and a dysplastic hip with fo-
producibility [29]. ICC of 0.84 (95% CI, 0.73–0.90) and a kappa vea alta has a delta angle ≤ 10°. Nötzli et al.
coefficient of 0.71 (95% CI, 0.47–0.93), indi- suggested that fovea alta might serve as a con-
Acetabular Index cating substantial reproducibility [29]. tributing factor in the development of coxar-
The weightbearing acetabular index (Ton- throsis by decreasing the contact area of the
nis angle), or horizontal toit externe angle, Fovea Alta Measurements femoral head with the superior weightbearing
measures the weightbearing surface of the Nötzli et al. [34] reported the abnormal articular surface of the acetabulum, thus, pre-
acetabulum or sourcil. More precisely, the superior position of the fovea capitis, also disposing to acetabular articular cartilage in-
sourcil represents an area of subchondral os- referred to as “fovea alta,” in the adult dys- jury. Further research is needed to determine
seous condensation in the acetabular roof, plastic hip as a potential radiographic diag- the role of the fovea alta as a diagnostic mark-
which is a response by the articular portion nostic marker. These authors quantified the er of hip dysplasia and its potential association
of the ilium to the stress provoked by the position of the fovea capitis along the femo- with pathology in the hip joint.
compressive forces acting on it [32]. This ral head with the use of the delta angle mea-
angle is formed between a horizontal and a sured on radiographs in the anteroposterior Cross-Sectional Imaging
tangential line extending from the medial to view. On MRI, a mid-coronal MR image in CT
lateral edges of the sourcil (Table 1 and Fig. which the fovea capitis is seen best is selected Several studies have assessed the utility of
5). A weightbearing acetabular index equal using triangulation with the sagittal and coro- CT in the precise evaluation of acetabular
to or less than 13° is considered normal [33], nal planes. The delta angle is formed between morphologic deficiencies. CT is useful for

1082 AJR:200, May 2013

Imaging of Developmental Hip Dysplasia

TABLE 2:  CT Measurements of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

Measurement Technique Description Normal vs Abnormal Values Example Figure
Anterior acetabular Axial CT one cut above Angle between lines through centers of both femoral Normal > 50° 7
sector angle greater trochanter heads and line tangential to anterior lip of acetabulum Dysplastic ≤ 50°
Posterior acetabular Axial CT one cut above Angle between lines through centers of both femoral Normal > 90° 7
sector angle greater trochanter heads and line tangential to posterior lip of acetabulum Dysplastic ≤ 90°
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Horizontal acetabular Axial CT one cut above Angle between lines from anterior lip of acetabulum Normal > 140° 7
sector angle greater trochanter through center of femoral head and posterior lip of Dysplastic ≤ 140°

characterizing adult hip dysplasia to anterior, contralateral femoral head and tangential to and the posterior lip of the acetabulum. Ad-
posterior, or global deficiency [35–41]. In ad- the anterior lip of the acetabulum. Adequate equate global acetabular coverage is present
dition, the modality can be used to measure anterior acetabular coverage is present when when the horizontal acetabular sector angle is
and confirm the 2D CT correlates of radio- the anterior acetabular sector angle is greater greater than 140° [35]. These measurements
graphic center-edge angle, vertical-center-an- than 50°. The posterior acetabular sector an- have been described only with CT. To the best
terior margin, and acetabular index. gle evaluates for adequate posterior coverage of our knowledge, there are no published data
Axial CT images can also provide morpho- of the femoral head by the acetabulum and is available to support the use of MRI for calcu-
logic analysis of acetabular deficiencies by measured by drawing lines through the center lating these measurements.
measuring the anterior acetabular sector an- of the femoral head and the contralateral fem- The 3D reconstruction capabilities of CT
gle, the posterior acetabular sector angle, and oral head and tangential to the posterior lip of have enabled a more precise evaluation of the
the horizontal acetabular sector angle [37] the acetabulum. Adequate posterior acetabu- severity of acetabular dysplasia [21, 37, 39,
(Table 2 and Fig. 7). The measurements are lar coverage is present when the posterior ace- 42, 43]. CT can contribute to the radiographic
obtained using the axial CT slice located one tabular sector angle is greater than 90°. The assessment of hip dysplasia in the preopera-
cut above the greater trochanters. The anterior horizontal acetabular sector angle evaluates tive evaluation of the type and degree of ac-
acetabular sector angle assesses for adequate for global deficiency of femoral head coverage etabular deficiency [21]. Three-dimensional
anterior coverage of the femoral head by the by the acetabulum and is measured by draw- CT is useful because it provides the surgeon
acetabulum and is measured by drawing lines ing lines from the anterior lip of the acetab- with a preoperative road map for correction of
through the center of the femoral head and the ulum through the center of the femoral head the acetabular deficiency, which may not be

Fig. 7—Measurement of anterior acetabular sector

angle (AASA), posterior acetabular sector angle
(PASA), and horizontal acetabular sector angle
A, Drawing shows measurement of anterior
acetabular sector angle (AASA), posterior acetabular
sector angle (PASA), and horizontal acetabular
sector angle (HASA). Values are measured on axial
CT one cut above greater trochanters. Anterior
acetabular sector angle is created by drawing lines A
through centers of femoral heads and line tangential
to anterior lip of acetabulum. Adequate anterior
acetabular coverage is present when anterior
acetabular sector angle is greater than 50°. PASA
is measured by drawing lines through centers of
femoral heads and line tangential to posterior lip
of acetabulum. Adequate posterior acetabular
coverage is present when PASA is greater than 90°.
HASA is measured by drawing lines from anterior
lip of acetabulum through center of femoral head
and posterior lip of acetabulum. Adequate global
acetabular coverage is present when HASA is
greater than 140°.
B, CT image in 29-year-old woman shows dysplastic
hip with deficient anterior coverage (anterior
acetabular sector angle < 50°), deficient global
coverage (HASA < 140°), and borderline deficient
posterior coverage (normal PASA > 90°).

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Fig. 8—Normal and dysplastic hips.

A and B, Three-dimensional volumetric reformatted
images show 48-year-old man (A) without hip
dysplasia (diagnostic-quality images not shown) with
normal position of fovea capitis (circle) and 37-year-
old woman (B) with hip dysplasia (diagnostic-quality
images not shown) with high position of fovea capitis
(circle) or “fovea alta.”
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as apparent to the surgeon on cross-sectional cy in hip dysplasia. Chen et al. [22] showed MR arthrography, however, there have been
2D images. Furthermore, assessing the utili- that MRI measurements of center-edge an- conflicting reports regarding effectiveness in
ty of the fovea alta as a diagnostic marker of gle using anterior to middle coronal MR im- detecting articular cartilage lesions in the hip.
hip dysplasia may potentially benefit from use ages determined by triangulation with sag- A study by Pozzi et al. [50] showed that in a
of reconstructed 3D CT images to accurately ittal and axial images in which the femoral series of 21 hip joints, indirect MR arthrogra-
characterize the position of the fovea capitis head forms a circle correlate well with radio- phy showed higher sensitivity (92%) and ac-
along the femoral head (Fig. 8). graphic measurements and can be used to as- curacy (95%) than standard MRI in detect-
CT-based assessment of hip dysplasia has sess acetabular deficiency (Table 3 and Fig. ing chondral damage. In contrast, Zlatkin et
the disadvantages of radiation exposure of 9). Conversely, center-edge angle measure- al. [51] showed that in a series of 14 hip joints,
the patient and relative insensitivity to early ments performed on posterior coronal slic- identification of chondral abnormalities was
changes of cartilage damage. Conversely, CT es, determined by triangulation with sagittal not improved using indirect MR arthrography
arthrography, with direct intraarticular injec- and axial images, correlated poorly with ra- over conventional MRI.
tion of contrast material, has been shown to be diographic measurements [22]. A few studies have evaluated the effec-
a sensitive and reproducible method for assess- Early detection of osteoarthritis [44, 45], tiveness of applying leg traction during MRI
ing substantial articular cartilage loss in pa- manifested as chondral and labral damage, of the hip to differentiate between acetab-
tients with hip dysplasia [44]. Limitations of can also be assessed using MRI. Nishii et ular and femoral cartilage by interposition
the latter technique, however, include invasive- al. [49] reported chondral defects along the of a joint fluid layer, and these studies have
ness, higher cost, and relative inaccessibility. acetabular articular cartilage in dysplastic shown improved detection of cartilage le-
hips. Reported MRI findings of labral dis- sions on traction images compared with non-
MRI ease in hip dysplasia include morphologic al- traction images [52–54]. This technique may
Several studies have evaluated the util- terations, such as labral hypertrophy and tear be a further step toward better imaging of
ity of MRI in the evaluation of hip dyspla- (Fig. 10); labral intrasubstance signal change; cartilage defects of the hip that warrants fur-
sia [22, 44–49]. The lack of ionizing radi- and labral chondral junction disruption [45]. ther investigation; however, it has not yet be-
ation exposure is an obvious advantage of Ligamentum teres elongation, degeneration, come a part of routine clinical practice. Ad-
MRI over radiography and CT. Similar to and tear can also be visualized. Detection vanced biochemical MRI techniques, such as
the latter techniques, MRI provides morpho- of all these abnormalities can be improved delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of carti-
logic information about acetabular deficien- with direct MR arthrography. With indirect lage (dGEMRIC), T2 mapping, and T1-rho

TABLE 3:  MRI Measurements of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

Measurement Technique Description Normal vs Abnormal Values Example Figure
Center-edge angle Anterior to mid-coronal Angle between vertical line through femoral head center and Normal > 25° 9
line tangential to lateral margin of acetabulum Borderline dysplasia = 20–25°
Dysplasia < 20°
Delta angle Mid-coronal Angle between lines drawn through medial edge of sourcil and Normal > 10° 6
superior edge of fovea capitis through femoral head center Fovea alta ≤ 10°

1084 AJR:200, May 2013

Imaging of Developmental Hip Dysplasia

can detect biochemical changes of the artic- Fig. 9—MRI

measurement of center-
ular cartilage in the hip joint and therefore edge angle.
have the potential to detect chondral injury A and B, Coronal T1-
in dysplastic hips early in the disease pro- weighted images of pelvis
cess before radiographically noticeable cox- show measurement of
center-edge angle as
arthrosis. The position of the fovea capitis it is applied to MRI in
Downloaded from by on 01/11/18 from IP address Copyright ARRS. For personal use only; all rights reserved

can easily be determined with the delta angle 27-year-old woman (A)
measurement on MRI (Table 3)[55]. with normal center-
edge angle > 25° and
32-year-old woman
Differentiating Hip Dysplasia From (B) with dysplastic hip
Femoro­acetabular Impingement with center-edge angle
< 20°. Measurements
Repetitive microtrauma from impingement
are based on anterior or
of the femoral head against the acetabulum is mid-coronal images of
believed to be the likely cause in femoroace- acetabulum determined A
tabular impingement. There are two potential by triangulation with
sagittal and axial images
morphologic abnormalities that may occur in where femoral head
isolation or concurrently: pincer deformity re- forms circle and teardrop
ferring to overcoverage of the femoral head by (asterisk), which is well
the acetabulum and cam deformity represent-
ing loss of femoral head and neck offset. As-
sociated injuries, best seen on MRI related to
the impingement include contrecoup postero-
inferior chondrolabral injury (pincer type) and
anterior femoral head and neck edema or cys-
tic changes (cam type). In contrast to hip dys-
plasia, the primary abnormality in pincer-type
femoroacetabular impingement is overcover-
age of the femoral head, such as seen in cas- B
es of coxa profunda. Similarly, with cam-type

Fig. 10—32-year-old woman with hip dysplasia and
labral disease.
A–C, Coronal proton density–weighted (A) and
sagittal fat-saturated proton density–weighted (B
and C) MR images show redundant patulous labrum
with extensive intrasubstance signal abnormality
(curved arrows, A and B) associated with anterior
acetabular subchondral cysts (dashed arrow, C).
D, Anteroposterior pelvis radiograph performed 7
days before MRI shows center-edge angle of 12° in
right hip, which is consistent with developmental
dysplasia of hip. Although femoral head
undercoverage appears subtle, particularly on MRI
study, this patient has significant undercoverage
of right femoral head based on center-edge angle,
which can easily go undetected.

AJR:200, May 2013 1085

Beltran et al.

femoroacetabular impingement, the prima-

ry abnormality is the decreased femoral head
and neck offset rather than undercoverage of
the femoral head seen in hip dysplasia. Never-
theless, there is often difficulty in differentiating
collar-type osteophytes secondary to secondary
Downloaded from by on 01/11/18 from IP address Copyright ARRS. For personal use only; all rights reserved

osteoarthritis in mild hip dysplasia versus a fem-

oral head and neck osseous bump. A normal cen-
ter-edge angle noted in isolated cam morphology
is in contradistinction to the typically decreased
center-edge angle in hip dysplasia.

Complications of Hip Dysplasia

Subchondral Fractures
Most cases of subchondral insufficiency frac- A
tures occur in the absence of significant trauma,
suggesting an underlying subchondral bone in-
sufficiency, such as osteoporosis or excessive
mechanical stress on the subchondral bone,
such as occurs in hip dysplasia [56, 57]. A study
by Obermayer-Pietsch et al. [58] evaluated 240
premenopausal women (age 33 ± 7 years) us-
ing dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and bio-
chemical parameters of bone metabolism and
showed a 6.3-fold increased risk for low bone
mineral density at the hip but not in the lumbar
spine in patients with developmental hip dyspla-
sia. The authors concluded that a history of con-
servatively treated developmental hip dysplasia
may be a major risk factor for low bone miner-
al density at the hip in about one in 10 women. B C
Deficient lateral acetabular coverage of the fem- Fig. 11—28-year-old woman with left hip dysplasia and subchondral impaction fracture.
oral head, characteristic of hip dysplasia, may A, Coronal fat-saturated T2-weighted MR image of pelvis shows deficient acetabular roof in left hip (center-
edge angle < 20°), consistent with hip dysplasia.
result in diffuse chondral injury along the ace- B and C, Coronal proton density–weighted (B) and coronal fat-saturated T2-weighted (C) MR images show
tabular and femoral head articular surfaces. Sec- subchondral fracture line (arrow) located in superior weightbearing aspect of femoral head. Note subtle
ondary subchondral bone impaction fracture of subchondral plate indentation, minimal cortical flattening, and surrounding bone marrow edema.

Fig. 12—Hip dysplasia.
A–C, Anteroposterior pelvis radiographs cropped to involved hip in 43-year-old woman (A) with right hip dysplasia shown by deficient lateral femoral head coverage (white
arrow) and changes of mild secondary osteoarthritis, including mild superior joint space narrowing and osteophyte formation (black arrows); 37-year-old woman (B) with left
hip dysplasia shown by deficient lateral femoral head coverage (white arrow) and changes of moderate secondary osteoarthritis, including moderate superior joint space
narrowing and marginal osteophyte formation (black arrows); and 40-year-old man (C) with right hip dysplasia shown by deficient lateral femoral head coverage (white
arrow) and changes of severe secondary osteoarthritis, including bone-on-bone superior joint space narrowing and large marginal osteophyte formation (black arrows).

1086 AJR:200, May 2013

Imaging of Developmental Hip Dysplasia

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Downloaded from by on 01/11/18 from IP address Copyright ARRS. For personal use only; all rights reserved

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