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Standard Operating Procedure 14 (SOP 14)

Prevention of Foreign Body Contamination

Why we have a procedure?
Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (hereafter referred to as The Trust)
Catering Service is committed to providing food for our patients, staff and visitors which
is safe to eat, nutritious and meets their quality expectations.

The Food Safety Act 1990, Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 (sections 1 and
2) and the EC 852/2004 on Food Stuffs set out clear minimum requirements for food
hygiene and safety with the fundamental objectives being the pursuit of the highest
level of protection of human life and health. Catering Services comply with all relevant
legal requirements for food safety within the parameters in which it operates.

This SOP outlines the enhanced food safety procedures to be used to reduce product
risk and the associated threat of food borne illness through prevention of foreign body
contamination. The procedure is based on industry best practice and departmental
experience and expertise. This procedure is necessary as products which have not
been protected against possible contamination may contain non-food materials. A
possible route of foreign body contamination is through incorrect and poor glassware
(and crockery) handling leading to breakages which can contaminate products with
glass fragments. Complaints about foreign bodies in food items far exceed those made
regarding food poisoning.

What overarching policy the procedure links to?

 Food Safety Policy

Which services of the trust does this apply to? Where is it in operation?

Group Inpatients Community Locations

Mental Health Services   all
Learning Disabilities Services   all
Children and Young People Services   all

Who does the procedure apply to?

 Food Handlers and Catering Staff

 Ward staff involved in the ordering and serving of food for in-patients
 Therapists undertaking food preparation and education of patients

When should the procedure be applied?

 At all times when preparing or serving food and beverages

 When handling glassware
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How to carry out this procedure

 Always be vigilant to possible sources of contamination from foreign bodies

 Remove food from outer packaging away from the food preparation area
 Do not prepare food where there is any over-head damage to walls or ceiling
 Always store cooking utensils “upside down” to prevent them “catching any
foreign bodies
 Do not prepare food below Electronic Fly Traps
 Ensure work areas are clean prior to handling food
 Thoroughly sweep and clean down food preparation areas after maintenance
 All utensils and equipment must be inspected prior to use to check that they are
free from damage or loose fittings. Always ensure that detachable fittings are
securely fastened
 For crockery and glassware breakages follow guidelines below
 Do not use staples, drawing pins or blue tack in food preparation or cooking areas
 Minimise the amount of glassware, crockery and other breakable items within the
kitchen area
 Also be aware of possible contamination from egg shells, false nails, nail varnish,
hair, loose objects (e.g. pens in pockets and wound dressings) and the
environment (e.g. flaking paint etc.)
 Discard any food that may have been contaminated

Glassware Handling
 Where possible minimise the amount of glassware/crockery in a kitchen area
 Deal with any breakages immediately
 Check glassware (crockery) and discard if any have chips, cracks or heavy
 Do not store glassware wet after washing
 Shelve glassware upside down on clean plastic matting
 If food or drink is stored in glassware in food preparation areas, store them in
deep plastic containers on the lowest shelf possible
 If there is a glass breakage:
- Notify supervisor
- Cease activities (such as food preparation and use of any adjacent
glassware or crockery)
- Carefully examine all food, glassware and crockery in the adjacent area
- If there is obvious contamination or it is likely to have occurred then
discard food and record
- Remove any undamaged glassware/crockery/utensils from the area and
- Carefully clean up any broken glass/fragments with a dustpan and
transfer to a suitable container and remove immediately to an external
waste storage facility
- Wipe all areas with a wet paper towel. Carefully dispose of towel
- Wash and sanitize area
- A supervisor must carefully inspect the area before being re-used
 A record must be maintained of any breakages noting:
- Date
- Time
- Area
- Item Damaged
- Action Taken (Including Any Discarded Food)
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Where do I go for further advice or information?

 Infection Prevention and Control Team

 Facilities Manager

Staff may receive training in relation to this procedure, where it is identified in their
appraisal as part of the specific development needs for their role and responsibilities.
Please refer to the Trust’s Mandatory & Risk Management Training Needs Analysis for
further details on training requirements, target audiences and update frequencies

Monitoring / Review of this Procedure

In the event of planned change in the process(es) described within this document or an
incident involving the described process(es) within the review cycle, this SOP will be
reviewed and revised as necessary to maintain its accuracy and effectiveness.

Equality Impact Assessment

Please refer to overarching policy

Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act

Please refer to overarching policy

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Standard Operating Procedure Details
Unique Identifier for this SOP is BCPFT-EST-SOP-02-14

State if SOP is New or Revised New

Policy Category Estates

Executive Director
Director of Estates
whose portfolio this SOP comes under
Policy Lead/Author
Catering Manager
Job titles only
Committee/Group Responsible for
Food and Hydration Steering Group
Approval of this SOP
Month/year consultation process
April 2016
Month/year SOP was approved June 2016

Next review due June 2019

Disclosure Status ‘B’ can be disclosed to patients and the public

Review and Amendment History

Version Date Description of Change
1.0 New SOP for BCPFT to support Food Safety Policy

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