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The Hallowing Night

A quite night on the trail turns into an ordeal of survival as

the party finds itself pulled to the lands of evil.

Introduction: The adventurers will be pulled to a demiplane of undead

evil and forced to track down and destroy the forces that summoned

A 2-5 hour adventure for three to six 3rd-5th level


by PDX_Mike

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know is based on how high their modified DC roll is.
Adventure Overview 20 – PC knows this is a holy day called the
Hallowing that has some connection to the plane of
There are four primary scenes to this adventure. evil.
• First, when the party makes camp they are • 23 – PC knows that on the Hollowing, the
mysteriously plane shifted to an unknown plane of evil intersects the Prime material
realm. plane and humanoids can be abducted by the
• Second they will encounter the wailing girl powers of evil.
who will direct them to the village. • 25 – PC knows that the abduction takes the
• Third they travel to the village. form of a planeshift where PCs are pulled to
• Lastly they will travel to Munster Manor and Barovia, the only way to return to the Prime
hunt the undead that brought them to the plane is to find the evil force that pulled them
plane of evil. there and destroy it. (provide as much
Ravenloft background as desired to PC)

Designed to be One-off session The night watch continues…

While not necessary, this adventure was
written to be run on a single play
session. The Party succeeds by killing
A few hours before dawn, the temperature
the individual that summoned them. There
are 5 named monsters they will encounter begins to drop. A sharp chill fills the
that could be the one that summoned them. air and the fog begins to intensify. The
characters on watch keep a wary eye out
If your group is ready to quit playing and but see no movement within the fog. As
have just defeated one of the 5 main the first light of dawn is seen, heavy
antagonists, just assign that one as the banks of fog begin rolling through the
summoner and describe how as that fiend area. Vision is obscured down to 15’ as
dies, a brilliant beacon of light erupts the fog rolls in and out.
from them and they are sucked back to the
The awake PC’s stare intently into the
Prime material plane.
slight glow of morning and are surprised
to see the environment begin to shift and
change as the fog obscures and retreats
Scene 1 – Planeshift from different areas. A tree that was
straight and healthy will be hidden for a
You can snatch your PC’s from any environment, just moment by the fog, only to be revealed as
replace the forest scenery with whatever spot your twisted and sickly when the fog rolls back
party is traveling in. out. A spot where a bush fills the area
will change to open ground in the moments
Let the party define how they will setup watches it is blocked from sight.
during the night. Nothing special happens until The morning sun is heavily filtered
around midnight. through the soupy fog leaving the whole
area lit only by an unsettling gloomy
A light fog begins rolling in around glow. Within 30 minutes, the shifting of
midnight. Visibility is down to about the landscape stops and the characters
40’ in the darkness. The normal sounds find themselves in an unknown area. The
of the forest quiet down and an landmarks they recognized from the evening
unnatural quite settles in the area. before are completely gone and they find
themselves in a deep, dreary forest.
Somewhere in the near distance, they hear
Characters with skill in History or Religion can a young girl faintly sobbing.
perform a Difficulty Check DC 20 to realize tonight is
the night of the Hollowing. The background they

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Scene 2 – Wailing Girl
The faint wailing that the characters hear is a 7 year
old human girl wailing and sobbing about 50 yards
from the PC’s camp. Unless the PC’s are very careful
in their approach she will be visibly terrified of them
(but unless harmed she won’t run away).
Scene 3 – Skeleton village
The girls name is Jezebel. She is from a small village
to the north. Once the party gets her calmed down, The trail leads 300 yards North through
she can tell them the following the dim forest. A wide clearing opens up
and 60’ through the fog you can see
• Her whole village was destroyed by candlelight glowing through curtains.
skeletons. As you look closer you see a large oak
rising out of the center of the glade, a
• There were 3 families living in the village –
two-story wood building pressing up
12 people total not counting her.
against it. The bottom level has
• She didn’t see it happen but she was out several windows and a door facing the
picking mushrooms and when she returned, path. The second level has no windows
all the humans were gone and the village was but a small balcony with door on just
overrun with skeletons. above the first-floor door.
• Several of them attacked her so she fled and Across the trail from it, a large,
has been hiding in the forest ever since. single story 3 room building stands
• She thinks it was done by the Baron who lives dark.
along the road North of the village. Two skeletal figures walk out of
• The Baron lives with his family in a manor. it, cross the path and enter the
They are cruel and come once a year to larger building without glancing
your way.
abduct children from the area.

What happened to the village? This is mostly a Roleplaying Scene. The villagers don’t
Unknown to Jezebel, the villagers were realize they are skeletons, to each other they look and
cursed by Baron Munster to change to sound normal. The villager/skeletons will react to the
Skeletons during the daylight hours. Party as if they were normal travelers.
The villagers don’t know they are
skeletons and still perform their normal
If the party charges in slaying them, they are generally
daily activities such as cooking, farming unarmed/unarmored so they will flee in terror.
and socializing.
If the party doesn’t startle them, the skeletons will
While the skeletons can talk to each other look at them as they arrive. The Innkeeper skeleton
and understand non-skeletons, they cannot will try to talk to them but it will just appear as teeth
speak – it just comes out as clattering clicking and gesturing to the PC’s.
teeth and hissing.

There are two buildings in the village.

1. Inn – a wooden building built at the base of a
huge Oak tree. The building is 2 floors tall
with a nearly flat thatched roof. 1st floor is a
large single room with two feast tables and a
large clay stove in the corner. A Set of stairs
leads up to the second floor.

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Second floor is split into 2 rooms both The only windows visible are the 4’ wide,
containing a large bed, chamber pot and tall stained glass on either side of the
crude dresser. front door. The windows are thick glass
and can’t be seen through other than
If the party ransacks the building, they will flickering light filtering through them.
find a total of 20 gp, 12 gallons of average There are no other windows on the entire
beer, and a silvered longsword tucked behind building.
the stove.
The Entry door is a 12’ tall set of
2. Sleeping hut – A high roofed large room is reinforced oak double doors. A wide porch
flanked by two smaller rooms, all contain extends 6’ from the front door. There are
beds, chests, bowls and other knickknacks of four rain barrels lined up in front of the
family living. porch. Sitting on top of each barrel is a
large hollowed out orange gourd with a
A total of 20 gp can be found if the party crude face carved into it. A small candle
searches all three rooms. glows within each gourd.

If the PC’s communicate with the skeletons (nodding

The four jack-o-lanterns are in fact, 4 scarecrows
head yes/no, writing answers, etc) the Innkeeper
crouching down inside the barrels. If the party
attacks them or approaches within 30’ they leap out
• The Baron’s manor lies ½ mile up the of the barrels and charge to attack.
Northern trail from the village. No one from
the village has ever been there and come
Scarecrow: CR1, AC11, HP 36
• That it’s the Hallowing and that the Baron
• SC#1 (36)_______________________________________
probably summoned them.
• That the party has until sundown when the
• SC#2 (36)_______________________________________
Baron will begin hunting them.
• The Baron is a masterful hunter and is
• SC#3 (36)_______________________________________
considerably more vulnerable in his manor.
• The Barons family will be at the manor.
• SC#4 (36)_______________________________________
Wife/her husband, Daughter, and Son.

2. Entry Way
Scene 4 – Munster Manor
The Manor used to be a temple complex. It’s walls are
The doors open to a 60' x 20 room.
5’ thick dirt and stone covered by slick wooden Ornate desks and gilded paintings
shingles. All the rooms are oversized and even though line the walls. Across from the
it’s single story, it stands from 14’ to 20’ high in front door; 2 - 10' tall Minotaur
places. skeletons frame an exit into the
next great room. One holds a great
axe and one holds a great mace both
1. Front Door held straight out supporting candles
in a strange kind of chandelier.

In the next (Main room) room can be

seen a pale human boy of about 9.
He is dressed in formal black &

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white attire and has black hair Most of the books are long rotted and fall apart
greased into a pointy widows peak. when opened but in one of the alcoves is a book still
in decent shape. It’s written in common and titled
He looks up when the party opens the “Librum Munster”
door and smiles.
If the characters peruse the book, they will find a
The Minotaur skeletons will animate as soon as they story that describes how Baron Munster was nearly
are attacked or any living humanoid enters the room. defeated by a farm boy striking him with a blue
The boy in the Main room is Eddie Munster. He is crystal that shone with the power of the sun. The
the grandson of the Baron and naively cruel (think – Baron tricked and killed the boy taking the crystal as
likes to pull wings off of flies but with humanoids his trophy.
rather than flies). 4. Dining Room
Eddie will spend his first action transforming into a
werewolf and then attack.
The ornate doors into this room are not locked.
Werewolf: CR3, AC12, HP58 Across a large wide room a broad sunroom
streams with light. The center of the
• Eddie (58)______________________________________ room has a huge dark wood feasting table.
A massive man sits at the table eating
Mino Skeletons: CR2, AC12, HP 67 from a sink sized bowl and drinking from
Both the great weapons they hold are +1 Enchanted an oversized goblet. The man’s forehead
is extended and the top perfectly flat.
• Mino#1 (67)____________________________________ His joints all look to be sewn together
and thick steel pins stick from his neck.
He looks up making an exaggerated
• Mino#1 (67)____________________________________
surprised look at you and says in a polite
tone - "oh, hello. I didn't hear you come
Aftermath: If the PC’s defeat the Eddie and the in. Who are you?"
Skeletons, they will find he wears a large ruby
broach worth 200gp. Both of the Skeleton great
weapons are +1 enchanted. The man is Herman Munster. He is kind hearted and
gullible. If the group is hurt he'll notice and ask if they
want some help, he'll insist they take care of
themselves, the sight of blood upsets his stomach. If
3. Main Room the party won't he'll bellow for his wife Lilly to come
heal them.

Several plush couches fill the corners of Herman won’t let the party wander his house
the rooms. A brightly colored mosaic unescorted but if the party convinces him (Persuasion
tiled floor depicts a red mounted knight. DC10) they have a good reason to be there, he will
There is a huge chandelier lighting the follow them around helping as he can.
room. Where the boy was sitting, a
roughly gnawed pile of rib bones is If Herman see’s destruction or murder the party has
strewn. There are exits on either side committed, he will berate them and attack.
of the room, 2 small alcoves have
libraries stashed in them. Opposite the Herman is a Flesh Golem – CR5, AC9, HP39
entrance a set of stairs leads up to a
landing before 2 more massive and ornate Herman (93)____________________________________

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Aftermath: Herman was drinking from a large beer
cask. There are 8 gallons left (worth 2 gp). The gallon
capacity goblet he’s drinking from is silver
and amathyst (200gp)

5. Sunroom

This alcove if filled with lush planters. Large ferns

form a semi canopy into the room. Sunlight streams
down into the middle of the room from an illusionary
skylight and seems to focus and refract on a finger
long blue crystal floating at chest height.
If grabbed, the crystal feels warm to the touch but
otherwise normal.

The solar stone is a one use “Dagger of Vampire

Slaying”. If a vampire is struck by it, the crystal will
shatter and the vampire will burst in a brilliant blast
of sunlight. 7. Northern Anteroom
6. Southern Anteroom
This is a pass-through hallway. Large dark paintings
of long dead warriors and wizards line the walls. You
This is a pass-through hallway. Large dark paintings feel as if their eyes are following you as you move
of long dead warriors and wizards line the walls. You through the room.
feel as if their eyes are following you as you move
through the room. 4 shadows lurk here stopping intruders from passing
through. If the shadows from the Southern Anteroom
4 shadows lurk here stopping intruders from passing start fighting, these 4 will come join them.
through. If the shadows from the Northern Anteroom
start fighting, these 4 will come join them. CR 1/2, AC12, HP16

CR 1/2, AC12, HP16 • Shad#1 (16)____________________________________

• Shad#1 (16)____________________________________ • Shad#2 (16)____________________________________

• Shad#2 (16)____________________________________ • Shad#3 (16)____________________________________

• Shad#3 (16)____________________________________ • Shad#4 (16)____________________________________

• Shad#4 (16)____________________________________
8. Bedroom

This room is painted in pastels of pink

and yellow. Vases with daisies and tulips

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sit on the tables. A small harp sits on
one table with an animated severed hand CR 1/4, AC8, HP22
playing a happy tune. Sitting at a
reading desk is a blond woman in her 20's
• Zombie#1 (22)_________________________________
reading a book.

• Zombie#2 (22)_________________________________
The woman is Marilyn Munster, the adopted daughter
of Lillian Munster. To all appearances she is a normal
Aftermath: Lilly has her +1 dagger. On a velvet
Human woman.
display pillow is a row of 3 platinum and obsidian
surgical blades. Each is worth 40 gp. Lilly wears a
Marilyn is a reskinned Banshee but she does not have
moonstone ring (80gp)
the horrid visage power. She also cannot wail at will.

When Marilyn is reduced to 0 hp, she releases the

banshee wail and fades into banshee form with 20 hp. 10. Thrall Room

CR4, AC12, HP58

There are 6 humanoids with manacles around
• Marilyn (58)____________________________________ their necks locked to the wall. A lamb is
in the center of the room, it's throat
CR0, AC12, HP2 slit and a large pool of blood clotted
around it. The humanoids strain against
• Crawling Hand (2)_____________________________ the chains and reach forlornly for the
Aftermath: The harp on the table is worth food.
50gp. On the desk there is a mirror (50gp)
and 2 jars of red dye (10gp each) she used as
make-up. If anyone enters the room the chained humanoids
wail and beg to be freed. The 6 prisoners are all
minions (1hp) and can be killed on anything above a
9. Torture Room critical miss. If they are freed, they will lunge to
attack any warm blooded creature.

A woman dressed in gauzy robes stands

before a torture rack. She appears to be 11. Guard Room
sprinkling dust and cobwebs around the
area as if doing some sort of reverse
housecleaning. Several bodies lay
crumpled and molding in the room. A single ornate door stands guarded by two
Against the walls stand an Iron armored undead holding broadswords and
Maiden, rack and fire pot with irons shields.
in it.

Lillian (Lilly) Munster is Vampire Spawn relaxing in The two undead are Wights. They will hold their
her favorite room. She will attack the party as soon as ground until attacked and then will attack and pursue
she discovers them. Two of the bodies on the floor any intruder.
are zombies, they will rise and fight alongside her.
CR3, AC14, HP45
CR5, AC15, HP82, regen 10/trn, +1 dagger
• Wight#1 (45)___________________________________
• Lilly ((82)_______________________________________
• Wight#2 (45)___________________________________

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Echoing across the bedroom comes elderly
man’s giggling voice calls out “Oh I
didn’t realize it’s dinner time and LOOK
who stopped by for a bite.”

This is Baron “Grandpa” Munsters room. He is a

vampire and considerably over confident.

When the party opens the door, Grandpa is hiding

beneath the bed.

Grandpa will taunt the party to see if he can get them

to come into the room. If all party members enter
before combat starts, the ornate door slams shut and
locks itself. Once that happens Grandpa will reveal
himself and attack.

CR13, AC16, HP144

Grandpa (144)__________________________________

Aftermath: In the unlikely event the PC’s are able to

search the chest at the end of the bed, they will find 2
marble and platinum jars (1000gp each), 1 ivory and
gold battle horn (500gp)

12. Masters Quarters

Don’t be a jerk
As written, Grandpa should be able to
pacify and feast on most 3-5th level groups
A huge dark bedroom shows the signs of that make it this far.
decades of abandonment. Thick dust layers
the bed and furniture. Cobwebs drape off I recommend leaving an opening for the
all the corners and ledges. There are no group to use the solar stone rather than
playing Grandpa as a tactical enemy.
tracks in any of the dust.
At the far end of a room, a massive 4
post bed sits on a raised dais. A heavy
trunk nestles at the foot of the bed.

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