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More delays
for high-
speed fiber
optic network
By Liz Kellar the environmental review
Staff Writer process.
“Nothing happens in
Nevada County resi- a timely way, so I am
dents hoping for reliable reluctant to put any dates
high-speed internet access out,” he said. “Our hope
will have to defer that is we can announce those
dream a little bit longer. (dates) soon.”
Spiral Internet CEO Loma Rica resident
John Paul admits it con- Ken Zuckerman signed

In familiar
tinues to be a moving up early to join the net-
target, but his company’s work and is a “champion”
high-speed fiber optic tasked with recruiting his
network project — once neighbors.
projected to break ground “We’re very anxious-

this spring — now is likely ly awaiting this service,”
to get underway next year. Zuckerman said. “It
Paul declined to provide sounds like they’re getting
a specific timeline for the there.”
network, which has been A large part of his frus-
touted as providing an tration is due to what he
“instantaneous” gigabit says is increasingly poor
2016 Indy 500 winner comes internet connection, say-
ing everything has taken
service from his current
provider, AT&T.
home for charity dinner longer than expected,
including funding and INTERNET, A6
By Elias Funez | Multimedia Reporter

Nevada County’s most famous native race car driv-

er, Alexander Rossi, was back among familiar faces
Tuesday evening for a charity fundraiser dinner held
3 go to hospital
in highway
at the Gold Miners Inn in downtown Grass Valley.
When a similar dinner was held last year, all the
buzz was about Rossi’s historic Indy 500 win.

This year, the talk was about Rossi’s win two
Sundays ago at Watkins Glen, and the anticipation
of this Sunday’s 85-lap race around the Sonoma
Alexander Rossi, with his father and manager, By Alan Riquelmy two southbound vehicles.
Pieter Rossi, provided some insight into his strategy PHOTOS BY ELIAS FUNEZ/EFUNEZ@THEUNION.COM Staff Writer Three people, including
heading into Sonoma. The night struck a personal TOP: Nevada County native and 2016 Indianapolis 500 winner the S-10’s driver and a
note as Pieter presented his son with his first racing Alexander Rossi was among familiar faces Tuesday evening A woman driving a pick- child, were injured, Tas-
helmet. when he made an appearance at a fundraising dinner held in his up caused a four-vehicle sone said.
“You’re an inspiration to us all,” Pieter Rossi said to honor at Grass Valley’s Gold Miners Inn. wreck Wednesday morn- A helicopter landed in
his son. MIDDLE: Alexander Rossi presents Grass Valley Chief of Police ing on Highway 49 while the road in an attempt to
Following a question and answer with Alexander Alex Gammelgard with a plaque honoring the Grass Valley Police passing another truck, take the S-10 driver, who
Rossi, area youth were recognized for excelling in lo- Department for its service to the community. Golden Service leading to stymied traffic had serious injuries, to a
cal shop classes, and signed posters and memorabilia awards were also presented to representatives of the Nevada in south county for over an hospital. However, officials
were auctioned off with proceeds going to Rossi’s County Sheriff’s Office, California Highway Patrol, and Nevada hour, the California High- opted to use ambulances
church. City Police Departments. way Patrol said. to transport all the victims.
For a look back on Rossi’s 2017 IndyCar season BOTTOM: Attendees to Tuesday evening’s charity dinner react The crash happened just Their conditions are un-
and a preview of his upcoming race in Sonoma on as they watch the 13-minute video documentary ‘A Winning after 8 a.m. near Rincon known, Tassone said.
Sunday, see page B6. Strategy: Inside Alexander Rossi’s Indy 500 Win!’ Way, about a half mile It was unknown
from the Placer County Wednesday if CHP would
line. The pickup driver, charge anyone in connec-
Nevada Irrigation District reviews Centennial funding app traveling north in a Chev-
rolet S-10, was speeding
tion with the wreck, he
and failing to safely pass The collision briefly
By Matthew Pera Water Commission, funds for recreational benefits and a review of the application other vehicles, Officer Greg closed all lanes, though
Staff Writer only “the public benefits por- ecosystem improvements. at Wednesday’s board meet- Tassone said. both northbound and one
tion of proposed water stor- The proposed reservoir ing, the reservoir would “She tried to pass another southbound lane reopened
The Nevada Irrigation age projects,” according to would provide recreation- provide multiple ecosystem pickup truck,” Tassone said. by 9 a.m.
District applied for nearly the California Department of al benefits, the application benefits, but the district In the outside lane, the “Of course, the backup
$12 million in Water Storage Fish and Wildlife’s website. states, including overnight only applied for invest- woman moved passed the had already done its dam-
Investment Program fund- Those public benefits in- camping, picnicking, wildlife ment program funding for other vehicle and crossed age,” Tassone said of south-
ing — money that would clude water quality improve- viewing, sightseeing, hiking, one benefit. The reservoir, in front of it. The rear of bound congestion that
come from the state — for ments, flood control benefits, biking, swimming, fishing, he said, would “enhance her vehicle clipped the lasted until after 10 a.m.
its proposed Centennial Res- emergency response, recre- low-speed motorized boating seasonal and permanent front of the other pickup,
ervoir project on the Bear ational purposes and ecosys- and non-motorized boating. wetlands in the riparian sending her spinning into To contact Staff Writer
River. tem improvements. According to Doug Rod- habitat.” the southbound lanes, Tas- Alan Riquelmy, email
The program, which is NID’s application re- erick, a senior engineer for sone said. ariquelmy@theunion.com
operated by the California quested $5.9 million each the district who presented NID, A6 The S-10 collided with or call 530-477-4239.

WEATHER Lawmakers back

bill expanding
Weber of San Diego
would lock the federal
H: 73˚
L: 54˚
elderly parole
court order into law.
The Assembly approved
California lawmakers the measure Wednesday Bring in proof of new ownership to receive special
See full homebuyer pricing on a new stove, insert or fireplace.
forecast, have sent Gov. Jerry during a flurry of action
Page A7 Brown legislation to free before the session
more elderly inmates. ends.
Partly Cloudy Federal judges in 2014 Death row and other
ordered California to con- no-parole inmates are ex-
sider releasing inmates cluded under the federal
OBITUARIES age 60 or older who have court order. Weber’s bill
Estelle Burns served at least 25 years in additionally excludes cop
William Gunder prison. killers and third-strike
AB1448 by Democratic career criminals. wood gas pellet
Assemblywoman Shirley — Associated Press
Page A5
VOLUME 152 ISSUE 270 Advice B3 Opinion A4
Blotter A2 Family Focus B1
Comics B2 Sports B6 Voted Best of Nevada County by
Cryptoquote A5 Stocks A5 The Union readers 14 times!

Lottery A5 Sudoku A5
In The Home Center • 324 Idaho Maryland Rd, Grass Valley
The Union Circulation: 530-273-9565 (530) 273-4822 www.sierratimberline.com
A2 | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | The Union

Police Blotter
Editor’s note: The Police Blotter consists of excerpts from dispatch
reports by area law enforcement agencies. These reports are public record.

GRASS VALLEY POLICE counts of driving with a possession of controlled

Tell us what’s going on around town so we can talk about it. To submit items, email DEPARTMENT suspended license. substance paraphernalia.
towntalk@theunion.com, call 530-477-4249, or fax 530-477-4292. TownTalk highlights Tuesday 5:35 p.m. — A caller 1:34 p.m. — A caller
Nevada County life and happenings. We welcome photos and items of community interest. 7:15 a.m. — A caller from the 400 block of from Spenceville Road
from the 200 block of Henderson Street report- reported someone that

Benefit for ‘One Source — Sutton Way reported a

vehicle horn going off and
that the owners couldn’t
ed domestic violence
occurring at a nearby
residence. An arrest was
previously stole items was
back in the store. A person
was arrested on charges

Empowering Caregivers’ find their keys to stop the

horn. Yelling was heard
in the background and
made on charges of
possession of a controlled
substance and resisting a
of trespassing.
3:18 p.m. — A caller
from the 10000 block of
the caller was possibly on police officer. Banner Lava Cap Road
drugs. A second call said 9:25 p.m. — A person requested contact regard-
to cancel because the was stopped near the ing an embezzled vehicle
people were finding a key intersection of Highway while he was in the
to turn it off. 49 and Brunswick Road. military. The caller said he
8:23 a.m. — A caller A person was arrested on signed a release of liability
from the 600 block of charges of driving under and when he returned
Leduc Street reported the influence and driving from service, someone
a man just walked into on a suspended license. forged his signature to
the location wearing a change the name on the
backpack. The caller said title. The caller wanted to
this man used to be a file a report because he
“customer.” received information that
12:08 p.m. — A caller his vehicle was used in a
near the corner of West robbery.
Main and Carpenter 6:47 p.m. — A caller
streets reported a vehicle from Banner Mountain
smoking from the engine Lookout Road reported
and a female and small Wednesday two people arrived in
children standing by out- 2:28 a.m. — A caller a vehicle and climbed
side. Officers were unable from the 1800 block of over a locked gate. Two
to locate the vehicle or East Main Street reported females were advised of
people. a drunk woman passed trespassing.
1:37 p.m. — A caller in out in the drive thru. The 6:59 p.m. — A caller
the police department woman had a dog in the from Rough and Ready
lobby reported a log in car. An arrest was made Highway reported a
the road at the intersec- on charges of driving un- person was back on the
tion of Partridge Road and der the influence of drugs. property breaking items.
Highway 174. Officers were An arrest was made on
unable to locate the log. NEVADA COUNTY charges of assault with
2:26 p.m. — A caller SHERIFF’S OFFICE a deadly weapon that
from the 200 block of Mill Tuesday wasn’t a firearm.
Street reported a man 8:12 a.m. — A caller Wednesday
yelling at himself and from the 13000 block of 12:13 a.m. — A caller
carrying something. The Mystic Mine Road report- on Orchard Springs Road
man promised to keep it ed people threatening reported people on his
down. the caller. The caller didn’t roof. It was unknown how
2:27 p.m. — A caller know who the people many. The caller was very
from the 100 block of Mill were; however, the people difficult to understand.
Street reported a distur- were saying they were The caller turned on the
bance with a man who the old tenants. The caller outside lights.
came into a business. The believed the people were
caller said the man came on drugs. The people left. NEVADA CITY POLICE
SUBMITTED BY DIANE MIESSLER in with some rocks to sell 8:36 p.m. — A caller DEPARTMENT
Purdon’s Crossing will be among four bands performing at the HeART & Wine Gala, a and was informed they from Alameda County re- Tuesday
fundraiser for One Source — Empowering Caregivers. Other bands to perform include don’t purchase rocks and ported seeing a fire from 9:56 p.m. — A caller
the Earles of Newtown, Sibling Revelry and the Ruckrich Family Band. The event, which the man became extreme- his residence. Cal Fire from the 100 block of
will include an art auction, is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Sept. 16 at the Foothills Event ly agitated with the busi- provided the caller with Boulder Street reported
Center in Grass Valley. ness and was swearing at the appropriate number. his bicycle was hit by a
them. 10:16 a.m. — A caller road rage truck driver
2:52 p.m. — A caller from the 11000 block of while it was parked. The

Homelessness in Nevada near the intersection of

South Auburn and Neal
streets reported a woman
La Barr Meadows Road
reported a puppy was
found in a shoebox beside
caller had his bike locked
up on the sidewalk. A
truck was parking and got

County subject of meeting

with one sock stagger- the road. An employee the bike caught in the rear
ing and appearing to said they would foster the bumper. The truck owner
be out of it. The woman puppy. left a note with a number
was gone when officers 11:24 a.m. — A caller asking that he call so he
Submitted to The Union South Church St., Grass what actions can be taken arrived. from the 10000 block could fix the bike. The
Valley. to reduce homelessness. An 5:33 p.m. — A caller of Willow Valley Road caller didn’t want to call
Homelessness in Nevada The meeting will be from open discussion with ques- from the 200 block of reported seeing a woman the owner of the truck and
County will be the subject 5:30 to 7 p.m., with Nevada tions will follow at 6:30. Dorsey Drive reported slumped over the wheel refused any assistance in
of an open-to-the-public County Supervisor Heidi Pizza will be served at the someone threw a chair of a vehicle in a parking contacting the owner. He
meeting tonight at the Uni- Hall scheduled to speak at beginning of the meet- at her and she was hit lot. An arrest was made was provided a card and
tarian Universalist Commu- 6 on the reality of home- ing, and childcare will be with an extension cord. on charges of possession the event number. An
nity of the Mountains, 246 less in Nevada County and provided. An arrest was made on of a controlled substance officer also suggested he
charges of inflicting injury and a probation viola- have his mother contact
on a spouse or cohabitant, tion. Another arrest was the owner of the truck
CLARIFICATION threatening to commit made on charges of being when she was back in
a crime involving great under the influence of a town.
In an article in Tuesday’s edition of The Union, “Empty storefronts in downtown Grass bodily injury and two controlled substance and — Ross Maak
Valley signal tough retail landscape,” Tess’ Kitchen Store remains open at its current loca-
tion, 115 Mill St.
Pets The Union The Union shall be the property

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part thereof may be reproduced
Established Oct. 28, 1864 or assigned without the consent of
ISSN (1050-7906) The Union.

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The Union | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | A3


Limber pine is beginning to colonize areas of the Great Basin once dominated by bristlecones, pictured above. The bristlecone pine, a wind-beaten tree famous for its gnarly limbs

Race to the top

and having the longest lifespan on Earth, is losing a race to the top of mountains throughout the Western United States, putting future generations in peril, researchers said.

Scientists say future is leapfrogging up mountainsides,

taking root in warmer, more fa-
Forests of the diminutive bris-
tlecone pines are found in eastern
cannot find it.
The bristlecone pine’s distant
least with it.”
Smithers said he could not esti-
of oldest tree species vorable temperatures and leaving California, Nevada and Utah. relative, the limber pine is also mate how many bristlecone pine
no room for the late-coming bris- They thrive in desolate limestone hearty survivalist, living 2,000 trees exist throughout the Western
on Earth in peril tlecone, a study finds. soil that is inhospitable to most years. Researchers say they found U.S. They are not at risk of extinc-
Researchers compare the com- trees. They’re found at high ele- that the limber pine, which typ- tion, but they could be crowded
By Scott Smith peting tree species to a pair of old vation, hammered by wind and ically grows at lower elevations, out in some places they’ve grown
Associated Press men in a slow-motion race up a extreme temperatures. has begun to “leapfrog” past the for thousands of years.
mountainside taking thousands The punishing conditions give bristlecone. This research on climate
FRESNO — The bristle- of years, and climate change is the shape to their twisted limbs. To The three-year study involved change’s impacting on these two
cone pine tree, famous for its starting gun. survive long dry spells, parts of counting the trees newly sprout- species of trees can be used to
wind-beaten, gnarly limbs and “Limber pine is taking all the the tree dies and sheds its bark ing within the last 50 years above understand more complex forests
having the longest lifespan on good spots,” said Brian Smithers, a appearing dead, except for small the historical tree line. Most of with several types of trees harvest-
Earth, is losing a race to the top of Ph.D. candidate at the University spouts of green pine needles, sig- those growing at the higher eleva- ed for timber, Smithers said.
mountains throughout the West- of California, Davis, who led the naling life, researchers say. tion are limber pine, researchers Researchers at U.C. Davis’ De-
ern United States, putting future research. “It’s jarring.” Among the oldest and most said. partment of Plant Sciences and
generations in peril, researchers The bristlecone pine can live famous is Methuselah standing in “It’s very odd to see it charging the U.S. Forest Service published
said Wednesday. 5,000 years, making it the oldest the White Mountains of eastern upslope and not see bristlecone their research Aug. 30 in the
Driven by climate change, a individually growing organism on California. It remains unmarked charging upslope ahead of the scientific journal, Global Change
cousin of the tree, the limber pine, the planet, researchers say. among its grove, so vandals limber pine,” Smithers said. “Or at Biology.

Grass Valley moving

forward with rental regs Pipeline project stalled
By Alan Riquelmy are added, Tillotson said. supervisors she wanted that links the lift station
By Matthew Pera cities and counties. Staff Writer “Overall, we’re talking them to quickly address the on Spenceville Road to the
Staff Writer Last said he’d continue about $1.2 million in rock problem. The county pays Lake Wildwood Wastewater
researching possible reg- Work on a new sewage work,” Tillotson on Tues- the contractor $5,000 a day Treatment Plant on Pleasant
The City of Grass Val- ulations for Grass Valley, connection in the Penn day told the Nevada County when no work is done — a Valley Road, Tillotson said.
ley doesn’t regulate the and would soon present Valley area has come to a Board of Supervisors, which situation currently happen- Penn Valley’s sewage flows
short-term vacation rental the council with some standstill, leading Nevada also is the Nevada County ing. If the subcontractor end at a leech field. The new
market that has turned options for a draft ordi- County officials to say Sanitation District No. 1 removes its equipment and pipeline will bring its sew-
some homes into bona fide nance. Among the main it could cost $100,000 Board of Directors. then returns, it’s another age to the treatment plant,
businesses. issues discussed Tuesday, alone in lost time before About $200,000 of the $50,000. which is receiving significant
Many community mem- which Last said he would construction can resume. $1.2 million will come from Even with the supervisors’ improvements as part of the
bers have expressed con- look at moving forward, The pipeline project, the project’s contingency unanimous approval to pro- project, Tillotson said.
cerns that such rentals are were whether to limit the which aims to connect the fund. The remaining money vide the $1.2 million, it’ll take The project, first expected
having adverse affects on number of rooms that can Penn Valley sewer system will come from the fund bal- another two to three weeks to be done this month, now
licensed hospitality busi- be rented, regulate park- to the Lake Wildwood ances of the three areas, all of for workers to mobilize, offi- is scheduled for a November
nesses and tenants who are ing, require certain zoning, Wastewater Treatment which have their own sewage cials said. completion.
struggling to find long-term implement a permit process Facility, began in Sep- systems, impacted by the “Another $100,000 of just
rentals. and require homeowners to tember 2016. Initially project — Lake Wildwood, sitting there,” Supervisor Ed To contact Staff Writer
Other residents say short- live on or near the property expected to cost about Penn Valley and Valley Oak Scofield said. “Ouch.” Alan Riquelmy, email
term rentals help bolster they are renting. $6 million, the price has Court, Tillotson said. The project includes ariquelmy@theunion.com or
tourism and provide a Council members agreed risen to around $7.2 mil- Tillotson on Tuesday told almost 4 1/2 miles of pipe call 530-477-4239.
source of revenue for local that they don’t want to for- lion because of additional
homeowners that helps pay bid short-term rentals out- work required to remove
the bills. right, but want to impose rock the contractor found Don’t miss this
Platforms including some regulations in order near Pleasant Valley Road
to reach out

AirBnB, VRBO and Ho- to address some concerns. and Highway 20, said Tr-
to our local
meAway — which allow “We as a city need to be isha Tillotson, director of
users to list entire houses, competitive in the tourism the county’s Public Works
granny units or rooms for industry, and this is where Department.
rent on what is typically a it’s gone,” said Council The total price of the
short-term basis — have Member Ben Aguilar. project climbs to about A publication about our area’s
become increasingly pop-
ular throughout Nevada
He said short-term
rentals are “more intimate”
$9 million when environ-
mental review, design,
farm and ranching heritage
County, stirring up hot de-
bate among residents.
than traditional hospitality
businesses, based on his
construction manage-
ment and construction
Grass Valley’s city council experience. · Equine therapy
Sierra Foothills Reverse Mortgage · Family farm collaborations
members directed staff “That’s what people are
Tuesday to move forward wanting now. It’s a differ- Time Sensitive · So you think you can farm?
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with the process of creating ent way of doing business,”
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A4 | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | The Union


DON ROGERS, Publisher | drogers@theunion.com 530-477-4299

BRIAN HAMILTON, Editor | bhamilton@theunion.com 530-477-4249

The opinions expressed on this page are those of the individual

authors who express them and do not necessarily reflect the views of
The Union. If you would like to share your thoughts with The Union,
email letters@theunion.com. See policies below for information.

Hits &
The Union staff

Each week we’ll run through the sublime, the trivial and
profound issues, decisions and goings on that strike us
as Hits or Misses. You can join in, too, by emailing your
Hits & Misses to drogers@theunion.com or bhamilton@

HIT: From reader Dave Koslosky to “the local ambulance

service for checking if the smoke they observed coming from
my deck was anything more than a barbecue.”
HIT: To Yuba Lit tonight at 7 at the National Hotel in
Nevada City. Authors Josh Weil, Louis B. Jones and Mar-
ilyn Abildskov will read from their work and talk about
their writing lives. Weil’s latest book, “The Age of Perpetual
Light,” was released this week. Yuba Lit combines acclaimed

Sept. 11 sacrifices will

authors from throughout northern California with local
flash readings for a rich evening for fans of literature and
good stories.
HIT: To Nevada County’s public works department asking

not be forgotten
for public feedback as it considers the Edwards Crossing
bridge, which is structurally deficient and needs restoration
or replacement in 2020, along with eight other bridges in
the county.
MISS: To empty stores in downtown Grass Valley, espe-

cially Mill Street. Does the city need to take some measures he radio woke because there were at least cellphones to call the
to make the storefronts more attractive in the meantime us early on the 25 other young men and people they loved and then
between tenants? Just a thought. morning of Sep- women standing in line said “Let’s roll.”
HIT: To officials for opening up the marijuana community tember 11, 2001. behind him waiting to use Each of them gave us
advisory group’s seventh and eighth meetings to the public. My husband climbed out the pay telephone to call inspiration when America
Originally it was announced the final two meetings would of bed to dress for work — their families and assure most needed it. They gave
be closed, but through pushing and prodding (by The Union just like any other weekday them that they too were us a moment in time that
and others, as well) the decision was made to leave the final morning in our household. safe. And finally we could still leaves us infused with
meetings open as well. I had the luxury of another TERRY MCLAUGHLIN breathe again. gratitude and awe — and
HIT: To the timely and insightful discussion of fake news 20 minutes of rest before I Columnist In the aftermath of the the realization that Amer-
and satire last week organized and hosted by the League also needed to prepare for tragic events of Septem- ica does still create great,
of Women Voters on Tuesday at Sierra Nevada Commu- my work day. But instead our day and hope to learn ber 11, we learned that our bold and courageous men
nity College. The managing editor of Snopes, a national of dozing back to sleep, the more as the hours passed. community had lost two and women like that.
fact-checking site, spoke with the publisher of Nevada words coming from the My husband was a peace young men — one a flight Sixteen years since Sep-
County Scooper, a news satire site on the spectrum of fake. radio compelled me to sit officer at the time, whose attendant, and another tember 11, 2001, my son
The anonymity of the site’s contributors irritates some and straight up in the bed and responsibilities included employed in the Twin Tow- is part of a Naval Reserve
the mystery adds interest for others. But it appears there’s turn on the TV. the Golden Gate Bridge ers. Weeks later, a memo- Unit based at the Penta-
far more interest in Scooper’s brand of satire than in a It sounded like an air- — always considered to rial for these young men gon, where a memorial
couple of local blogs carping about them, based on Alexa’s plane had crashed into be a vulnerable target. He was held at my children’s was erected as a daily
measurements. the World Trade Center in dressed quickly and left high school, of which one reminder of those who lost
MISS: Speaking of fake news, to Facebook running elec- New York, a horrible acci- the house, knowing that was an alumnus. It was a their lives when Flight 77
tion advertising from Russian propagandists seen by up to dent. How could that have his department would be solemn and respectful ser- crashed into that Amer-
70 million people. The ads tended to target Hillary Clin- happened? Was it a private on full alert and he could vice for young men most ican stronghold. He and
ton and stoke fears about the southern border in language plane? It couldn’t have expect to be working long of us did not know, but to hundreds of others swore
calibrated to make blood boil. Facebook isn’t saying much, been a passenger jet? hours in the weeks ahead. whom we all felt a strong to serve their country on
but some analysts point to the social media site’s algorithms And then to our horror, Minimal work was done at bond in our shared grief a beautiful September
and practices that significantly boost salacious — er, popular we saw on the TV screen a my office or at my daugh- and sorrow. day when America was at
— postings to suggest up to 28 percent of American adults second plane hit another ter’s high school that day, And then we began to peace, and found them-
were “swept in by the campaign,” according to Daily Beast. tower and we knew im- as everyone was intent on learn the names of all the selves almost immediate-
MISS: To the arrogant, the proud, the utterly lost souls mediately that this was no learning more and com- 2,996 victims — Barbara ly dedicated to serving a
with no sense of humor. Alas for them, the world is an unre- accident. forting those around them. Olson, Fire Captain Ter- country at war. Asked if
lentingly grim place. Several days earlier, our My employer’s son was ence Hatton, Lt. Timothy he regretted the choice he
HIT: To the Nevada County Supervisors, pushed at the 18-year-old son had sworn in the air on a flight from Higgins, Firefighter Ste- made, he said, if anything,
state level, for easing restrictions on accessory dwelling units his allegiance to serve Switzerland back to the phen Siller, flight atten- he was even more certain
or, as most call them, “granny units.” Anything that can be his country in the Unit- U.S. when the Twin Towers dant Ceecee Lyles, Melissa that he had made exactly
done (within reason) to ease the pressure on housing in the ed States Navy, and we were hit. His flight was di- Harrington, Peter Hanson, the right decision.
community should be done. knew as the airplanes were verted to Canada, where he Brian Sweeney, and the To those heroic men
HIT: To 49er Rotary, which made 7-year-old Avery Maier hitting the Twin Towers in spent several nights in the list goes on in a seemingly and women, and to the
$5,000 richer as the grand-prize winner of the annual duck NYC that he was at Great airport, as all airline flights unending, gut-wrenching loved ones they left behind
race in Nevada City. Lakes Naval Training Cen- into and out of the United fashion. who somehow found the
HIT: Nevada City’s 51st annual Constitution Day Parade. ter in Illinois for NROTC States were suspended. But from the ashes of a courage and will to get up
The tradition continues to grow, and honoring the history of Orientation Week. In our At the end of a long day terrible American tragedy, in the morning, put one
our country grows more important with every passing day. fearful parental minds, the of worry, we received a remarkable stories arose foot in front of the other,
MISS: To the delay in getting a security fence around the Naval Training Center was collect call from our son, like wisps of smoke. The and carry on, we honor
Nevada County Airport. Between lawsuits and subcontrac- an obvious target for an telling us that the marina firemen who charged into your sacrifice and promise
tors and grants (oh my!), the cost and delays in such a seem- attack. I went downstairs at Great Lakes had been the burning towers, one that you will never, ever be
ingly simple project border on silly. to wake our daughter and closed for security reasons, after another pulling on forgotten.
HIT: To Miss California Jillian Smith, pride of Grass Valley, share with her what little his university was opening their gear and daringly
competing Sunday for Miss America. information we had, and a dorm early to accommo- and selflessly running into Terry McLaughlin, who
MISS: To Caltrans, which did bridge repairs in Nevada City we clung to each other on date him and his fellow danger to save lives. Todd lives in Nevada City, writes
starting on Friday night and working into Saturday morn- her bed with tears stream- cadets, and he was being Beamer, Tom Burnett a twice monthly column
ing. While this sounds more like a “hit,” the department ing down our cheeks. With bused to campus that and the other passengers for The Union. Write to her
wasn’t able to announce the work would be done until that no way to contact our son, night — and that he could on Flight 93 over Penn- at terrymclaughlin2016@
morning, giving residents precious little time to figure out we all had to push on with only speak for two minutes sylvania who used their gmail.com.
an alternate route.
HIT: To President Trump pragmatically reaching out to the
Democrats to keep a short leash on the federal government’s
ability to lift its borrowing limit while making sure to get
emergency funds to hurricane-ravaged areas. Decisions will
Letters to the editor
be better and more lasting with principled compromise than American people Trump is displaying Republican politicians’ I have to stick up for
one party ramrodding legislation while it is in power only to support Dreamers disdain for the nearly doing. our beloved vets in this
have the other party repay in kind. How can one ideologue, hundred thousands of Ron Lowe community. At Sammie’s
HIT: To Constitution Day, which Nevada City celebrates Donald Trump, end a young people whose Nevada City Friends, we take hundreds
in style with various patriotic events, including a parade. program, DACA, that future is made brighter of animals to be seen by
A fun highlight is the lineup of presidents marching in the benefits 800,000 young by this program. Why? Veterinarians don’t vets every year. I have
parade. people? All in an effort to curry get enough credit nothing but praise for the
HIT: To the outpouring of support for those in the hurri- Is this effort by Donald favor with his white an- In the Sept. 7 edition generosity, caring and
canes’ way. Maybe another teed up, too. Trump an attack to end ti-immigration Republi- of The Union, a letter competency of every vet in
HIT: To the sacrifices following 9/11 of many to continue another successful Presi- can base. referred to the veterinar- Nevada County.
to protect us while still representing America as a beacon dent Obama program? Or maybe Donald ians in this community in We are such fortunate
to the world. It’s not just President Trump’s latest folly is an regards to three dogs that people to have this quality
Trump who has his sights effort to distract attention I asked the community to and quantity of vet care
set on ending DACA. The from his North Korea war help with much needed in such a small commu-
OUR POLICIES several hundred House gambit? Whatever it is, dental care. The writer nity. Sammie’s Friends
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Union accepts one submission per and Senate Republican hang tough, Dreamers, be- commented, “But it’s so loves the Nevada County
Letters are limited to 200 words. author, per 30-day period, although politicians are also in cause this is not the Amer- distressing to know that veterinarians.
Kudos must be 100 words or less. an opportunity for rebuttal will be cahoots and on the same ican people speaking; this none of our local vets have Cheryl Wicks, co-founder
Please include your name, address granted on a case-by-case basis. Due page as Trump. President is Donald Trump’s and offered to help these dogs.” Sammie’s Friends
and phone number. to length, letters to the editor are
often able to be published sooner
OTHER VOICES than Other Voices submissions. In ELECTED OFFICIALS
“Other Voices” may be 500 to 750 the interest of clarity, The Union PRESIDENT SENATORS HOUSE OF assemblymember.dahle@
words in length. Please include only accepts electronic submissions. DONALD TRUMP Kamala Harris REPRESENTATIVES assembly.ca.gov
your name, address, daytime phone Selection of letters and Other Voices Switchboard: 202-224-3553 District 1 — Doug LaMalfa
number and a paragraph at the end for publication is at the discretion 202-456-1414 harris.senate.gov 202-225-3076 STATE SENATE
describing yourself. of the editor. The Union reserves Comments: Dianne Feinstein lamalfa.house.gov District 1 – Ted Gaines
the right to edit for length, clarity 202-456-1111 202-224-3841 916-651-4001;senator.
EMAIL TO and content on all submissions. All president@whitehouse. gov feinstein.senate.gov STATE ASSEMBLY gaines@senate.ca.gov
letters@theunion.com submissions become the property of District 1 — Brian Dahle
The Union. 916-319-2001
The Union | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | A5


Submitted to The Union FREED IS LOOKING FOR Team, you will work with others and
A legal, confidential and profitable
VOLUNTEERS FOR THEIR use your personal vehicle to help oth-
way to dispose of your estate firearms.
Whether you’re interested in using “FIX-IT” PROGRAM ers keep warm this winter. GCCS will
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one, RSVP has over a hundred volun-
teer opportunities that span educa-
teers with handy person skills and home
repair. FREED Center for Independent
delivery events that are held each fall.
This team is quickly dwindling while
tion, public service, working with Living helps people live safely and inde- the need to stay warm remains strong. Let the release of liability give you peace of mind.
seniors and children, and many more. pendently in their homes, and volun- GCCS offers a mileage reimbursement
If you are interested in any of the teers help make that happen. Volunteers if requested. Days and times needed Nevada Cemetery District
positions, email us at rsvp3@nccn. provide labor for minor home modifi- vary based on the needs of clients.
net or call between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. cations and health and safety related re- Shifts range from 4 to 6 hours per
18 Affordable Public Cemeteries
weekdays at 530-271-0255. RSVP pairs in the homes of seniors and people week. 2017
You is our 75today
can prearrange Anniver
by contact-
is a program of the Corporation for with disabilities. The project coordinator ing The prices available
our friendly, can provide
understanding, and
National and Community Service and matches volunteers to projects of their FRIENDS OF THE NEVADA significant savings
knowledgeable staff in
you and
sponsored locally by the Agency on interest, ranging from grab bar instal- COUNTY LIBRARIES yourlawn or natural
family settings for
with selecting fromfullthe
Aging Area 4. lations, ramp construction, and minor Each month thousands of books interments
many choicesand cremations.
and options inContact
one of
plumbing or electrical repairs. Cost of are donated to the Friends of the our friendly
ourand knowledgeable staff
GOT THE RIGHT STUFF? materials for projects is provided. Nevada County Libraries, and every to helpOffice:
District you and your265-3461
(530) family.
JOIN THE NEVADA COUNTY Wednesday morning, volunteers help 10523
District Willow
Office: 10523Valley
Valley Road
SHERIFF’S VOLUNTEERS DO YOU HAVE A PICK-UP TRUCK sort, price and shelve these books. NevadaCity
Nevada City, CA 265-3461
• (530) 95959
Assist our local sheriff ’s office. Be AND A STRONG BACK? On the first Saturday of the month,
involved in almost every division — Gold Country Community Services the Friends of the Libraries and its
civil, evidence, jail, community or
boat patrol, or office support. Help
(GCCS) is currently seeking Wood De-
livery Drivers to achieve their mission
volunteers hold a book sale with all
proceeds benefiting the Nevada Coun-
with charity and public safety events and support local seniors. GCCS is look- ty Libraries. This position requires
throughout the year. You may not ing for friendly folks with good backs to volunteers to bend, stretch and lift up In-Home
always know whose life you may save load and deliver firewood to their local to 25 pounds. Availability on Wednes-
but you will save lives with what you senior clientele. As a member of the days and the first Saturday of the Appointments
do. Senior Firewood Program Delivery month, 9 a.m. to noon is required.
CRYPTOQUOTE $200 Discount
Estelle Burns accomplishment, together
with his wife, Barbara, was Serving Nevada & Placer County residents since 1996.
Friends and family are raising his
invited to a celebration of six chil- Call (530) 273-2446 for a
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Estelle (Hoskins) Burns, Tom, Sue,
Let us help your
who died May 17, 2017. She Pat, Bar-
family through the
was 83. bara and Chapel of the Angels funeral planning
The event will be held Steve, to be Mortuary & Crematory process.
from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on good cit- 250 Race St., Grass Valley
"Service from our heart"
Saturday, Sept. 16 at the izens and www.chapeloftheangels.com Lic. FD1588 CR 109
LOVE Building, 660 Min- compatible family mem-
nie Street in Condon Park, bers. He is also survived by
Grass Valley. seven grandchildren and

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For more information, seven great-grandchildren.
call Kevin Burns at (530) A highlight of his early
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Serving Companies, Entrepreneurs and Investors
William (Bill) Gunder Private graveside services Check out The Union’s “Honest Abe”
passed away September 12,
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17, 1922. His crowning
Arrangements are under
the care of Chapel of the
Angels Mortuary.
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A6 | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | The Union


Berkeley braces for visit by

1 dead, 3 injured in police standoff that lasted

right-wing speaker Ben Shapiro

Washington state high for hours when he pushed
school shooting a suspected burglar off his
ROCKFORD, Wash. — A roof in La Puente.
shooter opened fire at a Los Angeles County
high school in Washington Sheriff’s Department offi-
By Jocelyn Gecker and Paul Elias state Wednesday, killing one cials say the male suspect
Associated Press person and injuring at least was jumping from rooftop
three others, authorities said. to rooftop on Tuesday,
BERKELEY — The University of Brian Schaeffer of the prompting crisis negotia-
California, Berkeley will seal off large Spokane Fire Department tors to respond.
parts of its campus like a fortress told reporters that one per- Sgt. Joseph Morales tells
with a closed perimeter and a “very son died at Freeman High the Los Angeles Times that
large” visible police presence Thurs- School and three injured the elderly resident became
day, when the birthplace of America’s victims were taken to a tired of the situation that
free speech movement faces its next hospital. lasted about five hours. The
potential clashes. Spokane County Sheriff man climbed onto the roof
City and campus authorities antic- Ozzie Knezovich said at the and pushed the suspect off.
ipate demonstrations at a speech by scene that the shooter was Authorities tell KABC-TV
conservative commentator Ben Sha- in custody, The Spokesman- that the suspect was taken
piro, a former Breitbart editor, and Review newspaper reported. into custody and was admit-
are preparing for possible violence ted to a hospital for a men-
with a variety of new strategies and Police: Off-duty deputy tal evaluation. It’s unclear if
tightened security. shoots man after the suspect was injured.
For the first time in two decades, road-rage incident
officers will be armed with pepper ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO ANTIOCH, Calif. — 15 Marines taken
spray after the city council modified A bonfire set by demonstrators protesting a scheduled speaking appear- Antioch police say an to hospitals after
a 1997 ban at an emergency meeting ance by Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos, burns in Berkeley, Feb. 1. off-duty deputy shot a man tank catches fire
this week. Trump supporters and left-wing protesters have taken to the streets repeat- who targeted him and his SAN DIEGO — The mili-
The tactics to boost security are the edly in recent months in supposed free-speech demonstrations accompa- female passenger after a tary says 15 Marines have
latest indication of growing frustra- nied by escalating violence. But even on the so-called “Left Coast,” officials in road-rage incident. been taken to Southern
tions in Berkeley and other liberal famously liberal cities such as Portland and Berkeley are growing tired of the Sgt. John Fortner tells the California hospitals after a
cities that have become targets of vi- repeated violence. East Bay Times the female seafaring tank caught fire
olent political protests since the elec- passenger had reported to during training at Camp
tion of President Donald Trump and attempt to speak at Berkeley this message detailing security plans, say- police before the Tuesday Pendleton.
battlegrounds for extremist groups year, after an event in February was ing no one wearing masks or carrying shooting that a car was Marine 1st Lt. Paul Gainey
that support and oppose him. abruptly canceled when masked, weapons of any sort will be allowed chasing them and had re- told The Associated Press
“We have seen extremists on the hooded left-wing anarchists dressed on campus. peatedly run into their car. that at about 9:30 a.m.
left and right in our city,” said Berke- in black rioted outside the event — Police will block off the building According to Fortner, the Wednesday an amphibious
ley Mayor Jesse Arreguin, a Demo- setting fires and smashing win- where Shapiro is scheduled to speak man approached the dep- assault vehicle caught fire
crat who backed the police request to dows on campus and on nearby city and several other buildings hours be- uty’s car with a tire jack in while the Marines were
use pepper spray. “We need to make streets. fore the event starts. Anyone enter- hand after the two vehicles conducting a training exer-
sure violence is not allowed.” Police and UC Berkeley officials ing the secure zone to pick up tickets had stopped. Fortner says cise on a beach at the base,
Shapiro’s event, organized by cam- were criticized at the time for giving must present a photo I.D. Nearby the deputy shot the man north of San Diego.
pus Republicans, is being watched as demonstrators wide latitude and parking lots will be closed. once before he ran away. Gainey says the Marines
a warm-up act for later this month standing aside as the masked anar- Berkeley police chief Andrew Police tracked down the were being treated at
when provocative, right-wing speak- chists hurled Molotov cocktails at Greenwood said police will make man and had him transport- hospitals in the area,
er Milo Yiannopoulos says he plans officers and caused $100,000 worth “very strong, rapid arrests” Thursday ed to a hospital for a non-life including off the base. He
to hold a “Free Speech Week” on of damage. night if any protesters have weapons threatening gunshot wound. had no information on their
Berkeley’s campus with a 20-person Violence escalated at subsequent or wear masks. He was later arrested. condition, the seriousness
lineup that includes Ann Coulter off-campus protests and authorities The security measures include of their injuries or whether
and Stephen Bannon, Trump’s ex- say they have learned hard lessons as closing Sproul Plaza, the campus’ Elderly man pushes any suffered burns. He says
chief strategist and head of Breitbart they struggle to balance free speech central hub that was the epicenter suspect off roof, ends there were no deaths.
News. Campus officials say the event rights with preventing violence. of the 1960s Free Speech Movement police standoff Gainey says the command
is not yet confirmed. UC Berkeley’s Provost Paul Aliv- and site of its most historic protests, LA PUENTE, Calif. — An is investigating.
It will be Yiannopoulos’ second isatos sent a recent campus-wide sit-ins and speeches. 83-year-old man ended a — Associated Press

INTERNET straight downhill.” be complete two years after our environmental report, winter Nevada County will Spiral’s website to express
From page A1 The first stage of the breaking ground, Paul has which was pretty exten- face. their interest and to keep
project, a 26-square-mile said. sive,” he said. “In June, we “We are a startup enter- track of the project’s prog-
area that includes about “What’s (happening) were awarded a categor- prise,” he said. “It would ress at http://www.spiral.
“AT&T has stopped do- 2,900 homes and 340 busi- right now is we finished, ical exemption from the be different if we were com/fiber.
ing service in this area,” nesses around Highway 174 over this last year and some California Environmental continuing an existing net- “We will be applying
he said. “It’s been going and Dog Bar Road, would months, we completed Quality Act, which is a big work. ... We’re building an for the funds for next two
deal. That means we don’t infrastructure that will be phases simultaneously, in
have to do a full-blown around 50 to 100 years; it’s January,” he said.
Paid Advertisement report.” definitely been a learning Paul has said he’d like
You have seen such zoom binoculars advertised As Paul explains it, curve for us.” all three service areas,
Spiral knows what critical Until Spiral gets to the which include some 12,000
nationally for $150... areas of habitat it has to ground-breaking stage, homes, connected to the

6x-18x avoid, with only a few of

those along the roads that
Paul said, it is impossi-
ble to provide an accurate
high-speed service within
five years.

Just $99.00*
TM will be used.
“Now we can begin
network design, the plans
that will go to the county
“I can say that Crown
Point Circle will be the first
part we will build to,” he
“The next part of the pro-
cess will go much faster,”
he said. “That first grant
was delayed a while.”
and city of Grass Valley in said. Almost $17 million came
*BUT READ ON FOR AN EVEN order for us to get per- One positive that Paul from state funds granted in
BETTER DEAL. mitting,” he said. “We are points to is the commit- late 2015; Spiral this spring
going to give them exactly ment from potential cus- secured almost $12 million
what they want, so it is tomers, after Spiral created in private funding.
taking longer.” the “Neighborhood Cham- Spiral customer Tony
Paul estimated that those pions” program. Lauria said that while he is
project plans should be “That sign-up process disappointed at the delay,
done in a few months, say- has been fantastic,” he said. he recognizes those hurdles
ing, “We couldn’t start the “In the first area, 20 per- have hampered progress.
design until we knew what cent of the households have “Certainly I would love to
the environmental process signed up (approximately have good internet, which
• JomiraZooms would be for building it.” 580), which is amazing.” is not available to me right
focus smoothly As soon as the plans are Those customers all have now,” he said. “But it is
from 6x - 18x or wrapped up, Spiral Net put down a refundable what it is. This is our best
anything in between, will be able to announce its $119 deposit to have ser- chance, and I really believe
letting you see unexpected schedule to break ground. vice brought to their house; in John Paul’s integrity.”
details. Porro prism construction and ruby-coated lenses are the best in “We hope to start as soon that deposit goes to pay for
optical construction. The 18mm objective lenses provide high light gathering as we get the go-ahead,” the first month of service, To contact Staff Writer
capacity. JomiraZooms come with a belt-looped carrying case and strap. Paul said, adding that Paul said. Liz Kellar, email lkellar@
much will depend on the Paul said he wants to theunion.com or call
JomiraZooms™ are the absolutely ultimate in binoculars. They fit weather and how wet a encourages people to go to 530-477-4236.
in your hand and weigh less than 7 ozs. But they pack an enormous
wallop in their small body. Porro roof-prism construction and
ruby-coated lenses guarantee pinpoint sharpness at any distance. NID district’s claim that the Centennial project
would provide ecosystem benefits.
From page A1
The 18mm objective lenses provide great light-gathering capacity Many said they were concerned that the
making JomiraZooms™ utterly reliable even in the dim light Roderick said 12 applications were sub- district would be agreeing to commit water
of dawn or dusk. The zoom lever lets you smoothly change the mitted to the commission this year, and to other parts of the state if it were to accept
magnification from 6x to 18x or anything in between. There can funding is expected to be competitive. investment program funding.
be nothing more useful for sports, nature watching, navigation, Following Wednesday’s application presen- NID General Manager Remleh Sherzinger
and so many other pursuits. We are the exclusive importers of tation, many members of the public con- said the application “gives up no water at this
tested the district’s claims that the reservoir time,” at the board’s Aug. 9 meeting, when
JomiraZooms™ and are therefore able to bring them to you at
would present recreational and ecosystem directors voted to submit an application to
the unprecedented price of just $99. Similar zoom binoculars are benefits. the water commission.
nationally advertised at $150. But here is the “even much better Grass Valley resident Gary Moon said “This is not a commitment,” director
deal.” Buy two for just $198 and we’ll send you a third one, recreational activities that would be possible Nancy Weber said Wednesday. “But it’s a
with our compliments - absolutely FREE! That brings the cost at the proposed reservoir wouldn’t be an im- roadmap.”
to just $66 each! Incredible, isn’t it? Treat yourself to something provement over activities that already hap- Weber added that the district has “not
extraordinary that will give you a lifetime of use and pleasure. pen along the free-flowing stretch of the Bear done a good job educating the community on
Order your JomiraZooms™ today! River that would be dammed by the project. the dam and the need for the dam.”
Moon said he’d recently seen people en- “It’s time for public forums on all aspects of
How to order joying a variety of activities along the river, this,” she said.
You may order by toll-free phone or mail and pay by check or AmEx/ Visa/ including tubing, swimming and fishing. Board members later approved a new
MasterCard. Please give order code shown below. Add $12.95 for one, $15.95 for “There’s real emotional value to the recre- video recording method proposed by district
three instruments for shipping/insurance-and sales tax for WA delivery. You have ation that happens there,” he said. staff, which live streams and archives footage
thirty-days refund and three-year warranty. We do not refund postage. For customer He asked, “Why is NID requesting a of board meetings.
service or wholesale information please call (425) 264-6393. multi-million-dollar subsidy to provide rec- An overhead camera was installed in the
reation when there’s already a hugely popular district’s board room prior to Wednesday’s
Please give recreational resource that NID intends to meeting, providing a view of the directors
destroy forever?” and the public speaking podium. Footage of
order code A253 Jenn Tamo, community engagement
manager for the South Yuba River Citizens
board meetings is now available on the dis-
trict’s website.
330 SW 43rd St. Ste. K 333, Renton, WA 98057 League, said in an email that the reservoir
Order by toll-free phone: 1-800/600-2777 would “destroy prime oak woodland, co- To contact Staff Writer Matthew Pera, email
Visit our website at www.jomira.com nifer and riparian systems,” contesting the mpera@theunion.com or call 530-477-4231.
The Union | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | A7

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Good Moderate Sensitive Unhealthy Alturas 69/37 mc Oakland 68/57 pc
Bakersfield 88/65 s Oxnard 71/62 cl
0 50 100 150 200
Bishop 84/65 s Palm Springs 91/70 s
Blue Canyon 70/52 pc Rancho Bernardo 74/64 mc
Today: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Monday: INFORMATION Blythe
Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy Burn Day: Crescent City 61/51 pc Sacramento 79/60 pc 79/60
268­1023 or 274­7928 Death Valley 106/82 s San Diego 75/69 mc San Francisco
Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 0% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 15% Edwards AFB 86/61 s San Francisco 68/58 pc
Road Conditions: 68/58
Eureka 63/51 mc San Jose 73/56 pc
73 / 54 77 / 54 77 / 55 74 / 53 69 / 51 (800)
(800) 427-7623
427­7263 Fort Bragg 63/53 pc San Luis Obispo 72/58 pc Monterey
Fresno 86/60 s Santa Ana 78/67 mc 65/57
Long Beach
Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz
Los Angeles 74/66 mc Santa Rosa 75/53 pc
Mother Lode North San Juan Marysville 80/58 pc S. Lake Tahoe 66/44 pc
Washington Modesto 81/58 s Stockton 80/60 s Santa Barbara
Mostly sunny skies today with highs in the low 80s. 82/64/00” 65/57 pc 82/49 s 72/59 Palm
Monterey Ukiah
West southwest wind 3 to 7 mph. Expect mostly clear 80/64/.03” Morro Bay 63/55 mc Vacaville 79/59 s Springs
skies tonight with overnight lows in the mid­50s. West Mount Shasta 72/45 pc Ventura 69/61 mc 91/70
wind 2 to 7 mph. Friday, skies will be sunny with highs Weather (Wx): cl/cloudy; fl/flurries; pc/partly cloudy; mc/mostly Los Angeles 74/66
Nevada City cloudy; ra/rain; rs/rain & snow; s/sunny; sh/showers; sn/snow;
in the low 80s. West wind 2 to7 mph. ss/snow showers; t/thunderstorms; w/windy San Diego 75/69
Lake 80/63/00”
Sacramento Region Wildwood
Partly cloudy skies today with highs in the upper 70s. 82/64/00” 83/66/00” Cedar Ridge Today Friday
South wind 9 mph. Expect clear skies tonight with
86/67/00” City Hi/Lo Wx Hi/Lo Wx
overnight lows in the low 60s. South wind 3 to 9 mph. Albuquerque 87/56 pc 83/54 s
Friday, skies will be sunny with highs in the mid­80s. Peardale Anchorage 56/47 ra 56/47 ra
& Ready
West southwest wind 3 to 8 mph. Penn 86/65/00” Atlanta 80/65 pc 84/68 pc
85/66/00” Chicago Park Austin 95/71 pc 93/71 pc
Sierra Nevada 81/63/00” Baltimore 79/67 sh 79/70 sh
81/64/00” Alta Sierra Bismarck 76/54 mc 57/48 sh
Partly cloudy skies today with a 30% chance of 82/58/00” Boise 73/48 mc 68/41 pc
Lake of the Pines Boston 81/68 mc 76/66 sh
showers and thunderstorms, highs in the low 70s.
81/62/00” Buffalo 73/63 t 76/62 pc
West southwest wind 7 to 15 mph. Expect mostly Charleston, S.C. 85/71 pc 86/73 pc
clear skies tonight with overnight lows in the mid­30s. Charlotte, N.C. 79/64 sh 81/67 pc
West wind 5 to 15 mph.
76/63 pc 81/67 s
71/62 sh 74/64 pc
Bay Area Grass Valley Columbia, S.C. 84/66 pc 87/68 pc
Columbus, Ga. 85/68 pc 88/69 pc
Partly cloudy skies today with highs in the upper 60s. . . . . . . . .high
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
. . . .(1971)
. . . . . . . . Columbus,
. . . . . . . . . . Ohio
. . . . . . 69/58
. . . . . . .sh. . . . 76/60
. . . . . . pc
West southwest wind 15 to 26 mph. Expect mostly . . . . . . . .low
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42. . .(1986)
. . . . . . . . Dallas-Ft.
. . . . . . . . . Worth
. . . . . . . 94/72
. . . . . . .s. . . . 94/74
. . . . . . pc
. . . . . . . .high
Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
. . . . . Denver
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88/56
. . . . . . .mc. . . . 83/52
. . . . . . pc
clear skies tonight with overnight lows in the upper
. . . . . . . .low
Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
. . . . . Des
. . . .Moines
. . . . . . . . . . . . 90/66
. . . . . . .s. . . . 90/69
. . . . . . pc
50s. West southwest wind 3 to 26 mph. Friday, skies . . . . . . . .Precip
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75/61
. . . . . . . . Detroit
. . . . .(2005) . . . . . . .mc. . . . 78/64
. . . . . . s. . . . . .
will be mostly sunny with highs in the mid­70s. . . . . . . . 7/1/16-9/13/16
Precip . . . . . . . El
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96/74
. . Paso . . . . . . .pc. . . . 92/71
. . . . . . pc
. . . . . . . July
Precip . . . . .1. .to. .date
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.06" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61/43
. . . . . . . Fairbanks . . . . . . .mc. . . . 61/41
. . . . . . mc
THE SKY . . . . . . . .precip
Normal . . . . . . .to. . date
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.58" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54/42
. . . . . . . Helena
. . . . . . .ra. . . . 47/38
88/74 sh 88/75 sh City
. . . . . . ra
Hi/Lo Wx
Hi/Lo Wx City
Hi/Lo Wx
Hi/Lo Wx
Sunrise 6:44 a.m. Moonrise 12:48 a.m.
Nevada City Houston 91/72 s 90/74 pc Miami Beach 86/78 t 86/76 pc Pittsburgh 69/61 sh 75/60 mc
Sunset 7:13 p.m. Moonset 3:34 p.m. . . . . . . . .high
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
. . . .(1945)
. . . . . . . . Indianapolis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74/59
. . . . . . .mc. . . . 81/63
. . . . . . s. . . . .Milwaukee
. 77/61 s 80/64 s Portland, Ore. 79/54 pc 78/55 s
. . . . . . . .low
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31. . .(1939) Jackson, Miss. 87/67 pc 89/70 pc
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mpls-St.
. Paul 90/67 pc 89/69 t Providence 81/67 mc 73/66 sh
. . . . . . . .high
Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Jacksonville 88/67
............................................ s 89/71 pc Nashville 80/63 ra 84/65 s Reno 77/54 pc 69/49 s
. . . . . . . .low
Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57/47
. . . . . Juneau
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 . . . . . . .pc. . . . 56/45
. . . . . . cl
. . . . .New
. Orleans 87/76 pc 88/77 t St. Louis 86/64 s 90/66 s
. . . . . . . .Precip
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.95" . . . . . . . . Kansas
. . . . .(1918) . . . . . . . . . 88/67
. . . . . . . City . . . . . . .s. . . . 89/71
. . . . . . pc
. . . . .New
. York City 78/69 t 78/69 t Salt Lake City 79/63 t 65/51 sh
93/71 s 87/68 s 93/72 s 91/73 pc 73/52 s 73/54 s
. . . . . . . 7/1/16-9/13/16
Precip . . . . . . . Las
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.00" . . . .Vegas
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oklahoma
. City Seattle
New First Full Last . . . . . . . July
Precip . . . . .1. .to. .date
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Trace
Little Rock
86/68 s 88/70 s Omaha 91/65 pc 90/70 pc Sioux Falls 88/64 pc 86/62 mc
9/20 9/27 10/5 10/12 Louisville 74/62 sh 82/64 pc Philadelphia 81/66 sh 82/67 t Washington, D.C. 79/66 sh 80/70 sh
. . . . . . . .precip
Normal . . . . . . .to. . date
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.39"
. . . . . . . Memphis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84/67
. . . . . . .s. . . . 88/69
. . . . . . pc
. . . . .Phoenix
. 99/76 s 95/74 s Wichita 92/70 s 92/72 pc

8 die at nursing home in Irma’s aftermath

By Tim Reynolds and Terry Spencer The home said in a statement police chief said. “We all have In Hollywood, four patients were not immediately returned,
Associated Press that the hurricane had knocked elderly people in facilities, and we were found dead at the nurs- but the facility’s administrator,
out a transformer that powered all know we depend on those peo- ing home early Wednesday after Jorge Carballo, said in a statement
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. — Eight the AC. ple in those facilities to care for a emergency workers received a that it was “cooperating fully with
patients at a sweltering nursing The five women and three men vulnerable elderly population.” call about a person with a heart relevant authorities to investigate
home died after Hurricane Irma ranged in age from their 70s to The deaths came as people try- attack, and four more died later at the circumstances that led to this
knocked out the air conditioning, 99. ing to put their lives back together the hospital, authorities said. unfortunate and tragic outcome.”
raising fears Wednesday about the Exactly how the deaths hap- in hurricane-stricken Florida and Altogether, more than 100 Through a representative,
safety of Florida’s 4 million senior pened was under investigation, beyond confronted a multitude patients there were found to be Carballo told the SunSentinel
citizens amid power outages that with Sanchez saying authorities of new hazards in the storm’s suffering in the heat and were newspaper that the home has a
could last for days. have not ruled anything out, in- aftermath, including tree-clearing evacuated, many on stretchers back-up generator but that it does
Hollywood Police Chief Tom cluding carbon monoxide poison- accidents and lethal generator or in wheelchairs. Patients were not power the air conditioning.
Sanchez said investigators believe ing from generators. He also said fumes. treated for dehydration, breathing The nursing home was bought
the deaths at the Rehabilitation investigators will look into how Not counting the nursing home difficulties and other heat-related at a bankruptcy auction two years
Center at Hollywood Hills were many windows were open. deaths, at least 17 people in Flor- ills, authorities said. ago after its previous owner went
heat-related, and added: “The Across the street from the ida have died under Irma-relat- Nursing homes in Florida are to prison for Medicare fraud,
building has been sealed off and stifling nursing home sat a fully ed circumstances, and six more required by state and federal lawVeterans according Memorial
to news reports Wall at the PR
we are conducting a criminal air-conditioned hospital, Memori- in South Carolina and Georgia, to file an emergency plan that Inscription
time of theInformation
investigation.” al Regional. many of them well after the storm includes evacuation plans for res-
Only veterans with The CentersDischarge
an Honorable for Medicare
may apply. and
Gov. Rick Scott called on Flori- Broward County said the nurs- had passed. The death toll across Family or friends
idents. County officials released making application
Medicaid Services,for a living
which or reg-
deceased veteran should be advised that veterans status
da emergency workers to immedi- ing home had alerted the county the Caribbean stood at 38. documents showing that theWILL Hol- ulates nursing homes, gives the
be verified.
ately check on all nursing homes emergency operations center on At least six people died of ap- lywood facility was in compliance Hollywood center a below-aver-
Mandatory items of inscription:
to make sure patients are safe, Tuesday that it had lost power, parent carbon monoxide poison- with that regulation and that it Name, Branch
Only age rating,
of Service two starsof on
and Years its five-
and he vowed to punish anyone but when asked if it had any med- ing from generators in Florida. A held a hurricane drill with its staffNO ranks starwill be allowed.
scale. But the most recent
Limit of three lines of inscription with a maximum of 20
found culpable in the deaths. ical needs or emergencies, it did Tampa man died after the chain in October. digits per line, state inspection
(each space counts as areports
digit). Theshowed
"IN MEMORY OF" are allowable and must precede the
“This situation is unfathom- not request help. saw he was using to remove trees Calls to the owner and other no deficiencies in the area of
authorized inscription data. More than one branch of
able,” he said. “It’s a sad state of affairs,” the recoiled and cut his carotid artery. officials at the Hollywood home emergency
service is permitted, subject to plans.
space availability

Additional items:
Except for the Medal of Honor, no graphics, emblems or

FEMA insurance Veterans Memorial Wall pictures are permitted.

Abbreviations of the Branches of Service are:

Inscription Information
Marine Corps (USMC), Army (USA), Navy (USN),
Air Force (USAF) and/or Army Air Corps (USAAC),

chief: Harvey losses

Coast Guard (USCG), and Merchant Marine (USMM),

Qualifications: Inscription examples:

Inscription examples:
Only veterans with an Honorable Discharge may apply.

could top $11 billion

Family or friends making application for a living or IN MEMORY OF JOHN W. SMITH
deceased veteran should be advised that veterans status JOHN W. SMITH USMC
WILL be verified. USN USMC 1942 WW II 1945 ADDRESS

By Michael Biesecker within about a month. Mandatory items of inscription: JOHN W. SMITH JOHN ‘BUZ’SMITH CITY

Associated Press “Congress has never turned Only Name, Branch of Service and Years of Service, U.S. ARMY ARMY AIRBORNE
their back on a flood insur- NO ranks will be allowed. Limit of three lines of 68 VIETNAM 72 1956 TO 1962
WASHINGTON — The ance holder, and I cannot inscription with a maximum of 20 digits per line, EMAIL ADD

head of the National Flood imagine them looking away (each space counts as a digit). The words “IN
U.S. Allies:ToTobebedetermined
U.S. Allies: determinedon on individual
individual basis.
Insurance Program said now,” Wright said. “I am con- MEMORY OF” are allowable and must precede the Deviation in data
Deviation datasequence
Wednesday early estimates fident there will be no break authorized inscription data. More than one branch of Incomplete or inaccurate information on
service is permitted, subject to space availability.
Incomplete or inaccurate
application may result
in its returnin
on the
to its
show Hurricane Harvey will in the flow of funds.” the application may result return to
Additional items: causing a delay in receipt of the plaque or an incorrect C/O G
result in about $11 billion in The Associated Press applicant,causing
inscription. a delay in receipt of the
Except for the Medal of Honor, no graphics, emblems or plaque or an incorrect inscription.
payouts to insured home- reported earlier this month Donation: $100 per plaque, tax-deductible.
pictures are permitted.
owners, mostly in southeast that the total number of fed- DONATION: $100
To order up per plaque,
to three plaquestax-deductible
fill out the
Abbreviations of the Branches of Service F
Texas. eral flood insurance policies application and mail with your Donation to
are: Marine Corps (USMC), Army (USA), Navy (USN),Air To order up to three plaques fill out the
That would likely put Har- nationally dropped by about Force (USAF) and/or Army Air Corps (USAA Coast Guard
the address for the Detachment. 5
vey as the second costliest 10 percent over the last 5 application and mail with your donation to
(USCG), and Merchant Marine (USMM).
storm in the history of the years, to about 4.9 million. the address for the Detachment.
federal insurance program, The drop came after Con-
said Roy E. Wright, the Fed- gress required a premium
eral Emergency Management hike in 2012 and about a half
Agency’s deputy associate million homeowners elected
administrator for insurance to drop their coverage.
and mitigation. More than As a result, scores of homes
$16 billion was paid out after flooded by Harvey and Irma
Hurricane Katrina in 2005. will not be covered by fed-
It is still too soon to esti- eral flood insurance. Those
mate losses from Hurricane uninsured homeowners will
Irma, Wright said. But he likely have to seek grants and
predicted that the storm loans to rebuild. Wright said
damage in Florida and other such federal emergency help
affected states could rival the should be seen as a life vest,
nearly $9 billion paid out but not the full protection
after Superstorm Sandy in offered by flood insurance.
2012. Wright said that nationally Mail completed application to:
Even before the recent there are about 10 million
back-to-back hurricanes, the residential structures, twice Veterans Memorial Wall Fund
federal flood insurance pro- the number of properties c/o Gold Country Detachment #885, MCL
gram was about $25 billion currently covered, in areas 578 Sutton Way, PMB 375
in debt to the U.S. Treasury. that could potentially flood.
Wright said the program That includes many homes Grass Valley, CA 95945
currently has enough cash that are outside 1-in-100
to absorb the initial wave year flood plains or that For additional information, please call
of payments to help home- don’t have federally-backed
owners get back on their feet mortgages requiring flood (530) 264-USMC (8762)
but will need billions more insurance policies.
A8 | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | The Union



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Family Focus
B1 | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | The Union
Sean Jordan, Features Editor,
530-477-4219, sjordan@theunion.com

hands go a
long way
atching the
left behind
after hurri-
canes in Texas, the Caribbean
and Florida, along with the
devastating fires burning
communities throughout the
West, it is heartwarming to
see people — indeed, the na-
tion — stepping up to help. Columnist
Whether volunteering,
sending goods and services, According to
or offering financial assis-
tance, it continues to be true executive director
Colleges like MIT and Yale are searching for students who work for the common good. Instead of measuring a stu-
that we are a nation where
we care about each other.
Sandy “Jake”
dent by how many clubs and activities the student is involved with, they look for what the student does that shows There is nothing like a trage- Jacobsen, food
their character outside of the classroom. dy to bring out our humanity.
We can put our political insecurity is a

Colleges are looking for strong predictor of

and social beliefs aside and
get into the dirt to help one
another. Today, because health problems

of these natural disasters,
people are hungry, cold and like heart disease,
homeless, and others are ris-
ing up to offer assistance.
cancer, stroke,
Unfortunately, those same pulmonary disease,
conditions exist for a growing
population across the nation diabetes and early
all the time — no natural
stage dementia.

disaster required — and they
t’s that time of the year again! life in the moments when nothing don’t all necessarily have any-
College application time. ‘counted.’” one offering a helping hand. do so as they host one of the
While it might seem early to That student was admitted to While the homeless issue most enjoyable fundraisers I
you, colleges have been push- Dartmouth, an Ivy league college. is growing and is getting a have been to in some time.
ing up their application start dates lot of attention, I recently
for a few years now. The University COMMUNITY OUTREACH learned a bit about a segment THE FUNDRAISER
of California application opened its MIT added a mandatory essay of the population that is Now in its third year, the
portals on Aug. 1 and the California prompt: “Describe one way in which sometimes overlooked and End of Summer Bash is
State University opens Oct. 1. JILL HALEY you have contributed to your com- easily forgotten: our elderly happening this Saturday at
Most private colleges are already Columnist munity, whether in your family, the residents who need our sup- Rincon Del Rio along the
open through the common online classroom, your neighborhood, etc.” port year-round. Bear River.
application system. common good. It also reduced the number of slots It’s hard to believe that It’s a casual affair with all
One of the more frequent ques- And how do they measure com- for extracurriculars to four, instead Western Nevada County has kinds of games set up for the
tions I get asked is, “What can I do mon good? of the standard ten. hundreds of seniors who guests to play, from RC boat
to make myself look good on college It is measured not in a “brag What is clear is that colleges look suffer from food insecurity racing on the river to outdoor
applications?” packet” detailing the vast number of at the value of immersing oneself in (as in they don’t necessarily games of skill on the beach.
While grades and test scores are clubs and school activities a student an activity, devoting time and energy know where their next meal Before serving guests an
still very important, colleges also engages in, but rather the things a over a period of time rather than is coming from). They are over-the-top farm-to-table
look at other aspects of a student. student does outside of the class- engaging in a one-week trip in a for- often homebound and barely dinner arranged with a vari-
Called holistic review, the UCs and room that reflects their character. eign county to build schools. getting by. ety of stations offering more
private colleges look at a wide range This could be taking care of sib- It is also clear that character mat- Luckily, they have a re- entrees than some restau-
of factors. Some of these are extra- lings or working to help the family ters when deciding whom to admit. source called Gold Country rants, there are piglet races.
curricular activities and community financially. It could be involved in Nevada Union High School will Community Services who, The pampered and well-
service. church activities or volunteering for host the district’s annual College and along with hundreds of vol- cared-for swine entertain
an extended period time in a com- Career Night on Sept. 26. unteers, deliver thousands of guests with a couple rounds
GOOD CHARACTER munity service organization. College representatives will give meals each year through the of “find dinner.”
What more and more colleges are Last year a letter of recommenda- information about admissions, and Meals on Wheels program, It is sweet and delightful
looking for are students who are tion, written by a high school janitor, workshops will be available on such and hundreds of cords of and a little competitive.
good people — kind and considerate. made the news. topics as admissions essay, financial wood through their senior Who can help but put a
After all, these are students who In this letter, the janitor talk- aid and choosing the right college. firewood program. couple of dollars down on
will make a college a better place for ed about the student’s kindness to For more information, check the Since many of these se- “Hamilton” or “Spamela
everyone. other students and the fact that the NUHS website: http://nevadaunion. niors are also isolated, the Anderson” with prizes to
Harvard is still reeling from last student knew the janitorial staff ’s njuhsd.com. people making these deliv- be won and proceeds going
year’s admissions cycle, in which names. eries may serve as the only to this important organiza-
they rescinded admissions offers for The Dartmouth admissions officer Jill Haley is a retired high school human interaction some will tion? After dinner, there is
ten students after they posted ob- stated, “Over 15 years and 30,000 counselor who now works as an receive. live music, dancing and a
scene comments on a Facebook page. applications in my admissions ca- independent college counselor. She live auction featuring some
MIT and Yale have added ques- reer, I had never seen a recommen- can be reached at http://www. A PERSONAL STORY unique offerings.
tions to their applications to look dation from a school custodian. It getyouintocollege.com or jillncca@ Next week marks the fifth According to executive di-
for students who work towards the gave us a window onto a student’s gmail.com. anniversary of my mother’s rector Sandy “Jake” Jacobsen,
passing. food insecurity is a strong
She spent the last few predictor of health problems

Sierra College presents Darwin lecture years of her life in an assisted

living facility. My brother was
tasked with taking care of my
like heart disease, cancer,
stroke, pulmonary disease,
diabetes and early stage
Submitted to The Union mom’s housing and finances. dementia.
He was on the front line “We want to do everything
The 2017-2018 lecture with her when things were possible to keep our home-
series of the Sierra College most difficult, while I lived bound seniors well nour-
Natural History Muse- thousands of miles away, ished, warm and living inde-
um begins Friday with confident her basic needs pendently in their homes,”
“Darwin’s Armadillos,” would be met and she would said Jacobsen.
a presentation by Sierra not be alone. The venue, Rincon Del
College professor Charles My brother visited often — Rio, is a spectacular com-
Dailey. no easy task given he worked pound, worth the drive and
The event starts at 7:30 full time and lived some worth the price of admission.
p.m. Friday and features twenty miles away. With federal funding “un-
an illustrated tour of Dar- I called once in a great stable,” it’s time for our com-
win’s experiences with ar- while — not nearly enough munity to step up and help
madillos and other South — and wrote infrequently. our neighbors — not from
American mammals. The I didn’t think too much damage caused by natural di-
presentation will be in about it, never worried, saster but, sadly, by the day-
Sewell Hall, room 111, on confident she was near other to-day reality of hardship.
the Sierra College Rocklin family members. Our community takes
Campus. I can’t imagine how differ- pride in caring for one anoth-
The Natural History SUBMITTED PHOTO BY DARYL STINCHFIELD ent it would have been had er in time of need. For this
Museum’s newest exhibit Sierra College professor Charles Dailey is set to give a presentation on “Darwin’s she been living on her own segment of our population,
focuses on South Amer- Armadillos” at the Rocklin campus. without anyone to look after the need is greater than ever.
ican mammals, includ- her. Tickets are still available
ing many species that now on display in the Nat- KNOW & GO What if she relied on a ser- for the End of Summer Bash
intrigued Charles Darwin ural History Museum. vice like Meals on Wheels to happening Saturday at 5 p.m.
What: Darwin’s Armadillos and other South American
on his famous voyage Dailey will talk about eat regularly or on donations at Rincon del Rio off High-
aboard the HMS Bea- the spike-tailed glypt- of firewood to stay warm? way 49.
When: 7:30 p.m. Friday.
gle. Professor Dailey was odonts — an ancient form And what would have hap- You can get yours now at
Where: Sierra College Rocklin Campus’ Sewell Hall, room
instrumental in coordi- of giant armadillo — pened if those services were http://www.goldcountryser-
nating the development along with other modern cut from a lack of funding? vices.org/events.
Who: Sierra College professor Charles Dailey.
of this exhibit, and he is and extinct armadillos, as Realizing there are folks
expected describe some well as ground sloths and
Tickets: $5 general admission, $2 for seniors. Museum not as fortunate as was my Hollie Grimaldi Flores is
of Darwin’s explorations other intriguing South members are free. All proceeds benefit the Sierra College mother has prompted me a Nevada County resident
in South America, the un- American mammals. Natural History Museum. to support Gold Country and freelance writer for
usual organisms he found Information: Call the Sierra College Natural History Community Services. The hire. She can be reached at
there, and the specimens Source: Sierra College Museum at 916-660-7926. organization makes it easy to holliesallwrite@gmail.com.
B2 | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | The Union







POINTS TO NOT ALWAYS At two tables, South bravely ad-
vanced over one spade with two hearts.
MEAN TRICKS After West passed, one North raised to
three hearts (passed out), but the other
Another track on Pink Floyd’s sensibly jumped to four hearts.
“Ummagumma” album is “The Grand Against four hearts, West led the
Vizier’s Garden Party.” I am not sure heart five: king, nine, six. What should
how that segues into today’s deal, but South have done?
let’s try. Look at the South hand. You It looked as though East had the
pass as dealer, lefty opens one diamond, heart queen, so probably would not have
partner overcalls one spade, and righty the club ace. This suggested playing
passes. What would you do now? a club to the 10. Declarer actually led
SALLY FORTH GREG HOWARD & CRAIG MACINTOSH Considering the five choices, I a club to her queen. West won and --
would not pass. One no-trump is hardly surprise, surprise -- continued with the
descriptive. Two clubs mentions the heart queen. South won on the board,
best suit, but it is a minor. The suit played a diamond to her king and West’s
is weak for two hearts, but you are a ace, ruffed the diamond queen and led
passed hand, so partner will expect a spade. West took that trick and forced
only a five-bagger. Two spades is shy a South with another diamond. Perhaps
The New York TimesSo, Syndication Sales
nothing is perfect. In aCorporation
declarer should have played a spade to
620 Eighth Avenue, New
cate, several York,
players N.Y.
passed. 10018
West then
the jack, but she won with dummy’s king
and led the spade jack. After a pause,
For Information
balanced Call:
one no-trump, showing though, South ruffed and claimed when
For Release Thursday, September
18 or 19 points. Undeterred, 14, 2017 the queen dropped.
the Norths
rebid two hearts. You would expect
Phillip Alder South to have bid four hearts now, but a COPYRIGHT: 2017


Edited by Will Shortz No. 0810
ACROSS 34 Symbol of 55 Whatever it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Diner staple, for gentleness takes … as
short 35 ___ Sound hinted at in the 14 15 16
4 Wine, informally, 36 Hoary 17 18 19
with “the” of black squares
37 Latin American around the
9 Astronaut Kelly sweetie circled letters
20 21

14 [Shrug] 39 Symbol of 58 Together 22 23 24 25

15 Itching Christianity
59 Short loin cut 26 27 28 29 30 31
16 Right to the point 40 Attachment to a
17 Whatever it takes job app 60 Pac-12 athlete 32 33 34

20 Party person 41 Congested place, 61 Like a workaholic

35 36 37 38
21 Musician whose at times
62 Big rolls
first name is a 42 Attraction at 39 40 41
toy Boeing’s Museum 63 Seat of
of Flight, for short Christianity? 42 43 44
22 ___ trick
23 Home to an 43 “J’adore ___” (ad 45 46
annual Ideas slogan) DOWN
Festival 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
44 Sound of metallic 1 Standout in a
26 First name of impact
the second vice quad 55 56 57
president to 45 2016 Disney film
2 Dunham of “Girls”
resign from office 46 Carriage with its 58 59 60

28 Mulching horse 3 “What you have

61 62 63
material to realize …”
47 It might prevent
29 Dynamite you from drifting 4 Transmission
32 “Pagliacci” role off
33 China’s ___ 51 James I and 5 “The Martha ___ 13 Banks of 27 Hairstyles that 48 Letters that
Dynasty Charles I Show” of 1950s “America’s Got need lots of might precede
TV Talent” combing 10001
6 Recluse’s 18 Spent the most?
problem, maybe 30 -NH2 50 Darn it!
A N T E S I D O L G L A D attachment, in
19 Something said
M O O L A P O N E E A S E 7 What a “/” may chemistry 52 Newcastle upon
by a put-out ___, England
C H E S S M A T C H E M I L mean Putin? 31 Toy shooter
I S R H E A R E M U 8 Procter & Gamble 34 Seat of New 53 Add (up)
E D G E I C E R E D B O X 24 Flippered animal Mexico’s Doña
cleaning brand along the Pacific 54 Distort
L E O A B E C A R V E Ana County
9 Do a little Coast 56 Rare occurrences
F E T A A M E S I O W A 38 Pose
cuddling at Super Bowls,
D O U B L E S T E N N I S 25 Don’t open it! 43 Square one briefly
T R I B U T E S S N O B 10 ___ desk 45 Bucks
(newspaper post) 26 Indy racer 57 Clutch hitter’s
B E H A N P Y E E D U sponsor 47 Somewhat stat
O M E L E T O M G P D A S 11 Roman emperor
P E D T A B U E E L who overthrew Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past
E R O S S O C K D R A W E R Galba puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year).
E G G O E S A I I N A N E Read about and comment on each puzzle: nytimes.com/wordplay.
12 Silent part of
P E S T S E N D C A R D S “mnemonic”
The Union | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | B3


Proper etiquette for dealing with miscarriage

Dear Annie: My sister had topic of miscarriages being a woman is somehow to blame I’m beautiful, but I wouldn’t to nag at you, too, because
a miscarriage this week, and bit taboo. However, I know for losing a pregnancy. say the same things in his you’d always wonder,
I’m at a bit of a loss. I want they are more common than But miscarriages shouldn’t presence about men I see. “What’s he thinking about
to support her but fear that many think. I’ve known a be taboo at all. I, for one, I did that once so that he her?”
I am putting too much of few people who have expe- would love to see a world could see how it feels, but The comments may an-
a focus on it. I’m not sure rienced miscarriages, but where there is more support he keeps on doing it. I know noy you less if you look at
whether I’m expecting a cer- it’s not always talked about for women from women guys talk this way to one them as a sign of how open
tain type of response unfairly openly. I’m not sure why who have had miscarriag- another, and that’s fine. But he feels with you. Not only
from her — sadness, anger, they are viewed as shameful ANNIE LANE es. We need to shore them I don’t know why he has to does he think you’re gor-
frustration — but she seems or a secret or something to Columnist up and recognize that their always say this to me. And geous (and he tells you so);
to just want to move on. hide. Annie, I’d love to hear bodies were actually work- sometimes it’s with facial ex- he also feels close enough to
With the rest of our family, your thoughts on this. — would encourage you to do ing perfectly. pressions and hand gestures talk to you as a friend. Em-
there’s a feeling of hope- Unsure in Ithaca so if you are so inclined. Dear Annie: I have a to indicate how “hot” she is. brace that and you’ll feel
lessness all around, as we’re Dear Unsure: I am so Sadly, you are correct that boyfriend, whom I love — A Secure Woman Feeling even more secure.
not sure how to be there for sorry for your sister’s loss. miscarriages are common, dearly. But one thing he does Uncomfortable
her and her husband. I was Tell her one time how very occurring in roughly 15 out makes me crazy. He’s always Dear Secure Woman To find out more about
going to send them flowers sorry you are for her loss and of every 100 pregnancies, commenting on other girls’ Feeling Uncomfortable: Annie Lane and read
and a sympathy card, but my that you love her very much. and that it’s not something beauty. We will be watch- You could ask him to stop features by other Creators
other sister thought it could Say it only once, and say it people talk about often. I ing TV, and he’ll say, “She sharing these thoughts, but Syndicate columnists
be too much of a reminder. I kindly and compassionately. think that silence is connect- is beautiful and has a nice it wouldn’t stop him from and cartoonists, visit the
think a lot of the uncertainty Sending flowers would be ed to a long-held (and erro- voice” or “She is really pretty having them. And I have Creators Syndicate website
of what to do stems from the a thoughtful gesture, and I neous) societal belief that a but can’t act.” He tells me a feeling that would start at www.creators.com.


Many benefits of service dogs IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: It’s OK

to dream and use your imagination to
help you move in a direction that makes
Dear Doctor: I’ve seen a lot of mobility. These dogs can pull you happy. Working toward something
dogs recently in grocery stores a lightweight wheelchair, offer that brings you joy will make your life
and restaurants wearing those assistance by bracing their han- and job easier. Don’t go against the grain
yellow service dog vests, but dlers as they get up or down, when you should be doing what you do
some of them can’t obey even and help their handlers rise if best.
simple commands like “sit” and they should fall down. They can VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Set your EUGENIA LAST
“stay.” They seem to really be open doors, turn light switches sights on doing something that brings Astrograph
pets. What do trained service on or off, and pick up objects as you joy. Turn your passion into a mon-
dogs do? Whom do they help? ELIZABETH KO & small as a dime. eymaking endeavor. Trust and believe PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20): An agree-
Dear Reader: It’s a shame EVE GLAZIER Seizure dogs, which are in your talent, and strive to reach your ment or partnership can be formed if you
when dog owners misrepresent Ask the Doctors trained to recognize their han- goals. make suggestions that will even out the
their pets as service animals. dlers’ physical symptoms, can LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): Stick to playing field. Equality will be important
No doubt some are legitimate elevation, like a curb or the edge summon help by calling 911 via the truth and use common sense when if you want to avoid dissatisfaction.
“emotional support” animals. of a subway platform. They can a special life-alert system, or dealing with emotional matters at home ARIES (March 21-April 19): Pressure
But federal law states that a follow a designated person, like provide physical stimulation. or work. Situations will escalate quickly will intensify if someone wants you
service dog is one that has been a waiter in a restaurant, or find Like many service dogs, they if you aren’t cognizant of other people’s to spend too much or isn’t willing to
specially trained to physically their handler an empty seat in a are trained to retrieve medi- feelings and expectations. contribute enough around the house or
assist a person with a disability, public space. And though their cation. Diabetic alert dogs use SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22): Let your to a joint venture. Look for alternative
including — and we’re quoting handlers are the decision-mak- their sense of smell to detect creative ability take the reins. No matter options.
the law here — “a physical, sen- ers in the partnership, guide episodes of high or low blood what you are pursuing, take a unique TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taking a
sory, psychiatric, intellectual or dogs have been taught “intelli- sugar and warn their owners. approach and do things your way. You day trip, going for an interview or signing
other mental disability.” gent disobedience.” When given Severe allergy alert dogs let have plenty to gain if you rely on your up for a course will all result in positive
It is on that basis that these a command to walk forward, if their handlers know about instincts. gains. Socializing will encourage new
devoted animals are granted danger is present, like a sudden life-threatening allergens SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21): Don’t friendships and joint endeavors.
access to venues and areas not drop-off or oncoming traffic, nearby. fold under pressure. If someone is being GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Attending
open to other pets. With their they will refuse. Service dogs are remarkable persuasive or demanding, back away, a reunion or reconnecting with an old
rigorous training and special- For people with impaired in their training and dedication. consider your options and focus on tak- friend will rejuvenate old dreams. If you
ized skills, service dogs open hearing, specially trained dogs And though it’s tempting to give ing care of your objectives. share your ideas, a unique partnership
up the world for their handlers, become their ears. With a them a pat or say hello, please CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): If you will develop.
and keep them safe within it. touch of their nose or a gentle don’t. Service dogs out in public share your thoughts, you will receive CANCER (June 21-July 22): Compas-
Service dogs perform hun- paw, they can signal a ringing are at work. Correct etiquette is interesting feedback that will encourage sion and understanding will speak vol-
dreds of tasks for more than telephone, a crying baby, a to ignore them, so they are not you to make certain changes. Examine umes about the type of person you are.
a dozen types of disabilities. smoke alarm, an alarm clock, a distracted from their job. the way you deal with partners and how Your advice will be sought after and your
We’re all familiar with guide family member calling the han- you handle legal, financial and medical popularity will grow. Address situations
dogs, which help people with dler’s name, computer beeps, Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is matters. concerning friends and relatives.
impaired vision. They lead their cellphone alerts and a person’s an internist and assistant AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19): Put more LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): An opportunity
handlers around obstacles like arrival. professor of medicine at UCLA thought and creativity into whatever job to use your skills, knowledge and experi-
a park bench, a low-hanging People with physical disabil- Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is you take on. Being unique will help you ence in a unique way should be looked at
awning or a hole in the ground. ities or missing limbs rely on an internist and primary care draw attention to whatever you do. Try in detail. Negotiate on your behalf to get
They warn them of changes in their service dogs to help with physician at UCLA Health. something new and live in the moment. what you want.

© 2017 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 33, No. 42 Without using any of the coins below twice,
circle the coins that add up to:
28¢ 29¢ 31¢ 36¢ Ask a family member to give you:
• 4 nouns
• 2 adjectives
Fritter’s jacket doesn’t have a • 1 verb
zipper. It has stripes, but not • 10 plural nouns
on the sleeves. It has less Use these words to to fill in the
than seven buttons. blanks in this story. Then, read
the silly story you created aloud
together for lots of laughs!

Roger is a collector of ________

_________________. As you
can imagine, such a collection is
quite expensive.
Standards Link: Math: Students compute money sums.

To save money, Roger always

looks for the best ________
when shopping. He’ll often
ed in order.
Number the steps Fritter follow
compare ________________
THRIFTY between products to see which
First, I set a goal to save the ACHIEVE one is a better ____________.
money to buy it. The jacket I CREDIT S H C R E D I T G V
wanted cost $60. $60 seemed like
In all, I repeated the an enormous MONEY E R S A F E F I G A At the grocery store, he doesn’t
goal of saving $10 six amount of money. TRASH E S B A G I M O I S just fill his basket with a lot of
times. And that’s how But my pal PIGGY ___________. Instead, he writes
I saved $60! Thrifty told me to S U O M R O N E P B
think of the $60 BREAK a _________ and brings it with
as a series of BANKS him. He clips ____________
smaller goals. THINK N A T E L L E L R E
out of the newspaper to save
So I made a goal to GOAL A G Y E V E I H C A
save just $10 at first. money. He checks the
After that, I made the SAFE B O A L S T H I N K
goal to save $10 again. SAVE newspaper’s website for special
JOB ______________, too.

Roger buys ___________ in

Put a check next to each job Fritter did to earn $10 to put in his piggy bank each week. bulk. He will _________ them
If you check the right boxes, they add up to exactly $10. with his friends and family if he
Mowed the lawn: $3 Took out the trash: $1 Sold lemonade: $4 has extras. He saves money by
Fed our neighbor’s bird: $1 Recycled bottles and cans: $3 Raked leaves: $2 Look through the newspaper to find the choosing _____________
names of banks and credit unions in your
_____________ instead of more
What is a big goal you would like to achieve? community. Make a chart with their names,
Is it saving money, improving how well you play
a sport or completing a big homework project?
addresses and the interest rates they offer expensive _________________.
on their savings accounts.
Roger also checks the classified
My Goal: Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information.

Look through the ads for ________________ when

Break your goal into smaller goals: newspaper for five he needs new ones. He bought a
or more numbers that
First: Second: Third: Fourth: show a price. Cut out very reliable car that way that
each price and glue doesn’t use a lot of __________.
onto a sheet of paper
in order from
smallest to largest. “Thanks to the money I’ve saved
Round each number
to the nearest 100 and What do you do when you get angry? with the newspaper, I am about to
write that number Do you try to calm down or “cool start a new collection of rare
It might take more than four steps, or repeating some steps, next to each price.
off”? How do you do this? _______________________!”
to reach a bigger goal. Don’t give up! Standards Link: Number Sense:
says Roger happily.
Add sums up to 100.
B4 | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | The Union

From page B6 From page B6

as well,” Andretti Autosport CEO Michael football but tried place kicking as a
Andretti said. sophomore in high school mostly so
Rossi came to IndyCar ahead of the 2016 he could go to the team barbecues.
season after spending 2015 racing in Formula He then was set to play soccer in
One. His stock in the racing world skyrock- college at UC Davis but opted to go
eted after winning IndyCar’s signature event to California when he got a chance
in Indianapolis, finishing 11th in the overall to walk-on as a football player.
point standings and earning Rookie of the After four years at Cal, Tavec-
Year honors. chio began his attempt to make
Rossi hasn’t disappointed in his second the NFL. Seely brought him to San
IndyCar season. Francisco in 2012 as the backup
For the year, Rossi has nine top-seven to David Akers but he never made
finishes, including three in the top three and the team. The next season he
one win. He also earned his first IndyCar pole signed with Green Bay only to get
of his career and is currently ranked sixth in cut again.
the overall point standings. His best chance might have
In Rossi’s win at Watkins Glen two weeks come with Detroit in 2014 but he
ago, he got the opportunity to truly show off was beaten out by Nate Freese and
his racing acumen as he battled one of the joined the Raiders for the final
sport’s best, Scott Dixon. Rossi would outlast exhibition game. Oakland brought
Dixon in the final 12 laps to earn his second Tavecchio back to camp again in
career IndyCar win. 2015, ‘16 and ‘17 only to cut him
“To have a 12-lap shootout against Scott, in each time before the start of the
the same equipment, starting 1-2 on a restart regular season.
and being able to go and prove that I can beat “Some people would think it
him is pretty cool,” Rossi said after the race. would get easier with getting cut,
In addition to Rossi’s win at Watkins but it actually got harder,” Tav-
Glen, he has also reached the podium with ecchio said. “There were difficult
a second-place finish at the Honda Indy times when you question, ‘Can I
Toronto street race and a third-place finish keep giving myself in this way only
at the ABC Supply 500 at Pocono Raceway. to be dejected again?’ Shakespeare
Rossi also followed up his historic 2016 win said, ‘It’s better to have loved and
at the “Greatest Spectacle in Racing” with a lost, than to have never loved at
seventh-place finish at this year’s Indianapo- ASSOCIATED PRESS all.’ Sometimes I question that,
lis 500. In addition to Rossi’s win at Watkins Glen, he has also reached the podium with a but again right now, I’m grateful
Sunday’s GoPro Grand Prix of Sonoma will second-place finish at the Honda Indy Toronto street race and a third-place finish at for that. In 20 years, hopefully I’ll
be the final IndyCar race of the season and the ABC Supply 500 at Pocono Raceway. Rossi followed up his historic 2016 win at the look back and say, ‘Whatever hap-
Rossi can make even more progress in the Indianapolis 500 with a seventh-place finish at this year’s race. pens, I gave it everything.’”
point standings with a good showing. Rossi, Tavecchio spent his time be-
who has 476 points this season, currently one for everyone involved, but I am very series is headed. With the new car for next tween camps holding various
trails fifth-place Will Power by 16 points. thankful to have such incredible support year, it is bound to be even more competi- part-time jobs from real estate, to
Rossi is 84 points behind point leader Josef from Andretti Autosport, NAPA AUTO tive and exciting than in years past and this tutoring, to helping kickers at Cal
Newgarden. Last year, Rossi placed fifth at PARTS and Honda, and to extend our deal is something that I am very proud to be a to working at a tech company in
Sonoma. through 2019,” Rossi said in a press release. part of. It is an honor to race alongside such New York this offseason when he
Rossi’s ability on the track is undeniable “The improvements that we have made this talented drivers and teams and I feel truly got the offer to go to London for a
and the powers that be have taken notice. year and the relationships that I have built blessed in having the opportunity to show- full-time job.
He recently signed a multi-year deal with within the team over the past two seasons case what I am capable of.” He also kept up with his kicking,
Andretti Autosport, and received a new deal created the foundation for a very exciting working out at his old high school
with NAPA Auto Parts to continue sponsor- future. To contact Sports Editor Walter Ford, call and consulting with former NFL
ing his No. 98 Honda. “On top of this, I’m very excited about the 530-477-4232 or email wford@theunion. kicker Michael Husted, who was
“As always, this silly season is a challenging future of INDYCAR and where the whole com. the last kicker other than Janikow-
ski to play a season opener for the
Raiders back in 1999.
ROUNDUP their best team score of the season by 20
strokes, said head coach Chris Buti.
Next up for the Lady Miners is a home
match against Granite Bay Thursday at Alta
Tavecchio visited Husted each
year in San Diego and worked with
From page B6
Leading the Lady Miners at Empire Sierra Country Club. him over the phone, on video and
falling to the Bulldogs by eight strokes at Ranch was Raydean Aroz with a 42, Haley through virtual reality to improve
Empire Ranch Golf Club. McCormick with a 44, Jadyn McKenna with Coaches may submit game reports by email his skills. Husted said the biggest
Despite losing the match, Nevada Union a 51, Danielle McClung with a 58 and Lily at sports@theunion.com or by phone at issue is the mental aspect, which
made great strides as a group, bettering Olson with a 60. 530-477-4232. often takes years to conquer.

What’s next San Diego

San Francisco
65 80 .448 28
57 90 .388 37
Oakland 7, Boston 3
Seattle 8, Texas 1
East Auto racing 41. Patrick Cantlay;1,047;3;T13;+9
42. Francesco Molinari;1,028;5;T61;-6
NEVADA UNION MINERS East San Diego at Minnesota (n) W L T Pct PF PA NASCAR MONSTER ENERGY CUP 43. Charl Schwartzel;966;3;T25;+6
TODAY W L Pct GB Houston at L.A. Angels (n) Philadelphia 1 0 0 1.000 30 17 POINTS LEADERS 44. Bryson DeChambeau;936;1;2;T30;+4
Girls golf — vs. Granite Bay, 3 p.m. x-Washington 88 57 .607 — Thursday’s Games Dallas 1 0 0 1.000 19 3 Through Sept. 9 45. Si Woo Kim;935;1;2;T40;-4
Girls tennis — at Rocklin, 3:30 p.m. Miami 68 77 .469 20 Chicago White Sox (Shields 3-6) at Detroit N.Y. Giants 0 1 0 .000 3 19 1. Martin Truex Jr., 2053. 46. Chez Reavie;932;4;T61;-6
FRIDAY Atlanta 66 78 .458 21½ (Bell 0-2), 10:10 a.m. Washington 0 1 0 .000 17 30 2. Kyle Larson, 2033. 47. Ian Poulter;927;2;T23;+9
Girls water polo -- at Sierra Shootout, TBD New York 63 81 .438 24½ Oakland (Gossett 4-8) at Boston (Pomer- South 3. Kyle Busch, 2029. 48. Keegan Bradley;914;5;T35;-1
Boys water polo — CCC Tourney, TBD 4. Brad Keselowski, 2019.
Philadelphia 56 89 .386 32 anz 15-5), 10:35 a.m. W L T Pct PF PA 49. Martin Laird;892;5;T40;-4
Football — at Napa, 7:30 p.m. 5. Jimmie Johnson, 2017.
Central Baltimore (Miley 8-12) at N.Y. Yankees Carolina 1 0 0 1.000 23 3 50. Ollie Schniederjans;882;5;CUT;-8
BEAR RIVER BRUINS W L Pct GB (Tanaka 11-11), 4:05 p.m. Atlanta 1 0 0 1.000 23 17 6. Kevin Harvick, 2015.
Chicago 78 66 .542 — Kansas City (Junis 7-2) at Cleveland (Tomlin Tampa Bay 0 0 0 .000 0 0 7. Denny Hamlin, 2013.
Girls golf — at Center, 3:30 p.m.
Milwaukee 77 69 .527 2 9-9), 4:10 p.m. New Orleans 0 1 0 .000 19 29 8. Ricky Stenhouse Jr., 2010.
Girls water polo -- at Sierra Shootout, TBD
St. Louis 76 69 .524 2½ Seattle (Hernandez 5-4) at Texas (Cashner North 9. Ryan Blaney, 2008. Transactions
Pittsburgh 68 79 .463 11½ 9-9), 5:05 p.m. W L T Pct PF PA 10. Chase Elliott, 2006. WEDNESDAY
Football — at Marysville, 7:30 p.m.
Cincinnati 63 83 .432 16 Toronto (Anderson 3-3) at Minnesota Detroit 1 0 0 1.000 35 23 11. Ryan Newman, 2005. BASEBALL
z-clinched playoff berth (Berrios 12-7), 5:10 p.m. Green Bay 1 0 0 1.000 17 9 12. Kurt Busch, 2005. American League
FALCONS x-clinched division Houston (Peacock 10-2) at L.A. Angels Minnesota 1 0 0 1.000 29 19 13. Kasey Kahne, 2005. BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Assigned
TODAY Tuesday’s Games (Nolasco 6-13), 7:07 p.m. Chicago 0 1 0 .000 17 23 14. Austin Dillon, 2005. LHP Andrew Faulkner outright to Norfolk
Girls volleyball — at Delta, 6 p.m. Atlanta 8, Washington 0 Friday’s Games West 15. Matt Kenseth, 2005. (IL). Reinstated OF Craig Gentry from the
SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS Philadelphia 9, Miami 8, 15 innings Baltimore at N.Y. Yankees, 4:05 p.m. W L T Pct PF PA 16. Jamie McMurray, 2003. 10-day DL.
FRIDAY Milwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 2 Oakland at Philadelphia, 4:05 p.m. L.A. Rams 1 0 0 1.000 46 9 17. Clint Bowyer, 664. BOSTON RED SOX — Assigned RHP Kyle
vs. D’backs, 7:15 p.m.; TV: NBCSBA Chicago Cubs 8, N.Y. Mets 3 Boston at Tampa Bay, 4:10 p.m. Seattle 0 1 0 .000 9 17 18. Erik Jones, 654. Martin outright to Pawtucket (IL).
SATURDAY Minnesota 16, San Diego 0 Chicago White Sox at Detroit, 4:10 p.m. Arizona 0 1 0 .000 23 35 19. Joey Logano, 652. DETROIT TIGERS — Placed 2B Dixon
vs. D’backs, 6:05 p.m.; TV: NBC Bay area St. Louis 13, Cincinnati 4 Kansas City at Cleveland, 4:10 p.m. San Francisco 0 1 0 .000 3 23 20. Daniel Suarez, 568. Machado on paternity leave.
OAKLAND ATHLETICS Colorado 4, Arizona 2 Seattle at Houston, 5:10 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 7 NEW YORK YANKEES — Sent 1B Garrett
TODAY L.A. Dodgers 5, San Francisco 3 Toronto at Minnesota, 5:10 p.m. Kansas City 42, New England 27 INDYCAR POINTS LEADERS Cooper to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL) for a
at Red Sox, 10:35 a.m.; TV: NBCSCA Wednesday’s Games Texas at L.A. Angels, 7:07 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10 Through Sept. 3 rehab assignment.
FRIDAY Atlanta 8, Washington 2 Atlanta 23, Chicago 17 1. Josef Newgarden, 560. TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Reinstated C
at Phillies, 4:05 p.m.; TV: NBCSCA Philadelphia 8, Miami 1 ATHLETICS 7, RED SOX 3 Buffalo 21, N.Y. Jets 12 2. Scott Dixon, 557. Russell Martin from the 10-day DL.
SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS Milwaukee 8, Pittsburgh 2 Oakland Boston Baltimore 20, Cincinnati 0 3. Helio Castroneves, 538. National League
SUNDAY Cincinnati 6, St. Louis 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi Pittsburgh 21, Cleveland 18 4. Simon Pagenaud, 526. ATLANTA BRAVES — Assigned C Tony
at Seahawks, 1:25 p.m.; TV: FOX N.Y. Mets at Chicago Cubs (n) Semien ss 5 1 1 0 Bgaerts ss 4 1 1 0 Oakland 26, Tennessee 16 5. Will Power, 492. Sanchez outright to Gwinnett (IL). Named
OAKLAND RAIDERS San Diego at Minnesota (n) Joyce lf 4 1 1 0 Pedroia 2b4 1 3 0 Jacksonville 29, Houston 7 6. Alexander Rossi, 476. Adam Fisher assistant general manager
SUNDAY Colorado at Arizona (n) Lowrie 2b 4 2 3 2 Bnntndi lf 4 0 2 1 Philadelphia 30, Washington 17 7. Graham Rahal, 466. and Perry Minasian director of player
vs. Jets, 1:05 p.m.; TV: CBS L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco (n) K.Davis dh 4 1 1 1 Betts rf 3 0 0 1 Detroit 35, Arizona 23 8. Takuma Sato, 421. personnel.
Thursday’s Games M.Olson 1b 2 1 1 2 Mreland 1b4 0 1 0 L.A. Rams 46, Indianapolis 9 9. Tony Kanaan, 375. CINCINNATI REDS — Placed RHP Drew
Cincinnati (Garrett 3-7) at St. Louis (Weaver Carolina 23, San Francisco 3 Storen on the 10-day DL, retroactive to
Sports on TV 5-1), 10:45 a.m.
Pinder rf 4 1 0 1 H.Rmirz dh4 0 0 0
Maxwell c 4 0 1 1 Devers 3b 4 0 1 0 Green Bay 17, Seattle 9
10. Ryan Hunter-Reay, 373.
11. James Hinchcliffe, 360. Sunday. Designated RHP Barrett Astin for
TODAY Colorado (Bettis 1-2) at Arizona (Godley M.Chpmn 3b4 0 0 0 Leon c 3 0 0 0 N.Y. Giants at Dallas, 5:30 p.m. 12. Max Chilton, 360. assignment. Reinstated OF Jesse Winker
AUTO RACING 7-7), 12:40 p.m. Powell cf 4 0 0 0 Brdly J cf 4 1 1 1 Open: Tampa Bay, Miami 13. Marco Andretti, 336. from the 10-day DL. Selected the contract
5 p.m. — FS1 — ARCA Series, Scott 150, at Atlanta (Foltynewicz 10-12) at Washington Totals 35 7 8 7 Totals 34 3 9 3 Monday, Sept. 11 14. Ed Jones, 332. of RHP Deck McGuire from Pensacola (SL).
Joliet, Ill. (Roark 12-9), 4:05 p.m. Oakland 402 001000 — 7 Minnesota 29, New Orleans 19 15. JR Hildebrand, 315. Recalled RHP Keury Mella from Pensacola.
COLLEGE FOOTBALL Miami (Urena 13-6) at Philadelphia Boston 101 010000 — 3 Denver 24, L.A. Chargers 21 16. Carlos Munoz, 298. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES — Selected
5 p.m. — ESPN — New Mexico at Boise St. (Thompson 1-2), 4:05 p.m. Thursday 17. Charlie Kimball, 289. the contract of RHP Victor Arano from
DP—Oakland 2. LOB—Oakland 3, Boston
GOLF N.Y. Mets (Lugo 6-4) at Chicago Cubs Houston at Cincinnati, 5:25 p.m. 18. Conor Daly, 264. Lehigh Valley (IL). Transferred RHP Zach
7. 2B—Lowrie (45), Maxwell (11), Beninten-
2 a.m. — GOLF — LPGA Tour, The Evian (Tseng 0-0), 5:05 p.m. Sunday 19. Mikhail Aleshin, 237. Elfin to the 60-day DL.
di 2 (23), Moreland (30). 3B—Lowrie (3).
Championship, first round, at Evian-les- Friday’s Games Philadelphia at Kansas City, 10 a.m. 20. Spencer Pigot, 184. BASKETBALL
HR—M.Olson (18), Bradley Jr. (16).
Bains, France St. Louis at Chicago Cubs, 11:20 a.m. Arizona at Indianapolis, 10 a.m. National Basketball Association
6:30 a.m. — GOLF — LPGA Tour, The Evian
Championship, first round, at Evian-les-
L.A. Dodgers at Washington, 4:05 p.m.
Oakland at Philadelphia, 4:05 p.m.
Cotton W,8-10
5 6 3 3 2 3
Minnesota at Pittsburgh, 10 a.m.
Cleveland at Baltimore, 10 a.m.
Golf UTAH JAZZ — Signed G Nate Wolters to
a two-way contract.
Bains, France Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, 4:10 p.m. New England at New Orleans, 10 a.m. FOOTBALL
Coulombe 1
/3 0 0 0 1 0 Through Sept. 10
9:30 a.m. — GOLF — Web.com Tour, Albert- N.Y. Mets at Atlanta, 4:35 p.m. Chicago at Tampa Bay, 10 a.m. National Football League
Dull 2
/3 1 0 0 0 0 ;YTD;Top;Last;Week
sons Boise Open, first round, at Boise, Idaho Milwaukee vs. Miami at Milwaukee, Wis., Buffalo at Carolina, 10 a.m. NFL — Suspended Houston LB Brian
Hatcher 1 0 0 0 0 0 Rank Name;Points;Wins;10’s;Finish;Change
Noon — GOLF — PGA Tour, BMW Champion- 5:10 p.m. Tennessee at Jacksonville, 10 a.m. Cushing 10 games for violating the league’s
Treinen 1 1 0 0 0 2 1. Jordan Spieth;5,071;3;10;2;+1
ship, first round, at Lake Forest, Ill. San Diego at Colorado, 5:40 p.m. N.Y. Jets at Oakland, 1:05 p.m. performance enhancers policy.
Boston IP H R ER BB SO 2. Justin Thomas;5,044;5;11;1;+1
9 p.m. — GOLF — European PGA Tour, KLM Arizona at San Francisco, 7:15 p.m. Miami at L.A. Chargers, 1:05 p.m. ARIZONA CARDINALS — Re-signed LB
Fister L,5-8 4 6 6 6 1 4 3. Dustin Johnson;4,650;4;8;T18;-2
Open, first round, at Spijk, Netherlands San Francisco at Seattle, 1:25 p.m. Scooby Wright III to the practice squad.
Abad 1 0 1 1 0 1 4. Hideki Matsuyama;3,021;3;7;T23;-
(same-day tape) AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington at L.A. Rams, 1:25 p.m. CAROLINA PANTHERS — Waived
Hembree 1 1 0 0 0 1 5. Jon Rahm;2,894;1;9;T4;-
MLB BASEBALL West Dallas at Denver, 1:25 p.m. PK Harrison Butker. Claimed CB LaDarius
Barnes 1 1 0 0 0 1 6. Rickie Fowler;2,217;1;9;T13;-
10:30 a.m. — MLB — Regional coverage, W L Pct GB Green Bay at Atlanta, 5:30 p.m. Gunter off waivers from Green Bay.
Boyer 2 0 0 0 0 2 7. Marc Leishman;2,084;1;6;3;+13
Oakland at Boston OR Cincinnati at St. Houston 87 57 .604 — Monday DALLAS COWBOYS — Released S
Abad pitched to 1 batter in the 6th HBP—by 8. Paul Casey;2,065;8;T4;+4
Louis Los Angeles 73 71 .507 14 Detroit at N.Y. Giants, 5:30 p.m. Jameill Showers from the practice squad.
Abad (Olson). WP—Hembree, Treinen. Um- 9. Brooks Koepka;1,952;1;6;T18;-2
1:30 p.m. — MLB — Colorado at Arizona Seattle 73 73 .500 15 Signed WR Brian Brown (Richmond) to the
pires—Home, Hunter Wendelstedt; First, 10. Pat Perez;1,894;1;6;T6;+4
(joined in progress) Texas 72 73 .497 15½ COLLEGE FOOTBALL practice squad.
Andy Fletcher; Second, Alan Porter; Third, 11. Daniel Berger;1,735;1;6;T61;-3
4 p.m. — MLB — Regional coverage, Oakland 64 81 .441 23½ TOP 25 SCHEDULE DETROIT LIONS — Released DE Pat
Joe West. T—3:07. A—36,366 (37,499). 12. Charley Hoffman;1,729;7;T47;-3
Baltimore at N.Y. Yankees OR Kansas City East O’Connor from the practice squad. Signed
Friday 13. Jhonattan Vegas;1,688;1;4;T65;-3
at Cleveland
7 p.m. — MLB — Regional coverage, Houston Boston
W L Pct GB
82 63 .566 —
Football No. 22 South Florida vs. Illinois, 4 p.m. 14. Kevin Kisner;1,660;1;7;T53;-3
OT Storm Norton to the practice squad.
NFL Saturday 15. Brian Harman;1,572;1;7;T65;-2
at L.A. Angels OR Toronto at Minnesota New York 79 66 .545 3 Ricky Jean Francois. Signed OL Adam Pan-
AMERICAN CONFERENCE No. 1 Alabama vs. Colorado State, 4 p.m. 16. Adam Hadwin;1,568;1;5;T13;+2
(joined in progress) Baltimore 72 74 .493 10½ key from the practice squad and G Darrell
West No. 2 Oklahoma vs. Tulane, 3 p.m. 17. Justin Rose;1,534;6;T10;+7
NFL FOOTBALL Tampa Bay 72 75 .490 11 Greene to the practice squad.
W L T Pct PF PA No. 3 Clemson at No. 14 Louisville, 5 p.m. 18. Matt Kuchar;1,531;7;T56;-3
5:20 p.m. — NFL — Houston at Cincinnati Toronto 68 78 .466 14½ HOUSTON TEXANS — Waived WR
Oakland 1 0 0 1.000 26 16 No. 4 Southern Cal vs. Texas, 5:30 p.m. 19. Kyle Stanley;1,467;1;5;T25;-
SOCCER Central Andy Jones. Signed TE Evan Baylis from the
Kansas City 1 0 0 1.000 42 27 No. 5 Penn State vs. Georgia State, 4:30 p.m. 20. Kevin Chappell;1,446;1;5;T35;-3
10 a.m. — FS2 — UEFA Europa League, W L Pct GB practice squad.
Denver 1 0 0 1.000 24 21 No. 6 Washington vs. Fresno State, 6:30 p.m. 21. Webb Simpson;1,422;5;T75;-5
Atalanta BC vs. Everton Cleveland 90 56 .616 — INDIANAPOLIS COLTS — Placed OL
L.A. Chargers 0 1 0 .000 21 24 No. 7 Michigan vs. Air Force, 9 a.m. 22. Patrick Reed;1,415;4;T6;+11
Noon — FS1 — UEFA Europa League, Arsenal Minnesota 75 69 .521 14 Denzelle Good on injured reserve. Signed LB
East No. 8 Ohio State vs. Army, 1:30 p.m. 23. Russell Henley;1,314;1;4;T40;-
vs. Koln Kansas City 72 73 .497 17½ Sean Spence.
W L T Pct PF PA No. 9 Oklahoma State at Pittsburgh, 9 a.m. 24. Louis Oosthuizen;1,304;4;T30;+2
FS2 — UEFA Europa League, Hertha BSC Detroit 60 85 .414 29½ MINNESOTA VIKINGS — Signed LB
Buffalo 1 0 0 1.000 21 12 No. 10 Wisconsin at BYU, 12:30 p.m. 25. Jason Dufner;1,302;1;2;T69;-4
Berlin vs. Athletic Bilbao Chicago 58 87 .400 31½ Antwione Williams to the practice squad.
Miami 0 0 0 .000 0 0 No. 12 LSU at Mississippi State, 4 p.m. 26. Henrik Stenson;1,275;1;3;DNP;-4
New England 0 1 0 .000 27 42 No. 13 Georgia vs. Samford, 4:30 p.m. 27. Brendan Steele;1,247;1;4;T56;-2
5 p.m. — ESPN2 — Playoffs, semifinals, Kansas City 4, Chicago White Sox 3 Ryan Lewis to the practice squad.
N.Y. Jets 0 1 0 .000 12 21 No. 15 Auburn vs. Mercer, 1 p.m. 28. Jason Day;1,241;4;T25;+1
Game 2, Washington at Minnesota Toronto 3, Baltimore 2 SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS — Waived
South No. 16 Virginia Tech at East Carolina, 12:30 p.m. 29. Gary Woodland;1,236;5;T18;+5
7 p.m. — ESPN2 — Playoffs, semifinals, Boston 11, Oakland 1 OL John Theus. Signed LB Elijah Lee to
W L T Pct PF PA No. 18 Kansas State at Vanderbilt, 4:30 p.m. 30. Bill Haas;1,236;4;T10;+9
Game 2, Phoenix at Los Angeles Cleveland 2, Detroit 0 a two-year contract from Minnesota’s
Jacksonville 1 0 0 1.000 29 7 No. 19 Stanford at San Diego State, 7:30 p.m. 31. Mackenzie Hughes;1,212;1;2;T13;+6
Tampa Bay 2, N.Y. Yankees 1 practice squad.
Tennessee 0 1 0 .000 16 26 No. 20 TCU vs. SMU, 12:30 p.m. 32. Xander Schauffele;1,210;1;3;T53;-5
Baseball Seattle 10, Texas 3
Minnesota 16, San Diego 0
0 1 0 .000 7
0 1 0 .000 9
No. 21 Washington State vs. Oregon State,
2:30 p.m.
33. Hudson Swafford;1,186;1;4;T13;+5
34. Sergio Garcia;1,161;1;2;T35;-4
American Hockey League
North No. 23 Tennessee at No. 24 Florida, 12:30 p.m. 35. Charles Howell III;1,120;5;CUT;-7
West Wednesday’s Games Scott Kosmachuk.
W L T Pct PF PA No. 25 UCLA at Memphis, 9 a.m. 36. Phil Mickelson;1,112;5;T6;+22
W L Pct GB Cleveland 5, Detroit 3 ECHL
Baltimore 1 0 0 1.000 20 0 37. Wesley Bryan;1,080;1;5;T69;-5
z-Los Angeles 93 52 .641 — N.Y. Yankees 3, Tampa Bay 2 READING ROYALS — Agreed to terms
Pittsburgh 1 0 0 1.000 21 18 38. Billy Horschel;1,068;1;4;CUT;-7
Arizona 83 62 .572 10 Chicago White Sox 5, Kansas City 3 with D Ryan Segalla on a one-year contract.
Cleveland 0 1 0 .000 18 21 39. Tony Finau;1,061;6;T65;-4
Colorado 80 65 .552 13 Baltimore 2, Toronto 1 40. Kevin Na;1,048;5;T6;+23
Cincinnati 0 1 0 .000 0 20
The Union | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | B5


Spieth leading FedEx Cup by giving himself chances

By Doug Ferguson profile. hit a wedge to 4 feet for birdie. “If I finish runner-up this 2011.
AP Golf Writer Nearly as impressive are the Then, he was tied for the lead at week, unless one of two other Haas is on the bubble this year
15 times he has finished run- the TPC Boston with five holes people win, I will have accom- at No. 30, a few spots behind
LAKE FOREST, Ill. — Jor- ner-up, which Spieth sees more to play until Spieth missed two plished the goal of being No. 1 Jason Day, who said Wednesday
dan Spieth already has won 14 as opportunity than any measure greens with long irons and Justin going into East Lake,” he said. he will use friends to caddie the
times around of failure. Thomas didn’t miss hardly any- Johnson and Thomas are the rest of the year instead of Colin
the world, which “I know you’re indifferent when thing in a three-shot victory. players to whom he referred, and Swatton, his longtime coach and
already places you’re asking the question, but There are worse times of the that’s only part of the battle at the only caddie he has ever had
him in unique I think of it positively,” he said year to settle for second. Conway Farms. on tour.
territory. Over Wednesday. “There’s been that Those consecutive runner-up The primary goal of the 70- Right behind Haas are a pair
the last 75 years, many tournaments that I’ve been finishes elevated Spieth to No. 1 man field is to finish in the top of rookies, Mackenzie Hughes
Jack Nicklaus in the thick of things and truly in the FedEx Cup going into the 30 and get to East Lake for the and Xander Schauffele, both
and Tiger Woods had a chance to win.” BMW Championship, and that’s Tour Championship, where ev- PGA Tour winners this year, both
Jordan Spieth are the only oth- That includes the last two Fe- not a bad place to be. He is as- eryone has a mathematical shot wanting a lot more.
er players to have dEx Cup playoff events. sured of being among the top five at capturing the FedEx Cup and Spieth can’t recall a time in
at least 10 victories and three Spieth lost in a playoff on Long seeds who only have to win the its lucrative prize. The top five his career — pro or amateur —
majors before turning 25. Island when Dustin Johnson Tour Championship next week to seeds have the best odds, though when he was runner-up at three
That’s only part of the Spieth smashed a 343-yard drive and a capture the $10 million bonus. Bill Haas at No. 25 won it in straight tournaments.


AP was there:
NY Giants set win
streak mark in 1916
Associated Press In the second game Perritt,
a former St. Louis pitcher,
The New York Giants pitched the Giants to a new
in 1916 were an extremely record over his former team-
streaky team. They offset mates and struck out nine
a 2-13 start with 17 con- men. The Giants used all of
secutive wins on the road, their six hits in scoring.
then later set a major league
record with 26 straight wins ■ The New York Na-
during a 31-game homestand tional’s double victory over
at the Polo Grounds. the St. Louis club yesterday
The record includes a enabled the Giants to lay
quirk: a 1-1 tie against the claim to a new major league
Pittsburgh Pirates in a game record for consecutive games
ASSOCIATED PRESS that was rained out after won in one season. At the
Cleveland Indians’ Roberto Perez, left, and Cody Allen celebrate a 5-3 victory over the Detroit Tigers, Wednesday in nine innings. The teams completion of the dou-
Cleveland. The Indians set the American League record with 21 consecutive wins. made up that game as part ble-header the team had won

Streak for the ages

of a doubleheader the next twenty-one games without
day, and New York went on having been defeated, thus
to set its 101-year-old record. passing the record of the fa-
The Giants ultimately fin- mous Providence Grays, that
ished fourth in the National won twenty games in a row
League. in 1884.
The Cleveland Indians During the thirty-two
Indians set AL record Believe it.
Now that they’ve moved past those
streak since the AL was founded 116
years ago.
have 21 wins in a row after
beating the Detroit Tigers on
years since Providence set
the twenty-game record, the
with 21st straight win 2002 A’s immortalized on film, the In- There was no big celebration after- Wednesday. figures have been threatened
dians are within five wins of catching ward as the Indians simply congrat- Here are two reports by several times by big league
the 1916 New York Giants, who won ulated one another and stuck to their The Associated Press from clubs, but never equaled or
By Tom Withers 26 straight without a loss but whose routine. when the Giants passed the surpassed until today. In
AP Sports Writer century-old mark includes a tie. “We’re so focused,” said Bruce, who 1906 Chicago White Sox and 1906 the Chicago American
The Indians haven’t lost in 20 days, arrived via trade last month from the 1884 Providence Grays with League club won nineteen
CLEVELAND — For more than and they’ve rarely been challenged New York Mets. “I thought we were two wins in a Sept. 25, 1916, in a stretch. The New York
100 years, American League teams during a late-season run in which playing the Royals today. ... Everyone doubleheader against St. Giants ran eighteen straight
have gone on winning streaks of vary- they’ve dominated every aspect of the comes here and gets ready to play to- Louis. They are presented as in 1904 and seventeen games
ing lengths — short ones, long ones, game. day and I think that’s something that they appeared in newspapers earlier in the present season.
double-digit ones. “I think they’re enjoying them- speaks volumes.” at the time. Several minor league clubs
Nothing, though, like the one selves,” manager Terry Francona said During their streak, which began have exceeded these figures,
the Cleveland Indians have pieced as clubhouse music boomed in the with a 13-6 win over Boston ace Chris ■ By winning another the best records being twen-
together. background. “They should. I think Sale on Aug. 23, the Indians have double header from St. Louis ty-seven games by th Corsi-
A streak for the ages. what’s kind of cool about our game is rarely been tied, never mind equaled, 1-0 and 6-2 the New York cana club of th Texas League
Moving past the “Moneyball” Oak- when you do things, and you do them for nine innings. They have been su- Giants won their twenty-first in 1902; twenty-five games
land Athletics, the Indians set the AL the right way, I think it means more. perior in every way possible. straight victory and created by the Charlotte club of the
record with their 21st straight win Our guys are playing the game to win, Cleveland’s starters have gone 19-0 a new record for succes- Carolina League in the same
on Wednesday, 5-3 over the Detroit the right way. with a 1.70 ERA, they’ve outscored sive victories, smashing the year, and twenty-four games
Tigers, to join only two other teams “That part’s very meaningful. They their opponents 139-35 and trailed in record of the Providence Na- by the Jersey City club of the
in the past 101 years to win that many should enjoy what they’re doing. It’s only four of 189 innings. tionals who won 20 straight Eastern League in 1903.
consecutive games. pretty special.” Incredibly, the Indians have hit games in 1884. Schupp In winning twenty-one
Jay Bruce hit a three-run homer After leading 4-1, the Indians had more home runs (40) than their and Perritt, who have both games straight, the Giants
off Buck Farmer (4-3) and Mike to overcome a costly error and rely on pitchers have given up in total runs. pitched great ball during the actually figured in twen-
Clevinger (10-5) won his fourth their bullpen to hold off the Tigers, And while they’ve racked up win great run of victories twirled ty-two games, because one
straight start as the Indians, a team who have lost 11 of 12 to Cleveland after win, the defending AL champs in fine fashion and had the of the contests ended in a
with its sights set on ending the and saw manager Brad Ausmus and have reduced their magic number St. Louis batters at their tie and was eliminated from
majors’ longest World Series title catcher James McCann ejected from for winning their second straight mercy. consideration in computing
drought, matched the 1935 Chicago the series finale. AL Central title to four. They’ve also Schupp, McGraw’s young the winning streak. In one
Cubs for the second-longest streak Roberto Perez added a homer in passed Houston for the league’s best lefthander, tied the Provi- respect, however, the record
since 1900. the seventh and four Cleveland reliev- record, which will come into play in dence record by shutting out does not compare with that
And in doing so, they separated ers finished, with Cody Allen working the postseason as the team with the St. Louis in the first game. of the Providence club, as
themselves from every AL team since the ninth for his 27th save. best overall mark will have home- During the winning streak Pitcher Charley Radbourne
the league was formed in 1901. With the crowd of 29,346 standing field advantage. Schupp has pitched two twirled the Grays to victory
“Who would’ve ever thought that and stomping, Allen retired Ian Kins- Now that they’re alongside the 1935 two-hit games, two three-hit in eighteen out of the twenty
we’d be in this situation?” Bruce said. ler on a sinking liner for the final out, Cubs, the Indians have a realistic shot games and one six-hit game, games won by his club in the
“I can’t even imagine.” giving the Indians the league’s longest of running down the 1916 Giants. three of them being shutouts. 1884 stretch of conquests.


Olson, Cotton lead A’s to rare road win over Red Sox
Associated Press five innings. He entered 1-7 with fourth inning. The sign, draped
an 8.00 ERA in night games. over the middle of the 37-foot
BOSTON — Matt Olson hit a Five relievers held Boston wall, had a black background
two-run homer, Jed Lowrie drove scoreless the rest of the way. with white letters that read: “Rac-
in two runs and the Oakland Ath- Doug Fister (5-8) was tagged ism is as American as Baseball.” It
letics rebounded for a 7-3 victory for six runs and six hits in four was up for about one batter and
over the Boston Red Sox to win innings. He was 3-1 with a 1.50 umpires asked that it be removed
for the sixth time in seven games ERA in his previous four starts. because it was in fair territory.
Wednesday night. A night after getting routed 11-1 There was a smattering of boos
The loss sliced Boston’s lead in by the Red Sox, last-place Oak- from the crowd as Red Sox secu-
the AL East to three games over land built a 6-1 lead by scoring rity forced the fans to put away
the second-place New York Yan- four in the first and two in the the sign and led them away from
kees, who beat Tampa Bay 3-2. third. their seats. A team spokesman
Oakland, which owns the ma- Lowrie had an RBI triple and said four people were escorted
jors’ worst road record (22-48), Khris Davis a run-scoring single from the ballpark and one of
snapped an eight-game losing in the first before Olson hit his them said they were inspired by
streak away from home. The A’s homer into the A’s bullpen. Black Lives Matter.
had dropped their past seven at Boston scored a run in the first
Fenway Park. on Mookie Betts’ RBI grounder UP NEXT
Dustin Pedroia had three and one in the third on Andrew Athletics: RHP Daniel Gossett
singles for Boston to extend his Benintendi’s RBI double. (4-8, 5.02 ERA) starts the series
hitting streak against the A’s to 26 finale Thursday afternoon.
games. The Red Sox had won five SIGN OF THE TIMES Red Sox: LHP Drew Pomer- ASSOCIATED PRESS
of six. A few fans seated above the anz (15-5, 3.35) is up for Boston. Oakland Athletics starting pitcher Jharel Cotton picked up the win,
Jharel Cotton (8-10) picked up Green Monster unfurled a sign He’s won eight of his last nine allowing three runs in five innings. He entered 1-7 with an 8.00 ERA in
the win, allowing three runs in denouncing racism during the decisions. night games.
B6 | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | The Union
Walter Ford, Sports Editor
530-477-4232, sports@theunion.com



A’s choose site near
Oakland’s Lake Merritt
for new ballpark
The Athletics have
picked land near Oakland’s
Lake Merritt as the site for
a new, privately financed
pays off
ballpark. By Josh Dubow
Team President Dave AP Pro Football Writer
Kaval said in a letter
sent Tuesday evening to ALAMEDA, Calif. — Giorgio
the Peralta Community Tavecchio was ready to give up his
College District that he dreams of kicking in the NFL and
believes the location take a business job in London.
presents an opportunity The pain of being cut six times
to keep the city’s “last without ever playing an NFL game
professional sports team had taken its toll mentally on Tav-
in Oakland for the long ecchio and he was
term.” ready to move on
“The A’s need a modern before the Oakland
venue so that we can put Raiders gave him
the most competitive a call to come to
product on the field and camp for a fourth
provide the best experi- straight year as the
ence for our fans,” Kaval backup to Sebas-
wrote. The team has been Giorgio tian Janikowski.
playing at the Coliseum

Down the
Tavecchio After talking the
since 1968. situation over with
The land sits between Raiders special teams coach Brad
Lake Merritt and Interstate Seely, Tavecchio decided to give it a
880 and includes commer- final shot.
cial warehouses, parking “We kind of talked through the

lots, and administrative pingpong battle going on in my
offices for the district. It head and in my heart. You just
is also easily accessible have to kind of follow your heart,”
by several freeways Tavecchio said Wednesday. “I knew
and close to downtown what my heart wanted. Obviously,
Oakland. you want to make it. ... You give a
The team and the college lot of yourself. When you’re rejected
district, which owns the so many times, it takes a lot to put
13-acre site, will now begin
Rossi returns to yourself back out there.”
There are no regrets now after a
California for final race back injury to Janikowski gave Ta-
The wait is on: vecchio his first shot in a game and
Los Angeles wins of IndyCar season he made the most of it by becoming
2028 Olympics the first player in NFL history to
The Olympic caul- By Walter Ford kick two field goals of at least 50
dron blazing above the Sports Editor yards in his debut.
Coliseum gave it away: Los

Tavecchio added two other field
Angeles will host a third t was a little more than 15 goals and a pair of extra points to
Olympics — in 2028. months ago when Alexan- earn the AFC Special Teams Player
The news on Wednesday der Rossi claimed victory of the Week award.
after a vote by the at the 100th running of “Absolutely amazing. Some of
International Olympic the Indianapolis 500 and truly these things are like a movie, you
Committee in Lima, announced his arrival as one of know?” quarterback Derek Carr
Peru, was anticlimactic. IndyCar’s brightest new stars. said. “Talk about a guy that de-
Competing with Paris to Since then, the Nevada City serves everything that’s coming his
win the 2024 Summer native has become a regular at way; just a good person, that’s kind
Games, Los Angeles was the front of the IndyCar pack. In of the theme around here. He’s a
awarded 2028 while Paris his sophomore season, Rossi has good dude and he works his tail
will play host in 2024. strung together six straight top-6 off.”
Other than an LA finishes, including a win at Wat- It’s been quite a journey for Tav-
2028 sign posted at the kins Glen, and looks as strong as ecchio to arrive at NFL fame. Born
Coliseum, there were no ever heading into the final race of in Milan, Italy, to an American
festivities at the site of the the season. mother and Italian father, Tavec-
opening ceremonies in “Alexander has been a great chio came to the United States as a
1932 and 1984. ambassador both on and off the PHOTOS: ASSOCIATED PRESS child and ended up in the Bay Area
track and, with only two years of Alexander Rossi has enjoyed a solid sophomore season on the IndyCar town of Moraga.
Lakers to retire Kobe IndyCar experience, he’s prov- circuit. The Nevada City native has nine top-seven finishes, including Consistent with his Italian roots,
Bryant’s 2 jersey en that he is a true competitor three in the top three and one win this season. He also earned his first Tavecchio took more to soccer than
numbers in December IndyCar pole of his career and is currently ranked sixth in the overall
One retired jersey num- ROSSI, B4 point standings. RAIDERS, B4
ber just isn’t enough for
Kobe Bryant and the Los
The Lakers announced
Tuesday that they will re-
tire Bryant’s No. 8 and No. Bruins top West Campus, Gough leads strong Miners
extend win streak
24 in a ceremony Dec. 18
during their game against
Golden State.
Bryant wore No. 8 from The Union staff
showing at 55th NU Invite
the team with four aces.
1996 to 2006, when he The four-game win
switched to No. 24 for the The Bear River girls streak puts the Lady Bru- Submitted to The Union
remainder of his 20-year volleyball team made it ins above the .500 mark By Sheriane Greene
career with the Lakers. four straight wins with a with just two non-league
He will be the 10th player non-league victory over games left before the Close to 900 runners
honored by the Lakers the West Campus Warriors opening of Pioneer Valley from 32 schools braved the
with a jersey retirement, Tuesday. League play. The Lady trails and hills of Neva-
and the first to have two Playing on the road, the Bruins face Sutter on the da Union’s cross country
retired numbers. Lady Bruins (9-8) quick- road next Tuesday and host courses Saturday.
ly grabbed the advantage Nevada Union Sept. 21 One hundred and six-
Baby’s birth doesn’t over the Warriors and took before opening their PVL ty-one of those runners
stop Golovkin training the match in four sets, 25- slate Sept. 26 at Placer. competed in the boys
for big fight 20, 15-12, 16-25, 15-16. varsity race, but none were
Not even a baby could The Lady Bruins were GOLF faster than Nevada Union’s
interfere with Gennady balanced in their attack, Garrett Gough. The junior
Golovkin’s training for his getting nine kills from BEAR RIVER 217, won his second race of the
middleweight showdown senior Karinne McDonald, LINCOLN 264 season, dominating on his
with Canelo Alvarez. and eight kills each from The Lady Bruins opened home course at the 55th SUBMITTED PHOTO BY SHERIANE GREENE
Golovkin was getting senior Mallory Rath and their golf season with a annual Nevada Union Nevada Union’s Garrett Gough took first place at the
ready to put the final junior Callie Bickmore. convincing win over PVL Cross Country Invitational. Nevada Union Invitational with a time of 15 minutes, 51
touches on his training Setting up the Bear River foe Lincoln Tuesday. Gough blazed the trail, seconds. Gough’s time was 38 seconds faster than the
camp last week in the hitters all night was junior Playing at the Par-35 finishing with a time of 15 second-place finisher.
Southern California moun- Caitlin McLaughlin with Lake of the Pines Golf minutes, 51 seconds and 38
tains when word came 25 assists. McLaughlin also Course, the Lady Bruins seconds faster than the sec- finish out of the 18 teams. in the frosh/soph girls race.
from Los Angeles that his added four aces from the were led by Hannah Prosser ond-place finisher. Gough’s Cooper-Hynell, a senior, In the boys frosh/soph
wife was going into labor service line. Senior Kylee with a 41. Kalei Owen was time makes him the fourth finished in a time of 19:46 race, Antonio Valenti led
with their second child. Dresbach-Hill also had next for Bear River with fastest to run the course, which was good for fourth NU with a ninth place fin-
Trainer Abel Sanchez four aces in the win. As a 42. Dominique Peter missing the course record place out of 141 competi- ish in 19:14. NU’s Cole Ret-
urged him to go to the a team, the Lady Bruins and Bella Betula followed, by 6 seconds. tors. Sheriane Green, a ju- zler came in 11th (19:24),
hospital, but Golovkin notched 12 aces. each with a 44. Serenity The Miners boys team nior, was next for NU, plac- Ryan Morgan took 12th
wasn’t about to interrupt Leading the team on the Edwards rounded out the was strong as a whole and ing eighth (20:00). Other (19:26), Ethan Flecksteiner
preparations for what defensive end was senior team scoring with a 46. finished second out of 22 NU runners include Sophia placed 13th (19:26), and
could be the defining fight libero Kayla Toft with 15 Next up for Bear Riv- teams. Lemar in 27th (21:10), Se- Ethan Hennessey took
of his career. digs. er (1-0) is a road match NU finishers include Ben lah-Marie Gorgan in 47th 24th (20:26),
“He said, ‘Coach, the The Lady Bruins also against Center at Cher- Fogiel in fourth with a time (22:03) and Alyssa Yonena- In the boys junior varsity
baby is going to come earned a non-league win ry Island Golf Course in of 16:37, Decker Krogh ka in 90th (23:50). Natalie race, NU medalists were
whether I’m there or not. Monday, topping Marys- Elverta. in 24th (17:21), Josh Ross Harper of Cosumnes Oaks senior Cameron Richards
I have to train,” Sanchez ville in straight sets, 25-15, in 35th (17:50), Joshua won the race in an impres- in 11th (19:29), Cayden
said. 25-19, 25-12. FOLSOM 247, Fairchild in 57th (18:19) sive 19:19. Hennessey in 18th (19:55)
The baby did come as Bickmore led Bear River NEVADA UNION 255 and Wyatt Gough in 70th Other NU highlights in- and Tynan Douros in 25th
Golovkin was wrapping up with 16 kills in Monday’s The Lady Miners fell (18:43). clude freshman Mackenzie (20:10).
his training session Friday victory. McLaughlin tallied short against Sierra Foothill In the girls varsity Morgan (22:41) and Sepho-
in Big Bear. 22 assists and scored three League foe Folsom Tuesday, race, senior Anya Coo- ra Wonton (22:45) with Source: Sheriane Greene,
— Associated Press of Bear River’s 16 aces in the per-Hynell led the NU medal position finishes of member of the Nevada
match. Dresbach-Hill led ROUNDUP, B4 team to a fourth-place ninth and 10th respectively Union cross country team.
C | Thursday, September 4, 207 | The Union

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C | Thursday, September 14, 017 | The Union

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A woman’s dream home 3360 Sq. Ft.
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Magical Serenity abounds in the Grass This Country ranch on 10 acres will take Private charming 2/1 home on 5 plus Waterfront Paradise Custom Home Near Golf Course
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with the view and serenity of being of windows. Has a separate 1bd/1ba ards Bar Lake for recreation.
in the woods. guest house.

$439,000 $650,000 $299,000 $974,900 $362,250

MLS# 20172206 MLS# 20172164 MLS# 20172053 MLS# 20171810 MLS# 20172117
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Yuba County Alta Sierra Lake Wildwood Penn Valley Lake Wildwood

This 2bd/2ba home has been recently Contemporary One Story with Forest Single story, 3bd/3ba, level, golf course Escape to Cowboy Country Million Dollar View
updated with new roof, new siding and Views. 3bd/2ba on 1.5 ac, quiet and lot on 12th Fairway. Light, bright and 3 bdrm 3 ba 3963 sqft home on Single story, move in ready, golf course
updated bathrooms. The huge 24x88 close to Alta Sierra Elementary. High immaculate, this home has big views over 21 view acs in Penn Valley. home with views to die for.
two story barn has hay storage and Ceilings and attached 2 car garage. and views of the pond. Room for horses.
6 convertible stalls plus a tack room
on nearly 50 acres.
$349,500 $539,000 $674,900 $439,000
$595,000 MLS# 20171855 MLS# 20172273 MLS# 20171650 MLS# 20171900
CENTURY 21 DAVIS REALTY 530-273-1336 530-273-1336 530-273-1336 530-273-1336
530-273-1336 CalBRE #00533083 CalBRE #00533083 CalBRE #00533083 CalBRE#00533083
CalBRE #00533083

Lake Wildwood Lake Wildwood Grass Valley Grass Valley Grass Valley

Move right into this upgraded, private Brand New Redman Home. 3bd/2ba with
Just steps away from golf Large home on almost an acre of flat Private Secluded Estate gorgeous granite counter tops and
Updated, golf course beauty located in 3bd/3ba home with beautiful views! Re- land. This 4bd/2ba home sits back from Gated 6 ac estate property with
modeled cook’s kitchen, dual master supersized kitchen. Conveniently locat-
Lake Wildwood. Large open-concept the street for privacy and quiet enjoy- custom 3/3 3900 sqft home on ed, close to downtown, shopping and
home with three levels. suites, hardwood floors, and much more! ment. golf course with open floor plan and schools.
amazing views.

$514,900 $399,900 $400,000 $849,000

MLS# 20170119 MLS# 20170948 $319,000
MLS# 20171749 MLS#20172234 MLS# 20172308
530-273-1336 530-273-1336 CENTURY 21 DAVIS REALTY
530-273-1336 530-273-1336 530-273-1336
CalBRE #00533083 CalBRE #00533083 CalBRE #00533083 CalBRE #00533083
CalBRE #00533083

Alta Sierra Grass Valley Grass Valley

Well Maintained Family Home on Level DUPLEX near downtown. Excellent

2003 home has good bones. 5 bd/4 ba Condition. New: Roof, Paint, Deck, Stairs,
Corner Lot. Beautifully landscaped open concept, vaulted ceilings, office,
4b/3ba on .39 ac, 2 car garage, golf cart Glass Doors. Beautiful low maintenance
sunroom, spiral staircase, 3012 sq ft walk auto-drip Landscaping. Split level,
garage and covered RV parking. to town, backs to 80 acre park. vaulted wood ceilings. Large storage
areas with Laundry hookups.
Sat./Sun. OPEN HOUSE 11am to 2pm Off-street parking. Always Rented.
$459,000 224 Scotia Pines Circle See to appreciate.
MLS# 20172385 REDUCED
Was $632,000 Now $619,000 MLS# 20171843 $329,500
530-273-1336 For Sale By Owner
CalBRE #00533083 530-432-0425
530-575-9095 Private Seller
The Union | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | C

Restaurant/ Trades/ Offices/ Antiques

Clubs Construction Commercial/Retail 1940's Art Deco SIGHT
LIGHT LAMP - Swivels
Office/Med/Retail (brass arm) 15" D swing
500, 900, 2000sf - 12" H - 9 1/2" sq. base -
Hwy 49/Alta Sierra Dr Saucer shade 12" D
274-3382 or 268-8071 Great condition and
works well. D. green. $
129.95 obo 530-277-5899
Condos for Rent 2 - 1800's STEAMER
TRUNKS - flat tops -
H V A C S e r v i c e Nevada City Motel & Apts $122.95 each obo. 34
Technician Furnished 1Bd & Studios 3/4"Lx20 3/4"W,
We continue w/kitchens. Wkly units 31"Lx19"W - G.V.
to grow! Service Technician
wanted for established
no kitchen. Quiet. Walk
to downtown. Extended
Overall useable cond. or
c o u l d r e s t o r e .
CIRINO’S company. Must have stay only. 530-277-5899
has immediate m i n . 5 y e a r s 728 Nevada St. Contact:
openings for a nevadacitymotel@gmail.com Turtle hotel, etc. desk
experience in counter bell - solid brass
commercial and or call 530-265-4727
- key wind - rings at tail
residential. Clean DMV
• Experienced required. F/T, Wages One Bedroom and head- made Korea -
excellent working
Line Cook DOE, Full Benefits. Call Apartment in
Nevada City condition - 4 3/4" L -
t o i n q u i r e : $ 1 6 9 . 9 5 o b o .
530-272-6351 1BR, full bathroom
• Experienced w/soaking tub, full
kitchen, livingroom
Wait Staff Paint prep helper w/propane fireplace,
deck, and use of hot
Klpainting is hiring! tub. In the Lake Vera
• Prep Cook Paint prep helper area. Quiet forest
needed for the Nevada setting. $1100/util
to work with a County area. References incd. 1st, last &
Great Crew! Apply @ required please text secr dep. N/S, N/D
213 W. Main St. GV 530-913-4200 or email Refs req. Furn or
Klpainting1@hotmail.co UnFurn. Month-month. Two parlor style chairs.
m Email: williamsmoon5 Circa late 1800's from a
Retail @gmail.com Minnesota farm house.
$300.00 or OBO Grass
School Valley 530-274-7965
Custodian Rental to Share
Grass Valley
School District Vtg. STEAMER TRUNK
For details visit: Looking for a person with luggage stickers,
Retail/Warehouse pref. w/hotel exp. to rounded wooden trim,
Management www.gvsd.us manage airbnb in exch textured leather finish.
Computer Skills, for room (916)912-6107 Germany to N.Y. on SS
Customer Service, Breman 20"Wx21
Inventory, Forklift & ROOM FOR RENT 1/2"Dx36"L $ 189.95 obo
Sales Exp. Pref.
Apply in person $525/m incl. PG&E, G.V. Exc. 530-277-5899
Mon-Thurs: 403 Idaho Cable 530-277-7041
Maryland Drive, GV. Arts/Crafts/Hobbies
25 yards of BEADED
Sales/Marketing FRINGE TRIM - Beads
magenta and tan -
ribbon magenta - Only
$ 67.95 obo for all. G.V.
Like new condition.
B e a u t i f u l V t g .
Landscape Estate Oil
Painting(hs/water) by
Harrington - Frame 37"
Sales & Marketing H x 47" W - Painting 30"
Associate H x 40" W New $ 975.00
Asking $ 369.95 obo
Sales & Marketing
1970' 2 children on old
We are hiring a sales wood frame says" World
and marketing associate full Love When Hearts
for a fun position in our Full Love" - Rare size 24"
fast paced office W x 28 1/2" T Good
environment. Job duties overall cond. $ 79.95
include: Customer obo. G.V. 530-277-5899
Service, incoming phone
sales, outgoing Egidio Antonaccio
customer service calls, garden,yard,flowers
trade show events, print. High qual. vivid &
networking events, sharp. Silk coat protect
vendor relations and ink. Elegant look. Fr. 22"
client management. W x 18" H print 15" x 11"
Working knowledge of
blogging, social media,
Offices/ $ 99.95 obo G.V.
SEO and some web Commercial/Retail EMILY LAMONT ARTIST -
design preferred. Full
time w/Benefits. Fax 1300sf Commercial "Late Bloomers" bluish
resume to 530-274-3096 Space on Mill St. Antiques fabric art. Designed to
o r e m a i l t o Call for Rich for details. bring out nature in
Yana@waterheatersonly 530-272-6797 1880's United Indurated general. Frame 22" W x
.com Fibre Co. Compressed 31" H Great condition.. $
Wood Pulp Bucket /tub, 49.95 obo G.V.
planter with handles - 530-277-5899
Pat. Feb. 5, 1883 etc. - 21
5/8" D - 13 1/4" Deep - MANIFESTATIONS -
UNION DIRECT Top 25" D $ 76.95 obo Seascape- Optical
For Sale or Lease G.V. 530-277-5899 Illusions Art - orig
280 Sierra College Drive process pen and india
the co
un ty
CLOSE TO HOSPITAL Look no further! ink conveys iridescent
ce in
Ample Parking. and illusion. 13" D in 18"
t ma

Call 530-273-9567 x 18" frame $89.95 obo
www.PacificLandEnterprises.com G.V. (530)277-5899

Flowers/Plants/ Landscaping,
Auto Contractors Driveways Hauling Sand & Gravel Tree Service
Gardens Mowing & Tilling
Morris Construction !DUANE’S HAULING!
Jim’s Mobile Auto Delivery or Pick-Up Yard, hshld, metal,
Specializing in Home
Repair & Service Improvements &
Garden & Potting Soil, property, construction,
Low Overhead = Big Remodels. Quality Work Fertilizers, Bark, clean-up. Pine needles,
Savings SCL#1007249 (30yrsExp) Rock, Sand & Gravel leaves & weedeating.
Lic. & Ins. ASE Cert.
Lee 530 446-1056 fourseasonsmaterials.com
CALL 432-9906
Free est. Credit cards ok.
Dependable, even 530-265-3535
Prepare Now For
Vintage Bldg & Tile likable! 530-308-1224
Fire Season
Serving Nevada County Ben’s ZapHaul Complete Lawn/Yard Care Ben’s ZapHaul
Wkly/Bi-Weekly Tight Access OK! Environment Friendly
with all construction FREE ESTIMATES MARK’S HAULING Commercial/Residential Brush & Tree Removal
Carpentry (530) 428-5530 (530) 428-5530
needs for 27 years.
Remodel, Decks, Dryrot, ZapHaul.com/Earthwork
Garages And Home Maintenance
Property & Construction Van Bemmel Landscaping ZapHaul.com/Deliver Lic/Ins. Free Estimates.
Concrete, Kitchen/Bath, Clean-Up. Estate & Yard Ty 530-559-1384
Tile/Stone. Free Consult. Waste. Dependable &
Curtis Builders
General Contractor Insured/CSL#679494 Drywall/ Honest! Free Estimate Brad’s
New Construction, Cell 530-913-3365
Plaster/Insulation Mark Davis 530-798-3063 Tree Service
Carpentry, Remodels, iambradstreeservice
Doors, Windows, Decks, DAVE MOYER DRYWALL @gmail.com
Repairs. Lic.#458304 “WE DELIVER”
Est 1984 Dave 432-7755 Decks
From small holes to
whole houses.
Service & Repair Since 1987 North Star Trucking, Inc. (916) 298-4369
Lic #824232 530-274-2810 Installs and Repairs
Maintenance and Clean-up
Linda @ 530-273-1182
Road Base O Sand
Unlicensed Insured
530-913-4763 49erdoor.com SCL#976503
Chimneys/ Overgrown Brush Clearing
Hauling, Weedeating,
FREE Estimates!
Lic#104479 530 368-4193
Gravel O Drain Rock

Fireplaces Trimming, Brush Chipping

Electrical Angel 530-368-4675
The Flue Doctor
Handyman Noe 530-210-1110 LANDSCAPE Tractor Service
Chimney Sweep Service.
Roof & Gutter Cleaning. Celebrating 12 Years Home Improvements
Tree Trim • Clean-ups
Lic & Insured. $10 off as Nevada County’s and Repairs Lite Electric Brush Clearing Brendan O’Keeffe
with Ad. 530-277-9836 Most Trusted & Plumbing, RV Repairs
Construction, Remodels, Electrician SCL# 829820 R&R 530-701-8492 Tree Care
IS A Certified Arborist
Repairs. Free Estimates.
McEvoy Electric Dennis 913-3580 With Truck • $30hr COMPLETE YARD CARE “If we can’t do it, you
Cleaning Service
Lic/Bonded/Ins. SCL#944440
Call Jeff 530-613-8218 Full Service FAST! Will: Lic#03600057
don’t need it done.”
Electricians Move / Haul /Yard CSLB#982887. 575-6910
Troubleshooting Run Errands
ABC SCL# C10 840994 A-1 TRACTOR PLUS Serving your area since 2000

MORE DETAILS 530-432-2525 Driveway & Road

Cleaning Luna's Landscaping
FASTER SALES! Instruction/Tutoring For all your landscaping JandMTreeServiceCA.com

Services KEVIN’S HANDYMAN and property needs.

Weedeating, brush •Grading
A professional with 38 Tutor Services for clearing, Blackberry, •Mowing Complete Tree Removal • Fire
Cleaning Since 1999 A C C E S S years experience. English Students. Scotch Broom and •Backhoe
Lines • Chipping • Stump Grinding
Tree Planting • Brush Clearing
Garage doors, furniture 20yrs Exper. Please Call Poison Oak removal, Full •Postholes
• Residential/Move-ins/
assembly, fan LM Hotchkiss 575-9976 property clean up,
water redirection and •Clearing 530-263-3085
Move-outs installations, anything •$65/hr JMREFORESTATION@YAHOO.COM
you need. Senior Landscape Construction.
CSLB#962408 LTO#A10718
• Weekly/Bi-Monthly CSL#1010843. 530-432-7725
Custom Decks, Repairs Discounts. 530-263-3718 Ready to work
Monthly www.lunaslandscaping.com
• References Available Replacements, Mowing & Tilling with you!
Patio Covers, WE BUY TREES!
• Licensed/Bonded
• Free Estimates
Gazebos, Additions,
Remodels. Hauling A&C Handyman Misc. Services 530-558-5233 Green Pine, Cedar,
Fir and Black Oak.
Free Est. Best rates! Clean Ups, Patios, Land Clearing,
• Organic Cleaning Deck Repair, Rock Brushing and any type
SCL#591790 530-477-6819
Upon Request Packin’ Up of tree or tractor work.

Walls, Tree Trim,
Poison Oak, Fence BEST PRICES!
In Prospector CEPEDA ELECTRIC Repair, Weedeating, Licensed and Insured.
Driveways Comm’l/Res/Remodel,
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Painting, Blackberries,
Brush Clearing, Raking
Free Estimates
SCL# 764767 530-477-6927
& More! 530-887-9365
or cell 530-718-8380
Foster & Son Movin’ Out?
The Union Classifieds! Performance & Hydraulic
Hoses/Fittings Call 530-273-9567
classifieds.theunion.com Firewood ~ Able Hauling ~ 530-477-7531 or 265-2153 McCaffreeLogging.com
All types of dump runs 780 Whispering Pines Lane
Fire safe clearing
Gravel Roads &
Guaranteed Dry
Black Oak, 3 cord min.
Brush tractor, chipper
Free Estimates. 273-4922
Check We’re Your Guys
Driveways Painting
Made or Repaired
Quick & Pretty!
free deliveries. $825.
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Pads, Landscape Prep, www.beckysenterprise.com Call 530-273-9567 PAINTING
Culverts, Etc. +++ Free Est. 530-273-6215 Quality with Ben’s ZapHaul
Clean-Up & Hauling. BILL’S BOBCAT Great Rates FREE ESTIMATES Windows
Erin's Cleaning. Bi- FREE est. SCL#742152 Senior Discount. (530) 428-5530
weekly cleanings/move- Larry T. Weeden Free Estimates. ZapHaul.com/Earthwork
outs. 530-913-7817 (530) 273-3922 SCL#339134


The Union does not verify or require license Almond, Blue or Black
numbers from all of our advertisers. Before hir- Oak, Eucalyptis & Roofing
ing a service provider, you should verify their sta- Walnut. Free Delivery. • Stump Grinding High Sierra Tree Service
tus or check for any complaints by calling the Full cords. 32 yrs exp. • Weed/Brush Mowing Specializing in the care Shower Doors • Mirrors
California Contractor’s State Licensing Board Low Income Ben’s ZapHaul • Rototilling Repairs: Residential, of large trees. Windows • Dual Pane Glass
1-800-321-CSLB (2752). or check online at Wood vouchers avail. Save $30! • Grading Mobile Homes, and RV’s Lic’d, Bonded, Ins’d Screens • Patio Door Repair
www.cslb.ca.gov/onlineservices or 530-514-2019
(530) 428-5530
• Trenching SCL# 829820 R&R
Dennis 913-3580
Workmen’s Comp. (530) 272-4527
Free Estimate. 530-277-3739 George Basso 265-6804 CSL# 926284
C | Thursday, September 1, 2017 | The Union

Arts/Crafts/Hobbies Collectibles
Original oil painting 1924 CHRISTMAS
Venice Grand Canal by Serving Plate by Viola
Lino - 30" tall x 54" long Rogers w/ gold trim - 9
- heavy duty quality 3/4" across w/ handles,
frame. Good overall plate 9 1/8" D. Made in
condition.Very nice Germany. Perfect shape.
painting. $669.95 obo $19.95 obo G.V.
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Title Order No.: 170030555 Trustee Sale No.: 82177 Loan No.: 399127200 APN: G.V. 530-277-5899 530-277-5899
PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Notice is hereby given pursuant to CA Bus, and Original oil - "Patricia 1930'S/40'S NEHI SODA
OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 9/28/2017 at 12:30 PM, CALIFORNIA Prof. Code 21700 et seq. HWY 20 SELF 88" has white/bluish 10c Par-T-Pak Display
STORAGE, 17212 Cattle Dr., rough & Ready , Ca flower on stem. 16" W x Cabinet (Plaza Grocery)
TD SPECIALISTS as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded on 7/13/2016 18" H. Nice frame. Great 24"W x 17"D x 62"H -
95975, will, for the purpose of satisfying lien for
as Instrument No. 20160015088 in book N/A, page N/A of official records in the Office of the Recorder of storage, sell at public auction at 1:00 am the 23rd condition. $ 52.95 obo Red/Yellow - 4 shelves -
Nevada County, California, executed by: MICHAEL C SCHOOL, AN UNMARRIED MAN, as Trustor  JANIS FAYE 530-277-5899 Good overall cond.
day of September 2017, the contents of misc. $299.95 obo G.V.
HEBARD, TRUSTEE OF THE JANIS FAYE HEBARD LIVING TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 5, 2013, as Beneficiary WILL personal property, household, garage, yard items, Orig. oil Nevada scenery 530-277-5899
SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the camping equip., furniture. (Elko area) - aspen, mt.
Call for terms . No inspection prior to sale. Sale stream by "Pearl 1991 " A Christmas
United States, by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal to be conducted by John Willis, Bond # S-915-0193 Window" plate. 2nd in
Rowan" 1969 signed 28
credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings 1/2"W x 32 1/2"H Ext. series of original works
bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). At: At the front Elliott Roberts Unit #2010 cond. with gold leafed of Collin Fry - Marquis
frame. $169.95 obo Collector Series. Perfect
entrance to the County Courthouse, 201 Church Street, Nevada City, CA, all right, title and interest conveyed to Barbara Bussey Unit 2108 condition. $ 19.95 obo
and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County, California describing the land G.V. 530-277-5899
therein: ALL THAT PORTION OF SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 15 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST, M.D.M., BEING Kristina Campbell Unit 503 Orig oil painting - Scene
with Saghen by Nevada 25 Antique/vintage CUP
artist "Pearl Rowan"
BERS 98-6010 AND 98-6011, AND A PORTION OF THE HICKMAN TRUST, ET AL, PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED IN 1969- signed - Nice wood Several brands and
styles available. $ 14.95
ea and up or make offer
530-277-5899 for all. Call for details.
Fred Schmidt Unit 227 G.V. Excellent condition.
ROAD, FROM WHICH THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 1, BEARS NORTH 66° 32’ 00” WEST 394.50 Orig. oil still painting by 530-277-5899
Fred Schmidt Unit 228
Joel Mason Unit 912 Rowan" - copper pot, Tipo qt. Red Wine
PARCEL NORTH 15° 35’ WEST 76.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID HICKMAN TRUST Steve Riedel Unit 1924 28"W x 24"H Great wrapped straw(raffia)
BOUNDARY NORTH 74° 49’ 00” EAST 75.79 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID HICKMAN TRUST cond.and nice wood 11" H 4 1/2" D - Gold
Publish: September 14 & 21, 2017 frame. $89.95 obo metal 1892-1911. $44.95
BOUNDARY; THENCE SOUTH 22° 38’ 16” EAST 213.73 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01° 46’ 54” EAST 152.84 FEET; 530-277-5899
Ad#12919638 o b o a l l G . V .
19” EAST 12.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15° 30’ 00” EAST 128.57 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74° 25’ 00” WEST 64.34 SOPHIA KALI ARTIST -
White Flowers- Frame 7 early 1960'S
EAST 16.20 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY SOUTH 84° 24’ 40” WEST 254.16 FEET MORE OR LESS TO NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT condition in glass. $94.95 Animals, Shells - whales,
A POINT ON THE EAST SIDE OF LA BARR MEADOWS ROAD BEING IDENTICAL TO SAID GOLLUB TRUST BOUNDARY; The Name(s) of the The Name(s) of the obo G.V. 530-277-5899 seal, conch shells, and
Business(es): Business(es): others. $ 172.95 obo all
THENCE ALONG SAID ROADWAY EDGE AND BOUNDARY NORTH 12° 42’ 00” WEST 538.08 FEET TO THE BEGINNING Sierra Star Boutique Tropical Seascape or will sell individual
Norcal Putters
OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2270.00 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A DELTA 11358 Torrey Pines Drive 12606 Zeibright Road original oil painting with G.V. 530-277-5899
OF 00° 12’ 02” AN ARC DISTANCE OF 7.95 FEET TO THE POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. EXCEPTING THEREFROM Auburn, CA 95602 Nevada City, CA 95959 ocean and fish etc. by
County of Nevada County of Nevada Lewis framed - 31" W x ABBE'S Patent Pull Bell
THE MINERALS 100 FEET BELOW THE SURFACE, AS CONVEYED BY THE DEED DATED MARCH 31, 1938, RECORDED is (are) hereby registered 42 1/2" H Perfect Empire Mine. Used as
is (are) hereby registered
MARCH 19, 1940, IN BOOK 60 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AT PAGE 172, EXECUTED BY MARGARET CHRISTENSEN, ET by the following owner(s): by the following owner(s): condition. Very nice. $ safety bell signal
11358 Torrey Pines Drive 12606 Zeibright Road 530-277-5899 and gas mask. Brass 3
Auburn, CA 95602
This business is This business is Appliances - boxing, school, fire.
SURFACE, AS RESERVED BY DEED RECORDED AUGUST 12, 1959, IN BOOK 266, PAGE 185, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF An Individual An Individual Early American Stand
THE REGISTRANT 1940's Hamilton Beach
THE REGISTRANT Mix Guide Mixer Model Call Bell ( turn pin on top
G with beaters and to ring) Base 3 5/8"
COMPANY, A CORPORATION.  The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and TRANSACT BUSINESS TRANSACT BUSINESS
b o w l c o n t r o l . across, Bell 2 7/8" D - 5
other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 12795 LA BARR UNDER THE UNDER THE
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Detachable for hand 1/4" H. Rare, works
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS mixing. Works great. great. $ 269.95 obo G.V.
MEADOWS ROAD, Grass Valley CA 95949. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of NAMES(S) LISTED NAMES(S) LISTED
Only $ 59.95 G.V. 530-277-5899
the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein.  Said sale will be made, but without cove- ABOVE ON: ABOVE ON:
nant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal 01-01-17 N/A Madame Alexander dolls
“I declare that all informa- “I declare that all informa- 1940's Sunbeam Auto. with original boxes, $25
sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if tion in this statement is tion in this statement is Mixmaster Model 7B each. please call
any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts true and correct. (A true and correct. (A Mixer complete with 530-613-1888
created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $171,218.76 (Estimated) Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will registrant who declares as registrant who declares as turntable, bowl, juicer &
true information which he true information which he bowl, strainer, beaters, Metal Stand Bell with
increase this figure prior to sale. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the or she knows to be false or she knows to be false thumb trigger to ring.
10 spd. Works great.
undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to is guilty of a crime). is guilty of a crime). Only $ 89.95 obo G.V. Very old. Used by great
Sell.  The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real SIGNATURE OF SIGNATURE OF 530-277-5899 grandmother of the
REGISTRANT: REGISTRANT: giver. $ 274.95 obo G.V.
property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. Date: 8/29/2017 California /s/ Carlos Mendoza /s/ Alisha Starr 530-277-5899
Juicer-Breville Fountain
TD Specialists, as Trustee 8190 East Kaiser Blvd., Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 Phone: 714-283-2180 For Trustee Sale This statement was filed This statement was filed $100 Grass Valley
Information log on to: www.usa-foreclosure.com CALL: (714) 277-4845. PATRICIO S. INCE’, VICE PRESIDENT with the Clerk-Recorder of with the Clerk-Recorder of Metal Tap Counter Bell -
Excellent condition. brass - 3 5/8" diameter -
Nevada County on Nevada County on Charles 274 7116
California TD Specialists is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for August 30, 2017 August 21, 2017 4 1/2" tall $ 249.95 obo
that purpose. “NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should un- Assigned File 2017-0930 Assigned File 2017-0886 m
G.V. 530-277-5899
derstand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the prop- Pub: September 7, 14, Pub: August 24, 31 &
21 & 28, 2017 September 7, 14, 2017 MURANO-Hand Blown
erty itself. Placing the highest bid on a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership Glass Clowns,made in
of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest
Ad #12916745 Ad #12907991 Cameras/Photo Italy,I have 4 different
bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Equipment clowns- $75 and up-
530-470-9062- i can send
before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size The Name(s) of the NAME STATEMENT Agfa Optima 111s y o u p i c s -
of the outstanding lien that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance Business(es): The Name(s) of the compur 35 mm camera kam1212@msn.com
Piri Piri Threadworks Business(es): with case and shoulder
company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you Schaufflers Trucking PEANUTS Gallery
11705 Scotts Flat strap.. Made in
should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE Dam Road 10233 Dixon Road Germany. Great (Hallmark) "King of the
TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the Nevada City, CA 95959 Grass Valley, CA 95945 condition. $ 67.95 obo. Sandbox" Figurine - First
County of Nevada County of Nevada G.V. 530-277-5899 edition 1E/6813 - New in
mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of California Civil Code. The law requires that is (are) hereby registered box. QPC4027. Only $
is (are) hereby registered
information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not by the following owner(s): by the following owner(s): Mikasa Simone 8 x 10 17.95 obo. G.V.
present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and if applicable, the resched- Rachel Thompson Chris Schauffler crystal picture frame for 530-277-5899
uled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 714-277-4845, or visit this internet Web site www. 11705 Scotts Flat 10233 Dixon Road 4.5" x 6.5" photo.
Grass Valley, CA 95945 Vtg. ANRI carved
Dam Road Perfect condition.and wooden mechanical
usa-foreclosure.com, using the file number assigned to this case T.S.# 82177. Information about postponements Nevada City, CA 95959 Eva Schauffler nice looking. New in box.
10233 Dixon Road wine cork bottle
that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in This business is Cost $ 30.00. Only $ stopper- man tip
the telephone information or on the internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend conducted by: Grass Valley, CA 95945 14.95. G.V. 530-277-5899
This business is hat/nod sit on wine
An Individual barrel. Unique. 5 1/4"
the scheduled sale.” FEI # 1077.00782 09/07/2017, 09/14/2017, 09/21/2017 THE REGISTRANT conducted by:
tall. Made Italy. $ 29.95
Publish: September 7, 14, 21, 2017 Ad#12913949 COMMENCED TO Married Couple Children/Baby obo G.V. 530-277-5899
Madame Alexander dolls Electronics

d It
Assessment Appeal Applications for Fiscal Year 2017/18 are available at the ABOVE ON: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS with original boxes, $25
Board of Supervisors Office, Second Floor, Eric Rood Administrative Center,
950 Maidu Avenue, Suite 200, Nevada City, California, between the hours of S o l 07-01-17
“I declare that all informa-
each. please call
530-613-1888 Radio Model X-2HE.
Aqua gr/bl & wh. All
8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays, or phone (530) 265-1480, or internet tion in this statement is 08-01-17 orig. 10 1/2" L x 6" W x 6
https://www.mynevadacounty.com/840/Assessment-Appeals-Board-AAB.You true and correct. (A “I declare that all informa- Playskool Sit and Spin -
In the Classifieds. $8.00. Like New! Ages: 1/2" H Good overall
may file regular assessment roll appeals for real property on the secured roll registrant who declares as tion in this statement is cond. Minor crack top.
between July 2 and November 30, 2017. A $30 filing fee is required with true information which he true and correct. (A 18 mos. & up. A fun toy
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS that helps with balance, Need tuneup. $ 44.95
submittal of the application. (Pursuant to Government Code Section 68632, you or she knows to be false registrant who declares as obo. G.V. 530-277-5899
may qualify for a fee waiver. Please contact the Clerk of the Board for further NAME STATEMENT is guilty of a crime). true information which he coordination, & motor
The Name(s) of the or she knows to be false skills. (530) 273-7742 Vntg. WINDSOR "500"
information.) The regular assessment roll is a listing of assessed properties in Business(es): SIGNATURE OF
the County. It is prepared on a fiscal year basis (July 1 through June 30) and REGISTRANT: is guilty of a crime). AM/FM/AFC solid state
Mane Event Salon SIGNATURE OF Snap & Go Stroller portable or cord radio
reflects changes that occurred in the previous calendar year or earlier. The filing 538 Serals Avenue /s/ Rachel Thompson $15.00. Easy to snap in a
period is between July 2 and November 30 in the year your property's value is This statement was filed REGISTRANT: with leather case. 10
Nevada City, CA 95959 /s/ Eva Schauffler car seat and go! Folds 1/2" T, 6 5/8" across, 3
placed on the regular assessment roll, or within the following three years. All PO Box 338 with the Clerk-Recorder of up easily. Great for trips
applications that are mailed and date stamped or delivered to the Clerk of the Nevada County on This statement was filed 3/4" deep. Works good.
Grass Valley, CA 95945 with the Clerk-Recorder of to town. Good condition. $ 44.95 obo 530-277-5899
Board/Board of Supervisors office on or before November 30, 2017 will be Main Event Salon August 23, 2017 (530) 273-7742
accepted as filed in a timely manner. Please be aware that the Post Office no Assigned File 2017-0902 Nevada County on
538 Serals Avenue August 14, 2017
Pub: September 7, 14,
longer routinely date stamps mail; you may want to request this service. The
Assessment Appeals Board, appointed by the Nevada County Board of
Nevada City, CA 95959
21 & 28, 2017 Assigned File 2017-0865 Vintage Applause Fireplaces/Stoves
PO Box 338 Pub: September 7, 14, Stuffed Teddy Bear
Supervisors, will hear protests beginning October 16, 2017, in the Board Grass Valley, CA 95945 Ad #12916640 (After Eight) 1986
21 & 28, 2017 Thelin Thompson Wood
Chambers, Eric Rood Administrative Center, Nevada City, and will continue to County of Nevada Perfect gift.. Excellent Stove, Front and Top
hold regular monthly meetings until the business of equalization is disposed of. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Ad #12916193
is (are) hereby registered NAME STATEMENT condition - Like new. Load, Black w/Chrome.
NEVADA COUNTY ASSESSMENT APPEALS BOARD by the following owner(s): The Name(s) of the Only asking $ 16.95. G.V. $899 530 265-8534
By:Julie Patterson Hunter, Clerk of the Board Julianne Stanger Business(es): 530-277-5899

Publish: July 4, September 14 & October 26, 2017 12318 Meadow View Way Murphy Construction
Ad#12873925 Rough and Ready, Design
CA 95975 13298 Thistle Loop Clothing
PO Box 338 Firewood for Sale
Penn Valley, CA 95946 Well seasoned soft
Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 10:00 or as This business is RIDING BOOTS - Brn wood $240/cord.
is (are) hereby registered Black Oak $350/cord
soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Supervisors Chambers, First conducted by: by the following owner(s): leather, pull up hooks,

Floor, Eric Rood Administrative Center, 950 Maidu Avenue, Nevada City, An Individual size 6 1/2 A - top 13 1/4" Call 530 272-4464
Scott Joseph Murphy - calf 14 1/2" foot 11
California, the Nevada County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing to THE REGISTRANT 13298 Thistle Loop
consider public testimony on an application submitted by Keith Royal, Nevada COMMENCED TO Penn Valley, CA 95946 7/8" New $800.00 Like
County Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator, for an Edward Byrne Memorial TRANSACT BUSINESS This business is new. $ 169.95 obo G.V. Pine, no bark & dry,
2017 Justice Assistance Grant offered by the U.S. Department of Justice, UNDER THE conducted by: 530-277-5899 Gloves Prompt Delivery in
Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs. This grant in the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS An Individual NC & GV $240/cord
NAMES(S) LISTED Golden Dress Schoeller

amount of $14,262 may be used for technical assistance, training, personnel, THE REGISTRANT call Paul 530-913-2213
equipment supplies, contractual support, and information systems for criminal PANTS-size 36 22R - Blk.-
justice in one or more designated purpose areas. Questions or comments from N/A TRANSACT BUSINESS
“I declare that all informa- 2 side pocket-leather
the public may be directed to the Nevada County Sheriff's Office, by telephone tion in this statement is
padded back -high Furniture/
(530) 265-1471 or by mail at the Nevada County Sheriff's Office, Attn: Mr. Rolf FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
Kleinhans, 950 Maidu Ave., Nevada City, CA 95959.
true and correct. (A NAMES(S) LISTED quality-Like new-Made
Germany. $ 36.95 obo
Beds & Mattresses
registrant who declares as ABOVE ON:
NEVADA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS true information which he G.V. 530-277-5899
By:Julie Patterson-Hunter, Clerk of the Board 01-01-12
or she knows to be false “I declare that all informa-
Publish: September 14, 2017 Ad#12918400 is guilty of a crime). GUCCI Black Small
tion in this statement is
SIGNATURE OF true and correct. (A smooth Leather
NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT /s/ Julianne Stanger true information which he handle, snap won't
The Name(s) of the The Name(s) of the The Name(s) of the This statement was filed or she knows to be false close, few soft
Business(es): Business(es): Business(es): with the Clerk-Recorder of is guilty of a crime). indentations but still

School Street Boarding Cosmic Shark Clothing Rockin Oldschool Nevada County on SIGNATURE OF adorable & good cond,
236 S. School Street LLC 10648 Lime Kiln Road August 1, 2017 REGISTRANT: pd $281, $30 477-9550 Futon.Queen size with

Grass Valley, CA 95945 10175 Commerial Drive Grass Valley, CA 95949 Assigned File 2017-0825 /s/ Scott Murphy inner spring mattress
3013 A 23rd Street Penn Valley, CA 95946 County of Nevada Pub: August 24, 31 & This statement was filed Michael Kors LEATHER $250.00 or OBO Grass
San Francisco, CA 94110 PO Box 313 is (are) hereby registered September 7, 14, 2017 with the Clerk-Recorder of Hobo Shoulder Bag, lg Valley 530-274-7965
County of Nevada Penn Valley, CA 95946 by the following owner(s): Ad #12907199 Nevada County on Black, 13 W, 6 D, 12 H bstiknb@sbcglobal.net
is (are) hereby registered County of Nevada Arthur Harold ,8in strap drop, top bstiknb@sbcglobal.net
August 18, 2017 zipper, 10 slip pockets,
by the following owner(s): is (are) hereby registered Echternacht FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Assigned File 2017-0883
Rhiannon Ford by the following owner(s): 10648 Lime Kiln Road NAME STATEMENT pd. $500, Gift idea, like
3013 A 23rd Street Cosmic Shark Clothing Grass Valley, CA 95949 The Name(s) of the
Pub: August 24, 31 &
September 7, 14, 2017
new $150 530-477-9550 Furniture/
San Francisco, CA 94110 LLC Leah Lynette Business(es):
Chicago Park Store
Ad #12907495
On Course RIDING
Dining Room
Trevor Ford
10175 Commerial Drive Echternacht
3013 A 23rd Street Penn Valley, CA 95946 10648 Lime Kiln Road 19079 Colfax 174 PANTS - size 28 - Like
San Francisco, CA 94110 This business is Grass Valley, CA 95949 Grass Valley, CA 95945 new - Olive gr. w knee
This business is conducted by: This business is County of Nevada pads. Zipper fly. No
conducted by:
Married Couple
A Limited Liability
conducted by:
Married Couple
is (are) hereby registered
by the following owner(s): Looking for pocket. 96% Baunwolle
cotton,4% lycra. Made
India. $ 32.95 obo G.V.
Susan Renee Wren
19079 Colfax Hwy 174
Grass Valley, CA 95945 your next attEntion! 530-277-5899

UNDER THE UNDER THE UNDER THE This business is The Tailored Sportsman

Tan- Leather knee Circa 1966 Ethan Allen
ple & Birch formal

N/A N/A N/A COMMENCED TO inseam 21 1/2" - No
defects.Velcro leg. dining room table
“I declare that all informa- “I declare that all informa- “I declare that all informa- TRANSACT BUSINESS with 6 chairs, 2 leafs
tion in this statement is tion in this statement is tion in this statement is UNDER THE U.S.A. Great cond. $34.95
obo G.V. 530-277-5899 (18" each), casual
true and correct. (A true and correct. (A true and correct. (A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
registrant who declares as registrant who declares as registrant who declares as NAMES(S) LISTED
Call to chair seat pads and
original table pads
true information which he
or she knows to be false
true information which he
or she knows to be false
true information which he
or she knows to be false
09-10-12 in the Classifieds! Collectibles $600 530-210-3378
is guilty of a crime). is guilty of a crime). is guilty of a crime). “I declare that all informa-
SIGNATURE OF SIGNATURE OF SIGNATURE OF tion in this statement is 14 vtg. beer bottles,
Whether in print or
/s/ Rhiannon Ford
/s/ Stephanie Arduini
/s/ Art Echternacht
true and correct. (A
registrant who declares as
true information which he online, The Union
advertise. Regal Amber, Beckers
B e s t , B l a t z
Heidelberg,Lucky lager,
This statement was filed This statement was filed This statement was filed
with the Clerk-Recorder of with the Clerk-Recorder of with the Clerk-Recorder of or she knows to be false Frederick, Miller
Nevada County on Nevada County on Nevada County on is guilty of a crime). is Nevada County’s Sharp(never opened),
SIGNATURE OF Hamms, Coors $ 49.95
August 21, 2017
Assigned File 2017-0888
Pub: August 24, 31 &
August 17, 2017
Assigned File 2017-0880
Pub: August 24, 31 &
August 28, 2017
Assigned File 2017-0914 REGISTRANT:
/s/ Susan R Wren
best source for 530-273-9567 obo all G.V. 530-277-5899
Pub: August 31 &
September 7, 14, 2017 September 7, 14, 2017 September 7, 14, 21, This statement was filed jobs, homes, autos 16 Toy Fire Equip, Dining Room Set.
Ad #12908186 Ad #12906863 2014 Ad #12912853 with the Clerk-Recorder of Ladder, Rescue, Peddle Moving must sell, heavy
Nevada County on and more! Cars,Helicopter etc. wood table 68" x 46", 2
August 16, 2017 Some with clocks, bank, leaves 20" x 46", 6 chairs
Assigned File 2017-0874 and in original package. all with cane back, $150
Pub: September 7, 14, classifieds.theunion.com
theunion.com/classified $ 229.95 obo all or sell or OBO Grass Valley
21 & 28, 2017 individually. G.V. New. Very Good condition.
Ad #12916812 530-277-5899 530-272-8956
The Union | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | C

Daily Jumble
Furniture/Home Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Furnishings Merchandise Merchandise
1930's Lumidor brass 4' x 4' Square MIRRORS table outdoor white 42"
table lamp - 6 1/2" - 1/8" thick. Only 5 left. rd w/ 6 chairs metal
octagon base - 26 1/2" T Only $ 99.00 each or $50.00 Chicago Park
with diffuser - Good make offer for all. Good condition. Debbie • Misc. Wanted
patina. New wiring. Like new condition. 530-477-5516
• Antique/Classic Autos
Works great. $134.95 530-277-5899 nauticaldeb4@yahoo.co
obo G.V. 530-277-5899 m • Auto Parts/Accessories
6 BAKE RAMEKINS, • Auto Service
1950's Vtg. Brass Floor White 4in diameter TANNING BED with 30 • Autos
Lamp - 11" D Rd. base - ceramic IKEA, 3in dia. lamps - used but in good • Commercial Vehicles
62" T with milk glass Porcelain Cordon Bleu, operating condition. • Motorcycles
diffuser - 3 way top (3 Oven & Dishwasher safe, New $ 9K. Only asking $ • Motor Homes/RVs
bulbs lower) Only $ Microwavable, like new, 499.95. Great for your
159.95 obo. G.V. Exc p d $ 3 7 , $ 1 0 vitamin D and feel good • Motor Home Rentals
cond. 530-277-5899 530-477-9550 and be tan all year. • 4-Wheel Drives/SUVs
530-277-5899 • Snowplows
Extra Large Power Lift Awesome WIND • Pickups
Recliner Chair, SPINNER, NEW, Under cabinet 4 foot
• Semi Trucks/Trailers
Remote Control 6ft3inTall x 24W, all Iron light fixtures (6 each)
• Want to Buy Vehicles
$700 530 802-5402 with Colorful double
heads that Spin and
Philips "Little Inch"
$150.00 Grass Valley Other Categories Available
Pets - Dogs
King Bed $350 , Turn, Fun & Beautiful ( N E W ) . G r e g
3 Sets- Gift idea, pd $139+tx, 530-414-5477 NOTICE TO READERS:
Sheets/Comforter $35, sell $70 530-477-9550 brewerg27@hotmail.co Auto Parts/
Electric Blanket $75 m It has recently been
OR All for $475 Beautiful Vintage Style Accessories brought to our atten-
530 802-5402 Lexington, Door CHEST window 4/0 white tion that a puppy scam
FREE Headboard w/Bed of DRAWERS, OAK, 5 w/grids dual payne 1967-1972 F250 4x4 Inner is targeting animal
drawers, 1 door, qn anne w/screen $45.00 Chicago and Outer Tie Rod Ends lovers. Readers are
Mirrors -rectangular or ft, 36 Wide x 52 Tall, 18 Park Good condition. with adjusting sleeve. asked to wire money
square various sizes. D; pd $1,000, sacrifice Debbie 530-477-5516 Sleeve 49 1/2" L 7/8" I.D. to a seller who is ei-
Only few left. No frames $250 530-263-1774 nauticaldeb4@yahoo.co New in box. Never used. ther out of the coun-
Get while still available m $ 84.95 obo G.V. try or out of state, with
at this great price. $ 10 BURL Wood END TABLE, 530-277-5899 the promise that the
to $ 20.00 ea. G.V. Good beautiful Oblong 28x22in Wood Cart with Shelf seller will ship the
condition. 530-277-5899 x21 T, 8 Column legs in
set of 2's w/felt feet,
and Storage $15.00.
Great as a small Tv
Your Ads Pay animal once the wire
transfer has been
PALM TREE - Artificial - open bottom Shelf, high stand or end table. for themselves... received.
Green top approx 3' quality, orig $429 sell Excellent condition. We at The Union Clas-
across - 3" D greyish $70 530-477-9550 (530) 273-7742 sifieds take every pre-
trunk - in basket - 5 1/2' Triangle shaped road caution to protect our
Tall- New $145 Great CD Rack & Tower (Black) flare reflector kits with 3 readers and ask that
price. Only $64.95 obo $7.00 each. Handy to Musical in a box. Perfect for they look for red flags
G.V. Good condition. organize CD's, Grass road side breakdown. and consider the fol-
530-277-5899 Valley, Excellent New $ 32.00 only $14.95 lowing when pur-
condition. (530) 273-7742 ea. G.V. New in box. chasing an animal:
Step Exercise Bike
with Seat 530-277-5899 *Purchase locally
$125 530 802-5402 *Be wary of ads that
The Union Classifieds! Band Instrument Rentals do not list a telephone
Two Matching Large theunion.com/classified
classifieds.theunion.com Foggy Mountain Music Autos number but an E-mail
Recliners, Stand up or lie 104 W Main St GV address only.
Down. $400ea OR $750 $27/month 530-273-6676 2003 Subaru Outback *Never wire money or
for both. 530 802-5402 Couch Cane - $25.00. Top $$ pay for Instrmts. 4cy, Auto Trans, 177k mi, send a check
New in box. Helps you Power, Ivory Extr. *Be sure to obtain the
get up from a couch EMPIRE MUSIC $4600 Call 530 271-2285 pet at the time of pur-
Housewares without falling. Excellent I buy used gear. chase.
condition. (530) 273-7742 Top $.
2 - 1950's Aluminum 530-265-9685.
Hand Wrought Oval Decoration LIGHT
Serving Trays by NETTING, NEW in box, Pets - Cats
Continental - Floral LED strobing lights, Organ, Kimball Caravan
pattern- non tarnish. weather proof, for Entertainer 1979,
Approx. 6.25" W x 12" L bushes, patio or indoors, Excellent Condition $400
$ 29.95 obo both G.V. 6ft x 4ft,can show u it 530-913-2213

530-277-5899 works, pd $44 sell $15
477-9550 Beautiful 1975 Triumph
2 Vtg. Green depression
Tools/Hardware TR6 convertible. Runs
glass bowls with lids or Decorative White and looks great. Very
WICKER Wall BASKET Black & Decker "Van nice aftermarket wheels
base stand. 5" D and 9" Dorn" 8" Elec. Skill Saw
D In good overall w/variety of Flowers, on tires with little to no Bengal Kittens, Marble
NEW, 18 high x 18w, 10' cord - Depth cut 2 wear. Aftermarket
condition. Few minor 5/8". With heavy duty Leopard Spotted, M/F,
scratches. $ 46.95 obo lavender, yellow & blue exhaust has great Very Sweet, Reg,
flowers, green foliage, metal box. 12A Older sound. Smog exempt
for all G.V. 530-277-5899 but works perfect. $ $350-650 each 798-0283 HUGE YARD SALE map727 Yard Sale: Fri & Sat 8-2
nice Gift idea $15 due to 1975 year. New Disclaimer Fri/Sat 8-4 Hshld, Tools, Furniture, Fiesta Ware,
4 - Thedore Haviland 530-477-9550 79.95 obo G.V. electronic ignition and For ads that have been
530-277-5899 Furn, Antqs, 1900’s Safe Retro Table & 6 Chairs,
France 6 1/2" D Gr/Gold
Dolls, Madame
cap/wires. Matt 530
Pet Supplies/ reserved online or
reserved after
10028 Kenwood Dr GV Quilts & More Map139
plates & 12 GDA CEMENT MIXER- ALLEN 19266 McCourtney Rd
Limoges, France Alexanders with original
JAC MOD 693-1/4 HP Honda CR-V 2006
Services deadline, please note
Multi-Family Yard Sale
Dohrmann 8 1/2" D boxes. $25 each please those listings will not
call 530-613-1888 ELECTRIC. 3 SACK- $5500 Fri/Sat/Sun 8-4
Gr/Gold plates All for READY TO WORK. ONLY AnimalSave offers have correlating map
$79.95 obo G.V. Excellent Good condition. Low-Cost Spay & numbers on the 11279 Cedar Ridge Dr The Union Classifieds!
Electric Kenmore Trash $130. GRASS VALLEY 172,000 miles NO EARLY BIRDS Map696
condition. 530-277-5899 Good condition. JACK Neuter Services printed map. theunion.com/classified
Compactor - $25.00. Leather seats. Sunroof. Call 530-477-1706 for an
John Paul Jones Works Great! Excellent 530-273-7034 AWD. Bronze Neighborhood Yard Sale
apt or go online
CAPTAIN'S DECANTER condition. (530) 273-7742 phil smith 530 205 8625 Sat 9-2 Toys, Christmas
with stopper. Libbey
www.animalsave.org Excl. Qual. & Cond. Sofa,
Decor, Woman’s Cloth- The Bargain Barn
GUCCI Black Small cantilever machinist tool Recliners, Chairs, Bar- We buy, sell or trade
glass. 7" D base 11" H stools, Rugs, Pics, Patio ing, Household Items &
smooth Leather box w 4 shelves. 18" L x Animal Spay & Neuter much much more! merchandise, new/used.
Holds 33 oz. 4 liquor In 10 1/4" W x 12 1/2" H. One owner car. Furn., Pillows & More. Tools, sports, knives,
HANDBAG, 8in double Low cost surgery, 236 Elysian Place GV
orig. box. Hard to find. Heavy duty. Good vaccinations, LWW CALL 530-205-9711 DVD’s, tarps,collectibles
Exc cond. Only $ 20.95 handle, snap won't (Morgan Ranch) map341
obo G.V. 530-277-5899 close, few soft overall condition. $ Pickups and wellness clinic and more!1491 E Main St
indentations but still 77.95 obo G.V. www.animalspayneuter.com FLEA MARKET AT BRHS Grass Valley 273-2052
Oval Shaped Crosby adorable & good cond, 530-277-5899 2004 Dodge 1500 Quad Call 530-889-8800 11130 Magnolia Rd-GV SPIRIT
Silverplated serving tray pd $281,$30 477-9550 64k mi. $10,500 5.7 Hemi Sat. Sept. 23. 8:00-1:00 Peer Empowerment ESTATE SALE Map847
White, Excellent Cond. Center Fri/Sat/Sun 9-4 Furni-
- 9 1/4" long x 5 1/2"
wide $ 13.95 obo G.V. H e a v y D u t y Merchandise Call Tom 530-518-4077
BRPickers.webs.com ture, Clothing, Antiques
530-277-5899 BEVERAGE/ICE TUB,
Blue 21 dia x 17 H, used,
Wanted Kitchenware, TV, Bed-
room Sets, Etc. 10118
Sheffield Design English works great, for yard Hidden Springs Dr GV
Victorian silverplate parties, camping, BUYING 276 Gates Place GV Forest Springs MHC
round cake, etc. plate picnics, river, yard GOLD & SILVER Saturday Sept 16th
No. 033 with etched,
pierced design - 9 5/8" D
parties, camping $15
Out Calls
530-305-4101 need new 8am - 3pm
Spaces Available $25
$ 19.95 obo G.V. Mineral Enterprises Map655 Lake Wild Wood in a
530-277-5899 Lovely Light OAK Call 530 274-1431 gated community.
CONSOLE/Entry TABLE, BUYING/SELLING COINS Tilt Bed Trailer, 18ft to reserve a space. 17845 Jayhawk Drive
near new, pretty Oak & Currency Collections. Aluminum, Fully CHECk OUT OUR Donations Welcome Penn Valley CA 95946
Jewelry Parquet top, 59in Long x Gold-Silver Dollars. Rare Loaded, $6,100 Gigantic antiques,
*OPEN MIC* Sat and Sun Sept 16 and
24" L Multi colored pink,
18 D x27 T, for Entry, TV, Coins. Appraisals. Call Tom 530-518-4077 AUTO PHOTO vintage sale. Saturday
Sept 16, 8-3
17 from 9-5 must text for
Livn Rm, Guest Rm, Beryl Robinson apt by 6pm the day
red, gray, glass bead p d . $ 3 2 9 , $ 8 0 Nev City. 530-477-2255 ADS IN THE 515 W Main St, GV Yard Art/Woodcarvings before 530-362-0529
NECKLACE w brass 530-477-9550 Livestock Supplies Household Items Map990 Antique 1930 art deco,
looking spacings. Only CLASSIFIEDS, Sat. 9-3 & Sun. 9-12 NC
asking $ 14.95 obo Marble container box & Services 11567 Bourbon Hill Rd
dining room set,
Great condition. with lid. 12" L x 3 1/2" EvERY DAY. GV Rifle, Rod & Gun Club perfume bottles,jewelry,
clothing, office desks,
530-277-5899 W x 3 1/4" H Use for SAW DUST-LIVESTOCK Multi-Familly Yard Sale
BEDDING FREE- you load, Yard Sale Fri-Sat 8-1 cameras, books,
jewelry,candles, etc Sat & Sun, 9am-4pm. 102 Lidster Ave GV map997
8 - Tungsten Men's $20 we load. Good 10692 Private Dr off Christmas decorations,
.Very nice. Great price. Housewares, Books queen bed, music cd
rings/band w/ cubic Only $ 16.45 obo G.V. quality circular saw mill Alta Street. Map# 049
sawdust. 530-265-5348 DVDs, Crafts, Clothes Map602
zirconia inlay - some Like new condition.
grooved. New. Never 530-277-5899
worn. 5MM - 10MM - Ro e
Los blo l L n Lake LakeWildwood
nt V a lle y R d



Has k

Fost er
T e

Wildwood 602
size 7 - 7 1/2 Cost up to $ MARBLE SLAB SECTIONS Ma g r Cavanaugh Ln nR
Whispering d ita
Ri d
s le

t e

iff R

rt i n C
Oak Arrow
ill Dr

350.00. Only $27.95 ea - 2 pieces of black with s b utrg L n R Ma n zins Dr


ll R

Golf Course Oaks Ln d

L ed Airp o rt R


S os Digg Ja ck s Rd

multi color veins - 10" H nll ey Dr wis


obo G.V. 530-277-5899 West Biladeau L n h oni ntry C

Gray aOak
Fento n Way

Ridge Va Le
Tr Rd

ci Rd


wide by 45 3/4", 49 5/8"

Lo w d


Dr Pi o neer Way ill


Hil Daniels

a sa

Pet l 20

Bl u

i Cl Ct

Pewter Mermaid oval ( in 3 pieces) - 3/4" thick t Dr


n n Flat Rd


Prin d

l Rd

shaped jewelry/trinket ce I n di a St

Pe ak wt


$ 99.95 obo for all or call Cat tle P Rd


box 3 1/8" L x 2 1/8"W, 20 Dr Vista nn O H ill le
20 Ne d 49 en W illow Va
R ai n

G.V. Good condition. Valley D


a nt
r R 49 Bro St


pewt. merd. key chain, 530-277-5899 La sso




De y

ain ine


30" L chain, 1 3/4" L l op St

te Ct





ace fu l VR e y R dWillowbrook

High St

St St
Lazy V

B on

mermaid. All only. $ Michael Kors LEATHER Natas e


R Grov

an yon h a Ct ill Rd
r A ga

Lois Ln


Am erican H
ita W


Bou ld e r

59.95 G.V. Good Hobo Shoulder Bag, lg Red

a l le

Koz y
s pe

condition. 530-277-5899 Black, 13 W, 6 D, 12 H Hwy


Ol d

N est C t ville Park Ave


ownie D og Rd


,8in strap drop, top a


mp D
c Beckville

ion Rd


Sterling silver with oval Rd t

Nevada City Sac ram en
Nimrod St

zipper, 10 slip pockets, to S

n ie l

B ro wn d

S outh rid g


d Pioneer

Carnelian stone ring.


pd. $500, Gift idea, like

C la y

Mc O Eddy Ranch Rd
Made in Poland new $150 477-9550 Rd d St Park
Branno n itc



e r
R ewar

(Polsrebro-Jantar) Stone D is Rd



videnc e Min e

c ov ai l

ll D rlit

Pro Broc k Rd roa

approx. 5/8" L x 1/4" W. •Model #125 Trager Ct e
Penn Valley

20 d A

C ve
Very lovely piece. Cost Smoker BBQ Front Load Wa
D eer
Av ian





$295 sell for $ 119.95 obo Echo 49 Sn


$350. •Table Saw, Good Cl ea th nner Mountain Tr l

Echo Timber

G.V. 530-277-5899 M Ba
Cond. Free. •Kenmore G r a s s Va inld ly ey Ridge yR

Shor t hill R d


Ridge Estates Trails


Washer, Good Cond.




G o ld lat

N eva dh as C i t y Trails

Please note:
Free. 530-273-1113 n Dr r ee
M arjo
Lawn & Garden


Town kR
Lo w

Run Bella d

i ll sales -

- area garage C
Talk B lue Rd

All sales of firearms Vista Park Flat
Woodcrest Way

Octagonal END TABLE,


Lo d Big
very Nice, Solid WOOD, between private A l ls W R Evergreen
Estates Glenbrook
parties must be ell P Dr ge Pit ts b urg R
iew rest
Ri d
Smoky Glass insert top, l Ba d
Garage Sale Glen wo o d Rd

la 655 nn orth


Awesome WIND conducted through


bottom open shelf, 25in



Fowler r La Forest

C r
Old Tun

No Nevada Union

SPINNER, NEW, an FFL dealer. va Cap Rd

t es

x 25 x 19 H, high quality,

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6ft3inTall x 24W, all Iron 0 0.5 1 mi Rd


The Union Classifieds Hw


pd $395 sacrifice $50


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530-477-9550 Sahl aC na Echo D


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Banner eW Ga

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Sporting Goods
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Turn, Fun & Beautiful Ornate Floral Ceramic 2 R Sierra Olympia ubbli g Crest d Dr



Gift idea, pd $139+tx, Vista Nevada County Glade R


qt. PITCHER & 12in


W e lls d

sell $70 530-477-9550 Sunset View Park Alta Sunrise L idster Ave HugCountry Club Spring

BOWL Set, Creamy 49'ER ITEMS - Red Hat

e L Hill

r r y Dr

Rough and Ready Hwy

er s

Mother of Pearl, Trim n and Red Sweatshirt and rin

Hill Cypress Rd th e be Ma drone

varied greens, rose apron. Get all for a steal Ridge Alta Ca Do d
F ore
st D

Hill 49 nd R r
flowers, Pitcher 9inT, pd only $54.95. Be in style. View Vista Mary
Ea s t


rse y
Adam Ave

Doris Dr Church St
Robin Ave

Weber St WM Park 20 Id a h o
Wolf Creek
& Supplies $125, Gift idea $20 G.V. Like new condition. Hills
Gold Dr

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Hill t
ain Rd
Lower Banner


477-9550 530-277-5899 St Nevada County Air Park Airport

Rd il mo re Flat h e W ispe
N Aubu

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30' Chain links - For Cre

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The W ay

Rims - 14" white (2) Squirr el Kenwood727 La Birch

Star Dr

Older GRADER or Belt ure


Dr Pines Rd

$25.00 ea. Chicago Park Railro

rn St

ROLLER, etc. - ACME- 3 Oaks Estates 847 n Ln Meadow

Con Trl


Excellent condition. Wa al St Acres


boxes 10' lengths - 140 s Dr e R nci s ca

Be n

Fra d

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Debbie 530-477-5516 nett E Bennett St
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COT 2 1/2" - 1 3/4" pitch St

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Vist a St

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Low An ch
Pa c ka L


rimr o se

Bu ena

Union Hill

st o
ge Rd

G.V. 530-277-5899 Dr o


Stained Glass, Large D ck

Kate Hayes St


Dr r

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Pieces & Small Pieces, n n

Waor L
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Offer 530-274-7724 Boston

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Merchandise Alta Sierra o wer Ro Rain


Wo o d
Pi n

Ravine Union


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Country Club mm

Stunning Dinnerware Empire Mine

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Al lison R

Brunswick D r

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2 Cedar Wood END Signature, Multi Color,


State Historic


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TABLES, large 30in x30 service for 6, extras, Quail


Old Auburn Rd



Pinecreek F oster Beav T


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Rd a reor nDr


Silver Springs Kn

Brewe Dr

sq, 19h, smoky glass Dish washer & Oven Center y uPln d

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High Wa

Safe, Microwavable, 3 Wa
Mara Serena Ln

insert, varied stain R ey Rd


Padd oc

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Valley C
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CedarLa wrenndra Kres Burma Rd
Auburn Rd

Fa y
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t e Way

colors, high end quality have a sm chip



k Ln Cedar

Eastview Pl
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Low e r

A lexa

Noel Ln

furniture, pd. $549 each, underneath corner, pd Po


Alta SOaki Leaf

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Noel Ct
N Sta

Wa y


Starbright Acres
I n stitu

Both $130 530-477-9550 $270, $40 477-9550

C | Thursday, September 14, 2017 | The Union



2018 Arctic Fox 22G 2018 Forest River Hyper-Lyte 29RL 2018 Cruiselite 21’ 2017 Arctic Fox 25R 2017 Forest River Sonoma 24’
Travel Trailer. Light Weight, Front Fifth Wheel. Loaded/Options. 15K Toyhauler. Rear Elec, Bunk Foldup Travel Trailer. Dinette Slide, Front Travel Trailer. Dinette Slide, Outdoor
Walk Around Bed, Thermal Pane A/C, 3 Slides, Outdoor Kitchen, Sofa, 2 Cocktail Chairs, Private Front Walk Around Bed, Rear Bath, All Kitchen, Private Front Bedroom, A/C,
Windows, Full Ent Center, Electric Fireplace, Huge Flatscreen TV Bedroom, Elec Awning, Elec Jacks, Season, Full Ent Center, Elec Awning Ducted Heater, Elec Awning. $23,998
Awning, Electric Jacks. $30,998 and More! Only $39,998 A/C. Only $21,998 Only $31,998
530-346-7814 530-346-7814 530-346-7814 530-346-7814 530-346-7814
www.sierrarvcenter.com www.sierrarvcenter.com www.sierrarvcenter.com www.sierrarvcenter.com www.sierrarvcenter.com


2017 Chevy Volt LT 2013 Toyota Prius Hatchback 2014 Chevrolet Volt 2014 Subaru Legacy Premium 2.5 AWD 2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel LTZ
Bluetooth, Premium sound, Moon roof, Navigation, Power XM radio, OnStar, Premium sound, Heated seats, Bluetooth, XM radio, All 4x4, Heated & cooled seats, Backup
Backup camera. Loaded! everything! Loaded! Bluetooth. Less than 4K Miles! weather pkg. Loaded! camera, Loaded!
SKU # 3508U ID HU100833 SKU # 3498U ID D5676506 Loaded! SKU # 3496U ID FU125869 SKU # 3459U ID E3034631 SKU # 3510U ID DF129948
Sale Price $25,000 Was $18,598 New Sale Price $17,998 Was $20,598 New Sale Price $18,998 Was $18,298 New Sale Price $16,998! Sale Price $44,998
1624 S.Canyon Way, Colfax 1624 S.Canyon Way, Colfax 1624 S. Canyon Way, Colfax 1624 S.Canyon Way, Colfax 1624 S.Canyon Way, Colfax
www.winnerchevy.com www.winnerchevy.com www.winnerchevy.com www.winnerchevy.com www.winnerchevy.com

2016 Nissan Versa FWD 2016 Jeep Renegade 4x4 2017 Chevrolet Trax LT AWD 2016 Chevrolet Suburban LT 4x4 2014 Buick Encore AWD
Power throughout, Bluetooth, MANY XM radio, Tow pkg., Power 1.4L Turbo engine, Park assist, Back Heated seats, Leather, 3rd row Power throughout, Bluetooth, XM
EXTRAS! Loaded! everything! Loaded! up camera. Less than 4K Miles! seating, Loaded! radio MANY EXTRAS! Loaded!
SKU # 3504U ID GL819367 SKU # 3474U ID GPD89703 Loaded! SKU # 3469A ID HL155853 SKU # 3485U ID GR246133 SKU # 3476U ID EB517263
Sale $14,998 Was $23,998 New Sale Price $22,998 Was $21,998 New Sale Price $20,998 Was $48,998, New Sale price $45,998! Sale $14,998
1624 S. Canyon Way, Colfax 1624 S.Canyon Way, Colfax 1624 S.Canyon Way, Colfax 1624 S.Canyon Way, Colfax 1624 S.Canyon Way, Colfax
www.winnerchevy.com www.winnerchevy.com www.winnerc hevy.com www.winnerchevy.com www.winnerchevy.com
2001 Alpenlite Cheyenne 9DB 2002 Buick Le Sabre 2005 Chevy Astro LS AWD 2007 Chevy Colorado Extended Cab 2003 Chrysler Pt Cruiser Turbo

2001 Alpenlite Cheyenne 9DB Truck 4 Door, Clean, Smogged, 109,000 Last Year for Astro, 8 Passenger, In Excellent Condition, With brand new engine and A/C line,
Camper with bump out. Rarely used. miles, Vin#206748 $2,800 F&R AC, Only 55k Miles! VIN-153827, $7,998 June 2017. 78k miles, 1k on new
$10,988 VIN#129007 engine. Very good condition, minor
$5000 Colfax Auto Sales McMillen’s Gold Country Motors scratches on body, perfect leather
Private Sellar 1454 Canyon Way, Colfax 1655 E. Main St. Grass Valley www.PioneerMotors.com interior. Sun roof, heated seats,
530-273-2771 530-346-8671 or 530-559-5494 530-477-3395 1611 E. Main St., Grass Valley power locks/windows.
www.mcmillensmotors.com 530-477-1000 $5000 OBO Private Seller 401-7353

2015 Coachmen Apex 258RKS 2014 Cyclone Toyhauler 2002 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab 2001 Ford F-150 SuperCrew 4x4 Lariat 2015 Ford F350 LariatPowerStroke 6.7L

#4268 Great layout, sleeps 5, private By Heartland 3010 #4270 Wow 10' Long Bed with Low Miles and With Low Miles, Leather and #4281 LOW miles only 9K, loaded,
bath, bedroom, and 2nd door separated garage, loaded, full tub, Spotless Clean too!, Tow Pkg too!, extra fuel tank
Our price only $19,500 5.5Kgen, w/d space. Our great low VIN-237800, $14,998 VIN-E43502 $13,998 Our amazing low price $54,500!
price, only $44,900! What a deal!
DeMartini RV Sales DeMartini RV Sales www.PioneerMotors.com www.PioneerMotors.com De Martini RV Sales
1305 E. Main St. GV. 530-272-6400 1305 E. Main St. GV. 530-272-6400 1611 E. Main St., Grass Valley 1611 E. Main St., Grass Valley 1305 E. Main St. GV. 530-272-6400
www.demartini.com www.demartini.com 530-477-1000 530-477-1000 www.demartini.com

2017 Forest River Rpod 176 2006 Harley FLSTC Softail 2016 Honda Civic LX Sedan
2018 Forest River Surveyor 179 1985 Hallett 18.5' Elite

#4000 Great model for visiting, #4104 Stone interior, slps 4, 3 way frig, Walk Thru, 350 Chevy with Volvo Heritage Classic, 1 Owner, 17k Mi! BU Cam, High MPG's, Low Miles!
viewing surrounding sights, storage, 24"HDTV/DVD/AM/FM, AC, sol port, elec Stern Drive, New Upholstery, Custom 5.45% APR Available OAC! 2.39% APR Available OAC!
24"HDTV, AC, solar port, Aux shower, hitch, Conv/Mic, aux shwr, Cover, Bimini Top, Skis, $7,988 VIN#086020 $15,988 VIN#046744
more MSRP over $23.8K, $18,514! Our best price $19,684 Wakeboards, Lines. McMillen’s Gold Country Motors McMillen’s Gold Country Motors
DeMartini RV Sales DeMartini RV Sales Garaged. Great Family Boat! 1655 E. Main St. Grass Valley 1655 E. Main St. Grass Valley
1305 E. Main St. GV. 530-272-6400 1305 E. Main St. GV. 530-272-6400 $3900 OBO 530.478.5612 530-477-3395 530-477-3395
www.demartini.com www.demartini.com Private Seller www.mcmillensmotors.com www.mcmillensmotors.com

2011 Honda CRV 2003 Jeep Liberty Sport 4WD 2011 Jeep Patriot 4x4 Sport Utility 1949 Kaiser Vagabond 2014 Kia Soul Plus

#4209 Super Condition, low miles, Cold AC, Cruise, Tow & Off Road Pkgs, With Low Miles and Mint Traveler 4 Door Sedan, driving when withWith Low Miles
Windshield andand Great Fueltoo!,
RV front tow setup Rebuilt Transmission w/Warranty Condition too!, garage parked over 50 yrs. ago. Great Economy$7,99898
VIN-030395, too!,
Great low price $17,900! Too! $6,988 VIN#647613 VIN-258555, $13,856 potential as rat rod or daily driver. VIN-723886, $14,248
McMillen’s Gold Country Motors 78,838 m, interior is in great shape.
DeMartini RV Sales 1655 E. Main St. Grass Valley www.PioneerMotors.com $3500 www.PioneerMotors.com
1305 E. Main St. GV. 530-272-6400 530-477-3395 1611 E. Main St., Grass Valley Private Seller 1611 E. Main St., Grass Valley
www.demartini.com www.mcmillensmotors.com 530-477-1000 530-277-0418 530-477-1000
2010 T@B TQ16 Teardrop Trailer 2015 Toyota 4Runner SR5 4WD 2014 Toyota Camry Sport 1999 Toyota Corolla 2013 Toyota Prius HB

Super Light UVW of 1,615 lbs., 1 Owner, NAV, BU Cam, 20k Miles! Optioned Up, Moonroof, BU Cam, 4 Door, Cold Air, Automatic, Clean, Loaded Up Plus Performance Pkg,
U Lounge, L Kitchen, Clean Too! 2.89% APR Available OAC! NAV, Bluetooth, Only 42k Miles! Vin#179650 $1,900 Htd Seats, BU Cam, NAV, JBL Too!
$8,988 VIN#704247 $31,988 VIN#214215 $13,988 VIN#321010 $13,988 VIN#338084
McMillen’s Gold Country Motors McMillen’s Gold Country Motors McMillen’s Gold Country Motors Colfax Auto Sales McMillen’s Gold Country Motors
1655 E. Main St. Grass Valley 1655 E. Main St. Grass Valley 1655 E. Main St. Grass Valley 1655 E. Main St. Grass Valley
530-477-3395 530-477-3395 1454 Canyon Way, Colfax
530-477-3395 530-346-8671 or 530-559-5494 530-477-3395
www.mcmillensmotors.com www.mcmillensmotors.com www.mcmillensmotors.com www.mcmillensmotors.com

2010 Toyota RAV4 4WD Travel Trailer Canopy 2015 Triumph Trophy SE ABS

Loaded Up Sport Pkg, Moonroof, -Do It Yourself Special- Sport-Touring, Only 950 Miles!
Side/Curtain Air Bags, Only 85k Miles! Travel Trailer Canopy 14X12X30ft Specs 3.89% APR Available OAC!
$15,988 VIN#097493 and Photos at i.s.hall@comcast.net $10,988 VIN#670541
McMillen’s Gold Country Motors McMillen’s Gold Country Motors
1655 E. Main St. Grass Valley $1900 1655 E. Main St. Grass Valley
530-477-3395 Private Seller 530-477-3395
www.mcmillensmotors.com 530 798-9968 www.mcmillensmotors.com


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