LOM - Software Product Engineering-1

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Letter of Motivation

By: Saad Mehmood

Course: --

I have done graduation in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering from one of the outstanding
university of Pakistan “University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore” in 2013 with 3.45/ 4.00
CGPA. Mechanical Design Engineering is my passion and it always remain my dream career
because I consider myself a great problem solver, look and sort out the things technically and
logically, which helps me to understand the mechanical processes and improves the design for
innovation, as well as for research and development. I passed intermediate from Govt. college Civil
Lines Lahore with 935/1100 marks in 2011. I successfully passed matriculation from Govt. High
School Shahdara Lahore in 2009. In 2012 I got admission in Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering and passed in 2016. After graduation In November I started working for US base firm
“Stantoficio” as Mechanical Design Engineer on contract base. After the contract I started working
for “Ensol Global” as Mechanical Design Engineer. As the current world seeks innovation in all
fields for improvement, Masters in Design Engineering will help me to polish my skills in Design
for Innovation, Research and Development.

I was apprehensive thinking of my career prospects but the kind of opportunities, challenges
rewards and satisfaction that to achieve higher studies in the world offers are very assuring. This
inspired me to think and dream about higher studies in Sweden. I realized that this is just
beginning of a bigger dream. The studies in Sweden will provide me the rare combination of
accelerated growth and the flexibility to get on challenging career paths, be it through continuous
learning or larger responsibilities.

The curriculum of BS (Hons) Information Technology introduced me to the wide variety of

engineering subjects. Various courses like Data base systems, Software Engineering I&II, Web
Engineering, Computer Communication and Network, Network Management and Security,
Artificial Intelligence (Robotics), Programming Languages, Computer organization & Assembly
Language, Network and System Security, Linear Algebra, Web Design and Development, Data
Structures and algorithms and software projects provided me with a strong footing in the
theoretical concept of Information Technology.

While offering both depth and breadth across this field, these courses put into perspective the
importance and relevance of my proposed course Software Product Engineering and the
application of its fundamentals to the problems faced by the real world. So, I could realize that
learning and developing my knowledge of this program. I would be able to make a great
contribution to the society at large since our country has just begun to transfer manual system to
the computerized one.

Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Product Development, specialisation in
Software Product Engineering at Jonkoping University will provide all the latest skills to work in this
rapidly expanding field. With the IT sector expanding rapidly around the world, there has never
been a better time to develop specialist software engineering skills in product development.

This course will give me an understanding of the latest software engineering technologies used to
address today's challenges in software product development as well as providing me with a
practical understanding of the issues relating to the design, analysis and implementation of
modern software systems.

I have selected to study master Software Product Engineering, major in Product development
because it is the process of entirely planning and technical systems. It ranges from finding the
product profile to creating a concept, designing, making prototypes, testing and validating. The
actual manufacturing phase follows subsequently and is the second and final stage of the product
creation process. Thus, product development is certainly one of the core means of adding value in
companies and is crucial for their success through innovation. Creativity and performance
potential define the success of product development.

Students would have access to industrial standard technologies and be provided the opportunity
to specialise in topics ranging from software architecture to implementation techniques, building
on the necessary skills needed to tackle modern software systems in an industrial context.

Moreover; the educational system in Pakistan has had its advantages and disadvantages,
compared to the European system. Pakistani education is very broad and thorough. But this also
means that it is very hard or sometimes impossible to concentrate on some particular interesting
topics and become a professional in the chosen area. I believe that European education, focuses
on practical usage and development of skills required by employers, and it is more competitive in
this situation.

I believe that Jonkoping University will provide best education system and are focused on the
practical side of things with set standards of international education. And this is great, as this
affords people chance to study in an international environment and to meet people from around
the world, who come to study just like me. I can also exchange experience and ideas with
international students and learn and understand differences, weaknesses and keys of success of
companies world-wide. Thus, this educational exposure not only gives me sound knowledge, skills
and education but also prepares me to excel in the globally competitive situation.

I am much eager to adopt and know new technologies in my desired and interested field. I am
really enthusiastic to study Master program Software Product Engineering in order to understand
different Concepts. Good reputation of high quality education standards, an extremely
distinguished faculty members and research facilities are the factors which have motivated me to
choose master studies Jonkoping University Sweden.

Furthermore, I feel I am responsible for making a big move in this field and this is a big chance for
me to be someone who would one day may be remembered for his innovations. I think it is our
duty as people sharing life in this world to make our future better because the future is not only
ours. Our grandchildren should be proud of us one day when they look back and find how hard we
worked to make the world a better place. I believe my qualification and needs would be an
excellent fit. I will be happy to provide any further information or documents if required.

I look forward to your positive response. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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