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26-33 minutes

By Christopher Story - Editor - International Currency Review:


Since late March, investigations conducted exclusively by Christopher Story on behalf of the various intelligence services published by World
Reports Limited have been the subject of follow-up reports displayed on the following website:

Intelligence, data and commentaries for recent reports concerning the world’s most authoritative and distinguished global financial intelligence
officer, Leo Wanta, have been extracted, to a considerable extent, from the following World Reports Limited sources:

 International Currency Review, Volume 30, Numbers 2/3, published in January 2005, which contained a complete display of the relevant
financial documents exposing the biggest nexus of financial scams in world history;

 Arab-Asian Affairs, Volume 29, Numbers 8 & 9, published in December 2005.

 Economic Intelligence Review, Volume 10, Numbers 5 & 6, published February-March 2006. The headline on the front page of
this issue reads: OFF-BALANCE SHEET FRAUD PROBES MAY TRIGGER A GLOBAL SHOWDOWN The latest of the reports [as at 17th April 2006] is reproduced below.

Earlier reports based on World Reports Limited's exclusive intelligence research, now augmented by fresh interviews given to the site by
Leo Wanta, may be accessed on, under Articles Archive (in the panel on the left). It should be noted that earlier reports contained certain errors, of which the following are hereby corrected:

Leo Wanta's illegal incarceration was commuted to house arrest and Mr Wanta was confined for many years in Wisconsin (not, as stated,
in Switzerland). Although his confinement was illegal, he nevertheless adhered meticulously to its terms, in accordance with his ethical
standards and reverence for the Rule of Law (notwithstanding that his treatment was always illegal).

Suggestions that Mr Wanta committed offences are completely inaccurate and without foundation. Everything he has done has been in
accordance with his Presidential, Secret Service and other US official instructions. A comprehensive dossier revealing how the State of
Wisconsin may have scammed this distinguished US intelligence officer, allegedly stealing both the payments that he managed to raise to
pay illegally charged taxes that he did not owe, and how his assets were allegedly stolen as well, is in preparation.

In July 2005, all illegally re-charged fines and imposts applied by Wisconsin were paid in full by a benefactor. As a direct consequence of
this development, Mr Wanta satisfied the State's illegally imposed demands, and with effect from 14th November 2005, he was
unconditionally discharged from Parole on the orders of a Judge.

The funds remitted to secure his release have, according to US legal sources, also been scammed, because – unsurprisingly – the State
authorities, having allegedly misappropriated the earlier funds, found themselves in a very difficult situation, with reference to which column, so
to speak, the illegally imposed further charges were to be booked. This and related matters are under close continuing scrutiny. However the
benefactor’s payment procured Mr Wanta’s full discharge from his illegal house arrest and probation.

Further astonishing intelligence arising from Leo Wanta’s case, which will confirm that the Rule of Law has collapsed in the United States, will
be exposed in due course. In February, World Reports Limited’s intelligence service, Economic Intelligence Review, published the following
condensed information about the background to Mr Wanta’s illegal incarceration and house arrest. The following text is reproduced from page

International financial sector tensions have reached fever pitch behind the scenes due to the gangland warfare that has been raging in the
context of the misdirection and theft of off-balance sheet giga-funds by certain US intelligence operatives and high office holders and
international banks. To facilitate this culture of scamming and thievery without the inconvenience of a US Secret Service investigation,
President Clinton arranged for the illegal ‘taking down’ in 1993 of Leo Wanta, a senior US intelligence operative of rare integrity, so that he
languished illegally in jail and under house arrest on trumped-up charges for 12+ years.


[Economic Intelligence Review published the full text of Judge Lee's statement]...

But today the tables have been turned upon the scamming political appointees, office-holders, operatives and banksters concerned. This
document affirms Mr Wanta’s powers over key USG corporations. It is published to coincide with audit work that is taking place to establish
what has happened to official funds. So that nothing can ever be taken out of context, we reproduce this US Court statement in its entirety.
[It was published on pages 37-46 of Economic Intelligence Review].

Intelligence officers engaged in secret international operations for governments are often authorised to use offshore corporations. In 1990,
President Gorbachëv’s Government re-authorised the setting up of innumerable domestic and foreign corporations as instruments of Soviet
strategy around the world. The Soviets actually took a leaf out of the CIA’s book, replicating essentially the basic provisions of President
Reagan’s Executive Order 12333 of 1981, which authorised the establishment for such purposes of so-called Title 18 Section 6 corporations
domestically and offshore, wholly owned by the US Government. The Executive Order stipulated that all intelligence connections with such
corporations could be disguised and denied.
Given the rampant corruption with which elements of the vast US intelligence community is infested, consequent in part upon the global drug-
trafficking operations of the CIA which are run in competition/collaboration with comparable operations directed by the covert Soviet GRU and
by certain intelligence organisations of other countries (including Britain’s ‘Black’ GO-2 agency), it is not surprising that the bank accounts of
USG offshore entities may well have been ransacked, against the background of gangland-style rivalry between competing/collaborating
cadres owing their ‘allegiance’ to this or that powerful ‘intelligence family’ (such as the Clintons and the Bushes).

Furthermore, the sums accumulated in these offshore accounts are usually of colossal proportions, being the proceeds of multiple officially
sanctioned operations and banking transactions carried out in accordance with official instructions.

In 1993, the senior US Secret Service/Treasury intelligence officer Leo Wanta (who also served the CIA and the FBI, as required) travelled
with agents to Switzerland, where he was meant to arrest the international metals trader and fugitive from US justice, Marc Rich (Reich) on
instructions from the then FBI Director, William Sessions. Instead of achieving this – one of his portfolio of sensitive objectives – he was seized
by Swiss police and held in a stinking Swiss dungeon for 134 days.

Almost simultaneously, President Clinton fired William Sessions without giving any reason, and shortly afterwards Vincent Foster was
discovered ‘suicided’ in a Washington DC area park. Following an intervention by Yizhak Rabin, the Israeli Prime Minister, Wanta was
repatriated in shackles to New York, where he was arraigned before a US Judge on trumped up tax charges.

[Mr Wanta told Christopher Story of his shame at being forced to walk in shackles through airports when he had committed no crime and had
simply been carrying out his official orders].

The Judge dismissed his case and released him at once, but he was illegally re-arrested on the Courthouse steps and extradited to Wisconsin,
where the spurious tax charges (to the effect that he owed about $14,000 in back tax dating from 1982, despite the fact that he had not resided
in Wisconsin for years) were invoked, and he was flung into jail for non-payment. He was moved out-of-state to another jail, and attempts were
made to drug him and to have him certified as mentally ill, in accordance with the Soviet GULAG and mental hospital models.

Later, he was released into house arrest in Wisconsin and was subject to severe movement restrictions for many years, during which time he
was barred from leaving Wisconsin. He managed twice to raise funds and to pay the illegally imposed tax, after the first tax payment ‘went
missing’. His family home was sold behind his back and the proceeds confiscated.

After a third payment was raised and paid, with additional charges, in July 2005, Leo Wanta was finally freed of all Probation restrictions with
effect from 14th November 2005. Meanwhile Marc Rich, who had been indicted by Rudolph Giuliani, a US Attorney of the day, on multiple
counts involving racketeering (RICO) financial and trading irregularities, was pardoned in the final hours of Clinton’s Presidency.

But Leo Wanta, who had conducted a series of brilliant Financial Warfare operations on behalf of President Reagan, whose life he had saved
at least once by providing the President with advance warning of intended assassination, was left to waste more than 12 years of his life as
described. On 8th February 2006, we ‘googled’ (Bureau of Prisons), clicked onto ‘Locate a Federal Inmate’, and typed in Leo
Wanta’s reference number 43419-053.

This duly showed Leo Wanta as having been such an inmate – but stated that the date of his release was 19th November 1993, aged 65,
whereas in that year he was 53: 65 is his CURRENT AGE. In other words, it appeared that the Bureau of Prisons may have sought to have Mr
Wanta’s illegal incarceration covered up – A CLUMSY PIECE OF DECEPTION KNOWN AS ‘BACKFILLING’.

Fortunately for the United States and for what remains of the severely battered Rule of Law, this fraudulent ‘takedown’ of a gallant and patriotic
US intelligence officer, and its corrupt motivations, can no longer be hidden. Many US intelligence officials were deceitfully informed by the CIA
that he was dead long ago.
But in reality, he remained in touch, during all those years, with many dimensions of his former global Presidential intelligence work – including
the matter of the fate of large financial assets belonging to the US Government for which he remained responsible and the trustee under US
law and the laws of other jurisdictions, but which he feared might be in danger of being misdirected, misappropriated or stolen from the US
Government by US criminalist intelligence cadres. These operate under cover of the National Security Act 1947 et seq, which is essentially a
crooks’ charter – enabling corrupt circles within the US intelligence community to engage brazenly in open-ended scamming, theft and
criminality, with impunity.

When the US Government itself reneged on certain specific undertakings concerning some of the intelligence corporations and their assets, Mr
Wanta was forced to go to court to protect the assets and not least to counter malevolent suggestions that, like certain US officials/operatives,
he, too, was corrupt – a careless and foolish proposition, as he was out of commission for years and in any case bases his behaviour on
Christian ethical principles.

On 15th April 2003, US District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee, sitting in the United States District Court for the Eastern District Court of Virginia,
Alexandria Division, handed down a notable Memorandum Opinion in which Leo Wanta’s legal representations were reviewed, and in which he
affirmed Mr Wanta’s powers over the corporations. The Judge pronounced:

‘Plaintiff’s sole remedy in this matter is to proceed with the liquidation of the corporations and report these transactions to the Internal Revenue
Service in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and then challenge the assessment of any taxes in a refund proceeding’, to obtain his
contracted payment for services rendered in accordance with his contracts and official, including Presidential, orders.

[We are publishing the entire text of this important document for the benefit of members of the international financial community who may, for
whatever reason, have seen fit to question either Mr Wanta’s integrity, or his undoubted powers to complete the US Government’s business,
and to recover assets accumulated for its long-term benefit ].

Beneath each page of text of the report, Christopher Story appended the following caption, which was repeated on each page of Judge Lee's
PAGE 1 (etc) of U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee’s crucial Memorandum Opinion dated 15th April 2003, in which, having exhausted the
remedies available to Leo E. Wanta, the distinguished US Secret Service/Treasury intelligence officer, in respect of the disposition of off-
balance sheet US Government intelligence funds held in accounts of Title 18, Section 6 corporations offshore, the Judge pronounced that:

‘Plaintiff’s sole remedy in this matter is to proceed with the liquidation of the corporations and report these transactions to the Internal Revenue
Service in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and then challenge the assessment of any taxes in a refund proceeding’. This Court-
affirmed statement reconfirmed Mr Wanta’s powers over certain USG corporations and presented serious problems for criminalised elements
of the US intelligence community and overpowerful barons believed to be lusting after seizure of financial assets that belong to the US
Government – and which would prefer that the source of these and other hidden giga-funds were never revealed in order for past and planned
illegal thefts of such assets to be covered up in perpetuity.

So far, this crucial document has been largely suppressed, as it affirms Mr Wanta’s legitimate powers and destroys groundless and libellous
allegations that Mr Wanta is dishonest, like the criminal operatives concerned. Their problem is that he is not – a concept they cannot
understand, as in their perspective, it cannot be imagined that any US intelligence officer is not also as bent as a corkscrew.

The Arctic Beacon report is now reproduced here verbatim. The data which follow the article are extracted from International Currency Review,
Volume 30, Numbers 2/3, which became known in Washington last year as ‘The Green Book’:

Fitzgerald Probe Headed To Switzerland, Marc Rich, Vince Foster And At Least A Trillion Dollars Of Stolen U.S. Treasury Money By The
Bush-Clinton Mob; Treasury Agent Leo Wanta, Sent To Arrest Rich, Tells What Really 'Went Down' In Switzerland.

Wanta, the legally appointed trustee of $27.5 trillion dollars of money earned at the end of the Cold War when the Soviet Currency was
destabilized, is now tracing the funds, saying that more than $750 billion has been traced as stolen in the biggest bank heist in U.S. and global
history, orchestrated by the Bush-Clinton mob. Because of his incarceration and then house arrest, he was unable to address these colossal
problems effectively until he was released unconditionally last November.

15 Apr 2006 Report by Greg Szymanski:

The Patrick Fitzgerald investigation is spilling over across the pond to Switzerland, trying to trace the bank swindling and dirty dealings of
Clinton-Bush bagman and Mossad agent, Marc Rich.

Sources near Fitzgerald claim the crime-busting Chicago special prosecutor is delving into why Rich was tipped off and able to evade a 1993
arrest attempt, ordered by FBI director William Sessions.

Those watching the Plamegate investigation hope Fitzgerald is the 'real deal' and not just providing a neo con dog and pony show, but sources
claim that the investigation is now meticulously looking into bank swindles by the Bush-Clinton mob, amounting to more than a trillion dollars,
involving money earmarked for the U.S. Treasury.

And bank account records – tracing more than $750 billion of missing or stolen money – have been already provided as public record by Leo
Wanta, the former U.S. Treasury agent assigned by Sessions to put the finger on Rich. (See accounts listed below).

In a telephone conversation Friday, Wanta said he still keeps the official 1993 Rich arrest warrant, as proof-positive the events took place as
he reported.

However, in a strange turn of events, Wanta was jailed for his efforts, placed for 134 days in a Swiss dungeon, as Rich was allowed to slip free
in a move, according to Wanta, leading to the theft of hundreds of billions – if not trillions – of U.S. Treasury funds by the Bush-Clinton mob.
After Wanta was framed and put in jail, reports linking Hillary Clinton to dipping into the Wanta-controlled accounts were recently verified by
overseas investigators.

UK investigators claim that the First Lady travelled to Grenada, ordering a bank transfer from Bank Crozier Limite, Grand Anse P.O. Box 1005,
St George's Grenada, West Indies.

Although the amount that Clinton pilfered overall is unknown, it is estimated that she may have writhdrawn approximately $250 milliion from a
Leo Wanta-controlled account, an account to be transferred to the U.S. Treasury listed under Marvelous Investment Limited, bank account
number A/C 374-250. [Information is available concerning other heists in which she may have been involved].

Wanta, released form a long jail term last October [CORRECTION BY CS: NOVEMBER], also said this week in a telephone conversation that
he has provided new information to overseas investigators in an effort to uncover even more of the stolen money, as he is fast on the trail of
the vast sum of money with the help of foreign investigators and sophisticated computer software.

"They are now messing with my computer, but so far we've successfully traced well over a trillion dollars and there is more to come, I'm sure",
said Wanta, adding that the original source of the money came from a financial scheme he put together on behalf of President Ronald Reagan
to destabilize the Soviet currency at the end of the Cold War, subsequently amassing a fortune amounting to more than 27.5 trillion dollars.
[CS: This fund is now believed to be worth around $70 trillion or more].

"We did so well with what we did, Bush and Clinton wanted to copy our methods. When I didn't play all with them, they wanted me out of the
way so they could get their hands on the money."

After the Cold War ended, the money was placed in overseas accounts, Wanta being appointed legal guardian of the fortune by President
Reagan with the understanding it be returned to the American people to be used for schools, roads and even infrastructure improvements in
Louisiana to bolster the inadequate levee system..
To the dismay of Wanta's detractors and skeptics, a 2003 federal court ruling, docket no. 02-1363-A, dated April 15, 2003, by Federal Judge
Bruce Lee affirmed Wanta's position as legal trustor with the obligation to return a major portion of the money after taxes and trustor expenses
back to the U.S. Treasury.

But when Bush senior and Clinton took over the reins of the White House, according to Wanta, things changed, as the vast sum of money was
treated more like their own personal slush fund instead of property of the American people.

In July 1993, a lot more than the failed arrest of Rich arrest took place, including a visit by the late deputy White House Counsel, Vince Foster,
who was killed in a Washington park on his return to Washington D.C. on July 20, 1993.

According to Wanta, who recently appeared on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, he said the events surrounding Rich
and Foster went like this:

"I was ordered in my capacity as Treasury agent and appointed Ambassador to arrest Marc Rich and bring him back to the States. However, I
found out he was tipped off by Mossad agents not to meet with me. Rich then escaped, fleeing Switzerland.

"At the same time, I was ordered to give Vince Foster $250 million dollars earmarked for the Childrens Fund. It took us a few days to make the
proper transactions of roughly $81 million each and then Foster left with the money for Washington.

"Then, for no reason, I was shackled by Swiss authorities and put in a Swiss dungeon, where I ended up spending 134 days. I found out Vince
had heard about what happened and made attempts through the State Department to find out what happened and to get me out. But the next
thing I heard, a Swiss guard passed on a message that Vince Foster was dead.

"Then later Yitzhak Rabin tried to help, sending a letter which I have retained as proof. However, when authorities got word he was traveling to
Switzerland on my behalf, I was immediately flown to the States, where I was charged with a trumped up Wisconsin state income tax charge,
leading to a 20 year jail term.

"I finally was released last year [CS: NOVEMBER]. I don't know why, but I am now in the process of trying to account for the 27.5 trillion as well
as account for the stolen money. They, being Bush and Clinton, really wanted me out of the way all these years so that I couldn't return the
money, but they didn't expect the Federal Court ruling in 2003 which I filed and in which I prevailed.

"It's interesting they haven't appealed and now time has run out. I know they don't want anyone to know about this story and that is why the
(controlled) press has stayed silent."

Although Wanta has no idea what happened to the $250 million Foster had in his possession when he left Switzerland, the Fitzgerald
investigation needs to connect the dots in order to determine the real purpose of the Childrens Defense Fund, chaired by Hillary Clinton, and
said to be used as her own personal slush fund, as well as front for CIA covert domestic and foreign operations.

It's also interesting to note the FBI and Kenneth Starr investigation into Vince Foster's death never looked into to his meeting in Switzerland.
Nor did Starr fully investigate the significance and disappearance of the $250 million dollars in Foster's possession when he left Switzerland.
Further, it should be remembered Rabin also took stepsto help Wanta, sending him a letter still in Wanta's possession. Investigators, who
believe that Foster was assassinated, also point out that Rabin met the same fate, being assassinated as well in 1995.

The following information has been condensed from World Reports Limited services and posted by For the actual
detailed original reports, which are sold commercially (of course: how else could they be financed?), please activate the CONTACT US facility
on this website, or order your SUBSCRIPTIONS and BOOKS from the present site (visit SERIALS and BOOKS in the Lower Red Panel).


The following is summary of receipts identified in handwritten analytical notes performed by the distinguished US Secret Service Treasury
agent, Leo Wanta, on some of the transactions involved in the giga-financing operation involving a colossal loan to the Illuminati from 200+
international banks worth $27.5 trillion, to finance the 'Global Security Environment', a.k.a. The New Underworld Order, which is to be
enforced by the United States as the enforcement arm for the project. Sufficient funds were raised to bribe every policymaker, intelligence
officer, ruler, Prime Minister, President and senior official for the whole of the 21st century. This fund is now worth $60-$70 trillion at a
minimum – and with collateral leverage, probably far more.[List extracted from International Currency Review, Volume 30, Numbers 2/3, January 2005]:

First Financial Services Ltd: 890812 Five Billion – Total $5,000,000,000

Francis X Driscoll Trust: Five Hundred Million – Total $500,000,000

Allegedly involves the Vatican and CIA Ops
(see below 890810 / See also Pinnacle Holdings)

Hawaii National Bank Corporation Trust Account: 890812 Two and a Half Billion – Total $2,500,000,000

International Financial Services Ltd: Date not shown Ten Billion $10,000,000,000
International Financial Services Ltd: Five Billion $5,000,000,000
International Financial Services Ltd: Twenty-Five Billion $25,000,000,000
International Financial Services Ltd, Wyatt W. Liscomb, Escrow Atty: 890810 Ten billion $10,000,000,000
Total, International Financial Services; Fifty billion dollars $

Allegedly Marc Rich [Reich], highly-rated Israeli intelligence asset

Martwell Investments Ltd. Inc.: 890807 Money laundering
Two billion dollars $2,000,000,000
Martwell Investments Ltd. Inc.: 890808 Money laundering
One hundred billion dollars $100,000,000,000
Martwell Investments Ltd, Inc.; 890810
Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000
Martwell Investments Ltd. Inc.: 890610
Two billion dollars 52,000,000,000 Allegedly funds stolen
from Enron Corporation investors (pension funds allegedly stolen)
Total Martwell Investment Trust, Ltd. Inc + Martwell Investments
Ltd; One hundred and four billion five hundred million dollars $104,500,000,000

Allegedly in part George H W Bush

Pilgrim Investments: 890810 Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000

Pilgrim Investments: 890810 Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000
Pilgrim Investments 890811 Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000
Pilgrim, Investments: 890811 One hundred billion dollars $100,000,000,000
Pilgrim Investments: 890810 Jorqe [= George] Bush One billion dollars $1,000,000,000

Allegedly narcotics and illegal weapons sales: Money laundering

Pilgrim Investments: Ltd 890811 One hundred billion dollars $100,000,000,000

Pilgrim Investments: 890811 Twenty-five billion dollars $25,000,000,000

Allegedly narcotics and illegal weapons sales: Money laundering

Pilgrim investments: Twenty-five billion dollars $25,000,000,000

Pilgrim Investments: Two and a half billion dollars $2,500,000,000
Pilgrim Investments: Two and a half billion dollars $2,500,000,000
Pilgrim Investments: (Keith Bennett Group 890810 One billion dollars $
Pilgrim Investments Trading Account: 890811 Ten billion dollars $10.000.000,000

Total Pilgrim Investments outlets:

Two hundred and seventy-seven billion, five hundred million dollars $277,500,000,000

Pinnacle Holdings/ Francis X Driscoll Atty Trust [CIA Ops]:

890810 Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000
Pinnacle Holdings/ Francis X. Driscoll Atty Trust:
890810 Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000
Pinnacle Holdings/ Francis X Driscoll Atty Trust:
Twenty-five billion dollars $25,000,000,000
Pinnacle Holdings/ Francis X Driscoll Atty Trust
[CIA Ops]: 890811 Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000
Total Pinnacle Holdings/Francis X Driscoll Atty Trust [CIA Ops]:
Twenty-six billion five hundred million dollars $26,500,000,000
Driscoll = Allegedly on behalf of Opus Dei/The Vatican
Prudential Bache Securities: 890805
One hundred billion dollars Total: $100,000,000,000
Rocio Lopez Perez 890811
Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000
Rocio Lopez Perez: 890811
Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000
Total Rocio Lopez Perez: One billion dollars $1,000,000,000
Silverado Investment, Inc [Neil Bush): 890815
Total Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000
Synergy Trust: 890811 Fifty billion dollars
Total: $50,000,000,000

Unknown: 890810 Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000

Unknown: 890810 Five hundred million dollars $500,000,000
Unknown: 890810 Ten billion dollars $10%2

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