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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Margaret Lowitzer Date: September 18, 2016

Grade and Topic: 4th Grade History Length of Lesson: 1 hour

Mentor Teacher: Professors M. Phillips and B. Murdock School: U of M IDT 3600


● This week the class will learn about Tennessee’s role in the civil war. Students will examine a map with battles
and log facts on key events.
● The goal of this lesson is going to be to help develop map reading skills and advance the ability to sequence dates.

● Students will learn map reading skills and identify which county a battle was fought in with 75%
● Students will organize dates and match locations with 75% accuracy.


 TN SS Standard 2.16: Utilize legends, cardinal directions, and grids to determine locations on different
types of maps.
 TN SS Standard 2.40: Analyze primary and secondary source maps, photographs, and artifacts for
contradictions, supporting evidence, and historical detail.
 ISTE Standard 1: * ISTE Standard 1: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

● Projector to show map with battles and counties, color coded with battle results.
● Computers for students
● Access to Microsoft Word


● Students will show their understanding of the labels on a map and events in the Civil War that took
place in Tennessee.
● Academic language will not be addressed.
● This lesson incorporates the weekly lesson on the civil war in Tennessee and the state standards for
social studies, 2.16, which is reading a map.
● I am capable of adapting the lesson for students who cannot complete the assignment or who need extra
enrichment, however that isn’t part of this course or lesson plan.


● Introduction: (5 minutes) On long road trips, do you ever see large open fields or historical signs and
wonder more about what happened there? Or maybe you spend time playing with toy soldiers and are
interested in the story of the civil war. Either way, today we are going to examine where and when
major civil war battles happened in our very own state of Tennessee. We will also do research to
determine what the outcome of the battle was.
● Procedures: Provide a sequential (step by step) description of the procedures and activities for the
Before the computer (15 minutes):
Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:
1. Facilitate a discussion amongst students 1. Participate in this discussion.
on how to read the counties and battles
off the map as well as identify dates and
At the Computer (40 minutes):
Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:
1. Send students to checkout a computer in an 1. Open the word template
orderly manner. 2. Begin by typing in the information given on
2. Instruct students to open Microsoft Word and the board, in order by date (info given will be
select the template. date and name of battle).
3. Instruct the students to type the proper 3. Read the map to find the county of the battle.
information together into their charts. 4. Use the key to see whether the Union or the
4. Help the students through the printing process Confederacy won.
as they finish 5. Print activity and turn in to teacher.
After the Computer (10 minutes):
Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:
1. Collect printed student work. 1. Participate in discussion.
2. Ask the students questions about anything 2. Ask any final questions.
else they discovered while doing the project.
3. Reveal any other added info.

● Closure: Review the significance of so many battles being fought in the state of Tennessee and so many
of the major ones being won by the Union.

Criteria Score of 1: Score of 2: Score of 3:
Correctly sequence the Sequenced with 50% or Sequenced with 75% Sequenced with 100%
dates of battles less accuracy. accuracy accuracy
Correctly identify the Identified and matched Identified and matched Identified and matched
county the battle took place counties with 50% or less counties with 75% counties with 100%
in accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
Understand the key to Label outcome of battles Label outcome of battles Label outcome with battles
identify a Union or with 50% or less accuracy. with 75% accuracy. with 100% accuracy.
Confederate win
Score of one is dissatisfactory, score of two is proficient, and a score of 3 is advanced. Proficient is considered passing.

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for
those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part
of this particular lesson.
Student Template

Date Battle County Result

Completed Student Work

Date Battle County Result

February 11-16, 1862 Fort Donelson Stweart Union

April 6-7, 1862 Shiloh Hardin Union

June 7-8, 1862 Chattanooga Hamilton Union

December 31, 1862- Stones River Rutherford Union

January 2, 1863

March 25, 1863 Brentwood Williamson Confederate

December 15-16, 1964 Nashville Davidson Union

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