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Time: 2 hours

Total marks: 20

Question 1 Define and explain following: (2.5)
a. Paradigm
b. Research methodology
c. Literature review – stages and purposes
d. Induction, deduction and abduction
e. Research process
Question 2 Describe salient trends in social science research across the Atlantic and in (1)
Question 3 In his article, ‘Introducing Students to the GenericTerminology of Social (3.5)
Research,’ Jonathan Grix emphasizes diligent assimilation of interrelationship
between the core concepts of social science (ontology, epistemology,
methodology, methods and sources). In the first place, what is understood by
ontology, and epistemology; secondly what is the relationship between said
concepts, and why clarity of these terms is so important for a researcher?
Question 4 What triggered the development of epistemologies in social science research? (4.5)
Discuss four major epistemologies of social science research of your choice,
highlighting their originators and salient features.
Question 5 As a budding researcher, what is your ontology of reality, and which (1)
epistemological tradition best explains it? Write a brief note.
Question 6 Write a brief analytical note on literature review style adopted in article titled (1.5)
Religion, ethnicity, social organizations and terrorists’ behaviour - A case of
Taliban movement in Pakistan, authored by Muhammad Feyyaz published in
Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, vol 8, issue 2,
2016, placed in your RM course manual.
Question 7 Below please find introductory of a research thesis. Review relevant literature (6)
and write it not exceeding 1500 words. Preferably you should consult 5-10
scholarly journals in the field of peace and conflict, and area studies. Show in-
text citations following author-date system where required. As a guideline some
of the more famous journals are listed below:
 Contemporary South Asia
 Journal of South Asian studies
 South Asian history and culture
 South Asia multidisciplinary academic journal
 Journal of peace research
 Journal of conflict resolution
 International journal of conflict management
 Journal of peace building and development

Armed Conflicts in South Asia

Strategic location and potential for development makes South Asia a critical geopolitical entity in the
interest calculus of global powers. The region is historically known for its unresolved conflicts of perennial
nature impacting its progress and integration into international system. The involvement of UN in the
regional issues dates back to period following decolonization, the lingering disputes however have not seen
the light of resolution. The frequent recourse to military option by the regional actors (i.e., India and
Pakistan), the nuclearization and post 9/11 environment has compounded the conflict paradigm. A
meaningful engagement for dispute settlement by major powers within UN purview would have resulted in
peace dividend for the region as well as world at large. Ironically, despite realization to the contrary, that
has not happened so far, thereby underscoring the need to unravel complexities characterizing intractability
of the phenomenon.

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