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Two couples enjoy public witnessing, BIBLE STUDIES
using carts in front of one of the biggest
malls in San Salvador 42,813
( 2016)

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Cultivate Self-Control “The Word of Our God
Endures Forever”
Jehovah is the greatest example of self-control.
How can we imitate him? And what can you do
to show more self-control?
“The Word of God . . . Exerts Power”
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Bible continues to be translated into more and
more languages. Why is this important? And how
can we show that we appreciate having God’s Word
Imitate Jehovah’s Compassion in a language we understand? These articles will
What does it mean to be compassionate? Both make our gratitude for the Bible and our love for its
Jehovah and Jesus are perfect examples of being Author deeper.
compassionate. How can we imitate them? And
what good things will happen when we do?


“Be Courageous . . . and Go to Work”
Christians need courage. How can we benefit from
the examples of those who showed courage in the
past? How can young ones, parents, older sisters,
and baptized brothers show that they are coura-
geous and ready to do what pleases Jehovah?

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September 2017
Vol. 138, No. 14 ENGLISH
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Cultivate Self-Control
“The fruitage of the spirit is . . . self-control.”
—GALATIANS 5:22, 23.

SELF-CONTROL is a quality that Jehovah God can help SONGS: 121, 36

us to cultivate. (Galatians 5:22, 23) Jehovah has perfect
self-control. However, we do not because we are imper- HOW WOULD YOU
fect. Actually, a lack of self-control is responsible for ANSWER?
many of the problems people have today. It may cause a ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What do we learn
person to delay doing things that are important or cause from God’s reaction
him to perform poorly at school or at work. A lack of self- to Satan’s rebellion?
control may also lead to verbal abuse, drunkenness, vio-
lence, divorce, unnecessary debt, addiction, time in jail, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

emotional pain, sexually transmitted disease, and un- What are some Bible
wanted pregnancy.—Psalm 34:11-14. examples of people
2 People who do not have self-control cause problems who had self-control and
people who did not?
for themselves and for others. And as time goes by, it is
clear that people have less and less self-control. This
should not surprise us, though, because God’s Word ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can Bible study help

foretold that a lack of self-control would be one proof
us to cultivate the quality
that we are living in “the last days.”—2 Timothy 3:1-3. of self-control?
1, 2. (a) What can result from a lack of self-control? (b) Why do we
need to discuss the subject of self-control?

3 Why do we need self-control? JEHOVAH SETS THE EXAMPLE
There are two important reasons. 5 Jehovah’s self-control is perfect
First, people who can control their because he is perfect in every way.
feelings and emotions generally have (Deuteronomy 32:4) We, however, are
fewer problems. It is also easier for imperfect. But we still need to exam-
ine his example of self-control so that
we can better imitate him. This will
Jehovah’s help us to know how to react in the
self-control is perfect right way when things happen that
could upset us. What are some exam-
because he is ples of Jehovah’s self-control?
perfect in every way 6 Think about how Jehovah reacted

when Satan rebelled in Eden. Likely,

the Devil’s claim caused all of God’s
them to have wholesome relationships loyal servants in heaven to feel shock,
and to avoid feeling angry, anxious, or anger, and contempt. Maybe you feel
depressed. Second, to remain God’s the same way when you think about all
friends, we need to resist temptation the suffering Satan has caused. But Je-
and control wrong desires. That is hovah did not overreact. He respond-
what Adam and Eve failed to do. (Gen- ed in just the right way. Jehovah has
esis 3:6) Like them, many people to- been slow to anger and fair in dealing
day have terrible problems because with Satan’s rebellion. (Exodus 34:6;
they do not have self-control. Job 2:2-6) Why? Jehovah has allowed
4 Jehovah understands that we are time to pass because he does not want
imperfect and that it is difficult for us anyone to be destroyed but “desires all
to have self-control. But he wants to to attain to repentance.”—2 Peter 3:9.
help us dominate our wrong desires. 7 Jehovah’s example teaches us that

(1 Kings 8:46-50) As a loving Friend, we need to think carefully before we

he kindly encourages those who some- speak and not react too quickly. So
times find it difficult to control their when you need to make an important
feelings and desires. In this article, we decision, give yourself time to think.
will learn from Jehovah’s example of Pray for wisdom to say or do the right
self-control. We will also discuss exam- thing. (Psalm 141:3) When we are an-
ples from the Bible, both good and gry or upset, it is very easy to over-
bad, and review practical suggestions react. And that is why many have
that can help us. come to regret things they said or did
3. Why do we need self-control? 5, 6. What example of self-control does Jeho-
4. What should be encouraging to any who are vah set for us?
struggling to control their wrong desires? 7. What can we learn from Jehovah’s example?

without thinking!—Proverbs 14:29; 15: with Jehovah would be damaged if
28; 19:2. you gave in to the temptation. You can
try to identify situations that might be
tempting for you and decide how you
can avoid them. (Psalm 26:4, 5; Prov-
8 What Bible examples highlight the
erbs 22:3) If you are ever tested like
value of self-control? One you may
think of is Jacob’s son Joseph. He re-
sisted temptation when he was serving Ask Jehovah to give
in the house of Potiphar, the chief
of Pharaoh’s guards. Potiphar’s wife you the wisdom
found Joseph attractive because he and self-control to
was “well-built and handsome,” and
she tried to seduce him several times. resist temptation
What helped Joseph to resist tempta-
tion? He probably took time to think
that, ask Jehovah to give you the
carefully in advance about what would
wisdom and self-control to resist the
happen if he were to give in to her.
Then, when she grabbed him by his 10 Something similar to what hap-
clothes, he ran away from her. He said:
pened to Joseph happens to many
“How could I commit this great bad-
young Christians today. One example
ness and actually sin against God?”
is Kim. Her classmates would often
—Genesis 39:6, 9; read Proverbs 1:10.
9 What do we learn from Joseph’s ex-
brag about having sex over the week-
end. Kim did not have any stories like
ample? If we are tempted to break one
that to tell. She admits that being dif-
of God’s laws, we need to resist the
ferent made her feel “abandoned and
temptation. Before becoming Jeho-
alone” at times and that her classmates
vah’s Witnesses, some struggled with
thought that she was stupid because
overeating, heavy drinking, smoking,
she did not date. But Kim was actually
drug abuse, sexual immorality, or oth-
wise. She knew that the temptation to
er problems. Even after baptism, they
have sex can be very strong when we
may at times be tempted by those
are young. (2 Timothy 2:22) Other
things. If this happens to you, stop
students would often ask whether she
and think about how your relationship
was still a virgin. That gave her the op-
8. (a) Where can we find good examples of portunity to explain why she chose not
self-control? (b) What helped Joseph to resist to have sex. We are proud of young
temptation when Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce
him? (See opening picture.) 10, 11. (a) What happens to many young ones
9. How can you prepare yourself to resist temp- at school? (b) What can help young Christians
tations? to resist the temptation to break God’s laws?

Christians who are determined to re- or a sister does something that up-
sist pressure to be sexually immoral, sets you, imitating Joseph’s example
and Jehovah is proud of them too! of self-control will help you to avoid
11 The Bible also gives us examples of saying or doing something you might
people who did not resist the tempta- later regret. (Proverbs 16:32; 17:27)
tion to be sexually immoral. And it Or maybe you have disfellowshipped
shows the bad results when we do not relatives. If so, you will need to con-
have self-control. If you are in a situa- trol your feelings in order to avoid un-
tion similar to Kim’s, think about the necessary contact with them. This can
foolish young man described in Prov- be difficult to do. But it will be easier
erbs chapter 7. Think, too, about Am- if you remember that you are imitat-
non and the terrible results of his ing Jehovah’s example and doing what
he commands.
13 We also benefit from King David’s
No one should be example. When Saul and Shimei pro-
overconfident, thinking voked him, David did not get angry or
use his power against them. (1 Samuel
that he will never 26:9-11; 2 Samuel 16:5-10) Yet, Da-
give in to temptation vid did not always have self-control.
We know this from reading about his
sin with Bath-sheba and his reaction
behavior. (2 Samuel 13:1, 2, 10-15, 28- to Nabal’s greed. (1 Samuel 25:10-13;
32) Parents can help their children to
2 Samuel 11:2-4) We can learn valu-
develop self-control and wisdom by
able lessons from David. First, over-
discussing those examples during fam-
seers among God’s people especially
ily worship.
12 On another occasion, Joseph
need self-control so that they do not
misuse their authority. Second, no one
again set a good example of self-
should be overconfident, thinking that
control. This was when his brothers
he will never give in to temptation.
came to Egypt to buy food. To under-
—1 Corinthians 10:12.
stand what they were really thinking,
Joseph did not tell them that he was PRACTICAL THINGS YOU CAN DO
their brother. And when his feelings 14 What can you do to improve your
became very intense, he left his broth- self-control? Consider what happened
ers so that he could cry in private.
(Genesis 43:30, 31; 45:1) If a brother 13. What lessons can we learn from events in
King David’s life?
12. (a) How did Joseph control his feelings to- 14. What experience did one brother have, and
ward his brothers? (b) In what situations do we why are our reactions in similar situations im-
have to control our feelings? portant?

The way we react can affect our Christian ministry
(See paragraph 14)

to Luigi. A vehicle hit the back of his bad behavior. He offered to contact
his car. Even though the other driver Luigi’s insurance company so that Lui-
caused the accident, that driver began gi could get his car fixed sooner. The
yelling at Luigi and tried to start a man joined the Bible discussion and
fight. Luigi prayed to Jehovah to re- really enjoyed it. Because of this, Lui-
main calm and tried to calm the other gi realized how important it was that
driver. But the man continued to yell. he had remained calm after the acci-
So Luigi wrote the man’s insurance de- dent and how devastating the results
tails down and left while the man was could have been if he had become an-
still shouting. A week later, Luigi was gry.—Read 2 Corinthians 6:3, 4.
15 Regular and meaningful Bible
making a return visit on a woman. Her
husband was the other driver! The man 15, 16. How can Bible study help you and your
was embarrassed and apologized for family to develop self-control?

study can help Christians to develop to develop self-control? Parents know
self-control. Remember what God told that their children were not born with
Joshua: “This book of the Law should this quality. So they need to teach their
not depart from your mouth, and you children good qualities by their own
must read it in an undertone day and example. (Ephesians 6:4) If you see
night, in order to observe carefully all that your children are lacking self-
control, ask yourself whether you are
setting a good example. You can set a
Regular Bible study good example by being regular in the
can help you to ministry, in attending meetings, and in
conducting family worship. And do
develop self-control not be afraid to say no to your children
when necessary! Jehovah set limits for
that is written in it; for then your way Adam and Eve. Those limits could have
will be successful and then you will act helped them to learn respect for Jeho-
wisely.” (Joshua 1:8) But how can Bi- vah’s authority. In a similar way, when
ble study help you to develop, or culti- parents discipline their children and
vate, self-control? set a good example for them, it can
16 We have learned that the Bible teach children self-control. Love for
contains examples that show how we God’s authority and respect for his
benefit when we have self-control and standards are some of the most valu-
how we suffer when we do not. Jeho- able things that you can help your
vah had these examples written down children to have.—Read Proverbs 1:
for a reason. (Romans 15:4) It would 5, 7, 8.
18 Whether we are parents or not, all
be wise for us to read, study, and think
carefully about them. Try to under- of us should choose our friends wisely.
stand how they apply to you and your If your friends love Jehovah, they will
family. Ask Jehovah to help you to ap- encourage you to set meaningful goals
ply the counsel from his Word. If you and avoid trouble. (Proverbs 13:20)
realize that you lack self-control in Their good example will motivate you
some area, admit it. Then pray about to imitate their self-control. And no
it, and work hard to see how you can doubt your good conduct will encour-
improve. (James 1:5) Do research in age them as well. The self-control we
our publications to find practical ad- will gain will help us to have God’s ap-
vice that can help you. proval, enjoy our life, and share good
17 How can you help your children things with those we love.
17. In what ways can parents help their children 18. Why do we need to choose our friends
to develop self-control? wisely?

Imitate Jehovah’s
“Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and compassionate.”
—EXODUS 34:6.

ON ONE occasion, God revealed himself to Moses by de- SONGS: 57, 147
claring His name and some of His qualities. Jehovah
could have emphasized his power or wisdom, but in- HOW WOULD YOU
stead, he first spoke of his mercy and compassion. (Read ANSWER?
Exodus 34:5-7.) Moses needed to know if Jehovah ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

would support him. So Jehovah emphasized qualities Why can it be difficult to

show compassion at times?
that show that he really wants to help his servants. (Exo-
dus 33:13) How does it make you feel to know that Jeho-
vah cares so much for us? This article will focus on com- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

passion, which is sympathy for the suffering of others How does Jehovah
and the desire to help them. teach his people to
2 Jehovah is compassionate, and humans were made in show compassion?
his image. So it is natural for humans to care about oth-
ers. Even those who do not know Jehovah often show
compassion. (Genesis 1:27) In the Bible, we find many
In what situations can you
1. How did Jehovah reveal himself to Moses? Why is this important? show compassion?
2, 3. (a) What shows that it is natural for humans to feel compas-
sion? (b) Why should you be interested in what the Bible says about

accounts of people who showed com- JEHOVAH—THE PERFECT
passion. For example, when Solomon EXAMPLE OF COMPASSION
needed to find out which of two wom- 4 The Bible contains many examples
en was the mother of a baby, he tested of Jehovah’s compassion. For exam-
them by ordering that the baby be cut ple, think of what he did for Lot. Lot
in half. The mother felt deep compas- was a righteous man who was “great-
sion for her baby, so she pleaded with ly distressed” by the immoral peo-
the king to let the other woman have ple in Sodom and Gomorrah. Those
him. (1 Kings 3:23-27) Another exam- people had no respect for God, and
ple of compassion is Pharaoh’s daugh- Jehovah decided that they deserved
ter. When she found baby Moses, she to die. (2 Peter 2:7, 8) Jehovah sent
angels to Lot to tell him that Sod-
om and Gomorrah would be destroyed
Jehovah fully and that he needed to flee. The Bible
says: “When [Lot] kept lingering, then
understands the because of Jehovah’s compassion for
difficulties we him, the [angels] seized hold of his
hand and the hand of his wife and
go through the hands of his two daughters, and
they brought him out and stationed
realized that he was a Hebrew and was him outside the city.” (Genesis 19:16)
supposed to be killed. But “she felt Just as Jehovah understood Lot’s situ-
compassion for him,” and she decided ation, we can be sure that he under-
to raise him as her own son.—Exodus stands any difficulties we go through.
—Isaiah 63:7-9; James 5:11, footnote;
2:5, 6.
3 Why should we learn more about
2 Peter 2:9.
5 Jehovah has also taught his people
compassion? Because Jehovah wants
to show compassion. Think about one
us to imitate him. (Ephesians 5:1)
of the laws that he gave to Israel. If
Even though we were created to be
someone owed money to a lender, the
compassionate, we are imperfect and
lender could take the person’s gar-
tend to be selfish. Sometimes it may
ment as a guarantee that he would pay
not be easy for us to decide whether to
the money back. (Read Exodus 22:
help other people or to focus on our-
26, 27.) But the lender had to return
selves. What can help us to be more in- the garment to the person by sunset so
terested in others? First, let us ex-
amine how Jehovah and others have 4. (a) Why did Jehovah send angels to Sodom?
(b) What can we learn from the experience of
shown compassion. Second, let us see Lot’s family?
how we can imitate God’s compassion 5. How does God’s Word teach us how to show
and why it is good for us to do so. compassion?

that he could stay warm during the ing there included a 12-year-old boy
night. Someone who was not com- we will call Milan. Milan, his brother,
passionate might not have wanted to his parents, and other Witnesses were
give the garment back, but Jehovah traveling on a bus from Bosnia to Ser-
taught his people to be compassion- bia. They were going to a conven-
ate. What does the principle behind tion, where Milan’s parents were plan-
this law teach us? Never ignore the ning to get baptized. At the border,
needs of a fellow Christian. When we some soldiers noticed that the family
can help a brother or a sister who was from a different ethnic group and
is suffering, we want to do so.—Co- made them get off the bus. Then they
lossians 3:12; James 2:15, 16; read let the rest of the brothers on the bus
1 John 3:17. continue their trip. For two days, the
6 Jehovah felt compassion for the Is- soldiers would not let the family go.
raelites even when they sinned against Finally, the officer in charge called his
him. We read: “Jehovah the God of superior officer and asked what he
their forefathers kept warning them should do with them. The family was
by means of his messengers, warning standing right there and could hear
them again and again, because he felt the superior officer reply, “Just take
compassion for his people and for his them out and shoot them!”
dwelling place.” (2 Chronicles 36:15) 8 As the soldiers were talking, two

In a similar way, we should feel com- strangers approached the family. They
passion for those who do not yet know whispered that they were Witnesses
Jehovah but who may still repent and too and that the brothers on the bus
become his friends. Jehovah does not had told them what had happened.
want anyone to be destroyed in the The two Witnesses told Milan and his
coming judgment. (2 Peter 3:9) So brother to get into their car to cross
while there is still time, we want to the border because the soldiers were
share his warning message with every- not checking children’s papers. Then
one we can and help as many as possi- the brothers told the parents to walk
ble to benefit from God’s compassion. around the back of the border post
7 Today, many of Jehovah’s servants and meet them on the other side. Mi-
have experienced his compassion. For lan was so scared that he did not know
example, during the 1990’s in Bosnia, whether to laugh or cry. His parents
various ethnic groups were fighting asked, “Do you think they are just
and killing one another. One family liv- going to let us walk off?” But as they
walked away, it seemed as if the sol-
6. What can we learn from Jehovah’s compas-
sion for the sinful Israelites? diers did not even see them. Milan and
7, 8. Why did one family believe that Jehovah his brother met their parents on the
had shown compassion to them? other side of the border, and they

went on to the convention. They were sion when he did not kill Agag, who
convinced that Jehovah had answered was the king of Amalek and an enemy
their prayers! We know from the Bible of God’s people. Saul also did not kill
that Jehovah does not always directly all the animals of the Amalekites. But
protect his servants in such a way. Jehovah had told Saul to kill all the
(Acts 7:58-60) But in this case, Milan Amalekites and all their animals. Be-
said: “It seemed to me that the angels cause of Saul’s disobedience, Jehovah
blinded the soldiers and that Jehovah rejected him as king. (1 Samuel 15:3,
rescued us.”—Psalm 97:10. 9, 15, footnote) Jehovah is the righ-
9 Jesus was an excellent example of teous Judge. He can read people’s
compassion. He felt pity for the peo- hearts, and he knows when compas-
ple because he saw that “they were sion should not be shown. (Lamenta-
skinned and thrown about like sheep tions 2:17; Ezekiel 5:11) Soon he will
without a shepherd.” So, what did he bring judgment on all those who re-
do? “He started to teach them many fuse to obey him. (2 Thessalonians 1:
6-10) That will not be the time for
Jehovah to show compassion to the
Like Jesus, do you have wicked. However, by destroying them,
a deep desire to help he will show compassion for the righ-
teous, whom he will save.
people and teach them 11 Of course, it is not our job to judge

about Jehovah? whether people should live or die. In-

stead, we need to do all we can now to
help people. What are some practical
things.” (Matthew 9:36; read Mark 6: ways that we can show compassion to
34.) In contrast, the Pharisees were others? Here are a few suggestions.
not compassionate and did not want
to help the people. (Matthew 12:9-14;
23:4; John 7:49) Like Jesus, do you
12 Be helpful in everyday life. Jeho-
have a deep desire to help people and vah requires that Christians show com-
teach them about Jehovah? passion to their neighbors and to their
10 This does not mean that it is al- brothers. (John 13:34, 35; 1 Peter 3:8)
ways appropriate to show compas- One meaning of compassion is “to suf-
sion. For example, King Saul may have fer together.” A person who shows
thought that he was showing compas- compassion tries to help those who are
suffering. So we should look for oppor-
9. How did Jesus feel about the crowds who fol- tunities to help others, perhaps by of-
lowed him? (See opening picture.)
10, 11. Is it always appropriate to show com- 12. How can you show compassion in how you
passion? Explain. treat others?

fering to do a necessary chore or er- added: “This experience helped me to
rand for them.—Matthew 7:12. realize that Jehovah cares. And fel-
13 Share in relief work. When we low Witnesses care about one another.
see people suffering because of a di- Many brothers and sisters all over the
saster, we want to show them compas- world are praying for us.”
14 Help those who are sick and el-
sion. Jehovah’s people are well-known
for helping others at such times. (1 Pe- derly. When we see people suffering
ter 2:17) For example, a Japanese sis- from sickness and old age, we feel com-
ter lived in an area that was damaged passion. We long to see the end of
in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. these problems, so we pray for God’s
She said that she was “very encour- Kingdom to come. In the meantime,
aged and comforted” when she saw we do all we can to help the sick and
volunteers come from different parts the elderly. One author wrote that one
of Japan and from other countries to day his elderly mother, who suffered
repair homes and Kingdom Halls. She from Alzheimer’s disease, soiled her
clothes. While she was trying to clean
13. What do God’s people do after natural di-
sasters? 14. How can you help the sick and elderly?

Show your compassion by helping others in a practical way

(See paragraph 12)
up, her doorbell rang. Two Witnesses health and our relationships with oth-
who regularly visited her were there. ers. When you help those who are
The sisters asked if they could help. suffering, you will feel happier, more
The woman said: “It is embarrassing hopeful, less lonely, and less negative.
but yes.” The sisters helped her to Showing compassion is good for you.
clean up. Then they made her a cup (Ephesians 4:31, 32) When love moves
of tea and stayed to chat with her. us to help others, we have a good con-
The son was very thankful and said science because we know that we are
that the Witnesses “practice what they doing what Jehovah wants us to do.
preach.” Does your compassion for the Compassion will help us to be better
sick and the elderly move you to do all parents, marriage mates, and friends.
you can to help them?—Philippians 2: In addition, people who show compas-
3, 4. sion to others usually receive help
15 Help people to know Jehovah. when they need it.—Read Matthew
The best way we can help people is to 5:7; Luke 6:38.
teach them about God and his King- 17 Although showing compassion is

dom. Another way is to help them see good for us, the main reason we show
why obeying Jehovah’s standards is compassion is that we want to imitate
good for them. (Isaiah 48:17, 18) The Jehovah and bring glory to him. He is
ministry is a wonderful way to honor the Source of love and compassion.
Jehovah and show compassion to oth- (Proverbs 14:31) He sets the perfect
ers. Could you do more in the minis- example for us. So let us do all that
try?—1 Timothy 2:3, 4. we can to imitate God by showing
COMPASSION IS GOOD FOR YOU TOO! compassion. Then we will draw closer
16Mental-health experts say that to our brothers and sisters and have
showing compassion can improve our better relationships with the people
around us.—Galatians 6:10; 1 John
15. How does our preaching work help others? 4:16.
16. How do we benefit when we are compas-
sionate? 17. Why do you want to be compassionate?

SOME Compassion is an expression of God’s love. When

we show compassion to others, we imitate Jehovah.
EXPRESSIONS Compassion is more than just a feeling. Showing
EXPLAINED compassion means that we not only notice what
others are going through but are moved to help them
“The Word of Our God
Endures Forever”
“The green grass dries up, the blossom withers,
but the word of our God endures forever.”—ISAIAH 40:8.

WHAT would your life be like if you did not have the Bi- SONGS: 95, 97
ble? You would not have wise advice to guide you each
day. You would not know the truth about God, life, or the HOW HAS GOD’S WORD
future. And you would not have any idea what Jehovah ENDURED . . .
did for humans in the past. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Thankfully, we are not in this sad situation. Jehovah changes in language?

has given us his Word, the Bible. He has promised that

its message will last forever. The apostle Peter quoted
Isaiah 40:8. Even though that verse is not specifically ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

about the Bible, it applies to the Bible’s message. (Read political developments?
1 Peter 1:24, 25.) We can benefit the most from the Bi-
ble if we read it in our own language. Those who love
God’s Word have always known this. Over the centuries,
people have worked hard to translate the Bible and make ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

it available, despite great opposition and difficulty. Jeho- opposition to translation?

vah wants as many people as possible to “be saved and
1, 2. (a) What would life be like without the Bible? (b) What helps us
to benefit from God’s Word?

come to an accurate knowledge of they need a translation. Some have
truth.”—1 Timothy 2:3, 4. thought that if they learned ancient
3 In this article, we will discuss how Hebrew and Greek, they could under-
God’s Word has endured in spite of stand the Bible better. But that might
(1) changes in language, (2) political not help them as much as they think.1
developments that changed the com- (See footnote.) We are very grate-
mon language, and (3) opposition to ful that the Bible or parts of it have
Bible translation. How will this discus- been translated into nearly 3,000 lan-
sion help us? Our appreciation for the guages. It is Jehovah who wants peo-
Bible and its Author will become deep- ple of “every nation and tribe and
er.—Micah 4:2; Romans 15:4. language” to benefit from his Word.
(Read Revelation 14:6, footnote.)
CHANGES IN LANGUAGE Surely, this makes us feel even closer
4 As time passes, languages change. to our God, who is loving and impar-
Words and expressions may come to tial.—Acts 10:34.
mean something very different from 5 The fact that languages change also

what they once did. Perhaps you can affects Bible translations. A transla-
think of an example in the language tion that was easy to read when it was
first produced may not be so clear
later on. An example of this is the
We are grateful that King James Version, first produced in
the Bible or parts of it 1611. It became one of the most popu-
lar English Bibles. The wording used in
have been translated into the King James Version even affect-
nearly 3,000 languages ed the English language.2 (See foot-
note.) However, this translation used
the name Jehovah only a few times.
you speak. This is also true of ancient In most places in the Hebrew Scrip-
languages. The Hebrew and Greek that tures where God’s name was original-
people speak today are different from ly found, it used the word “LORD”
the Hebrew and Greek in which the Bi- in capital letters. Later printings also
ble was written. Most people are not used the word “LORD” in capital let-
able to understand the Bible in the an- 1 See the article “Do You Need to Learn Hebrew and
cient languages it was written in, and Greek?” in the November 1, 2009, issue of The Watch-
3. What will we discuss in this article? (See 2 Many well-known English expressions came from the
King James Version, such as “fell flat on his face,” “the
opening picture.)
skin of my teeth,” and “pour out your heart.”—Numbers
4. (a) How do languages change over time? 22:31; Job 19:20; Psalm 62:8.
(b) How do we know that God does not prefer a
specific language? How does that make you 5. What made the King James Version impor-
feel? tant?

ters in some verses in the Christian example, the first 39 books of the Bible
Greek Scriptures. In this way, the were written by the Jews, or Israelites.
King James Version acknowledged that They were the ones first “entrusted
God’s name belonged in the so-called with the sacred pronouncements of
New Testament. God.” (Romans 3:1, 2) They originally
6 When the King James Version first wrote these books in either Hebrew
appeared, the English words it used or Aramaic. But by the third centu-
sounded modern. But as time went by, ry B.C.E., many Jews no longer under-
some of those words began to sound stood Hebrew. Why not? When Alex-
old-fashioned, and today they are dif- ander the Great conquered a large
ficult to understand. The same thing part of the world, the Greek Empire
happened with early Bible translations spread. As a result, Greek became the
in other languages. So we are very common language in the areas that
grateful to have the New World Transla- Greece ruled, and many people began
tion of the Holy Scriptures, which uses to speak Greek instead of their own
modern language. This translation is language. (Daniel 8:5-7, 20, 21) This
available in whole or in part in more included many Jews, so it became dif-
than 150 languages. This means that ficult for them to understand the Bible
most people in the world can now read in Hebrew. What was the solution?
this translation in their own language. 8 About 250 years before Jesus was
The modern and clear words it uses born, the first five books of the Bible
make it easy for God’s message to were translated into Greek. Later, the
reach our heart. (Psalm 119:97) But rest of the Hebrew Scriptures were
what makes the New World Translation also translated. This translation be-
truly special is that it puts God’s name came known as the Greek Septuagint.
in the places where it was originally It is the first known written translation
found. of the whole Hebrew Scriptures.
THE COMMON LANGUAGE 9 The Septuagint made it possible for

7 Political developments in the world Greek-speaking Jews to read the He-

have sometimes changed what lan- brew Scriptures in Greek. Can you
guage people spoke at a certain time. imagine how excited they were to be
But Jehovah has made sure that the able to hear or read God’s Word in
Bible would be available to people in a their own language? Eventually, parts
language they could understand. For of the Bible were translated into other
commonly spoken languages, such as
6. Why are we grateful for the New World Trans-
lation? 9. (a) How did the Septuagint and other early
7, 8. (a) Why were many Jews in the third cen- translations help people who read God’s Word?
tury B.C.E. not able to understand the Hebrew (b) What is your favorite part of the Hebrew
Scriptures? (b) What is the Greek Septuagint? Scriptures?

Syriac, Gothic, and Latin. As more So, very few people owned a Bible.
people were able to read and under- Also, most people at that time could
stand God’s Word, they too came to not even read. Those who went to
love it. And they could have their fa- church may have heard the Bible read
vorite verses, just as we do to- out loud in Latin, but that was an old
day. (Read Psalm 119:162-165.) Yes, language that ordinary people did not
God’s Word has endured despite polit- understand. How did Jehovah make
ical changes and changes to the com- sure that people would have the Bible
mon language. in their own language?—Proverbs 2:
OPPOSITION TO BIBLE TRANSLATION 11 In 1382, John Wycliffe and others
10Over the years, many powerful translated the Bible into English. The
leaders tried to prevent people from Wycliffe Bible became very popular
reading the Bible. But God-fearing among a group known as the Lollards.
men did not stop working to make the Those people loved the Bible. They
Bible available to all. One of these was traveled on foot from village to vil-
John Wycliffe, who lived in England lage all over England. The Lollards
during the 14th century. He believed read the Bible to people and gave
that everyone should be able to read them handwritten copies of parts of
the Bible. During his lifetime, most it. Their work made the Bible very
people in England had never heard the popular again.
Bible’s message in their language. Bi- 12 The clergy hated Wycliffe, his Bi-

bles were very expensive, and each ble, and his followers. They persecut-
copy had to be written out by hand.
11. What was the effect of the Wycliffe Bible?
10. In John Wycliffe’s time, why were most peo- 12. How did the clergy feel about Wycliffe and
ple not able to read the Bible? his work?

John Wycliffe and others wanted

everyone to have God’s Word.
Is that what you want too?
(See paragraph 11)

5 Classic Vision/age fotostock

SOME As God promised, his Word has endured down to this
day. Some have tried to stop people from having the
EXPRESSIONS Bible by keeping it in a language that most could not
EXPLAINED understand. But because of the work of translators
and others, many have been able to read God’s Word
in their own language and understand it. This has al-
lowed them to become friends with Jehovah and have
a hope for the future

ed the Lollards and destroyed all the our faith that everything else that Je-
Wycliffe Bibles they could find. Even hovah has promised will also come
though Wycliffe had already died, the true.—Joshua 23:14.
clergy declared him a heretic, or an en- 14 When we learn how Jehovah pro-

emy of the Church. They dug up his tected his Word, our faith in him
bones, burned them, and threw the becomes stronger and our love for
ashes into the river Swift. But many him becomes deeper.1 (See footnote.)
people wanted to read and understand Why did Jehovah give us the Bible
God’s Word, and the Church could not in the first place and then promise
stop this. In the hundreds of years that to protect it? Because he loves us
followed, people in Europe and other and wants to teach us how to benefit
parts of the world began to translate ourselves. (Read Isaiah 48:17, 18.)
and print the Bible in languages that This moves us to love and obey him.
many could understand. —1 John 4:19; 5:3.
15 We deeply love God’s Word, so
TO BENEFIT YOURSELF” how can we get the most from our
13 The Bible is inspired by God. But personal Bible reading? How can we
this does not mean that the work of help those we meet in the ministry to
translating the Septuagint, Wycliffe’s appreciate the Bible? How can teach-
Bible, the King James Version, or any ers in the congregation make sure
other version is directly inspired by that everything they teach is based on
God. Yet, when we examine how these God’s Word? We will discuss these
translations were produced, it is clear questions in the next article.
that just as Jehovah promised, his 1 See the box “See It for Yourself!”
Word has endured. This strengthens
14. How does what we learn about the Bible
13. What can we be sure of? How does this make our love for God deeper?
make our faith stronger? 15. What will we discuss in the next article?

See It for Yourself!
On April 3, 2017, a Bible museum opened at our world headquarters in Warwick,
New York, U.S.A. The permanent gallery of this museum is entitled “The Bible and
the Divine Name.” The new museum also includes rare Bibles and Bible-related items
that will be changed from time to time. We invite you to visit the Bible museum and
the other museums located at headquarters. Please go to to make a
reservation for your visit. Look under ABOUT US ˛ OFFICES & TOURS.

“The Word of God
. . . Exerts Power”
“The word of God is alive and exerts power.”—HEBREWS 4:12.

JEHOVAH’S people are convinced that his word, his SONGS: 96, 94
message to humans, “is alive and exerts power.” (He-
brews 4:12) We have seen the Bible’s power in our own HOW CAN YOU ALLOW
life and in the lives of others. Before becoming Witness- THE POWER OF GOD’S
es, some were thieves, drug addicts, or sexually immor-
al. Others had fame or money but still felt that some- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

in your own life?

thing was missing in their life. (Ecclesiastes 2:3-11)
Happily, many who were hopeless and lost now have di-
rection and hope. In The Watchtower, we have read and
enjoyed many such experiences in the series of articles ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

in the ministry?
“The Bible Changes Lives.” And even after becoming
Christians, people must continue to strengthen their re-
lationship with Jehovah with the help of the Bible.
2 It is not surprising that many people make big
when teaching from
changes when they learn the truth. Our brothers and the platform?
1. What convinces you that God’s Word has power? (See opening pic-
2. How did the power of God’s Word affect people in the first century?

sisters in the first century who had the platform. What we learn here will
the heavenly hope made such chang- help us show our love and gratitude to
es. (Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.) our heavenly Father, who teaches us
When Paul spoke of those who would to benefit ourselves.—Isaiah 48:17.
not inherit God’s Kingdom, he added: IN OUR OWN LIFE
“That is what some of you were.” 4 To allow God’s Word to affect us,
God’s Word and his holy spirit helped
we need to read it regularly. We should
those people to change. But even after
try to read it every day. (Joshua 1:8)
becoming Christians, some of them
Most of us have very busy lives, but we
made serious mistakes that affect-
should not let anything, including our
ed their relationship with Jehovah.
responsibilities, stop us from reading
For example, the Bible mentions one
the Bible. (Read Ephesians 5:15, 16.)
anointed brother who had to be disfel-
We may find the time early in the
lowshipped. Later, he made changes
morning, sometime during the day, or
so that he could again be part of the
later on at night. We agree with the
psalmist who wrote: “How I do love
your law! I ponder over it all day
We should not let long.”—Psalm 119:97.
anything, including our 5 However, just reading the Bible is

responsibilities, stop us not enough. We need to meditate on,

or think carefully and deeply about,
from daily Bible reading what we have read. (Psalm 1:1-3) Only
then we will be able to apply the Bi-
ble’s wisdom in our life. So whether
Christian congregation. (1 Corinthi-
we read the Bible in printed form or
ans 5:1-5; 2 Corinthians 2:5-8) It is
on an electronic device, we want to
encouraging that our brothers and sis-
allow God’s Word to change and moti-
ters have been able to make so many
vate us.
changes because of the power of God’s 6 How can our meditation be ef-
3 God’s Word is very powerful. Since
fective? When we read the Bible, we
should pause and ask ourselves: ‘What
Jehovah has given it to us, we want to
does this tell me about Jehovah? How
make sure that we use it well. (2 Tim-
othy 2:15) This article will discuss 4. (a) What can we do so that God’s Word will
affect us? (b) How do you make time to do your
what we can do to use the power of Bible reading?
the Bible (1) in our own life, (2) in our 5, 6. (a) Why do we need to meditate? (b) How
ministry, and (3) when we teach from can our meditation be effective? (c) How has
reading the Bible and meditating on it helped
3. What will we discuss in this article? you?

am I already applying what I read in 9 What we say before we read a scrip-
my life? What changes do I still need ture can also help the householder to
to make?’ When we meditate on God’s respect the Bible. For example, we
Word and pray about what we read, we might say, “Let’s see what our Cre-
will want to apply it. Then we can ex- ator says on this subject.” Or if we
perience the power of the Bible in our are speaking to someone from a non-
lives.—2 Corinthians 10:4, 5. Christian background, we could say,
7 It is important that we use God’s
Word frequently when we preach and
When we read from
teach. One brother said, “If you were the Bible to someone,
preaching from house to house with
Jehovah himself, would you do all the
we are letting Jehovah
talking or would you let him speak?” speak to him
When we read from the Bible to some-
one, we are letting Jehovah speak to
“Let’s see what the Holy Writings tell
him. A well-chosen scripture is more
us.” If we meet a person who does
powerful than anything we might say.
not care about religion, we could ask,
(1 Thessalonians 2:13) When you are
“Have you ever heard this ancient say-
in the ministry, do you try to read
ing?” If we remember that every per-
from the Bible as often as you can?
son has his own background and be-
8 However, reading a Bible verse
liefs, we will do all we can to make our
to those to whom we preach is not introduction appealing.—1 Corinthi-
enough. Most people do not under- ans 9:22, 23.
stand the meaning of the Bible. This 10 Many have found that using God’s
was true in the first century, and it is
Word can have a powerful effect on
true today. (Romans 10:2) We should
people to whom they preach. For ex-
not assume that the householder un-
ample, one brother visited an elderly
derstands the scripture we read. We
man who had read our magazines for
can help him by repeating main words
many years. One day, instead of just
or ideas from the verse and then ex-
giving him the latest Watchtower, the
plaining what these mean. In this way,
brother decided to read a scripture.
God’s Word can reach people’s mind
and heart.—Read Luke 24:32. 9. How can we help people respect the Bible by
what we say before reading a scripture? Give an
7. How can we use God’s Word well in our min- example.
istry? 10. (a) What happened to one brother?
8. Why do we need to do more than just read (b) How have you seen the power of God’s Word
scriptures when we preach? in your ministry?


in your own life:

˛ Read it regularly
˛ Meditate on it
˛ Apply what you learn

He read 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4, which assemblies, and conventions. The

says: “The Father of tender mercies main reason we attend is to worship
and the God of all comfort . . . com- Jehovah. We also benefit from what
forts us in all our trials.” These words we learn. For this reason, the brothers
touched the elderly man so much that who teach from the platform have a
he asked the brother to read the vers- great privilege and a serious responsi-
es again. Then the man said that he bility. (James 3:1) They must make
and his wife really needed comfort. sure that their teaching is based on
Because of this scripture, he wanted God’s Word. If you have this privilege,
to know more about the Bible. Using how can you use the power of the Bi-
God’s Word in our ministry is very ble to reach your audience?
powerful!—Acts 19:20. 12 The Scriptures need to be the

WHEN TEACHING FROM THE PLATFORM most important part of any talk.
11 We love to attend our meetings, (John 7:16) So be very careful that
11. What responsibility do brothers who teach 12. How can a speaker make sure that his talk
from the platform have? is based on the Scriptures?

in the ministry: when teaching
from the platform:
˛ Use the Scriptures regularly
˛ Point out and explain the main ˛ Make the Scriptures
ideas of the verses you read the focus of your talk
˛ Introduce Bible verses in a way ˛ Do not let experiences, illustrations,
that helps people to respect or your way of speaking attract more
God’s Word attention than the Bible
˛ Take time to explain, illustrate,
and apply verses that you read

the way you give your talk and the use some of these scriptures to teach
experiences or illustrations you use the points in the outline. (You can
do not attract more attention than find good suggestions in studies 21 to
the Bible. Also, remember that read- 23 of Benefit From Theocratic Ministry
ing from the Bible is not the same School Education.) And most impor-
thing as teaching from the Bible. tant, ask Jehovah to help you to share
In fact, if you read too many scrip- his precious thoughts from the Bi-
tures, most people will not remem- ble.—Read Ezra 7:10; Proverbs 3:
ber them. So carefully choose the 13, 14.
scriptures you want to use. Then 13 When a sister in Australia was a
take time to read, explain, illustrate, child, many tragic things happened to
and apply them well. (Nehemiah 8:8) her, and even though she later came
When a talk is based on an outline, to know Jehovah, she still could
make sure that you study the out-
line and the scriptures it uses. Try 13. (a) How was one sister affected by a scrip-
ture she heard at a meeting? (b) How has the
to understand how the outline and way the Bible is used at our meetings affected
the scriptures are connected. Then you?

not fully believe that Jehovah loved 14 Are we not grateful to Jehovah for
her. At a meeting, this sister heard his written Word, the Bible? He prom-
a scripture that deeply affected her. ised that it would endure, and he kept
She meditated on it and did research, that promise. (1 Peter 1:24, 25) So we
which led her to read other verses in want to make sure that we read the Bi-
the Bible. She became convinced that ble regularly, apply it in our life, and
Jehovah loved her.1 (See footnote.) use it to help others. When we do this,
Have you ever heard a scripture at a we show that we truly love and appre-
meeting, assembly, or convention that ciate this treasure and, most impor-
affected you in such a way?—Nehemi- tant, its Author, Jehovah God.
ah 8:12.
14. How can we show that we value and love
1 See the box “A Turning Point.” Jehovah’s Word?

For many years after Victoria learned the you people should prove to be as scarlet,
truth, she felt that it was not possible for they will be made white just like snow.’ I felt
God to love her. What convinced her that as if Jehovah were speaking to me, saying:
God truly loved her? Here is her story: ‘Come on, Vicky, let’s set matters straight
“A turning point came about 15 years after between us. I know you, I know your sins,
I was baptized. During a talk at the Kingdom I know your heart—and I love you.’
Hall . . . , the speaker referred to James 1: “I was unable to sleep that night. I still
23, 24. Those verses liken God’s Word to a doubted that Jehovah could love me, but I
mirror in which we can see ourselves the began thinking about Jesus’ ransom sacri-
way Jehovah sees us. I began to wonder if fice. All of a sudden, it dawned on me that
what I saw in myself was different from Jehovah had been patient with me for so
what Jehovah saw. At first, I resisted this long, showing me that he loved me in so
new idea. I still felt that loving me was too many ways. Yet, I was, in effect, saying to
much to expect of Jehovah. him: ‘Your love is not great enough to reach
“A few days later, I read a scripture that me. Your Son’s sacrifice is not enough to
changed my life. The verse was Isaiah 1:18, cover me.’ It was as if I had been throwing
where Jehovah is quoted as saying: ‘Come, the ransom back at Jehovah. But now, at
now, you people, and let us set matters last, by meditating on this gift of the ran-
straight between us. . . . Though the sins of som, I began to feel loved by Jehovah.”
“Be Courageous . . .
and Go to Work”
“Be courageous and strong and go to work. Do not
be afraid or be terrified, for Jehovah . . . is with you.”
—1 CHRONICLES 28:20.

SOLOMON received a special assignment. Jehovah SONGS: 38, 34

chose him to oversee the building of the temple in Jeru-
salem, one of the most important construction projects HOW WOULD YOU
of all time! The temple was going to be “exceedingly mag- ANSWER?
nificent,” and it would be famous for its beauty. More im- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can young ones and

portant, it would be “the house of Jehovah the true
their parents show courage?
God.”—1 Chronicles 22:1, 5, 9-11.
2 King David was confident that God would support Sol-

omon. But Solomon was “young and inexperienced.” How can older sisters
Would he have the courage to accept the assignment of show courage?
building the temple? Or would his youth and inexperi-
ence prevent him from doing so? To succeed, Solomon ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

would need to be courageous and go to work. How can baptized brothers

show courage?
1, 2. (a) What important assignment did Solomon receive? (b) Why
was David concerned about Solomon?

3 Solomon must have learned much EXAMPLES OF COURAGE
about courage from his father, David. 6 Joseph showed courage when Pot-
Even when David was very young, he iphar’s wife tempted him to com-
fought wild animals that attacked his mit sexual immorality. He must have
father’s sheep. (1 Samuel 17:34, 35) He known that his life could be in danger
also showed great courage when he if he refused. But rather than give in,
fought a tough and fearsome soldier, he showed courage and immediately
the giant Goliath. Yes, with God’s help rejected her.—Genesis 39:10, 12.
and a smooth stone, David defeated 7 Rahab is another example of cour-

Goliath.—1 Samuel 17:45, 49, 50. age. When Israelite spies went to her
4 We can understand why David was home in Jericho, she could have given
the right person to urge Solomon to in to fear and refused to help them.
be courageous and build the temple. But because she trusted in Jehovah,
(Read 1 Chronicles 28:20.) If Solo- she courageously hid the two men and
mon did not show courage, fear could helped them to escape safely. (Joshua
paralyze him, that is, prevent him from 2:4, 5, 9, 12-16) Rahab believed that Je-
even starting the work. And that would hovah is the true God, and she was
be worse than failing at his assign- confident that somehow he would give
ment. the land to the Israelites. She did not
allow fear of others, including the king
of Jericho and his men, to paralyze
We need help her. Instead, she acted courageous-
ly and saved herself and her family.
from Jehovah to be —Joshua 6:22, 23.
courageous and do 8 Jesus’ faithful apostles also showed

great courage. They had seen the cour-

the work he gives us age that Jesus showed, and this helped
them to imitate him. (Matthew 8:28-
5 Like Solomon, we need help from 32; John 2:13-17; 18:3-5) When the
Jehovah to be courageous and do Sadducees tried to stop them from
the work that he gives us. So let us teaching about Jesus, the apostles re-
study the examples of some people fused to do so.—Acts 5:17, 18, 27-29.
9 Joseph, Rahab, Jesus, and the
who showed courage in the past. Then
we can think about how we can show 6. What impresses you about Joseph’s cour-
courage and accomplish our work. age?
7. How did Rahab show courage? (See opening
3. What could Solomon learn about courage picture.)
from his father? 8. How did Jesus’ courage affect the apostles?
4. Why did Solomon need to be courageous? 9. How does 2 Timothy 1:7 help us to under-
5. Why do we need courage? stand where courage comes from?

apostles were determined to do what nomic situation is difficult, and young
was right. They showed courage, not ones may feel that their main focus
because they were confident in their must be working to help their families.
own abilities, but because they relied If you are in either situation, think of
on Jehovah. At times when we need Moses’ example. He was raised by the
courage, we too must rely on Jehovah, daughter of Pharaoh, so he could have
not on ourselves. (Read 2 Timothy set the goal of becoming very rich or
1:7.) Let us consider two areas of life important. Imagine the pressure he
where we need courage: in our family must have felt from his Egyptian fami-
and in the congregation. ly, teachers, and counselors! But Mo-
ses was courageous and chose to be
with God’s people. After he left Egypt
10 There are many situations where and its riches, he relied completely on
young Christians need to show cour- Jehovah. (Hebrews 11:24-26) As a re-
age to serve Jehovah. They can learn sult, Jehovah blessed him greatly, and
from and follow the example of Solo- he will bless him even more in the fu-
mon, who showed courage when he ture.
made wise decisions to finish building 12 When young ones courageously set
the temple. Even though young ones goals in Jehovah’s service and put
can and should be guided by their par- Kingdom interests first in their lives,
ents, they have their own important he will bless them. He will help them
decisions to make. (Proverbs 27:11) provide for the needs of their families.
They need courage to make wise deci- In the first century, the young man
sions about who their friends will be, Timothy focused his life on serving
what they will do for entertainment, God, and you can too.1 (See foot-
how they will remain morally clean, note.)—Read Philippians 2:19-22.
and when they will get baptized. They 13 A sister in Alabama, U.S.A., need-
need such courage because they are
ed courage to set goals in God’s ser-
going against the will of Satan, the one
vice. She writes: “Growing up, I was
who taunts God.
really shy. I could barely talk to people
11 One important decision young
at the Kingdom Hall, much less knock
ones must make is what goals they will on the doors of complete strangers.”
set. In some countries, young ones are With the help of her parents and oth-
pressured to focus on higher education ers in the congregation, this young
and to get a job that will pay them a lot
of money. In other countries, the eco- 1 You will find some suggestions on how to set goals
in God’s service in the article “Use Spiritual Goals to
Glorify Your Creator,” published in The Watchtower of
10. Why do young Christians need courage? July 15, 2004.
11, 12. (a) How did Moses show courage?
(b) How can young ones imitate Moses’ exam- 13. How did courage help a young sister to
ple? achieve her goals?

Are you determined to be courageous
in all aspects of your life?
(See paragraphs 13-17)

Christian achieved her goal of becom- say no to your employer and set the
ing a regular pioneer. She says: “Sa- right example for your children. Or
tan’s world promotes higher educa- perhaps a few parents in the congrega-
tion, fame, money, and having a lot of tion allow their children to do things
material things as good goals.” But that you do not want your children to
she also realized that most people can do. When those parents ask you for
never achieve those goals and that the reason, will you be courageous
they only bring stress and pain. She and explain it to them in a respectful
adds: “Serving Jehovah, though, has way?
brought me the greatest happiness and 15 It takes courage to help our chil-
sense of accomplishment.” dren set and achieve goals in God’s ser-
14 Christian parents also need cour-
vice. For example, some parents may
age. For example, your employer may be afraid to encourage their children
regularly ask you to work overtime on to make pioneering their career, to
days that you already set aside for fam- serve where the need is greater, to
ily worship, field service, and congre- serve at Bethel, or to help with the
gation meetings. You need courage to
15. How can Psalm 37:25 and Hebrews 13:5
14. When do Christian parents need courage? help parents?

construction of Kingdom Halls and As- dren to set and achieve goals in God’s
sembly Halls. Perhaps they fear that service have his approval.
their children will not be able to care COURAGE IN THE CONGREGATION
for them when they are old. However, 17 We also need to show courage in
wise parents show courage and have
the congregation. For example, el-
faith that Jehovah will keep his prom-
ders need courage when they han-
ises. (Read Psalm 37:25; Hebrews
dle cases of serious sin or when they
13:5.) Parents who show such courage
help those whose life is in danger be-
and rely on Jehovah help their chil-
cause of a medical emergency. Some
dren to do the same.—1 Samuel 1:
elders visit prisons to study with in-
27, 28; 2 Timothy 3:14, 15.
terested ones or to conduct meet-
16 A couple in the United States
ings. And what about single sisters?
helped their children to focus on serv- They have many opportunities to show
ing Jehovah. The husband says: “Be- courage and serve Jehovah. They can
fore our children could walk and talk, pioneer, move to where the need is
we would speak to them about the joys greater, work with the Local Design/
of pioneering and serving the congre- Construction program, and apply for
gation. Now this is their goal.” He adds the School for Kingdom Evangelizers.
that because their children have set Some are even invited to attend Gilead
and achieved such goals, it has helped School.
them to fight against the temptations 18 We love our older sisters, and we
of Satan’s system and to focus on are grateful to have them in the con-
serving Jehovah. A brother who has gregation! Even though some may not
two children wrote: “Many parents ex- be able to do as much as they once did
pend much effort and resources help- in God’s service, they can still show
ing their children reach goals in such courage and go to work. (Read Titus
areas as sports, recreation, and educa- 2:3-5.) For example, an older sister
tion. It makes so much more sense to needs to show courage if the elders ask
expend effort and resources in helping her to talk to a younger sister about
our children reach goals that will help dressing modestly. She will not scold
them to maintain a good standing with the sister about the clothes she wears,
Jehovah. It has been a great source of but in a kind way, she will help her to
satisfaction not only to see our chil- think about how her choices may affect
dren reach spiritual goals but to share others. (1 Timothy 2:9, 10) When old-
the journey with them.” You can be er sisters show their love in such ways,
sure that parents who help their chil- they can strengthen the congregation.

16. How have some parents helped their chil- 17. Give examples of courage in the Christian
dren to set goals in God’s service, and how has congregation.
this benefited their children? 18. How can older sisters show courage?

SOME Show courage:
Do not allow fear or worry to stop you from doing God’s
EXPRESSIONS will. Rely on Jehovah, and do the work he has given you

19 Baptized brothers also need to be ing and offer to help in the congrega-
courageous and go to work. When tion in any way that is needed. We urge
they are willing to serve as ministerial all baptized brothers to be courageous
servants and elders, the congregation and work hard for the congregation!
greatly benefits. (1 Timothy 3:1) How-
ever, some may hesitate to do so. Per-
haps a brother made mistakes in the
20 King David reminded Solomon
past, and now he feels that he is not that Jehovah would be with him un-
worthy of being a ministerial servant til he finished building the temple.
or an elder. Another brother may feel (1 Chronicles 28:20) Solomon surely
that he does not have the abilities meditated on these words, and he did
needed to serve. If you feel that way, not allow his youth and inexperience
Jehovah can help you to become cou- to prevent him from doing the work.
rageous. (Read Philippians 2:13; 4: Instead, he showed great courage and,
13.) Remember the example of Moses. with Jehovah’s help, completed the
He too felt that he was not able to do magnificent temple in seven and a half
what Jehovah asked him to do. (Exo- years.
21 Jehovah helped Solomon, and he
dus 3:11) But Jehovah helped him to
become courageous and do what was can also help us to be courageous and
necessary. How can a baptized brother accomplish our work, both in our fam-
find such courage? He can pray to Je- ily and in the congregation. (Isaiah 41:
hovah for help and read the Bible dai- 10, 13) If we show courage as we serve
ly. He can meditate on the examples of Jehovah, we can be sure that he will
Bible characters who showed courage. bless us now and in the future. There-
He can humbly ask the elders for train- fore, “be courageous . . . and go to
19. (a) How can baptized brothers be coura-
geous? (b) How can Philippians 2:13 and 4:13 20, 21. (a) Of what did David remind Solo-
help brothers to become courageous? mon? (b) Of what can we be sure?

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