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LOTS 9132/1 & 9132/2 AT COLOMBO, SRI
Pages 14
Revision 1
Title: Method Statement for Cement Plastering

Method Statement
Cement Plastering

1 02-06-2016 For Engineer’s Acceptance Dinesh

0 29-12-2015 For Engineer’s Acceptance Dinesh
Prepared By Reviewed By
Reviewed By Approved By
Rev. Date Status Technical Technical
DPM Project Manager
Engineer Manager

Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development

Table of Content

1.0 Purpose of Method Statement ..................................................................................................... 3

2.0 Scope of Method statement ........................................................................................................ 3

3.0 Documents to be referred with This Method Statement ............................................................. 3

4.0 Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................... 3

5.0 Resources .................................................................................................................................... 3

5.1 Manpower:- .................................................................................................................................. 4

5.2 Machinery, Plants, Equipment & Tools and Materials:- .............................................................. 4

5.3 Plaster Materials ........................................................................................................................... 4

5.4 Metal Lath/Chicken Mesh Material ............................................................................................. 5

6.0 Safety and Health Requirements ................................................................................................ 5

7.0 Plastering Procedure ................................................................................................................... 6

7.1 Surface preparation ................................................................................................................. 7

7.2 Plaster Application .................................................................................................................. 7

7.3 Curing...................................................................................................................................... 9

7.4 Cutting, Patching & Repairing ................................................................................................ 9

7.5 Quality Controlling & Quality Assurance ............................................................................... 9

8.0 Appendix................................................................................................................................... 10

8.1 Appendix I:-Inspection and Test Plan for Plastering Work ........................................................ 10

8.2 Appendix II:-Risk Assessments ................................................................................................. 11 

China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development
1.0 Purpose of Method Statement

The purpose of this document is to lay down the systematic procedures for the various activities
required for Plastering of Concrete and Masonry Walls in Phase 2 – Residence for the proposed
Shangri-La Hotel Development on Lots 9132/1 & 9132/2 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. This activity should
be performed with compliance and implementation of Safety Requirements & Procedure and project
specifications to complete the rendering work both for concrete and masonry walls.

2.0 Scope of Method statement

This method statement is a general outline for Plastering of Concrete and Masonry Walls of the
project. Following sections have considered during the construction. Scope could be slightly changed
due to unforeseen site conditions.
 setting and lay-out plan on actual location
 erection of scaffolding
 Additional reinforcement for M&E openings
 mixing of cement plaster
 Construction Sequence of rendering of wall and all other related activity
 Inspection and Test Plan
 HSE precaution on site

3.0 Documents to be referred with This Method Statement

The documents to be referenced are appended as followings:

Project Specifications;
Section 09 24 00: Cement Plastering
Section 04_20_00: Unit Masonry
Section 09 30 00: Tiling
Section 09 90 00: Painting and Coating
Material approvals
Approved shop drawings
Relevant Standards and Codes of Practice specified for Cement Plastering
Project Safety Plan

4.0 Responsibilities

Construction Manager and the relevant section agent whose scope of works shall be responsible for
Setting Out, Block work, Reinforcement and Formwork & Concreting works shall be responsible for
referred construction activities under this project.

5.0 Resources

Whole Work would be categorised to specified sub tasks as follows to assign resources effectively.
The capacity/size of the below tools and equipment shall be judged in accordance with site conditions,
requirements, and availability at the time of execution.

China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development

5.1 Manpower:-
 Project Manager - 01  Material Engineer - 01
 Technical Manager - 01  Site Engineer - 02
 QAQC Manager - 01  Surveyor - 01
 Safety Manager - 01  Quantity Surveyor - 01
 Chief Engineer - 01  Forman - 02
 Technical Engineer - 01  Architectural Draughtsmen - 02
 MEP Engineer - 01  Safety Officer - 01
 Planning Engineer - 01  Skilled Workers - As required
 QAQC Engineer - 01  Labours - As required

5.2 Machinery, Plants, Equipment & Tools and Materials:-

 Total Station - 01  Steel brush - As required
 Levelling Instrument - 01  Mixture plaster machine- As required
 Sprit Level + Plum Bob - As required  Wheel barrow - As required
 Water level - As required  Mason square - As required
 Measuring tape - As required  Aluminium straight edge- As required
 Tower Crane - 02  Wire Nail/Concrete Nails- As required
 Generator - 02  2” X 2” Timber - As required
 Scaffolding Frames - As required  Skim Coat - As required
 Drill Machine - 04  Cement - As required
 Masonry Trowel - As required  Sand - As required
5.3 Plaster Materials
Water to be used in mixing Cement & Sand mortar shall be potable water. Sand for plaster shall be
sieved and graded to comply with relevant BS and ASTM standards. Cement plastering material shall
submit for approval of the Client/Engineer. Following Table summarize plaster types and the locations
of application.


Cement & Sand ( 1 : 4) 20 mm Internal & External Block wall &
Concrete surface
Parapet Wall
Backing Screed to receive Tile & Stone
Cement & Sand ( 1 : 3) 20 mm Backing Screed to receive

China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development

5.4 Metal Lath/Chicken Mesh Material

Metal Lath of galvanized steel or Chicken Mesh shall be provide over openings of MEP or damaged
due to installation of other trades and at joints of Cement Blocks and Concrete walls. Materials shall be
submit for approval of Engineer/Client.

Metal Lath Chicken Mesh

6.0 Safety and Health Requirements

Safety of the personnel and properties is to be given prime importance and all the works to be carried
out without causing any accidents or property damages. Following measures shall be taken at site and
refer Appendix II for Risk Assessments.

 All employees shall be provided with complete personal protection equipment PPE.

 All employees shall attend Safety Induction and training course to identify all hazards
associated with this work.

 All works shall be provided with proper tools and equipment to execute the work safely.

Prior to plastering work, a scaffold spanning the work area is constructed up to the level of the
construction. The scaffold is to be designed to be able to hold the material that is to be used in the wall
plastering. Scaffolding will be erected so that it will allow each mason free access without being tied
off. Adequate & safe access and egress should be provided to the site for work.

China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development
7.0 Plastering Procedure

China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development

7.1 Surface preparation

Surface to receive plastering shall be dry brushed to remove all loose particles, dust, laitance,
efflorescence, etc. and any projecting fins on concrete surface shall be hacked off.

Where surfaces are out of line, they shall be brought to level by hacking or dubbing out prior to
commencement of finishing.

All required openings for mechanical and electrical services, conduits pipes, plugs shall be installed
and tested prior to plastering.

All surfaces to be plastered or rendered shall be sprayed with water, which shall be allowed to dry out
before rush coat is applied.

Concrete surfaces where plaster to be applied shall be made rough

7.2 Plaster Application

Level guides (to control surface flatness) up to required thickness on walls will be fixed with reference
to the off lines to block walls set out in floors. (Using centre plumb bob and nylon thread).

All junctions between different materials and also over the embedded conduits shall be reinforced
with expanded metal lath or Chicken Mesh, which shall be plugged nailed or stapled as required at
required intervals.

Figure 01: Chicken Mesh Reinforcement Installed Around Openings for MEP Services

Vertical joint of structural columns / walls & brick walls will be treated by fixing 200mm width
chicken mesh with wire nails / concrete nails by centering the mesh to the vertical wall joint.

China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development

200 mm 

Figure 2: Chicken Mesh Reinforcement at Interface between Brick Wall and RC Column/Wall

Gap between walls and beams will be formed up to a maximum of 20mm and will be sealed using
cement mortar. Please refer shop drawing No.: CHEC/SLCB2/DET/TY/A711A/001 for Block Wall
Termination Detail.

All plaster shall be prepared in a mechanical mixer or manually mix proportions mentioned at section
6.3 using sufficient water to produce a workable consistency. Plaster not used within 1.5h from start of
mixing shall be discarded.

Maximum thickness of the plaster is 20 mm and shall be applied in 2 coats (combined and finish) on
masonry and concrete walls.

First coat/dash coat mortar filling up to 12 mm will be applied on surfaces where required mortar
thickness between 20 ~ 25mm.

The second coat shall be applied with sufficient material and pressure to ensure tight contact with dash

The surface of the second coat shall be brought to a true, even plane with a rod or straightedge, filling
surface defects in place with plaster.

Applied plaster shall be floated as smooth as possible and then steel-troweled. Steel troweling shall be
delayed as long as possible and used only to eliminate the uneven points and to force aggregate
particles into the plaster surface.

Each plaster coat shall be applied to an entire wall panel without interruption to avoid cold joints and
abrupt changes in the uniform appearance of succeeding coats. Wet plaster shall abut set plaster at
naturally occurring interruptions in the plane of the plaster, such as corner angles, openings and

China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development
control joints where this is possible.

Plaster on vertical surfaces shall be extended up to100 mm above the ceiling level, unless otherwise
indicated on drawing.

Make internal angles and corners square.

Plaster work shall be terminate at end of each day at casting bead, corner, opening or other acceptable
intersection of surfaces.

Flat surfaces plaster should not deviate more than plus or minus 2mm in 1m from a true plane in
finished plaster surfaces, as measured by a metal straight edge placed in any location on surface.

7.3 Curing
Sufficient moisture shall be provided in the plaster by spraying water as frequently as required.

7.4 Cutting, Patching & Repairing

Cut out & repair all damaged plaster and all fine cracks, pits, checks waves, blisters and other defects
which in the opinion of the consultant and top comply with clause ‘3.05-Patching’ of the project
specification, will impair the appearance and life and usefulness of the finish surfaces.

All repairs shall be done by using approved material.

7.5 Quality Controlling & Quality Assurance

Experienced supervisory staff will be employed for carrying out the work.
Selected masons will be engaged for plastering work.
Vertical and alignment of walls will be checked while plastering.
Mixing of mortar will be done under the supervision of foremen.
Sieved sand will be used for plaster.

China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development

8.0 Appendix

8.1 Appendix I:-Inspection and Test Plan for Plastering Work

Legends Used:  CHEC = China Harbour Engineering Company    SUR = Surveyor                        SA = Site Agent  TS = Technical Specification 

  SC = Sub‐contractor  QE = Quality Engineer                        H = Hold Point  GS = General Specification 
  PS = Particular Specification  ENG=Engineer                        W = Witness Point  SE = Site Engineer / Foreman 
Item  Description  of  works  item  Applicable  Inspection(s) and/or  Acceptance Criteria Frequency of  The verifying record(s) is Level  of  witness  Responsibility for
No.  on  which  the  Inspection  specification  and  Test(s) required  inspection  required  for  signature(s) on verifying record(s)
and/or  Testing  Activity  clause reference  and/or  inspection  and/or 
shall be carried out  testing  testing 
        SC CHEC ENG
  Set  out  all  works  Drawing    RSCF  Survey check  Each Item  Survey Record    H  H  W  SE /SUR/ EMP 

including  showing 
  openings,  heights, 
  sills and lintels 
  Covering  of  MEP  Drawing  RICF  Site check  Each Item  Site check  H  H  W  SE /SUR/ EMP 
work  and  other 


  Plastering    MS/Drawing    RICF  As  per  the  Each  Floor    Site check  H  H      W    SE /QE/EMP 

specification  Plastering 



China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development

8.2 Appendix II:-Risk Assessments

Name of the activity: Cement Plastering  Statement  CHEC/SLCB2/ MS‐00 
  Reference  Rev (0) 
Date of Assessment:    10th December 2015  Name of Risk Assessor(s)  1.   (Safety Officer CHEC) 
Revision Number:    00  Revision Date: 00  No of Pages:  04 
Original Risk  Residual Risk 
Classification  Classification 
Mitigation Control 


Risk Level 



Risk Level 
Activity and hazard  Proposed Mitigation Measures  Unit 

  (Consider the Worst Credible  (What Precautions you are going to  (Who is 

Scenarios)  implement?)  responsible for 
doing this?) 

1.   Injuries due to not wearing personal  04  04  16  All  workers  should  wear  prescribe  personal  01  04  04  Subcontractor’s 
protective equipment.  protective  equipment.  (Safety  helmet,  safety  Site Engineer /   
shoes, gloves, high visibility jackets,).  CHEC Site Engineer 
2.   Operating heavy machine (Crane) for  03  04  12  Only  trained  and  licensed  operators  in  01  05  05  Subcontractor’s 
lifting loads.        operation.  Daily  Pre‐Operational  checks  by  Site Engineer / 
Operators.    CHEC Site Engineer 
Equipment’s are provided with side mirrors and 
reverse beepers.   
Maintaining distance to excavated trench banks 
and machine placing position.   

China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development

Name of the activity: Cement Plastering  Statement  CHEC/SLCB2/ MS‐00 
  Reference  Rev (0) 
Date of Assessment:    10th December 2015  Name of Risk Assessor(s)  1.   (Safety Officer CHEC) 
Revision Number:    00  Revision Date: 00  No of Pages:  04 
Original Risk  Residual Risk 
Classification  Classification 
Mitigation Control 


Risk Level 



Risk Level 
Activity and hazard  Proposed Mitigation Measures  Unit 

  (Consider the Worst Credible  (What Precautions you are going to  (Who is 

Scenarios)  implement?)  responsible for 
doing this?) 

3.   Poor visibility in working area  03  05  15    Adequate  lighting  shall  be  provided  not  less  01  05  05  Subcontractor’s 
than 15 Lux. Illuminated warning signs shall be  Site Engineer /   
placed.  All  the  personal  working  in  the  area  CHEC Site 
shall wear high visibility jackets.  Engineer/ 
contractor safety 
4.   Fall injury due to poor housekeeping  02  03  06  Providing  safe  access  to  site  and  safe  work  01  03  03  Subcontractor’s 
and  working  area  disturbance.  (slips  platform/area  to  work  comfortably  during  Site Engineer /   
and trips)      rebar, formwork and concreting.    CHEC Site Engineer 
No  permission  to  store  unnecessary  materials 
on the platform.   

5.   Falling from heights  03  05  15  All  riggers  shall  receive  adequate  training.  01  05  10  Subcontractor’s 
Provide  safety  harness  for  people  working  at  Site Engineer /   
height.  All  fall  edges  and  openings  shall  be  CHEC Site Engineer 
protected by provision of guardrail and warning 
China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development

Name of the activity: Cement Plastering  Statement  CHEC/SLCB2/ MS‐00 
  Reference  Rev (0) 
Date of Assessment:    10th December 2015  Name of Risk Assessor(s)  1.   (Safety Officer CHEC) 
Revision Number:    00  Revision Date: 00  No of Pages:  04 
Original Risk  Residual Risk 
Classification  Classification 
Mitigation Control 


Risk Level 



Risk Level 
Activity and hazard  Proposed Mitigation Measures  Unit 

  (Consider the Worst Credible  (What Precautions you are going to  (Who is 

Scenarios)  implement?)  responsible for 
doing this?) 

6.   Human  failures  /  Unsafe  acts  which  04  04  16  1.    Daily  toolbox  talks  shall  be  conducted  for  01  04  04  Safety Engineer / 
may lead to accidents  all workmen by safety officers to educate them  CHEC Site Engineer 
on hazards and preventive actions. 
2.    Regular inspections by safety Officers 
7.   Falling objects from heights  04  05  20  Material  shall  be  safe  stack  and  secured  to  02  03  06  Subcontractor’s 
prevent fall. Toe‐boards shall be provided to all  Site Engineer /   
working platforms  and floor  edges. All persons  CHEC Site Engineer 
at site shall ware safety helmet. 
8.   Operating  under  adverse  weather  04  04  16  Obtain  daily  weather  forecast  and  plan  works  01  04  04  Subcontractor’s 
conditions  accordingly.  Stop  all  works  in  adverse  weather  Site Engineer /   
conditions  and  evacuate  workmen  to  a  safe  CHEC Site Engineer 
Contingency  management  plan  in  place  and 

China Harbour Engineering Company
Phase 2 – Residence For The Proposed Shangri-La Hotel Development

Name of the activity: Cement Plastering  Statement  CHEC/SLCB2/ MS‐00 
  Reference  Rev (0) 
Date of Assessment:    10th December 2015  Name of Risk Assessor(s)  1.   (Safety Officer CHEC) 
Revision Number:    00  Revision Date: 00  No of Pages:  04 
Original Risk  Residual Risk 
Classification  Classification 
Mitigation Control 


Risk Level 



Risk Level 
Activity and hazard  Proposed Mitigation Measures  Unit 

  (Consider the Worst Credible  (What Precautions you are going to  (Who is 

Scenarios)  implement?)  responsible for 
doing this?) 

communicated to all through toolbox talks and 
induction training. 
9.   Lack of first aid facilities.    03  04  12  Adequate  number  of  trained  First  aiders  and  01  04  04  Subcontractor’s 
First  aid  boxes  shall  be  in  placed  according  to  Site Engineer /   
directive given in OHSP‐CSCTP at the vicinity of  CHEC Site 
works.    Engineer/ safety 
Stand‐by vehicle shall be in place at the vicinity 
of  works  in  case  of  occupational  injury  or 
medical emergency. Stretcher shall be available 
close to works. 
  First  aid  procedures  and  emergency  contact 
numbers  shall  be  communicated  to  all 
workmen  and  prominently  displayed  in  the 
vicinity of work 

China Harbour Engineering Company

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