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Chapter 6



We are now in a position to formulate a systematic method of analysis of
structures. In this chapter we will discuss the Stiffness or Displacement
method of analysis. This is called the stiffness method since it involves
writing down a system of equations in the form [P] = [K][U] for the structure
– which have been discussed in the previous chapter. It is also known as the
displacement method since the primary unknowns are the displacements [U]
required to satisfy the equilibrium and compatibility conditions.


The stiffness matrix with respect to the absolute degrees of freedom is
singular since no support restraints to prevent rigid body motion have been
provided. Therefore we need to introduce supports before we can determine
displacements (invert the stiffness equations). Mathematically, the supports
are imposed by recognizing that the displacement vector [U] consist of both
relative and support degrees of freedom. The structure force vector contains
the corresponding forces along the structure degrees of freedom and can be
partitioned correspondingly. Thus
U r   Pr 
[U ] =   and [P] =  
U s   Ps 
The above implies that the relative degrees of freedom are numbered prior to
support degrees of freedom. Partitioning the structure stiffness matrix
correspondingly, the force displacement relationship becomes
 Pr   K rr K rs  U r 
 =   (6-1)
 Ps   K rs K ss  U s 
Multiplying gives us two equations:
Pr = Krr Ur + Krs Us (6-2)
Ps = Ksr Ur + Kss Us (6-3)

6-2 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

Recall that the stiffness matrices are independent of loading. It is assumed

that the geometry of the structure, member connectivity, material and section
properties of all members to be known at this point such that [K] can be
determined. [Us] by definition of support degrees of freedom contains known
displacement components. [Pr] are nodal forces applied along the relative
degrees of freedom and represents the actions for which the response is to be
determined. The only unknown in equation (6-2) is the displacements along
the relative degrees of freedom [Ur]. Solving for [Ur]
Ur = [Krr] { Pr - Krs Us } (6-4)
The quantity (-Krs Us) represents the equivalent nodal forces along the
relative degrees of freedom due to support movement. Recognize that [Krr]
is actually the structure flexibility matrix. To determine nodal displacements,
this has to be multiplied by nodal forces. The concept of equivalent nodal
forces will be discussed further in this chapter.

The second equation, (6-3), is used to determine the vector [Ps] after [Ur] is
determined from equation (6-2). [Ps] should be recognized as the support
reactions due to the imposed actions. Note that loads applied directly along
support degrees of freedom are not included in the structural analysis since
no structural response is generated aside from a change in the values of the
support reactions. In actual implementation of the method, equation (6-3) is
rarely used since it is more efficient to apply equilibrium at the support joints
after determining all member end forces: the support reactions are simply the
sum of all member end forces connected to the support.

The determination of [Ur] completes the determination of the primary

unknown, [U]T = [Ur Us]. The analysis responses of interest for design
purposes are the internal stress functions for each member. This is
accomplished by determining the member nodal displacements from the
compatibility requirements. In matrix form:
[Um] = [C] [U] = [E] [U] (6-5)
In actual implementation, recall that we do not actually generate the
compatibility or equilibrium matrices. Therefore, rather than multiplying
out the matrices the member nodal displacements are extracted from the
structure nodal displacement vector using the member incidence or
destination table. Knowing the member nodal displacements, the member
force end forces are determined using the member stiffness relationship.
[Pm] = [Km] [Um] (6-6)
Recall that the force displacement relationship for the members is in the
global coordinates. [Pm] above is also in the global coordinates and must be
transformed into the member coordinates before the stress function can be
determined from equilibrium. Once the stress resultant functions are known,
displacements between member ends can be determined, if required.

Equations (6-5) and (6-6) are the matrix equation representations for
determining final member end forces. Actual implementation of the above is
normally done member by member using the member incidence or
destination table.

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-3

Example 6.1 Plane Truss with Joint Loads. Determine the member forces for the
planar truss for the loading shown. The top and bottom chords have as AE =
300,000 kN, and other members have an AE = 210,000 kN.


50 kN 50 kN
8m 8m 8m
The truss is statically indeterminate to the first degree so that the method of joints
cannot be used to determine the member forces. This shall be solved using the direct
stiffness method. For primary unknowns:
Ur = [Krr] { Pr - Krs Us } with Us = Φ
Note that the stiffness method can also solve determinate problems. If member forces
are all that is required for a determinate truss, the method of joints will be
computationally be more efficient since no force-displacement equations are required.
If displacements are also to be determined for a determinate truss, then use of the
stiffness method is advantageous.

The solution shown below is basically oriented towards a procedure which involves
the use of some mathematical software to do some repetitive tasks, rather than one
intended for manual calculations. Since the routines used are not shown, the reader
is encourage to verify the intermediate results using whatever tool is available to

First, we need to identify the members and their connectivity. This is accomplished
by numbering the members and joints in a figure such as shown below, indicating its
incidence (direction from A- to B-end by an arrow head).

J5 4 J6
5 6
7 9 10 8

1 J2 2 J3 3
J1 J4
The information shown in the figure is translated into input data tables: Joint
Coordinates and Member Incidences,

Table of Joint Coordinates (m) Table of Member Incidences

Joint x y Member JA JB
1 0. 0. 1 1 2
2 8. 0. 2 2 3
3 16. 0. 3 3 4
4 24. 0. 4 5 6
5 8. 5. 5 1 5
6 16. 5. 6 4 6
7 2 5
8 3 6
9 2 6
10 3 5

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman

6-4 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

These two tables allow the determination of the length and direction cosines of the
members. The direction cosines define the orientation of the member with respect to
the global axes. For each member for the planar case: ∆x = xB - xA, ∆y = yB - yA,
L = (∆x2 + ∆y2)1/2, cos(θ) = ∆x /L and sin(θ) = ∆y /L.

Members L (m) cos(θ) sin(θ) AE (kN) AE/L (kN/m)

1, 2, 3, 4 8 1.0 0. 300,000 37,000
5 9.434 0.848 0.530 300,000 31,800
6 9.434 -0.848 0.530 300,000 31,800
7, 8 5 0. 1.0 210,000 42,000
9 9.434 0.848 0.530 210,000 22,260
10 9.434 -0.848 0.530 210,000 22,260

From the above information, the member stiffness matrix in global coordinates for an
axial force member is calculated as:
2 ∆y
A ∆x
 cos 2 (θ ) sin(θ ) cos(θ ) − cos 2 (θ ) − sin(θ ) cos(θ )
 
AE  sin(θ ) cos(θ ) sin (θ ) − sin(θ ) cos(θ ) − sin 2 (θ ) 
[ KG ] =
L  − cos 2 (θ ) − sin(θ ) cos(θ ) cos 2 (θ ) sin(θ ) cos(θ ) 
 
− sin(θ ) cos(θ ) − sin 2 (θ ) sin(θ ) cos(θ ) sin 2 (θ ) 

Only the member stiffness matrices for diagonal members 5 and 10 are shown below.
Although the full 4x4 matrix is shown, we need to calculate only say [KBB] and
recognize that [KAA] = -[KBA] = -[KAB] = [KBB]
 22.87 14.29 − 22.87 − 14.29
 14.29 8.93 − 14.29 − 8.93 3
[ K m5 ] =   10 kN/m
 − 22.87 − 14.29 22.87 14.29
 
 − 14.29 − 8.93 14.29 8.93

 16.01 − 10.00 − 16.01 10.00

 − 10.00 6.25 10.00 − 6.25 3
[ K m10 ] =   10
 − 16.01 10.00 16.01 − 10.00
 
 10.00 − 6.25 − 10.00 6.25
Note that only the matrix [Krr] is required. The member incidence table cannot be
used in the direct assembly because some of the joints have support degrees of freedom.
Therefore, the relative degrees of freedom are identified in a figure and the destination
table is generated. Member end DOF connected to support DOF are given ‘0’ values.

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-5

7 6 9

2 4
1 3
Structure Relative Degrees of Freedom

Destination Table - RDOF

Member 1 2 3 4
1 0 0 1 2
2 1 2 3 4
3 3 4 5 0
4 6 7 8 9
5 0 0 6 7
6 5 0 8 9
7 1 2 6 7
8 3 4 8 9
9 1 2 8 9
10 3 4 6 7

The structure stiffness matrix, [Krr], is generated by direct assembly resulting in the

 91.01 10.00 − 37.50 0. 0. 0. 0. − 16.01 − 10.00

 10.00 48.25 0. 0. 0. 0. − 42.00 − 10.00 − 6.25
 
 − 37.50 0. 91.01 − 10.00 − 37.50 − 16.01 10.00 0. 0. 
 
 0. 0. − 10.0 48.25 0. 10.00 − 6.25 0. − 42.00
[ K rr ] =  0. 0. − 37.5 0. 60.37 0. 0.00 − 22.87 14.29 103
 
 0. 0. − 16.01 10.00 0. 76.37 4.29 − 37.50 0. 
 0. − 42.00 10.0 − 6.25 0. 4.29 57.19 0. 0. 
 
 − 16.01 − 10.00 0. 0. − 22.87 − 37.50 0. 76.37 − 4.29
 − 10.00 − 6.25 − 42.00 − 4.29 57.19
 0. 14.29 0. 0.

The structure stiffness matrix is independent of the action applied, and the above can
be used for other actions. For this example, the action involves only joint loads and
all that is required is to assemble [Pr].
[Pr] = [ 0. -50. 0. -50. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ] kN
Solving for [Ur] = [Krr] [Pr]
T -3
[Ur] = [ 2.13 -13.50 4.06 -13.50 6.20 4.27 -12.42 1.93 -12.42 ] 10 m

With the structure nodal displacements known, the member end nodal displacements
are extracted using the destination table – supports have zero displacements.

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman

6-6 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

Member nodal displacements, [Um], in global coordinates

DOF m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10
1 0 2.13 4.06 4.27 0 6.2 2.13 4.06 2.13 4.06
2 0 -13.5 -13.5 -12.4 0 0 -13.5 -13.5 -13.5 -13.5 x 10-3
3 2.13 4.06 6.20 1.93 4.27 1.93 4.27 1.93 1.93 4.27
4 -13.5 -13.5 0 -12.4 -12.4 -12.4 -12.4 -12.4 -12.4 -12.4

The member forces can now be determined from [Pm] = [Km] [Um]. Note that these
are still in global coordinates. Only B-end forces are shown.
DOF m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10
3 80.0 72.44 80.0 -87.56 -80.0 80.0 0. 0. 7.56 -7.56
4 0. 0. 0. 0. -50.0 -50. 45.28 45.28 4.72 4.72
A rotational transformation is required to transform the above forces into the local
coordinates so that we get the axial force induced on the member. Recognizing that
the end forces are equal and opposite, only the B-end forces are transformed. The B-
end is used since a positive value will indicate a tensile force on the bar which is the
usual convention. [PB(local)] = [RLG] [PB(global)] where for this planar case [RLG] =
[cosθ sinθ]. Note that the above rotational transformation only finds the local x-
component of the forces from the global x- and y-components. The local y-component
may also be determined as a check, since this must be equal to zero, by using the 2x2
rotational transformation matrix.

[𝑅𝑅𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 ] = � cos 𝜃𝜃 sin 𝜃𝜃�

−sin 𝜃𝜃 cos 𝜃𝜃
The final member B-end forces in local coordinates are:
B-end member total forces in local coordinates:
DOF m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10
2 80.0 72.4 80.0 -87.6 -94.3 -94.3 45.3 45.3 8.9 8.9 kN

If support reactions are required, rather than using Equation (6-3) we can simply
take a free body diagram of the support showing the negative of the member end forces
(in global coordinates) of members connected to the joint. Applying equilibrium, it
should be clear that the support reactions are simply the sum of the member end
forces of the members connected to the support.
-P5Ay = -50 kN -P6Ay = -50 kN

-P5Ax = -80 kN -P6Ax = 80 kN

-P1Ax = 80 kN -P3Bx = -80 kN

Ps2 Ps3

For our example, at the hinge the reactions are sum of the A-end forces of members 1
and 5; and at the roller support the reactions are the sum of the B-end forces of
member 3 and the A-end forces of member 6. Thus:
Ps1 = P1Ax + P5Ax = -80 + 80 = 0. kN
Ps2 = P1Ay + P5Ay = 0 + 50 = 50. kN
Ps3 = P3By + P6Ay = 0 + 50 = 50. kN

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-7

Example 6.2 Gable Frame with Joint Loads. Determine the final member forces
for the frame due to the joint loads. Columns have an AE = 2,100.0 x 103 kN and
EI = 75.0 x 103 kN-m2. and the beams have an AE = 1,700.0 x 103 kN and EI =
70.0 x 103 kN-m2.
5 kN

15 kN kN 2.5 m


12 m 16 m

The solution follows essentially that of the previous example. Define joints, members,
member incidence and relative degrees of freedom in figures.
J3 6 4
J210 J4 9
M2 M3 7
3 1
M1 M4

J1 J5
Joints, Members, Member Incidences Relative Degrees of Freedom

Table of Joint Coordinates (m) Table of Member Incidences

Joint x y Member JA JB
1 0. 0. 1 1 2
2 0. 6. 2 2 3
3 12. 8.5 3 3 4
4 28. 6. 4 5 4
5 28. 0.

Member data required to determine member stiffness matrices

Members L (m) cos(θ) sin(θ) AE (kN) EI (kN-m2)

1, 4 6 0. 1.0 2,100. x 103 75. x 103
2 12.26 0.979 0.204 1,700. x 103 70. x 103
3 16.19 0.988 -0.154 1,700. x 103 70. x 103

Member Stiffness matrices (only [KBB] is shown) in local coordinates. Note, [K1BB]
= [K4BB].
 AE 
 L 0 0 
  350 0 0 
− 6 EI z 
 [ K BB ] =  0 − 12.5  x10 3
12 EI z
[ K BB ] =  0
 L3 L 
2  
 − 6 EI z 4 EI z   0 − 12.5 50.0 
 0 L2 L  

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman

6-8 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

138.7 0 0  105 0 0 
[ K BB ] =  0
0.5 − 2.8  x10 3 [ K BB ] =  0
0.2 − 1.6  x10 3
   
 0 − 2.8 22.8   0 − 1.6 17.3 

Member Stiffness matrices [KBB] in global coordinates.

 AE 12 EI 2   AE 12 EI  6 EI 
 L cos θ + L3 sin θ   L − L3  cos θ sin θ sin θ 

    L

  AE 12 EI   AE 2 2 
cos θ 
12 EI 6 EI
K BB =  − 3  cos θ sin θ  sin θ + 3 cos θ  −
  L L   L L  L 
 6 EI 6 EI 4 EI 
 sin θ − cos θ 
 L L L 
Note that an alternative way of getting the other submatrices of the member stiffness
matrix given [KBB] is by using the equilibrium requirement for each column and
symmetry of [K]: i.e. [KAB] = -[HAB] [KBB], [KBA] = [KAB]T , and [KAA] = -[HBA]
[KBA]. Also, for the columns only the B-end stiffness matrix is required
 4.2 0 12.5
[ K BB ] =  0
350 0  x10 3 = [ K 4 BB ]
 
 12.5 0 50.0

 132.9 27.6 − 0.6 − 132.9 − 27.6 − 0.6 

 27.6 6.2 2.7 − 27.6 − 6.2 2.7 
 
 − 0.6 2.7 22.8 0.6 − 2.7 11.4 
[K 2m ] =   x10

 − 132.9 − 27.6 0.6 132.9 27.6 0.6 

 − 27.6 − 6.2 − 2.7 27.6 6.2 − 2.7 
 
 − 0.6 2.7 11.4 0.6 − 2.7 22.8 

 102.5 − 16.0 0.2 − 102.5 16.0 0.2 

 − 16.0 2.7 1.6 16.0 − 2.7 1.6 
 
 0.2 1.6 17.3 − 0.2 − 1.6 8.6 
[K m ] = 
 x10

 − 102.5 16.0 − 0.2 102.5 − 16.0 − 0.2 

 16.0 − 2.7 − 1.6 − 16.0 2.7 − 1.6 
 
 0.2 1.6 8.6 − 0.2 − 1.6 17.3 
Generate the destination table and assemble structure stiffness matrix and load vector.
Destination Table - RDOF
Member 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0 0 0 1 2 3
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 0 0 0 7 8 9

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-9

 137.1 27.6 11.9 − 132.9 − 27.6 − 0.6 0. 0. 0. 

 27.6 356.2 2.7 − 27.6 − 6.2 2.7 0. 0. 0. 
 
 11.9 2.7 72.8 0.6 − 2.7 11.4 0. 0. 0. 
 
 − 132.9 − 27.6 0.6 235.4 11.6 0.8 − 102.5 16.0 0.2
[ K rr ] =  − 27.6 − 6.2 − 2.7 11.6 8.9 − 1.2 16.0 − 2.7 1.6 103
 
 − 0.6 2.7 11.4 0.8 − 1.2 40.1 − 0.2 − 1.6 8.6
 0. 0. 0. − 102.5 16.0 − 0.2 106.6 − 16.0 12.2
 
 0. 0. 0. 16.0 − 2.7 − 1.6 − 16.0 352.7 − 1.6
 12.2 − 1.6 67.3 
 0. 0. 0. 0.2 1.6 8.6

[Pr] = [ 15. 0. 0. | 5. 0. 0. | 10. 0. 0. ]

Solving for [Ur] = [Krr] [Pr]
T -3
[Ur] = [ 8.49 0.006 -1.60 | 8.56 -0.29 0.81 | 8.56 -0.006 -1.69 ] x10

Member nodal displacements in global coordinates

DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 0 8.49 8.56 0 x10-3 m
2 0 0.006 -1.29 0 x10-3 m
3 0 -1.6 0.81 0 x10-3 rad
4 8.49 8.56 8.56 8.56 x10-3 m
5 0.006 -0.29 -0.006 -0.006 x10-3 m
6 -1.60 0.81 -1.69 -1.69 x10-3 rad

Member nodal forces in global coordinates: [Pm] = [Km] [Um]

DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 -15.43 -0.43 4.57 -14.57 kN
2 -2.20 -2.20 -2.20 2.2 kN
3 66.23 -26.35 -1.08 64.79 kN-m
4 15.43 0.43 -4.57 14.57 kN
5 2.20 2.20 2.20 -2.20 kN
6 26.35 1.08 -22.63 22.63 kN-m

Member nodal forces in local coordinates: [Pm(local)] = [RLG] [Pm(global)]

cos 𝜃𝜃 sin 𝜃𝜃 0
[𝑅𝑅𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 ] = � 𝐿𝐿 Φ
� 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ [𝐿𝐿] = �−sin 𝜃𝜃 cos 𝜃𝜃 0�
0 0 1
DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 -2.20 -0.87 4.85 2.20 kN
2 15.43 -2.06 -1.46 14.57 kN
3 66.23 -26.35 -1.08 64.79 kN-m
4 2.20 0.87 -4.85 -2.20 kN
5 -15.43 2.06 1.46 -14.57 kN
6 26.35 1.08 -22.63 22.63 kN-m

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman

6-10 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

The stress resultant functions for member 2 are:

N(x) = 0.87 kN
V(x) = 2.06 kN
M(x) = 26.36 – 2.06 x kN-m

It should be recognized that the support reactions are equal to the member end forces
of the columns connected to the supports – so that Equation (6-3) is not required.

Example 6-3 Gable Frame subject to support movement. For the frame in
Example 6-2, determine the response if the right support is subject to a support
movement equal to a horizontal translation of 0.050 m to the right, a downward
translation of 0.025 m and a clockwise rotation of 0.001 rad.
2.5 m

6.0 m

12 m 16 m [Us]
The structure stiffness is the
12 same as that of the
16 previous example. The difference is
the applied action, and therefore the only the load vector need to be determined. The
equivalent joint load shall be determined from [PrE] = -[Krs][Us].

Only non-zero support movement will produce equivalent joint loads and therefore
only the degrees of freedom with nonzero support movement will be defined
(numbered)as degrees of freedom 10 to 12. Support displacement vector is thus
defined as [Us]T = [ 0.050 m -0.025 m -0.001 rad ].

To generate [Krs] the entries to the destination table for member 4 has to be modified
to include the support degrees of freedom.
DT_M4 = [ 10 11 12 7 8 9 ]
6 4
9 7
3 1
Assembling [Krs] and determine [PrE] = -[Krs][Us] 1

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-11

 0 0 0 
 0 0 0 
 
 0 0 0 
 
 0 0 0 
[ K rs ] =  0 0 0  x10 3
 
 0 0 0 
 − 4.17 0 12.5 
 
 0 − 350. 0 
 − 12.5 
 0 25.0 
[PrE] = [ 0. 0. 0. | 0. 0. 0. | 220.8 -8750. 650. ]
Solving for [Ur] = [Krr] [PrE]
T -3
[Ur] = [ 8.49 0.006 -1.60 | 8.56 -0.29 0.81 | 8.56 -0.006 -1.69 ] x10

Member nodal displacements in global coordinates

DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 0 21.09 32.37 50.0 x10-3 m
2 0 0.0 -53.43 -25.00 x10-3 m
3 0 -5.41 -1.91 -1.00 x10-3 rad
4 21.09 32.37 37.00 37.00 x10-3 m
5 0.0 -53.43 -25.00 -25.00 x10-3 m
6 -5.41 -1.91 3.72 3.72 x10-3 rad

Member nodal forces in global coordinates: [Pm] = [Km] [Um]

DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 -20.19 -20.19 -20.19 20.19 kN
2 0.31 0.31 0.31 -0.31 kN
3 128.25 7.11 -47.09 -119.54 kN-m
4 20.19 20.19 20.19 -20.19 kN
5 -0.31 -0.31 -0.31 0.31 kN
6 -7.11 47.09 1.60 -1.60 kN-m

Member nodal forces in local coordinates: [Pm(local)] = [RLG] [Pm(global)]

DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 0.31 -19.70 -20.00 -0.31 kN
2 20.19 4.42 -2.81 -20.19 kN
3 128.25 7.11 -47.09 -119.54 kN-m
4 -0.31 19.7 20.00 0.31 kN
5 -20.19 -4.42 2.81 20.19 kN
6 -7.11 47.09 1.60 -1.60 kN-m

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman

6-12 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis


The analysis procedure discussed in the previous section is applicable only
for forced applied along the structure degrees of freedom, also known as
joint loads, and for support movement. Truss structures can thus be handled
by the above procedure because these typically involve only joint loads. For
building structures, wind and earthquake loads are also applied as lateral
joint loads.

Gravity loads, self weight and occupancy loads, however, are applied as
concentrated or distributed loads along the members. Further, there may also
be a need to determine the response of the structure to other actions such as
volumetric changes due to changes in temperature, creep or shrinkage, and
imposed displacements. Since these actions do not involve joint loads, the
analysis procedure must be modified to handle these actions. For structures
with linearly elastic material, the principle of superposition applies and will
be used.


Consider the plane frame with a member load in Figure 6-1. Applying
superposition, the solution may be divided into two parts: the Fixed-End
part and the Equivalent Joint load part.
The fixed-end part consist of the original structure and loading to which is
added a set of fictitious nodal forces, [PF]. The [PF] forces are of such
magnitudes that prevents any nodal displacements in the structure, i.e. [U] =
Φ for this case.

The equivalent joint load part consist of the original structure subject to nodal
forces [PE] to remove the effect of the fictitious [PF] forces in the fixed end
part. Necessarily [PE] is just the negative of [PF], i.e. [PE] = -[PF].


= +

Actual Problem = Fixed-End Part + Equivalent Joint Load Part

Figure 6-1 Superposition Solution for Structures with Member Loads

The nodal forces and displacements for the problem can therefore be written
as the sum of the two parts of the solution.
[P] = [PF] + [PE] (6-7)
[U] = [UF] + [UE] (6-8)
Note that by definition of [PF], [UF] = Φ and therefore
[U] = [UE] (6-9)
This is the reason [PE] is referred to as an equivalent nodal forces, i.e. the
nodal forces, [PE], produces the same nodal displacements as the original

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-13

actions. Note, only the nodal displacements are the same, the displacements
between nodes is the sum of the response of the two parts of the solution.
It should be recognized that the equivalent joint load part consist of the
structure subject to nodal forces only. Therefore, the basic force-displacement
equation applies, i.e.
[PE] = [K][UE] (6-10)
or from (6-9) [PE] = [K] [U] (6-11)
Thus, equation (6-7) can be written as
[P] = [PF] + [K] [U] (6-12)
This is the modified force displacement relationship for the stiffness method
considering member loads. Partitioning this with respect to relative and
support degrees of freedom we get
 Pr   PFr   K rr K rs  U r 
    = +    (6-13)
 Ps   PFs   K rs K ss  U s 
Multiplying gives:
Pr = PFr + Krr Ur + Krs Us (6-14)
Ps = PFs + Ksr Ur + Kss Us (6-15)
Equation (6-14) is used to determine the displacements along the relative
degrees of freedom.
Ur = [Krr] [ Pr - PFr - Krs Us ] (6-16)
This may be written as:
Ur = [Krr] [ PEr ] (6-17)
where [ PEr ] = [ Pr - PFr - Krs Us ]

Equation (6-15) is used to determine the support reactions. Again in practice

the equation is rarely used as a more efficient procedure is available for
determining support reactions.

To complete the analysis member end displacements are again determined

from compatibility requirements. These nodal member displacements should
be recognized as the response to the equivalent joint loads. The final member
end forces are determined as the sum of the fixed-end and equivalent joint
[Um] = [C] [U] = [E] [U] (6-5)
[Pm] = [PmF] + [Km] [Um] (6-18)
As before, these forces are still with respect to the global coordinates. A
rotational transformation to the member coordinates will be required before
determining the member stress functions.

Determination of [PF]. What remains to be discussed is the determination

of the fixed-end force vector, [PF]. By definition, the [PF] forces are of such
magnitude that prevents any nodal displacements in the structure. The
response (internal forces and displacements) of each member should be

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman

6-14 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

recognized as identical to the response of the member removed from the

structure and provided with fixed-end supports. This greatly simplifies the
analysis as each member can be considered independently, rather than
analyzing the whole structure.

To determine [PF], recognize that to prevent nodal displacements, the

member fixed-end forces and the nodal forces acting at a node must be in
static equilibrium.

P2mfA P2mfB PFJ2


-P2mfA M2
1 -P2mfB
-P mfB

P1mfB P1F P2F

M2 J2
M1 M1 M3 M3

Figure 6-2 Member and Joint Forces for Fixed-End Case

Referring to Figure 6-2, equilibrium at joints 1 and 2 requires that:

1 1 2
P F = P mfB + P mfA

2 2
and P F = P mfB

In general the nodal forces at a node are the sum of the fixed-end forces of the
member ends connected to that node. As indicated in the figure, the fixed-
end forces are already with respect to the global coordinates so that the
equilibrium of the joints can be written as a direct sum. In matrix form the
[PF] vector may be determined by the relationship
[PF] = [ E ] [PMF]
Where [PMF] is the vector containing the fixed-end forces (in global
coordinates) of all the members due to the given action, and [E] is the same
equilibrium matrix used in the derivation of the structure stiffness matrix. In
actual implementation the [PF] vector can be directly assembled using the
member incidence or destination table in the same way as the structure

Note that the figure only shows the forces required at the free joints (not
containing support restraints). Equilibrium of the support joints will
determine the elements of [PFs].

Example 6-4 Continuous Beam with Member Loads. Determine the internal
stress functions for the middle beam of the three-span continuous beam for the gravity
loading shown. Members are prismatic with EI = 200,000 kN-m2

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-15

40 kN/m
25 kN/m 25 kN/m

6 m 8 m 6 m

Define members and relative degrees of freedom. Note that for the relative degrees of
freedom, it is recognized that the loading is parallel planar such that no axial forces
are induced in the members. With no axial forces the members will not change length
and therefore there are no horizontal displacements at the joints (essentially becomes
support degrees of freedom since their final values are known to be zero). Therefore
only the rotational relative degrees of freedom exist at the joints.

1 2 3

M1 M2 M3

The stiffness matrix for the simply supported member is all that is required to
generate the structure stiffness, [Krr].

4 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 1 0.5
[𝐾𝐾𝑚𝑚 ] = � �
𝐿𝐿 0.5 1
[𝐾𝐾𝑚𝑚1 ] = [𝐾𝐾𝑚𝑚3 ] = �133.33 66.67
� 𝑥𝑥 103 [𝐾𝐾𝑚𝑚2 ] = �100.0 50.0
� 𝑥𝑥 103
66.67 133.33 50.0 100.0
Destination Table
Member A B
1 0 1
2 1 2
3 2 3

Assemble Structure stiffness

 233.33 50.0 0. 
[ K rr ] =  50.00 233.33 66.67  x10 3
 
 0. 66.67 133.33 
For the load vector, we will require the fixed-end forces for the members.
𝑤𝑤 𝐿𝐿2 1 1 ] 3 ] 75.0 2 ] 213.3
[𝑃𝑃𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ] = � � [𝑃𝑃𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = [𝑃𝑃𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 =� � [𝑃𝑃𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 =� � kN-m
12 −1 −75.0 −213.3
Assemble load vector, [PEr] = -[PFr]
−75.0 + 213.3 138.33 −138.33
[𝑃𝑃𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 ] = �−213.3 + 75 � = �−138.33� [𝑃𝑃𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 ] = � 138.33�
−75 −75.00 75.00
Nodal displacements : [Ur] = [Krr] [Per]
[𝑈𝑈𝑟𝑟 ] = � 0.689 � 𝑥𝑥 10−3 rads

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6-16 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

Member forces are calculated as [Pm] = [PmF] + [Km] [Um]. Since shears are also
required in this example, the degrees of freedom shall include those along the end
shears. Thus for member 2:
 160.00  18.75 18.75 
 213.33  100.00 50.00  − 0.741
[ Pm ] = 
2  +   x103  −3
 160.00  − 18.75 − 18.75    x10
 0 . 689 
   
 − 213.33  50.00 100.00 

 160.00  − 1.0  159.0 kN

 213.33  − 39.6  173.7 kN − m
[ Pm ] =
2   +   =  
 160.00  1.0  161.0 kN
     
 − 213.33  31.9  − 181.4 kN − m
Summary of member final nodal forces
DOF M1 M2 M3
1 50.3 159.0 105.2 kN
2 25.6 173.7 181.4 kN-m
3 99.7 161.0 44.8 kN
4 -173.7 -181.4 0.0 kN-m

Stress resultant functions for member 2:

159 kN
V(x) = -159.0 + 40 x
161 kN
(note: equations are with respect to the right 3.975
hand coordinates, while diagrams are with
respect to the strength of materials sign 142.3 kN-m

M(x) = -173.7 + 159.0 x - 20 x2

173.7 181.4
kN-m kN-m

Example 6-5 Gable Frame with Member Load. Determine the stress resultant
function for member 2 of the gable frame in Example 6-2 if subject a gravity uniform
distributed load of 15 kN/m acting on members 2 and 3.

15 kN/m 15 kN/m

12 2.5 m
6.0 m

12 m 16 m

12 16
Again, since the structure geometry, members and materials are the same as in
Example 6-2, the structure stiffness is the same. What is required is the
determination of the structure nodal forces [ PEr ] = [ Pr - PFr - Krs Us ]. With no
nodal forces and support movement, [ PEr ] = [-PFr], with [PF] = [ E ] [PMF].

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-17

The member fixed-end forces are conveniently determined with respect to the member
local axis. The member loads in local coordinates are determined by a rotational
transformation: [wix wiy]T = [Ri] [wy(Global)] with [Ri]T = [sinθi cosθi]

Load wx wy L cosθ sinθ

M1 -3.059 -14.685 12.258 0.979 0.204
M2 2.316 -14.82 16.194 0.988 -0.154

The fixed-end forces for a prismatic member subject to uniform distributed load
 − w x L 2
 w y L 2
 
 w y L2 12
[ PmF ] =  
 − w x L 2
 w y L 2
 
 − w y L 12

Member Fixed-End Forces in Local coordinates:

DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 0 18.75 -18.75 0 kN
2 0 90.00 120.00 0 kN
3 0 183.86 323.86 0 kN-m
4 0 18.75 -18.75 0 kN
5 0 90.00 120.00 0 kN
6 0 -183.86 -323.88 0 kN-m

Member Fixed-End Forces Global coordinates: [PmG] = [RGL] [PmL]

cos 𝜃𝜃 −sin 𝜃𝜃 0
[𝑅𝑅𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 ] = � 𝐿𝐿 Φ
� 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ [𝐿𝐿] = � sin 𝜃𝜃 cos 𝜃𝜃 0�
0 0 1

DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 0 0 0 0 kN
2 0 91.93 121.46 0 kN
3 0 183.86 323.88 0 kN-m
4 0 0 0 0 kN
5 0 91.93 121.46 0 kN
6 0 -183.86 -323.88 0 kN-m

[PFr] is assembled using the destination table elements.

[PFr] = [ 0. 91.93 183.86 | 0. 213.39 140.02 | 0. 121.46 -323.88 ]
and [PEr] = -[PFr]
[PEr] = [ 0. -91.93 -183.86 | 0. -213.39 -140.02 | 0. -121.46 323.88 ]
From Example 6-2

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6-18 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

 137.1 27.6 11.9 − 132.9 − 27.6 − 0.6 0. 0. 0. 

 27.6 356.2 2.7 − 27.6 − 6.2 2.7 0. 0. 0. 
 
 11.9 2.7 72.8 0.6 − 2.7 11.4 0. 0. 0. 
 
 − 132.9 − 27.6 0.6 235.4 11.6 0.8 − 102.5 16.0 0.2
[ K rr ] =  − 27.6 − 6.2 − 2.7 11.6 8.9 − 1.2 16.0 − 2.7 1.6 103
 
 − 0.6 2.7 11.4 0.8 − 1.2 40.1 − 0.2 − 1.6 8.6
 0. 0. 0. − 102.5 16.0 − 0.2 106.6 − 16.0 12.2
 
 0. 0. 0. 16.0 − 2.7 − 1.6 − 16.0 352.7 − 1.6
 12.2 − 1.6 67.3 
 0. 0. 0. 0.2 1.6 8.6
Solving for [Ur] = [Krr] [Pr]
T -3
[Ur] = [ -45.85 -0.61 -2.25 | 2.22 -239.82 -11.29 | 37.37 -0.61 5.08] x10
Final member forces are the sum of the fixed-end case and the equivalent joint load
case: [Pm] = [PmF] + [Km] [Um]

Member nodal displacements, [Um], in global coordinates

DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 0 -45.85 -2.25 0 x10-3 m
2 0 -0.61 2.22 0 x10-3 m
3 0 -2.25 -239.82 0 x10-3 rad
4 -45.85 -2.25 37.37 37.37 x10-3 m
5 -0.61 2.22 -0.61 -0.61 x10-3 m
6 -2.25 -239.82 5.08 5.08 x10-3 rad

Member nodal forces in global coordinates: [PmE] = [Km] [Um]

DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 219.16 219.16 219.16 -219.16 kN
2 212.61 120.67 -92.71 214.17 kN
3 -629.36 501.72 -538.50 594.04 kN-m
4 -219.16 -219.16 -219.16 219.16 kN
5 -212.61 -120.67 92.71 -214.17 kN
6 -685.59 398.48 -397.03 720.91 kN-m
Member total nodal forces in global coordinates: [Pm] = [PmF] + [PmE]
DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 219.16 219.16 219.16 -219.16 kN
2 212.61 212.61 28.74 214.17 kN
3 -629.36 685.59 -214.61 594.04 kN-m
4 -219.16 -219.16 -219.16 219.16 kN
5 -212.61 -28.74 214.17 -214.17 kN
6 -685.59 214.61 -720.91 720.91 kN-m

Note, the A-end forces for the columns in global coordinates are equal to the support
reactions for the structure.

Member total nodal forces in local coordinates: [Pm(local)] = [RLG] [Pm(global)]

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-19

DOF M1 M2 M3 M4
1 212.61 257.91 212.09 214.17 kN
2 -219.16 163.44 62.23 219.16 kN
3 -629.36 685.59 -214.61 594.04 kN-m
4 -212.61 -220.41 -249.59 -214.17 kN
5 219.16 16.56 177.77 -219.16 kN
6 -685.59 214.61 -720.91 720.91 kN-m

The stress resultant functions for member 2 are:

N(x) = -257.91 + 3.059 x kN -257.9 -220.4

kN kN

V(x) = -163.44 + 14.685 x kN kN
11.13 m kN

223.7 kN-m
M(x) = -685.59 + 163.44 x - 7.3425 x2 kN-m kN-m



The same superposition procedure used for member loads can be applied to
the problem of the structure subject to other types of action. The fixed-end
case will consist of the structure subject to the given action, with the addition
of nodal forces that prevent any nodal displacements. The equivalent load
case involves the structure with the negative of the fixing nodal forces.

Support Movement. Support movement problems can also be handled

using the superposition approach rather than determining the equivalent
nodal forces by -[Krs] [Us]. In general, use of superposition is simpler and
more computationally efficient than the later procedure. Thus for practical
purposes the nodal displacement may be determined using [Ur] = [Krr]-1 [Pr -
PFr] or [Ur] = [Krr]-1 [Pr + PEr] for any actions. The form involving [PEr] = -
[PFr], stresses the point that for actions other than nodal forces, the actions
have to be converted into an equivalent set of nodal forces.

Consider the example of the frame shown in Figure 6-3 subject to a vertical
support settlement at the right support. The fixed-end part consist of the
structure with the given support movement and fixing forces to prevent any
nodal displacement. It should be clear that the fixing force consist of a
vertical upward force as shown to prevent that joint from moving downward
(only none zero nodal forces along the relative degrees of freedom are shown
in the figure).

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman

6-20 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis


= +

∆ ∆
Actual Problem = Fixed-End Part + Equivalent Joint Load Part
Figure 6-3 Superposition Solution for Structures with Support Movement

Imposed Discrete Displacement. Discrete displacements include problems

involving members being too long or too short (compared to that required),
members with a kink or lateral displacement of the centroid (when member is
intended to be straight) as shown in Figure 6-4. Some authors refer to these
types of problems as fabrication errors. However, imposed displacements
may also be used in determining the influence lines for structures using the
Meuller-Breslau Principle.

∆ θ
required length

a) Member too Short b) Member Kink c) Transverse Displacement

Figure 6-4 Imposed Discrete Displacement

Distributed Displacements. These actions include volumetric changes due

to changes in temperature, creep and shrinkage. Creep and shrinkage is
particular to reinforced concrete construction. Creep refers to the
deformation due to sustained loading. As concrete has a very low tensile
strength, creep strains occurs for concrete in compression. Shrinkage of
concrete is primarily due to loss of moisture due to drying.

The solution procedure for these types of action is identical to member loads.
The difference will be in the determination of the fixed-end forces for these


The analysis procedure for all the above actions requires the determination of
the member fixed-end forces. For a prismatic member several references are
available where the fixed end forces are given for several types of loading.
Most, if not all the equations found in the references assume that shear
deformations are negligible. Chapter 8 of these notes presents a discussion of
the determination of fixed-end forces, particularly for member loads, using
the Flexibility or Force Method.

While at the member level, it is always convenient to use the member or local
coordinates. Prior to generating the [PF] vector of the structure, a rotational
transformation of the fixed-end forces will be required.

The following are special cases which can be presented without a formal
discussion of the Flexibility Method.

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-21

Support Movement. Assume that the B-end of the member shown in Figure
6-9 is given the support displacement [Us].
UB = Us
Figure 6-9 Fixed-End Problem – Support Movement

It should be recognized that this problem is identical to imposing a specific

set of nodal displacements on the member. Thus the fixed-end forces for this
problem can be determined directly by applying the force-displacement
[PF] = [Km] [U] (6-29)
where [U] for the member in Figure 6-9 is given by
U A  Φ
[U ] =   =  
U B  U s 
K K Φ K 
and [P F ] =  AA AB    =  AB  [U s ]
 K BA K BB  U s   K BB 
or again we can determine [PFB] = [KBB] [Us]
and using equilibrium [PFA] = -[HAB] [PFB]

Imposed Discrete Displacements. These types of problems can be solved

using the method of consistent deformation or superposition. The method
involves replacing the problem by an equivalent one in which the fixed-end
forces at the B-end is taken as forces (still unknown) then dividing the
problem into two cases: Case 0 for the member with the imposed
displacement and Case 1 for the member with the unknown forces at ‘B’.
Without the forces at ‘B’, point ‘B’ will displace by an amount [UB0] in Case 0.
The problem becomes one of determining the set of end forces that produces
a displacement at ‘B’ of [UB1] = -[U0]. The problem becomes the same at that
of support movement above, such that
[PF] = -[Km] [U0] (6-30)
Figures 6-10 to 12 illustrates the procedure for a fixed-free primary structure.
For a straight line element, a change in length produces only an axial fixed
end force.
UB0 = -∆ UB

= +
a) fixed-end case = b) case ‘0’ + c) case ‘1’
Figure 6-10 Fixed-End Forces – Member too Short

Verify that the fixed-end forces (axial) for a prismatic member which is
fabricated ∆L (positive for an increase in length) are:
AE 1
[ PF ] = ∆L  
L − 1

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6-22 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

The kink and transverse displacement will not produce a change in length
assuming small displacements, and therefore the axial terms are not shown in
the figures.
( L − a )θ 
[U B0 ] =   PB
θ  θ 
= +
a θ a
a) fixed-end case = b) case ‘0’ + c) case ‘1’
Figure 6-11 Fixed-End Forces – Member with Kink

For a prismatic member with a kink the fixed-end forces are:

 6( L − 2a ) / L3 
 
( 4 L − 6a ) / L2 
[ PF ] =  EI θ
 − 6( L − 2a ) / L3 
 2 
 ( 2 L − 6a ) / L 


[U 0B ] =   PB
0 
= +
a a

a) fixed-end case = b) case ‘0’ + c) case ‘1’

Figure 6-12 Fixed-End Forces – Member with Transverse Displacement

For a prismatic member with a discrete transverse displacement the fixed-end

forces are:
 12 EI / L3 
 
 6 EI / L2 
[ PF ] = ∆
 − 12 EI / L3 
 2 
 6 EI / L 

Change in Temperature. This type of problem requires the function of the

variation of temperature throughout the member. The simplest case is when
the change is temperature is the same throughout the depth, width and
length of the member. For members that can be modeled as line elements, the
change in the cross-sectional dimension is normally not considered as these
will be much smaller than the change in length of the member. The change is
length is calculated as ∆LT = αT ∆T L. Where αT is the coefficient of thermal
expansion (which is strain per degree temperature change), ∆T is the change
in temperature (positive for an increase in temperature – equivalent to
applying a tensile force) and L is the length of the member. Once the
change in length is determined, the solution is identical to members being too
long or short.

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-23

7.4 Fixed-End Forces of Members with Releases by Static Condensation.

The following examples determine the fixed-end forces for members with a
release, given the fixed-end forces for the member without a release.

Example 7-3 Fixed-end forces for member with hinge release by static
condensation. Determine the fixed-end forces for the prismatic member with
a hinge release at the right end from the fixed-end forces of a prismatic
member without a hinge. (this is applicable for any actions producing fixed-
end forces in general although a uniform distributed load is shown) P
1 3 Pmf1 Pmf3

a) Member with hinge release b) Member without a release

Solution: P*u = [Pu - Kuc Kcc-1 Pc ]

  Pmf 1   k14  
   
 
[P ]
u = 

 Pmf 2  −
k 24 [ ]
 Pmf 4

  k 44  
  Pmf 3   k 34  
 
or using COFAB = k24/k44

 Pmf 1   (1 + COFAB ) / L  

   
[P ]
u = 

 Pmf 2  −  COFAB [ ]
 Pmf 4

   

  Pmf 3  − (1 + COFAB ) / L 

If the hinge release is introduced at the A-end rather than the B-end.

1 Pmf1 Pmf3

  Pmf 1   k12  
   
 
[P ]
u = 

 Pmf 3  −
k 32 [ ]
 Pmf 2

  k 22  
 
  Pmf 4   k 42  
or using COFBA = k42 /k22

 Pmf 1   (1 + COFBA ) / L  

   
[P ]
u = 

 Pmf 3  − − (1 + COFBA ) / L [ ]
 Pmf 2

   
  
  Pmf 4  COFBA  
For a prismatic member with a hinge at the B-end.
 1.5 / L 
 
[ K uc ][K cc ] −1 [ ]
Pc =  0.5  Pmf 4 ( )
 
− 1.5 / L 

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman

6-24 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

For a uniform distributed load:

  wL / 2   1.5 / L  
  2    
[ ]
P *u = 

 wL /12 −  0.5  −[wL2

     
  wL / 2  − 1.5 / L  
5wL / 8
[ P*u ] =  wL2 / 8 
3wL / 8

Equation (7-6), P*u = [Pu - Kuc Kcc-1 Pc ], represents the redistribution in the
nodal forces when the nodal force along the condensed degrees of freedom is
released (force resultant is made zero as required).

Similar to the stiffness matrix, the physical interpretation of the equation P*u
= [Pu - Kuc Kcc-1 Pc ] can be visualized as the sum of two cases as shown in
Figure 7-14 for a prismatic member. The first case is the represents condition
when both ends are fixed, while the second case represents removal of the
moment at the hinge by applying the negative of the fixed-end moment at that

wL2/8 - wL2/12 wL2/24 wL2/12

w wL2/12 w
= +
wL/2 wL/8 wL/8
5wL/8 3wL/8 wL/2

Figure 7-14 Interpretation of in P*u = [Pu - Kuc Kcc-1 Pc ] Example 7-3

Example 7-4 Fixed-end forces for member with guide release by static
condensation. Determine the fixed-end forces for the line element with a
guide release at the right end from the fixed-end forces of a prismatic member
without a release.
w 3 Pmf4
2 Pmf2

1 Pmf1 Pmf3

Solution: P*u = [Pu - Kuc Kcc-1 Pc ]

  Pmf 1   k13  
   
 
[P ] *
u = 

 Pmf 2  −
k 23 [ ]
 Pmf 3

  k 33  
 
  Pmf 4   k 43  

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-25

  Pmf 1   −1  
   
 
[ ]
Pu =   P  − k 23 / k 33  Pmf 3 
  mf 2 
[ ] 
 P    
  mf 4   k 43 / k 33  
For a prismatic member the fixed-end forces for the member with a guide
release at the B-end is as follows.
  Pmf 1   1  
   
 
[ ]
Pu =   P  + 0.5 L  Pmf 3 
  mf 2 
[ ] 
 P    
  mf 4  0.5 L  
if the load is a uniformly distributed load:
  wL / 2   1  
     
[ ]
P * u =   wL2 /12  + 0.5 L  [wL / 2]
  
 − wL2 /12   
    . L 
0 5 
 wL  Pmf3 = wL2/6
 2  Pmf2 = wL2/3 w
[ P * u ] =  wL / 3
 
 wL2 / 6 Pmf1 = wL

Example 6-6 Gable Frame subject to support movement. This is the same
problem as Example 6-3 where the right support is subject to a support movement
equal to a horizontal translation of 0.050 m to the right, a downward translation of
0.025 m and a clockwise rotation of 0.001 rad. However, rather than determining
the load vector as [PEr] = -[Krs][Us], superposition will be used, i.e. [PEr] = -[PFr]

2.5 m

6 m

12 m 16 m Us

The fixed-end case is shown in the figure below. This involves the structure subject
to the given action (support movement, [Us]T = [ 0.050 m -0.025 m -0.001 rad ])
and nodal forces, [PF], which prevents any nodal displacements.

Only members connected to supports with non-zero support movement will generate
end forces. Considering member 4 for the example, the fixed-end forces are the forces
required to produce a displacement at its A-end, [UmA] = [Us]

Us UmA = Us

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman

6-26 Notes on Matrix Structural Analysis

Thus the fixed-end forces for member 4 is equal to [Km][Um]. The member stiffness
matrix and [Us] are in global coordinates so that the calculated end forces are also
already in global coordinates. Recognizing that UmB = Φ,
[𝑃𝑃𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ] = � 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 � [𝑈𝑈𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ]
 4.17 0. − 12.5   220.83
 0. 350.0 0.   − 8,750.0 
   0.050  
 − 12.5 0. 50.0   − 0.025 =  − 675 . 0 
[ P 4 mF ] =   x10
 
 
 − 4.17 0. 12.5   − 0.001  − 220.83
 0. − 350.0 0.   8,750.0 
   
 − 12.5 0. 25.0   − 650.0 
[PFr] is assembled using the destination table elements for member 4.
[PFr] = [ 0. 0. 0. | 0. 0. 0. | -220.8 8,750. -650. ]
and [PEr] = -[PFr]
[PEr] = [ 0. 0. 0. | 0. 0. 0. | 220.8 -8,750. 650. ]

Example 6-7 Planar truss subject to a change in temperature. Determine the

member forces for the plane truss of Example 6-1 if members 4, 5 and 6 are subjected
to an increase in temperature of 20OC. The coefficient of thermal expansion, αT =
12.0 x 10-6 /OC.

m5 m8 m6
m7 m9 m10

m1 m2 m3

Solution: Since the structure stiffness has been determined in Example 6-1, the
solution here starts with determination of the load vector [PEr] due to the change in

The fixed-end forces for the affected members are due to the change in lengths
resulting from the change in temperature. In local coordinates:
[PBF] = -[KBB] [∆LT] = -(AE/L) (αT ∆T L) = -αT AE ∆T = -72 kN

Members L (m) cos(θ) sin(θ) AE (kN) AE/L (kN/m)

4 8 1.0 0. 300,000 37,000
5 9.434 0.848 0.530 300,000 31,800
6 9.434 -0.848 0.530 300,000 31,800

ABJ Jr - Jun 2011

Displacement Method 6-27

Member fixed –end forces in global coordinates:

DOF m4 m5 m6
1 72.0 61.06 -61.06 kN
2 0 38.16 38.16
3 -72.0 -61.06 61.06
4 0 -38.16 -38.16

Assemble [PFR]
[PFr] = [ 0. 0. 0. | 0. -61.06 10.94 | -38.16 -10.94 -38.16 ]
and [PEr] = -[PFr]
[PEr] = [ 0. 0. 0. | 0. 61.06 -10.94 | 38.16 10.94 38.16 ]

7 6 9 8

2 4
1 3
Solving for [Ur] = [Krr] [Pr]
T -3
[Ur] = [ 0. 5.95 -0.26 | 5.95 -0.26 -0.96 | 5.81 0.70 5.81 ] x10 m

Final member forces are the sum of the fixed-end case and the equivalent joint load
case: [Pm] = [PmF] + [Km] [Um]

Member nodal displacements, [Um], in global coordinates

DOF m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10
1 0 0 -0.26 -0.96 0 -0.26 0 -0.26 0 -0.26
2 0 5.95 5.95 5.81 0 0 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 x 10-3
3 0 -0.26 -0.26 0.70 -0.96 0.70 -0.96 0.70 0.70 -0.96
4 5.95 5.95 0 5.81 5.81 5.81 38.16 5.81 5.81 5.81

B-end member nodal forces in global coordinates: [PmE] = [Km] [Um]

DOF m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10
3 0 -9.75 0 62.25 61.06 -61.06 0 0 9.75 -9.75
4 0 0 0 0 38.16 38.16 -6.1 -6.1 6.1 6.1

B-end member total nodal forces in global coordinates: [Pm] = [PmF] + [PmE]
DOF m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10
3 0 -9.75 0 -9.75 0 0 0 0 9.75 -9.75
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6.1 -6.1 6.1 6.1

B-end member total forces in local coordinates:

DOF m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10
2 0 -9.75 0 -9.75 0 0 -6.1 -6.1 11.5 11.5 kN

Institute of Civil Engineering, UP Diliman

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