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Mechanisms of Allergy – Original Paper

Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2017;172:27–32 Received: June 27, 2016

Accepted after revision: December 13, 2016
DOI: 10.1159/000455099
Published online: February 21, 2017

Synergistic Actions of Histamine-Releasing Factor

and Histamine Releasing Factor-Reactive IgE in
Chronic Urticaria
Xianqiong Huang Zhaoyang Li Renshan Sun
Department of Dermatology, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China

Keywords Introduction
Chronic urticaria · Histamine-releasing factor ·
Histamine-releasing factor-reactive IgE Chronic urticaria (CU) is a debilitating disease charac-
terized by the occurrence of wheals lasting for >6 weeks.
Although several mechanisms have been implicated, the
Abstract etiology of CU is not well understood [1]. The activation
The etiology of chronic urticaria (CU) remains elusive. Hista- of skin mast cells plays a key role in inflammation associ-
mine-releasing factor (HRF) is reported to have a proinflam- ated with the disease. Upon activation, mast cells secrete
matory role in asthma and immediate hypersensitivity of the preformed mediators as well as de novo synthesized lipids
skin. The aim of this study was to examine the role of HRF in and polypeptides, leading to the development of allergic
the pathogenesis of CU. Forty patients with CU were en- inflammation [2]. Only certain patients have CU of an
rolled and their serum HRF concentrations were determined autoimmune origin, suggesting that other factors may
by ELISA. The results demonstrated that the concentrations contribute to its pathogenesis [3].
of HRF and HRF-reactive IgE in the CU group were signifi- Histamine-releasing factor (HRF), also known as
cantly higher than those in the control group, and there was translationally controlled tumor protein and fortilin, is a
a significant linear correlation between HRF and HRF-reac- highly conserved protein with both intracellular and ex-
tive IgE concentrations (r = 0.859, p < 0.001) in CU patients. tracellular functions [4–8]. HRF is secreted by macro-
Additionally, the HRF-reactive IgE concentration was signifi- phages and other cell types and can stimulate histamine
cantly correlated with the disease activity (r = 0.693, p < release as well as IL-4 and IL-13 production from IgE-
0.0001). HRF and HRF-reactive IgE alone failed to activate sensitized basophils and mast cells [9]. HRF-like activities
LAD2 cells. After being primed by the patient sera with the were found in nasal, skin blister, and bronchoalveolar la-
highest IgE concentrations and stimulated by HRF, β-hexos- vage fluids during late-phase allergic reactions, implicat-
aminidase can be released from LAD2 cells. Our findings sug- ing HRF in these reactions and chronic allergic inflam-
gest that the synergistic actions of HRF and HRF-reactive IgE mation [10, 11]. However, the definitive role of HRF in
may play important roles in the pathogenesis of CU. allergic reactions remains elusive [8, 9, 12]. Kashiwakura
© 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel et al. [13] found a subset of IgE and IgG antibodies as
HRF-interacting molecules in vitro. HRF could bind to
IgE via interactions of its N-terminal and internal regions
with the Fab region of IgEs. The researchers’ asthma and - 6/15/2017 1:12:35 PM

© 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel Correspondence to: Dr. Renshan Sun

Department of Dermatology, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University
University of Hong Kong

No. 10 Changjiang Branch Road, Yu-Zhong District

Chongqing 400042 (China)
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E-Mail pharsunr @
allergy studies in a mouse model indicated that HRF had with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) or 1% bull serum albumin. The
a proinflammatory role in asthma and immediate hyper- patient and control sera (1: 100 dilution) were incubated in the
coated wells, after which the bound IgE was detected by incubation
sensitivity in skin [14]. We hypothesized that HRF to- with biotinylated anti-human IgE followed by HRP-conjugated
gether with HRF-reactive IgE may be able to activate mast streptavidin. Color was developed using TMB substrate, and the
cells in CU patients. absorbance at 450 nm was measured. The intraassay and interassay
To explore the role of HRF in the pathogenesis of CU, similarity was 100%. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.35 IU/mL.
we measured the serum HRF and HRF-reactive IgE con-
LAD2 Cell Stimulation and β-Hexosaminidase Measurement
centrations in CU patients and evaluated their correla- The human mast cell line LAD2 was kindly provided by Dr. A.S.
tions with the clinical urticaria activities. In addition, Kirshenbaum (NIAID, Bethesda, MD, USA). LAD2 cells were cen-
mast cell line LAD2 was employed as an in vitro model to trifuged at 3,000 rpm (Hettich, Rotofix 32, swing-out rotor) and
test the synergistic actions of HRF and HRF-reactive IgE resuspended in Tyrode buffer at 2 × 106 cells/mL. To analyze the
for mast cell degranulations. ability of HRF to form cross-links with receptor-bound, HRF-reac-
tive IgE on the surface of LAD2 mast cells, the cells were incubated
overnight with the appropriate concentration of patient sera. They
were activated the following morning with HRF and incubated for
Materials and Methods 1 h; the reaction was stopped by centrifuging the cells at 3,000 rpm
for 3 min [13, 14]. In the positive control, LAD2 cells were primed
Subjects overnight with 500 ng/mL of biotinylated human myeloma IgE (US
From March to September 2014, we enrolled 40 patients with Biological, distributed by Europa Bioproducts Ltd) and activated
CU; 21 were men and 19 were women (mean ± SD, 40 ± 14 years the following morning with 500 ng/mL of streptavidin [15]. The
old), and they were enrolled based on their clinical history and β-hexosaminidase assay was carried out in a 96-well plate [13]. For
typical urticarial lesions. We also included 40 healthy controls; 18 this assay, 100 μL of substrate (100 mM sodium citrate buffer, pH
men and 22 women (48 ± 12 years old). This study was approved 4.5, 4 mM 4-nitrophenyl-n-acetyl-D-glucosamine) was added to
by the Ethics Committee of Daping Hospital, Third Military Med- each well, followed by 80 μL of the sample to be assayed. The
ical University, Chongqing, China. All subjects signed informed reaction was stopped by the addition of 160 μL of stop buffer
consent forms. Patients had not received steroids or immunomod- (0.0167 M sodium carbonate, 0.0167 M sodium bicarbonate pH 10).
ulatory drugs for 1 month and had stopped all medications. In the β-Hexosaminidase release was assessed by measuring the optical
CU subjects the disease had been present for 12.8 ± 12.4 months density at 405 nm (OD405) using a microplate spectrophoto-
(range 4–35) and the patients had urticaria symptom scores of 14.2 meter (Anthos Labtec) and was expressed as a percentage of total
± 6.5. The urticaria activity score (UAS) was calculated using the cellular β-hexosaminidase with the following formula [13, 14]:
EAACI/GA2LEN/EDF guidelines [1] and as previously described β-hexosaminidase release (%) = (OD405 of β-hexosaminidase release
by Maurer’s group [15]. Weekly UAS were graded as follows: 0–14 from LAD2 stimulated – OD405 of spontaneous β-hexosaminidase
(mild), 15–29 (moderate), and 30–42 (severe). release)/(OD405 of total β-hexosaminidase release) ×100%. The
Our study comprised 14 patients with mild CU, 13 patients spontaneous levels of β-hexosaminidase release were measured in
with moderate CU, and 13 patients with severe urticaria symptoms cells incubated with release buffer only, and total β-hexosaminidase
as per the weekly UAS. Patients with severe CU represented a release was determined by lysing the cells with Triton-X 100 (0.1%,
group that showed highly intensified symptoms prior to the test, v/v) solution.
which were barely controlled by doses of antihistamines above the
standard (20 mg of levocetirizine or desloratadine). All blood sam- Statistical Analysis
ples were obtained by antecubital puncture. EDTA was used as an Results are expressed as the median and interquartile ranges.
anticoagulant. Because the data were not distributed normally, nonparametric
tests were used. The Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance was used
Assay of HRF to screen differences between the groups. The Mann-Whitney U
The serum HRF concentration was determined by ELISA test was used to compare data between the patient groups and the
(Uscn Life Science Inc., Houston, TX, USA) according to the man- healthy controls. Wilcoxon’s paired test was used to evaluate dif-
ufacturers’ protocol. The intraassay and interassay CVs were 10 ferences within the same group. Spearman’s rank test was used for
and 12%, respectively, for HRF. The sensitivity of the assay was correlations. p < 0.05 was considered to be significant.
0.70 ng/mL. The minimum detectable dose of human HRF is typ-
ically <0.126 ng/mL. The sensitivity of this assay, i.e. the lower
limit of detection, was defined as the lowest protein concentration
that could be differentiated from zero. Results

Assay of HRF-Reactive IgE Serum HRF Concentration and Its Correlation with
ELISA polystyrene 96-well plates were coated overnight with UAS
10 μg/mL of HRF (Uscn Life Science Inc.) in 0.1 M carbonate buff-
er (pH 9.5) as previously described [13]. The HRF-reactive IgE The serum concentration of HRF was significantly
concentration was determined by a specific IgE test kit (HOB Bio- higher in CU patients than in the healthy subjects (4.31 ±
tech Group, Suzhou, China). The plates were washed and blocked 2.13 vs. 8.81 ± 6.03 ng/mL, p < 0.001) (Fig. 1). In addition, - 6/15/2017 1:12:35 PM

28 Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2017;172:27–32 Huang/Li/Sun

DOI: 10.1159/000455099
University of Hong Kong
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30 p < 0.001 2.5
p < 0.001

HRF-reactive IgE, IU/mL

HRF, ng/mL



0 0
Control CU Control CU

Fig. 1. Serum HRF concentrations in healthy subjects (control, Fig. 3. Serum HRF-reactive IgE concentrations in healthy subjects
n = 40) and CU patients (n = 40). (control, n = 40) and CU patients (n = 40).

20 1.5
* ++
HRF-reactive IgE, IU/mL

15 *+
HRF, ng/mL

* ++ 0.5

0 0
Control CU-mild Cu-moderate CU-severe Control CU-mild Cu-moderate CU-severe

Fig. 2. Serum HRF concentrations in healthy subjects (control, Fig. 4. Serum HRF-reactive IgE concentrations in healthy subjects
n = 40), and the mild (n = 14), moderate (n = 13), and severe (n = (control, n = 40), and the mild (n = 14), moderate (n = 13), and
13) CU groups. + p < 0.05 and ++ p < 0.01 vs. the CU-severe group. severe (n = 13) CU groups. * p < 0.01 vs. the control group. + p <
* p < 0.01 vs. the control group. 0.05 and ++ p < 0.01 vs. the CU-mild group.

the serum HRF concentration between the CU patients Serum HRF-Reactive IgE Concentration and Its
with mild and severe symptoms showed significant dif- Correlation with UAS
ferences (5.64 ± 3.27 vs. 13.70 ± 7.42 ng/mL, p < 0.01). A The serum HRF-reactive IgE concentration in CU pa-
significant difference was also observed between the se- tients was significantly higher than that in healthy sub-
rum HRF concentration in CU patients with moderate jects (0.31 ± 0.15 vs. 1.04 ± 0.33 IU/mL, p < 0.001) (Fig. 3).
and severe symptoms (7.34 ± 3.40 vs. 13.70 ± 7.42 ng/mL, In addition, there were significant differences in the se-
p < 0.05) (Fig. 2). Moreover, the serum HRF concentra- rum HRF-reactive IgE concentrations between the CU
tion showed a significant correlation with the disease ac- patients with mild, moderate, and severe symptoms (me-
tivity, which was assessed by calculating the cumulative dian 0.82 vs. 1.05 vs. 1.26 IU/mL, respectively; p < 0.05
UAS during the 7 days before blood sampling (r = 0.696, and < 0.001) (Fig. 4). Similar to CU patients with moder-
p < 0.0001). ate or severe symptoms, the serum HRF-reactive IgE con- - 6/15/2017 1:12:35 PM

HRF and HRF-Reactive IgE in Chronic Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2017;172:27–32 29
Urticaria DOI: 10.1159/000455099
University of Hong Kong
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HRF-reactive IgE, IU/mL



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0
a b c d e
HRF, ng/mL

Fig. 5. Correlation between serum HRF-reactive IgE and HRF con- Fig. 6. β-Hexosaminidase release from LAD2 human mast cells.
centration in CU patients. r = 0859, p < 0.001. LAD2 were sensitized with PBS overnight as a negative control
(PBS group) (a). The cells were washed and resuspended (2 × 106
cells/200 μL) in HEPES-Tyrode buffer and stimulated with 500 ng/
mL of streptavidin. Following this they were either: sensitized
overnight with 10% serum from patient No. 24 and stimulated
with 500 ng/mL of streptavidin (b); not sensitized overnight and
centration in the mild CU group was higher than that in stimulated with 30 ng/mL of HRF (c); sensitized overnight with
the control group. Moreover, the HRF-reactive IgE con- 10% serum from patient No. 24 and stimulated with 30 ng/mL of
centration was significantly correlated with the disease HRF (d); or sensitized overnight with 500 ng/mL of biotinylated
activity as assessed by weekly UAS (r = 0.693, p < 0.0001). human IgE and stimulated with 500 ng/mL of streptavidin as a
positive control (e). The cells were centrifuged and the percent re-
lease of β-hexosaminidase into the supernatant was calculated.
Correlation between HRF and Serum HRF-Reactive β-Hexosaminidase release (%) is expressed as the mean ± SEM for
IgE Concentration 3 separate experiments with LAD2 cells. * p > 0.05 and + p < 0.01
There was a significant correlation between the circu- vs. the PBS group.
lating concentration of HRF and HRF-reactive IgE (r =
0.859, p < 0.001) in the CU patients (Fig. 5).

Effects of HRF and the Patient Serum with the Discussion

Highest HRF-Reactive IgE Concentration upon
Mast Cell Activation Although mast cell degranulation induced by IgE and
LAD2 cells were sensitized with either patient or histamine release is thought to play a pivotal role in CU,
healthy sera and were then stimulated with 30 ng/mL of the exact etiology of CU is still not completely under-
HRF. HRF was able to significantly induce the β-hexos- stood. In the present study, we demonstrated that the av-
aminidase release of LAD2 cells sensitized with sera from erage serum concentration of HRF and HRF-reactive IgE
2 out of 12 CU patients with a higher HRF-reactive IgE in CU patients was much higher than in the healthy con-
level, but not from normal subjects (Fig. 6 shows the re- trols. We also found a significant linear correlation be-
sults of 1 representative patient with CU, patient No. 24). tween HRF and HRF-reactive IgE. The levels of HRF and
The β-hexosaminidase release level in LAD2 cells primed HRF-reactive IgE in serum both correlated positively
by sera from patient No. 24 and then stimulated with HRF with the CU activity score, which confirmed that HRF
was substantially higher than that in the PBS control and HRF-reactive IgE may play very important roles in
group (p < 0.01) (Fig.  6). Compared to the PBS group, the pathogenesis of CU.
neither HRF alone nor the patient sera with the highest Autoreactive IgE and IgG levels against self-antigens
IgE concentration alone could induce β-hexosaminidase in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD; n = 28) and CU
release from LAD2 cells (p > 0.05). It is suggested that (n = 85) were measured using enzyme-linked immuno-
HRF is able to aggregate high-affinity IgE receptors, lead- sorbent assays by Hatada et al. [16]. DsDNA, thioredoxin,
ing to the activation of mast cells in CU patients with a peroxiredoxin, and thyroglobulin (5 μg/ml) were coated
higher serum level of HRF-reactive IgE. in 96-well plates and left overnight at room temperature. - 6/15/2017 1:12:35 PM

30 Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2017;172:27–32 Huang/Li/Sun

DOI: 10.1159/000455099
University of Hong Kong
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The researchers found that the anti-dsDNA IgE levels ing the cells with the highest HRF-reactive IgE concentra-
were significantly higher in patients with CU and AD tion sera. These data indicate that synergistic actions of
than in normal subjects, but no differences in the anti- HRF and HRF-reactive IgE are required to fully activate
dsDNA IgG levels were observed. The levels of thiore- mast cells.
doxin-, peroxiredoxin- and thyroglobulin-reactive IgE In conclusion, our study demonstrated that the con-
and IgG were not significantly higher in the CU patients centrations of HRF and HRF-reactive IgE in the sera of
than in the other 2 groups. In another report [13], recom- CU patients were elevated and had a significant linear
binant HRF tagged with 6× histidine (10 μg/mL in PBS) correlation. More importantly, we found that the efficient
was coated in 96-well plates overnight at 4 ° C. After the
    activation of mast cells by HRF required the synergistic
wells were blocked with 10% FCS-PBS, sera from AD pa- action of HRF-reactive IgE. Therefore, our study suggests
tients were incubated in the well. Bound HRF-reactive a novel potential pathogenesis of CU and indicates that
IgE molecules were detected by the ELISA method. It was interrupting the synergistic activation of HRF and HRF-
found that AD patients also had higher serum levels of reactive IgE may contribute to the development of novel
HRF than healthy controls. Two of these patients had ex- approaches to treating CU.
tremely high IgE levels of 48.7 and 384 μg/mL. By con-
trast, none of the 25 healthy individuals had detectable
levels of anti-HRF IgE. In our study, the highest HRF- Acknowledgements
reactive IgE level was observed in the serum of patient No.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science
24, at 2.008 IU/mL. All of the above-illustrated HRF-
Foundation of China (No. 81571569) and Research Project of Chi-
reactive IgE can be examined in patients with enzyme- nese Medical Association-L’Oreal for Chinese Health Skin and
linked immunosorbent assays, and some autoreactive IgE Hair (No. S2017140916).
is involved in the pathogenesis of certain CU or AD cases.
The reasons for the elevated HRF concentration in CU
patients have not been elucidated. Intracellular calcium Disclosure Statement
changes, cell growth factor, environmental pollutants,
and abnormal stimulus can all affect HRF expression [17– The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
20]. HRF was also found in parasites including Plasmo-
dium falciparum, Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi,
and Schistosoma mansoni [21–23]. All of these parasites Author Contributions
possess mast cell/basophil histamine-releasing activity. R.S. conceived and designed the experiments; X.H. and Z.L.
The pathogenesis of CU has been reported to be related performed the experiments and analyzed the data; R.S. wrote the
to infection by viruses, parasites or Helicobacter pylori [1– paper.
3]. Patients with infections and tumors were all excluded
in the present study. However, other factors that may
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32 Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2017;172:27–32 Huang/Li/Sun

DOI: 10.1159/000455099
University of Hong Kong
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