CIS309 Midterm

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1. CIS 309: Business Process Management (2017 Fall - B) 2017FallB-X-CIS309-78987-82362-78988-


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Review Test Submission: Mid Term - Read below 1st then Click here to Start

User Gabriel Garza

Course CIS 309: Business Process Management (2017 Fall - B)

Test Mid Term - Read below 1st then Click here to Start

Started 11/12/17 8:22 PM

Submitted 11/12/17 8:22 PM

Due Date 11/12/17 11:59 PM

Status Completed

Comments Q14: (-2)


Critical Path = A+C+D+E+H+I

Flow Time = 30 minutes


a) (-2) Average Inventory (I) = 50

f) (-2) Average Flow Time = I/R = 1 hour

j) (-2) Average Inventory (I) = 9
l) (-1) Average Flow Time = I/R = 1.20 hour. Partial credit has been given since correct
formulation is used.

m) (-2) Average Inventory (I) = 7

o) (-1) Average Flow Time = I/R = 0.40 hour. Partial credit has been given since
correct formulation is used.

p) (-2) Average time spent by people admitted = 1 + 0.2 + 1.2 = 2.4 Hours

q) (-2) In this case

Average Inventory (I) = 25+5+9+7 = 46
Throughput (R) = 25 per hour
Average Flow Time = I/R = 1.84 hour


a) (-2) Critical Path = 35 + 100 + 10 = 145 sec or 2 min 25 sec

Attempt Score 80 out of 100 points

Time Elapsed 1 hour, 21 minutes out of 1 hour and 20 minutesOVER TIME

Results Submitted Answers, Feedback, Incorrectly Answered Questions


 Question 1

4 out of 4 points

Give two major benefits of a functional (process focus) layout and two major benefits of a cell
(product focus) layout.

Selected Answer: Process:

1) Product Customization

2) Simulatenously many products flowing through the process

1) Specialization of dedicated resources

2) Shorter process flow times and low unit processing cost

Response Feedback: [None Given]

 Question 2

2 out of 2 points

Read Carefully!!

Given the following process. What is the critical path and flow time.

Answer must be in this format for credit:

Critical Path – enter activity letters seperated by a + with no spaces (example: P+Q+R+S+T). Any
other format will be considered incorrect!

Flow Time – numbers only in the unit of minutes.

15 min 1 min 2 min


↗ ↘ ↗ ↘

5 min 9 min 2 min 3 min

→ A D E I
→ →

↘ ↗ ↘ ↗

7 min 4 min

Critical path [p]

Flow time [q] minutes

Specified Answer for: p A+B+E+H+I

Specified Answer for: q 29

 Question 3

2 out of 2 points

Inventory turns can be found using 1/T or R/I? ________

Selected Answer: True

 Question 4

2 out of 2 points

Two companies A and B have invested in expensive flexible manufacturing systems that allow
the changeover time between products to be reduced to seconds. The annual reports of the two
companies contain the following information:

Firm A Firm B

Number of products sold 2,000 20

Average sales volume per product 170 17,000

Number of new products introduced in past year 200 2

Which of the following statements do you agree with?

Selected Firm A has a strong strategic fit between its product output and process
Answer: structure

 Question 5

2 out of 2 points
A product sold at a supermarket has a shelf life of 10 days. If daily demand averages 50 units,
what is the maximum inventory the supermarket should carry? Enter the number of units in the
space provided. ( enter numbers only, no words)

Selected Answer: 500

 Question 6

2 out of 2 points

In _________ shops, high volumes of a standard product with low variable processing cost are
produced to take advantage of economies of scale.

Selected Answer: Continuous Flow

 Question 7

2 out of 2 points

What is the difference between Flow Time and Theoretical Flow Time?

Selected Flow Time is waiting and activity, while Theoretical flow time only takes into
Answer: account activity (value and non-value added activities).

Response [None Given]


 Question 8

2 out of 2 points

What are the three key process measures?

_______________________, _______________________, ______________________

Selected Answer: 1) Flow Time

2) Flow Rate

3) Inventory

Response Feedback: [None Given]

 Question 9

2 out of 2 points

A collection of interrelated tasks that accomplish a particular goal is known as:

Selected Answer: Business Process

 Question 10

2 out of 2 points

When customers order pizza (task 1), a box is constructed (task 2) while the pizza is baked (task
3). Baking the pizza takes the most time (task 3). In this process, task 2 and task 3 are completed
at the same time or in parallel. Therefore, Order (task 1) and bake (task 3) _______.

Selected Answer: is the critical path

 Question 11

2 out of 2 points

Using Little's Law, Flow Time = ______________________________________

Selected Answer: T = I/R

 Question 12

2 out of 2 points

Which is the the symbol for Buffers. _____________________________________

Selected Answer: Triangle

 Question 13

2 out of 2 points
The average time a resource takes to produce a single product is:

Selected Answer: Unit Load

 Question 14

0 out of 2 points

Dishes are piling up in a restaurant's kitchen because a dishwasher called in sick. Now the
kitchen's dishroom has only one dishwasher instead of two. The dishroom is now at 100%
utilizationand is slowing the process down. In this process dishwashers would be considered this

Selected Answer: Resource pool

 Question 15

2 out of 2 points

Which of the following equations is used to calculate Effective Capacity?

Selected Answer: Ci / Ti

 Question 16

2 out of 2 points

A firm has seen its demand quadruple over a 2 year period. During the same period, the number
of turns has doubled. What has happened to inventories over the same period

Selected Answer: Inventories have doubled

 Question 17

2 out of 2 points

What equation represents Little's Law? ____________________

Selected Answer: I = R * T

 Question 18
2 out of 2 points

Customers walk into a store and are served at an average rate of 30 per hour. On average, there
are 5 people waiting to be served. How many minutes does the average customer wait? (enter
numbers only, no words).

Selected Answer: 10

 Question 19

0 out of 2 points

Read Carefully!!

Given the following process. What is the critical path and flow time.

Answer must be in this format for credit:

Critical Path – enter activity letters seperated by a + with no spaces (example: P+Q+R+S+T). Any
other format will be considered incorrect!

Flow Time – numbers only in the unit of minutes.

15 min 1 min 2 min


↗ ↘ ↗ ↘

5 min 2 min 3 min

→ A E I
↘ ↗ ↘ ↗

7 min 9 min 4 min


Critical path [a]

Flow Time [b] minutes (enter the number)

Specified Answer for: a A+B+E+H+I

Specified Answer for: b 29

 Question 20

20 out of 34 points

Read the following process description and fill-in the blanks. All answers in relation to time
should be given in hours. Answers must be numeric only (do not enter units of measurement or
words). If an answer is a whole number no decimals are needed. For any decimal answers round
to 2 decimal places (example 0.3333333333 would be 0.33).

Before X-ray System: At a Dental Office, patients come in at the rate of 25 per hour and, on
average, are processed at the same rate. Patients wait in a queue till they are called up to the
counter for registration. After registration, patients are taken to a room where they are assigned a
chair where they wait till a hygienist is ready to see them. Once a hygienist sees the patient, they
identify them as a routine cleaning or they identify a problem where a dentist is needed to
perform major treatments. On average, it is found that there are 25 patients waiting for
registration and another 25 waiting to be seen by a hygienist.

Based on the above determine the following:

I = [a]

R = [b]

On average, how long do patients spend waiting in the dental office? Use the information detailed
in the above paragraph only. [c]

X-ray System Added: A study has determined that 70% of the patients simply require a routine
cleaning. A new x-ray system allows separation of the dental rooms into two treatment areas, one
for routine cleanings and another for major treatments. A dental assistant sees a patient after
registration, x-rays them, and assigns the patient to one of the two tracks. Patients for routine
cleaning are seen by a hygienist who either cleans their teeth and releases them or determines
that the dental assistant has made a mistake and the patient really needs major treatment. In this
case the patient is moved to the major treatment track. Patients for major treatment are seen by
a hygienist who either gets a dentist for further treatment or determines they really are routine
cleanings and releases them. It is determined, using the x-ray system, that there are, on average,
25 people waiting to be registered, 5 waiting to be seen by the dental assistant for x-ray, 9 waiting
to be seen by a hygienist in the major treatment area, and 7 waiting to be seen by a hygienist in
the routine cleaning area. On average, 70% of the patients are classified by the dental assistant as
needing routine cleanings. Note: All answers are asking for the wait time either before being
cleaned or having major treatment because no activity times are listed in the above analysis. Use
only the buffers described to determine your answers.

Identify throughput, inventory, and flow time at each stage of the new process including the x-ray

Activity Inventory (I) Throughput(R) Flowtime (T)

Registration [d] [e] [f]

X-ray [g] [h] [i]

Major Treatment [j] [k] [l]

Routine Cleaning [m] [n] [o]

(b) On average, how long do patients that have major treatment spend waiting in the dental office
after the introduction of the x-ray system (use both paragraphs)? Assume the dental assistant
makes no mistakes in identifying a patient as needing routine cleaning or major treatment.


(c) On average, how long do patients spend waiting in the dental office after the x-ray system is
introduced? Consider both routine cleaning and major treatment patients. Assume the dental
assistant makes no mistakes in identifying a patient as needing routine cleaning or major


Specified Answer for: a 25

Specified Answer for: b 25

Specified Answer for: c 2

Specified Answer for: d 25

Specified Answer for: e 25

Specified Answer for: f .01

Specified Answer for: g 5

Specified Answer for: h 25

Specified Answer for: i .2

Specified Answer for: j 7

Specified Answer for: k 7.5

Specified Answer for: l .93

Specified Answer for: m 9

Specified Answer for: n 17.5

Specified Answer for: o .52

Specified Answer for: p 1.13

Specified Answer for: q 1.10

 Question 21

24 out of 26 points

Read the following process description and answer the questions below. All answers in relation
to time must match the time unit provided at right of blank or in column heading. Answers must
be numeric only (do not enter units of measurement or words). If an answer is a whole number no
decimals are needed. For any decimal answers round to 2 decimal places (example 0.6666666666
would be 0.67).

JJS is a small fast food outlet located in midtown Manhattan and serving mainly the corporate
clientele. JJS ’ main fare is a freshly prepared, customizable line of sandwiches. It is supplemented
with an assortment of drinks, light salads, seasonal fruit and snacks. The restaurant is open
10:00AM to 10:00PM, but the peak demand is during lunch hours, 11:30 to 2:00PM.
A customer joining the line makes a sandwich selection by consulting the billboard, marks their
selection on a customized form, and hands the form to one of several assemblers who produce
the sandwich. The customer does not wait for the sandwich to be assembled, but proceeds
directly down the line to select additional items onto their tray. Next, the customer proceeds to
pay at the cash register. Finally, (after the payment is completed) they collects their prepared
sandwich at a designated location.

Selecting the sandwich and marking the form takes 35 seconds. Assembling Sandwich (AS)
requires 100 seconds. Selecting Additional Items (SAI) takes 60 seconds. Paying at the Cash
Register (PAR) requires 30 seconds. Collecting the Prepared Sandwich (CPS) requires 10 seconds.
The restaurant employs 2 cashiers working the registers and 5 sandwich assemblers, and one
person to disburse the prepared sandwiches.

I recommend drawing a process map on scratch paper based on the above description and then
answering the below questions.

a. What is the theoretical flow time of the process? [a] seconds

Complete the below table using the data provide in the process description:

Total Seconds Effective Capacity

Unit Load (Ti)
Resource Pool Resource pool (EC) sandwiches
in seconds
can Work (Ci) per minute

Sandwich Assembler [b] [c] [d]

Cashier [e] [f] [g]

Sandwich Disburser [h] [i] [j]

c. What is the capacity of the entire process? [k] sandwiches per minute

d. During rush hour, demand exceeds capacity and long lines form. Does it make sense to add a
sandwich assembler?

Enter Yes or No for your answer [l]

e. Determine which resource pool is the bottleneck based on the data above. How many resource
units (workers) would need to be added to the bottleneck resource pool in order to shift the
bottleneck to a different resource pool?

[m] workers

Specified Answer for: a 140

Specified Answer for: b 100

Specified Answer for: c 300

Specified Answer for: d 3

Specified Answer for: e 30

Specified Answer for: f 120

Specified Answer for: g 4

Specified Answer for: h 10

Specified Answer for: i 60

Specified Answer for: j 6

Specified Answer for: k 3

Specified Answer for: l yes

Specified Answer for: m 2

Sunday, November 26, 2017 11:08:59 PM MST


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