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I recommend you read this version first then keep an eye on the original link to see how the

moderators Err Umm Err moderate the comments allowed here in the future.

1. All of the commentators appear to be members of the blog-host, ie the Australian Labor Party
[Query, the comments facility seem restricted to members only?]

2) Do the comments contain more honesty, intelligence and heart than the original blog?

3) Would Australia be better or worse governed if our parlia'ment were filled by 150 citizens drawn at
'random' [For example via a tattslotto style draw, or a Vietnam-War style conscription process]
without the costs and bother of our current electoral processes such as 21 August 2010?

4) Did:

A: the (former)-Rudd-Gillard Government really Tax+Borrow+Spend+Waste and by doing so did it

“save” 22M Australians from the Global Financial Crisis that hit the other 6 Billion human beings
living outside of Australia? Or did

B: Australia's [Non-Government 'managed' and not-overly-Govt-regulated parts of its] private-

economy perform sufficiently well, eg due to record trade balances with China and India [ie nations
where approx 4Billion non-Australians live), in spite of any and all of the Pink-Batts, BER and other
overtaxing, overborrowing, over-wasting and over-spending of the former-Rudd-Gillard

I deliberately publish a wide range of people and ideas. See for example my tweets at . See also the library of blogs, articles and exhibits I have
stored online at . Sometimes these are people or ideas I like
a lot. Sometimes these are ideas I like only a little, or fractionally. Sometimes these are ideas that
I really don't like at all. For me, Freedom of Speech is a 2-way dynamic – it means I listen to,
respect and (hopefully) provide balanced commentary on all sorts of thoughts and ideas – to
encourage and stimulate free speaking and free speakers, as well as (hopefully) stimulating fresh
ideas for myself and for others.

Here is the original link:


Please Enjoy – and if stimluated to respond or react, please do so respectfully

(of yourself and of others) – 'Draft' first, 'Coffee or Tea' second and then
'Release' third (ie 30 mins later)?

Labor Blog

Labor-Greens agreement for an effective and stable

Julia Gillard posted Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Today, on behalf of the Australian Labor Party, Wayne Swan and I signed an agreement with the
Australian Greens.

Together, we have agreed to policies which promote the national interest. We have also agreed on
principals of transparent and accountable government. Importantly, we have agreed to address
climate change and that Australians need further action on dental care which should be included in
the 2011 Budget.

The signing of today’s agreement proves that together we can work in good faith to reach a consensus
to form the basis for stable and effective government. You can read the agreement here.

In addition to my discussions with the Australian Greens I have been in negotiations with the
Independents. Today, three of them have been briefed by Treasury and Finance who have outlined
the costings of our policies as well as those of the Opposition.

I want a transparent and accountable government, so I will ask the Independents if the costings of our
policies can be released publically. I will also call on Mr Abbott to do the same so for the first time
Australians can see the costings of his election policies.

Yesterday at the National Press Club I outlined my belief that Labor is best positioned to form a
stable and effective government. The agreement reached today proves that if we’re willing to work
hard to find common ground we can reach consensus in the interests of all Australians.

As I said yesterday, I stand ready to form the next government of Australia.

Tags: Gillard, Government, Greens, Labor
• Previous Article Big black hole in Coalition costings
• Next Article An update on the Federal Election
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Sauman from Salt Lake City , West Bengal Sunday, 5 September 2010, 21:05
Sengerer:"What we needs is responsible scientists and engineers who will work with us to fix the
mess. The rest is not relevant.". That says it all. But to get the system to filter the good and the social
scientists and engineers and provide them a platform to create needs to be created. Half the time the
paper pushing accountants and lawyers are either getting high on combination of power and
chardonay and refuse to come out of the glass house to acknowledge that they are to support the
sytem.Not booby trap the theme. @Rayzor:Mate the real story of the dino eco theory has many cover
ups. But facts are many,thruth is one.We need to form an alternate resilient responsible renewable
rejuvenated economy.Without depending on "Oil". Possible.Very very much so.But the initial
stumbling block is to side with that one vision.Of Building Australia Clean,green and rich.Fair,free
and forward.The dream time excess of the fossil freedom is a illusion. Advance Australia Fair.
Thoughts from Exile:)

1234jimmy from burwood , pissed right off Sunday, 5 September 2010, 20:05
no mate but it's a good way to get things off your chest!

sangerer from Albert Park , Victoria Sunday, 5 September 2010, 19:05

This site is a first trial site “Werz51” put together by some marketing and advertising people with
little know how of online. So the answer is no.... There needs to be some involvement by some heavy
duty IT guys with a hell of a lot of online experience before anything will change. On last count,
there were no more than about a dozen serious online gurus with more than 15 years in the industry
in this country and we have not been asked. - @Rayzor, the debate moved on a long time ago. No
one who is actually at the serious level of policy debate is interested in the climate science. We are
not interested because regardless of the climate science we have to ween our economy away from
fossil fuels because they will eventually run out. Australia will have no petroleum by 2020. This
means we have to either import or increase bio-fuel production or both. Most of us professionals
don’t give a darn about the climate science because we are working on how to manage the transition
from a carbon based economy to a future high tech green technology based economy without either
crashing the economy or causing great pain to every consumer. This is where the real debate is. We
have moved on from the buff heads in the ivory towers reporting a bunch of statistics and validating
some freak theory a long time ago. The professionals accept that something has to be done and we are
working on fixing the mess. We don’t need a scientist publishing some scare theory. What we needs
is responsible scientists and engineers who will work with us to fix the mess. The rest is not relevant.
So get with the times and stop dredging up the past. We are at least 20 years ahead of you, “Rayzor”.

Rayzor from Malanda , Qld Sunday, 5 September 2010, 16:05

Siding with the Greens is a big mistake they are the Green Taliban. So here is something for you's all
to have a long hard think about.. Name just three clear signs the planet is warming as the alarmists
claim it should. Just three. Chances are your “proofs” are in fact on my list of 10 Top Myths about
global warming. And if your “proofs” indeed turn out to be false, don’t get angry with me. Just ask
yourself: Why do you still believe that man is heating the planet to hell? What evidence do you have?
So let’s see if facts matter more to you than faith, and observations more than predictions. MYTH 1
THE WORLD IS WARMING Wrong. It is true the world did warm between 1975 and 1998, but even
Professor David Karoly, one of our leading alarmists, admitted this week “temperatures have
dropped” since - “both in surface temperatures and in atmospheric temperatures measured from
satellites”. In fact, the fall in temperatures from just 2002 has already wiped out a quarter of the
warming our planet experienced last century. (Check data from Britain’s Hadley Centre, NASA’s
Aqua satellite and the US National Climatic Data Centre.) Some experts, such as Karoly, claim this
proves nothing and the world will soon start warming again. Others, such as Professor Ian Plimer of
Adelaide University, point out that so many years of cooling already contradict the theory that man’s
rapidly increasing gases must drive up temperatures ever faster. But that’s all theory. The question
I’ve asked is: What signs can you actually see of the man-made warming that the alarmists predicted?
MYTH 2 THE POLAR CAPS ARE MELTING Wrong. The British Antarctic Survey, working with
NASA, last week confirmed ice around Antarctica has grown 100,000 sq km each decade for the past
30 years. Long-term monitoring by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports
the same: southern hemisphere ice has been expanding for decades. As for the Arctic, wrong again.
The Arctic ice cap shrank badly two summers ago after years of steady decline, but has since largely
recovered. Satellite data from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre this week shows the Arctic
hasn’t had this much April ice for at least seven years. Norway’s Nansen Environmental and Remote
Sensing Centre says the ice is now within the standard deviation range for 1979 to 2007. MYTH 3
WE’VE NEVER HAD SUCH A BAD DROUGHT Wrong. A study released this month by the
University of NSW Climate Change Research Centre confirms not only that we’ve had worse
droughts, but this Big Dry is not caused by “global warming”, whether man-made or not. As the
university’s press release says: “The causes of southeastern Australia’s longest, most severe and
damaging droughts have been discovered, with the surprise finding that they originate far away in the
Indian Ocean. “A team of Australian scientists has detailed for the first time how a phenomenon
known as the Indian Ocean Dipole - a variable and irregular cycle of warming and cooling of ocean
water - dictates whether moisture-bearing winds are carried across the southern half of Australia.”
MYTH 4 OUR CITIES HAVE NEVER BEEN HOTTER Wrong. The alleged “record” temperature
Melbourne set in January - 46.4 degrees - was in fact topped by the 47.2 degrees the city recorded in
1851. (See the Argus newspaper of February 8, 1851.) And here’s another curious thing: Despite all
this warming we’re alleged to have caused, Victoria’s highest temperature on record remains the 50.7
degrees that hit Mildura 103 years ago. South Australia’s hottest day is still the 50.7 degrees
Oodnadatta suffered 37 years ago. NSW’s high is still the 50 degrees recorded 70 years ago. What’s
more, not one of the world’s seven continents has set a record high temperature since 1974. Europe’s
high remains the 50 degrees measured in Spain 128 years ago, before the invention of the first true
car. MYTH 5 THE SEAS ARE GETTING HOTTER Wrong. If anything, the seas are getting colder.
For five years, a network of 3175 automated bathythermographs has been deployed in the oceans by
the Argo program, a collaboration between 50 agencies from 26 countries. Warming believer Josh
Willis, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, reluctantly concluded: “There has been a very slight
cooling . . .” MYTH 6 THE SEAS ARE RISING Wrong. For almost three years, the seas have
stopped rising, according to the Jason-1 satellite mission monitored by the University of Colorado.
That said, the seas have risen steadily and slowly for the past 10,000 years through natural warming,
and will almost certainly resume soon. But there is little sign of any accelerated rises, even off Tuvalu
or the Maldives, islands often said to be most threatened with drowning. Professor Nils-Axel
Moerner, one of the world’s most famous experts on sea levels, has studied the Maldives in particular
and concluded there has been no net rise there for 1250 years. Venice is still above water. MYTH 7
CYCLONES ARE GETTING WORSE Wrong. Ryan Maue of Florida State University recently
measured the frequency, intensity and duration of all hurricanes and cyclones to compile an
Accumulated Cyclone Energy Index. His findings? The energy index is at its lowest level for more
than 30 years. The World Meteorological Organisation, in its latest statement on cyclones, said it was
impossible to say if they were affected by man’s gases: “Though there is evidence both for and
against the existence of a detectable anthropogenic signal in the tropical cyclone climate record to
date, no firm conclusion can be made on this point.” MYTH 8 THE GREAT BARRIER REEF IS
DYING Wrong. Yes, in 1999, Professor Ove Hoegh-Gulberg, our leading reef alarmist and
administrator of more than $30 million in warming grants, did claim the reef was threatened by
warming, and much had turned white. But he then had to admit it had made a “surprising” recovery.
Yes, in 2006 he again warned high temperatures meant “between 30 and 40 per cent of coral on
Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef could die within a month”. But he later admitted this bleaching had
“minimal impact”. Yes, in 2007 he again warned that temperature changes of the kind caused by
global warming were bleaching the reef. But this month fellow Queensland University researchers
admitted in a study that reef coral had once more made a “spectacular recovery”, with “abundant
corals re-established in a single year”. The reef is blooming. MYTH 9 OUR SNOW SEASONS ARE
SHORTER Wrong. Poor snow falls in 2003 set off a rash of headlines predicting warming doom. The
CSIRO typically fed the hysteria by claiming global warming would strip resorts of up to a quarter of
their snow by 2018. Yet the past two years have been bumper seasons for Victoria’s snow resorts, and
this year could be just as good, with snow already falling in NSW and Victoria this past week. MYTH
in fact caused by earthquakes. Yet there was World Vision boss Tim Costello last week, claiming that
Asia was a “region, thanks to climate change, that has far more cyclones, tsunamis, droughts”.
Wrong, wrong and wrong, Tim. But what do facts matter now to a warming evangelist when the
cause is so just? And so any disaster is now blamed on man-made warming the way they once were
on Satan. See for yourself on the full list, including
kidney stones, volcanic eruptions, lousy wine, insomnia, bad tempers, Vampire moths and bubonic
plagues. Nothing is too far-fetched to be seized upon by carpetbaggers and wild preachers as signs of
a warming we can’t actually see. Not for nothing are polar bears the perfect symbol of this faith -
bears said to be threatened by warming, when their numbers have in fact increased. Bottom line:
fewer people now die from extreme weather events, whether cyclones, floods or blinding heatwaves.
Read that in a study by Indur Goklany, who represented the US at the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change: “There is no signal in the mortality data to indicate increases in the overall
frequencies or severities of extreme weather events, despite large increases in the population at risk.”
So stop this crazy panic. First step: check again your list of the signs you thought you saw of global
warming. How many are true? What do you think, and why do you think it? Yes, the world may
resume warming in one year or 100. But it hasn’t been warming as the alarmists said it must if man
were to blame, and certainly not as the media breathlessly keeps claiming. Best we all just settle
down, then, and wait for the proof—the real proof. After all, panicking over invisible things is so
undignified, don’t you think?

werz51 from Marrickville , NSW Sunday, 5 September 2010, 13:05

Can someone tell me if there's part of this website that someone from government reads. Or a place
where they may even answer questions? I know I'm dreaming, expecting them to respond to the
people they need to elect them.

sangerer from Albert Park , Victoria Sunday, 5 September 2010, 13:05

I don't know '1234jimmy'. I have spent 20 plus years in edcuation and education consultancy and
there is one thing I can say to you as a former teacher and academic. No one can teach anyone
anything. The best that any good educator can do is to inspire you to learn. If you are inspired to learn
then maybe you are prepared to listen to what a teacher / academic has to say on a particular topic. If
you have bothered to learn anyhting then you will be able to form an informed opinion about the
topic. That is all the best teacher in the world can ever hope for because at the end of the day good
teachers are about showing people how to think and learn for themselves. --->Sorry about this little
bit of edcuation theory, mate. Stay on this site and contribute your opinion!

1234jimmy from burwood , pissed right off Sunday, 5 September 2010, 12:05
so the two most influential women in politics shake hands and form an unholy alliance, ie, gillard and
bobbie brown! hah and arrogance is what becomes her! the welsh bloody git! read how she and rudd
treated me below..... part one...... when i asked julia gillard for an answer to my legitimate her
reply....."NOTHING"! after several ignored emails i sent one to rudd! his reply "NOTHING"! so after
becoming sick of being bloody well ignored by scumbags i sent him a particularly scathing email
which *****ing attracted his attention BIG *****ING TIME! he despatched federal police officers to
my door not just once but twice! oh yes i'm certainly happy with you labor toads! she alone cost you
lot my vote! but the strangest thing.....i am treated like a leper in a third world country and ignored by
all the so-called "HONORABLE" pollies! did i say third world country??? well it is as i live like
complete ***** from day to day! and i certainly can not remember being told that i was having my
pension increased by 1500 dollars per annum! well i think it must be so because the housing
commission increased my rent by 30 dollars a week! so you see mr brumby i am now worse off than i
was 3 months ago! could you ask tanya plibersik or someone who knows what the hell is going on to
contact and explain how nit is that my standard of living is not as *****ing standard at all???? part
two..... and hasn't the standard of teachers hit rock bottom! when i was at school at least teachers
taught stuff....not like today where they are too worried over the girls wearing make-up or how they
wear their hair or if they have studs or whatever! todays teachers are some of the dumbest but most
arrogant *****s around! take that word "GOT" for instance.....we had it drummed into us that we
should NEVER use that word but find alternatives, but you look at most of our politicians (and i use
that word loosely) who make speeches or give interviews on national television and how often do
these feral scumbags use that word!!!! when illiterate people gain power like these dumb teachers that
enter politics these days what hope have we to advance our country when scum run it? see what
happens when teachers enter politics? our morals, our ethics, our literacy and numeracy skills hit sub-
rock-bottom! to use your favorite word GET on it!

1234jimmy from burwood , pissed right off Sunday, 5 September 2010, 12:05
part one...... when i asked julia gillard for an answer to my legitimate her reply....."NOTHING"! after
several ignored emails i sent one to rudd! his reply "NOTHING"! so after becoming sick of being
bloody well ignored by scumbags i sent him a particularly scathing email which *****ing attracted
his attention BIG *****ING TIME! he despatched federal police officers to my door not just once
but twice! oh yes i'm certainly happy with you labor toads! she alone cost you lot my vote! but the
strangest thing.....i am treated like a leper in a third world country and ignored by all the so-called
"HONORABLE" pollies! did i say third world country??? well it is as i live like complete *****
from day to day! and i certainly can not remember being told that i was having my pension increased
by 1500 dollars per annum! well i think it must be so because the housing commission increased my
rent by 30 dollars a week! so you see mr brumby i am now worse off than i was 3 months ago! could
you ask tanya plibersik or someone who knows what the hell is going on to contact and explain how
nit is that my standard of living is not as *****ing standard at all???? part two..... and hasn't the
standard of teachers hit rock bottom! when i was at school at least teachers taught stuff....not like
today where they are too worried over the girls wearing make-up or how they wear their hair or if
they have studs or whatever! todays teachers are some of the dumbest but most arrogant *****s
around! take that word "GOT" for instance.....we had it drummed into us that we should NEVER use
that word but find alternatives, but you look at most of our politicians (and i use that word loosely)
who make speeches or give interviews on national television and how often do these feral scumbags
use that word!!!! when illiterate people gain power like these dumb teachers that enter politics these
days what hope have we to advance our country when scum run it? see what happens when teachers
enter politics? our morals, our ethics, our literacy and numeracy skills hit sub-rock-bottom! to use
your favorite word GET on it!

1234jimmy from burwood , pissed right off Sunday, 5 September 2010, 12:05
part one...... when i asked julia gillard for an answer to my legitimate her reply....."NOTHING"! after
several ignored emails i sent one to rudd! his reply "NOTHING"! so after becoming sick of being
bloody well ignored by scumbags i sent him a particularly scathing email which *****ing attracted
his attention BIG *****ING TIME! he despatched federal police officers to my door not just once
but twice! oh yes i'm certainly happy with you labor toads! she alone cost you lot my vote! but the
strangest thing.....i am treated like a leper in a third world country and ignored by all the so-called
"HONORABLE" pollies! did i say third world country??? well it is as i live like complete *****
from day to day! and i certainly can not remember being told that i was having my pension increased
by 1500 dollars per annum! well i think it must be so because the housing commission increased my
rent by 30 dollars a week! so you see mr brumby i am now worse off than i was 3 months ago! could
you ask tanya plibersik or someone who knows what the hell is going on to contact and explain how
nit is that my standard of living is not as *****ing standard at all???? part two..... and hasn't the
standard of teachers hit rock bottom! when i was at school at least teachers taught stuff....not like
today where they are too worried over the girls wearing make-up or how they wear their hair or if
they have studs or whatever! todays teachers are some of the dumbest but most arrogant *****s
around! take that word "GOT" for instance.....we had it drummed into us that we should NEVER use
that word but find alternatives, but you look at most of our politicians (and i use that word loosely)
who make speeches or give interviews on national television and how often do these feral scumbags
use that word!!!! when illiterate people gain power like these dumb teachers that enter politics these
days what hope have we to advance our country when scum run it? see what happens when teachers
enter politics? our morals, our ethics, our literacy and numeracy skills hit sub-rock-bottom! to use
your favorite word GET on it!

spacek from Redfern , NSW Saturday, 4 September 2010, 23:04

Sangerer, I fail to see how you can excuse the slogans of the Labor Party "moving forward", and the
boring monotonous drivel of the Welsh born PM -- yet attack the Liberal Party. Everybody has their
slogans, they are all monotonous on repetition. I still would not trust the red head after she stabbed
Rudd in the back. You think the Labor Party are the best of a bad bunch, I gather from your writing --
I don't agree; and I have relatives who have lived through socialism, so all of this nationalisation has
me afraid for the future of this country. If Gillard gets in, she can hardly claim a mandate, as she has
achieved this dubious, poisoned chalice through manipulation. I would say there will be an election
within 12 months -- she will probably offer another $900 to those who do not think of the
consequences -- this is why I say make voting non compulsory -- who would bother? Only zealots --
the dumbing down of Australia is complete now; I have heard people say they are voting to avoid a
fine, so why bother?

MisterLabor from Maroubra , New South Wales Saturday, 4 September 2010, 21:04
Actually a Labor-Greens agreement will prevent the Coalition from forming the next government and
I want to see Gillard in office again for the next three years before I'll vote Liberal in the next

JohnBrown from Brighton, Brisbane , Queensland Saturday, 4 September 2010, 20:04

I can never understand why the party chases the Green vote. It is not like they have anywhere else to
go. To sign an agreement with the party that was responsible for not backing the ETS legiskation is
ludicrous. No one is holding the greens accountable and they set to reap the benefits of a hung
parliament. The ALP needs to remeber its is a great party in its own right and take the lead.

Sauman from Salt Lake City , West Bengal Saturday, 4 September 2010, 17:04
@Sengerer:"I can send a spare copy of the Constitution including some relevant HIgh Court
judgements to West Bengal or Utah if you want, "Sauman"? " Please dont bother. Postage costs. version available.On Com.Both in Utah and in the cyber slums of City of Joy. Thanks

sangerer from Albert Park , Victoria Saturday, 4 September 2010, 16:04

I can send a spare copy of the Constitution including some relevant HIgh Court judgements to West
Bengal or Utah if you want, "Sauman"?

Sauman from Salt Lake City , West Bengal Saturday, 4 September 2010, 14:04
What do you think the chances are sometime in the next 3 years? Naw.Maybe after the cigar runs
out.Who knows.But damn funny.These guys are crazy.Mad maniacs on the lose. I wander how many
of them ever read the constitution?:)!.We will comes to terms:)

sangerer from Albert Park , Victoria Friday, 3 September 2010, 13:03

Forgot to mention the pokies, “Spacek”. The pokies back down is on the cards because the Premiers
will get their backs up. Besides, the contracts that Jeff the dodgy ex-useless soldier from the ladder
empire spoon up the, sell all the public assets to make himself look good has done is look away
the contracts for 90 years. Therefore, Wilkie is barking up the wrong tree legally because the liberals
made sure that no one in Victoria can touch their mates. Having said that, there is a way round it.
Since the constitution is on the agenda,.... hallelujah for finally doing something about this antiquated
document that rules or nation, ..... we might as well address the core of these issues including the
pokies and all other state based separatism and nonsense. You know the clauses I mean. Yes, I am
talking about the root of all evil and that is all clauses in the constitution that refer to, make reference
to with their intent or substance: “ the residuary of power is reserved to the states”. Not even a federal
system such a Switzerland , one of the models the founding fathers based the constitution on,
contains these pathetically useless, wasteful, nonsensical, divisive, separatist and totally idiotically
backward clauses and intentions. Let’s fix that and Wilkie might just get his pokie reform. You
reckon we can do it. I am mean the legal advisers have been doing brandy and cigars in the
Melbourne Club for over 100 years over that one???? What do you think the chances are sometime in
the next 3 years?

sangerer from Albert Park , Victoria Friday, 3 September 2010, 12:03

I can feel the pain “Spacek”. I always said that the round robin in the back rooms will boil down to
some serious pork barrelling. I am also the person who suggested that we stop all this rubbish by
legislating a % of GDP for each of the major infra-structure areas: health & welfare, communications,
transport and resources, industry & environment, education, science & technology, defence & foreign
affairs. As part this initiative I have always maintained that these major infra-structure areas should
be managed through a series of 5 year plans and that the core expenditure elements for them should
be immune from political, ideological and electoral impact of any kind. That way we have continuity,
proper management in place, avoid the waste and poor management, promote better policy debate, a
responsible media and maybe attract some quality people into parliament. Let’s face it, only in QLD
can you elect some clueless kid in nappies! We might as well vote for a monkey next. - Both NSW
and QLD state politics is on the nose. I agree! Victorian state politics is run by the silent mafia
crouched behind a wall of denial. I advised about the possible loss of Lindsay's seat many month
before the election was called because the Greens mobilized almost three years ago and captured a
ground swell of labor voters over the inability of the Brumby government to get its act together on
energy efficiency, energy generation and energy price stability. I have a bunch of community
organizations on my books. They range from feral tree-huggers, surfers to conservative farmers who
all have one common goal. They all want energy security and energy price stability. So when you get
this sort of ground swell, anyone with a brain has got to be thinking that something is up. So what did
Greg Hunt do? Well he and his liberal mates exploited the discontent with a bunch of slogans,
insincere promises and by actively undermining and misrepresenting community concerns. What are
Brumby and federal labor doing? They ignore the issues, make unethical claims about how wonderful
their policies are, commission reports and promise paltry ineffective solutions that do not address the
core of the community concerns. Please ‘Spacek” no one has more to complain about how both major
political parties conduct themselves than me. If you have an issue with me than on balance I think
that Labor is less unethical then the liberals. That I grant you! If that is your issue then yes you are
correct in your summation. However, let me remind you that I was the only one who advise the labor
heavy weights of these issues many month ago and I told them “ unless you do something genuine
and substantial you will lose Lindsays seat”. Well, my words came to pass because no one is
listening. As far as Rudd’s assignation is concerned! Yep mate, you got my vote on that act of blatant
political stupidity. As far as the poor management of major policy initiatives by the Rudd tenure, yep,
you got my agreement on that too. No one hates pathetic policy implementation and poor project
management more than me. It has been my job for years to fix the mess that some of these pathetic
drone managers, heads of departments etc, create, because they are generally clueless and only
interested in their own self-importance. Only yesterday I listened to some dude who told me “ I have
just taken over and found a few problems that need fixing. I don’t care how you do it as long you
make me look good, ensure that I meet my KPI’s and get me that bonus because my wife is pregnant
and I want to renovate the house”. Talk about self-serving and pathetic management..... mate.... that is
the sort of people I deal will “Spacek’ at all level of public and private live and I am so sick of the
sycophants and useless drones. I am so sick of the 20 & 30 something’s with egos that just don’t
match their ability.... Spacek --- we are on the same page here. -- “ahtee84” , your links are going
nowhere on Zeitgeist. Is that intentional? Since I am German I have a good handle on the meaning of
the word and its abuse by non German speakers who have some wacky notions about gestalt and the
imperatives of a relational aspect of the theoretical cultural imperative of communality. Give me a
break with the pseudo quackery. I expect this sort of garbage in a design or architectural studio where
the kids have the opportunity to vacillate over the cultural and ethical foundation of thought versus
intent. -As far as the green economy is concerned! The debate amongst the professionals is about
the functional imperatives that put in place appropriate financial mechanisms to aid the transition of
the carbon based economy to the 21st century green tech economy. Have a look at ----this. Then tell me what ‘Geist’ is in your “Zeit”,
or what Zeit is in your own Gestalt....paahahah, spare me the student drivel.

ahtee84 from none , none Thursday, 2 September 2010, 23:02

capitalism does not blend with green economy, because true green economy does not need capitalism.
as long as my mentioned about those sector does not change, there is no change for the rest. it cannot
come along, more info - other -

spacek from Redfern , NSW Thursday, 2 September 2010, 23:02

You are all deluded. Just wait until the redhead backs down on pokies. The Yank won't have it here --
we have more pokies than anywhere IN THE WORLD! Wilkie has obviously been bought. Abbott
agreed to REBUILD the hospital, the redhead only to update it. The deal with Bob Brown smacks of
total immorality. jellio111, I totally agree -- you are living in Queensland where Bligh only got in
through dodgy tricks, and both friends and relatives of mine are wanting her out. You are the only
sensible blogger who can see that Rudd was knifed by this red headed Welsh harradin. What about
the costings Labor has not released, what about the deaths with insulation, not mentioned! Sangerer,
your salivation is nauseating, and it would appear Bitar and Arbib have been getting writers' cramp
doing the dodgy with the votes. How come Lindsay swang back to Labor after the Pellazano affair?
This is a dirty stinking mess, and what do you mean, Sangerer, about "family ties" -- nepotism,
perhaps? If Abbott did that you would be the first to bark your complaints. I thought the Labor party
was such a shining beacon of morality. You are all full of rubbish, I hope Windsor does not vote --
Oakeshott the happy clappy can be bought, and I hope Katter does not vote. But they will be
committing political hari kari if they go with Labor. My bet is Oakeshott gets a seat in parliament
(probably speaker) so he can gutlessly avoid his electorate. If Wilkie claims that most of the people in
Denison wanted Labor -- can Katter not claim, with a huge Liberal vote in Kennedy, as can Windsor,
the same "paradigm". If you want the country stuffed for another three years -- you are welcome to
the unAustralian Gillard. Remember ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD where this travesty occurs.
Think of Barack Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sangerer from Albert Park , Victoria Thursday, 2 September 2010, 21:02

74 and two to go. Ok, I take it back! Wilkie has got some morals and knows that the Liberals are
dodgy. Gillard might just make it! I think we might have to ease Oakeshott into an agreement and if
Bob can come to an agreement on the mining tax we just need to work on family ties. This might just
be workable!

zedlive from Tamworth , NSW Thursday, 2 September 2010, 19:02

DavidK, the alexia traffic rank is currently 90,057 in the world [see]. Lets see if it can be taken to 90,056.

jellio111 from brisbane , queensland Thursday, 2 September 2010, 15:02

2 words - SELL OUT!! a further example of the Labor selling their soul for the best deal to sit their
behinds on the PM seat. I have been a staunch labor supporter for years but since the knifing of
Ruddsy i have seen nothing but the Labor party jossling for position and filling in holes to try and be
everyones best friend just so Ms.Gillard can be firmly seated in the lodge. How about the Labor party
get back to being a staunch political party who actually stands for something and stands behind their
morals instead of looking for the easy fix. I am in QLD and dont you thing Anna Bligh has done
enough damage up here on yor behalf. Looking for a quick sell on OUR assets to payback money she
has continually spent and put the QLD economy in a tough situation. Please Labor party, look back in
the past and take note of when the Labor party actually stood for something solid and stand firm for

DavidK1 from Warrnambool , Victoria Thursday, 2 September 2010, 12:02

I really would like to know if any one, other than the contributors, actually reads this, or any of the
Party blogs?

sangerer from Albert Park , Victoria Thursday, 2 September 2010, 01:02

Great! 43 – 43 and three to go with Abbott on the nose. I thought that Abbott was hoping to get away
with the budget hop. He must have heard me laughing ‘cause I swear I saw his ears wiggle today. Not
that the media actually gave him a hard time about his budget deceit and darned lies. As it is, lets see
whether the actual pollies are going to grace us with their presence on this blog. So who should be
here to debate the Greens agenda? Penny, Wayne, Martin, who is attorney general??, Rudd if he is the
new Foreign Affairs and or Defence MP and yes Julia. -- Since we are all here, let’s begin. I
consulted on the first two high speed rail projects in the mid 80’s. Not much a problem here as long
as we can use the existing tracks (corridors) to build the high speed rail infrastructure. I am sick of
dealing with the ferals in the trees and the farmers who reckon their cows are going to get run over.
Since we need the fare to be competitive with air transport and convenient with regards to rail station
parking and access, the new rail hubs are likely to be in the suburbs of Melbourne, Adelaide,
Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane. Therefore we will need to cupgrade the suburban rail networks of all
cities the high speed service applies to. It is great to have done all this work already and just have to
dig it up from the archives. --->Doing a major re-write of the Constitution, well done! The agenda
does not go far enough. 'Yes' on aboriginal and municipal council inclusion. Yes on Gay's etc. We
have needed something that gets us away from the religous freaks to balance the scales on social
justice. We have also had a need to fizx mandatory detention and I still sugegst that you beef up drone
survailance and keep the pressure on Indonesia for shipping registration requirements so that you can
target the corruption and criminal elements. Parliamentary process and procedure reform gets my yes
vote as well as everything else proposed. It is all a no brainer and long overdue. My only worry is the
stipulation that we are going to put in the Carbon Tax before we are going to fix the Feed IN Tariff,
the energy efficiency requirements and all other aspects that will actually make the tax work if it is
designed to penalize the heavy polluters. Once again we have it the wrong way round. We get the
sledge hammer to crack the nut and wonder why the pulp is; well pulp! Stipulating that only people
who are in favour of the tax should be on the committee excludes anyone who has a better economic
and financial model then a simple tax model! NZ has introduced a $25 /MT tax and the cost of petrol
and electricity increased by one third over night. That is approximately 40 cents per litre and an
average of $700 per year on electricity (avg $2 per day).What has the net investment effect been for
NZ so far. Since NZ has already dedicated itself to geothermal and Hydro, little increase in the
existing investment cycle is evident. There has also been no increase in the uptake of solar or wind,
co-generation or tri-generation and energy efficiency measures due to the tax. In fact, the anticipated
investment NZ hoped to achieve from the Carbon Tax has not eventuated because the necessary
policy instruments that drive renewable energy uptake and energy efficiency were simply ignored. So
the question is, will the Greens haste towards a Carbon Tax push us down the road of once again
doing everything in reverse. Don’t get me wrong. I approve of a Carbon Tax. However, I would like
to see the tax as an EPA penalty system that is applied with the option of converting the tax liability
to non-tradeable Carbon Bonds that are pegged to specific carbon reduction target projects of those
who incur the EPA penalty. This measure is not the first measure. It is however one of many that must
be implemented and that compliment one another. That is why I thing any party that insists that a
Carbon Tax is the first and most important thing to do is simply barking up the wrong tree. It is one
of the things that can be done to target large and persistent polluters who fail to implement and adhere
to targeted reduction measures.

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