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Talanta 51 (2000) 717 – 725

Thick-target PIGE analysis of plant materials

preconcentrated by dry ashing
K.-E. Saarela a,*, L. Harju a, J.-O. Lill b,c, J. Rajander a, A. Lindroos d,
S.-J. Heselius c
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, A, bo Akademi Uni6ersity, FIN-20500 Turku, Finland
Department of Physics, A, bo Akademi Uni6ersity, FIN-20500 Turku, Finland
Turku PET Centre, Accelerator Laboratory, A, bo Akademi Uni6ersity, FIN-20500 Turku, Finland
Department of Geology and Mineralogy, A, bo Akademi Uni6ersity, FIN-20500 Turku, Finland
Received 5 July 1999; received in revised form 14 October 1999; accepted 8 November 1999


Plant materials were dry ashed at 550°C and analysed using particle-induced prompt gamma-ray emission (PIGE).
The analyses were performed with an external beam of 3 MeV protons incident on the target. Seven biological
certified reference materials were analysed and used for the evaluation of the method for Na, Mg, Al, P and Mn. The
elemental concentration to detection limit ratios were greatly enhanced by dry ashing of the biological materials. The
concentrations of the elements in ashes were clearly above the values at which reliable analyses can be made. The
method was applied to samples of spruce and pine. Due to the low ash content of the wood samples, the sensitivity
of the method was radically improved. The detection limits for the five elements studied in spruce wood were in the
range 0.014–2.5 mg g − 1. The set-up and the beam current used enabled simultaneous particle-induced X-ray emission
spectrometry (PIXE) analyses, with the sensitivity optimised for heavier trace elements. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: PIGE; Dry ashing; CRMs; Plant materials

1. Introduction excited nucleus is produced by a nuclear reaction,

normally a (p,p’ g), (p, g), (p,n g) or (p,a g)
Particle-induced g-ray emission (PIGE) is an reaction. The g-ray emitted in the de-excitation is
analytical technique based upon the measurement detected and the nucleus can be identified from
of g-ray emission from a sample irradiated with the g-ray energy. However, this nucleus can be a
ions from a particle accelerator [1,2]. In PIGE an product of different nuclear reactions. It is there-
fore difficult to identify the target nucleus and
furthermore to relate the detected g-yield to the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +358-2-2154-140; fax: +
358-2-2154-479. concentration of a nuclide or an element in the
E-mail address: (K.-E. Saarela) sample. The g-ray yield changes rapidly with the

0039-9140/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 9 - 9 1 4 0 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 3 2 6 - 4
718 K.-E. Saarela et al. / Talanta 51 (2000) 717–725

incident particle energy. Therefore thick-target g- tions in wood are of great industrial importance.
ray yields have been measured and tabulated for Results obtained by PIXE-analyses of trunk wood
different particle energies [3 – 6]. Collected data have been earlier reported by our group [9,10].
can be found in the book by Bird and Williams
A flexible experimental set-up for external- 2. Experimental
beam particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE)
analyses of thick solid samples has been devel- 2.1. Instrumental set-up
oped at the Accelerator Laboratory of A, bo
Akademi University [7]. The PIXE technique has Most of the set-up was earlier used in thick-
been employed mainly in the analysis of biological target PIXE analyses and is described in detail
materials. In recent years the sensitivity has been elsewhere [11]. The set-up includes a photo-multi-
optimised for the analyses of heavier trace ele- plier (PM) tube monitoring light from the beam
ments [8–11]. Biological samples were also dry path. The current from the PM-tube is integrated
ashed prior to the analyses in order to increase the over the acquisition time and used for normalising
sensitivity for these elements [8]. The gain for peak areas in the obtained spectra [14]. The parti-
different biological materials was related to the cle beam of the A, bo Akademi MGC-20 cyclotron
ash content of the material studied [11]. In the was collimated to a diameter of 1 mm. An Intrin-
PIXE analyses the sensitivity was hampered espe- sic Germanium Planar (IGP) detector was used
cially by the high content of potassium. The spec- for detecting X-ray emission from the irradiated
tral background in PIGE is, however, not sample and a High-Purity Germanium detector
expected to be negatively affected. This is due to a (Model: GMX-25195-S) for measuring the g-ray
low g-ray yield for elements like K and Ca. The emission. The resolution (FWHM) for the HPGe
gain in PIGE can therefore be greater. detector was 2.6 keV at 1332 keV (60Co) at mea-
Light elements that can be determined with suring conditions. The g-detector was placed 35
PIGE are often difficult to analyse with other mm behind the target at an angle of 45 degrees
methods. The instrumental methods generally with respect to the beam path (Fig. 1). Every
used, demand the often laborious step of sample sample was irradiated for about 11 min with a
dissolution. Dissolution of ashes is often trouble- beam of 3 MeV protons. The beam spot was
some and is, e.g. in the case of aluminium, a changed every 90 s. The recorded spectra were
principal source of error in quantitative analyses analysed using the SAMPO90 computer program
[12]. Dry ashing with modern programmable fur- [15].
naces does not require constant operator attention
and is therefore not a laborious step in the analyt- 2.2. Sampling of trunk wood
ical procedure. If the ash can be analysed without
dissolution the enrichment can be effectively Samples of wood were taken in 1994 from a
benefited. polluted area, Harjavalta (x= 22° 10% 12¦ E, y=
The use of external-beam PIGE spectrometry 61° 21% 27¦ N), where a Cu–Ni smelter has been
has been rather limited [13] and biological appli- active for about 50 years. For Harjavalta, PIXE
cations are limited to a few studies of mainly results reported earlier by our group [10] showed
biomedical samples. In the present work PIGE is elevated concentrations of heavy metal ions. The
evaluated as a complementary technique to thick- other sampling site, Merimasku (x= 21° 48% 49¦
target PIXE performed with 3 MeV protons. The E, y=60° 29% 48¦ N), represents a relatively un-
elements Na, Mg, Al, P and Mn are analysed in polluted area in the Turku archipelago. The sam-
dry ashed plant materials with PIGE. The method ples from Merimasku were taken in 1997. Mainly
is evaluated by seven biological certified reference Norway spruce (Picea abies) was studied in this
materials (CRMs) and applied to the analyses of work. Discs were cut of the stem within 0.5 m
wood materials. Data on the elemental concentra- above the ground. In the laboratory, the sampling
K.-E. Saarela et al. / Talanta 51 (2000) 717–725 719

was made by cutting or drilling the disc in a spectroscopically pure graphite. The obtained pel-
sectorial pattern in order to get a representative lets were 1.5 mm thick with a polycarbonate
sample of the trunk [9,10]. backing of 0.5 mm. A pure graphite pellet was
also prepared and irradiated for an equally long
time as the samples to determine the spectral
2.3. Dry ashing and sample preparation background for the set-up.
The CRMs and the wood samples were dried at
2.4. Calibration
105°C in order to obtain the concentrations on
dry matter basis. The dry ashing of the biological
Experimentally obtained calibration constants
materials was performed with a Nabertherm Pro-
KZ for the elements are used for quantification of
gram Controller S 27 oven to 550°C. Amounts of
both the nonashed and the ashed samples. These
1–3 g of the CRMs and 10 – 20 g of the wood
constants reflect the experimental conditions, in-
samples were weighed for the dry ashing. The
cluding, e.g. geometry and the stopping power of
temperature was increased very slowly, especially
the two types of samples analysed. The stopping
in the range 200 – 350°C, to ensure a complete
power in a sample is related to the atomic num-
charring. The pyrolysis is an important step of the
bers of the matrix elements. No stopping-power
procedure and a prerequisite for an ashing tem-
corrections are performed in this work. The cali-
perature not exceeding the adjusted furnace
bration constants KZ are calculated from the peak
areas YZ according to
Both the ashes and the original biological mate-
rials were pressed to pellets on a backing of KZ = C ZY·QZPM

Fig. 1. Set-up for external-beam PIXE/PIGE analyses of thick samples. The particle beam enters from the right and the g-ray
detector is down to the left.
720 K.-E. Saarela et al. / Talanta 51 (2000) 717–725

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Spectrum interpretation and background


In Fig. 2 the PIGE spectra for both nonashed

and ashed Wood Fuel are given. For simplicity
only the peaks of Mn-55 (126 keV), Mg-25 (585
keV), P-31 (1266 keV), Al-27 (171, 844 and 1014
keV) and Na-23 (440 and 1636 keV) are marked.
These peaks are a result of nuclear excitation by
inelastic scattering and correspond to transitions
to the ground state except for the 171 keV peak of
Al and the 1636 keV peak of Na, which feed the
transitions to the ground states. The peaks from
Mg and Mn are lost in the background of the
spectrum of the biological sample.
The aluminium line at 171 keV (more precisely
170.68 keV) corresponds to a transition between
the 1014 keV (1014.43 keV) and the 844 keV
(843.76 keV) energy levels and has the lowest
yield of these three lines. The lower yield is partly
compensated by the higher detector efficiency in
this spectral region. No background peak was
observed at 171 keV. At 1014 and 844 keV there
were contributions from the aluminium in the
Fig. 2. PIGE-spectra of nonashed and dry ashed Wood Fuel
(NJV 94-5).
surrounding constructions, like the beam line, as
the set-up was originally designed for thick-target
PIXE. The background contributions to the Al
where CZ is the certified concentration of the lines in Wood Fuel were 40% of the peak areas
element Z and QPM the integrated charge on the for the biological material but only 1% of the
target. Elemental concentrations in the ashed peak areas for the ashes. The background contri-
samples are calculated from the ash content. As- bution was subtracted from the peak areas in the
calculations of the concentrations.
suming constant isotopic ratios for the elements
The yield at 440 keV from Na-23 was higher
the g-ray yield from a certain nuclide can be
than at 1636 keV. However the measurement of
considered representative for the element.
background radiation revealed a peak at 440 keV.
The following CRMs are used for calibration
This background contribution was 0.6–4.0% for
and evaluation of the method: Pine Needles SRM the ashes compared to 8–60% for the biological
1575 and Tomato Leaves SRM 1573 from Na- materials.
tional Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), Energy Grass (Phalaris arundinace L.) 3.2. Determined calibration constants
reference material NJV 94-4, Energy Forest
(Salix) NJV 94-3, Wood Fuel NJV 94-5 and Calibration constants KZ determined and used
Energy Peat (Carex) NJV 94-1 from the Swedish in this work are presented in Table 1. The con-
University of Agricultural Sciences and Wheat stants were determined both for ashed material
Flour ARC/CL-3 from the Agricultural Research (KZ,ASH) and nonashed material (KZ,BIO). In the
Centre of Finland. calculation of the elemental calibration constants,
K.-E. Saarela et al. / Talanta 51 (2000) 717–725 721

CRMs with high certified concentration and small mended concentrations and their intervals are in-
confidence intervals were used. The elemental cluded in Table 2. Consensus values compiled by
concentrations in the ashed CRMs were calcu- Roelandts and Gladney for Na and Mg in Pine
lated from the ash content obtained in the dry Needles and Na in Tomato Leaves are included as
ashing process and used in the calculation of well [16]. All five analyte elements were certified
calibration constants for the ashed material only in one of the seven CRMs analysed. For
KZ,ASH. most elements and lines, results obtained with
The ratios of KZ,BIO to KZ,ASH are also included combined dry ashing and PIGE analyses agreed
in the table. This ratio will be independent of the with the certified values. Manganese and also in
concentration of the analyte element in the origi- some cases, magnesium and aluminium, were im-
nal sample. The KZ,BIO/KZ,ASH ratios, mostly in possible to detect without preconcentration. Re-
the range 1.1 – 1.3, reflect the poor counting sults obtained for all five elements without
statistics for some of the nonashed samples, the preceding dry ashing differed greatly from those
interference from the background radiation and reported. The discrepancies can be attributed to
the matrix effects. The type of calibration stan- the low concentrations in nonashed materials and
dard should be similar to that of the sample. to the background contributions discussed in
KZ,BIO should be used when analysing biological chapter 3.1.
samples and KZ,ASH for analyses of ashed samples. From the results in Table 2 it can be concluded
that no major losses of any of the above men-
3.3. Validation of the method for quantitati6e tioned elements occur during the dry ashing. Ac-
analyses cording to Bock [12] no Mg or Al will be lost
during dry ashing at 550°C. When the sample
The results of the PIGE determinations of Na, results in an alkaline ash it can safely be ashed up
Mg, Al, P and Mn in the seven biological CRMs to 800°C without loss of phosphorous. According
are shown in Table 2, where quantification was to Gorsuch [17] upper limits of 500–550°C seem
done by using the g-lines with the highest KZ-val- to be advisable for manganese. Losses of sodium
ues in Table 1. The results were obtained in single will be, to some extent, a function of both the
PIGE determinations. The certified or recom- chemical form in which the element occurs and

Table 1
Calibration constants (Kz) for biological materials and corresponding ashes (Energy Forest, Na, Wheat Flour, Mg and P, Pine
Needles, Mn and Al)a

Nuclide Energy (keV) Biological sample Ashed sample Ratio KZ,BIO/KZ,ASH

Concentration KZ Concentration KZ

Na-23 440 0.029 3.14 1.81 3.69 0.85

Na-23 1636 0.029 0.637 1.81 0.561 1.13
Mg-25 390 0.562 n.d. 61.8 0.0222
Mg-25 585 0.562 0.0477 61.8 0.0381 1.25
Mg-25 975 0.562 n.d. 61.8 0.0101
Mg-26 1809 0.562 n.d. 61.8 0.00111
Al-27 171 0.545 0.0880 22.1 0.0457 1.92
Al-27 844 0.545 0.251 22.1 0.190 1.32
Al-27 1014 0.545 0.314 22.1 0.265 1.19
P-31 1266 2.09 0.0699 230 0.0553 1.26
Mn-55 126 0.675 n.d. 27.4 0.0445
Mn-55 931 0.675 n.d. 27.4 0.0325

Elemental concentrations are in mg g−1 by dry weight. n.d., not determined.
Table 2
Elemental concentrations in CRMs obtained by PIGE analysesa

Element /Energy Obtained con- Energy Forest Wood Fuel Energy Peat Energy Grass Pine Needles Tomato Leaves Wheat Flour
(keV) centration NJV-94-3 NJV 94-5 NJV 94-1 NJV 94-4 SRM 1575 SRM 1573 ARC/CL-3

Ash (%) 1.603 1.221 3.963 6.762 2.466 19.410 0.909

Na certified 29 94.3 40 912 (80 9 56) (300 9150) 36 9 16b 4809 100b
440 by preconc. 39.7 32.2 240 31.6 495 4.4

K.-E. Saarela et al. / Talanta 51 (2000) 717–725

1636 by preconc. 35.9 32.5 239 28.6 516 4.0
440 direct analysis 37.5 23.1 243 31.4 311 17.0
1636 direct analysis 31.8 11.1 182 23.7 248 24.9
Mg certified 340 9 36 300 9 18 770 9 89 880 974 1180 9120b (7000) 562 9 10
585 by preconc. 339 294 844 963 1090 5730
585 direct analysis 361 357 719 742 4092
Al certified (20 9 15) 260 9 32 900 979 1800 9 170 545 9 30 (1200)
171 by preconc. 32.8 273 992 1740 1380 11.6
844 by preconc. 18.0 269 997 1490 1220 8.3
1014 by preconc. 17.7 269 957 1490 1180 7.8
171 direct analysis 198 419 978 642
844 direct analysis 296 664 1230 893
1014 direct analysis 345 703 1440 979
P certified 500 9 100 210 9 28 450 979 1090 9 90 1200 9 200 34009 200 2090 9 140
1266 by preconc. 639 203 406 1235 1050 3600
1266 direct analysis 813 571 642 1310 1270 2760
Mn certified 60 911 210 9 38 36 9 3.8 160 9 16 675 9 15 238970 12.87 90.34
126 by preconc. 86.4 203 48.3 159 242
931 by preconc. 60.2 190 44.8 123 306

Certified concentrations are in bold face and recommended within brackets, the underlined concentrations were used for calculating the calibration constants (Table
1) and for quantification, all concentrations are in mg g−1 by dry weight.
Consensus values according to Roelandts and Gladney [16].
K.-E. Saarela et al. / Talanta 51 (2000) 717–725 723

Table 3
Concentration to detection limit ratios (C/DL) in the biological CRMs, Energy Forest (Na, Mg, P, Mn) and Wood Fuel (Al) and
in their corresponding ashesa

Element Energy (keV) Nonashed material Dry-ashed material


Energy Forest
Na 440 29 1.4 20.4 1800 4.1 439
Mg 585 340 165 2.1 21 000 405 52
P 1266 500 94 5.3 31 000 237 131
Mn 126 60 3740 723 5
Wood Fuel
Al 1014 260 21 30 21 000 89 237

Concentrations are in mg g−1.

the nature of the material in which it is found [17]. method is radically improved, due to the high
Ashing temperatures of both 450 and 550°C have preconcentration factor obtained.
been recommended for biological material [12].
3.5. Analysis of trunk wood
3.4. Limits of detection and quantitati6e
determination The generally low ash content of spruce and
pine wood makes this type of sample especially
The enrichment obtained by dry ashing clearly suitable for the analytical method described. The
improves the accuracy of the analyses. The results of the analyses of some trunk wood sam-
concentration to detection limit (C/DL) ratios for ples by combined dry ashing and thick-target
some energy lines of elements in both the nonashed PIGE are given in Table 4. Elemental lines given
Energy Forest and Wood Fuel CRMs and the in Table 3 were used for analytical determina-
corresponding ashes are reported in Table 3. The tions. The concentrations of Na, Mg, Al, P and
detection limits were determined according to Mn are given for the nonashed material on dry
general practice as three times the square root of matter basis. Without enrichment by dry ashing
the background area below the peak divided by the the concentration levels of the elements observed
calibration constant [11]. were too low for quantification.
As a limit of quantification (LOQ) 10 times the Quite few data have been published on the
square root of the background (or ca 3.3× DL) has content of light elements in wood. This holds
been given [18]. Many of the concentrations in the especially for spruce wood. For the phosphorous
biological CRMs were too low to fulfil this concentration of spruce Young et al. [19] and
criterion. In Energy Forest the C/DL ratio 2.1 for Bailey et al. [20] report 50 mg g − 1, which is close
magnesium is too low for reliable quantification. to the values obtained in this work.
For the ashes the concentrations clearly exceed the The data for P and Mn from simultaneous
limits of quantification. PIXE-analyses are also given in Table 4 for com-
Table 3 clearly shows that the C/DL ratio has to parison. For manganese good agreement was ob-
be considered when directly analysing biological tained for the two methods. A systematic error
materials with thick-target PIGE. The detection can be seen for the samples from Merimasku as
limits for the ash matrix are higher than for the PIXE gave somewhat lower concentrations.
corresponding biological material. However, by Larger deviations were obtained for phosphorous
using dry ashing the over-all sensitivity of the between the two methods. The phosphorous con-
724 K.-E. Saarela et al. / Talanta 51 (2000) 717–725

centrations were close to the limit of quantitative optimised for external-beam thick-target particle-
determination for the PIXE method (LOQ = 53 mg induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis. The sam-
g − 1) [11]. The PIXE analyses of phosphorous are ples were analysed as thick targets. The elements
affected by escape peaks, low detector efficiency Na, Mg, Al, P and Mn were determined with the
and intense bremsstrahlung [21]. method. The PIGE analyses of low concentrations
By considering the ash percentage, the detection of elements are problematic due to contributions
limits for the whole analytical procedure can be from background radiation. However, by dry ash-
calculated. For the seven spruces analysed the mean ing the materials to 550°C prior to the analysis, the
ash concentration was 0.347 weight%. The detec- contributions from the background became negligi-
tion limits for Na, Mg, P, Mn and Al in ashes of ble.
plant materials can be seen from Table 3. When The method was evaluated using seven certified
using thick-target PIGE in combination with dry
reference materials. Experimental calibration con-
ashing the following detection limits were obtained
stants and detection limits were determined for the
for spruce wood: Na 0.014 mg g − 1, Mg 1.4 mg g − 1,
five elements in the nonashed and ashed sample.
Al 0.3 mg g − 1, P 0.8 mg g − 1 and Mn 2.5 mg g − 1.
Good agreements were obtained between certified
Hall [22] reported working detection limits for
tree-rings obtained by thin-target PIXE/PIGE and values and the results from the PIGE analyses of
different sample preparation techniques. The detec- the ashes. No significant losses of the elements
tion limits achieved for Na, Mg, Al and P in the studied were observed. The concentrations in the
present work with the thick-target technique are ashes were clearly above the limits of quantitative
clearly lower than those reported by Hall [22]. determination (LOQs).
In plant materials like wood the concentrations
in nonashed samples are well below the LOQs. In
4. Conclusions ashed samples the detection limits for PIGE are
somewhat higher than in nonashed samples. How-
Particle-induced g-ray emission (PIGE) analyses ever, considering the preconcentration factor, the
of plant materials were performed at conditions detection limits for the whole method were greatly

Table 4
Thick-target PIGE analyses of wood samples preconcentrated by dry ashinga

Sample Ash (%) PIGE PIXE

Na Mg Al P Mn P Mn

Pine 0.223 28.7 86 3.1 53 43 71 61
Spruce 1 0.322 18.5 70 2.5 35 22 41 17
Spruce 2 0.330 5.3 76 4.7 30 38 12 69
Spruce 1 0.320 3.0 107 6.4 23 23 17
Spruce 2 0.513 9.9 187 9.8 41 62 37 49
Spruce 3 0.319 5.5 95 9.9 21 31 30 22
Spruce 4 0.313 9.6 104 7.7 27 16 49 12
Spruce 5 0.314 5.4 120 5.8 72 24 85 19
Mean spruce 0.347 8.2 108 6.7 36 31 42 29
RSD (%) 21 64 36 40 50 50 57 73

The samples were collected from Harjavalta and Merimasku in SW Finland. The concentrations in the two last columns were
determined with PIXE. All concentrations are given as mg g−1 by dry weight.
K.-E. Saarela et al. / Talanta 51 (2000) 717–725 725

enhanced by the dry ashing. In spruce samples the [7] J.-O. Lill, K.-E. Saarela, F.J. Hernberg, S.-J. Heselius, L.
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average ash content was 0.347% by dry weight
[8] K.-E. Saarela, J.-O. Lill, F.J. Hernberg, L. Harju, A.
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sodium can be achieved. 466.
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Edinburgh, 1979, p. 444.
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