Prime Time 4

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Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

iebook Activation Serial Nu mber

S/ N : PT4U I-ZSSXM -T3cz-K FVCz

Express Publishing
\\ -I-,
-I:i f' -(3rffiffiffin
a) Match the words to form jobs.
3 Filf in: audience, scene, scenery, lighting,
performance, curtain, stage, Wops, fame, icon,
F=l-l video game A counsellor
tiTt flight B chaser 1 Kylie Minogue is stitl a reigning
isTt secret C walker in the world of pop music.
l4Tt sales D attendant 2 He's in charge of painting the .............
fsTt camp E shopper for the play.
F coach
G assiitant
3 The twist at the end of the play was a complete
surprise for the ...,..................,.... .
trl-t storm H tester 4 A lot of child actors achieve ................
m spo-rts | ,officer at a very young age.
5 The lead actor gave an excelfent ...............
b) What job would you like to do?
6 Actors need to know the
Extreme Sports plan so they know where to stand.
7 At the beginning of the play there wer€ no
2 Label the pictures:
actors on the .....
. street luge n speed skiing . windsurfing 8 They brousht d;;;;; ...........................f.......
r mountain biking . paragliding r motocross at the end of the play.
. white-water rafting . rock climbing 9 The final ..-........ of the film was very
10 When the curtain rose the only ............
on stage were a table, a chair and a glass.

The Internet
4 Filf in: interface, engine, occount,login, profile,
browse, sign up, community.

Alex set up an email ......... so that

we could keep in touch.
2 My favourite search ..... is Google.
3 This social network seems to be a very tight-
kn it ......... ,..
4 You have to type in your
name ro open your account.
You can personalise your .....,......
in a number of ways.
6 ....,..,...,....,....i
You can
their e-newsletter.
7. This program has a much more user-friendly
...... than a iot of others l,ve used.
8 You can ............. for new contacts
by name or location. .
--_a -

--\ -t- a:r r :l
t I
I 'l I r

cl Jc'- J:-J
lii I

J .--.zJ

The Weather The Fnvironment

5 Circle the odd one out.
I global, fossil, greenhouse,
temperature, extinct,
lose, clps,

1 SNOW: blizzard - Freeze - hail - sleet

2 RAIN: tornado - shower - drizzle
- flood 1 Sea levels will rise and cause widespread
3 WIND: gale - tornado - breeze - storm flooding if the polar ice ,,.,,...................... melt.
4 TEMPERATURE: boiling hot - chilly - sunny A rise in will cause more heatlvaves.
spells - freezing cold 3 ,.,....,..,..;.......,... warrning is one of the biggest
issues facing our planet today.
Health lssues We will need to find an alternative power
Fill in: strotin, loss, thumb, swelling, rash, source when ........, ., fuels run out.
infection, shoulder, upset, immune, insamnia, Carbon dioxide is a .,........... gas which
watery, sickness. traps heat above the earth.

We need a healthy 6 Our wav of life is under ,. because

of the changing climate.
to fight off infections.
Defo restatio n is. ca u si n g .a' n u m ber of species to
The ..;,:'.;:':...,........:. went down after he put an
...,..... their habitats.
ice-pack on the injury.
My mum gets terrible travel ......,..
8 Soon a number of plants and animals could

so she rarely goes anywhere.

become like the dinosaurs.

Jean gets ...,.......,.,..i..... eyes and a runny nose Everyday English

because of her hay fever.
5 We should take regular breaks from the I Choose the correct response.
computer screen to prevent eye ....,.,....., 1 What was the performance like? :
Roland got a .......... strain playing a Not really. b lt was fantasfic.
tennis last week; now he can't move his arm. What seerns to be the problem?
My uncle suffered hearing .........,...:...... a lt's my shoulder, b l'm afraid it's infected.
because he worked with loud machinerv. What does he do for a living?
I got an:itchy ... on the side of my a He works shifts. b He'works as a nurse.
face afterl borrowed my friend's mobile phone.
f'll make sure it doesn't happen again,
5he's not getting enough sleep because she has
a You're welcome.
10 fhe cut from that rustv nail qave me a skin
b Thanks. l'd really appreciate that.
lf we offer you the job, when can you start?
11 He had a terrible
a l'll be in touch. b lmmediately,

he ate curry last night. Do you want to oo out later?-

12 Sending a lot of SMS messages can cause a Sure ! b lt was nothinq soecial.
...,..... arthritis, Hello. I'd like to boor a room, please,

,Appearance & Character

a Your booking reference is 2223344.
b Certainly. Which dates, please?
7, Circle the odd one out, 'Should
I come and see you again?
I middle aged - old - teenager - plump a Yes, it's very red. b Only if it gets worse.
2 well-built - overweight - skinny - rnerjiunn What dayT
neck - - moustache - hair
beard a 12 Merton 5t. b 19th July.
4 curly - wavy - pierced - sti'aight 10 You look nice, ls something difierent?
5 wrinkles - freckles - tattoo - eyebroits a I got a new haircut.
6 patient - generous - outgoing - b!c:ce b You've qrown your harr.
Breaking news

World events
,A.. .
\/Llsten and say;
. technological invention
,r volcanic-eruption jli..
r "hUge tiopical storm r:,.,'
. mine collapse :

r earthquake
,t5gnami, . .. .,',:,.;,.,


a) look atthe eventa inl,the ,

pictures and complete the

.rsentences with:: risiued;
I au n ch ed ; co u se d,'' er upt edi:l

it:a:a;j;..1;{' .'l
r3'-- .!_:l'

;. t.
Vo[.eano chasers
i 1 .l
Volcanic eruptions
Listen and say, Use the
I rT
I picture and the captions to

tell the class what happens
j when a volcano erupts.

Listening & Reading ,r'l

2 a) Read the title of the texr,
the introduction and the tl/hen a volcano erupts, most people want to get as far evi2:i 2s
first sentence in each possible, as quickly as they can! German engineer Martin,Rieze .
paragraph. What is the on the other hand, grabs his camera and iries l0 gel as c/ose as n:
can and stay alrve at the same time!
text about?
'.l Listen, read and check, He's so close that he can feel the neat burning his face even
through his gas mask. The, iava,fiow is,about a metre away an.d rt.s
getting closer every seccnd, Tne ground beneath his feet is
shaking and there is a deafening roar like a plane taking off. He
can'tsray this ciose for too long because the gases and acids will
destroy nis camera, but Martin Rietze waits just long enough io
see flaming hot iava and ash explode out of lhe crate, _
and gets the perfect shot.
Martin is a f reelance photographer whose stunning photcgraohs
of volcanic eruptions are in high derland with nelvspapers anc,
,tdvaLrrur d.r uvyr +L
^ll ^.,^- Ur€ wofld, He is one of a small but dedicated
group 0t v01can0 chasers, When a dormant volcano becomes
active, they book the first flight to be as near as possible to it sei
up camp and wait, sometimes for as long as two weeks. lt takes a
lot of patience as a volcano can erupt at any time night or day,
anal at^,,,.t^. :^^
enc cr0uos, iog ano^^r ^
steam often block the view, The final results
though, rike Martin s shots of voicanic lightning - a phenomenon
that siili mystifies scjentists - are definitely worth iil
When the Eyjafjallajokuil volcano in lceland erupted jn 20.10 and
ash clouds closed airspace over Northern Europe, Martin was
aiready on the scene for some of his most spectacuiar shots, After
iii- spending three sleepless nights in freezihg temperatufes Martin
got within three feetof ihe lava frow and even took photos of lava
fountains - jets of lava that shoot up as high as a thirty_s{s1sy
buildingl He didn t-get any sieep because the volcano wai
throwing oui rocks the size of cars, so for most of the time he was
sheltering behind a large boulder!

Martin say's that he s hao more accioenrs when mountarn clinbino

than volcano chasing but that doesn t stop him from takini
precautions because thrs is a job where safety is a priority. Gogg/ei
an'i a cas nask provide protection from poisonous gases, but
oicves a'e iist as importanr because fresh lava can be as sharp as a

+* : .l:ir.
.4 'L
knrie vcicano-chasing is quite risky. As Martin admits,'one has t0
kncv" nne;'it is safe to ccme near and when it is a matter of survival
rc stav av;ail - scmetimes many kilometres awayl
%_ .4

Use words from the

1 Martin Rietze can,t stay near a box in the
correct form to complete the sentenies.
I volcano for a long time because ,..
' A it's bad for his equipment. 1 The 3300 ft Chilean Chaiten v...........,........., e........,...
B he can't stand the heat. last Thursday for the first time after thousands of vears of
C it's too loud. causing earth tremors.
D it's dangerous for his health. 2 The d........... r...................... scared people who hurried
-. 2 Volcano chasers have to be ... to evacuate the area.
3 The d...,............ v........,....... awoke after 9,000 years of silence.
A very aCtive.
4 P.............. 9.............. caused breathing problems for residents.
t. B talented scientists.
C,,,, patient.,
5 F...,.........,........ h...................... started flowino
down the volcano.
D. freelancers.
6 Clouds of steam and ash b..........,........... the v........,.,...........
3 When the Eyjafjallajcjkull volcano for miles, making it difficult to see.
, erupted, it was difficult for Martin
fursmmar l1"fi i
GR 14 ,j " {.,
A get a flight to lceland. revision \........"'r
B find somewhere to stay.
C get close enough to take good
I$ Tense
'Put the verbs in brackets in the present simp'le, present

photos. continuous, past simple, past continuous ot the present

D protect himself from flying perfect. Give reasons.

4. lt,seems that Martin ... (cut) his knee as he ....,........, (walk) up the volcano.
A"'doesn;f tike enough safety
2 Martin ..,..........,...;.... (not/reach).the crater yet.
'precautions. 3 Look at the volcano. Huge rocks .,..,.,...,...........;.......
understands the risks he,s
(explode) out of the crater!
taking. 4 They (go) volcano surfing tomorrow.
c often gets ,injured. 5 Luke often .......... (go) mountain climbing.
6 We ....,....
D underestimates the danqers of (leave) for Chile next Monday.
volcano chasing.

5 Martin suggests that ... fiilil;,,11ili#JHil:i:lTlil:

A he sometimes takes photos 6 Use the adverbs to make sentences about you: every doy,
when he knows it's too last week, at this time lost Monday, 0go, yet, now, for a month,
dangerous. already, since last weekend,
B volcano chasing is for anyone.
c volcanoes aren't as dangerous Speaking & Writing
as people think.
a volcano is sometimes too
7 ffi tmagine you are Martin Rietze and you are
close to an erupting volcano. What has happened? What
dangerous to photograph up
can you hear and see? How do you feel? ln three minutes,
write a few sentences on the topic. Read thern to the
class or your partner. Start like this; Thevolcono hasjust
erupted, I can hear ,.,

/l G
-I |:fI
Grammar P' GRa,j
rri,:t -. -isW_r igF\ffifr Y....,.....'
Past perfect & past perfect
i.oaiiy,sash ygyJ i ,iiii-fo'.ru* vo*
iia!$ilJt?Jil*i i;i'fli;llT#::* i iffffi:rt.''o- ffi continuous
.',' b) Read raainFive
v+ again.
the text
+ Read the theory and find examples in

,.' . sentences are missing. Match

the sentences (A.F) to the We use tne past perfect (had/hadn't + past participle) for an action that
gaps (1-5). There is one extra happened before another actton in the past. Hehadleftbeforeshearrived,

sentence. Justify your Time expressions; before, after, until, by the time, already, yet

answerS, We use the past continuous (had/hadn't + been + verb -ing) for an
' action that had been happening for a period oftjme before another action in
,{- lt crushed Aron's arm so tightly
!i:.r - he the past. ihe had been waiting for ten hours before help arrived.
- :.:i-
' i,: ' could only feel his fingertips.

, Time expressions: for, since

lf he didn't rescue himself now, he i We can use the past perfect or the past perfect continuous for an action which
:, -- i:
i. 'wouldn'tthCVe the strenqth to do it later. i finished in the past and whoseresults were visible in the paSL'.I,heywerevery
i happy because they had nanag ed to reachthe top of the nountain. He was very tired

' H e h o d been hiking al I d ay. (eryihasis on d u ration)

Put the verbs in the past perfecf or the pastpertectcontinuous.

i, ,.1_,nightfall 1 By the time we arrived at the canyon, it
3'1:'.'f'..Fbur- days and freezing cold nights ...... (stop) snowing.
with Aron in terrible pain and
i':,-,,..J':,p6s5sd Jane's feet were aching because she ............
i:i.1,]iSurviving on just sips of water and
i" '-;'-,o'..r,
..............-i.... ..... (walk) since early that morning.
oi .tlo.otutr. 3 Most people (leave) before the volcano erupteci-
4 Simon got lost because he ...............
..Completb the summary using (not/take) a map with him.
' words/phrases from the Julia and Amy were soaking wet because they
. -..1,..;.i box in the
'correct fd'iih. "" "" """ "":"' "': " :"ii " "".ihik-e) !n the ra lntt'.
:":- :':

Use the phrases to make'sentences. Put the verbs in bold

"1 t-- 6
Aron Ralston, an liperienced climber, went in the past'perfect or the past'perfect continuous: Use the
on a trip into the remote Blue John adjectives in the phrases to talk about you.
) ..... .. ... ... ... . ... .
- win first prize; 2 Lucy/tired * work/all morning;
1 ,. . .. .. . . . .
1 Jeff/happy
He hadn't told anyone where he was going
and he oniy had a knife, a small 3 Betty/sad - fail the test; 4 they/exhausted * dig the garden/all
2) ......,.....,,.., ......,....., a VideO day; 5 Mart</thrilled - graduate from college
camera and a few snacks with him.
Unfortunately, 3) .,....... I wos happy because lhod possed my test, lwas tired because ..,
while he was crossing a three-foot-wide
crack in the canyon. A 4) .............. Speaking &Writing
slipped and trapped his arm against the
canyon wall. He 5) ..,...,.....,..,......,.,,.. to get 7 O# Listen and read the text. lmagine you are
free, but he couldn't, He was trapped for interviewing Aron for a TV show. Prepare questions and
five days and he suffered from 6) answers. Present your TV interview to the class.
and 7) .......-.. . He decided to cut
off his own arm using a 8) ..................... to TV Presenter: Aron, great to have you on the show! Now, was this the
free himself, Meanwhile, his family had first time you had gone climbing aloneT etc
9) ,........., ....
.. who managed
Did Aron's decision surprise you? why? Do
to find hirn walking to his truck. I m
rvvqy, L^
[g l^^"
|o) o^ {nl
tv/ you agree with his decision? In three rninutes, write a
that helps him lead a normal Iife. few sentences. Tell your partner or the class.
1 .l

& euBture e
How do you think Hurricane
Katrina affected New 0rleans?
O tisten and read to find out.

I Read again and match the

-i-=-::: ji:r::-:

subheadings (A-G) to the

paragraphs {1'6). There is one I{URRICAIUE KATRgftdA:
extra heading. Compare with
your partner. Which words
helped you decide? I
On Tuesday, 23rd August, 2005, a tropical storm formed over the
A Surrounded by water Bahamas, about 560 km east of Miami, Florida. By 25th August, the storm
B Gathering strength had strengthened and become Hurricane Katrina, Residents of the city of

C Collapsing buildings New Orleans had no idea that within days, 80% of their city would be
underwater in one of the worst disasters in US historv.
D Moving on
E The birth of the storm 2
Hurricane Katrina was one of the most powerful storms that has ever hit
F Help at last the Atlantic coast with winds of over 270 km per hour. As it became
G An awful situation stronger over the Gulf of Mexico, the mayor of New Orleans declared a
Match the words in bold with state of emergency and started evacuating the city, When the eye of the
3 storm missed the city by about 72 km, everyone thought the worst was
their meanin gs: broke, manoget
over, but they were very wrong.
moved from the sea tolond,
3 ft
sending people to a place of safety,
New Orleans has always been under threat from flooding. With the .
oldpeople, in danger, gsking
Mississippi River on two sides, Lake Pontchartrain to the north and mosti'
anxi ously, ste alin g, annou n ced. of the city 150-300 m below sea level, a series of high walls, called .l
c+ Fifl in: threat, recovery, beg, levees, protect it. As the hurricane'tiime ashore, it brought an 800- ,
declare, shelters, pump, tropical, metre-high storm surge that rode the rivers up to New O.rJeans, and '"
smashed through the levees.
level, rise, struggle, lose, eye.

L.......,;.......storm;2 a state Over a million;residents had alreadir'left,the city, but tens of thousands,
of emergency; 3 the .............,... of the mainly the elderly and the pool were in temporary shelters. As the
storm; 4 be under ................. from; waters rose, people were begging for help on roofs, and neighbour,hoods
were suffering from looting and violence. Emergency services struggled
5 below sea ..............; 6 in temporary
to cope.
7 waters ,,..,,....,..; I
for help; 9................, to
Eventually, the military and the NationalGuard moved into the city and
10 ................. water out: 11
began to get food and water to the desperate few that remained. After
their lives; 12 make a slow 43 days, army engineers pumped the last of the flood water out of the
city. Almost 1,500 people had lost their lives because of Hurricane
5 @ lmagine you tived Katrina in New Orleans alone.
through Hurricane Katrina. Use
the phrases in Ex.4 to narrate These days, New Orleans is making a slow recovery. The city has
your experience to the class. improved the levees, the community is rebuilding itself, and everyone is
working hard to make sure that nothing like this willever happen again.
6 E&FFind
a disaster that happened in
your/another country. Find out:
what kind of disaster it was, when/why
it happened, what happened, whatthe
strengthen, residents, declare, state of emergency, evacuate, eye
of the storm, below sea level, come ashore, levee, storm surge,
situotianisnaw. Cornpare it to the smash, looting, violence, emergency services, struggle to cope, the
disaster in New Orleans, military, desperate, army engineers. pump, slow recovery, r:ebuild
Deciding what
to watch on
Everyday Hmg$f;s$r
Channel 1
., Channel 2,..,,
, :. Channelt.,
5.30 Backyardiqans _
-p ihr^si*pron, - '
Jamie's 30-minute Meals
,.. 4 .Find sentences in
ch ildren,s ro g rarn me cartoon the dialogue which
cooktng prograrnme
6.00 lhe Bold and the rnean: Actually,l'm
Beautiful _ soap opera
2 Wtd!_. Sportsline -
wildlife programme enjoying it. - Is there
sports programme
6.30 The Daily Show _ another option? - I
Hurricane Katrina _
talk show How lMet your Mother
sttcom thinkl'd enjoy that. -
7.00 American ldol _
Big Brother- No problem.
Deal or No Deal
talent show
reality show
game show
8.00 News & Weather
Grey,s Anatomv _
CSf: New york _
n sl'y'0"" police drama
{ntsnatiofi: etha
Replace the underlined words
with what, how much, how long,
t fu*_ or what tine
:, .,. . . r:. ti'.
c -
'Look Q tisten and che-ck :Listen
d { at th"e TV guide. Which are your favourite/least
again and say.
favourite TV programmes? Why? Use the adjectives/
J ph rases b o ri n g, i nter estin g, e ducatio n al, fun
ny, rel axin g, exciti n g, He's watching a horror film.
thought-provoking, silly, predictable, o waste of time,and your He's watching a what?
own ideas and tell your partner. 2 It's a documentary about:flgoels.
3 The film's on at 10 o'clock.
I enjoy documentaries because !find them interesting and educational,
4 Het paid $10.000 a show:
but I hate ..,
5 TheSjmpsons have been running

P O tisten and say. pay attention to the intonation. for rjver 20 years
. What are you watching this for? r lt,s nearly finished.
. . What's on later? . Why don,t you lobk in the TV guide? Speaking
".'llike thet'ound of that, . lsn'ithere anything else on?
.$s can change the channelat g. r Thafs fine with mel 6 toffiwatchlt;son5:50. odir*de what
TV. Use the
O Listen and read the diatogue. sentences in Ex. 2 and the TV
3 What do Andy and
guide to act out your own
Becky decide to watch on TV? What TV show starts at g?
dialogue. Folfow the plan.
Andy: What are you watching this for? Docurnentaries are boring ! .1
Becky: I happen to find it interesting. Anyway, it,s nearly finished.
] I
i Andy: What's on later? f
Becky: I don't know. Why don't you look in the TV guide? fl
Andy: OK. Well. after this there's a reality show on Channel Z or I
a game show on Channel 3. E
Becky: I can't stand game shows and i don,t like reality sho*s I
either. lsn't there anything else on? f,
Andy: American ldol is on Channel 1, We can watch that. F
Becky: What is it? f
Andy: It's a talent show.
Becky: 0K. I like the sound of thai! As long as we can change the il
channel at B. I want to see CSl. I
Andy: 0K. That's fine with nre! j,
nlEt^:- i "i
tEtDrll* weatng
rl\rtf tII

Weather phenomena
1 ln three minutes, complete the word map
with as many words as you can. Compare
with your partner.

2 o@ Close your eyes and:lisren to

the' music
-:i Il,:,
and sounds. What is the
weathdr like? What can you hea4
see, feel, smell? Tell the class.

Qtisten and say. Have you heard of any of

these phenomena?Which can you see in
the pictures?
. raining animals , giant hailstones o pink snow
'red rain a never'ending lightning storm
ball lightning a fire tornado . blue moon
' '
. a moonbow (lunar rainbow)

Reading & Listening

Read the,.title of the text irnd the subtitles.
Which of the weather phehomena are they
Otisten and read to find out.
6 comprete the sent:ncT#i:iilJ:*,::ilii;
Read again and mark the sentences I (true),
F (false) or D5 (doesn't say). Justify your According to the
answerS. it will rain this evening.
lf you are out in a ..,.,,...,........'..,...,
1 It rains a lot in Catatumbo, Venezuela. never take shelter under big trees.
2 It's possible that the Catatumbo
The devastating tsunami in Japan made ..,.......
lightning is helping the Earth. ......., shocking people everywhere,
Ball lightning appears for longer
4 Most tornadoes in the northern hemisphere
than normal lightning,
Fire tornados can happen when
in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock.
a fire is very hot and it's windy. A ,.....,,,....... broke out causino the
5 They don't happen very often. whole area to flood.
6 The rain of fish is a new phenomenon.
Scientists are working hard to
7 Strong winds probably cause it. the ozone layer before it is too late.

weaiher forecast, wi'ap up warm, never-ending,

lightning storm,',veainer phenontena, constantll;
crash into, violent, silver iining, nitroger oxice.'
restore, ozone laye4 occur, whirling, temperaiure,
wildfire, make world news, astonished, spin, ignite,
rare, region, witness, violent storm, miracle,
undergrcund river, above ground

b) - Use the idioms to complete-the gaps.

1 Take your big umbrella with you. lt is .....'.'....,..

L Go help Bill. He's ...,.,..,.,..,.....:.:.. 1

Weatl'ler !dioms 5 Jane always leaves when there's a problem,

F a) Match the idioms (1-5) with their
5ilC ) )ULr l q- ,,".....,....

meanings (A-E). Are there similar ones I found a new job that I like better after losing
in your language? my old one. You see, .....................,........,....... I

f.---l--] Jill ...,.......... today. She's got a cold.

Ll-t- raining cats and dogs
U-]-J I r
every cloud has a silver lining Speaking & Writing
j3i lfair-weatherfriend o Tell your partner four things you have
l-;-,-_-l .
rf i ltnaloq o
learnt from the text,
f 5-t_l is under the weather
A however bad the situation is, something I ffi lmagine you have experienced
oositive alwavs comes irom it one of the weird plrenomena in the texts.
R rnnf r tcod nrrzzlad In three minutes, r,vrite about your
C someone who is only around when trings are gooi experience and feelings. Tell the class. Start
D pouring with rain like this: l'm in the region of {cro, fionduras, It
has been raining since mcrnlng, Right now it's ...
ffissasters rhe Day #*s #,affttil
Vocabulary & Reading
a) Read the headlines and fill On 1'lth March, 2A11, at14:46 local time, an undersea
earthquake struck off the northeastern coast of Japan. The force oi
in: Cl056D DjWN, WASHES
AWAY, RUNNING WATER, the earthquake, the most powerful in Japan's history, triggered a
devastating isunami. nTl The world faced a partial nuclear
meltdown and the planet moved on its axis, shortening the length
of every day by 1.8 milliseconds, lt was a terrible nationaltragedy
O tisten and check. Say the that the country will need a great deal of time to recover from'
. headlineq in your language. In the days before the main earthquake, Japan had experienced
quite a few foreshocks, some of which exceeded magnitude 7, but
MASSIVE 1) .,.,.,.,.............:...
nothing could prepare the nation for the main shock, a magnitude
EARTHQUAKE 2),.,.......,..,......,...
9 quake. lt was strong enough to be feh hundreds of kilometres
away in Tokyo where buildings shook violentlY and many office
workers ran out onto the streets terrified, | 2 | Much worse was

; 3)....-................ Housns & cARS yet to come as the authorities issued a tsunami warning.

4) .......;.-........... oF JAPAN QUAKE






irir' g.ov.rnment', immebiiierv, oiaeirta-'l *.

evacuation of hundieds of thousands of residents. Explosio.ns'

rocked the plant as courageous technicians struggled to control
the damageand prevent a nuclear meltdown.-..'1,,'r,.=:, .,','' l
Ovef the-inext fgiu.'Oay$ a. arge :numberrof aftershdcks:cont]lued

to shake Japan, causing plenty of. problems for rescue leams as

they racedlo"find surviVors. Several countries sent relielWorkers
and thr world held its breath while it waited to see how the tragedy
would end. tTTl over 15,000 people died that day and
thousands more were missing. Several amazing tales of suMval
came to the attention of the world's press, though. A 4-month-old
baby girl was pulled alive from the rubble four days after the
.,':,j" i;,,
i::r: earthquake. A man was found clinging to his rooftop as it was
,::,*: ': rr: .
floating 14 km out at sea 2 days after the tsunami. And there was
the Japanese student in California, desperate for news of her lost
family, who found them on a YouTube news clip. lt showed her
sister holding up a sign and a desperately-needed
message of hope across the world: "We all survived."

strike, devastating, nuclear meltdown, axis, foreshock, :i

exceed, shake, epicentre, authorities,.warning, head for; roll .;
across, crash into, loaded (with), debris, landslide, mud, :i
pylon,evacuation,explosion,courageous,technician, .:::

struggle, aftershock, relief workeL desperate, collapse, rip 'j

apart, blaze, force, sweep away, inland, slarn into 1
Read the text again. Five
b) Choose the correct words. Explain your answers,
then make sentences using the other words.
sentences are missing. Match
each senterrce (A-F) to a gap 1 Were there any/some aftershocks after the earthquake?
(1-5), There is one extra 2 Rescue workers found very few/little survivors in the rubble.
senten ce. 3 A lot oflMuch people lost their loved ones in the earthquake'
Closer to the epicentre, buildings 4 There was only a little/a few water Ieft.

collapsed, roads and railways were 5 Most/Too much people in the town didn't have someiany
ripped apart and fires blazed. electricity after the earthquake.
The evacuation zone around the 6 There wasn't much/many hope of finding anylsome survivors
nuclear power plant was soon in the burning building.
increased to 20 km.
6 Read the sentences. Which phrase is not possible in each
Many thousands of people lost
sentence? Which can be followed by: a countable,
their lives and roads, buildings and
uncountable noun? Find more examples in the text in Ex. 2.
entire villages were swept away.
Sad ly,' therb'ilr-bre ha rdly any 1 There was a large amount ofla great deal ofla'nurnber ofi
survivors. . . , plenty of rain in the days after the earthquake;.n--
Without powe1 the cooling qtstem 2 He heard quite a lot oflquite a fewla little/plenty of amazing
at the Fukushima No. 1 Plant failed.
survival stories after the disaster.
It washed away houses and cars 3 There were no/hardly anylanyla small n-umber of survivors.
hurled ships far inland, carrying
4 Much/A large number oflSeverallA couple of nuclear..power
them along and slamming them
into whatever lay in their path,
plants were.darnaged during the earthquake. :r

All/Several/Every/Each of them had lost their homes. ,

Fill in: thewholeof , both, neither, either, none. Check in.the

Match the highlighted words Grammar Reference section.
with their meanings: holdingon
Anna nor Steve were in Japan when the
tightly, panicked & frightened,
broken into small pieces, started,
earthquake struck.
5adly, ...........,:.,,.-...,...; the- sunami a n d:the .eartfiquake ca used
i ncoinpltit{;tinabIe to Ieave, pi eces
of bricks, & other moterials,
terrible damage.
vety wet, violently threx.
4 we leave now or wait until they corne.
5 Lots of people were in the building when the fire broke out,
Grarnmar butfortunate|y........,.............:.......... ofthern gothurt.
Quantifiers "'
\ '
Make sentences based on the text using: thewhole of,
o large omount of , hardly qny, mast people, little hope, a few.
a) Write C (countable).
U (uncountable) next to Speaking & Writing
each word,
g I"rT?S,M, Q tisten and read the text. lmagine you
not any C/U, few ..,..., many ......, were in Japan on the day of the earthquake and tsunami
a few ......, most ...,,. in March 2011. Where were you? What did you see and
not many .,..,., some ......, a lot of hear? How did you feel? ln a few minutes, write a few
.....,, too many ...... sentences, You can use the headlines in Ex 1a, Tellyoull
littlo .,.,,,r tnn mrrrh, ......, very
,,f!,e partner or the class.
litrle....,. ,fr
not much ......, lots of 10 WDraw a picture or find pictures to raise
a little..,.,, awareness of the victirns of the disaster in Japan.
Present it/them to the class. 4 -.1




plane crash
severe/freak storm

1 u) O tisten and say the

types of disasters. Which arij:
natural? influenced by mon? Which
can you see in the pictures?
b) Wh ich accident/disaster (1 -12) best
matches each of the headlines (A-H).
Which words helped you decide?

2 a) Qtisten to some people describing B*i

the disasters in the pictures 1-4. Match the
descriptions A-D to the disasters 1-4.
b) ' Ch'6bse a picture and describe it to your Listening :
i ,.:
partner in as much detail as possible. i,-..
4 OYou'll hear a radio news report, For j:.
questions 1-5, listen and tick (,/)
Giving bad news & reacting I (true) or F (false).
@ Use the headlines in Ex. 1b and the
3 language The train crash happened at

in the box to make exchanges, as in

the exarnple.
2 No one died in the accident.
Giving bad news Reacting ? The reason for the lights' failure
. uro you near/ lnere's Deen .. r It's awful, isn'i iti isn't known yet.
' Did you see/hear about the ... on . Oh nol That's awfuT The flood is due to a burst
the newsT terriblel water prpe.
. Have ycu heard? . Really? How horriblei The town suffered a worse
. Guess what happened! . I don'i believe it! flood last year.
. You'll never guess what's happenedl . Thai s so saC/
. Look at thisl rlan.a(c:nn cir
vlr vJJrr.Y, L i!.
Sry choose a disaster which was in
A: Did you hear? There's been a major troin ctas;h atnd 50 the news last month, Prepare a short
people hove been injured, news report for the local TV station. Ialk
B: lt's awful, isn't it| about: place, date, event, whothappened,

eurricular: Geos
What do you know about How Tsunarnis work UPWARD
tsunamis? What else would WAVE

you like to know? Write down

three questions you would like
to ask.
Otisten and read to see if
you can answer your questions.

Read again and match the

subheadings (A-c) to the
paragraphs (1.6). There i! one
extra heading,

A A frequent phenomenon
B after the other
c High tide, , r.

D Deadlv ooW'.i
.E A sudden rnovement
A tsunami is a wave that
travels at great speed towards
F Less by degree land, They are usually caused by
G Below the surface an undersea earthquake, but they
can also happen after a large
Complete. the sentencei: with undersea landslide .and an
undenvater yolcanic eruption.
when an undersea eartnquat<e happens, the Earth's tectonic plares
suddenly downwards or upwards. This usualiy happens on
a faulilline and
one plale slides below the neighbouring'plate causing a large
. 2 WhentheEarth,s,.,.,..,....,............' water to be forced upwards.
amount of

. move, suddenly, an earthquake

13 i ------]
happens. ,,: lhis waterforms awave. Just likewhen you throw.apebble
ihto a lake, the
3 A tsuhami is similar to throwino
d(r1).,,..,.,....,..,.,.. into a lake, but
on a r,nuch larger ......... 4
4 When the water reaches the .,....
...,....i........,,. and comes
it destroys
everything in its ....,......
5 A tsunami can ............,
ouilotngs and destroy ecosystems,

4 Tell your partner or write four 5

things you have learnt about

5E Collect more
information about tsunamis. i:'

Use the key word: tsunami

speed, undersea randslide, volcanic eruption, tectonic prates,
Present your information to line, slide, force, pebble, ripple, outwards, shore,
fault $r;
fast i,'
come inland,
the class. tromendous
tide, impact, in iis path, initial, on a larger scale,

A, story Read the story and answer the questions.
1 How does the writer set the scene?
Writing stories 2 What is the climax event?
Stories can be about reai or imaqinarv situations. 3 What happened in the end?
They can be in first person (1, we) or third person 4 How did the characters feel?
(he, she, they). Before we start writing a story, we
first decide on the type of story, the main
characters and the plot.
In the first paragraph, we set the scene (when/
where it happene{, nain characters, weathe4 8/arfz.fmu'rz
what happened first). During rny sumrner holiday, my friend James and I were
In the main body paragraphs, we describe the j travelling across the USA. One day, we decided to take a
journey on a steam train which became a thrilling adventure.
events in the order they happened leading to the
Little did we know that we were in for a tenifying experience.
climax event (the main event), and the main event, I
In the finalparagraph, we write what happened j, We had been enjoying the smooth ride when something
in the endiand how the characte(s)felt, i
went terribly wrong. We had just come out of a tunnel and
We normally use past tenses and time linkers (os, we were slowly making our way down a hili when suddenly
when, ofter, later, while, suddenly, fnally, etc,) to heip there was a loud screeching noise. Then, instead of slowing
the reader follow our story. We can also use a down we began to speed up.
variety ofadjectives and adverbs and direct speech People starte'd screaming frantically. As we all held onto oui'
to make our story more interesting to the reader. I
seats, the train started rocking dangerously from side to:
a Ef,r,==-:--ffi. triffi side. A man got out of his seat and ran quickly to the front
of the train. A few minutes later, the traih began to slow ,

down. Soon after that, we pulled into the next station and r
we ail got up anxiousiy to see what had happened. lt seems
Understanding rubrics
the driver had hit his head and fallen unconscious,
To plan your piece of writing you need to
understand the rubric as it contains information Luckily, the passenger.had got there in time to slow down
on the, 'imaginary situation, the imaginary the train and save the day. We were relieved to hearthat no
reader which will help you decide what style on1 been huft and that the driver was well.
you will write in, the type of writing and any lad
specific details. Put the events in the order they happened.
Compare with your partner.

{ Read the rubric and look at the key words lAl-l we heard a screeching noise.
in bold. Answer the questions. I B-t-] We pulled into the next station.
icTl James and I went on a train journey.
A travel magazine has asked its readers to send
short stories describing a
nasty holiday
D-n A man ran to the front of the train.

experience they had. The best story wins a three- tETl The driver hit his head.
day visit to London. Write your story for the IFI I The train began to speed up.
competition (1 20-180 words)- lEl-l The train started to slow down.
';;;;;;;,;;;;;; ---r ,ml-l The driver was well.
2 Who is gorng to read it?
4 Which adjectives has the writer used to
3 What should your piece of writing be aboutT
describe the following?
4 How many words should you write in?
5 Will your narrative be in the first person or ihe 2

third person? adventure 3


Write the adverbs the writer -

has used to describe the
following: ting the scene
When we lvrite a story we start by setting the scene. To do so, we
iltdt\iilv uur vvcy
imagine we are looking at a picture and try to describe the place
2 screaming (where), the time (when), the weather, the people involved (who),
3 train rocking and what happens, We can use our senses to make the descriptions
ran ,........,... more vivid, We can describe what we see (e.9. a cute dog), hear
(b a rkin g ), f eel (s oft g r a ssj or sm e I | (e. g. th e scent of o ra n g e tree s).
5 we got up ,..,...,.,..,,

Fill in the sentences with a I Look at the picture and use the prompts to set the
suitable adjective or adverb scene. 5tart with the sentence given.
from the list.
. deafening n dark " rapidly
. carefully . terrified n violently
" massive
o heavy

The thunderwas ...........

and the windows were shaking

Steve could never expect his weekend trip would end like this.
2 | felt absolutely
when I saw the
Put the pictures in the correct order to make the outline
wave rushing ................
of a story.
towards us.
OListen and check.
....,,. clouds filled the
sky as the ...,..... rain
poured down.
Sirnon drov.e
across the bridge.

7 Fill in: suddenly, before, and then,

eventuolly, os soon os, while, and.

1) .."...,......,.. we reacneo
London,we looked for somewhere to
spend the night. 2).,..............,...:........
we came across a small nice "Bed &
Breakfast" hotel. 3)..,.....,.......,
10 A magazine has asked its readers to send in stories (120-
we were waiting at the reception, a
180 words) about a nasty experience. Use the pictures in
Young man entered. He jooked at us
coldly then disappeared in the tift without Ex. 9 to write the story. Follow the plan,
saying a word. 4) ..,,,. we
'''"1r:.,1L:;:,,;;;;;.,:t,.r, .';jlrfii;i,1i,1,,:::.:r.: jti;;.:iij.lii:..:f!;.;1:,r,

heard a scream. Minutes Iater the young ,P-le"ry I

rnan came down the stairs, He looked

very scared S) ............,,,....... ..........., his
Para 1: set the scene: characters, wheniwhere, weather (Onehotday,

hands were shaking. 6) .......... .,,............

Matt & ... ,, After they ,..) :

Paras 213: events in order ppened & climax event (By the time
they ha i

we said a word he grabbed my hand and

said, 'l
saw him. de js in rny room
they got ... ,, Dark clouds
,.. ., AII of a sudden, ...) I

le waiting for me. Please, help me."

Para 4: what happeneC rn the end, feelings (Beiorelong...,Everyone
sighed with relief.)
te 7) ..... ,,.... .,.....,.. he fainiea, -i-'
li,.l'::,:: :::;;i.'.1,,.1-:.1:Y-j:l;'::::.:::ai: :--:i.: .:


; .'l r ', .'

a) Read the rubric, then read the text through once, a) Answer the question.
What is it about?
What do you like/dislike watching
r You are going to read a text about a strange news on fV Why?
: story. For gaps 117, choose the sentence A-H which e.

I 9Y i'i r S 9T Jl.::.:: "?

1'.:t'1 :_:T.j,: : b) Q iisten and read.
b) Now do the task, Compare your answers with your Underline the words/
partner, justifying your choices. phrases the person uses to
express his likes/dislikes.
What reasons does he
It was the night before
g ive?
Halloween, 1938, and families
USA changed.stations on their radios to find themselves listenino
I enjoy watching a varlety of
Orchestra. ry
lgg,glio progrqmme featuring Ramon Raqueilo and his programmes, but ljust love police
i1 I
| 'A tluge"flaming objectrlhad fallen.out of the skv in Grover,s Mill,.New
dramas like C5/. I find them really
Jersey. The prograrnme returned to the music, but rhen broke off almost
immediately for another bulletin, somethllg was climbing oui of the smoke-fiiled exciting and interesting, l'm not really
crater, something frorn another planet, I 2 I i a fan of soap operas, though, and I
Listeners panicked. some ran onto the streets using wet towels as gas masks and can't stand watching reality shows. I
some raced to be with theirfamiiies in their last moments. 3
i Aso, phonelines
think both of these are sillv and a
were jammed as desperate citizens tried to find out exactly what was happening. waste of time. t'rilF3?r{iq;:tri"*.n,"*--.,.",--ti1 '*
whai these people didn't realise was that they were listenlng to Orson welles' ,,xy.E Srynr4T.l-a€fis'nlryr'f; i
radio play of the science-fiction classic, The war o/ the lvorlds. weiles'
impressive pr$yctign staged the events of the invasion as if they were really
happening. | 4 j
I lt was so realistic that thousands of listeners were
convinced that a reai alien invasion was taking place even though an announcer 3 @ Ask and answer the
had in fact stated at the beginning and about 45 and 50 minutes into it that the questions, using phrases from I

show was fiction, Even towards the end of the show orson welles took a break the language box below. Try to I

from playing his character to remind listeners that the show was a Halloween sound natural, I

dresslng. up in a sheet and jumping out of a bush and saying ,bool'.

|fS\e 1

I 5 i I tnose daysr most people gottheir news forn newspapers and radio. The
In What kinds of films do you, like/
trouble is a lotof people only heard a portion of the show due to the atmosphere of
dislike watchingT Why?
anxiety at existed just before world war ll, they considered an invasion of this type
2 Do you like reading? Why/Why
possible and took the show for a real live news broadcast.
However, some
experts suggested that the media exaggerated and a later study would show that not? lf so, what do you read?
out of the 6 million people who heard the broadcast 1.7 million believed it to be true 3 What do you enjoy doing in your
but very few people took any, action other than calling the emergency serutces.
spare time?
So, how did it all end? | 7 I fte
fotiowing day, Welles,name was afi over the
4 Do you like using the Internet? lf
nev/spapers and there were calls for the government to pas laws to stop simiJar tfrings
ever happening again. Orson welles will never be forgotten as lhe man who convrnced so, what for?
America thatthe Maftians had landedl
Likes Disli!e1
. I really/qrite iike/
Others loaded guns and hid in cellars, pi.eparing to defend thernseives
against whatever had landedl
' | (just) hate ...

Reporters presented eye-witness accounts, the authorjties advised . lnjol .

l'm fond of ..,
citizens and scientisis gave informed opinions. . (absoluteiy)' love iike '

When people found out that the invasion was just a radio play, they
o l'm not keen on
were furious.
l'm (realiy) keen
D Suddenly, a voice interrupted it with some breaking news. . l'm not really a
E Welles was anested by the police. on ...
F It was an alien invasion! far of ,..
r inrnK tnat . . ls/
G It was reporled that some people clajmed ihat ihey actually saw -^^ri.
--^ real'y
I I find ... boringl
explosions in the sky and smelt poison gas. ..
rasclnattng, etc
exc,ttno, etc
through the Lens

l've been a phciojournaiisi for tne

last twenty years and
l'm 0) frequently askeC about the difference
what I do and what ain) 1) "'""
photographer does'
...:..r,i.11 :ii.:
We[t, most phctographers - paparazzi' witdtife
' a) Read the rubric and the headings photographers, sPorts photographers, to 2) """' but a
my photos
few use their images to ittustrate an articte;
- of """'
pictures that' I
in each rePort. don't have words, I take a 3)
betieve, get to the 4) of the story' li could be a
e.g. n:tarrow escape - lucky, no ane hurt "' il . iike Somalia or a disaster like Hurricane
from home'
and it often means spending weeks away
r You will hear 5 different news reports ;
One of the things | love about my job is the.6)
i from a radio Programme' Match the Depending on the story, I might be dodging
butlets in a
. speakers (1-5) to the news headlines (A-, *ut staying in a vitiage in India or waiking the
Zt ......',
I go where the
: I J[':: : :i: :.-"Y:i:Y'i:-u1i:'; - * ; streets of Manchester with the homeless'
its 8)"""' it' I
story is. ls it dangerous? Sometimes, but
who toLd me that my
met a woman three weeks ago
NARROW ESCAPE =".-i$p;rke, 1 coverage of war vjctims in Somalia 'for
had inspired her to
B DISASTER AT SEA i$erk.r*i beconrl' a doctor. She w rks i'il;'ddecins Sans

c HOPE AFTER THE DISASTER '1;.'1.;;1'*l-r Frontibres and travets the wortd hetping
the injured'
DISRUPTIoN ro DAILY LlvEs #*i};' , *i photojournalism can 9)r;1'.'r' " 1

D That's what good'

r The job is lhanging, though, with digitat'photography'
Photographers used to wait days or weeks.'for
r video
10),.,,... moment to get the shot, but with a HD
DECISI0N freeze'
camera, you can fitm continuously and then iUst

b) rturu io get the perfect picture' I'm otd':fashioned'

Ooo the task. Whith words helPed though, I stitt rety on my photographer's instincts
you decide?
a camera that's been with me from Alaska-
to '

Tanzibar. lt was with me;when I took sorne ot

;:i,*##;li;T!,"ii my most movlng
pictures - the ones
of the 33 Chitean
fs miners being 11)..." '', !i::::; -i

Multiple choice cloze

after two rnonths trapped
Read.the text,.once to understand the general
underground. The 12r'.'.." on
idea,.then read it again sentence by sentence' Pay their faces and the faces of their
attention to the words before and after each gap' famities witl stay with me for
Look at the choices and choose the best one' Read a tifetime -
and I have the
pictures to Prove it!
the completed text to check if it makes sense'

the rubric. Then read the title of the 0 A resularlv B habituallv@frequentlt 3 #;ll" F
C familiar ",
1 A ordinary B routins i't- t
text and look at the picture. What could the
text be about? Read through quickly and
check to get the general idea' i l;*,.
centre s neirt L rre'rr
o t
[[!t;' I
: Y:l'
-aie*fiinij"' "'a*
To* ieiii Gxt i6ouf 3; 5 A conflic, : :i*t't D variety f
diversitY c range
photojou rnal ist. ii rltttt'nce B
c sPace
For gaps, 1'12 choose the correct option 7 A area B Ptace 3 il;t
A,B,COTD , o..t' Bmerit ::1':' Dwin

the task. Compare your answers with

,,l Iiil:" :::ll"' :i'^::,,.,"n oo:';fi.,
vour Partner. vvnlcn' vvords before and after
;; ni.ttt"o Breslyed
tsen,; Dsensation
iz n .nro.ion B feelinE

iif tsi,;:i "*-.-::" I iii ir i:! !=

Read the text and complete the gaps with Use the words in bold to complete the
the words derived from the words in bold. sentences. Use two to five words,
Compare your answers with your partner, n
I had never flown through a thunderstorm before. lf
(TrME) t,
(0) Professional sky diver, extrerne sports PROFESSION
It was ...........,. flown through a thunderstorm,
lover, and camera man James Boole is ir
perhaps one of the luckiest in the world. A lot has changed in earthquake prediction over I

James was in Russia making a TV the years. (MANY)

(1) .................,..... about sky divers when DOCUMENT I There...... ..............; in earthquake
he (2) ,.....,.,.,........... came close to death. EXPECT: c
prediction over the vears.
The 31-year-old was trying to get shots
of the divers jumping from a helicopter
3 Rescue teams were unable to find any survivors,
over an (3) ............,..,.,...... volcano. (succEED)
James had to follow the divers out of the
Rescue teams ........,afly survivors,
helicopter in ,order to get close-up 4 They didn't take any notice of the avalanche
footage of 'the jump, a task which warnings. (AfiENTION)
required all his (a)
During the jump he failed to open his !
CONCENTRATE J They .......... the avalanche warnings.
parachute on time due to a (5) .....,.,...,... COMMUNICATE i
5 A lot of newspapers want to print Martin's
error with his fellow diver and hit the i photographs. (HIGH)
ground at a(n) (6) speed of BELIEVE i'
Martin's photographs
100 kmph. James suffered a (7) ............... BREAK:: with a lot of newspapers.
back and rib as well as chipped teeth but 6 They were surprised when they found John
(8) .......,................ he survived the fall, AMAZE i. a
alive. (EXPECT)
The rescue team found him in a one-
metre deep crater and took him to
They ..,.......,......,........,.,.; John afive.

hospital before being flown to England

7 Dangeroui driving led to the accident. (RESULT)
where he made a full(9)........... The accident happened
Tweive months later he was back in the dangerous driving.
skies making (10) CREDIBLE 8 They will find the mountaineer easily. (FROBLEM)
They will have......,...,. the mountaineer.
Ff ,-.r. na,i_:E3e+-, : 1:i*:,. :_+

w4i@ ffi@**s:F.*B:Fne&!*i,i:il:-:1e:itffiiF,;,q.*tiffiw*e,ffiMi€##!av.A?€!eEr


S a) Read the rubric and underline the key . Have you divided your story
words. Brainstorm for ideas under the into paragraphs
headings: charocters, weother, where/when, with a clear beginning, main body and ending?
events in order they happened, climox event,
. Does your beginning set the scene? (characters,
feelings at end. Write your story. where/when story happened, weather etc,)
: . Have you used a variety of past tenses? i

i Your college's English magazine rs asking for . j. Haveyou presented the events in the order they j
f readers to submit stories with the title 'An - i happened in the main body? ..
j Rmazing Rescue'. The best story will appear in j i
. Have you used linking words to show the j ,:
s the next edition of the magazine. Write your r i sequence of events? j
I story (120-180 words). ;r

:.,- .",,* ._ _- "_ .', Have you used a variety of interesting adjectives i
and adverbs? i
b) Go through the Checklist and make any i' ls your spelling, punctuation and gramrnar correct? j
Language in E#se -J

Fhrasal verbs/Prepositions Word formation

Choose the correct particle(s). Fill in the sentences with the correct word
in the list,
back away: move backwards
back from sth/sb
back down: give n
in, rrranf
ac dofort Compound adjectives
I back up: make a copyopy ofo a file/programme etc. We form compound adjectives with two words, usually joined
m. i back sb up: give s upport to sb by a hyphen. We often use adjective/noun/nurnber + noun
ver back out decide not rot to do sth
-ed (red-haied, two-faced), adjective/adverb/noun + past
call sb back: return sb's phone call
n sb's
pa rticiple (short'tempered, w ell known),
call off: cancel
lke adjectiveiadverb/noun + present participle (long'lasting,
carry on: continue
carry out do sth as planned
pl; (a plan/qrder/threat etc.), time-consuming).
duct (repairs, research, tests, etc.)
perform or conduct I

. n
The guard asked the passengers to back awayl 'well 'thought man ' thirty nsvst
down from the edge of the train platform. I 'The 'lightning storm in Cataiumbo' is almost
The school carried onlout a fire safety drill, ending..^!:.
Despite his accident, Aron carried onlout climbing. The children were very
Baik up/out your computer files regularly. behaved for the babysitter.
The match was called off/back due to heavy rain. I saw a ................,....,. provoking documentary
She backed down/out of the race in the end. about earthquakes last night,
Lava fountains can reach as high as a .,';....'.'....'.'
Choose the correct preposition. storey building.
'l travel at/on a great speed. Lives are lost every year through natural and
2 Aron Ralston lives his life from/to the fullest.
made disasters.

3 Martin's photos are always at/in high demand.
4 The tsunami destroyed everything on/in its path.
f The man was begging in/for help. Fill in: arm, flow, dormant, volconic, take, struck,
en vironm e ntal, tecto ni c, emer gency r.-f"teelanpe.
Words dlften confused
6 se[vlces
€hoose the coruect word. 7

1 He tried hard to stay/keep alive. disaster

2 The ground started to shakeijurnp. photographer o volcano
9 preca utions
3 The clouds blocked/closed the view,
{n )i-^-+^"
4 The water raised/rose fast. prosthetic lv ut>d) Ltrl

The tsunami reached/arrived land fast,

,w Read throrigh Module 1 and mark the sentences

A lava fountain can shoot up
to three feet.
I (true) or F (false). Now

Fire tornadoes are rare.

Lake Portchartrain is in the

Aron Ralston was trapped north of New Orleans.

for a week. 7 Floods cause tsunamis.
3 Blue iohn Canyon is in Utah. 8 ln Honduras, it rains fish
Hurricane Katrina hit every summer.

_t F{ewHs$#m
Fill in: predictable, demand, collapsed, grlbbed,
4 Choose the correct item.
fainted, administer, remote, stable, survivors.
1 The meeting was called back/off due to the
33 men were trapped underground when a accident.
mine,..,....... ....,. in Chile, 2 The tsunami travelled with/at great speed,
Annie....,..., ...,.,.. with exhaustion No one backed him down/up and he was very
after walking all day in the hot sun. dicennn inf od
I slipped and .,....,..... ... John's arm 4 He begged forlin money to support his family.
to stop rnyself from falling. 5 His photos are on/in great demand.
The Blue John Canyon is very ............................; 5x2=!0 marks
no one lives nearby and it's difficult to get to. Match the exchanges.
There were five ,..,......,,,. ..., of the
plane crash; it's amazing!
You always know what's goi ng to happen in
Can't we watch
Do we have to
CSl? A
watch B
lt's nearly finished.
I don't like the
that soap opera; it's so ...,,........,......,.,,.,,......., ! this? sound ofthat.
7 His photographs are in great ..................:...".... j3 I I There! a documentary C Sure, here you are.
all over the world. about whales on D Yes, isn't it awful?
8 The ground beneath us isn't .,.............,,...,..,.,..; Channel 2 at 5. E 0K, but then
it's moving allthe time. lZTl Did you hear about we're switching
9Itwasverydifficu|tforhimto.......,'..... the landslide? over to Channel 3.
first aid to himself. 9x2=t' msrks iTTl can you pass me the rt;,
TV guide? 5x4=20 marks
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
7 it.
present or past tense forms.
Complete the sentences with the correct
1 Amy word derived from the words in bold.
the earthquake happened.
A ....,.......... storm forrned above the
2 They
islands. (TROPIC)
to lcela,nd next week. t2 The'earthquake was very .,.,....,..
3 Billy ....,".,..,,....... (go) climbing every weekend, {P0wER)
4 Hundre'ds of people The city is making a slow
their lives as a result of the earthquake so far.
5 Sam ........,. (read) at the momenr,
4 Aron helps .....,. athletes. (ABIED)
6 They (look) at rhe fire
5 He spent three days in ,,.,.......,..,
as it was quickly spreading.
temperatures before they found him. (FREEZE)
7 Brian was angry because he ..,,...........
(wait) for Hannah for an hour. 5x2=10 marks

8 By the time we arrived at the beach, it ....,.......

7 Write a story called 'A lucky escape'
(start) to pour with rain. (120-180 words). 2o morks
8x2=16 marks
Choose the correct item. Totsl:100 marks
1 The all/whole worid joined in
to help the victims.
z Both/Neither Sandy nor 5am went to Japan. . talk and write about disasters
3 They had hardly any/several nioney with them. . talk and write about accidents and injuries
4 A large number of/A great deal of residents left
. decide what to watch on TV
. give bad news & react
their houses.
. write a story
5 There was very few/little to be done.
There is quite a number/plenty more to corne.
' talk about tsunamis
6x1=6 marks
/, Vocabulary: shops & services, materials ano
of substances, supermarket shopping, furniture &

appliances, faulty products
Grammar: future tenses (will, be going to, present
continuous, future contin uous), comparisons,
-ingl(to)-infinitive, future perfect _ future perfect
continuous, clauses of concession
Everyday English: buying ciothes ,.

Intonation: exclamations
Phrasal verbs: do, drop, get
Word formation: verbs from nounsiadjectives
Writing: an email of complaint
Culture Corner: Famous products from the USA
Curricular (Citize n ship) : Responsib le shoppin g


Oynn ro roul
What kinds of shops do
you have cfose to your
:.:r, a::: : l home? Compare them
.:-!:. ',?:.'- with the shops in the
,', l::-t,4
city centre. Which do
lhe :a.:.:,a". ' you visit most often and
,.iilrl what do you buy?
,: :,,7
, ,l,''8
' -:;ii:

Otisten to the diafogues. tn which shop

does each take place? ./

,*tF choose a picture and

say or write a short
dialogue or a paragraph
about it. Tell the class. ,r@



O Listen and say. Make

sentences, as in the example,

fabric (cotton, silk

wo-ol, nylon, etc)

The bag is made of silk.

,. +t+', *:, #: F,.,,lxrr=,g i7,i::i;',

:t Read the title, the introduction,

and look at the pictures. What do
you expect the text to be about?
O tisten and read to find out.

;5 Read the text and for questions

1-10, choose from the texts (A-C).

Which text mentions:

a machine which needs no
putting together?
a form of recycling? f2Tl
use? |3Tl
a potentialfirst.aid
tips on healthy eating? 1"1--l
an invention with limitless
potential? Til*--r
t- | |

a type of exhibition? | 5T-l

a very inexpensive inventionzffi
a possible fashion item? iT-l-l
robust material?
something that can check
your physical health? iTdf_l

see pp.
GR 5-6

Match the examples to the descriptions.

Find more examples in the text in Ex. 2.

/Tn It's hot in here. l'll open the window.

5he's going to buy a printer soon.
l5t I Don't worry. lwon't be late.
IZTI Sarah's taking her driving test next week.
ITTI Our homes will be very different in the future.
l6Tl I won't be studying'lomorrow afternoon.
ilt-t He's got the car keys. He's qoing to drive
into the city.
A a promise
B a fixed arrangement
c a prediction based on what we believe/imagine
D a plan or intention
E an on-the-spot decision ':

F an action in progress at a certain time in the future

G a prediction based on what we see

Choose the correct verb form. tdentify the

reason for the use of each tense.
develop textiles, generate electricity, monitor
fitness, spray-on fabric, minute flbr.Ls, dry instantly, 1 That's the phone. lwill answer/am answering it.
turn.into, garriiAht, dissolve, go on sale, irendsetter; 2 'l think he is going to be/wifl be h.appier there.
booth, drop in, lo'ok into, bandage, furniture .Now that l've got some rnoney I will be buying/
covering, fully'Working machine, fuIly-functionaI,
lighte4 no assembly required, endless possibilities, am going to buy a new PC.
cartridge, skin graft, burn victim, dietary advice, on Will you work/Are you working tomorrow
demand, insta nt, voice-activated afternoon?
i:il :.:,
:'fitl in: turn into, access, instantly, endless,
This time next week we are travelling/wifl be
travelling to Chile.
, dissolve, assemblv.
o 5orry! I won't/am not going lie again.
Spray-on clothes contain minute fibres which He's wearing his T-shirt, shorts and trainers. He
,t . . will be playing/is going to play football.
' '.'...'..
" .

The Airbike is ready to ride as it doesn't require

Say two things you: will be doing thk time
next week, are doing tomorrow evening, will do
Dr Torres has deveioped a fabric that can ...,....
in the summer, are going to do this weekend.
any garment.
The possibilities of using the new spray are

A touchscreen gives you instant

@ ttow do you think each invention
to the Internet, in the text will improve our lives? In three
Some supermarkets are using plastic bags which minutes, write a few sentences. Tell the class
in water, leavinq or your partner.


You only wanted some milk

and a loaf of
*hy is your basket
oy rne ttme,you. get to the checkout?
the answer ties in the rricks ,u;;;;rk;;';r.
to make. you spend Let,i gr.b
ard find out sorne of the secretiU.f.rfrlihr;.
sliding doorsl

As you walk into the supermarket,

the delicious smell of
freshly-baked bread
and you i*ruAlt.ry ,turt
feeling. rhen, rtght
fungry. bt d;;;iln.r,
uou ,.u
beautiful dispiays of fresh and,cotourfrt 4
projrce, *uf,ing
you feet even hungrier, This
is .ll iriu;;;;;;, bu.urr. Don't expect supermarkets. to use packaging strategies
every supermarket knows that that make it easy to work out wiiich
more fruit and,vepetabt;s, A.lso
hungry customers buy
ioJA, urc jn.
cneapest either. lt nray be easier to grab
by selecting heaJth!, fresh fruit i#i,ig t;;; ,lir;pj;; packaged apples,
some pr.-
you feel less guilty about picking
and vegetables may make but hey,re atro a tot"moie expensive 1
ri; f.;;ra
than loose ones.
Iater on.
treats c(
Have you ever noticed that just when you,ve
,!uy learnt lir
yl: ::r r.:irJ ? get one free, deal? yet,
where the tomato ketchup is, the shop
moves it? le
around one rhird of the food
the world
waste, is that second chocolate
g;r; i; 5upermarkets love doing thi!, so thar you
,irruru*ku" time walking up, and down the aistei to,rling-fur-;r-hui tl
"ifiy y.ou to buy. Then, when you finally ariive at the th
it:?'fl it fiu ,':fr:il.h.: i?:ff # 5Til,?:fl *i;
[3i cnecKout, there are tempting displays
of swerbts and
miglt not ne saving ueryrrri,'u magazines to throw in,to your trolley
you'll have two exrra irems ail and w'hile you,re;.i*iting
thar yor"oon i iujiu nrro. in line.
l- 5
Supermarkets know that lf you think all these things are sneaky, iook at
that eye levet, so th; item;;n
tend to choose what
supermarkets are planning for the near
lJ:g:ur ihe miodte futurel Shops will
u.l1ilI ihe. most expensive ones Cheaper scan your-io-yalty card as soon as you
lflr:: _1r-, walk in and send
|rief shetves that are hard to reach. So,
,t^i1t,lr:,ongiVe'your ryn9.V-9ff
coupons to your mobile phone as you
.lel:,mber j0 neck a workour and check
3D displays will address
lou by nun,. unJ as you,re
what's on the top shelves, walking out you might even get an SMS
telling( you that
you've forgotten to buy milki

and match the

subheadings (A-G) to the
c) \/ Listen and say.
paragraphs (1-6). There is one
. supermarket aisle. trolley . checkout . cashier extra subheading. Justify your
.supermarket sections r customel pre-packaged food answers.
b) Use words/phrases from Ex. 1a to describe the
picture in the text.
a) How often do you shop at a supermarket? Do you
make a shopping list before you go? Do you stick to
it? lf not, what extras do you usually buy? E TEMPTING YOU WITH SPECIAL
D) What tricks do supermarkets use to tempt us into OFFERS
O Listen and read to find out. G LINE OF SIGHT

' Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct forms.
expose, overflowing, the answer lies,
grab, sliding doors, freshly-baked
I Organic products are much
' bread, the smell hits you, fresh
produce, intentional, resist, deal, go to ....,,..........;i.,...... (expensive) tha n non-organic ones.
waste, bargain, tempt, tend to, at eye- 2 That's .., (big) supermarket in town.
level, brand, give your neck a workout, 3 Supermarkets' own brands can be just as .......,.,.,........
strategy, pre-packaged, loose, aisle,
..,., (good) as well-known brands.
checkout, tempting display, wait in
line, srreaky, scan, loyalty card, money-
4 The ....,..., {long) customers stay in a
off coupons, address sb by name supermarket, the .........,. .....,, (much) they spend.
5 Summerton Superstore has by far .............,
di. a) Fill in: sliding, tempting, (good) quality meat.
pre- packag ed, en vi ron me nt ol ly, 6 The price of staple foods is getting
€ye, money-0ff, woit in,loyalty.
and ............ ...... (high) every month.
9gttrc Use the phrases
to make 7 Heinz is one of .......,....,..,..... (good)
sentences, as in the example, known brands of tomato ketchup.
-$:=g;;;:l:.;4.-;*t'1i.;.:; ;;-= :'{.;;"., ; -

4 ........................ card; 5 ...,....,....,..,... .i' Fill in -ing form, fo-infinitive, or infinitive without fo. Find
4rnr line; 5 ............,...., doors; 7 ..,,,.,.......,... examples in the text, Give one example for each category.
- tt/ level; 8 ..................,....,.,,. displays
iend 1 avoid, consider, deny, miss, suggest + ............,.,...........,i..........
prefer to buy loose fruit ond vegetables
2 make, let + ................ ...........;..........
the than p re- packa g e d pro ducts.
would like, would prefer, wouid have +
4nd 4 enjoy, like/love, prefer, don't mind, can't stand, is
b) Match the highlighted words used to +
to their meanings: exhibitions,
E too/enough ... +
tr ai n ing, dish o n est, pl an ned,
6 ask, agree, hope, expect, refuse, prornise +
hat .good buy, get.
vill 7 will, may. can, must, would +

rnd ;itff-4i'f.fiT'#i' see '.

. ;il,riF;lri*q,*,i,t,; .l l* 9'' !11 Put the verbs in brackets into the (fol-infinitive or
'. the examples, How do we
-ing form. How does each verb differ in meaning?

form the compa rative/superlative 1a forgot He (buy) lemons.

forms of adjectives? Find more b He'll never forget . (shop) at Camden Market.
examples in the text in Ex, 2. 2 a They stopped (get) coffee from a service station.
{***^-*-*^ -^-.-"-'--.-*;.-.
. Loose vegetables are cheaper b They stopped (work) to have lunch.
! than pre-
3 a lprefer (live) on rny own.
packoged ones.
b l'd prefer ....... (go) to the market on my own.
That supermarket is the most expensive
4 a We regret (spend) so much money on clothes.
of all. :

b We regret .,...... (inform) you that you failed,

This pack isn't as big os that one. '

5 ,a Try .... ..,........,.... (cut) down on sweets. you,ll feel better.

The bigger the supermarket, the easier
it b Try (stick) to a list when you go shopping.
He spends.more and more money every day. '

The fruit from my local market k a lat :

better th a n the fru it fron the supern ar kei., Efffi what did you rearn from the text? How wif l
These biscuits are by for the best I've ever this information be helpfuf to you? In three minutes,
taste(i. write a few sentences. Tell your partner or the class.
What do you know about the
products in the text? What
is the history behind each product?
O tisten and read to find out..,. .,. ,

wonder, story, go back, durable

cotton, manuai worker, big hit,
generation, ban, staple item, take
revenge, fussy diner, batch of fries,
crispy, fast-forward, formula. brass
kettle, serving, sales rise,
ingredients, trade secret

? Read again. Which Product or


't: "-i.a, ir' :..


The story of jeans goes back to the In 1853, George Crum was working
19th century when sailors from as a chef at a restaurant in New
Genoa, ltaty, wore durabte cotton York. One day, a
customer sent
and wool denim trousers. Then, in Crum's French fries back to the
1853, Z4-year-otd Levi Strauss kitchen, saying theY were too
travetted to San Francisco from thick. Crum got very angrY and
Germany and decided to design decided to take revenge on the
trousers for manual workers from fussy diner; he made a new batch i

this material. They were a big hit, of fries so thin and crispy that the
and by the 1950s jeans had customer coutdn't eat them with a
become very poputar with a fork! To George's surprise, the
: whote generation of young guest was thrilled with them and
I t"'o peopte. At first, many ptaces other diners began asking for
such as theatres and restaurants them, too. Fast'forward to the
banned them. Nowadays, jeans 21st century and, in the US alone,
are a staple item of clothing sates of potato chips amount to
in everyone's wardrobe! over 56 biltion per year.
,..i-T: Make notes about each
. . ,. pfoduct under the headings:
': when invented/by whom' how it
John Pernberton, a pharmacist from Georgia, invented the ',, became populor, the product
original Coca-Cota formuta in a three-tegged brass kettte in his : today. Present them to your
backyard! The soft drink was first sotd as a medicine in a
chemist's on 8th May, 1886, Dr Pemberton sotd about 9
servings each day. He made about 550 in the first year, but
unfortunately it cost him about 570 to make the co[a! in 1887, .
5 ig.W-}Find out
information about a well
a businessman bought the formula and by 1900 sates had risen ; known product from your
by over 40AA%, Coca-Co[a remains the rnost famous soft drink l, country under the headings in
in the wortd, but its exact ingredients are stitl a trade secret! Ex. 4, Tell the class.

--J "' .
I J::,_i j

Find sentences in the dialogue which mean:

a) rl tisten and say, ls it alright if I use my uedit card to pay? - They
ul The sentences are from a dialogue ore reduced in price right now, aren,t they? -
between a shop assistant and a Could you please give me your lD card? - Are they
customer. Who says each sentence? the right sizeT - We don't have many left.
\\ l, Llsten, rgad, and
check. 5ee
_. .:'., , '.' ..
: . .. . .. :::-t lt1 p, GR 7

1 What dize aie you?

*' Tff l:f i;1-.r'...rrryra4r;
r' a) O Listen and read the examples. Does
the speaker use falling or rising
intonation at the end of the

What a/an + countable How + adjective/

n9yn What g nice Ctress! adyerb, i ..-
what + uncountable or How sil[y'6i me!
o , Voriirecdiiii isln'iire bad
plural noun How quickly the time
What greot weather! passes here!

,a-- coutollavFff'mfi
, lir.F=-,-.:.-:^.*+ri+irrl;-.
' l. b) Fill in whot (a/an) or how.
O Listen and check, then say,
9 -''
1 ....... nice jacket!
z ..............;............ beautifu I sun glasses !

5 .,....r;...!.......,...,... great you look in those jeansl

Do you need any help? ........ kind you arel
B: 0h, yes.please. l'm looking for the slim-fit
jeans that are in the window, They,re .:.i::,1;j'r-'" :.i :
sale at the moment, aren't thev? at@'ail

A: Yes, they are,

,tfoJF Use the sentences in Exs. 1 & 2 to act
tks, but we,ve almost sold oui.
out a dialogue in a shop. Follow the plan.
e What size are you?
B: l'm a size 10.
A: Let me take a quick look ... 0K, you,re in @
luck. These are the last pair in your size, Ask if B needs any h Say what you're
B: Great. Can I try them on, please? looking for.
A: Sure, the fitting rooms are over there. ... Ask what size B is. Say what size. Ask
Any good...l to try itlthem on.
B: Yes, they fit me realiy well. l,ll take then:. Look forlFind item of Say you like the
Can I pay by credit card? clothing. TellA where ciothes & want to
A: Yes, that's no problem. That,s f3g then fitting room is, then ask buy them. Ask to
please. Can I have your lD, please? if any good. pay by credit card.
B: Here you are. Agree & say the price. Offer credit carC.
Ask A ts sign. Give card Thank A & say
receipt to customer goodbye.
/^. j .::

/ j..i: *!. ie;.
I qldei!.
EtrT F
i. i.'i 'fi:
L l, ri F'x'i
:' I ai \tc
-{.i. irtt
lial: f'*i
j" i ri ,
i,.i-i...,.1 ', ,
r+-.:.:{:j $,,

!rpr,:;S,ii,ir::,i ',' {j; iii *n ciirrrg
ir Lt r r-.c i tti r* f} # f"r I;:f I s: ;-r e*s

I a) In a minute write as many

words as possible under
the headings.

ll;:, i!ii"*-uGi.* -'*' i

living room


b) Look at the picture. What

does it tell us about life in
the 1950s?

c) Think of the kitchen in your

house. Compare it with the
one:in the picture.

The kitchen in rny house has a lot of modern

electrical appliances where0s the .,.,
3, the text again and for questions 1-g choose the best
answer (A, B, C or D). Compare with your partner.
tr Read the title and the
introduction of the text. What 1 ln the first paragraph, we learn that
do you think Joanne Massey,s A Joanne lives as cheaply as she can.
life is like? B Joanne was born in the 1950s,
C Joanne doesn't like modern technology.
Qtisten and read the text to D Joanne's husband shares her love ofthe 50s.
find out.
,:r'-,rr:: rr;:::i,:: : ,",1 :r.f.
'?,i-r,,i,..,' jt
2 One thing Joanne admires about people in the 50s is that
.,,,',,,,,-.,,:,.,,,,,,. .
A always dressed well. C didn,t waste things
B were always cheerful. D didn't worry about their appearance,
rule, long, time warp, era, values,
cherish, time capsule, retro decor, 3 She tries to copy.the 1950s spirit by
second-hand, vintage, authentic, A baking every day. C repairing and reusing things,
Iipstick, tight, convention, trilby hat, B helping others. D living life at a slowei pacel
bland, make do, mend, throwaway 4 How does Joanne compare modern things in generar to
those of
fashion, pension, distressing, admit, the 1 950s?
conveniences, out of sight, spoii, : A too stylish C stressful
in retreat from, violence, greed, B too expensive D uninterestinq
materialism, shudcier

'./.,i'i ",,;:.i
n a) Fill in: bright, TVs, conveniences, flshion,
music, career, bock, worpt valuest
appliances, stylish, frps, Use the phrases
to make sentences based on the text.
1 time 7 ........,,...........,... suit
2 black and white ....., 8 throwaway
3 rock and roll
4 traditional ..........,,.. 9 qtnrirnrr
5 21st century 10 cleaning
1'l second-hand
6 .,...,.........,..,. lipstick 12 ... then
b) Match the words in bold in the text to I

their meaning.
- desire to have more of sth than you need
! a hat made of felt . advice . hidden
. moral principles . adores . took care of
. money for retired people from the state
, dull . large meeting o energy . antique
. disposable
'upsetting o confesses
. running away from . useful equipnnent
. shake in disgust
. culture of valuing shopping and goods

::!ii::-"+ lijflif ii
5 Joanne doesn't read newspapers because
A she has no interest in news.
,Sp,emf-nng &W{rfrfrcg :

B she can,t stand thern. text again and complete the web
C they make her anxious.
5 Read the
diagram to take notes about Joanne Massey.s
D they waste too much paper. life. Then use your notes to describe Joanne,s
5 Regarding modern technology, Joanne life to your partner.
A refuses to use it.
B only uses it when it's necessary for her work, 1950s
cooker bokes cakesforfriends

C is getting used to it. {ItffiqE

D uses it, but doesn,t want it to be seen.
The quote from Joanne in the final paragraph
-i-. E@, :-
expresses her beljef that
A the world was a better piace in the 50s.
wears bright liprr,rf ...-..' -....mffi
B people were happier in the 50s. E?ffiS, what kind of person do you
C there is nothingj good about the 21st century. think Joanne is? Tell the class. Give reasons
D more people should iive as she does. from the text.
8 V/hat does the writer think about people
1950s lifestyie?
F@ compare your lifestyle to Joanne,s.
A li strange.
is C lt is understandable. In three minutes, write a few sentences on
B lt is worrying. D lt is

l t'

Ot-ook at the picture, then

listen and say. What do you
wonders of the ancient world, tell of a structure with lush green A
think a skyscraper farm is? How
gardens on differcnt levels many mefres high. nTl
However, B
does it work? Read the text to as our modern consumer sociefy confjnues to drain the world
out. of ils resources, fhe population rises and food prices soar, a
modern-day equivalent may soon be springing up in your c
neighbourhood! .D
According to UN statistics, by the year 2050, the population of
planet Earih will have risen to over 9 billion and feeding all these
people will require extra Jarmland the size of Brazill Finding this , ..F
agricultural land will be a real challenge, but one that some fu
Solar panels and creative scientist$elieve they have solved with the idea of IH
wind turbines
power the vertical farming, | 2 I
I Just as an apartment block has different i
building, storeys, a vertical farm will have [rany different floors growing a f
variety of fruit and vegetables, l3l
lThe walls will be made of l.
glass to allow in sunlight and instead of soil, the,pr,oduce will be ['r-?
f, :,:u.:;: ,
grown in a solution oi nutrients and water,
Dr: Dickson Despommier, a prolessor at Columbia University, I

points out that just one 30.storey building could provide food for :1
10,000 people. lZT-l But as well as offering a solution to
possible food shortages, this idea is environmentally friendly.
Often, by the time food arrives on your plate, it will have been
travelling for days or even monthsl Vertical farms, however, will
go up in tfre cenire of the city. ITT_I So, we'llsave on transport
costs, burn less fossil fuels and we'll all be eating fresh local
produce from the skyscraper next doorl
[6l "f Crops nearer the glass would get more light which means
they would grow quicker than crops farther away. The only whole
floor to get direct sunlight would be the top one. Possible
solutions include having a permanent light source on every floor
like the ones we now have in industrial greenhouses. At the
rnoment, the cost of building and lighting
these modern
Hanging Gardens
of Babvlon' is far o'e;'j*?#.g:';#-r-'=-"""*
-il-. or rlats
;;' ni;'h. tr11 .onu"n the roortop 'r v"i.::*
Mankirid has*G-en i-
;;; ; sarden and srow vour
farming horizontally i vegetables. - n^ fruit and veg
for over 15'000 - ' -'-^"'horriaq
i' use window boxes to 'row i 1$'

Y-\!l 11.., 1r ii.

The produce is grown

years, but .now
almost 809'. of our
are getting j.g:lj:

in a solution of 1
farmland is already
i. ;;;;;;-rnities
I tarms

nutrients and water,

in use' lsn't it about i' til j...' iling their-own community
ttme we
time starled r il
we starred i
urr v'"'--lt *'ll1'1,i1;,l'.',;:i:.::;
oject like this I

growingup? I, ii involved't.t]:,::';l^:^ -f ,,^rrrn\Alh!

;f start one ol-you{-uru-'-l:------"-"
.- t"s.i it -------*'-"--

r . l


wonder, structure, lush, long gone, drain, rise, soa1 equivalent, spring up, vertical
I farming, solution, nutrients, food shortage, environrnentally friendly, powered, 8
transport costs, local produce, permanent light source, industrial greenhouse,
It tl
mankind, horizontally, consume, convert, wasteland
:.' .. tlro
Tr Read the text again and for each gap (1-7) .j;,';;,..-,::,," P' GR 8
choose from the sentences A'H the one which
best fits each gap, There is one extra sentence. l:.j:, i"; ;- ,,r., : . .:: :"
i'ri':. .."r . r',.
i,i: i i. l:.:, :,.'f .1 '... -. ,.
n '.,.r

n i. i-:i.:l :..,
i : :,.i,.11.,, t,:

The idea isn't without its problems though.

t B However, ihat doesn't mean we won't be able to ;:, Read the theory and find another example
do it soon. ' of each tense in the text in Ex. 1.
tf C These are long gone. "-.-'..-'......-'.'..-
D We are al;eady using too much of our farmland. 'We use the future perfect (will have + past participle) to
E 'With about 160 of these buildings, you could be an action that will be finished before a stated future'
feeding all of New York," he says. . tirne. They wil! have finished making the roof garden before the:

J- F The idea is actually very simple. end of next week. .

ci :.
G They will be powered by solar and wind energy. , Tirne expressions used with the future perfect: before,
H On one floor there will be lettuce, on the next
by, by then, by the time, until/till (in negative sentences)
i tt'i ,
carrots, and s0 on. ,We use the future perfect continuous to emphasise the,
d:' .1:i'
,l i .
i duration of an action up to a certain time in the'future. i

Choose qlr!;.correct word. Check in your wil

trr., ft i By next month, Jones have been working ai.the'farm for five!
t. ."
d ictio na ries ! years. " ;

t i Time expressions used with the future perfect continuousi

1 Finding enough food to feed the world is a big
it. .,



i use: by... for j

challenge/test. \-_.*---*- -*..-^.-.*,-*--,-.'i
2 The population on Earth has raised/risen in :

Put the verbs in brackets in the futuri

rl. recent years. i1
3 Many new businesses are springing up/open up perfect or future perfect confinuaus,

il . in the area. 1 By the end of the year, w€ ...........:.......'.. (live)

i. 4 We need to save/conserve on transport costs. in this house for 10 ':) yearsl
t In* machine is poweredicontrolled by solar 2 Simon hopes .... he
(start) his own
v p0wer. business by next year.
rI 6 Harry's busir job sometimes drains/exhausts him 3 Sam. ., ........ (work) as a gardener for
v ..-:' ".,. ' :, ., j--'.'
of his energjy,." 30 years by the time he retires. "l

itffi 7 The farm sh,op sells fresh produce/outlet such as 4 | can't rneet. you at 6 oiclock. | .....i,,.................
. beans and corn. (not finish) wor:k by then.
8 Fuel prices are advancing/rising at the moment; 5 .......,.........,....,;...........,.,,.,., (we/find) a solution
prices have nearly doubled since last year. to food shortages by 2050?

S; Fill in: local, real, costs, verticol, friendly, faod, Write: two things you hope yau will hove done
wind, direct. Use the phrases to make by the time you're 3A, two things you will have
ns sentences, as in the example. been doing for over fiv.e years by the end of this
t-- year. Tell your partner.
I food shortages
2 environmentally
3 cha llen g e
4 turbi nes O tisten and read. What did you learn from
5 ,... farming the text? Tell your partner.
5 ... produce
8 .... sunlight
@ why are vertical farms a good
idea? How can they benefit society? In three
lf the population continues t0 rise, there rnight be food minutes, write a few sentences on this
Shorfnno< topic, Read your sentences to the class.

/.-.=.. --
/':l: -- ;'-'
/;:- ,..':-t-: -,,,,i, ii,!i.'
J.'- i :.; :::.-.
<t: -',,' l'::;.i :, I +::
.- ...=. t .:,

i-,,j:i':r'i:,: ",-:
,' '

a) O Listen to five people who have ordered goods

online/by post and match the problems to the
speakers. There are two extra problems,
Fael$e5", 6:n*sdax*ts
A An item is damaged.
B There was something missing.
fta) Match the problems with C The customer has changed theirmind.
the products. D The delivery charge was incorrect.
O tisten and chick. Listen E The goods haven't arrived.
again and say; F There is a payment problern.
G The wronq item was sent;
nTt The heel is broken.
nTr The strap is torn,
tlTt A button is missing. b) O tisten again, What did each person ask for? 'i
FTI T.he lens is scratched.
f 5Tl The lid is cracked. Sp'*u*P;rrr';
i-6Tt There's a chip in it.
There's a hole in the sleeve.
The earphones are damaged,

et *: l ir :::: * c;'

Use the language in

rx*u p i,;? q.
n ?:$, i: r-;.* i,"; # {}s

the box and the products

ti l? Sr *r ei: i * l-t
problems in Ex. 1 to act out exchanges, as in the
b) Have you ever bought any
products that were faulty? Making complaints Requesting action

What was the problem? I have a problem with this . Could I exchange it/them, please?

What did you do? Use the ... . The ... doesn't work. . Could you give me a replacement,

phrases below to tell your There's something wrong please?

partner. with this. . ls it possible to get a refund?/l'd like

I bought thisithese ... to have my mon€y back, please.
. take it back to the .
shop and ... . Can yor.J take a look at it, please?
r get it repaired
Responding to complaints
r get a refund
a No problem. . Could I see your receipt, please?
. exchange it for another one a Cf course. Have you got .. ?

I once bought a dress and there wos a A' I bought this coffee mug and there's a chip in it. Could you give me a
I toak it bock ta the shop ond
hole in it, replacement, please?
exchanoed it for another one.
'' i."i f: ij- F,Fi f=:''l"itiit':i'il; I i ii
a) Which of these
sentences best i

describe you? #

I enjoy bargain-huntlng.
I always check where and
,o,l- \x@@@*
'*J s responsible shoPPer
how a product was made' ffi
5 I often shop online. H& I
I 4 I always choose fairtrade kl
products, T,,
I prefer big chain-store retailers' 'i
6 I often buy second-hand.
7 I never buY recYcled Products. Be ethical:
8 | try to avoid unnecessarY While you probably have no problem remembering where you- bought
T-shirtirom, do you actually know where and how it was made? Why
packag ing,
some research on the policies of big chain"store retailers in order to be ethical
9 | never throw anYthing out.
when it comes to shopping? Find out where they manufacture iheir
goods and
10 | usually buY things that are on in what conditions. How do they treaitheir employees? Are they involved in
sa le. sweatshops or the use of child labour? These days, ihe lnter:net is a mine
information on big companies and how they operate. Also, you gan always
b) Do you know how to be a choose producis tunetteo 'iaiftrade,'which is a guhrantee the goods have been
responsible shoPPer? rnade under acceptable working condiiions;
Q tisten and tead to find Be green: '.:l

our Firsi of all, choose products that use fewer natural resources, and avoid'goods
which come in unnecessary packaging. The goal is not to wasie anything!
Read the text and comPlete Another great option is buying second-hand. You can find a treasure trove
"i the sentences. quality sJcond-hand items at low prices on intemet sites like eBay, as well as in
tiaditibnal charity shops. lt's really worthwhile, as second-hand goods are often
'1 We can go online to find out much better quality than cheaply macie new products for sale at similar
Then, of .orir., ihere's always recycling. Try to buy'products that can. be
where big compani€5 .....r,..'...,. ,
are already made oui of recycled materials. Also,
l,.ry.l.d, or products that.
2 'Fairtrade' labels *etn ..",'..,'." ' trint< tr,vice before you throw anything oul you could always try to recycle your

3 lt's a good idea to buY second' belongings yourselfl

hand because ..,.,..,.,...,.. Be smart:

Don't throw your money away! spending wisely involves some thought and
4 Instead of throwing things awaY, research as well. First of all, before you buy, be clear aboui what you want

buy to avoid unnecessary purchases' Then, compare prices so that you don't
we should
en'o up paying too much. one great way to save money is to take advantage
5 Comparing prices helps us .,...... .
seasonal ietaii shiits, such as the January sales, or late July and August, when
6 The sales period is a good time they sell summer products off at reduced prices'

to remember that responsible shopping lsn't lusf about trying t0

Lastly, try
rprrO ui /iffle as possib le. The goal is to 1nd a good balance betvveen being
Fill in: working, hard'earned, ethical, being green, and using good money sense!
reduced, seasonal, take, human,
wisely, child,
bargain-hunting, quest, awareness, human rights, hard-earned
.. rights
casli, policy, ethical, manufacture goods, treat, sweatshop, child
2 , labour labour, mine of information, operate, guarantee, natural resources,
3 conditions ireasure trove, purchase, seasonal retail shift, sell off, reduced
prices, balance, money sense
4 . pflces
5 ,.,....,,. advantage of , fmffiru Has the information in the text helped you
,.,. cash a different perspective? How might this
see things from
I spend help you become a responsible shopper? In three minutes,

We usuaily write letters/emaiis of

Dear Sirl,\1adam,
complaint in a formal style. .
r I am writing to complain about an MP3 piayer order I placecl
In the first paragraph, we write our
through your website www, on lBth April. Unfortunately,
opening remarks, including our reason
I experienced a number of probiems with the product, as detailed
for writing and a brief description of
the problem. ': I ordered a Cooltunes 1004 MP3 player and, despite the
In the nrain body paragraphs, we
promise that I would receive the jtem withjn 5 working days, it did
present details about what the
not arrive until 2nd May, over 10 days later. To make matters worse,
problem(s) islare, including examples/
when I eventualiy received the MP3 player, it was badiy scratched.
reasons/justifications, We use,a variety
Furthermore, the product description 0n your site stated that a case
of linking words/phrases e,g,, althaugh,
was included. However, this was missing.
despite, as'oresult, bu,t, however, to link
;.i,'' I would appreciate it if you coutd r-eplace the Mp3 player, and
the complaints to their examples/ include a case. In addition, I feel I deserve an explanation for the
delay. I am sending the item back to you together with my invoice,
In the final paragraph, we include the
f=i; I look forward t0 your prompt reply.
action we request to be taken e.g., get
Yours faithfully,
a refund/a replocement/on apology and
Jane Morley
our closing remarks.
We can use mild or strong language
to express our complaints depending
on our feelings or thd seriousness of
the comoiaint.
Mild Compla int: I om writin g to compl ain
about..,/l hope you will deal with the matter
quickly. . ;

Strong Complaint: I am writing to

express my disgust at the ,.. ./l insist upon
full compensation or I will be forced to
take this matter further,

^1 Read the email and match
the headings below (A-D)
Mark the sentences O for openin g or C for closing
to the paragraphs (1-4).
remarks. Which are strong/mild cornplaints? Compare
i AT_] detaiis of your complaint with your partner.
l-r reason for writing & brief

I am writing to express my total dissatisfaction with

description of problem
l-7-T----1 the MP3 player I recently bought from
tLl action requested

closing comments
2 linsist on an apoiogy, as well as a fullrefund,

3 I hope you will look into the matter promptly and

replace ... .
b) ls it a mild or strong email
I anrwriting to inform you that I was very disappointed
of complaint?
with the product I recently bought frorn


. l, .-: r .:' :::'rljii::i:f"f.ifti:

a) Read the examples. Choose the coriect word' Compare with your partner'
'*: ::t
1) Although/However the bag was supposed to be delivered
Altho ugh/ Ev en tho ugh + cla use
Atthough t had ordered a size h4 block
within three working days, I still have not received it.
2) Furthermore/But, when I tried to contact you, the person who
dress, I was sent a size L red one.
answered the phone was very rude to me 3) and/but kept me
ln spite of/Despite + noun/-ing form/
holding the line for ten minutes before she aggressively said that
lr r.
the factthat
my order had been dispatched and would be delivered the day
Despite being assured of receiving o
refund, i still have not been sent ane.
4) In addition/However, lstill have not received anything' As a
lid,.' Despite your assurance that I would
regular customer of yours I feel very disappointed with the way I
'lt rcceive a refund ... .

have been treated. 5) Therefore/Despite, I would like to cancel

d.' Despite the fact that l was assurcd of
'' (:. my order and expect to receive a written apology' c;11':'r,ir!
JC: receiving a refund ... . ;/ ' " -". ''!F::
.i;+,..-,' . ,!: ''':":' '1."-':i" -
r ';-
l0' ft
Read the rubric, and answer the questions in the plan'
Write your email of complaint (120-180 words)' Use
b) Join the complaints to phrases from the llseful Language box'
their examples/reasoni,
You recently ordered an item frorn the website :
using the linking words/, but you were very disappointed ;
phrases in brackets'
when it arrived. Write an email of cornplaint (120-180 I
The product description said the words) explaining the reasons for your complaint and i
remote control would work with stating what you want the company to do. ;
any TV. I tried it and it didn't bG*d

work with my TV, (desPite) , 1 4ii;1 1i.+ i llir:..::41'

The dress lordered still hasn't What,are your,opening remarks/your reason for '
arrived. The website said I would writing? (t am writing to complain..'. which l ordeied.") i-..:,'
receive it fast week. (in spite ofl Para 2: What exactly are your complaints? (lordered... but.,', :l: r.-
To make motters worse '.' ,)
The webpage stated the DVD Para 3: What do you want the cornpany to do? (lwould

player was multi-regional. lt can oppreciate it if You ..,) a:a-..:.'


only play region-2 DVDs. (however) Para 4: How will you end your email? (l lookforward to ," ') i.,i:!::

l.i.:,,.i.r: '..t;i
The camera isn't in very good
condition. The seller said it was
Useful languaEe
as good as new. (despite the fact
that) Opening remarks: (Mild) | am writing to complain about/
regarding/on account. oflbecause of/on the subject of .../l am
Ihe bag I received is plastic. I had writing to draw your attention to .../l am writing to you in
ordered a leather one. (in sPite o0 connection with ..., etc.
(Strong) I was appalled at/l want to express my strong dissatisfaction
with/l feel I must protesticomplain about, etc.
Closing Remarks: (Mild) | hope/assume you will replace/l trust the
sltuation will improve/l hope the matter will be resolved/i hope we
can sori this matter out amicably, etc-
{strong) | insist you replace the item at once/l demand a full refund/
I hooe that I wili not be forced to take further action, etc
r'- \

wos suffocating and the heot wos intense, My supervisor held up the shirt I
Multiple choice was sewinq, "You have to work foster!" he told me,
Read the text quicklY to get an
veryone loves a bargain and the high streets these days are full of the latest
idea of what it is about' Read f,
l- fashions at rock-bottorr prices. Many times, I would buy a dress in the
the question stem, then find morning, wear it at a party that night and then hardly ever wear it again. The
' the part of the text that the next week I might do the same again. I never thought about where it came
question refers to. Go through '
from, who made it and why it was so cheap. But then I saw an advert in a local
newspaper for young people to take part in a W documentary. We would be
the choices and find the one ' 10
working at a clothes factory in New Delhi, India, for two weeks to firrd out how
, that fits best. Remember that ,
manufacturers could make such cheap clothes. I was studying journalism at
tL. inforrnation might b. , university, so this seemed perfect. And after all, how hard could making T-shirts
tt...---. '

.. ^.*,,-,.'-:.::
-i"*-:. -.1---.:---tl My first day in the factory began at Z:30 am. As I approached, I was 15
. immediately shocked by the dirty, rundown bullding; The supervisor showed
me the basement where I would be working. lt was a huge, noisy, boiling hot
'i Read the rubric, then
room where at least a hundred other people were already hard at work. I sat
read the text through down at one of the old sewing machines, Today, I was sewing pockets onto
quickly. What is it about? shirts and my goal was fifty an hour, but after 30 minutes, l'd fi;ished just four. zo
My supervisor came over and told me disapprovingly that if I continued like ?i

You will read a text about I thag I wouldn't get paid. I felt like crying. ;
an experience a Young r girl I worked for 12 hours, with just fifteen minutes for lunch, but at the end of the

had. For, questions I 1-8, day the factory owner handed me 100 rupees * about {.l.50! Later, I went to ;
buy some toothpaste, but found it cost more than a dayt wages. By far the zs ,
choose the best answer A, B,

biggest surprise, though, was that just like the other factory workers, I would be
c, D. .-. ..." .'.' + ,*:
sleeping on the factory floor every nightl That evening, I spoke with some of
the young girls. "Why aren't you angry about the conditions in the faclory?,, I
asked one of them. "l am, but there is no other work here," she explained. ,,ltt

the question the factory or the street and if you say anything, you lose your job.1, The other s0
girls nodded in agreement.
sterns and underline
For two weeks, lworked 12 hours adayfor6 days a week and siept in the
the',key words. Then,
factory. lt was the most exhausting time of my life. I never managed to work
in pairs, try to fast enough or well enough, so my wages were Jowered and lwas moved from
.t find the part
i, .#!6. sewing shirts to gluing parts of shoes together. The chemicals in the hot glue ts
of the text made it dfficult to breathe and strange rashes appeared on my skin. Eventually,
I was demoted to the lowliest position in the faciory - sewing on buttons, The
that each
only tirnes lwas happy were when I was talking to my friend Aleya after work. I
started teaching her to read. Lack of education is a major problem here, who
I refers to. has time for school when 12 hours' work can barely buy your family food? 40
Back home, I refuse to go in cheap high street shops anymore because they
make me feel sick, How can people spend {15 on a T-shirt while Aleya slaves for
f9 a week? 5o I've started campaigning for ethical
fashion; I write ietters to governrnents and
big stores to complain about sweatshop 45
iabour. I still like fashion, but I've found
fairtrade designers online, They're more
expensive, but now I just buy one quality
piece of clothing every few months. I hope
that when people see the documentary, 50
they'll think twice before grabbing that diri-
cheap pair of jeans in the future. We all need
to understand the true cost of cheap clothes.
:: -
+.:i ::l' ::

b) Do the task. Compare with your f:- jj$?:#FlffF^,iii

partner. Justify your answers.
'y l2' F C) you are going to heat a radio interview
The writer sometimes stopped wearing an item with a young entrepreneur who started his
irt I of clothing because own business. Complete the gaps (1'10)
me. A she could afford to buy sornething new, with the correct word,
:5{. )
B it wasn't good quality & wore out quickly.
he C she found out where it had been made. Simon set up an online shop that sells starl-up kits for
1e D she felt it was unfashionable. ET----------_l gardens,
1e He designed the kits lor people who don't have much
al Why did the writer decide to take part in the f2 f--].
documentary? People who don't know anything about F-f------l
Wt,.. A She would learn how to make T-shirts. willfind them very useful. The product comes in bags
it, B She would learn how to make a documentary. that also contain l7T--*----.] and is [TT-----_l
t5i ,'
C lt was related to her field of interest. right to the customer.
D lt was a:way to earn some extra money. Sirnon tett loT--------l when his parents moved
to the cityfor work.
What was"'t'he writer's first reaction to the He planted beans, tomatoes, onions and
l-tT-----l on his balcony.
A, She was appalled. Simonrs l-8T----] were very impressed with
B She was impressed. his balcony garden.
C She was disappointed. Starting the website was first suggested to him by
D She was frightened. ITT---- i

The writer was soon criticised for

Today, Simon manages his business tTdf-----].
A her attitude. C her speed of work.
B arriving late, D the quality of her work.
Look at the photographs. Compare the two
The writer suggests that the factory workers €
photographs and say what you think the
she met . ri ,people a re.enjoyin g in' these d iffere nt places.

A were too a,fraid to complain about conditions.

B saved rnoney by sleeping in the factory.
C were paid worse than workers in other factories,
D weren't allowed to speak to each other,
According to the writer, her boss dennoted her
because she
A kept falling asleep.
B talked to the other girls.
C improved too slowly.
D produced sub-standard work.

What does the word 'they' in line 47 refer to?

A hiqh street shops C letters
B big stores D designers

The writer wants the public to

A send a rnessage to the authorities.
B avoid buying clothes made in sweatshops,
C do all their clothes shopping online.
D try designing and making their own clothes,

the text and

complete the gaps with
the words derived from r Articles describing a place
the words in bold, ] Descriptions of places or buiidings
, can be found jn magazines, travei i
: brochures or on websiies. We usually :

use present tenses for descriptions i

, of places and past tenses to write
, about historical facts or actions in
j the past. Use a variety of adjectives t:

q#,fu I and adverbs and your senses to j.i

; brinq your description alive.


'-":Yili?i:ii1'rE:4q,",-:fr7itig':f-=-.;- ,r"' f?;---E:t=1aifg,'L n=.j::i
Vending machines have been around for a lot (0) longer thai 4
you might thinli,,!n facq an ancient Greek (l)......,..,.... by the
name of Hero is said to have invented one over 2,000 years
ago. However, vending machines, as we know them today, 7 a) Read the rubric and
didn't make their (2)
until about t8g0 in London underline the key words.
when they were used to sell pbstcards. (3) .,..........,...... What do you have to write
afterwards, the famous chewing-gum+elling gumball and who will read it?
What must you include? ,,
has grown (5) ................. all over the world and nowadays, 7
vending machines sell everything from (6)
mineral water t0 works of art. So what is the future for these
An English magazine for
(7) ,.,............ vendors? tt is predicted that very soon many of tourists is Iooking for articles
these machines will have (8) .........,..,......., designed touch about interesting places to go
screens that provide customers with detailed (9) ,,..........,....., shopping in your area e,g. a
information and computers that debit money from bank market, a shopping street, a
accounts (1 0) ........,.... . department store, a mall. Write
f{|*.*,r rgi
your article, describing the
v.='xf*' € fje r-r, S fC f"f$,&t [ *m g
place and explaining why a

Use the words in bold to complete the sentences. Use two tourist to your town might
'i to five words. want to visit it (120-180 words).

1 The dress cost less than I had expected, (AS)

The dress I had expected.
b) Write your article. Follow
2 Sarah plans on buying a new car this summer. (CO|NG) the plan.
Sarah,.......,.. a new car this summer. '.
''l::: 't : :1'

3 The top shelves are too high for me to reach. (ENOUGH) FEasE ':

l,m ....,,.,.,.,.. ...,.,.... the top shelves.

Para 1: name of
4 My MP3 player is not working properly. (SOMETHTNG)
place/l ocation/reason for
There .....,... .,.i.,,....,,,.....,,,,......... my Mp3 player, choosing
5 Responsible shopping does the environment good. (FOR) Paras 213: description of piace
Responsible shopping the environment, (history, what it's like,
5 Ruth prefers going shopping to buying online. (RATHER) what you can dolsee,
Ruth .;..;,...,. buy online,
facilities, atmosphere etc)
& why a tourist would
7 Maria can't wait to get her new laptop. (FORWARD) want to visit it
Maria is really ,....,.... ...,..............her new laotoo. Para 4: final comments/feelings
8 There were more people at the mallthan I expected. (SO)


V.q: i, i;igrj F i,";: il-:,i:: g, i ; l i::, :"r ::

+1 Choose the correct particle. Fill in the sentences with the correct word
derived from the word in brackets.
IiJo -r' rIfaiienicrc,flr;;i,ta;ilie-ii
"- rp, room, a uuiroiing)
do sth over (again): repeat sth
Forming verbs from nouns/adjectives
i drop bylin: visit a place/person We can form verbs from nouns and adjectives by adding
j drop out: leave before the end (school, college) the prefix en- or the suffix -en: danger - endanger,
ly I

i get across: make sb understand, comrnunicate rich - enrich, length - lengthen, wide - widen.
ts j get along (with someone): be friendly with someone

I get ahead: do well in a career

People often .......... .......,......:.........
IR the name Coca-Cola to just Coke. (SHORT)
is Sam dropped in/out of his marketing Exercise and eating healthily helps ..................
1 course.
I l've put on weight. I can't do over/up my jeans! your body. (STRENGTH)
{ They don't get along/across, Please ,........ you have
Can 'we drop y.our receipt when returning faulty items. (SURE)
up/by the supermarket on our
way to,Darren's house? We need some bread. How much will it cost to ............:.:...................
5 This essay isn't good enough. I think you should these photog raphs? (LARGE)
do it over/up again. We must
6 He couldn't get the message across/along. consumers to shop responsibly. (COURAGE)

e Fill in: to, on, at, of , for, from,
Filf in: manual, medical, opplionces, reiponsible,
for I . 1 Shoppers often buy products that are on the high-heeled, advice, loyaky, sliding.
r^. l, shelves
rtr) !: eye-level. 1 dietary |5 shopper
got 2 Tracey always takes advantage 2
.al special offers. 3 ..doors ll household
a!, Amy exchanged the dress .............,.... a T-shirt. 4 worker | 8 researcher
3D.printers are already the market.
!;:*ro nc; i+'5 ftg. {i t *r:r:f r**.* *i
It's unbellievable how much food soes ...,....,....
Do or make? Complete the phrases. Check in
waste. 5,
This T-shirt is recycled material, your dictionaries.
Cheese is made .., milk. 1 .............. research; 2 .............. sense; 3

the shopping;4 .............. sb feel hungry; 5 ....,.........

your best; 5 .......,...... an offer; 7 .............. your hair;
8 ..,.....,..... you good; 9 .....,..,..,.. badly; 10
a mess; 11 .............. an effort; 12 .............. friends

:: '::j::i:;::':;' '' -

Mark the sentences I (true) or F (false), "'.

Correct the false sentences. Read through
Module 2 and write a quiz of vour own.
Fabrican took 20 years to develop. Products labelled'fairtiade' mean
An e-home runs on a network of they have been made by children.
com p uters. b Joanna Massey lives in a time capsule.
Americans throw away half of the 1
Coca-Cola was first sold as a
food America produces. medicine.
Levi Strauss used denirn to design Products are sold off at reduced
trousers for teena gers. prices in charity shops,

Fill in: hirs, rcmrying, address, aisle, designer, :

5 Match the exchanges,
banned, revenge, values, scratched, carried away. l'm a size '10.
,lll-l l'd like to exchange
1 We should uphold traditional family ....,..,,..,.. this camera. B Could I see your I

2 Holly often gets .,.....,.......,....., on l2T-l ,Any good? receipt, please? F

shopping trips and spends fai too much money. FTI Do you need any The fitting rooms 1.

are on the left.
Jim took his new camera back to the shop help 7

because the lens was ,........,.,. l-4-Tl Where can ltry I'm looking for a lr

pair of sunglasses. (
Many teenagers can't wear jeans to school these on?
5T-l what size are you?
F Vpc thov fif mp
because their school has .........,,,............ them, I
Jane only wears..,,.,..., ,.,,. clothes, really well.
5x4=20 marks
especially Gucci, Versace and Calvin Klein.
,.r f; Complete the gaps with the correct word
The smell of freshly-baked cakes
derived from the words in brackets.
you as you enter the bakery.
7 The fr:ozen foods are in ..;..!..!,!..r,.,.,.......... 10, 1 Can you
8 There"are ..,.,... displays of sweets 2 We should .. everyone
at the'checkout, to buy fresh local produce. (COURAGE)
9 Please him bv name when 3 I like ....,..... lettuce, (CR|SP)
he arrives. 4 They grow i .,........,...... of fruit. (VARY)
10 He was so angry with John he decided to take 5 The situation may ........ . (WORSE)
54!=l o mail<s
Complete the sentences using thtiiwords in
7 0x2=20 marks 4
bold. Use two to five words.

Choose the correct item. This dress is more expensive than thQt,one.

I think Tom's new invention

making him rich.
will make/will be
l{ve never,seen such beautiful tulips.
- il;;;;
That checkout has by far the longer/longest MOST These are ,............r..
queue.':i .,.......... :.........,.....r,t',h ave eve r see n.
Two f.or,the price of one seems to be/being a They made her pay f200.
ba rga in. WAS She .................,..........,....,,..... f200.
This time next week, Dan will move/will be Could you carry the bags?
moving into his new flat. MIND Would ......... the bags?
These reduced-price biscuits aren't as tasty/ We can't wait to go shopping.

tastier as the brand-name ones.

L00K|NG We
.,, shopping.
This time next month we will be travelling/will
5x4=20 marks
have travelled to 5pain.
Write an email of complaint about a watch
The hungriest/hungrier I am when shopping,
you bought online from a site called
the more I spend. (120-180 words). 20 marks
Gary doesn't mind to pay/paying more for
nr r:litrr nnndc Total: 100 marks

We're going to buy/buying a 3D TV during the

winter sale. . talk and write about products of the future
10 Frampton's sells the best/better sausages in . ialk about shops and shopping
town. Nothing else compares, . buy clothes
10xl =10 marks ' complain about faulty products
. write an email of complaint
ffi;iii..,: .r
:, . .: i;iLis-l'93"{$d.s*ffi L:.sitg&w
Vocabulary: community action, members of society,
world problems & ways to help, difficult situations,
environmental problems, space colonisation
Grammar: modals (revision), conditionals (type 0, 1,
2, 3), wishes, relative ciauses, mixed conditionals
Everyday English: calling to make a donation to a

rl l' lntonation: Polite requests
)? Phrasal verbs; hand, hang, ioin
rms Word formation: prefixes used with nouns to form
i. n0un5
td Writing: an opinion essay

s5es, Culture Corner: Glastonbury Festival

Curricular (Geography): Deforestation


rs E)





"Befare you ain-re, criticise and
L_ aca$e, n*alk a miie in mv shoes."
-.'rf;F8& E cF (American singer/ s ongwri i er Joe
__ffi tufiHe swffiffi South, 1969)

\f ocabefiary
Members of scciety
a) O tisten and say.

...4n gldBfly l8dy byTracy Bond

Turning 25-year-old me into an B0-year-old was no easy task; with

the help of a make-up artist, I had to be covered with layers of
prosthetic make-up. After putting on a shabby coat and holding
tightly onto a walking stick, my transformation was complete - and 1

very convincing! Then it was time to set out to'see how the world 2

would react. 3

Making sur'e that my voice sounded old and weak, I immediately tried 4
to make small talk on the bus with the young woman sitting next t0 5
b) O tisten to four people me. She stared straight ahead. She might not have heard, I thought. I o
talking. Which grouP does tried again, but it was quite clear that the woman didn't want to talk
each belong to? to a chatty senior citizen. Then it was time for some shopping. At my
favourite make-up counter, where the assistant usually laughs and
Pete g Sandy g Ann t Bart p jokes with me, she looked as if she couldn't wait t0 get rid 0f me'
Later, in a music shop, my request for some CDs was met with 1

cnoose one oi tne laughter from sales assistants who couldn't believe an B0-year-old z
@ was interested in the latest chaft hits! lfelt incredibly embarrassed
members of society from
and lonely, as if nothing about me was impoftant, except that I was 3
Ex, 1a. 5ay a few sentences
about their lifestyle.
oldl All day, only one person seemed to want to chat to me - a
homeless man, he too was invisible and unwanted by society.

Reading & ListeninE As lfinally took my make-up off, I couidn't heip wondering how I

would have treated 80-year-old me. 0ver the next 50 years, the
Look at the people in the number of elderly people in society will triple. Remember that the
pictures in the text. What can a next time you're out and about and come across an elderly person,
typical day in their lives be like? One day, it could be Youl
read to find out.
re :L..o-*.1e,-_*F;,
,..4 l|||mglg$S m8[[ bysam Browne
asleeping bag and wearing scruffy clothes, I headed forthe spacious shop
where the homeless spend their nights. When I
arrived there, I was shocked to see men and
w0men already curled up in most of the doorways. got
I into my sleeping bag in the large,
well-lit doorway of a boutique, but I couldn't sleep.
lt wasn't just the bitrng cold, but I was
constantly aware of people walking close to my
head and the hard stone floor dug into my
shoulder and hip. I finally dozed off, only to be woken up at
about b am by the cleaners who
arrived to wash the steps.
As I walked, people avoided looking at me and crossed the road. I walked into a caf6 to use
the toilet and lwas angrily told lhad to leave. At the public toilets lcouidn't i
believe the
reflection I saw in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy, my skin pale
and my hair was
trizzy, I looked terrible,
Later, at a soup kitchen, I got a free hot meal and I spoke to people
who were on the streets
because oJ terrible debts orfamily break-ups. 19-year-old Rob told
a me that he couldn,t get
off the streets beeause he had no official identity. I suddenly remembered how many

i.., liTg.t.l
had walked past young homeless people and thought, "you should just get
job!" forgetting that you can'l be employed without
an address and iD.
My day as a homeless person has taught me how much the homeless need our
help, not our judgment, These days, I donate money to a homeless charity
, volunteer at a soup kitchen, Maybe you could do the sarne.

wilh A
Grammar r"6 ppi
Read again and connplete the sil-tences
) "Ul
.1f' with words/ lUiodals (revision) 9i..11
phrases from the text,
linq Rewrite the sentenc es.lJsei con,t,
and 1 Tracy changed her looks in order to
should, must, could, mustn't, didn't
orld 2 Sales ass'istants made her feel ' ' h:ove fo. Find exampld"Siof modaf
L 3 At the end of,the day she felt verbs in the text.
ried T
Sam couldn't sleep well on the streets because
t'to 4
Common reasons for homelessness are
1 lt's irnpossible for Mike to find a job.
hr. I Mike can't find o job.
6 The homeless often can,t work because
taik 2 ls it 0K if we go now?
3 lt wasn't necessary for lan to go.
JI ls Fill in: eye-opening, talk, senior citizen, invisible, frizzy,
4 lt's a good idea to help the poor.
identification, debts, curled,
5 lt's forbidden to enter the area.
I 5he has retired from work. She's a(n) 6 lt's your duty to inform John about it.
2 Living one day on the streets can be a(n) r&-
experience. 7 (MlTake roles and act out
3 It seemed nobody could see him, he was an interview with the people
-a 4 While waiting for the bus, he made in the texts.
wl with the person next to him. SpeakinE & Writing
5 Ho
g ffiru
I,II6^ up in his bed and slept.
+lr n 6 The beggart hair was dry and rmagine you spent a
Ll ltr
day as an unemployed person.
i0n. He couldn't pay off his ,......,..,... .....,....,..,,. so he
had to leave his flat. Write a short account of what
you did, how people treated you,
Without any official you can't get a job,
GivxmS ysur tlrvle
World problerns
a) O tisten and say.
poverty illiteracy


population growth

-: a
What would you do if you had three months to do ,ol. -t, ,no ,.g ,n ,rrrr, *ur* n, ,n,r*ho n uno ,un,r.16

whatever you wanted? Mitch McGregor spent his learn. They only got one meal a day ofjust rice and beansi
and at nightthey slept'under'bridges and in doorways, but:'
three months in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil' where he
taught English to homeless street children' He told these children saw learning English as a possible way out of 'i'., '
their lives of danger and destitution' As days went by, I
us all about his life-changing experience. '''' '

used to the place. The roof of thi; little shack leaked when it: ' '

"Most 0f my friends were travelling the world during their i4

rained and there wasn't a schedule ortextbooks; still, the t<ids
summer holiday, but I wanted to do something worthwhile; I trusted me and some of them made a lot of progress' During,

wanted to volunteer, but where and how? At the age of 20, I .breaktimes, we headed out into the tiny,yard to kick a ball:
would say lldihad a privileged childhood' My parents had around and I found out why Brazilians have a reputation as"
given me plenty
me throuqh school, fed and clothed me, and the best football players! Then we cooked and ate together,'-
of love and'affection. So, after reading about the favelas, the but atthe end of the day when they left to go back ". where?' "
slums of Brazil, where thousands of street children live in ... I often wondered whether I would ever see them again' 3 ,.. '
appaliing poverty and often don't even reach the age of 1 8, I
The host family that I stayed with was marvellous' Theyl 6o,
decided that l'd spend part of my summer helping these adopted me as an unofficial "Carioca", which is the name for ,o
children in whatever waY I could. someone who was born and lives in Rio de Janeiro. lt was ;; '
I would join a volunteer
I set off for Rio de Janeiro where
a l:
the school, though, that made my time in Braziltruly special'
group that taught basic skills such as hygiene, literacy, 12
Even though I was tne teacher, thi street children taught me '

English, and business skills in a makeshift school in the heart lot more. I learnt that no matter how bad conditions are, there
of the favelas. The residents of these slums, which stretch up is always hope for the future. My time in Brazil was eye'
the hillsides around and away from the wealthier city centre, opening. have missed out on the
lf I hadn't gone, I would
rnake up about one fifth of the population of Rio de Janeiro' experience of a lifetime. lf I could do it all again, I'd
jump on a
The poverty leads to many broken hornes and, if they plane right nowl" fF
experience violence at home or their families can't look after
them anymore, children end up on the streets' Those who /.3-4.9--

can't survive by begging, selling newspapers, 0r shining ;'" Reading

shoes, often turn to crime to survive. I was going to work in a ,;
school which gave those kids a basic education.
My first day at schooi was really nerve-racking' I'd never
iaught befoie, I only knew a few words of Portuguese and | :
jusiOiOn't know what to expect. The ten children who tumed
2 Read the title of the text, the introduction,
and the first sentence of each paragraph.
What do you think Mitch's experience was
O tisten and read to find out.
Read the text again and for questions
3 1-4, 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
choose the best answer A, B, C, or D. Justifv tense. Say what type conditional each
your anSwers. sentence is.
1 Mitch chose to volunteer in order to 1 lf t ......... ....... (win) a lot of money,
A make his parents proud. I'd donate it to charity.
B do the same as his friends. 2 lf 5arah .,.............,..........,.,, (learn) portuguese,
C help those less fortunate than himself. . she would have enjoyed her stay in Brazil more.
D forget his own problems. 3 When children .....,.,....; (not/have)
2 The favelas are a poor area loving homes, th6y develop emotional problems.
A close to city centre. 4 lf it rains tomorrow, we
B five times larger than the urban centre. (not/play) football.
C where four fifths are unemployed. 5 rfI..........
D situated.on a mountaintop, Wishes ffi'rlia,
3 Mitch's job,was difficult because \..........
A man! kid3:'didn't come to class. 7 Read the examples. Which senten.ce refers
: '
to the piesilnt? past?
B he had to cook as well as teach. . lwish lwas/were in fiio. (l want to go to Rio)
C it wasn't easy for the kids to learn. i
,.. lwidtlhodgonefoBl0. (but ldidn't go)
D he only had basic facilities. , -_ ,

4 Mitch's host family What could each persbn wish for? .!

A wanted him to stay in Rio, Pete wants to travel abroad, but he doe'sn,t have
B treated him like a native, enough money. I wish lhdd enough money.
C gave'him Portuguese lessons. Kate didn't, get because she hadn't
D have invited him back to Brazil. studied enough.
3 She doesn't have any friends; she feels lonely.
4 Fill in: poverty, hotst, eye, make, shine,
4 Bob wanted to go to the party, but he was ill.
privileged, bosic, broken, truly, makeshift, eager,
experiencei,Ghoose five of the phrases and 5 He didn't get the job because he doesn't speak

make sentences about Mitch. Span ish.

'tere Speaking &Writing

g @ complete the sentences.
1 lf lwere Mitch,
2 lf Mitch hadn't gone to Rio, .........,....,..;.,...,..,: .

3 lf more people volunteer,
4 lwish lwere ..,.....
5 | wish I had experienced .,........,
0@ tmagine you are Mirch in Rio.
5 Read the examples. How do we form each
type? Find more examples in the text, a) @ use the information in the text
/*-'_ -'-*_* to call your family and talk to them
vt h n t I f r ie i,-i i,lu,t
i r; il,ilitwrrt
{ i i' e h e: o i iiltt yuvytc dk|tryo;'of
p;;p t, ..t<, \tlvc vl i about your experience.
' lfyou do volunteer worf you'll help those in need.
ffype 1) b) Write a letter to your family about your
i on . I i
. lf hehad o job, he would earn money (but he doesn,t _
;'"1 I Type 2) :
experience there. Write about: theplace,
,o. li' I i
,vi v b,,s,,r/. \r/v! 4 suvrLtr/ :

the schaol & the children you teach, the host

'"' J l'

ifh. hodknown,hewouldhavehelped. (but he didn,t _ Type 3),

family, your feelings. Read your letter to
tr j{-\
*m'eruBeure cmtrffietr
What do you know about the Glastonbury Festival? Read the text again
How are these names related to it: Vale of Avalon, and fill in the gaps
Arcadia, Glasto, The Arctic Monkeys, 9xf am? with a word which
O tisten and read to find out. best fits, as in the

Fill in: performing, loyal,

music, solstice, raise, pitch,
stands, live, muddy, ottroct,
spiritual, vegetorion. Use the
completed phrases to make
sentences about the festiva[.

1 festival
2 ,.,. artsrfestival
3 2
4 '!.r'....!!""'r';""""" pegple
5 SUmmer
6 .,...,. traditionp
:t. 1 i::iiii:;l::.i::

8 h

4 [Ef &W rinu

information about an
interesting festival in
your country. Find
outi name, place/time,
purpose, whatyou con
dothere. Write a short
text about it. Read it
to the class.
itiakielE a donation to charity
ffiverydffiy ffimffi$Hstu re
'lr Listen and say.

. How can I help you?

' l'd like to make a donation. .. ...., " - o ts - - : \t
. Would you like to make a single donation or We are passionate about - '
a regular monthly donation? Earth! g
protecting the
* That's wohderfull E .';n-sr''le€rffi**;T-\*Y-f*-]r" 3 t

n Could I get your full name and address, Just f,5 a month could helP us take ;
please? action against plantation owners r
. Could you give me your credit or deb,it card who are destroying the rainforest! 1
number, please?
Donate by post, online,
. And what's the expiry date?
or caff 0800.722.6990
' Thank you so much for your donation.
. You're very welcorne. Find sentences in the dialogue whirh mean:
What can.l do for you? - I want to giue.some
2 Thei sentences above are from a dialogue money, - Great! - When does the card expire?
between a representative working for a
charity and a caller. Which sentences do the F nt s n ati * El : p a I i t e r€qedssfs
repicaller say?
.E \,) Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the
O Listen, read, and check. intonation.
::;. i:_-:ii .j;:,-:rii'r,+.*;,+ir_!1s*it::-:-j,.;-i;:4,t{i:9;,:*)l1l,Is-4i:illit-,r;$,::,t:i::rii:j:E"lnit{:
Rep: Hello, WaterAid. How can I help you? . How can I help you?
John: Hi. l've been reading one of your leaflets . May I speak to Mr Brown, please?
and l'd like to make a donation to n Would you like to leave a message?
WaierAid, please, . l'd like to make a donation, please..
Rep: OK, that's great. Would you like to make . Could you give me your name and addressT
a single donation or a regular monthly . Could you ask Mrs Smith to call me back,
donation? 'olease? ''::

John: l'd like to make a regular donation of f 10

per month, please. SpeakinE
Rep: That's wonderfull Could I get your full
narne and address, please?
{trF You've read the leaflet above and
you want to make a donation. Act out your
John: Sure, it's John Stafford. That's S-T-A-F-F-
dialogue. Follow the plan.
O-R-D. My address is 20, Dell Court,
Charing Cross, London. @
R.p, And a contact number? Greet B & ask how you Say why you're
John: 020-7130.1024. can help. calling.
Rep: Could you give me your credit or debit Askwhat kind of i(epry.
card number, please? donation B wants to
John: Certainly. lt's 7654 3234 9456 3225. make.
Rep: And what's the expiry date? Respond & ask for B's Give your
John: lt's June next year, name & address. na me/add ress,
Rep: 0K, that's all, Mr Stafford. Thank you so Ask for B's phone Give your phone
much for your donation, number. number.
John: You're very welcome. Goodbye. Ask for B's payment Give details.
Ron. Goodbye and thank you again, details.

}s,.:: a

ru '. , el.r

Ra!si*E awarevlssg
'lr Listen and say.

raise funds by organising a

music festival or an art

con test
join a conservation/
environmental group
3 start a biog campaign

4 organise a slide show or a

I ectu re
create informative window
displays and posters
make-a video and upload it f

to YouTube
walk through the Amazon :


ffemda'mgr& &fsfemdoag
,€ Look at the picture in the
texi, whictr of the activities
'in Ex. 1,do you think this
man has done to help save
.the rainforest?
Q Listen and read to find out.



entire length, face terrifying hazards, source, trickle, gather,
electric eel. drug smuggler; malaria, hostile tribes, sharp-toothed fr,
Fill in: who, which, where, whose'
caiman crocodile, true inspiration. former army captain, jungle Put commas where necessarY.
expedition, deforestation, raise public awareness, grab attention.
set off, hair-raising moments, pit viper, swarm of wasps, inject 1 Tropical rainforests
wirh antibiotics, forest worker, draw a bow redch a destination, cover about 7% of the Earth's
collapse with exhaustion, natural wonder, conserve, at all costs
surface are home to manY animal
and piant sPecies,
Read the text again. Seven sentences are missing. Match
the sentences (A-H) to the gaps (1-7). There is one extra
2 The plants
grow in rainforests are used to
sentence. Compare with your partner. Justify your answers.
manufacture 25Yo of Western
A He constantly struggled to stay healthy, rnedicines.
B Crossing under 0r over fallen trees, Wfithrough mud, and 3 Peter ,,,... father is a

waiking through razor-sharp grass made progress painfully doctor joined a conservation group.
slow, but Ed never considered giving up. 4 Ed Stafford is the man .....,....,,....
c But, somehow, Ed finally made it. walked through the rainforest.
D European eiplorers sailed it in the 16th century, but no one 5 The man ,........................,. fell into
was brave:.€hough to walk it, 'the river was saved bythe villagers.
E Ed nearly gave up. : 6 Frequent rainfall characterises the
F Firstly, Ed wanted to prove that this walk was possible, simply areas,....................,.:.......... tropical
because everyone said it couldn't be done! rainforests exist.
The source of the Amazon River is high in the Andes
Use the text to mike sentences
Mountains. 7
So, on April 2nd 2008, Ed set off from the jungle of Peru. about the followin g with who,
i which, where, or whose,
Match the highlighted words with their meanings below. . Ed Stafford . GPS
What part of speech is each word? , Amazon Rainforest
9Veryan9ry,.frightening,dangers.smal|f|ow ' Amerindian tribe ' pit viper
.dangerousandthreatening.311,,.,interestquick|y . Ed and Gadiel's guiqe . ,

. very pain.fili", n persuade not to do sth I protect . area . Ed's journey '';
. whole ...walking through water/a soft substance . Atlantic coast of Brazil
c strangers
Ed Stafford is the man who wolked the

ffirsmrxsr :'-d,t
p. GR 10i
entire length af the Amazan River.

&{e6atlve cliuses \... r Speaking & Writing

Read the examples, Which relative pronouns/adverbs are
for: people? ploces? things? passession? Find examples g @@[masine
in the text. you are Ed Stafford and Your
partner is a journalist, You've
/"--" " ''"" ''*
i' The rainforest where Ed\ expedition toak p loce is the lar gest in the world. just finished your journey.
' Roinforests, which are home to many species, are tn danger. Prepare questions and
' Ed,who was a former army captlin, walked thtough the roinforest. answers for a radio interv
, Ed, whose partner left him, continued his journey on his own. Act out your interview.
Defining relative clauses are essential toihe meaning of the sentence and are
not put between commas. wholthat destroy rainforerts should be sent to
s €F@r
p,'ison. Non-defining relative clauses give extra informaiion not essential to
the meaning of the sentences and are between commas. Gadiel,whowasc a slide show or a lecture to
forest \uorket joined Ed on hisjourney, raise awareness ab
ra in forests,
since NeilArmstrong set foot on the moon on 20th July, 1g6g and declared ,,one
small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", people have been dreaming about
creating fufuristic communities in space. science fictjon fllms such as 2001:A space
odysseyand star wars have filled our minds with images of spacecraft travelling at
ihe speed of light to colonies on other planets in another solar system. Until now,
these ideas have just been fantasy, but now leading scientists such as stephen
Hawking say ihat mlonising space is the only answer for the future survival of f
mankind;otherwise we wilt die out. I 1 |
J Butis space colonisation really possible? I
One solution would be for us to move to space stations orbiting near Eafih. After all,
. astronauts have aiready been living on NASA's lnternaiional space station (lss)
"l don't think the hurnan race continuously since 2000. The lss gets its power from,solar paneis, it generates its
will survfue the nefit 1,000 years own oxygen and even recycles water, but there's still a huge pioblem; all ol its food
unless we spread into space,', $$er Earth.
supplies have to be sent from

I 2 | | so maybe colonising the moon wourd be a better solutionl rhe moon has
Stephen Hawkine.
English physicist & cosmolog6t rich resources which could be used to construct a colony. Also, in 2009, scientists.
found water on the moon, which could be used to extract oxygen for breathing.;
FTI There is no atmosphere on the moon and it is boiting hot during is ouv. or-
sunlight and then lreezing cold during 13 days of darkness. so any human colony :

there would have to live in a huge indoor biosphere-. l

Mars would be another option, but the problerns there would be similar to hose oni., 4
the moon. scientists have suggested creating a more Earth-like atmosphere there;
by releasing carbon dioxide and warming it up, but ihis could take about 1,000 yearsli
stephen Hawking believes that the best solution is to look for Earthlike planets to:
colonise. oniy 1% of the 1,000 or so stars within 30 light years of Earlh haci an:
Earth-sized rocky planet in just the right place for life, ihere would still be 1 0 planets I
for colonisation in our 'neighbourhood'," Hawking said. ETI
Travelling ' on'
Voyager 1, the fastest spacecraft we've ever sent into space, it would take
700,000 years to get to Alpha centauri, the closest star system. Hawking, though,. r
believes that new technologies could soon help us to traveljust below the speed of
fight.l-st- l
'. - -"--" i, -'i, t
lf we had endless amounts of money for space exploration, we would have
already i
overcome these problems and buiit the fhst space colonies. The fact is, it cosls, I
about 86,000 to put half a kito of anything into near-Eafth orbit.
imagine - if people hadn't given colurnbus money for his voyage to America
1492, NASA probabty wouldnl even exist todayl _
so, aithough there are many challenges to overcome, professor Hawkino still , 5
believes it will oniy be a matter of time before we are livlng in space.
l-?Tl hrnrt ,
do you think? ls space iruly.'thefinalfrontier'? r j
an environment lhat supporls life i
colonisation, leap, mankind, orbit, solar panei, senerate, supplies, i :
resources, construct, colony, extract, atrnosphere, carbon dioxide,
yi1,:th "q,,afford,
millenia, endless,, self_sufficient, centuries, . t
exploration, overcome, wipe out, catastrophe,
meteor, nuclear war
F o. GR 10j
Esd"sfF?fffiGr ,l

Fvt Exed corn e$Tt[*na f s

3 Foredr ga1p1-7, choose
from the sentences
FH th€ one that best fits each gap. One 6 Study the table. Find examples in the text.
sertence is extra. Compare with your
partner. Justify your answers,

A Humans would need to be sel{-sufficienl to survive

(type 2) lf we hadrhe (type 3) would have
technologvto travel faster, colonised ather planets by
space long-term.
llrU (but we don't)
B fhe only question is whether this happens in years, now. (we haven't)
il nc (type 3) lf Tim had studied , (type 2) he would be a docior
cenluries or millennia.
C Exploring space, however, is not without risk. . Medicine, (but he didn't) nonr (he isn,t) i

D This cosls a lot of rnoney. *,.**-..,.-..

E Nevertheless, prolessor Hawking believes
thal we can 3 Rewrite the sentences using mixed
ler allj afford to give Q.2Sok of the world,s financial resources conditionals, as in the example.
i{rFSi to colonise space. ' 1' Angie doesn't like science-fiction,riilms, so she
ites its F Hu.believes that sooner or later we will be wiped out
didn't go to the cinema with the others. if
s fosd by a catastrophe such as a meteor or nuclear
G Angie liked science-fictian films, she would have
That way, we could reach the next star lo Earth
just 6 years. gane to the cinema with the others.
H However, even if we found the perfect planet,
2 Sam doesn't have good eyesight, so he wasn,t
wouldn't be able to get there at the moment. accepted on the astronauf training programme,
3 Mark didn't hand in his project, so lie won,t
pass the astronomy course,
Filf in: self-sufficient, horsh, worm up, afford, 4 Greg was studying all night, so he,s tired now.
rcleose. 5 He can't afford it, so he hasn,t appliedto study
I jupiter's moons have very
..... climates with
lels . ice fields, storms and acid rain, s0 it would
5 ianet is interested in astronomy, so she visited
ad the planetarium yesterday.
impossible to live there.
: The tSS isnrt..,......... because it can,t produce
or make everything that it needs.
.Speekfar E & WriitFmg
Climate change could ,.......,..... the Earth by E O tirt.n and read the article in Ex. 3
3"C by 21 00, again, then tell your partner three reasons
Power stations ......,....... carbon dioxide why colonising space is difficult.
other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
0nly the world's richest can ........... to be a
Colonising spoce is difficult because colonies would
hove to be self-sufficient,
space tourist; it costs about 920 millionl

I you're cfose your eyes and imagine
Choose the correct words. Check in vour in a spacecraft. What are you doing
dictionaries, and what can you see and hear? How do
5upplies/Resources such as food and equipment you feel? Tell your partner.
are sent to the ISS from Earth.
l'm weoring a spocesuit and l,m flaoting around in the
Hawking believes we can pass/overcome all
spacecroft. 0ut of the windaw I con see stats .,.
the problems and colonise space.
Some scientists believe a huge asteroid
comet could extract/wipe out life on Earth,
or to ffit woutd you tike to live in a
space colony? Why/Why not? In a few
There are many options for colonising space; minutes, write a few sentences on this
the possibilities are endlessicontin uous. topic. Read your sentences to the class.
water pollution

1 air.pollution

natural resources (oil, coal &

Hoec&csfcry gas, etc) are running out
electronic waste
E s'lvfron m'ne ci ta $ profo I erns
fr a) O Listen and say. Listening
b) Match the problems (1-6) to their 3 O You're going to listen to
solutions (A-F). Which problems Matt tdlking about a project.
are the most serious in your country? Listen and ctroose the correct
tTTt We should all ride bicycles instead of using cars.
iBTl We should recycle at home and try to reuse things. 1 Matt grew up in

lcTl We must find new sources of renewable energy. A a big city. B the country.

lpT-l We,should stop cutting down trees, .

C Lynton. ''i' j'
tEt I Manufacturers should be responsible for disposing of old 2 Matt most dislikes
electronic equipment. A the crowds. B the architectu
ITTI We should use non-chemical biodegradable detergents. C the pollution,
He started the tree-pldtrting
F .. project because he waiited to
A do some volunteer fuork.
ENpnesslarg yeerr cpirrion B bring the comrnunit!. together.

2 Read the ta:'. tt: the exqmple. C make his area look better.
Expressins *'j The community! reaction to the
, rnlmy opinion, ... iffilhink/berieve that...
project was
n To mI r"nind, .. . The way I see it, ..
A enthusiastic.,B slow.
Agreeing € unexpected.
. I (totally) agree with you. . I (completely) disagree. The residents got a sense of
r You're (completely)right. Also, ... . But don't ycu think .. ? satisfaction doing something
. Yes, I think that too. . On the other hand, ... A creative for the environment,
1..Fra.g1ee J,o
a certail extellt but . I don't really agree with you because . . B different for the environment.
C useful for the environment,
We should all ride bicycles instead of using cars. (reduce oir pollution,
cheap way of commuting, exercise; BUT slow, impractical for the elderly, At the moment Matt is
long journeys) A working to encourage simi
A: ln my opinion, we should all ride bicycles because this would help projects elsewhere,
reduce air pollution. lt's a cheap way of commuting and exercising, B planning to do another si

t00. project,

B: I ogree to q certain extent, but don't you think that bicyctes wouid be C doing similar projects in ot
too slow ond also improctical for the elderly to useT Also, for long communities
journeys, you need a cor. Matt hopes to
A set u.p a website,
*.#%a B organise various community
b) L-E-r'Think of ideas for and against solution B in
Ex. 1b. Use your ideas and the phrases for activities,

expressing opinion to discuss the topic. C see more trees planted.


ffurr$eu$mr; Geosnephy
;:a: ::E:--€ ::J subheadings
; =€ =r- Gr you answer
i*t :':-:se questions?
a.lci read the text Deforestation occurs (0) when people cut down whoJe forests of trees.
.-. --::e: Tropical 'ainforests are parlicularly under threat, Two thirds (1) ,...,.,,..,.. the
:-:::::(. lowland tropical rainforesis in Central America, for instance, have
(2) .. . , .turned inio land for grazing since 1950.
Why is it happening?
Small farmers cut down a few acres of trees (3) ...,......... order to grow crops
the text again and fill in oi' let their animals graze. They clear them in process ,'slash
2 Read a
burn". Loggers also cut down a lot of trees (4) ..
called and
..,.. wood and paper
the gaps with a word which
products and urban developers turn areas oi forest into mines. new roads,
best fits, as in the exapnple.
homes, or faciories, Natural factors (S) as wildfires sometimes
contribute to deforestation, too.
Why is it such a problem?
Deforestation is a major threat io the delicate ecosystem of our planet.
Basically, it destroys the homes of animal and plant species and many of
them die (6) ,...,.. .. .. including many unique species that could be used to
make medicines for some of the world's worst diseases. More (7) ,..,,. .. ,

two thirds of ali medicines with cancer-fighting properties, for example, come
from rainforest plants, Also, trees absorb harmful greenhouse gases. When
forests are cut (8) ,.,.,....,,.. or burnt. most of these gases stay in the Earth,s
atmosphere, (9) ,............ speeds up global warming. In fact, in fhe next 24
hours,deforestationlvill(10) ..,...,..,responsibleforthereleaseofasmuch
CO, into the atmosphere as thatfrom as (11) ...,...,,,.,fiights as ii takes to
Lt'!.: carry B miilion peopie from London to New Yorkl
.How can we help to fight deferestation?
o Trke part in iree-planting days to replace some of the lost trees.
c Recycle paper and buy recycled paper products such as notepacls. -l
e Eat less meat or at least check where it has come from. lf it's \ryi
from rainforest areas, it's likely that rainforests were cut down in
ofder to rarse cattle.
c Encourage your family, friends, ',and 'neighbours to' think -

(12) ..,...,.,,... the rainforests too by telling them ali about the
issue and how they can help.

' Support charities and companies that supporl rainforest

protection by donating money and buying wood products like
furniture macie from sustainable foresis*,
rent; rforests qrown for
commerciat use
r of the Earth's sudace' The
Tropical rainforests cover 6'7%
Amertca; 2-)The Congo'
I^tWtt are: 1) The Amazon' South
otr'* ,j South East Asia, 4) New Guinea' 5)lost per
. Areas'o{ forest the size of Zfootball fields

lf thrs rate continues' the

second due to de{orestation'
within 100 years'
world's rainforests will disappear
r half the plant and animal
Rainiorests are home to over
r,vorld. 137 species becorne extinct every day'
-- in the

tropical rainforest, turn into, slash and burrr, logger, urban

developer, mine, contribute, major threat, ecosystem, inclucje,
die our, unique species, disease, cancer-fightrng properties,
greenhouse gas, giobal warming, sustainable. commercial
6t i.Fr.,.

Wm$€wmg E
-. E


.'E i '' ',*,'t

f : t:.-.. fi

An opinion essay l*
I ::__

tr, l,'.:-,,.^i

An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing in

which we present our personal opinion on a topic
and support it with reasons and examples. A,n F fne number of private vehicles on our roads is
opinion essay consists of: constantly increasing and causing senous
. an introduction in lvhich lve introduce the environmental problems. ln my opinion, banning all
topic and clearly state our opinion. private transport in our towns and cities could be a
. a main body consisting of three paragraphs. good idea, as it would reduce pollution levels and
The first two present separate viewpoints, therefore improve our quality of life. LJ

each supported by reasons/examples, and the F firstly, our cities would be far healthier without -
third paragraph presents the opposing constant streams of traffic. For example, fewer cars u
viewpoint supported by reasons/examples, and motorcycles would vastly improve air quality; and LJ

Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence harmful gases that contribute to, global warming
:wh:ich'summarises the main'idea of the
would be greatly reduced. Also, pubiic transport
paragrapn. systems would improve and everyone would get to
. a conclusion, in which we restate our opinion their destinations much faster.
in different words. p' Moreover, we would be safer. More people would
We normall;i use present tenses. We link our ideas choose to walk or cycle to work or school. As a result,.
with appropriate linking words. there would be fewer road accidentt. :,
Adding more points: Moreaver, Furthermore, Also, F on the other hand, some people argue that a'-
Aport from thk, ln odditi on. total ban on private transport restricts people's rights';
Listin g poin ts: To b e g i n with, Fi r stly, I n th e fi r st and freedom. Rather than a ban, they simply suggest
ploce, Secondly, Last, etc encouraging the public to use buses and trains more,
fntroducing opposing viewpoints: 0n the other bymakingthemcheapertorideandmoreaccessible.
hand, Al th ou g h, H awev e r, etc F nff in all, after public transport is improved, I feel

lntroducing examples/reasons: For that a ban on private transport could be an effective '
example/instance, Such as, Therefore, ln particular, etc way to create better towns and cities' People could
Expressing results: As a result, Consequently, So, As a commutemoreefficientiyinacleanerenvironment,
c)nsequencet etc
Concluding: To sum up, Allthings considered,Taking
everything into account, etc
To express our opinion we use phrases such as: I $ Readthe rubric. Underline the key words
believe, In ny opinion, lthink, lt seems to me thot, To and answer the ouestions.
my mind,l strongly disagree with,l am totally against, I
completely agree with, etc
You have had a class discussion about the
We do not use colloquial expressions, everyday
following statement: "All private transport such
os cars and motorcycles should be banned in cities
language, short verb forms or chatty personal
to help pr\tect the environmenf." Now your
language. We use formal expressions, longer
teacher has asked you to write an essay
sentences, fullverb forms and formal linking
giving your opinion and reasons to support
words. your views (120-180 words),
We can also find this type of writing in the form
of an article in newspapers, magazines etc,
Who is going to read your essay?
2 Will you use colloquial expressions and short
-:4.-"' -' :*:':*"'":*:-l :- ---- -- verb forrns? Why? Why not?
What is your opinion on the topic? Give reasons.
5 Use phrases from the Writing fip to express
your opinion on the following. Use the
ideas below,

1 we/heip the elderiy -+ quality of life improve

ls is I strangly believe that we should help the elderly, lf
a) Read the essay and match the paragraphs we do so, their quality of life wrll improve.
- -t!
(1-5) to the headings A-E below. 2 we/donate to charities - help those in need to
w=C have decent iives
and ,A'
i;- ---l
i restate opinion 3 we/recycle waste material + conserve our
l- | i second viewpoint & reasons/examples natural resources
lLl state topic & opinion 4
m we/join in clean-up days -
cities look better
first viewpoint & reasons/examples
and' tEt opposlng vrewpolnt & reasons/examples
i 6 a) Read the essay topic and the

hl . Answer the questions. viewpoints (1-3).

1 What is the writer,s opinion? "lt should be mondatory for allyoung people to i
volunteer to help protect the enviiotnment., i
2 What viewpoints and reasons/examples does he -,.:;r',::i'i-!..: -r..,-r. .it..i i:1:{::r3jiT;isi:.,-€tnllTjL
- ,or6g:*9.g16a.rggpw.g*H#i

ogld, use to support his opinion? 1 lhis work would benefit young people in the
3 What is the opposing viewpoint? future.
2 lt is unfair to force young people to give up
3 a) Read the essay again. Which of the their free time.
linking words in bold: 3 Young people contribute to
shti environmental
. introduce an opinion? problems and should therefore help soive them.
e list points?
n add more points? b) O tisten to Bill and Tina talking about
. show results? the topic. What reasonsiexamples do
they give to support the viewpoints?
cti ". introduce an opposite viewpoint?
. examples?
7 Use ideas from Ex. 6 and the plan to write
t. " conclude? . your essay U2A-80 words). Use phrases
b) Replace the words in bold in the essay from the lJseful Language box.
with: /n addition, Consequently, To startwith,
.;:::1..;r :::tlji:-t:i'i:i:': l*i::

For instance, ln conclusion, In my view,

However, Secondly.Check with your Para 1: state the iopic, give your opinion (Our
partner, Elrth is thrc.atened by ... t feel that oltyoung
people should ,,.)
the u ppo rt g
!"r g s ente n €es Paras 2 & 3: present viewpoints & support thenr
uch :'
reasons/examp les (Firstly, ... For example, ..,)
+:^- Read the topic sentences, Use the phrases :': Para 4: present the opposite viewpoint with reasons/ ,

to write supporting sentences. examples (0n the other hand,... lt would

JUI be.,.)

i I 0n the other hand, some people believe that restate your opinion in other words (Altin ;

: ':. all, lbelieve ...)
space exploration is very important,

' help resolve Earth,s overpopulation

Usefutr [amgelage
. find natural resources
Riding bicyc/es instead of cars heips imorove ln the first place,..; Furthermore, it is essential ...;
hor city life.
n reduce air pollution On the other"hand, it can be argued ,,,;All things
o good form of
considered, ii seems io me that ...; For exarnple, ...;
ult) exercise
Moreover,,.., As a resuit,
.r Read the rubric and then
read the text through once
quickly. What is it about? i

- You are going to read a text:

, about a shark conservationist. i,
For gaps 1-7, choose the : ;
: sentence A-H which best fits
i each gap. There is one extra
, sentence.

Missing sbntences - extra i
i sentences i
Rernember that there is one
extra sentence. Aftel you have

A a) Underline any reference/

linking words in the '
mr;;ing sentences and jL
beforeiafter each gap, f'j
then do the task. Checki
that the sentence you irj,
have left doesn't fit r",''r.
any gap.

b) Compare your answers

with your partner.
-_ -'-':-':.,- b) QOo the task. What information that you heard
helped you decide on your answers? Compare with
, i:ad the rubric and the
questions and underline !0ur partner.
the key words, Do the task. .' :;,r.,iliiirf

You are going to listen to a man i *. Look at the picture and read the description. Underf ine
talking about some volunteer work I the words/phrases used to: describe location, repair
he has done. For questions 1-7 i communication (describe an unknawn word/phrase), speculate,
choose the correct answerl, B or C. i
The piclure shows a group 0t animal trainers
Justin says that people who take and a row of children by a pool in the
care of animals need foreground, I don't know vrrhat you cali it, but
A to be organised, they are sitting on something that floats on
B to have experience. tne water. lt iooks like they are ai a son 0f
theme park 0r aquarium rvhere dolphins are
C to be very'helpful.
trained, Ihe weather must be warm
2 At the shelter, Justin's job is to because erleryone is either a
A feed thb and clean swimsuit or shorts and a T-shirt. In the
their enclosures, middle of the photo on the left-hand side,
B raise money for the charity. there are tlvo dolphins out of the water. lt

C select suitable owners for the looks as if ihe trainers could be making the
dolphlns penorm while the chiidren waich. I

3 The man that tied up his dog in

think that the chiidren couid be about to -t=:...:*: i
swim with the doinhins difficult io
doiphins. lt's rliffierrlt makp nrrr
to make out iheir faces but I surrcse ihoir;;;;;;;i'";:'^^:-]':'*-:
the yard that they might be feeling really happy and exciteC aboui tnrs cxcru"ii :
A was arrested while on holiday. t:::€a.:ai.!nr-y.-)r=r€-iii;e$rt?1r.rr,!.^r-J,.F-.,.:

B is no longer allowed to have pets. -!r:rji:--_..,_o==_.*.-='-=_.:_:ra

5 Describe the photo, Usethe useful language box to help

€ couldn't afford to feed his dog.
you. Then answer the questions.
4 When an animal finds a good
home, Justin:'feels
A a bit anxious. Hnrv rlo vou think the

B sad about saying goodbye to it. rir* her ioo? (\!hY?) be

C relieved.
;;ilthink animals should
5 People who volunteer at the ;;oi;;;;;' and wirdrire Parks?
shelter should
NhY/WhY not?) sanu
A be able to work well as a team. iitrrtmt, Performance.You
B be very kind and caring.
Nuoluing animals
or a.visit You
C be strong physicaliy and ;il;;t; t zoo or wildiire Park
6 How do volunteers benefit? Useful language ;'n=:
A They get respect from the
Describing location: in the top/bottom left/right-hand corner, at
com m un ity. the top/bottom, on the leftiright-hand side, in the foreqround/
B They get new opportunities. background, in the middle
C They gain useful skiils. Communication Repair (when you don,t know a word): lt,s a kind
:i€ 7 Justin suggests that peopie who oflsort of ,..;ldon't know whatyou callit, but jt,s...;lt,s what vou
)w do when ..,; It's used to ...
want to volunteer should
5peculating; l'm not sure, but he/she etc couJdlmight be ..;
A do a training course. thin<,rguess/suppose ...; Maybe/Per-haps he/she etc is ..,; He/she e::

B contact the RSPCA by ernaii. ses"ts tc be ...; i1e/She etc looks (as if heAhe is) ..; it's jji.,:- : .:

Read the text and complete a) Read the rubric and 1

the gaps (1.10) with the
words derived from the
underline the key words. fr
words in capitals.
. Your teacher has asked you to I t'"
write an opinion lh;
essay with l,
Fvlmnkey$nff the title: "Should we spend L
' great amounts of money on :
, space exploration?" Write llo
ffir&uns your essay (120-180 words),

When (0) photographer David Slater went to snao some PHOTOGRAPH +..1...: r1

shots of black Macaque monkeys in Indonesia, he got a bit I

of a surprise. The black macaque is a rare and (1) ...,..,,....... ENDANGER b) Read the table. In pairs,
.species of monkey that is (2) being studied by a CURRENT try to thin.k:of reasons/
team of (3) ,.......,....., in Indonesia who are particularly SCIENCE
inter.ested'in its (4) .....,...,,,.., .
examples to support each 4
Macaques may be rare but they aren,t shy. While David was viewpoint. : - I
walking with them he began to notice that the monkeys r
were very interested in his photography (5) ............. . After EQUIP
a while, it seems one of them was overcome by (6) ............. CURIOUS
and stole the camera from Davidis bag. When he saw his
own (7) in the camera, the naughty Macaque was REFLECT
fascinated, Clearly, he was very pleased with his own 1

{8) ......,..,.,,.. as he located the camera button and started APPEAR 2

(9) ..,.,.......... taking shots of himself and his friends. ',He RANDOM numan race.
must have taken hundreds of photos,', said David, ,,but not
many of them were in focus. He (10) ,,.,.,...... hadn,t worked 'The cost of space exploration is
that out vet," small compared to government
spending on other things.

lmportant scientific discoveries
'. l.irti,t W& r:d mg'i1*s lt:a{;*s, lt.l' made in space can help us here on
7 Use the words in bold to complete the sentences. Use two
to five words.
Some people believe it can be very 1
1 John regrets not helping the homeless man. (WISHES) expensive and the money could be 1
John ,,.,...,... ...,.,. the homeless man. better spent on other things.

2 He volunteered at an animal shelter. (WHERE) It can be risky and space missions


The place an animal shelter. often fail.
3 Unless Bob pays his rent, he will lose his flat. (pAy) 5

Bob will lose his flat .,..............,.............,.. his rent.

c) Q tisten to Mark and
4 Sally doesn't have enough money to go on holiday, (MORE)
Sarah discussing the topic.
lf Sally .. go on holiday.
Did their reasons/
5 lt's a pity lcan't go on holiday this year. (ABLE) examples match yours?
I wish ........., ,.,, on holiday this year.
6 We must start raising awareness about endangered species. (TIME)
It's,.......,....., awareness about endangered species. Do the task, Use ideas from Ei{
7 lf we don't act noq the species wiil die out, (UNLESS) Exs, 8b & 8c. ij=
The species will die out ...,.....,... ........,,...,,., now.
8 The oil spill led to the deaths of many sea birds. (RESULT)
Many sea birds died ..... the oil spill,
lartguffiSe $m Use j
Word formaficr.l
the correct particle.
4 Complete the sentences with
the correct
word derived from the words
in brackets.
Use appropriate prefixes,

Prefixes usea wiur'nounil;il ;;;;;****- :

Sonre of the prefixes used to form new
nouns in English are:
a uto-(sel D buto mo b i I e), co-f oint) (ca I o u ni d u),ex-(former),
(ex-ch ai rman),
inter_(betw een) (interchan ge).
super_(rneys j
i: planting trees in tt. prrt ttliluk.nU.
lr.* ,,-rh"n)(superpower),tele.(distant) 1teteno4eing1.'' ;
Why don't we join in/up, too? **.**,,
2 John found a wallet on the street yesterday 1 Superman and Spiderman
itation. '
he.handed it out/in at the police (HEROEs)
3 Hang.on/out a minute and l,llcome
with you.
2 New technology has improved
4 Safly hangs on/out with friends on Saturdiys. ....... grearfy. (COMMUNf
5 The,cashier handed inlover 3 ,He decided to write his ................".....,............
f100,000 in
Feople were handing out/over

feaflets about
environmental protection in
town today.
4 She met her .,...
. n*
Choose the correct preposition.
new wife rt tr,.,r.,jrar.r; ;;;rr'il;;Xitjt
.1 2 5 They need to mak. ....".,.....,...,:...',,.'..,.:,...
1 Poverty can lead inlto crime. with the site easier, (ACflON)
2 He managed
to survive on/in very littfe food.
5 world,s rainforests are under/at
The Fdords often confusedl
4 He donates money for/to
the homeless.
5 Can success contribute
on/to happiness? 5 Choose the correct word.
Check ih your
6 He succeeded
inlon raising money for ciaritv.
{o[iocatlons r
1 He wondered/wandered
around Europe for
months before he.settjed/lived
Fifl in: natura!, walking, long4erm, in L;il;n,
unique, 2 A school/swarm of bees attackeUlstruck
solstice, hair-raising, vicious,
toxic, badly, scruffy. 3 Hewanted to grablhofd people,s
1 6 raise public/private awa reness.
ha f
.,...airn 7
f moments 4 He spent/passed the night in the chilling/
3 . .., . ..,..;.. waste g
resources biting cold.
4 oenaved
clothes 5 lf you are in question/doubt,
ask someone to
stick h0 summer ,......... help you.

wtark thgsentences r(true) or F (fafse), correct the

through Module 3 and write false;;,r:;;; , ,

a quiz of four. o*n.

T ln 50 years' there wft be
twice as many efderry people o)
"r' ,,svv's as there
t'rere are now,
2 The Amazon jungre is
in peru.
4 The Glastonbury Festival
takes place in the autumn. .. , :

5 Ed Stafford spent
6 Half of the world,s
nearly 2/z yearsin the Amazon jungle. 't .

anirnals live in the Amazon. ,....,;, -,.-


) ffiewf;s$mm

Complete the sentences using the words in p1

Filf in: source , roise, hair'roising, conserve, reach,
d, d on ate, bold. Use two to five words, Don't change the pr
inspir ati o n, gr obbed, f aced, w ander e

word in bold. Itr

I true
His lecture was a ...,'.'.' to us'
The ,,.,....,..,. Recycling regularly is a gooci idea' PI
/. '.,' of the river is in the
mountains. SHOULD We ."'.,..'..'. regulariy' IA

with l^
Greenpeace aims to ......'......."...."....."'.. public It's a pity you didn't come us'

awareness of ecological issues' WISH Cr

4 His speech ,,.'.' people's attention' 5he can't travel abroad because she can't afford it' Cr

5 Facing crocodiles was , a ,.

. WOULD lf she could \A

experience he won't forget.

Despite the challenges he .',',".'..' 4 He failed his exams because he hadn't studied'

he continued his journeY. HAVE lf he had studied,

his exams.
7 He took a month to ,,...'.',..,.....'.'. his destination' join the tou
8 We should all help ..'..' our forests' 5 He doesn't ride a bike so he didn't

9 We ....'. money to animal charities' JOINED lf he rode a bike, he

.... the tour.
10 gs .::,...,...,..,..;.,.,'.',,..'.... around the festival to
see what was going on' t0x2=20 marks

Chobse the correct words. 6 Match the exchanges.
' ir"..r:,';:
!: 1

1 Mark's the student who/whose raised the moneyi

irTt' Hello how can I helP You?.
2 Sally mustn't/didn't have to wash her car; her
dad did it for her.
Could you give me your credit card number?
What's the exPirY date?
3 You can't/shouldh't use chemical cleaners;
l;,,that cars should be banned'
they're bad for thetenvironment. ''
4 The Amazon is a place that/where jaguars live' l5l l'd like to make a donation of t2A per m0

5 That's the boy who/whose father is a professor' A lt's May, 2014.

5x2=10 marks
B l'd like to make a donation, Please'

Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form'

C I totally agree with You.
3 D That's wonderful!
1 lwiih I ,...'.,..."...'.. (be) more patient'
E Certainly, lt's 8987 6574 65342314'
2 lf I ..,,..... ','..,.." (be)you, I'd leave'
3 lf you apply for this job, you .'..'.....'....' (get) it'
4 lwish | ....'.'.,...',.... (go) to the party last night'
5 What Write an opinion essay on the topic'All
tyou/do) if you got lost in the
jungle? zoos should be banned' (120'180 words)'
5x2=10 narks
&' Complete the sentence with the correct
word derived from the words in bold'

1 He apologised for breaking

my vase. (ACCIDENT)
I He lacks abasic (EDUCATE)

3 Mv time there was sPecial. (TRUE) . talk and write about social problems
4 The festival Promotes
. call to make a donation

, talk about environmental problems
of speech, . write an opinion essay
5 The possibilities are ,."..,....'.. ' (END)
5x2=tA morks

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