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Contain the confusion of faulty-communications from the start.

Correct parse-syntax sentences for your local judicial-magistrate or police-officer.

For my speaking is with a fractured-syntax-fault and a fractured-parse-meaning-fault.

For the your-speaking is with a fractured-syntax-fault and a parse-meaning-fault.
For this court's-speaking is with a fractured-syntax-fault and a parse-meaning-fault.
For the [pro]secutor-speaking is with a fractured-syntax-fault and a parse-meaning-fault.
For the [de]fendant-speaking is with a fractured-syntax-fault and a parse-meaning-fault.

For this court is with a foreign-corporate-law, a foreign-corporate-flag, a foreign-corporate-money, and a


For the every-spoken-word of this-communication is with a void-communication-authority with the failed-


For my every-communication-policy is with the use of the correct-parse-syntax-written-communication with the

void-use of any-spoken-communications.

For the word-______ (insert word on line) is with a parse-meaning-fault.

For the sentence-"_________________" (insert sentence within quotes) is with a syntax-meaning-fault.

For this document is with a void-meaning and a void-communication.

For this document is with the fractured-syntax-faults and the parse-meaning-faults.
For this document is with a void-meaning and the void-facts.

For a written-communication is with a greater-precision of a spoken-communication.

For a written-communication is with the greater-time-creation of a spoken-communication.

For this court is with the now-time-humble-event of a correct-parse-syntax-written-communication.

For this court is with a humble-written-communication-delay-apology.

For this court is with the humble-delay-apology of a written-communication.

For this first-middle :last-name (self) is with a notice of the every-fiat-court-vessel.

(reference or use :For the notice of the every-fiat-court-vessel: document for court record)

For this first-middle :last-name (self) is with a constitution of a The-United-States-of-America-1791.

For a natural-law-twelve-person-[ju]ry-council-quorum is with the full-authority of the fact-evidence-

For a natural-law-[ju]dge is with a single-natural-law-twelve-person-[ju]ry-council-quorum-consultant-duty.
For a natural-law-bailiff is with a single-natural-law-twelve-person-[ju]ry-council-quorum-guardianship-duty.
For a natural-law-twelve-person-[ju]ry-council-quorum is with the full-hire-fire-[ju]dge-authority.
For a natural-law-twelve-person-[ju]ry-council-quorum is with the full-hire-fire-bailiff-authority.

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