Poison: Poisons Poison Type Initial Damage Secondary Damage

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When a character takes damage from a poisoned weapon, touches an item smeared with
contact poison, or consumes poisoned food or drink, he must make a Fortitude saving throw.
A character who fails the saving throw takes the poison's initial damage, which is usually
ability score damage. Even a character who succeeds at the initial saving throw faces
secondary damage 1 minute later, which can be avoided by making a separate Fortitude save.

Poison Type Initial Damage Secondary D
Small centipede poison Injury DC 11 1d2 Dex 1d2 Dex
Greenblood oil Injury DC 13 1 Con 1d2 Con
Medium-size spider venom Injury DC 14 1d4 Str 1d6 Str
Bloodroot Injury DC 12 0 1d4 Con-1d3
Purple worm poison Injury DC 24 1d6 Str 1d6 Str
Large scorpion venom Injury DC 18 1d6 Str 1d6 Str
Wyvern poison Injury DC 17 2d6 Con 2d6 Con
Blue whinnis Injury DC 14 1 Con Unconscious
Giant wasp poison Injury DC 18 1d6 Dex 1d6 Dex
Shadow essence Injury DC 17 1d6 Str 2d6 Str
Black adder venom Injury DC 12 0 1d6 Str
Deathblade Injury DC 20 1d6 Con 2d6 Con
Malyss root paste Contact DC 16 1 Dex 2d4 Dex
Nitharit Contact DC 13 0 3d6 Con
Dragon bile Contact DC 26 3d6 Str 0
Sassone leaf residue Contact DC 16 2d12 hp 1d6 Con
Terinav root Contact DC 16 1d6 Dex 2d6 Dex
Carrion crawler brain juice Contact DC 13 Paralysis 0
Black lotus extract Contact DC 20 3d6 Con 3d6 Con
Oil of taggit Ingested DC 15 0 Unconscious
Id moss Ingested DC 14 1d4 Int 2d6 Int
Striped toadstool Ingested DC 11 1 Wis 2d6 Wis + 1d
Arsenic Ingested DC 13 1 Con 1d6 Con
Lich dust Ingested DC 17 2d6 Str 1d6 Str
Dark reaver powder Ingested DC 18 2d6 Con 1d6 Con+ 1d
Ungol dust Inhaled DC 15 1 Cha 1d6 Cha+ 1 C
Burnt othur fumes Inhaled DC 18 1 Con* 3d6 Con
Insanity mist Inhaled DC 15 1d4 Wis 2d6 Wis
Type: The poison's method of delivery-ingested, inhaled, via an injury, or contact and the DC needed to save
Initial Damage: The damage the character takes immediately upon failing his saving throw against this type o
temporary unless marked with an asterisk(*), in which case the loss is a permanent drain. Paralysis lasts for 2

Secondary Damage: The amount of damage the character takes 1 minute after exposure as a result of the pois
throw. Unconsciousness lasts for 1d3 hours. Loss marked with an asterisk is permanent drain instead of temp

Price: The cost of one dose (One vial) of the poison. It is not possible to use or apply poison in any quantity s
and possession of poison is always illegal, and even in big cities it can only be obtained from specialized, less

Perils of Using Poison

A character has a 5% chance to expose himself to a poison whenever he applies it to a weapon
or otherwise readies it for use. Additionally, a character who rolls a 1 on an attack roll with a
poisoned weapon must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 15) or accidentally poison himself
with the weapon.

Poison Immunities
Wyverns, medusas, and other creatures with natural poison attacks are immune to their own
poison. Nonliving creatures (constructs and undead) and creatures without metabolisms (such
as elementals) are always immune to poison. Oozes, plants, and certain kinds of creatures
(such as tanar'ri) are also immune to poison, although conceivably a special poison could be
concocted specifically to harm them.

Creating Poisons
The first rule for refining natural poisons, such as an animal's venom, into a generally useful
poison is that simply killing the creature and wiping your character's blade on its poison gland
doesn't work. Most creature's poisons are a delicate mixture of various toxins, and that
delicate mix is often disrupted when the creature dies or the poison is exposed to the air.
Getting the poison to persist on a blade and remain effective is a trickier task still.

Refining raw materials, such as creature venom, into an effective poison requires time,
determination, and an application of craft. Craft (poisonmaking), a subcategory of the Craft
skill, provides the necessary expertise. The table above provides Craft (poisonmaking) DCs
for usable poisons made from centipede, scorpion, and spider venom.

Making poisons with the Craft (poisonmaking) skill follows the rules in Craft Items for
making items with the Craft skill, with the following two exceptions.

Cost: The cost of raw materials for a poison varies widely depending on whether the character
has access to the active ingredient - that is, the venom or plant that actually provides the
poison. If a supply is readily available, the raw materials cost 1/6 of the market price, nor 1/3.
Otherwise, the raw materials cost at least 3/4 of the market price - assuming that the substance
in question is for sale at all.

Time: To figure our how much poison can be made in a week, the character makes a Craft
(poisonmaking) check at the end of the week. If the check is successful, multiply the check
result by the DC for the check. That result is how many gold pieces' worth of poison are
created that week. When the total gold pieces' worth created equals or exceeds the market
price of one dose of the poison, that poisonmaker has completed that dose. For a skilled
poisonmaker, multiple doses in a week may be possible. If the poisonmaker fails the check,
no progress is made that week. If the poisonmaker fails the check by 5 or more, the raw
materials are ruined and must be reobtained.

Using the Alchemy Skill: Characters with the Alchemy skill can substitute it for Craft
(poisonmaking), but doing so imposes a -4 circumstance penalty on checks related to

Harvesting Venom: Because of the refinement process, raw venom from creatures doesn't
command anywhere near the price of a dose of real poison. There is no open market for
poison raw materials, because the use of poison is often illegal, or at least rarely admitted to.
Characters who hunt creatures for their venom will have a difficult time finding buyers for
corpses of poisonous creatures. If they can find a buyer, characters will typically get 1/6 of the
cost of one dose of the refined version of the poison.

More Poisons
The poisons below augment those described above. Some are obviously derived from
poisonous monsters in the Monster Manual, while others are the creation of evil

Poison Type DC Initial Damage Secondary Damage
Tiny centipede poison Injury 11 1 Dex 1 Dex
Small centipede poison Injury 11 1d2 Dex 1d2 Dex
Medium-size centipede poison Injury 13 1d3 Dex 1d3 Dex
Large centipede poison Injury 16 1d4 Dex 1d4 Dex
Huge centipede poison Injury 18 1d6 Dex 1d6 Dex
Gargantuan centipede poison Injury 26 1d8 Dex 1d8 Dex
Colossal centipede poison Injury 36 2d6 Dex 2d6 Dex
Tiny scorpion poison Injury 11 1d2 Str 1d2 Str
Small scorpion poison Injury 11 1d3 Str 1d3 Str
Medium-size scorpion poison Injury 15 1d4 Str 1d4 Str
Large scorpion poison Injury 18 1d6 Str 1d6 Str
Huge scorpion poison Injury 26 1d8 Str 1d8 Str
Gargantuan scorpion poison Injury 36 2d6 Str 2d6 Str
Colossal scorpion poison Injury 54 2d8 Str 2d8 Str
Tiny spider venom Injury 11 1d2 Str 1d2 Str
Small spider venom Injury 11 1d3 Str 1d3 Str
Medium-size spider venom Injury 13 1d4 Str 1d4 Str
Large spider venom Injury 16 1d6 Str 1d6 Str
Huge spider venom Injury 22 1d8 Str 1d8 Str
Gargantuan spider venom Injury 31 2d6 Str 2d6 Str
Colossal spider venom Injury 35 2d8 Str 2d8 Str
Bebilith venom Injury 20 1d6 Con 2d6 Con
Devilseye Injury 21* 1 point of SR 1d3 points of SR
Lifebane Injury 20** 1d6 Con 1d6 Con
Eyeblast Injury 22 Blindness Blindness
Balor bile Contact 25 1d6 Str 1d6 Str
Vilestar Contact 24** 2d6 Str 2d6 Str
Sasson juice Contact 18 1d4 Dex 1d4 Dex
Sufferfume Inhaled 20 1 all scores 1 all scores
Urthanyk Inhaled 19 1d6 Str 1d6 Str
Mist of Nourn Inhaled 25 1d8 Con 1d8 Con
Ishentav Inhaled 13 1d6 Str 1d6 Str
Burning angel wing fumes Inhaled 18 1d6 Cha 2d6 Cha
Basilisk breath Inhaled 17* 1d6 Con 1d6 Con
* Affects outsiders otherwise immune to poison.
** Damage is vile damage.
*** Damage to SR returns at the same rate as ability score damage.

Underdark Poisons
The drow are widely acknowledged as masters of the dark art of poisoning, but many other
Underdark folk also make use of the deadly poisons that are so common in the deep places.

Cave Terror: Distilled from cave creeper fungus, this poison can be made with a DC 25 Craft
(alchemy) check.

Drow Knockout Poison: The dark elves are renowned for their use of unconsciousness-
inducing poison. They carefully guard the secret of their venom, and it is difficult to find
outside of drow realms and outposts.

Sickstone Unguent: This paste is made of powdered sickstone and other virulent poisons. It
is usually applied to weapons.

Stun Gas: The svirfneblin brew this gas from the spores of rare mushrooms. It can be stored
in airtight containers in liquid form, but when such a container is broken, the poison is
released as a 15-foot puff of gas. The deep gnomes create special, glass-headed darts to hold it
and throw them at specific enemies or at the walls of caverns to disable large groups.

Virile Madness: An admixture of rare earths and magical rocks, virile madness is a
dangerous, tempting poison. It grants the imbiber a temporary enhancement bonus to Strength
and Constitution, while degrading her mental powers via penalties to Intelligence and
Wisdom. It can be made with a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.

Shadow Essence Poison (Fort DC 17, initial damage 1 point of Strength drain, secondary
damage 2d6 points of Strength damage)
Underdark Poisons
Poison Type Initial Damage
Ingested DC
Cave terror Confusion
Drow knockout
Injury DC 13 Unconsciousness (1 minute)
Sickstone unguent Injury DC 19 1d4 Con damage
Stun gas Inhaled DC 12 Stunning (1 round)
Ingested DC +1d2 bonus to Str, +1d2 bonus to Con, 1d4 Int damage, 1d4 Wis
Virile madness
20 damage

More Drow Poisons

Darklight Brew: Darklight ore (see page 154, Drow of the Underdark) is powdered and cut
with a mild acid to create this poison. The radiation of the ore is diminished greatly in this
process, but its effect becomes acute when it is introduced into the bloodstream. This poison
can be made with a DC 28 Craft (poisonmaking) check.
The blindness from the poison lasts for 1 hour.

Fish Glue: The body oil of captured kuo-toas is used to create this poison, which is named for
the rigidity it causes in the joints of the victim and its characteristic fishy smell. It can be
crafted with a DC 18 Craft (poisonmaking) check.
The sickness from the poison lasts for 1 hour.

Illithid Mindscorch: The brain matter of recently slain illithids can be distilled, capturing
some of its psionic potential and creating this extremely rare poison. Though it is a liquid in
its basic form, it is ineffective unless reduced to an aerosol and absorbed through the nasal
passages of the victim. It can be created with a DC 27 (poisonmaking) check, though the DC
is reduced by 5 if the creator has ranks in Knowledge (psionics) or Psicraft or has levels in a
psionic character class (see Expanded Psionics Handbook).
Illithids immediately try to devour the brains of anyone they catch with this substance.

Psychotropic Rot: Distilled violet fungus and other chemicals can be mixed together to
create this insidious toxin. It can be created with a DC 17 Craft (poisonmaking) check.

Roach Paste: This brown paste is made from the crushed bodies of the carrion-eating giant
roaches found in the Underdark. It is known for its horrendous smell. It can be created with a
DC 15 Craft (poisonmaking) check.
The nausea from the poison lasts for 1 round.
The disease it transmits is filth fever.

Underdark Blight: Running a chemical solution over certain rare ores and minerals found in
the Underdark creates this poison; it is effective at removing spell resistance. Lost spell
resistance returns at the same rate and by the same means as ability score damage. Underdark
blight can be created with a DC 20 Craft (poisonmaking) check.

Poison Type Initial Damage Secondary D
2d6 Con
Darklight brew Injury (DC 23) Blinded
+ 1d6 Str
Fish glue Injury (DC 14) 1d4 Dex Sickened
Illithid mindscorch Inhaled (DC 22) 1d6 Int 1d6 Int
Psychotropic rot Ingested (DC 15) 1d4 Wis 3d18 hp
Roach paste Injury (DC 12) Nausea Disease
Underdark blight Contact (DC 20) 1 SR 1 SR

Magic-Infused Poisons

As masters of their craft and natural manipulators of magical energies, cruel drow alchemists
have discovered ways to infuse spell effects into the venoms they concoct. Immunity to
mundane poisons provides no resistance to these new substances, nor does spell resistance;
however, neutralize poison and slow poison are still effective. A successful dispel magic
against a caster level equal to 1/2 the poison's Fortitude save DC likewise removes its effects.

These poisons are created not only with the Craft (poisonmaking) skill, but also with an
appropriate spell (which must be cast by the creator).

The Calling: This lumpy black paste is magically infused with spider eggs and can be hidden
in a dish of food, in which it is detectable only with a successful DC 20 Profession (cook)
check. If it is consumed, and if the victim fails the initial save, a swarm of spiders hatches
within the victim's stomach, dealing the initial damage. The swarm is then digested and
destroyed without further harm, unless the second save is failed. In that case, it bursts forth
from the victim's nose and mouth, dealing the secondary damage and coalescing as a spider
swarm, attacking everyone in the area. This poison can be created with a DC 28 Craft
(poisonmaking) check and a summon swarm spell.

Creeping Nullscourge: Used during bouts of drow infighting, on failed save this poison
drains 5 points of the target's spell resistance. The secondary damage also drains 5 points of
spell resistance. Lost spell resistance returns at the same rate and by the same means as ability
score damage. This poison can be created with a DC 25 Craft (poisonmaking) check and an
assay spell resistance spell.

Slowswarming: Unlike swarming spiderbite below, this poison is for those drow caught in
acts of treachery or blasphemy. It is usually administered to a prisoner over several days; each
dose creates a slower and more agonizing biting sensation similar to that caused by swarming
spiderbite, but also disfigures the body with horrific red boils. It can be created with a DC 21
Craft (poisonmaking) check and a poison spell.

Slow Taint: This poison reduces the target's speed by 10 feet on a failed save. The secondary
damage reduces speed by another 10 feet. The target's speed cannot be reduced below 5 feet.
The poison can be created with a DC 18 Craft (poisonmaking) check and a slow spell. Its
effect has a duration of 1 hour.

Swarming Spiderbite: Usually taken to ensure an honorable death (or to avoid torture) by
drow defeated in battle, the effect of this poison is like the biting mouths of venomous spiders
starting from the extremities and advancing throughout the body. It can be created with a DC
26 Craft (poison making) check and a poison spell.

Poison Type Initial Damage Secondary Dama
The calling 2d6 Con 2d6 Con
DC 20
Creeping nullscourge 5 SR 5 SR
DC 20
Ingested 1d2 Con
Slowswarming 1d2 Con
DC 25 +1d6 Cha
Slow taint 10 ft. 10 ft.
DC 15
Swarming spiderbite 1d6 Con 2d6 Con
DC 22

Psychic Poison
Psychic poisons are a particular sort of intentional curse bestowed upon a creature, object, or
area, almost always the result of the psychic poison spell. Psychic poisons are used as traps in
the same way that a contact poison might be used on a chest full of valuables. A psychic
poison is a magical toxin that affects those who cast certain types of spells on the creature,
object, or area.

If a spellcaster casts a mind-affecting or divination spell at an object or area affected by

psychic poison, or at a creature within a poisoned area, the caster must make an immediate
Will saving throw (DC determined by the psychic poison spell). Casters who fail their saves
are affected by the psychic poison, taking the initial damage given below. Whether the saving
throw was successful or not, the caster must succeed at another saving throw 1 minute later to
avoid secondary damage (much like a mundane poison).

Each psychic poison has a minimum level associated with it. A caster or item creator must be
at least that level to utilize that particular psychic poison when making an item or casting the
psychic poison spell.

Psychic Poisons
Poison Initial Target Secondary Damage Minimum
Darin-tasith Creature 1d6 Int 1d6 Int
Karadrach Creature 1d6 Wis 1d6 Wis
Estadrach Creature 1d8 Wis 2d8 Wis
Stradda Creature or object 1d6 Cha 1d6 Cha
Nishita Object 1d6 Int 1d6 Int
Vashita Object 1d6 Wis 1d6 Wis
Lanshita Object 2d6 Cha 2d6 Cha
Blue unlyn Area 1d6 Int 1d6 Int
Red unlyn Area 1d6 Wis 1d6 Wis
Amber unlyn Area 1d6 Cha 1d6 Cha
Violet unlyn Area 1d6 Int 2d6 Int
1d6 Int 1d6 Int
Black unlyn Area 1d6 Wis 1d6 Wis
1d6 Cha 1d6 Cha

Magic Poisons - (Dragon #322)

Shadows of Undrentide presents a new adventure featuring magic poisons. This article takes
the idea presented there and expands it, presenting a small list of magic qualities that can
enhance any poison.

Brewing Magic Poison

Creating a magic poison is similar to creating a potion. However, their magic enhancements
more closely resemble magic weapon enhancements in that they give the venom additional
abilities that usually can stack with one another. The person attempting to create the magic
poison must have the Brew Potion feat and know all the spells listed as requirements for the
properties he wishes to add.

The formula for calculating the cost of brewing a potion is 25 gp x spell level x caster level.
Use this formula for determining the cost for brewing a magic poison, but replace the 25 gp
figure with the cost of one dose of the type of poison to be enhanced. For example, brewing a
dose of gripping ungol dust costs 1,000 gp (cost of one dose of ungol dust) x 2 (gripping
equals a 2nd-level spell) x 3 (its 3rd-level caster), or 6,000 gp.

Poison Qualities

You can add the following qualities to any mundane poison.

Concentrated: A poison with this enhancement is considerably more lethal than normal
poison. Using special distilling processes, the brewer intensifies the poison repeatedly,
guaranteeing the venom has maximum possible effect.
Concentrated poison deals maximum damage each time it inflicts damage. Concentrated
poisons that cause paralyzation or unconsciousness instead have their durations maximized.
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Brew Potion, Maximize Spell, bestow curse; Price 15 x poison
cost per dose.

Contagious: Contagious poison seeps into the skin of the victim in addition to wherever else
in the body it attacks. By inundating itself in the host body this way, the poison turns the
victim's sweat and touch into a weaker version of itself.
Once contagious poison affects a victim, whether by its initial exposure or the secondary
effects, the venom seeps into his body. While it deals no further damage and does not prevent
recovery, it taints the victim and effectively turns his touch into a contact poison. The poison
affects the next creature the victim touches with bare flesh. The contagious poison can only
affect one additional creature in this way. The poison transmitted does not have the
contagious quality, but it has any other magic qualities of the original poison.
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Brew Potion, ghoul touch; Price 6 x poison cost per dose.
Destructive: This property can only be added to poison already enhanced with the repeating
property. Destructive poison is among the most vicious kinds of poison available. This
lingering attack kills its victims slowly and leaves many survivors crippled.
Treat destructive venom as normal repeating venom. However, should the poison manage to
reduce an ability score to 0 (and that doesn't kill the victim), the poison begins to convert the
ability damage into permanent ability drain at its normal damage rate. For example, a dose of
gripping repeating destructive insanity mist that has reduced its victim to 0 Wisdom through
ability damage begins to convert that damage to permanent ability drain at a rate of 2d6 points
of Wisdom per day. Victims surviving this poison still regain any temporary damage at the
normal rate.
Moderate necromancy; CL 5th; Brew Potion, inflict serious wounds; Price 15 x poison cost
per dose.

Gripping: Gripping poison seizes a victim and refuses to let go. Once ingested, this poison
works ever deeper into the body, making it harder to purge.
Poisons with this quality deal no additional damage, but the time required to recover from
them is significantly longer. Victims exposed to this variety of poison must make a Fortitude
save and another save 1 minute later. However, if either of these saves fail, the poison works
its way into the victim's body. Once embedded, the victim cannot recover from the damage
the poison dealt until purged of the venom.
Gripping poison differs from most other qualities in that it has degrees. The number of
successful Fortitude saves the victim must make in order to overcome a gripping poison
equals the number of degrees a poison has in gripping. The victim makes one Fortitude save
per day, and once he makes a number of successful Fortitude saves equal to the poison's
gripping degree, he is free of the effect and can begin to heal normally.
A poison may not have more than five degrees in this quality. To determine the cost of
enhancing a poison with multiple degrees of this quality, simply multiply the cost of the
gripping poison by the number of degrees desired.
Neutralize poison does not automatically remove a gripping poison from the victim, but it
does count as one successful Fortitude save.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Brew Potion, bear's endurance; Price 6 x poison cost per dose x
number of degrees.

Mounting: Only a poison already enhanced with the gripping property can have the mounting
property added to it. Mounting poison inundates the host body just like gripping poison, but it
digs much deeper, seeping into the body more thoroughly.
Treat mounting poison as normal gripping poison, except that each failed Fortitude save adds
+2 to the DC for future saves, to a maximum of double the normal DC.
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Brew Potion, inflict moderate wounds; Price 6 x poison cost per

Potent: Concentrated poison is brewed for optimal effectiveness, but its performance is still
limited by its base toxicity. Potent poison, magically treated to exceed its normal limitations,
expands on its potential to do harm. A potent poison deals half again as much damage as
normal. Poisons that only cause unconsciousness or paralyzation have the duration of their
effects increased by 50%.
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Brew Potion, death knell, Price 8 x poison cost per dose.

Repeating: This property can only be added to poison already enhanced with the gripping
property. Repeating poison doesn't just rest in the body and refuse to leave; it continues its
assault for as long as it manages to hold onto the victim.
Treat repeating poison as normal gripping poison, except that repeating poison deals its
secondary damage each day the victim fails his Fortitude saving throw to overcome the
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Brew Potion, inflict serious wounds; Price 15 x poison cost per

Spell Resistant: This dangerous poison resists magic manipulation. It rebuffs magic attempts
to neutralize or slow it.
Spell resistant poison has a spell resistance score against all spells that attempt to slow or
neutralize it. The poison's spell resistance is equal to the poison's base Fortitude save DC. For
example, a dose of spell resistant shadow essence has spell resistance 17.
Spellcasters hoping to aid the poison victim with magic must first beat the poison's spell
resistance with a caster level check, just as if the poison were a creature.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Brew Potion, dispel magic; Price 15 x poison cost per dose.

As with any large city, Waterdeep's populace makes periodic use of poisons against their
enemies. Such means of warfare are particularly common among merchants and nobles.

Sleep-Smoke: Used primarily by agents of the Xanathar Thieves' Guild for kidnapping, sleep-
smoke is a dark-gray, smoky gas that rapidly dissipates when released into the air. One dose
affects a globe 10 feet in diameter on the first round, expanding outward to a globe 20 feet in
diameter on the second round, and being harmless thereafter. A strong wind can move the
globe of sleep-smoke.
Type: Inhaled DC 15; Initial damage unconsciousness for 1 minute; Secondary damage
unconsciousness for 1d3 minutes; Price 25 gp; DC to create 15; CR modifier +1.

Poisons of the Serpent Kingdoms

Almost all the serpentfolk and lizardkin use poisons from time to time. These substances vary
widely in origin, use, and effect. Many have no effect at all on Scaled Ones, and some (such
as osssra oils) even have beneficial effects on members of those races. All, however, are
baneful to Scaleless Ones.

Poison Type Initial Damage Secondary Damage Price

Lizardfolk Poisons
Contact DC Paralysis 2d6
Blue frog paste 1d4 Dex 500 gp
19 minutes
Contact DC Unconsciousness Unconsciousness
Sleep poison 390 gp
17 1d3 rounds 1d3 hours
Yuan-ti Poisons
Sssartisss Injury DC 20 Unconsciousness 400 gp
2d6 minutes
2d4 points of
Ts'ous Injury DC 20 4d4 points of damage 460 gp
Osssra Smoke¹
Mixed flaming osssra Inhaled DC Unconsciousness
1d4 Dex Varies
oils 22 4d4 minutes
Inhaled DC
Amasstarte smoke Hold person 1d4 rounds Slow 1d6 rounds 750 gp
Inhaled DC 1,000
Battasss smoke 1d4 Wis Sleep 1d4+2 rounds
15 gp
Inhaled DC Feeblemind 2d6 2,000
Duthlah'hass smoke 2d4 Dex
16 minutes gp
Inhaled DC- 1,210
Ektharisss smoke 1d6 Str 1d4 Str
11 gp
Inhaled DC 2,500
Faele smoke 2d6 Con 1d6 Con
17 gp
Inhaled DC Unconsciousness 1,500
Hooloond smoke 1d6 points of damage
16 2d6 minutes gp
Inhaled DC 1,000
Jalasss smoke 1d4 Int 1d6 Int
16 gp
Inhaled DC 2d4 points of acid 2d6 points of
Laerisss smoke 300 gp
14 damage damage
Inhaled DC 3d4 points of
Ruusstantar smoke 2d4 points of damage 750 gp
18 damage
Inhaled DC Paralysis 2d6 1,500
Ulathlasss smoke 3d6 Str
20 minutes gp
¹ Only poisonous to Scaleless Ones.

Lizardfolk Poisons

Though not as brilliant at crafting subtle means of death as the yuan-ti, the lizardfolk have
developed the skill to extract various poisons from their environment and render them into
forms stable enough to use against foes.

Blue Frog Paste: The otherwise harmless bright blue frogs of the Serpent Hills secrete a
unique poison that the lizardfolk of Kalran have learned to harvest. Mixing it with other
natural substances produces a highly toxic oil suitable for applying to weapons.

Sleep Poison: The lizardfolk have developed a technique for distilling the extract of several
jungle plants to produce a poison that renders enemies unconscious.

Yuan-ti poisons

The yuan-ti normally coat their weapons with either their own poison or that of the vipers
they keep as pets and guardians, but a few have also experimented with distilling and
combining poisons. Since snake venoms are notoriously unstable when mixed, the result is
usually a milky fluid that has no harmful effects beyond mild acidity. Nevertheless, at least
two successes have been achieved: sssartisss and ts'ous.
Both of these substances are clear, sticky fluids that develop a hard surface when in contact
with air but remain viscous beneath this outer sheen. Thus, they can retain their virulence for
decades. Scaled Ones are immune to the effects of both poisons. Those familiar with both can
tell them apart by odor when "wet" and by sheen when "dry."

Sssartisss: A distillate of the venoms of several kinds of poisonous serpents, sssartisss has a
bitter tang when wet and a scaled or furrowed texture when dry.

Ts'ous: This substance is a mixture of cobra venom and the extracts of several poisonous
plants. It smells like overripe fruit when wet and dries clear.


The creations of yuan-ti spellcasters, osssra oils are mixtures of substances that produce
pungent, colorful smoke when burned. Osssra smoke confers benefits on all Scaled Ones but
functions as an inhaled poison for all other creatures. In some cases, direct contact with the oil
in either ignited or un-ignited form is necessary to receive the benefit.

Yuan-ti typically immerse small pieces of firewood in osssra oil for 1d4 days and then burn
them to create the smoke. A single vial of oil can treat enough wood to fill a 50-foot-square
room with smoke for at least 4 hours. If ignited directly, the smoke fills the same area but
lasts only 5 rounds. Once ignited by either method, osssra oil emits a cloud of colored smoke
that moves outward from its source as a spread at the rate of 1 foot per round, to a maximum
diameter of 60 feet. Osssra smoke is heavily scented, but it does not cause coughing, choking,
or any other effect associated with tainted or insufficient air.

Yuan-ti avoid combining different kinds of osssra smoke because their effects negate each
other wherever they overlap. Pools of undignified osssra oil don't affect osssra smoke with
which they come into contact. Mixing two un-ignited osssra oils ruins both, resulting in a
flammable mixed oil that has no special effects on either reptiles or non-reptiles.

If two different osssra oils are poured together while flaming, the result is a thick, strong-
smelling smoke that is toxic to any creature inhaling it. In addition to its poisonous effects
(see above), this smoke has the effect of a fog cloud spell (caster level 10th). -

The secrets of making osssra oils are guarded by yuan-ti tribal elders, and most humans know
too little about them to distinguish one from another. In large cities or pirate ports where there
is little scrutiny from authorities, merchants often sell osssra oils as "cooking oils" or "scents."
Some sellers arrange small demonstrations, using slaves or aging pack-beasts as models on
which to demonstrate the precise effects of their wares.

Although some osssra effects closely resemble those of spells, they are not magical effects.
Thus, they cannot be dispelled or prevented by spell resistance.

Amasstartae: The green smoke produced by this oil is shot through with twinkling silvery
metallic flecks that resemble sparks. Its smell is often described as "prickle-nose spicy."
Amasstartae oil is produced by combining sap from the leaves of the silverthorn weed with a
distillate of crushed and boiled scales from any salt-water fish.
Amasstarte oil grants the benefit of a cure light wounds spell to any Scaled One who pours a
vial of it into a bath and soaks in the resulting mixture for at least 1 hour. The effects are
cumulative for multiple hours.

Battasss: The ruby-red smoke emitted by this oil flickers with random darker "threads" and
smells like scorching milk. Battasss oil is made from palm oil and the petals of the tiny white
wildflower known as fallen snow.

When inhaled by a Scaled One, battasss smoke produces extreme clarity of mind. During this
time, the Scaled One requires no Concentration check to perform any action, regardless of
distractions or combinations of effects that might ordinarily impair spellcasting or
performance. Furthermore, the affected reptile gains a +5 bonus on Will saves. These effects
persist for as long as the Scaled One inhales the smoke and for 3d6 minutes thereafter.

Duthlah'hass: This oil produces a bright amber smoke with a smell similar to that of sizzling
seaweed or burnt moss. Humanoids sometimes describe the scent as "fiery" or "nose-
clearing." Duthlah'hass oil is prepared from mint, the bark of certain tropical trees, and the sap
of the greater jungle clingvine. In Scaled Ones, duthlah'hass smoke induces dreamsleep - a
deep, relaxed slumber in which they receive visions from their own subconscious minds and
occasionally their deities. The effects of dream or suggestion spells cast upon them by other
beings may also manifest during such a sleep. Dreamsleeping Yuan-ti can retrieve memories
(such as where or how they hid something long ago, or snatches of overheard conversation)
with crystal clarity. A dreamsleeper awakens immediately upon taking damage; otherwise the
sleep lasts for 2d4 hours after the initial duthlah'hass contact (regardless of whether or not the
smoke is gone).

Ektharisss: The dark purple smoke generated by this oil is highlighted by occasional puffs of
a slightly lighter blue color. Its smell is reminiscent of fresh-cut lemons or limes. Ektharisss
oil is distilled from the sap of the nightshadow jungle plant, which can be easily recognized
by its shield-sized, brilliant purple leaves.

Ektharisss alters the body density of Scaled Ones in contact with its smoke, enabling them to
use levitate as a spell-like ability at will for as long as they are in contact with the vapors
(maximum weight 200 lbs.). Yuan-ti often use this ability to reach high ledges, doors, or
openings leading to treasure storage areas. Some also use it to rest, study, or work above the
reach of distractions or hostile beings. Extreme care is required, however, since normal
weight returns the instant contact with ektharisss smoke is lost, making falls quite likely. As
with the spell, the affected creature must be willing to rise, and objects can be lifted only by a
Scaled One in contact with the smoke.

Faele: This oil produces a deep blue smoke laced with occasional streamers of bright emerald
hue. Its reek is similar to the sickly-sweet "death smell" of rotting human or elf flesh. Faele oil
consists of human or elf blood mixed with a distillate of boiled boar brain.

Faele smoke grants a Scaled One a +4 circumstance bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.
Furthermore, any hit point damage taken by a Scaled One under its effects is reduced by 1
point per die, or by 1 point per attack if no die roll is involved. These benefits persist for 1d4
hours from initial contact with faele smoke. Continued contact after that period does not
extend the effect, nor does any new contact with it renew the benefits until 24 hours have
elapsed from the expiration of the previous effect.
Hooloond: This oil generates a yellow-green smoke shot - through with momentary jets of
red smoke that resemble licks of flame. The scent of hooloond smoke is often likened to the
minty smell of fresh-cut jungle vines or melons, though it is much stronger. Hooloond oil
contains the blood of a constrictor snake and the venom of a viper.

At least 3 minutes of continuous contact with hooloond smoke heals a Scaled One of 1d4+2
points of damage. An individual can gain this benefit twelve times in swift succession if
opportunity permits, but the smoke won't affect that particular reptile again for a full 24 hours
after its last healing. Yuan-ti often plan their battles so that they can fight in continuous
contact with hooloond smoke (for example, inside a smoke cloud or smoke-filled room).
Doing so allows them to receive this healing automatically every 3 minutes.

Jalasss: This oil produces white smoke shot through with short-lived, rainbowlike bands of
iridescence. Its smell is like that of burning paint or strongly dyed fabric. Jalasss oil is a
distillate of crushed snails and the sap of the launteene - an edible plant native to the wild
floral hotlands.

Jalasss smoke instantly and permanently banishes the effects of all enchantment spells from
the minds of Scaled Ones in contact with it and makes them immune to such effects for 1d4
hours after contact ceases. Contact with ignited jalasss oil for 1 round maximizes this
extension but deals damage as burning oil.

Laerisss: The brown smoke generated by this oil smells like burning olives. Laerisss oil
contains certain crushed insects and the roots of several floating swamp plants.

Laerisss smoke causes a quickening of reactions in a Scaled One that manifests as a +2 bonus
on all Reflex saves. This effect lasts for 3d6 minutes from initial contact. The same individual
cannot be affected again for 1d4 hours; even if it remains in contact with the smoke.

Ruusstantar: The green smoke produced by this oil is shot through with ribbons of purple
vapor, and its scent is like that of freshly crushed grapes. Ruusstantar oil contains a distillate
of snakeskin and crushed dragon bone.

Any Scaled One in contact with ruusstantar smoke gains 1d12 temporary hit points that last
for 1d4 hours. A Scaled One that pours the ignited oil over her body instead gains 2d12
temporary hit points and take no damage from the burning oil. These effects do not stack.
Once affected by ruusstantar, a Scaled One can't gain the benefits from either the smoke or
the oil again until 2d4 full days have elapsed.

Ulathlasss: The dull, heavy, green smoke generated by this oil flows over floors and then up
walls and furnishings as though it were a lazy serpent. Its smell is similar to that of roasting
boar. Ulathlasss oil is made from the internal juices of both carrion crawlers and centipedes.

Ulathlasss smoke renders Scaled Ones immune to all effects related to extremes of heat and
cold (including natural torpor and natural or magical damage), but not the effects of natural or
magical fire and ice, which deal half damage. This benefit lasts for as long as the Scaled One
is in contact with the smoke and for 2d6 minutes thereafter.

Contact with ignited ulathlasss oil has the same effects on reptiles as contact with the smoke,
except that the user also becomes immune to damage from natural and magical fire and ice,
and all benefits persist for 3d6 minutes after contact with the oil ceases. Ulathlasss confers no
protection against lightning or any other electricity-based effect in any of its forms.

More - (Dragon #355)

Specifically crafted against the yuan-ti, these are less risky to use than standard poisons

Skinshredder: Painfully strips portions of the victim's skin, causing flesh to blister as though
burnt. Price 2,000 gp.

Scalerot: A vile infestation between scales that erupts in ugly sores that sicken the yuan-ti.
This poison only affects yuan-ti. Price 600 gp.

Scalepox: Causes scales to drop off, lowering the natural armor bonus of the snakefolk. This
poison only affects yuan-ti. Price 950 gp.

Skinvice: Hardens skin or scales to cause paralysis. Price 700 gp.

More New Poisons

Poison Type Initial Damage Secondar
Skinshredder Injury DC 16 1d6 Con 2d6 Con
Scalerot Injury DC 16 1d6 Dex Sickened*
Scalepox Injury DC 16 Scaledrop** 0
Skinvice Injury DC 18 Paralysis 0
*A yuan-ti failing the save against this poison is sickened for 2d6 rounds.
**The round after a failed save, a significant portion of the yuan-ti's scales slough away, reducing the creatur
scales grow back over a period od 24 hours. The process of shedding does not otherwise harm the yuan-ti.

Ophiotoxins: A dose of ophiotoxin weighs 1/10th lb. It comes in a small glass vial with a
label indicating its specific type. The following ophiotoxins represent the most common oils.

Bane: The ochre-colored smoke created by this oil has the scent of camphor. This toxin
neutralizes the effects of osssra in an area, rendering it useless to yuan-ti and negating effects
of the poison upon others. A dose costs 400 gp.

Hissing Choker: This thick, acrid smoke smells of tar. When burned, the oil counteracts the
effects of osssra and reverses the effects, causing them to become harmful to yuan-ti and
affecting the snakefolk as though they were humans. Yuan-ti in the area must save against the
poison effects of osssra as if they were humans and take the damage indicated by the
particular type. All nonyuan-ti are unaffected by the reversed osssra's poison effect. A dose
costs 750 gp.

Osssra Blight: The deep violet smoke of this oil has thick bands of yellow dancing through it
and gives off the scent of damp earth and oil. The oil has a mutating effect on any osssra,
reversing the effects of the oil to yuan-ti. Oils that would otherwise offer bonuses instead
offer penalties, while those that heal damage deal damage to yuan-ti instead. A dose costs
1,200 gp.
Epic Poisons
Book of Vile Darkness Epic Enhancement

By Andy Collins

While most high-level characters largely ignore the threat of deadly toxins, some particularly
devious villains have devised variant poisons that bypass common defenses. These poisons,
often referred to as antimagic poisons, are effectively an antimagic field in toxic liquid (or
gel) form. As such, they are totally unaffected by any magical effects that might protect
against their effects, including spells such as delay poison or neutralize poison, supernatural
resistances or immunities to poison, or even magical bonuses on saves against poison (such as
from a cloak of resistance or periapt of proof against poison). Even nonpermanent
enhancements to the victim's ability scores do not apply to saves to resist antimagic poisons.

Furthermore, magical means are useless in restoring ability damage inflicted by these toxins.
Only rest can restore such losses.

Heal checks made to tend wounds poisoned by such toxins work normally, and antitoxin's
alchemical bonus to saves still applies.

Perhaps thankfully, only a few such toxins exist, and the secret of their making -- indeed, of
their very existence -- is not widely known. Only those who have selected the Epic Poison
Crafter feat can attempt to create such poisons. Characters without this feat cannot even assist
in the creation of epic poisons. Below is a list of these poisons.

Much like epic magic items, crafting epic poisons uses slightly altered rules from crafting
standard poisons. First, the character must spend one-third of the market price in raw
materials. If the Craft (poisonmaking) or Craft (alchemy) check is successful, multiply the
check result by the DC for the check. That result indicates how many tens of gold pieces'
worth of poison are created that week. For example, an assassin crafting lyzeum begins by
spending 110,000 gp in raw materials. On his first Craft (poisonmaking) skill check, he rolls a
71. Multiplying this result by the DC of 59 results in a total of 4,189, which means that he has
created 41,890 gp worth of poison -- roughly 1/8 of a dose. Assuming similar success, the task
will be complete in another seven weeks or so.

Antimagic Poisons
Initial Secondary
Poison Type
Damage Damage
1d4 Str, 2d6 Str,
Chaos ichor Contact DC 22
1d4 Dex* 2d6 Dex
Lyzeum Injury DC 25 1d6 Dex 3d6 Dex
Illis thyr Injury DC 28 2d4 Con 4d4 Con
Milk of Atropos Injury DC 32 2d8 Str 4d8 Str
1d6 Int, 3d6 Int,
Godsblood Injury DC 40
Wis, Cha Wis, Cha
*There is a 25% chance that the initial damage is permanent ability drain.
For Your Campaign

A plethora of poisons exist in D&D, and while they all have different effects, they all work
the same way. Imagine your players' fright when they face a poison that doesn't respond to
magic and doesn't go away on its own. Any enemy packing such a weapon instantly becomes
a memorable threat.

You can build entire organizations around one particularly potent form of venom. This potent
extract is a guild secret given only to those who prove skillful enough to be worthy of using it.
The poison could even serve as the guild's calling card, allowing you to build up both the
organization's - and the poison's - reputation before confronting your party with either.

Another option is to grant these poison enhancements to creatures. For example. a group of
wyverns that live on a small mountain surrounded by a swamp possess a particularly virulent
poison that not only prevents its victims from recovering from the poison, but also resist any
magic attempts at slowing or neutralizing it. A reward might exist for the destruction of these
beasts, but the rumors of their potent poisons keeps many would-be adventurers at bay.

For Your Character

If your character opposes the use of poisons, he has little use for these enhanced poisons.
However, that doesn't mean you can't put them to use in creating your character.

Much like in Shadows of Undrentide, magically enhanced poisons can serve as the impetus
for adventure. Perhaps your master suffered the same fate as Dragan, and you hunt for a cure
before his time runs out. Maybe your mother suffers from a lingering poison that resists all
magic and mundane neutralizing effects. In a frightening twist, perhaps you suffer from the
effects of a poison whose effects you cannot overcome, and you must venture forth in a
weakened condition to find a cure.

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