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Maulana Muhammad
Zallaria lqbal

English Translation
Rafique Abdur Rahman

Urdu Bazar Karachi-t, Pamstan
Phone : 021 - 2631861
Copy Right Regd. .
All Rights Reserved with DARUL- ISHAAT KARACHI

Copy Right delegated to

Mohammed Asif 31 0-New Meena Bazar Jama Masjid Dehli India

E-mail :
Stories From the Hadith 5

The Publisher's Submission

.~}JI .J )'"") Js. J-a;j o~

We praise Allah and invoke blessings on His noble. Messenger.
It is a great blessing of Allah that a long-standing desire has
been fulfilled. The Qasas Al-Hadith in Urdu is now followed with
its English translation. I remember my respected father, Al-Haj
Muhammad Razi Usmani, discussing the idea of this book with
several scholars but it could not be given a practical shape until now.
I found some books in Arabic very near my father's idea and· showed
them to Mawlana Zakariya Iq ha! who took up the challenge and
undertook to write the Urdu book which he accomplished . And now
the English version is in your hands. I had impressed upon the
Mawlana that the stories be presented particularly with a
lesson-drawing angle so that the aim of the Hadith is emphasised.
May Allah reward him for undertaking the task and
accomplishing it very well. He is a great scholar, and a hajiz of the
Qur'an, and has specialised in the science of Hadith.. He has many
other works to his credit.
I am confident that our efforts will meet the approval of the
readers. May it all also meet the approval of Allah, the Exalted.

Khalil AshrafUsmani
Stories From the Hadith 6

Page No.

Introduction 15
Soul Inspiring Events from the Lives of Prophets 18
The First Story
The Amazing Story of Sayyidina Adam's •._u, ~ Denial and
Forgetfulness Prologue 19
The Second Story
Death of Allah's Prophet Sayyidina Aadam ~')(..J' ~ 28
The Third Story
Prophet of Allah Salih~')(..J'~ 33
The She--Camel is Hamstrung 34
The Fourth Story
Undevided Worship-Two Examples: Sayyidah Hajirah ~
~~~ and Sayyidina Isma'il~~~~ 39
The Fifth Story
Sayyidina Ibrahim ~')(..J' ~ and Sayyidah Sarah ~~~ ~ & Cruel
King 57
Prophets are Innocent of all Sins Including Lying 60
The Sixth Story
The Story of Sayyidina Lut ~')(..J' ~ 69
An Important Point 74
The Seventh Story
The Conversation Between Sayyidina Aadam ~~~ ~ and
Sayyidina Musa ~~~ ~ 77
Observation 81
The Eighth Story
The Case of Musa ~~~ ~ and the Stone 84
Stories From the Hadith

The Ninth Story

M us a ~"'>W' ~ and the Angel of Death 90
The Tenth Story
The Old Woman of the Bani Isra'il 95
The Eleventh Story
Samiri .... Worshipper of the Calf 100
The Twelfth Story
When the Sun Stops.... 106
The Thirteenth Story
Death of Sayyidina Dawood ~"'>W' ~ 113
The Fourteenth Story
Policy also Depends on Divine Predetermination 118
Important Observations 122
The Fifteenth Story
A Just Decision 125
The Sixteenth Story
Even Thought it was an Ant.... 130
The Seventeenth Story
Who is it that Will Fight Them .... 134
The Eighteenth Story
I Contradict . My Eyes.... ~ 140
Unique Examples of the Powers of Allah
The Nfneteenth Story
Sustenance from Heaven 145
The Twentieth Story
And the Dead Revived .... 149
The Ruling Regarding Judaic Traditions 152
The Twenty-first Story
Half the Earnings Belong to the Sea! 154
The Twenty-second Story
A Cow and A Wolf Speak to Man ·· 157
The Twenty-third Story
A New-born Child Speaks in the Cradle 162
The Aim of Supplication 166
Stories From rhe Hadith 8

Faith Inspiring Evidences of the 168
\Vorldly Blessings & Favours of Righteous Deeds
The Twenty-fourth Story
The Cave of Death 170
The Twenty-fifth Story
The Mercy of Allah Looks for Pretext 179
The Twenty-sixth Story
The Clouds too Obey Divine Command 183
The Twenty-seventh Story
The Beloved Slave of Allah 187
The Twenty-eighth Story
The Bounties of the Benevolent 190
The Twenty-ninth Story
A Serious Mistake-Caused by Fear of Allah 194
The Thirteeth Story
Show Mercy to the Earthlings .... 198
The Thirty-first Story .
The Humblest Branch of Faith Lesson in Social Living 202
The Thirty-second Story
The Habitual Killer 206
The Thirty-third Story
The Recovery of a Lost She-Camel Compared to a Slave's
Repentance .._ 212

Lesson-bearing Happenings 216
that Strengthen Faith and Belief
The Thirty-fourth Story
Secret Help Discharges Obligation 218
The Thirty-fifth Story
A Believer's Intention is SUperior to his Action 224
The Thirty-sixt~ Story
A Jar Full of Gold finds no Claimant 229
The Thirty-seventh Story
Jurayj Al-Abid.... Mother's Curse 232
Stories From the Hadith 9

The Thirty-eighth Story

Aasiyah, the Queen of Egypt 238
The Thirty-ninth Story
Why Should I not Believe? 242
The Fortieth Story
The Beautician of the Daughter of Fir' awn .... My Lord and
vours is Allah 248
The Forty-first Story
Poverty is Dear to Me 256
The Forty-second Story
The Companions of the Fire-trenches of Fire 264
The Forty-third Story
Let us not Forget our Past.. .. 273
The Forty-forth Story
A Woman Corrects a Scholar 279


Lesson-bearing Narratives of the Wrong Doers
The Forty-fifth Story
To take Pride in Ancestors Who were Unbelievers 286
The Forty-sixth Story
The Daring Insolent 291
The Forty-seventh Story
The Cruelty of a Hard-hearted Woman 296
The Forty-eighth Story
All for a Rope 300
The Forty-ninth Story
The Stubborn Bani Isra'il 306
The Fiftieth Story
The Root of all Evil 310
The Fifty-first Story
Demonstration of Jibril's r")C..J' ~ Displeasure at Fir'awn 316
The Fifty-second Story
The Woman with Wooden Sandals 319
The Fifty-third Story
The Wicked Agent of the Aad 322
Stories From the Hadith f{}
Stories From the Hadith

o~)1.;...-.)1.J.!1 ~
······how it come to be!

All praise belongs to the Lord, Majestic and Full of Glory,

whose Knowledge encompasses the seen and the unseen, and Who
has made the hearts of His slaves resplendent with the knowledge
and sciences of the Qur'an and Hadith.
May blessings and peace be on that noble and distinguished
being $ who narrated the unseen facts through divine revelation,
and who unveiled the lives and conditions of earliers Prophets and
their people that we may get guidance.
It is instinctive to man from his inception to probe into the past,
even that which is buried deep into earth. He has always been
inquisitive about nations gone by. It is this urge that gave birth to
archaeology. The efforts of the archaeologists to unearth the past are
more marked in this age.
It is true that these people have learnt about the past and the
ancient people, but, it is also true, that they have not been able to
fathom why those people were sometimes destroyed by heavenly
calamities or earthquakes and other earthly disasters qr, why those
people were eliminated or transformed into lower beings like swines
and apes which misled scientists into believing in the theory of
The answers to these questions cannot be had through
excavations, nor can geologists use their implements to have them. It
is only revelation from Allah that can provide this knowledge. This
revelation is a treasure which has no price tag to it but which reveals
the truth and discloses· the secrets. It is handed down from the One
Who is All-Knowing and All-Aware and from Whom nothing on
earth or in the heavens is concealed. He knows the secrets hidden in
hearts and the stea5thy, secret glances.

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{He knows the treachery of the eyes and what the hearts
Stories From the Hadith

Every other knowledge and science IS meaningless against
In every age, human minds and intellect were left spell bound on
the facts revealed by revelation. The discoveries and theories that
science presents in this age were revealed to the Holy Prophet ~
centuries ago and conveyed to people through the Qur'an and
Hadith. In fact science has confirmed those revelations through its
Science depends on divine revelation and follows it, and it is not
the other way ab.out. Some scholars try to prove the revelations of
the Qur'an and Hadith through science but that is absurd. Modem
science has arrived at conclusions that were known to Islam
centuries ago.
The Wahy from Allah (or divine revelation) is of two kinds:
i) Matloo, that is, the Qur'an, and
ii) Ghayr Matloo, that is, the Hadith.
The living and the stories of the ancient people and nations IS
revealed to us by both these forms. The Qur'an calls these accounts,
ahsan al-qasas, the best of narratives. It has recounted them in a
very effective style so that the lesson is imparted very convincingly.
The Qur'an tells us:
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{In their stories, there is certainly a lesson· for men of
understanding.} (Yusut: 12: Ill)
The stories narrated by the Qur'an include the accounts of the
Children of Isra'il, the 'Aad, the Thamud, the Madyan of Prophet
Salih r)l....,h ~. the people of Shu'ayb, the tribe of Af-Aykah, (thicket),
the dwellers of the cave, Zulqarnayn, Prophet Yusuf ~"j....)' ~. the
tubba' (Himyarites), Jaloot, and others. Some of these narratives are
brief and some elaborate.
Nevertheless, the Qur'an is not a story book but it is a source of
guidance and admonition, It deals with only that aspect of these
accounts which provides a moral or a lesson. The Qur'an has
disregarded parts of the accounts which did not serve its purpose of
Ghatir. 40:19 . Translation of the Qur'an is reprodu~.:ed from A Stlli(v o(:11-Qur'an A/-Karim.
La'l Muhamrnad Chawla. throughout this hook unless stated otherwise.
Stories From the Hadith ================13
guidance and we find innumerable examples of this in the narratives
of Sayyidina Musa ~')C.JI ..,Js and Sayyidina Yusuf ~')C.JI..,Js.
As for the Had it h of the Messenger of Allah$, it is an
explanation. a commentary or an exegesis on the Holy Qur'an.
Therefore, details of the Qur'an's narratives are found in the Ahadith.
Besides, many such narratives which the Qur'an has by-passed find
mention in the Ahadith. The Holy Prophet$ has mentioned them
for the guidance of his Ummah.
There are many works in Urdu on the stories narrated in the
Qur'an, notable among them Qasas Al-Qur'an by Allamah Hifzur
Rahman Siyuharwi'. However, there is no reliable work on stories of
the Ahadith.
It has fallen to the farsightedness of Mr. Khalil Ashraf Usmani
(proprietor of Dar-ul-Isha'at, Karachi) to pick up such subjects of
interest to scholars and !"aymen, and fill the gap.
He had brought some books in Arabic from the holy cities of
Makkah and Madinah and showed them to me, requesting me to
develop the idea in those works in Urdu. The subject was very
appealing and although I had an important task on hand, I undertook
to work on the idea.
Several months later, I am able to present this book.
The pattern followed by me is that I have first briefly introduced
every incident. Then I have presented the Hadith and its translation.
All the reference for the Hadith are given in detail.
This is followed by an explanation of the Hadith and other
relative Ahadith and narrations by the Companions. These are
helpful in understanding the original event and original Hadith.
These are wound up with the lessons and guidance drawn from
the events.
The Book begins with an Introduction. The qasas (narrative) is
defined herein, and its importance as an indelible guide of human
mind is stressed.
I have tried my best to make this work comprehensive and
beneficial. But, man is liable to err. Perfection is the attribute · of
Allah alone. Hence, I do not rule out possibilities of errors and
mistakes in this work. I would be obliged to scholars and learned
Dar-ul-lsha'at has had them translated into English and they will be available in the market
Stories From the Hadith

men to guide me and point out my shortcomings so that I may

correct them.
May Allah let this effort be a source of reward in the Hereafter
for myself and my parents, the publisher and his family! May He
guide us to serve His religion! And may He let readers derive the
best from this book!

. ...,._,.;14,}1J d .Y ~ Js4 'J!.;.,).Y \.a J

15th Sha'ban, 1420.
Gulshan-e-lqbal, Karachi.
Stories From the Hadith ================ 15

We propose to define qasas or narrative, and show its
significance. We also · hope to see the advantages of the stories in the
Qur'an and Ahadith. The word qisas is the plural of qisah. The
Arabs use the word for an account of the past. The Qur'an says:
, r. ./ / _, .J ,.,..
o~'.ig L. :-WI ~.~I! le 3,!US 0 "'oii\
{Thus do We narrate to you (0 Prophet) some tidings of that
which has gone before.} (Tu Ha. 20: 99)
And again, ,• , , ,,
o~l ~I ;:\11c Joc\ ~
{(0 Prophet) We narrate to you the best of narratives.}
(Yusut: 12:3)

The Arabs used the word qasas to depict true events of past eras
and peoples and they often coloured their depiction with
exaggerated tales. But the Qur'an narrated them faithfully without
exaggeration or colouring. In fact, its aim in narrating them was
solely to guide the people and instruct them.
The Arabs also use this word, qasas, to mean: follow in
someone's track, and to discern, from external appearances,
temperament and character. Thus, those whose profession it is to
track down somebody follow the footprints and deduce therefrom
the character and appearance of the owners of the footprints.
Thus the word qasas is used in the sense of a story or event
because the narrator tracks down and adheres to the essence of the
narration and he recounts them according to their words and
meanings. Accordingly, the Qur'an, too, has used the word qissah, in
this meaning. When it recalls Sayyidina Mu' sa ~">U1 ~ and Sayyidina
Yusha' t>~.:..J,~:
. 0~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~
{So they returned retracing their footsteps} (AI-Kaht: 18:64)
Stories From the Hadith

A murderer who is guilty of slaying is put to death in qisas

(retaliation). This word is derived from the same root-the act of the
murderer, slaying, is pursued (followed). What he has done to others
is done to him.
Story-telling is an ancient art. It is practiced from the earliest
times and is alive to-date. It holds a unique position in literary arts
and has been serving different ends and is recognised for eloquence
in delivery and as an {lid to influence the human mind. It is as old as
any literary art.
A man gets peace of mind through stories and this is the chief
advantage of a story. His taste for literature develops and he learns to
convey his thought to other people in a convincing manner. His
ideas and thinking attain higher levels. His inquisitive nature is
satisfied and his knowledge increases. Anything narrated as a story
is easily digested by the mind and accepted.
Apart from these advantages, a very great benefit is that one can
propagate religious teachings very effectively through stories. This
is why · much of the Qur'an-in fact, one-third of it-is based on true
stories and events, and it has termed them exemplary, admonition
and reminders. For instance, it tells us:
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{In their stories, there is certainly a lesson for men of
understanding.} (Yusut: 12: Ill)
It also tells us:
• • 0 ,. c, "" p ...- .

0~~ <SJ5~j .tJ4J.Cj ~I ~JA ~,.!I ~~J

{... in these there has come to you the Truth and an exhortation,
and an admonition for the Believers.} (Hud, 11: 120)
It is thus that we also find a treasure of narratives in Ahadith.
The aim, again, is the same-to effectively call people to Islam and
Nevertheless, it is a fact that recounting tales of the past can be a
productive tool in propagating religion and reforming society
provided we refrain from exaggerating and falsifying.
Stories From the Hadith =========== 17


Soul Inspiring Events

from the Lives of Prophets
Stories From the Hadith /8
Stories From the Hadith

The First Story

The Amazing Story of Sayyidina

Adam's ~")(.J1~ Denial and
Forgetfulness Prologue
First Words
Today archaeologists excavate into the depths of the earth to
look for the lost civilisations and to learn how our forefathers lived.
It is true that they have delved into the past and achieved some
success but we cannot say with certainty that their conclusions are
reliable. What may be · said of their results is that they are strong
assumptions. Actually, they are deprived of celestial knowledge
which only Divine revelation can provide.
It is Divine revelation alone that reveals to us the conditions and
lives of ancient people. The straightforward but definite Divine
revelation are from the All-knowing and All-Aware Being from
Whom nothing on earth or in the heavens is hidden and hence the
knowledge received through that revelation is authentic and reliable.
The Hadith that we will now see portrays the beginning of
mankind. It describes the instinctive nature of the father of mankind,
Sayyidina Aadam r-:W' ~ and reveals his characteristics which have
been inherited by his progeny. It also mentions some of the religious
dogmas and heavenly .modes of living which became obligatory for
Aadam r-:W' ~ and his children.

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Stories From the Hadith

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[Imam Tirmizi has transmitted in his Sunan from
Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~ JJ,..,.., ;. He said that the Messenger of
Allah if; said: When Allah created Aadam He wiped his back
and every soul of his offspring He was to create up to the Day
of Resurrection fell from his back. He put on the forehead of
everyone of them a flash of light, then presented them to
Aadam who asked, "My Lord, who are they? "Allah said, "They
are your offspring."
He saw one of them and was charmed by the flash on his
forehead, hence· he asked, "My Lord ! Who is this?" Allah told
him that he was a man from his children of the final group of
people who would be called Dawood. Aadam asked, "My Lord!
What age have You assigned to him?" Allah said, "Sixty years."
Aadam requested, "My Lord! Increase his age and give him
Stories From the Hadilh

forty years of my life."

When Aadam's period of life came to an end, the angel of
death came to him. He protested, "Are there not forty years of
my life remaining?" The angel reminded him, "Did you not give
them to your son, Dawood?" Aadam denied it (with the result
that) all his children denied. And, Aadam forgot (with the result
that) all his children developed (the malady of) forgetfulness.
And Aadam slipped and his children faultered .] (lmam Tirmizi
called this Hadith hasansahih.)
[Tirmizi has again transmitted a Hadith narraled by Abu
Hurayrah~JJ'..s-"J· He said that the Messenger of Allah$ said:
When Allah created Aadam and breathed the spirit into him he
sneezed and said, J.J~, "Praise be to Allah!" So he praised
Allah by His leave and his Lord said to him, "Allah have mercy ·
on you, 0 Aadam. Go to those angels-the comp~ny of them
who are seated-and say As-salamu alaykum 'Peace be upon
you.' (So, he did the same thing and) the angels replied, wa
alaykas salam wa rahmat Allahi wa barakatuhu. "And, peace
be on you and the mercy of Allah and His favours." He then
returned to his Lord, and He said, "This is your salutation and
the greeting of your offspring among them."]

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Stories From the Hadith

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(Then with His hands closed, Allah said to him. "Choose
which of them you wish." He said, "I choose my Lords right
hand, and both of my Lord's hands are right and blessed." Then
He opened it and it contained Aadam and his descendants. He
asked, "My Lord, what are these?" He said, "These are your
descendants." (He saw that) every man's age was written on his
forehead, and there was one of them the brightest of them all.
He asked, "My Lord, who is this?" Allah said, "He is your son,
Dawood, and I have recorded his age as forty-years." He said,
"My Lord, increase his life." But Allah said, "That is what I
have recorded for. him." Then, Aadam said, "I give him sixty
years of my life." Allah said, "That is your wish."
(The Prophet e
continued:) He then lived in Paradise as·
long as Allah wished, then he was sent down from it. Now, (on
coming down to earth,) Aadam was reckoning for himself (his
period of life.) Then, the angel of death came to him and
Aadam said to him, "You have come before your time. A
thousand years have been recorded for me." He said, "Certainly,
but you gave sixty years (of that) to your son Dawood." ·But,
Aadam denied, and his descendants denied; and he forgot, and
his descendants forgot. From that day, it was commanded to
write down and to have witnesses (so that no one may deny
later on.)) (Tirmizi has termed the Hadith as hasan gharib . Tirmizi has
transmitted it in Kitab Tafseer, chapter on surah Al-A 'raj; 4/267 and surah
AI-Falaq and An-Nas 5/454.)

Allah created Sayyidina Aadam ~')(.J1 '-# in a perfect form. It is not
Swries From the Hadith

as some people believe that man has gradually evolved into his
present form after passing through different forms. These people
wrongly hold that man was not created in the form he is in now.
Darwin and some other western thinkers propose that man was an
ape and through evolution he slowly assumed his current shape. This
theory is unlslamic and false and it is contrary to all celestial
Allah created man in his perfect form directly. From the first
day, he was intelligent, able to speak and feel and understand. and to
distinguish between right and wrong, true and false, piety and evil.
He could fathom · everything that was spoken and was able to reply
to enquiries from the very first day.
When Allah created Sayyidina Aadam ~~~ ....,Js. and breathed into
him the spirit, he got a sneeze and he thanked Allah for that. When
he did say so, Allah said to him, "0 Aadam! May Allah show mercy
to you." (He did not tell him, "I will be merciful to you," but He used
those words to impart teaching so that they would serve as words of
response to the gratitude expressed by every sneezer in future.) He
then instructed Sayyidina Aadam ~~~ ....,Js. to go to the group of angels
sitting there. He went to them and saluted them and they responded
to his greetings with a better form of salutation. Thus, Sayyidina
Aadam ~~~ ....,Js. moved about, heard and spoke, and he sneezed as a
human would. He conversed intelligently and understood what was
It is worth observing in this Hadith how Allah was
accommodating with His Slave Aadam. When he sneezed and said
Jl~1 "Al-Hamdulillah", Allah said, "0 Aadam! May Allah be
merciful to you!" Once Allah shows mercy to anyone then he is
assured of safety, honour and favour. Indeed, Allah accepts the
repentance of His sinful slaves when they turn to Him and obey
Him. May He forgive us and strengthen our faith and keep away
from us our foe, the satan! Aameen!
Allah made it obligatory for Aadam ~~~ ....,Js. and his descendants
in Paradise that when they sneeze they should say al-hamdulilfah
(praise be to Allah!) and when a sneezer says that the listener must
say yarhamak Allah (May Allah have mercy on you). He also
determined sa/am (peace) as their mutual salutation, and their
Stories From the Hadith

children's too.
The Hadith also quotes the Messenger of Allah$ as saying
that Allah stroked the back of Aadam ~~~~ (and this was as
behaved Him), and all children that are to be born till the Last Day
fell from it. Allah grasped all of them in His right fist although both
His hands are right. When He opened the fist, Aadam and all his
descendants were there.
Aadam I'~'~ observed light between the eyes of everyone who
was to be created after him and the period of their life was recorded
on their foreheads. He found one of them with a very bright light
and he asked about him and was told that he was one of his children
from the last of the people to be created. His name was Dawood (~
1'~'), and he would live for sixty. years; one version mentions his age
as forty but the former report is correct. Sayyidina Aadam I'~'~ felt
that he should live longer and requested Allah to increase his life but
Allah informed him that He had already assigned him a life span and
will not add to that. So, Aadam I'~'~ made a gift to Dawood I'~'~
of fo:ty years from his own life so that he may live for a hundred
years. We also learn from this Hadith that Allah had let Aadam ~
I'~' know that he would live for one thousand years. Thus when he
was 960 years old, the angel of death presented himself to seize his
soul but Sayyidina Aadam I'~'~ was not happy with that and raised
an objection that he had still some years to live in the period
determined for him. It is clear from this that he had a count of the
months and years of his life. The angel of death reminded him that
he had gifted forty years of his life to his son, Sayyidina Dawood ~
I'~'· However, Sayyidina Aadam I'~'~ denied having made such a
gift for he had forgotten that. His denial was out of forgetfulness, not
The result of his forgetfulness was that his progeny inherited the
weakness and it became a peculiarity of the children of Aadam. Men
denied as their progenitor had denied, and just as he had forgotten
they too, when they came to earth, forgot their covenant with Allah.
This is why Allah has made it necessary that every affair should be
recorded to forestall every denier and ev~ry forgetfulness.
Stories From the Hadith =============== 25
Lessons and Messages
1. The first thing this Hadith confirms is that man was created
as we see him now. The Darwanian theory of evolution is rejected
by this Hadith . His theory-promoted by the scholars of the west and
received well by some Muslim minds-propound that man has passed
through several evolutionary stages and was an ape before gradually
taking the present form. However, Allah has let be known through
His Prophet $ over fourteen hundred years ago that man is the best
of creation who was formed from the very first day into the perfect
model he is today, physically and mentally and morally. His creative
nature in the final period will be as it was in the initial period. It will
be the same in the last stages of his life as it was in the first stages of
his life.
Allah had created Aadam r')(.J' ~ as a perfect creature and he had
no creative defect-mental or physical. He had a height of sixty
cubits and this height has been coming down since then and we have
reached the present stature. In the Hereafter, the folk of Paradise will
attain the stature of Sayyidina Aadamr')(.J'~·

# J\i ~; ;u\ J~) ~i ~ ~ ~J 4->j~\ 4->JJ

~.5~fd:J1 ~ ~ Jf ~ ;.tj ~~~ Jli ~ ~)~ 'i.J~ :Jjk) ~~ T:JJ,

,._JJf~ ·-~·~~
~ \
~~~ -,~
(..) ~J~
. . .. ~J
..... ~
..., (d~l!
' '

~ ~~ ~~:; ~ ;u, ~)) oj~(;~ ;u, ~)) ~:J~ rll:.J'

.'i.J-UI ~ :_,aa:!J:WI ~~~ ,~~~ ~)~
[Bukhari and Muslim have transmitted a Hadith which
quotes the Messenger of Allah$ as saying: Allah created
Aadam. His height was sixty cubits (about 30 metres). He said
to him, "Go and greet that group of angels and listen to how
they reply, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of
your offspring." Aad am went and said, "As- salamu alaykum
(Peace be upon you)." And they answered, "As-salamu alayka
wa rahmat Allah (Peace be on you and the mercy of Allah).''
Stories From the Hadith

So, they added the words "and the mercy of Allah." (The
Prophet$ said): So, whoever will enter Paradise will be of the
shape and picture of Aadam. Since then the stature of the
children of Aadam is being diminished continuously till the
present time.] (BukhariandMuslim)
Let it be understood, too, that Sayyidina Aadam ~')(....)'-..# was not
created in phases of birth but straightway in the adult form. But,
succeeding human beings are born in stages beginning with a sperm
drop in the womb of the mother. It turns into a clot which becomes a
lump of flesh which develops bones which are then clothed in flesh.
Then the soul is breathed into it. The human baby is thus born by the
will of Allah.
2. We also learn from the Hadith that characteristics are
inherited by mankind from Sayyidina Aadam ~')(....)'-..# whether they
are temperamental, physical or mental, like, forgetfulness and denial
and refusing something if personal ends are served thereby.
Sayyidina Aadam r')(....J' -..# refused to· agree that he had ever made a
gift of his age to anyone although his denial was not disobedience.
He had forgotten having made the gift.
Anyway, man has inherited his characteristics from Sayyidina
Aadam r')(....J' -..#.
3. The third thing we learn from the Hadith is to salute when we
meet one another, to say al-hamdu lillah when we sneeze and to
respond to the sneezer with yarhamakAllah. These are teachings not
peculiar to Islam alone but they are common to all religions because
they are a legacy of our father, Aadamr')(....J''-#.
4. The Hadith is also the source of faith in fate or divine
ordainment. Allah is All-Knowing and Aware and has determined
the age of all living beings. There will be no increase in that.
5. The Hadith may also be cited to show that Allah has limbs
because it mentions His right hand. However, His limbs are not like
those of human beings or of other creatures because He is free of a
body. He is Nur (light) and that is an attribute. An attribute does not
have a body; it does not depend on one. Hence His limbs are
body-less. But, then, how are they? No one knows that. The answer
is.u~~W" "as is worthy of Him." We must believe in that.
It is the belief of those who follow the Sunnah (the ahlas-
Stories From the Hadith

sunnah wal jama'ah) that reference to the limbs of Allah in the

Ahadith and narrations of the Companions do not mean physical
limbs as we know of them. The limbs-hand, feet, fingers, etc.-are
according to what behoves Him. We do not know their types or
nwnbers and, at the same time, it is not proper to reject their reality
as some people have rejected these Ahadith. In other words, it is not
proper to affirm the nature of His limbs nor to deny their reality (and
the relative Ahadith).
o'~·-'.li!~A•~•II / ' /~• t.~ ~.~t
~ c=-:-- ..Y'.J u-u-u l)'"':!-'
I ' '

{Nothing is like Him, and He is the Hearer, the Seer.}

(Ash-Shura', 42: 11)

6. The Hadith also expresses th~ .grandeur of the Prophet of

Allah, Sayyidina Dawood ~")(.J, -.Js.. It also confirms the strength of his
faith which is reflected in the brightness on his forehead.
7. The Hadith tells us that it is right to reckon the years of one's
life because Sayyidina Aadam I"")(.J' .ys. had made a count of the years
of his life.
8. The Hadith is evidence enough that transactions or dealings
and affairs may be put to writing and witnesses may be called. The
noble Qur'an has also made it obligatory. The Shari'ah has
prescribed that recording dealings and having witnesses will ward
off disputes and unpleasentness.
Forgetfulness is part of human nature, as is refusal or denying.
All descendants of Sayyidina Aadam ~"")(.J'.ys. are prone to it.
This conclusion is accepted by everyone in the world and
Islam's instruction for committing to writing and having witnesses is
observed the world over. In these times of progress in science and
technology, the children of Aadam r")(.J'-.Js. have discovered novel
ways to cheat, to falsifY and fake and to plunder. But, like it was on
the first day it is as important today to commit to writing every deal
and to have witnesses.
Stories From the Hadith

Tlte Second Story

Death of Allah's Prophet

Sayyidina Aadam ~')(...J1 ~
First Words
The last moments of the life of Sayyidina Aadam ~~~ ~ were
the last of the first man in the universe. These have come to us from
the Holy · Prophet 3. His final rites and burial were not performed
by man but by heavenly creatures. Man was shown for the first time
the method of burial which respects humanity and is the most
honourable and dignified method for mankind. All other methods of
burial-of putting the corpse in its place-invented by men, later on,
are disagreeable and dishonourable to mankind. They vary from
burning the dead body into ashes, to burying it in the best of his
The Shari'ah which respects the dead does naturally respect the
living to a very great extent.

~t 1:tA :I}~,~ ~u ~ ~~~ ~ ~i) J\! ~ ~

' .
~i :~ J\! ,~j.JI ~~ W 'r~l ol.# ~:,T t~ :Jill ,~ d,
', e:n:· . \i :J b' '1L~ I'~:lJ ,~\ JW ·.... \i>':
\ . ~ p-- .. .. ..
. ~i , J1 / ~
v.. "~?--~ .,.,.,. •

.~lS:J(, ,~W(, :r:,Jll' ~) ,:J:.y) 4j~~)

~~J ~b)~~ ~ ji ~b>.tki L.) b)~~ ~ ~:,T ~ ~ :~ (_,!ill
~ 1~)1 ~ (.,!\! ,~1 ~~~ ;6 :·~.\i '~t uY,i :(,1\! ~b');A':JJ
·_(''.i'WJ '...s:-
·~ s.
Stories From the Hadith

...- ;~J , .... :::;J,.::;:; o ' ..- oJ .... ,.,. ,. o,...o loJ, .... ... l .... o "' oJ"' .... ;;:iJ o "'"'

~ ly. f- ~ ,~\ ~ \~ JJ '~~ J 0 ~} ,o _r.i 1).6:-~ ~ '~

.~ ~~ ~~ T:;. ~ :1:,fti ~ ,~1)1 ~.S. 1j;.. ~,?.'

['Utayy bin Damrah As-Sa'di has said that he saw a Shaykh
in Madinah engaged in conversation with some people. He
enquired about him and was told that he was Ubayy bin Ka'b.
Ubayy was saying: When death approached Aadam, he said to
his sons, "My sons! I long for the fruit of Paradise." (Before
coming down to earth, he lived in Paradise, so he remembered
the fruit he ate there at the time of his death.) His sons, then,
went out in search of those fruit. On the way, they met the
angels who were carrying his shroud and embalmment, tools
for digging, swords and spears. They asked them, "0 sons of
Aadam! What is it that you are looking for? And, where are you
going?" They replied, "Our father is ill and craves for the fruit
of Paradise."
The angels said to them, "Go back! For, your father is
about to die."
And they came there. When Sayyidah Hawwa I'")(.J' ~ saw
them, she recognised the angels (and understood that they had
come to take his soul). She clung to Aadam I'")(.JI4,1;. and he said,
"Away, away from me! Indeed, I was born before you. Let me
be with the angels of my Lord, Blessed and Exalted!'~
They took his soul. Then, they gave him a bath, shrouded
him (in cloth), embalmed him and dug a grave for him and
made it like a niche. Then they offered the funeral Sa/at over
him. Then they enterred his grave and put him into it, and
placed blocks over it and they came out of it. Then they filled it
with earth. Thereafter they said, "0 children of Aadam! This is
your tradition (for burial of your dead).] (Zawa'id al-Masnad,
Narrated: Abdullah bin Al-lmam Ahmad 5/136. lbn Kathir has termed that the
authorities are authentic, ai-Bidayah wa ai-Nihayah 1198 , Bayhaqi has said: The
rija/sources, are strong except Utayy bin Damrah; Majma' ar-Zawa'id8/l99)
Stories From the Hadith

The Hadith narrates the story of the death of Sayyidina Aadam
r~' 4s. When he was near death he longed for the fruit of Paradise.
The life which was nourished with the fruit of Paradise in ~ts
inception, ended with a yearning of the same fruit. We can see how
he was attached to Paradise. He was not only a dweller of Paradise
but also remembered the blessings that were available to him there
and were used by him. One who has enjoyed the blessed life of
Paradise cannot surely forget · it.
He spoke to his children of his longing and they set out to fetch
what he wanted. On their mission, they met the angels who were
equipped with everything a dead man would need. The angels were
sent in human form by Allah so that they may teach the children of
Aadam r~' 4s how a dead body may be disposed of-how it may be
buried, embalmed, how the grave may be dug, and so on.
Anyway, the angels asked the children of Aadam r':W' 4s where
tliey were going, and then informed them that they need not look out
for the fruit for their father was about to die and would not require
anything in this life anymore.
When the angel of death arrived there, Sayyidah Hawwa r-:W'~
recognised him and knew immediately that he had come to extract
the soul of her husband. She panicked and clung to Sayyidina
Aadam r':W'4s who remembered how they had approached the
forbidden tree in Paradise, so he asked her to leave him alone with
the angels of Allah. They had come to take him to his Lord.
The angels took his soul and then went through the final rites.
His children witnessed all that. Graves are of two types-Lahad and
Shaq. Generally, the first type of graves are used; (a hollow is made
in the grave and the body is placed in the recess, and it is high
enough to allow one to sit inside; it is covered with unburnt bricks
and filled with earth.Y When the ground is hard, the second type of
grave is dug. Minor children are generally buried in such graves.
When the grave is dug, a chamber is dug out in its right wall equal to
the length of the corpse which is placed inside this chamber.
The grave was dug and his funeral Sa/at offered. He was then
placed in the grave. Bricks were placed over the hollow and earth
was poured over the bricks. The angels then said to the children of
1 Additional notes in translation within these brackets.
Stories From the Hadith

Aadam ..~, * that Allah had prefered that method of burial for their
dead. In fact, all Prophets and Messenger~~~~ have pursued this
method and whatever other way of disposal of dead body any people
have adopted is contrary to the one shown by Allah and is insulting
to humanity.
The Hindus cremate their corpses and that is most degrading as
well as punishing. This is why all cellestial religions prescribe burial
of the dead, whether it is Christianity or Jewism. There are minor
differences; for instance, instead of shrouding, they dress the dead in
the best clothes he had and that is against Islamic Shari'ah.
The ancient Egyptianhs did not bury their dead but built huge
pyramids over them enclosing his jewellery and other possession
and food and drink with the corpse. These things were senseless and
Some people enclosed their dead in wooden-or stone- coffins
which were consigned to the seas or preserved safely. This was a
sheer waste of human labour and wealth, and insulting to humanity.
The method shown by Allah is easy for all men and
inexpensive. Obviously, everyone cannot afford a wooden coffin or
an expensive dress or a pyramid. To cremate a body, as the Hindus
do, also requires expensive fuel and allied material.
As against all that, Islam only asks for two simple, unstitched
sheets which are wrapped round the body ~d it is buried in earth. It
is easy for everyone equally. However, it is sad that Muslims . have
foresaken the simple, easy way shown by Islam and made it a
custom and tradition to spend thousands-nay, millions-of rupees in
the last rites of the dead. On top of that, it is considered a virtuous
and rewarding practice.
A Muslim graveyard, today, displays large, well-built graves,
domes and competing marvels o~ · costly marble with beautiful
designs. They consider it an honour for the dead. However, these
contrivances are not helpful to the dead in the least. Is it not a
polytheistic practice? Whether it is the tomb of Shah Ghazi in
Karachi or Data Darbar in Lahore, Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sahwan
or Bhitai in Bhit Shah, Khwaja Mu'eenud-din Chishti in Ajmer or
the thousands of recluses, monasteries or shrines in the sub-
continent-they are all centres of idolatory and polytheism. Instead of
true religion, they follow innovative practices and obnoxious
Stories From · the Hadith

customs . Can a Muslim continue to be worth the name after

observing the repulsive rituals there? Is it not a reminder of the
Pharoahs? Let every individual of the Islamic Ummah ponder over it
and let the Ulama consider it.

Lessons and Messages

The following knowledge is derived from the Hadith:
1. Observance of last rites for the dead, preparing the body and
burying it.
2. The method of burial is common to all cellestial religions and
was part of the teachings of all Prophets ~')U' ~·
3. The children of Aadam ~')U14# were taught by the angels.
4. All other methods of disposal of dead body are contrary to
Allah's directions and against human nature.
5. The Hadith confirms the appearance of angels in human
6. The Hadith teaches us that we must withdraw from our close
relatives too if they hinder us from observing the Commands pf
Allah-as Sayyidina Aadam ~')U'4# withdrew from his wife, Sayyidah
Hawwa ~')U' ~ when she held him on seeing the angels. In a way,
she was obstructing his meeting with Allah. A man's wife and
children are the greatest trial against his faith and religion. That 1s
why Allah has said in the Qur'an:
o'', <..~u·.Jl'.J ,~
<1~ ~,r-- <-I'.J..>··I'·~ ~.l)._11'...,.......
~ - T'., JJII'.~lt
U:!, ~ -
{0 you who believe, surely among your wives and your
children, there are (some) enemies to you, so be aware of them.
(and do not obey them in their such demands)}(At-Taghabun,64:4)
Allah has also said:
~ , , I , "' I J ..-- ~
, r-<jU'.J I'.J ,r--'
<'I'..J-0, I \.4_j I<.

{And know that your riches and your children are a trial.}
(Al-Anfal, 8: 28)
It is often that a man is put to trial because of his riches and his
family and he frequently finds them obstructing him from his
religious obligations. He grows miserly and cowardly. The
foregoing verses of the Qur'an guide us to be steadfast in observing
the Commands of Allah in spite of the obstructions of the family
Stories From the Hadith ===============· 33

The Third Story

Prophet of Allah Salih ~')(.J1 ~

Introductory Words
The Holy Prophet $ once went by the ruins of the people of
Sayyidina Salih r'}(.J'...k. They had been punished for their
disobedience of Allah's Commands when they had hamstrung the
The Prophet $ stayed there a while and stopped at the well
where the she-camel used to drink water. He narrated to his
Companions~ .JJ, ~) the story of Sayyidina Salih r'}(.J' ~ He told
them about the place from where the she-camel came and the
opening into which 'she went away. His objective was to caution his
people from doing anything similar to what the people of Salih -..Js.
r'}(.J' did. Let us see what the Holy Prophet$ said about the
behaviour of these evil people.

~; Jll J;.,J ~ W :J\J 'fiG:-~

' . o.L:.-.o J ~f rG-~1 4->J)

~~ ~ ~; ~~ ,d~
.,. ~
r>i ~L J!:, ,9~1 (/. 1~ :Jii .MJ~
., "'

~;.;J ~~ ,\A)~~ ;r ~ 1:,;;J ,~, ~~ ~ 1~ ,~1

Jj, :w1 ~ ~~u \A)~ ,~~ ~:t ~-;.~:, ,~~ ~ ~G.
JJ1 ~j- "J ~\S'" i.b-1) ~)~~ ,~·$:;- fU1 ~~l ~:; ~ JJ&.
~ ~)- LJi ,J\1 )"y.\ jA :J\i ~JJ1 J-;.,) ~ )A :; :~ ,~ JJ&.
. ' '

[I mam Ahmad has narrated from Sayyidina Jabir ~ JJ, ~)
Stories From the Hadith

that when the Prophet $ passed by what used to be the

dwellings: al-Hijr. of Thamud. he said: Do not ask for signs.
The people of Salih had asked tor that. (So they were given the
sign of a she-camel which) used to come out from this way (and
he pointed to an opening) and returned from that. They
transgressed the Command of their Lord and hamstrung her.
(The procedure was that) she drank water fi·om the well one day
and they drank her milk the next day. (They did not value this
favour) but hamstrung her and so were seized by the blast
which Allah the Glorious sent to them from the sky-all except
one ofthem who was in the Haram.
He was asked who that person was. and he said, "He was
Abu Righal. When he came out of the Haram. he too sutTered
the same punishment that had befallen his people." (So, all of
them perished.)] (Masnud Ahmad 3/296 . lbn Kathir: AI-Bidayah wa
AI-Nihayah: Al-Bayhaqi: from Bazar. Tabarani in AI-Awsat Majma'

The Prophet$ has mentioned some important points about the
punishment inflicted on the Thamud.
The Qur'an has related the story of Prophet Salih ~'>C-l' 1.# and his
people Thamud quite often, now in brief now in detail. However,
our field is Hadith so we will see the Qur'anic story only in passing.
Then we will discuss the significant points of the Hadith narrated

The She- Camel is Hamstrung

The gist of the story narrated in the Qur'an is:
"Allah had sent Sayyidina Salih~'>U'I.# to the Thamud who
are also known as 'Aad the Second. In the manner of all
Prophets, Sayyidina Salih ~'>C-l' 1.# too was engaged in inviting
his people to follow the right path.
Once his people asked him to show them a sign. They
asked him to bring out a pregnant she-camel from a solid rock
and if he did that they would believe him as a Prophet of Allah.
Allah, the Gracious, on the supplication of Prophet Salih
r'>U'I.#, brought out a pregnant she-camel from rock in front of
Stories From the Hadith =============== 35
the people. In spite of this sign, the people did not believe;
rather they became more intransigent.
It is the way of Allah that if a people demand a sign and He
grants the supplication of His Prophet then He does not give
them respite should they persist in their disbelief.
So, the Thamud continued to reject their Prophet Salih ~
~')(...J1 although he had shown them the sign they had demanded.
The she-camel was brought out in an extraordinary
manner. Therefore, she was of an exceptional built; she was
very tall and fleshy. The other animals fled away on seeing her.
When she came at the well to drink water, ·she emptied it
all. The people could not tolerate that and schemed to eliminate
her. Allah had commanded them through Prophet Salih ~')(...J1 ~
that they should not harm the she-camel, but they must esteem
her. However, they did not heed the command and, ultimately,
one ofthem Qidar bin Salifcut off her shins and she died. They
did not stop at that but conspired to slay Prophet Salih~u~~.
Thus, Allah punished them severely and all of them were
exterminated. This was the result of rejecting the Prophet,
belying his signs and turning away from Truth."
We will discuss the Thamud in the light of the Prophet's account
of the punishment meted out to them.
It was during their advance towards Tabuk that the Prophet$
and his Companions had encamped at this place called al-Hijr in the
Qur'an. He commented on these people, the Thamud and related the
story to his Companions. Some of the Companions~ J!, ~; drank
the water from the well and kneaded flour and cooked food but
when the Prophet$ saw that he asked them to throw away the
water and upturned their utensils. They gave away the flour to their
camels. He then marched away with them from there quickly
advising them to fear the punishment of Allah that had inflicted the
evil people lest it might inflict them too.
Accordingly, a Hadith tells us that the Prophet$ commanded
his Companions ~ J!, ~; to seek the forgiveness of Allah weeping
the while as they passed through that place. The reason that he gave
~"'' ~ ~:Ji ~~ ~l
[I fear lest you suffer what they 'had suffered (of
Stories From the Hadith

punishment).] (BukhariandMuslim)
Nevertheles~. when he was at the well, the Prophet ~ showed
his Companions ~ JJ, ~) the place from where the she-camel came
to drink water and from where she .returned. And he also gave them
some other information about this incident.
· It tells us about the Holy Prophet~ that he was a psychologist
too and could read the temperament and mind of his Companions.
Human beings are inquisitive by nature and they would like to know
about what had happened to a people when they pass by their ruins.
The. Prophet ~ respected this inquiring instinct of his Companions
and satisfied them with· the information.
It is with a reformer ~d·:iriviter to the path of ·Allah that he
looks out for opportunity to guide . people and create an interest in
them to receive guidance. Thus, · the .. .Holy Prophet~ took advantage
of the interest of his Companions·~.·.JJ, ~:.,.and related to them the
story of the Thamud and at the same time gave them guidance as we
will see.
The Qur'an has told us that the killer of the she-camel was the
most wicked man of the tribe of Thamud .
.; .; ~,; , , J, .; .; .; J, .; "",. I , f',
'-- · b,~'jS'j.t:A~-
• J,<tlli.Ub ,<tlll'l,' ' ,_'I' •l.iHea,,l-,1 ,,.
uJ-'-"..>rv--u ~ -~
''·I Jl
{When the basest of them uprose, then the Messenger of Allah
(Prophet Salih) said to them, "It is. the she-camel of Allah, so let
her drink!" But they belied him and they hamstrung her.}
(Ash-Shams, 91 : 12-14)
This makes it clear that the most wretched man of 1he Thamud
was the one who hamstrung the camel. We are told in· a tradition that
his name was Qidar bin Salif.
The Prophet~ has spoken ,about him in another Hadith. Once,
he said to Sayyidina Ali bin Abu Talib and Ammar bin Yasir JJ, ~)
["Shall I not tell you about the two most wicked and
wretched persons?" They said, "Messenger of Allah, do tell us
about them." He continued, "One of them was that red man of
the tribe of Thamud who hamstrung the she-camel. And the
other, 0 Ali, will be the one who will smite your forehead
drenching your beard with blood."](MusnadAhmad41263)
Stories From the Hadith

Another Hadith tells us that the person was the chief of their
people, most fierce, wicked and mischieyous.(BukhariandMuslim.)
When this man, cut off the legs of the she-camel, Prophet Salih
~-A:J1 .y.. told them that they should then wait for the punishment of
Allah which would befall .them in three days. He said:
J, ... • ... . .,._, , .. ,. ... , ' ~ ...

o}":"':_,~~ ~:, 8JI..i ·~~~ (j)lj i-S::>I:J i,.J I~

{Enjoy yourselves in your dwellings three days-that is a
promise not to be belied.}(Hud, 11 :65)
So, they were seized with punishment on the third day. A
terrible shriek rent their ears and they died of the shock. That was
the end of all the Thamud.
The first Hadith tells us that one of them was in the Ka 'bah at
the time of the punishment, so he remained safe from it, but as soon
as he emerged out of the Ka'bah he was afflicted with the same
punishment. He was Abu Righal. The Haram is . the fountain of
mercy so no one is punished there. Even if a murderer takes shelter
in it, he is not punished inside it but compelled to come out of it.
The Prophet$ is also . quoted in the main Hadith as forbidding
his people to demand a sign. If a sign is shown on demand and the
people do not mend their ways after seeing it then they would surely
be afflicted with punishment.

Lessons and Messages

These are the lessons we learn from this narration:
1. Signs and miracles must not be demanded.
2. We must fear the retribution and punishment of Allah, for the
seizing of Allah is severe.
o:l:s.4t3 8,j' ..... 1 ' ~. I
-- ;:J ~ '-'~
{Surely severe is the grip of your Lord.} (AI-Burooj, 85: 12)
3. The she-camel given to Prophet Salih r-A:J' .Y.. as a sign by
Allah was unusual in its creation, body, size, appearance and habits.
She had characteristics distinct from other camels. Thus, her very
existence spoke out that she was not a usual species of camel but a
sign from Allah.
4. The Hadith is evidence that such places may be visited, and
one may encamp there, where Allah has inflicted punishment.
Stories From the Hadith

Lessons and admonition may be drawn from . there. The Messenger

of Allah$ had encamped at the well of the Thamud and had related
their story · to his Companions so that they may take a lesson from it
:"1d turn in repentance and seek the forgiveness of Allah. In fact,
Allah has Himself commanded us in the Qur'an:
o'·, :iS~II ~~ -. l$~ I'' i,:.u · , U1 .,, ' ,
~- ., u - '..J~ ~.) tE '..J~
{Travel in the land so· that, (you may) see how was the end of
the be tiers} (AI-An'am,6: 11)
At the same time as taking a lesson, man may develop his
powers of understanding and he may achieve an awareness of Allah.
5. The Hadith also highlights the fineness of the Prophet's $
knowledge for he pointed out the directions of the she-camels
approacl'l. and departure. This should not be surprising because his
knowledge was based on revelation from Allah Who is All-Knowing
and (\ware and Whose Knowledge encompasses the past and
present of the entire creation.
6. The Hadith also confirms that the Haram ~f Ka'bah is a
sanctuary for everyone whether he is a tyrant or a murderer. No one
can be harmed in the Ka 'bah and man is also safe from divine
chastisement here.
o~t C,lSfu:J ;y.:,
{And whoever enters it, is secure.}(Aal-lmran,3:97)
It was this protection that enabled Abu Righan a man of
Thamud to be safe from punishment while he was in the Haram.
But, the moment he stepped out of it, he suffered the punishment.
May Allah preserve all Muslims froln punishment. Aameen!
Stories From the Hadith =============== 39

The Fourth Story

Undevided Worship -Two Examples

Sayyidah Hajirah r~' ~ and
Sayyidina Ism a 'il r~' ~
First Words
The dedication to Islam of the friend of Allah, Sayyidina
lbrahim ~')(.J1 <# and his family is an example for every believer. It
should arouse a deep sense of spiritual feelings in him. The son of
this Prophet followed in his footsteps and came to be recognised as
Zabeeh Allah.' He was Sayyidina Isma'il ~')(.J1 <#. Father and son have
left behind such an unparalleled example of self-sacrifice that it is
difficult to emulate.
Sayyidah Hajirah ~')(.J' If#, the mother of Sayyidina Isma'il r')(.J' <#,
was the slave of Sayyidah Sarah ~')(.J' If# the first wife of Sayyidina
lbrahim r')(.J'<#. When a long time had passed and they had no
children, she gave away her slave to Sayyidina lbrahim ~')(.JI ~ (who
married her) that they may have offspring. Indeed, the Decider of
fate gave mankind the · example of dedication that Sayyidina Isma'il
~')(.J1 <# was through Sayyidah Hajirah ~')(.J' If#. He was recognised as
Zabeeh Allah and had the unique distinction of becoming the
ancestor of the pride of mankind, their benefactor, the Imam of all
Prophets, mercy to the worlds, Prophet Muhammadr')(.J'J(,.w.l'<#.
The follwoing Hadith is an account of Sayyidina Isma'il r')(.J' ~
and Sayyidah Hajirah ~')(.J'If# as narrated by RasoolAllah

:.r~ J-1 Jli :Jli ~ ~ ~:; :~ J 1$)~, i.>J)

.,P. \A)i ;~~J iat..:;- ~:GJ, ,JfCl ~f Jh."'~' ~( ~' :GJ, ~ J)i
Literally, an offering for Allah.
Stories From the Hadith

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Stories From the Hudith

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Stories From the Hadith

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lmam Bukhari has transmitted in his Sahih from Sayyidina
Sa'eed bin Jubayr -.:s J.J, ~J that Sayyidina lbn Abba's -.:s J.J, ~J
[The first lady to use a girdle was the mother of lsma'il.
She used a girdle so that she might hide her tracks from Sarah.
lbrahim brought her and her son lsma'il while she used to nurse
him at her breast, to a place near the Ka'bah (which was not in
a constructed form then) under a tree on the spot of Zamzam
(where it is located today), at the highest place in the Mosque.
During those days there was nobody in Makkah nor was there
any water. So, he made them sit there and placed near them a
leather bag containing some dates and a small water-skin
containing some water, and set out homeward. Isma'il's mother
followed him saying, "0 lbrahim, where are you going, leaving
us in this valley where there is no person whose company we
may enjoy, nor is there anything (to enjoy)?" She repeated that
to him several times, but he did not look back at her. Then she
asked him, "Has Allah ordered you to do so?" He said, "Yes",
and she asserted, "Then He will not neglect us", and returned
while Ibrahim proceeded onwards until he was at the Thaniyah
where they could not see him. Here, he turned towards the
Ka'bah and raising both hands, invoked Allah making the
following supplicatipn:
... , , , ... , . , ,., "' ,. ... ...
of'~ ..i '·JI' .~·..i'· ~I ~~~-
--· ' ~,.>.> ~}~. '.Y; 'ri'' 4 ~ ~!- .:..)
"Our Lord! I have made some of my progeny to dwell in a
valley uncultivable, near Your Sacred House. Our Lord!
Stories From the Hadith

That theymay establish Salah; so make the hearts of some

of mankind to yearn towards them, and provide them_with
fruits, thatthey may give thanks. ,<ll
Isma'il's mother went on suckling lsma'il and drinking from
the water (she had). When the water in the water-skin had all
been used up, she became thirsty and her child also became
thirsty. She started looking at him as he was tossing in agony.
She left him, for she could not endure looking at him, and
found that the mountain As-Safa was the nearest mountain to
her on that land. She stood on it and started looking at the
valley keenly so that she might see somebody, but she did not
find anyone. Then she descended from As-Safa and when she
reached the valley, she tucked up her robe and ran in the valley
like one in distress till she crossed the valley and reached mount
AI-Marwa where she stood and started looking-was there
anyone?-but there was no one. She repeated (the running
between the mountains) seven times.
lbn Abbas said that the Prophet~ said: The Sa'ee
(walking) between As-Safa and AI-Marwah has its source in
this (her runing).
When she reached AI-Marwah (for the last time) she heard
a voice and asked herself to be quiet, and listened attentively.
She heard the voice again and said, "0 (whoever you may be!)
.You have made me hear your voice; have you got anything to
help me?" And, behold! She saw an angel at the place of
Zamzam, digging the earth with-his heel (or his wing), till
water flowed from there. She started to make something like a
basin around it, using her hands in this .way, and started filling
her water-skin with her hands, and the water was flowing out
after she had scooped some of it.
lbn Abbas said that the Prophet ~ remarked: May Allah
bestow mercy on the mother of Isma'il! Had she let the Zamzam
(flow without trying to control it and scooped its water to fill
her water-skin), it would have been a stream flowing on the
surface of earth. He further said:
Then she drank (water) and suckled her child. The angel
said to her, "Do not be afraid of being neglected for this is the
1 AI-Qur'an,lbrahim, 14: 37.
Stories From the Hadith

House of Allah which will be built by this boy and his father,
and Allah never neglects His people." The House (i.e. the
Ka'bah) at that time was on a high place resembling a hillock,
and when torrents came, they flowed to its right and left. She
lived in that way till some people from the tribe of Jurhum or a
family from Jurhum passed by her and her child, as they (i.e.
the Jurhum people) were coming through the way of Kada'.
They landed in the lower part of Makkah where they saw a bird
that had the habit of flying around water and not leaving it.
They said, "This bird must be flying around water though we
know that there is no water in this valley." They sent one or two
men to reconnoiter and they discovered the source of water and
returned to inform them of their discovery. So, they all came (to
it). Isma'il's mother was sitting near the water and they asked
her, "Will you permit us to stay with you?" She consented,
"Yes, but you will have no right over the water." They agreed to
that condition.
The Prophet illf; continued:
The mother of Isma'il was .pleased with the situation as she
loved company of people. So, they settled there, and later on,
they sent for their families who came and settled with them and
some families became permanent residents there. The child
(Isma'il) grew up and learnt Arabic from them and (his virtues)
caused them to love and admire him as he grew up, and when
he reached the age of puberty they married him to one .of their
The mother of Isma'il died (meanwhile), and Ibrahim
came, after he had married, in order to see his wife and son
whom he had left a long time ago. But, he did not find Isma'il
there. When he asked lsma'il's wife about him, she siad that he
was away in search of livelihood. Then he asked her about their
way of living and their condition, and she complained, "We are
living in a misery, we live in hardship and destitution."
He said, "When your husband returns, convey my
sal{.!tation to him and ask him to change the threshold of the
gate (of his house)."
When Isma'il came, he seemed to have felt something
Stories From the Hadith

unusual, so he asked his wife, "Has anyone visited You?" She

replied, "Yes! An old man of such-and-such a description came
and asked me about you and I informed him, and he asked
about our state of living, and I told him that we were living in
hardship and poverty." On that, Isma'il asked, "Did he giveyou.
any instructions?" "Yes", she replied, "He asked me to convey
his salutation to you and to tell you to change the threshold of
your gate."
lsma'il said, "He was my father, and he has ordered me to
divorce you. Go back to your family." So, he divorced her and
married another woman from amongst them (the Jurhum).
Then, lbrahim stayed away from them for a period as long
as Allah wished and called on them again but did not find
Isma'il. So he came to Isma'il's wife and asked her about Isma'il.
She said, "He has gone in search of our livelihood." Ibrahim
asked her, "How are you getting on?" asking her about their
sustenance and living. She replied, We are prosperous and
well-off', and she praised Allah, the Glorious. 'lbrahim asked,
"What kind of food do you eat?" She said, "Meat." He said,
"What do you drink?" She said, "Water." He said, "0 Allah!
Bless their meat and water."
The Prophete commented: At that time they did not have
grain, and if they had grain, he would also have invoked Allah
to bless it.
He added: If somebody has only these two things as his
sustenance, his health and disposition will be badly affected
unless he lives in Makkah.
He then said: Then Ibrahim said to the wife of Isma'il,
"When your husband comes, give my regards to him and tell
him that he should keep firm the threshold of his gate."
When Isma'il came back, he asked his wife, Did anyone
call on you?n She replied, Yes, a good-looking old man came
to me, "So she praised him and said, "He asked me about you,
and I informed him, and he asked about our livelihood and I
told him that we were in a good condition." Isma'il asked her,
"Did he give you any advice? She said, "Yes! He asked me to
give you his regards and ordered that you should keep firm the
StoriesFrom the Hadith

threshold of your gate." On that lsma'il said, "He was my father.

and you are the threshold (of the gate). He has ordered me to
kep you with me." Then lbrahim stayed away from them for a
period as long as Allah wished, and called on them afterwards.
He found Isma'il under a tree near Zamzam , sharpening his
arrows. When he saw lbrahim, he rose up to welcome him (and
they greeted each other as a father does with his son or a son
does with his father.)
lbrahim said, "0 Isma'il! Allah has given me an order."
lsma'il said, "Do what your Lord has ordered you to do."
Ibrahim asked. "Will you help me?'~ Isma'il said. "I will help
you." lbrahim said, "Allah has ordered me to build a house here,
pointing to a hillock higher than the. land surrounding it."
The Prophet$ added: Then they raised the foundations of
the Hosue (the Ka'bah), lsma'il brought the stones and lbrahim
built (the walls). When the walls became high, lsma'il brought
this stone (the one called Maqam lbrahim and termed in the
Qur'an as a sign of Allah.) He put it for lbrahim who stood over
it and carried on building, while Isma'il handed him the stones.
Both of them were saying:
J ... ~ ~ ~ , ..... ... " ...

o!~l-:..11 ~~A~ 11 ~~ ~ll:....o, 1":;., b.:;'


~~ ~-~-~
"Our Lord! Accept from us (this service). You, only You,
are the Hearer, the Knower! "0 )
They were both thus engaged in building (the House) and
going round the Ka'bah. They (on completion of their work)
J .. ,.'t. :- ~ .... ... , ..
o.P ~I'.IJ ~'.A': .. IJ ::.UJ ~Jl:....o, 1•:., b.:;'
~~ ~-~-~
"Our Lord! Accept(this service) from us. Indeed, You are
the Hearer, the Knower!" (1l]
(It is transmitted by Bukhari. Hadith no.3364)

The Holy Prophet$ has narrated the story of Sayyidah Hajirah
')(....!1 ~ and Sayyidina Isma'il r')(....l' ~. The mother and son were the

irst people to take up residence in the sacred city of Makkah and to

nhabit it. In fact, they landed at the very place that was one of the
nost sacred place on earth. The Bayt Al-Haram is there and
AI-Qur'an.AI-Baqarah, 2: 127.
Stories From the Hadith

Muslims will go circumambulating it till the Last Day. It is the

qiblah and here Sayyidinah Isma'il ~")(...)1 4# was the first to receive
revelation and Sayyidina Muhammad RasulAllah $ received the
last revelation. Here are the great signs of the Lord-the Maqam
Jbrahim, the Black stone, the Zamzam, As-Safa and Al-Marwah.
Sayyidina lbrahim ~")(...)1 4s- was the friend of Allah and a great
Prophet of Allah. He was on the upright religion. He had two wives.
Sayyidah Sarah ~")(...)1 If.:!;. was the mother of Sayyidinah Ishaq ~")(...)1 4#
and she lived in Syria, Sayyidina l~haq ~")(...)14# built a House of Allah
in Palestine known as Al-Quds or Al-Aqsa, which was the first
qiblah. Thousands of Prophets were born here and lived here. Allah
blessed it as He has said: :JY, Cs-')4 (the precincts whereof We have
His second wife was Sayyidah Hajirah ~")(..Jtlf.:l;.. Sayyidina Isma'il
was born to her Sayyidina Ibrahim ~")(...)1 4# brought them-mother and
son-from Syria to Makkah at the command of Allah. At that time
there was no living soul at Makkah and, in fact, no support of life
was available here-neither trees nor cultivation, neither greenery nor
water. It was a desolate, uninhabited valley amid unfriendly rocky
Allah, the Exalted, had blessed Sayyidina lbrahim ~")(...)1 4# with a
son in his old age. This caused Sayyidah Sarah ~")C..J1 If.:!;. to fear that
his second wife Hajirah ~"}C..Jtlf.:l&o might become his favourite.
Sayyidah Hajirah ~"}C..Jtlf.:l&o too was concerned that Sarah ~"}C..Jtlf.:l&o might
harm her or the child. That is why when she set towards ·Makkah,
she tied a girdle round her waist in such a way that it erased traces of
her footsteps behind her so that Sarah ~"}C..Jtlf.:l&o might not follow her.
Allah had commanded lbrahim ~")C..Jt 4s- to leave Hajirah ~')(.J1 lf.:l&o
and her new-born Isma'il r")C..J' 4s- at Makkah, at Bayt Al-Atiq (The
Bayt Allah was not yet in a building form but ,its place was known
because the previous building was washed away in the deluge of
Sayyidina Nuh~"}C..Jt4s-.)
The distance from Palestine to the inhospitable valley was
difficult and very risky to life.
This was a severe trying period for Sayyidina lbrahim ~")C..J1 4#.
He had invoked Allah much for a child and was blessed with a son
ultimately in old age. Then, he was asked to leave mother and son at
Al-Isra, 17: I. 2 Another name for House of Allah.
Stories From the Hadith =============== 49

a desolate place where even water was not to be had.

No one can fathom the wisdom of Allah and His powers. He
provides man with security right at the place where there is the
greatest danger. He let Sayyidina Musa r~'..,~s- live and grow at the
house of Fir'awn himself who was his greatest enemy. He turned the
fire, that can incinerate man in no time, into a cool garden for
Sayyidina ·Ibrahim ~~~ ..,~s-. These are small signs of His Power. On
the face of it man sees difficulty and loss in something but the Real
Owner has placed goodness and blessings in that. He has said:
A J. J:<
"' .,.
,., "' ~ ,..,. "' ,...
, (I ~ ' ~ ' , -.. If,'. 7, I' • , I ' ' ' ,_ (I ~, . ' , • h','. 7, I' , ' (', , I ' '
,:..,. ;J

0 \'"'"""' ..)-'-'J .>A.J - ~ 0 ~.J \'"'"""' ~ .>A.J

- .>A.Y-' 0 ~
{It may be that you abhor a thing, while it is good for you, and
it may be that you love a thing, while it is bad for you.}

Hence, this trial seemed to spell out disaster and annihilation for
the Friend of Allah r~'..,~s- but there turned out to be blessings,
unlimited, for mankind. It is apparent to all mankind, and all
Muslims enjoy the blessings and mercy that accrue from that
The growing, nurture and rearing of Zabeeh Allah, Isma'il ..,~s­
r~'. at this isolated, water-less land, gave mankind the most sacred
place on earth. They were provided with the city by which the Lord
of the worlds took an oath. It has the centre of the manifestation and
light of the Glorious Lord, the Bayt Allah.
It is the city on earth where worship, goodness and favour are at
their extreme and unmatched at any other place. The Master of all
masters has debarred infidelity and infidels and polytheists from this
place. May He Keep it pure from them always!
The sacrifice of the Friend of Allah r~' ..,Js. and the perseverance
of Zabeeh Allah r~'..,~s- gave mankind that town which was the
birth-place of the greatest of men, a favour to them, a blessing for
the worlds, the unlettered Prophet ;.L) jj, ):... May blessings of
Allah and peace be on him.
Surely, Allah made lbrahim r~'..,~s- and Isma'il r~'..,~s- as the
means of these blessings and favours. He thus caused them to be
remembered much and always. ,
o ~~- '·' 1'·- ~ aiJ
.w'v JJ1 '~
0-" ' --~ , ,
{That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He
Stories From the Hadith ================50
Wl'IJ S. (I)}

Sayyidina Ibrahim r'.>C.J'4.)&. took the new-born and his mother

away from the land of cool breeze, beautiful gardens, flowing
springs and fertile fields to an uncultivable, barren wildemes. He
took them away from the sacred land of Palestine to a desert and left
them in the shade of a tree ·where for niles there was no sign of
human life. He retraced his steps without waiting a while or building
for them a home or erecting a tent. He left them without food and
drink and without protection from wild animals. He had bowed
down before the command of Allah!
Imagine the plight of Sayyidah Hajirah r'.>U' ~- She was helpless
in a strange land, all alone, without company. no human being in
sight and she had no food or drink. She had her infant to look
after-her love, her darling. Her greatest wordly support, her
husband, was leaving her alone and going away without so much as
consoling words. She followed him, pleaded with him but he had no
reply, no words for her. Was it a command of Allah? Yes, was the
only reply . . With faith and belief, Sayyidah Hajirah r'.>U' ~ spoke
firmly-a historical sentence-~')'.;,.;~ "Then He will not neglect us."
This, indeed, is Islam: to submit to the command of Allah.
Ibrahim r'.>U' 4.)&. demonstrated this behaviour and the Qur'an testifies
0 -. '.• I!.IJ :_.- 1 ~~, t[j, 1'...1~- !J - t[j Jl
~ ,. j ! LJ ~ •.) LJ c.

{(Recall) when his Lord said to him, "Submit'~, he said, "I

submit myself to the Lord ofthe worlds."}(!\l-13aqarah.2:131)
Anyway, Ibrahim's r'.>C.J'4.)&. answer gave her peace and
satisfaction and she knew that the command of Allah was being
On his part, lbrahim r'.>U' 4.)&. was returning after bowing down to
the command of Allah and ignoring the natural love for his wife and
child. However, he had the instinctive love inside him and as he
reached a point where his wife could not have seen him he turned
his face towards the Ka'bah, raised his hands and made a sincere,
heart-warming supplication to Allah:
:. "' .. , , .. , , J ,.. "" "t "" ..
r-r- ~~
"-:..'.IJ ;·hi'•
--· ~
' p.)
''·'C.S ,J #' ·1 t:..::'
_..:(;• J '.0::" ~I'~f
•· .Jl'--'"! 1,?--J •.)

Al-Qur'an. Al-Hadeed. 57:21.
Stories From the Hadith ===============.51
{"Our Lord! Surely I have made some of my progeny to dwell
in a valley uncultivable, near Your Sacred House. Our Lord!
That they may establish Salah (prayer); so make the hearts of
some of mankind to yearn towards them, and provide them with
fruits, that they may give thanks.}(lbrahim, 14:37)
The Merciful Lord accepted the plea of His friend. The mother
of Isma'il used for soine days the water in the water-skin which
lbrahim ~')(.J' 4.# had left for them. They also used the dates that he
had left behind. She suckled the infant. But, the stock of water and
dates were soon exhausted and she felt thirsty and hungry. She
would have endured her plight but how could she stand to see her
darling uncomfortable; he could not complain but was obviously in
distress. She could not watch him and she had no power or ability to
mitigate his pain.
In her predicament, Sayyidah Hajirah ~')(.J' ~ ascended the
nearest height that was mount As-Safa that perhaps she might spy
some traveller with water and food, something to allow them to
subsist. But, she saw no one although she let her eyes wanter deep
into the desert. All she could see was wilderness, no sign of life or
life support. Dispirited she descended from As-Safa and walked
hopefully to the second mountain there, the Marwah. There, too, she
threw her sight deep into empty space but her sight returned to her
as luckless as before. She came down from Al-Marwah and
nervously went again to As-Safa. Not knowing what to do, she went
from here to Al-Marwah and again to As-Safa. She moved from here
to there seven times and each time she cast her eyes on her child.
These seven rounds that Sayyidah Hajirah ~')(.J' ~ made became part
of rites of pilgrimage for all time to come. This is the Sa 'ee the
Muslims will continue to perform between As-Safa and .Al-Marwah
and it gives us the message to carry on the Sa'ee-the endeavour-in
the face of helplessness and to keep occupied in their struggle and
effort. Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has prescribed the seven
circuits of Sa'ee as part of Hajj and Umrah. He has said:
, , , , , , ,. , .:. ,... . , , , .,. <".

" -,II::..:U.JI"'' ,·".J.ll '\i:...t ,_

- 'C~JU. .;A=-.} -· ~ ~ , -?'! 01'
t;" '-'1' ~1-·1
.J..r-' .J u~
ol'_ . ;J~. t ~ ,, j
-y; ~u .
{Surely As-Safa and AI-Marwah are among the emblems of
Stories From the Hadith

Allah; so whosoever performs the Hajj to the House (of Allah),

or performs Umrah, there is no blame on him if he goes around
them.}(AI-Baqarah,2: 158)
When she was again at As-Safa at the end of her seventh round,
she suddenly perceived a sound. She became very alert and asked
herself to be quiet and pricked up her ears. There was the sound
again. She addressed herself to the voice, "If you can help, I have
heard you!" She paid very careful attention to the voice and traced it
as coming from where her dear child was. There! There was the
angel of the Lord of the worlds! He was the chief of them, Jibril 4#
1'~'- He was jabbing into the earth with his heel. That was the point
of the Zamzam and suddenly water sprouted out from it. The water
that she seeked at the mountains, sprang up below the feet of her
infant by the command of the Gracious Lord.
Imagine the happiness and joy of the mother who now saw the
light of her life rescued from the claws of death and grow strong. As
if by a reflex action she began to scoop the water and thought about
storing it. She made out a sort of a pond with her hands so that water
may not escape. If she had let it alone then Zamzam would have
been a spring about which the Prophet~ has said, "May Allah have
mercy on the mother of Isma'il! If she had let the Zamzam alone (and
not made a pond), it would have run as a spring."
Th1:1s, Allah blessed her with life-giving water and she could
again suckle her child-whose hunger was satiated and thirst
quenched. Jibril r~'~ said, "Do not fear that you would be
destroyed!" He gave her the glad tidings that the child and his father
would construct the House of Allah and Allah would never let its
dwellers perish.
Allah perfected His blessings on mother and son. In order that
they may have company. We made people settle there. A caravan of
the Bani Jurham passed from there and encamped in the outskirts of
the valley of Makkah. They observed a species of bird which had the
habit of being near water and if they were merely passing by then
these birds would not stop there, but they continued to fly overhead.
However, these people were acquainted with the area and knew that
there was no water here and no habitation. They sent a scout to
investigate and he reported back that he had found a woman and an
Stories From the Hadith ==============53
infant near water.
Hence, all of them went there and observed the bubbling water.
They were very happy and sought permission of the mother of
Isma'il to stay there. She consented to their stay but made it
conditional that they will not have any right over water. They agreed
to her condition and called their families too to stay with them for
they were nomadic people who took up temporary residence at a
fertile spot before proceeding to a new destination.
Isma'il ~')(...)1 ~ grew up in this situation. He was very handsome
and graceful. He was active and good-mannered. His endearing
nature compelled his neighbours to give him one of their girls in
marriage to him .
Meanwhile, his mother died. she had no more fear or worry on
account of her dear child and death came to her, death which is the
end of all life.
Ibrahim r')(...J' ~ who had been away from them for a long time
came to see his wife and child. He did not find Isma'il at home. He
had gone to seek livelihood for his family. His wife complained to
lbrahim r')(...J' ~ about their hardship and when he took leave of her,
he asked her to tell her husband to change the threshold of his gate.
(This was a figurative way of asking him to divorce his wife, and get
himself another wife, because she was not a contended woman while
wives of Prophets should show contentment.) She was unaware that
he was Isma'il's father and was leaving a message to him through her
to divorce her. She conveyed the message to Isma'il ~')(...)1 ~ who
understood it and divorced her.
When Ibrahim r')(...J' ~ came a second time he found another
woman in his son's house and she was of an utterly different
temperament. In spite of facing difficult times, she was grateful and
content. So, he left message that she should be retained. He had
observed that she was worth being a Prophet's wife. He prayed for
their well-being before departing from there.
It is worth remembering that lbrahim r')(...J' ~ asked what they
ate. He was told that they ate meat and water. The Holy Prophet$
has said that they did not have grain or cereals for if they had it, she
would have mentioned that and lbrahim r')(...J' ~ would have blessed
that too.
Stories From the Hadith

It is amazing, therefore, that the people of Makkah who are

children of Isma'il ~")U1 * live on water and meat alone. They use
cereal and grain very little and much use of meat is not harmful to
them while it would be damaging to any other people to
continuously eat meat.
When Sayyidina lbrahim ~")U1 4:# came a third time, he met his
son. He was sharpening the arrows. Father and son met after a long
time and they treated each other as they should have. They saluted
and embraced each other and shook hands. They enquired after each
other. Sayyidina Ibrahim ~~~ * then informed his obedient son that .
Allah had commanded him to build the Ka'bah and that Isma'il
should help him. The obedient son lost no time in agreeing to follow
the command of Allah. Thus, both of them took up the task of
building the House on completion of which they invoked the
blessings of Allah:
, .... , 1:. ~ ;;, ,... ... .. ""

0~: ~~ ~:A~ ~I .. IJ d:.ll:...o.
f' ~.~
~~~~ ~ -

{Our Lord! Accept from us (this service). You, indeed You , are
the Hearer, the Knower.} (AI-Baqarah. 2: 127)

Lessons and Messages

The Hadith of this story is a source of knowledge and realities.
If the Prophet $ had not narrated these facts to us, we did not have
any other. means to know how the Ka'bah was built and other facts
connected with it. The Qur'an has spoken only of the basic points
while the Messenger of Allah~ has related the details.
1. The first thing we learn is that Sayyidina Ibrahim r")U' 4:#
obeyed the command of Allah promptly without demur although it
seemed that he would face difficulty and loss on obeying the
command. Also, it seemed unintelligible to leave wife and child
alone in wilderness absolutely helpless. But, the behaviour of
Sayyidina lbrahim r")U' * showed that Islam implies submission to
the commands of Allah. There is no question of asking for the
wisdom behind the command, or of procrastinating until the wisdom
is understood. It is the demand of the command that compliance
should follow without the least bit of unwillingness or hesitation.
Accordingly, he had also jumped into the fire without waver. He
Stories from the Hadith

did not stop to ask his intellect what was to be done.

Submission and prompt obedience is Islam. That is what
worship and.. adoration demands. No matter how diffJcult, harmful or
unintelligible the command of Allah be, it is not worthy of a slave to
ask why or seek wisdom behind it or weigh it with intellect.
Hence, it is imperative for a worshipper that he should not
dilly-dally but he should execute the command of Allah forthwith.
2. Often man thinks that an action is unpleasant and
disadvantageous to him but, in reality, there is goodness and
advantage concealed in it for him. It looked foolish and an
unpleasant conduct to leave one's family members all alone in a
desolate place. But, many blessings were concealed in the action not
only for lbrahim ~")(...J' ~ and his family but also for all mankind. This
is very clear today.
Every Muslim should remember this. Anything happening with
Allah's will and consent may seem difficult and damaging to them
but finally their consequences are advantageous though hidden in
them. for instance, someone has booked 9 seats for himself by a
flight and makes all preparation to board the plane but somehow
misses the flight. This is a very disgusting situation, but he may
learn later that the plane he missed crashed and the passengers
perished. Obviously, the loss of missing the flight was offset by the
saving of life. The Qur'an has said:
~~4 .... ~ , , .. ,...., ,f, .. ~ , , .. _.../

r..)-'.JJJ-AJ - ~u '·I ~-'r~J-AJ

o ' (l" ' '-"-lr.~r.l'~ '<I''· """liU..ti" ' C~··I
I u
- J-A~u ~ I '

{It may be that you abhor a thing, while it is good for you, and
it may be that you love a thing, while it is bad for you.}

3. This story also tells us that to obey the command of Allah

does not preclude us, from seeking means. Rather, man must as far
as possible seek means and instruments. Sayyidah Hajirah r'>~:...h ~
did not give up when she did not find water but she adopted all
means within her power to seek water for her child and herself.
4. A father must take care of his children's worldly life besides
their religious matters. Sayyidina lbrahim r")(...J' ~ first took care of
the religious upbringing of his son and then he also cared for his
material life and livelihood. He enquired after him and prayed for
Stories From the Hadith ===============56
abundance and blessings in his livelihood. When he had left them
alone even then he invoked blessings in their sustenance.
5. We also learn from the Hadith that Sayyidina Isma'il ~~' 4.#
was an adept archer for he was arranging his bows and arrows when
lbrahim ~~' 4.# met him. This is what prompted the Prophet$ to tell
his Companions~ .iJ, ..sJ>; once:
yl) 1)\.S" ~1.!11)\) ~t.-.1 ~ l_;o Jl
["0 Bani lsma'il! Practice archery because your father (lsma'il)
was an archer."](Bukhari)
6. The Hadith also teaches us that the men of God and the
righteous and their families must show patience and gratitude and be
content in every situation. They must not complain in difficult times.
The first wife of Sayyidina Isma'il ~~' 4.# had a complaining nature
and Sayyidina lbrahim ~~' 4.# asked him to divorce her.
Stories From the Hadith

The Fifth Story

Sayyidina lbrahim r')(.J' ~ and

Sayyidah Sarah r')(.J1 ~ & Cruel King
Introductory Words
The experience that we are going to relate now shows how
Allah protects His slaves from the adversity of their enemies. He
protected Sayyidah Sarah r')(.Jt ~ from the mischief of a tyrant when
he had evil designs against this wife of a noble Prophet. This story
shows how Allah helps those people who have no one to help them.
Allah always protects those of His slaves who are near to Him and,
therefore, dear, and He always debases their enemies.

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Stories From the Hadith

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[It is narrated by Abu Hurayrah 4:.S- JJ1 ~; that the Prophet
$ said: lbrahim emigrated with Sarah and entered a village
Stories From the Hadith

where there was a king amongst the kings, or a tyrant amongst

the tyrants. He was told that lbrahim had come (and was)
accompan-ied by a woman who was one of the most charming
women. So, the king sent for lbrahim and asked "0 Ibrahim!
Who is this lady with you?" lbrahim replied, "She is my sister."
Then lbrahim returned to her and said, "Do not contradict my
statement for I have informed them that you are my sister. By
Allah, there are no true believers on earth besides you and I."
(So, you are my believing sister in religion.) Then lbrahim sent
her to the king. When the king got to her, she got i.Jp and
performed ablution, offered as-Salah (prayer) and made the
supplication, "0 Allah, if I have believed in You and Your
Messenger, and have abstained except from my husband then
do not let this disbeliever overpower me." On that the king fell
down unconscious and started moving his legs. (The narrator
then continues:) She supplicated Allah, '.'0 Allah, if he should
die, the people will say that I have killed him." The king
regained power and again proceeded towards her but she got up
again performed ablution offered as-Salah and made the
supplication, "0 Allah, if I have believed in You and Your
Messenger and kept my private parts safe from all except my
husband then do not let this disbeliever get the better of me."
The king again fell down unconscious and began moving his
legs. (The narrators continue:)
She said, "0 Allah, if he shoul~ die, the people will say
that I have killed him." The king got two or three such attacks,
and after recovering from the last, he said, "By Allah! You have
sent a Satan to me. Take her to Ibrahim, and give her Hajirah."
So, she came back to lbrahim and said, "Allah humiliated the
disbeliever, and gave us a slave-girl for service."]
(Bukhari, Hadith # 2217)

In another version also in Sahih Bukhari, Sayyidina Abu

Hurayrah~JJ,._,..,J has said:
[lbrahim did not tell a lie except on three occasions. Twice
for the sake of Allah when he sai.d, "I am sick", (as-Saffat, verse98)
and "I have not done it but the big idol has done it."(ai-Ambiya,
Stories From the Hadith

The third (was while) lbrahim and Sarah were going (on a
journey) and they passed by the territory of a tyrant amongst the
tyrants. Someone said to the tyrant, "This man is accompanied
by a very charming lady." So he sent for lbrahim and asked him
about Sarah saying, "Who is the lady (with you)?" lbrahim said,
"My sister." Then he returned and said to Sarah, "0 Sarah!
There are no believers on the surface of the earth except you
and I. This man asked me about you and I have told him that
you are my sister, so do not contradict me."
The tyrant then called Sarah and when she went to him, he
tried to take hold of her with his hand, but he was confounded.
He asked Sarah to pray for him and he would not harm her. So,
she asked Allah to cure him and he was cured. He tried to take
hold of her for the second time but (his hand got stiffer than
before and ) was more confounded. He again requested Sarah.
"Pray to Allah for me and I will not harm you." Sarah asked
Allah again and he became cured. He then called one of his
guards and said, "You have not brought to me a human being
but you have brought a devil." The tyrant then gave Sarah,
Hajirah as a girl-servant. Sarah came back to lbrahim while he
was offering as-Salah (prayer). lbrahim gesturing with his hand
asked, "What has happened?" She replied, "Allah has foiled the
evil plot of the infidel, and gave me Hajirah for service."
Abu Hurayrah then said: That was your mother, 0 Bani
Ma'as-Sama. (Children of the water of the sky)]
(Bukhari Hadith# 3358 I Muslim, BookofExcellence oflbrahim 4/ 1840)

The Prophets are Innocent

of All Sins Including Lying
1. The Hadith says: Sayyidina lbrahim ~"£..)1 ~ did not tell a lie
except on three occasions.
What does the Arabic word Kaziba (lie) mean here? It is
obvious that the word is not used in its true sense because it is
impossible that the Holy Prophets r"£..J' ~ commit any kind of sin.
The Ulama agree that the Prophets are innocent.
In fact, the word is used here in relation to the listener and one
who is addressed. The listener understands another meaning in what
Stories From the Hadith

the speaker says although he does not mean that. This is called "!.J.i
(tawriyah) and it is an allusion, hint double entendre or a pun (play
upon words). The responsibility that Allah has placed on the
Prophets regarding the conveying of the message leaves no
possibility for telling lies even to a very small degree.
As far as affairs of the world are concerned, the authorities, both
earlier ai1d subsequent, hold possibility in either way on telling lies
by the Prophets r')(..J1 ~ but the more correct view is that they are
innocent and have never told lies.
Qadi Ayyad Maliki has said about this subject:
"The correct point is that as far as conveying or propagation is
concerned (what is necessary to be conveyed to the people), it is
even beyond imagination (that they would lie) though we may
or may not believe in the possibility of their lying for the
inferior..... because the office of prophethood is much above
such things. If we leave open the possibility of Prophet~ telling
lies then it would question their sayings, trustworthiness and
Anyway, the word Kazaba here, does not mean he lied.
Whatever Sayyidina Ibrahim r')(..J1 ~ said was a fact and true and his
saying could be interpreted in two ways. The addressee took the
nearest and common meaning while the Prophet had the rare
meaning in mind. His speech was figurative for Sayyidina Ibrahim,
the friend of Allah, was far above speaking lies.
2. The last sentence spoken by Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~ JJ1 ~;
in the Hadith is: "That (Hajirah) was your mother, 0 Bani Ma'
as-Sama (0, children of the water of the sky)."
Imam Nawawi has said about the meaning of this phrase:
"Many scholars believe the Bani Ma' as-Sama refers to Arabs
because their descent is direct and pure. They are not a mixed
race. They are as free of mixing with others as rain water from
the sky is free of impurities ofthe world."
It is also said that it refers to the Ansar because their ancestor
Aamir bin Harithah bin Umraw al-Qays was called Ma as-Sama
(water of the sky). But Allah knows best.
Stories From the Hadith =============== 62
When lbrahim r')I..':.J' ~ emigrated from his homeland, Sayyidah
Sarah r')I..':.J'~ was with him. Earlier, his people had plunged him into
the fire but it had turned into a cool resort for him at the command
of Allah. After that, he emigrated from there and kept setting camps
at distant places and, obviously, he found no one to help him in
stmage lands. In such conditions, cruel and oppressing people often
have a wicked eye on immigrants and travellers and Sayyidina
Ibrahim r')I..':.J' ~ also encountered a tyrant intoxicated with power and
authority. He learnt that Ibrahim was in his territory with a beautiful
woman. In those days, these tyrants arrested the husband of a
woman whom they liked to enjoy but if she was accompanied with a
father or brother or she was unmarried, they did not bother her.
This is why lbrahim r')I..':.J' ~ said that she was his sister.
However, in spite of that the tyrant had evil designs on her. Ibrahim
r')I..':.J' ~ sent her to the tyrant because as a Prophet he was confident
that Allah would not let her suffer. The Prophets r'£..J' ~ are the
most sacred and pure natured of all people and Allah chooses pure
women for them. While it is possible that a Prophet's wife may be a
disbeliever but she cannot be an immoral woman. Wives of Prophets
are always pure and modest.
Prophet Ibrahim r')I..':.J' ~ had full faith in Allah and knew that
Sayyidah Sarah r')I..':.J' ~ would not come to harm at the hands of the
evil king. So, he sent her to the king but informed her that he had
told him that she was his sister-and this saying was a play upon
words, tawriyah.
Tawriyah is a speech that may be interpreted in two ways. The
addressee understands in a way that is contrary to what the speaker
intends. It is proper to do so especially if one does it to preserve
oneself from a tyrant or from his mischief. Such a course of action is
not the same as telling lies.
The Messenger of Allah$ referred to it as a lie because it
seemed such to the listeners.
So, Sayyidina lbrahim r'£..J' ~ said to Sayyidah Sarah r')I..':.J' ~ that
he had told him that she was his sister. He added, "The fact is that
there is no one besides you and I on earth who is a believer. So, you
are my sister in religion." Allah has said:
Stories From the Hadith

· '. I '.': "¥JI ~I7
{The believers are but brethren} (AI-Hujurat,49: 11)
The Prophet $ has said that Ibrahim ~")(.J' ~ lied three times.
The Qur'an has reffered to it at two places.
In one verse, lbrahim ~")(.J' ~ is supposed to have said ~ ._s!! {I
am unwell} .'') Here, lbrahim~")(.J'~ had resorted to tawriyah to ;ave
himself from joining in a sinful activity when his people invited him
to participate in their festival where idols were worshipped. He
meant, "I am upset and sad because of your idol-worship." That is
what the word~ (saqeem) also means.
The second time. when he was all alone and had the
opportunity, he smashed all the idols and placed the axe in the neck
of the biggest of them whom he had spared. Later, when he was
asked by his people about it, he said:
oi.U ~~ ·I~
• ' •! .'<:' J.;j 0:'
{Nay he has done it-this, the big one of them ... } (AI-Anbiya,
21 :63)

Obviously, this thing was contrary to fact but Sayyidina lbrahim

~")(.J1 ~ spoke in this manner to present the people with an argument.
In fact, they too conceded that the idol could not speak and lbrahim
~")(.J1 ~ was not talking sense. He took up the argument with their
words and said that it was a pity that in spite of knowing all that they
continued to worship the idols who neither spoke nor heard, neither
benefited anyone nor harmed him.
In short, all these three speeches were contrary to facts but they
were not lies. There is a maxim:
o&:!-:'..foJI ..:..l4w ).>.~~I..::..~
"The piety ofthe pious are the evil of the near ones."
If a common man does anything against the recommended then
he is not taken to task or blamed but the Prophet r")(.J' ~ are slaves
of Allah who are near to Him so if they do anything against a better
course then they are cautioned and reprimanded. Accordingly we
find in a Hadith that on the Day of Resurrection all the creatures will
be worried and distressed because of the severity of the occasion.
So, they will go to different Prophets imploring them to recommend
to Allah that He ease the severity and commence the reckoning. But,
As-Saftat. 37: 89.
Stories From the Hadith ============== 64
all the Prophets r")).:. .h ~ will recall that they had gone against the
better sometime or other and will repent and seek forgiveness for
that, and they will regret their inability to recommend. Sayyidina
Ibrahim r-A:..l1 ~' too, will express helplessness in the matter and recall
these three occasions which he will count as grave sins and seek
forgiveness for that.
Returning to the episode, Sayyidina Ibrahim r-A:.J1 ~ sent
Sayyidah Sarah r-A:..ll ~ to the tyrant and himself stood up in prayer
before Allah-a meeting with, and a petition to, his Lord. Allah
accepted his supplication and helped Sayyidah Sarah r-A:..ll ~
although there was no visible means of help. She too had made
suplications to Allah in her helpless situation, and He protected her
and she maintained her chastity. Her supplication was, "0 Allah, if I
am a believer in You and Your Messenger, and have preserved my
chastity, then let not the disbeliever harm me."
When she was there, he extended his hand towards her with evil
designs. The secret, unseen powers of nature seized him and made
him a cripple. Sayyidah Sarah worried that if the cruel man died then
she would be blamed for killing him and he too pleaded with her
that he would cause her no harm if she beseeched Allah to restore
him to health.
She prayed to Allah accordingly and he was cured, but he
reverted to his devilish designs. Once again, unseen forces of nature
seized him and he was seized more severely than before. Once again
he implored Sayyidah Sarah r-A:.J1 ~ to pray to Allah, and she did,
and he was restored to health.
This cruel man then summoned his couriers and guards and
complained that they had brought a devil to him (for he thought that
only a devil has secret powers). He ordered them to take her away
and deliver her safely to Ibrahim and he gave her Hajirah as a
slave-girl. She is the very Sayyidah Hajirah r')(.J1 ~ who is the
mother of Sayyidina Isma'il r-A:..l1 ~ for Sayyidah Sarah r-A:..ll ~ had
gifted her to her husband, lbrahim r-A:.J1 ~ who married her. (we have
spoken of this earlier.) .
Imam Muslim has transmitted a Hadith of the Messenger of
[You would soon conquer Egypt and that is the land of
Stories From the Hadith

al-qirat (the Egyptian currency was so-called). So, when you

conquer it, treat its inhabitants well for they have blood-ties
with you or have a relationship of marriage.]<11
This means that the Prophet $ was among the descendants of
Sayyidina Isma'il r')C...J' ~. the son of Sayyidah Hajirah r')C...J' ~. She
was of Egyptian stock. She was the mother of the Prophet and the
Arabs and he spoke in this vein.

Lessons and Messages

1. The most important thing this Hadith tells us is that the wives
of Allah's Prophets and Messengers r')C...J' ~ are honourable and
chaste and they are safe and protected from evil. If any evil person
should try to harm them or harbours evil designs against them, Allah
will not only fail him in his mischief but also punish him. The wives
of the Prophets and Messengers remain unharmed because these
people are the most sacred and pure section of mankind. So, their
wives too are pure and chaste in conformity with Divine law:
~~ ..~~~~~ ~ t·aLtl-

{Good women are for good -men}<2>

We have seen how Sayyidah Sarah r')C...J' ~ was protected by the
unseen Hand of Allah. The sinning tyrant, on the other hand, was
2. We also learn from this Hadith that a believer must turn to
Allah immediately when he is faced with trial. He must seek His
help through prayer (As-Salah) as, indeed, Sayyidina lbrahim r')C...J' ~
and Sayyidah Sarah r')C...J' ~ immediately stood up in prayer and
made imploring supplications to Allah when they were seized with
trial. As a result Allah helped them preserve their honour and
3. The story brings out a reality that in his practical life man is
sometimes faced with a situation where he cannot do what he wishes
to do. Rather, he has to submit to a great opposition and if he does
not submit then he cannot protect himself or subdue the opposition.
In such cases, rather than fight the opposition, he must place trust in
the Powers of Allah and let matters be left to His will and it is not
1 Muslim 2
6174, reported by Abi Zarr. An-Nur, 24: 26.
Stories From the Hadith =============== 66

against Shari'ah to bow down to opposition for the moment.

Sayyidina Ibrahim r~' ~ did not consider it reasonable to oppose
the tyrant for he could not have, by himself, caused him any harm
but he would have suffered himself. So, he put the affairs in the
Hands of Allah. Lord of the worlds and made a heart-felt
supplication to Him for He is the Most Superior Power Who
prevents tyrants from being cruel and oppressive. And. He did. in
fact help them.
Many People consider that it is manly and courageous to oppose
and tl.ght rather than submit and bow down in such situations. Man
is not always able to practice religion in every kind of situation and
he cannot always live his life according to his liking and wish. In
such situations when fighting the opposing power could be harmful,
it is better to adopt a policy of peace and seek a better way for
The Truce of Hudaybiyah is an example in the life of the
Messenger of Allah, Muhammad $. Sometimes it is more
important to refrain from shedding blood.
It must be clear, however, that it does not imply that Muslims
must surrender to the disbelievers or tyrants or always toe their line
from fear of death or loss of property and wealth. Certainly never!
Islam teaches us to live in honour and dignity and has prescribed
Jihad for that very end. The door of Jihad is always open for
Muslims against every tyrant and colonist who aims at suppressing
Islam or playing with the honour of Muslims or attacks them or
prevents them from living peacefully or refuses to accept Islam's
supremacy and subjugation of evil. To live honourably a Muslim
would cherish to die honourably and gain martyrdom.
The teaching of submission is applied when wisdom demands
that course. We get many examples of that in the lives of the
honourable Companions~~~ J,, '>'J-P J and in events of battles and
For example, there is the case of a number of Companions ~eing
taken captive by the enemy. The enemy king tried his best to get
them to renounce Islam but those people were firm and did not give ·
in. Having failed in all his attempts, he had a very large fire kindled
in which a large vessel filled with oil was placed. When the oil
Stories From the Hadith

began to boiL he called their amir (the leader) and said to him. "If
you renounce Islam, it is okay otherwise I would have you placed in
the oil." The Companion did not yield.
The cruel king decided to put in more pressure. He asked for
another of the Companions to be brought to him and ordered that he
should be put in the fire. That man was cast into the burning oil and
within moments he turned into ashes. The amir stood his ground
and did not budge in the least, so the king directed his men to put
him into the raging fire. As he was ·being taken to the fire, tears
rolled down his eyes. The king had him brought back assuming that
he was afraid of death and might give in. He said to him, "There is
still time. You can save yourself from fire." The Companion said,
"0, you think that tears have come to my eyes because I fear death.
No! It is not so! I wept because I have only one life to give up in
Allah's way. If I had a thousand, I would have given up them all, for
this one would be lost in just a few moments."
Look at his sentiments!
This answer placed the king in a quandary. He wondered what
sort of people those men were! They held death dear even when they
were in the hold of death; the king thought about his people and
himself, "We do not even love life to that extent as they love death."
The king decided, therefore, that instead of being put to death
these people should be given some other punishment, something that
would arouse their sense of modesty. He said, "I am willing to
release you, if you kiss my head."
The amir thought about it for a little while and then said, "Yes! I
will kiss your forehead on condition that you release all my
companions too."
The king agreed to that co11dition; and this man kissed the king's
forehead and got all his companions released from captivity.
When they reached home, Sayyidina Umar 4:.So .iJ, ~J was
informed of the entire episode and he was very happy with that. He
praised this man's strength of belief and insight.
He was steadfast and bold. He used his insight and got all his
men released. He could have fought against the king but that would
have been disastrous as well as against wisdom. He showed
steadfastness where that was called for; even the disbelieving king
Stories From the Hadith

was overawed by his firmness. When it was opportune that he use

his foresight, he did that and got his companions released.
In fact, this is how every Muslim must conduct himself,
showing firmness of faith and deep insight. Every Muslim must
work to grasp on understanding of religion.
4. The fourth thing that the Hadith teaches us is that it is proper
for a Muslim to accept a gift from an infidel or a tyrant (provided it
does not compell him to waver in his belief). It was the devilish,
cruel king .who presented a slave-girl to Sayyid;Jh Sarah ~')(.J' ~ and
she accepted the gift. Then, Sayyidina lbrahim ~')(.J' ~ confirmed her
action. Then, she presented the slave-girl, Hajirah, to Sayyidina
Ibrahim ~')(.J' ~ who married her and she was to become the mother
of Isma'il r')(.J' ~-
5. When anyone receives a bounty or is rescued from a difficulty
then he must not only express gratitude to Allah but also make the
blessing known to others. It is known as tahdeeth ni'mah (publicity
of ·blessing). When she was free from the tyrant king. Sayyidah
Sarah r')(...J' ~ answered the question of Sayyidina Ibrahim r')(.J' ;.#,
"Allah has been merciful and the mischief of the disbeliever has
rebounded on him and saved me from his wickedness."
Stories From the Hadith

The Sixth Story

The Story of Sayyidina Lut ~~~ ~

First Words
Sayyidina Lut r')U' ~ was one of the prominent determined
Prophets. He was faced with a people who were most hard-hearted
and extremely cruel. They had lost all natural and instinctive
tendencies and they had become inhuman losing all sort of moral
values. They refused to heed the repeated calls to guidance of the
Prophet of Allah, and their savage behaviour was worse than what
animals do. They were more brutal than brutes. Their unnatural·
detestable conduct was a blur on human history. Sayyidina Lut' ~
r')U' tolerated them for a long period of time. but when they
transgressed beyond limit, the Creator of nature let lose His arm of
punishment which was as severe as their crime demanded. They
were eliminated from the face of earth.

:J\! ,~ Jl1 ...? J i.J"~ If. I .:.f' 45'JJ::-o ".) ~WI -.> JJ
~:Wi J;.. ~u~u ,o)J ZJt(;, ~1:;:, ~Jf JJ1 ~j ~ ~~w
~:; ~~ ,~:; ;;,) ~~~>· ;;. ::,A:Wti ,~"'JJ :,A)~~ ~~J ,4) ' '

~J Jil1 1)j~ ;.SJ Abi :,A:;~ f~~ :J\! ~T) lJ! ,~~~';At
~ ;.J~ ~!)
~ ~ ~~ JtJ~ :l)li (VA
:.)JA) ~(;., ".) ...0Jj:;rj
(A•:.),JA) .;4~J')J!~JI~jiaji~_)~i)l :J\!(V~ :.),JA)~)
!Ill ,.. ,; .. ,..

~\I .I ... ~ 'J' ~- '!' ..' :J~ ~\ ~ '!: . ~\ :- ~=J~

• : ~ :) ..r)
Ul: ~ ' . .r-r-- '. :
? '~~~;.~ ~1)) 1p)~6:~c.i:_,.:JJ :J\! <"':.))A)
~ ~ ~81 ~i ~ ~ ;.s-e::.; :l}f~ '~~~ :;.+!\ J~ (f,;/
Swries From the Hadith ===============:: 70

'J ~~) c~'")J11:#~ J;. c~ ~ ~;. ~~~ cU)~i

~(;.,i ~;-:_ )~~ j;. <J')d(, fl~ .. h ~~\5" j;. c~\ ~
cl')~i :;J ~~:1c J.5l~, ~;J 4i ~ ,~,-~J' ;: 'J ,;.w,
.~:~:~,.P ~IS":· :;. ~~ c;.. :;.J ,:..;.w J.5l~,

~ liS'j liS'~~~ ~~~ J;. ,.!J"JJ ~J ~~ ~)~ :J\!

Jlkj1 ~ ,~:Jl' 41 0~ ~ lA~ ~;J ,~;.5:1, ~~ ~w fL=J'
41 0~ ~ ~A~ ~/J ,~~~ ~w ~ ~i .JJ, ~G :• :;.
Hakim has transmitted in his mustadrak from Sayyidina
lbn Abbas~Jh~)· He has said:
[When the messengers of Allah (the angels) came to Lut-..,.l&.
~')(.J1 (in human form) he took them for guests who had come to
meet him. He made them sit with him and when his three
daughters came he made them sit between his guests and his
people. His people came running to him unchecked. When he
saw his people, (he recalled their nefarious habit and) he said,
~ 'J ~J'y.j ~:, ~~~_,i.ii ~ AJ-1:;. ~-4 ,.~;,. "These are my daughters.
They are (more) pure for you (than the guests, if you wish to
marry them). Fear Allah and do not degrade me before my
guests." (Hud, 11:78). They replied: -4)l.~~!1:fo-::r-.~-4'JWl.
"Certainly you know that we have nothing to -d~ with your
daughters and you know well what we desire."(ll:79).
So, Lutr')(.J'-..,.l&. said,~~~J!<if~:,ii:,i~~~r,J "Would that I
had power against you, or might have some strong support for
Hearing all this, Jibril r')(.JI-..,.l&. (who was one of the guests in
the form of handsome young men whom Lut r')(.JI-..,.l&. had not yet
known as such) said:
"0 Lut! We are messengers of your Lord. They shall
not reach you." (11: 81)
Tllen, (with Allah's command) Jibril r')(.J' -..,.l&. battered their
Stories From the Hadith

eyes and all of them crashed into one another and, one over the
other, they turned back until they were at the door, saying to
those who were there. "We have come to you from the greatest
sorcerer who has blinded us." They thus returned in the
confusion to their homes.
Then, in the middle of the night the whole settlement was
raised up (with its people) and held suspended between the sky
and earth. Its people could hear the birds in the atmosphere.
Then, (from as much height) it was upturned over earth. A
strong wind from the wrong side killed whoever was in its path
but those who were out of its reach had stones falling on them.
Sayyidina Lut ~">U' ~ had meanwhile, left the settlement
with his three daughters. When he reached an unspecified place
in Syria, his eldest daughter died, and at that spot a spring
called Al-Wariyah began to flow.
He kept going forward as long as Allah Willed. His
youngest daughter diea and the spring Ar-Ra'ziyah sprouted
from there. Only the second ofthe three remained.]
( Hakim-ai-Mustadrak2/3 7 5)

The story of Sayyidina Lut r">U' ~ is found in the Qur'an in its
different portions, in brief at some places and in detail at other
places. It is narrated in Surah Hud in some detail. However, this
Hadith tells us some of the things that are not found in the Qur'an.
We may summarise their story thus: The people of Sayyidina
Lut r">U' ~ had lost sense of all moral values. They did not recognise
the unity of Allah or the office of His Prophet and they committed
many sins. However, the worst of sins that was a black spot in
history and may even have shamed the devil was their abnormal
sexual habit, homosexuality. They satisfied their sexual desires with
young boys and children who had not yet grown hair. They had lost
desire for women completely and this was the detestable habit of all
of them.
Allah decreed that the earth should be purified of these wicked
people and when that time came, He sent the angels to punish them.
Jibril ~">U' ~ came to Lut ~'j...J' ~ with other angels in the form of
Stories From the Hadith ===============72
young men. He did not recognise them initially and treated them as
his guests hoping that his people did not learn of them for he knew
their evil habit. But, what he had feared did transpire and his people
forced entry into his house and each of them demanded that the
young men should be handed over to him.
Sayyidina Lut r')(.J' ~ tried to bring them to their senses. He told
them that they should refrain from the abhorrent habit and if they
had to satisfY their sexual appetite they could marry the daughters of
the community. He pleaded with them that they should not let him
down before his guests. Say what he may, they did not relent but
persisted in their demand for the young men to be handed over to
them for, they asserted, they had nothing to do with his daughters.
Sayyidina Lut r')(.J' ~ exclaimed, "Would that I had strength to
ward off your mischief or that I had a strong place where I may seek
refuge." (He meant to say that if he had a strong backing, he would
teach them a lesson). This was the moment when Sayyidina Lut ~
r')(...J' involuntarily succumbed to human frailty and overlooked the
hidden help of Allah, but this conduct is contrary to the better in the
standards set for Prophets of Allah r')(.J' ~- This is what the Prophet
3 referred to when he said:
.~.!..l.!l ~) J! IoS J 4\J LS"' J.QJ U, y JJ I ~ _y..
[May Allah have mercy on Lut. He sought refuge in a
strong support, (although Allah's support is most reliable) ."]
(Bukhari, Muslim, ti·om Abu Hurayrah)
In one version, it says, "May Allah forgive ...."
Allamah Usmani has observed in his exegesis that every
Prophet who came after Sayyidina Lut r')(.J' ~ belonged to a strong
party or tribe. ( Ta.fsir Usmani, Surah Hud)
The angels comforted Lut r')(.J' ~ saying, "0 Lut! We are the
angels of your Lord and these people will never make it to you."
The Tafsir Mazhari comments:
"Jibril r')(.J'~ then asked for his Lord's permission to
release punishment on them and he got it. At that, he resumed
his original form and spread his wings. He had a pearl necklace
on him, shining teeth, bright forehead, curly hair of snow-white
colour both feet green.
He then hit the people with one of his wings and they were
Stories From the Hadith =============== 73

blinded. They rushed back saying, 'Run away, Lut has the
greatest magician of the world at his house. And they have cast
a spell on us.'
Then they turned to Sayyidina Lut~")(.JI ~: Wait a bit! We
will see you in the morning!
Lut ~")(.)1 ~ asked the angels about the appointed time of
their punishment. They said: Morning! He urged them to hasten
it, but they retorted: Is morning not near?"(Mazhari,6/72)
The angels directed Lut ~")(.)1 ~ to leave the place in the last part
of the night with his family. None of them should turn back to see
and he should not take his wife along for she was inclined towards
the people and would share their punishment.
There are two versions about what this meant:
1) She went alongwith Lut ~")(.)1 ~ but although they were
commanded not to look back while departing from the place yet she
turned to look back at her people. She saw them being punished and
exclaimed, "0, my people!" Hardly had she said those words when
she was detained and subjected to the same punishment.
2) Lut ~")(.)1 ~ did not take her along at all. She remained with the
Nevertheless, she was punished. As morning came, Allah
commanded His angels to unleash punishment on them and all of
them were wiped out of the face of earth.
:to~, ~ OJ, '· :~
1~-:. '... '. • &-~·-
~ 1-.~~~
t '-I' 1-.I~!.J..u 1-.~ 11£. 1:~
~ .
' , o~.)~
{We turned the upside thereof downward, and rained'on it
stones of baked clay, one after another, m~rked from your
Lord.} (Hud, 11:82, 83)
According to Baghawi they comprised of five colonies. Jibril ~
placed one of his wings below them and raised them high and
they, on the top, heard the cock crowing and the dog barking. They
were all asleep. Their vessels did not vibrate and none of them was
awakened. (Mazhari,6174)
Once he had raised them up. Jibril ~")(.)1 ~ turned them upside
down and hurled them down on the earth. He followed that with a
shower of stones and it continued for some time. Each of the stones
was marked. Everyone of them perished and none survived. They
Stories From the Hadith

numbered about four hundred thousand people. Their colonies are

termed in the terminology of Qur'an as..:...~_;.. (mu'tafikat), the

Lessons and Messages

1. The -Qur'an has narrated the story of Sayyidina Lut ~")(..J1 ~
frequently and the exegetes have commented on the historical details
of this episode. Nevertheless, the Hadith on which our account is
based reveals certain aspects which the Qur'an does not tell us, for
i) Jibril ~")(..J1 ~ raised the entire people and sett1ement high up
and suspended them in mid-air so that they could even hear the
heavenly birds.
ii) Lut ~")(..JI ~ had three daughters who accompanied him when
he was going away from the place. (The Qur'an merely mentions his
The eldest of them died in Syria and Allah caused a spring to
flow at the spot of her death. The spring is called AI- Wariyah. The
youngest died further down in his journey and Allah caused the
spring Ar-Ra'ziyah to flow at the spot of her death. Only one of her
three daughters survived when he had reached his destination.

An Important Point
Torah was revealed to Sayyidinah Musar")(..JI~ but subsequently
the Jews made many changes in it. None of its copies today is the
original. May Allah punish them, they have not spared the
honourable Prophets r")(..J1 ~ too from suggesting changes in their
life accounts. But, Allah has His Own ways.
The Book revealed to the last of the Prophets is safe from
changes. Allah has narrated herein the accounts of the lives of His
Prophets and the interpolations of the Jews are very clearly pointed
They have also introduced their fables in the account of Lut's ~
r")(..J1 life. They have changed the Torah to include a very wicked and
mischievous idea about ~ut r")(..J1 ~. They have said that he had two
daughters with whom h.e left his homeland. When they took up
residence at a cave in a mountain near Su'ar (Zoar), his daughters
Stories From the Hadith

remarked that their father did not have a male offspring and his line
of descent would cease with him. So they intoxicated him with wine
for two nights-may Allah forbid us this thought-and one of them
slept with him the first of these nights while he had lost all
consciousness. The second girl slept with him on the next night.
Each of them conceived and they both had male offsprings. The
descendants of the first are called Muaameen (Moabites) and of the
second Amumeen (Ammonites).(Genesis, 19:30-31)
The Qur'an and the Hadith have disclosed the falsehood of the
fabricated Torah. It is an ugly slarxier on a sacred Prophet of Allah
and the cruel people have gone to ~xtremes in telling lies and
blaming the men of Allah. By Allah, the sacred Prophet is free from
immodest behaviour whether open or concealed. All his life, he
fought against immodest conduct and saw his people being
subjected to punishment. How could he commit such an immoral act
when Allah, the Great and Majestic, protects His sacred slaves? In
the same way, his sacred and pure daughters were free from
immorality and it was because of their piety that Allah had
commanded them to move out of the punished settelement with their
Certainly, it is the imagination of dirty minds that has fabricated
such tales about the sacred men. It is falsehood and lie. The Qur'anic
terminology calls that muftarayat .;..4~. The Hadith has clearly
uncovered the falsehood of the Jews.
2. The second message that the Hadith gives us is that when
Allah decides to punish a people, He commands his pious slaves to
move away from there. This is what He asked Lut r~' ~ and his
family to do when the punishment was about to be given to his
wicked people.
3. Immodesty and sexual depravity is a very terrible sign of a
people being led to social downfall. It is the last point from which
downfall sets in. Many people have been punished for their crimes
and have been eliminated from the face of earth but the punishment
meted out to the people of Lut r~' ~ was the severest. There is no
example of anyone being punished as severely as they were. The
reason is obvious: immodesty, the worst of sins.
It is not painful that today the people who read these
Stories From the Hadith

lesson-giving stories in the Qur'an and Hadith have themselves taken

to this worst of sins which brought grave punishment to ancient
people. The Muslim youth are racing towards way wardness and
immoral behaviour. May Allah protect all Muslims from that.
Stories From the Hadith

The Seventh Story

The Conversation Between Sayyidina

Aadam r")(.J'~ & Sayyidina Musa r")(.J'~
Introductory Words
We could never have known the story we are about to relate
except through Divine revelation. However, there is no mention of it
in the wahy matloo (the Holy Qur'an). ·we have learnt of it from the
c'hief of Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad Ra~ulAllah $ on
whom be the best of benedictions. Further, there is no witness to
testify to this incident so there is no other way we may learn of it.
Sayyidina Aadam ~-q, ~ and Sayyidina Musa ~-q, ~ are both
among the pre-eminent Prophets of Allah, the Exalted. The former is
the father of mankind and the latter is Kaleem Allah (one who had
the distinction of having conversation with Allah). The dialogue that
took place between the two came to our knowledge through the
Prophet~. Where did they meet and have the conversation, and
when and how? These are questions whose answers the Hadith does
not provide us and we cannot know. Nevertheless, we believe firmly
that their meeting did take place because the truthful Prophet has
told us so, about whom, the Qur'an has said:
,_ ;;;, , ,
0~~'''•''"jl'''·l '-'·'1·''-,L·.~t..
[ r J .. Y' u,I..S-"t-' ~~
{Nor does he speak- out of (his own) ,desire. This (Qur'an is
naught but a revelation revealed.}(An-Najm,53:3-4)

~ Alll ~) (~~ ~i ~ ~ "J ~J (,$1~' !.$))

'Lof) :4 r')L.J' "~1c ~)..) r~T ~~ :~; ~~ J;.,) J\l :Jil
~~~ ~:, ,~~ Jj, ~:;1::. ~~~ r~~ c.;r :~-; J\l ,~-; r~' ~
Stories From the Hadith =============== 78
:_r8, ~i ~ '~ "J ~~J .~~ ~ ~~J '~JJ ~
J! ~1::}~
' '

~~~J ,~~.) ~G! JJ, ~~~ ~~~ ~'j.o ~i :~~~ Jill

.... \ . ~ J

~')Yl' ~ :s- Jl1 ~~) ~ ,~ ~j!) 'f~ ~ ::,G ~ (_(,l~,

.~~ ;;;J~ ~:; Jli ~~f ;:,t J.i ' .

:Jli '<',.' :J.) ~YJ ~J ~~~ ~J ~ ~~) ~ :~~~ Jli

;:,t J.! ~i ;:,t ~ JJ, ~SW~ ;:,t Js. ~:,Wi :Jli .;..;.;
,. o J J,... - :; ,., "" WJ" ~ J o J ,.. ,. "" '* "",., .. a ..-. t "" Jo ·:;
Jl,-lllolAJ) ·~.J-0 ~.)1 ~ :~; ~..lll JJ'""J Jli ~~ ~J~ ~
:~'j.o :J Jill ·~y) ~.)T ~~ :~?~' ~ ~')? "J ~~)
~~~ ~'j.o ~i :~~ T:J Jill ~~~ ~ ~~~:}::. ~;:.t ~~~ ~~ T~i
~~f ;:,i J.! ~ j;J ;.t
~ :J-:,13 ~ ~~)
~dG..r.. ili1 ~~~
.~~ '~Y ~~T~ ~ ~~ 'J~j Jill
~~~ 4 :~J.. :J Jill ~J..) ~~~ ~! ~i ':??~' J ~~)
.JJ, ~~~ ,~;.. 4 :~~~ :J Jli ~~~ ~ G:-;:.rJ .~::~:::. u~i ~i
~ ;:,i J.! ~ JJ, ~J~ .;t Js. :;.)it ·~~ ~ :b.) ·~~ ' '

[Abu Hyrayrah ~JJ,~J reported that the Messenger of
Allah 3 said: There was an argument between Aadam and
Musa r')U' ~ in the presence of their Lord. Aadam came the
better of Musa. Musa said, "Are you that Aadam whom Allah
created with His Hand and breathed into him His spirit, and
commanded angels to fall in prostration before him and He
made you live in Paradise with comfort and ease. Then you
caused the people to get down to earth because of your lapse?"
Stories From the Hadith

Aadam said, "Are you that Musa whom Allah selected for
His Messengership and for conversation with Him and
conferred upon you the tablets in which everything was clearly
explained and granted you the audience in order to have
confidential talk with you. What is your opinion, how long
Torah would have been written before I was created?" Musa
said, "Forty years before."
Aadam said, "Did you not see these words, ..sJ;J ~J ~~~ ~)
(Aadam disobeyed ·his Lord so he erred)?< l Musa said, "Yes!"
Thereupon, Aadani said, "Do you then blame me for an act
which Allah had ordained for me forty years before He created
The Messenger of Allah$ said, "This is how Aadam
came the better of Mu sa.] (This is the version in Muslim# 1396)
The version in Bukhari is as follows:
[Aadam and Musa argued with each other. Musa said to
Aadam, "You are Aadam whose mistake expelled you from
Paradise." Aadam•said to him, "You are Musa whom Allah
selecte~ as His Messenger and as the one to whom He spoke
directly; yet you blame me for a thing which had already been
preordained for me by Allah before my creation. Allah's
Messenger$ said twice, "So, Aadam overpowered Musa."]
Another version in Bukhari is:
[Aadam and Musa argued with one another. Musa said to
Aadam, "0 Aadam_! You are our father who disappointed us
and turned us out of Paradise." Then Aadam said to him, "0
Musa! Allah favoured you with His Talk (talked to you directly)
and He wrote the Torah for you wit~ His Own Hand. Do you
blame me for an action which Allah had preordained for me
forty years before my creation?" So Aadam confuted Musa,
Aadam confuted· Musa." The Prophet$ repeated this
statement three times.](Bukhari#6614)

The life of this world is made up of hardships. Every hlllllan
being born in this world . has to face difficulty sometime or the other
Ta Ha, 20: 121.
Stories From the Hadith

whether he is rich or poor, city-dweller or villager, woman or man.

Everyone has to face different kinds of ordeals. This is life. The
Qur'an says:
", ,~, ,. , ,.., ,,
0~ • '. t:L.w 'il ~ :ill
•. '-Fu ,
{Certainly We created man to suffer hardship.}(AI-Balad,90:4)
This goes on till the last breath before death. One could face
problems related to earning livelihood, or, to family or residence.
The morsel a man eats involves tremendous effort and labour to
earn. For every morsel one man eats, several people put in a lot of
effort. Indeed, it is nature's arrangement to put different people to
different work so that man's mutual needs are fulfilled.
Every blessing that we enjoy in this world has behind it a story
of hard work. Besides, there is illness in the process or unfavourable
external circumstances, opposition from strangers or dissociation by
close circle of companions. In short, he goes through the grinding
process all his life.
Sayyidina Musa r..W' 4# is one of the pre-eminent, glorious and
determined Prophets of Allah, the Great. He faced innumerable
hardships in life. He had to fight Fir'awn and his army. He had to
flee from Egypt to Madyan when a Coopt was killed (accidently) by
him and at Madyan he had to graze the cattle of Shu'ayb r..W' 4# for
eight or ten years. When he was made Prophet he had to face
Fir'awn's wrath. Every now and then, the Bani Isra'il showed
stubbornness, disobedience and hostility. He went through much
hardship and difficulty.
~erhaps it was these difficulties that caused him to wonder if the
basis of worldly problems lay in the dismissal of Sayyidina Aadam
r..W' 4# from Paradise. "If he had not partaken from the forbidden
tree, he would not have had to exit Paradise and land on earth. His
children too would then have stayed in Paradise with him. They
would not have had to go through the vicissitudes of the world."
Hence, when he met Sayyidina Aadam r..W' ~. he reminded him
that it was because of him that they had to face hardship in life. He
told · him that if he had not touched the forbidden tree and had been
content with the other blessings in Paradise then he would not have
been dismissed from Paradise.
Stories From the Hadith

It is worth remembering that Sayyidina Aadam ~')U1 ~ was the
first of mankind while Sayyidina Musa ~')U1 ~ was born hundreds of
year later. So, it is impossible that the two could have met in the
world in their physical self. How. then, they met and where? The
Hadith of the Prophet$ is silent on this issue. The Ulama have.
nevertheless. advanced some explanation. Allama Navavi, the
commentator of Sahih Muslim, for example. has stated:
"Abu Al-Hasan AI-Qabisi has said that the souls of the two
Prophets met in the heaven (sky) and they debated there.
Qadi Ayad Maliki has said, 'This Hadith is to be taken at
its words. Both of them met physically. We have seen in the
account of AI-Isra' that the Prophet$ met the other Prophets
~')U~~ in the heavens and also led them in Salat at Bayt
Al-Maqdis. Hence, it is not beyond reasoning that Allah might
have given them life again as it is related about the martyrs.'
There is also the possibility that they may have met and
debated at the request of Musa ~')U1 ~ to Allah that he may be
allowed to meet Aadam ~')U1 ~ in this world." (Nawavi, on Sahih

Sayyidina Musa r')U' ~ reminded Sayyiclina Aadam r')U' ~ of the

favours of Allah upon him. He was created, given a soul, created as
a perfect human being, the angels were commanded to prostrate
before him, given residence in Paradise-these favours called upon
Aadam ~')U1 ~ that he should have refrained from eating from the
forbidden tree because Allah had placed on him that only one
Sayyidina Aadam ~')U1 ~ gave Sayyidina Musa r')U' ~ an answer
about which the Holy Prophet$ said, "It silenced Musa."
. He began with recounting the favours Allah had conferred upon
Musa r')U'~· "0 Musa! Allah chose you as a Prophet and
Messenger, honoured you by speaking to you directly and granted
you the Tablets of Torah. After receiving this honour, it did not
behove you to speak to me as you did. Just tell me, how much before
my creation was the Torah written down?" When Musa r')U' ~
confirmed that it was written down forty years before the creation of
A adam r')U' ~. he said, "Have you not read in it the verse: ~J ~~~ ~:,
Stories From the Hadith

..s);J (And Aadam disobeyed his Lord, so he erred)?"<'1 He said, "Yes,

of course!" Then Aadam ~')U'-.# asked him, "Then, in spite of that
you blame me for something that Allah had decreed already forty
years before my creation?" (That is, he was to do something for
which he would be expelled from Paradise.)
The Messenger of Allah~ concluded that Sayyidina Aadam-.#
r'.>C..J' gave a convincing reply. His reply convinced Sayyidina Musa-.#
r')U' that it was wrong to blame Aadam r')U' -.# because all of us are
bound by the Will of Allah Who had decided that man would be sent
to earth and would be appointed His Khalifah (vicegerent) on earth.
There was much wisdom behind that decision all of which was
undisclosed. It was to begin with Aadam r')U'-.# residing in Paradise
and disallowing him to approach a particular tree and its fruit. But,
he would be tempted by the devil into eating that fruit and would
thus be punished and sent to earth. Therefore, the reason for his
expulsion from Paradise was not his eating the fruit but it was the
Will of Allah and His predestination ordained for Aadam r')U'-.#.

Lessons and Messages

The Hadith gives us a number of messages:
1. The first message relates to correction of belief on
predestination. The Hadith refutes those who do not believe in
predestination. Nothing happens against the Will of Allah and what
He has predestined. Whatever happens in the world follows
predestination as ordained by Allah-although man does often use
the choice that Allah has bestowed on him. It is on the correct use,
or misuse, of the choice that he is rewarded or punished. Anyway, it
is a basic part of faith that we should believe in predestination
otherwise our faith and belief is imperfect.
2. The second message concerns etiquette and morals. The
Hadith tells us that religious guides may hold differing opinions for
which an oral debate and discussion is allowed. However, the limits
of Shari'ah must be observed and the exercise should be undertaken
to propagate truth., Besides, it is the characteristic of these people
that they should accept the truth when it is disclosed or confirmed.
Sayyidina M us a r')U'-.# knew that Sayyidina Aadam's r'.>C..J'-.#
Ta Ha, 20: 121.
Stories From the Hadith

argument was correct and he accepted it.

3. It is imperative that Believers believe in the unseen. What the
truthful Prophet ~ tells us of the unseen, we must believe in that
and regard as true. The story under discussion is an example of that.
It is wholly a news of the unknown. The Holy Prophet ~ learnt it
through wahy (revelation) and he passed it on to us. We must
believe in everything the Holy Prophet ~ tells us whether we
encompass it or not with our limited understanding.
However, the news of the unseen that other people give us is not
reliable, for instance, what the sorcerers or astrologers say. It is not
correct to believe in what they say. Similarly, it is wrong to rely on
the so-caled pirs, spiritualists and holy-men who claim for
themselves divine-nearness particularly when their behaviour goes
against Shari'ah.
4. An important information we receive from the Hadith is that
the Torah was written down forty years before the creation of
Sayytdina Aadam ~~~ ~.
Another important disclosure is that Allah had composed the
Turah in His Own Hand (-that is as is worthy of Him).
Both these things reflect on the excellence of Torah. Again the
O(S~ -4.::, ~:JI- ~::,
"'"" r

{And Aadam disobeyed his Lord so he erred.}

It is in the Qur'an. It is a part of Torah too but the present copies
of the Book have dropped it.
5. The Hadith also teaches us that when two people differ on an
opinion and debate on the issue then they must both describe each
other's good qualities so that the difference of opinion does not lead
them to hate each other. Sayyidina Musa~~~~ took care to describe
the excellences of Sayyidina Aadam ~~~ ~ and, in his turn,
Sayyidina Aadam ~~~ ~ remembered the merits of Sayyidina Musa
Stories From the Hadith

The Eighth Story

The Case of
Mu sa ~')C..J1 ~ And the Stone
Introductory Words .
The Children of Isra'il are a people who have caused the
Prophets untold sufferings. They even killed a number of them.
Their stubbornness is proverbial. The supplications of Sayyidina
Musa ~'>U' "-# earned them numerous benefits from Allah and there
were many occasions when his prayers got them relief from trying
circumstances. In spite of that, some of their mischievous numbers
did not stop from causing hardship to Sayyidina Musa ~'>U' "-#. Once,
these people made it known that Musa ~")I.W' "-# had a disease on his
private parts and anyone who had it was called Adrah. Allah,
however, decreed that this accusation should be refuted; hence, the
following incident took place.

J\i :J\i ~ JJ1 ~~ ~;:~ ~i ~ :~ J 1$J~I ~JJ
ok ·.... ~-~ ~ 1-;;. ,;. G
""... ....,-.... J• ..... .,. ....
~-J. ~IS".~·:..~~
l..> J
' - ....
J- ~
' '

.,.,._~ ... ..- ... ol~,....- .,..,.,(/~ o o..-o

.a.! I LA!J ,o J~l Lo1J '../' _r.Lo! ,~~ ~ ~ ~1
. .
~Q ~) ,o~) t.~ ~ ,~'j.J_ 1}\i ~ ~r :Ji ~(} JJ1 ~~J
"" "' .... ... ....

~~ ~~ ~!J '~~y ~Q J! ~it_) ~ 'J·· :1,, ~ '~~ J:;.

' .... ' '

~ o;;.rJ ,.JJ, JG:- ~ :;.,;.i u~--; o:,r; o~ ~; :G:.ti ,~p,

~~) ,o~ u.? ?~ ~) ,~-. ;.li ~J:G:.ti ,~, ~\i) ,~')'~
Stories Frnm the Hadith

~~~J ::Jj! ~l! ,W. ji ~ji ji uSU ,~~ )i:;

4:J ...~4... ~~ .... "

;u1 ~ '!.>~j 1)i'J ~ 4.lJI oi;.i ~y j~T ::#~~ 1')~ ~ (~T ::#~1

<'' ~ :...,.,1?"~1) [~J

J. -t
.; 0 , 0 0 , , 0 ... ... ... .. · •. " ::; .. , ... . ..... 0 0 "' ' ... 0 ... .... 0 ...

~~r! l.f-1 ~lS" :Jli ,~~~ ~ of..yA ~~ y. o..l;.f ~~J?

J_ =~ ~~~ * ~; 'l.>~j ,~ J! ~ ~ ,a1j ~:,J_ =•!

~~ ~:u ,~~' :Jr ~! ~ J.:. =~ ::,i ~; ~~ ~ ;u1j (,fill ,o~j
~~! J .?"Y c:f:J ,~:f; ~~ ~ ,~ ~ . ~Ji ~J! ,J-_ .=·~
' . '
~ ~~J :(,fill '.?"Y J1. ~~~;. ~~? 'P 4'..F"J :J~ ... ' ...

:__::_Ju u""..:..., ~ ·Jr S:.. : . . : . tu ~JJ :..;,
·J- . ... ~·. •
.... .... ... ... ...
[Bukhari has transmitted the Hadith narrated by Abu
Hurayrah~JJ,..,..,J that the Messenger of Allah$ said:
Musa was a very modest person who kept himself covered,
none of his bod~ could be seen because of his extreme modesty.
Some of the Bani Isra'il annoyed him by saying, "He conceals
himself to this extent only because of a defect in his skin, either
leprosy or scrutal hernia, or some other defect," but Allah
wished to clear him. So one day while he was alone, he took off
his clothes and put them under a stone and had a bath. When he
had finished having the bath he turned towards his clothes but
the stone took them and fled. Musa picked up his staff and ran
after the stone, saying, "My garment, stone! My garment,
stone!" (He raced) till he ·reached a company of the Bani Isra'il
who saw him naked in the most beautiful form Allah had
created so they cleared of what they used to accuse him. The
stone stopped there and Musa took his garment (and put them
on). He began to beat the stone with his staff.
By Allah, the stone still has some traces of the effect of
beating, three; four or five scars. This is what to which Allah
Stories From the Hadith

refers when He said:

-. I • , , 3T -., ii~ I'··-<~ uI' •' T-., iill '.~l t
I f. .;. J J J "" ,; ,J
e..,.' Wl ~~~-
~ ~.J-0 .J 0:!_ ~y-> '.)-'-'> U:t ~ -
"' , "" J ,.
~.J ,
' <Ll.ll ~'
'.u l5'J I'-.yflj
{Oyou who believe! Be not likethosewhoanoyed Musa,
but Alla:h cleared him of what they said, and he was
honoured in Allah's sight.}< 1>]
In another version of Bukhari, Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~ J
u. JJ1 has quoted the Prophet~ as saying:
[The Bani Jsra'il used to take bath in the nude (all together)
looking at one another (shamelessly). Musar~~~ used to take
bath alone (because of his modesty). They said, "By Allah,
nothing prevents Musa from taking a bath with us except that
he has a scrotal hernia (or some other disease). So, once Musa
went to take a bath and put his clothes over a stone and then
that stone ran away with his garment. Musa followed that stone
saying, "My garment, 0 stone! My garment, 0 stone!" Till the
Bani lsra'il saw him and said, "By Allah, Musa has no defect on
his body." Musa picked up his garment and began to beat the
Abu Hurayrah added: By Allah! There are still six or seven
scars on the stone from that beating. f>
(Bukhari, Book of Prophets and Book of Bath. Muslim, Book ofExcellencc-

The truth was that it was the custom of the people of that time
to bathe in the nude at the well and they did not consider it to be
immodest. Sayyidina Musa ~~~ ~. however, did not follow the
custom and did not bathe naked. He followed the dictates of
Shari'ah and modesty and he did not bathe in public. He was so
modest that he did not uncover any portion of his body. The people
read another meaning in this behaviour and publicised that he had a
defect on his body which he did not like others to know. It was very
painful to Sayyidina Musa ~~~ ~ for it is the way of Allah that He
not only creates His .Prophets perfect in their spiritual life but He
also in their physical built. They have no physical disability or
1 Al-Ahzab, 33: 69. Bukhari , 3404. 2 Bukhari, # 278.
Stories From the Hadith

shortcoming. Thus, Allah decided to refute the Bani · Isra'il's

accusation and disclose the physical perfection and beauty of Musa
~~~~. We have seen in the Hadith how this was done.
When the stone flew with the garment of Sayyidina Musa~~~~
with the command of Allah, he chased it until it stopped before a
group of the Bani Isra'il. They saw him naked and realised that he
was free from all the defects they had been claiming he hf:ld. When
the purpose was served the stone stopped. ·Musa ~~~ ~ claimed his
garment and in a fit of anger and mental agony he released his staff
on the stone so that it had scars on it. It is in reference to this
incident that the verse of the Qur'an was revealed:

u J 1'-'~
-.15- .Y
~!....' ili1 ~j~--. ' , ' , 3T -.,
~ .._ruy. J U:!,
:,_<~ IJ I'',y-0
:-T -., JJII'.~lt
U:!, ' ~ -
ol'-~- ' J.ll~
~" - '
{0 you who believe! Be not like those who annoyed 'Musa, but
Allah cleared him of what they said, and he was honoured in
Allah's sight.} (AI-Ahzab,33: 69)

Lessons and Messages

1: Allah does not tolerate that anyone should annoy His
Prophets. He clears them immediately. Accordingly, He absolved
Musa~~~~ absolutely so that he should not be blamed again.
That is why, He pointed out this incident and commanded the
Believers that they should not behave as those people who annoyed
Musa ~~~~. In fact, in the verses preceding this one by two
sections, Allah had instructed the Believers how they should conduct
themselves with the Prophet if; and cautioned them that some of
their actions were difficult for the Prophet$.
Allah will not allow anyone to cause suffering to His Prophets
and if any foolish person would try to do that He would stop it
2. It is not known for a stone to pick up clothes and fly away for
it is lifeless and inanimate but everything is subject to the command
of Allah. It was, therefore, a demonstration of His perfect power and
In the same way, it is through Allah's power that a wooden stick
caused scars on a stone. Stone is harder than wood and wood is
Stories From the Hadith

liable to break if a stone is struck by it, and it leaves no mark on the

The truth is exactly as we have just said. The peculiarities of
everything depend on the command of Allah. Fire burns but when
Allah ordered it, the fire turned cool for lbrahim ~')C..J1 ~- Again,
poison kills man but it was panacea for Khalid bin Walid u. J.l1 ~;
when he drank a bowl of it. It is the characteristic of water that it
drowns, but a whole army of the Companions marched over the
Daj/ah (Tigris) on horseback and reached the other side.
Hence, peculiarities of different things are also subject to the
command of Allah and He sometimes demonstrates the
extraordinary so that the forgetful · and unheeding man may put in
some thought
3. We learn from this Hadith that even the Prophet r')C..J1 ~ are
not safe from the distressing attitude of foolish people. is
lesson in it for those engaged in religious preaching that different
people annoy them. They must show patience, for that is the only
course left to them and their ranks would be raised · on that account.
4. The Holy Prophets !'')C..J1 ~ are a perfect example for their
people in every respect, manners, habits, social conduct, belief and
worship. Allah makes them perfect in their unseen character as well
as their outward self. They have a beautiful character and a
handsome appearance. People are attracted to them and are inclined
to listen to them. As for Musa r~~ 4)s., Allah spoke highly of his
personality as we have seen.
Thus, Shari'ah also calls for the apparent personality and those
responsible for religious teaching and preaching should pay attention
to their outward respectability so that worldly people are inclined
towards them and tend to listen to them. However, this respectability
is not dependant on make-up but is a natural gift from Allah. It is
common observation that Allah awards the noble Ulama perfection
in their inward spiritual life as also in their outward personality.
Therefore, it is proper and praiseworthy for man to use available
modes to enhance outward upkeep. Numerous Ahadith of the Holy
Prophet$, both oral and practical, exhort us to adopt such means.
5. Sometimes, respectable people of an imposing personality
also have to encounter situations beyond their power when they are
Stories From the Hadith

compelled to act in an unbecoming manner. Musa r'.>C.J' 4s- too was

compelled by situation to behave in a way not compatible with his
imposing outward personality and great inward character, of course,
there is tremendous wisdom and reasoning concealed in such a case
as we saw in the example of Musai"'.>C.J'4s-.
Stories From the Hadith

The Ninth Story

Mu sa ~')(.J1 ~ and the

Angel of Death
First Words
The Prophet Musa~~~~ was a man of quick-temper. He was a
majestic, awe-inspiring, wrathful person. The Prophets had the
strength of the men of Paradise. He had given but one blow to the
coopt (Qutbi) and that man died. We can imagine how quick-temper
he was from his striking his staff on the stone. When the angel of
death came to take away his soul and took his permission, he
demonstrated supreme majesty and the hand of Musa r~' ~ gave
the angel-in-human-form a black eye.
The Holy Prophet $ describes this amazing incident in this

~)f :J\! ~ :JJ, ~) a;..'jA ~i ~ ~ 'J ~}~, ~!)

0 J~ '&) '~ 0~G:- LJi '~~~ (,~~le. ~-;. J~ ~}Jl ~t.
~ t;)l :J\!j '~ ~ JJ, ~) ,~JJl ~; 'J p. J! ~:l' <J)i Jill
:J\! ,~ r~ ~ o~ ~ c.b ~~ill/} i-- J; o~ ~:AI
~ ~:.4 ~i JJ, Jw ,~'J\i :J\! ,~JJ, ~ :J\! ~~~ ~ ~ 'YJ ~i
. '~ ~ :,u 1/!1.; ~~ 'J~j J\! :J\! '~
i;.J ~jXJ, JP)"ll
' '

-• "11 '"~~
.~ ~ -· t,, ~G.- J-, o' ., ·. <:-~:- ~
-- ' tY-~ '" ' . • .r.! re----J
' ' ' I

Jill ~~~ ~ ~-;. J~ ~JJl ~ ~b:- :~ ~ ~~J} 'Jj

,lAtlii ~:;J1 ~1~ ;;;s, ~~~ ~ ~'J.. (thli :J\! ,~ 0i :AI
Stories From the Hadith

~;. ~ ~ p. J~ :.s-3-..)i ~! :Jw ,Jw .JJ, J! :&J, '&) :J~

~ ~~ J~ t;)\ :J~J '~ ~~ Jl1 ~) :J\! '~ill ~J ,~j.JI
~)(j; LJ ,)j ;:. ~ !J~ ~ ~~~ ~) ; - :s-- ::,~ s~) ~~~
, " ,.
,... "

:J~ .~-;; ;.s :J~ ~4:. ;.s :J~ ,t:., ~ :r~ ~~ r~ ~ !J~
J\! '~ ~) ~~~ ~j'-11 ~ ~i :J~ .y) ~~ ~ ~~~
~ ~f'' ~~ J~ o;.i ~:,'-1 ,o~:; '} JJ1) :~;~1 'J~:,
.~ , . --

[Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah 4.;S. JJ1 ~ J said: The angel of
death was sent to Musa ~-;.:.J1 4.#. When he came to him, Musa
slapped him (and knocked out his eye). The angel returned to
his Lord and said, "You have sent me to a slave who does not
want to die." Allah (restored his eye_ and) said, "Return to him
and tell him to put his hand on the back of an ox and for every
hair that will come under it, he will be granted one year of life."
Musa asked, "0 Lord! What will happen after that?" Allah
replied, "Then death." Musa said, "Let it come now." Musa
then requested Allah to let him die close to the Sacred Land so
much so that he would be at a stone's throw distance." (Abu
Hurayrah added:) Allah's Messenger 3 said, "If I were there, I
would show you his grave below the red sandhill on the side of
the road."] (This is the version ofBukhari)
The version in Muslim is:
[Abu Hurayrah ~ J.11 ..sJ'J reported the Messenger of Allah
lf; as saying, that the Angel of Death came to Musa and said,
"Respond (to the call) of Allah (that is, be prepared for death)."
Mu sa gave a blow at the eye of the Angel of Death and knocked
it out. The Angel went back to Allah and said, "You sent me to
Your servant who does not like to die and he knocked out my
eye." Allah restored his eye to its proper place (and revived his
eyesight) and said, "Go to My servant and say, 'Do you want
life? And in case you want life, keep· your hand on the body of
Stories From the Hadith ============== 92
the ox and you would live such number of years as the (number
of) hair your hand covers'." He said, "What, then?" He said,
"Then you would die", whereupon Musa said. "Then why not
now?" (He then prayed), "Allah cause me to die close to the
sacred land." The Messenger of Allah added, "Had I been near
that place I would have shown his grave by the side of the path
at the red mound."] (Bukhari: Kitab AI-Janaiz, Hadith # 1339. Muslim:
Kitah AI-Fadail. Hadith# 5851, 5852)

This Hadith of the Holy Prophet$ informs us that before He
gives them death, Alla..1. offers His Prophets choice between death
and life. This is because of their distinction and honour.
Some Ahadith tell us that Sayyidah Ayshah ~ .JJ, ~) said that
the Messenger of Allah $ was also given the choice and he
preferred to meet the highest companions. He said:
"0 Allah, near the highest and best companions."
These were the last words of the pure life and then the soul
travelled to the higher world;

~~ ~J ~~;.~ ~ ~:t.~ w-- ~ ~~ ~J ~ ~ ~ ~~

~)4 w-- ~ ~~ ~J ~ ~ ~14 ~~ ·~ :(_~ ~! ~(;.!
~ . ~ ~ .' ~ ' . ' . J-- ~~- ' . " \:..
·~~ • ·~~~,;!~-I~ J~l,;!~~
0 Allah! Bless him and give him peace.
Anyway, when Allah sent the angel of death to Sayyidina Musa
r")(:.J' ~. He sent him in human form; The Angel of Death 'Izra'il ~
r")(:.J', said to him, "Answer willingly the summons of your Lord!"
This was, in fact, the sounding of the approach of the appointed
time. As we have seen, Musa r~' ~ was of a quick temper and on
hearing this, he slapped the angel and knocked out his huinan eye.
Sayyidina 'Izra'il r~' ~ was in a human form so he had human
characteristics in him and that is why Musa r")(:.J' ~ wa5 able to slap
him. AllaJ:l has bestowed the Prophet r")(:.J' ~ with the power and
ability of men of Paradise, but if the angel of death had come in his
own form, Musa r~' ~ would not have been able to slap him.
Stories From the Hadith =============== 93

'Izra'il ~u' .ys went to Allah and complained that the slave to
whom He had sent him was unwilling to die.
Allah instructed him to return to Musa ~u' .ys and give him the
choice between death and life. If he wished to live he may place his
hand on the back of an ox and the number of hair he can enclose
within his grasp would represent the number of years of his life. But,
Musa ~u' .ys asked Allah, "My Lord! What will happen after those
many years?" He was told that he would get death after those years.
(That is the end of every living soul.) Musa~u'-Ys commented that if
death was the end anyway then why delay it. "My Lord, I am
prepared now! But, my desire is that death comes to me near the
sacred land (Bayt Al-Maqdis)." Allah let him have his desire.
The Messenger of Allah $ said, "If I was there, I would have
shown you his grave which lies near the red mound."
Although he got a choice. Musa~u1.ys chose to die. He thought
death would strike sooner or later, then why refuse to die when the
angel had come. He would be saved the difficulties of life and would
be honoured with meeting Allah. While the souls of the martyrs fly
in Paradise as green birds, those of the Prophets would certainly
enjoy more nearness to Allah.
J o ~ ., J -o,..
o Jl' I ~ 8ljp. ~J:?. )LJ:,
{And certainly the Hereafter is better for you than the present.}
(Ad-Duha, 93:4)

Lessons and Messages

1. We learn of the greatness and respect enjoyed by the Prophets
~u' ~· Allah lets them know before their death by offering them
choice between death and life.
2. The angels take up human form by the Will of Allah. When
they are in human form the angels get the human characteristics too.
That is why the angel lost his eye when Musa ~u' .ys slapped him
otherwise a human being is not strong enough to slap an angel.
3. We also learn from the Hadith that it is proper for a man to
desire and supplicate Allah to cause him to die at a sacred place.
M us a ru'-Ys had wished to die at the sacred land. On this basis, it is
also proper to wish and pray for death at an auspicious moment or
Stories From the Hadith ============== 94
during blessed days.
Thus, a person may pray that he die during Ramadan or on a
Friday. However, only that will happen what Allah chooses.
It must also be understood that if a man dies at a sacred place or
on an auspicious moment or during blessed days it does not follow
that he will receive salvation. That depends merely on deeds and
their . acceptance by Allah. It is true, however, that man may receive
the blessings of a sacred place or an auspicious moment or days. But
Allah knows best!
Stories From the Hadith

The Tenth Story

The Old Woman of the

Bani Isra'il
First Words
If Allah causes some people to think of the Hereafter then they
spend every moment of their lives in trying to improve their chances
of a better life in that world and to have a companionship of
honourable people there.
Among such people was the old woman of the Bani Israil whom
Allah had granted a long life. She used that blessing to better her
future life. She did not waste .this opportunity.
Musa~")(.Jt-.,Js. asked her to show him the grave of Yusufr")(.J'-.,~s- so
that when he took the Bani Isra'il away from Egypt, he could carry
away his corpse too. The old woman refused to oblige him unless he
promised her his company in Paradise. Allah granted her this wish.
Brave people have their eyes on high targets. Among such brave
people were the Companions ~ .JJ, ~) of the Holy Prophet ~ and
notable among them was Ukkasha bin Mihsan ;.;s. .JJ, ~ )· He did not
miss the opportunity when the Holy Prophet~ revealed to his
Companions that there would be seventy thousand such pious
people who would go to Paradise directly without reckoning of any
sort. This notable Companion got up eagerly and pleaded with his
beloved Prophet~ , "Messenger of Allah! Pray to Allah that I be one
of them!" The Prophet ~ supplicated for him and gave him glad
tidings that he would be one of those. Their faces would be brilliant,
luminous, free from unpleasantness.

Jy ~i .JJ, J~j 4Ji :~J.. ~i:; ~)2.. '. 'J ~w1 !.?!j
a1u ,.JJ, ;J~j ~ :Jl! <~~~ ~ ~~~i ~> :.u J~ ;-t~ ~'.r4 M
Stories From the Hadith

.::;;; 4l\i ,~t ~ ~rJ ,~~

(~(~~:;. }~ ~ b~ ~i ~ ~i) :~; .JJ, 'J~) ~ J~
~~~~~:;,)~ L.j ,JJ, J~) 4:~~iJ~
4J J~ cj.}=JI ~ ~ti ~~~~ ~ ; , ,! ~i ~l)i ~Y ~i) :J\i
0 ~ ~ "" 0 ... "" .... ... "" "" . ... .,. ... J. • ,. :; ., "" , , ... J J 0 "" "" 0 ... 0 0 "" J - .... .... '

~ IJI 41JI Jilyo ~ ~I ._Q..., y.. IJI ~~ ~ c~lr"~ ,_p. ~~

~~-;;J:;i~/-4(.S:lJ :J\i,~A:o~~~~~~~
~~ ~)ti '~~~~:;. j~ ~~ ~-; ') :;; ~!JJ (. :(~\i
'J ~ b}S1 ~ JJi ~ Jllj ~ :~~ -~fi;; ~ :;r~ :J~
\A~ti ~ ~i :;J ~ ~\i (. Jll 'J~) 0J"J :J\i .~1
l)pl :~\i oj>,; LJi ~WII~ 1j~'ai1 :~~ (~~ ::.Jti ~
~ ~)=111~~ ~)'i1 ~ \AJlli LJi ,~fir~~~~ lj~ Lj; c4A
[Hakim has transmitted in Mustadrak that Abu Musa
Al-Ash'ari has narrated that the Messenger of Allah 3 once
visited an A'rabi, a villager. He received him very well and
respected the Prophet 3 very much. The Prophet 3 was very
happy and said to him, "0 A 'rabi ask what you want!" He said,
"Messenger of Allah, a she-camel with her saddle and a few
sheep whose milk should satisfy my family members." He made
this request twice.
The Messenger of Allah ~ said, "Was it not possible for
you to ask me as the old woman of the Bani Isra'il did ask
The Companions~ JJt ~J asked him, "0 Messenger of
Allah! What is the story ofthe old woman of the Bani Isra'il?"
He said to them, "Musa r~' ~ decided to emigrate with
the Bani Isra'il but he got lost on the way. So, their educated
people said to him, "We tell you that Yusufr~' ~ had got our
ancestors to promise that we• would not go away from Egypt
Stories From the Hadith

unless we took his bones away with us. Perhaps, we are lost
because we have not fulfilled the promise." Musa~":W~~ asked
them which of them could point out his grave.
They said that none apart from an old woman of the Bani
lsra'il could point out the grave. Mu sa r-:W' ~ sent a messenger
to fetch her and requested her to guide them to the grave of
She said, "No, by Allah, no! I will never do that unless
(you promise me that) I live with you in Paradise."
Musa r-:W' ~did not like what-she said. However, he was
told in a wahy that he should promise her what she wanted and
he accepted her demand.
The old woman took them to a small pond and said to
them, "Take out this water!" When the water was pumped out,
she said, "Dig here!"
When they had dug out the earth, they found the bones of
Yusuf r":W' ~ inside. Then they continued their exile with the
bones of Yusuf with them. The path was clear to them shining
like day-light] (Hakim in Mustadrak2/644)

Why did the Prophet ~ narrate this story to his Companions?
The reason is explained in the commencing portion of the Hadith.
The Prophet$ stayed with a villager during an expedition with his
Companions~ JJ, ~). and he gave them a very exceptional
reception. The Prophet 1:f; pursued his noraml principle .:.n..-';i'•'?-
,:n..-';il.!, "The reward of goodn~ss is with goodness." Hence, he said to
him that if he had any need, he may ask for it.
But the villager was a very simple man, not very intelligent. He
did not think beyond his physical needs. He did not realise that one
should ask in keeping with the stature of the person asked, not
according to one's own standard. It was not asking too much of the
Holy Prophet ~ if he asked him to solve his livelihood problems.
The fellow asked according to his own perspective-a she-camel,
with saddle to ride, a few sheep to provide milk to his family. His
problems were thus solved.
The Prophet ~ did not like it. He thought that the man's
Stories From the Hadith =============== 98
demands were petty. He could not even do as the old woman of the
Bani lsra'il. He should have asked in keeping with what the Prophet
~ should have been asked.
The Companions ~ JJ, ~ J did not lose a moment to ask him
about the old woman of Bani Isra'il.
This is the gist of what the Holy Prophet ~ related to them:
Sayyidina Musa ~')C.J' 4# took the Bani Isra'il with him while leaving
Egypt after Fir'awn had drowned but they lost the way. The scholars
and the educated people among them reminded Musa r')C.J' 4# that
Sayyidina Yusuf r')C.J' 4# had made their ancestors promise that they
would carry his dead body away with them if they ever emigrated
from Egypt. They thought that they might have lost their way
because of forgetting to take his remains with them.
Sayyidina Musa r')C.J' 4# enquired if any of them knew where the
grave was but they said that none of them knew that except an old
lady who knew where it was. So, Musa r')C.J' 4# asked that they may
bring her to him. He requested her, "Show me where the grave of
· Yusuf f.)(..J14# is?"
The woman found for herself an opportunity to get from the
Prophet what she m~st cherished. She offered to show him the grave
on condition that he promise her that she would have his company in
Paradise. Her standard was very high. She asked according to what
behove the giver, the Prophet. ,
Sayyidina Musa r')C.J' 4# did not like her attitude. She should not
have asked in that f!lanner. Besides, what she had asked was not
within his powers.
Nevertheless, Allah Commanded him through a revelation that
he should concede to the old woman's demand. Accordingly, he
agreed to her condition and she took him to the grave of Yusuf 4#
It was at a pond that she took them and asked them to draw out
the water and dig up the earth. They found Yusuf's r')C.J' 4# remains
there in. They carried them along and found their path bright and
shining as if it was day-time.

Lessorls and lVlessages

1. We learn from the Hadith that man should aim high and
Stories From the Hadiih

cherish the best. The Prophet~ said, "Was it not possible for you to
ask as the old woman of the Bani Isra'il did?" (Instead of worldly
benefits, you should have wished for the good of the Hereafter.)
2. The Hadith tells us many things of the Bani Isra'il:
The promise that Sayyidina Yusuf ~~~ -.# had extracted from
them. The Qur'an does not mention it but some editions of the Torah
speak of it.
We find in Genesis 50: 25,
"Then Joseph asked his people to make a vow. 'Promise me', he
said, 'that when God leads you to that land, you will take my
body with you'."
Also, in Exodus, 13: 19,
"Moses took the body of Joseph with him, as Joseph had made
the Israelites solemnly promise to do. Joseph had said, 'when
God rescues you, you must carry my body with you from this
The Prophet ~ mentioned this promise and confirmed some of
the narrations of Torah.
We also learn that Allah had preserved the grave of Sayyidina
Yusuf~~'-.# by concealing it in water.
3. Sometimes Allah warns and cautions a people through some
bottlenecks when they forget an undertaking. The Bani Isra'il were
thus reminded by making them use their way because they had
forgotten their promise to Yusufr~'-.#.
4: We also learn that succeeding generations are bound by the
promise by their ancestors to Prophets concerning future . The
undertaking of the Bani Isra'il to Yusuf r~' ..;s. was binding on the
future generation of Bani Isra'il. The Prophet 3 got his Companions
to swear allegiance which was binding on them as well as their
future generations.
Stories From the Hadith

The Eleventh Story

Samiri..... Worshipper of the Calf

First Words
.After Musa r')(.J' ~ had gone ·to Mount Tur, Samiri moulded out
of golden jewellery a calf. Then he put into it the earth that was
beneath the hoof of Jibril's .r')(.J' 4# horse so that it began to breathe.
His people then · worshipped the calf The Qur'an has narrated this
incident, in brief at some occasions but in detail at some others. This
Hadith describes yet other details of this incident.

~ LJ :Jli ~ Jl1 ~J Js- y. ~J~ J ~WI ~JJ

.- 1~
~ ~ ·~ ~ --
." I~..J, . ~ '.li
~ '~
" ~ ~'!$r Wl :.w.
- z.) J''~ ,.r' .Y'J

,l£ ~ ~;. ~~~ ~Y. "J a' ?:a'' Jli ~ ,~ ~~ ,~,~~

~i ~-.; ~ :t))\A ~ J~ ,~-; :J~) ~l'lA ,~rw' ;.iJ J~
~) ,~,~~ :;, J! ~-; &~ ~i Wi ~G '~) ~) ~~
~-; J~ ~J~ ~ :t:,';A 41 J~ ,~r~i ~ ~i ~rw' ~i
s;../)' Ji ~ a-,..:i :- -h:J =~~w' J~ ~~ ~ =~~w
.... ""' ""' ""

Js. jA) ,~ o~;.l ~;>t.;J' ~ ~; ~~ J! ~-; :4J =J~
'11 ~~ ~~~ ~~IS'~ s-WI ~~ :; l;..i y; (J ,~ ~
~ ~ :J~ ~~--; ~ :~~ ()~ ,~:u, ~ ~J :L'
~ :; J~ '1) oG:.rJ o4i ~ ~)' ~ ,:;?lS:.:J, ,:,~\! ,I'~!
Stories From the Hadith

~~i ~~:.J! ~:; ~-; J~ .JJ, ._rju ,wi ~y;.;_. ~ e:!' J;J?
"" .... 0 ,.. ... "' J .,.... 0 ~ 0 .... J. 0 ....... 0 "' ...

[Hakim has transmitted in Mustadrak the narration of
Sayyidina Ali ~ .JJ,.s" )· He said:
After Musa r'}(.J' ~ had gone to his Lord, Samiri (a
sorcerer) decided (to mould a calf). He collected all the
jewellery he could from the Bani Isra'il. He moulded the
jewellery into the form of a calf. He then put into its hollow a
handful of dust so that it began to make sounds (like a calf with
lite); he said to the Bani Isra'il, "This is your god and the god of
Sayyiqina Harun r'}(.J' ~ said to them, "0 my people, has
not your Lord given .you a good promise?"
When Mlisa returned to. them and found that Samiri had
misled them already, (in anger) he held the hair of-his brother
(Harun). Harun told him what he had to say. Then Musa said to
Samiri, "How does it fare with you?" (why did you do it?) He
said, "I had seized a handful of dust from the footprints of the
Messenger (Jibril r"J,:..l' ~) and I put it into this calf. This seemed ·
good to my mind."
Mu sa ·took the calf and peeled it with a carpenter's plane.
He was at the banks of a river when he was doing it (so that" the
peelings fell into the river). Thus, whoever of the. worshippers
of the calf drank the water of the river had his face turn into
golden colour. Then they asked Musa how they should repent?
Mu sa r'}(.J' ~ said, "Kill one another." So, they picked up
knives and they began to stab one another. Someone stabbed
his father, another person stabbed his brother, without
considering whom they killed. In this way they kiUed seventy
thousand of thems~lves.
Allah ~hen Commanded Mu sa r'}(.J' ~ through a revelation
that they should cease (the killing). He said, "I have forgiven .
those who have been killed and accepted the repentance of the
rest. "](Hakim in Mustadrak,2/412)
Stories From the Hadith =============== 102
As Sayyidina Musa ~')(..)' ~ was going to the Mount Tur with his
people, after the drowning of Fir' awn, he increased his . pace and
advised his people to follow gradually for he was going ahead to
engage ·in worship. He left behind Harun as his deputy but the
Samiri decided to mislead the people.
Samiri was from · the Samirah tribe a well-known tribe of Syria.
Some authorities have suggested that he was a Qutbi (copt) of the
family of Fir'awn. (the Pharaoh). He was a neighbour of Musa~')(.J~~
who had believed in him and joined him.
lbn Abbas ..s. .JJ, ._rp) said that he was a member of a tribe who
worshipped cows. He had arrived in Egypt someho~ and had made
it appear that he had embraced the religion of the Bani Isra'il but at
heart he was a hypocrite (Qurtabi). The marginal notes of Qurtabi
suggest that he was a Hindu cow-worshipper from India.
lbn Jarir has cited lbn Abbas ..s. .JJ, ._rp) as saying, "It is believed
that his name was Musa bin Zafar and he was born at the time when
the Pharaoh had decreed that all male offspring of the Bani Isra'il be
· put to death. His mother was afraid of the police of the Pharaoh who
would have killed him in her presence. She thought it better to leave
the child in a cave in the wilderness and shut the cave's mouth
outside, than see him being put to death." (she may have been
paying visits to him now and then.) Allah instructed Jibril r')(.J' ~ to
take care of the child and· provide nourishment, and he brought
honey on one of his fingers, butter on another and milk on the third.
The child would lick his fmgers. Gradually he grew up into a young
man but he turned ou~ to be (unfaithful and) a disbeliever who led
the Bani Isra'il too into disbelief In the end, he invited upon himself
the punishment of Allah." (Ruh ai-Ma'ani as quoted in Ma'arifAI-Qur'an 6/135)
A poet has said very aptly:
J.-"r~y) o4.J ~..UI ~YJ
"The Musa whom Jibril nourished disbelieved, And the Musa
whom Fir'awn nourished became a Messenger!"
Neverthless, he collected the jewellery from his people after
M us a r')(.J' ~ was gone and put a handful of dust (into the calf
moulded from the jewellery). The dust was what he had picked up
from the footprints of Jibril. Samiri had observed when Jibril had
Stories From the Hadith

come to Musa ~')(.J' ~ once on horseback that wherever he landed his

foot the place grew greenery and came to life. He understood that
under Jibril'sr')(.J'~ footstep lay traces of life.
According to one version, when the Bani Isra'il were afforded a
path across the Red Sea over which they went to the other side, there
Samiri saw Jibril. He recognised him because he had nurtured and
sustained him.
According to another version, it was the devil who prompted
him that under the footpripts of Jibril ~")CJ' ~· lay signs of life. So, he
had picked up a handful of dust from there. He put it in the jewellery
and the calf came to life mooing like a real one. Samiri then told the
people that Musa <r')(.J' ~) was gone and it was not known whether
he would return or not. "This calf is your god and the god of Musa."
(May Allah forgive us!)
Many of the people believed in what he said and did 'not pay
attention· to Harun r')(.J' ~ when he tried to stop them.
Musa, meanwhile, returned from Tur, the Tablets of Torah in
his hands. He saw that the people whom he had left behind as
~orshippers of One God had turned to cow-worship. This infuriated
him strongly. It were these people on whom Allah had bestowed
many blessings and rescued them from the. Pharaoh but they had
become polytheists. In his anger he held his brother, Harun, by the
hair saying, "Why c;lid you not stop th~m? What prevented you from
coming to me at the Tur when these people became idolaters? Why
did you continue to stay w1th these polytheists,?"
Sayyidina Harun r')(.J' ~ said, "0 son of my mother! Listen to
me, I did not wish to cause dissension among the Bani Isra'il. If I had
brought with me the unitarians numbering twelve thousand to you
then it would have created trouble and disagreement among the Bani
Isra'il while I was confident that on your retutn these people would
mend their ways."
Sayyidina Harun r')(.J' ~ added, "Also most of these people had
gone on the wrong path and very few were on my side. If I had
persisted then they might have killed me. I tried to bring them to
reason but they did .not listen to me and were ready to slay me."
Sayyidina Musa r')(.J' ~ understood his argument and absolved
him of blame and turned to the real culprit, Samiri. He asked him
Stories From the Hadith

what explanation he had and why he had done the mischief.

He recounted how he had observed life originate on the spots
where Jibril's ~")C.J1 ~ fee~ touched the ground and concluded that they
had the capability to produce life. Therefore, he seized the earth
from those spots and put it in the (contraption of the) jewellery. He
boasted, "That was what my heart cherished." Musa ~")C.J1 4s- said to
him, "Your punishment is that all people will ostracise you in this
world." Apart from this social boycott, he also commanded him not
to touch anyone and live away from all men like a wild animal.
Traditions tell us that the. curse of Musa ~~~ ~ had its effect on
him so· if he touched anyone or anyone else touched him then both
of them got fever. (AI-Mu'alim) Therefore, fearing this, he kept himself
away from other people and if anyone approached him he would say
La Misas ..,.L....o~ ("Do not touch me!") He died finally in this isolated
condition. (Summary from Ma'arifAI-Qur'an6/144)

Lessons and Messages

1. The basic lesson we learn from the Hadith of this story is that
man must always pray to Allah to keep him steadfast on religious
practice. No one can claim for himself that he will always be on the
guided path. Someone gets guidance in the beginning but later on
Allah takes away from him. His bounties and favours and he is
deprived for ever.
This is what happened to Samiri. In the beginning, he was
guided and he had joined Musa ~")C.J1 4.# but later this blessing was
taken away from him and he plunged into perpetual loss. Therefore,
we must always ask Allah for safety, steadfastness on religion and
inclination towards piety apd righteousness. We must never resign
ourselves to a condition or be satisfied with our way of living.
2. We also learn from this Hadith that the conditions for
acceptance of repentance from earlier people were very severe.
Sometimes, they were forgiven only after they had killed their own
numbers. This is what happened in the foregoing episode. Musa 4.#
r")C.J' commanded them to kill one another and about seventy

thousand people were killed before their repentance was accepted.

Compared to that, the Ummah of Sayyidina Muhamm?d 3 are
. much better off. Allah has blessed them with extraordinary · mercy. ·
Stories From the Hadith ===============105
No severe condition is attached for their repentance to be accepted.
In fact, repentance is made so easy that anyone may repent when he
likes, at any moment, wherever he likes and get forgiveness for his
sins. Any slave may seek forgiveness of Allah for his sins sincerely
and with a repenting heart, and resolve from the core of his heart not
to sin again. At the same time, he must cease the sin without delay ....
That purifies him and preserves him from sin. His repentance is
accepted, Insha Allah (if Allah Wills).
3. This story also tells us that Allah distinguishes His pious
slaves from the sinners and the sinners from His pious slaves
sometimes through an obvious sign. This is what happened in the
story under discussion.
Those who had worshipped the calf had their faces change
colour when they drank the water of the river. Their faces became a
golden tinge. The calf was peeled and the peeling dropped into the
4. Belief in unity of Allah is a great blessing from Him. It is a
standard of faith. We. must be most careful to protect this faith. If
there is any wavering in this regard then man spoils his chances in
both this world and the next. Allah has made it very clear that He
never forgives idolatory or polytheism. Therefore, we must preserve
from associating partners to Him in every way. In fact, we must shun
even the doubtful things in this regard.
Stories From the Hadith

The Twelfth Story

When the Sun Stops ....

First Words
The commanders were leading their forces against the enemy
and they saw before them a great force. They were worried with the
numerical superiority of the enemy and they believed that victory or
defeat depended on numbers.
However the pious slaves of Allah are confident that often a
small party defeats a large one.<'l
This was (the army of) Yusha' ~':>C..Jt.o.# at whose hands the sacred
land was conquered by the will of Allah. He was not worried with
the large numbers of the enemY. nor with strategy to increase the men
of his army. He was more concerned with quality than with quantity,
for wars are won not with large numbers but with high spirit, faith
and belief. He received the command that those who had their hearts
set on the world should separate from the army for they \}'ould not
be able to fight.
He engaged in Jihad with his small army against the enemy but
was concerned that the encounter may extend into the night. He
wished that Allah should grant them victory before sunset. So, he
prayed to Allah that the sun should stop its movement towards the
night to let them overpower the enemy in day light.... Indeed, it was
witnessed that Allah delayed the sunset until He gave them victory.
This was a great sign from Allah.
This account has come to us from the truthful Prophet$.

~ 41J, ~) s;..; ~i:;. ~ J ~ J ~)~' ~J)

"1!...') :.s:·~:
v-· :
.. . .. ~ .4,; .~1 'Ill
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. . .. ~
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_) (..r : ~;
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AI-Baqarah, 2: 249.
Stories From the Hadith

~1 .~~~~i~) ·~~w) ·~~~i~;JJ&1~r;,~~~~

, , , ,. ,.. J ..-o, , J ... " "' o 'I t1 """" ........ o - , , ' o J J o ' o .,.
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.~~)J~t ~~ :~ Jill ,~,~ ~ 4) :,i ~~a~ ~")l' ~ u~

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.8 ~~cUp)~ ~.Si) ,~QI 8 :Jl1

[Abu Hurayrah 4:$- JJ,.sPJ narrated that the Prophet said: e
A Prophet amongst the Prophets carried out a Holy military
expedition, so he said to his followers, "Anyone who has
married a woman and wants to consummate the marriage and
has not done so yet, should not accompany me; nor should a
man who has built a house but has not completed its roof; nor a
man who has sheep or she-CaJ!lels and is waiting for the birth of
their young ones." So, the Prophet carried out the expedition
and when he reached that town at the time or nearly a~ the time
of the Asr Sa/at, he said. to the sun, "0 sun! You are under
Allah's order. 0 Allah! Stop it (i.e. the sun) from setting." It was
stopped till Allah made him victorious.
Then he collected the booty and the fire came to bum it,
but it did not burn it. He said (to his men), "Some of you have
stolen something from the booty. So, one man from every tribe
should give me the pledge by shaking hands with me." (They
did so and) the hand of a man got stuck in the hand of their
Pr"phet. Then that Prophet said (to the man). "The theft has
been committed by your people. So, all the persons of your tribe
Stories From the Hadith

should give me the pledge by shaking hands with me." The

hands of two or three men got stuck in the hand of their Prophet
and he said, "You have committed the theft." Then they brought
a head of gold like the head of a cow and put it there, and the
fire came and consumed the booty." The Prophet e added,
''Then Allah saw our weakness and disability, so He made the
booty legal for us."] (Bukhari-kitab fard ai-Khams # 3124. Muslim-kitab
ai-Jihad waas-Sayr# 4327)

The Messenger of Allah e has narrated the story of Sayyidina
Yusha' r")C..J'~ in this Hadith. Prophet Yusha' bin Noonr")C..J'~
succeed Sayyidina Musa r")C..J' ~ as Prophet. Also, according to some
traditions he was the one who accompanied Prophet Musa r")C..J' ~ on
his journey towards, and meeting with, Sayyidina Khidr r")C..J' ~-
The Hadith narrates the account of one of his jihad. Before he
set off for the jihad he let his people know that three types of men
should not join the army.
i) He who had married but not consumated the marriage.
ii) He who 'was building his house but not raised the roof till
iii) He who had bought pregnant camel and cattle and their
term was not over by that time.
The reason for rejecting these people was that they could not be
expected to concentrate on the war. These things occur in a man's
life very seldom, and in many cases, just once. Besides, man
depends on these very things-wife, house and cattle. These were the
basic needs of that time and part of man's livelihood. If a man's mind
is occupied with these things then he will not perform the important
obligation of jihad well. For, it calls upon the warrior to place his
life at stake but if his heart is set elsewhere how will he do it. That is
why Prophet Yusha' r")C..J' ~ refused to include these three kinds of
men,in his army.
When they marched forward and the war commenced, the
fighting proceeded well into the time of Asr. The situation was very
delicate: On the one hand, war was at a stage when a little effort
would bring victory but a slight miscalculation could spell defeat,
Stories From the Hadith

and, on the other, there was the Asr Salat to be offered within time.
Sayyidina Yusha' ~~~ ~ hoped to gain victory before sunset and
darkness. That called for continuous engagement with the enemy
which would leave the Salat unobserved. So, he first addressed the
sun, 11 You are under orders and we too are under orders." (That is,
you are bound by the Command of Allah to follow the determined
orbit and we are bound by His command to wage jihad and to offer
the Salat at the appointed time). He then made the supplication: "0
Allah! Cause the sun to stop its progress. 11
That was a Prophet's supplication. He was a Prophet engaged in
the cause of Allah. Why should it not .receive approval? Sky-
watchers saw that the sun came to a halt and Yusha' ~~~~ continued
to fight with determination until Allah granted him victory.
The spoils were collected as was their custom. It was not lawful
for those people to take the spoils for themselves but these things
were .given away for Allah's sake. They would collect the wealth and
place it on the top of a mountain. A fire would descend from the
heaven and burn the spoils to ashes, and that was considered a sign
that their offering was approved. If no fire descended or if the fire
did not ·hum the spoils to ashes then it meant that the offering was
When Yusha' ~~~~ placed the spoils for the fire, a fire did
descend but did not touch the spoils. So, he said, "Someone has
betrayed trust. That would be investigated by every tribe sending a
representative to me to swear allegiance. 11 Accordingly, every
representative shook hands with the Prophet but when one of them
came and . extended his hand for the handshake, Yusha' r~' ~ told
him that the betrayal was done by his tribe and every member must
swear allegiance individually so that the culprit could be found out.
Hardly had about three men sworn, allegiance when he held them as
They confessed their guilt and returned gold equal to the head of
a cow. They had concealed it. It was placed with the spoils and a fire
from heaven devoured it.
This was the command for earlier people. Later, however, Allah
made the spoils lawful for · the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad ~ .
They are commanded to keep aside one-fifth of the spoils for Allah
Stories From the Hadith =====-=========;= 1/0
and His Messenger, for the Bayt Al-Maal. (The poor, needy, orphans
are helped by the Bayt Al-Maal, State Treasury.) The rest of the
spoils are the share of the ghazt> and shuhada's 12 >heirs.

. Lesson and Messages

We gain · very important advantages from the Hadith and the
account it relates.
1. The advance of Sayyidina Yusha' r')(.J' Ys- in Jihad affirms that
jihad and fighting was prescribed. for the previous Ummah. It is not
peculiar to the Ummah of Sayyidina Muharnmad $ alone. It proves
that Jihad is approved by Allah and liked by Him. He had prescribed
it in all earlier Shari'ah too. In fact, Jihad is another name for the
sovereignty of Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and for the upholding
of His Word. "The blessings that Allah bestows on the warriors
(literally, the mujahideen) and the Muslims cannot be imagined
without Jihad.
It is for this reason that the Bani Isra'il were punished by Him
when they refused to wage j i had under Sayyidina M us a r')(.J' Ys-
against the Amaliqah in Syria. They said:
o~IY,IJ~ I~ let3.~0J Gt~~~
{0 Musa! We shall never enter it so long as they are in it}
(Ma'idah, 5: 24)
And they said:
o0J~U ~ bl ~lli af.JJ ~f y.\.iu
{Go forth, you and your Lord, and fight; surely here we remain
sitting.} (al-Ma'idah,5:24)
The punishment of Allah followed:
<4::~'> ...... ~:;t;, ~ ~ L ~) ~ t~ ~~
{This (land) shall be forbidden to them fa'r forty years: while
they shall wander about on earth .... }
Thus they travelled all day and in the evening they imagined
that they had reached their destination. But when they woke up in
the morning they found themselves at the same place from where
they began. Hence, the plain in which they moved round and round
is called the plain of tiyah. The word is from A.; (teeh) meaning
1 ghazi, the warriors who return alive. 2 shuhada, the martyrs.
Stories From the Hadith

'straying', 'labyrinth', 'maze', 'wilderness'. These people too were

trapped in the labyrinth of shock and worry a punishment against
abandoning the obligation of jihad.
The Qur'an frequently speaks of the jihad of the earlier
Prophets. Their jihad was in the literal sense meaning warfare. For
instance, we are told:
·'"'.;(: / .,!.~ ' , ... ' t.: t ~ -c:
0 "£.l5' /

0.ft';' ~..J <U..Q IJ-' Ul ~ ~ ~- "

{And many a Prophet there has been who fought (in Allah's
way). with whom were many godly men .}(Aallmran.J: 146)
The surah Al-Baqarah narrated the imposition of jihad as an
obligation for the Bani Isra•il in detail. (Reference may be made to
the commentary on verse 246 of this surah in the M a 'arif
The surah Al-Baqarah also relates in detail the jihad of Taloot
against Jaloot.
In short, jihad is the distinction of the Believer and his honour.
For the followers of Islam, Allah has placed in it recognition,
protection, blessings and plenty of goodness. Whenever Muslims
discharged this obligation, Allah gave them honour and excellence.
But, whenever they neglected it, the other nations overwhelmed
them and their enemies did not fear them in the least. In spite of
wealth, means and luxury, sinful life and great numbers they were
disgraced and defeated. This is Allah's decree for them and this is
what history reveals for us. May Allah guide us to conduct ourselves
according to His dictates and to learn from history. Aameen!
2. We also learn from this story that when a selection is made
for an important undertaking, the selectees must be capable in all
respects for the responsibility placed on them. They must
concentrate fully on the duties assigned to them. Jihad, in particular,
is not possible without whole-hearted dedication. Sayyidina Yusha'
bin Noon~~' 4-)s. had, therefore, barred such people from
participation in jihad as had other things on mind. and so could not
be expected to give exclusive attention to jihad.
3. This story tells us also that a commander of the forces must
keep himself aware of the psychology of his warriors and their
temperament. It is necessary for him to adopt such means as will
encourage his men to be firm-footed on the battle field and fight
·Stories From the Hadith =============== 112
, with concentration. This is what · Sayyidina Yusha' r~'4,ls. did. He did
not include those people in his army who were liable to be occupied
with family and material problems in the midst of the intensity of
war and thus have a bad effect on the morale of the whole army.
4. It is part of the blessings of jihad that Allah displays His
unbelievable Powers whereby He helps His Messengers achieve
their aiin. We have seen that He answered the supplication of
Sayyidina Yusha' r~'4,ls. and suspended the solar movement to
extend hours of daylight. This was, without doubt, the · miracle of
Sayyidina Yus ha' r~' 4,1t- and a great blessing of j ihad. The army was
thus enabled to gain victory during the day.
Similarly, it was a miracle at the hands of Prophet Yusha' r~'~
and a blessing of jihad that those who had misappropriated the
spoils of war were traced out when Allah revealed to him that they
belonged to the tribe of the man with whom he shook hands.
5. The Hadith also discloses the immense mercy of Allah for the
M~slim Ummah when He permits them to use the spoils of war. The
spoils are referred to as lawful and pure.
0~ ~)6, ~ l.a..o
{What you have taken as spoils of war, such as is lawful and
good} (al-Anfal8:69)
The earlier people were not permitted to use the spoils even
though they underwent the rigours of jihad.
6. Cheating and misappropriation are the worst of crimes and
Allah even witholds the reward of such a great effort as jihad if
anyone cheats or is mistrustful. This is more marked when spoils of
war are involved although cheating is unlawful at all times. It is at its
worst in war because there is a share in the booty for every warrior,
heir of the martyrs and the Public Treasury, and to cheat is therefore
the same as .ch~ating every individual of the nation. The same should
apply to state property and cheating in state dealings is a great crime
and sin. Hence, those people who misuse the State Exchequer and
Public Property fall under this category and are cheaters and
May Allah cause all Muslims to refrain from this sin. Aameen!
Stories From the Hadith ===============113

The Thirteenth Story

Death of
Sayyidina Dawood ~')(.J1 ~
First Words
·There is no escape from death. It is the most true and
undeniable fact before which the greatest tyrant of any era is a
picture of helplessness. Death spares no one-not the pious and not
the evil, not a Prophet and not his follower, not the rich and not the
poor, not the scholar and not the ignorant.
This is the story of the death of a Prophet of Allah, a righteous
man, a great king, a leader worth following, who was bestowed with
a sweet voice and a pleasing delivery. He was Sayyidina Dawood .ys.
~"">C..l1. He was the father of another king (and Prophet) Sayyidina
Sulayman ~"">C.J' .Y.... How did the Angel of Death take away his soul?
The narrative of the Prophet ~ describes to us how this happened.

~J'~ ~\S" :Jli ~; JJ, J'~) ti a-;'jA ~i tY- ~~ ~~~~ 4>J)

JS. ~~ ~ cyY.~I ~- a1}-f [_j- ~~~ ~\S"j ,3~~ a~~~\
')\~\ Jl ~ 4Jt_;l ~(.it! c)l~l ~- a~l.j '~Jt ~~~ [.;J :Jli
' ' .
~)1 :lA~~ ::,!i ~ :~- :J1 J ~ ::Jill '/~1 ~J ~ti ~J ~~~
"' • ., 0 .. J J ... J .. .. .. .. ~ "' .. ,. ... .. J J :;i "' "' J J .. .. ... ""'

~~~ ~ :.)j\.) ~ J~Ai '/:01 LJ ~\i ~jlll~~ :.)j\.) ~~

Jl1j ~i :~JI~ Jill.~~ ~ ~:·Q! ~J ,~):J1 y\Ai ~ ~~IWi :Jli

Stories From the Hadith

- ~~~~J'~b,~t_)?
~ ,:;w\ ~ ~t! ,~jl~ JS. ~i :~ ::,(~1'.~ Jill
J\! '~~ ~~ ~\ :::,1'~1'_. 4J Jill .j,j'JI t'Qfl'- ~i
' J. ., '

~j Jll J~) JaJ) ;klt ~d ;.;:$' ~j ~\ J~) ~;. ~;:;;

' '
- ~- •._- t, ~· ' ~ ~ -~~-
~ ~ •- Y. ,~ . J
[lmam Ahrriad has transmitted in his masnad the saying of
the Holy Prophet~ as narrated by Abu Hurayrah ~ Jj,..r"'J ·
The Prophet of Allah, Sayyidina Dawood~')(.J'~ possessed
a great sense of modesty. So when he went out, he locked the
door behind him in order that nobody could enter his house
until he returned.
One day he went out and locked the door (as usual).
Suddenly, his wife observed a man in the middle of the house.
She said to those in the house, "From where did this man enter
the house while it is locked. By Allah, Dawood will feel very
bad about it."
When Dawood came back, he found the man standing in
the middle ofthe house and asked him, "Who are you?"
He said, "I am he who does not fear any king and no
obstacle can bar me."
Dawood said, "So, by Allah! You are the angel of death,
surely. Welcome to the command of Allah!"
Sayyidina Dawood ~')(....J' ~ was bathed and shrouded at the
very place where his soul was taken out. And when they had
finished (washing and shrouding him), the sun rose shining. So,
sulayman said to the birds, "Shade Dawood ." And they cast
their shadows over him until the land became pitch dark for
them. So Sulayman r')(.J'~ again commanded every bird to
contract one (of its pair of) wings.
Abu Hurayrah ~ JJ'..r<'J then· said that the Prophet~
showed them with his hands how the birds contracted their
wings.) (lmam Ahmad, 2/4 I 9. Majma' az-Zawa'id 8/207.)
Stories From the Hadith =============== 115
This Hadith describes the death of Sayyidina Dawood ~')(..J' ~­
He was one of those determined and prominent Prophets of Allah
who enjoyed choice favours and bounties of Allah. The fourth
heavenly Book. the Zaboor, was revealed to him. Thus, he was a
Prophet who was given a qistinct Shari'ah. Besides. Allah gave him
the distinction of continuity of Prophethood in his son, Sulayman *
~')(..J'. In addition to Prophethood, Allah bestowed Ol) him unique
bounties which are mentioned in the Qur'an.
O..I,!~I.U G.H..,~I_, .,__,_., -.F:JI J~ 1..! )l..:oJ l.:...o ..l.jl..! ~t .lil..,
{And certainly We gave to Dawood bounty from Us (and said),
"0 mountains, repeat Our praises with him, and the birds you
too." And We softened for him iron.}(Saba',34: 10)
In addition to being bestowed the Prophethood, he was given
excellence in worldly matters too. Mountains were subjected to his
command and whenever he engaged in remembrance of Allah and
recital of the Zaboor the mountains joined him in Zikr.
. (_
The btrds were under the same command. Hence, they too
chanted the praise of Allah with him. These were the miracles of
Sayyidina Dawood ~')(..J' ~.
Also, Allah softened iron for him. The hardest piece of iron
became soft like wax in his hands so that he could mould it into any
form he wished. He was taught to make the chain armour and he had
such a beautiful voice that when he recited the Zaboor the birds
stopped to listen. He was also given rule and authority over land. In
short, he was made into a perfect man.
He was gifted with a tremendous sense of modesty and could
not tolerate anyone looking at the female members of his family. So,
whenever he went out of his house, he locked it from the outside so
that no one may enter it.
· One day, he left his home as usual locking it behind him but his
wife encountered a stranger inside and worried who he was and how
Prophet Dawood ~')(..J1 ~ would be disappointed with it.
While she was yet contemplating the offensive situation,
Sayyidina Dawood r')(..J' ~ returned to his house and ran into the
intruder in the midst of his home and he demanded to know who he
was and why he had come. The reply was prompt, "I fear .no king
Stories From the Hadith ===============·116
and am not precluded by any barrier.
The Prophet understood that the angel of death had come to him
in human form to take his soul. So. he said quickly. ;'Indeed, you are
the angel of death for no one else can have those qualities.
Welcome! Y.our coming is auspicious so fulfil the command of
Allah. Then, after a while, the angel of death took away the soul of
the Prophet.
When he died, his son Sayyidina Sulaymanr'.£.J'.t..# (who too was
a Prophet and held authority over birds just as he did over mankind)
commanded the birds to cast a shadow over Sayyidina Dawood .t..#
r'.£.J' with their wings so that the washing and burial may be
performed without strain. The birds spread their wings and hid the
sun from the earth so that there was extreme darkness over the land.

Lesson and Messages

This is a summary of what we learn from this Hadith.
1. The Hadith recounts the privilege Prophet Dawood r'.£.J' .t..#
enjoys among the Prophets. Just as Allah had bestowed on him His
special favour in life so too He favoured him in a special way in
2. The Hadith tells us of his extreme attitude of decency. This
attitude is part of faith and is a praiseworthy character if it is within
the limits of Shari'ah. For instance, a false sense of modesty that
incites murder is not allowed in Shari'ah . The following Hadith in
Sahih Muslim elucidates this point.
Uwaimir Al-Ajlani requested Asim bin Adi Al-Ansari to ask the
Messenger of Allah ~ whether a man should kill him whom he
finds with his wife ...... (Muslim,BookofDivorce,Hadith#3553)
This Hadith is evidence that Shari'ah looks down upon killing
on the pretext of a sense of honour if it is because of suspicion as is
common among the tribal people today. If they find even a little
breach on their sense of honour, they are prepared to kill, and are not
satisfied with anything less than that.
If anyone kills a man after having seen him with his wife then
the question arises, "Should he be killed in retaliation?" The majority
of the Ulama hold that if he presents four witnesses to back his
accusation then he cannot be killed in revenge.
Stories From the Hadith

Nevertheless, it is not proper to kill anyone on a petty issue

without verifying it, simply to uphold one's sense of honour.
However, it is very shameful to tolerate immodesty and exposure in
which almost all of our society is deeply involved.
So, Sayyidina Dawood ~.,u, ~ had a very strong sense of honour
and modesty and he kept himself within the limits of Shari'ah and
his behaviour was praiseworthy. The Holy Prophet 3 once let
Sayyidina Sa'd bin Ubadah -.:s- JJ, ~) know on his enquiry:
"I am more jealous of my honour than all of you and Allah is
more jealous than I."
The words in another version are:
"Are you surprised at Sa'd's jealousy of his honour? By Allah, I
am more jealous of my honour than he, and Allah is more
jealous than I. Because of His jealousy, Allah has prohibited
abomination, both open and secret."(MuslimHadith#3572)
3. ThiS Hadith tells us that angels do appear in human form as
indeed Izra'il ~.,u, ~ visited the house of Sayyidina Dawood r":>U' ~ in
human appearance.
4. Sayyidina Sulayman r":>U' ~ had amazing authority not only
over men but also over animals and birds.
5. The Hadith also teaches us to respect dead bodies. It is not
allowed to cause hardship to the bodies. Just as a living person is
inconvenienced by certain things so too a dead body should be
protected from these things . Sayyidina Sulayman r":>U' ~ had
commanded the birds to throw their shade over the body of
Sayyidina Dawood ~.,u, ~ and protect it from the heat of the sun.
It is wrong to suppose that a person is not subject to heat, cold,
and the like after death. And, it is sinful to let bodies suffer such
. .
But Allah knows best!
Stories From the Hadith ======~========118

The Fourteenth Story

Policy also depends on Divine

First words
Man generally keeps his eyes on the means and measures
available to him. Often, it is on the strength of these that he makes
tall claims but he is unaware of the fact that these agencies will build
for him only castles in air if Divine Will does not agree with him.
The Prophets r')C.J' ~ know this. They regard all their deeds and
excellences as Divine grants and hold all their actions and policies as
dependant on Divine Will. In fact, religion also teaches us to hold
our actions dependant on the Will of Allah and express. this belief
through the brief statement Insha Allah (If Allah Wills). These are
two words but they are exhaustive in meaning. Without the help of
Allah, all our means and agencies are meaningless, 'flying dust'!
The great Prophet of Allah, Sayyidina Sulayman ~')C.J' A.# did not
say Insha Allah on an occasion. The chief of the two worlds,
Sayyidina Muhammad $, spoke a word of caution about this

,~;..;. ~; ~ '~ J ~ J ~ .)~' ~~~ I..lA ~ J.)

~r;, ~~- ~ ~ iQJ1 :;;,~ :~)'~ :;., t(~r.. Jl! :Jl! ~j ~' ~
,JJ, ~G ~~:~c..:, 4l Jill :JJ, ~~::... 'J ~~ G!~ ~r;, :t ~
' ' .
o:;:. J ..-'f. ~ "'~"' 11 o ... o o "' o """' . , J ...- o "'""

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~i :;,1) ~ :~-.. J\i JJ, ~:;' I 'J ~J~GJ 4Jl! ') :~ ~~ Jill
yl£ J I$ J~l o~ JJiJ 'I$ J~ Jl::-JIJ ,~i -;) c;;/ !) ~G~1
Stories From the Hadith ==========~==== /19

.o\.r" I .:r---J.J ~ .J i ,oi.r"I ,js-ll:U I .)Y, ~ :J:A.4 ~~I

:~~~ 1~1C. ~)1~ :;. ::,(~' ~ Jt! J:A.4 c. ~I yl.£ J .J
41 J~ ,Jll l~- ''J ~~~~~I; I JS' ~ ,~1;1 ~~ ~ Oll J ;,~
'1~ ~ ~ ;.Jj '~ Jlkti '~J '~ ~ ,Jll ~~ ;:,~ Ji :~1
... ~ t ... "' ,... ~ J, :. ... ::; ,
...?" Jl .;lS'".J ~ (.J .u11 '"L.!I .J! Jl! JJ ~j ~~ Jl! ..JW! ~ olyol
0 .... 0 ... 0 ,; ... .. 0 "" :. 0 .... •, 0 "" 0 _.,..,.., 0

... ... .... ~

[lmam Bukhari has transmitted a Hadith narrated by Abu
Hurayrah u- ...iJ,.r-- J that the Prop he~$ said, "Sulayman the son
of Dawood said, 'Tonight I will sleep with seventy ladies each
of whom will conceive a child who will be a warrior on
horseback fighting in Allah's Way.' His Companion (the angel)
said to him, 'Say: lnsha Allah!' But he did not say so. Therefore,
none of those women got pregnant except one who gave birth
to a half child." The Prophet$ said further, "If Prophet
Sulayman had said it (lnsha Allah), he would have begotten
children who would have fought in the cause of Allah."
Shu'ayb and lbn Abu Az-Zinad said, 'Ninety (women) is
more correct'.)
(In the Book of Jihad, Bukhari has transmitted the Hadith
with the words 'I will have sexual intercourse with one hundred
or ninety-nine women'.)
Another version in Bukhari says:
[Sulayman son of Dawood said, "T9night I will go round
one hundred women (my wives), everyone of whom will give
birth to a male child who will fight in Allah's cause." On that an
angel said to him, "Say, If Allah Will." But Sulayman did not
say it and forgot to say it. Then he had sexual ·relations with
them but none of them gave birth to any child except one who
gave birth to a half child. The Prophet$ said, "If Sulayman
had said lnsha Allah, Allah would have fulfilled his (above)
desire and that saying would have made him more hopeful."]
(Bukhari,Hadilh#3424, {2819}, 5242.Aiso,6639,6720and 7469)
Stories From the Hadith

Sayyidina Sulayman r~-.!1 4.# was one of the great Prophets of
Allah and H~ had bestowed on him significant favours. These
favours included: Prophethood, noble descent, son of a Prophet,
large kingdom, exclusive sovereignty, authority over mankind, jinn,
beast, birds and insects, authority over wind, knowledge of the
language of birds. In fact, he was blessed with untold, unique
Along with these blessings and large kingdom, he was a warrior
in the way of Allah. To wage jihad for the sake of Allah was very
dear to h,im. Everyone who studies the Qur'an · with concentration
will see how passionately he loved to fight in the way of Allah.
It was this love of jihad that kept his mind occupied on how to
thank Allah and add to the number of warriors in His cause. He was
constantly engaged in j ihad.
He prepared an army of birds, a force of beasts and troops of
humah beings. The Qur'an says:
,.·~•-' -' •.1 •'~. - ~1:,, ,
OU,.CJ-"1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0-t-' ~ o.l~ 0 •
~~·,,~_;, •'o~~ . . ~,. " ' ' '
{And there were' gathered for Sulayman his hosts of the)inn
and mankind, and the birds, and they were set in bands.}
(An-Name, 27: 17)

He kept his horses ready and fit:

ojl.L:JI.:.,wl.fojl~ .!<l.k r,y=>~
·. , j1
- •, , ~ ;' - j

{(Recall) when there were presented to him in the evening,

standing steeds, swift-footed.} (Sad, 38: 31)
Thus, Sayyidina Sulayman r~'4# was a mujahid who kept
himself occupied in jihad. It was his love for jihad that prompted
him one day to vow that he would have intimate relationship that
. very night with his seventy of his wives and bondwomen (according
to other versions, ninety or a hundred of them). He asserted that each
of them will conceive and deliver a male offspring who will grow up
to fight in the way of Allah as a cavalier. In this way, a large number
of warriors will be born of one night.
However, every policy and plan depends on the Will of Allah
and the predetermined fate and it is necessary for man to adopt
means and agencies and then leave the result to Allah's Will; he must
Stories From the Hadith

say Insha Allah. He must not depend merely on his means and
strength or overlook the · will of Allah. It happens sometimes that
Allah causes His close slaves to act against the preferred way, and
there is much wisdom in it one of which is that the Ummah is taught
in this way.
Sayyidina Sulayman r')(.J'~ forgot to let his policy and its
fulfilment be subject to the Will of Allah, or the devil made him
forget it. Although the angel reminded him, he fcorgot to say Insha
Allah. The result was that although he had sexual intercourse with
his wives and bondwomen, none of them conceived except one who
too gave birth to an imperfect child.
Thus, Allah reminded him that nothing may be done without
His Will. Of course, we cannot say at all that Prophet Sulayman ~
r')(.J' had turned away from Allah and relied on his own effort. He
certainly had it on his mind that Allah determines what will happen
and what not.. Only, he had forgotten to say Insha Allah verbally.
The Prophet 3 said that if he had said Insha Allah, his vow
would have been fulfilled and he would not have been disappointe~.
The Qur'an also teaches us to say Insha Allah before forming an
intention to do something in the future, making it subservient to the
Will of Allah.
In fact, it happened with the Holy Prophet 3 too when the
idolaters were prompt~d by the jews to ask him about the dwellers
of the cave. He promised them that he would inform them the next
day on the hope that Jibril r')(.J' ~ will bring a revelation and inform
him about it, and he forgot to say lnsha Allah.
Jibril r')(.J' ~ did not come the next day. Rather, he did not turn
up for the next fifteen days. The Holy Prophet 3 was much grieved
about it and the idolaters and the Jews made fun of him. Jibril r')(.J' ~
came after fifteen days and the first command that he brought was:
oilil (t:t;- u·· 'I~~~~
, .,,_u·"'·I •.!-.1 ~ 'i : ..; ~'
~ f.f~ . ~IY...r- ,J
{And say not of anything, "l am going to do that tomorrow",
except (by adding) "if Allah Wiii!"}(AI-Kahf, 18:23,24)
That is, do not promise to do anything without making it
conditional to Allah's Will.(TafsirUsmani)
It is very important, therefore, to say Insha Allah and every
Muslim must observe it. We must not take these words to be
Stories From the Hadith

customary but must repeat them _with their full implication in our
minds. The heart too must turn towards the Real Doer alongwith the
tongue, (and He is Allah).

Important Observations
It is necessary to bear in mind certain things to be able to
understand this Hadith.
1. The first thing we must know is that the Shari'ah of Musa~
r-;.:..J' did not limit the number of wives to four as the Shari'ah of ·
Muhammad $ has done. Those people could have· innumerable
wives. Besides, Sayyidina Sulayman r-;.:.J' ~ had bond women too for,
he was a warrior and warriors got them in addition to the spoils.
Thus if anyone feels why he had so many wives this explanation
should ward off his doubt.
2. The second thing is that Sulayman r-;.:.J' ~ vowed confidently
about something in the future. On the face of it, it is contrary to the
station of a great Prophet to make such a claim especi~llly if such a
thing was not within his powers. But, we must remember that some
of Allah's slaves are very close to Him and Allah fulfills their vows
because of the close station they enjoy. It is stated in a Hadith that
there are some slaves of Allah whose saying Allah does not reject
and He fulfills their vows. The case of Sayyidina Bara' bin Malik ..iP;
~J.J, is well known in Hadith.
Surely, Sayyidina Sulayman r-;.:.J' ~ was also among the closest
slaves of Allah. Accordingly, his claim and assertion was on this
basis alone. However, Allah had to teach a lesson so· He did not
fulfil his claim and vow.

Lessons and Messages

There are many lessons for the thinkers m this event of
Sayyidina Sulayman bin Dawoodr-;.:.J'~·
1. Whatever intention we form and determination we make to
perform something in the future, we must qualify our intention and
our statement with Insha Allah. This . is because the intention and
determination of man has no reality before the Perfect Power of
Allah. Sayyidina Ali ~ JJ,-.iP; exclaimed of a sudden:
·riiJAll ~ 1$.) ~f
Stories From the Hadith ===============· 123
"I recognised my Lord in the failing of my resolves."
2. A Believer should be prepared always to undertake j ihad as
Prophet Sulayman ~~~ o.,.l&- was prepared. He was also wishing to have
more warriors and planned to have more sons for that purpose. The
preparations for jihad may be made in any inanner.
3. The vow and desire of Sayyidina Sulayman ~~~ o.,.l&- also tell us
that a Believer must desire and try to have pious children who would
serve the religion of Allah. He must wish that Allah grant him
children who would serve His religion.
4. This narrative also proves that Sayyidina Sulayman r-L..ll o.,.l&-
had extraordinary manly power for an ordinary man cannot be
expected to have sexual intercourse even three or four times. It is
true that Allah grants His Prophets~~~ o.,.l&- strength equal to that of a
male dweller of Paradise who will possess seventy times the strength
of a strong man of earth.
5. Apart from that, it is a miracle of Prophet Sulayman r~~ o.,.l&-
even in terms of the time available to him. He could sleep with
seventy (or ninety or a hundred) women and go through his normal
rota of worship in one night. It is impossible for an ordinary man to
imagine it even in terms of time available.
6. It is mustahabb to form the intention at the time of having
intercourse with one's wife that Allah grant them pious children
through it.
7. When speaking. of the s~ things where the very intimate
relationship is concerned. one should merely allude to them or speak
in a figurative maner and avoid direct, clear reference.
Sulayman ~~~ o.,.l&- did not say that he would have intercourse that
night with better women but he said that he would go to seventy
women that night. He did not use the exact words and that is the
recommended and the proper way.
However, if a religious point has to be explained then it is
allowed to use the exact words. We find examples of this in the
Ahadith and juristic rulings.
8. If anyone vows about something concerning the future and
says Insha Allah too then he will not be a purjure as is evident from
the saying of the Prophet$.
9. Allah displays His perfect power and ability both by creating
Stories From the Hadith

normal human beings and, sometimes, abnormal or incomplete

human beings. The birth of an abnormal child is a sigil of Allah's
power and ability but it may also be the ·result of a wrong deed by
the parents.
The foregoing case of Sayyidina Sulayman r~' ~ is an example
of that. Thus, if an abnormal child is born to anyone, instead of
complaing they must rectify their misdeed.
10. The Hadith also reveals to us that the angels too remind the
Prophets r~' ~ of what they .should do. Just as the devil makes one
forget many things, the angels remind of many forgotten things.
Sayyidina Sulayman r~' ~ forgot to say Jnsha Allah (if Allah
Wills) and the angel reminded him to say that. It is a different thing
that he forgot to say it in spite of that reminder: ~IS" o_r.s. cll1 (There are
ten in all!)
Stories From the Hadith

The. Fifteenth Story

A Just Decision
First Words
At the same time as bestowing Prophethood on them Allah
appoints His Prophets as guides for their Ummah in all their affairs.
They also judge in the disputes of their people and met out jsutice
which is indeed the backbone of any society. A society is based on
injustice, oppression and inequality and although it may seem a
strong base yet it cannot be durable and long lasting.
The Prophets r~' ~ create a society free from oppression and
bas"ed on justice. Their judgements are intelligent and are based on
the spiritual foresight bestowed pn them by Allah.
It is about one such intelligent judgement based on spiritual
foresight that the Holy Prophet$ has spoken.

~Gt_;., ~\S" :J\! #JJ1j .JJ, J~j ~i ~ jj, ~j ~-;; ~; ::,&.

' '

LJJ ,;
:~:::-t.:a! ~~ ,~(~J.,. .........
~\! ~:1! ~;u, ~~ ~~~ ~
~ ~J~~ JJ... ~~ c~;i\! ~~ ......
LJJ, :4.(;,:.~1 ~\!j c~;~\!...... ~~

0 ""~~ .,..( 'f'' "', . . ,,... ,J," .'t'"' f 0

J.o "'t .,., J. ,,,..• ,.,
JAAi "1
,..... ..

:4->j-1 ~La!-~ wl ~~ ~yJI :'-'W coU..r.>-li

.4.>~ ~ u' aat ,~,; ,.JJ, ~~

~ ' '
,~-; "1! JJ ~~ ~ ::,! JliJ :~ Jll ~J ~-;; Y,i J\!
.i;oWI "1! J)i lS L.j
[Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah 4:S JJ, ~J siad that he heard the
Stories From -the Hadith

Messenger of Allah$ say. "There were two women. each of

whom had a child with her. A wolf came a~d took away the
child of one of them, whereupon each said to the other, 'lt has
taken your child'. So, they both carried the case before Dawood
~')(.J1 <.# who judged that the living child be given to the elder
lady. So, both of them went to Sulayman ~')(.J1 <.# the son of
Dawood r')(.JI <.#and informed him (of the case). He said, 'Bring
me a knife so as to cut the child into two pieces and distribute it
between them' . The younger lady exclaimed, 'May Allah be
Merciful to you! Don't do that, for it is her (the elder's) child'.
So, he gave the child to the younger lady."
(The Prophet had used the word sikkeen for the knife and)
Abu Hurayrah -.;s. JJ1 ~J said, "By Allah! I had never heard the
word sikkeen before it. Until then we used the word numdyah
for a knife."] (Bukhari. Hadith#3421 (&6769). Muslim.andNasa'i.)

This incident took place in the times of the Prophet of Allah,
Sayyidina Dawood r-£.J1 <.#. Two women had brought before him a
case. A wolf had taken away the child of one of them and she
claimed the child of the other as her own. Although she knew that
her child was the one whom the wolf had taken away she disputed
that the wolf had not taken her child but the other's. The other tried
her best to explain it to her but she refused to see reason and that is
why they brought their case to Sayyidina Dawood r">UI <.#.
Prophet Dawood ~">U1 <.# weighed their arguments and used his
judgement to decide in favour of the elder of the two women. (The
facts were contrary to his judgement but a judge looks at the case
and considers the arguments of the two parties. His judgement is
sincere and honest. However, sometimes, one of the parties presents
false testimony and misleads the judge on the basis of the arguments
presented to him.
Naturally, the younger woman was dissatisfied with the
judgement (and the child was really hers). The case was thus
brought before Sayyidina Sulayman ~">U1 <.# the son of Sayyidina
Dawood ~">U1 <.#. He was told of the nature of the case and the
judgement of his father.
Stories From the Hadith

He realised that the judgement was faulty. So, he adopted a

novel method of arriving at the conclusion which was very effective.
He asked one of his attendants to bring him a knife so that he may
bisect the child and hand over one piece each to the women. Their
dispute would thus end.
Obviously. this was a psychological ploy and he had no plans to
actually execute his judgement. His trick paid off. He had hardly
pronounced his decision when the younger woman burst out, "Do
not do that! May Allah show mercy to you! This child is hers, (not
mine)." She may have known that Prophet Sulayman ~')(...)' "-# would
not do it and, indeed, could not do such a thing; yet, she blurted
promptly and withdrew her claim to protect the child. Her plea was
enough evidence in her favour and it proved that she was the real
mother of the child for only a mother can express such feelings for
her child and would resign herself to see it in the possession of
another than being killed. The other woman did not say anything all
this while, and this was a disclosure of her lack of love for the child.
The psychological approach of Sayyidina Sulayman r')(...)' "-# paid
off and he found out the truth. The child belonged to the younger
woman and the elder was a false claimant. So, he decided in favour
of the younger woman.
After having narrated the incident, Abu Hurayrah u.JJ1~)
asserted that he had heard the word sikkeen for the first time and had
only known mudyah to mean a knife.

Lessons and Messages

This Hadith imparts to us many lessons. The jurists have drawn
quite a number of principles from it and a detailed account of it may
be found in books of jurisprudence and Hadith. It is not the proper
place to mention them in this book. We will state only some of them
1. This story reveals a very high degree of sagacity and foresight
with which Sayyidina Sulayman r')(...)' "-# judged. He possessed much
wisdom and was very judicious. The Qur'an has spoken of his
excellence and outstanding nature in relation to another incident.

,..J ~ ~~
ot;.k;, - )15..J' <
Stories From the Hadith

{So We made Sulayman to understand it. And to each (of the

two) We gave judgement and knowledge.}(AI-Ambiya.21:78)
2. It is not enough to consider the testimonies alone in arriving
at a decision in any dispute. The judge has to observe the behaviour
of the parties and examine them psychologically. He should try to
investigate the matter deeply and find out the truth so that he may
arrive at a just conclusion. This is why a judge is appointed not
merely on the basis of his knowledge but his intelligence, foresight
and ability to sift testimonies is also considered. Only then can
people get true justice.
3. This case also proves tliat a judge may employ a
psychological ploy to arrive at a conclusion. Sayyidina Sulayman 4#
~~~ did exactly that and was able to pin point the real mother
thereby. The sentiments of the real mother came out in the open
while the behaviour of the other woman belied her claim and
disclosed her falsehood. A guilty person speaks out by his own
4. The judgement also proves that one judge may rescind or
overrule the decision of another judge if justice has not been done by
him. Sayyidina Sulayman r~' 4# repealed the judgement of
Sayyidina Dawood r~' 4# who was not only his father but also a
Imam Nasa'i has cited this Hadith to rule that one judge may
abrogate the judgement passed by another judge provided he is his
peer in knowledge, excellence, piety and perfection.
This speaks well too for the legal procedure of our times in
which a senior court may set aside the judgement of a lower court.
For instance, the Supreme court may amend, repeal or set aside the
judgement passed by the High court.
5. If a case is complicated and there is doubt in statements, and
arguments are inconclusive and testimonies are unhelpful, the judge
must try to come to a conclusion through circumstantial evidences
and outward indications. Sayyidina Sulayman r~' 4# had done
exactly that.
6. If a judge or jurist, having done his best, cannot dig out the
truth and errs in his judgement then he is not to be blamed but, in
fact, he is entitled to reward for his sincere efforts. Of course, his
Stories From the Hadith

reward will be two-fold if he decides correctly while if his decision

is incorrect then he will get only one reward for his effort.
7. This case also proves that the Prophets r')C..J'~ generally
decided on thei~ personal interpretation, not on the basis of
revelation from Allah. If they had based their judgements on divine
revelation the pronouncements of Dawood ~')C..J' ~ and Sulayman ~
~')C..J' would not have been different. This is why sometimes the
decisions of the Prophets r')C..J' ~ were in favour of a wrong person
as some Ahadith speak about the Holy Prophet$ himself passing
such judgements.
However, when there was an absolute doubt, Allah revealed the
facts to His Prophets r')C..J' ~ through revelation.
8. This also tells us that the noble Prophets r')C..J' ~ are not
Knowers of the unseen. If they had known the unseen, Sayyidina
Dawood r')C..J'~ would not have passed the judgement that he did and
we would not have heard of such judgements by the Holy Prophet
9. Intelligence, juristic ability and foresight are not tied down to
age. Sometimes a young person is able to reach to the depths of an
issue but elders are unable to fathom its complexities. However, this
does not imply that they are deficient in any way for it is Allah's
wisdom that He gives to whom He will.
, j .. ~. / • ~~ .11 l0o~oA ~··1-=
o~I..L.U:!I)A~.J::!~ ~..l
{That is Allah's bounty, He gives it to whom He Will.}

Sayyidina Sulayman ~')C..J' ~ was young and the son while

Sayyidina Dawoo~ r')C..J' ~ was his father and the elder but Sulayman
r')C..J• ~ was afforded the strong ability to reach to the truth. There are
many other examples of this.
10. The gist of this story and the main lesson is as follows:
i) The society which the noble Prophets r')C..J' ~ promote has
justiCe as its main feature. The oppressed is given justice, for justice
and fairness alone determines whether a civilised society 1s
praiseworthy or condemned.
ii) The Shari'ah of Islam holds justice and fair treatment as
most significant part of social living. It is the soul of Islamic society.
But Allah knows best. (Then is ten in all!)u.lS"or..:..Lli.
Stories From the Hadilh

The Sixteenth Story

Even Though It was an Ant. ...

First Words
To antagonise anyone or to take revenge on him are traits ·that
Allah does not like, more so if it is against a speechless animal.
Allah has prohibited us to make mischief on the land. And it is
detestable to cut down trees and plants and to harm mute animals.
On the Day of Resurrection a man will be questioned even about the
bird that he killed for no reason. So why should one not be asked
about burning an innocent and harmless ant, particularly if the
perpetrator is one of those slaves who are close to Allah.... Such an
act is liable to earn the displeasure of Allah. The Holy Prophet $
has narrated to us the incident of a Prophet burning down a whole
colony of ants became the cause of Allah's wrath.

0 ""' 0 .@-:- ... ... ,; "<t": ,. ... . "" J ...... ,; "'-: "" " " " 0 ... " .... ... ~ ,; " ... ,

~ ~rl! ~}~ rl! (~ ~:.w '~~ ~ f~~~ ~ ~ Jy

, ,.. ~ , ......... .... . . . . . . . . ~ .... -; .... :11 .... : ... , . ...... ,..-tt;J ,.,

.O~IJ ~ ~ :~~ .ull,?J\! 'JLJI~ Jf'"\! 16:•.: rl ~ '~

,~~~~;} ~.... ~) itJ ~i j-;jA ~i ~ ~ ~ ~IJ.)...
-::' ....
,"cJ j-G P' ~~;a
.• ' J ...

~i iW ~.~:-,.?; ~i 'Ji =~~ .JJ, ~ja

- ~-.1 r-~~:; ~t
[lmam Bukhari has transmitted a Hadith narrated by Abu
Hurayrah ~JJ'..rP;· The Messenger of Allah~ said, "Once
while a Prophet amongst the Prophets was taking a rest
underneath a tree, an ant bit him. He, therefore, ordered that his
Stories From the Hadith

luggage be taken away from underneath that tree and then

ordered that the dwelling place of the ants should be set on fire.
Allah sent him a revelation, "Wouldn't it have been enough to
burn a single ant (that bit you)?"]
The version in Sahih Muslim as narrated by Abu Hurayrah
~JJ'...s-"'J is:
[The Messenger of Allah$ said, "An ant had bitten a
Prophet among the Prophets and he ordered that the colony of
ants should be burnt. And Allah revealed to him, "Because of
an ant's bite you have burnt a community . from amongst the
communities which sing My glory."]<Bukhari#3319.Muslim#5567)

The Prophets ~">(..J' ~ are also human beings like any other man.
They have the same human idiosyncrasies as any other man. Like all
hwnan beings they are displeased on being hurt and they get angry.
This is what happened to the Prophet$ told us.
Perhaps he was on a journey and had stopped somewhere to rest
under a tree. There was a burrow of the ants under the tree for an ant
never lives alone but lives in a colony of ants. If anyone disturbs it at
its burrow, it bites him and gives vent to its anger.
Thus, when the Prophet sat there he became the target of .the
ant. He did not like that and decided to punish the ant. He had
placed his luggage under the tree which he ordered to be moved
away from there and the entire burrow of the ants was burned down.
Hundreds of ants were burnt because of that.
Allah was displeased with this act of the Prophet and He let him
know through revelation that He was angry. "If you had to seek
vengeance then you should have punished the one ant that had bitten
you. How is it that just because one ant caused you inconvenience
you destroyed the whole community that was glorifying Me?"
Justice demanded that the innocent should not be punished for
the sin of the culprit. Besides, this behaviour was not consonant with
the character of men of Allah.
Stories From the Hadith =============== 132
Lessons and Messages
This incident imparts to us many lessons:
1. It is not allowed to kill ants unnecessarily. However, if an ant
bites anyone then he may kill it but it is wrong to harm it without
any reason. The same applies to other harmless and innocent
The Holy Prophet~ is quoted in a Hadith as having said about
four animals which should not be killed. These four creatures are:
ants, bees, hoopoes and sparrow-hawks. (Abu Dawood)
Nevertheless, it is allowed to kill the harmful creatures like
snakes, scorpions, etc. In a Hadith. five animals are mentioned
whom it is allowed to kill within and outside the Haram.
2. It is. absolutely improper to bum any living creature in fire.
The Shari'ah of Prophet Muhammad ~ has prohibited it in clear
terms. The Holy Prophet~ has mentioned the reason for that, "The
punishment of the fire may be given only by the Lord of the fire."
Maybe it was permitted to earlier people.
3. It is not allowed to kill an inocent person against the · sin
committed by someone else. Only he should be punished who has
committed the crime. Allah showed His displeasure to His Prophet
by saying, "Why did you not kill only one ant? What was the
wisdom in taking revenge from all of them?"
4. Even the ants glorify and sanctify Allah. Allah has said in the
,., ~ .. ~ ,.
•''' •'-•'-· "j~(l - •- ,,.,'"jJ ,z.o~•t'
O~c.J~ ~.J~~~ ,~u-'-"0-"c.JW
{And there i~ not a thing but glorifies Him ~ith His praise but
you understand not their glorification.} (Al-Isra, 17:44)
5. We also learn from this that it is not approved that anyone
who glorifies Allah should be killed because, if he is spared, he will
go on praising and glorifying Allah as long as he lives.
6. The ants are also a whole community. Of the numerous
communities of Allah, ants are a separate community.
. Zoologists tell us that this very tiny creature is very similar to
mankind in its social life and political administration. The ants also
have their families and tribes. They are driven by a mutual spirit of
cooperation, division of labour and departments of government-all
Stories From the Hadith

of which are similar to human social life. European researchers have

studied them very closely by living near their large colonies and
gained valuable information.(TafsirUsmani)
We quote from the Da'irah Al-Ma'arifah Al-Misriyah:
"If an enemy moves towards dieir colonies. all the ants stop
Working and turn out to tackle him .... One of them goes ahead
to reconnoiter enemy position and reports back its findings to
the main body. After a while, three or four ants march forward
followed by the whole army .... They bite the enemy and sting
all of them." (Da'irah AI-Ma'arifAI-Misrasreterred in TafsirUsmani)
In short, although the ant is a tiny insect yet, in fact, it is very
intelligent and a creature that plans-a strategist. The ants are a
.community by itself. And not only they but all animals, birds and
insects-all living creatures of Allah-are individual communities.
Allah· has made it clear in the Qur'an: -
1 -! , , I ~ ,. - ... , • i-
o" <tt;.;.l''' I "il ~I.S..::u '".L": Lu; "j' · • "il · 4:,1j ~ I...;''
r----- ~'""" <. , - . "~~ "~.) ~.. ~ "
{And there is not' an animal in the earth. not a bird that flies on
its two wings, but they are communities like yourselves.}
(AI-An'am, 6: 38~
Ail creatures, therefore, are separate communities by themselves.
As scholars gain more knowledge about them through research and
investigation, the truth of the Qur'an dawns upon us very clearly.
Stories From the Hadith

The Seventeenth Story

Who is it that Will Fight Them ....

First Words
Every blessing that man enjoys is bestowed on him ·by Allah. He
must be grateful for the blessings and not become proud or feel
superior and unique. If anyone becomes proud or has a superiority
complex then the blessings are withdrawn from him.
Allah shows singular favour and benovelence to His Prophets
r')l.:...h ~· The story we are to relate also concerns a Prophet on whom
Allah had showered spiritual blessings and worldly favours. He had
a very large Ummah (following). There were a large number of
individuals in his community, a great army was at his command and
they had a tremendous fighting spirit.
This Prophet was granted these favours and he was pleased with ·
that. He had a superiority complex because of that and he said,
"Who is there that will come against this army and fight my
This attitude or thought was disapproved. It was a sign that his .
sight had moved away from the true Benefactor and the real Power.
The Prophets fY.:.Jt ~ are very close to Allah, so they are warned .
promptly on such behaviour. It was Allah's wish that seventy
thousand of their numbers were slain in war against the enemy.
Let us read the story as narrated by Prophet Muhammad if;.

11~ ~; Jll 'J~) ~\$"' :J~ ~ ~ 0~ J ~~ ~\.4~1 ~JJ

:J\! ,~ :w.i ~J ~:·.}?;i :J\! ,~ G~ ~) ,~i ~ ~ ~ ~
·~~ ~t ?-!1)~ J J) ,~-; ~ ~~:P. ~t !-'?~' ~ ~-r~ :.J!
·.l~~~ (A;;s. ji~{~~~~:;. ji~!-~JA~~:;. J~
Stories From the Hadith

~~~ ~~~1G ~ ~i ~! :~-jj ~~! 4~ ~~ ~i ~! ~)ti

~~i :(,fill,~\~ J ~)! ~/;:•Af,~:;J1 1 i 'tY:JI 1;'~ ?- ~
l'j~ c1'j ~ \~! IJJIS') ,~~\ J! ~ill ,\.J£ ,~.(l! ~~~ ~ ,Jj\
' '
. .JJI ~L!, ~ J:..=j '~~I Jl
~J ,":}J 'tY:JI !j ,"JJ ~ ?- ~ J~ ~i cyj ~i :Jli ~ :Jli
~~\ ~ ,~j '4J~ ~ ~(J ,~jJI ~~:le_ :bt.J ,~:;JI
.;u~ '1! () '1) JY. '1) '~l~t~) <~~l!i~ ~\ :~)i:}'4J)j
[lmam Ahmad has transmitted in his Masnad the Hadith
narrated . by Suhayb ~ .JJ,..,..,J. He said: The Messenger of Allah
$ when he led the Sa/at said something softly which I could
not make out and he too did not tell us about that.
He asked us if we wished to know what he said and we
confirmed that we did wish to know. He said, "I suddenly
remembered a Prophet of the Prophets who was given a large
army from his people and he said, 'who can match them?' Or, he
said, 'who is there that can survive against them?' Or, he said,
something else to the effect.
He received a revelation from Allah. He was told to choose
one of three things for his people (on whom he felt proud):
i) Another people should subdue them, or
ii) They should suffer hunger, or
iii) They may be put to death.
He consulted his people about the choice and they told him
that he was ftie Prophet of Allah and he was authorised in every
affair and so may select what he chose for them.
The Prophet stood up for Salat for it was their habit to
stand up in Sa/at whenever they were confronted with a
problem. He stood in Sa/at as long as Allah Willed and then
made a supplication to Him. He said, 'My Lord! As far as
subjecting them to an alien people is concerned, do not do that.
Also, do not let the severity of hunger seize them. However, as
for death, let it come over them'. So, they were put to death and
Stories From the Hadith

seventy thousand men died."

The Messenger of Allah ~ said, "The words that I spoke
softly and you heard them was that because of this event I made
this supplication:
' '
.JJ4 ~~ oJi~J J.r~J JJ~' .!..4J j.Jiil .!-4 ~~
(0 Allah! I fight with Your h~p. I attack with Your
support. And there is no night or power save with
Allah.)"] (Tirmizi,Ahmad)

The Messenger of Allah ~ has narrated the case of a Prophet
whom Allah had granted a superior and large man power. One day,
he felt elated at the tremendous strength at his command and he
thought that his army was invincible. He thought that no one could
oppose it an3 survive before it.
Obviously this thought is displeasing to Allah. It was a Prophet
relying on the strength of the created beings and those besides Allah
and neglecting the One Who grants this power and is the Owner of
that power!
The Prophets r-:A:.!' ~ are made to commit such oversights so
that their ranks may be raised for once there is an ommission on
their part, they engage themselves in extraordinary repentance and
seek forgiveness with deep sincerity. As they continue to be so
engaged Allah rewards them with elevated ranks while these minor
oversights do not in the least dampen their innocence.
Thus, when the said Prophet happened to do that, he was
immediately alerted by Allah. "You are Our Prophet and close to Us
but you have turned your sight away from Us although victory is
dependant on Our unseen help. It is not dependent on numbers, large
or small. Our practice is as follows."
oj 11 • j1. ~ - ~·;<.- ~ ,:,:lk .it;li :ill~ w ·<
,_u ~ !t ~ t .. . '
... , • ~ ..c.)·~. r-
{How often a small party has overcome a large party by Allah's
leave.} (ai-Baqarah, 2: 249)
Thus, numbers are not a reliable sign of victory or ·defeat in His
sight. The real thing is belief in Him and ·supplication to Him. It is
most disliked by Him that anyone should rely on his own strength
and power. He has said about those who place reliance on their
Stories From the Hadith

) / ~ , , / ..... ~ / ,) • • , ,. ""' J .J {1/ , / •

tu . "':il-'<·.1~ ~-~"' li:....t •(:.~ ·..0"1 :1.; •"(:;/:,(' •(""., .,

/ ..,.0..) ~ ~ " - ~ ~ r ~_,..,..., ~ lnc .J~ ~j ~.!.;I.._:>
{... when your multitude elated you, but it availed you nothing;
and {he land, with all its vastness, straitened upon you, then you
turned back retreating.}(Al-Tawbah,9:25)
It is thus imperative that all Muslims particularly the . Prophets
~')(.J1 ~ keep this in mind. When he rejoiced on his numerical
superiority, Allah did not like that and He cautioned him. Allah
offered him to choose one of the three kinds of punishment, and
enemy may subdue them, hunger may overpower them or death may
come over them.
Why were these three options given to him? There could have
been other choices. Of course, Allah alone knows best but these
three kinds of punishments are such that they weaken the collective
strength of the entire people and they are disgracing, that very thing
that brought about an impression of superiority in their minds was
eliminated by these punishments.
Th~ Prophet selected death from the three options available to
him. Why was that? In fact, his choice was prompted to him by
Allah. If he had made the selection himself, he might have chosen
something else. If an enemy were to overpower and subjugate them
then there was much disgrace in that. So, that ws not chosen. There
is much hardship in hunger and it causes tremendous weakness
which would allow the enemy to ove"rpower them. So, that too was
rejected. Death was prefered over the other options because at the
hands of others in it, for death is an undeniable conclusion which
has to be faced at some time by everyone.
The Prophet then occupied himself in Sa/at. Whenever they
were in distress they turned to Sa/at because it is instrumental in
focusing the mercy of Allah on the worshipper.
He chose death and Allah decreed t~M they should die. The
shadow of death spread over them until seventy thousand of them
died in one day.
Those who died will hopefully become the approved people of
Allah. Their ranks will rise for they met death at the command of
Allah and the respect of His Prophet.
Stories From the Hadith · ================ 138
Those who were spared took a lesson from it and shuned pride
all the rest of their lives. As for the reduction in their numbers
because of their death, Allah was able to offset the loss if He ·wished
for He has everything in His Hands.
The Prophet$ told his Companions that his whisper which
they had heard was in fact his supplication that he made to
Allah-And he let them know what it was:
"0 Allah! I fight on the strength. of Your he.lp. I attack only
on the strength of Your help. And there is rio might or
power save in Allah the High, the Great."

Lessons and Messages

The foregoing narrative contains many lessons for a Muslim.
1. For anyone to consider himself or his people or army as better
and superior than other people is a cause of the downfall of his
people. This sort of thinking destroys the biggest of nations and the
strongest of them because Allah dislikes it most. Whatever
advantage a nation has, and its ·goodness and perfection, is a blessing
of Allah. If they are strong, the Strength is bestowed by Allah and if
they have superior knowledge that is a blessing from Him. Thus if
anyone boasts of his strength or knowledge and considers other
nations and people as inferior to them then Allah does not like it at
all and that is the point from where the downfall of that people
commences. We have seen how a slight thought of superiority in the
mind of the Prophet caused them to lose seventy thousand men. So,
we must always place our trust and reliance on Allah.
2. It was the habit of the Messenger of Allah~ that he narrated
to his Companions~ .JJ,...,.;) such episodes as helped build their
character. They were supposed to shoulder great responsibility later
on in their lives. They had to run the government, play their part in
politics, society and in raising the religion of Islam. The Prophet ~
narrated to them the reasons for the rise and fall of nations so that
they might think on a proper line and develop the art · of
3. This narrative imparts a lesson to the leaders and guides and
rulers of nations to summon their followers, fans and subordinates to
the path of Allah and shun egoism, pride and arrogance. We have
Stories From the Hadith

seen how the Prophet summoned his people to obey Allah.

In our era our leaders, refonners and guides boast about their
strength and numbers but they do not care to correct the character,
deeds and sayings of their followers. They do not even exhort them
to act according to the commands of Allah. Often, the leaders are
religious in their private lives but when they are among their fans
and followers they toe the line of these people and behave against
the teachings of religion lest they lose their support and have a
reduced following.
4. The Hadith teaches us to stand up in Sa/at whenever we are .
faced with a distressing or worrying situation. Jhe Prophet of Allah
whose story the Hadith relates did in fact stand up in Sa/at.
The Messenger of Allah 3 also is known to have stood up in
Sa/at whenever he faced a difficult situation. The Believers have the
same command in the Qur'an:
.•. ::._ILl·':· , # II.~ ' T-:·1Jp '.~lU
J~ ~ ~ J-LC 0:!~ 'it: -
{0 you who believe! Seek help in perseverance and prayer}
(Al-Baqarah,2: 153)

We must, therefore, resort to Sa/at and patience when we face

an unfavourable situation.
5. It is the responsibility of leaders pnd guides that they should
not take hasty decisions in important national matters. Also, they
must not decide by themselves. Rather, they must first ponder and .
deliberate on the affair deeply and then consult ihe responsible men
and intelligensia of their nation. Then ·they .must take a decision in
the light of these conslutations. This will preclude possibilities of
loss or set back at a later stage. The Prophet whom we have heard in
this Hadith first consulted his people and then came to a conclusion.
The Messenger of Allah 3 has taught us that we must ask Allah for
help under all circumstances. We may have all the means and tools
at our beck and call but we must always seek the help of Allah, and
we must rely on Him.
In particular, all the people ·generally and the leaders in
particular must make the supplication taught in the Hadith in times
of war.
Stories From the Hadith

The Eighteenth Story

I Contradict My Eyes ....

First Words
Allah grants His Prophets large-heartedness and a high degree
of humaneness. That is why we often come across amazing facts in
their lives. The following incident in the life of Sayyidina 'Isa bin
Maryam r')(..J' ~ is one such example and though it is very brief, it
provides many advantages.

~ llit ~) ~;.~ ~; ~ ~ J ~ J 4.5 )~\ 4.5 JJ
~d~i :41 Jill '~~ ~) ~'".; ~\ ~ 4.5\j :Jii ~;~\ -:r
·~ ~lS') ~~ ~~ :~ Jill ,; "1~ 4.1~ "1 ~~\ Jj,J SI$' :Jii
[Imam Bukhari and lmam Muslim have transmitted in their
own Sahih the Hadith narrated by Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~ J
..s. ..iJ, that the Messenger of Allah $ said, "lsa son of Maryam
saw a man stealing and asked him, 'Did you steal?' He said, 'No,
by Allah, besides Whom there is no other god'. So, 'lsa said, 'I
believe in Allah and contradict my eyes'."]

The Prophets r')(..J' ~ have an exclusive and unique character
and their lives are distinct among human beings. They are ·not like
other men and are not daunted by emotions. They are also given to
respect humanity and are willing to take over blame in order to save
a man from sin.
Sayyidina 'Isa r')(..J' 4# was one of the glorious and high-ranking
Prophets of Allah. He saw a man stealing. His own eyes had seen
Stories From the Hadith

him steal and it is the greatness of the Prophets that when they see
someone do a wrong they do not keep quiet about it. Hence, 'lsa -.,.l&-
~')W' lived upto that standard and asked the man, "Do you steal?"
That fellow replied, "No! I ':"as not stealing by Him besides Whom
no one is worth worshipping."
So, when he swore that he had not stolen, Sayyidina 'Isa ~')W1 -.,.l&-
although he had ~een him stealing with his own eyes. He confessed
to the man, "I believe in Allah and contradict my eyes." In other
words, he held a good opinion about another Muslim that he would
not take a flase vow. He protected the man from disgrace. We know
thus that Prophets try to save a fellow-man from disgrace and shame.
It is not that Sayyidina 'Isa r')W' -.,.l&- could not distinguish between a
liar and a truthful man, ~mt he held the greatness of Allah's name
very high in his eyes. It was wrong for him, therefore, to disagree
with an oath on Allah, so he differed with the observance of his
eyes. .
This tells us that the Holy Prophets r')W' ~· are not supervisors
over men and they do not punish them for their faults. The One Who
sees them and is Watcher over them Who punishes them is Allah
alone. One may swear a false oath and save his skin in this world but
there is no escape from the punishment of Allah.

Lessons and Messages

There are many aspects of guidance for us in this Hadith:
1. The first thing we know is that the greatness of the Name of
Allah is much and man must respect His Name. A Muslim must
hold it higher than everything else. If anyone takes the Name of
Allah or says something by it then he must not be rejmdiat~d or
called to question. We must suppose that one who takes the Name of
Allah and assures us by it then he cannot be lying. by that Name. And
if he is a liar and lies by the Name of Allah then he will pay for it
surely and be punished. Also, if anyone takes a false oath before a
judge on the Name of Allah while there are true witnesses against
him then the judge has authority to reject his oath particularly if he
tries to usurp the rights of other people through the false oath.
2. We must, as far as possible, conceal the faults of a Muslim
from other people. If he apologises for his sins, or denies them, then
Stories From the Hadith

we must accept his word provided it does not violate someone else's
right and no one is put to hardship. If rights of other people are . liable
to be encroached upon by concealing a man's faults and sins then
there is no harm in disclosing them. Of course, the disclosure must
be made only to relevant people. We must refrain from revealing his
secrets to people who are not concerned with the matter.
Stories From the Hadith =
- ========= 143

4 0 ~,~~ ~~: ~ .Wl~

' ~ ~'-> /
~ r

(Surely Allah has Power

over all Things)


Unique Examples of the

Powers of Allah
Stories From the Hadith
Stories From the Hadith =============== 145

The Nineteenth Story

Sustenance from Heaven

First Words
Trust in Allah and reliance on Him is the asset of men of Allah.
It is an asset which renders its owner independent of everyone else.
Anyone who is blessed with trust in Allah and reliance on Him finds
himself released of everything. The Creator of the universe Himself
is Responsible for his needs. Unique and unprecedented examples of
His working come to be seen-in their lives.

l" J ~~J ,,h...,/~, J ~ly:hll

:Jt! a.)!.~ ~Si~ ...v~ . i.S JJ

C. \J)j1 ~~ :.U\;1 ~~ ,~?1 J~ ~;.J ,~~ ~) y~i"

c~(,;:JI )~1 JJ c~ (.$~ J..:W1j ~JI ~GJ c~ LoJ ~
J~ (. ~ ,JJI JJJ ~ ::.:.Jt! ~~~ ::#i ~ :J~ ,~ ._rJIJ
.~~~~Y-J~ ~ ji~j(J ~;Jl :~3~1 ~~) J~ ".~jl
[Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~-JJ'..r<'J said, "A man was needy
and he went out to the desert in search of livelihood. His wife
prayed behind him to Allah, '0 Allah! Grant us what we may
knead into bread.'
When he returned, the man found a vessel full of flour,
meat roasting in the oven, and flour grinding in the millstone.
He asked, 'Where did all this come from?' She said, 'This
provision is from Allah.'
That man sweeped the place around the millstone with a
Stories From the Hadith

The Messenger of Allah$ said, "If he had left it to itself

the millstone would have circled on and on till the Day of
Resurrection or kept on grinding the flour (which would never
have exhausted)."] (Tabarani. Bayhaqi,, Ahmad)

The Messenger of Allah $ has narrated the story of a pious
couple who were very poor and needy and lived a life of destitution.
They faced extreme hunger but were blessed with faith and trust in
Allah. Extreme hunger forcea the husband to go to the desert and
look for food and his wife turned to Allah in her terrible predicament
for He alone is the Support of those who have no one to lean on. She
prayed to· Him, "0 Allah! Give us some flour that we may grind it
into bread."
When the husband returned home, he observed an amazing
scene. There was a vessel full of flour. Grinded flour was there and
the millstone filled with wheat and it was grinding the flour and the
oven was roasting fresh meat. He was surprised how they had fresh
meat and plenty of flour. He asked his wife in amazement, "Where
did this come from?" She said, "It is a provision from Allah." So, he
sweeped the particles around the mill-stone with a broom.
The Messenger of Allah $ revealed to us that if he had not
swept the place, the mill-stone would have continued to grind in that
manner until the Day of Resurrection.
Some people refuse to believe in such events. They argue that
this measure to the standard of men's knowledge and their intellect is
unwilling to accept them. Denial of these cases which are confirmed
by Hadith is tantamount to denial of Hadith and Shari'ah and the
powers of Allah because Allah nourishes His slaves even without
known agencies.
Man is dependant on means but Allah is not dependent on
anything. He is the Lord of worlds. In fact, the means too are created
by Him. Hence, His ability encompasses all those things. It is wrong
to measure such instances on the scale of man's intellect otherwise
we will have to reject an important section of religion-miracles and
supernatural occurences which are very true. Slaves of intelelct and
materialists look at everything with this narrow approach. Why
cannot Allah provide livelihood to His slave who believes in Him,
Stories From the Hadith

obeys His commands and relies on Him? He is Allah who nourished

Musa r~' ~ at the home of his enemy, Who feeds the worm deep
inside a rock, Who turns mother's blood into sustenance for her
infant, Who grows seed in the darkness of earth to pierce it and turn
into a fruit-bearing tree, Who nourishes millions and billions of
mouths all together and will go on doing that until the Day of
Resurrectiqn. He does all that and He can provide livelihood to His
slave without any apparent agency. To reject is to show oneself as
unintelligent. These pages are not meant for it otherwise there are
innumerable instances in the Qur'an and Hadith that speak of unique
and amazing powers of Allah.

Lessons and Messages

1. This Hadith confirms that unusual occurences do occur for
the pious slaves of Allah. It shows that Allah helps His pious slaves
and provides them their livelihood. The out-of-the-ordinary acts of
the righteous are a reality. It is the belief of the abiders of sunnah
and the people of the path (ahl-us-sunnah wa al-Jama'ah) that the
men of Allah and the righteous slaves do perform the extra-ordinary.
However, certain people who pretend to be saints claim to
execute miracles and supernatural deeds. Hence, many false stories
are reported about them with the result that we may confirm the
reliable and true happenings but it is wrong to report everything that
reaches our ears. It must also be understood that an unusual
occurence cannot be cited in support of an issue or religious
argument in place of Shari'ah.
2. The Hadith also emphasises the significance of supplication
to Allah. If a supplication is. made sincerely and the necessary
conditions are fulfilled then it surely meets divine approval. In fact,
sometimes there is a spontaneous response. In our story, the
woman's supplication was answered immediately. Therefore, we
must always make our supplications remembering to meet the
conditions attached to it.
3. The confirmation of this incident by the Prophet~ makes it
the most reliable narrative.
His statement also makes it clear that we must refrain from
putting a stop to the unexpected blessings of Allah or to show
Stories From the Hadith ===============148
ungratefulness for them. He said that if the mill-stone was left to
itself to grind and the surrounding area was not swept then it would
have maintained its production unceasingly until the Day of
Resurrection. However. that man was taken aback and he swept and
cleaned it ·and th~ grinding came to a halt.
Similarly, there was a miracle at the hands of the Prophet$ in
the Battle of Trenches. The food prepared by Sayyidina Jabir u- JJ, ~)
though little was enough for a large army. Here, too, the Prophet$
had said to Sayyidina Jabir u- JJ, ~ ), "Do not open the vessel until I
come." Then, he poured out the broth with his own hands but he
covered the utensils again after taking out the broth and bread. (Nabi
Rahmah, 329)
Man must not try to investigate into the unseen help but he must
have faith in Allah's help and His blessings.
Stories From the Hadith

The Twentieth Story

And the Dead Revived ....

First Words
It is human nature to try to know more about death and what
transpires in the grave. Some of the Bani Isra'il once passed by a
graveyard and had an unusual desire to meet a . dead person who
should revive for them and relate to them his experiences.
Allah let their wish be fulfilled. The following narrative tells us
what happened between them and the revived man.

:;. ~ ~lk ~;:. :Jli #f!!i_~ .JJ, JJ-"') IJ i :.JJ, 4- .;r. .1. b:- .:f
'~J ~-"' '}.:(,fill '~~~ ~ ~ (;,L l~i J;. :.G~~~
,~:;J, ~ 4lw ~eo~ ~ ~) w~~ ~i ~J ~ .JJ, u~~J
~~\lJI ~ ~? ~ ~~) ~J tlki ~~~~~;.A (Q :::; 1)1~ :J\i
:G ~:ill~~,,
"' :J~')i Lo ""~~·~~
~,\... ..r-.. :Jill ,~'·'-~ ,, ,Ji ~ -..:; / ....,J"'j.;;..
...~ J , .... .....,-..-. ~ ,.,.

' .
~ JJ, ,j~li ,~~~ ~\S' ~ ~:;J, a)'f- ~ ~ LJ ,~ ~eo
.:-.:s- (j"' ~·~---~lT·
[Sayyidina Jabir bin Abdullah JJ, ._rp; has said that the
Messenger of Allah 3 said, "A party of the Bani Isra'il set out
on a journey. They came to one of their several graveyards in
the course of their jorney and said to one another 'If we should
offer two raka'at Sa/at and supplicate Allah, the Full of Glory,
perhaps He would revive one of the dead men for us and bring
him out that we may ask him about death.'
Stories From the Hadith

They did what they had suggested. Meanwhile, from one

o.f the graves, a man raised his head. He was wheat-coloured
and between his eyes there was a mark of prostration . He
addressed these people saying, '0 you there! What do you
intend with me? (Why have you got me revived?) I have been
dead for the past hundred years and the fever of death has not
yet cooled on me. It is there till now! Pray to' Allah, the
Glorious, the Majestic, that He may restore me as I was'."]
(Ahmad, Abu Shaybah, Al-Bazzat)

The Messenger of Allah~ has narrated in many Ahadith the
unusual cases of the Bani Isra'il so that we may take a lesson from
them. This is because they were a very unusual people. They were
very different from other people in habit and their living. Thus there
are many unusual cases of their conduct which are full of lessons
and guidance for us.
This incident too is extraordinary for Allah answered their
supplication and revived a dead man who spoke to them. This was
done that they may derive a lesson from it.
Allah is able to bring the dead to life but He has set the principle
for this earth that He will not revive them before the Day of
Resurrection. However, there have been instances of the dead being
resurrected on the supplication of a Prophet or pious people so that
the living may take a lesson from that and know that Allah is capable
of doing everything. Among these few is the one spoken or' in surah
,!. /' ... ... • J ~ ,, • "' ~ / "" ""

-'<till ~""""
, • I u, , ~ .::.. -:-: 'I ' ~ ._g ~ 'I ·' , · ~..l ~ 'I " r· 11
I' ' ' · ; ·..ill IJ'&:.Y
-~ .) .Y ~" ~..;-, ~ -.P.-~ U:!-
o;-Al?l p ljJ~
{Have you (0 Prophet) not considered those who went forth
from their homes in their thousands fearful of death? Then
Allah said to them, "Die". Then He gave them life.}

This case also refers to the Bani Isra'il. The summary of the
exegesis of Ibn Kathir is as follows:
"Some of the Bani Isra'il resided in a city which was
inflicted with plague and these people panicked. About ten
Stories From the Hadith

thousand of them left the city fearing death and settled far away
in a valley between the mountains. Allah wished to show them
that there is no escape from death and He punished them. He
sent to them two angels who shrieked loudly over their heads so
that all ofthem died. Their corpses rotted.
After a long period of time a Prophet of the Bani lsra'il,
Sayyidina Hizqeel ~".>C.J'A# passed by there. He saw a large
number of human bones and was much astonished with that.
Allah revealed to him the whole story, and he prayed to Allah
that all ofthem may be given life once again. Allah accepted his
supplication and revived all of them to life." (Ma'ariful Qur'an,
English translation. Vl-p616)
In the same way there was that man who was killed by
some people but Allah brought him back to life and he
discloseg those people who had killed him.(Al-Baqarah)
Also, Allah brought to life the dead on the prayer of Sayyidina
Thus, one of the cases of the dead being brought to life is the
one which the Hadith of this essay narrates. A group of the Bani
Isra'il were travelling and they happened to pass through a
graveyard. Suddenly, a thought passed their minds that if one of the
dead buried there came back to life they would fmd out from him the
nature of death and .the grave. They agreed among themselves that
they should offer Salat and make a supplication to Allah for that.
Hence they offered the Salat and made a supplication to Allah Who
accepted their plea and a dead pious man came back to life. As soon
as he was returned to the living, he addressed some words to these
people. The Messenger of Allah 3 described him as a wheat-
coloured man who had a mark of prostration between his eyes. It
shows that this man had been regular in offering Sa/at and obedient
to Allah when he lived on earth.
When he was restored to life, the first thing he said to those men
was to express his displeasure on their getting him back to life. He
disclosed that he had been dead for a hundred years and all the while
the heat of death had not cooled. He requested them to pray to Allah
to restore him to his condition, (that is, to death).
This shows that the severity of death lasts for a long period of
Stories From the Hadith ===============152
May Allah preserve all Believers from the severity of death and
the agony of the final moments of life! May He grant us comfort in
this world and the Hereafter and let our graves be gardens of
Paradise. Aameen!

Lessons and Messages

l. There is no doubt whatsoever about the authenticity of the
reports of earlier people as narrated by the Qur'an and Hadith. We
must draw a lesson from them.
However, we cannot say anything conclusively of reports
received from sources other than the Qur'an and Hadith. These are
Judaistic traditions and nothing can be said with confidence about
their reliability. The agreed principle in this regard is that any of the
Judaic traditions which contradict the Qur'an or Hadith should be
rejected outright.

'J'he Ruling Regarding

Judaic Traditions
The Isra'iliyat (or Judaic/Judaistic traditions) are the reports that
have come to us through the Jews or Christians. Some of the
Companions were attached to these religions before they embraced
Islam. When they came across references in the Qur'an and Hadith
to the earlier people they remembered what they had read in the
Books of their previous religions and they related the tales to the
Muslims. These found their place in the exegesis as Isra'ifiyat.
Ibn Kathir has said that the Isra'iliyat are of three kinds:
i) Those traditions which are proved true by the Qur'an and
sunnah. For example, the Isra'iliyat relates that Prophet Musa~"£..J' ~
visited the Mount Tur, or that the Pharaoh was drowned. The Qur'an
confirms these reports.
ii) Those traditions which the Qur'an and sunnah prove as
wrong. For instance, the Judaic traditions hold that Prophet
Sulayman ~"£..J' ~ turned an apostate in his last days (we seek refuge
with Allah). The Qur'an rejects it when it says .:>l.o..,.l..o .;AS' t..J (And
Sulayman disbelieved not. al-Baqarah, 2:1 02). The Judaic traditions
Stories From the Hadith

also say (we seek the protection of Allah) that Prophet Dawood ~
~':W' committed adultery with the wife of his soldier Awriya; this too
is a lie according to the spirit of the Qur'an and sunnah. We must,
therefore. regard such reports as false.
iii) Those traditions about which the Qur'an or sunnah or other
evidences of Shari'ah do not say anything. For example, the
commands in Torah, and so on. The teachings of the Prophet~ ask
us to say nothing about them, neither must we confirm them nor
deny them. (Summary from Muqaddamah, Ma'ariful Qur'an.)
Keeping these things before us, we can conclude that the
incident narrated in this Hadith is absolutely true and the story is
authentic. It is an example of the powers of Allah. Actually, these
few incidents of revival of the dead to life impress upon us that
Allah Who has revived them will certainly revive all mankind on the
Day of Resurrection. Thus the objection of the ignorant is foolish
that the dead cannot come back to life because not only their bodies
but their bones too would have rotted and wasted.
2. The Hadith also tells us that before doing anything important
we must offer two raka'at Sa/at and make a supplication to Allah.
This is mustahabb and it will invite the mercy and blessings of Allah
on what we do. The blessings through Sa/at ensure goodness in all
our affairs and they are accomplished easily. This is why the Qur'an
has commanded the Believers to observe this conduct.
•_t.:;._ 'I/ ~.::._ 'Ld .~ • - .~ 11"~- T-: •.Jp-:.~t;
~ 0:/_ ~-
{0 you who believe! Seek help in perseverance and prayer}
(AI-Baqarah,2: !53)

3. The Hadith also gives evidence that the righteous and pious
people are favoured with supernatural and extraordinary occurences.
We have seen that Allah raised a dead man on the supplication of the
few pious people.
4. Sometimes, Allah grants the supplication of some of His
slaves even though generally such supplications are not granted and
may even be contrary to the general practice of Allah.
Stories From the Hadith ===============/54

The Twenty-first Story

Half the Earnings Belong

to the Sea!
First Words
Nature sometimes used the mute animals to teach the greedy
and avid man a lesson in honesty. This is the story of a man who
was dishonest because of excessive greed. Allah taught him a lesson
through an ape. The Holy Prophet 3 told us about it.

J ~'~~IS"~)~~ :Jl! ~ Jj, J.,...,.) ~ 0.;!.;. ~; ~

,;:u, ~ ~~ :G:.U ,~:.J ~) fWl! ~~ y ~ ~\S"'J ~::r .
·~ 41;.~ ~
.v--- .~-
,:(· o~ h ~
., ...,
. J i.JG~- J ~
..., ~ ~
J (JG~ . .a~ -,:.~l
..... ~ ,;-;-
' '

[Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~ JJ, ~ J reported the Messenger
of Allah ~ as saying that a man sold wine on a shop. (He was
so greedy that he was not satisfied with his unlawful earnings
through wine and so engaged in cheating.) He mixed water into
the wine. He had a monkey with him who picked up his purse
and climbed up the top of the mast. There, he began to throw a
dinar into the sea and a dinar into the ship until he had divided
them into two parts (half of it went into the sea because it was
income from the adulterated and the man had no right over it).]
(Al-Harbi, Bayhaqi, Ahmad)

This is the story of a greedy trader who traded in wine, the
worst of the unlawful things. His desire to earn more in a little time
induced him to adulterate wine with water.
Stories From the Hadith ===============155
We must know that wine was not disallowed by some religions
before Islam, and it was not forbidden in the beginning in Islam too.
Hence, we should not wonder why this man was blamed for
adulteration and not for dealing in wine. Or, we should not ask why
the Hadith has not questioned him for selling wine. We do not get
the impression from the Hadith that there is nothing wrong in
dealing in wine.
We must also remember that this is a story of one of the earlier
people. Wine is unlawful, and it is a grave sin in the Shari'ah of
Prophet Muhammad ~ to have to do anything with wine including
drinking it, serving it, selling it, buying .it, brewing it, preparing it or
abetting and helping in these things.
Anyway, that man· used to sell wine mixed with water and he
carried on his business on a ship. He had a monkey with him who
observed his conduct. One day, he suddenly picked up his master's
purse and climbed up the top of the mast of the ship so that no one
could get hold of him. He opened the purse and threw one dinar into
the sea and one into the ship. In this way, he threw away half of the
money into the sea and half of it in the ship for the trader. He told
him, as it were, that the money that was not his was returned to the

Lessons and Messages

1. The main lesson the Hadith teaches us is that cheating and
adulteration are wrong acts and are disallowed. It is unlawful to
cheat anyone and the income therefrom is unlawful too.
The Shari'ah has termed adulteration as the worst of sins. The
Messenger of Allah ~ said ~ ..,...,1i :;.s...,. "Anyone who cheats or
adulterates is not one of us."
Unfortunately, our Muslim brothers are much involved in this
sin. Greedy people, bereft of human qualities, adulterate every
necessity of life-milk, honey, ghee (clarified butter), and so on. They
also mix impurities in medicine. These people neglect the Hereafter
and they sort of worship money. These filthy people play a horrible
game with our society very boldly for there is no one to stop them.
These people are murderers.
So, it is a grave sin to sell adulterated items just as it is sinful to
Stories From the Hadith

2. While Allah will punish the wrong-doer in the Hereafter,
sometimes He also gives him some punishment in this world. The
problems and difficulties a man faces in this world are the result of
his wrong-doing.
Allah punished the trader in our story through his own monkey
who threw away half his earnings in the sea.
3. The Hadith also reveals amazing secrets of the animals. Allah
has given the animals too some intellect and ability to understand
some things. The story shows that the monkey understood what was
happening and could dispense justice.
4. We also learn from this case that if anyone has accumulated
unlawful earnings then he must not use it but throw it away or give it
to a needy person. The Shari'ah commands us in the first instance to
desist from making unlawful earnings but if any of it comes in our
hands then we must no use it.
Some people have money derived from interest. It is not proper
to use it. Interest earnings are unlawful. It is better to. give that
money to a deserving person. The Ulama should be consulted to
determine who the deserving person is.
Stories From the Hadith

The Twenty-second Story

A Cow and a Wolf Speak to Man

First Words
The unusual things that happen in this world are the work of the
.Omnipotent Who tells us that everything is an example of His
creative powers. He gives the power of hearing to whom He chooses
and the power of speech to whom He likes. He may, if He wishes,
withdraw the ability to speak from a healthy person and grant that
ability to a mute animal.
The incident that we are . about to see is an example of His
powers which we have just spoken of. The Creator and Bestower of
speech enabled a cow and a wolf to converse with man.

~ J\1 ~ jjl ~J ~;:_/A ~i~ ~ J ~)~I ~J)

'J~ ~j ~ :Jill ,~WI JS. fl.i ~ ,~1 ~~ ~i Jl1 :J~j
u ...!.J·
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T-..r-~J . ..r;

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.tt·"·•A l.oJ
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~ ~ ,~~ ~ ~..ij ~;ill I~ .)J ~ J ~) ~J

,~:.. "~~ ~::;J ,~~)a::· .. ~~~ :~fll :JJill ,~ \A:ia::· . 1:Jts""

:)~ :Jii ,~ ~~ ,JJ1 ~~ :dWI Jill 'I.??~ ~1) ~ ~~

-~ ~ ~J ,~j ~ ;.tJ ui cl4. ~Jf
. '

[lmam Bukhari has transmitted a Hadith narrated by
Stories From the Hadith

Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~ .JJ, ._rp). He said: The Messenger of

Allah~ offered the Fajr Sa/at and then turned towards the
men and said, A man was driving a cow but soon he mounted
on its back and began to beat it (to hasten it). The cow said,
"We were not created for this, but only for tilling the ground."
The people said, "Glory be to Allah. A cow speaks!" The
Messenger of Allah ~ said, "I believe it, as also do Abu Bakr
and Umar although they were not there (when it happened)."
The Me~senger of Allah tl; then said, A man was
shepherding some sheep when a wolf attacked and seized one
of them. The shephered caught up on it and rescued it and the
wolf said to him, "You have solved it today, but who will look
after it when the beast of prey's day comes and it has no
shepherd but me?" The people said, "Glory be to Allah! A wolf
speaks, indeed!" The Messenger of Allah tl; said, "I believe it,
as also Abu Bakr and Umar although they were not there (at the
time)."] (Bukhari, Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah ~ often related amazing and unusual
events. The present event is one such; it is about a cow and a wolf
The cow said to its rider that they were not created to transport
people from , place to place or to work as beasts of burden. They
were created to till the ground.
Allah has . created different animals for different purposes and
they have different characteristics. Every animal has its own
peculiarity and it seems tJ;lat it has been created for a particular work.
Thus cows and oxen are not used generally as beasts of burden and
for riding. They are not comfortable to the riders, too. Horses,
mules, etc. are beasts of burden and riders find them comfortable as
riding · animals. Cows and oxen and their kind are used to cultivate
fields where horses and mules would be out of place.
Allah has given the animals different abilities and characteristics
and they must be used accordingly. The cow that we have spoken of
said the same thing to its owner.
The people were surprised by that and th~y said, "Subhan Allah,
Stories From the Hadith

a cow speaks!" It was an unbelievable fact and they expressed

The Prophet$ said, "Surely Abu Bakr and Umar too believe it
although they were not there." He said that very confidently because
he was sure that they had full faith in him and they knew that
whatever he said was not false even if it was very unusual and
seemingly impossible. This, indeed, is the level of belief in the
unseen that is demanded from the Faithful Muslims. They are
expected to believe in the unseen even though it may be difficult for
the intellect to grasp but which' the Qur'an and Hadith confirm.
These people are described in the Qur'an:
o~L ~ ·! ~~ ~. ·
.. - ~~~IY-~
{Who believe in the Unseen}(Al-Baqarah,2:3)
The second story is about the speaking wolf who seized a sheep.
The shepherd managed to rescue his sheep boldly from the wolf. On
that, the wolf remarked, "Today, you have taken it away from me.
But, who will look after it on the day when the beasts of prey will
have a field day and only I will be its shepherd. You Will then not be
able to take it from me."
The Ulama have suggested that it could refer to the Day of
Resurrection when every one will be concerned about his own safety
and no one will care about protecting sheep from wolves. Or, it
could refer to the days of festival of the earlier people and their
national days when they rejoiced and held fairs. Those people were
so engrossed in fun and frolick that they had no time to look after
their animals. The wolves seized their domestic animals at such
times. (Sharah Nawavi ofMuslim)
The people again expressed astonishment that a wolf could talk.
The Messenger of Allah $ again said the same thing, "I, Abu
Bakr and Umar believe it although we were not there."

Lessons and Messages

1. Basically the Hadith bears out the excellence of Sayyidina
Abu Bakr 4:S .iJ, ._,.:p J and Sayyidina Umar 4:S JJ, ._,.:pJ • For not once, but
twice, the Prophet $ said that he and they believe it. He was
confident that even if all the other people do not believe, these two
Stories From fhe Hadith

men will agree with what he said and confirm his statement. They
had attained such a degree of belief that even if anything seemed
unintelligible they would believe what he said and testify to its
truthfulness. The mi'raj which Sayyidina Abu Bakr 4:&-Jli..,.:.-J
spontaneously confirmed is an evidence of this statement, and it
earned him the Prophet's commendation by calling him As-Siddiq.
Both Bukhari and Muslim have transmitted this Hadith in the
Chapter on the merits of these two Companions~ JJ1..,.:.-) .
2. No one's belief can be perfect without belief in the unseen
and in the Messenger. This means that we must believe in whatever
the Prophet ~ says as true and correct whether we understand it or
not. Allah has said in the Qur'an:
~~ ~J
,.JA u,. C.S.Yd-' ~ / - J
{Nor does he speak out of (his own) desire. This (Qur'an) is
naught but a revelation revealed} (An~Najm, 53: 3-4)
Belief does not imply that we accept and confirm what we can
comprehend but reject whatever our intellect cannot understand. We
cannot call it belief in the unseen and the Prophet 3 but we might
say .that it is belief in intellect while Islam calls upon us to believe in
the unseen and in the Prophet ii. This indeed is what this Hadith
teaches us.
3. Although it is seemingiy improbable that animals speak to
man yet it is not against intellect or impossible. Allah is able to give
speech to animals. On the day of the Gathering, Allah will seal the
tongue and give speech to the other limbs of man which will bear
witness against him.
• , " , I D /,., ., •-' ~ • o,
0~ lj:.l5 ~ ~,)1 ~J ff.!*lli:JSjj ~1~1 ~~]?--:·~~I
{That day We ;hall seal up their mouths, m1d their hands shall
speak to Us, and their feet shall bear witness as to what they
used to earn.}(Yasin,36:65)
If Allah will give speech to the limbs of man then He can also
give speech to the animals and it is not correct to be surprised at that
or think that it is impossible. Indeed, to think in that manner is like
not believing in the Omnipotence of Allah.
4. The Hadith emphasises that the cow is suited to till the
ground not to mount over and ride or to carry load. Allah has created
Stories From the Hadith =============== 161
a different animals for all things. The horse or the mule or that kind
of animal is suitable to ride and carry burdens. Hence, we must
employ every animal for the purpose for which it is created.
5. It is obligatory for a Muslim to believe and confirm all those
things which are known from the Qur'an and the authentic Ahadith
of the Messenger of Allah lf; irrespective of whether they are
comprehended by human intellect or not. Sometimes denial of
anything that is proved through the Qur'an or sunnah brackets the
denier with disbelievers. Thus, one is termed a disbeliever if he
denies the fact of mi'raj by the Prophet lf; because it is part of
religion. However, if a thing is not the basic part of religion and
anyone denies it then he is said to be a transgressor. These days it
has become a fashion to deny and reject anything from the Qur'an
and Hadith if one's intellect cannot believe it. This is a very serious
crime and we must refrain from doing it.
Stories From the Hadith

The Twenty-third Story

A New-Born Child Speaks

in the Cradle
First Words
If a newborn child speaks that is very astonishing demonstration
of Allah's P?Wers. This brain-puzzling event took place thrice in the
history of mankind that a newborn child spoke from the cradle, not
mere speech but intelligent speech. The Messenger of ·Allah $ has
informed us that these speakers were Sayyidina 'Isa ~')(.J' ~' a child
who spoke in favour of Jurayj and the child of whom we will read in
the following Hadith.

~\5' :JI.i ~; ~I ,Y. o.r..~ ~i ,Y. ~ J ~J~I ~JJ

= ~~ ,~)~ J~ ~~~ ~) ~ J:J ,:_G,;_.,! ~ ~ ~ ~' ~-; ~r;,
:;:t J ~ "" , ,; :;;i ""'" "' ,f. f... " A "" " " "'1 J -' 0 0 , 0 ~ J ~
~~I :JLQ! ,~1)1 ~ JJIJ ,~_u ~.fA'~ ~I ~I~~

J! ~i JIS' j;.'jA ;_i J\i .:/.a'o! 4:~ ~ J.ii ~ '~ ~

' ~ ~
:Jill ,~:J !);. ,~~~~I~~ ~i :,:j~ ,~~:;. ~
,~~~~ :;. J~ ~(_J1 :J~ ~!l11 ~ :~~ cliJ~~ ~I ~~
-~~J!- :;)~~~j~L~,~~J
~~)~):_;J,~f~~~~~ :~~~.WI~J
!);. tiJA ~~I ~I ~I :4!f ~ill'~::. ;_ ~J~J ?-Ai~ ~~~ ~
~~ ~ j:Ji ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~I Jill ~! ~ ~! J.iiJ ,~:uJI
Stories From the Hadith =============== 163
~~)\ ~)A) ~; J1, ~~) J~ ~i .;~ :J\! ,~:;. ~
.~;.~~)~?~'./;) :J\!,1@~/Q!~·~J~./~ ,,~~
:~f ::..Jill <J~f)t ~) Jll ~ J~ ~) .~;., ~ij :0'}~)
~~ ~~ :Jill ·~~ }aj) t_ W,Jl !\~ .~~-:• ~~ ~~ "i ~I
:~la! ~;~i]l ~ ~) ~ '~ :::..lill ·~~~ ~~;~4!
(.A) ~~I~~ IJ~J ,~ ~ "i ~ ~~~ :~ ,~ :;.1 ~I ~I
,~~!~I p "i ~~~ :c.lli ,~~ ,~~lJ :0'}~) ,~;.~
~I:~ ,ii~· 0\S"~JI !\1~ ~~ : J\!,~. ~1 ~I :~.:Jae
·~!-i;J) ~~) ·~J;J) 4j :41 0'}~~~ ~~) ~ ·. ~ "i
t'.l~ .•.t . :...l ~~ ~111 ·~
- -~~~·

[It is transmitted by Bukhari that Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah
4:.S- JJ, .sJ>) reported that the Prophet$ said, A lady of the Bani

lsra'il was nursing her child at her breast when a handsome

rider passed by her. She said, "0 Allah! Make my child like
him." On that the child left her breast and facing the rider said,
"0 Allah! Do not make me like him." The child then started
sucking her breast again. (Abu Hurayrah further said, "As if I
were now looking at the Prophet"$ sucking his finger in a way
of demonstration.")
(The Prophet~ continued) After a while a slave-girl
passed by her and the mother said, "0 Allah! Do not make my
child like this (slave-girl)." The child left her breast and said, "0
Allah! Make me like her." When she asked why, the child
replied, "The rider is one of the tyrants while this slave-girl is
falsely accused of theft and illegal sexual intercourse."]
The version in Muslim reads:
[Then there was a babe who was sucking his mother and a
person dressed in fine garment came riding upon a beast. His
Stories From the Hadith

mother said, "0 Allah, make my child like this one." The ·babe
left sucking and began to see towards him, and said, "0 Allah,
don't make me like him. He then returned to the chest and
began to suck the milk of his mother. Abu Hurayrah said, I
perceived as if I am seeing the Messenger of Allah$ as he is
explaining the scene of his sucking milk with his forefinger in
his mouth and sucking that. He said further that the Messenger
of Allah $ said, There passed by a girl who was being beaten
and they were saying, "You have committed adultery and you
have committed theft and she was saying, 'Allah is enough for
me and He is my good Protector', and his mother said, "0
Allah, don't make my child like her." He left sucking the milk
and looked towards her and said: "0 Allah, make me like her",
and there was a talk between them. She said, "0 with shaven
head, a good-looking person happened to pass by and I said, 0
Allah, make my child like him, and you said, 0 Allah don't
make me like him, and they had a girl they were beating and
saying, you committed fornication and you committed theft,
and I said, 0 Allah, don't make my child like her, and you said,
0 Allah, make me like her." Thereupon he said, "That person
was a tyrant, and I said, 0 Allah don't make me like him. And
they were saying about her, you have committed fornication
whereas in fact she had not committed that and they were
saying, you have committed theft whereas she had not
committed theft, so I said, 0 Allah, make me like her."]
(Bukhari # 3436, Muslim)

It is indeed unusual for a new-born child to . speak intelligent
words and it is very surprising too. Allah demonstrates His powers
in different ways. It is obvious from the narrative that the mother
had seen a happy person and prayed to Allah that her son be like him
but the infant rejected that idea immediately. He was a new-born
child. The first thing is that children do not speak at that age let
alone an intelligent speech. Then, what he said was quite contrary to
the apparent yet exactly according to the facts which were unknown
to his mother.
Stories From the Hadith

This incident makes it very clear that Allah does not choose
merely grown-up, intelligent peoples to illustrate His perfect powers
but sometimes He shows them through new-born children.
Allah demonstrated two significant facts through this incident.
The first thing is that the man who seemed to be very happy, a
man of glorious personality and majestic life was in reality a great
tyrant who oppressed people. Obviously, he was not the one to be
The second fact was that •the oppressed slave-girl who seemed
to be extremely destitute and subject of criticism turned out to be a
virtuous, pious woman.
Allah gave evidence of His Omnipotence by disclosing these
two facts through the new-born child.

Lessons and Messages

These are the advantages we gain from this story:
1. The main message of this story is that the power of Allah,
Lord of the worlds, is not subservient to an agency. He is also not
dependent on method or common custom of the times. He may, if
He' chooses, take away the power of speech from an intelligent
grown-up or give it to a new-born and make him speak intelligently.
He displays His powers in different ways.
2. We also learn from this Hadith that there are two aspects of
everything- the seen and the unseen. Man must concern himself
more with the unseen than with the seen. He must not select
anything because of its outward appearance but. examine the inward
qualities and choose it because of unseen merits.
The mother of the child was impressed . by the outward
appearance and high-sounding stirring nature of the man to such an
extent that ·she wished that her child should grow up like him. The
facts were not like that. The man's awe-inspiring features were the
outcome of his cruelty and if they are developed through oppression
they are not praiseworthy qualities. They invite punishment of Allah
on the owner of the qualities. Allah not only put these things in the
heart of the child but He also made him speak out these facts. He
rejected his mother's prayers and said that he would not like to be
like the man.
Stories From the Hadith

Similarly, the mother went by the obvious condition of the

slave-girl who had oppression writ on her features and she prayed
that her child should not be like that slave-girl. Allah had again put
into the child's heart the true position about the slave-girl who was
not guilty as her accusers cried out but she was innocent and pious.
The child prayed that he would wish to be like her.

The Aim of Supplication

Allah alone knows best that the aim of the child's supplication
was not that Allah should grant him the condition of the slave-girl.
He knew that she was truthful yet oppressed and he wished that he
should live a truthful life even if he has to suffer for that. Also, he
thought of the oppressive man who looked grand and was blessed
with favours and abundance, and he supplicated that he should not
be given those blessings if they were accompanied by an oppressive
nature. If the blessings and favours were lawfully acquired then he
craved for them ·but he should be protected from being oppressive
and cruel otherwise he preferred poverty and innocence.
The supplication of the child did not mean that he rejected
worldly favours. He rejected those favours of the world that are
acquired through tyranny and oppression. The second supplication
that he made did not mean that he wished for people to accuse and
punish him as they did the slave-girl. His prayer was that the
slave-girl was on the right and morally well-behved and pious and in
spite of that she was oppressed. So, he wished to live a pure and
pious life even if that brought him suffering in its wake.
3. We also learn that it is not proper to become opressive (no
matter how much of the worldly blessings are received thereby). It is
right and preferable to be one who is oppressed (even if one has to
face many difficulties because of that). It might be well sounding to
people of the world to act cruelly and oppress people in order to
acquire worldly possessions and honour but it is deplorable in the
sight of Allah and punishable.
4. This episode is helpful in explaining a verse of the Qur'an.
Allah has said:
Stories From the Hadith

and it may be that you love a thing while it is bad for you.}

Man looks at the outward features of everything. He goes ·mad

when he sees the glitter of anything even if the inside is bad and
harmful. He dislikes and hates anything that is not attractive in its
outside appearance and he overlooks its intrinsic advantage and
This approach is wrong. We must examine everything from its
external as well as internal aspects. An intelligent person decides
only after such an examination.
5. The Hadith also teaches a teacher, reformer and a sermoniser
that he must employ all permissible avenues to convey the message.
The addressees are thus convinced effectively. The Holy Propet $
made a practical demonstration of the child sucking his mother by
placing his finger in his mouth and sucking it. This was done that
his listeners may understand properly what he said.
We find innumerable examples of this type in the host of
Ahadith of the Holy Prophet$. He frequently demonstrated m a
practical way what he explained orally to his listners.
Stories From the Hadith ========== 16~

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• ......•,. ~\ ~·.......)? ..' ~ AA.~\ ~\;
\ J•

(Surely Allah Wastes not

the Reward of the Good-doers)


Faith Inspiring Evidences of the

Worldly Blessings & Favours of
Righteous Deeds
Stories From the Hadith ==============170

The Twenty-fourth Story

The Cave of Death

First Words
It is the nature of man that when he is in trouble he remembers
Allah most sincerely and with deep devotion. When he finds all
doors shut and all paths blocked and sees no way out and though he
may have been the most negligent of men yet-at such time, he is
reminded of Allah. This is the story of three men who were trapped
in a cave and to whom its darkness seemed as though they were in
the ditch of a grave. When death appeared to move towards them
with its jaws wide open, they sought the help of the Being Who is
the final hope of the helpless and the forsaken. And, indeed, He did
not let them despair but showered His mercy on them as does
behove His Being.

JJ-IJJ\j ,Ja:J\ ~J,;:.; '4.JJ,.~ ~~ .)j ~~I~ ::l :J\i J.Ji t~; Jl1' -J~J '

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Stories From the Hadith

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:.i~ 'Jj ,JJ, "; :Jlai '~ ~l;J ,\A ~~!J ~~ ~ ~ ~
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'~ ~ IJ[_)\! '~J ~~~ ~~~:.:.ld J~:.i:- :s--~~ '~ ~jj
[It is narrated by Abdullah bin Umar 4:&- JJ, ~; and
transmitted in Bukhari and Muslim that the Messenger of Allah
~ said: While three persons (of the Bani Isra'il) were
travelling, they were overtaken by rain and they took shelter in
a cave in a mountain. A big rock fell down from the top of the
mountain over the mouth of the cave and blocked its passage.
They said to one another that they should think of such of their
good deeds which they had done for the sake of Allah and then
invoke Him with reference to that deed ·so that He may relieve
them of their predicament.
Stories From the Hadith =============== 172
One of them said, "0 Allah! I had very old parents, my
wife and very young children for whose sake I worked as a
shepherd, when I returned to them at night and milked the
sheep, I gave milk to my parents first before giving it to my
children. One day, I travelled far away in search of a grazing
spot (for my sheep) and I did not reutrn home till late at night. I
found that my parents had gone to sleep already. I milked (the
sheep) as usual and brought the milk and stood at their heads. I
disliked to wake them up from their sleep and I also disliked to
give the milk to my children before I gave it to my parents
though my children were crying (from hunger) at my feet. So
this state of mine, and theirs, continued till dawn. (0 Allah!) if
You consider that my deed was only for Your sake and Your
pleasure then let there be an opening through which we may see
the sky." So, Allah made for them an opening through which
they could see the sky.
Then, the second person said, "0 Allah! I had a cousin
whom I loved as much as a passionate man loves a woman. I
tried to seduce her but she refused unless I paid her a hundred
dinar. So I worked hard until I had collected one hundred dinar.
I went to her with that. But when I sat between her legs, she
said, '0 slave of Allah! Fear Allah! Do not deflower me except
legally.' So I left her. 0 Allah! If You consider my deed only for
seeking Your pleasure, let the rock move a little to have an
opening." So Allah caused the rock to widen the opening for
Then, the last of them said, "0 Allah! I had employed a
labourer on wages at a Faraq (a certain measure) of rice. When
he finished his work, he demanded his wages but when I
presented his due, he gave it up and refused to take it. Then I
kept on sowing that rice for him till I bought with the price of
the yield some cows and their shepherd. Later on, the labourer
came to me and said, '(0 slave of Allah!) Fear Allah! Do not be
unjust to me, and give me my due.' I said to him, 'Go and take
away those cows and their shepherd.' He said, 'Fear Allah! And
do not ridicule me.' So, I said, 'I am not joking with you. Take
those cows and their shepherd!' so he took them, and went
also, Al-Hajj, 22: 35
Stories From the Hadith

away. (0 Allah!) If You consider that I had done that to seek

Your pleasure then remove what remains of the rock."
And, so Allah opened for them the remaining obstruction.]
(Bukhari. # 5974. Muslim)

Hafiz Ibn Hajr Asqalani has pursued the narratives concerning
this event and has commented that the authentic Ahadith are silent
on the place of occurence of this event and the identity of its three
individuals or their nationalities.
Nevertheless, the style and words of the Hadith suggest that the
· three individuals belonged to the Bani Isra'il. But Allah alone knows
best. Each of the three invoked Allah in reference to his good deeds
which shows that they were afraid of Allah and their tribe was also
given to piety and righteousness for the girl implored her cousin to
refrain from sin for the sake of Allah and tried her best to keep him
away from immodesty. These things prove that the entire tribe was
pious and righteous. Of the earlier people this trait was most marked
in the Bani Isra'il.
However, apart from the questions of identity of the men and
locality of the happening, the central point of the story concerns
pious deeds and their effects.
The story is very succinctly described in the Hadith so there is
no need to explain it further.
The three people encountered the hardship while they were
travelling. The mouth of the cave was closed completely so that not
even a ray of light entered it and the sky was obstructed from their
view which meant that death was staring on them. The cave was a
cave of death for them and if the rock had not moved away from the
mouth, the cave would have been their grave.
In their helplessness and forlorn state they found support only in
the Being Who rescues man from all difficulties and trying
circumstances. At such times man forsakes all means and agencies
and looks only to the Creator of the means and agencies. He
redoubles his faith on predestination and the truth of all those things
on which he had been relying all his life dawns upon him. His faith
in Allah,. the One, Who has no partner becomes most intense and he
Stories From the Hadith

turns to him with a greater reliance than before. This byhaviour is

not peculiar to any individual but it is common to all human beings
as their natural instinct.
The three of them agreed after mutual consultation that they
should pray to Allah and recall one of their deeds of which they were
confident that they had done that solely to earn His pleasure.
Let us now look at their deeds and reflect on them. One of them,
a poor man worked all day long to earn his living. When he went
home in the evening, he gave preference to .his parents over his
hungry children. He first satiated their hunger with milk and then fed
his children and then his wife. However, if his parents fell asleep
then he considered it a violation of the rights of his parents to feed
the children before them. Also, it was wrong in his eyes to wake
them up. He endured the sight of restless, hungry children all night
but he fed his parents before he gave anything to his children. Now,
there was no one In the world stopping him from feeding his
children but the greatness of his parents was important to him than
the hunger of his children. Surely, this deed did not lack in sincerity~
It was received with approval ·by Allah and its blessings earned a·
slight opening of the passage. Rays of light entered the cave and the
sky was visible from inside.
The second person toiled day and night so that he could
perpetrate a sin. but when he was allowed by his beloved to commit
it, it was enough for her to utter only a sentence to stop him from
sining. The Name, of Allah superceded his desire to sin.
Of course, this is how Believers really are!
J' / ,.:, , ""
o• ,,
• ~=: 6b.·-'~ Wl ..>-;
{When Allah is mentioned their hearts are filled with fear}

The man w~ ' a , believer and a man of character. He was a man

of Allah. That is why fear of Allah kept him away from sin. He was
not a .slave to his base desires. Why should not his deed then meet
with approval in the sight of Allah. The moment he called upon·
Allah in reference to this deed, the rock allowed wider space at the
mouth of the cave. Their hope for life was refreshed.
The third person too was a man of chru;acter' and lofty ideas. His
labourer had himself forgone · his wages but instead of appropriating
Stories From the Hadith

it to himself, he invested in business. His honesty brought much

blessings in the business and his animals multiplied. He worked
hard for that but when the owner of the wages turned up, he
surrendered to him all that he had collected for him by his personal
Can the greedy world present an example of such a character,
today? Indeed, it is a novel example for those who suck the blood of
other people to build for themselves palatial houses and amass great
Indeed, these deeds were worth receiving Divine acceptance.
Their blessings got the rock to move away from the entrance of the
cave and opened for them the door of life.
0 , ..\.Q £, :. •
1-;.. tilJ'

~- - ~~~ J
{Indeed, Allah is Able to do everything.}

Lessons and Messages

This event is replete · with lessons and guidance for us. At every
step there is a message for the believers. It is not possible to go into
details here but we will mention some significant advantages in
1. This incident very clearly brings out the fact that good deeds
and piety are rewarded in this very world and have an impressive
mark on an individual's life. We read in every word of this narrative
that while the true reward will be received in the Hereafter, Allah
lets us see in this world with our eyes the blessings of good deeds.
Both piety and wickedness leave their mark in this world. Evil
withdraws blessings from man, puts love of the world in him and he
tends to neglect the Hereafter. He faces hardship, ignominy, ill
fortune and disgrace. Piety brings him blessings, causes him to care
for the Hereafter, gives him peace and grows mutual respect among
men. Those people who refuse to believe that man's deeds, good or
bad, are effective should see that this Hadith asserts that they do
have an effect.
2. The Hadith also makes it clear that we may cite our pious
deeds and ask for anything from Allah in reference to that. And, it is
also proper to make a supplication with a reference to pious people.
Stories From the Hadith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=176

In the case of the three persons that we have read, each of them
referred to his pious deeds when he made a supplication to Allah and
asked against that deed.
Many people reject wasilah or agency and say that it is not
proper to refer to an agency. This Hadith very unambiguously belies
these people.
3. Taqwa (deep, God-fearing piety) and fear of Allah are such
traits that rescue man from every trial and tribulation. The reality of
taqwa is that a man refrains from sin merely because he fears Allah
although he has the means and ability to sin, is surrounded by sinful
atmosphere and has no fear and worry of being nabbed and punished
in the world. Fear of Allah overwhelms him otherwise he has no
hindrance to committing sin. We have an example of this in the
abstinence of the second man who kept himself away from sin
simply because of fear of Allah right at the time when he was to get
his desire and there was no stopping him and no one to check him.
As a result of his Taqwa, Allah sremoved the rock and opened the
passage. Taqwa is thus of advantage in this way. Allah has said:
~ ,:, .....
0~' ~ ~ dJ •I::::! -. 4.1.ll -~~ : ' '
-~ ~ ~LJA,J
{And whosoever fears Allah, He appoints a way out for him}
4. The Hadith asserts that man must turn to Allah when he is
faced with difficulty, anxiety and trial. He must seek forgiveness for
his sins frequently. He must remember Allah and when he turns to
Allah the difficulty is converted into a blessing for him. May Allah
protect us, some people do not turn to Allah even in times of great
distress. This is a very dangerous trend and it is a sign that their
hearts have rusted.
') .:.
o·~~~J<Ll.ll~ ,-
{Allah has sealed their hearts}(Al-Baqarah,2:7)
5. There is no limit to giving good treatment to parents. Allah
values this attitude very much. No other religion teaches its
adherents to give respect and kind treatment to parents as much as
Islam does and Allah rewards tremendously right in this world those
people who are kind and generous to parents. Piety and kindness to
parents is a command on its own in Islam and according to a Hadith
of the sacred Prophet 3 it is the easiest way to go to Paradise.
Stories From the Hadith

6. Fear of Allah and standing in awe of Him is part of the great

forms of worship which preclude men from sin and disobedience.
The heart that is rich with Taq wa and fear of Allah will not approach
sin even if the surrounding atmosphere is extremely sinful.and there
is no risk of censure or punishment by human authorities. It is very
easy for such a person to keep away from sin. Fear of Allah stops a
man from sining even at the last moment. It is this very attitude that
prompted the poor and .needy Arab .shepherd to ask JJ, .J.!ti "Where,
then, is Allah? Of course, He sees us!" (when he was tempted).
Again, it is this fear that kept a _poor Arab girl from mixing water
into milk in spite of her mother's command and she was then
rewarded by Allah to become the grandmother of Umar, the Second,
.;#Jl,~J through the medium of al-Farooq.
7. The Hadith ·also tells us that one who intends to commit a sin
is not a siner until he gives vent to his intention. The yearn to sin is
not sinful but to act according to the longing, the urge, is sinful. The
man who had the intention to commit adultery hut checked himself
just before he could commit it, his conduct earned him reward
because the fear of Allah kept him away from sin at a very difficult
8. The Hadith is evidence that those people are very near to
Allah who recognise the rights of fellow men and give them their
rights faithfully. We have the example of the employer who not only
kept the wages of his employee safely but also invested them in
business to get for him huge returns although it was not binding on
him to do anything beyond keeping the wages for him in trust. He
gave the employee many times over the principal amount and that
was an example of excell ent dealings with a fellow-man. His
conduct received exceptional approval by Allah with the result that
its blessings were helpful in getting the impossible done.
We must, therefore, be careful to give rights of other men. We
must refrain from violating rights of fellow-men because they will
not be forgiven unless the owner of the rights forgives us himself or
we give him his right.
9. This narrative also proves that if a man is honest in his
business, agriculture or industry, Allah bestows His blessings in the
Honesty of purpos~a sincere intention-is necessary in every
Stories From the Hadith

undertaking and is conducive to blessings in the effort. The

employer was sincere and there was no insincerity in his· intention.
Rather, his intention was very commendable. Hence, when he
invested a small sum of money (that was the wages of his employee)
into agriculture and farming, Allah blessed his effort considerably
and, in a short time, he earned much wealth. It was so much wealth,
in fact, that the employee could not believe him when he handed
over the trust. That was the result of a sincere intention and honesty.
10. Poverty, hunger and destitution sometimes compell a person
to sell his honour and chastity. He is constrained to tumble down to
the lowest of levels and sell his b?dy for the ·sake of a paltry sum of
money. Hence, we must pray to Allah to preserve us from poverty,
hunger and destitution. We must work hard and seek lawful means
of livelihood to save ourselves from destitution.
The reason women sell their bodies is that they face extreme
poverty. Helpless girls all over the world offer themselves against a
little sum of money. This is the outcome of social imbalance and
The economic and social system of Islam is equitable and just
and it does not grow a social or monetary imbalance. A. modest and
chaste woman is not forced to sell her body for money. The wealthy
Muslims look after the needs of the poor by paying Zakah, Sadaqah
and voluntary contributions and in this way .society defeats
economic imbalance. Indeed, this is the essence of Islam's way of
life and its economics.
Stories From the Hadith =============== 179

The Twenty-fifth Story

The Mercy of Allah Looks

for Pretext
First Words
When Allah wishes to bless someone with His favours, He
showers mercy and forgiveness on slight excuses, like simple,
ordinary deeds. He may show kindness to anyone. This is the case of
a man who was deeply involved in sin-drowned in it; as it were ...
But, the mercy of Allah made him worthy of His forgiveness and

~~ :~_;~\ ~ :J\i ~ 0' ~ ~ J ~.1._rll ~J)

·~~-~ :,;§J) ,~\~ ~ ~ ~ '~~ji ~~ 'l! ~i ~ j ~~

~~~~:;. ~ J¥jl ~\5" ~~ :~ ;u, J~) ~ ,~\~ ~ ?i

,\A~ ;:,i JS. ~~4~ ~ \A~aar;., :wa ,~ ~~ ~ t.~~ 'l
~;!.(~ ~ :Jili '~J ~~ji ~;_;., ~ ~j\ :,;.a;,~ :w LJi
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', . , I
'l ,.,.:u,J 'l :J\i) .;!ll ~ ~~' ,~J ~J ,,:lA ~i::;1~ :J~
:a .JJ, ~~ ,~4 JS. u.~ ~a,~~ ~LJ "~~\A~ .JJ, ~i
I '::Cil ' '. ~
[Tirmizi has transmitted in his sunnan that Abdullah bin
Umar u- JJ, ~) said that he heard the Messenger of Allah 3
Stories From the Hadith

narrate this Hadith-and he did not hear him say it once or thrice
or four times. five or six times or seven times ou1-quite often.
He said: "Kifl was a man of Bani lsra'il. He never shied away
from committing a sin. A woman (once) came to him (on an
errand) and he coaxed her to let him perform the immoral act
with her against sixty dinars which he gave her. Thus. when he
sat down with her to perpetrate the immoral act. she began to
tremble and shake violently in fear. He ·asked her why she was
crying, did he not like her. She said that it was not (what he
thought) but that she had never committed the sin before a!ld
her destitution had complied her to agree to do that (otherwise
she would never have done that).
He said that on the one hand she spoke· fhus and on the
other she had committed herself (having taken the money). He
added, 'Go, go away from here! That money too belongs to you.
No! I swear by Allah, after now, I will never disobey Allah.'
That night he died . In the morning there was an inscription
at his door, 'Surely, Allah has forgiven Kifl'."l(Tirmizi)

This man of the Bani Isra'il, Kifl by name, was a habitual sinner.
He violated the limits set by Allah, · ridiculed the symbols of religion
and dishonoured women. He was wealthy and many people
depended on him for monetary help. Many of those who sought his
assistance were women. He gave them monetary assistance on the
condition that they slept with him and allowed him liberties with
them. Poor, destitute women were constrained to submit to his
This narrative tells of a woman who implored him for help and
he placed his usual condition before her and agreed to pay her sixty
dinars. Having no alternative, she agreed to his demand. When the
indecency was about to be perpetrated and he sat next to her, she
was overtaken by fear of Allah and began to tremble and sob. He
asked her what the matter was and she said that she had never done
the indecency ever before and circumstances had compelled her to
do it.
These words had their effect on him. He said that while she
Stories From the Hadith

professed piety she also asked for money, and he let her to go away.
without being immodest to her. He then resolved. "By Allah, I will
never again disobey Him!"
The mercy of Allah then engulfed him. The moment he
repented, Allah decreed that he should die. If anyone repents
sincerely, he becomes innocent of sins and is like one who has never
committed a sin. Allah kept him away from sinful atmosphere and
that very night he died. In the morning, people read the message at
his door, "Surely, Allah has forgiven Kifl."
When Allah shows mercy to anyone then he gains pardon
without a stem effort. He Who .is The Forgiving, The Merciful does
not need anyone to worship Him or perform good deeds to forgive
them. He bestows His favours on anyone He likes and there is no
one to stop Him from doing that. He is As-Samad (The Independent)
and may bestow favours on whom He will.~~:;..y:;;JJ,j:.a.~~l~

Lessons and Messages

1. This Hadith reveals the attribute of Allah, As-Samad, The
Independent. He is independent of anyone else's suggestion o.r
permission. He does what He likes and no one may question Him
about what He does. He dispenses guidance, and forgives whom He
wills. He forgives anyone without his having done a good deed to
entitle him to forgiveness. He is the One Who bestows and accepts a
sincere repentance in the heart which leaves everyone in surprise.
2. Man must not form an opinion about other people by
observing their appearances and outward conditions because the
biggest of the sinners can be embraced by the mercy of Allah at any
time. Similarly, a most devoted worshipper and ascetic may earn
Divine wrath suddenly at any moment.
He may, if He wishes deprive Bal'am Ba'oor of mercy in spite
of his long hours of worship, or summon a bandit like Fadil bin
Ayyad to His path in a few moments and shower His mercy on him.
The Hadith has cited an example of this possibility.'
3. We must endeavour to save ourselves from dependency and
destitution and seek refuge with Allah. I{ is such a thing that can
draw man towards the most detestable deed and compel him to do it.
4. We also learn from this Hadith that the Companions~JJ~~J
Stories From the Hadith

were very careful in narrating a Hadith. lbn Umar ~ .JJ,...,..,J has said
that if he had heard this Hadith from the Messenger of Allah$
once or twice, three times or four times, or five or six times, he
would not have related it to other people. for he feared he might
ascribe to the Prophet $ what he had not said, or he might make a
mistake in narrating the Hadith which would be a very grave sin. He
had heard this Hadith more than seven times from the Prophet$.
That is why he related it with full c<.:mfidence and authority.
Undoubtedly, this is the way a Hadith of the Prophet$ should
be handled. Unless one· knows it very well, one must not narrate it to
anyone else as from the Messenger of Allah$.
Stories From the Hadith ~ - ======"""
- ~--~ ---"""-'"·"'=--==~......,... ......... 183

The Twenty-sixth Story

The Clouds too

Obey Divine Command
First Words
The universe and whatever is in it are subject to the command
of Allah. The sun, the mooo, the stars, the planets revolve and rotate
at His command. The clouds that saturate the earth and quench the
thirst of the fields turning them into green, fertile gardens also obey
His command. They cannot empty themselves at their own
descretion. Once a slave surrenders himself to his Master, He
employs everything in the universe for his good. The universal
system is administered in a way that is beneficial for that slave. The
story we will now read is about a person who had given himself up
to Allah and He had turned to him.

:-:;..?1~ ~'~' ~:; ~~~~~,~f. J o~~ t_)U 'Y~'

~WI J~ ,~~ J ~\! ~) ~~~ ,~L..h t.-;~ ,ill" ~WI ~~~
' , '
J ~ :;~, ~~ ~')\! :Jl! ~~~ ~ Jj, ~ 4 :J.l J~ '~~
J ~~ ~J! :J~ ~~~~:.Jw(..!JJ, ~ 4 :JJJ~
~~ t-' a1 W~') .~~~~~I :J~ oJ~ 1J.A :;f51 ~~I

" "'.
~:~u ,(,: . ~,~ ~ J-, ·r~ ~i .Jli ,,:iA ~u 1' ~i :'u'\!
~a.;,....J-.. .~

Stor1es From the Hadith

[It is transmitted in Sahih Muslim that Sayyidina Abu
Hurayrah u- J!, ~ 1 narrated that the Prophet$ said. "While a
person was in the wilderness he heard a voice from the cloud
(commanding it), 'Irrigate the garden of so-and-so.' After that
the cloud (separated from other clouds) and came to a side and
poured water on a stony ground. It filled a channel amongst the
channels of that land. That person followed the water and found
a man standing in the garden occupied in channeling the water
with the help of a hatchet. He said to him, 'Servant of Allah,
what is your name', and he gave him the same name that .he had
heard from the cloud. Then, the other asked him, 'Servant of
Allah, why do you ask me my name?' He said. 'I heard a voice
from the cloud which has brought the downpoursaying: Water
the garden of so-and-so, taking your name. What do you do that
Allah has shown you favour in this matter?' He said, 'Now that
you ask, I look what yield I get from it, and I give one-third as
charity out of it and I and my children eat one-third of it and
one-third I return to it as investment'."](Muslim,Hadith#7112)

The Messenger of Allah$ has mentioned in this Hadith how
Allah helps His obedient slavt?S in amazing ways. When a slave
works for the pleasure of Allah He helps him in unseen ways.
The gist of this incident is that someone was in a wilderness and
he heard a voice directing a cloud to water someone's garden. The
voice emanated from a cloud and the speaker was not visible. The
listner was, therefore, surprised.
He saw that the cloud moved away from the other clouds and
shed its water on a stony ground a short distance away. The land did
not absorb the water because it was stony gmund and the water
collected in the small channels there and flowed in a direction.
He went along the course of the water until he was at a garden
into which the water flowed. A man was standing there directing the
water into different tributaries across the field. That garden had no
river to irrigate it but depended on rain water for its product. So.
Allah commanded the cloud to saturate this man's fields.
Stories From the Hadith

There is a,n interesting point here. The cloud burst on a stony

ground although it could have rained directly on the garden. Of
course, Allah alone knows the reason but (according to our minds)
sometimes direct rainfall might damage produce and it was
necessary to channel the water to the roots deep inside the ground.
Nature had arranged that the rain would fall on stony land which
did not absorb water and then flow through many chanels into that
man's garden where he disbursed it according to the needs of the
different sections of his garden.
The man who had heard the ·voice and investigated the working
of nature could not contain himself and asked the owner of the
garden what his name was. He told hini ·his name which was what
he had heard from the cloud.
The owner of the garden then asked him why he wanted to
know his name and he told him his story and asked him what had
earned him Allah's favour.
He let him know that he divided the produce into three parts.
One of these shares, he allocated to the poor and needy, another he
spent on his family and the third he reinvested into the land.
Allah approved his deed and arranged for him an unseen source
for his irrigation. This man toiled hard day and night and perspired
heavily in the process and then spent a part of his income on the
poor and needy.. It really calls upon .a great sacrifice to do that.

Lessons and Messages

· 1. Everything in the universe and the working of the universe
and its every body is dependent on the command of Allah. A cloud,
for instance, will ·pour its water where it is commanded to pour it
and not at any other place it chooses. We often see rain-bearing
clouds over us and feel that they would rain over us but they move
away and pour down where they are commanded. We see this day in
and day out.
2. We see in this Hadith how Allah makes hidden arrangements
for the sustenance of His slaves. He does not let the good deeds of
His pious slaves go to waste. In fact, He demonstrates the blessings
of their deeds in this world too and lets them have the reward.
3. To give in sadaqah is a very superior deed. It receives the
Stories From the Hadith

mercy of Allah. The owner of the garden also received the blessings
of sadaqah. A cloud was commanded to raill' over his garden and his
name was called out to it.
4. Allah loves moderation in every affair and the giving of the
right of every person. Allah loved very much the just distrihution
this man had made of his earnings whereby everyone received his
right. He did not let anyone's right be encroached upon by giving
someone else more than his due. For instance, he did not spend more
on sadaqah and deprive his family, or spend more on his children·
and diminish the share of sadaqah. He also kept aside what was the
due of his fields so that his source of income was not disturbed.
It is more commendable and intelligent to serve the needy than
to become a needy himself.
Stories From the Hadith

The Twenty-seventh Story

The Beloved Slave of Allah

First Words
If ·anyone is -unselfish, sincere and disinterested in his love for a
fellow slave of Allah then he becomes the beloved of his Lord. The
creatures are the family of Allah. To love His family is truly to love
the Creator. However, such sincere sentiment is now-a-days very
rare to find. We find at every step friendship for selfish ends and
love for personal motives and when the ends and motives are
achieved the claims of friendship and love prove unreal. The
idiosycrasy of a Believer is that he loves for the sake of Allah and
hates for the sake of Allah. We relate the case of an individual who
loved unselfishly disinterested about personal gains.

jlj ~J ~i :~; ~\ ~ ~;..;. ~i ~ ~ J ~ ~JJ

'~ Ji LJi '~ ~j:!.. JS- :J Jj, ~)ti ,~;:.t "i) "J :J b:.f
.... .~
. .. ~·~~
:Jli ,J.J'" :t, .o.lA
. . ..f"l . j ~I b:.i~.. ,f :Jli ~~ _1 -.~;
. .. ~ :J\!
11 ... J -J '-T-"
' '
' '
~~ Jl1 'J~j J~ :Jli ,~ Jj;. Jl1 J ~i J_i ~ ,"J :J\i Y~J
.~i w--~:;..;:u Jj, ~~
[Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~.JJ,._,...J has quoted the Holy
Prophet 3 as saying: A person visited his brother (Muslim) in
another town and Allah deputed an angel to wait for him or. his
way. And when he came to him he asked him, "Where do you
intend to go?" He said, "I intend to go to my brother in this
town." He asked, "Have you any right over him (for the
recompense of which you go there)?" He said, "No, (the
Stories From the Hadith

purpose of the visit is) nothing but I love him for the sake of
Allah, the Glorious, the Majestic."
The angel then disclosed to him, "I am a Messenger to you
from Allah (to inform you) that Allah loves you as you love him
(for His sake)."] (Muslim. Hadith # 6226)

This Hadith divulges to us the merits of love with the slaves of
Allah for His sake, and especially with the Believers. The Hadith
also tells us what excellent reward is in store for this sort of love.
Indeed, to love for the sake of Allah is a very difficult thing to do.
In this world such qualities as selfishness, seeking personal
gains and lying are very common but selfless love and sincerity are
lacking qualities. Things have gone so far that even blood relations
are subservient to selfish motives.
The Shari'ah demands of us that we must not make friends with
anyone or antagonise him for personal gains, tribal interests or class
benefits. We must not love anyone because he belongs to the same
group as we, or because we have certain benefits to derive from him.
These standards are wrong and untenable in Shari'ah. This attitude
grows hypocrisy, malice and hatred in the world.
It is our experience, and it is seen everyday that if friendship is
maintained for selfish ends then the consequences are that the
so-called friends become worst enemies. Such is the outcome of
wrong standards of friendship.
The driving force to make friends or to antagonise anyone
should be the pleasure of Allah. If anyone is an enemy of Allah then
he is our enemy too; if we love anyone, it must no be to get anything
out of him, or for selfish motives or personal urge. If we love then it
must not be for such things and if we hate anyone that too must be
on the same basis.
The story relates that to love anyone for the pleasure of Allah
gets us the best of rewards. If we love Allah's slaves sincerely
without selfish ends then we become the object of Allah's love. And
if any slave becomes the beloved of Allah then all the world loves
him. There is an indication to this truth in another Hadith.
Among the best peculiarities of faith is to love anyone for the
sake of Allah. The Messenger of Allah$ has told us that those who
Stories From the Hadith

love each other for the sake of Allah without selfish ends will find
themselves on tli.e pulpits of light on the Day of Resurrection. The
Prophets ~")(.J' ~ and the martyrs will envy them for the exceptional
reception accorded to them and for their nearness to Allah.
Indeed, to love for the sake of Allah is the key to auspiciousness
in this life and in the next.

Lessons and Messages

1. The Hadith is evidence of the merit of love for the sake of
Allah. He who loves His slaves becomes the beloved of Allah.
2. The Hadilh also affirms that in order to demonstrate one's
love for the sake of Allah, it is proper and rewarding to travel to
meet and visit friends arid compani'ons.
3. Allah sends His angels in human form to some of His slaves.
They come to them to give advice, to explain or to point out his
excellent deed and the regard for it with Allah. The angel who
comes to anyone is neither a Prophet nor a Messenger.
4. The Hadith also affirms that angels may appear in human
form or any other form. The angel had come to the central character
of our story in human form, not angelic form.
5 .. What is the worth of sincerity in the sight of Allah? This can
be guaged from the fact that man gets through the blessings of
sincerity what he cannot earn through efforts over a number of years.
This man earned the honour of love of Allah because he was sincere.
May Allah grow among Muslims sincere and_ unselfish love for
one another. Aameen!
Stories From the Hadith

The Twenty-eighth Story

The Bounties of the Benevolent

First Words
He is the Justest of J1,1dges, the Most Merciful of those who
show mercy. As-Samad is one of His attributes. He is absolutely
Independent and may forgive whom He wills and bestow favours on
whom He likes. No one can question Him. It is His glorious attribute
of Mercy that He forgives an immoral woman when she gives water
to the thirsty.
Here, we have chosen two brief accounts reflecting on His
attribute of Benevolence from the treasure of Ahadith.

~~ ~ jj, ~J ~;..jA ~~:;. ~ J ~)~' ~JJ .'

~~ J;i ,~, ~ ~\A ,~~ ·~ ~) ~ :J\i ~j ~~ J~)

c~l ~ ~JJ~ ~~,:A ~i~ ~ JA ~~~ c~)- ~ (~ y ?J
c'J) ~ c~ ~~ ~ c~ ~ c:.S: t4 ~~~ ~ I~ t4 ~ :Jill
~\fJI J ~~) ,.JJ, J~j ~ :(_,J\i :J p ,:J .JJ, ~ ,~, J.:j
.r,t~)ffi J :J\iy(~i
o'r' ~JI :~; ~~ r;r of..~~~ y. ~,; ~ ~JJJ
~.,..,. r; • • <11 (f. ,. ,. ....... J Cll .,. Cll "' •


~Yi ,~, ~ J.ic...J C!~' :J ,~ ~:P! Jl=-- rY.. J ~ ~G ~

... tl ...... , ,

"i-~; ~r;'i p :of-~ ~i ~s- ~)~' J.:s, ~'JJ ~J .r
~F ,~, ~ ~lS" :J\i ,:A ~1! ~ ~··,tJ JS. ~ ~~
Stories From the Hadith

.~~~ 4J
p ~LJ1 ~ :J ~j] ,\A J~ ~jti .~
- -
[1. Bukhari has transmitted: Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah JJ,..s-PJ
has quoted the Messenger of Allah $ as saying: While a
man was walking he felt thirsty and went down a well and
drank water from it. On coming out of it, he saw a dog pa.nting
and eating mud because of excessive thirst. The man said, "This
dog is suffering from the same problem as I had been
suffering." So he (went down the well), filled his shoe with
water, caugh~ hold of it with his teeth and climbed up and
watered the dog. Allah appreciated his gesture and Allah
forgave him. The people asked, "0 Allah's Messenger! Is there
a reward for us in serving the animals?" He replied, "Yes, there
is reward for serving the animate."]
[2. Muslim has transmitted: Abu Hurayrah -.:s- JJ, ..s-P) has said
that the Prophet$ said:
A prostitute saw a dog moving around a well on a hot day
and hanging out its tongue because of thirst. She drew water for
it in her shoe, and she was pardoned (for that).]
[3. The words in Bukhari are:
A prostitute passed by a panting dog near a well. She saw
that the dog was about to die of thirst, she took off her leather
sock (or shoe) and tied it with her head-cover and drew out
some water for it. So Allah forgave her because ofthat.](Bukhari,
Hadith2363. Muslim,# 5578. Bukhari,#3321)

The two accounts narrated above look alike. The first mentions
a man travelling somewhere. He felt severe thirst during his journey
and he came to a well. There were plenty of wells at short distances
in those times. He went down it and quenched his thirst. When he
came out again, he found a thirsty dog and he remembered that he
too was in that condition a short while ago. Quickly, he went in the
well once again and filled his shoe with water and holding it in his
teeth, came up and gave the water to the dog.
The second account is about a prostitute. She saw a thirsty dog
panting and she became restless. She drew water in her shoe (or
Stories From the Hadith =============~192

sock) and gave it to the dog. Those people useq to wear leather
socks (or shoes) and water could be contained therein. ·
In the both the cases, Allah forgave the persons involved in the
good deed.
The qualities that Allah has granted mankind are not granted to
any other creature. Man is able to descend into a well and get water
for himself while other creatures cannot do that. Allah put emotions
into the hearts of those persons to feel mercy for the dog and then
that became an excuse for forgiving them. Indeed, ;.~ f~ i .js- ~ill ~r.
Allah is over all things capable!
It is worth observing that in both cases, there was nothing
available to draw water from the well-neither a rope, nor a bucket.
The man could quench his own thurst by going down the well but
how could he water the dog? So, he took out his shoe, or sock, and
filled it with water and brought it up clasped in his teeth. This
indeed was an improvisation! In normal circumstances, one does not
bring one's shoes or socks near one's face but, here, he did not
merely bring his shoe near his mouth, he held it by his teeth. He was
prompted by mercy to do so.
The woman too had nothing by which she may draw water and
she could not descend down 'the well. She used her leather sock as a
bucket and her head cover as a rope.
In both the cases, the persons concerned did not. mind the
trouble they had to face to help the dog. Allah forgave them for that.
The dog is an impure and dirty animal and man is instinctly repulsed
from it particularly if it is a stray dog. But, to help the creatures of
Allah is a worthy deed in the sight of Allah and they earned
forgiveness for that.

Lessons and Message~

There are many aspects of guidance. and moral in these

1. To show mercy to the creatures of Allah entitles us to the
mercy and b~nevolence of Allah. It is particularly good to be
merciful to the mute animals and it earns us a very great rank. We
can also deduce from the story that if there is merit in showing
mercy to the mute animals, how sinful it should be to be cruel to
Stories From the Hadith

them. It is liable to invite the punishment of Allah.

2. Man is sometimes forgiven for doing a seemingly minor
deed. However. any man may be forgiven or shown mercy at any
time . One who has sinned all his life can suddenly find himself
among the close men of Allah while a hundred year's worship may
be erased by a moment's lapse!
Hence, it is not correct to form an opinion about anyone by
merely looking at hi~ apparent condition. We must know definitely
how he concluded his life and on what state he died.
3. The Hadith also proves that we must not consider any act of
piety too little. lt· may· seem too little on the face of it but in the sight
of Allah its size and appearance is immaterial. The spirit behind it is
what counts when a decision is taken in· this regard.
~JJ~ I ~.j~~
[Do not belittle even a bit from the known (piety)}
That minor act could turn ·out to be a means of forgiveness
because Allah, the Majestic, the Glorious, is ·the One Who bestows
without limit-provided ·we present an excuse on which He may
favour. Who knows what excuse may be made the base for the
4. A Muslim does not become a disbeliever if he disobeys and
commits grave sins, neither is he.. deprived of Allah's mercy.
Sometimes a grave sinner is forgiven, even if he has not repented, on
the basis of a pious deed as the woman was fm:given. We must not
call a sinning Muslim an unbeliever no matter how big sinner he is.
5. It is a very commendable deed to mould oneself according to
the attributes (or manners) of ,Allah.
[Mould your manners on the pattern of manners of Allah.]
Allah loves anyone who tries to observe this conduct.
The importance of worship and of discharging the obligations is
known to all of us and we must abide by it but it is a sign of a great
man to show mercy to the creatures of Allah and deal with them
The Prophet 3 taught this lesson in human behaviour to his
Companions ~jj'.s"'J· It was this lesson that spread Islam in the four
corners of .the world.
Stories From the Hadith =============== 194

The Twenty-ninth Story

A Serious Mistake-Caused
by Fear of Allah!

First Words
This is the story ot a man who sined all his ~ife. Then, he made a
serious mistake through fear of Allah but the mercy of Allah brought
him out successfully. This story highlights the ill)portance of fear of

Jt! :Jt! ~j JJ1 J~) ~r a~;. ~i:;:. ~ J ~ i.SJJ

,).1 J 4l a.! IJJ~I ~ ,~Jif"J ~~ 11~ :~~ lJ ~. ~ ~! ;.J ~J
~ 1~i ~~ '1 ~~~ ~~ ~c JJ1 )~:A~(,. ,;J1 J 4~' "!J
;1J ,~ L. ~ ).1 JJ1 ;u ,~;i L. 1.,W ~jl ~L. LJ! ,~w1
~~J 'YJ 4~{.'~;;, ~ :J\J ~IJA ~ 'td (..! :JtJ ~ <~ (. ~ ~~

[Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~ .J.J, ~) narrated that the
Messenger of Allah$ said:
A man who had never done a pious deed said to his family
members, '"When I die burn me to ashes and divide the ashes
into two parts. Scatter one of them on land and the other in the
ocean. By Allah! If Allah gets hold over this body, He will
punish it as severely as He may not have punished any one
When he died, his family members obeyed his instructions.
Stories From the Hadith

Allah commanded the land to gather his ashes and it collected

every particle of his ashes on it. And He commanded the ocean
and it too gathered all particles even from its depths. (Then He
gave it life and speech and) He asked him. "Why did you do
He said, "My Lord! Fear of You!" So Allah forgave him.] ,
(Muslim. Bukhari)

This incident is reported both by Bukhari and Muslim in
different chapters of their Sahih collections. The summary of the
different narrations is reproduced in the following lines:
He was a very wealthy man and had many children. In spite of
these blessings of Allah, he was an intemperate person and cruel to
himself. He was far removed from piety and all his life he sinned
and disobeyed.
When death seemed near, the thought passed his mind that
although he enjoyed considerable blessings of Allah and lived a very
luxurious · life, he had been disobedient to Allah throughout his life.
At the same time as he gave up hope of life, it dawned on him that
Allah will punish him after death so severely that He would not have
punished anyone else as severely for he was aware of every moment
of his. life and how he had spent it. He was so overawed by this
thought that he forgot that Allah is capable of doing everything. He
had given life to nothing. Would He not be able to gather scattered
particles in the expanse of the universe and revive it?
Overcome by fear he summoned his sons and asked them,
"What kind of a father was I for you?" They assured him that he had
been an excellent father. He said, "I have never done a single good
deed to present it before Allah. If he gets hold of me, He will punish
me as He has not punished anyone else before me. So, when I die,
burn me to ashes and scatter half of my ashes over the land and sink
the rest of them into the oceans. If you do not do that then I wiH
deprive you of your inheritance and give away my property to other
His sons did as he had instructed them and scattered his ashes
over the .Jand and water.
Stories From the Hadith

Allah commanded the land to tetch -his ashes from all ovyr it and
place them together, and it did as it was commanded. The ocean too
was given the same command and it gathered his ashes from its
depths. When every particle of his ashes was there, Allah gave him
life again and asked him why he had left the unusual instructions for
his children.
He said, "My Lord! You know very well that I had done that
because I was afraid of you."
Allah forgave him because of his fear of Him.
Obviously, the instructions that he had left were illegal for just
as a living person should be respected so too a dead body must be
shown respect. No one is allowed to be disrespectful to a corpse and
it is disallowed and sinful to leave such instructions for one's own
dead body . . So, this man's behaviour in leaving instruction of this
type was very sinful. Besides, it presupposed that if his body was
treated in this way, he would defeat Allah's plans to revive and
punish him-God fro bid us from such thought. Naturally. this was a
serious lapse of religious thinking.... However, this mistake and the
wrong approach were prompted by fear of Allah and punishment at
His Hands. So, Allah forgave him his mistake (and his sins).

Lessons and Messages

1. Fear. of Allah is a very noble asset and a very cherished
characteristic in any person. It is among the lofty eminences of the
righteous. The heart that is blessed with fear and reverence for Allah
will be protected from sin and disobedience and Allah forgives sins
because of the fear. One is relieved of base desires too on account of
that. Allah has said:
. ' /

O(SjWI ~ J~=) il~~-~_wl ~ U',"sj\!1 ~j ~.) ~~ .j~ 0"" talj

{But as for him who feared the standing before his Lord and
restrained (his) soul from caprices, surely the Garden shall be
his abode.} (An-Nazi'at. 79:40-4 I)
If is this fear that is refered to in surah Ar-Rahman:
o~l1'=:-) '/-Jj ~li;, .j\j._ ~j
{And for him who fears the standing before his Lord, there
shall be two gardens.}(Ar-Rahmun,55:46)
Stories From the Hadith

2. Sometimes, Allah excuses a man because of his ignorance.

The excuse of the man we are talking about was accepted because of
his ignorance although his mistake was very serious. H~ had
supposed that Allah was unable to collect his scattered ashes and
give him life again and punish him. His foolish will was based on
his ignorance, but the driving force was fear of Allah. Hence, Allah
admitted his plea.
Sometimes, knowledge of anything is cited against the knower
while ignorance is admitted in defense of the ignorant hut this does
not imply that we must cease to seek knowledge and prefer to
remain ignorant or become ignorant. Rather, it implies that just as
ignorance is very dangerous so too the knowledge that is not put to
practice is extremely dangerous and liable to be accounted for. The
Holy Prophet$ has sought refuge from such knowledge (as is not
put into practice).
"0 Allah! I seek Your protection from knowledge that does not
3. The Hadith demonstrates the perfect power and authority of
Allah. Just as He revived this man by gathering his ashes from land
and ocean so too He will revive all creatures on the Day of
4. The Hadith teaches us that we must not feel despondent
under any circumstances. Allah forgave this man who made a very
serious mistake and never in his life did any pious work and, in fact,
confessed that he was sinful. Then, why should we not hope that He
will forgive every one who makes a sincere repentance and seeks
5. We also learn that a Believer must maintain two approaches,
fear and hope-fear of being punished and hope for His mercy. It is
not correct to lean on any one approach. Extremity of fear results in
the condition of the man in the story while too much dependance on
hope makes one neglect pious deeds . Hence, we must strike a
balance between the two approaches.
Stories From the Hadith

The Thirteeth Story

Show Mercy to the Earthlings.... ·

First Words
To forgive and to show favour are among the attributes of
Allah. If anyone adopts these characteristics in this world then Allah
.will deal with him ·. in the Hereafter with these very characteristics.
This is an account of a person who was devoid of good qualities but
who was very lenient to his debtors and condoned them. It is a
soul-stirring account of his life.

J.,...,) ~ :Jli ~~ Y' ~ J ..S)~\ ..SJ) . '

,~:,~~a/!~\ olii ~~IS"'~ ~IS"'~)~~ :J~ ~;Jll

~i (o :J\! .~\ :Al ~ ~~i (o :J\! ~·?- ~ ~ JA :Al ~
'~~\ ~{! '~?~''J ~:Ut :_r8t ~4f 8:; ;;t. '~
. .~1 JJ, ~~\!. ~~ ~ jj~IJ
' '

~· ~) c.:,~ ~~~ !- a17 = W:.ti ~.i>- y. ~'JJ .}J .,.

tj'}2_~i~~ ';T~ :~ :Jii ~~ ;;Jt ~ ~i :t:,fli ,~~IS"'
' '

. ~ 'JJ)G:d J\i :Jii, ~~ d- 'JJJ~J r yJ1

' '

. '..r'L:.ll ~1-4 ~lJ 1)\S" :~ J eo _r.._lb ~\ ;f- ~I oiJJJ .r

'f- J , J " "' , "' ,, "',.. o.- J o f. " of.

'~ JJ~. ~i JJ, ~ '~ 'JJJ~ =~~ J\i \~ ~~~ ;.


[1. Sayyidina Huzayfah bin AI-Yaman -.:s JJ1 ~J has said
Stories From the Hadith

that he heard the Messenger of Allah$ say: From the people

preceding your generation, there was a man whom the angel
visited to take away his soul. (After it was taken away) he was
asked if he had done any good deed. He replied, "I do not
reniember any good deed." He was asked to think it over, and
he said, "I cannot recall any save that I used to trade with people
in the world and was lenient with them. I gave a respite to the
rich and forgave the poor." So, Allah made him enter Paradise.]
[2. Another version narrated by Huzayfah-..sJJ,~_, says:
Before your time the angels took the soul ·of a man and
asked him, "Did you do any good (in your life)?" He replied, "I
used to order my employees to. grant time to the rich person to
pay his debts at his convenience and excuse the one who was in
hard circumstances." So Allah said (to the angels), "Excuse
[3. Yet another version narrated by Sayyidina Abu
H urayrah -..s Jj, ~ J says:
A trader used to allow debts to his customers. when he
found anyone hard pressed, he ordered his employees, "Forgive
them! Perhaps Allah will forgive us (because of that)." So,
Allah forgave him.](Bukhari1f3451 and2077.2391. Muslim)

When anyone is dying, he is dealt with in keeping with how he
has spent his whole life. A perfect Believer is given the tidings of
Paradise and Allah has said:
""~ ~J .- ~, ~
1':-...., I'' 1=-· I':..:! Ull ~- I'·'U -.'.ill'· I
J"' "" .-"""""" "'"" ..,J "' A J"" ;, ""
I'Y 'l.::..J '1 '·I
u &ltJI'
, .~t;.. 'U_J-
r;r::- Y'~ r- ..) Y L>:L U;-
' ,,, , ;; ;, , ... J ' "" ·,
o-:·~· '?:.5· ~'I~LI'' ~·1- 1'·':~,'1 -
u.J .Jl ~ - . . .J~ .J Y ..r- J
- ' .
{Surely those who say, "Our Lord is Allah," then remain firm
(in their belief), the angels descend upon them, saying, "Fear
not, nor grieve; rejoice at the glad tidings of the Garden which
you were promised ... "}(Fussilat,41:30)
In other words, everyone who is dying is informed how he will
fare. Of course the full reckoning will take place on the Day of
Gathering when reward or punishment will be awarded.
The Messenger of Allah $ has related to us about a man's
Stories From the Hadith

.conversation with the angels at the time of death, or after ·it. He was
asked to recall his pious deeds and he regretled that he remembered
none, saying that he had not done any pious deed. The angels asked
him to think again and answer carefully and he repeated that he
knew of none of pious deeds except that he was a businessman in
the world and used to give loans to various people. His debtors
included rich men as well as poor and hard-pressed. He dealt with all
of them with leniency and when the return was due he instructed his
employees to allow some respite to the rich if they delayed
repayment, and to forgo the debt of the poor and hard-pressed taking
only what they willingly gave, condoning the balance. He hoped,
"Would that Allah forgive us and excuse us." Allah sent him to
Paradise for that.

Lessons and Messages

1. The first lesson we derive from this Hadith is that a creditor
must show mildness to his debtors. While he has every right to
receive back his money, it is better and reasonable that he is
accommodating towards his debtors. Allah might be pleased with
such attitude on this man's part.
2. Generally, a businessman overlooks the affairs of the
Hereafter. Love for wealth and possessions, and greed makes him
mindless of other realities and he lacks manners, fair-dealing and
civility. This character is very prominent now-a-days. It is very
common and more marked if money has been advanced or debt is
receivable and the helplessness of the debtor and his straitened
circumstances are not considered. Hence, if anyone gives
consideration to these difficulties and is kind to his debtors then he
becomes esteemed in the sight of Allah. A man who is kind and
benevolent to other people over whom he has a right then Allah
treats him kindly even if he has been a sinner and disobedient.
3. We can see from this Hadith how wide and great the mercy
of Allah is. A simple act was instrumental in getting the life-long
disobedience forgiven. Allah has said:
, ~ ,
0~~ J5 ~j ~.iJ
{My Mercy embraces all things.}(Al-A'ra0:156)
Stories From the Hadith

There is also a Hadith qudsi:

[My Mercy has excelled my wrath.](Muslim)
These sayings are given a practical shape in the account narrated
in this Hadith.
4. Our earlier statement is corroborated by this case that if
anyone conducts himself according to an attribute of Allah then He
bestows on him what that attribute calls for. There is an example of
this in the episode of the man who forgave his debtors and Allah in
turn will say that He had a greater right to forgive anyone (to forgive
is the attribute of Allah), "so forgive him." (version ~f Muslim)
Thus, we again come across the command:
.J.l I J~~ l_,.al.;u
"Mould yourself according to the ways of Allah."
5. T~e Hadith also supports the custom of repaying debts and
loans on their due date. This procedure is current in our times too.
Stories From the Hadith

The Thirty-first Story

The Humblest Branch of Faith

Lesson in Social Living
First Words
Faith has more than seventy branches. The most excellent of
these is to declare JJ1'j! .J!'j "There is no god but Allah", and the
humblest of the ranks is to remove a harmful thing from the road.
The teaching of the Holy Prophet 3 is to remove injurious and
harmful things from people's passage. These may be thorns, garbage.
and so on. This is the lowest of the branches of faith and the last
symbol of civility. This is the story of the man who earned Paradise
on this simple task.

J~) ~i ~:;.; ~i ~ ~ J ~ J 1.5 J~l~..> JJ .'

'~~~ JS. :J~ ~ ~J '~~ :.s-_;·~ ~) (Q::: :Jl! ~j jjl

. "' ~ ""

.:J )iJ :J jjl ~ ,~;.u

Jl! :Jl! ~:;.; ~i ~ ~ ~ ~~IJ)I ~ J ~t.:.:- J . Y
j j 1J :Jw ,~j
H JS. r~ ~ ~) j,o :~j jjl J~)
.CJ. !'t..:.~{L~~·;_;,,-.·Q.r.
4,]": \" '""' ~ IJ"- ,.
~~ ·~l'iA~.~t..,
lo.T V""' - ~
' ,

:tiJ :Jl! ~; ~I~ ~:f.jA ~j ~ o~ ~..>_r:-i ~IJJ JJ .r

~IS',~~~~~ ~ r~ J ,~~ J ~ ~) ~~J
[L Bukhari and Muslim have transmitted in their
Stories From the Hadith

respective Sa'hih that Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah 4.:&- JJ, ~J has said
that the Messenger of Allah $ said, "While a man was going
on a way, he saw a thorny branch and removed it from the way
and Allah became pleased with his action and forgave him for
[2. The version in Muslim is that Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah
4.:&- JJ, ~ J said that the Messenger of Allah~ said, "A man while

walking along the path saw the branches of a tree lying there.
He thought, 'By Allah, I shall remove these from this road, so
that they may not harm the Muslims, and he was admitted to
[3. Yet another version is that Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~ J
4.:&-..:Ut quoted the Holy Prophet$ as saying, "I saw a man

enjoying himself in Paradise because of the tree that he cut

from the path which was a source of inconvenience to the
people."] (Bukhari Hadith# 652,2476. Muslim# 6340,6341)

To remove anything that causes inconvenience to the passersby
is the lowest form of faith. This means that if anyone finds an
obstacle on the road and does not remove it then he deprives himself
of even the lowest kind of faith
The Hadith teaches us that Allah forgives even those who
practice the lowest form of faith. The man mentioned in the Hadith
was forgiven for that.
There is an important lesson in this narrative for the Muslims
and religious-minded people of the current era for they regard such a
practice as very ordinary and commonplace.
Today, the non-Muslim people hold it as against civil behaviour
to leave obstacles on common thoroughfares and inconvenience the
passersby. It is worth thinking over that this teaching was first
imparted by Islam which made it instrumental in getting forgiveness.
Alas, today, the people of Islam, instead of removing obstacles from
the road, have identified themselves with those who hurd hindrances
on the roads. The position on our roads in areas where ninety
percent of. the. residents are Muslims is that they are blocked and
obstructed in different manners which cause inconvenience to the
. Stories From the Hadith

passersby. The many ways in which road-users are put to trouble

in.c lude people spitting here and there. ejecting beetle-nut after
chewing it. parking motor cars before door-steps of homes and
mosques, throwing rubbish on roads, draining house-hold waste on
streets, and so on. This is a very common observation in our Muslim
societies although it is clearly against teachings of Islam . The
overflowing sewers, stinking drains, broken roads and such scenes
reflect our conduct and show how we default in abiding by the
teachings of Islam. It is something all of us must ponder.
Must · we not think that if Allah forgives a man for removing
obstacles from the road and admitting him to Paradise then will He
not punish those who act against that and throw rubbish and
obstacles on the road and inconvenience passersby in other ways?
Surely, He will call to account these people and will punish them.
The Believers must correct their behaviour for Islam does not merely
teach Salat and fasting but it also requires its adherents to adopt
excellent maners and social conduct conducive to a better civil

Lessons and Messages

1. The first lesson we learn is that the teachings of Islam are not
limited to worship alone. Islam is not the name of a few customary
forms of worship but it is a method· of spending one's life in an
instinctive way, being pure, having high moral character and clear
thinking. It develops a proper civic sense and grows a highly
civilised society.
2. It is the right of the road that pedestrians and road-users are
not inconvenienced. It is not even proper to stop on the road and
converse if that causes inconvenience to other people.
3. To try to protect a Muslim from inconvenience and wish well
for him is a conduct that entitles one to enter into Paradise.
Obviously, to remove an obstacle from the road is trying to protect a
Muslim from inconvenience; it earned for that man enjoyment in
Paradise. A Muslim is a well-wisher of another Muslim and he tries
his best to save another Muslim from difficulty and hardship. This is
what Islam teaches and this is the name of Islam.
Stories From the Hadith

4. If a tree is proving an obstacle on a passage then it is allowed

to chop it out. If a tree provides a shade and does not inconvenience
anyone then it must not be cut down.
Stories From the Hadith ==============206

The Thirty-second Story

The Habitual Killer

First Words
It is a serious crime to kill a man unjustly. According to the
Qur'an, killing one man is like killing all mankind. One who is guilty
of unjust killing is a perpetrator of the worst crime which is
punished by being sent to Hell. This is the story of a man who had
killed a hundred people unjustly but when the mercy of Allah
knocked at his door, it opened for him the way to forgivel)ess and he
became entitled to reward although he had not any pious deed
against his name.

~J ~~~~ ~' ~i:; ~ J ~J~I ~JJ . '


~~J ~~.~ j;J ~J ~~~~:;. J ~\S" :J\.! ~; ~I~'~

'J J\! ~~j ~ :JA :41 J~ 41w ,~lj Jti cJ~ [./ ~ cUW~

~L;! c~::./;J1 jS'j~ti ci~J I~~]~~ ~J 41 :J~ cJ~ ~

. ~·.ij
~~..)"11 i5J~
J ... ...
... ...,.
:.::_ ,Q, a::,..~ ,\A'~ ~J~•
J - ""

(. !"j ~~ :J\!j ''-:?~~ ~i ~~ J~ Jll ~._,,_, '~~ ~i ~~ J~ Jll

~; ~ ti ~ ~~~ ;(~'·· ~;:; '~ J ~ OIJJJ ."

~;:; Jw ,u:;~·· :) ~~.:j;J~)~ ~IS"·~ ~IS" :JI!
,(. ·.;: :;~·· !J ~;.·. . : j;J :ul :J~ outi c~lj J:s. :J:U c~)"ll jAi
' ' '
Stories From the Hadith

.':U~ ~ :_.~~.L 4EaL '1 <J ill ~?-!Ji y :J ~

~w :u1
:Jill ,~~.f-)
.; , *'
_p. :J:U ,~)'1' .JAi ~i:;. JL ~
, ~ ;. '

't:-i '1) '~ JJI 4t! ,JJ, bj:~~ Gut~~~ cl~) I~ ~ji J~
·f~ ~ji ~~ ,~ji J!
' '
.u ~
... ....,
'Q 'a::.:.t! ' 11 olii ~v-~
~ ~_,, ~ I~\~ ~--
. .;..

·' '

~J~ 'J ~~~ ~\JLe ,)J 1;.- }~! ;.J ;,J~ :y1:W1 ~ ~ ~lij ,Jj,
J~i b~ (Qt:71 J~ ,~)'11 ~. ~· ,; ~~ :Jill ,;.~~! 0~ '~~~
~~ 4:-a)! ,~,ji ~~ ~j'lt J~ J~i oj~J! ,o~ill ,:J ~
-, ' ~ I

[I. Bukhari has transmitted that Sayyidina Abu Sa'eed
al-Khudri ~ .JJ, u-"' J has reported the Prophet~ as saying:
There was a man from Bani Isra'il who had murdered
ninety-nine persons. Then he set out asking (whether his
repentance would be accepted) and he came to a monk and
asked him if his repentance would be accepted. The monk
replied in the negative (lnd so he kiUed him too. He kept on
asking till someone advised him to 'go to a particular village.
(So he left for that village) but death overtook him on the way.
As he was dying, he turned his chest towards that village
(where he had hoped his repentance would be accepted). Now,
the angels of mercy and the angels of punishment disputed
amongst themselves about him. Allah ordered that village to
come towards him and the land (from whyre he had set out) to
move away. He then ordered the angels to measure the
distances between his body and the two villages. And, he was
found to be one span closer to the village (to which he was
going), So, he was forgiven.]
Stories From the Hadith

[2. The version in Muslim reads:

There was a man before you who had killed ninety-nine
persons. He then made an inquiry about the most learned
scholar of the world and was directed to one monk. He came to
him and told him that he had killed ninety-nine people and
asked him if there was any scope for his repentance to be
accepted. He said, "No!" So he killed him too and completed a
hundred (killings). He again enquired about the most learned
scholar on earth and was directed to one. He told him that he
had killed a hundred persons and asked him if his repentance
would be accepted. He said, "Yes!" Can anything stand
between you and repentance? Go to such-and-such village.
There are people devoted to prayer and worship and you also
worship with them and do not return to the land of yours for it
is an evil land." So he went away and he had hardly covered
half the distance when death came to him. The angels of mercy
and the angels of punishment disputed (about him). The angels
of mercy said, "This man has come as a penitant and remorseful
to Alalh." The angels of punishment said, "He had done no
good at all." then there came another angel in the form of a man
to decide between them. He said, "Measure the distance
between the two lands, and he belongs to the place to which he
is nearer." They measured the distances and found him nearer
to the land he intended to go to. So, the angels of mercy took
possession of his body.
Qatadah ~ JJ, w.J said that Hasan said to him, "We were
told that while he was dying, he crawled upon his chest into the
land of the righteous."] (Bukhari # 3420. Muslim# 6662)

Beside,s speaking of the mercy of Allah, this Hadith also points
out that Allah has power over all things. When He decides to bestow
His mercy on anyone, He makes the components of the universe do
things for that person. It seems surprising that anyone killing a
hundred persons is entitled to the mercy of Allah. Someone may
doubt that murder is an infringement of rights of fellow men and a
murderer cannot be forgiven unless they forgive him. But the fact is
Stories From the Hadith

that Allah is Just and does not do injustice to anyone. He erases the
sin of the person He wishes to forgive and He induces the owners of
rights to forgi~e the violator of their rights. These things are within
His power.
The monk had made the murderer lose hope of being forgiven
while he was seeking means to get forgiveness. He was a monk and
not a scholar and so did not know that the mercy of Allah is
all-encompassing and it is an infidel's character to give up hope of
His mercy. He passed judgement that the murderer could not be
forgiven and the murderer thought that if he cannot get a pardon, he .
might as well kill one more man!
When he met the scholar, he assured· him that there was no
reason why he cannot be forgiven. There was no barrier between
him and acceptance of his repentance. "Repent and you will be
forgiven all the past", he said to the murderer. "Allah is Full of
Mercy." And we may cite the words of Allah found in the Qur'an:
Jj, ~u.,, ..,Jj, ,~~..J ~
~ l:,·.~, ..s-
\; ,.{ , ·1-:·.J,
Y._>LJJ '..~t.u:,
LJ:_ c.s- .,_ ··~
- - 0
' ·~jj,
Y..J-1 ~
' '·~-

{Say (0 Prophet): 0 My servants · who have been prodigal

against themselves, despair not of Alalh's mercy, surely Allah
forgives sins altogether. Surely He is the Forgiving, the
Merciful.} (Az-Zumar,39: 53)
Nevertheless, there was the condition for his repentance to be
accepted that the sinner give up the sin forthwith, and go away from
that land to another village where certain pious people were
occupied in worship. He should join them and worship Allah.
However, Allah caused him to die while he had not yet reached the

Lessons and Messages

This story has many lessons and messages for the slaves of
Allah. Those who have found themselves entangled in the net of the
devil and their own base desires and hence are submerged in the
quicksand of sin should see a ray of hope in this story. Each part of
this story has many a lesson in it.
1. W~ see that Allah's Mercy is great. It is so great that it wipes
Stories From the Hadith

out sins committed over a whole life if the sinner repents sincerely
and with a true heart.
2. We must never despair of the mercy of Allah or give up hope.
To · despair of His mercy is to disbelieve in Him. If the sins of all
people are collected together. they cannot stay against a drop of His
, / M-'1-&..>- ~1
{Surely your Lord is of vast forgiveness} (An-Najm. 53: 32)
~~'. ..
{My mercy embraces all things} (AI-A'rat:7: 156)
3. A scholar excels a worshipper. This is corroborated by this
Hadith. A worshipper who has no knowledge is superceded by a
scholar though he may not have as many righteous deeds to his
credit if he guides the people with the knowledge Allah has
bestowed on him. Many lives would be reformed by the proper
guidance that He provides to other people while the worshipper who
has no knowledge will do everything only for himself.
We have seen in the narrative that the monk who was a devoted
worshipper but not a scholar caused the murderer to despair of all
hope while tlie scholar guided him correctly and encouraged him to
repent to Allah. Indeed, knowledge is useful in this way and the
scholars are able to go to depths of truth.
4. The punishment against intentional murder is consigrunent to
Hell but if the murderer repents then he is sate from the punishment.
It is the belief of the adherents of sunnah that every sin is capable of
being forgiven except polytheism.
5. It is the characteristic of scholars that they do not merely
teach the commands to the people but they also train them how they
must observe the commands. The scholar in the story not only told
the murderer that his repentance was possible but also directed him
on what he should do He taught the command and the way to
observe it.
6. Even the angels do not know the unseen and their thinking
also varies from one to another. On the face of it the angels of
punishment seemed to be correct but the angels of mercy took the
body because mercy was overwhelming.
7. It is the duty of the scholars to teach the commands of
Stories From the Hadith

Shari'ah to the people and to put them on the path of repentance and
It does not imply that they should prescribe the punishment on
the guilty. The scholar heard the murderer confess having slain one
hundred people but he did not prescribe the punishment on him.
Rather, he induced him to make a repentance and showed him the
correct way to salvation. This, in fact. is the office of the scholars.
To effect the punishment is the duty of the rulers.
Stories From the Hadith ===============212

The Thirty-third Story

The Recovery of a Lost She-Camel

Compared to a Slave's Repentance
First Words
If. in the loneliness of the desert a traveller loses his she-camel
loaded .with all his provision and belongings, how would he feel?
Every sensible person can .imagine his plight. Then, after he has
abandoned all hope and death stares him in the face, the lost camel
returns and his happiness will know no bounds ....
Thus, when a lost slave relents and repents to Allah, His
happiness and pleasure far exceed the happiness of the cameleer.
Who had lost heart and was on the verge of death until the camel
and life were restored to him.

,~~ ~Jill Jj.j ,')~tLJ')~I

.;; ~~~l$' J>. ,)G
~~· ~ ~ '~;. .;..u ~~ ~ 't;(' ··.lJ <0~ j:Jij ~ 4~j~
~~~ ~~ Ji J>. fl.t! ,~ ;.;..u ~IS~;;,~~,~ ;.;..u y\S
tO~ .j
"""" .. t..;i/
4.:o\.b:."' ~-
J \..:>- . ~.. o'J.:_.;
~ 'i'"' .... -.
o~~ ~I" ~\!
~ (Q :·-; ,.lJ ,u1\!
,J- 06 0 , . ....

.~Go. JS. o~ ~J ~I~~ ~I ~_P. G.-) ~i :Jli

~;~I J~ ~~~~~ ~J ~~I ti ~~~JI ~) :~ J\!
Stories From the Hadith

[Muslim has transmitted this Hadith from Simak-.,~ JJ, ~ J
who said that once Nu'man bin Bashir~JJ,~J addressed them
saying, Allah is more pleased with the repentance of a believing
servant than that person is (whose story we relate here). He
went out on a journey with a provision of food and drink on the
back of his camel. He went on until he reached a waterless
desert and felt sle~py. He got down under the shade of a tree
and was overcome by sleep. His camel ran away. When he got
up, he tried to see (his camel) from a mound but could not find
it. He then ascended another mound but could not see anything.
Then he climbed upon a third mound but could not locate him.
He came back to the place where he had been previously. And
as he was sitting (in utter disappointment), there came to him
the camel and placed its nosestring in his hand. Allah is more
pleased with the repentance of His slave than the person who
found (his lost camel) in this very state.
Simak said that Sha'bi was of the opinion that Nu'man
traced the Hadith to the Messenger of Allah$. Simak,
however did not hear that himself.](Muslim#6616. Bukhari#6308)

In the olden days, horses and camels were used as riding
animals but the camel was preferred while journeying through the
deserts. They placed all their luggage including provision on the
camel's back and depended entirely on this animal in the desert. So,
if it was lost that spelled death for the owner.
The same thing happened to this man. When he felt sleepy, he
broke journey and had a nap in the shade of a tree. When he awoke,
the camel around whom centered .his life was missing. He searched
for it on three sides for some distance but did not find it. Tired, he
came back to his place under the tree and was very disappointed ....
Suddenly, as he raised his head-what did he see? The camel with all
his belongings stood before him and hung down its nosestring in his ·
hands! His happiness knew no bounds.
According to some versions, he was so lost in happiness that he
cried out, "0 Allah! You are my slave and I Your Lord!" (May Allah
Stories From the Hadith

protect us from such thinking.)

Allah is more pleased with His repenting slave than this man
was on receiving back his camel.

Lessons and Messages

1. This Hadith basically tell~ us of the merits of repentance. It is
something that pleases Allah Who bestows mercy on the repenting
slave. The Arabic word tawbah means 'to turn to', 'to repent', 'to
relent'. The slave who makes the tawbah calls his Lord and He turns
to him in mercy.
2. The Hadith ~lso confirms that Allah becomes pleased and
happy. What does that mean? No one knows how is that but it is
certain that His pleasure is not like the pleasure of His slaves. It is as
behoves His grand Being.
We must remember that references in the Ahadith to His
attributes which are associated with man must be understood as is
fitting to His Being. For instances, there are references to His hands,
feet, laughing and so on. We must believe that these characteristics
when applied to Him are according to His nature and not as we are
used to them.
3. A man must remain careful always and protect his
belongings. He must not be negligent of these things because his
possessions are bounties of Allah and they are among his
necessities. This man had gone to sleep without tying his camel who
trotted away. This caused him anxiety. Hence, it is necessary to
protect one's possession and Shari'ah also demands of us to do that.
4. The words that this man uttered when he got back his camel
were wrong and resembled a disbeliever's speech. However, he had
spoken them when he was not in his proper senses because of his
excessive joy and they were .-spoken involuntarily. We have
mentioned them here only to impress upon the readers this man's
joyful condition. · In that state, he had lost presence of mind.
However, these are very wrong words and it is possible that he
might have realised his mistake later on and sought the forgiveness
of Allah (for the wrong words).
5. We also learn from here that imitation of disbelief is not (the
same thing as) disbelief. That is, to repeat words of disbelief to
Swries From the Hadilh

allude to something. or as an example. does not amount to disbelief

In the Qur'an itself, Allah has frequently quoted the grave
disbelieving words of the disbelievers, for example:
- •' / , .:. .... J , '· c '. "' ' ' till-:U~Y
11. 1l.Q
h •
{They said, "Allah is poor and we are rich."}cAallmran.3 :181)
Nevertheless, it is better for us to exercise restraint when c1tmg
such words of the disbelievers. And, after referring to them, we must
immediately express our dissociation with these words by seeking
refuge with Allah. for example:
oJl4 ~~1-Jl4 ~ JAl
(We seek the protection of Allah).
Stories From the Hadith ===============216
Stories From the Hadith ========== 217

<( U~l~~\jA!~T ~ ~ ..JJ\~!J,

(And when His Revelations
are Recited to them, they
Increase them in Faith)
(Al-Anfal, 8: 21)


that Strengthen Faith and Belief
Stories From the Hadith ===============218

The Thirty-fourth Story

Secret Help
Discharges Obligation

First Words
If a man resolves to do anything and does all in his power
towards achieving his aim then Allah opens avenues for him towards
that end. It is very important to give the rights of fellow-men. This is
the case of a man who fulfilled his obligation to repay his debt and
though he had not the means he did all in his power to clear the debt.
Allah demonstrated His unseen help and everyone realised that if
one is sincere in his intention then his task is made easy.

~~) ~ u. ilil ~) (;.;. ~i ~ ~ J ~ J~, ~ JJ

.,. ..
'l'~( .:.,,• ~.,.,....
:Ji ~J _.; ' ~ ' 1L 'I"!(.:.,,~~· .... ~-,'(-'~~~ :~i JJ,
v-• 4.J u-::,J-. ~ · ...,-.. ·"" r -
' '

:Jli cl:•:+~· ~4 JS' :Jill c;.A~f ~(l/,• J4 ~~ :Jill cJ~.? ~i

"" "" ... "" ,
.., ... ~c-: -4.J'li, ~
• l.,r-' ,·~"''u:..:Jti
• ._,.,,,
' ' '

~u ,~; ~;..u ,Jt.;~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~; ~; ~~

\.:...... • .;
:s ,~~ J, ~ ~-J, ,c.) ~i ,-;.·, -~:,;.~u \A'.r-
\"" ... ....

" ..... J
.H ,a -:.~:..
...... ~ r.J'

Stories From the Hadith ===============219

,:J ~~\ ~~ ~ ;.!i ~; ~i ;:,; ~~ .;_iJ c~ ~) cl:(f~• ~~

·~~Y:.,i J!) 'J~i~
~~~ J )A) ,~;a;\ ~ '~ c.;Jj ? ;J\ J ~ ~)
"t::.f 't:- ~~~· ,.; ~\S" •'-? .J, '1!.. 1\ ' '-. ~ coJ.t Jl' ".' '~' ' ..:i:

1.!"" ~ _ ..r· f [.~ __ . : [.T'-! . r ~

,~ ~~ \A~U cJWI ~ _)1 t:: ;J~ ~~~ '~~ ~~ ~ ~_;.

.~1) Jw1 ~J ,\A;:.;
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[Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~J!,..,.,J has said that the
Messenger of Allah 4; mentioned a man of the Bani lsra'il,
saying, "He asked another Isra'ili to lend him one thousand
dinar. He asked him to bring witnesses but the borrower said,
"Allah is suficient as a witness." The lender asked him to
furnish a surety but the borrower again asserted, "Allah is
sufficient as a surety." The lender agreed, "You are correct",
and lent him the money for a specified period. The debtor went
across the sea. When he had finished his work, he looked for a
conveyance to take him back in time for the repayment of the
debt. But he did not find any conveyance. So he took a piece of
wood and made a hole in it. He inserted in it the one thousand
dinar and a letter to the lender and closed the hole tightly. He
took the piece· of wood to the sea and said, "0 Allah, You know
well that I took a loan of one thousand dinar from so-and-so. He
demanded a surety from me but I told him that Allah's surety
was enough and he accepted Your guarantee. He then
Stories From the Hadith

demanded a witness and I told him that Allah was sufficient as

a witness. No doubt, I have tried much to find a conveyance so
that I might pay back his money but could not fmd, so I hand
over this money to you." Saying that, he threw the piece of
wood into the sea till it went far out into it, and then he went
away. Meanwhile, he kept looking for a conveyance to take him
to the lender's place. One day the lender came out of his house
to see whether a ship had arrived bringing his money, and all of
a sudden he saw a piece of wood in which was the money. He
took it home to use as fire-wood. When he sawed it, he found
his money and the letter inside it. Shortly after that, the debtor
came with one thousand dinar to him and said, "By Allah, I had
been trying much to get a boat so that I could bring you your
money but failed to get one before the one I have come by."
The lender asked, "Have you sent something to me?" The
borrower replied, "I have said to you that I could not get a boat
besides the one I have come by." The lender said, "Allah has
delivered on you behalf the money you sent in the piece of ·
wood. So you may keep your one thousand dinar and go,
guided on the right path. "]<Bukhari, Hadith # 2291)

This is a very amazing incident. It reflects on the powers of
Allah and also points out the sincerity of the two men concerned.
In the ancient times, people generally borrowed money from one
another and also travelled to other places for their business. One of
them requested the other to advance to him a loan and he agreed to
advance it if he brought witnesses. The first person did not have any
witness but suggested that Allah Who is everywhere and sees
everything should be taken as a witness. The second man agreed to
that and asked for a guarantor and again the first suggested that
Allah was sufficient as a Guarantor.
The second man agreed to that, saying that he spoke the truth.
Both men were sincere and truthful and both concurred with each
other. Thus, the lender advanced a loan to the borrower.
The borrower had to go to another town to attend to some work,
so he went there by boat. When the time to return the loan
Stories From the Hadith ===============221
approached, he could not find a boat for the return journey although
he tried his best to get one~ He had to return the money on time but
could not find a transport to the other town.
He was sincere at heart and decided to implement a novel plan
his mind had devised. He took a piece of wood and made a crevice
in it and placed therein the ·money (a thousand dinars) and a letter to
the lender and sealed the opening. He then prayed to Allah in these
"0 Allah! I have done whatever I could to remit the money to
the creditor at the specified time. I do not have in my hands
anything beyond that. I place this trust in Your hands and You
know that I am not untruthful in this regard. 0 Allah! Cause it
to go into the hands of its owner safely.';
He then cast the piece of wood into the sea. The sincere mind of
the two people-the large-hearted lender and the honest borrower-
pleased Allah and He let the piece of wood reach the lender. At the
specified time, he came to the sea-shore to see if a boat had brought
the borrower. He waited for some time but no boat arrived, so he
gve up hope of any boat coming that day. Suddenly, he observed the
piece of wood floating on water towards him. He thought to himself
that he might as well take it home and use it for fuel. He took it
home and handed it over to his family members. When it was being
sawed, they found a thousand dinars inside with a letter addressed to
him. He was now content on receiving back his money, the affair
was over.
Some days later, the borrower made his appearance before the
creditor with the thousand dinars. He had supposed that the piece of
wood had not reached the . creditor. He explained to him that he had
been trying his best to find a boat but none was available and he
could not return the money on the agreed date. He told him that he
had brought the money and gave it to him but made no mention of
the piece of wood.
But the creditor was also an honest man . He could have
refrained from disclosing the receipt of the wooden piece and the
money for no one had seen him get it, but he asked, "Did you send
anything to me?" The other man insisted, "I have told you that I
could not find conveyance before that." He did not again speak of
Stories From the Hadith

the piece of wood. The creditor then disclosed that he }).ad received
the piece of wood with its contents and his due was thus received by
him. He asked the borower to keep what he had brought with him
and go back happily.

Lessons and Messages

This is an interesting incident and it also provides many lessons
to us. It reflects an eye-opening insight on our common loss of good
sense and feeling. We may try to convince ourselves that we live a
civilised life but in fact we lead a meaningless, greedy life,
individually as well as collectively.
1. Allah has placed the responsibility of one man's need on
another. But man is so selfish that he will not help another man
unless he derives some benefit from him. The command of Allah is
there, nevertheless, that when a fellow-man comes, to us to get his
need fulfilled, we must do our utmost to solve his difficulty. If
anyone comes to borrow money and we have the means then we
must lend him what he wants.
The Shari'ah requires us to support monetary transactions with
witnesses and guarantors, and this is customary in our everyday life
too. However, it may happen sometimes this is· not possible and the
lender finds it difficult to make a decision while the borrower cannot
give him a satisfactory assurance. The central point of the narrative
is that both men, the lender and the borrower, were honest and
sincere in their intention.
It is honesty and sincerity that made the borrower to offer the
witness and guarantee of Allah and the lender to accept it.
It is honesty that made the borrower restless when the time of
repayment was near and it drove him to contrive a crude manner of
remitting money. In the final analysis, though it was a crude idea, it
was prompted ?Y honesty.
Honest as he was, he could not convince himself that the money
was received by the creditor. So, he brought again a like sum of
money in cash and handed it over to the creditor.
Again, it was the same honesty that prompted the creditor to
confirm that he had received the money already although nothing
prevented him from pocketing another payment.
Stories From the Hadith

We learn, therefore, that if our intentions are true and there is no

mischief in our hearts then such examples of honesty will be
common in our lives.
2. It is virtuous and rewarding to advance loan to a needy
3. It is the duty of the borrower to repay the debt at the specified
time and not put the creditor to inconvenience and mental worry.
4. If reliance is placed on Allah when mutual dealings are
finalised then great blessings accrue, and Allah is enough to one
who trusts Him.
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{And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, so He will suffice
him.} (At-Talaq,65:3)
5. It is imperative that we must make sure that the owner
receives his right and we must then confirm whether he has received
it or not. It is not enough to merely remit it, for sometimes our
remittance does not reach him. It is the responsibility of the debtor to
find out if the owner has actually received it. The borrower had
followed this principle in the foregoing narrative. But Allah alone
knows best.
Stories From the Hadith

The Thirty-fifth Story

A Believer's Intention
is Superior to His Action
First Words
A Hadith of the Holy Prophet~ tells us. "A Believer's intention
is superior to his deed." Every deed is aptly performed at its proper
place and time but if it is not performed properly then no
significance is attached to it. Thus, to undertake social service at the
time of Salat, and forgo it, is not an act of worship .. In the same way,
charity is given only to him who is entitled to it otherwise it is not
recognised as virtuous by Shari'ah. However, Allah recognises the
intention behind ·every deed. Hence, sometimes, a wrong deed
receives approval only because it was prompted by a sincere
intention. This narrative tells us of a man who paid his sadaqah
(charity) to a wrong man but his intention was very sincere.

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Stories From the Hadith ===============22.5
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o~i ~ J/) ,~ ~i~u ~~ ~~J ,~A.u j:;. ~=: 1~i ~~u ~'Jl'
[It is narrated by Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah u. JJ1 ~ J that the
Messenger of Allah $ said: A man said (to himself) that he
would give some charity. He went out with this object and
(unknowingly) gave it to a thief. Next morning, the people said
that someone had given charity to a thief. (On hearing that) he
said, "0 Allah! All praise and thanks are for You. I will give
alms again." So . he again went out with his alms and
(unknowingly) gave it to an adulteress. Next morning the
people commented that charity had been given to ~m adulteress
in the night. The man said, "0 Allah! All praise and thanks are
for You. I gave charity to an adulteress! Surely. I will give
charity again." So , he went out with his alms again and
(unknowingly) gave it to a rich man . Next morning, there was
talk again that someone had given alms to a rich man.
He said, "0 Allah! All praise and gratitude is for You. (I
had given charity) to a thief, an adulteress and a wealthy man."
Then someone came to him (in a dream, perhaps) and said,
"The charity'that you gave to the thief might make him abstain
from stealing (why should he steal if he gets help from unseen
sources?). The alms given to the adulteress might stop her from
adultery (she too might repent if she relies on unseen help). The
wealthy man who was given charity might take a lesson and
spend the wealth that Allah has given him in Allah's cause
(seeing that someone spends it secretly)."](Bukhari# 1421. Muslim)

To spend in the cause of Allah and to give charity is very much
dear to Allah. The Messenger of Allah 3 has narrated the account
of a man who was given to spend in Allah's way, and he had
resolved to give charity to gain is pleasure. Different people are
driven by ·different pious ambitions. Some men occupy themselves
Stories From the Hadith

in supererogatory Sa/at. Some observe voluntary fasts. Some devote

themselves to service to humanity and some give charity generously.
Generally, man loves wealth very much. Hence, it is very dear to
Allah if anyone spends liberally in His Cause. Further, the more one
spends secretly. the more sincere it is and thus more ~mth.y of
approval by Allah. This man had resolved to spend in the darkne~s ·
of the night so that no one could observe him not even the r~c~iver.
Undoubtedly, his intention was very praiseworthy but Allah ~illed
that when he doled out the charity he placed it on the hands of a
thief. He could not know in the darkness of the night whether he
was giving charity to a deserving person or not. In the morning,
people began to talk that someone had given charity in the night to a
When he heard it, he felt very sorry that he had intended to .give
charity for the sake of Allah but he had given it to a wrong man,. So.
he praised Allah and resolved to repeat the charity in the night.
Again, he placed the money in wrong hands--it was an adulteress
this time. Again, people remarked in the morning that an adulteress
was paid charity in the night by someone. He felt sorry and pained at
his mistake but he praised Allah and resolved again to give charity in
the night. He went out in the night and this time he happened to
place the money in the hands of a wealthy person who was not
entitled to receive charity. There was again talk among the people
that someone had given charity to a rich man in the night although it
was not proper to do so.
This grieved the man very much and he thought that he had
committed a blunder on all three nights. Instead of offering his
charity to a deserving person, he had been paying it to non-entitled
people for three consecutive nights. He lamented that his charity was
wasted. In this state, sleep overtook him and he dreamt that someone
told him:
"There was wisdom in the charity going to a thief. The wisdom
lay in the possibility that the thief might repent and reform-when
he sees that he gets his livelihood without having to steal. He might
place his trust on Allah and repent from stealing.
The same thing might be said about the adulteress who might
also repent and reform. She might trust Allah to provide her
Stories From the Hadith

livelihood without her having to sell her body.

The wisdom in the charity going into the hands of a wealthy
man was that perhaps it might dawn on him to spend likewise in the
cause of Allah.
Hence, do not feel sorry. All your three donations are approved
and accepted by Allah."
Certainly, man cannot fathom the wisdom behind a deed. He
may suppose that something is wrong and against Shafi'ah but Allah
may have placed several blessings in it. This man had paid charity
honestly and with a sincere intention but it went into wrong hands
unknowingly. Of course, it is not allowed to give sadaqah (charity)
to wrong people intentionally. If anyone knows that a man is not
deserving in the eyes of Shari'ah then it is wrong to pay charity to
Something similar to it had occured in the times of the Holy
Prophet$. It is transmitted by Muslim in his Sahih.
"Sayyidina Yazid bin Akhnas ~ .JJ,_,..,) once gave some dinars to
a man in the mosque with instructions to give them to a
deserving person. After some time Ma'n, the son of Yazid,
came to the mosque (and this man gave them to Ma'n). Ma'n
took the money and he did not know that his father had set
them aside for charity. He took the money to his father who,
when he learnt the details, disallowed him to take the money.
He said, 'By Allah, I did not intend to give these dinars to you.'
Ma'n took the case to the Messenger of Allah$ who gave his
verdict and said, '0 Yazid! You had formed an intention and
got the reward against it. And, 0 Ma'n! What you have taken is
In other words, Yazid ~ J,,_,..,; got the reward against his
intention to pay sadaqah (charity) for he had not intended that his
money go to his son. What Ma'n got was received unknowingly and
so it was proper for him. He had not received it as charity (or

Lessons and Messages

1. It is really the intention behind deeds that is counted in the
sight of Allah. Of course, the visible signs of the deed are also
Stories From the Hadith

considered. In cases of deeds prescribed by Shari'ah ·both are

observed, the intention and the practical deed. The outward
execution of a righteous deed should conform to the demands of
Shari'ah and the intention too should be formed in a correct manner.
If either of the two lacks sincerity. the reward against the deed will
be lost.
Sometimes, the outward appearance of deeds does not match
the dictates of Shari'ah and one gets the impression that they are
contradictory to Shari'ah. However, in reality they appear against
Shari'ah because of some reasons known to Allah and their true test
of authenticity is found in the intention prompting them. This is
what is meant by the saying of the Holy Prophet$, ~ .y .r-"" .y}JI i...,;
"The intention of a Believer is better (or superior) to his deed."
Sometimes, a man's · intentions are lofty and sincere but his deeds
lack perfection. Allah rewards him on the purity of his intentions.
2. It is better to give sadaqah in secret because that leaves no
room for ostentation. However, it is also proper to give it publicly if
there is a reason for that.
3. Sometimes man intends to do something but the
consequences are what he had not thought of at all. Allah sees what
His slave had meant and rewards accordingly as we saw in the case
of a thief, adulteress and wealthy man receiving charity.
4. True dreams are good tiding. They are a forty-sixth part of
Prophethood. This man's dream was one of those and it disclosed to
him that his sadaqah was approved and his sadness was thus
Stories From the Hadith

The Thirty-sixth Story

A Jar Full of
Gold Finds no Claimant
First Words
In our greedy world. we often come across new ideas of ways to
satisfy greed. Man presents different excuses, does unbelievable
things and commits unimaginable fraud to amass wealth. We learn
of these things every day. Then, will this account of disinterest for
wealth reform us? Surely, it would.. .. but for it would reform only
him who reads it with sincere belief

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~ y; JS- I:#IJ '~;>GJ' ~~\ ,~; :Jl! '~;>G:- J :~~~
[Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~J:J'..rP; has quoted the Holy
Prophet$ as saying: A man bought a piece of land from
another man and the buyer found an earthenware jar filled with
gold under the ground. The buyer said to the seller, "Take your
·Stories From the Hadith

gold, as I have bought only the land from you and I have not
bought the gold from you." The (former) owner of the land
said, "I have sold you the land with everything in it." So both of
them took their case before a man who asked, "Do you have
children?" One of them said, "I have a son." The other said, "I
have a daughter." The man said, Marry the girl to the boy and
spend the money on both of them and give the rest of it in
charity."] (Bukhari #3472, Muslim#4271)

It is man's nature to love and crave for property and riches. gold
and silver and the possessions of the world. Allah has said in the
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{Alluring is made to men the love of pleasures (that come) from
women, sons, and hoarded treasures of gold and silver, and
well-bred horses, cattle and tillage ... }
The nature of man cannot change and it is neither possible nor
demanded that man give up this love. However, it is required of him
that he make his love for these things subservient to the love · of
Allah. He must prefer the command of Allah to his love for these
things. Hence, he must desist from those ways of earning wealth
which Allah has disallowed even if he can earn profusely from those
sources. But, it is this wealth and these possessions for the sake of
which man neglects Allah and His commands. It is his craze for
wealth, woman and land that has created corruption and mischief all
over. It has created mutual jealousy, hatred and enmity. It has
obliterated the distinction between lawful and unlawful ih the minds
of people. It has caused men to fight one another and shed blood.
If in such an atmosphere of love for wealth and possessions
anyone restrains himself from the unlawful and doubtful for fear of
Allah then he seems to be an extraordinary person. He would indeed
be regarded highly in the sight of Allah.
Similarly, the conduct of the men in the Hadith is exemplary.
Each one of them refused to take possession of the vessel filled with
gold because he believed it belonged really to the other. They were
Stories From the Hadith

unwilling to take it even when offered because each thought that it

did not belong to him. These were indeed extraordinary men.
Both buyer and seller showed exemplary wnduct. The buyer
said that he found the jar while digging the land and so it belonged
to the seller for he had bought the land only not the jar. The seler
said that it did not belong to him because he had already sold the
land and whatever was on it went with it. Both were unwilling to
take the gold and, of course, all of it could not be thrown away.
They, therefore, turned to a third person to arbitrate who found a
solution for them.
He asked them if they had any children and it turned out that
one of them had a male offspring and the other a female offspring.
So, this man ruled that they should be married together, and the
wealth should be spent equally on both of them and something
should be given away in charity.
The arbitrator had given a very commendable decision. He had
concluded that since the two men were very honest, their children
too should be like them. When they marry, their offspring would
turn out to be very noble and righteous.

Lessons and Messages

There is much to learn from this narrative for our greedy
1. Honesty is an auspicious quality which Allah rewards in this
world and will reward heavily in the next.
2. It encourages us to be disinterested in worldly possessions.
3. It is taqwa to keep away from the unlawful and the doubtful.
Both the men had the characteristic of taqwa and that is why both of
them argued with each other and refused to retain the property.
4. This narrative also tells us that we must refer to a third person
as an arbitrator whenever there is a disagreement among ourselves
on minor or major matters in our every day life. Such an arbitrator
should be a knowledgeable person who may decide on the basis of
his intelligence and knowledge and experience.
5. It is mustahabb to set aside something from wealth or assets
acquired ll!lexpectedly. This effaces inauspiciousness in wealth.
Stories From the Hadith

The Thirty-seventh Story

Jurayj Al-Abid .... Mother's Curse

First Words
Jurayj was a man of the Bani Isra'il. He was a deeply devoted
worshipper and an ascetic. He was engaged in worship all the time.
But a man's worship is not enough for him if he is not learned and
lacks knowledge. If a man does not have proper knowledge then he
is constantly in danger of going astray. Thus, it was lack of
sufficient knowledge that became a severe trial for Jurayj.
How was that? Why was he tried? How did he come out of the
trial? This lesson giving narrative answers all these questions.

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~ :(,tt.t ,~(J, :J\.t Yr">\14 ':J-;.r:; :Jill ,~~, Ji ~ ,~j
-~ ~ ~! ~ :J\! '~~ ~ ~:.;.-.~

[Sayyidimf Abu Hurayrah -.:s .iJ,..sJ>; said that the Prophet$
said: None spoke in the cradle but three: 'lsa, Jurayj. While he
1 (The third was the child of a lady of Bani lsra'il. .... . ) we have seen this in an earlier

narrative. Story 23. "A Newborn Child Speaks in the Cradle."

Stories From the Hadith

was offering Salat, asked (himself), "Shall I answer her or keep

on offering Salat." (He went on offering Salat and did not
answer her). His mother said, "0 Allah! Do not let him die till
he sees the faces of prostitutes."
So, while Jurayj was in his hermitage, a lady came and
sought to seduce him, but he refused. So, she we.nt to a
shepherd and presented herself to him to commit illegal sexual
intercourse with her and then later on she gave birth to a child
and claimed that it belonged to Jurayj. The people, therefore,
came to him and dismantled his hermitage and expelled him out
of it and abused him. Jurayj performed the ablution and offered
Salat. He then came to the child and asked, "0 child, who is
your father?" The child replied, "The shepherd." (After hearing
this) the people said, "We shall rebuild your hermitage of gold,"
but he sid, "No, of nothing but mud."]< 1l(Bukhari#3436)

This Hadith has been narrated on different occasions and
Bukhari and Muslim have narrated it under different chapters in
their respective Sahib.
If we keep all the narrations before us the summary would be
something like this:
The Messenger of ·Allah * said that only three new-born babies
have spoken in their cradle. One of them was Sayyidina 'Isa r~' 4#
who had spoken in favour of his mother Sayyidah Maryam r~' 4#.
(Maryam, 19: 30)
The second was the child who spoke in favour of Jurayj
Al-Abid. Jurayj was an ascetic of the Bani Isra'il. He has constructed
an hermitage outside the town. (Hermitage was an exclusive place in
the earlier times set aside for worship. It was built on a raised
ground and its upper portion was narrower than the lower portion.)
Jurayj Al-Abid secluded himself in this hermitage and was
occupied in worship all the time. One day, his mother visited him
and found him engaged in Sa/at. The Prophet* described
practically the condition of his mother. He said that she covered her
eyes with her hands (as people do on ascending some place because
of sunlight). She raised her head and saw that he was offering Salat.
Stories From the Hadith

She identified herself. "Jurayj. I am your mother. Speak to me!"

Jurayj considered the situation. He was \)ccupied in Sal£1l (and was
perhaps lost in it with delight and repute), "0 Allah! Here is my
mother and here I am engaged in Sa/at (what shall I choose?)" In the
end, he chose Sa/at and his mother turned away back home from
She came back again the next day. (He was offering Salat, as
usual.) She said, "Jurayj, I am your mother. Speak to me!" Again, he
thought, "0 Allah! It is between my mother and Sa/at (what shall I
do?)" and continued to pray. His mother returned as before.
She came again on the third day and Jurayj was praying. She
called out, "0 Jurayj!" He said to himself, "0 Allah! On the one
hand, it is my mother and on the other it is Sa/at, what shall I do?"
And, he chose to go on with Sa/at.
The mother who had been unsuccessful in her efforts to meet
and speak to her son was very disappointed and angry. She prayed
against Jurayj, saying, "0 Allah! This Jurayj, here, is my son and I
wish to speak to him but he has refused to talk to me by his
behaviour. 0 Allah! Do not let him die until he sees the faces of
immoral, indecent women."
The Messenger of Allah $ said that (his mothe~ had prayed
against him that he may see the faces of those women) if she had
cursed him to be involved in their mischief, he would have fallen to
their ploys. (A mother's curse is an arrow right on the target).
The mother's supplication against her son took shape in this
way. The Bani Isra'il talked of Jurayj and spoke highly of him. They
praised his devotion and acts of worship. An indecent, sinful woman
lived among them. She was very beautiful and seduced men thrJugh
her charms and beauty. She challenged the people that the Jurayj
they spoke of as very pious could easily fall into her trap if they
agreed to that.
So·, she went to him. She stood before him and offered herself to
him but he did not raise his eyes towards her and simply did not pay
any attention to her. She was very hurt. There was a shepherd who
lived near the hermitage of Jurayj. He tended sheep and goats.
The woman left Jurayj and went to the shepherd and she let him
sleep with her. She became pregnant with his child. When the child
Swries From the Hadith

was born she decided to take her revenge on Jurayj and she told
everyone that the child belonged to Jurayj who lived in the
When they heard this, the people were infuriated and rushed to
the hermitage. They called Jurayj but he was offering his Sa/at and
did not talk to them. They began to pull down the hermitage and
compelled him to come down. They beat him severely and he asked
them, "What is wrong?" They told him that he had had illicit
relations with ·a prostitute and asked him to find out from the woman
what she had to say. He appealed to them to give him some time to
offer Sal at. So he offered Sal at and came to them while they had
brought the child who they said was his.
Jurayj looked at the child and with a slight smile stroked his
head. Then patting his stomach slightly with his finger, he asked the
child, "Child! Who is your father?" The child answered, "My father
is the shepherd" and he identified him as .the one who grazed the
When they heard the new-born boy speak in this fashion and
absolve Jurayj of the accusation, they repented having punished him
unnecessarily. This is what foolish people do. It is masshysteria.
They do not investigate but they accept whatever they hear. This is
ignorance and foolishness.
In short, the people realised that they had been unjust to Jurayj
and now they took hold of him, kissed him and embraced him. They
.offered to rebuild his hermitage with gold and silver but he said,
"That is not necessary. Just return it to its former condition remaking
it with mud." Thus, it was rebuilt as it had been.

Lessons and Messages

An intelligent person can find innumerable teachings in this
1. The basic lesson this story imparts is that a mother must be
respected and 4~r aghts must be given to her. Even a slight sign of
disappointment · from her can drive man to unbelievable trouble. We
have seen that the Messenger of Allah~ said, "If she had prayed
that he ~hould succumb to the treachery of women then he would
have fallen to their seduction.'' Thi·s tells us how serious it is to
Stories From the Hadith

disobey a mother.
A mother is the only being whom the Lord of the universe has
placed on an exclusive level so that a worshipper may suspend his
worship for her. We are commanded to suspend our Salat if our
mother calls us without knowing that we are engaged in Sa/at, and
we must pay attention to her. We must repeat our Sa/at later on.
Some of the Ulama hold that this command applies to Sa/at that are
not fard obligatory which may be suspended only if there is a
serious situation.
2. If anyone disobeys his mother then a man becomes subject to
worry and difficulty in spite of his devotion and worship and piety.
Disobedience to a mother is the cause of much anxiety for anyone.
3. The Hadith also discloses that Allah absolves His pious
slaves of accusation and blame. It happened in the case of Jurayj
Al-Abid that Allah demonstrated His Powers and gave speech to the
new-born child so that his words acquitted Jurayj of ·the false
accusation against him.
4. The guile of women is very difficult to resist and it is not
possible to keep safe from it without the help of Allah. The Prophet
of Allah $ has called women the rope of the devil with which he
enshares men. The Prophet $ has sought refuge with Allah from the
trial at the hands of women as he has sought refuge from other trials.
Fairly learned and pious people get involved in trial at the hands of
5. If anyone is subject to anxiety and hardship and endures them
patiently turning to Allah and beseeching Him to remove his
problem then the anxiety and hardship become ea"y for him and he
is blessed with goodness. It happened with Jurayj too that he turned
to Allah when he faced anxiety and showed patience. Then Allah
turned his difficulty into a means of raising his rank and he received
respect and honour.
6. The Hadith is evidence that the people who are close to
Allah, his saints, do perform extra-ordinary deeds. While it is true
that the awliya (the friends of Allah) do perform unusual deeds yet it
is not necessary that they always do that, neither is a condition of
their recognition. Some people suppose wrongly that the awliya are
bound to do unusual and extra-ordinary deeds called Karamah.
Stories From the Hadith

7. The best way to turn to Allah and seek His help when one is
worried and faced with trying circumstances is to engage in as-salah
(prayer). This is the practice of the Prophets ~")(..J1 ~ and the men of
Allah. Jurayj Al-Aabid. when he faced the accusation , first
performed ablution and offered Salat. The Qur'an also commands us
to do that.
o~-~::.._q- ~ ..;,-'l..i'~· : 'I
- ~·-'~-~'-
{Seek help in perseverance and prayer.}IAI-Baqarah.2: 153)
The Believers must observe this behaviour. These days people
depend on material means when they encounter anxiety and
difficulty and do not resort to Sa/at and religious discipline.
Undoubtedly, the means and agencies must be utilised a.'1d Allah has
commanded us to do that but we must not rely and place trust on
them. Our hopes must always be on Allah and we must observe
Sa/at and do good deeds whose blessings attract the mercy of Allah
and His favours.
8. The sinful and irreligious people are always after eliminating
the religious and righteous men and they try to torment and disgrace
them. On their part, the pious people must not worry about that but
they must turn to Allah for He alone is the One to defeat the schemes
of the immoral people.
9. We must not accuse anyone falsely and without verifYing the
facts. It is a most grave sin to accuse anyone and it is one of those
few crimes on which Allah has prescribed the hadd (punishments
whose limits are defined in the Qur'an or Ahadith). These are crimes
against which a ruler or judge cannot determine punishment
according to his conclusions but is bound by what Allah has
prescribed. Hence, the punishment for false accusation is eighty
stripes. It is known as hadd al-qazf (punishment for slander) and
Allah also punishes the false accusers both in this world and in the
next and He also proves the innocence of the accused through an
uncommon and extra-ordinary demonstration. We have seen that in
the foregoing narrative. Also a verse of the Qur'an was revealed for
Sayyidah Ayshah~J.h..r""J when sh~ was accused falsely.
10. It is a worst kind of sin to entertain doubts about men of
Allah. Anyone who hears it must not become suspicious of a man of
Allah without verifYing the facts, for it is the main weapon of the
devil whereby he creates bad impression about men of Allah.
Stories From the Hadith

The Thirty-eighth Story

Aasiyah, the Queen of Egypt

First Words
The pages of history are replete with accounts of unbelievable
hardships faced by righteous ·men. Not only men but women -too
have endured untold hardship and shown extraordinary patience
which has baffled men. The wife -of Fir'awn, Aasiyah. was one of
those strong-willed women . She displayed extra-ordinary self
control for the sake of Allah and quietly bore the persecution of her
husband for the sake of her faith. She was perseverant and grateful
to Allah. We will read in the following account how Allah helped

~\:,.~ J.J)i ~'j-') ~! :J\i ~f..fb ~i -:r 0~ J ~y.i ~ ))

Li1 U:, ~ 1")~ ~~~ ~\S:! •'+)~ ~J ~:..4 J ~t)i ~)i
~J ~J ~'j-"j ~ ~J ~I J -~.! !)~ ~ 01 YJ :::.Jill
I •

.~IJ~~~~·<'' :~~~):;.,~~~~~~
[It is related by Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ol,;&..i!'.r"'J that
Fir'awn (the Pharaoh) had tied his wife Aasiyah in four fetters,
two each in her hands and feet. When the guards of Fir'awn
went away, the angels would provide her with shade and she
would exclaim:
~_, LU'~ 0-0 ~-' ~I ~ ~ <!!~ J lr.'l Y.J

o~l ~,>ill 0-0 ~-'

"My Lord, build for me a house in the Garden, in Your
Presence, and deliver me from Fir'awn and his doings and
Stories From the Hadith

delivermefromtheevildoingpeople." (At-Tahrim, 66: Ill

So, Allah disclosed her house in Paradise to her.]
( Abu Ya'la. As-Suyuti. Hayshami .)

Those people who disobey the commands of Allah, rebel
against him and do not fear His punishment are chastised and
disgraced in this world within their own spheres. For instance, when
Fir'awn persisted in rebellion and disobedience and claimed divinity
I(Jr himself saying~~~~; ~;i "I am your lord, the high!", Allah caused
him to be disgraced frequently before subjecting him to a perpetual
punishment. Allah made him a lesson for everyone until the end of
the world. In spite of his authority and power. and majesty and a
large army, he saw defeat and disgrace at every step.
He faced the birth of a child among the Bani Isra'il who was
destined to destroy him and he killed thousands of male new-horns.
However, that child grew up in his own house at his expenses while
he was unaware of the doings of Allah. He thus became the means
of the upbringing of his 'rank enemy'.
His own subordinates rejected his claim to divinity. Thus, Allah
blessed the maid servant who was responsible tor the make-up of his
daughter with faith and belief. His own wife refused to recognise
him as divine and became a believer in Allah, the One, Who has no
partner. The foregoing Hadith describes the faith of this very woman
and the rank accorded to her for her steadfast behaviour against
Of the. few pious women whose high rank Allah has mentioned
in the Qur'an, Aasiyah, the wife of Fir'awn is one. Allah not only
blessed her with a high rank but He also presented her example to
·Believers. He said:
.;. 0 "' , 0 , ~ } - :.- ~-- .!.

:.!l~ · t • •t :_.- ::Jli Jl -. ·'" ·
' 1$ ~ . .) !' ~~
bl'Y'0 ll'·
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' 1 -. o .ill iliA Wl w"·. ~J -
o'·~~ -•tllt f'..J-IU
o ~,, ' .
01' ~J
' -- ~- ~- ' . o ' • • •.
', J u~~ 01' ~J, . ~
' ·- :- d'~:..1t ·
{And Allah has struck a similitude for ' those who believe-the
wife of Fir'awn, when she said, "My Lord, build for me a house
in the Garden in Your Presence, and deliver me from Fir'awn
and his doings, and deliver me from the evildoing people."}
(At-Tahrim,66: 11)
Stories From the Hadith

The Messenger of Allah$ has said that she was p<trfect.

Her name was Aasiyah hint Mazahim. She was extremely
truthful, a saintly woman, obedient to Allah. Her hu.<;band, on the
other hand, was the greatest rebel against Allah and most
disobedient. She reared Musa ~')(..J' ~ and helped him in the royal
palace. Fir'awn learnt very much later that she had become a
believing woman and had professed the unity of Allah. He then
began to be strict with her and fettered her to four iron rings. A
guard was placed over her. In her sad predicament she prayed to
"My Lord, build me a house near You in Paradise and rescue
me from Fir'awn and his doing and rescue me from the unjust
The owner of the royal palace, the Queen of Egypt wife of a
great ruler of his times was subjected to cruel torment and she bore
with it for the sake of just one declaration of unity of Allah. The very
unfortunate part of it was that she suffered the ill-treatment at the
hands of her husband.
Feltered as she was, she prayed to Allah and His help was there
for her. He showed her the palace in Paradise in which she was to
live so that she found her difficulties very easy for her.
Finally, Fir'awn had her killed and she accepted martyrdom for
the sake of Allah. ~w. h ~ :_p, ~ J (May Allah be pleased with her and
she with Him.)
This martyr in the cause of Allah was honoured by finding a
place in the last Book of Allah and will be recalled till the Last Hour.
Her sacrifice will continue to be cited to Believers as an example till
then. ~'J ~ J .J.s, If.-J (May Allah have mercy on her, an all-embracing

Lessons and Messages

1. Guidance is not anyone's property which may be inherited but
it is a blessing of Allah. He guides whom He wills. He may if He
will turn a Prophet's wife into an unbeliever as were the wives of
Prophet Nuh r')(..J' 4)s. and Prophet Lut r')(..J' ~- He may if He will turn

One, One (Allah)

Stories From the Hadith

the wives of unbelievers into Muslims as was Sayyidah Aasiyah

wife of Fir'awn. We must always thank Allah for His blessings
which He has bestowed merely on His own through His mercy.
2. When a person is sincere in his faith then its blessings make
it easy for him to tolerate persecution. Then, even when he is
compelled to walk on fire, calls out "Ahad, Ahad". 11 ) Or, when he is
being slaughtered he says, "I have not done my duty." It was this
very sincerity that made the Royal Queen, Sayyidah Aasiyah to bear
with patience and fortitude oppression and cruelty; and finally she
gave away her life.
3. The unbelievers have never tolerated Belief. They have
always disregarded the sanctity of blood relationship too in their
intolerance of Belief. They have never ceased to persecute the weak
and be unjust to the oppressed. Yet, it is by going through trials and
tribulations that faith and guidance are refreshed and Islam is
professed with a revived spirit. The narrative brings out this very
4. Those who walk the path of Truth and endure persecution for
its sake are never alone. He for Whom they go through it never
leaves them alone. At every step, He grants them strength and will to
endure, patience and steadfastness, and strong taith. He sends
unseen help. Aasiyah too received such support when the angels
provided her with shade and let her see her palace in Paradise.
5. Faith is a great power. The heart that is blessed with faith
gains strent,Jth and power no matter how weak it may be. We may
recall how weak a woman is and how much more weak a Queen
should be-naturally weak and weakened by habits! But, when she
tasted faith, she stood before every kind of injustice and cruelty with
manly strength.
This is the peculiarity of faith. It is the history of faith!
Suwies From the Hadith

Tlte Thirty-ninth Story

Why Should I Not Believe?

First Words
Among the religious scholars of· the Bani Isra'il, there was one
scholar whom the misled people of his tribe compelled to believe in
their own composition instead of the celestial Book. In order to save
his life. he used a pretext which is termed tawriyah in Shari'ah. It
may be translated double-entendre or double meaninK. It is to say
something which may be interpreted in two ways. Apan trom the
obvious meaning there is a hidden or distant meaning in the words.
The listener may understand one thing while the speaker means
something else what he really abides by.

J\b w~~~! ~ ~! Jll ~ ,y- J~~l ~ J ~' ~))

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' .
Stories From the Hadith

~:_j)1 J ~~~ y~l ~ . ~ /~ J! )Gt! ~~~ ~j; :(,iill 'Y~'

.4(' IJkJ \'14, ~jl ~ JC.) ,\4. ~ :~T :Jill

i~~; ~ ,o;;l ~l!Jli 4J~ LJ! ~'J-': ·~ ~~i ~~IS':, :J\!

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. . ':11
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[Bayhaqi has transmitted the Hadith narrated by Abdullah
-.;s. )·

When much time had passed over the Bani Isra'il (since the
Book was revealed to them). their hearts had hardened and they
composed a book on their own. It was composed according to
their own whims, and they accustomed themselves to it. For~
the truth always stood between them and their base desires so
they put the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not
know (it existed).
Someone among them suggested, "Put this book before all
the Bani lsra'il. If they accept it then do not distrub them but if
they disagree then kill them." Someone else suggested, "No!
But, put it before such-and-such a scholar. If he agrees and
obeys you then no one else will ever disagree with you."
So, they summoned the scholar. (Perhaps he had an inkling
of why he was called). He took a piece of paper and wrote
down the Book of Allah (the celestial Book) on it, and inserted
that in a horn and wore it round his neck. He covered it with the
clothes he wore. and came to the people. They placed their
made-up book before him and asked him, "Do you believe in
it?" The scholar gestured towards his chest-that is the Book
inside the horn on his chest-and said, "I believe in it, and what
is wrong with me that I should not believe in it?" So, they let
him go.
Stories From the Hadith

This man had some disciples (students) and others who

used to be around him. When he died, they came to him and
undressed him and they found the horn suspended over his
neck. The Book was intact inside it. They said to one another,
"What do you think about his saying that he had said, 'I believe
in it, and what is wrong with me that I should not believe in it?'
So, he had meant the celestial Book which he had kept inside
the horn when he used the word 'it'."
The Bani lsra'il then divided into more than seventy sects.
The best of all the sects was the one of the scholar who had the
horn .](Bayhaqi)

In every generation, Allah has explained the Truth in His Book.
When people move towards destructive habits. they find the Book of
Allah obstructing them from satisfying their low desires . The
injunctions seem a burden on them so they do not hesitate to change
and amend them according to their convenience. The Bani Isra'il are
a people who have always been ungrateful to Allah for His blessings
on them. They have always turned away from the commands of
Allah when it did not suit them to obey Him.
They went so far as to write down a new book incorporating
their own ideas. This was when they had become very corrupt and
the Book of Allah had been with them for a very long time and they
had become hard-hearted and stubborn. They included in their new
books their own commands and instructions so that their irreligious
desires could be furthered. After they had prepared their book, what
worried them was how could they launch it especially when a Divine
Book existed already? Various suggestions were put forward.
Someone said that the people must be taken into confidence and
compelled to accept it. There was a suggestion to win over a
well-known religious scholar and if he concurred he could convince
the common man but if he disagreed then he should be put to death.
The last suggestion received general acclamation and the
scholar was summoned. Perhaps he sensed why he was being called.
Perhaps his deep faith and religious devotion provided him insight
in such matters. So, before answering the summons, he wrote the
Stories From the Hadith

Holy Book of Allah on a piece of paper, enclosed it into a horn and

wore the horn as a necklace, concealing it within his clothes. Then
he went to those people who presented him their fraudulent book
and asked him if he believed in it. The scholar pointed towards his
chest and assured them that he believed in it. (He meant the Book of
Allah which he carried on his chest.) He added that there was
nothing wrong with him that he would not believe in that Book.
Those people supposed that he believed in their book and so they let
him go.
Some of his students (really. subordinates or disciples) always
stayed with him. When the scholar died, the students undressed him
to bathe his body and go through the final rites, they found the horn
and the Book it contained. They understood then that their mentor
had meant to say that he believed in the heavenly Book on his chest
when he had placed his hand on it and had assured everyone that he
believed in it, not the fake book invented by the people.
A bd ullah ~ .lJ, ~ J said that after that the Bani Isra'il were divtded
into seventy sects, the best of whom was the one that followed the
scholar and his students.

Lessons and Messages

l. The Hadith makes it clear that it is a great crime to
manipulate the heavenly Books and to misinterpret their commands.
It was the habit of the Bani Isra'il that they made changes in
heavenly Books and their meanings. Their religious scholars were
also involved in this mischief.
In the present times, some westernised Muslims advocate
reformation in Islamic laws which are mentioned in the Qur'an very
clearly. This is like trying to give a new meaning to the teachings of
the Qur'an and they have been unsuccessful in their efforts. Allah has
promised that He will protect the Qur'an from manipulation and He
raises the Ulama to stifle every kind of mischief in this regard.
However. those people who call themselves Muslims yet try to
change the perpetual teachings of the Qur'an should know that they
are perpetrating the worst of crimes. May Allah protect all Muslims
from it!
Stories From the Hadith

2. 1t is allowed to a Muslim to resort to tawriyah if he is trapped

into committing blasphemy. or to be put to death if he does not.
When there is danger to life. he may play on words or use
ambiguous language so that on the face of it he seems to agree with
those who subject him to duress but in· reality he does not go against
the truth and what he holds as such. In fact. it is advisable to resort
to tawriyah rather than risk life. The schollar in this story did the
right thing and after his death everyone learnt what he had meant
The Negus, the Ethiopian Emperor, was faced with a similar
situation. When the Muslims had emigrated to Abysimia the first
time. he had believed in the message of the Holy Prophet$. He
wrote it down on a piece of paper and mentioned his Islamic beliefs
and wore that round his neck in a necklace.
His people rose in rebellion against him when they heard that he
had embraced Islam. They asked him to clarifY what his belief was
and he pointed out towards his chest and siad. "I believe in this very
religion", meaning the message in his necklace.
In short, not only is it allowed to use such words which may
mean one of the two things and save one's life but it is also
recommended to do it.
3. It is never without advantage for men to do some pious work.
Piety is always beneficial to the doer. We see in this case that of the
seventy sects of the Bani Isra'il the one to which the scholar
belonged was the best. This was the result of the refusal of the
scholar to accept the fake book. Though he kept his views secret yet
his students and followers derived the benefit.
We learn, therefore, that we must not consider any act of piety
too little and omit it. Sometimes, an ordinary work of piety is
instrumental in giving tremendous benefits.
4. The Hadith tells us that the reason why the Bani Isra'il were
divided into more than seventy sects was that they changed the
comma~ds of the Book of Allah to read their own meanings and
they introduced their own thinking as religious dogmas. It was
because of this crime that Allah divided them into small groups.
We must learn from it that the foregoing conduct is a crime and
a grave sin for the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad $ too. It is
Stories From the Hadith =--==================2-17

hecause of the ominous eftect of this conduct that the Ummah is

divided today into sects all of whom are in a disarray. The only way
to come out of it is for all the Muslims to obey sincerely the clear
commands of the Qur'an and to submit themselves.
May Allah guide the Muslims to conduct themselves correctly.
Stories From the Hadith

The Fortieth Story

The Beautic-ian of the Daughter of

Fir' awn ... My Lord and Yours is Allah

First Words
Even in pitch darkness there is a ray of light somewhere. Thus,
in the dark surroundings of disbelief, there is in some corner a spark
of faith and belief. In the midst of frightful strong people.
Sometimes a weakling manages to create panic in the hearts of
disbelievers. This is a painful story of such a pious woman who
willingly agreed to be plunged in a worldly fire with her infant
children rather than risk punishment in the fire of the next world.
This indeed is a lesson-bearing story.

' '
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Stories From the Hadith

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~~~ ~~ ...~Ji )...1 1~1:, ~~~:, ~~ ~ ~~u lA?'1:,~ ;u :Jl!. .;

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.~'_)s.") ~I ?-h/· (. J,1j ,~-; ~6j ,~?. ~L_,j

[Sayyidina Abdullah bin Abbas u. JJ1 ~J has said that the
Messenger of Allah$ said: When I was taken towards the
heavens I got a very pleasant odour. I asked Jibril about it and
he said that it was the odour of the beautician of the daughter of
Fir'awn and her children. I asked him to tell me more about it
and he said: One day she was engaged in the routine task of
beautifying the daughter of Fir'awn when the comb fell down
from her hands. While picking it up, she said, Bismillah (In the
Name of Allah). Fir'awn's daughter asked her if she referred to
her father when she called the name of Allah. She said, "No!
But my and your father's Lord is only Allah!" The girl asked,
"Shall I reveal what you say (to Fir'awn)?" she replied that she
may tell him if she liked. So, she revealed it to her father,
Fir'awn, who summoned the beautician and asked, "Do you
have any other Lord besides me?" She answered, "Yes, my and
your Lord is Allah."
Fir'awn had a fire kindled and a brass cow-shaped vessel
was heated over it. When it was ready (very hot), he ordered
that the woman and her children be plunged into it. She
interjected, "I have something to say." He said, "Go on say.
what is it?" She said, "After we are burnt down, our bones
(mine and the children's) should be placed together in a cloth
and buried in the earth." He agreed that he would do that.
Fir'awn commanded that her children should be thrown
Stories From the Hadith

into the fire first. So, they were cast into it one by one.· While
she watched that until it was the turn of the last child, the
new-born baby suckling its mother's milk. This made her sob a
little. The infant suddenly spoke to her, saying, "Mother! Jump
into this fire! For the punishment of this world is very minor
compared to that of the next." Hence, she jumped into the fire.
lbn Abbas .l.J,.r" J then said, "Four (new-born) babies had

spoken. Isa bin Maryam ~')C.J1 4#, the child-who spoke in favour
of Jurayj AI-Abid, the child who spoke for Yusuf ~")(..J' 4# (the
story is narrated in the Qur'an in surah Yus4/) and the child of
the beautician of Fir'awn's daughter."](Ahmad)

The Holy Prophet$ learnt of this story on the night of mi'raj
when Jibril ~')C.J14# related it to him. The Prophet$ had asked him
about the· very pleasant smell he was getting and while narrating the
story Jibril ~')C.J1 4# told him that it emanated from the bodies of the
beautician of the daughter of Fir'awn and her children.
The servants of a royal palace also enjoy a high rank and honour
and this woman was more entitled to preferrential treatment because
she was Fir'awn's daughter's beautician. She was very close to a
member of the royal family and hence was exceptionally honoured.
Fir'awn the claimant to divinity and murderer of thousands of
children of the Bani Isra'il was her master. She was surrounded on
all sides by forces of disbelief, yet Allah displays His Power by
raising believers in centres of idolatory and polytheism. He created
love for Islam in the heart of a royal beautician in the midst of
darkness of unbelief and she concealed her religion and continued to
discharge her obligations at the palace.
However, a spark of faith cannot be extinguished even if anyone
tries to put it out, but it does burst out sooner or later. It is the
fragrance that spreads out through the hardest of seals. The same
happened with the beautician. A comb fell down from her hands as
she was smoothing the hair of Fir'awn's daughter. She uttered
Bismillah she picked it up. The princes wa.S astonished on hearing
these words and she asked, "You mean my father?" But, there was
no hiding faith anymore,she was lost in it now.
Stories From the Hadith ===============251
"No! Allah is the One Who is my and your father's (and
everyone's) Lord."
Fir'awn's daughter said that she would report the matter to her
father and the believing woman challenged her to go ahead and tell
him. So, she told her father that her beautician had chosen Someone
else as her God. This was an unforgivable crime in Fir'awn's book,
particularly if his own servant behaved in that way.
Here hegan the difficult trial for her, a trial where even very
strong men falter. The word patience-or any synonym-does not
aptly describe the woman's firm attitude. It is generally believed that
a man's lite is his dearest possession but this axiom is not true for a
mother. A mother is that being in the universe who is next most
merciful after the Creator of the universe. A mother's emotions are
known not to mankind alone; it is seen among the animals too.
Here, a believer was not faced with her own life. The lives of
her very dear ones, her love, her children were at stake. They too
were to be thrown into the fierce fire. A mother's life is meaningless
without her children and it takes terrible will-power to be
responsible for their being thrown into fire. Fir'awn decided to teach
a helpless woman a lesson for the crime of rejecting him as god. He
got a large brass vessel the shape of a cow and kindled a fire under
it. When it was venomously hot, he commanded his men to fling the
woman and her children into the vessel.
The shameful act was performed under the sky, men were put to
shame but inhuman beasts danced unconcernedly. They tried a
helpless woman but faith is another name for trial. It is the
peculiarity of the field of love that everyone who enters it faces a
fresh trial each time. The Qur'an says about it:
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{Aiif Lam Meem. Do the people think that they will be left
alone because they say, "We believe", and that they will not be
tried? And certainly We tried those who were before them. So
Allah will certainly determine those who speak truly, and He
will certainly determine the liars.} (Al-Ankaboot,29: I to3)
It is not enought to profess faith by the tongue. A believer will
Stories From the Hadith

have to pass through the kiln of trial. The Hadith confiims that the
most severe test is for the Prophets ~')(..J1 ~. followed by the
righteous then those who imitate them according to their degree of
faith and immitation.
The faith of a person is tried according to his religious standing.
The more religious a person the more he should be prepared to face
trial. It is easy to make a claim but to get through with steadfastness
is the real thing.
The person who professed Islam in the earlier centuries-that is,
recited the Kalimah JJ, 'i! .U! 'i there is no God but Allah-he sort of
bought enmity with his family, relatives and tribe. Love and
closeness turned into worst antagonism at one stroke. Problems and
difficulties would be thrust on him from all sides and life would
seem a mountain of hardship and tonnent.
It is these kilns of trial that mould someone into Khaleel Allah
(Friend of Allah), Zaheeh Allah (One sacrified for Allah. Isma'il ...,.._
~'£-J'), Rooh Allah or Maseeh Allah ('Isa ~'£-J' ~ ). and someone is
made Muhammad Rasool Allah and raised to Qabah Qawsayn.
Then it produces As-Siddiq (the Truthful, the one who confinns),
and those who are given glad tidings of Paradise in this life. The
history of belief is replete with similar dauntless, pure believers.
The trial of the beautician was very severe. It was a ditch of
death where life lay latched to a slight pretext....wisdom. There was
scope for that! But, the words of Truth had to be raised, the slogan
of monotheism-of Unity of Allah-had to be called out distinctly,
disbelief had to be vanquished, faith had to be introduced into
houses of idol-worship .... The saturation into a life of belief did not
allow one to back out on seeing the red hot vessel over the fierce fire
but it made one forget and give up a life of peace and comfort and it
had placed a helpless, lonely woman against the greatest oppressor
of his times. She received courage from it to challenge him!
The begining of the trial was when she was summoned before
Fir'awn and asked, "Is there any other Lord besides me?" She had a
way out. It was the wisdom of the moment. Any intelligent person
could have taken that way, seeing herself and her innocent children,
little ones. She was alone, without support except the support of
Allah. She had no one to help her in this world, except that she could
Stories From the Hadith

count on the help of Allah. There ws no hann in concealing her

faith. But. she was destined to write history. She said, "Yes! My
Lord and yours is Allah!" Jl1~! 41!~ (There is no god but Allah).
She severed all relationships and established One. She denied
all, but confinned One. Only He is the Lord. He Alone is the Owner,
the Master. the Creater, the Sustainer. There is no God except Allah.
The second stage of trial began. "Throw her and her children
into the heated, burning kiln." Her crime? The crime of believing!
She throws in a word. "I have a wish." "What is it?" She said. "After
we have died and roasted. our bones may be placed together in one
piece of cloth and buried as one. (That we may rise up on the Day of
Resurrection in these burnt bones and present our testimony of the
sacrifice to the Great Lord.) Fir'awn agreed to do that.
The third stge of trial began when the little ones were picked up,
one by one, and cast into the frightening kiln. She watched her dear
ones burning, roasting, their flesh turning to ashes. their bones
crackling. "Lord bear witness! There is no God save You!"
The most trying of the stages followed. The most delicate. The
new-born. sucking milk was picked up ... with his mother. Her steps
faltered just a bit. Could there be a retreat? Because of the innocent
new-born? That couldn't be! The baby spoke, his tongue came into
motion; "Mother! Jump into the fire and burn yourself. This world's
punishment is lighter than the chastisement of the next!"
The trial was over. The ordeal was passed through. The
profession of faith was true. That is belief1 This is what we call
Unity of Allah. Belief is to show courage and be strong, remain
steadfast, cease to fear and speak the truth. It is love. The love IS
belief and without it one cannot practice the dictates of belief.
Without love religion is imagination.

Lessons and Messages

1. The first message that the Hadith gives us, and it is also the
basic message, is that faith is really to pass through trials. It is never
perfected without trials. And a trial is always very severe and uphill.
This is clear from the lives of earlies people and the Prophets ~

In the present times people are not put to trial bodily and this is
Stories From the Hadith ================25.J
a favour of Allah on the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad $.
However, they face trial in a different way. The trial of this age is
through a sinful and disobedient surrounding and a believer is
expected to came out of it obeying the commands of Allah and to be
steadfast and determined.
The truth is that every people have been subjected to trial and
will be continued to be put to trial. The kind of trial varies with time.
It is essential to broaden the thinking of the believers and to perfect
2. In ancient times, rulers were given to persecute on religious
grounds. It was very common for rulers to torment anyone to make
them concur with them and submit in obedience. Innumerable
people were put to death and tortured. This sort of persecution is
found even in present times. Muslims are discriminated against. The
unbelievers throughout the world persecute Muslims because of
their faith and belief. Because they profess Islam, Muslims are given
the worst kind of punishment. Bosnia, Kosova and Chechniya are
clear examples.
3. The believers when they come through trials experience
higher ranks and elevated stations. The Hadith alludes to this in
passing. The Holy Prophet $ said that he got the sweet odour of
this woman and her children during his mi'raj. This is a respect the
determined slaves of Allah receive by sacrificing their lives in His
4. It is proper not to disclose one's belief in Islam if that would
mean unbearable persecution and untold problems for the Believer.
However,that is not the doing of a determined, strong-willed
Believer. An open confirmation of faith at such times, sends a
shudder down the spine of disbelief and sparkles the ray of faith. .
5. This Hadith tells us that, in all four babies (new-born) have
spoken in their cradle. We have seen in this book the account of
three of them in two different stories. One of them was Sayyidina
'Isa ~')C..)' ~ son of Sayyidah Maryam ~')C..)' ~ whose life account is
found in surah Maryam in the Qur'an.
The other is the one who spoke for Jurayj Al-Abid and his
speech spelled the acquital of Jurayj.
The thirds is the baby who made a supplication counter to its
Stories From the Hadith 255

mother's. (We have seen his account earlier.)

The fourth baby is the new-born of the present story.
Besides these. we also learn of two other new-born babies
speaking intelligently. One of them is mentioned in surah Yusul in
the Qur'an and he was the infant who testified to the truth of
Sayyidina Yusuf~')(.J'~· The other is indicated in surah Al-Bur()(~j in
the Qur'an concerning the Ashah Al-Ukhdood (the companions of
the pit). We will read about him in the following pages of this book.
Accordingly, there have been as many as six new-born babies
who have spoken intelligently in the cradle. Indeed, that IS a
manifestation of the powers of Allah. And Allah knows best.
Stories From the Hadith

The Forty-first Story

Poverty is Dear to Me
First Words
This is the story of a man whom the Bani Isra'il had chosen as
their king. However, he was constantly in fear of Allah and thought
of th~ llereafter. He could not find peace on the throne, and it was
only in the remembrance of Allah that he received peace. So, he
abdicated the throne and earned his livelihood through hardwork
and labour.

..f. ~l :Jl! '~j ~I .y. '~ ~ d. JJI 4- .y. ~~ I.SJJ

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Stories From the Hadith

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[Sayyidina Abdullah lbn Mas'ud ~ JJ, ..sJ'J has said that the
Stories From the Hadith ===============258
Prophet$ said:
After Sayyidina Musa ~':>W1 4# the Bani Isra'il chose a man
as their ruler. One night as the moon was shining. he stood in
Sa/aT on the roof of bayt Al-Maqdis. He remembered something
he had done. Then he hung a rope down the roof to the ground
and descended down by it. Leaving the rope suspended in the
mosque, he went away from there.
He came to a people at a sea-shore. He found them milking
cows or making bricks. He asked them how they did their work
and they showed him how it was done. He stayed with them
and worked as they worked.
So, he earned his living with his own hands and when it
was time for Salat, he stood up to pray.
The labourers informed their master about him, and he
called him but he refused to go to him. He summoned him three
times but each time he did not go to him.
Finally, the master came to him himself on his beast.
When he saw the master, he fled from there. The master
chased and overtook him, saying, "Give me some time, I wish
to speak to you." So he stopped until they ·spoke .to one another
and he related to him his story. When he said to the master that
he had abdicated the throne because of his fear of his Lord, the
master said, "I think I wi 11 join you." So, the master
accompanied him and the two occupied themselves in
worshipping Allah. They died in this way at a place called
Rumaylah in Egypt. (It is a coastal city.)
Sayyidina Abdullah ~ JJ1 ~) bin Mas'ud said that if he was
there he would be able to point out their graves from what the
Prophet$ had described to him.]
[This version is related in Musnad Ahmad thus:
Speaking of the people before you, one of them was (a
king) over his country. Once, he thought over it and realised
that the Kingdom and royalty would have to be relinquished
some day while the duties of his office had caused him to
neglect worship of his Lord. One night, he quietly slipped out
of his palace and by morning reached some other Kingdom. He
came to a coast and began to build bricks on wages. He lived on
Stories From the Hadith

that income and gave away the excess in charity. He continued

in this way and soon his piety and virtue became known to the
king of those people.
The king sent his messenger to fetch him but he refused to
go to him. He called him a second time but he again refused to
oblige, saying, "What have I to do with him?"
When he heard that, the king rode an animal and came to
him. Just as this man saw the king, he ran away from there. The
king, on seeing him run away, pursued him but could not
overtake him. So. he called out aloud to the running man. "0
slave of Allah, I have no authority over you (and I do not wish
to nab you.)" He heard that and stopped until the king caught
up with him. He said, "May Allah be merciful to you. Who are
He answered, "I am so-and-so son of so-and-so and was
king of such-and-such land. Once I pondered over my affairs
and I realised that I would soon lose all that I had of kingdom
and authority, yet I had neglected worship because of those
things. So, I abdicated and came here and worship my Lord, the
Majestic, the Glorious."
The king said, "You couldn't have done more for me."
Saying that, he alighted from his .arrimal, :unreim!d it and joined
the other man. So, both of them devoted themselves to worship
· of Allah and prayed tci. Him ·to .c ause ·them to .die
lbn Mas'ud ~.;So JJ, ~) said that both of them died at one time.
"If I was at Rumaylah in Egypt, I would show you their graves
on the basis of the description of the Messenger of Allah $,
which he had told us."] (Bazzar, Ahmad, Mu'ajjam Kabir, Mu'ajjam
Saghir, M~jma' Zawa'id.)

Of the affairs of the world that cause men to neglect Allah and
His injunctions, the most effective is authority and love for power
and rule. It is more dangerous and harmful than the love for wealth
and pos~ession. To achieve authority and rule, man squanders his
wealth carelessly. Authority and rule, howsoever ordinary, put into
Stories From the Hadith ==============260
man's head that he is superior to other people and so can dictate to
them. He considers them inferior to him and comes to regard them
as his subjects and dependant on him.
Sometime after Sayyidina Musa ~">U' o.,.l&-, someone became the
ruler over the Bani Isra'il. The Hadith does not mention his name.
During his reign, he got a thought one day that the duties of
governance had caused him to neglect his obligations to Allah
although he will have to surrender one day his authority and
kingdom, his glory and majesty. (He may die or be thrown out.) He
thought that he was not doing the right thing.
Kingdom and authority were not such things for which one may
surrender one's duties and obligations to Allah. Rather,
remembrance of Allah was something for which one may relinquish
kingdom and authority over one's country and people.
Undoubtedly, if Kings, rulers, administrators, men in authority
and leade~s think in this manner then oppression and cruelty will
cease and justice will prevail. If every such person thinks along these
lines then he will refrain from doing anything that will cause him to
regret later on.
So, the king began to think as we have narrated above. He was
so overcome with that thought-process that one night while he was
offering his Salat, he could not resist any more and quietly slipped
out and went away to another country. There he joined some
labourers and took up manual labour for his livelihood after learning
the work from those men. It was his practice to set aside what he
needed for his expenses and give away in charity all the balance.
The second thing that he did was that as soon as it was time for
prayer, he suspended his work and stood up to pray.
These characteristics surprised the other people. They
understood that man works hard and earns to save and does not give
away savings from his hard-earned money in this way. They did not
see that he had abandoned his authoritative position and wealth and
he did not attach much value to wealth.
His second characteristic too was different from what people
normally did. People generally devote only their spare time to
worship. First, they look after their worldly obligations and then sit
down to worship Allah and offer Sa/at. Labourers in particular find
Stories From the Hadith ===============261
it difficult to suspend work and offer Salat.
His two exclusive habits earned him the goodwill of the people
and fame too. Soon the king also learnt of him and he was very
eager to meet him. He sent someone to him with his message that he
would like to meet him but he was unwilling to meet the king. The
king sent a second message but he did not budge. When the king
sent his third message, this man remarked, "What have I to do with
the king?" I am a labourer while he is the sovereign. I do not need to
meet him."
When the king heard it, his interest to meet him grew
considerably. He thought what sort of a man would not like to meet
a king even when he called him again and again? So, he decided to
go and meet the man himself and rode up to him.
The .man on seeing the king ran away from there. The king
chased him and, when he could not catch him, called out loudly that .
he wished to talk to him and had no intention to arrest him. That
man paused and waited for the king to come up to him. The king
asked him who he was and prayed for him, "May the mercy of Allah
be on you!"
He narrated his story and said how he had relinquished wealth
and chosen poverty. The king was very much impressed by his story
and he too relinquished his kingship, alighted from his horse and
accompanied him. The two of them occupied themselves in worship
of Allah and devotional discipline. The two became so much
attached to one another that they prayed to Allah to let them die at
one and the same time. Allah granted them their supplication and
both of them died simultaneously.
Sayyidina Ibn Abbas ~JJ,._,..,J said that the Prophet$ had
described to them the location of their graves vividly and if he was
in that town he could point the graves out.
A question does arise here . Both these men had enjoyed
authority and were powerful. If they had continued in power, they
could have been more helpful to the religion of Allah and improved
the lot of the poor, and imposed Allah's laws on the people. They
could have removed the difficulties of their subjects. That would
have been better than their individual acts of worship.
The· answer to the question is that surely that would have been
Stories From the Hadith ===============262
better but to rule over a people is a very sensitive thing. There is a
great responsibility attached to it and it is not in everyone's ability to
dispense justice to his subjects and rule justly.
The position and office of a sovereign or ruler is very attractive
but the ~esponsibilities are very heavy and it is not a bed of roses but
it is full of thorns and difficulties. Very pious and just rulers have
always feared Allah. Anyone with the Hereafter on his mind will
find it very difficult to discharge this responsibility. This has been
the reason why very pious people have refused to shoulder
responsibilities of state and government.
There have been evidences of this statement in the lives of
Imam Abu Hanifah ol# J!, w. ), Ibrahim bin Adham ol# J!, w.) and other
eminent men.
Hence, anyone who does not consider himself capable of such
responsibilities should keep away from taking them up. As for one
who is capable, or. there is a possibility of an incompetent person
taking it up if the situation is available to him then one must not
relinquish the office. The two men who gave up the throne were of
the first kind so they acted accordingly.

Lessons and Messages

1. There are slaves of Allah who quit every kind of worldly
office for the sake of worship. Such people are worth emulating.
2. Generally, the responsibilities of state and government cause
one to neglect his duties to Allah and religion. Man must continue to
worship Allah and fulfil his duties to religion even when he enjoys
power and authority and leadership.
3. The account discloses that the earlier people also used to offer
tahajjud Sa/at because the king is recorded as offering Sa/at in the
4. The Hadith discloses that even those who had not been
Prophets had ruled over earlier people. The account tells us that the
king had taken over his responsibilities after Sayyidina Musar~'~·
5. It is not only excellent but also necessary for everyone to
work hard to earn a living. The men who renounced the high offices
could have given up their kingship and fixed a regular stipend for
themselves to live on while they devoted all their time to worship.
Stories From the Hadith ===============263
They did not do that but ceded all connections with the government
and worked with their hands to earn a living for themselves.
This teaches us that to devote oneself to worship does not mean
that he should not work for a living, as some people believe. To
become religious is not to give up the affairs of the world and cease
seeking means of livelihood.
6. The Hadith also tells us that the king often pondered over the
creation of the universe. His deep meditation made him realise that
all the worldly things were transient including his kingdom, rule,
and wealth.
Thus, it is the characteristic of the intelligent that they meditate
and ponder over nature. The Qur'an has emphasised much that we
must meditate and ponder especially over the creation of Allah and
the universe. There are many signs in it for the men of
To think and ponder is a sign whereby a Believer is recognised.
He is enabled thereby to probe the realities of things and he can thus
prepare for the Hereafter.
7. The whole story also reveals the secret that contentment of
the hearts does not lie in wealth and high office but is found in the
remembrance of Allah. Whether it is the poor or the rich, the ruler or
the ruled, it is equally applicable to all that if they devote themselves
to remembering Allah then they will attain peace and contentment.
oy:,llii6JaL1 ~~~~ui ·
{Behold, in the remembrance of Allah, hearts do find
satisfaction} (Ar-Ra'd, 13: 28)
One may possess many means of comfort but he cannot attain
contentment without remembrance of Allah. Conversely, if he
remembers Allah often even if he has no means, he will receive
Stories From the Hadith ==============264

The Forty-second Story

The Companions
of the Fire-Trenches of Fire
First Words
The story of the Companions of the Fire is very inspiring and
lesson-giving. The Qur'an refers to it in passing in surah Al-Burooj
but the Hadith gives us a detailed account of the story.

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Stories From the Hadith ===============265

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Stories From the Hadith

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[It is transmitted in Sahih Muslim as narrated by Sayyidina
Suhayb Roomi 4:,$. J!, ~J that the Messenger of Allah$ said:
There lived a king before you and he had a (court) magician. As
the magician grew old, he said to the king, "I have grown old,
send some young boy to meso that I should teach him magic."
The king sent to him a young boy so that he should train him
(in magic). On his way to the magician, the boy passed by a
monk and he enjoyed his conversation, so he used to sit there
Stories From the Hadith

and (thus) he came (late) to the magician who beat him for the
delay. He complained ~bout it to. the monk who suggested to
him, "If you feel afraid of the magician tell him that the .
members of your family had delayed you. And if you are afraid
of your family tell them that the magician had detained you." It
so happened that once a huge beast blocked the way of the
people and this boy thought to himself, "I will see today
whether the monk is superior or the magician." He picked up a
stone and said, "0 Allah! If the affair of the monk is dearer to
You than the affair of the magician, cause death to this animal
so that the people may be able to move about freely." And he
flung the stone on the beast, and it killed it. The people were
thus able to move about (freely). He then came to the monk and
narrated to him (what had happened). The monk said, "My son,
today you are superior to me. Your affair has reached a stage
where I find that you would be soon put to a trial, and if you are
put to a trial, do not give my clue."
The young boy began to treat the blind and the lepers and
in fact he cured people from (all kinds of) illness. When a
companion of the king who had gone blind, heard about him,
he came to him with numerous gifts and said, "Whatever I have
collected would be yours if you cure me." He said, "I do not
cure anyone. He is Allah Who cures and if you affirm faith in
Allah, I shall also supplicate to Allah to cure you." He affirmed
his faith in Allah and He cured him. He came to the king and
sat by his side as he was used to sit e,arlier. The king asked him,
"Who restored your eyesight?" He answered, "My Lord." He
asked, "Do you have a lord other than me?" The (king's)
companion said, "My Lord and your Lord is Allah." So, he took
hold of him and tormented him until he revealed that the boy
had cured him.
The young boy was summoned by the king who said to
him, "0 boy! It has been conveyed to me that you have become
so much proficient in your magic that you cure the blind and
those suffering from leprosy and this and that." The boy said, "I
do not cure anyone. He is Allah Who cures."
So, the king arrested him and tormented him until he gave
Stories From the Hadith ===============268
the clue of the monk. The monk was summoned and it ~as said
to him, ''You should turn back from your religion ." But, he
refused to do so. The ordered for a saw to be brought to him.
He placed it in the middle of his head and cut it into two parts
till a part dropped down. Then the companion of the king was
brought and he was asked to give up his religion but he refused
to do that. The saw was placed in the middle of his head and it
was cut till a part fell down. The young boy was then brought
and was asked to turn back from his religion but he refused to
do that. So, he was handed over to a group of the king's
courtiers. The king instructed them to take him to a mountain.
"Make him ascend it and when you are at its peak (ask him to
surrender his religion), if he refuses to do so then throw him
down (from the mountain)." So they took him to the top of the
mountain and he said, "0 Allah, suffice me against them as
You like." The moutain began to shake and they all fell down
and the boy came walking back to the king. He asked him what
had happened to the courtiers and he said that Allah had saved
him from them. The king then handed him to some (others) of
his courtiers, saying, "Take him and carry him in a small boat
and when you reach the middle of the ocean (ask him to
renounce his religion) if he does not renounce his religion,
throw him (into the water). So they took him and he said, "0
Allah suffice me against them and what they want to do." So,
the boat capsized and they all drowned . He came walking back
to the king who asked hini where the men who had
accompanied him were. He said, "Allah has saved me from
them." He also said to the king, "You cannot kill me until you
do as I direct you to do." So he asked, "What is that?" He said,
"You should gather people in a plain and hang me by the trunk
(of a tree). Then, taking an arrow from the quiver, say, "In the
Name of Allah, Lord of the boy." Then shoot an arrow and if
you do that then you would be able to kill me.
So the king called the people in an open plain and bound
the boy to the trunk of a tree. Then he took an arrow from his
quiver and placed it in the bow and then said, "In the Name of
Allah, Lord of the boy." He then shot the arrow and it hit him in
Stories From the Hadith

the temple. The boy placed his hand upon the temple where the
arrow had hit him and he died. The people said, "We affirm our
faith in the Lord of this young boy, we affirm our faith in the
Lord of this young boy. we affirm our faith in the Lord of this
young boy."
The courtiers came to the king. and it said to him, "Do
you see that Allah has done what you aimed LO avert Tih
people have affirmed their faith in the Lord. The king ordered
that ditches be dug at important junctions on the road . When
they were dug, a fire was kindled in them. The people were
told, "He who does not turn back from this boy's religion will
be thrown in the fire, or they would be asked to jump into that."
(The people courted death but did not renounce the religion till)
a woman came with her child and she felt hesitant in jumping
into the fire and the child said to her. "0 mother. endure it for it
is the Truth." (On hearing that, she jumped into it.)](Muslim #71 4&)

This faith-inspiring Had i th has been narrated by many
Companions ~ .J.J, ~ J of the Holy Prophet $. This incident is an
excellent example of the steadfast conduct of Believers.
In the ancient days sorcery was practiced and the sciences allied
to it were very common. People believed in astrology, prediction and
magic. It is still common among the Hindus, but, what is very
unfortunate, the Muslims too have begun to believe in these things
though Allah has declared these things as unlawful.
This incident .took place in the times of a king and the monk
was following the correct religion of that time while the king and his
courtiers did not believe in Allah. The king claimed to be a god and
compelled his subjects to accept him as such.
When Allah decides to spread guidance he employs one of the
means to do that and it spreads to all the people. Thus, the young
boy received faith through the monk and then attained such a high
degree of awareness that he exceeded the monk in his station. He
then had the help of Allah whereby he could restore sight to the
blind and cure the leper and other diseases.
One of the king's blind companions heard of him and met him.
Stories From the Hadith

He too became a stallllch believer and forsook the closeness to the

king and offered his life in sacrifice. The ·monk also gave up his life
in sacrifice. As for the boy, when the king despaired of killing him,
he himself showed him how he could kill him. When the king
followed his directions and he was killed for upholding the truth, all
the people were suddenly blessed with faith and belie£ They became
such strong believers that they preferred to be burnt to death rather
than give up faith. This is an example of faith the like of which no
other religion can present. In fact, it is the peculiarity of faith.

Lessons and Messages

This story gives us many lessons:
1. The first lesson is that trial of a Believer is complementary to
belie£ Believers in every era face trying situations which call for
extreme patience.
2. When Allah decides that anyone should receive guidance then
He creates an ideal situation for him. When the yollllg boy was to
receive guidance, he sent him to the monk.
3. The company of men of Allah is never without advantage. It
shows guidance to the seekers sooner or later. The yollllg boy used
to visit the monk for a little while and the monk's company prepared
the way for all the people to be guided. Surely, this is the fruit of
association with the men of Allah.
4. We also learn from this Hadith that there is scope for saying
something that is not wholly true if lofty aims are sought thereby and
disadvantage is to be avoided. This is the explanation given by
Nawawi ~JJa-J for the advice the monk gave to the yollllg boy, "If
the magician questions you tell him that you were delayed at home
but if you are asked at your home tell them that the magician delayed
you." He assured the boy that in that way he will not be caused any
5. The Hadith also confirms that the men of Allah do perform
out-of-the-ordinary deeds. The boy was able to cure the blind and
the leper. A whole group of king's men died but the boy was safe
and solllld. These are some of the examples.
6. The Hadith also teaches the religious men, particularly the
teachers, that they should solUld the religions call to one who comes
Stories From the Hadith

to them with some need or question. This is what the boy did with
the king's courtier who had gone to him to receive treatment. The
boy invited him to believe and he accepted the call.
The religious scholars of this era must pay attention to this
advice. May be, Allah will grant guidance to many in this manner.
7. The Hadith also confirms that the men of Allah and the
believers have given their lives for the sake of Truth. These were
their great sacrifices.
8. This account highlights the peculiarity of faith that if ;myone
is blessed with faith then no power and no oppression can get him to
relinquish it. A Believer is so lost in belief that its effects are never
wiped out. It is the dye <JJ, u,....) of Allah that never fades. The man on
whom it is applied many expire but it is never erased. In fact. the
man who truly experiences the sweetness of faith fmds that all the
things of the world are meaningless.
9. The Hadith also tells us that the One Who protects is
Stronger than the one who kills. He whom Allah preserves no one
may harm. If all the people in the world collaborate to harm
someone, they will not succeed in even putting a scratch ort him. We
have seen that the king and all his machinery joined together to kill
th~ boy but they could not succeed.
10. The young ooy himself showed them how they could kill
him. On ·the face of it, this is an amazing disclosure and is as if the
boy committed suicide. In fact, however, . it was not suicide but it
was a means to draw all the people to belief. The young boy knew
that the people would find their conscience speaking and their minds
understanding when they observe the innocent death. And, it did
happen in that way.
Besitles, the boy was instrumental in getting the king and his
courtiers to call the Name of Allah, and confirming that He was their
11. Allah has referred to this incident in the Qur'an in surah
Al-Burooj from the words; ~J.u:-~1 yi.>...P' J;i to the words;~~ y.j.l', the
five verses from verse 4 to 8.
12. The version in Tirmizi discloses that all the people were
burnt in the fire in the trenches but the young boy was buried in
earth. He was taken out of his grave in the times of Sayyidina Umar
Stories From the Hadith ================272
~.:u,~)· His hand was on his temple just as he had .placed· it when he
was killed.
13. It is obligatory for the Believers to endure difficulties and
hardships patiently. The monk and the king's courtier are examples.
The boy and all the people are examples. It is not the character of a
Believer to turn apostate or choose to flee or avoid confrontation. It
is true that one must not invite trouble unnecessarily but if one is
faced with a trying situation involuntarily then he must be patient
and steadfast in tackling it.
This is why the Prophet 3 has said:
"Do not supplicate to Allah to place the enemy against you.
Seek from Allah safety. But, ifyou ever have to fight an enemy
then fight him with steadfast firmness. (And, do not seek to
14. It is allowed to say something that is not wholly true when
fighting an enemy. This is what the monk taught the young boy that
he may tell his family members that the magician had delayed him
and tell the magician that his family members had delayed him.
15. The Hadith also discloses that a student may sometimes
attain a rank higher than the teacher. This does not reflect on the
teacher but actually speaks highly of him. The monk had explained
to the boy that he had surpassed him in rank.
16. It is not necessary to pass through a long session or period
of time to gain awareness of Allah, to perfect one's faith, and to
attain high ranks. Sometimes a long standing unbeliever who
embraces Islam receives these things in a little time 'while others do
not reach that level even after spending their lives in that search. The
courtier and all the people of the place attained that station shortly
after they had affirmed their belief. They had received a high degree
of awareness of truth within moments. The result was that they were
prepared to give up their lives for the sake of Allah and to earn His
pleasure. This is that level of love for Allah which intellect cannot
As against this, many people spend their lives searching for
higher levels and elevated stations but they cannot attain that.
Stories From the Hadith

The Forty-third Story

Let us not Forget our Past....

First Words
When man is faced with distress, he tires not of ~aking long
supplications to Allah. He is also turned towards Allah and humility
is personified.... But, when Allah showers His belssings on him, that
very innocent-iooking face wears a proud look resembling Fir'awn,
his neck is raised high and he turns away from Allah and His
Man must never forget his past and his past and his reality. This
is the story of one who forgot his past and behaved haughtily and of
him who learnt a lesson and showed gratitude for the blessings... Do
we find our reflection in this story?

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Stories From the Hadith ===============274
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[Bukhari and Muslim have transmitted in their respective
Sahih that Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah ~..:&- JJ,..,.:<>J said that he heard
the Messenger of Allah 3 say:
Allah willed to test three men ofthe Bani lsra'il. They were
a leper, a blind man and a bald-headed man. So he sent an angel
Stories From the Hadith

to them. He came to the leper and asked him, "What is it that

you like the most?" He answered, "A good colour and a good
skin for the people have a strong aversion to me." The angel
touched him and he was cured of his illness. He had a good
colour and a beautiful skin. The angel asked him. "What kind of
property would you like best?" He said, "Camel (or cows)." (the
narrator is in doubt which of the two the leper or the
bald-headed demanded camels and which cows.) So the leper
was given a pregnant she-camel and the angel said to him,
"May Allah bless you with it."
The angel then went to the bald-headed man and said,
"What would you like most?" He said, "I would like to have
good hair and to be cured of this disease for the people are
repulsed from me." the angel touched him and he was cured of
the disease. He had good hair on his head. The angel next asked
him to what sort of property he would like most, and he wished
for cows. The angel gave him a pregnant cow and said, "May
Allah bless you with it!"
The ang~l next went to the blind man and asked him what
he liked most for himself and he said. "(I would like) that Allah
may restore my eyesight to me and I may (be able to) see the
people." The angel tol!ched his eyes and Allah restored his
eye-sight. The angel then asked him, "What type of property
would you like best (to have)?" He replied, "Sheep!" The angel
gave him a pregnant ewe.
Afterwards, all the three pregnant animals gave birth to
young ones. They multiplied and brought forth so much that
one of them had a herd of camels filling a valley, the other a
herd of cows that filled a valley and the third had his valley full
of a flock of sheep.
The angel then disguised himself as a leper and went to
(him who had been) the lepper and said to him, "I am a poor
man who has lost every means of livelihood while on a journey.
So, none but Allah will satisfy my needs, and you. In the Name
of Him Who has given you the beautiful colour and skin and
abundant wealth and property, I implore you to give me a camel
sa that I may reach my destination." The man said to him, "I
Stories From the Hadith

have many obligations (so I cannot give you anything).'' The

angel said. "I think I know you. Were you not a leper to whom
people had a strong aversion? Were you not a poor man and
then Allah gave you (all these things)?" He replied, "(You are
mistaken.) I received all this property through inheritance from
my forefathers." The angel said, "If you speak a lie then let
Allah make you as you were."
Then arigel disguised himself as a bald man and went to
him (who was once bald). He said to him as he had spoken to
the first man and he answered in the same way as the other had
done. So, the angel said to him, "If you are speaking lies, may
Allah make you as you were before."
Then the angel went as a blind man to him (who was blind
once) and pleaded with him, "I am a poor man and a traveller. I
have exhausted my means of livelihood on the journey. I have
none to help me except Allah and, after Him, you. I ask you in
the Name of Him Who has given you back your eyesight to
give me a sheep so that with its help I may complete my
journey." The man said. "No doubt. I was blind and Allah gave
me back my eye-sight. I was poor and Allah made me rich; so
take away anything you wish from my property. By Allah, I will
not stop from taking anything of my property which you may
like for Allah's sake."
The angel said, "Keep your property with you. You (the
three men) have been tested and Allah is pleased with you and
is angry with your two companions."](Bukhari#3464, Muslim)

It is the trait of man that he forgets his past if it has been
unfortunate, or the days had been days of poverty. When he is in
distress then he behaves as if he is the most unfortunate man on
earth, but when these days are over and Allah showers His blessings
on him he becomes arrogant.
The story we have read reflects this attitude of man who should
not forget his past and his reality. Even if he is receiving
uncountable blessings; he must remember his days of poverty and
distress. He must remember that the blessings are from Allah. He
Stories From the Hadith

must not become arrogant and haughty.

Wealth and poverty or transition from one state into
another-any of these things-are all a way to test man. Sometimes he
is tried with it and sometimes without it. He is given health or made
weak, he is given honour or disgraced. These are all ·ways to try him.
All the three people whose account we have read were tried.
The leper and the bald-men showed ingratitude while the blind man
was grateful. The first two did not recognise the blessings of Allah
while the blind man recognised it.
The signs of a true slave are to recognise the blessings of the
Creator, the Owner, and to help fellow men.

Lessons and Messages

l. The basic lesson we learn from this Hadith is that if anyone
faces difficulty and distress, he must believe that it is a trial from
Allah and endure it patiently. When he is relieved from that then he
must be grateful to Allah. The most suitable way to show gratitude
is to remind oneself of one's predicament ·when one sees someone
else in distress and help him out in the best possible way one can. It
is wrong to forget one's own predicament and ignore anyone else's
difficulty and distress.
2. Allah is most displeased with anyone who behaves miserly.
The ideal way to thank Allah for His blessings is to spend one's
wealth for the welfare of one who is in difficulty and to relieve him
of his hard times.
3. Abundance of wealth and luxuries of the life do not mean that
anyone having them is dear and near to Allah. Let no one be under a
false impression that he is close to Allah because he has much
wealth and property and is free from worry and difficulty. If these
things were signs of nearness to Allah then certainly Fir'awn (the
Pharaoh), Haman and Qarun (Korah) and others of their kind should
have been most dear to Allah. 'Besides the Messenger of Alalh $
too, would have been a rich man. Wealth and property are not signs
of nearness to Allah.
4. Allah is able to cure every fatal and incurable disease. Of
course, there is nothing like an incurable disease in the sight of
Allah. He gives relief and sound health to whom He wishes.
Stories From the Hadith

5. We learn from the Hadith that the outward beauty, good

colour and skin and hair, physical strength and worldly wealth are
blessings of Allah. It is proper to wish for these things but it is also
necessary to thank Allah for them. Besides, it is a grave sin to
consider those who are deprived of Allah's blessings as worthless
-and contemptuous.
Stories From the Hadith ===============279

The Forty-fourth Story

A Woman Corrects a Scholar

First Words
A wise word is not anyone's personal property. If Allah Wills
then He reforms great ulama (religious scholars) through women
who are termed Naqis al-Aqal wa ad-deen (Incomplete in intellect
and religion). This is the story of a scholar of Bani Isra'il whom a
woman brought back on the right path.

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~~Ji 1:::..ll!) ,~.(:~:· 1::,t ~~'Ji ar_;., ~lA ~ 1 : ~l! ~ Jill
' '
Stories From the Hadith ===============280
~~ ;u, ::.:Jill ,JJ(. ~



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:i.::.J\.4! ULo.) ~ J)~l ;r.;; ~~ oLt~ ~i) ~\ ~~~ :J\..4! cULoj ~~

~ J;..r )A) ,~ o:G:.i ~ ,J1, ~)~i ~ JS. :;.:.,wi ,J1, ~~ ~i

.4!~ jJ, ~J '~~IS'~ ~t! '~~
[Imam Malik has transmitted in his Muwatta that Yahya
bin Sa'eed said that Qasim bin Muhammad said: My wife died
and Muhammad bin Ka'b Al-Qurazi came to condole with me.
He related to me that amongst the Bani lsra'il there was a pious,
learned man who was an authority (in religion). He had a wife
whom he loved very much. She died and he felt such a great
shock that he shut himself in his house, refrained from worldly
pursuits and avoided meeting anyone. No one could visit him.
A woman heard of that and went to his doors and said. "I have a
religious question to ask him and I shall put it to him alone and
it is not possible for me but to see him." (Soon,) all those who
were there went away disappointed but she was unmoved and
did not go back insisting that there was no way out but to meet
So, someone told him that there was a woman with a
question and while other people had gone away she did not
leave the door. The scholar allowed her in his house. The
woman went to him and said that she had a question to ask.
"What is it", he enquired. She said, "I had borrowed some
jewellery from a woman neighbour and wore it for a long time
and it had been with me as a loan all this time. Now that
woman wants it back. So, shall I return it to her?" He said,
"Yes, by Allah, return it!" She pleaded. "But it has been with
me for such a length of time ... " He said, "That is why it makes
it more imperative that you should return it for she gave it to
you for such a long time at your request."
She said, "0 you! The Lord be merciful to you! Why do
you feel sorry for that which the Lord lent you (for a time) and
then took it back from you? The Lord has a greater right than
Stories From the Hadith

you." The man contemplated over the matter and Allah granted
him wisdom from her words.](MalikHadith#555)

Words of wisdom are not uttered by only the wise or the
learned. Sometimes Allah causes an uneducated person to utter such
wise words that very learned men benefit from that. In the foregoing
narrative, a woman has been shown to speak wisely and without
pretence to a learned scholar. In fact, she is shown to have used a
psychological approach to convey to him the realities of life and she
succeeded in bringing him out of his state of shock.
Surely, man is sometimes suppressed by such a degree of shock
that he becomes unable to shoulder responsibilities. This is what
happened to the scholar. Although he was a great scholar, an
authority who gave juristic guidance yet he was overwhelmed by
grief. No one could know more than him that one must bear
patiently sorrow for that is the way to please Allah and that is true
faith and Islam. Obviously, he had not done that intentionally but he
was so overwhelmed by sorrow that he had lost himself in it.
Then Allah causes such a person to emerge from sorrow on
hearing some simple words or on an ordinary experience. This
scholar was awakened when the woman asked him for a ruling. He
learnt or realised that his wife was a trust of Allah Who as its Owner
had all right to take her back. Just as he realised it, he came out of
his sorrow.
It was the same when the Holy Prophet 3 died. The
Companions ~JJ'u-PJ were very sad . and sorrowful. They were
dumbfounded with sorrow and did not know what to do. Sayyidina
Abu Bakr~JJ,.,...,J recited to them the verse of the Qur'an:

----JY-U.> "il ~ Lo_,

{And Muhammad is but a Messenger}(Aai-Imran,3: 144)
The Companions ~ JJ, ~) were awakened to facts by this recital
with a new spirit. Their restlessness gave way to peace and serenity.
Surely, life is a trust bestowed by Allah. Man has been given it
to use it properly. He must not betray the trust. Whenever, He
wishes tci take back his trust, He has every right to do so and no one
Stories From the Hadith ===============282
can raise the slightest objection. Of course, there is bound to be
sadness on the departure of someone and that is the right of love for
him. But, if the sadness becomes an obstruction in discharging
religious duties and other obligations then it is not praiseworthy but
it is blameworthy.

Lessons and Messages

1. The first lesson we learn is that it is against Shari'ah to let
ourselves be overwhelmed with sadness and sorrow to such an
extent that we are unable to discharge our religious and other
necessary duties. It is not approved by Allah. And it is a
blameworthy act. This is because the sorrowful slave indicates by
his behaviour that he is not pleased with Allah's pleasure. It is a
grave sin to do that. His attitude also implies that he is displeased
with what was decreed.
2. It is the right of those with whom we are acquainted that we
condole with them. It is also a command of Shari'ah to condole with
the bereaved and share his loss.
3. Words of comfort may be uttered when condoling. This is
what Muharnmad bin Ka'b Al-Qurazi did when he consoled Qasim
bin Muhammad.
4. This narrative tells us that even the learned and righteous
become unaware sometimes and they lose the chain of their
knowledge momentarily. But, they soon regain awareness on a slight
5. It is the duty of the intelligent people to politely and wisely
remind a scholar if he happens to do something out of unawareness
or forgetfulness. The woman very wisely reminded the scholar what
he should do really.
6. This narrative proves that the woman possessed great insight
and was very intelligent. She knew very well that if a religious
scholar succumbs to unawareness then he can become the cause of
the unawareness of the entire world-all the people. She knew that
she should try to bring him out of that condition. She also knew that
it was very important to bring him back to facts and that is why she
did not hesitate to surrender her dignity at his threshold.
7. Wisdom and insight is found in women too. Sometimes, they
Stories From the Hadith ===============283
prove to be more intelligent and wtse than men. This n(JITative is
evidence of the statement.
8. Often examples and similitudes bring facts to light. This
narrative emphasises that we must use examples to convey our
message or argument effectively and in a better way to the listener.
The Qur'an has frequently used examples to explain its Truth.
The Messenger of Allah $ too often explained his teachings by
giving examples. This shows that it is better and recommended to
present examples in our speech and writings.
9. It is not improper to love one's wife' deeply. Rather, she has a
right over it. It also is a means of chastity and modesty. This is
proved by the Hadith. Nevertheless, it is imperative that one must
not allow his love for his wife to overcome his duty to Allah and His
commands, and he must not ignore the injunctions of Shari'ah
because of his love for his wife. If his love for his wife causes him to
neglect the injunctions of Shari'ah or to perpetrate sin then such a
love is disallowed and unlawful.
10. When condoling with anyone it is better to relate events that
may serve as a guidance. Often people condole and express words of
consolation to one who is bereaved but if he is doing something
wrong his sin is overlooked on the idea that it is not proper to advice
one who is afflicted. This is a wrong approach. It is as much the
responsibility of one condoling to prevent anyone from committing
a sin as it is to offer condolence. The scholar in the foregoing story
was committing a sin by not being pleased with the pleasure of
Allah and the woman politely drew his attention to it by citing an
example. He benefited from that and came out of the condition of
Stories From the Hadith ===============284
Stories From the Hadith = = = = = = = = = = = 2 8 5

(Surely in that is a Lesson for

Those Who Have Eyes)
(Aal Irnran, 3: 13)


Lesson Bearing Narratives

of the Wrong Doers
Stories From the Hadith

The Forty-fifth Story

To Take Pride in Ancestors

Who Were Unbelievers
First Words
If anyone has no personal credit to his favour then he boasts on
the achievements of his forefathers to claim honour for himself. If
pride on forefathers is to recall blessings and their distinctive service
to religion then it is not sinful. On the other hand, pride on
irreligious people for their worldly achievements is a disapproved
conduct and sinful, too. This is the story of two people who took
pride in their ancestors and it brings to light the enormity and
repulsiveness of this conduct.

,, ' , , , .... ... ... o , o "" A o ... ,.

..P ~"k.) ~' :JI.i ~ 0' ~' rY' 0~ J ~'


~~ ~t '1 ~; :;J ,I)~:;.,::,~ ut :~~i J~ ,~; .JJ, J~j

'~~' ~ ~-; * JS. '

~~J :. ' :.;, : ~ Jj, 'J~j J~

:Jl! ~~ rt '1 ~i:;J ,j~·.. !~ ~ ,1)~:;. ::,~ ui :~~i J~

~; ~~' ~ ~-; J~ .JJ, ~ju :Jl! ·f£,'1' :;., ~~ :;., ::,~ ui

,4~!15 ~u ,~, J ~~ J~ ~. _::·Q" ,jA 4~i ~~) ,~~l&. ~u

[Sayyidina Ubayy bin Ka'b u. J.J, ,_rp J stated that in the times
of the Messenger of Allah ~ two men sat down to probe their
line of descent. So, one of them boasted, "I am so-and-so, son
of so-and-so .... So, who are you, may you not have a mother?"
(The last,is a harmless Arabic phrase uttered in oral speech.)
Stories From the Hadith

The Messenger of Allah~ (when he heard it) said, "In the

times of Musa ~'>Ut ~ two men began to search each other's
forefathers. One of them said. "I am so-and-so, son of
so-and-so," until he had counted names of nine of his
forefathers. He then asked, "Who are you, may you not have a
The second person said, "I am so-and-so, son of so-and-so,
son of Islam." (That is, he gave his name, his father's name, and
said that they were sons of Islam, meaning. they were
Allah revealed to Mu sa ~'>Ut ~ (of) the two genealogists,
the one who counted upto nine ancestors (should know that), all
the nine of them were dwellers of Hell; and he is the tenth. And,
you who have counted your ancestors to two, both of them are
dwellers of Paradise and you are their third in Paradise. "](Ahmad)

All men have one beginning. They are all children of Aadam ~
r'>Ut. The difference of geographical regions, nations, tribes and
language are only to distinguish them, not marks of merit or
excellence. yt; .y ~~~ H~'J ~ These are the beautiful words of the Holy
Prophet ~ meaning, "You are all from Aadam and Aadam was
(created) from dust." In other words, your beginings are in dust and
you will return to it. Your sources of pride do not exist anymore nor
will any remain afterwards. They have all been consigned to dust
and all the others will be consigned to dust.
It is a wrong habit of man that he boasts about his forefathers,
saying, "My father and ancestors were such and such." This
repulsive habit of boasting in forefathers was deeply set in the Arabs
of the Days of Ignorance and they convened meetings to discuss
these things haughtily.
In fact, pride in ancestry is tantamount to consider oneself
superior and more excellent than other people. It is not consonant
with Islamic teachings and the principle of equality, more so if the
ancestors were unbelievers. It is also very sinful. A son of a king has
no merit because he is a king's son. Bereft of piety, the son of a king
and the son of a sweeper are equal in the sight of Allah but if a
Stories From the Hadith

sweeper's son is endowed with piety then he is more excellent than a

king's son in the sight of Allah. (No man is more excellent than the
other. Taqwa is the standard whether he is a scholar or an illiterate.)
'IJ:'~~-w~ ~.. J:. , (,:J.c,.-
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., ~
{0 mankind! Surely We have created you from a male and a
female, and have made you into nations and tribes that you may
know one another.} (AI-Hujurat.49: 13)
The Qur'an has made it very clear that colour of the skin or
descent, geographical divisions of cities or nations, brotherhood or
tribes-all such divisions are ignorant distinctions promoting
prejudice. They are stinking and filthy habits, and boasting on this
basis leads to warfare and bloodshed.
A person is not worthy of respect because he is the son of a
pious man. The son of a Prophet is not entitled to esteem because he
is a Prophet's son. Every man's own deed entitles him to receive
respect or to be disgraced. The son of Prophet Nub ~'£..11 ~ was
accursed because of his deeds while the sons of Prophet Ya'qub ~
~'£..11 and Prophet lbrahim ~'£..11 ~ were honourable and noble because
of their deeds.
Thus, in the narrative we see that when two people began to
boast on their predecessors, the Messenger of Allah $ corrected
them and related to them an incident of the times of Sayyidina Musa
~')C.J1 ~- A similar argument between two men had ensued in his
times and they boasted on their line of descent.
One of them regarded himself as superior to the other who he
thought was inferior to him and counted his nine ancestors proudly.
He said, "May you not have a mother", and suggested that he
himself was from a noble and worthy family although all of them
were lUlbelievers. He asked the other man contemptuously, "Who
are you?"
It is just like anyone boasting about himself that he is the son of
Fir'awn, son of Fir'awn, son of Fir'awn, son of Fir'awn, and then
asking the other, "Who are you? What is your reality? No one knows
you, who is your father. Which mother bore you?"
The second person noted the insulting and derisive comments of
Stories From the Hadith

the first man. He said quietly to him that he was so-and-so, son of
so-and-so, son of Islam. In other words, he introduced himself
recalling the names of his father and grand father and adding that
they were sons of Islam. He conceded that his forefathers above his
grandfather were unbelievers so why should he attach the names of
disbelievers with his own name. "Why should I feel proud of the
It is known about Sayyidina Salman Farsi u. J!, .r" J that he was
with some people who mentioned their forefathers. When it was his
turn to say something, he said, "As for me, I am but the son of
Islam." He meant to say that hi's father and grandfather and those
before them were all unbelievers and he had earned the blessings of
Islam so why should he relate himself to them? When Sayyidina
Umar u. JJ,.r" J learnt of it, he began to weep and said,
f.>\.....,1 .,:r.l UiJ
"And I too am the son of Islam", for his father too was an
The second man in the narrative too mentioned his father and
grandfather but, because those before them were unbelievers, he did
not mention them, saying merely that he was related to Islam.
Allah revealed to Sayyidina Musa ~'£-J' ~ that the first man ·who
had named nine of his forefathers knew that they were disbelievers.
All of them were consigned to Hell and he ws the tenth of them to
go to Hell because -he had boasted on his disbelieving parents.
The second man who listened to his degrading remarks without
being PJ"OVoked did not boast on his ancestors. It sufficed him to
mention his father and grandfather and regard himself as an adherent
of Islam. So, b~th his father and· grandfather were dwellers of
Paradise, he being the third of them. He took pride in his Islamic
connections and not in his ancestors.

Lessons and Messages

1. It is the worst kind of sin to take pride in one's forefathers
particularly if they were unbelievers. It is synonymous with
degrading Islam.
2. Islam (when it came) smashed all icons of prejudice of colour
and descent, differences because of region and nationality. It has
Stories From the Hadith

declared unlawful prejudice of every kind whereby man .is led to

take pride on the basis of region and nation. and tribe and
3. It is not an act of prejudice to follow one's ancestors who
were on the right path.
4. To end a disapproved or wicked act, it is better to relate a
lesson-bearing event concerning it. The Messenger of Allah 3 had
related an event of the times of Sayyidina Musa r..W' 4# to two men
who argued among themselves about their ancestry.
5. No one becomes despicable simply because someone else
calls him so. True honour or dishonour is from Allah and He does
not bestow it on the basis of descent or family ties or tribal links. He
looks at anyone's piety. Anyone who measures to the standard of
piety is noble, honourable and worth respect but he who falls short
of it is worthless, disgraced and despised.
Stories From the Hadith ===============291

The Forty-sixth Story

The Daring Insolent

First Words
Sometimes a mere word that a man utters is the cause of his
destruction in this life and the next. He loses his life-long effort in
worship and devotion. To consider a sinner as an unworthy perso_n
not liable to gain forgiveness is in itself a crime which is
unforgiveable. It is not upto the ignorant and unknowing to forgive
or not to forgive anyone but it behoves only the All-Knowing and
All-Aware to forgive or punish.
Let those people who are given to pass judgement on a sinner
first read this article. Let them see their reflection in the mirror that
the Holy Prophet~ has pointed out.

::,; ~~ ~i~l J~j ::,; ~~ ~ ~ J ~ 4.S)J .'

~ 45~,,~:;. :J\i Jw .JJ, ::,~) ,!)~ .JJ, '# ~ ~') :Jii ~)

w-- ji ~ ~t) ,!)~ . pi ~ ::,i ~
. ~p ~ J_~ ,!)~ '

J~j ~ :Jii ~;.; ~i ~ =~ J .))\.) y,i 45)J) •,

~lJI JS. ;:.~1 45;.. ~I Jl~ ~ b\SJ ,~~~~ J ~ ~~IJ
, "t ,I'
·~ :4.)~

~ .~~~ 0) ~ J~ .~t ::J J~ ~~ JS. ~fi o~Ji

.~1 Jl1 ~if~~ ji ,~ Jl1 '# ~ ~lj :J~ YQj
Stories From the Hadith

:~1 IJi! J~ c~WI ~J :4 ,:-~~lt c~(JJi :.,a)t

c~~\ ~J'J! J\ij ~~~~\i ~~ J (. JS. :- :C, ji cQ~ ~ :- '·S'i

·l~11 J~ ~ ~~~\ fSt! Jli) '~~ ~\ f~~

.:U~r. ow~ :-.;;·.r~~o..G . ~~.J(. ~-~-~
~ J oo • J !If. JooJ-
"' •
""..,.. •• ~ . .. ,; J ..T•
' '

[1. It is transmitted by Muslim that Sayyidina Jundub JJ,..,....J
..s- said that the Messenger of Allah$ said tha't a man
remarked, "Allah would not f?rgive such and such (a person)."
Thereupon Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said, "Who is he
who adjures about Me that I would not pardon so-and-so. I have
granted pardon to so-and-so and blotted out the deed-(of him
who took an oath that I would not pardon him)."]
[2. It is transmitted by Abu Dawood in his sunan that
Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah u-JJ,..,....J reported the Messenger of
Allah $ as saying: There were two men of the Bani Isra'il who
were· very close. frien<n;. One of them was a great sinner while
the other exerted himself to perform pious deeds. The man who
exerted in worship continued to see the other in sin and would
say, "Refrain from sin." One day on finding him in sin, he said,
"Keep away from it", but he said, "Leave me alone, for God's
sake. Are you sent as a watchman over me?" He said, "I swear
by Allah, He will not forgive you nor will He admit you to ·
Paradise." Then their souls were taken away and were presented
before the Lord of the worlds. He said to him who had striven
hard in worship, "Did you have knowledge about Me or did you ·
have power over that which I had in My hand?" He said to the
sinner, "Go, and enter Paradise by My Mercy." And for the
other, He said, "Take him to Hell."
Abu Hurayrah ..s- JJ, ..r"J said, "By Him in Whose Hand is
my soul, he spoke a word which destroyed him in this world
and the next."] (Muslim Hadith # 6350 and Abu Dawood Hadith # 4883)

The Messenger of Allah $ has related the incident and pointed
Stories From the Hadith ===============293
out the very dangerous weakness and its repercussions. People often
pre-suppose about a sinner that he will not be forgiven, or they
continue to rebuke him that he will not be forgiven and he is a
sinner. They regard him as inferior and lowly.
Of course, to despise sin is a sign of faith but it does not mean
that the sinner too must be despised. Allah may guide a sinner to the
Right Path any time, and may take away from a righteous person the
inclination to practice piety at any moment. It may also be that one
who is known as a sinner may have performed a deed-or may be
used to performing it-which might earn him forgiveness and
Paradise .
. To consider anyone not worthy of forgiveness and inferior
because of his sins is a very dangerous weakness which might
devour one's life-long piety and righteousness.
It must be known that it is the duty of every Muslim to prevent
anyone from doing wicked deeds. To command the approved and to
forbid the disapproved is an obligation on all Muslims but the
wrong-doer must not be made to feel despised.
The narrative tells us that the pious man did indeed fulfil his
duty to stop his friend from doing evil. However, because he was
bereft of a proper understanding of Islam, he lost his temper after
constant preaching and made a firm declaration on oath.
"By Allah, He will not forgive you, or you will not go to
This was a very dangerous statement. It smacked of disgrace for
the sinning friend and disgraced him. He also made him despair of
Allah's Mercy. It also made the speaker appear to hinder in the work
of Allah apropriating His authority; as if he was the one who
awarded Paradise or Hell.
Allah punished him for that by bringing to naught all his
life-long pious achievements and Jet him know that he whom he
considered worthless was sent to Paradise.
The same weakness is found in people these days. This is the
devil's prompting. The devil generally prompts those people to act in
this maner who have put in their first steps in piety. Such new
entrants to piety often consider other people as sinful while they
regard themselves as on the right path. They accuse anyone who
Stories From the Hadith

does anything against the sunnah as irreligious and not' rightous.

This weakness may land one in Hell.
May Allah preserve all Muslims from this weakness and cause
them to respect fellow Muslims. Aameen!

Lessons and Messages

1. It is a grave sin to despise a sinner, to think of him as
disgraceful and unworthy of forgiveness and to debase him. We
must despise the sin, not the sinner.
2. It is very insolent to swear on Allah that He would certainly
do or not do something. It is like interfering in the Authority of
Allah and His work. The punishment is very severe for that.
Nevertheless, there are some slaves of Allah who have attained
a high station so they take pride in Allah who respects their nearness
to Him and gives what they ask for. Thus, they swear on Him that
He would do such-and-such thing and, in fact, He does that obliging
them. There are quite a few examples of that in books of Ahadith.
The Messenger of Allah it has said, "There are certain slaves of
Allah who when they swear on Him, He fulfils what they claim He
would do."
3. It is very wrong and sinful to declare about anyone that he
would go to Paradise or to Hell on the basis of his righteous deeds
and wicked living. Only Allah knows who will go to Paradise and
who to Hell. Hence, we fmd in a Hadith that sometimes a person
performs deeds that take one to Paradise when he suddenly does
something that makes him worthy of going to Hell. As against this,
someone continues to do deeds that would take him to Hell when
suddenly he does a pious deed that entitles him to go to Paradise.
Thus, while it is right for us to say that such-and-such a person
performs deeds that are worthy of Paradise or does something that
may land anyone in Hell but it is a grave sin to decide whether
anyone is going to Paradise or to Hell, and it is a careless mistake.
4. We must fear much a wicked death. No one can say how he
will die. In this case too someone who was pious all his life, having
many righteous deeds against his name, suddenly uttered a phrase
that made him liable to go to Hell. We must make many
supplications to Allah for an ending of life on faith and virtue. We
Stories From the Hadith ===============295
must continue to fear Allah and seek safety.
5. The Hadith is evidence for the contention of the Ahl-
As-Sunnah (observers of the practice of the Prophet~) that Allah
may, if He chooses. forgive a sinner even if he has not repented. The
stubborn sinner in the foregoing narrative earned forgiveness
without having repented.
Stories From the Hadith

The Forty-seventh Story

The Cruelty of a
Hard-hearted Woman
First Words
Mercy, benevolence and compassion are the attributes of the
Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim (the Most Merciful Allah). When they
are found in a slave ; he is nearer to Allah . In contrast,
hard-heartedness, brutality and cruelty are qualities of the devil and
these qualities tend to take their owner towards Hell. This is the case
of a mute cat being tortured by a cruel woman who was then
consigned to Hell as its fuel.

:Jii ~i ~, ~ ~ ~~ ~J
rs 0' ~ ~)~' ~_,) .,
~~ ~ ~u ~:u ~:, ~ ;.li 'e:k!) fff' J )8' ~r;., ~~~

;;. ~ fff' J ~r;., ~# :~)~' J.:s, ~'-'J J_, ."

~ 'ij ,,e:- :.;. ~~ 'e:-a-.. 'ij ,~i ~ 'i c)WI ~ ~~~ ,~~
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y- ~)~\ ~ ~ ,J~I o~ J JLJIJ ~~ ~iJ l.aJ.:s.

~i ;,- )~1 ~ ~~J :J\i t!J!; j_,..., )' l)i ~ ~i ~ ~4...-ti
Stories From the Hadith

Jl! .~u ~)i '1) ,~i '1 ,~Y. ~1:.? 4-:- :~ :()l! Y~~
. ~)~1 J'u.;.. )i ~ ~ :Jl! 4;~ ~ ~u
~ ... "" '

[1. Sayyidina Abdullah bin Umar ~ JJ, '-"; has said that
the Prophet$ said: A woman entered the Fire because of a cat
which she had tied; she neither gave it food nor set it free to eat
from the vermin ofthe earth]
[2. (Another version in Bukhari): The Messenger of Allah
e said: A woman was tortured and was put in Fire because of
a cat she had kept locked till she died of hunger.]
[3. The Messenger of Allah ~ saw her being punished in
Hell when he was shown Paradise and Hell while he was
offering the Sa/at of eclipse of the sun. (So it is narrated by
Asma hint Abu Bakr ~ JJ, '-"; and transmitted by Bukhari.)
She said that Messenger of Allah ~ said about the fire of Hell
intensifying while he was offering the Sa/at of the eclipse of the
sun: ... And Hell became so near to me that I said, "0 my Lord,
will I be among those people?" (that in spite of being there, they
are being punished). Then suddenly I saw a woman; and a cat
was lacerating her with its claws. On my enquiry, they told me
that the woman had imprisoned the cat till it died of starvation,
and she neither fed i~ nor freed it so that it might feed itself
from ·the insects, vermin and creatures of earth.]
(According to one version, the woman was from the Bani
Isra'il.] (Bukhari Hadith# 3318,2365, 3482 and Muslim Hadith # 6345)

It was the limit of cruelty that a mute animal was locked away to
die of hunger. The most cruel and hard-hearted person cannot be
expected to do it. Islam teaches us that we must show mercy not
only to human beings but also to animals.
Her cruelty to the mute animal took her to Hell. The Hadith tells
us that the Messenger of Allah~ was offering the Salah al-Kusuf
(Sa/at of solar eclipse) when he was shown Paradise and Hell and
observed her being punished. He saw that a cat was tearing her with
her claws and she (the woman) was also burning in the Fire of Hell.
Stories From the Hadith ===============298
The Messenger of Allah $ had seen Paradise and Hell in the
Sa/at of the eclipse and the Hadith tells us that his recital in the Salat
was lengthy and his bowing and prostrations too were prolonged.
During the Sa/at he sometimes moved forward and sometimes went
back while we are commanded to stay stationary in Sa/at. The
Companions ~ JJ, .sJ>; were naturally surprised so they asked him
why he did that.
He explained to them that Allah showed him Paradise and Hell
during the Sa/at. "When Paradise was before me I would move
forward with a great desire but when Hell was shown I moved back
in surprise. When the flames of Fire rose forward, I exclaimed, "My
Lord! While I am there and they are punished?" The truth is that in
the presence of a Prophet, no one is punished.
While observing Paradise and Hell, he saw a woman burning in
the Fire and a cat was clawing at her. The Prophet$ asked about it
and the angels told him, "She is being punished because of that very
cat. She had kept the cat under lock and neither did she feed her
herself nor let her out that she might find her own food. The cat died
of hunger and thirst. Her cruelty to the animal became the cause of
her being punished."

Lessons and Messages

1. To show mercy to human beings is an obligatory character.
To show mercy to the animals is also an obligatory act. But, to let an
animal die of hunger and thirst is the worst kind of cruelty.
2. The Hadith is also an evidence that if mute animals and birds
are caged then those who keep them must be very particular about
feeding and watering them and about their other needs. It is not
proper to cause hardship to the creatures of Allah.
3. This case tells us that just as a small good deed may fetch the
perpetrator Paradise, so too a minor evil deed may get punishment to
the doer, and he may go to Hell.
4. The Hadith tells us that if the cat was left to itself, it would
have eaten insects and vermin. This shows that the insects and
vermin, etc. are not created without purpose. Sometimes, man does
worry himself why these things have been created. (May Allah
protect us from wrong thinking!) of the other reasons for its creation,
Stories From the Hadith

one is that they are food for other animals.

5. We have also learnt that Allah punishes man in Hell in
keeping with his evil deed. This woman was punished through the
cat. The cat injured her with her claws. So, the punishment of the
Hereafter will be in relation to the deed in the world.

1Al-Qasama is the oath about accusation of killing someone.

Stories From the Hadith ===============300

The Forty-eighth Story

All For a Rope

First Words
Some people do not hesitate to take away someone's life and
they do it over petty matters. Such a fire of anger burns within them
that it engulfs within it such qualities as fear of Allah, thought of the
Hereafter, humane behaviour, compassion, etc. This is the story of a
man who tqok away a man's life for the sake of a rope.
Of the several evils common in the days of Ignorance was the
rampant killing and blood-shedding. This story tells of the fate of
those who do not value human life and speak lies to wash away their

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Stories From the Hadith

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(Sayyidina lbn Abbas ~JJ'..r"; said: The first event of
AI-Qasamah<') in the pre-lslamic period of Ignorance was
practised by us (Bani Hashim). A man from Bani Hashim was
employed by a Qurayshi man from another branch family. The
1 Law of equality in punishment.
Stories From the Hadith

labourer set out with the Qurayshi, driving his camels. There
passed by him another man from Bani Hashim. The leather
rope of the latter's bag was broken so he said to the labourer,
"Will you help me by giving me a rope in order to tie the handle
of my bag, Jest the camels should run away from me?" The
labourer gave him a rope and the latter tied his bag with it.
When the caravan halted, all the camels' legs were tied with
their fetters except one camel's. The employer asked the
labourer, "Why has this camel of all the camels not been
fettered?" He said, "There is no fetter for it." The Qurayshi
asked, "Where is its fetter?" The labourer told him what had
happened so the Qurayshi beat the labourer with a stick that
caused his death. (Just before he ·died) a man from Yemen
passed by him. The labourer asked him, "Will you go for the
pilgrimage?" He replied, "I do not think I will perform it, but
perhaps I will perform it." The labourer said, "Will you convey
a message for me in your life?" The other man said, "Yes." The
labourer wrote, "When you go for the pilgrimage, call the
family of the Quraysh and if they respond to you, call the family
of the Bani Hashim and if they respond to you, ask for Abu
Talib and tell him that so-and-so has killed me for a fetter."
After that the labourer died.
When the employer reached (Makkah), Abu Talib visited
him and asked, "What has happened to our companion?" He
said, "He became ill and I looked after him nicely but he died
and I buried him." Abu Talib said, "The deceased deserved that
from you."
After some time, the man whom the labourer had asked to
convey the message reached Makkah during the pilgrimage
season. He called out, "0 family of Quraysh!" They replied,
"Here we are!" Then he called out, "0 Bani Hashim!" And they
replied, _"Here wer are!" He asked "Who is Abu Talib?" The
people pointing out to him, said, "He is Abu Talib." He said,
"So-and-so has asked me to convey a message to you that
so-and-so had killed him for a fetter (of a camel)."
Then Abu Talib went to the Qurayshi killer and placed
before him three alternatives asking him to choose one of them:
Stories From the Hadith ===============303
i) If you wish, give us one hundred camels because you
have murdered our companion.
ii) If you wish, fifty of your men should take an oath that
you have not committed the murder of our companion.
iii) If you do not accept this then we kill you in Qisas.<l)
The killer went to his people and they said, "We will take
an oath."
Then a woman from Bani Hashim who was married to one
ofthem (the Quraysh), and had given birth to a child from him,
came to Abu Talib and said, "0 Abu Talib! I wish that my son,
from among the fifty men. should be excused from this oath,
and he should not take the oath when the oath-taking is carried
on. " Abu Talib excused him. Then another man from them
came and said. "0 Abu Talib! You have asked for fifty persons
to take an oath or a hundred camels to be given (to you) and
that means each man has to give two camels (or take the oath).
So, here are the two camels I wish you to accept from me and
excuse me from taking an oath when oaths are taken." Abu
Talib accepted them from him. Then forty-eight men came and
took the oath (that the Quraysh had not killed the labourer).
Ibn Abbas~JJ'u-PJ said, "By Him in Whose Hand my soul
is, before the end of that year, none of those forty-eight men
remained alive.] (Bukhari Hadith#3846, Nasai)

Murder is a grave sin and the worst of its kind. The Qur'an has
frequently told us that· it is the worst of wrongs. In fact, on one
occasion its punishment has been mentioned and its severity
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{And whosoever slays a believer wilfully, his recompense is
Hell, abiding therein; and Allah shall be wroth with him and
shall curse him, and He has prepared for him a mighty
chastisement.} (An-Nisa',4: 93)
Again we are told:
Stories From the Hadith

~ .. / ~f.;::.-: ,. t: ,
' WI"'I.;:t:;uDj · ·~1 · .,~~·1
~ . / , . . . /,..
·· • · (~'1.. : ~-
- ' • (.)'J 1..)-U' L>'f'..) ~ " J ~~ 1..)-U' 1.)-0

{Whosoever slays a human being for other than manslaughter,

or for (spreading) corruption in the land, it shall be as if he had
slain all mankind.} (AI-Ma'idah, 5: 32)
Obviously, killing anyone, particularly a Muslim is the worst of
sins and is like killing all mankind. The Shari'ah of Islam has
prescribed severe punishment for it so that it may not be committed
for it is very repulsive and dangerous.
The punishment for wilful murder is qisas (retaliation) or, if the
heirs agree to a remission, or if the murder was committed
unintentionally, then there is a heavy penalty. This is a worldly
punishment, and in the Hereafter there is a severe punishment in
store. J-Ience, if anyone has in him even the slightest fear of Allah
and thought of the Hereafter then he will refrain from committing
this crime.
Then, it also happens that a murderer is untraced or unknown.
The Shari'ah has suggested a method to trace the murderer as far as
possible. It is the method of Al-Qasamah which is referred to in the
narrative. It may be defined briefly thus ; if someone is found
murdered and the murderer cannot be known then fifty of the
respected men of the area where the body is found should state on
oath that they are not involved in the murder and they do not know
about the murder. Fifty people is a big number and normally so
many people do not agree to speak lies together.
In this case, however, the murderer was known but there was no
evidence against him. So, Abu Talib went to him and offered him
that he may choose one of three things. He could surrender a
hundred camels as penalty (bloodnit) against killing the man. Or,
fifty of his tribe could affirm on oath that he had not killed their
man. But, if he did not agree to both choices then it meant that he
was the murderer and the third way was that they would kill him in
The Qurayshi man consulted his tribe and they agreed to take a
false oath to prevent suffering the disgrace of being accused of
murder, and to maintain their reputation. However, a woman of the
Bani Hashim, who had married a man of the Quraysh of the
murderer's tribe, approached Abu Talib and requested him to excuse
Stories From the Hadith ================305
her son from taking the oath. She did not wish her son to take a false
oath. She knew that anyone who takes a false oath may suffer
punishment in this life as well as the next.
Those people had a specified place where oaths were taken. It
was in BaytAllah between the Maqam lbrahim (station of Ibrahim)
and Hajr Al-Aswad (the Black Stone). The woman requested him to
excuse her son at that place when the oath-taking began.
Similarly, another person also approached Abu Talib and
pointed to him that the choices given by him included handing over
of a hundred camels or oath-taking by fifty men which meant that a
man could give away two.. camels and excuse himself from
oath-taking. So, he wished to· be excused against two camels which
he had brought. The remaining forty-eight men took a false oath
each of them.
Sayyidina Ibn Abbas ~ JJ1 ~ J said, "By Him, Who holds my life!
None of the forty-eight men survived the year passing the
oath-taking." This was the consequence of taking a false oath.

Lessons and Messages

1. This method of Al-Qasamah was practised in the Days of
Ignorance. The Islamic Shari'ah retained it on the same method.
This shows that not all the practices of the Jahiliyah (Days of
Ignorance) were wrong. In fact, Islam retained some of them in its
2. The consequences of taking a false oath on Allah are serious
and all the forty-eight men died within a year of taking false oath.
They had concealed the truth imd tried to protect a murderer.
3. The Hadith also discloses that there were God-fearing men in
the Days of Ignorance too who realised that they would have to
answer for their deeds. The narrative tells us of a woman and a man
among the fifty who feared the repercussions of false oath.
4. It was a good custom of the Days of Ignorance and worth
adopting that man could rely on a stranger with his secrets. Strangers
who promised to do something kept their promise. We have seen
how the . dying man confided in the stranger and relied on him to
convey his message, and he did truly convey it.
Stories From the Hadith

The Forty-ninth Story

The Stubborn Bani Isra'il

First Words
It is the work of the ill-~isposed people that they ridicule the
commands of their Benefact?r. The Bani Isra'il are a people who
were blessed with extraordinary favours from Allah. In spite of their
persistent disobedience, unfaithfulness, rebellion against Divine
injunctions and two-faced treatment of the Prophets ~~~ ~. they
were favoured with innumerable blessings and bounties. Those
people whose disposition it is to be unfaithful and ill-natured cannot
be expected to care for the commands of Allah. The following
narration gives us an idea of their foolish. ill-natured stubbornness.

~ JJ :~; Jll JJ""'j Jt! :J\! ~f...fb ~i ~ ~j~l ~Jj

1JL;.:U c(,f~ (OA :o_AJI) ~ 1')')j I~ y~l (_#.~1 J:ilr!

.f~ "J ~ l')lij ~~! JS. ~~Y..

[lmam Bukhari has transmitted in his Sahih that Sayyidina
Abu Hurayrah ~JJ'..r"'J said that the Messenger of Allah illf;
said: Th~ Bani lsra:il were told, "Enter the gate (of the town)
bowing with humility (prostrating yourselves) and saying:
Repentance." But they changed the word and entered ~he town
crawling on their buttocks, saying, "A grain in Sha'rah (a spike
or a hair)."] (Bukhari # 3403. Muslim)

The Bani Isra'il are a people who have distinguished themselves
in history as the most disobedient and rebellious people. They have
Stories From the Hadith

surpassed everyone else in obstinacy. in making fun of the

commands of Allah and His Messengers whom they tormented very
much. They had become such hard-hearted that unless they were
subjected to Divine punislnnent they did not turn to Allah. When
they found themselves being punished they turned to Allah but as
soon as the punishment was withdrawn they returned to their
mischievious ways, and rebelled and disobeyed Allah, and devided
His commands. This is the picture of a vast majority of them.
Once All~ ordered them that as they enter the gates of the city.
Mad'in Al-Ard, they must enter it prostrating themselves and saying
iJ.... (Hittatun) "Forgiveness" or "Repentance". They were assured
that if they did that they would be forgiven their sins and granted
more favours.
They could easily have followed the instructions but they were
helpless before their own evil .nature. When they encountered the
gates, instead of prostrating themselves. they crawled inside on their
buttocks in a clear mockery of the commands of Allah. And, instead
of uttering the word they were asked to call out, they uttered another
word similar to it in pronunciation but different in meaning i ~ J ~
(A grain in a spike or hair). This behaviour is clearly the worst form
of disobedience and a mockery of Allah's commands. They could
have seized the opportunity· to get pardon through the easy way
suggested by Allah but they chose to again disobey and make fun of
the order. Their foolish conduct entitled them to punishment.
The Qur'an has said:
· •-1 lj'a'lli. 0:!-
1'!.fo -. •JJI 't;.
~'I ,I.%
rv- • :11 -< ~ .~ 1·•lr. ~ •Jl1 J- ~
I..J:'!.I.S "t' .%- y ~ 0:!, .
0~ l_i.tS lAt ~I: .~.11 ~­
{But those who did evil substituted a saying other than that
which had been saicrto them, so We sent down upon those who
did evil a scourge from heaven because they used to transgress}
(AI-Baqarah.2: 59)

Surely, the repercussions for disobedience and mockery of the

commands of Allah are such. The evil people face a severe torment
and so the Bani Isra'il were chastised for their insolence.
We must make it clear here that while a vast majority of the
Bani Isra'il were disobedient and persisted in such behaviour, it does
Stories From the Ha.dith

not follow that they did not have obedient and virtuous people
among them. In fact. there were righteous people among them and
we have narrated events in the lives of some of them earlier in this
book, events which indeed ~re inspiring and which motivate to
piety. It was for the virtue and righteousness of these people that

Allah had allowed respite to the Bani lsra'il as a whole. However, the
pious people were very few in number, a very small minority.

·L essons and Messages

1. The first lesson we learn· is that it is a great crime to change
the commands of Allah and anyone who does that calls upon himself
the punishment of Allah.
In the present era, too, some people suggest changes in the clear
and unambiguous commands of the Qur'an. they ·take the path of
reading meanings in its interpretation which are •not there to satisfy
their personal ends. Such people must remember the fate of the Bani
Some of the examples of commands which some people hope to
TQisinterpret are those concerning the veil (hijab ), interest. bribery.
wine and such others. An unsuccessful attempt is made to present
the commands of the Qur'an · and Ahadith out of context and in a
distorted manner. Such people must learn a lesson from this
2. This narrative also teaches a lesson to Muslims that when
they enter a town or city as victors, they must not enter haughtily ~
tyrants, but they must show· humility and must lack all signs of
arrogance as they enter it. They must th~ Allah who granted them
victory as they enter it. This attitude will fetch them blessings in the
victory. The Bani Isra'il (the Jews) did not abide by it but, praise be
to Allah, there are several examples, in Islamic history of Muslims
who entered the cities conquered by them with humility and
submission. Their tongues uttered praise of Allah and gratitude to
Him. Their foreheads bowed down in prostration. The behaviour of
the Messenger of Allah 3 is oan example.
3. The Hadith also tells us that disobedience to Allah makes one
liable to be punished in the Hereafter. Besides, it is also the cause of
worldly blessings being taken· away. Thus, disobedience is punished
Stories From the Hadith

both in this world and the next.

May Allah grant us perfect obedience to His commands. ·May
He preserve all Muslims from mischief and trial of every kind.
Stories From the Hadith ==============310

The Fiftieth Story

The Root of All Evil

First Words
A sin follows another and one who performs a sin agrees
quickly to corrimit a graver sin: A bar where wine is served and
which is called .!..l\.,.:>JI~f (umm af-Khaba'ith) , the mother of all
impurities, pulls the most ascetic of men into trial and mischief. One
who reconciles himself With wine does not hesitate to commit any
known sin on earth. The Shari'ah has declared wine as impure
although it may .have certain advantages. It has declared as unlawful
the earnings of anyone associated with it in any way, and his work
as the worst crime. This worst of impurities dampens a man's
intellect and takes him on the path of the devil.
Let us hear the blessed words of the most truthful man i!lf; in this
regard-to learn lessons, to receive admonition:
{But is there anyone who would be admonished} (Al-Qamar, 54:
I 5, etc.)

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' J '

.~~~ IJA foiji ,G,ts"' ~~I~~~

Stories From the Hadith ===============311
;..u •.j_)~? :J\! ,L.,ts' 4::,- J ,L.,ts' ?' \~ ~ .;;)0 .. \! J\!
~ JJ1J ~~ ,~\ 1~\! .:.,.1:JI ~J ,~)<:. ~J J;- ~;
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1:P.l! :J\! .~_/'.il .~WI :Jf!j ~ ~ -£:;. ~ ~)

[1. It is transmitted by Nasa'i as narrated by Abdur Rahman
bin AI-Harith from his father that he heard Sayyidina Uthman
..s- Jl1._rp; say:
Keep away from wine for it is the root of every impurity
and evil. Among the people preceding you there was a great
worshipper and an ascetic. AA immodest and immoral woman
fell in love with him. She sent her maid slave to him and she
said to him, "We invite you to witness an affair (or
transaction)." (To give a true testimony is virtuous and pious
people do not miss an opportunity to do a pious deed.) So, he
accompanied the maid-slav~. She was careful to shut every door
behind them until they had entered several doors and faced a
beautiful woman who had an infant child and a bottle of wine
beside her.
She said to him, "By Allah, I have not invited you to give
witness to anything. I have called you that you may commit
adultery with me, or drink a glass ofthis wine, or kill this boy."
The ascetic said to her. "Give me wine to drink", (for he
thought that it was the least harmful of the three wrong things).
So, the immoral ·woman gave him wine to drink. (Barely he put
it down his throat when he became intoxicated). He asked for
Stories From the Hadith ==============312
more (and he drank endless cups of it). It was not long before
he committed adultery with the woman and also killed the boy.
So, keep away from wine. It is such a thing that by Allah,
faith and continuous courses of wine cannot coexist in anyone,
and one is sure to drive away the other. (Either faith will rescue
the faithful from wine; or wine will remove faith).]
[2. Abdur Rahman bin Mubarak has related from Yunus
from Az-Zuhri that Abu Bakr bin Abdur Rahman bin AI-Harith
quoted his father as saying:
Sayyidina Uthman ..s. .JJ, ~ J said, "Keep away from wine for
it is the mother of all impurities."]
[3. Tabarani has transmitted the Hadith of Abdullah bin
Amr Al-Aas that once after the death of the Holy Prophet 4;,
Sayyidina Abu Bakr, Umar bin Al-Khattab and other
Companions~.JJ,~J were sitting together. They discussed
among themselves and wondered what would be the gravest of
sins. They did not know for sure what it was, so they sent me to
Abdullah bin Amr Al-Aas to ask him about it. He told me that
to drink wine was the gravest of the major sins.
I came back to them and told them what he had said but
they disagreed with him and all of them went to his house (for
1111 explanation). He told them that the Messenger of Allah ~
had said:
One of the kings of the Bani Isra'il arrested someone and
put before him certain choices (of which he was bound to
choose one). He could (i) drink wine, (ii) kill an infant, (iii)
commit adultery, or (iv) eat pork. But, if he rejected all of these
then he must be prepared to be put to death. He (thought wine
was the least harmful and) chose wine. Hence, when he drank
wine, none of the other things were forbidden to him (in his
eyes and he did them all).
The Prophet~ said at this time, "Whoever drinks wine,
his Sa/at are not accepted for forty nights (and days) and if he
dies while there are traces of wine in his bladder then Paradise
is forbidden to him but if he dies within forty days then he dies
the death of the Days of Ignorance."](Nasai, Tabarani)
Stories From the Hadith ===============313
These Ahadith speak of a similar incident which reflect on the
corruption in the Isra'ili societies. Perhaps the man who was

compelled to do the unlawful and destructive acts was a well-known

and influential man, one whom other people imitated in their lives.
Perhaps the king feared that he might become more popular than
him and more influential than him because of his piety and
asceticism and he himself may become less popular. This has been a
weakness among all monarchs and tyrants and they cannot stand
anyone gaining public acclaim. They have always tried to suppress
such people and to disgrace them ..
So, the king used a high-class lady to further his evil designs.
She was asked to corrupt the pious man' and put him to trial. A trial
through women is the most effective of all trials. Evil people have
used this strategy in every era.
That woman was very rich and highly placed in society but she
was an immodest woman. She did not feel repelled from doing a
shameless act. She deceived the pious man by asking him to visit her
to bear witness to a deed and ·she had sent her slave for the purpose.
He knew that it was virtuous to stand witness between people so
agreed to go with the maid-slave to the woman. When he entered the
house, the slave-girl shut the doors behind him. When they had
passed some doors in this manner he encountered she had before her
a bottle of wine and an infant child. The woman divulged to him that
there was no affair for him to witness but that he was called to
commit adulteiy with her and if he did not then he may either kill the
infant baby or drink wine. If he did not do any of those things then
he must be prepared to die . The other version tells us that the
woman also presented him the choice of eating swine flesh. That
man was a worshipper, and an ascetic at that, but not a religious
scholar or one who has enjoyed the company of religious scholars,
so he did not show will-power and steadfast perseverence in
religion. He did not place reliance on Allah Who would have
definitely relieved him of the difficulty and afforded him a way out
as He had done for Sayyidina Yusuf~~~~ although the doors were
locked behind him. Prophet Yusuf ~~~ ~ did not consider himself
helpless but put his trust in Allah and was confident of receiving His
Stories From the Hadith ==============~314

help. He prayed to Him to get him out of the trying situation and
Allah got him out, the locked doors, opening as he advanced
towards them. The pious worshipper in this narrative, however, did
not have insight and he supposed that if he did not obey the woman
then he· would be murdered. He thought wine was the least sinful of
all things and he opted for it. He was intoxicated and kept asking for
more and he lost his senses and did not know what faith was and
what fear of Allah was. He was unconcerned of the Hereafter and
became shameless and immodest so he slept with the lady and also
killed the infant.
It appears from the Hadith that their objective was to disgrace
this pious man and bring his piety and worship to nothing. This is
apparent from the choice placed before him and not compelling him
to commit adultery. Each of the three or four choices before him was
in opposition to belief and harmful to this man's nobility and virtue.
Anyway, ~e Prophet~ had .narrated this story to point out that
wine is the worst of sins, . and the root of all evils. It intoxicates and
causes a man to lose his senses. In a state of intoxication, he does
things which are disgracing and harmful. The Qur'an has called it:

, tt ' P -;_'I t ~~ , " c., o

, I...)Aio"LJA~.)
/ /

{an abomination of Satan's handiwork}(AI-Ma'idah,5:90)

The Prophet ~ mentioH.ed that wine is unlawful and warned
against falling into the evil. He said, "The Salat of an alcoholist are
not accepted for forty nights and if he dies while there is even a drop
of wine in his body then Paradise is forbidden to him. If he dies
within the forty nights then he is said to have died a death of the
Days of Ignorance."

Lessons and Messages

The Hadith provides us many lessons:
1. The Hadith tells us that it is a grave sin to be attached in
anyway with wine or a bar where it is served. It also points out the
evil and corrupt things that result from drinking wine and its bad
influence on society. The sin of drinking wine leads to inumerable
other sinful acts.
2. The Hadith also recalls that the men of Allah have to pass
Stories From the Hadith =~=============315

through many trials. The wicked people try to divert Allah's pious
slaves from the pious path to the wrong path of different methods.
3. Sometimes lack of religious knowledge causes a worshipper
to be misled. A worship cannot be discharged as it should be if one
does not have proper knowledge. It is just' like knowledge which is
not put into practice. A deed which is not backed by knowledge
cannot grow religious comprehension in a man. If that pious man
also had religious knowledge he would not have resigned himself
into doing any one of the choices of sin offered to him but he would
have faced difficulties firmly anq would have been prepared to die if
that was necessary to avoid being sinful-Death is certain and a man
dies only once. Hence, he would have giyen away his life for the
sake of religion and preserved himself from being misled.
Nevertheless, it is not without the blessings of Allah that one may
hope to come through scratchless.
4. This incident teaches us that every righteous Muslim must
constantly pray to Allah to preserve him from being misled and to
offer him safety. He must keep away from misleading practices and
misled people. He must also be careful of devilish human beings and
5. The forces of piety and evil have been always antagonistic.
The evil forces appear to exceed those of piety. Pious people have
been fewer than the wicked. Reliability of pious and wicked forces
however, does not depend on numbers but on the will of Allah, the
Great. Wh*ver has been defmed as evil .by Allah continues to be
evil even if all the people choose to do that and regard that as a good
thing. Similarly, piety is defined by Allah as good and approved. All
the people may give it their own definition but it will continue to be
as Allah has defined it.
The pious people are taught in this story that they must remain
determined and· ambitious rejecting the influences of evil .
surroundings. They must not be overawed by evil forces. They must
under all circumstances continue to practice piety and shun evil and
prevent it with all in their power, so that the evil forces are subdued
and overawed by them. They must not be dictated by circumstances
but they must dictate to the circumstances.
Stories From the Hadith

The Fifty-first Story

Demonstration of Jibril' s ~~~ ~

Displeasure at Fir' awn
First Words
This brief story tells us how much Jibril ~~~ ~ hated Fir' awn the
rebel against Allah. He did not even like that Fir'awn should turn a
Believer and receive the mercy of Allah.

~ • .. J,o ~ I" o Jo "";""{ "" ... o.o .JJ J~{

·~~~loa ...s-:f' y.l Jlt .~)1 ~ JJJ 1)14!~ ~ ..J "-'~lt

. ~~ j».- ~~I ~ j.!~ ~i ~~ ~i ~I!Ji ~IJ.) ~J . ,.

, ' ' ' .f ~
~j (A;.. ji :Jl1 ~:; :Jl1 Ul :J1 \J :JJ,a; ~i ~::.. :..:;Jail iJ"j.") 'J 'J
J '

1,a ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~· 1,a :~.1.._;:JI ...s-:f- y.l Jli

.kl:" yl
[1. Sayyidina Ibn Abbas -..s. .JJ, ~ J has said that the Prophet
~i said: When Allah drowned Fir'awn, he said (while
drowning) J.i'rl ~ 4! ..;...;..T .;.Ut~~ J1 ~ ~.;'! :.:-.1 "I believe that there is no
God but He i~ Whom the Children of lsra'il believe",(') Jibril
said to me, "0 Muhammad! If you could have seen me when I
took the mud from the sea and shoved it into his mouth, fearing
1 Yunus, 10: 90.
Stories From the Hadith

that the mercy of Allah might save him."]

[2. The other version quotes the Prophet 3 as saying:
Jibril ~')(..J' ~ began to put wet mud in the mouth of Fir'awn lest
he confess that there is no God but Allah and Allah shower His
mercy on him.](Tinnizi)

The Qur'an has mentioned in detail the story of Fir'awn and his
disobedience and the moral derived from it. Allah has stated in
surah Yunus that when he was drowning and saw death before him
he exclaimed:
. ..~.ij-. t:J - •~~1" 11·~- ~~-.:.<.T" JJIUI<Jiu~i~T
J~~~Y-!·; c.? - ~~
{I believe that there is no God but He in.Whom the Bani Isra'il
believe and I am ofthe Muslims.}(Yunus, 10:90)
Allah reminded him that while he displayed obedience then, he
had been spreading mischief before that. And, he had to meet the
consequences of his conduct.
Fir'awn was among the few top arrogant and rebellious people
of the world . He had spread corruption all over the land and he
claimed to be divine. In other words he opposed Allah. when the
opportUnity given to him was over, the rope was pulled suddenly.
Side by side with those who love Allah and His pious slaves', the
angels too despise the enemies of Allah and those who rebel against
The Hadith of this essay mentions the demonstration of the
hatred of Jibril ~')(..J' ~ for Fir'awn. Jibril ~')(..J' ~ was the chief of the
angels and the closest of them to Allah.
He himself said to the Prophet$ that he was prepared to fill the
mouth of Fir'awn with mud lest he recite the kalimah of faith, of the
unity of Allah and become worthy of the mercy of Allah, Lord of the
worlds, Who is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. That
would have saved him from the punishment due to him.
The question does arise that if Allah had forgiven Fir'awn, how
would it have been harmful to Jibril ~')(..J' ~?
The answer to this question is that Jibril's ~')(..J~~ immense
hatred was against the tyrants, rebels and disobedient people and his
attitude was not against Allah's decision whatever it be. The angels,
Stories From the Hadith ===============318
all of them, could never be against Allah's decision and Jibril ~~' ~
was the chief of the angels who too could not be expected to
disagree in the matter. Everyone who believes in Allah and loves
justice cannot wish that mercy should be shown to the tyrants, rebels
like Fir'awn, and enemies of Allah. All believers must show hatred
for the enemies of Allah.

Lessons and Messages

1. We can guage the great Mercy of Allah from the fear
expressed by Jibril r~' ~ that Allah might shower His Mercy on
Fir'awn, the extreme rebel.
2. The great merit of the kalimah of unity is clear from the fact
that if the unbeliever of the type of Fir'awn could have professed it
before he was going through the pangs of death, he would have been
entitled to the mercy of Allah.
3. The Hadith makes it clear that Jibril ~~~~ despised the
enemies of Allah and rebel against His commands are subject of the
anger of Allah.
4. We also know that the punishment of Allah is brought down
by Jibril r')(.J' ~. All the people who were punished in the past
received the punishment through Jibril r~' ~.
Stories From the Hadith

The Fifty-second Story

The Woman
with Wooden Sandals
First Words
It has been with · human beings as their instinctive urge that they
make themselves prominent. This urge is more marked with women
and they make themselves up and adorn themselves to attract others
to them. This is the story of a woman who used a novel way to show
herself tall in the eyes of other people.

~;~I~ ~~:JJ1 ~~-.N ~i~ ~ J ~ 4->JJ .'

·~f ~t;.1 ~~$-;·~,~~:_a;~~~~~~ ~t;.1 ~IS' :JIJ

4::~;. ~ ,~ Jli'. ~1 ~ w~) ·~. -.:.. ~ ~~ ~~\i
\A~ ~ill ,\Aji f ~ ~1';J1::;. ~:_;J ,~1 ~i jAj ,~

,, .

~;~ll)i .)!~ Ji ~ ~i ~~pi J ~,1,:.1.1!1 ~IJJJ . ,.-

~ Lo Jji ~~_? .ij ,o .f""~IJ l._:.i..UI rf ~ _?'~ J ,~\1?(! ~ ~

~ :JIJ ji ~~ ah jl ~LJJI ~~~IS' J)~h ~S:.I ~i ~~~! :P,

~~:-"• ~IS' ~~~~ ~ ~ ~t;.l '.f'iJ ·~I ~t;.l ~ Lo ~(,;all
,~ 4::.! ;.J .~j ~ 41 ~;:,..J· ,~ ~ ~ J ~w J
' '
Stories From the Hadith

~ ,~;
. .. uw1• ~~. ,v..---..-----.
.·~ ·Ji , . ·:~:-.~.. . ..:Jr.:.,
~r ,.-..- -..:; ~- ;;.-J
J ...,-..-. ~ J

·~ ~ >-!' ~~ ~;t;JJ '~~~

[1. Sayyidina Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri ~ JJ, ~ J reported that
the Prophet~ said: There was a woman from Bani Isra'il who
was short-statured and she walked in the company of two tall
women with wooden sandals in her feet and a ring of gold
made of plates with musk filled in them, and then locked up,
and musk is the best of scents. Then she walked between two
women. The people did not recognise her and she made a
gesture with her hand like this (and Shu'ba shook his hand in
order to give an indication how she shook her hand).]
[2. Ahmad's version say·s: When she passed by a people,
she moved her ring whereby the fragrance spread wide.]
[3. lbn Khazimah has transmitted that Abu Sa'eed
AI-Khudri ~ JJ, ~ J or Jabir ~ JJ, ~ J has said that the Prophet$
delivered a lengthy sermon one day ~overing the affairs of the
world and the Hereafter. He also said: Surely the first thing that
destroyed the Bani lsra'il was the affair of the poor and needy
women who were very particular about clothes and colours.
They wore such colourful clothes which only the wealthy
women could afford.
He then mentioned on·e woman of the Bani Isra'il who was
short-statured. She got for herself with wooden sandals (to
conceal her short stature) and had made for herself a ring with
an opening which was locked from the top. She filled it with
musk. She then walked with tall or fat women. The people sent
a man behind them and he recognised the tall women but not
the one with wooden sandals.] (Muslim Hadith # 5598, Ahmad, Ibn

The Holy Prophet~ in his sermon, cautioned his Companions
~ JJ, ~ J of the affairs of the world and its colourful life, and
encouraged them to think of the Hereafter. He advised them to
refrain from doing what the Bani Isra'il did and destroyed
Stories From the Hadith

themselves. He traced for them the roots and beginings of

destruction of the Bani Isra'il.
The beginnings of their destruction lay in their wealthy people
adopting a highly ambitious life in .matters of dress, personal
adornment and eating and drinking. They spent lavishly on these
The poor people were impressed by the standard of the rich, and
their wives vied with them and tried to do as the rich women did.
This burdened the poor men considerably.
We see the same thing in our societies today. In trying to imitate
the rich, the poor people are weakening themselves considerably and
putting themselves in heavy debts, adding to their worries. Man is
occupied in a pretentious life, setting for himself false standards and
although he has amassed many means of comfort, he is not content
or happy.
The example in the narration is one of these. The short-statured
woman, consious of her short height tried to make herself
conspicuous by wearing special wooden sandals which added to her
height, and using musk to spread fragrance around herself. She used
a golden ring prominently in which she filled musk and jerked it
now and then to let out the smell. People did recognise the women
with her but failed to recognise her.
The Prophet ~ pointed out by narrating this story that one must
not live in a showy manner and not adopt airs and artificial ways of
living. These things make him forget the purpose of his life and
cause him to neglect good and righteous deeds. Islam advocates a
simple livikng and a clear thinking.
The Messenger of Allah ~ has cursed women who live and
adopt a fashionable life. These include women who make use of
false hair to lengthen them, thin, their eyebrows, tatoo themselves,
apply fragrance and move in public, wear tight- fitting and thin
dress, move about with strangers (non-mahram men). These women
have been cursed by Allah and His Messenger. They are nude in the
sight of Allah.
Islam commands women to use the veil, adopt a simple life, and
disdains false standards of living. The aim of a Muslim is not to gain
prominence in worldly life but to prepare himself for the Hereafter
Stories From the Hadith

and seek the pleasure of Allah and this cannot be had m false

Lessons and Messages

1. The delivering of the sermon by the Prophet $ is evidence
that an orator may present examples through such life stories to get
the attention of his listeners who may learn from them.
2. Women have always chosen to exhibit themselves. Whether
she is a woman of the ancient times or the present era, she has
preferred -to use adornment, jewellery, beautiful dress and adopt
fashion. However, it is a means_ of earning Alalh's anger.
3. Women have always tried to lure men to themselves, and
vagabonds have tried to pay them exceptional attention. The woman
in the story made herself conspicuous and the men sent one of them
behind the women to identify them. _
4. Man in every age has tried to gain skills in industry. The
Hadith tells of the woman using special wooden sandals to gain
height. Obviously, the maker of those sandals must have been a
skilled person.
5. The Hadith tells us that musk is the most fragrant of all scents
and the purest.
Stories From the Hadith ===============323

The Fifty-third Story

The Wicked Agent of the Aad

First Words
When a people are destined to destruction, Allah hands over
their leadership to those who lead them to that. They consider
something as a source of mercy but it brings them torment. The
following Hadith tells us of a man whom the tribe of Aad had sent
forward as their rescuer but he turned out to be one who brought
them punishment.

:Jli ~PI :.4f ~~ .p~WI ~ :oJ.:-o J ~i ~La~l I.5JJ

,~~J~ ~JrJ ,t!J_; Jl1 ~~J J~ ~~I:;. ~~I ~i ~;:.
J1 J t1 ,Jll
~ :J ~ill ,~ t-ba·.: ~-Q 1 ~ ~ j-p 11~
, lfJ ,

'~~~ ~ij ,~-~ :Jli ~~~ ~ ~iJi! ,~G.- t!J_;Jll ~~J

:_;:~ Jl ~ J~J
'~ ~~~~ ~lj 11fJ ,~4,. ~~~I
""' ,
11~ ....

.~J ..r' \JI:;.

~~ij '~ 81~1l '~J Jli ji 41.? ~~ Jli ,:.:_. 1;J :Jli

:Jli .~~ ~~ ~ ~) ~ ~\5" :JA :_Jill ,:- 'oLl c1~~ ,J

~:,o 1 ~ ::,0 )~ ~j;) ,~, 6:1e ~;.:U1 8 ~\5") Jli ,~
, , "" ...
:c 'ill
.~~ ,~ ~~u ,~~~~lA),~~ ~r ~r ~w ~ t-ha·.:
lj,:-G.- ~~-Q 1~ ~J G.~ ~i ~iJ tl ,Jj, J~j ~;
' . '
Stories From the Hadith

J~ ,Jll J~) ~ :~\! ,~)'?IJ J~l ~ ,~ta:UI p\J

' '

' '
' ~i ~~ )) ~~ ~~i '~
~Js'i J ~tS' 43i ~i ~J '~~ ~ '

~J '~ ~~4 ~~ j;t.j' (~~~ ~ 1 J L.j '~) :J\J '?~~It

.;. ~!~ :;J c:P. ::J J~ ~ (~IJ (j~:J cljbJ ~~~ ~~ ~

,~ti~lj.JI 4iJ J~ ,~~}~ ~J ,;_;JI ~)" ~I~ o~ ~\!{! ,~
~ J. ' o ,... ""
' .
itJ J_l (..1u ~~ ~I c.S~lo! ,4,o~ J~ ~/ ~I ~ L;J!
o -t o "' ;:; ;;; J. :;. • .- "'"" "",... ,., "" "" "" .... "' J. o o:ii ,. "' ;:; "'""
~.. .
J! ~ J '"-!JI~l! ...JI'-!.r J!
0 0 ... "" 0' ... " ... 0 ;;; J. ::. ' "' .... , .... 0 ., ... ... ' "" ... 0 ... ""

.~) i ;;..£ Lo ~~~ J--'1 ~I c"'t.?lili ~I

... • #' "" .... " .. ..

-t., 't. "" J ... ... ... ,...

J! LoJ\! c_,;:,:-1
... 0 ... ,... .; .. 0 0 " " "' 0 "" 0 , ... ... 0 ;;; .. ""

~ ~~ ~ ~~yj '~~ ~lt~ ~ ~ ~

I~IJ I~ I~) ~Jij ai;JI ~~ J\! ,J~J :~IJ lyi J\!

' .
·?~ ~~'§~~ (,i\! '~
[Harith bin Yazid A 1-Bakriy ~ .JJ, ~ J said that he set forth
towards the Messenger of Allah$ with complaints against
(the governor of Yemen A l-Ata bin Al-Hadri ~.JJ'..r<'J ). He
passed through Rabzah (near Madinah). There, he met an old
woman of Bani Tameem who (was separated from her caravan
and) was all alone. She asked him, "Slave of Allah! I have to
meet the Messenger of Allah$, will you take me to him?" He
picked her up and brought her to Madinah.
He found that the Masjid Nabawi was crowded by people
and there was scant space inside. A black banner was lofted and
Bilal had a sword in hand as he stood before the Prophet$. He
Stories From the Hadith

enquired what was happening and was told that Amr bin
Al-Aas was being sent to wagejihad somewhere.
He sat down for sometime. Soon. the Prophet$ entered
his house. and he sought permission to meet him. He got the
permission and he went in and saluted the Prophet$ who
asked him, "Is there tension between you and Bani Tameem?"
Harith confirmed that it ws so, "But we have an upperhand over
them. And, I chancd to meet an old woman of Bani Tameem
who was all alone and had no one to pick her up. She requested
me to bring her to you (so I have done that). She is sitting at the
door." The Prophet$ gave her his permission and she came
in . Harith said to the Prophet$, "Messenger of Allah! If you
would place a barrier between us and the Bani Tameem and
make it (the desert) Ad-dahna."
The old woman turned pale on that and became restless,
She said, "0 Messenger of Allah! Where would the (tribe)
Mudar go after that?"
Harith commented on himself, "I am as the earlier people
had said: the sheep carried her own death on her back!" (It
meant that a man believes he is doing something good but that
actually causes him harm.) "I brought this old woman here on
my shoulders and I did not even realise that she is my rival. I
seek refuge in Allah and His Messenger that I should be like the
representative of the tribe of Aad."
The Prophet 3 asked, "And what is the story of that man
of Aad?" In fact, he knew that story better but he wished to
enjoy hearing it from him.
Harith said: Once the tribe of Aad were struck by famine.
They sent one of them as their representative by the name of
Qayil (to go to Makkah and pray for them). On the way, he
passed by Mu'awiyah bin Bakr and stopped there for a month.
He drank wine ·and two female singer, called Jaradatan, sang
before him. After a month, he went towards the mountain
Jihamah and called out. "0 Allah! You know that I have not
come to a sick person whom I may treat, nor have I come to a
prisoner whom I may ransom. 0 Allah! Just as You have been
bestowing water to the Aad, do go on bestowing it on them!"
Stories From the Hadith

Then, some dark (rain-bearing) clouds passed over head

and a voice called out to him, "Choose a cloud from these!" (so
that it may ·rain on Aad. He pointed to one of them.) A voice
called out from that cloud, "Hold him! Burner to ashes, turn
him to ashes and leave no one from the Aad!"
He said, "I have not been told but that they were sent a
violent wind even to the extent of this ring and all of them there
were destroyed."
Abu Wa'il said, "He spoke the truth." Hence, whenever a
man or a woman was sent to them, they used to say, "Do not be
like the representative of Aad." (He had been instrumental in
bringing upon them punishment).](Ahmad, Tinnizi.)

This event concerns the Companion, Sayyidina Harith bin
Yazid :al-Bakriy ~JJ,._,.;.oJ. It is also stated that he was Harith bin
Has an ~ JJ, ._,.;.o) whom his tribe Rabi'ah had sent to the Messenger of
Allah it: as their representative to complain against Sayyidina Ata
bin Al-Hadri ~ JJ,._,.;.oJ (governor of Yemen). On the way, he met a
lonely old woman at Rabzah who pleaded with him to take her on
his beast to the Prophet it:. He took her to Madinah out of
compassion for her. At Madinah, he saw a large number of people in
the Masjid Nabawi which was jam-packed. People were being sent
to wage jihad and Bilal ~ JJ, ._,.;.oJ was standing before the Prophet~
alert with a drawn sword. Amr bin Al-Aas ~ JJ,._,.;.oJ was leading the
Harith ~ JJ, ._,.;.oJ met the Messenger of Allah it: and saluted him.
The Prophet asked him about the confrontation between his tribe
and the Tameem and he confirmed that they, the Rabi'ah enjoyed an
Harith then told the Messenger of Allah ~ about the old
woman whom he had brought with him from Rabzah. She was from
the Bani Tameem. The Prophet 3 allowed her to come in and,
meanwhile, Harith continued his conversation. He presented his
people's demand that the Prophet it: demarcate a barrier between
them and Bani Tameem so that they may cease fighting. He

suggested that the desert Ad-dahna be returned to them for it was in
Stories From the Hadith

their hands during the pre-Islamic period.

The old woman who belonged to Bani Tameem became restless
on his demand and said angrily, "Then where will the tl'ibe Mudar
go?" (If Dahna was handed over to Rabi'ah where would the Mudar,
who lived there. go?)
On hearing that Harith sensed that he had done injustice to his
own people by doing a favour to the old woman. He compared
himself to the saying of ancient people that a sheep carries its own
death. "I carried this old woman without knowing that she was my
rival." Then Harith sought the protection of Allah and the Messenger
of Allah $ lest his representing his people turn out to be like the
representative of Aad.
In fact, he pointed to another example known to the Arabs who
were wont to comment, when any of their representatives failed in
his mission, that he was like the representative of Aad. His people
had sent him that he might improve things for them but he messed
them up!
The Messenger of Allah$ asked him to explain what he meant
and he related the story.
The tribe of 'Aad were an ancient tribe. Allah had sent to them
Sayyidina Hud r~' ~ as His Prophet and Messenger. However, they
belied him and were punished by Allah for that. They faced draught
and famine. So, they sent one of their noble men to Makkah so that
he may pray to Allah at the BaytAllah to bless them with rain and
mercy and their period of draught may end.
Perhaps, the Aad believed that they should behave with Allah as
people do with a king that when they have to present a supplication
they could send a representative on their behalf and get their demand
approved. Instead of making a collective supplication, they chose to
send an agent for all of them. It did not matter if the agent was
worthless and impious. The religious scholars know that there is no
point in appointing an agent to represent anyone before Allah. He ·
accepts individual and collective supplications and pious deeds. His
slaves must be humble before Him and reform themselves. They
must seek His forgiveness and repent for their sins. He favours and
blesses such slaves. It is not that a sining, immoral man should
represent his nation before Allah, and he makes a rude supplication.
Stories From the Hadith

Such behaviour is likely to increase his troubles.

The respected representative was on his way to Tihamah the old
name of the sacred land. He was on his way to seek favour for his
troubled people. He encountered Mu'awiyah bin Bakr on his route,
and he was his old friend. So, he stayed with him for a month
forgetting the predicament of his people and enjoying himself at his
friend's place. When he remembered his people, he resumed his ·
journey and came to Tihamah where he prayed to the Lord of the
worlds. What was his supplication?
"0 Allah! You know that I have not visited a sick person that I
may cure him. I have not come to prisoner whom I amy ransom. 0
Allah! Let the Aad have water as You have been ever giving them."
Look at the words. How very arrogant he seems! he is asking
for something which none in the world can grant him, yet he is
boastful and proud. His style is very ignorant. he did not praise and

glorify Allah, or send benediction on the Prophet, showed no

humility or respect. It seems that he was not making a supplication
but he was showing a favour, he was asking for his right. Can such a
supplication be granted? Or, is not the supplicant liable to be
whipped? Allah does not like the arrogant and his proud nature.
His time was over. He had asked for· rain and he was given rain.
It can be a merciful rain or a painful one. He had not asked for a
merciful rain. Clouds appeared on the sky above him and he was
asked to choose one of them. He chose the darkest among the clouds
and that was the end. It was called out, "0 Chooser of ashes; 0
destroyer of everything! Take it!" The cloud burst eliminated the
entire tribe of Aad!
Harith commented that the wind blew in every space equal to
his ring where it could find itself an opening and destroyed everyone
~-J ~IJs.'
• J ~~
• 'V.. ~• ~·J~ Ul' ~I

, -
' ' '
"0 Allah, we seek refuge with You from Your retribution, Your
punishment and Your anger."
Since then this is being quoted by the Arabs as an example. And
Harith also sought protection of Allah from being like the
representative of Aad. His people had sent him to the Prophet ~ for
their benefit and he prayed that he may not prove harmful for them.
Stories Tram the Hadith

Lessons and Messages

L Sometimes people depute for themselws ~-- ": ·nqe who is not
deserving of the trust and he does not understand his responsibility.
The result i·s that he becomes a headache for everyone. All the
people have to face this man's mistake. It is like the suffering of the
Aad for the mistake of their man. It teaches us that only a deserving,
responsible man should be handed national representation.
2. It is proper and recommended to use the idioms, axims and
examples of ancient people, unbelievers and all non-Muslims to
draw lessons from them. Harith too had used such an example
before the Prophet$. In fact, the Shari'ah teaches us:.
~ _j.JI J..IL.,;:, ~I W$"'
"The word of wisdom is the lost asset of the Believer (and he
may use it wherever he finds it)."(Hadith)
3. It is h~an nature to listen to lesson-bearing stories of past
people. The Qur'an also is replete with reference to such stories.
The Prophet's ~ desire to hear the background of the example
of the agent of Aad demonstrates this aspect of human nature. A
Muslim must listen to such examples to draw guidance and lessons
from them.
4. It is not only a command of Islam but also a demand of
human rights to help out and serve old and weak people. Harith J!,v-"' J
-.:s- brought the old woman on his beast with that very spirit. This is
what Islam teaches us.

o~l t.:J J JJ ~~ ~1\.il~~ _;:;-TJ
And our last call is that all praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the
Stories From the Hadith ===============~330

May Allah cause this work to be a means of guidance
for the writer, and an asset for him in the Hereafter. May He
forgive the scribe and composer whatever mistakes they
may have made.
I seek the protection of Allah from wrong thoughts and
mistakes. May Allah make this book beneficial for
everyone. And may He let it be an asset for all of us in the

~i 4,l)J ..:.JS' j ~ JJ4 ~!..;.,; j l.o J

Servant of Religion and the Scholars.

May Allah also include the translator and publisher in

these prayers through His mercy. May He overlook our
faults and guide us and our families to the right path.

Khalil AshrafUsmani

























(Arabtc Text & Eng. Translation) IMAM MAUK
Complete in 4 volumes.



QISAS AL QURAN is a very popular book with the readers of Urdu

literature for many years.

Darul Ishaat continues its tradition of presenting readers with

authentic English translations and original Urdu and Arabic works. In
. pursuance of that tradition it has had the Qisas rendered into English.

The salient features of the rendering are:

• complete and unabridged translation of the original.

• Geographical notes on quite a few cities are interspersed

throughout the work(in footnotes); these notes give location
·and current status of the places.

• Pictures of ancient sites.

The Qisas al Qur'an is made primarily of narratives found in the Holy

Qur'an. They are supported by Ahadith and Aathar, with proper
reference to sources.

The author has also quoted extensively from other authorities

and often an interest critical apprisal follows. Divergent views are
presented to the readers and a logical conclusion drawn.
It will not be an exaggeration of facts if we say
that this book is one of its kind . Mawlana Muhammad
Zakariya Iqbal has produced a truly unique book in Urdu,
Qisas al-Hadith, stories from Hadith. The Urdu book is
really very well received by the enthusiasts and now the
English translation follows . The stories within the covers
include events from the lives of the Prophets including
Sayyidina Aadam ro)(...J'~ , Salih ro)(...J'~, lbrahim ro)(...J'~,
Musa ro)(...J'~, Lut ro)(...J'~, Dawoodroj.:..J'~ events reflecting
on the majesty of Allah, narratives that prove that
righteous deeds are rewarded, accounts in life which
strengthen one's faith and belief, and stories from real
life which show that misdeeds are punished.

All the accounts are taken from Ahadith of the

Prophet $ and sources are duly indicated. They are all
authentic truly life accounts. Mawlana Muhammad
Zakariya Iqbal is a Fagil from Darul Uloom , Karachi
and his vast knowledge is reflected in his style of writing
and the choice of accounts. I le has drawn from Arabic
sources and brought a very useful book in Urdu which is
now translated into English. We hopes our readers will
benefit from this effort. The book is a brain child of the
Publisher, who is always engaged in efforts to produce
original books on subjects of interest and benefit to the
Muslims. He got this idea from some Arabic books and
decided to pass on their contents to the Urdu and English
speaking people. He showed those books to Mawlana
Muhammad Zakariya lqbal and encouraged him to
produce an Urdu book on that pattern. The result is
before you.

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