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Kunci Latihan

Put the verbs in the brackets into the Simple Future Tense with “will”.
1. You will be very happy to see her.

2. She will get a lot of money if she accept the offer.

3. I will buy a big house when I arrive in the town.

4. Your friends will envy you when they know you are rich now.

5. She will not come here If I don’t invite her.

6. Will she recognize you when she sees you?

7. Won’t you refuse such a bad offer? atau:

Will you not refuse such a bad offer?

8. When I get a job I will marry her.

9. My wife and I will travel around the world.

10. Won’t she be angry when she finds out the secret? atau:
Will she not be angry when she finds out the secret?

Put the verbs in the brackets into the Simple Future Tense with “be going to”.
11. The train is going to leave in five minutes.

12. We are going to have dinner at a nice restaurant.

13. Is It going to snow in the mountains?

14. I think it is not going to snow in the mountains.

15. The English lesson is going to start at 9:30.

16. Won’t you come to the party tonight? atau:

Will you not come to the party tonight?

17. I am not going to see her before she apologizes.

18. My brother’s friends are going to take me to the zoo.

19. My parents are going to leave for New York.

20. Who is going to be the representative?

Put the verbs in the brackets into the Future Perfect Tense.
21. By next November, I will have received my promotion. atau:
By next November, I am going to have received my promotion.

Kunci Latihan

22. By the time he gets home, she will have cleaned the entire house. atau:
By the time he gets home, she is going to have cleaned the entire house.

23. Sam will probably have completed the proposal by the time he leaves this afternoon. atau:
Sam is probably going to have completed the proposal by the time he leaves this afternoon.

24. By the time I finish this course, I will have taken ten tests. atau:
By the time I finish this course, I am going to have taken ten tests.

25. How many countries will you have visited by the time you turn 50? atau:
How many countries are you going to have visited by the time you turn 50?

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