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Answers to your questions

about pending changes for

What’s this all about?
unions and union members
In 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court decided for the
defendants in Friedrichs v. California Teachers
Association. In a 4-4 deadlock, the court upheld
the decades-old precedent that says those who
benefit from union representation must pay fair-
share fees.
But it’s not over.
Get ready for the big rematch.
The Supreme Court in September 2017 agreed
to hear Janus v. AFSCME Council 31, a case that
again challenges fair-share fees and threatens
public sector unions. Janus culminates decades
of attacks on working people by corporate CEOs, Representing more than 600,000 professionals
the wealthiest 1 percent, and the politicians who in education, human services and health care.
do their bidding.
This brochure outlines briefly what is at stake
in the Janus case. If you have any questions, do
not hesitate to ask your local union president
what it would mean if New York became a “right-
to-work for less” state. 800 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham, NY 12110
518-213-6000 • 800-342-9810
Affiliated with AFT / NEA / AFL-CIO
Here’s what you need to know Loss of revenue means loss of strength, and there’s challenges that affect our professions, our public
to protect your labor rights: no question that a weaker union would have an institutions and our rights to represent the best
adverse effect on terms and conditions. interests of those we serve. NYSUT has litigated,
Q: I saw an ad that said I should give myself and won, on historic issues such as equitable
a raise and stop paying union dues. Why
Q: What would happen? school funding, unfair evaluation and testing
shouldn’t I?
A: We’ve already seen what happens to union schemes, threats to struggling schools, the
A: Because it’s not true. strength in the 28 so-called “right to work” states education department’s “gag order” on educators
Pending cases before the U.S. Supreme Court might and much more.
like Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana, three former
give you a chance to stop paying dues. But you
collective bargaining states that went RTW in the
won’t get a raise. It will cost you.
past several years. Compared to union workers in Q: How do NYSUT dues compare?
A weakened union would lead to long-term cuts,
neighboring Illinois, Minnesota and Ohio, the workers A: Among the top 10 state affiliates of the NEA and
loss of benefits and salary stagnation for everyone.
in the RTW states earn 8 percent less annually, ac- AFT, NYSUT has the lowest annual dues. NYSUT also
You gain myriad benefits from having a strong
cording to research from the Illinois Economic Policy has the most members.
union representing you at the bargaining table.
Institute. Salaries go down, benefits evaporate,
If the union loses, you lose, period.
jobs disappear and the economy stagnates. Q: Bottom line: Why should I keep paying dues?
Q: What is the motivation behind these A: Here’s Why in Five:
Q: A law firm advertises that it can provide
pending cases? 1. We need a strong union to protect our jobs,
me with protection for a fraction of what we
A: These court cases — including Janus v. pay in dues. salaries, health care and pensions.
AFSCME, to be decided in 2018 — are backed by 2. We need a strong union to make sure
A: Don’t be misled. No slick, hourly billed law firm
corporate profiteers and hedge-funders. Their goal professional educators’ and practitioners’
can match the range of benefits, rights and op-
is to weaken unions, which will hurt all workers, to voices are heard when policy decisions
portunities your union card guarantees. Your union
the benefit of the 1 percent. That’s who is spreading are made.
gives you access to member benefits, discounts,
the bogus claim that you can give yourself a raise —
professional development, help with certification 3. A lot of folks think they don’t need protection
the wealthy. They will get a raise, not you.
and licensing, a contract that protects your salary, until the moment they do need it — when they
benefits and working conditions and a strong voice
Q: What’s at stake in this Janus case? in determining what those are. For-profit opportun-
are falsely accused of something or when they
are fired unfairly.
A: Back in 1977, another U.S. Supreme Court ists use misleading advertising in an attempt to
decision established that, if you benefit from union make a buck — there’s no comparison. 4. The union is only as strong as those who join;
representation, even if you don’t join the union, it elected leaders cannot ignore NYSUT because
is fair and reasonable to expect to pay something Q: What does NYSUT’s legal team do? we represent the voices of 600,000 united
for it. Your wages, benefits and retirement security professionals in the state.
A: NYSUT has the largest labor legal team in the
all come from the union’s influence over terms and
country with unmatched expertise. It represents 5. Most importantly, it’s just not right to accept
conditions, even if you’re not a member.
hundreds of NYSUT members every year, protect- all the benefits of the union contract and
An adverse decision in Janus would overturn that
ing their rights to due process and ensuring en- union representation, but not contribute
decision and cause a decline in revenue for unions.
forcement of the provisions in their hard-earned anything toward the costs. If we don’t all pay
Dues and fair-share revenues fund union services,
contracts. NYSUT legal also represents the total our fair share, others will have to pay more.
including bargaining power, legal representation
membership — more than 600,000 people — in legal
and much more.

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