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+49 (0)8142 / 6504 - 0

Gewerbering 10 +49 (0)8142 / 6504 - 124
BTG 82140 Olching
Internationale Spedition GmbH Germany

„Agreement on Compliance with the provisions of the Minimum Wage Act“


BTG Internationale Spedition GmbH, Parkstrasse 35, D 86462 Langweid / Foret

(represented by branch office Olching)
-hereafter BTG-

Sycodoro Spedition SRL-D, Braila-RO

-hereafter Contractor-

the following is agreed in relation to the provisions of the Minimum Wage Act in Germany:

1. In the execution of all orders from BTG, the Contractor commits himself to complying
with the provisions of the Minimum Wage Act in Germany, in particular to pay the
minimum wage on time, to fulfill the statutory obligation of record keeping and
compulsory record retention, as well as the legal notification order in accordance with
the provisions of the Minimum Wage Act.

2. Should BTG have a justified interest, then the contractor hereby commits himself to
supplying BTG with suitable proof of his company’s compliance to the obligations under
section 1 (e.g. through verification from his tax advisor that the obligations according to
§ 20 MiLoG – Minimum Wage Act – have been adhered to). Only in the case of BTG
having received an official directive from governmental authorities, is the Contractor
then obliged to provide records of wages paid and also records of his employees’
completed hours of work.

3. Should the Contractor violate the legal obligations pertaining to the Minimum Wage Act,
then he shall internally indemnify BTG against all resulting claims for back pay, payment
of social security contribution arrears as well as any imposed fines upon first demand.

4. In the event that the contractor employs a subcontractor, then he must engage said
subcontractor in accordance with section 1 and 2 of this agreement. The obligation of
indemnity according to section 3 also applies in the case of violations on the part of the

Braila, 07.08.2017 __________________________________

(Place, Date) (Signatur, Stamp)

Zweigniederlassung München USt-IdNr. DE 814122379

Oswin Röming / Matthias Ciecierski Wir arbeiten ausschließlich aufgrund
Sitz der GmbH: Langweid/Foret der Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteur-
Handelsregister: 11796 bedingungen (ADSp), neueste Fassung.
Gerichtsstand ist Augsburg (siehe Anhang/letzte Seite) EIN UNTERNEHMEN DER BTG

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