Areyouready?: Prepare, Practice and Know Your Zone, Emergency Officials Say

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Serving Eureka and Humboldt County




Plan to survive:
Prepare, practice
and know your zone,
emergency officials say
Editor’s note: Although Wednes-
day’s multiagency Tsunami
Warning Communications Test
for Humboldt County was can-
celed due to the ongoing disas-
ter in Mendocino, Lake, Sonoma
and Napa counties, it’s still Earth-
quake and Tsunami Preparedness
Week, and many of us are still liv-
ing in or near a tsunami zone in
earthquake country. Read up, and
be prepared.

By Will Houston
@Will_S_Houston on Twitter

When a tsunami strikes Hum-

boldt County, having a solid plan
is of vital importance when your
chance of survival may turn on a
few minutes of decisive action.
As evidenced by the ongoing
fires burning throughout Califor-
nia, disasters can strike swiftly
and unexpectedly. To help local
residents ready themselves for
a possible tsunami, Humboldt
County Office of Emergency Ser-
vices Manager Dorie Lanni and
the Redwood Coast Tsunami Work
Group have outlined the following
1. Know your zone
The No. 1 step for tsunami pre-
paredness is knowing whether or
not you live in a tsunami zone,
Lanni said.
“If you don’t know where the
tsunami inundation zones are, that
can be more confusing when that
[emergency] messaging goes out,”
Lanni said.
Even if your home isn’t located
in the tsunami zone, it is still im-
portant to know the tsunami zones
as you could find yourself in one
while having a day at the beach or
visiting a friend or relative.
2. Plan, pack, practice
While the idea of an imminent
tsunami may instill a sense of
panic, having a game plan and an
emergency supply bag at the ready
will make the evacuation process
run much more quickly and effi-
Lanni recommends residents

For all emergencies: 911
Report downed power lines to 911
and then PG&E at 800-743-5000
California Highway condition
information: 800-427-7623
The above map is based on 2012data generated by Humboldt State University and tsunami inundation areas charted by the California 707-832-5480
Geological Survey and the California Emergency Management Agency. The original data assumes a tsunami is triggered by a magnitude-9 Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:
earthquake from the Cascadia subduction zone, but the above map does not include potential tsunami river surge areas. A Tsunami Hazard 707-445-7251
Zone app was also developed for smart devices by Todd Becker of the Humboldt County Department of Public Works and the Redwood Coast Humboldt County Office of Emer-
Tsunami Work Group. The app can be found online at gency Services: 707-268-2500;
after hours: 707-445-7251
Local expert: Make sure your family, business, community are the most prepared they can be Humboldt County Animal Shelter:
For over a Counties. At first it seemed like sponders. a call for donations. A neigh-
week you have a few fires burning the hills and You want to help. You saw bor adds some casseroles and Humboldt County Mental Health
been glued to sparsely populated areas. Slowly a posting or heard a news re- cakes so that the displaced peo- Branch: 707-268-2900; 24-hour
news or social the realization of the magnitude port that people need X, Y and ple can have some home cooked crisis line: 707-445-7715
media follow- of these fires began to hit. You Z. You pick up some supplies food. You drive hours to deliver Humboldt County Public Works:
ing the events in continue to be amazed by the and add some old camping gear. your goods to one of the shel- 707-445-7421
Lori Mendocino, So- videos and stories of narrow es- Maybe your church, scout group ters. It feels good to do some- Humboldt County Office of Edu-
noma and Napa capes and heroic actions by re- or other organization puts out DENGLER » PAGE 5 cation: 707-445-7000


Jacoby Creek School

celebrates milestone
Fortuna boys clinch title;
Eureka girls one win away U Dow Jones
23,157.60 (+160.16)
City council approves
redrafted rent regulations
On Friday, current students
will gather for historical ex-
The Loggers will need to
defeat the Panthers in Satur- U S&P 500
2561.26 (+1.90)
An attorney was consulted to
make the city’s mobile home

U Nasdaq
hibits, an alumni panel and a day’s game to claim the H-DN rent stabilization law more
lunchtime sock hop. PAGE A6 league title outright. PAGE B1 6624.22 (+0.56) legally defensible. PAGE A2

INDEX Local .............A2 Lottery..........A3 Opinion......... A4 H+G ...............A6 Obituaries.....A7 Sports........... B1 Comics......... B5 8 19182 00050 6


Mobile home rent stabilization regs redrafted

Ordinance passes 4-1, with Winkler dissenting nance also shifted how appeals
can be made by the park owner
By Hunter Cresswell
side attorney, who has “extensive and renters to the city as well
experience” in the field, take a as other “minor amendments,”
@eurekaTS on Twitter look at the ordinance to make it he said.
more legally defensible, Commu- So many people packed into
On Wednesday evening the Ar- nity Development Director David the council chamber that most
cata City Council approved of a Loya said. people sat in chairs in the foyer.
redrafted mobile home park rent He said this ordinance is During the public comment pe-
stabilization ordinance that can “much more complicated” and riod a lot of residents of Lazy J
be adopted at the next meeting puts more burden on the rent- Ranch, a mobile home park in
if no further amendments are re- ers than the original ordinance. Arcata, came forward to talk
quested. “There are much more pro- about how they need this ordi-
The introduction of the ordi- cesses in this that weren’t in- nance because they can’t afford
nance passed with a 4-1 vote, cluded in the original ordi- higher rent. Representatives of
with Councilman Michael Win- nance,” Loya said. the group that owns the park,
kler dissenting. He added that much of the Sun Communities, also came
The original rent stabiliza- outside lawyer’s input was in- forward against the ordinance.
tion ordinance was introduced cluded in this ordinance. Sun Communities regional Sun Communities representative Bill Hart speaks on behalf of the
in April to regulate mobile home “He had used Sonoma city’s vice president Dennis Dollar company that owns the Lazy J Ranch mobile home park during the
rental prices but due to some ordinance as a base,” Loya said. during his comment asked for Wednesday evening Arcata City Council meeting, during which the
concerns the council had an out- This recent draft of the ordi- ARCATA » PAGE 3 council adopted mobile home park space rent stabilization.



dA office reviews
Buck Mountain
homicide case
If the Humboldt County
District Attorney’s Office
plans to file charges against
the two juveniles arrested
in the alleged homicide of
68-year-old Richard Falk, it
will need to complete its re-
view and file by today, ac-
cording to the District At-
torney Maggie Fleming.
“We are currently receiv-
ing information from the
sheriff’s department,” Flem-
ing wrote to the Times-
A male and a female were
arrested on Monday by the
Humboldt County Sheriff’s
Office and the Arcata Po-
lice Department. Falk was
found dead on Oct. 6 in
front of his Buck Mountain
residence, according to the
sheriff’s office, which an-
nounced after an Oct. 12
autopsy that Falk died from
gunshot wounds.
— The Times-Standard


pot rules
Erin Dunn receives a civic proclamation from the City of Fortuna from Mayor Sue Long minutes after Dunn received the Business Woman
By Hunter Cresswell
of the Year award from the Fortuna Kiwanis Club. The Women In Business Luncheon held Wednesday at the Fortuna River Lodge recog-
nized and honored outstanding contributions made by local women in business and the community. The event benefited local youth with @eurekaTS on Twitter

scholarships and school supplies. Not pictured is Carol Kinser, who received the Woman of Distinction award. Earlier this week the Eu-
reka City Council unani-
mously voted to approve of
amendments to the city’s
JACOBY CREEK SCHOOL cannabis regulations.

Students, teachers presented award

“The only solace I take in
this is that with the regula-
tion so stiff and everybody
growing marijuana, most of
you will be out of business in
a short time,” Mayor Frank
By Will Houston
achievements. Jäger said before the coun-
Jacoby Creek School Superin- cil cast its vote.
@Will_S_Houston on Twitter tendent Tim Parisi said that it’s During the public com-
important to recognize how sig- ment period numerous peo-
Hundreds of Jacoby Creek nificant the Blue Ribbon recogni- ple involved with cannabis
School students gathered inside tion is. Jacoby Creek School was businesses came forward to
of their gymnasium on Wednes- one of only 25 schools in Cali- thank the city council and
day morning for a rare ceremony fornia chosen for the award out staff for all the time and ef-
of recognition that only select of 7,466 eligible schools, Marisi fort put into moving these
schools across the nation receive. said. It was the only school in regulations forward.
Last month, the kindergar- Humboldt County selected this Community Development
ten through eighth grade Bay- year. Services Director Rob Holm-
side school was recognized as a Marisi called Jacoby Creek lund presented to the coun-
National Blue Ribbon School for School’s recognition the new cil how requested changes
2017. The federal program recog- highlight of his career. had been worked into the
nizes public and private elemen- “To our parents, our staff amendment text.
tary, middle, and high schools members, our school board He said these amend-
that either are achieving high members, [county] Superinten- Jacoby Creek School Principal Melanie Nannizzi (right) smiles at ments mainly focus on per-
learning standards or are show- dent [of Schools Chris] Hart- students as the school board President Shari Lovett (left) shows them sonal use cultivation in res-
ing significant improvement in ley, Principal [Melanie] Nan- a copy of a declaration from California 2nd District Congressman Jared idential areas and in which
improving students’ academic AWARD » PAGE 3 Huffman (D-San Rafael). EUREKA » PAGE 3

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List of missing people shrinking as California fires ease
By Janie Har
The Associated Press
The number of people
missing in the deadliest
and most destructive se-
ries of wildfires in Cali-
fornia history peaked at
more than 2,000 in the
hardest hit county but
now stands at 50, with au-
thorities believing nearly
all of them will be found
The death toll now
stands at 42 after another
victim was found Tuesday.
high figure could have Chrystal Couto holds a poster of her then missing
been much worse after grandmother, who was later found alive, as Aaron Austin
residents got little or no looks on in Santa Rosa.
warning last week and en-
tire neighborhoods were Crum said. “I don’t see city of Santa Rosa alone.
wiped out by fast-moving, us going up significantly Sheriff Rob Giordano
late-night flames. over what we have right said Wednesday that 50
“The number of dead now.” people were still on the
people we’re finding has Sonoma County bore county’s missing persons
really slowed down,” So- the brunt of the fires, list — split evenly between
noma County sheriff ’s with 23 deaths and 3,000 Santa Rosa and the rest of
spokesman Sgt. Spencer homes destroyed in the the county.


Humboldt State University microbiology senior Everett Heath, left, College of the
Redwoods art student Ian Hansbearry, and several others run through the HSU quad on GOP ramps up effort to repeal California gas tax increase
Wednesday afternoon like characters from “Naruto” — a Japanese manga and anime
television series created by Masashi Kishimoto. The series is a coming of age story of By Kathleen Ronayne
pealing the tax increase, ular move that will draw
young, hyperactive ninja known as Naruto Uzumaki, who constantly searches for approval The Associated Press
passed by lawmakers this voters from across Califor-
and recognition from his peers. The HSU event was a brief, fun run across the quad in the year to generate $52 billion nia to the polls in the mid-
head-forward, arms-back style of the series’ characters. SACRAMENTO » Repub- over 10 years for road and term election. Democrats
licans’ latest effort to re- bridge repairs. The gas tax plan to aggressively target
peal California’s upcoming will go up by 12 cents per seven California Republi-
gas tax increase got a boost gallon in November, and cans who serve in districts
Wednesday from members diesel taxes will spike as that voted Democratic in
of Congress and GOP gu- well. The other repeal ef- the presidential election.
bernatorial candidate John fort is backed by Assembly- One of those Republicans
Cox, who said he would man Travis Allen — Cox’s is U.S. Rep. Mimi Walters of
spend “significant” money competitor for the Republi- Irvine, who added her sup-
to help put the initiative on can gubernatorial nomina- port to the Cox-funded cam-
next year’s ballot. tion. Both initiatives aim to paign.
“We can’t keep making repeal the tax increase, but “The liberal legislature
this state unaffordable for the Cox-backed effort will needs to stop increasing
working people and expect also include a constitutional taxes on hardworking Cal-
people to stay,” Cox said at a amendment that requires ifornians,” Walters said by
news conference at the Cal- any future gas and car tax phone during the news con-
ifornia Republican Party’s increases to win voter ap- ference. Republican U.S.
headquarters. proval. Rep. Doug LaMalfa also
It’s the second Republi- Republicans view the tax spoke in support of the re-
can initiative aimed at re- increase as a highly unpop- peal effort.

code “small, limited, private said.

Eureka invitation-only” cannabis
related events will only be
Messner also asked about
writing language into the
FROM PAGE 2 allowed in facilities already law to require personal
licensed for marijuana ac- grows be locked so people
zones to allow certain types tivities. under the age of 21 can’t
of cannabis business activi- “Events where you utilize easily access the cultiva-
ties, but the ordinance as a cannabis are not allowed tion area.
whole covers a broad range outside and they’re not al- “I think that one of the
of aspects of recreational lowed in any buildings or things we talked about last
WILL HOUSTON — THE TIMES-STANDARD marijuana. grounds that don’t have a time was a lock and key in
Humboldt County Superintendent of Schools Chris Hartley speaks to Jacoby Creek School During the most re- licensed cannabis facility. personal grows — that it
students at a Wednesday assembly in the Bayside school’s gymnasium to recognize the cent discussion about the This could be expanded or would be under lock and
school for being named a U.S. Blue Ribbon School for 2017. amendments the coun- retracted in the future. This key,” she said.
cil requested changes be is sort of a compromise be- Holmlund said that can

California 2nd District on the part of the Jaco- made to remove having a tween multiple interests,” be added in later through
Congressman Jared Huff- by ’s amazing students maximum limit on personal Holmlund said. a motion or brought back
man (D-San Rafael) was and their families, and the grow processing space and After his presentation, at a later date as a resolu-
FROM PAGE 2 set to speak to the students staff, administrators, and to clarify that temporary Councilwoman Heidi Mess- tion and explained why that
about the award, but his supportive extended com- event licenses will only be ner asked about limits to didn’t appear in the amend-
flight to McKinleyville was munity. I look forward to issued if the event occurs in the number of retail can- ments.
nizzi, and all the members canceled because of fog. seeing the school continue a cannabis facility already nabis businesses the city “It didn’t seem all that
of our school community, Huffman’s field repre- their legacy of academic licensed by the city and that will allow. logical in that the plants
thank you for making the sentative Lindsay Righter excellence, while also con- only people 21 years of age “Per council’s request growing themselves, kids
future for our children the read and gave a framed tinuing to foster students or older can partake in per- there is no upper limit to really can’t do anything
best that it can be,” Marisi copy of the declaration who are kind, productive, sonal growing and process- the number of retail busi- in there. It’s when you cut
said at the assembly. that was recently read and considerate citizens.” ing. nesses however there is lan- them down and then you’re
O t her spea kers in- to Congress by Huffman The Jacoby Creek Pan- “There is a 50-square- guage in there that kind processing and drying
cluded Humboldt County highlighting the school’s thers closed out the as- foot maximum grow area of meters the flow so that them,” he said. “ ... If they’re
Superintendent of Schools recognition. sembly with several roar- in each residence but now, there can be no more than sitting on the couch watch-
Chris Har tley, Jacoby Huffman extended his ing cheers of “Panther per your request, there’s no four a year,” Holmlund said. ing ‘The Price is Right’
Creek School Board Presi- congratulations through a power!” maximum area for process- As written now, the city trimming, that’s when you
dent Shari Lovett, and the statement Tuesday: ing,” Holmlund said. can issue a request for pro- would really want to limit
school’s Principal Melanie “This achievement is Will Houston can be With these new amend- posals every six months for kids’ access.”
Nannizzi. due to a lot of hard work reached at 707-441-0504. ments to the city municipal two retail dispensaries, he Before casting a vote the
council discussed bringing
that issue back up at a later

over again the conclusion date.
would be different,” Coun- “I think we’ve come up
cilman Paul Pitino later with something good that’s
FROM PAGE 2 said. probably a bit of a compro-
Also on the agenda was mise for everyone,” Council-
time to work with renters considering guidelines for woman Natalie Arroyo said.
on long-term leases. a yearlong slackline pilot
“We have successfully program that would allow Hunter Cresswell can be
implemented long-term the activity in designated reached at 707-441-0506.
leases and rent subsidy parks and open spaces and
programs at out other authorizing Ornelas to
properties; it works,” he
signs a letter to the Hum-
boldt County Board of Su-
Mayor Susan Ornelas pervisors about the coun- Winning numbers
said long-term leases that ty’s proposed commercial Daily 3Afternoon:
are agreeable to renters is cannabis land use ordi- 3, 1, 1
still an option. nance. The mobile home Daily 3Evening: 3, 2, 7
“If you can work that out rent discussion took about
that would be great,” she two hours so these subse- Daily 4: 6, 3, 7, 4
said. quent items were heard af- Fantasy 5:
Lazy J resident Paul ter the Times-Standard’s 1, 12, 20, 25, 34
Johnson spoke in support Wednesday evening pub- Daily Derby
of the ordinance. lishing deadline. 1st: 6, Whirl Win
“I just want to encour- The next regular Ar-
age you as well to pass the cata City Council meeting 2nd: 10, Solid Gold
ordinance,” he said. is scheduled on Nov. 1 at 6 3rd: 8, Gorgeous George
Sun Communities at- p.m. in Arcata City Hall at Race Time: 1:41.20
torney Bill Hart spoke 736 F St. City information Super Lotto Plus
in support of the afford- and future agenda pack- Wednesday’s drawing:
ability study the city con- ets are available at cityo-
ducted during the ordi- 5, 10, 24, 33, 35
nance drafting ordinance. Mega number: 13
“It is statistically sound, Hunter Cresswell can be Saturday’s estimated
it’s thorough and it covers reached at 707-441-0506. jackpot: $24million
every option,” he said. Mega Millions
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Paula Patton, Publisher
Marc Valles, Managing Editor
Serving Eureka and Humboldt County

Editorial Cartoonist’s take

Don’t be afraid
— just get ready
Why all the hoopla on today’s front page?
We’re not trying to scare anyone with to-
day’s special edition. Far from it: Fear kills,
experts agree. We want you all to live.
So that’s why we dedicated emergency supplies. But some
today’s A1 to tsunami aware- among us here on the North
ness. Sure, this is all old Coast are having a hard
news to some longtime res- enough time finding cash
idents. You may have seen for tonight’s dinner or next
the maps before online. But week’s rent, let alone a disas-
more than a few of our print ter on the distant horizon.
readers don’t like computers. That’s why it’s important
When disaster strikes, if any to remember that it’s every-
of you remember today’s issue one’s responsibility to pre-
and act to save your own life pare themselves — if only to
or another’s, it’s more than be in a better position to help
worth a little extra ink. their families, friends and
If the selflessness of Ridge- neighbors. When disaster hits
wood Elementary School sec- Humboldt County, we’re all
ond graders and the generos- going to need each other’s
ity of their donors can raise help. If past is prologue, we’re
over $3,000 on a single Sun- not going to be able to count
day to benefit survivors of on little things like electric-
fires to the south, surely we ity, open roads, ATMs, inter- JEFF KOTERBA — OMAHA WORLD HERALD, NE
as a community have the net service or instant assis-
wherewithal to ensure that tance from the state or the
not a single one of our neigh- feds. We’ll all be on our own
bors is unprepared for the for awhile. Identifying the Letters to the editor
hour when disaster lands risks inherent in living on
here on our own doorstep. this remote and beautiful but ‘Pathways to Health’ Re-elect Tracy Coppini (other) despotic governments.
It’s all well and good to en- shaky ground is only the first workshops offer hope to CR Board of Trustees With all the natural disasters
courage people to prepare step. of this summer and fall, the need
and stock up on seven days of So let’s get ready. Today is the last session in Tracy Coppini, being fourth to rebuild infrastructures for
the Chronic Disease Self-Man- generation to our area, happily our own citizens in the US Vir-
agement Workshop that I have married to Carrie for 29 years gin Islands, Puerto Rico, Florida,
attended these last six weeks and a loving dad of four won- Texas, and now California, don’t
Another view and I wanted to share some derful boys (three whom have you think it is time to shrink our
things I have gained in this attended CR), and also served bloated military spending and

Robots aren’t taking

course. I have always been a our country proudly in the mili- focus instead on life-support-
frustrated perfectionist and tary is seeking re-election to the ing efforts? Our military spend-
if I couldn’t do it as well as I board of trustees for the College ing represents a culture of death.

jobs; corporations are

wanted, I hardly wanted to of the Redwoods. The board and It is one of the major reasons
do it at all. “Our Pathways to our community need the knowl- we cannot have universal health
Health” helped reframe that edge, experience and diversity care, universal free higher ed-
for me. Taking small actions that Tracy can continue to bring ucation, an updated and main-
towards my larger goal (or to the board. Tracy, a man of tained infrastructure, and a
There’s a robot in your fu- ing flesh-and-blood workers even as a goal in itself) made great integrity, needs our help healthier, happier world at large.
ture. Not one of those cute lit- on factory assembly lines, but what was previously over- with your vote to maintain a bal- Just a thought.
tle labor-saving automatons — millions of them are now be- whelming, manageable and ance within the board of trust- Claire Perricelli, Eureka
like a “Roomba” ing moved into professional, attainable. I feel successful ees. Born and raised here locally,
vacuum cleaner. managerial, creative, and when I achieve what I set out Tracy isn’t going anywhere and Editor’s note: On our
Far from sav- other occupations previously to do and that gives me confi- our kids are in his best interest, election letters policy
ing you from do- assumed to be the secure do- dence to keep going forward. just as they have been for the past
ing extra labor, mains of higher-educated, I love coming back each week 20 years while serving. A wise Effective Sept. 19-Nov. 7: We
this new wave higher-paid people… maybe to report on how it had gone man once told me when choosing invite readers to limit commen-
of robots is be- even yours. as well as hearing how others who to vote for, look for the one tary on candidates and measures
Hightower ing brought into To be clear, it’s not robots had done. We cheer each oth- that runs the cleanest campaign on the November ballot to letters
your workplace that are taking our jobs, but er’s success, think of ways to and always takes the high road. If of up to 250 words. Letters must
to rescue corpo- corporate profiteers. modify when we needed to ad- you want real homegrown leader- include the author’s full name,
rate bosses from paying you to They’re creating a robot just our plan, or problem-solve ship with deep roots to our com- address and daytime telephone
work for them. economy in order to displace as a group to think about ways munity then Tracy is your guy; number for purposes of verifica-
Oh, you might think, not my you and me with inexpen- to overcome challenges. please join me and help re-elect tion. Letters are published in the
workplace, I’m not a factory sive machines that don’t de- It was wonderful to learn Tracy Coppini to the College of order received within 24 hours
worker — I’ve got a college mand higher wages or health alongside such a supportive the Redwoods Board of Trustees. of verification. Group letters, let-
degree and I work with my care, don’t take sick days or group. Each of us have differ- Jack McBride, Loleta ter-writing campaigns or letters
brain, so no contraption do- vacations, and don’t organize ent health challenges coming published elsewhere will not be
ing rote mechanical tasks can unions, file lawsuits, or vote into the workshop but found Our military spending published here. No more than
take my job. for pro-worker politicians. that there are more common- prolongs a culture of death one letter per author will be pub-
But wait, these are “think- It’s to be a plutocratic uto- alities than one might think. lished within a 21-day period.
ing machines,” implanted with pia designed by and for the Frustration, fear, fatigue are Throughout this week of hor- Oct. 31 will be the last day be-
complex neural networks and corporate elite — and they’re just a few. Sharing and learn- ror for our neighbors to the fore the Nov. 7 election that we
super fast algorithmic comput- pushing it hard and fast, hop- ing from each other gave me south, with the apocalyptic im- will publish letters raising a new
ers that operate in sync, func- ing we the people don’t wake a lot to think about and new ages, the reality of thousands los- issue about a candidate or mea-
tioning much like the cluster up until it’s too late. strengths to draw from. The ing their homes and belongings, sure on that ballot. Election let-
of specialized cells in the hu- tools learned in these classes other thousands being evacuated ters that are merely character at-
man brain. These brainy bots OtherWords columnist will stay with me always. and not knowing what remains tacks, event announcements or
have a fast-evolving ability Jim Hightower is a radio The next class begins Tuesday, of their former lives, I cannot thank-you notes will not be pub-
to watch, listen, and learn on commentator, writer, and Oct. 24. Call 707-267-9606 to reg- help but think of all the foreign lished.
their own, and are even able public speaker. He’s also ister or for more information. countries for whom this is every- Email letters to letters@times-
to produce and teach other ro- the editor of the populist Kerri Escudero, Eureka day reality, thanks to our own or mail them to:
bots. newsletter, The Hightower military incursions and support, Letters to the Times-Standard,
Not only are they displac- Lowdown. with money and armaments, of P.O. Box 3580, Eureka, CA 95502.

Another view

Taxpayers shouldn’t put up with state’s gas tax extortion

By Jon Coupal of which is that the hike has yet nore that, in passing SB1, they
to take affect.) Realizing how The political elites decided to force-feed were slamming Californians
unpopular the gas tax is, several Californians the bill, because in the words with the highest gas and car
A coalition of government en- Republican members of Con- taxes in the nation. They never
tities and special interests which gress are contemplating support of Gov. Brown, taxpayers are “freeloaders” acknowledged that General
thrive on transportation dol- for a measure to repeal that tax. and need to sacrifice more. Fund spending had increased
lars recently sent a threat let- Had the letter stuck to issues by $36 billion over the last six
ter to Republican members of of transportation policy — such years, to a record $122 billion
Congress because those mem- as why California needs to have ing the voices of California’s ing diverted into the General dollars, with not one dime go-
bers have the audacity to oppose the highest gas taxes in the na- business community to counter Fund should have been returned ing to transportation purposes.
the huge tax increase passed by tion — it would still have been your efforts.” to our roads. These taxpayer- The political elites decided to
the California Legislature with wrong but at least it wouldn’t It is clear that the tax-and- friendly proposals alone would force-feed Californians the bill,
the enactment of Senate Bill 1. have been offensive. Unfortu- spend coalition is interested in have provided a stable source of because in the words of Gov.
The threat was not well received nately, supporters of the tax de- feeding their addiction to tax ongoing General Fund revenue Brown, taxpayers are “freeload-
and, in fact, will likely backfire cided to take the low road and dollars and not rational trans- without raising taxes. ers” and need to sacrifice more.
on the tax increase supporters. issued a thinly veiled threat that portation policy. For example, Not surprisingly, the special Try telling that to the average
The SB1 tax hike, imposed would have been more fitting for they did not support Assembly interest coalition of government California family who now has
without voter approval, is very an episode of “The Sopranos.” Bill 496 which would have re- entities, labor organizations and to pay $600 more in gas and car
unpopular according to virtu- Specifically, the letter stated, purposed billions of dollars in big construction firms are more taxes annually, or to the 20 per-
ally all public and private poll- “We don’t think your objective is truck weight fees and the sales than willing to throw citizen cent of the state that lives at or
ing. (A more recent poll claims to create new political adversar- tax revenue from new and used taxpayers under the bus in their below the poverty line.
that repeal of the gas tax is not ies.” Moreover, the letter states vehicles to address California’s disingenuous claim that the
supported by a majority of Cali- that the coalition would “mount road maintenance backlog. They money is legitimately needed to Jon Coupal is president of the
fornians, but that poll is suspect a robust and powerful effort in did not acknowledge that bil- address California’s transpor- Howard Jarvis Taxpayers
for several reasons, not the least opposition to this initiative, us- lions from the gas tax swap be- tation needs. They choose to ig- Association.

How to have your say: Letters to the Editor should be no more than 250 words and Email: Phone: Twitter: Facebook: Leave
My Word submissions should be 500-750 words. All submissions must include your 707-441-0507 Follow and comments at
true name, address and daytime phone number for verification. Not all submissions Mail to: Letters to the Times-Standard, Fax: send tweets to FACEBOOK.COM/
are published. Send to Marc Valles, Managing Editor. Emails are preferred. P.O. Box 3580, Eureka, CA 95502 707-441-0501 @EUREKATS TIMESSTANDARD

Dengler One of the best things you can

do now is to use your energy and
FROM PAGE 1 compassion to make sure your
thing that will assist the family, your business and your
thousands of people who community are the most prepared
lost so much. they can be for the next disaster —
At the shelter you see
sidewalks piled high with the one that strikes right here.
donated supplies. No one
seems to be coordinat- tribute, or install/repair. ifornia ShakeOut. This is
ing the goods and much It ended up being an ex- an easy first step to pre-
is strewn about. Per- tra expense and time sink paring. Set your phone
haps you unload and add for responders who had to alarm to 10:19 a.m. or lis-
your offerings to the pile. move it all to a landfill. ten to KHSU FM 90.5.
Maybe you ask someone “Be kind,” someone ex- DROP down to the ground
at the shelter what to do horted me on Facebook and COVER your head
with it and they tell you after I posted an article and neck with your arm.
they can’t handle donated about not sending stuff to If there is a study table
goods right now, and no, the fire victims. I applaud or desk nearby, slide be-
they can’t take any food your desire to help peo- neath it and HOLD ON
that hasn’t been prepared ple who have lost so much. the legs to keep your-
in a licensed kitchen ac- The altruism of people in self underneath. Get into
cording to state law. the aftermath of a disaster the habit of counting how
Like the aftermath of is one of the better traits long the shaking lasts. If
hurricanes Harvey, Irma of humanity. All I am ask- you live or work in a tsu-
and Maria, the North- ing is to make sure your nami zone, a count of 30
ern California fires have donated effort is of use. or longer is your signal to
brought with them the The most usable dona- move inland or to higher
Geology student leader Randi Ring showed visiting students their manmade “earthquake” contributions of thou- tion is money. Money to ground as soon as the
readings on Humboldt State University’s seismograph during the Great California sands of well-intentioned reputable aid organiza- shaking eases enough so
ShakeOut event in 2016. people. Shelter volunteers tions can be turned into that you can safely walk.
and disaster workers call food, clothing, shelter and The more you practice the
this the “second disaster” the many other needs of more likely you will be to
Tsunami because now responders
have to deal with dispos-
displaced and affected
people. “I am on a fixed
do the right thing when a
real tsunami could be on
FROM PAGE 1 ing these items. Research income,” you say and re- its way.
estimates that 60 percent ally can’t afford to give Preparing for earth-
pack an emergency to-go of donated goods will end money. Think creatively quakes will help you pre-
bag with the following: up in a landfill. and pool your efforts. I ap- pare for all emergencies.
• bottled water Sometimes these well- plaud the second-graders Leave a message at 707-
• non-perishable foods meant offerings can be at Ridgewood Elementary 826-6019 and we will be
• critical medications hazardous. In 1998 Hur- School who set up bake glad to send you a free
• important documents ricane Mitch struck Hon- sales and lemonade stands copy of “Living on Shaky
such as birth certificates duras leaving more than a throughout Humboldt Ground: How to Survive
• pet supplies million people homeless. County for wildfire vic- Earthquakes and Tsuna-
• all-weather clothing A plane bringing respond- tims. They raised $3,000. mis in Northern Califor-
A pair of comfortable ers was unable to land at Consider having a neigh- nia.” The website abc7.
shoes and kennels should the airport because the borhood yard sale with all com/take-action-how-to-
also be placed in an easily runway was covered with proceeds going to relief. help-north-bay-fire-vic-
accessible place. boxes and bales of unsolic- One of the best things tims/2515175/ includes
For individuals with a ited clothing. you can do now is to use links to reputable fire do-
low or fixed income, Lanni Humboldt State University geology associate lecturer Just because you have your energy and compas- nation sites.
said buying all the supplies Amanda Admire instructed visiting students to drop, heard a call for items sion to make sure your
at once may be too much. cover and hold on during the Great California ShakeOut on TV or social media, family, your business and Lori Dengler is an
“When you go to the earthquake drill at the campus’ Redwood Bowl in 2016. doesn’t mean it is a legit- your community are the emeritus professor of
store, just pick up an ex- imate or current request. most prepared they can be geology at Humboldt State
tra of something that is near-source tsunami is In May of 2011 a tornado for the next disaster — the University, an expert in
nonperishable and put it that we won’t have our emergencY ripped through Joplin, one that strikes right here. tsunami and earthquake
aside,” Lanni said. “If you communications systems. FooD sUPPlies Missouri. A news reporter Do you have an emergency hazards and co-author
slowly build up your sup- If we have a big local earth- Approximate needs for four learned people had lost plan? Have you stored of “The Extraordinary
plies, that’s a lot more quake, they are likely to be adults for seven days their appliances. She then emergency supplies? Do Voyage of Kamome”,
manageable.” knocked out,” Lanni said. Foods in each category reported on television that you have copies of your proceeds from which
As family members or Even if alert systems should be determined by Joplin needed refrigera- important documents that support the Japanese-
housemates may be split up were intact, it wouldn’t family preferences. tors, washers, dryers, etc. you could grab at a mo- Crescent City student
when the tsunami strikes, provide much warning as • 28gallons of water And people responded, ment’s notice if you had to exchanges and outreach
Lanni said it is important a tsunami can arrive on filling sidewalks and park- evacuate? Are you signed efforts. She also regularly
for residents to establish shore within 10 minutes • 41⁄2 pounds ready-to-eat ing lots. But people had up to receive emergency contributes her “Not My
a meeting spot ahead of when a local earthquake cereals lost their homes and there notifications? Fault” column to the
time that is located outside strikes, Lanni said. • Three boxes of non-fat dry was no place to store, dis- Today is the Great Cal- Times-Standard.
of the tsunami zone. This So how do you know milk powder (each box mak-
is especially important if when to evacuate? ing 8quarts of milk)
communications lines are Lanni said residents • 7quarts canned 100per- PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER.
down, Lanni said. in tsunami zones should cent juice (varied: orange,
If your neighbors are evacuate if the shaking pineapple, tomato) Thank you!
disabled or will require ex- lasts for more than 20 sec- • Two 16-ounce jars nut
tra help, make plans with onds. Do not attempt to butter
them on how to prepare. evacuate until after the • Four 6-ounce cans tuna
While evacuating by car shaking has stopped. in water
may seem like the quickest A large Cascadia sub-
path to safety, Lanni said duction zone earthquake • Two 16-ounce cans
that damaged roads and can last for several min- salmon
traffic jams could prevent utes, Lanni said. • 1516-ounce cans varied
people from escaping fast Other signs of a near- beans (three black, three
enough. source tsunami are the kidney, three garbanzo, two
“Everybody should be ocean receding unusually reduced fat refried, four
prepared to evacuate on far back and the sound of baked beans)

foot,” Lanni said. “... If you a loud ocean roar. • 24 ounces canned meat
live in a tsunami zone then • Ten 16-ounce cans varied
time that walk out to see 4. Where to go fruits (applesauce, peaches,
how long it would take to The maximum wave size

pears, apricots, pineapple,
get your pets out and grab that can hit the shores of mixed)
your to-go bag.” Humboldt County would • 1416-ounce cans varied
be about 35 feet tall, which

3. When to evacuate vegetables, preferably re-
Lanni said is based on his- duced salt (tomatoes, peas,
There are two types of torical estimates of the green beans, corn, spinach)
tsunamis — distant-source 1700 tsunami that struck
and near-source. the region. • Two 8-ounce jars of jam
Knowing the difference Whether it be the tallest or jelly
is essential, Lanni said, dune in Manila or a nearby • Two loaves bread, prefer- Show off your home this Halloween/Harvest
as it will determine how city, Lanni said it is crit- ably whole grain
much time you will have ical that residents know • Three packages whole season and win a Fabulous Prize!
to evacuate and how you where the closest location wheat or corn tortillas (Outside Home Decorations Only)
will be made aware of the outside the tsunami zone • Four 10-ounce boxes
approaching waves. is located. crackers
A distant-source tsu- Knowing your zone will • Two bags rice cakes CONTEST DETAILS:
nami, as its name implies, help to avoid mistakes, • Submit photos October 25th - October 30th
is formed when an earth- Lanni said. • 8ounces mayonnaise, jar
quake strikes at a distant “They might actually or individual packets • Categories: Best Scariest & Best Harvest Home
location and generates tsu- be leaving a safe area and • Two 15-ounce cans salsa • Voting is online at: 10/25/17 - 10/30/17
nami waves that can travel driving into an inundated • Small can parmesan • Submit photo of the outside of your home to:
across the length of the Pa- zone,” Lanni said. cheese or come in and submit your vote
cific Ocean. An example is While traveling to safety • 8ounces nuts at a voting box at the Times-Standard office counter.
the 2011 earthquake in Ja- is key, Lanni said that • 11⁄2 pounds dried fruit (Be sure to submit photo, name of participant, contact phone & email)
pan, which generated a there is no need to “over-
tsunami that struck Cres- evacuate.” • One jar cheese spread • Winners announced at Halloween Extravaganza
cent City. “They don’t need to go to • Six 1-pound cans pudding
While still dangerous, Blue Lake and they certainly • 16ounces low-fat Italian
distant-source tsunamis
do allow emergency of-
don’t need to go to Willow
Creek,” Lanni said. “That’s
salad dressing
• Salt, pepper, mustard,
Everyone is invited to the
ficials to give advanced
warning to local resi-
what happened in 2011 and
it really overwhelmed their
ketchup, dried onion and
parsley, other seasonings
Times-Standard’s 2nd Annual
dents using several meth-
ods including the Hum-
capacity there. They were
not prepared for this big
• 12ounces canola oil Halloween Extravaganza
• Instant coffee (enough to
boldt ALERT system, si-
rens, messages on radio
group of people coming into
town. There aren’t a lot of make 56cups) October 31st from 3-4:30PM!
and television and through resources there.” • Hard candy, sugarless
other forms of media. A tsunami may have gum, cocoa, sugar • Pumpkin Carving Contest (Best Juvenille & Best Adult pumpkin to win a prize)
Lanni encourages res- multiple waves, with the Source: Joyce M. Houston, M.A., (Bring in your pumpkins already carved, painted or decorated)
idents to sign up for the first wave not necessarily R.D., Supervising Public Health
Nutritionist, Humboldt County • Costume Contest: Scariest, Funniest & Best Overall
Humboldt ALERT system, being the largest, Lanni DHHS-Public Health Branch.
which will notify the user said. May 2008.
of an emergency by phone Only return to homes • Each Category Winner will be awarded a Spooktakular Prize!
and allow them to directly when emergency officials • Candy - Bring your Trick or Treat bags!
communicate with emer- give the all clear, Lanni Investment properties
gency responders should said.
they need help evacuating. More information on available Tax
To sign up for Humboldt
ALERT, visit humboldtgov.
tsunami and earthquake
preparedness can be found
Come join us for some
W hen a local earth-
quake occurs, area resi-
on Humboldt State Uni-
versity’s Living on Shaky
Ground website at www2.
Call or email
to find out more
spooktacular fun everyone!
dents will need to rely on h u m b o l d t . e d u /s h a k y -
their senses to determine ground/. Linda
whether a near-source tsu-
nami is approaching. Will Houston can be Disiere
“Our expectation for a reached at 707-441-0504. 707
845-1215 (707) 441-0500 • 930 6th St, Eureka, CA 95502


School building has a birthday Cleansing

Jacoby Creek has been
my soul
at 1617 Old Arcata Sparks of bad feelings floated
Road for 60 years into the night. Hurtful thoughts
and the names of rude people
had been scrib-
By Heather Shelton
bled on paper
and tossed into
the backyard fire.
Sixty years ago, the commu- Jacoby Creek School yearbooks And we toasted
nity of Bayside was celebrat- from over the years are pictured. marshmallows
ing the construction of its new over the heat of
school site at 1617 Old Arcata Silverbrand anyone who had
Road. done us wrong.
On Friday and Saturday, cur- “What makes I was going to
rent students at Jacoby Creek JCS so special ask the woman if she had an
School, as well as former learn- is our amazing open-fire permit for her bonfire
ers, faculty and community of profanities, but was afraid
members, will once again be cel-
community that she would add my name to
ebrating, this time to commem- involvement. This her list. I can be a wise guy that
orate the diamond anniversary event is a great way.
of the building that houses Ja- example, because Oddly, I couldn’t think of a
coby Creek, which was recently PHOTOS BY HEATHER SHELTON — THE TIMES-STANDARD thing to put in the fire. Some-
named a 2017 National Blue Rib- The second Jacoby Creek School building was constructed in the it has been planned how, I had resolved every bad
bon School. early 1900s near the corner of Old Arcata and Jacoby Creek roads. It and organized thought I had ever had, and the
“What makes JCS so special is still stands today. by retired staff rest, I just couldn’t remember.
our amazing community involve- That is the litmus test, by the
ment. This event is a great exam- members that still way. If you can’t remember why
ple, because it has been planned care so much about you dislike someone, why fan
and organized by retired staff our school.” the flames?
members that still care so much This is my new profession in
— Jacoby Creek Principal Melanie
about our school,” said Jacoby Nannizzi the ever-changing media busi-
Creek Principal Melanie Nan- ness where bosses come and
nizzi. go and you know you are not
On Friday, current students graders will have a chance to wanted when they switch the
will gather during the school day ask about other changes at the door-access code without tell-
for an alumni panel, lunchtime school. A list of student-gener- ing you.
sock hop and historical exhibits ated questions shows that the So, why then am I deliriously
— photos, yearbooks, a video and kids want to know whether happy in the face of ill feeling?
more — set up in the library. there was ever a dress code, How could we build bonfires of
“We’re hoping the public what students used to do at re- bad feeling but choose not to? I
(might) have something they The third Jacoby Creek School building is marking its 60th year this cess, whether there was a home- would check out a book on the
could share — clothing or text- fall. Celebrations are planned Friday and Saturday. work policy, what type of food topic, but I lost my library card.
books or spirit pennants or pho- was served in the cafeteria and The other night at Access
tos, even … old homework assign- various other questions. Humboldt, a woman told me
ments, ” said Rebecca Corrigan, Some former teachers will be that she wanted to make docu-
who was the school librarian at on hand to help out during the mentaries like mine. I told her
Jacoby Creek for 18 years. (To festivities as well. Anita Reyn- she should. Then she asked how
temporarily donate memorabilia olds worked at Jacoby Creek she could get a grant to pay for
for the weekend display, call the School as a part-time speech and them. That is when I saw the
school office at 707-822-4896, she language therapist for 30 years, smoke of an old bonfire, the
said.) from 1984-2014. many times I have heard the
On Saturday, the celebration “It’s a great school because it word “no” to a project I believed
opens to the public from 10 a.m. has the perfect combination of it.
to 2 p.m., with folks invited to what makes any school success- Once, at the height of the last
drop by the library, check out the ful — wonderful families and an Cold War, a Maine girl had writ-
exhibits, enjoy refreshments and awesome staff,” she said. ten to the head of the Soviet
take guided tours of the school. Reynolds added: “I loved be- Union to ask why she had to be
There’s no charge to attend. ing part of a staff that cared afraid of war. He asked the girl,
Jacoby Creek School — which about providing a nurturing en- Samantha Smith, to come to
serves students from eighth vironment and strong academics. Moscow to meet Russians face-
grade down to transitional kin- Working for a small, single school to-face. And her adventure be-
dergarten — currently has about district also involved wearing a came a global story.
450 kids on campus, with two ANITA REYNOLDS — CONTRIBUTED variety of ‘hats,’ which for me I thought I was uniquely qual-
classrooms for each grade level, The first graduating class at the new Jacoby Creek School poses for meant co-chairing the annual ified to cover the story for my
according to the school website a photograph in 1958. Oral Language Faire, organizing TV station. I had a valid pass-
— school book fairs and even being port and was often punctual.
According to the book “History the cheerleading coordinator. It But the TV station chose
of Humboldt County Schools, sounds like a cliché, but being someone else, a young woman
Volume 1, Arcata Area,” the Ja- on the Jacoby Creek staff often who complained about her rude
coby Creek School District was felt like a second family. I’m still boss and about overtime.
established in June 1875 and the close to former staff members, I would whine for months
first school was finished in 1876. students, parents and grandpar- about that assignment and
It had two small classrooms and ents and always enjoy running about my boss. I generated a po-
a library with 28 books. There into folks in the community.” tential bonfire that could have
were 29 students enrolled. Corrigan said she saw many heated a three-bedroom house
In 1903, a larger schoolhouse wonderful families go through for a year. But nothing changed,
was built near the corner of Old the school system during her of course. That’s when I quit and
Arcata and Jacoby Creek roads. time at Jacoby Creek. found myself unemployed and
Initially, the building had two “Nick Dedini, the science unemployable.
big classrooms, though more teacher, … he was a student here Add to that the break-up of
rooms were added over the years. and now his children go here as the Soviet Union — not to men-
The building still stands today well. We get to see the genera- tion my marriage — and nothing
and is used as a yoga studio. tions,” she said. good came from my tantrum.
In the 1950s — to accommodate Frank Ferguson, a retired That’s when an embryonic
a growing number of students — third-grade teacher who taught idea occurred to me. Maybe
the board of trustees deemed it A third-grade class at Jacoby Creek School, circa 1963. at Jacoby Creek from 1968 to I was depending too much on
necessary to build an even bigger 2003, will also be helping with others to make me happy. And
school, according to “History of Over the last 60 years, there yard, track and gym added over the 60th anniversary celebration. why was it their fault that they
Humboldt County Schools.” The have been many changes at Ja- the years. “The overall feeling of the could not? Furthermore, why
new school — which is the same coby Creek. In addition to ad- On Friday during the alumni school is very positive and caring couldn’t I create my own op-
building used today — was fin- vancing technology, the school panel — which includes eight for- … It is a very good place to be,” portunities if they meant that
ished in 1957 and was dedicated has grown considerably, with mer pupils who now have varying said Ferguson, who now serves much?
on Sept. 29 of that year. new buildings, a garden, court- careers — sixth- through eighth- as a school volunteer. SILVERBRAND » PAGE 7


Low-growing foliage cover makes a great lawn alternative

If you have been think- Carpet’ and Ceanothus pacted, add planter mix lawn substitutes tend to
ing about getting rid of hearstiorum. All are Cal- to the backfill soil along be drought tolerant, they
the lawn, or parts of it, ifornia natives, drought with compost and 4-4-4 still need adequate wa-
now is a tolerant and fun to grow. organic slow-release fer- ter until winter rains
great time to Here are some tips on re- tilizer. Before planting, fill begin. After installing
get started. placing lawn with ground each hole twice with wa- plants, soak each plant.
Imagine a cover. ter to make the root zone Then give each plant a
year from DON’T TILL — It’s best starts out nice and moist. thorough soaking un-
now hav- to remove the sod using PLANT — With one- til it rains. Winter rains,
Terry ing a thick, a sod cutter. This handy gallon plants aim for should they come abun-
Kramer green plot of machine that you can planting each one 2 to dantly, will take over the
low-growing rent locally will cut 1-foot 3 feet on center. With watering chore. Using a
foliage cover wide swath of sod about four-inch potted plants temporary drip system
that never needs mow- 1-inch deep. Sod cutting like the fragaria, plant to take care of watering
ing. This where choos- is easier if the grassy area 1-foot on center. The next summer will assure
ing a nice ground-hugging is moist. Roll the sod up area should start to fill a thick stand of foliage
shrub, or perennial that and compost. out within 18 months if within 12 to 18 months.
will remain green all year ADD WATER — Since plants are well watered
long, comes in. It should local soils are quite dry at the first summer after Terry Kramer is the
use a minimum amount of this time, soak the plant- planting. Fragaria grows Ceanothus hearstiorum is a ground-hugging, woody shrub.
site manager for the
water once established, be ing area a few times be- quickly, but rosemary, Humboldt Botanical
low maintenance and en- fore planting. manzanita and ceanothus and money to mulch the mulch from the local tree Garden and a trained
tice birds, bees and pol- DIG — With manzanita take a bit of time. How- area completely. Lay card- service, works well. The horticulturist and
linators. Top choices in- ceonothus, use one-gallon ever, once established, board or thick layers of mulch should be at least journalist. She has been
clude beach strawberry, plant material. Dig holes these plants take off and newspaper in between 4 inches thick. Weeds will writing a garden column
Fragaria chiloensis, low- 50 percent wider and 25 fill in quickly. plantings. Next, lay down be an incredible burden if for the Times-Standard
growing varieties of man- percent deeper than the MULCH — It is im- a thick layer of mulch. you do not mulch heavily. since 1982. Contact her at
zanita such as ‘Emerald root ball. If soil is com- portant to take the time Shredded bark, or chipper WATER — Even though
| 7


SPOOKY DUNES TOUR Prepare teenagers for a

safe driving experience
The Times-Standard and driving distracted.
“Cell phone use contin- “Parents and
Motor vehicle collisions ues to be a serious and of-
are the leading cause of ten deadly distraction for guardians who
death for teenagers, ahead all drivers, but it’s a signifi- set firm driving
of all other types of injury, cant problem among young, rules can impact
disease, or violence. To inexperienced drivers,” their teen’s
bring awareness to this ep- said Rhonda Craft, direc-
idemic and reduce the num- tor of the California Office driving behavior
ber of lives lost, the Califor- of Traffic Safety. “If you’re a and can be
nia Highway Patrol is recog- parent, guardian, or mentor the difference
nizing National Teen Driver to a teen driver, lead by ex-
Safety Week this week. ample and encourage them between life and
The National Highway to put the phone down and death.”
Traffic Safety Administra- focus on the road. No text — CHP Acting Commissioner
tion reports that nation- message or social media Warren Stanley
wide in 2015, 1,972 drivers, post is more valuable than
FRIENDS OF THE DUNES — CONTRIBUTED age 15 to 18, were involved their lives or the lives of oth-
Get outside and explore the coast on Oct. 29. Join Friends of the Dunes for its annual in fatal collision, resulting ers around them.” cisions have on family,
Spooky Dunes Tour, a fun outdoor Halloween adventure at the Humboldt Coastal Nature in 1,730 teen deaths nation- As part of its commit- friends, and many others.
Center, 220Stamps Lane in Manila. During this sugar-free event, tour guides will lead wide. In 2015, in California, ment to educating the mo- The CHP also works
groups through the dunes to meet some spooky and silly characters. One hour tours will 283 teens were behind the toring public, the CHP has with Impact Teen Drivers,
start every 30minutes from 1to 3p.m. Come dressed in costume and be prepared for a wheel at the time of fatal developed several programs a nonprofit organization
hike in sand. There is a suggested donation of $5per child or $3per child for Friends of collisions, and 63 percent for teen drivers and their dedicated to saving lives
the Dunes members and Peninsula residents. Space is limited; call 707-444-1397or email of those young drivers were • Start Smart is a driver through evidence-based to reserve a spot. at fault. safety education class that educational programs that
“This week is dedicated targets new and future li- support good decision-mak-
to focusing attention on censed drivers between the ing strategies behind the
RECREATION setting rules for your teen ages of 15 to 19 and their wheel.
driver before allowing them parents/guardians. The “Seventy-five percent of
Farm shares available in Bayside to get behind the wheel,”
said CHP Acting Commis-
sioner Warren Stanley.
CHP has released a mobile
application (app) for Start
Smart, designed to assist
teen fatal car crashes do
not involve drugs or al-
cohol. However, everyday
The Times-Standard through February 2018. of winter veggies, includ- “Parents and guardians young people through the behaviors become lethal
Once you purchase your ing chard, brussel sprouts, who set firm driving rules process of obtaining their when a new inexperienced
The city of Arcata Rec- farm share and receive kale, cabbage, broccoli and can impact their teen’s driv- California driver license. driver chooses to engage in
reation Division and Bay- your 15-minute orienta- collards. ing behavior and can be the The app includes a step- them behind the wheel—
side Park Farm are offer- tion on harvesting, you Bayside Park Farm is lo- difference between life and by-step guide covering ev- talking to friends, putting
ing winter “You-Pick” farm then have the freedom cated at 930 Old Arcata death.” erything from the Depart- on makeup, texting, self-
shares. to come to the farm any Road. To sign up, contact Inexperience is one of the ment of Motor Vehicles ies, or social media posts
Shares cost $150 for lo- time to pick vegetables the Arcata Recreation Divi- leading causes of teen colli- Driver Handbook and the are just some of the activi-
cal, fresh produce, avail- for your household. Har- sion at 707-822-7091 or visit sions. The most important final steps for obtaining a ties that are perfectly safe
able f rom Novemb er vest includes a wide array thing you can do for your provisional license, to ulti- and legal to do, until you
new teen driver is to stay in- mately achieving an unre- choose to do them behind
volved in their driving life. stricted California driver li- the wheel,” said Dr. Kelly
ASSISTANCE Frequent drives with teens cense. Browning, executive direc-
allow parents and guard- • Every 15 Minutes fo- tor of Impact Teen Drivers.
Rotarians help those affected by wildfires ians to monitor their teen’s
progress and reduce their
cuses on high school ju-
niors and seniors, chal-
“It will take a holistic ap-
proach that combines edu-
The Times-Standard dollar for contributed dol- tragedy. Every dollar do- being involved in deadly lenging them to think about cation, experiential learn-
lar, up to $10,000 in new do- nated will be used to sup- behaviors, such as: alcohol drinking, driving, personal ing, and enforcement to
Even as wildfires still nations to fund assistance port fire survivors with no consumption, driving with- safety, the responsibility of change the driving cul-
burn in the counties of for those in need. fund overhead expense, ac- out seat belts, speeding, making mature decisions, ture to one that is distrac-
Napa, Sonoma, Lake and “There are times when cording to Nilsen. carrying extra passengers, and the impact their de- tion-free.”
Mendocino, local Rotarians we can help our neighbors The Rotary Club of South-
are reaching out to help. in their very real time of west Eureka invites Rotar-

“Those of us who live on need ... This is one of those ians and others to join in for taking pictures of their 1980s. She reminded me
the North Coast have per- times,” said Harris. Do- contributing to the Rotary trains without permission, of my visits and wondered
sonal, business and profes- nations must be new do- District 5130 Fire Relief it was too late. I had al- how I had been doing.
sional ties to the people and nations contributed from Fund —and to take advan- FROM PAGE 6 ready taken the pictures. Where would I begin?
places being devastated by Oct.13 forward. “And our tage of the opportunity to And besides, having How could I put it all into
fire,” said Rotary Club of goal is to take advantage of double each donated dollar. What followed were fallen through the cracks words?
Southwest Eureka Presi- every matching dollar of- “We are a remarkably amazing experiences that of convention all these When I was young, I
dent Matt Nilsen. “Our in- fered by Ron and Rainbow generous community,” said slipped past the gatekeep- years, I wasn’t worth ar- thirsted for life experi-
stinct is to try to help when Self-Storage,” said Nilsen. Nilsen. ”And we know that ers. In the years that fol- guing with. I was just a ence, passing on company
people are in need ... and Donations from Rotar- so many have already given lowed, I took four groups crazy Humboldt County retirement plans for the
this emergency is, for many ians, contributions from so much. This is an oppor- of high school students on guy with a camera who sake of those adventures.
of us, close to home.” community members and tunity to provide another Russia tours and another had once been handsome. I would do it all again the
The club is collecting matching funds provided avenue of assistance.” group to China. The point is clear. It same way — the same U-
monetary contributions by Rainbow Self-Storage Information about the Proposing special TV doesn’t take a bonfire to Haul trek to Humboldt
to help those affected and will be contributed to the fund is available at www. projects for the news was incinerate those bad feel- County, the same TV job
is offering an opportunity Rotary District 5130 Fire Questions easy. They were already ings nor trips to foreign and the same opportuni-
to maximize those con- Relief Fund. The Rotary can be sent to larca5130@ done and had cost the lands to create good ones. ties.
tributions. Southwest Eu- 5130 Fire Relief Fund is For tax pur- company nothing. How And money won’t guaran- I don’t need a bonfire to
reka Rotarian Ron Har- administered by Rotarians poses and to have donated could they say “no?” tee them either. You just cleanse my soul. But my
ris is stepping up in a big and supports a multitude dollar matched, donors Later, when I got the make it happen — and fill cats would appreciate the
way to augment donations of needs, including, but can provide their contri- bug to go to Cuba, I cut your life with those good heat.
from Rotarians and from not limited to, small busi- butions to the Rotary Club out the “middle men,” my ideas.
members of the commu- ness grants, housing, shel- of Southwest Eureka Foun- employer, the U.S. govern- I got a letter the other Dave Silverbrand’s
nity, according to Nilsen. ter support, grief counsel- dation via Club Treasurer ment, Cuban government day postmarked St. Peters- columns and other
Harris, owner of Rainbow ing and other assistance to John Goff (David L. Moonie and eventually their do- burg, Russia. It was writ- writings are available on
Self-Storage, has commit- people and businesses that & Co., 707-442-1737, jgoff@ mestic railroad. When Cu- ten by a woman who men- his website, http://www.
ted his business to match, have been displaced by this ban police chewed me out tored Russian kids in the

Tracy (Valorie)
Deaths and Funeral Notices
ifornia, grew up Gospel Myers
PHYLLIS K vy, Greg (Bonnie) Davy, loud, fun-loving family. (Spencer Myers), Greta
alongside her two sisters, Choir. She was an active would never let you
DAVY Tim (Sue) Davy, Jody (Ed) Twanye and Carolyn. She member of Humboldt Uni- Huschle, Louis Goldsmith
Leivas, Barry (Becky) Davy, through the door without and Adam Huschle. Her
had many great stories of tarian Universalist Fellow- first giving her a hug.
Darby Davy, Troy (Cindy) adventures on the Redondo ship, and worked at Col- two sisters, Twanye (Peter
Davy and Tammy (Matt) Through her, or in spite of Mueller, Heidelberg, Ger-
Beach Pier. lege of the Redwoods Child her, we are all friends. We
Forsell. Thirteen grandchil- She had three daughters Development Center as the many) and Carolyn Weibel
dren and two great grand- so value the time we get to (Eureka). Her niece, Nicole
and raised them as a single business manager. Roxana spend together, just as she
children. There will be a mother. While working and was often the first smiling May (Rob) and her neph-
viewing at Goble’s Fortuna looked forward to each and ew, Stefan Mueller of Hei-
completing her Bachelor’s face young children saw as every moment she got to
Mortuary on Oct. 19 from degree from Pepperdine they started their day. delberg, Germany. She is
noon to 5:00 Pm. Rosary at spend with one of her also survived by longtime
University, Roxana main- However, there was noth- daughters or any of her
Assumption Churchtained impressive status on ing Roxana loved more friend and companion Di-
Ferndale at 7:00 pm. Mass grandchildren. Stories of ane Dickson (Arcata).
Phyllis K Davy passed the Deans Honor Roll. than being a grandmother. Grandma Roxie will, no
away October 12, 2017 in will be held Friday Oct. Aside from her family, Her six grandchildren were Go now in peace …
20th 10:00 am. at Assump- doubt, be a part of our Please join us for a cele-
Fortuna at the age of 87. Roxana was always in- her pride and joy in life, gatherings. She will not be
She was a life long resident tion Church Ferndale, with volved in many organiza- and ultimately what bration of Roxana’s life on
Father Manuel Chavez cele- forgotten. Oct. 21, 2017 at 7 p.m. At
of Humboldt County. She tions. This allowed her to brought her to the Bay xoxo gma, rest in para-
was born Nov. 11, 1929 to brant. Interment is at St connect with people, form- Area and then Humboldt the Humboldt Unitarian
Patrick’s Catholic Cemetery dise. Universalist Fellowship lo-
Alphonso and Winifred ing many long-term friend- County after living for Roxana is lovingly sur-
Pedrotti. Phyllis attended Loleta. In lieu of flowers, ships. While living in many years in Atlanta, cated at 24 Fellowship
donations can be made to vived by her family; her Way, Bayside.
Assumption Catholic Ele- Southern California, Roxana Georgia. three daughters and their
mentary and graduated St Patrick’s Alter Society or
discovered a UU fellowship Our ’Grandma Roxie’ will Please sign the guestbook
St. Patrick’s cemetery fund ( husbands, Tami and Don at
from Ferndale High School. and joined a women’s be remembered for so Waddell (Walnut Creek
She Married Jim Davy on P. O.. Box 593 Loleta Ca. group there. She often said many things: CA), Pam and Greg Gold-
May 10, 1952. They were 95551). A special thank you
to Hospice of Humboldt
that group turned her mind " Her willingness to ad- smith (Portland OR), Susi GRANITE
married for 55 years until and life around. Unitarians venture anywhere at any
Jim’s passing in 2008. She and the staff of Brookdale have been an important time.
and Mark Huschle (Arcata).
Her six Grandchildren;
was a homemaker while Fortuna for their loving part of her life ever since. " For being Arcata High’s Custom Design
care of our mother. Alassane Goldsmith (Kevin
raising nine children and Roxana spent some time as #1 cheerleader at every Johnson Jr.), Christopher
when the youngest child an American Sign Language home football game, cross Waddell (Emily Snyder), Lewis Redwood Products
entered kindergarten in ROXANA LOUISE Interpreter in Los Angeles. country meet, and track 707-725-2006
HAND (WEIBEL) Elizabeth Waddell Myers
1972 she went to work for She always enjoyed signing meet.
Loleta Elementary school along to any song. Roxana " For being the #1 cheer-
for approx 30 years. After was involved in the Radical leader for the E & O junior
retirement she started her Psychiatry group in Atlanta bowlers.
life of volunteering at and Southern California. " A familiar face at
Loleta grammar school, Over the years, Roxana school functions, including
pantry shelf, S.C.O.P., Red- was involved in several Pacific Union, Coastal
wood Memorial Hospital business women network- Grove, Six Rivers Charter
Pink Ladies, Ferndale Se- ing groups. Roxana was al- High School, and Arcata
nior Lunches, Meals on ways willing to volunteer, High School.
Wheels, Ferndale Museum, especially if young people " A good friend, always
and Ferndale Repertory Roxana Louise Hand were involved. One of her ready with a hug.
Theater. She was involved (Weibel) took her last favorite organizations that " Her house was a place
with the following service breath and left her body she was involved with was where any of those grand-
organizations: Ferndale behind on Sunday, Septem- the Atlanta and San Francis- kids could come and get
Lyons club., Los Amegos, ber 3, 2017. She was 77 co branches of the NYC away.
Loleta Chamber, and St. years old. She was a re- based All Stars Talent Show " Her strength (as well as
Patrick Alter Society. Phyllis markable woman who will Network for disadvantaged a bit of crazy) these last
was proceeded in death by be missed by anyone fortu- kids. She talked excitedly few years as she lived with
her son Kory, husband Jim, nate enough to have about the talent and com- the effects of a stroke.
her parent Alphonso and known her. mitment she saw in these " Being always ready to
Winifred Pedrotti, three Roxana was born in Okla- young people. Roxana sang listen to our latest story.
brothers and one sister.. homa, but spent her early with the Atlanta Feminist Roxana was truly the cen-
Phyllis is survived by eight life in Redondo Beach, Cal- Women’s Choir and the ter and the root of our
children Tracy (Valorie) Da- ifornia, where she grew up Arcata Interfaith Gospel loud, fun-loving family. She
Humboldt Beacon
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8 A Thursday, October 19, 2017 » MORE AT HUMBOLDTBEACON.COM


Garden club dedicates area to Linda Gardner Antique show raises

By Mary Bullwinkel
For the Humboldt Beacon
funds for volunteer
A special dedication by
the Fortuna Garden Club,
of a small area in the back-
fire department
yard of the Fortuna Mon- By Mary Bullwinkel
ticipating this year, fea-
day Club, remembers the For the Humboldt Beacon
turing all types of mer-
late Linda Gardner. Two chandise, collectibles and
wooden benches with flow- The largest antique antiques.
ers alongside sit on a small show north of San Fran- “We always have a good
concrete square, with a cisco was held last week- time,” Biasca said. “It is a
plaque that reads “Dedi- end in Loleta, and pro- good show for the ven-
cated to Linda Gardner, a ceeds raised will help sup- dors, and some said it was
woman who made a differ- port the Loleta Volunteer their best show ever.”
ence.” Fire Department. She said vendors come
Gardner joined the For- “It’s their main fund- from all over California
tuna Garden Club in 2012 raiser,” Antique Show co- and southern Oregon to
and passed away on Sept. ordinator Meredith Bi- participate, and many
24, 2016 after an illness. It asca said. She said the come year after year.
was her request that any department does a deep- Biasca estimated more
memorial donations be pit barbecue each year than 850 people attended.
made to the Fortuna Gar- in conjunction with the She said the annual an-
den Club. event. That barbecue was tique show has been tak-
“We received around moved from taking place ing place for at least the
$750 from those who de- at the fire station to out- last 35 years. It is esti-
cided to honor Linda in MARY BULLWINKEL — FOR THE HUMBOLDT BEACON side the Fireman’s Pavil- mated that the activi-
that way,” Fortuna Garden These benches in the back yard of the Fortuna Monday Club were recently dedicated to ion several years ago. ties last weekend raised
Club Past President Debra the late Linda Gardner by members of the Fortuna Garden Club. Biasca said there were $9,000 for the Loleta Vol-
Strahan said. “And with more than 25 vendors par- unteer Fire Department.
those funds we were able many happy memories of time spent with all of you.” shirts were that Gardner
to purchase these benches events here at the Mon- G a r d - would wear when rep-
and create this section in day Club over a very long ner enjoyed resenting the AutoXpo
the Monday Club to always period of time. She would gardening committee, and Gardner
remember Linda by.” have liked ever y thing a nd e spe - would say, “Yes, the color
A written statement about this, including the cially pop- of poppies!” PLEASE RECYCLE
from Dale and Regina use of recycled materials!” pi e s . He r Strahan told the group
Gardner and the family of The written statement yard was gathered for the dedica- THIS NEWSPAPER.
Linda Gardner was read at
the dedication.
continued, “It’s hard to be-
lieve that Linda has been
filled with
poppies and
tion, “I for one loved her
spirit and (I) miss her smil-
Thank you!
“On behalf of Linda’s gone for over a year. She Gardner she would ing face.”
family, we extend our sin- loved Fortuna, and her harvest the She closed the dedica-
cere thanks and apprecia- membership in the Garden minute seeds and distrib- tion saying, “To a wonder-
tion for dedicating these Club was a special part of ute them to anyone who ful woman, a terrific hu-
benches at this spot her that — she held all of you wanted some. Strahan man being, and our friend,
today. It’s a most fitting in high regard and trea- said she would comment we dedicate this special
tribute, and our family has sured the friendships and on how bright the orange area to Linda Gardner.”


Free events at the library

Fortuna Public Library 10:30 to 11 a.m. Music and stories by Les Glen WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8
753 14th Street, Fortuna With Cinda Family Literacy Night
707-725-3460 FRIDAYS Cuentos en Español para las 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
TUESDAYS Preschool Story Time familias Local storyteller and teacher
10:30 to 11 a.m. 3to 4p.m. Mary Lawrence
Grandparents & Books
With rotating storytellers Tricia, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15
3to 4:30 p.m. Brian and Rena
With Cynthia Cooke Book Club Family Movie Night
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25 7 to 8p.m. “Boss Baby” free popcorn and
THURSDAYS Family Literacy Night “Gaudy Night” by Dorothy L. drinks
Story Time 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sayers 6:45to 8:45p.m.


57° 59° 63° 64°

61° Morning
58° 45° 51° 49° 51°
48° Cloudy with rain this afternoon. Periods of
rain tonight.
Rather cloudy, showers
Mostly cloudy A morning shower;
otherwise, some sun

Brookings National forecast

Regional outlook 56/46
City name Today’s 64/42 Yreka
High/low forecast
Water temperature
51 Crescent City Happy Camp
57/45 60/42
Cloudy today with rain at times during Klamath Glen Edgewood
the afternoon; not as warm in the south 58/47 Etna 62/40
and mountains. Periods of rain tonight.
Callahan 64/41
Showers tomorrow.
Orick 53/33
MARINE FORECAST 63/45 Mount Shasta
Wind S 10-20 knots today. Seas 10-14 Trinidad 58/37
feet. Afternoon rain. Wind W 6-12 knots 60/47 Hoopa
tonight. Seas 16-20 feet. Rain. Wind SW
Blue Lake 67/47
6-12 knots tomorrow. Seas 16-20 feet.
Spotty showers.
McKinleyville 62/46 Willow Creek
60/47 66/47
Burnt Ranch Lewiston
Eureka Arcata
61/45 Kneeland 65/46 66/44 Shasta Dam Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation.
50 61/48
57/42 Weaverville 67/48
Temperature bands are highs for the day.

62/47 Hyampom 66/45
62/49 63/46 Hayfork Redding NATIONAL SUMMARY
Scotia Bridgeville 62/43 70/48 Sunny and calm conditions will dominate the weather pattern from the High Plains to the East Coast
today. High temperatures will generally average 5 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. Showers are
63/48 61/46
Petrolia forecast to persist across Florida, mainly along the eastern half of the state. Storms will accompany an
increase in humidity across part of the Texas coast. The long spell of dry weather in the Desert South-
Garberville west will end as spotty showers and storms erupt over Arizona and New Mexico. A significant amount

62/47 Red Bluff of moisture is set to push inland and southward along the Pacific coast. Heavy, locally flooding rain will
stretch from western Washington to northwestern California with snow expected across the highest
72/47 elevations. Some of the rain will reach wildfire-ravaged areas of California at night.
Shelter Cove
Covelo Corning Today Friday Today Friday
City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
63/46 Albany, NY
Orland Anchorage 34/20/s 30/23/s Minneapolis 71/54/s 75/60/s
Laytonville 72/49 Atlanta 75/51/s 79/54/pc New Orleans 83/67/s 83/73/pc
60/46 Atlantic City
New York City

Boise 74/46/pc 56/35/r Oklahoma City 79/57/pc 78/64/s
Fort Bragg Boston 73/54/s 67/51/s Orlando 86/71/pc 86/70/pc
61/52 Buffalo 67/47/s 68/51/s Philadelphia 72/54/s 74/52/s
Burlington, VT 72/47/pc 63/44/s Phoenix 96/67/s 90/63/c
ALMANAC RIVER LEVELS SUN AND MOON Charleston, SC 80/55/s 81/56/s Pittsburgh 70/48/s 71/45/s
Eureka through 6 p.m. yesterday In feet as of 7 a.m. yesterday Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset Charlotte 75/45/s 79/49/s Portland, ME 70/47/s 66/41/s
Temperatures Flood 24-hr Today 7:32 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:17 a.m. 6:55 p.m. Cheyenne 74/48/s 74/37/pc Portland, OR 57/46/r 56/45/r
River/Location stage Level Chng Chicago 70/53/s 76/58/pc Providence 72/53/s 71/47/s
High/low ........................................................ 59°/46° Friday 7:33 a.m. 6:29 p.m. 8:17 a.m. 7:26 p.m.
Mad River / Arcata 22 5.00 none Cincinnati 71/49/s 75/51/s Raleigh 75/47/s 78/51/s
Normal high/low .......................................... 62°/47° Hours of sunlight
Eel River / Scotia 51 8.60 none Cleveland 73/47/s 74/53/s Reno 68/42/pc 53/34/c
Record high ............................................. 77° in 1964 10 hr., 58 min.
Van Duzen River / Bridgeville 17 0.20 none Oct 19 Oct 27 Nov 3 Nov 10 Dallas 83/64/pc 82/68/pc St. Louis 79/54/s 79/60/pc
Record low .............................................. 37° in 1908
Trinity River / Hoopa 48 11.30 -0.10 Denver 77/47/s 79/42/s Salt Lake City 76/54/s 65/38/sh
Precipitation Detroit 70/45/s 70/54/s San Antonio 81/67/pc 84/70/pc
24 hours through 6 p.m. yesterday ................. 0.01”
Klamath River / Orleans 38 3.30 none Forecasts and graphics provided by Great Falls 75/46/pc 58/37/c Seattle 56/46/r 54/44/r
Smith River / Fort Dick 33 11.80 none
Month to date ................................................... 0.02” Redwood Creek / near Orick 32 9.50 none
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2017 Hartford 73/49/s 71/44/s Spokane 53/42/r 53/35/c
Normal month to date ..................................... 0.93” Honolulu 87/77/pc 87/76/pc Tampa 89/73/pc 89/73/pc
Season (Oct. 1) to date .................................... 0.02” CALIFORNIA CITIES Houston 84/67/pc 80/70/t Tucson 93/64/pc 91/60/s
Normal season to date .................................... 0.93” Kansas City 77/55/s 75/63/s Washington, DC 73/55/s 76/54/s
Today Friday Today Friday
Record for October 18 ......................... 0.97” in 1953 Las Vegas 88/64/s 80/55/c Wichita 80/57/pc 75/64/s
City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
Alturas 65/35/c 46/28/sn Paradise 66/48/c 60/43/c Little Rock 80/51/s 80/59/pc Yuma, AZ 96/69/s 88/63/pc
Humboldt Bay Time High Time Low
Big Sur
Red Bluff
64/45/sh International cities
Today 12:29 a.m. 6.7 6:03 a.m. 1.2 Bishop 80/42/pc 70/31/c Redwood City 67/54/c 65/47/pc Amsterdam 67/56/pc 60/51/sh Moscow 46/36/c 43/32/pc
12:33 p.m. 7.6 6:41 p.m. 0.1 Chico 71/51/c 65/45/c Sacramento 69/50/c 68/44/c Bangkok 90/79/pc 92/77/t Nairobi 78/59/t 78/60/sh
Friday 1:14 a.m. 6.6 6:40 a.m. 1.6 Concord 69/51/c 68/45/pc Salinas 67/52/pc 65/43/pc Beijing 66/47/pc 69/50/s New Delhi 96/72/s 95/70/s
1:04 p.m. 7.6 7:20 p.m. -0.1 Crescent City 57/45/r 54/45/sh San Bernardino 82/59/s 72/52/pc Berlin 64/48/pc 66/50/pc Oslo 49/39/c 44/43/sh
Shelter Cove Time High Time Low Eureka 61/48/r 57/45/sh San Diego 75/67/pc 73/61/c Bogota 69/49/pc 67/50/r Ottawa 67/41/pc 62/42/s
Today 11:23 a.m. 6.1 5:14 a.m. 1.2 Fort Bragg 61/52/r 60/47/c San Francisco 63/54/c 63/50/pc Brussels 69/55/pc 61/51/sh Panama City 88/77/t 87/76/t
--- --- 5:53 p.m. 0.2 Fortuna 62/47/r 57/44/sh San Jose 70/53/c 66/46/pc Buenos Aires 69/53/s 73/52/s Paris 70/52/sh 62/55/pc
Friday 12:10 a.m. 5.3 5:49 a.m. 1.5 Fremont 67/54/c 65/46/pc San Rafael 65/50/c 66/44/pc Cairo 88/67/s 86/66/s Rio de Janeiro 89/74/s 87/71/s
11:53 a.m. 6.1 6:32 p.m. 0.0 Fresno 78/56/pc 68/45/c Santa Ana 77/64/pc 74/57/pc Copenhagen 56/51/r 57/50/sh Riyadh 95/64/s 95/67/s
Hollister 72/52/pc 67/42/pc Santa Barbara 78/52/pc 76/45/pc Dublin 57/42/r 53/48/r Rome 72/52/pc 73/52/pc
Crescent City Time High Time Low Helsinki 47/30/pc 43/29/pc San Juan 88/77/s 89/78/s
Lake Isabella 77/51/pc 62/39/c Santa Cruz 63/53/pc 64/47/pc
Today 11:55 a.m. 7.2 5:46 a.m. 1.1 Livermore 68/51/c 65/41/pc Santa Rosa 65/47/c 67/39/pc Hong Kong 84/74/s 84/70/s Santiago 82/50/s 66/45/s
--- --- 6:23 p.m. 0.0 Los Angeles 78/63/pc 75/58/pc SFO Airport 67/55/c 65/50/pc Johannesburg 85/56/pc 84/58/t Seoul 71/47/pc 71/48/s
Friday 12:38 a.m. 6.3 6:22 a.m. 1.5 Mammoth Mountain 68/33/pc 55/21/c South Lake Tahoe 59/35/pc 45/24/r Lima 68/59/pc 68/61/pc Singapore 89/78/pc 91/78/c
12:26 p.m. 7.2 7:00 p.m. -0.1 Monterey 65/53/pc 63/46/pc Stockton 74/49/c 69/44/pc London 64/52/r 59/52/pc Sydney 79/66/pc 69/58/r
Trinidad Time High Time Low Morgan Hill 70/50/pc 66/43/pc Tehachapi 71/46/pc 54/36/pc Madrid 67/45/pc 72/54/s Tel Aviv 90/69/s 83/66/s
Today 11:53 a.m. 7.0 5:43 a.m. 1.1 Mount Shasta 58/37/r 49/32/r Torrance 75/60/pc 73/55/pc Manila 87/79/c 88/79/c Tokyo 57/57/r 63/62/r
--- --- 6:20 p.m. 0.0 Napa 66/47/c 66/40/pc Ukiah 64/46/c 61/37/c Mexico City 75/56/pc 76/54/pc Toronto 69/45/pc 70/48/s
Friday 12:36 a.m. 6.1 6:19 a.m. 1.5 Oakland 65/51/c 65/45/pc Willow Creek 66/47/r 56/43/sh Montreal 68/45/pc 61/45/s Vancouver 56/43/r 53/42/sh
12:24 p.m. 6.9 6:57 p.m. -0.1 Palm Springs 95/66/s 83/61/pc Yreka 65/40/r 53/38/r Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice

H-DN title is staying in Fortuna


Huskies roll to win over Cubs, clinch league crown with the victory
By Danny Penza
The Huskies kept the league title the Huskies would finish unde-
in the Friendly City, but their end feated for the second time in as
@penzatopaper on Twitter game is celebrating another cham- many years.
pionship three weeks from now. “We’ve set some goals and now
FORTUNA » There was no sprint to “Having a lot of seniors graduate we get to see if we can reach our
midfield, no dogpile in the center last year, it’s just a matter of having goals,” Holmes said. “We just have
circle as the bleachers behind them to rebuild and bringing all the new to keep working.”
went wild. guys up, teaching them the game Coming off Saturday’s scoreless
The celebrations were muted and at the high school level,” Fortuna draw against McKinleyville where
low-key, if there at all. senior defender Juan Patino said. Fortuna was held scoreless for the
The Fortuna boys soccer team “The league title is great to win, but first time in 31 games, the Huskies’
did indeed capture yet another we’re aiming for bigger things.” attack was looking to get back on
Humboldt-Del Norte League title The biggest goal is easy to iden- track in their second-to-last regu-
with a 13-0 blowout win over South tify: Winning a second straight lar-season game of 2017.
Fork on Wednesday evening, but it North Coast Section Division I ti- It took less than two minutes DANNY PENZA — THE TIMES-STANDARD
was simply the first target that has tle — which would mean, barring for the Huskies to get on the score- Fortuna forward Alexis Huerta Vera was one of four Huskies to
been established by head coach any kind of hiccup over the course board. score a pair of goals in Wednesday evening’s win over South Fork
Daniel Holmes and his squad. of the next week and a half, that FORTUNA » PAGE 2 at Husky Field.




Cubs beat
Dodgers to
avoid sweep
The Associated Press

CHICAGO » Javier Baez snapped

an 0-for-20 skid with two home
runs, Wade Davis hung on for a
six-out save and the Chicago Cubs
avoided a sweep, holding off the
Los Angeles Dodgers 3-2 Wednes-
day night in Game 4 of the NL
Championship Series.
Jake Arrieta pitched three-hit
ball into the seventh inning to
held the defending World Series
champion Cubs close their deficit
to 3-1. Manager Joe Maddon got
ejected for the second time in this
series in the eighth, and a packed
Wrigley Field crowd watched Da-
vis get Cody Bellinger to ground
into a game-ending double play.
Maddon was heavily criticized
for not using Davis during a 4-1
loss in Game 2. This time, the
Cubs closer threw 48 pitches to
finish the job.
Willson Contreras also hom-
ered for the Cubs. Bellinger and
Justin Turner connected for the
Dodgers, who had won a team-
record six straight playoff games.
Game 5 is Thursday, with Jose
Quintana pitching for Chicago
against Dodgers ace Clayton Ker-
Baez hit solo drives in the sec-
ond and fifth after going hitless
in his first 20 playoff at-bats.
Eureka’s Adriana Newman jumps on a loose ball in front of the Arcata net to give Eureka a 1-0lead on Wednesday in Arcata. The Loggers against Alex Wood.
win clinched at least a share of the H-DN title. Davis entered with a 3-1 lead
in the eighth. He gave up a lead-
Loggers one win from clinching H-DN title after blanking Tigers off homer to Turner, who went 2
for 2 and drew two walks.
Maddon became incensed that
By Ryan Sparks
here and beating them means a a swinging strike three against
@sparksonsports on Twitter “I’d say we’ve been working
hard for this for three years. It’s a
ARCATA » It’s so close they can al- big accomplishment,” Eureka co-
most taste it. captain Quinn Pasquini added. PREP SOCCER
The Eureka Loggers girls soc- “[Arcata] is obviously a skilled ROUNDUP
cer team played stout defense and team, but I think our chemistry
made the most of their opportu-
nities on Wednesday to blank the
showed and we just worked as
hard as we could. We did a great Mack wins,
unbeaten in
Arcata Tigers 3-0 and clinch at job and it feels good.”
least a tie for the Humboldt-Del Needing a win to climb back
Norte League championship. into a tie with the Loggers, Arcata

six straight
If Eureka (14-1-1 overall, 12-1 (15-3-1 overall, 11-2 H-DN) came
H-DN) defeats McKinleyville in out firing. The Tigers controlled
its regular-season finale at 1 p.m. the pace of play over the first 25
on Saturday in Eureka, the Log- minutes, nearly scoring when
gers will claim the outright league Hailey Dawson made a nice run Panthers blank Ferndale
title, dethroning the Tigers, who to the Eureka backline and sent a
have won the last five league pass to the mid-box area to Faith By Ryan Sparks
crowns. Schneider-Reuter, who pivoted
“It’s good to go out like this,” and sent a shot just wide of the @sparksonsports on Twitter
said Eureka senior Sarah Lester. far top corner in the third minute.
“To got out with a bang.” A few minutes later, an Arcata FERNDALE » Caleb Coke scored
“Honestly, it’s a pretty great corner kick toward the net was three goals to lead the McKin-
feeling,” said Loggers senior deflected just wide of goal. Arcata’s Karina Zumbrun, left, and Eureka’s Olivia Stone battle leyville Panthers to a 5-0 shut-
Alyssa Regan. “Just coming out EUREKA » PAGE 2 for possession during Eureka’s 3-0win. out over the Ferndale Wildcats
on Wednesday at Ferndale High
The victory gives Mack a sea-
FISHING THE NORTH COAST son-sweep over the Wildcats and
extends their unbeaten streak to

California halibut still biting as rain on its way six games.

In its recent streak, McKin-
leyville has outscored its oppo-
nents 12-2 and is 4-0-2 since a 1-0
If you thought the Califor- “We fished over the week- sardines around, which is can slow the bite is the rain. loss to Arcata on Sept. 30.
nia halibut sea- end, and it was as good then one of the reasons the hali- Once the freshwater infil- The Panthers (8-6-2 over-
son was belly as it’s been all season,” said but have stuck around. We’ve trates the bay, both the hal- all, 7-4-2 Humboldt-Del Norte
up, you may Tim Klassen of Reel Steel been fishing further up in ibut and the bait will likely League) face Eureka at 6:30 p.m.
want to recon- Sport Fishing. “It’s every bit the channels, but I think head back to the ocean. The Saturday at Eureka High School.
sider. as good now as it was two they are still spread through- recreational fishery for Cal- Ferndale (1-11, 1-11) finishes out
The effort months ago. There are still out the bay. The one thing ifornia halibut is open year- its season on Saturday when they
has definitely lots of shakers in the mix, I’ve seen all season is they round. take on St. Bernard’s at 11 a.m. at
Priest tapered off over but they are plenty of keep- bite much better when we The daily bag and posses- St. Bernard’s Academy.
the past few ers as well. The one consis- have the smaller tide swings, sion limit is three fish, with ARCATA 4, EUREKA 0 » Kai Narum
weeks, but the tency we’ve had all season is which we had last weekend.” a minimum size limit of 22 netted a pair of goals as the Ar-
bite remains as bait in the bay. There’s been According to Klassen, inches total length. cata Tigers downed the Eureka
strong as it’s been all season. a good mix of anchovies and about the only thing that FISHING » PAGE 3 ROUNDUP » PAGE 2
2 | B

Yunker takes title FROM PAGE 1

at Beau Pre event Eric Olea jumped on a

loose ball in the box after
a scramble for possession
between a group of For-
The Times-Standard format (total of nine tuna and South Fork play-
best holes minus half of ers and hammered home
MCKINLEYVILLE » Karen handicap), Yunker won for the opening goal of the
Yunker carded a net score by one shot over Lorna game.
of 26 to win the Beau Pre Denman, who scored a As it turned out, Olea
Women’s Association Sat- net of 25. was one of four Fortuna
urday game at Beau Pre Closest-to-pin winners players to score two goals
Golf Course in McKin- were Mickey Willis (No. against South Fork, with
leyville. 4), Yunker (No. 6 and 17) Fernando Atilano, Mar-
Play ing a best nine and Denman (No. 12). cos Osorio and A lexis
Huerta Vera also finding
the back of the net twice
Today’s local events in the win.
Prep Volleyball: Eureka at McKinleyville, 6:30 p.m.; Arcata at Del A le x Ole a , A le x a n -
Norte, 6:30 p.m.; Ferndale at St. Bernard’s, 6:30 p.m.; Hoopa Val- der Huerta Vera, Eman-
ley at South Fork, 6:30 p.m. uel Herrera, Sergio Mar-
quez and Carlos Mar ti-
nez also had goals for the
On TV Huskies, who improved to
GOLF 16-0-3 and 11-0-2 with the
European PGA Tour, Andalucia Valderrama Masters, First victory.
Round: GOLF, 6:30 a.m. “Better, better,” Holmes
LPGA Tour, Swinging Skirts Taiwan Championship, First said about his team’s per-
Round: GOLF, 9:30a.m.
PGA Tour, The CJ Cup, Second Round: GOLF, 7 p.m. formance on Wednesday.
“I think that the ball was
UEFA Europa League, FK Crvena Zvezda vs. Arsenal: FS2, 10a.m. moving pretty good, the
UEFA Europa League, Everton vs. Olympique Lyonnais: FS1, noon communication out there
UEFA Europa League, AC Milan vs. AEK Athens: FS2, noon 8:30p.m. was nice and it was nice
Women, International friendly, United States vs. to see the seniors get their
South Korea, at New Orleans: FS1, 5:30 p.m. moment.”
COLLEGE FOOTBALL After shaking off a spell
Louisiana-Lafayette at Arkansas St.: ESPNU, 4:30 p.m. where it was struggling in
MemphisatHouston: ESPN, 5p.m. front of goal, Fortuna used
PREP FOOTBALL a spurt of five goals in the
Dalton, Ga. vs. Harrison, Ga.: ESPN2, 4:30p.m. span of 14 minutes to take
MLB PLAYOFFS a 6-0 lead into the half.
NL Championship Series, Game 5, Dodgers at Cubs: TBS, 5p.m. “Oppor tunities were
NBA there and the f inish- DANNY PENZA — THE TIMES-STANDARD
Knicks at Thunder: TNT, 5p.m. ing was going to come,”
Clippers at Lakers: TNT, 7:30p.m.
Holmes said. “I told them Fortuna defender Juan Patino, left, goes up for a header in the first half of his team’s win
NFL at the half, ‘Just breathe, over South Fork on Saturday evening at Husky Field.
Chiefs at Raiders: CBS and NFL Network, 5:25p.m. boys, breathe.’ We’ve had
BOXING so much history and it’s “I just think team shape to develop. It’s just a work trained us really well at
Gabriel Rosado vs. Glen Tapia, middleweights: ESPN2, 8p.m. just different. Every year and making the runs, the in progress.” practices and being on the
is different. We just have third-man runs, will open Now, with the league ti- varsity program for four
On Radio to do our thing.” up the top,” Holmes said. “I tle safely in the Huskies’ years has really build me
MLB PLAYOFFS Holmes has pointed saw a few tonight. Manny hands again, next week’s up,” Patino said. “Winning
NL Championship Series, Game 5, Dodgers at Cubs (if neces- to the Huskies dealing made a few out and Jack- county tournament — the league is always a great
sary): KATA 1340 AM and 92.7 FM, 5p.m. with not being as clini- son [Fairbanks] has been first-ever year the H-DN thing and I’ve been a part
NFL cal in front of goal in re- making them. It just cre- has held such event for of the past three titles as
Chiefs at Raiders: KINS 106.3FM, 5:25p.m. cent games as he proba- ates another person in the soccer — and the NCS well, so it’s just great to
bly would like them to be, box. They’re getting it.” playoffs are officially in win another one. Hope-
but he also came out of Added Patino: “There’s their sights. fully these guys bring it
Local Standings Wednesday’s game pleased a point where we’re just “I think we’re a really back next year.”
COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREP VOLLEYBALL with how his team was trying to get the ball in great team and most of us
creating plenty of scoring the back of the net, but have played together since Contact Danny Penza
GNAC Standings Big 5 Standings opportunities. sometimes it takes time we were five. Holmes has at 707-441-0528
GNAC Overall Big 5 Overall


Central Washington 5-0 7-0 Del Norte 5-0 21-1 ute, when Schneider-Re-
Humboldt State 5-1 5-1 Arcata 4-2 18-9 uter made a nice run to
Azusa Pacific 2-3 4-3 Eureka 4-3 16-12
Western Oregon 1-4 2-5 McKinleyville 1-5 9-17 the 18-yard box, stopped
Simon Fraser 0-4 0-6 Fortuna 1-5 7-13 FROM PAGE 1 and whipped a shot that
sailed just wide right of
Pacific 7 Standings Little 4 Standings In the 19th minute, the the far post.
Pac 7 Overall Little 4 Overall Tigers nearly went up by Approximately 13
W-L W-L W-L W-L a goal when Nina Crossen minutes later, Eureka’s
Foothill 2-0 6-1 St. Bernard’s 7-0 8-10 took a direct free kick from Athena Miller put the
Yuba 2-1 5-2 Ferndale 1-2 1-2 35-yards out and sent a shot game away when she beat
Los Medanos 1-1 5-1 South Fork 0-3 0-3
San Jose City 1-1 2-5 Hoopa Valley 0-3 0-9 headed for the top of the Pulley to a loose ball on
Shasta 0-1 2-3 Eureka goal, but L og- a breakaway and sent a
Redwoods 0-2 1-5
MEN’S COLLEGE SOCCER gers keeper Keylei Carrol shot to the back of the
made a jumping def lec- net for the 3-0 win.
tion to keep the ball out “The girls bought into
CCAA Overall
Big 5 Standings of the net and the game a the system. ... This team
Big 5 Overall W-L W-L
scoreless tie. plays better when they
Cal Poly Pomona 8-2
CSU Dominguez Hills 7-1
“Sometimes that hap- are trying to go for the
Eureka 1-0 7-0 UC San Diego 6-1-2 8-1-4 pens,” Arcata head coach win,” said Salatnay, who
Chico State 6-1-1
CSU San Bernardino 5-4-1
Jack Bareilles said. “You instructed his team to
Del Norte 2-2 3-5 CSU Los Angeles 4-2-2 10-2-2 have opportunities and play “aggressive and te-
McKinleyville 0-4 0-7 Humboldt State 4-5
San Francisco State 3-3-2
you just can’t get it over nacious” rather than sit-
Stanislaus State 2-3-3 5-4-4 the line.” ting back and play it safe.
Little 3 Standings Sonoma State
CSU Monterey Bay
For tunes tur ned for “Obviously, we have to
Little 4 Overall
CSU East Bay 0-7-1 3-9-2 the Loggers when head go out and beat McKin-
W-L W-L CSU San Marcos 0-8-1 2-9-2
coach Andy Salatanay in- leyville, but if/when that
St. Bernard’s 2-0 7-0 GVC Standings structed his team to “play happens, definitely it will
Hoopa Valley
1-7 GVC Overall
the ball to your feet.” Eu- be nice to get that cham-
reka began connecting on pionship for Eureka and
NCL III (North) Standings passes, moving the ball for the team. The seniors
Lake Tahoe 4-1-1 9-3-3
NCL Overall Butte 3-0-3 7-1-7 through the midfield and put in three hard years for
W-L W-L Lassen 3-0-1 4-6-2 earning scoring chances. this to happen. It’s nice to
Upper Lake 3-0 5-1
Feather River
Eureka broke through have some equal playing
South Fork 3-0 4-1 Redwoods 1-5 3-10 when Klayre Barres, who ground with Arcata and
Anderson Valley
Shasta 0-6 1-11 scored two goals in a win Eureka now.”
Roseland Prep 0-3 1-5 over Arcata last week, “We definitely weren’t
Round Valley 0-4 0-6 penetrated deep into Ti- looking to be co-cham-
CCAA Standings gers territory and sent a pions,” Reagan said. “We
CCAA Overall cross toward the Arcata were definitely looking to
CCAA North Standings W-L W-L
goalline. Tigers keeper take league and give it our
CCAA Overall UC San Diego 9-0 12-2 Skaidra Pulley def lected all and not just settle for
CSU Los Angeles 5-1-2 7-2-3 the cross but couldn’t cor- the tie, we wanted to win.”
Cal Poly Pomona 5-4-1 9-5-1
Sonoma State 8-1 14-4 Sonoma State 5-2 11-2 ral it, as the ball trick- “We’ve grown up with
CSU East Bay 6-4 13-6 CSU San Marcos 5-4 7-6 led through to the front [the Arcata] girls, play-
CSU Monterey Bay 5-5 11-6 San Francisco State 4-3-1
Chico State 4-4
8-5 of the net. Eureka soph- Arcata’s Sarah Jenson, left, makes a pass while Eureka’s ing club, so we know all
Chico State
Humboldt State
CSU San Bernardino 4-4 6-6-1 omore Adriana Newland Sarah Lester defends during Wednesday’s game at the these girls and its always
San Francisco State 2-8 6-12
Stanislaus State 3-4-1
CSU Monterey Bay 2-5-1
5-6-3 pounced on the loose ball Arcata Sports Complex. been a huge rivalry,” Pas-
Stanislaus State 1-9 1-17 CSU Dominguez Hills2-5-1 3-8-1 with a sliding kick to give quini said. “So this year,
Humboldt State 2-6-1 6-7-1
CCAA South Standings CSU East Bay 1-7 4-10 Eureka a 1-0 lead in the Stone to give the Log- a nice goal [early in the to actually have competi-
CCAA Overall 39th minute. gers a comfortable 2-0 second half], so they de- tion and a chance to win
GVC Standings
A f t er t he h a l f t i me lead just six minutes af- serve credit for that,” Ba- league, we took full ad-
W-L W-L GVC Overall break, Eureka doubled ter halftime. reilles said. vantage of that.”
UC San Diego 8-2 14-4
CSU San Bernardino 8-3 12-7
W-L W-L up its lead when Aquena “Eureka got that goal Arcata’s best chance
CSU San Marcos 7-3 10-8 Lake Tahoe 6-0 10-2-3 Tolefson scored off a long, late in the first half ... t o brea k t he shut out Contact Ryan Sparks
Cal Poly Pomona 5-6 9-10 Shasta
arcing cross from Olivia A nd then they worked came in the 66th min- at 707-441-0526
CSU Dominguez Hills 4-5 8-10
Redwoods 3-3 7-3-1
CSU Los Angeles 4-5 8-9 Lassen 1-3 3-7-1

Siskiyous 0-4-1 2-7-2
GVC Standings Feather River 0-4-1 2-8-1
High School. cent City. their third straight league
GVC Overall DEL NORTE 2, ST. BERNARD’S St. Bernard’s (10-8-4, 6-4- game with a 4-0 win over
PREP BOYS SOCCER 1» The Del Norte Warriors 3) led 3-0 in the first half af- South Fork on Wednesday
H-DN Standings
FROM PAGE 1 moved to 8-5 overall and in ter Finck and Ally Del Grande in Fortuna.
Feather River 4-0 17-4
Butte 4-0 16-6
league this season with a scored off assists from John- Aubrie Hall scored the
H-DN Overall
Siskiyous 2-2 6-13 Loggers 4-0 on Wednesday 2-1 win over St. Bernard’s son and then Johnson scored only goal of the first half to
Lassen 1-3 5-15 W-L W-L at the Arcata Sports Com- Academy on Wednesday at on a penalty kick. give the Huskies a 1-0 lead
Shasta 1-3 3-19 Fortuna 11-0-2 16-0-3 plex. Del Norte High School. The Crusaders added at the break.
Redwoods 0-4 0-4 Arcata 9-2-1 12-3-1
Eureka 8-5 10-6 Leading 1-0 at the half, Del Norte hosts Fortuna goals from Marayah Tom- Killfoil’s two goals and a
McKinleyville 7-4-2 8-6-2 the Tigers (12-3-1, 9-2-1) at 11 a.m. Saturday. linson, Finck and Johnson score from co-captain Kelli

Buying or scored three goals in the St. Bernard’s takes on in the second half before a Ford gave the Huskies the
Del Norte 8-5 8-5
St. Bernard’s 3-10 4-13
Ferndale 1-11 1-11 second half to cruise to vic- Ferndale at 11 a.m. on Sat- Del Norte goal in the clos- 4-0 shutout victory.

Selling a Home? tory. urday at Ferndale High ing minutes erased the shut- Fortuna (11-3-1, 7-3-3) sits
South Fork 0-10 0-11

Aside from Narum’s School. out bid. in third place in the H-DN
goals, Arcata’s Sean Handl St. Bernard’s faces Fern- and faces Del Norte at 1
H-DN Standings and Andrew Cavinta scored Girls Prep Soccer dale at 1 p.m. Saturday in p.m. on Saturday in Cres-
Joe H-DN Overall a goal each. ST. BERNARD’S 6, DEL NORTE Ferndale. cent City.
Matteoli Eureka
Arcata faces South Fork
at 11 a.m. on Saturday in
1» Jayden Johnson scored
two goals and two assists
Del Norte (3-9-1, 3-9-1)
hosts Fortuna at 1 p.m. Sat-
South Fork (4-11-2, 1-10-
2) hosts Arcata at 1 p.m. on
496-4561 Arcata
St. Bernard’s
Eureka (10-6, 8-5) takes
and Mackenzie Finck added urday.
a pair of goals as the Cru- FORTUNA 4, SOUTH FORK 0 »
Del Norte
on McKinleyville at 6:30 saders downed the Warriors Sarah Killfoil scored a pair Contact Ryan Sparks
p.m. on Saturday at Eureka 6-1 on Wednesday in Cres- of goals at the Huskies won at 707-441-0526


Curtis Granderson was

ruled a foul after the um-
pires discussed the play.
Maddon got tossed, and
Granderson struck out
swinging at the next pitch.
And after walking Yas-
mani Grandal to put run-
ners on first and second,

L e oi and ter $59.95

Davis struck out Chase Ut- up to 5qts synthetic blend
ley, who is hitless in his last
24 postseason at-bats.
All seven of Chicago’s
runs in this series have come
on homers. And long drives
in the second by Contreras Winterized system check $69.95
and Baez made it 2-0.
Contreras’ homer
UL EST. 1975 IC
banged off the left-field
v ideoboard and Baez’s
Get it
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landed beyond the left-
field bleachers on Wave-

land Avenue.
Bellinger cut it to 2-1 UT



with his drive to right in & M UFF





the third. But Baez got the IT Y IT Y IR
lead back up to two with a FRANK FRANKLIN II — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
shot to the left-field bleach- 705 3rd St, Eureka 2600 Harris St, Eureka
ers in the fifth, the rau-
The Yankees’ Didi Gregorius and Starlin Castro celebrate
cous crowd chanting “Javy!
after Game 5of the American League Championship Series (707) 443-8893 (707) 443-3305
Javy!” for the flashy young
against the Astros on Wednesday in New York.

Toy For Kids

star who was co-MVP of
the NLCS last year.
No Cubs player had hit
two in a playoff game since
Alex Gonzalez went deep
twice in Game 2 of the
2003 NLCS against Miami.
Arrieta exited with run-
ners on first and second in Help us make Christmas morning merry
the seventh after walking
Chris Taylor on a 3-2 pitch.
and bright for local kids in need!
He tipped his hat as fans UPCOMING FUNDRAISER! 30% of proceeds will be donated to
gave him a standing ova- Friday, October 20th at McClurg’s Bar at 6PM Toys for Kids of Humboldt County!
tion, a fitting show of ap-
preciation for a pitcher
with an expiring contract.
A rrieta turns 32 in
a huge deal in free agency. The Cubs’ Javier Baez watches his home run during
The trade that brought the second inning of Game 4of the National League
him from Baltimore helped Championship Series against the Dodgers on Wednesday.
fuel Chicago’s rise, with
the right-hander captur- TANAKA , YANKEES TOP Friday night, when Jus-
ing the 2015 NL Cy Young KEUCHEL, ASTROS 5-0 FOR tin Verlander and the reel-
Award and contributing to 3-2 LEAD IN ALCS » Masa- ing Astros will try to re-
last year’s drought-bust- hiro Tanaka pitched seven gain their footing follow-
ing championship run. innings of three-hit ball and ing an off day and force a
Limited by a right ham- the New York Yankees fi- decisive Game 7. Luis Sev-
string injury in the final nally solved Houston Astros erino is scheduled to start
month of the season, he nemesis Dallas Keuchel, for New York.
threw 111 pitches. Brian beating the ace lefty 5 for a Just days ago, Houston
Duensing retired Bell- 3-2 lead in the AL Champi- was up two games to none
inger on a fly to end the onship Series. and appeared to be closing
seventh. Gary Sanchez hit an RBI in on its second World Se-
Turner made it a one- single off Keuchel and later ries appearance. But the
run game with his homer homered to help the wild- Astros, like defending AL
of f the lef t-f ield v id- card Yankees win for the champion Cleveland before
eoboard against Davis in third straight day at home them, have been unable to
the eighth. and move within one vic- put away these poised Yan-
A career-high 16-game tory of their first trip to the kees, who improved to 6-0
winner, Wood gave up World Series since 2009. at home in this postseason
three runs and four hits The teams head back in front of their cheering,
in 4 2/3 innings. to Houston for Game 6 on chanting fans.


Rain on the way

According to Ryan Ayl-
ward of Eureka’s Na- COMING

October 22!
tional Weather Service, we
should see some rain be-
ginning on Thursday.
“We’ll see most of the
rain on Thursday, but
showers will likely linger
into early Friday,” he said.
“Another weak system is
forecasted for Saturday,
but it shouldn’t amount to
much rainfall. Rainfall to-
tals for Thursday through
Saturday should reach two
inches in the Crescent City
area, with more falling in
the hills. In the Eel basin,
we should see anywhere
from a half to an inch of
rain. Right now, next week
is looking dry, with a weak
system potentially fore- PHOTO COURTESY OF BOB PAGLIUCO
casted for next weekend.” Five year-old Corabella Pagliuco of McKinleyville had her
Weekend Marine hands full landing this nice-sized California halibut last
weekend on Humboldt Bay. She had a little help from her
Forecast dad Bob, as well as Skipper Tim Klassen, pictured right, of
Reel Steel Sport Fishing.
As of Wednesday, the
weekend marine fore- Martin of Wild Rivers mouth and the main stem
cast isn’t looking very fish- Fishing. Smith River from the
able. Saturday, southeast “According to Oregon mouth of Rowdy Creek to
winds are forecasted 10 Department of Fish and its mouth.
to 15 knots with westerly Wildlife, 530 fish were The Department of
waves of 12 feet at 14 sec- kept during the four- Fish and Game will make
onds. Winds will decrease day season,” Martin said. the information avail-
quite a bit on Sunday, up “That’s is above the 300- able to the public no later
to 5 knots coming out of fish allocation, but a sign than 1 p.m. every Monday,
the northwest with west- a lot of fish are holding off Wednesday and Friday as
ern waves of 11 feet at 13 the mouth right now. The to whether any river will be
seconds. Conditions sub- first weekend had 1,009 closed to fishing. The rivers
ject to change. For an up- anglers, a substantial ef- can be opened up at any-
to-date weather forecast, fort, and big economic time. The low flow closure
visit boost for Brookings.” hotline for North Coast riv-
reka/. To monitor the lat- ers is 707-822-3164.
est Humboldt bar condi- River closures
tions, visit www.wrh.noaa. As of Thursday morn- For more “Fishing the
gov/eka/swan, or on the ing, all the North Coast North Coast,” visit
bar cam at www.wrh.noaa. rivers subjected to low
gov/eka/barCam flow fishing closures — in- fishingthenorthcoast
/?cam=humboldtBayBar. cluding the Eel, Mad, Red-
To reach the National wood Creek, Smith and Find “Fishing the North
Weather Service, dial 707- Van Duzen — are closed. Coast” on Facebook and
443-7062 or 707-443-6484. Sections of rivers that fishingthenorthcoast.
are open include the main com for up-to-date
Chetco bubble season stem Eel River from the fishing reports and North
wrap-up paved junction of Ful- Coast river information.
mor Road to its mouth, Questions, comments
The Chetco Bubble Sea- the main stem Mad River and photos can be
son ended up being a big from the Hammond Trail emailed to kenny@
success according to Andy Railroad Trestle to its
4 | B

Plan to move ties Horoscope

By Eugenia Last
NEA Crossword

partner in knots THURSDAY, OCT. 19

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.

23) — You’ll be sensitive
DEAR AMY » A few days It seems that she has to the way others react.
ago, I found out that my been fairly open with you Try to contain your feelings
girlfriend of 10 months about her goals. and refuse to let the little
has applied for a work An ultimatum would things get to you. Over-
visa to Canada, and plans go like this: “Either you reacting will put you in an
to move there next year move with me on my awkward position.
from Dublin (where we timetable, or we break Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov.
live), with or without me. up.” 22) — Plan to do things
We both have chosen This scenario seems with people who are
journalism as a career, more like, “I have made a unique . Taking a different
and there isn’t a lot of plan to move. I’d like you approach to the way
work in Ireland. This to come, too, but I will go, you conduct your life is
is something she has regardless.” favored.
wanted to She seems to have in- Sagittarius (Nov. 23-
do for a long stigated her plan without Dec. 21) — A steady pace
time, but telling you, and that is and a plan in place will help
has put it on hurtful. However, you’ve you bring about positive
hold because only been together for 10 changes that will improve
of me. She months. At this relation- your situation or surround-
Amy isn’t happy ship stage, each of you ings. Pitching in will lead to
Dickinson in Ireland. must act first on your new connections.
Ask Amy We had own behalf, even if this Capricorn (Dec. 22-
discussed results in separation. Jan. 19) — An even, me-
this and I said I would You should take your thodical approach will help
go with her, but I wasn’t cue from your girlfriend’s you reach your destination.
expecting this fast track. commitment to her own Don’t share too much in-
She has had a year to professional interests. formation with people who
finalize this in her head, Go — or don’t go — on may use it against you.
and to save up the money. your own timetable. Some Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
I am about to graduate separation will help to 19) — Be careful when
and don’t have savings. clarify things, and if she dealing with joint ventures
The most she is willing moves first and establish- or someone who isn’t reli-
to compromise with me es a beachhead, you may able. Situations will easily
on is that we go in March follow. But don’t do it for spin out of control if they’re
or April of next year. That her — do it for yourself. not monitored closely.
would give me some time Pisces (Feb. 20-March
to find a job and save. DEAR AMY » “Lovesick 20) — Emotions will
I understand why she Rider” thought his escalate when it comes to
needs to leave, but at the bus driver might be financial, legal or contrac-
same time I am hurt that interested in a romantic tual issues. Stay calm and
she hasn’t made this deci- relationship. use your intuitive intel-
sion with me and she is I organized a “Roots” ligence to guide you in the
giving me an ultimatum. trip of cousins to Corn- right direction.
I’m not ready to leave wall, England, where Aries (March 21-April
my family and my home we had the same coach 19) — Situations will esca-
within six months. driver for four days. late quickly. Don’t provoke
I don’t know if it’s A widowed cousin an argument or take on
worth it. Should I move found there was a spark something that will put you
and give up everything with our driver and went in a bad mood. Accept the
for someone who hasn’t back to England to see inevitable, but don’t fuel
made this decision as a him again. the fire.
couple, but has made this They were married Taurus (April 20-May
decision without me? two years later. I say, Go 20) — Look for opportuni-
for it! ties that will raise your
How much commit-
— Accidental income over time. Over-
ment does that show? I’m
Matchmaker in Omaha reacting to changes and
fairly stuck here.
DEAR MATCHMAKER » I situations will not help you
— Anonymous
love this story. maintain a good position.
girlfriend’s commitment Gemini (May 21-June
You can contact Amy
is primarily to her career 20) — Put your own spin on
Dickinson via email:
whatever you pursue. Not
right now, although ac- askamy@amydickinson.
everyone will appreciate Celebrity Cipher By Luis Campos
cording to you, she has com and follow her on
stayed in Ireland for you. your unique touch, but the
Twitter @askingamy. Instructions: Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people,
ones who do will be accom-
modating and helpful. past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands for another.
Sudoku Cancer (June 21-July
22) — Inch in the direction
you want to go. Follow a
path that you find interest-
ing. Take on an intellec-
tual challenge and let your
memory lead you to victory.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
— A change of location,
surroundings or people will
give you better insight into
what you want out of life
and what you need to do to
improve your situation.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept.
22) — An emotional situa-
tion involving your offspring
or someone who depends
on you should be handled
with care. You can only do
so much.

Thursday Evening October 19, 2017

SL CC GVL KLA 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30
(3.1) KIEM 3 3 3 - News (N) Million? 2 Broke G. Access H. Super (N) GoodPla WGrace (N) Gr. News Chicago Fire (N)
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13 - PBS NewsHour (N) BBC News India Doc Martin "In Loco" Masterpiece "Poldark" World Dancesport G.
Answer to Previous Puzzle (17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6 - (5:25) NFL Football Kansas City vs Oakland (L) 'TVG' (:15) Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud The Game The Game
(23.1) KAEF 7 11 - - News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) Jeop. (N) Ch.Brown Toy Story Scandal "Day 101" (N) Away With Murder (N)
Instructions: (28.1) KBVU 2 2 2 - BigBang BigBang Modern Modern Gotham (N) Orville "Old Wounds" News (N) Mom
The object is (29.1) KECA 9 7 - - Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy Supernatural (N) Arrow "Tribute" (N) Page Six Seinfeld
to place the (29.2) KECA2 5 8 - Last Man Last Man Anger M. Anger M. Law & Order: C.I. Law&Order: CI "Crazy" Mother Mother
numbers 1 to 9 A&E 35 68 18 29 The First 48 First 48 "Mother of Two" First 48 "Honour Code" The Eleven (N) The Eleven
in the empty AMC 36 26 35 25 Walking Dead "Still" Walking Dead "Alone" Dead "The Grove" The Walking Dead "Us" The Walking Dead (N)
squares so that BRAVO 64 54 - 61 Top Chef Top Chef Junior Flipping Out Flipping "Full Circle" (N) Real Estate Wars (N)
each row, each CNBC 51 25 - 45 Shark Tank Rich (N) Super Rich Super Rich Super Rich Super Rich Super Rich Super Rich Super Rich
column and CNN 53 39 20 30 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360
CSPAN 76 17 63 13 Politics & Public Policy Today The day's major public affairs and political events. 'TVG'
each 3x3 box DISC 31 51 19 46 Alaskan Bush People Bush "Bush Code" Bush "A New Chapter" Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People
contains the DISN 39 49 41 31 Jessie Jessie Bunk'd Bunk'd Andi Mack StuckMid Bizaard. Raven's. Underc. Liv Maddie
number only once. E! 65 59 60 41 Botched E! News (N) The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians
FNC 52 34 21 47 Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Fox News Tonight
FOOD 43 67 56 54 Beat Flay Beat Flay Chopped Hallow "Monster Party" Chopped (N) BeatFlay Beat Flay
FREE 38 36 15 23 Movie (:45) <++ Addams Family Values ('93, Com) 'TVPG' (:50) <+++ Hocus Pocus ('93, Com) Bette Midler. 'TVPG'
FX 44 33 31 44 < Ride Along ('14, Act/Com) Ice Cube. 'TV14' < Grown Ups 2 ('13, Com) Adam Sandler. 'TV14' Better (N) (:35) Better
FXX 45 62 - 73 Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny
HALL 79 87 36 87 Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle
© 2017 Blue Ox Technologies Ltd., Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication

HALLMM 63 77 - 138 Monk < Murder, She Baked: Just Desserts 'TVPG' < Garage Sale Mystery: A Case of Murder 'TVG'
HGTV 42 29 49 64 Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop FlipVega FlipVega H.Hunt (N) House (N)
Find the 7 words to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses HIST 34 44 45 67 Forged "The Boar Spear" Forged "The Cutlass" (:55) Forged in Fire (N) 'TVPG' (:55) Forged Ice Road Truckers (N)
represent the number of letters in each solution. Each letter INV.DISC 58 19 - 134 Blood "Burning Love" Home Alone (N) Blood Relatives Blood "Burning Love" Home Alone
combination can be used only once, but all letter combinations LIFE 29 32 17 26 American Beauty Star Project Runway Runway (N) :50 PRunway Project Runway (N) 'TVPG' American
will be necessary to complete the puzzle. LMN 30 78 - 137 (5:) < Lethal Seduction < His Double Life ('16, Thril) 'TV14' < Lethal Seduction ('05, Dra) Michael Arata. 'TV14'
MSNBC 50 58 23 66 Rachel Maddow (N) The Last Word (N) The 11th Hour (N) Rachel Maddow The Last Word
CLUES SOLUTIONS OWN 68 55 59 116 20/20 20/20 "Burning Bed" 20/20 20/20 "Stolen at Birth" 20/20 "After Midnight"
OXY 49 66 61 70 NCIS "Lost at Sea" NCIS "The Namesake" NCIS "Shell Shock" 1/2 NCIS "Shell Shock" 2/2 NCIS "Gone"
1 laboratory staple (10) ___________ SYFY 48 53 48 57 (4:30) < Jennifer's Body < Trick'r Treat ('08, Adult) Anna Paquin. 'TVMA' Van Hel. "Love Bites" (N) Ghost Wars (N)
2 making fun of, at a roast (9) ___________ TBN 69 91 65 16 J. Prince BHouston Joel Osteen C. Caine Praise MLucado R. Morris Facts Creflo
TBS 27 52 9 22 (5:00) MLB Baseball (if necessary) 'TVG' Post-game Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad
3 small apartments (7) ___________ TCM 37 86 34 74 (5:00) < The Crowd <++++ Sounder ('72, Dra) Cicely Tyson. 'TVPG' <+++ Night of the Hunter ('91, Myst) 'TVPG'
TLC 32 28 46 38 Yes Dress Yes Dress 600-lb "Amber's Story" 600-lb "Bettie Jo's Story" 600-lb "Nikki's Story" 600-lb Life "June's Story"
4 ponder (4) ___________
TNT 26 41 33 32 (5:00) NBA Basketb. N.Y./Okl. (L) 'TVG' NBA Basketball L.A. Clippers vs L.A. Lakers (L) 'TVG' Inside the NBA
5 fashion designers (10) ___________ TOON 41 64 43 39 <++ Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules 'TVPG' King of Hill Amer. Dad Cleveland Amer. Dad BobBurg. BobBurg.
TRAVEL 67 27 57 53 Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum (N) Mystery Museum (N) Mystery Museum
6 major Los Angeles boulevard (8) ___________ USA 28 35 16 35 SVU "Intoxicated" Law&O: SVU "Blood" <++ Diary of a Mad Black Woman ('05, Dra) 'TV14' Movie
7 sci-fi author L. Ron (7) ___________ WGN-A - 12 25 10 Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops
HBO 668 500 5 501 (:20) Felipe Esparza 'TVMA' News (N) < Hidden Figures ('16, Dra) 'TVPG' (:10) R. 104 (:40) Curb
HBO2 669 502 70 502 Movie :45 Last Wk (:15) Curb Enthusiasm Room 104 VICE (:15) Tokyo (:50) <++ Fifty Shades Darker 'TVMA'
BBA MI SC TUR STUD HBO3 670 504 71 504 (5:25) < Down With Love (:10) <+++ The Terminator ('84, Sci-Fi) 'TVMA' <++ Eraser ('96, Act) 'TVM'
HBOF 671 506 - 507 5:10 < The Hitchhiker... <+++ Monsters vs. Aliens 'TVPG' < Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Roa... (:10) <+++ The Express
MAX 694 520 72 521 <+++ The Color of Money ('86, Dra) 'TVMA' <++ Dead Calm ('89, Susp) 'TVMA' (:40) < A Bigger Splash 'TVMA'
MU RS RING HU OPE SHOW 719 600 75 600 (5:50) < Contracted (:15) <+ Cell ('16, Hor) John Cusack. 'TVMA' White White Ray Donovan
TMC 738 620 74 620 (:15) <+++ Dazed and Confused 'TV14' <+++ Smokey and the Bandit 'TVPG' (:40) <++ Free State of Jones 'TV14'


86 AMA Motocross
The Happy Hour
The Dan Patrick Show The Happy Hour
Serie A Soccer Napoli vs Roma 'TVG'
49ers (N)
Roma Now Mixed M Arts EFC 49
49ers The Happy Hour
ESPN 23 37 26 33 (5:00) NCAA Football Memphis at Houston (L) 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
EWE RD SE IOS WILS ESPN2 24 38 28 34 (4:30) H.S. Football (L) 'TVG' SportC (N) Boxing Golden Boy (L) 'TVMA' Nación ESPN (N)
FS1 47 85 30 72 (5:30) FIFA Soccer 'TVG' Speak for Yourself Skip and Shannon: Undisputed 'TVPG' Race Hub
Previous Answers: 1. QUINTO 2. DONATIONS 3. WHOOPS GOLF 62 81 27 75 (2:30) Golf Golf C. (N) PGA Golf CJ Cup Round 2 Site: Nine Bridges -- Jeju Island, Korea (L) 'TVG'
4. NAMIBIAN 5. LIVELIEST 6. LIONHEART 7. SKEETERS 10/19 Other SL stations: 8 – Educational Access, 10 – Access CA, 11 & 12 – Community Bulletin Board, 19 – HSN, 20 – QVC,

ZITS Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman SHERMAN’S LAGOON Jim Toomey

MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM Mike Peters WUMO Wulff & Morgenthaler

THE DUPLEX Glenn McCoy LUANN Greg Evans

BABY BLUES Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman BALDO Hector D. Cantu & Carlos Castellanos

BLONDIE Dean Young & John Marshall BIG NATE Lincoln Peirce

SIX CHIX Bannerman, Shulock, Piccolo, Gibbons, Epstein & Piro TAKE IT FROM THE TINKERSONS Bill Bettwy

TUNDRA Chad Carpenter PICKLES Brian Crane

6 | B

Pets- Auto- Real Estate- Jobs- Legals- Puzzles- Notices
Free Items 9>À` ->ià 9>À` ->ià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆViÃ
FREE POND. 1 catfish
long assorted colors. Coastal Grove Charter School Case No.(Numero del Caso): DR HUMBOLDT COUNTY ZONING
Call (707)-822-1064 Friday 4pm-7pm & 170476 ADMINISTRATOR
Clothing, housewares, toys, costumes, NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL
furniture and more! DEMANDADO): TANYA MARSEIL, for- On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at
1897 S st, Arcata merly known as Tanya Ghera; All 10:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as
Bag Sale Saturday at 2:30pm Heirs, Legatees, Assigns and Per- the matter can be heard, the Hum-
sons Claiming Under DOROTHY boldt County Zoning Administrator
FRANCES OSBORNE, Deceased; All will hold a public hearing in the con-
i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià Heirs, Legatees, Assigns and Per- ference room of the Humboldt Coun-
sons Claiming Under AUBREY CHRIS- ty Planning and Building Depart-
TIAN OSBORNE, Deceased; All other ment, at 3015 H Street, Eureka, Cali-
PUBLIC NOTICE persons unknown, claiming any le- fornia, to consider the matter listed
HUMBOLDT COUNTY ZONING gal or equitable right, title, estate, below. Specific questions regard-
ADMINISTRATOR lien, or interest in the property de- ing the proposed project may be di-
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING scribed in this complaint, which is rected to Michelle Nielsen, Senior
œ“i On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at
adverse to Plaintiffs’ title or creates Planner, at (707) 445-7541 or mniels
ÕÀ˜ˆÃ…ˆ˜}à any cloud on Plaintiffs’ title; and
10:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as DOES 1 – 100, Inclusive
the matter can be heard, the Hum- Joshua Halley; Case Number SP-16-
FREE wooden table & boldt County Zoning Administrator YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: 413; Application Number 12145
chairs, also TV will hold a public hearing in the con-
stand/coffee table. (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL (filed 12/21/2016); Assessor’s Par-
ference room of the Humboldt Coun-
839-1339 McKinleyville Education Education Education ty Planning and Building Depart-
DEMANDANTE): RODNEY O. CHILDR- cel Number 107-091-002. A Special
ESS, TIMOTHY DENNING and RUS- Permit (SP) for 9,995 square feet
ment, at 3015 H Street, Eureka, Cali- SELL H. CHILDRESS (sf) of existing outdoor cannabis

fornia, to consider the matter listed cultivation with on-site processing.
below. Specific questions regard- This action pertains to real proper- Water for cultivation is sourced
AKC Y O R K S H I R E ing the proposed project may be di- ty located at 934 Patricks Point from two points of diversion on the
Terrior puppies. 1M rected to Michelle Nielsen, Senior
$1000, 1F $1500. Per- Drive, Trinidad, California 95570 property. The applicant has se-
fect Health. Ready Planner, at (707) 445-7541 or mniels (APN 515-221-003-000) cured a Lake or Streambed Altera-
Nov 19. 707-954-7500 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TITLE IX tion Agreement with the California
NOTICE! You have been sued. The Department of Fish and Wildlife for

ÕÃ̜“ >˜` For jobs in education in all school districts in Humboldt Shire Land Enterprises, LLC; Case court may decide against you with- the surface water diversion and has
Number SP-16-087; Application Num- out your being heard unless you re- submitted an Enrollment Notice of

>ÃÈV 6i…ˆVià County, including teaching, instructional aides, coaches, ber 10852 (filed 08/08/2016); Asses- spond within 30 days. Read the in- Intent Form with the North Coast
sor’s Parcel Number 210-131-019. A formation below.
office staff, custodians, bus drivers, and many more, Special Permit for 10,000 square
Reginal Water Quality Control
Board as a Tier 2 discharger. Agri-
go to our website at and click on feet of existing cannabis cultivation You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after cultural diversions are an allowable
in a 2,880-square foot greenhouse, this summons and legal papers are development activity within a
Employment Opportunities. Applications and job flyers 1,920-square foot greenhouse, served on you to file a written re- Streamside Management Area per
1,100-square foot greenhouse, and sponse at this court and have a HCC Section 314-61.1 with a Special
may be picked up at the Personnel Office, Humboldt a 4,100-square foot outdoor area on copy served on the Plaintiff. A letter Permit. Current water storage ca-
their 21.55-acre parcel. Cannabis
County Office of Education, 901 Myrtle Ave, Eureka, processing is proposed to be done
or phone call will not protect you.
Your written response must be in
pacity totals 21,000 gallons in hard
WANTED tanks. The applicant proposes to
Old Porsche or accessed online. For more information, call 445-7039 on-site and the product will be proper legal form if you want the add 5,000 gallons of domestic stor-
356/911/912 for dried then mechanically trimmed court to hear your case. There may age and 9,500 gallons of cannabis
restoration by hobbyist outside, cured then stored. Existing be a court form that you can use for rainwater storage gallons in hard
1948-1973 Only,
buildings on the parcel serve these
any condition, Sales People Sales People Sales People ancillary activities. There will be no
your response. You can find these tank storage annually, for a total
Top $ Paid forms and more information at the storage amount of approximately
707-965-9546 employees involved in the process- California Courts Online Self-Help 65,000 gallons in 2020. The Hum-
ing activities. Irrigation water will Center (www.courtinfo.cagov/selfh boldt County Zoning Administrator
Eureka Times-Standard be provided from an existing rain-
water catchment system located on
elp), your county law library, or the
courthouse nearest you. If you can-
intends to adopt a finding that the
project is exempt from environmen-
The North Coast’s Daily Newspaper the northeastern quadrant of the
parcel. Various buildings on the par-
not pay the filing fee, ask the court tal review pursuant to Sections
clerk for a fee waiver form. If you 15301 Existing Facilities and 15303
Since 1854 cel are guttered, with the captured do not file your response on time, (New Construction of Small Struc-
rainwater diverted and gravity fed you may lose the case by default, tures) of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Multi Media Advertising Sales Executive to 29,000 gallons of hard tank stor-
age. The applicant has also drilled a
and your wages, money, and proper- The project is located in the Honey-
ty may be taken without further dew area, on the north and south
This position is part of the advertising team responsible well. A hydroelectric generator is warning from the court. sides of Mattole Road, approximate-
for generating advertising sales across multiple media used to supply power to the cultiva- ly 2.9 miles west of the intersection
platforms including digital, print, mobile and social me- tion operation, in addition to solar There are other legal requirements. of Wilder Ridge Road and Mattole
dia for the Times Standard and our affiliated products. panels south of the barn. This diver- You may want to call an attorney Road, on the property known as
Are you good with people? Do you have the ability to not sion is subject to forbearance pur- right away. If you do not know an at- 41774 Mattole Road, Honeydew.
just work as part of a team, but to contribute to the suc- suant to a Lake and Stream Altera- torney, you may want to call an at-
cess of the team? You’ll be analyzing and interpreting tion Agreement issued by the Cali- torney referral service. If you can- Any person may appear and pres-
key sales metrics and developing strategies so that you fornia Department of Fish and Wild- not afford an attorney, you may be ent testimony in regard to this mat-
can successfully partner with local businesses. Using life. Diverted water is returned to eligible for free legal services from ter at the hearing. If you challenge
the right side or the left side of your brain won’t be the creek, excluding a small a nonprofit legal services program. the nature of the proposed action in
enough you must engage your entire brain to be suc- amount of water used for domestic You can locate these nonprofit court, you may be limited to raising
cessful in media sales today. Are you up to the chal- purposes. The Humboldt County groups at the California Legal Serv- only those issues you or someone
Zoning Administrator intends to ices Web site (www.lawhelpcalifor- else raised at the public hearing de-
lenge? This position is an exempt full time position with adopt a finding that the project is
a base salary, benefits, and sales commissions., the California Courts On- scribed in this notice, or in written
exempt from environmental review line Self-Help Center (www.courtinf correspondence delivered to the
pursuant to Sections 15301 Existing, or by contacting Zoning Administrator at or prior to
Qualification: Facilities, 15304 (Minor Alterations
1. 1-3 years sales experience, preferred media or retail. your local court or county bar asso- the public hearing. The Zoning Ad-
to Land), and Section 15061(b)(3) of ciation. NOTE: The court has a statu- ministrator needs ONE ORIGINAL
2. Excellent presentation, negotiation and customer the State CEQA Guidelines. The proj-
relationship skills. tory lien for waived fees and cots AND 4 COPIES of any materials sub-
ect is located in Humboldt County, on any settlement or arbitration mitted either prior to or at the meet-
3. Strong organizational skills and the ability to in the Dinsmore area, on the both award of $10,000 or more in a civil
handle multiple task and priorities; demonstrated ing. The Zoning Administrator’s de-
sides of Burr Valley Road, approxi- case. The court’s lien must be paid cision will become effective if an ap-
time management skills. mately 6.25 miles southeast from before the court will dismiss the peal is not filed within the appropri-
4. Desire to sell, not just service accounts. You will be the intersection of State Hwy 36 case. AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si ate filing period. An appeal may be
making daily in person sales calls. and Burr Valley Road, on the proper- no responde dentro de 30 dias, la filed by any aggrieved person who
5. Working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite ty known as 5136 Burr Valley Road. corte puede decidir en su contra sin has testified in person or in writing
applications. esuchar su version. Lea la on the project and must be submit-
6. Must have a valid driver’s license, insurance, and Any person may appear and pres- informacion a continuacion. ted in writing with the required fees
vehicle in order to visit clients on site. ent testimony in regard to this mat- to the Planning Division of the Hum-
7. Able to pass drug screening and background check. ter at the hearing. If you challenge Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO boldt County Planning and Building
the nature of the proposed action in despues de que le entreguen esta Department before the end of the
Send your resume to: Paula Patton, Publisher. court, you may be limited to raising citacion y papeles legales para appeal period. If appealed the deci- only those issues you or someone presentar una respuesta por sion will not become effective until
The Times Standard is an Equal Opportunity Employer else raised at the public hearing de- escrito en esta corte y hacer que se the appeal is resolved. Appeals
scribed in this notice, or in written entregue una copia al demandante. may be filed in the Planning Divi-
correspondence delivered to the Una carta o una llamada telefonica sion of the Humboldt County Plan-
General General General General Zoning Administrator at or prior to no lo protegen. Su respuesta por ning and Building Department, Mon-
the public hearing. The Zoning Ad- escrito tiene que estar en formato day through Fridays between the
Employment Employment Employment Employment ministrator needs ONE ORIGINAL legal correcto si desea que hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. The
AND 4 COPIES of any materials sub- procesen su caso en la corte. Es staff report for this project will be
mitted either prior to or at the meet- possible que haya un formulario available at the Planning Division
Production Laborers The Humboldt ing. The Zoning Administrator’s de- que usted pueda usar para su on the Friday before the Zoning Ad-
Waste Management cision will become effective if an ap- respuesta. Puede encontrar estos ministrator meeting.
Leasing Executive peal is not filed within the appropri-
Authority (HWMA) formularios de la corte y mas
Carpenters ate filing period. An appeal may be informacion en el Centro de Ayuda At any time prior to opening the
filed by any aggrieved person who de las Cortes de California ( public hearing on this application,
Civil Engineer is soliciting applications has testified in person or in writing
for the Position of , the Zoning Administer is authorized
Assistant Terminal Manager on the project and must be submit- en la biblioteca de leyes de su by the County Code to pull and re-
Warehouse Laborers OPERATOR TECHNICIAN ted in writing with the required fees
to the Planning Division of the Hum-
condado o en la corte que le quede fer the application to the Humboldt
mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la County Planning Commission for
Geotech Engineer UTILITY WORKER boldt County Planning and Building cuota de presentacion, pida al hearing and decision. If this project
Wireless Internet Tech. Department before the end of the secretario de la corte que la de un is referred for hearing to the Plan-
Positions close October 20, 2017. appeal period. If appealed the deci-
For full job postings, see formulario de exencion de pago de ning Commission, the County will
Mortgage Loan Officer sion will not become effective until cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta provide public notice of the new
Payroll Specialist the appeal is resolved. Appeals a tiempo, puede perder el caso por hearing in accordance with provi-
or call (707) 268-8680 may be filed in the Planning Divi-
Executive Assistant incumplimiento y la corte le podra sions of State law. General ques-
sion of the Humboldt County Plan- quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes tions regarding the Zoning Adminis-
Receptionist ning and Building Department, Mon- sin mas advertencia. trator, the permit process, submis-
day through Fridays between the sion of materials and other informa-
hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. The Hay otros requistos legales. Es rec- tion not specific to this project may
staff report for this project will be ommendable que llame a un be obtained from the Planning Divi-
available at the Planning Division abogado inmediatamente. Si no sion of the Humboldt County Plan-
on the Friday before the Zoning Ad- conoce a un abogado, puede llamar ning and Building Department, 3015
Would you like to do something meaningful
this year? Gain financial security! Help
ministrator meeting. a un servicio de remision a H Street, Eureka, California 95501 or
someone in need! Change a life! W e are abogados. Si no puede pagar a un email planningclerk@co.humboldt.
seeking caring people with a spare bedroom
At any time prior to opening the abogado, es possible que cumpla Telephone (707) 445-7541.
public hearing on this application, con los requisitos para obtener Meeting rooms are ADA accessible.
Call today to set up your to support adults with developmental disabili-
the Zoning Administer is authorized
ties. Work from the comfort of your home and servicios legales gratuitos de un Accommodations and access to
confidential appointment. receive a monthly tax-exempt stipend and on- by the County Code to pull and re- programa de servicios legales sin Zoning Administrator meetings for
707-445-9641 going support. Call Sharon to learn more fer the application to the Humboldt fines de lucro. Puede encontrar people with special needs may be
about this amazing opportunity today. County Planning Commission for estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el requested of the Zoning Administra- 707-442-4500 ext. 16 hearing and decision. If this project sitio web de California Legal Serv- tor Clerk at (707) 445-7541 in ad-
2930 E. Street, Eureka, CA 95501 or visit is referred for hearing to the Plan- ices, (, vance of the meeting.
ning Commission, the County will en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes
provide public notice of the new de California, ( Humboldt County Zoning Adminis-
Support Staff hearing in accordance with provi-
PRESS OPERATOR needed for people
with developmental
sions of State law. General ques-
tions regarding the Zoning Adminis-
v/selfhelp/espanol/) o poniendose
en contacto con la corte o el
colegio de abogados locales.

The Eureka Times-Standard has a

disabilities who October 19, 2017
wish to live on their trator, the permit process, submis- AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene
full-time position available for an own in the commun- sion of materials and other informa-
ity. Responsibilities derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR
experienced Goss Urbanite press include: support tion not specific to this project may costos exentos por imponer un
and assistance with be obtained from the Planning Divi- CHANGE OF NAME
operator. This position is for nights gravamen sobre cualquier CV170882
daily living tasks, sion of the Humboldt County Plan- recuperacion de $10,000 o mas de
and weekends. Pay will depend communication ning and Building Department, 3015 Filed: Oct 2, 2017
skills and accessing valor recibida mediante un acuerdo
upon level of experience. Excellent the community. Call H Street, Eureka, California 95501 or o una concesion de arbitraje en un
benefits which include medical, Colin or Stacey at email planningclerk@co.humboldt. Petition of:
caso de derecho civil. Tiene que Juanita Scott
dental, vision and 401K. Pre-
Dawnings Support Telephone (707) 445-7541. pagar el gravamen de la corte an-
Services for addi-
Meeting rooms are ADA accessible. Superior Court
employment drug screen and tional information tes de que la corte pueda desechar of California,
(707) 825-9536 , Accommodations and access to el caso.
background check required. or email resume Zoning Administrator meetings for County of Humboldt
with references to people with special needs may be 825 Fifth Street
dawnings@ The name and address of the court Eureka, CA 95501
Apply in person at requested of the Zoning Administra- is ( El nombre y direccion de la
tor Clerk at (707) 445-7541 in ad- corte es): SUPERIOR COURT OF HUM-
vance of the meeting. To All Interested Persons:
BOLDT COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 825 1. Petitioners: Juanita Scott
FIFTH STREET, EUREKA, CALIFORNIA filed a petition with this court for a
Humboldt County Zoning Adminis- 95501.
trator decree changing names as follows:
The name, address, and telephone Present Name:
October 19, 2017 number of plaintiff’s attorney, or
930 6th St. a. Juanita Gay Scott
plaintiff without an attorney is: (El Proposed Name:
Eureka CA 95501 Nombre, la direccion y el numero a. Juanita Yemaya-Juaneita
de telephono del de abogado del Spears-Jackson
between 10am - 4pm Mon. - Fri. demandante, o del demandante 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all per-
que no tiene abogado, es): sons interested in this matter shall
Chris Johnson Hamer (SBN 105752) appear before this court at the hear-
STOKES, HAMER, KIRK & EADS, LLP ing indicated below to show cause,
381 Bayside Road, Suite A if any, why the petition for change
Tel:(707) 822-1771
Fax: (707) 822-1901
of name should not be granted. Any
person objecting to the name
Fill in the blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each number can appear only once in each row, changes described above must file
a written objection that include the
column and 3x3 block. Use logic and process elimination to solve the puzzle. The difficulty Date (Fecha): JUL 27, 2017
Clerk (Secretario) by Kim M.
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is
level ranges from Bronze (easiest) to Silver to Gold (hardest). Bartleson scheduled to be heard and must ap-
Deputy (Adjunto) by Morgan P. pear at the hearing to show cause
9/28/2017, 10/5,12,19/2017
Rating: BRONZE why the petition should not be
granted. If no written objection is
timely filed, the court may grant
Solution to 10/18/17 the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: Fri. Nov 17, 2017
Time: 1:45 p.m. Dept.: 4
825 5th Street,
© 2017 Janric Enterprises Dist. by

3. a. A copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once a week for four successive
weeks prior to the date set for hear-
ing on the petition in the following
newspaper of general circulation,
printed in this county, Times Stand-
Date: OCT 2, 2017
s/ Timothy P. Cissna
Judge of the Superior Court

Classifieds - call us today!

| 7

i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆViÃ
On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at
6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as
the matter can be heard, the Hum- the matter can be heard, the Hum- the matter can be heard, the Hum- the matter can be heard, the Hum- the matter can be heard, the Hum-
boldt County Planning Commission boldt County Planning Commission boldt County Planning Commission boldt County Planning Commission boldt County Planning Commission
will hold a public hearing in the will hold a public hearing in the will hold a public hearing in the will hold a public hearing in the will hold a public hearing in the
Board of Supervisors’ Chamber, Board of Supervisors’ Chamber, Board of Supervisors’ Chamber, Board of Supervisors’ Chamber, Board of Supervisors’ Chamber,
Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 Humboldt County Courthouse, 825
Fifth Street, Eureka, California, to Fifth Street, Eureka, California, to Fifth Street, Eureka, California, to Fifth Street, Eureka, California, to Fifth Street, Eureka, California, to
consider the matter listed below. If consider the matter listed below. If consider the matter listed below. If consider the matter listed below. If consider the matter listed below. If
you have specific questions regard- you have specific questions regard- you have specific questions regard- you have specific questions regard- you have specific questions regard-
ing the proposed project contact Mi- ing the proposed project contact Mi- ing the proposed project contact ing the proposed project contact Mi- ing the proposed project contact Mi-
chelle Nielsen, Senior Planner, at chelle Nielsen, Senior Planner, at Rodney Yandell, Planner, at (707) chelle Nielsen, Senior Planner, at chelle Nielsen, Senior Planner, at
(707) 445-7541 or mnielsen@co.hum (707) 445-7541 or mnielsen@co.hum 445-7541 or ryandell@co.humboldt.c (707) 445-7541 or mnielsen@co.hum (707) 445-7541 or mnielsen@co.hum
Humboldt’s Legacy Farms, Stay Conscious, Inc., Willow Creek EcoMeds, LLC, Garberville area; Ap- Carlos Finn, Garberville area; Appli- Calisun Farms, Inc., Bridgeville
Garberville area; Application Num- area; Application Number 10839 plication Number 10706 (filed July cation Number 11632 (filed Decem- area; Application Number 11548
ber 11817 (filed December 14, 2016); (filed August 5, 2016); Case Number 11, 2016); Case Number CUP-17-003; ber 2, 2016); Case Numbers CUP16- (filed November 29, 2016); Case
Case Numbers CUP16-399; Assessor CUP-16-087; Assessor Parcel Num- Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 223- 312, SP17-042; Assessor Parcel Num- Number CUP-16-286; Assessor Par-
Parcel Number (APN) 223-261-004. A ber (APN) 524-016-010. A Condition- 111-004. A Conditional Use Permit ber (APN) 223-123-001. A Condition- cel Number (APN) 208-321-007. A
Conditional Use Permit for an exist- al Use Permit for an existing 31,825- for an existing commercial medical al Use Permit for 20,000 square feet Conditional Use Permit for 24,100
ing 12,910-square-foot outdoor med- square-foot outdoor cultivation cannabis operation of 18,000 square (SF) of existing mixed light cultiva- square feet of existing outdoor culti-
ical cannabis cultivation operation. area on an approximately 144-acre feet (sf), of which approximately tion of commercial medical canna- vation area on an approximately 63-
Water for irrigation is provided by a parcel. The existing cultivation 15,600 sf is outdoor and 2,400 sf is bis. Irrigation water is provided by acre parcel. The existing cultivation
point of diversion on an adjacent areas are contained within three mixed-light. Water is supplied to deeded access to a spring located area includes 14,000 ft² of unen-
parcel that diverts water into an distinct cultivation sites. The water the cultivation from a water on APN 223-124-001. It is estimated closed outdoor cultivation and
on-site 800,000-gallon water stor- source used for irrigation is an ex- catchment system and stored in that cultivation activities will use a 10,100 ft² of outdoor cultivation
age pond. The Applicant estimates isting permitted well on the proper- bladders totaling 100,000 gallons. maximum of 80,000 gallons of water within greenhouses. Drying and
approximately 76,000 gallons of wa- ty that provides water at a rate of Projected water use is approximate- from March to October. Water will trimming occurs in an existing build-
ter is required to meet operational 30 gallons per minute (developed ly 87,500 gallons per year for canna- be applied using drip irrigation. Ap- ing onsite. Calisun Farms, Inc. is pro-
needs. Processing activities, includ- 2016). The property currently has bis cultivation. The applicant also proximately 70,000 gallons of on- posing to convert an existing agri-
ing drying, curing and trimming, 5,600 gallons of water storage in has a 75,000-gallon pond not cur- site water storage will be filled and cultural building to a processing fa-
will occur on-site in an existing agri- two existing above ground storage rently used for cultivation purpos- used for forbearance during the cility where employees will be
cultural shed. Electricity is provided tanks. Processing activities, includ- es. No surface water will be used summer months. Also, a Special Per- lodged, have access to a restroom,
by PG&E. The Humboldt County ing drying and curing, will occur in during the forbearance period from mit for existing development that and a wash station. Calisun Farms,
Planning Commission will consider existing agricultural buildings on- May 15 to October 31. An average of encroaches into 50-foot Streamside Inc. will hire a maximum of seven
adoption of a finding that the proj- site. Trimming will be done off-site. 3 employees are engaged in cultiva- Management Area of a Class III wa- employees throughout the year.
ect is exempt from environmental The Humboldt County Planning tion activities on-site and up to 5 tercourse that the Applicant is pro- The Applicant’s water source is a
review pursuant to Section 15301 Commission will consider adoption employees are required at peak op- posing retain by reducing the width proposed well, four water bladders
(Existing Facilities) of the State of a finding that the project is ex- erations. Processing will occur at of the buffer per the submitted ap- totaling 70,000 gallons, five nutrient
CEQA Guidelines. The project site is empt from environmental review an off-site commercial processing plication materials. Solar power is storage tanks totaling 10,125 gal-
located in Humboldt County, in the pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing center in Redway. The Humboldt proposed to be the primary source lons, and two tanks totaling 3,500
Garberville area, on the North side Facilities) of the State CEQA Guide- County Planning Commission will of power, and a generator will be gallons for domestic usage (83,650
and adjacent to Sawmill Road, ap- lines. The project is located in Hum- consider adoption of a finding that used as supplemental power on an gallon total water storage). Calisun
proximately .26 miles west from the boldt County, in the Willow Creek the project is exempt from environ- on-demand basis, e.g., during Farms, Inc. is using water diverted
intersection of Drew Road and Saw- area, on the east side of USFS Route mental review pursuant to Section cloudy or rainy conditions. Also, ap- and stored from an adjacent parcel
mill Road, on the property known 6N13, approximately 3.0 miles north 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the purtenant on-site processing will oc- until the proposed well is drilled.
as 2560 Sawmill Road. from the intersection of Friday State CEQA Guidelines. The project cur in an existing building approxi- The total projected water usage for
Ridge Road and USFS Route 6N13, site is located in Humboldt County, mately 780 SF in size. The Applicant the cultivation is 75,000 gallons
Any person may appear and pres- on the property known to be in the in the Garberville area, on the west estimates there will be 3 to 4 sea- year. An automated timed drip sys-
ent testimony in regard to this mat- northeast quarter of Section 08, side and adjacent to Homestead sonal employees. The property is tem irrigates the existing cultiva-
ter at the hearing. If you challenge Township 06 North, Range 05 East, Road, approximately 0.65 mile west developed with a single family resi- tion. The Humboldt County Plan-
the nature of the proposed action in Humboldt Base & Meridian. from the intersection of Dyerville dence served by on-site systems ning Commission will consider
court, you may be limited to raising Loop Road and Ross Road, then ap- per the applicant’s Plan of Opera- adoption of a finding that the proj-
only those issues you or someone Any person may appear and pres- proximately 0.15 mile north from tion. The Humboldt County Plan- ect is exempt from environmental
else raised at the public hearing de- ent testimony in regard to this mat- the intersection of Ross Road and ning Commission will consider review pursuant to Section 15301
scribed in this notice, or in written ter at the hearing. If you challenge Homestead Road, on the property adoption of a finding that the proj- (Existing Facilities) and 15304 (Mi-
correspondence delivered to the the nature of the proposed action in known as 230 Homestead Road, ect is exempt from environmental nor Alterations to Land) of the State
Planning Commission at, or prior to, court, you may be limited to raising Garberville. review pursuant to Section 15301 CEQA Guidelines. The project is lo-
the public hearing. The Planning only those issues you or someone (Existing Facilities) of the State cated in Humboldt County, in the
Commission needs ONE ORIGINAL else raised at the public hearing de- Any person may appear and pres- CEQA Guidelines. The project is lo- Bridgeville area, on the south side
AND 14 COPIES of any materials sub- scribed in this notice, or in written ent testimony in regard to this mat- cated in Humboldt County, in the of State Hwy 36, approximately 6.5
mitted either prior to or at the meet- correspondence delivered to the ter at the hearing. If you challenge Garberville area, on the east side of miles south from the intersection of
ing. The Planning Commission’s de- Planning Commission at, or prior to, the nature of the proposed action in Mahan Road, approximately 1.98 State Hwy 36 and Larabee Buttes
cision will become effective if an ap- the public hearing. The Planning court, you may be limited to raising miles north from the intersection of BLM Access Road, on the property
peal is not filed within the appropri- Commission needs ONE ORIGINAL only those issues you or someone Alderpoint Road and Mahan Road, known to be in Section 32 of Town-
ate filing period. An appeal may be AND 14 COPIES of any materials sub- else raised at the public hearing de- on the property known as 981 ship 01 North, Range 04 East, Hum-
filed by any aggrieved person who mitted either prior to or at the meet- scribed in this notice, or in written Mahan Road. boldt Base & Meridian.
has testified in person or in writing ing. The Planning Commission’s de- correspondence delivered to the
on the project and must be submit- cision will become effective if an ap- Planning Commission at, or prior to, Any person may appear and pres- Any person may appear and pres-
ted in writing with the required fees peal is not filed within the appropri- the public hearing. The Planning ent testimony in regard to this mat- ent testimony in regard to this mat-
to the Planning Division of the Hum- ate filing period. An appeal may be Commission needs ONE ORIGINAL ter at the hearing. If you challenge ter at the hearing. If you challenge
boldt County Planning and Building filed by any aggrieved person who AND 14 COPIES of any materials sub- the nature of the proposed action in the nature of the proposed action in
Department before the end of the has testified in person or in writing mitted either prior to or at the meet- court, you may be limited to raising court, you may be limited to raising
appeal period. If appealed, the deci- on the project and must be submit- ing. The Planning Commission’s de- only those issues you or someone only those issues you or someone
sion will not become effective until ted in writing with the required fees cision will become effective if an ap- else raised at the public hearing de- else raised at the public hearing de-
the appeal is resolved. If you chal- to the Planning Division of the Hum- peal is not filed within the appropri- scribed in this notice, or in written scribed in this notice, or in written
lenge the nature of the proposed ac- boldt County Planning and Building ate filing period. An appeal may be correspondence delivered to the correspondence delivered to the
tion in court, you may be limited to Department before the end of the filed by any aggrieved person who Planning Commission at, or prior to, Planning Commission at, or prior to,
raising only those issues you or appeal period. If appealed, the deci- has testified in person or in writing the public hearing. The Planning the public hearing. The Planning
someone else raised at the public sion will not become effective until on the project and must be submit- Commission needs ONE ORIGINAL Commission needs ONE ORIGINAL
hearing described in this notice, or the appeal is resolved. If you chal- ted in writing with the required fees AND 14 COPIES of any materials sub- AND 14 COPIES of any materials sub-
in written correspondence deliv- lenge the nature of the proposed ac- to the Planning Division of the Hum- mitted either prior to or at the meet- mitted either prior to or at the meet-
ered to the Planning Commission at tion in court, you may be limited to boldt County Planning and Building ing. The Planning Commission’s de- ing. The Planning Commission’s de-
or prior to the public hearing. The raising only those issues you or Department before the end of the cision will become effective if an ap- cision will become effective if an ap-
staff report for this project will be someone else raised at the public appeal period. If appealed, the deci- peal is not filed within the appropri- peal is not filed within the appropri-
available on our web site http://hu hearing described in this notice, or sion will not become effective until ate filing period. An appeal may be ate filing period. An appeal may be on the Friday in written correspondence deliv- the appeal is resolved. If you chal- filed by any aggrieved person who filed by any aggrieved person who
before the Planning Commission ered to the Planning Commission at lenge the nature of the proposed ac- has testified in person or in writing has testified in person or in writing
meeting. or prior to the public hearing. The tion in court, you may be limited to on the project and must be submit- on the project and must be submit-
staff report for this project will be raising only those issues you or ted in writing with the required fees ted in writing with the required fees
General questions regarding the available on our web site http://hu someone else raised at the public to the Planning Division of the Hum- to the Planning Division of the Hum-
Planning Commission, the permit on the Friday hearing described in this notice, or boldt County Planning and Building boldt County Planning and Building
process, submission of materials, before the Planning Commission in written correspondence deliv- Department before the end of the Department before the end of the
and other information not specific meeting. ered to the Planning Commission at appeal period. If appealed, the deci- appeal period. If appealed, the deci-
to this project may be obtained or prior to the public hearing. The sion will not become effective until sion will not become effective until
from the Planning Division of the General questions regarding the staff report for this project will be the appeal is resolved. If you chal- the appeal is resolved. If you chal-
Humboldt County Planning and Planning Commission, the permit available on our web site http://hu lenge the nature of the proposed ac- lenge the nature of the proposed ac-
Building Department, 3015 H Street, process, submission of materials, on the Friday tion in court, you may be limited to tion in court, you may be limited to
Eureka, California 95501. Telephone and other information not specific before the Planning Commission raising only those issues you or raising only those issues you or
(707) 445-7541. to this project may be obtained meeting. someone else raised at the public someone else raised at the public
from the Planning Division of the hearing described in this notice, or hearing described in this notice, or
Humboldt County Planning Commis- Humboldt County Planning and General questions regarding the in written correspondence deliv- in written correspondence deliv-
sion Building Department, 3015 H Street, Planning Commission, the permit ered to the Planning Commission at ered to the Planning Commission at
Eureka, California 95501. Telephone process, submission of materials, or prior to the public hearing. The or prior to the public hearing. The
October 19, 2017 (707) 445-7541. and other information not specific staff report for this project will be staff report for this project will be
to this project may be obtained available on our web site http://hu available on our web site http://hu
Humboldt County Planning Commis- from the Planning Division of the on the Friday on the Friday
sion Humboldt County Planning and before the Planning Commission before the Planning Commission
Building Department, 3015 H Street, meeting. meeting.
October 19, 2017 Eureka, California 95501. Telephone
(707) 445-7541. General questions regarding the General questions regarding the
Planning Commission, the permit Planning Commission, the permit
Humboldt County Planning Commis- process, submission of materials, process, submission of materials,
sion and other information not specific and other information not specific
to this project may be obtained to this project may be obtained
October 19, 2017 from the Planning Division of the from the Planning Division of the
Humboldt County Planning and Humboldt County Planning and
Building Department, 3015 H Street, Building Department, 3015 H Street,
Eureka, California 95501. Telephone Eureka, California 95501. Telephone
(707) 445-7541. (707) 445-7541.
Humboldt County Planning Commis- Humboldt County Planning Commis-
Find Us Online at sion sion October 19, 2017 October 19, 2017
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Crossword Edited by Will Shortz No. 0914

ACROSS They’re often
31 62 Language 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Interjection
made at known to its
derived from icebreakers users as 13 14 15 16

the Latin for

33 Dr. of verse ‫اردو‬ 17 18 19
35 & 37 Start of
5 Peak 63 Way up 20 21 22
an ethical
9 Rips off rule 64 In addition
23 24 25
13 Food ___ (post- 40 Prop for 65 Quit
Thanksgiving Gandalf 66 Come ___ 26 27 28 29 30
meal condition) surprise
42 “Grease” high 31 32 33 34
14 Innocent sort school 67 Celebration
16 Sal’s canal, in 44 Twitter site
35 36 37 38 39
47 Singer Nicks DOWN 40 41 42 43
17 & 18 What a
boastful guy 49 Fight 1 It’s the law 44 45 46 47 48 49
might do 2 Something to
50 Rejoice
20 Wouldn’t settle, tie up 50 51 52 53

say 52 Formal term

3 Become in life
for the gap 54 55 56 57
22 Exhibits suggested 4 Fills
58 59 60 61
23 Condemned by 17/18-, 5 German cry
25 Save for later
35/37- and
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek 54/57-Across 6 Put in one’s two 62 63 64

26 What comes cents, with “in” 65 66 67

Unscramble these four Jumbles,
one letter to each square, before a clue? 54 & 57 7 Does sumthing
to form four ordinary words. Overextended
27 ___ NFL (video wrong?
TOODU game franchise) 58 Tiny treasures 8 University near
from the sea
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

30 Antarctica’s ___ Greensboro 23 Most movie 38 Rising notes? 51 Weak punch?

Ice Shelf 60 Dots in la mer
9 Did a dry run
39 Dieter’s goal
these days, for
53 Dickens’s Fagin,
©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
All Rights Reserved.
ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 10 Jesse who short 41 Gangsters’
pitched in a wear, in old e.g.
UGBOM M O P S P O W E C L A T 24 Some movies
record 1,252 Jamaicans,
I B E T H U E S B R I D E major-league informally 43 Place for a 55 Paris’s Pont ___
L E P E T I T D E J E U N E R games shepherd Arts
28 Job listing abbr.
O S S I E G M A N E L M 11 Demographic 44 Centaur who
WILPOL E I N E K L E I N E D E S statistic
29 Burrowing
was killed by
South American 56 “Toodles!”
S R I E Z R A 12 Faculties rodent Hercules
B R I O O L E S E E N I E 45 Black belt, e.g. 59 Above capacity,
15 Cause for a 32 Found, as
U N A P O C A D E G R A C I A grub for short
suspension, in 46 “You betcha!”
Now arrange the circled letters brief 34 Most retiring
S L A W A R P 48 Quintet
to form the surprise answer, as
19 Giants’ grp. 36 ___-mentioned instrument 61 Harden
suggested by the above cartoon. H M O N A C H T M U S I K
O E D G L U E S H O A L 21 Early TV
“ ” network Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past
(Answers tomorrow) S T A I N S L O E R I A A competing with puzzles, ($39.95 a year).
Jumbles: SHAKY APART TRICKY INJECT Y A D D A A N N K A N T NBC, ABC and Read about and comment on each puzzle:
Answer: To promote his business, the locksmith CBS
wore — “KHA-KEY” PANTS
8 | B

i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆViÃ
FIRST FILING (Pursuant to Cal. Civ. Code 2923.3) YOU ARE IN DEFAULT
On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 17-00518 UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 4/10/2012. UNLESS YOU
6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as
the matter can be heard, the Hum- the matter can be heard, the Hum- THE FOLLOWING SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION
the matter can be heard, the Hum- OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU
boldt County Planning Commission boldt County Planning Commission boldt County Planning Commission PERSONS ARE
will hold a public hearing in the will hold a public hearing in the DOING BUSINESS SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER . A public auction sale to
will hold a public hearing in the the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a
Board of Supervisors’ Chamber, Board of Supervisors’ Chamber, Board of Supervisors’ Chamber, AS:
Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal
Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal sav-
Fifth Street, Eureka, California, to Fifth Street, Eureka, California, to Fifth Street, Eureka, California, to Rays Quality Cars
consider the matter listed below. If consider the matter listed below. If 195 Fortuna Blvd ings and loan association, or savings association, or sav-
consider the matter listed below. If ings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial C ode
you have specific questions regard- you have specific questions regard- you have specific questions regard- Fortuna, CA 95540
ing the proposed project contact ing the proposed project contact Mi- Humboldt and authorized to do business in this state, will be held
ing the proposed project contact Mi- by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but
Caitlin Camp, Planner, at (707) 445- chelle Nielsen, Senior Planner, at chelle Nielsen, Senior Planner, at
7541 or (707) 445-7541 or mnielsen@co.hum NAME OF INDIVID- without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, re-
(707) 445-7541 or mnielsen@co.hum garding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the
Brannan Mountain Farms, LLC, Wil- UAL REGIS-
low Creek area; Application Num- TRANTS: remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the
ber 11050 (filed December 7, 2016); Honeydew Valley Farms, LLC, Hon- Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as
Happy Head Ranch, LLC, Titlow Hill provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the
Case Numbers CUP-16-332 and SP- area; Application Number 11732 eydew area; Application Numbers Raymond P.
17-140; Assessor Parcel Numbers 12139, 12144, and 12143 (filed Decem- Ambrosini Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and ex-
(filed December 9, 2016); Case Num- penses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of
(APN) 522-211-051. A Conditional bers CUP16-365; Assessor Parcel ber 21, 2016); Case Numbers CUP- 2704 Shields Lane
Use Permit for an existing 12,268 16-545, CUP16-546, and CUP-16-548; Fortuna, CA 95540 the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably
Number (APN) 316-174-007. A Condi- estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be
square-foot (sf) commercial medi- tional Use Permit for an existing Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN)
cal cannabis cultivation operation 107-086-024 and 107-091-001. Three Raymond P. greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO
15,000-square-foot of outdoor medi- BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s):
consisting of an 8,788-square-foot cal cannabis cultivation operation. Conditional Use Permits (CUP) for 1 Ambrosini Jr.
(sf) outdoor cultivation area and a acre each for a total of three acres 723 Springville GERALD M. GREEN, AN UNMARRIED M A N Recorded:
There are two sites of cultivation on 4/13/2012 as Instrument No. 2012-9530-11 of Official Re-
3,480 sf mixed-light cultivation the property (Area 1 and 2); Area 1 (130,680 square feet (sf)) of new out- Ave
area. Outdoor cultivation is divided door commercial medical cannabis Fortuna, CA 95540 cords in the office of the Recorder of HUMBOLDT County,
is currently within a watercourse California; Date of Sale: 11/2/2017 at 11:00AM Place of
into four separate areas and one ex- Class III buffer zone. Applicant pro- cultivation on approximately 319
isting greenhouse that was demol- acres. Of the total cultivation, This business Sale: At the front entrance to the County Courthouse lo-
poses to relocate Area 1 to a site cated at 825 5th Street, Eureka, CA 95501 Amount of un-
ished for replacement. The mixed that is environmentally superior. 43,200 sf will be in greenhouses conducted by: An
light cultivation area is contained with the remaining 87,480 square General Partner- paid balance and other charges: $220,393.57 The purport-
The proposed project includes mov- ed property address is: 2920 A STREET, EUREKA, CA 95501
within 2 existing greenhouses and ing Cultivation Area 1 from the sen- feet grown outdoors. All cultivation ship
the Applicant proposes to reconfig- will be entirely without supplemen- Assessor’s Parcel No.: 010-061-018-000 010-061-017 010-
sitive location and reduce the culti- 061-015 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are con-
ure into five greenhouses total. Al- vation from 11,400 to 6,400 square tal lighting. A new 1.5-million- The registrants
so a Special Permit to allow a culti- gallon rainwater catchment pond is commenced to sidering bidding on this property lien, you should under-
feet. While adding 5,000 square feet stand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee
vation area setback of less than to cultivation Area 2, for a total of proposed to provide irrigation for transact business
600-feet from public lands used and the cultivation operations. A new under the ficti- auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the proper-
8,600 square feet. Water for irriga- ty itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does
managed for open space/wildlife tion is provided by a permitted 3,200-foot water line will be con- tious business
habitat for the adjacent National structed from the pond to the culti- name or names not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership
well. There is approximately 82,500 of the property. You should also be aware that the lien
Forest lands north of the property. gallons of water storage in a series vation area with a submergible wa- listed above on
Portions of Cultivation Areas 2, 3 ter pump to distribute water for irri- N/A being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the
of hard tanks and one water blad- highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be respon-
and 4 encroach into the 30-foot set- der. To supplement the water gation. Estimated water usage per
back from the eastern property year will be approximately 1,025,000 s/ Raymond sible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auc-
source, the Applicant proposes two tioned off, before you can receive clear title to the prop-
line; consequently, the Applicant rainwater catchment ponds. Irriga- gallons, and the applicants will fore- Ambrosini - Own-
proposes to grow a non-cannabis bear from any surface water diver- er erty. You are encouraged to investigate the existence,
tion will be completed by hand, to priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on
crop within the setback. The appli- effectively monitor and manage wa- sions from May 15th to October 9/27/2017
cant will relocate an existing culti- 31st. Processing is proposed to oc- this property by contacting the county recorder’s office
ter distribution. The projected wa- or a title insurance company, either of which may charge
vation area, existing greenhouse, ter usage is approximately 92,000 cur on-site in a proposed ADA- This statement
and a proposed greenhouse that en- compliant processing facility to be was filed with the you a fee for this information. If you consult either of
gallons a year. Processing activi- these resources, you should be aware that the same
croach into the 30-foot setback ties, including drying, curing and constructed in 2017. Power is sup- Humboldt County
from the northern property boun- plied by Pacific Gas and Electric Clerk September lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of
trimming, will be performed on-site trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The
dary. The Applicant proposes two in a proposed processing facility. (PG&E) to the processing facility, 26, 2017
ancillary propagation areas: 1) a while two generators will be utiliz- sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed
Electricity is provided by PG&E. The one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trust-
4,300-square-foot outdoor area; and Humboldt County Planning Commis- ed to power greenhouse fans at the KELLY E. SANDERS
2) an indoor propagation area to be cultivation site. The Humboldt Humboldt County ee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California
sion will consider adoption of a find- Civil Code. The law requires that information about trust-
located inside a proposed 1,200- ing that the project is exempt from County Planning Commission will Clerk
square-foot processing building. In consider adoption of a finding that sm ee sale postponements be made available to you and to
environmental review pursuant to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale.
addition to the indoor propagation Section 15301 (Existing Facilities), the project is exempt from environ- Deputy
area, the proposed processing build- mental review pursuant to Sections 10/12,19,26/2017, If you wish to learn whether your sa le date has been
Section 15303 (New postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and
ing will house a drying room, a trim- Construction/Conversion of Small 15301 (Existing Facilities) 15303 11/2/2017
ming room, and an ADA-compliant (New Construction of Small Struc- date for the sale of this property, you may call 916-939-
Structures) and Section 15333 FICTITIOUS 0772 for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit
bathroom. Annual projected water (Small Habitat Restoration Proj- tures), and 15304 (Minor Alterations BUSINESS NAME
use is 396,000 gallons (1.22 acre- to Land)of the State CEQA Guide- this Internet Web site , us-
ects) of the State CEQA Guidelines. STATEMENT ing the file number assigned to this foreclosure by the
feet) and is sourced from the Wil- The project site is located in Hum- lines. The project is located in Hum- NEW FILING
low Creek Community Service Dis- boldt County, in the Honeydew Trustee: C A - 1 7 - 7 7 1 2 7 9 - J B . Information about
boldt County, in the Titlow Hill area, FIRST FILING postponements that are very short in duration or that
trict. Water storage capacity on the on the south side of State Highway area, on the north and south sides 17-00520
property is 5,000 gallons in two of Mattole Road, approximately 3.03 occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not imme-
299, approximately 2.8 miles east diately be reflected in the telephone information or on
2,500-gallon hard-sided tanks, one from the intersection of State High- miles west of the intersection of THE FOLLOWING
of which is available for fire protec- Wilder Ridge Road and Mattole the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postpone-
way 299 and Saber Tooth Road (as PERSONS ARE ment information is to attend the scheduled sale. The
tion use only. Power for the cultiva- indicated on the applicant’s Project Road, on the property known to be DOING BUSINESS
tion operations is provided by four in Section 34 of Township 02 South, undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incor-
Location Map, Saber Tooth Road is AS: rectness of the property address or other common des-
generators: 2 for supplemental light- approximately 16 miles west of Wil- Range 01 West and Section 3 of
ing in greenhouses, 1 for water Township 03 South, Range 01 West, ignation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or
low Creek), on the property known Trevor Vonn other common designation is shown, directions to the lo-
pumps, and 1 for backup. Fertiliz- to be in the NW 14/ of the NE 1/4 of Humboldt Base & Meridian. Photography
ers, soil amendments, and pesti- cation of the property may be obtained by sending a
Section 24 of Township 06 North, 806 ½ C ST APT A written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the
cides are secured on-site in a metal Range 03 East, Humboldt Base & Any person may appear and pres- Eureka, CA 95501
shipping container. The Humboldt ent testimony in regard to this mat- date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. If the sale
Meridian. Humboldt is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is un-
County Planning Commission will ter at the hearing. If you challenge
consider adoption of a finding that the nature of the proposed action in able to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be
Any person may appear and pres- Trevor Vonn entitled only to a return o f the monies paid to the Trust-
the project is exempt from environ- ent testimony in regard to this mat- court, you may be limited to raising Productions
mental review pursuant to Sections only those issues you or someone ee. This shall be the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive rem-
ter at the hearing. If you challenge Humboldt edy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse
15301 (Existing Facilities), 15302 (Re- the nature of the proposed action in else raised at the public hearing de-
placement or Reconstruction), and scribed in this notice, or in written against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the
court, you may be limited to raising NAME OF INDIVID- Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney. If you
15303 (New Construction of Small only those issues you or someone correspondence delivered to the UAL REGIS-
Structures) of the State CEQA Guide- Planning Commission at, or prior to, have previously been discharged through bankruptcy,
else raised at the public hearing de- TRANTS: you may have been released of personal liability for this
lines. The project is located in Hum- scribed in this notice, or in written the public hearing. The Planning
boldt County, in the Willow Creek Commission needs ONE ORIGINAL loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the
correspondence delivered to the Trevor Vonn note holders right’s against the real property only.
area, on the north side of Brannan Planning Commission at, or prior to, AND 14 COPIES of any materials sub- 806 ½ C ST APT A
Mountain Road, approximately 0.54 mitted either prior to or at the meet- QUALITY MAY BE CONSIDERED A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
the public hearing. The Planning Eureka, CA 95501 TEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION
miles west from the intersection of Commission needs ONE ORIGINAL ing. The Planning Commission’s de-
State Highway 96 and Brannan cision will become effective if an ap- OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Date: Qual-
AND 14 COPIES of any materials sub- This business ity Loan Service Corporation 411 Ivy Street San Diego, CA
Mountain Road, on the property mitted either prior to or at the meet- peal is not filed within the appropri- conducted by: An
known as 741 Brannan Mountain ate filing period. An appeal may be 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale
ing. The Planning Commission’s de- Individual Line: 916-939-0772 O r Login to: http://www.qualityloan.c
Road. cision will become effective if an ap- filed by any aggrieved person who
has testified in person or in writing om Reinstatement Line: (866) 645-7711 Ext 5318 Quality
peal is not filed within the appropri- The registrants Loan Service Corp. TS No.: CA-17-771279-JB IDSPub
Any person may appear and pres- ate filing period. An appeal may be on the project and must be submit- commenced to
ent testimony in regard to this mat- ted in writing with the required fees #0132183 10/12/2017 10/19/2017 10/26/2017
filed by any aggrieved person who transact business
ter at the hearing. If you challenge has testified in person or in writing to the Planning Division of the Hum- under the ficti-
the nature of the proposed action in on the project and must be submit- boldt County Planning and Building tious business

court, you may be limited to raising ted in writing with the required fees Department before the end of the name or names
only those issues you or someone to the Planning Division of the Hum- appeal period. If appealed, the deci- listed above on
else raised at the public hearing de- boldt County Planning and Building sion will not become effective until N/A
scribed in this notice, or in written Department before the end of the the appeal is resolved. If you chal-
correspondence delivered to the appeal period. If appealed, the deci- lenge the nature of the proposed ac- s/ Trevor Vonn-
Planning Commission at, or prior to, sion will not become effective until tion in court, you may be limited to Photographer
the public hearing. The Planning the appeal is resolved. If you chal- raising only those issues you or 9/26/2017
Commission needs ONE ORIGINAL lenge the nature of the proposed ac- someone else raised at the public

are lookingfor
AND 14 COPIES of any materials sub- tion in court, you may be limited to hearing described in this notice, or This statement
mitted either prior to or at the meet- raising only those issues you or in written correspondence deliv- was filed with the
ing. The Planning Commission’s de- someone else raised at the public ered to the Planning Commission at Humboldt County
cision will become effective if an ap- hearing described in this notice, or or prior to the public hearing. The Clerk September
peal is not filed within the appropri- in written correspondence deliv- staff report for this project will be 26, 2017
ate filing period. An appeal may be ered to the Planning Commission at available on our web site http://hu
filed by any aggrieved person who or prior to the public hearing. The on the Friday KELLY E. SANDERS

has testified in person or in writing staff report for this project will be before the Planning Commission Humboldt County
on the project and must be submit- available on our web site http://hu meeting. Clerk
ted in writing with the required fees on the Friday se
to the Planning Division of the Hum- before the Planning Commission General questions regarding the Deputy
boldt County Planning and Building meeting. Planning Commission, the permit 9 / 2 8 / 2 0 1 7 ,
Department before the end of the process, submission of materials, 10/5,12,19/2017
appeal period. If appealed, the deci- General questions regarding the and other information not specific
sion will not become effective until Planning Commission, the permit to this project may be obtained
the appeal is resolved. If you chal- process, submission of materials, from the Planning Division of the
lenge the nature of the proposed ac- and other information not specific Humboldt County Planning and
tion in court, you may be limited to to this project may be obtained Building Department, 3015 H Street,
raising only those issues you or from the Planning Division of the Eureka, California 95501. Telephone i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆViÃ
someone else raised at the public Humboldt County Planning and (707) 445-7541.
hearing described in this notice, or Building Department, 3015 H Street,
in written correspondence deliv- Eureka, California 95501. Telephone Humboldt County Planning Commis- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TTD No.: 171081168541-1 Control No.:
ered to the Planning Commission at (707) 445-7541. sion XXXXXX2867 ATTENTION RECORDER: THE FOLLOWING REFERENCE TO AN AT-
staff report for this project will be Humboldt County Planning Commis- October 19, 2017 TRUSTORS ONLY. NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS
before the Planning Commission October 19, 2017 STATEMENT
File No. 17-00526 On 11-09-2017 at 11:00 AM, TITLE TRUST DEED SERVICE- COMPANY, as duly
NOTICE OF VEHICLE LIEN SALE The following person(s) is doing appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 01-12-2009,
General questions regarding the business as:
Planning Commission, the permit as Instrument No. 2009-452-12, in book XXX, page XXX , of Official Records in
A public Lien Sale will be held on No- Lazy J Ranch, 3385 Jane Road, the office of the County Recorder of HUMBOLDT County, State of CALIFORNIA
process, submission of materials, vember 2, 2017, at 2:00 p.m., at KLM Arcata, CA 95521, County of Hum-
and other information not specific , executed by ARLENA PARKS, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN WILL SELL AT PUBLIC
Johnson - RV & Boat Storage, 2757 boldt. AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawful
to this project may be obtained Hubbard Lane, Eureka, CA, for the Sun Lazy J LLC, 27777 Franklin Road,
from the Planning Division of the money of the United States) at AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE COUNTY
following Vehicle: Suite 200, Southfield, MI 48034 COURTHOUSE, 825 5TH STREET, EUREKA CA 95501. All right, title and interest
Humboldt County Planning and State of Inc./Org./Reg. CA
Building Department, 3015 H Street, conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property sit-
1987 CHEVROLET BUS Inc./Org./Reg. No. 201723510061 uated in said County, and State described as: APN No.: 015-142-001-000.
Eureka, California 95501. Telephone VIN: 1GBJ6P1B2HV111308 This business is conducted by a lim-
Humboldt County Planning Commis- act business under the fictitious
business name or names listed ON NORTH 14 DEGREES 37 MINUTES WEST 275.8 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE
A viewing of the vehicle will be al- above on not applicable OF EDGEWOOD ROAD (FORMERLY 20TH STREET); THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES
October 19, 2017 lowed 1 hour prior to the lien sale. /s/ Susan R. McMaster, on behalf of 30 MINUTES EAST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF EDGEWOOD ROAD
Sun Communities Operating Limit- 109.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 14 DEGREES 37 MINUTES WEST PARALLEL WITH
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME All purchased goods are sold "AS ed Partnership, the Member THE EAST LINE OF MYRTLE AVENUE 55 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 30
File No. 17-00527 of purchase. Sale is subject to prior County Clerk of Humboldt County SOUTH 14 DEGREES 37 MINUTES EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF MYRTLE
The following person(s) is doing cancellation in the event of settle- on September 29, 2017. AVENUE 55 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. The street address and other
business as: ment between landlord and obligat- Kelly E. Sanders, County Clerk common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purport-
Ocean West, 1090 Murray Road, ed party. Per Lien Sale Regulations, By: SC, Deputy ed to be: 1903 MYRTLE AVE EUREKA CA 95501. The undersigned Trustee dis-
McKinleyville, CA 95519, County of a 10-day hold will be placed on the New filing claims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other
Humboldt. vehicle after the sale. 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9/17 common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale of property will be
Sun Ocean West, LLC, 27777 Frank- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CNS-3056352# made in "as is" condition, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or
lin Road, Suite 200, Southfield, MI NOTICE OF SALE HUMBOLDT BEACON AND ADVANCE implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining
48034 principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest
State of Inc./Org./Reg. CA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the thereon, as provided in said note(s). advances, if any, under the terms of
Inc./Org./Reg. No. 201722110340 undersigned intends to sell the per- i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the
This business is conducted by a lim- sonal property described below to trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid bal-
ited liability company. enforce a lien imposed on said prop- FICTITIOUS name or names ance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable es-
The registrant commenced to trans- erty pursuant to Section 21700- BUSINESS NAME listed above on timated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication
act business under the fictitious 21716 of the Business & Professions STATEMENT N/A of the Notice of Sale is $289,801.16. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust
business name or names listed Code, Section 2328 of the UCC, sec- NEW FILING heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration
above on not applicable tion 535 of the Penal Code and provi- FIRST FILING s/ Garold of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election
/s/ Susan R. McMaster, on behalf of sions of the Civil Code. 17-00540 Goergen- Owner to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to
Sun Communities Operating Limit- 10/10/2017 be recorded in the county where the real property is located. NOTICE TO PO-
ed Partnership, the Member The undersigned will sell at public THE FOLLOWING TENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you
This statement was filed with the sale by competitive bidding on the PERSONS ARE This statement should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auc-
County Clerk of Humboldt County 2nd day of November2017, at 12pm, DOING BUSINESS was filed with the tion. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the
on September 28, 2017. on the premises where said proper- AS: Humboldt County highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free
Kelly E. Sanders, County Clerk ty has been stored which are locat- Clerk October 10, and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien
By: SC, Deputy ed at Myrtle Avenue Storage Cen- Keep It Clean 2017 being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the
New filing ter, 1653 Myrtle Avenue, Eureka, Cal- Landscaping and auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the
10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9/17 ifornia, County of Humboldt, State Maintenance KELLY E. SANDERS lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property.
CNS-3056349# of California, the following: 1110 Forson Rd Humboldt County You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of out-
HUMBOLDT BEACON AND ADVANCE McKinleyville, CA Clerk standing liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county re-
034 Jesse Garrett 95519 se corder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 116 Eugene Lemas Humboldt Deputy a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you
STATEMENT 117 Larry Richter 10/12,19,26/2017, should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or
File No. 17-00509 258 Kathleen NAME OF INDIVID- 11/2/2017 deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date
The following person(s) is doing Buchanan UAL REGIS- shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the
business as: 280 Julie McMullen TRANTS: mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the
Halloween City, 800 W. Harris California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale
Street, Eureka, CA 95501, County of Garold M. postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to
Humboldt. All units have personal & misc. Goergen those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date
Party City Corporation, 25 Green household items. 1110 Forson Rd has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for
Pond Road, Suite #1, Rockaway, NJ McKinleyville, CA the sale of this property, you may call 714-730-2727 or 916-939-0772 for infor-
07866; Delaware; C2031452 Purchases must be paid for at the 95519 mation regarding the trustee’s sale, or visit this Internet Web site www.servi
This business is conducted by A Cor- time of purchase in cash only. All or for information regarding
poration. purchased items sold; as is, where Mona M. the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case
The registrant commenced to trans- is, and must be removed at the time Hernandez 171081168541-1. Information about postponements that are very short in du-
act business under the fictitious of sale. Sale subject to cancellation 1110 Forson Rd ration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately
business name or names listed in the event of settlement between McKinleyville, CA be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The
above on N/A owner and obligated party. 95519 best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled
/s/ Joseph J. Zepf, Secretary (Auctioneer Bond #7900332943) sale. Date: 10-05-2017 TITLE TRUST DEED SERVICE COMPANY, As Trustee
This statement was filed with the This business BRENDA B. PEREZ, Trustee Sale Officer. TITLE TRUST DEED SERVICE COMPA-
County Clerk of Humboldt County conducted by: An NY 26540 Agoura Road Suite 102 Calabasas CA 91302 Sale Line: 714-730-2727
on September 21, 2017. General Partner- or Login to: or Sale Line: 916-939-0772 or Login to:
Kelly E. Sanders, County Clerk ship If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any
By: Ih, Deputy reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the re-
New Filing - this is a: First Filing The registrants turn of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no
10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26/17 commenced to further recourse. We are assisting the Beneficiary to collect a debt and any
CNS-3050303# transact business information we obtain will be used for that purpose whether received orally
HUMBOLDT BEACON AND ADVANCE under the ficti- or in writing. A-4634915 10/12/2017, 10/19/2017, 10/26/2017
tious business ETS#6041570
10/12/17, 10/19/17, 10/26/17
T I M E S - S TA N D A R D THURSDAY, OCT. 19, 2017

People’ Redwood
Halloween tale is told


555 Contemporary dancers are presenting a special version of
Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas."
555 Contemporary Dance Company is though this performance may not be guest artists from the Ya Habibi Dance dance is not just entertainment, but an
presenting “The Nightmare Before Christ- suitable for children under 3. Tickets are Company and Sassafras Bellydance, as well endeavor to relate to the audience as a
mas,” Tim Burton's classic Halloween available at Wildberries Marketplace and as Sequoya Cross and Matilda Jackson. kindred spirit using the purest of art forms
tale, as told through dance Saturday at 2 Threadbare in Arcata, from performers and 555 Contemporary Dance Company is a in which the artist becomes the art itself.
and 7 p.m. at Redwood Raks World Dance at the door. A large portion of proceeds will DreamMaker program of The Ink People. To get involved, contact Stephanie at SCar-
Studio, 824 L St. in Arcata. go to victims of the California wildfires. Established in 2015, 555 strives to pull
Admission is $10 general, $8 for kids The program is directed and choreo- the audience into another world during a
10 and under. Kids 2 and under are free, graphed by Stephanie Carter, with special performance. 555 is a troupe that believes

Dance teachers sought Blues performers take the stage

Feet First Dancers is looking for dance teachers for The Westhaven Center for the Arts — Jim Lahman, Dale Cash, Ron Perry and Bill
classes in Southern Humboldt — jazz, modern, salsa, 501 S. Westhaven Drive just south of Trini- Moehnke will present blues from the turn of the
hip-hop, tango … any and every style is welcome. dad — will present Third Friday Blues, century to today! Dancing is recommended. Ad-
For more information, call Natalie at 707-223-1893. “Blues Through the Years,” Friday at 7 p.m. mission is $5 to $20, on a sliding scale.

2 urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017
content Life in
Please email press releases and photos to:

2039 Harrison, Eureka - 707-445-2079


SUDOKU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
CROSSWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
WEEK AHEAD CALENDAR. . . . . . . . 19
Halloween characters come
TV MOVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
to life in ‘Zombie Ballet’
PUZZLE ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . 23


Pictured are Crested Hens members,
from left, Seabury Gould, Liz
Thompson and Brae Lewis. HSU — CONTRIBUTED
Nicole Riffenburgh as Kate and Jeremy Stolp
as Princeton in HSU's "Avenue Q."

From left are Peggy Metzger and Pamela
Long in Redwood Curtain's "Good People."
The cast of "The Zombie Ballet" poses for a performance picture.

Members of North Coast Dance have tak- the silent and live auctions. Attendees are
en the opportunity to dust off their broom- encouraged to come dressed to impress in
sticks, top hats and toe shoes for“The Zom- their favorite Halloween costumes to com- bie Ballet,” a one-night-only event Oct. 28 at pete for cash prizes in a costume contest.
930 6th Street, Eureka the Arkley Center for the Performing Arts, The Zombie Ballet is North Coast Dance’s
Phone (707) 441-0500
412 G St. in Eureka. annual benefit to raise funds for the schol-
TIMES-STANDARD Paula Patton – Publisher The Zombie Ballet features the North arship program, which funds tuition for 30
Marc Valles – Managing Editor Coast Dance company, apprentices, staff percent of dancers at NCD.
Carmel Bonitatibus – Advertising Director and pre-professional dancers as Halloween General seating tickets are $25 for chil-
COMMUNITY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE characters, including Frankenstein, Igor, a dren 12 and under and $50 for adults and
Content – Heather Shelton & Catherine Wong
Urge is distributed to subscribers and readers of the Times-Standard at no additional charge.
coven of witches, Dracula and his bat min- may be purchased at North Coast Dance,
All advertising herein is the responsibility of the advertiser. The Times-Standard retains the publication ions and Satan. 426 F St. in Eureka, by calling 707-442-7779
rights to all content produced or supplied by the Times-Standard. Use of said material without Tickets to this family friendly event in- or online at
the written consent of the Times-Standard is prohibited. Copyright © 2017.
clude hors d’oeuvres, spirits and entry into urge.times-standard entertainment magazine 3
Crested Hens play Celtic tunes


Pictured are Crested Hens members, from left,
Seabury Gould, Liz Thompson and Brae Lewis.

People who love Irish/Celtic mu- er's Irish Pub in Old Town Eureka at Samhain, an ancient pre-Christian including songs and tunes of enchant-
sic are invited to enjoy the trio Crested 2nd and C streets. Admission is free. Celtic festival of the dead, also a har- ment, which invoke images and express
Hens with Seabury Gould on guitar, Crested Hens performs music of Ireland vest festival,” Gould said. “Samhain was the Celtic vision of how on the night
bouzouki, flute and vocals; Liz Thomp- and other Celtic lands as well as "vision- the biggest and most significant holi- of Halloween there is an opening be-
son on cello; and Brae Lewis on banjo ary songs" in the spirit of Halloween day (holy day) of the Celtic year. In old tween our world and the spirit world.
and mandolin this Thursday and on and Samhain. Irish, ‘samhain’ meant ‘summer's end.’” For more information, go to seabury-
Oct. 26 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Gallagh- “Halloween had its beginnings in Crested Hens plays a variety of music, or call 707-845-8167.

Enjoy wine and “Wine & Jazz withThe HMMR Jazz Project”
will take place Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. at
the Morris Graves Museum of Art, 636 F St.
in Eureka.
Admission is $5 for adults and $2 for se-
musicians: Bill Moehnke on the drums, Tim
Randles on the piano and Dale Cash on
bass. Hemingway is a former Humboldt
County resident now living in Sacramento
and currently touring with Brad Wilson and

jazz at museum
niors, students and military personnel. It’s the Rollin Blues Thunder Band.
free for Humboldt Arts Council members, Wine & Jazz is a monthly program, in-
children under 17 and families w/an EBT cluded with admission to the museum.
card Bring along your instrument, as audience
The HHMR Jazz Project features Sacra- members will be invited to jam with the
mento-based vocalist Dee Hemingway, band following the show.
accompanied by three Humboldt County

4 urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017
Weekday Daytime OCTOBER 19, 2017 TO OCTOBER 25, 2017
6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30
Busine- Early Today Show Megyn Kelly Today Live With Kelly Mike & Millio- Days of Our Access The Real This This News at NBC
(3.1) KIEM
ss First Today Today and Ryan Molly naire? Lives Hollywood Live Minute Minute 5 News
Essent- Fitness Daniel Splash Thomas Cat in Sesame Super Peg + Various Various Various Various Various Dinosa- Jet Go!/ George Cat/ Wild Wild Hom- BizKid$/ Busi-
(13.1) KEET
rics / Sit Fit Tiger Bubbles -Friends the Hat Street WHY! Cat ur Train Curious / Arthur Arthur Kratts Kratts ework O.Squad ness
CBS Morning CBS This Morning The Dr. Oz Show The Price Is The Young and Family Bold & The Talk Let's Make a The Rachael Ray News- (Th) NFL NFLKick :25Footbl
(17.1) KVIQ
News Right the Restless Feud B. Deal Show /Dr. Oz Kick / InsEd. l/ News
(5:00) Daybreak Good Morning America The Doctors The View Harry The Chew General Hospital Daily Judge The Ellen Dr. Phil Ent. Judge
(23.1) KAEF
on KAEF Mail TV Judy DeGeneres Show Tonight Judy
Facts of Brady Hillbil- Three Leave It Leave It Perry Mason Matlock Diagnosis The Big Valley Guns- Guns- Bonanza Rifl- Rifl- Wagon Train T.J. Hooker
(23.2) KAEF2
Life Bunch lies Sons Beaver Beaver Murder moke moke eman eman
Judge Hot Divorce Supr.- Ameri- Justice The Jerry The Justice Judge Mathis The People's The Wendy Steve! TMZ Live! Funn- Laughs/ (Th F M) (Th F M)
(28.1) KBVU
Faith Bench Court Justice
caCourt Springer Show Verdict for All Court Williams Show yAsk Pregme 2½Men 2½Men
Lassie Lassie Little House on Murder, She Adam Adam Emergency! Quincy, M.E. Murder, She Murder, She Little House on (F Tu W) (Th M) Muns- Muns- Frasier Frasier
(28.2) KBVU2
the Prairie Wrote 12 12 Wrote Wrote the Prairie L. House Lassie ters ters
Page Cops Maury The Steve Wilkos The Steve Wilkos The Jerry The Jerry Popoff/ Paid Paid Paid Maury The Robert Irvine Cops King of Gold- Gold-
(29.1) KECA
Six TV Show Show Springer Show Springer Show Paid Show Queens berg berg
KTVU Mornings KTVU Mornings on 2 at 7 a.m. Judge Paid Judge Paid Paid Justice KTVU FOX 2 Dateline Paid Celebr- Dish Paid Harry Crime Watch
(29.2) KECA2
on 2 at 6 a.m. Faith H. News at Noon ity Page Nation Daily
Th InfoDoc InfoDoc P. Wars P. Wars Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Cold Case Files The First 48 The First 48
F InfoDoc InfoDoc P. Wars P. Wars Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Live PD Live PD Live PD
A&E M InfoDoc InfoDoc P. Wars P. Wars Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. The Eleven The Eleven Killer Kids Killer Kids Killer Kids Killer Kids
Tu InfoDoc InfoDoc P. Wars P. Wars Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders
W InfoDoc InfoDoc P. Wars P. Wars Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars P. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars
Th Paid Program <++ Graveyard Shift (Hor, '90) <+++ Army of Darkness (Hor, '92) Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead
F Paid Program < The Gallows (Hor, '15) Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead
AMC M Paid Program <++++ Halloween (Hor, '78) <++ Halloween 4: The Return of... <++ Halloween 5: The Revenge of... <++ Halloween: The Curse of Mic... <++ Halloween...
Tu Paid Program <++ House on Haunted Hill <++ House of Wax (Hor, '05) Elisha Cuthbert. <++ Halloween H2O: 20 Years Lat... <++ Halloween 2 (Hor, '09)
W Paid Program Various <++ Scream 4 (Hor, '11) Neve Campbell. <+ Jason Goes to Hell: The Final ... <+ Jason X (Hor, '01) Kane Hodder. < Curse of Chucky (Hor, '13)
ANPL Vet U/ Res. Dog Cat Hell/ Dogs 101 Various 2Cute/ K9 Cops Animal Cops Animal Cops Pit Bull Parolees Pit Bull Parolees Various Various Various Various
Th Housewives NJ Housewives NJ Housewives NJ Flipping Out Flipping Out Flipping Out Flipping Out Flipping Out Flipping Out Flipping Out Flipping Out Top Chef
F Wives Dallas Wives Dallas Wives Dallas Wives Dallas Housewives NJ Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy...
BRAVO M Flipping Out Shahs of Sunset Housewives NJ Housewives NJ Housewives NJ Wives Dallas Wives Dallas Wives Dallas Wives Dallas Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives
Tu Wives Dallas Real Housewives Watch Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Shahs of Sunset Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck
W Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Real Housewives WivesNJ Wives NJ 2/2
CNBC Squawk on the Street Squawk Alley Fast Money Power Lunch Closing Bell Money Options Mad Money Shark Tank Shark Tank
CNN CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom At This Hour Inside Politics Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead The Situation The Situation OutFront A. Cooper 360
COMC Paid Paid Daily S. Oppositi Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Various Various Various Various :45 '70s Various '70s Various '70s '70s '70s Various Various Various Various Various Various
DISC Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various
DISN Jessie Bunk'd Transyl Tangled Various Mouse Various MissonF. Various Puppy Vamp Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Tangled Various Various Various Andi M. Bizaard.
E! Various Various Botched/ Kardash Various (W) E&J Various (W) E&J Various (W) E&J The Daily Pop Various Kardash/ Bellas Various Kardash/ Bellas
FNC America's Newsroom Happening Now Outnumbered Outnumbered Daily Briefing Shepard Smith Your World The Five Special Report The Story Tucker Carlson
FOOD Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Pioneer Pioneer Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various
Freeform Life Various Various (Th) Movie / (M) Movie / (W) Movie 700 Club The 700 Club Various Various (Th) Movie Movie Movie Movie Various (Tu) Movie Various (W) Movie/(Th Tu) :40 Movie
Th Paid Paid <++ Perfect Stranger (Thril, '07) <+++ This Means War (Com, '12) 2½Men 2½Men Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother 2½Men 2½Men Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M.
F Paid Paid <+++ This Means War (Com, '12) < The Three Stooges (Com, '12) 2½Men 2½Men Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. 2½Men 2½Men
FX M Paid Paid <++ The Brothers Solomon <++ Jack and Jill (Com, '11) Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother 2½Men 2½Men Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. Movie
Tu Paid Paid <+++ The Watch (Com, '12) <++ The Heat (Com, '13) Sandra Bullock. 2½Men 2½Men Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother 2½Men 2½Men Mike&M. <++ Battleship (Sci-Fi, '12)
W Paid Paid < Project Almanac (Sci-Fi, '14) <++ Battleship (Sci-Fi, '12) Taylor Kitsch. 2½Men 2½Men Mother Mother Mother Mother 2½Men 2½Men Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. Movie
FXX Raising Various Various Parks Parks Parks Various Various Mom Mom Various Various Mom (F) Movie / (M) Movie Various Movies Simp. Simp. Simp. Simp. Various Simps.
HALL Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Home and Family Home and Family Various Movies Various Movies
Th Matlock Matlock Matlock <+++ Columbo: Prescription Mu... D. Murder D. Murder D. Murder D. Murder Monk Monk Monk
F Matlock Matlock Matlock <++ Columbo: Ransom for a De... D. Murder D. Murder D. Murder D. Murder Monk Monk Monk
HALMM M Matlock Matlock Matlock <++ Columbo: Etude in Black D. Murder D.Murder D. Murder 2/2 D. Murder Monk Monk Monk
Tu Matlock Matlock Matlock <++ Columbo: Dagger of the Mind D. Murder D. Murder D. Murder D. Murder Monk Monk Monk
W Matlock Matlock Matlock <++ Columbo: Any Old Port in a S... D. Murder D. Murder D. Murder D. Murder Monk Monk Monk
Th Paid Love It or List It Virgins LakefrontRenov LakefrontRenov LakefrontRenov LakefrontRenov Fixer Upper FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop
F Paid IslndLif IslndLif IslndLif FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip FleaFlip Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper
HGTV M Paid Rehab Rehab Rehab Property Bros. Property Bros. Property Bros. Property Bros. Fixer Upper Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It
Tu Paid Good Bones Income H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt H.Hunt Renovation Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper
W Paid Reno Crashers Crashers Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Fixer Upper Property Bros. Property Bros. Property Bros. Property Bros. Property Bros.
Th Info-Doc Info-Doc Wild West Tech Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S.
F Info-Doc Info-Doc Decoding Past Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens
HIST M Info-Doc Info-Doc Museum Men Amer. Pickers Amer. Pickers Amer. Pickers Amer. Pickers Amer. Pickers Amer. Pickers Amer. Pickers Amer. Pickers Amer. Pickers Amer. Pickers
Tu Info-Doc Info-Doc Modern Marvels Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Restore Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Count. Counting Cars Count. Count. Forged in Fire
W Info-Doc Info-Doc Apocalypse Ten Commandments Cities Cities Cities Cities Cities Cities Amer. Pickers Amer. Pickers
ID Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various
LIFE Paid Life Life Various Unsolvd Myst. Unsolved Myster. Unsolvd Myst. Unsolved Myster. First 48/ Un.Myst. First 48/ Un.Myst. First 48/ Un.Myst. Grey’s/ Un.Myst. Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy
Th 5: < Who Killed... < An Officer and a Murderer < Stolen Daughter (Dra, '15) < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < High School Lover (Thril, '17) < Lethal Seduc...
F 5: < House of ... < Patient Killer (Thril, '13) < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < The Wrong House (Thril, '16) < The Bachelor...
LMN M 5: < To Be Ann... < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Annou...
Tu 5: < To Be Ann... < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Annou...
W 5: < To Be Ann... < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Annou...
LOGO FactsLife FactsLife FactsLife FactsLife FactsLife Various One Day One Day One Day One Day Alice Alice Alice Alice Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Various Rose. Various Rose. Various (F) TBA
MSNBC MSNBC Live MSNBC Live MSNBC Live Andrea Mitchell MSNBC Live MSNBC Live MSNBC Live Deadline MTP Daily The Beat Hardball All in
NICK Lopez Lopez Sponge Sponge Sponge PAW Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various PAW Various Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Various Various Loud H. Loud H. urge.times-standard entertainment magazine 5

‘Good People’
urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017
powerful play
Redwood Curtain, located at 220 First “Fuddy Meers,”“Wonder of the World” and
St. in Eureka, is presenting the play “Good “Kimberly Akimbo.” “Good People” was
People” starting in late October and run- nominated for a 2011 Tony Award for Best
ning through mid-November. Play.
“Good People” previews Oct. 26 and 27, Bitingly funny, powerfully human and
with $10 tickets, and opening night — with relatable, the local production is being
a gala champagne reception — is Oct. 28 directed by Cassandra Hesseltine and
with tickets at $22. Kaitlyn Samuel. Redwood Curtain’s co-
Performances continue Thursday, Fri- founder Peggy Metzger appears in the role
day and Saturday nights through Nov. 18. of Margie Walsh. Redwood Curtain veter-
Cheap date Thursdays — Nov. 2, 9 and 16 ans Craig Benson, Pamela Long and Susan
— are two tickets for $20. Friday Focus is Abbey round out the cast, along with new-
Nov. 3 (arrive at 7:15 p.m. to hear from the comers Kenya Uhuru and Matthew Atkins.
director and/or designers). A 2 p.m. Sunday “Good People” contains strong language.
matinee takes place Nov. 12 with tickets Scenic design is by Robert Pickering,
at $17. The ticket price on Friday and Sat- lighting by Calder Johnson, sound by
urday (except for the gala) is $17. Evening Cory Stewart and costumes by Catherine
performances start promptly at 8 p.m. Res- L. Brown. Morgan Reeves is the stage
ervations are recommended and there will manager.
be no late seating. “Good People”debuted on Broadway in
“Good People” tells the story of Margie 2011, and Redwood Curtain has had the
Walsh from the Boston neighborhood of script“in the wings”since then, waiting for
Southie. She’s just been let go from an- the right time.
other job and is facing eviction and scram- “The play grabbed me, the role grabbed
bling to catch a break. She thinks an old me — I knew we were going to produce
fling who has made it out of Southie might it and we were just waiting for the stars
be her ticket to a fresh new start. With his to align and to get all the right players in
signature humorous glow, Pulitzer Prize place,” Metzger said.“We have an amazing
winner David Lindsay-Abaire explores the team pulling this together!”
struggles, shifting loyalties and unshake- Details about the play, Season 2017 and
able hopes that come with having next to ticketing are on the Redwood Curtain web-
nothing in America in this play.
This is the fourth time Redwood Curtain
site, You may
also reserve tickets by emailing boxoffice@
Humboldt State vs. Western Oregon
has produced a play by Lindsay-Abaire;
audiences may remember the comedies or calling 707-443-
7688. Saturday / 6 PM / Redwood Bowl
Tailgate at 4 PM
From left are Peggy Metzger, Kenya Uhuru and Craig Benson in Redwood Curtain's "Good People." urge.times-standard entertainment magazine 7
Weekday Daytime OCTOBER 19, 2017 TO OCTOBER 25, 2017
6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30
Th Dateline NBC Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Pt. 2 of 3 Dr. Phil Pt. 3 of 3 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20
F Dateline NBC Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Pt. 3 of 3 Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil 20/20 20/20
OWN M Dateline NBC Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC
Tu Dateline NBC Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss
W Dateline NBC Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Police Women of Police Women of Police Women of Police Women of
OXY Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various
SYFY Various CSI/ Z Nation Various Movie CSI/ Z Nation Various Various
CSI/ Z Nation Various Various (F) Movie Movie Various (F) Movie Movie Movie Various Movies
TBN Creflo J.Hagee Osteen J.Prince Copelnd Catholic Furtick R Morris Various Various
Life Various The 700 Club J.Hagee Various Various BGraham Various Various Various Potter Various T.Point
TBS Married Married Married Married Various Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
Friends Friends Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various
TCM Movie Splendor Various Various Various Various Various Movie Movie Various (Tu) Movie Various Movies Various Movie (M) Movie Various (Th) Movie/(M) Movie Various Movies
Th Not to Wear CakeB. CakeB. CakeB. CakeB. 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé Four Weddings Four Weddings Medium Medium Medium Medium The Little Couple The Little Couple Say Yes Say Yes
F Not to Wear CakeB. CakeB. CakeB. CakeB. 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé Four Weddings Four Weddings Medium Medium L.I. Medium The Little Couple The Little Couple Say Yes Say Yes
TLC M Not to Wear CakeB. CakeB. CakeB. CakeB. My Giant Life My Giant Life Four Weddings Four Weddings Medium Medium Medium Medium The Little Couple The Little Couple Say Yes Say Yes
Tu Not to Wear CakeB. CakeB. CakeB. CakeB. The Little Couple The Little Couple
Four Weddings Four Weddings L.I. Medium L.I. Medium 7 Johnstons 7 Johnstons 7 Johnstons
W Not to Wear CakeB. CakeB. CakeB. CakeB. 7 Johnstons 7 Johnstons Four Weddings Four Weddings Medium Medium Medium Medium The Little Couple The Little Couple Say Yes Say Yes
TNT Law & Order Charmed Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Bones/ Super. Bones/ Super. Various Basket./ Bones
TOON Teen T. Teen T. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. Various Clarence LooneyT. TeenT.
TeenT. TeenT. Various Cloudy Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Teen T. Various TeenT.
Th Paid Program Paid Program Planet Planet Myst. Church Myst. Church Myst. Church Terrifying Places Most Terrifying Most Terrifying Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum
F Paid Program Planet Planet Ghost/ Aftershoc Ghost/ Aftershoc
Ghost/ Aftershoc Ghost Adventures Ghost Adven. Ghost Adven. Ghost Adven. Ghost Adven.
TRAVEL M Paid Program Paid Program Big RV Big RV Hotel Impossible Hotel Impossible
Hotel Impossible Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods
Tu Paid Program Paid Program Swimming Holes Swimming Holes Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre
W Paid Program Paid Program Big RV Big RV Extreme Hotels Halloween Most Extreme Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods
TRUTV Paid Paid Paid Various Various Various Various Various Various Various
Various Jokes Various Jokes Various Jokes Various Jokers Various Various Various Various Various Various
UNI Como dice dicho Despierta America Lo Que La Vida Notic. Hoy Hoy Como dice dicho Las Amazonas Gordo y flaca Primer impacto
Th Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU
F Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU
USA M CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU
Tu <++++ Skyfall (Act, '12) Helen McCrory, Daniel Craig. NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS Chrisley Chrisley
Th Walker, TR In Heat of Night In Heat of Night In Heat of Night In Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops
F Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods MASH MASH MASH MASH
WGN-A M Walker, TR In Heat of Night In Heat of Night In Heat of Night In Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods <+++ The Rock (Act, '96)
Tu Walker, TR In Heat of Night In Heat of Night In Heat of Night In Heat of Night MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH Cops Cops Cops Cops
W Walker, TR In Heat of Night In Heat of Night In Heat of Night In Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods <++ Armageddon (Adv, '98)
Th :15 <++ Master & Commander: The Far Sid... < The Resurrection of G... (:15) Spielberg (:45) <+++ Crooklyn (Com, '94) (:40) <++ Dark Water (Thril, '05) (:25) <+++ Adaptation
F 5: <+++ Mr. D... <++ Australia (Adv, '08) Nicole Kidman. (:50) <++ Stuck on You (Com, '03) :50 <+++ Sister Act 2: Back in the... Tokyo (:15) <++ Max Payne (Act, '08) (:55) < Assassin's Creed Movie
HBO M (5:35) Heart of a Dog (:35) <+++ Catch Me If You Can (Adv, '02) HBO First Look/(:15) < The Shack (Dra, '17) Clínica (:15) < La La Land (Com, '16) Emma Stone. Last Wk HBO First Look...
Tu <++ Horton Hears a Who! (:35) <+++ Bend It Like Beckham <+ I Spy (Spy, '02) (:15) Warn/Drug LastWk (:45) <++ Enough (Thril, '02) (:45) < A Monster Calls (Dra, '16) :40 <+++ The Terminator
W Movie Conch. (:20) <+++ Catch Me If You Can (Adv, '02) (:45) <+++ Frequency (Sci-Fi, '00) (:55) < Rules Don't Apply (Com, '16) (:05) Spielberg <++ Rush Hour 3 (Act, '07)
Th <+++ Rat Race (Com, '01) (:55) <++ My Cousin Vinny :55 <++ My Big Fat Gre... <++ Sideways (Com/Dra, '04) (:40) <+++ Heartbreak Ridge Tales From Tour Bus/(:50) <++ Reign of Fire
F (4:50) <+++ The Aviator (:45) <+++ Nine to Five (Com, '80) < My Big Fat Greek Wed... (:10) <+++ Old School (:45) < The Boss (Com, '16) (:25) <+++ Road to Perdition :25 < The Huntsman: Wi...
MAX M (:05) <++ Mr. Mom (:40) <++++ Hail, Caesar! < Redemption (Act, '13) (:10) <++ Orphan (Hor, '09) (:15) <+ American Psycho 2 < Incarnate (Hor, '16) <+++ The Omen (Hor, '76)
Tu Movie <++ Garden State (:15) <+ Johnson Family Vacation (:55) < Central Intelligence (:45) <+++ The Last Boy Scout (:35) <+++ The Limey (:05) <+++ Keanu (:45) <+++ Liar Liar
W <+++ Hoosiers (Dra, '86) (:55) <++ Sweet November < The Huntsman: Winter's War (:55) <+ Ride Along 2 (:40) <++ My Cousin Vinny (:40) <++ Runaway Jury (Thril, '03) Movie
Th (5:45) <++ De-Lovely (Bio, '04) < The Man Who Knew In... (:50) <+++ Beaches (Dra, '88) Bette Midler. (:55) <+++ Notting Hill (Rom, '99) <+++ Mother's Day (Com, '16) <+++ Hardball (Dra, '01) Movie
F 5: <+++ Hardball (:55) < Stolen (Act, '12) <++++ Hell or High Wat... (:15) <+++ The Hurricane (Dra, '99) (:45) < Bleed for This (Bio, '16) (:45) <++++ Cinderella Man (Bio, '05) :15 <++ Money...
SHOW M (5:20) <+++ Notting Hill (:35) <+++ The Hurricane (Dra, '99) (:15) <+++ Seraphim Falls (:15) <+++ The Other Boleyn Girl (:15) <+++ Young Guns (West, '88) (:05) <+++ The Hurricane (Dra, '99)
Tu Movie <++ Jaws: The Revenge <+++ Splash (Fant, '84) Tom Hanks. <++ Conan the Destroyer (:45) <++ Open Range (West, '03) (:15) <++ Red Dragon (Thril, '02) <++ Maximum Risk
W 4:45 <++ Open... (:15) <++ The Legend of Bagger Vance <++ Sign O' the Times (:55) <+++ Darkman <++ Darkman 2: The Re... <+ Darkman 3: Die, Dark... (:35) <+++ Young Guns (West, '88) Movie
Th Movie < Cas and Dylan (:05) < Arthur and Merlin (Fant, '15) < A.R.C.H.I.E. (Sci-Fi, '16) < Kelly's Hollywood <++ Primeval (Hor, '07) (:45) < The Architect (Com, '16) <++ 1408 (Hor, '07)
F <+++ The Insider (Susp, '99) Al Pacino. (:40) <+++ The Illusionist (Susp, '06) < More Than T < A Woman, a Part (:15) <+++ Death Becomes Her < Becoming Cary Grant < Boulevard (Dra, '14)
TMC M Movie :45 < Becoming Cary Grant (:15) <++ Heartbreakers (Com, '01) (:20) < A Woman, a Part (Dra, '16) < Punching Henry (:35) < Weiner (Doc, '16) (:15) <++++ No Man's Land < Out of the F...
Tu < The One I Wrote for You < London Town (Dra, '16) <+++ Babe: Pig in the Ci... (:15) < Who Gets the Dog? < The Surface (Dra, '15) < At the Devil's Door (:05) <+++ The Prestige (Dra, '06)
W (5:20) <+++ The Prestige <++++ American Graffiti (Dra, '73) :25 <+++ More America... (:20) <+++ Smokey and the Bandit <++ Smokey & the Ban... :45 <+ Smokey & the Ba... (:10) < Furry Vengeance Movie
CBSSN (3:00) Boomer Various Tour Car Various Racing (W) Football Racing (Tu) Fitness Tiki and Tierney Football Various Various F. Drift Various 4 Sides
Th The Happy Hour Raiders Raiders The Happy Hour Paid Paid Paid Paid Raiders Raiders The Happy Hour Dan Patrick Poker WPT Raiders Raiders Dan Patrick The Happy Hour
F 49ers 49ers The Happy Hour The Happy Hour Paid Paid Paid Paid 49ers 49ers The Happy Hour Dan Patrick Poker Raiders Raiders The Happy Hour Pregme
CSNBA M 49ers Post-game 49ers Post-game 49ers Post-game Paid Paid Paid Paid 49ers Post-game 49ers Post-game Dan Patrick Poker WPT 49ers Post-game PressC. Pre-game Basket.
Tu PressC. PressC. Warriors Warriors Post-game Paid Paid Paid Paid Post-game The Happy Hour Dan Patrick PressC. Central Basketb. Golden State vs Dallas NBA The Happy Hour
W The Happy Hour The Happy Hour The Happy Hour Paid Paid Paid Paid The Happy Hour The Happy Hour Dan Patrick Poker School of Golf Dan Patrick The Happy Hour
Th Raiders Raiders Angl. SprtFish Paid Program Cal Hi Sports Phenom USF:Msk RomaN. In Depth
F The Happy Hour Cal Hi Sports Paid Program In Depth Sharks Hockey San Jose vs New Jersey NHL
CSNCA M Offense SprtFish Paid Program SkiSnow Sharks Hockey San Jose vs N.Y. Rangers NHL
Tu The Happy Hour Paid Program PressC. PressC. Volleyball U.S./Fra. FIVB
W SkiSnow SkiSnow Paid Program Soccer Leicester City vs Swansea EPL In Depth SkiSnow
Th SportsCenter First Take SportsCenter OLines NFL Live NBA: The Jump SportsN Highly? Horn Interrpt SportsCenter Football C. Football NCAA
F SportsCenter First Take SportsCenter OLines NFL Live NBA: The Jump SportsN Highly? Horn Interrpt SportsCenter Basketb. Cle./Mil. NBA
ESPN M SportsCenter First Take SportsCenter OLines NFL PrimeTime Fantasy NFL Live Highly? Horn Interrpt Monday Night Countdown (:15) Football NFL
Tu SportsCenter First Take SportsCenter OLines NFL Live Jump SportsNation Highly? Horn Interrpt SportsCenter Football Playoff 30 for 30
W SportsCenter First Take SportsCenter OLines NFL Live Jump SportsNation Highly? Horn Interrpt SportsCenter NBA Countdown Basket. NBA
ESPN2 (3:00) Mike SportsCenter SportsCenter First Take PaulFinebaum Various Various Intentional Talk Various Football Various Interrpt Various Football Various
FS1 (3:) First Skip and Shannon: Undisputed The Herd With Colin Cowherd Pregme (Th) Soccer Europa League/First Speak Yourself Race Hub/(F) UFC Various NFL Film Various Various
GOLF M. Drive (Th F) Golf Various Feherty Golf Various Learn Various (F) Golf PGATour (W) Feherty PGATour Various Golf Golf C. Various Various Learn Various Feherty
NBCSN The Dan Patrick Show (F) Racing Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various NASCAR/ Racing Various Various Various Various Various Octane

8 urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017
Thursday Prime Time OCTOBER 19, 2017
SL CC GVL KLA 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(3.1) KIEM 3 3 3 - News 3 at 6 (N) Be a Millionaire? 2 Broke Girls Access H. Superstore (N) GoodPlace (N) Will & Grace (N) Great News (N) Chicago Fire "A Breaking Point" (N) News (N) (:35) Tonight
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13 - PBS NewsHour (N) BBC World News Journeys in India Doc Martin "In Loco" Masterpiece Classic "Poldark" World Dancesport G. Charlie Rose (N)
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6 - (5:25) NFL Football Kansas City Chiefs at Oakland Raiders (L) 'TVG' (:15) Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud The Game The Game Inside Edition (:35) Colbert
(23.1) KAEF 7 11 - - News at 6 (N) World News (N) Wheel (N) Jeopardy! (N) Charlie Brown Toy Story Scandal "Day 101" (N) How to Get Away With Murder (N) News 11 (N) (:35) J. Kimmel
(23.2) KAEF2 123 188 - - Hawaii Five-O "Cry, Lie" M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show Mama's Fam. 2/2 ALF Hogan's Heroes Hogan's Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2 - Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Modern Family Modern Family Gotham "The Blade's Path" (N) The Orville "Old Wounds" News (N) Mom TMZ Extra
(28.2)KBVU2 128 190 - - Frasier Frasier Will & Grace W&Grace 1/2 W&Grace 2/2 Will & Grace Baywatch "Kicks" Quantum Leap "The Play's the Thing" Simon "The Club Murder Vacation"
(29.1) KECA 9 7 - - American Dad! American Dad! Family Guy Family Guy Supernatural "The Rising Son" (N) Arrow "Tribute" (N) Page Six TV Seinfeld Seinfeld Rules of Engage.
(29.2) KECA2 5 8 4 - Last Man St. Last Man St. Anger Manage Anger Manage Law & Order: C.I. "The Good Doctor" Law & Order: C.I. "Crazy" Met Your Mother Met Your Mother Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
A&E 35 68 18 29 The First 48 "Cold Light of Day" The First 48 "Mother of Two" The First 48 "Honour Code" The Eleven "Paradise Lost" (P) (N) The Eleven "Russian Roulette" (:05) The First 48 "Officer Down"
AMC 36 26 35 25 The Walking Dead "Still" The Walking Dead "Alone" The Walking Dead "The Grove" The Walking Dead "Us" The Walking Dead (N) The Walking Dead "A"
ANPL 33 48 40 42 I Shouldn't Be Alive "Dive of Terror" Inside Me "Killer in My Neck" Inside "My Husband Is Hallucinating" Inside Me "My Brain Is Under Attack" I Was Prey "Silent Scream" Inside Me "The Flesh Eating Monster"
BRAVO 64 54 - 61 Top Chef "Night At The Museum" Top Chef Junior "Dishing Up Dreams" Flipping Out Flipping Out "Full Circle" (SF) (N) Real Estate "Property Problems" (N) WatchWhat (N) Flipping Out
CNBC 51 25 - 45 Shark Tank Super Rich (N) Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Paid Program
CNN 53 39 20 30 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon CNN Tonight With Don Lemon Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
COMC - 31 47 36 (:15) Tosh.0 (:50) Tosh.0 "Sword Nose" (:25) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Nathan/ You (N) Pres. Show (N) Daily Show (N) Opposition (N)
DISC 31 51 19 46 Bush "Strength of the Wolfpack" Alaskan Bush People "Bush Code" Bush People "A New Chapter" Bush People "A New Trail: Part One" Bush People "A New Trail: Part Two" Alaskan Bush People "Raised Wild"
DISN 39 49 41 31 Jessie Jessie Bunk'd Bunk'd Andi Mack Stuck in Middle Bizaardvark Raven's Home K.C. Undercover Liv and Maddie Bizaardvark Raven's Home
E! 65 59 60 41 The Kardashians "Sister Surrogacy" E! News (N) Kardashians "The Cleveland Show" The Kardashians "Milfs Gone Wild" The Kardashians "Cheers to That!" E! News
FNC 52 34 21 47 Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight
FOOD 43 67 56 54 Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Chopped "Light Makes Right" Halloween Wars "Monster Party" Chopped "Feel the Burn" (N) Beat Flay (N) Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay
Freeform 38 36 15 23 Movie (:45) <++ Addams Family Values (‘93, Com) Anjelica Huston. 'TVPG' (:50) <+++ Hocus Pocus (‘93, Com) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy, Bette Midler. 'TVPG' The 700 Club
FX 44 33 31 44 < Ride Along (‘14, Act/Com) Kevin Hart, John Leguizamo, Ice Cube. 'TV14' < Grown Ups 2 (‘13, Com) Kevin James, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler. 'TV14' Better Things (N) (:35) Better (:05) Better :40 < Ride Along
FXX 45 62 - 73 The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Always Sunny Always Sunny Always Sunny Always Sunny Archer Archer 1/2
HALL 79 87 36 87 Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
HALLMM 63 77 - 20 Monk "Mr. Monk, Private Eye" < Murder, She Baked: Just Desserts (‘17, Myst) Alison Sweeney. 'TVPG' < Garage Sale Mystery: A Case of Murder (‘17, Myst) Lori Loughlin. 'TVG' Murder, She Wrote
HGTV 42 29 49 64 Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop FlipFloVegas (N) FlipFloVegas (N) House Huntrs (N) House Hunter (N) House Hunters House Hunter (N)
HIST 34 44 45 67 Forged in Fire "The Boar Spear" Forged in Fire "The Cutlass" (:55) Forged in Fire: Cutting Deeper "Weapons of War" (N) 'TVPG' Ice Truckers "Of Ice and Men" (N) (:05) Ice Truckers "Of Ice and Men"
ID 58 19 - 15 Blood Relatives "Burning Love" Home Alone (N) Blood Relatives "Death is in the Heir" Blood Relatives "Burning Love" H. Alone "Bullets in the Basement" American "Shooting Phoenix"
LIFE 29 32 17 26 Am. Beauty Star "Pop-Up Beauty" Project Runway "Client on the Go" Runway (N) (:50) PRunway Runway "Driving Miss Unconventional" (N) 'TVPG' American "Emergency Makeover" (N) To Be Announced
LMN 30 78 69 78 (5:00) < Lethal Seduction (‘05, Dra) < His Double Life (‘16, Thril) Christine Prosperi, Emmanuelle Vaugier. 'TV14' < Lethal Seduction (‘05, Dra) Marcus Lyle Brown, Michael Arata. 'TV14' < His Double Life (‘16, Thril)
LOGO - 141 - 141 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls To Be Announced The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny
MSNBC 50 58 23 66 The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word (N) The 11th Hour (N) The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour With Brian Williams
NICK - 70 42 21 The Loud House Henry Danger Henry Danger Dude Perfect (N) <+++ Shrek Forever After (‘10, Ani) Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers. 'TVPG' Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends Friends
OWN 68 55 59 77 20/20 "Angels and Demons" 20/20 "Burning Bed" 20/20 "Mystery in the Mansion" 20/20 "Stolen at Birth" 20/20 "After Midnight" 20/20 "Mystery in the Mansion"
OXY 49 66 61 70 NCIS "Lost at Sea" NCIS "The Namesake" NCIS "Shell Shock" 1/2 cont'd next NCIS "Shell Shock" 2/2 NCIS "Gone" NCIS "Devil's Trifecta"
SYFY 48 53 48 57 (4:30) <++ Jennifer's Body (‘09, Hor) < Trick'r Treat (‘08, Adult) Dylan Baker, Brian Cox, Anna Paquin. 'TVMA' Van Helsing "Love Bites" (N) Ghost Wars (N) <+++ The Faculty (‘98, Sci-Fi)
TBN 69 91 65 91 Joseph Prince Brian Houston Joel Osteen Christine Caine Praise Max Lucado Robert Morris Amazing Facts Creflo Dollar God Not a Fan
TBS 27 52 9 16 (5:00) MLB Baseball National League Championship Series (L) 'TVG' MLB Game Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Conan
TCM 37 86 34 74 (5:00) <++++ The Crowd (‘28, Dra) <++++ Sounder (‘72, Dra) Paul Winfield, Kevin Hooks, Cicely Tyson. 'TVPG' <+++ Night of the Hunter (‘91, Myst) Richard Chamberlain. 'TVPG' < Walkabout (‘71, Adv)
TLC 32 28 46 39 Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress My 600-lb Life "Amber's Story" My 600-lb Life "Bettie Jo's Story" My 600-lb Life "Nikki's Story" My 600-lb Life "June's Story" My 600-lb Life "Amber's Story"
TNT 26 41 33 32 (5:00) NBA Basketball New York vs Oklahoma (L) 'TVG' NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at Los Angeles Lakers Site: Staples Center (L) 'TVG' Inside the NBA NBA Basketb. New York vs Oklahoma
TOON 41 64 43 39 Teen Titans Go! OK K.O.! Let's Be Gumball We Bare Bears King of the Hill American Dad! Cleveland Show American Dad! Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers Family Guy Family Guy
TRAVEL 67 27 57 53 Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Museum "White House Follies" (N) Mysteries at the Museum (N) Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum
TRUTV 66 63 50 58 Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes (N) The Chris Gethard Show (N)
UNI 78 74 - 7 Familia P. Luche Noticiero Univ. La rosa de Guadalupe Enamorandome de Ramon Mi marido tiene familia Caer en Tentacion Impacto extra Noticiero noctu.
USA 28 35 16 28 Law & Order: S.V.U. "Intoxicated" Law & Order: S.V.U. "Blood" <++ Diary of a Mad Black Woman (‘05, Dra) Steve Harris, Shemar Moore, Kimberly Elise. 'TV14' <++ Diary of a Mad Black Woman (‘05, Dra) 'TV14'
WGN-A 88 12 25 62 Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage.
HBO 668 518 5 518 (:20) Felipe Esparza: Translate This 'TVMA' Vice News (N) < Hidden Figures (‘16, Dra) Octavia Spencer, Taraji P. Henson. 'TVPG' (:10) Room 104 (:40) Enthusiasm (:15) Spielberg
HBO2 669 520 70 520 (4:) < La La Land (:45) Last Week (:15) Curb Your Enthusiasm Room 104 VICE Tokyo Project (N) (:35) <++ Fifty Shades Darker (‘17, Rom) Dakota Johnson. 'TVMA' (:35) The Deuce
HBOFAM 671 522 - 522 5:10 < The Hitchhiker's Guide to th... <+++ Monsters vs. Aliens (‘09, Ani) 'TVPG' (:35) < Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip 'TVPG' (:10) <+++ The Express (‘08, Bio) Rob Brown, Dennis Quaid. 'TVPG'
HBOSIG 670 521 71 521 (5:25) <++ Down With Love (:10) <+++ The Terminator (‘84, Sci-Fi) Arnold Schwarzenegger. 'TVMA' <++ Eraser (‘96, Act) Vanessa L. Williams, Arnold Schwarzenegger. 'TVM' <++ War Dogs (‘16, Com) Jonah Hill.
MAX 694 549 72 549 <+++ The Color of Money (‘86, Dra) Tom Cruise, Paul Newman. 'TVMA' <++ Dead Calm (‘89, Susp) Sam Neill. 'TVMA' (:40) < A Bigger Splash (‘16, Dra) Tilda Swinton. 'TVMA' (:45) < Spider
MMAX 695 551 73 551 (5:30) <++ Into the Blue (‘05, Act) Jessica Alba. 'TV14' (:25) <++ Little Nicky (‘00, Com) Adam Sandler. 'TV14' Tour Bus Pt. 2 of 2 <++ Win a Date With Tad Hamilton! (‘04, Rom) 'TV14' (:10) <++ Zoolander (‘01, Com)
SHOW 719 578 75 578 (5:50) < Contracted (‘13, Hor) (:15) <+ Cell (‘16, Hor) Samuel L. Jackson, John Cusack. 'TVMA' White Famous White Famous Ray Donovan "Bob the Builder" Gigolos White Famous
SHOW2 720 580 76 580 (5:10) <+++ Gangs of New York (‘02, Dra) Leonardo DiCaprio. 'TVM' <++ Inside Man (‘06, Thril) Clive Owen, Denzel Washington. 'TV14' (:15) < Whitney: Can I Be Me (‘17, Doc) Whitney Houston. 'TVMA'
TMC 738 598 74 598 (:15) <+++ Dazed and Confused (‘93, Com/Dra) Jason London. 'TV14' <+++ Smokey and the Bandit (‘77, Com) 'TVPG' (:40) <++ Free State of Jones (‘16, Act) Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Matthew McConaughey. 'TV14'
CBSSN 512 410 - 410 Boxing Real Deal Championship Card TBA (L) 'TVMA' Kickboxing SuperKombat 'TVG' Inside College Football (N) Boxing Real Deal Championship
CSNBA 22 30 29 86 AMA Motocross High Point National The Dan Patrick Show The Happy Hour 49ers Central (N) 49ers Central The Happy Hour 49ers Central Warriors Ground
CSNCA 25 - - - The Happy Hour Serie A Soccer Napoli at AS Roma 'TVG' Roma Now Mixed Martial Arts EFC 49 Kickboxing The Happy Hour
ESPN 23 37 26 33 (5:00) NCAA Football Memphis at Houston (L) 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
ESPN2 24 38 28 34 (4:30) H.S. Football Dalton vs. Harrison (L) 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) Boxing Golden Boy Gabriel Rosado vs. Glen Tapia (L) 'TVMA' Nación ESPN (N) Jalen & Jacoby SportsC Featured
FS1 47 85 30 72 (5:30) FIFA Soccer International Friendly (L) 'TVG' Speak for Yourself Skip and Shannon Opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day. 'TVPG' NASCAR Race Hub TMZ Sports (N)
GOLF 62 81 27 75 (2:30) PGA Golf Golf Central (N) PGA Golf CJ Cup Round 2 Site: Nine Bridges -- Jeju Island, Korea (L) 'TVG' PGA Golf CJ Cup Round 2
NBCSN 57 82 53 89 Motorclub (N) Motorclub Drive (N) Drive (N) Hammers (N) Hammers Motorclub Motorclub Caffeine/ Octane Caffeine/ Octane Hammers Hammers urge.times-standard entertainment magazine 9
Friday Prime Time OCTOBER 20, 2017
SL CC GVL KLA 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(3.1) KIEM 3 3 3 - News 3 at 6 (N) Be a Millionaire? 2 Broke Girls Access H. Law & Order Dateline NBC Investigative features are covered. 'TVPG' News (N) (:35) Tonight
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13 - PBS NewsHour (N) BBC World News White House Wash. Week (N) Third Rail (N) Great Performances "She Loves Me" (N) 'TVG' Charlie Rose (N)
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6 - The Game The Game Family Feud Family Feud MacGyver "X-Ray + Penny" (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) Blue Bloods "Out of the Blue" (N) Inside Edition (:35) Colbert
(23.1) KAEF 7 11 - - News at 6 (N) World News (N) Wheel (N) Jeopardy! (N) Once Upon a Time (N) Marvel's Inhumans (N) 20/20 News 11 (N) (:35) J. Kimmel
(23.2) KAEF2 123 188 - - Hawaii 5-O "Most Likely to Murder" MASH 1/2 MASH Pt. 2 of 2 A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show Mama's Family ALF Hogan's Heroes Hogan's Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2 - Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Modern Family Modern Family Hell's Kitchen "Just Letter Cook" (N) The Exorcist "One for Sorrow" (N) News (N) Mom TMZ Extra
(28.2)KBVU2 128 190 - - Frasier Frasier Will & Grace Will & Grace Will & Grace Will & Grace Baywatch "Fatal Exchange" Quantum Leap "Running for Honor" Simon and Simon "It's Only a Game"
(29.1) KECA 9 7 - - American Dad! American Dad! Family Guy Family Guy Ex-Girlfriend "To Josh, With Love" (N) JaneVirgin "Chapter Sixty-Six" (N) Page Six TV Seinfeld Seinfeld Rules of Engage.
(29.2) KECA2 5 8 4 - Last Man St. Last Man St. Anger Manage Anger Manage Amer.Ninja "Miami Qualifying" 2/2 Amer.Ninja "Denver Qualifying" 1/2 Met Your Mother Met Your Mother Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
A&E 35 68 18 29 (5:00) Live PD Live access inside the country's busiest police forces. 'TV14' Live PD /(:05) Live PD "Rewind" Live PD Live access inside the country's busiest police forces. (L) (N) 'TV14'
AMC 36 26 35 25 The Walking Dead "The Distance" The Walking Dead "Remember" The Walking Dead "Forget" The Walking Dead "Spend" The Walking Dead (N) Fear the Walking Dead
ANPL 33 48 40 42 Stranger Fins "Snakes on a Tank" (N) Stranger Fins "Scorpion Pit Tank" (N) Tanked "Going for the Gold(fish)" (N) Tanked! (N) (:10) Insane Pools "Party Pad Grotto" (:10) Tanked!
BRAVO 64 54 - 61 Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... Don't Tardy (N) Don't Be Tardy... <++ Sweet Home Alabama (‘02, Com) Candice Bergen, Josh Lucas, Reese Witherspoon. 'TV14' < She's All That
CNBC 51 25 - 45 Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Adventure Capitalists "Ocean" Paid Program
CNN 53 39 20 30 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon CNN Tonight With Don Lemon Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
COMC - 31 47 36 (:15) Futurama (:50) Futur. "Anthology of Interest II" (:25) Futurama Futurama Futurama South Park South Park South Park South Park Kevin Hart: I'm a Grown Little Man
DISC 31 51 19 46 Gold Rush "Final Fury" Gold Rush: Pay Dirt "Wagers and Wars" (N) 'TV14' Gold Rush "Blizzards and Bullets" (N) Rush "The Legend of Dozer Dave" (N) Gold Rush "Blizzards and Bullets"
DISN 39 49 41 31 Raven's Home Stuck in Middle Bizaardvark Raven's Home Raven's. (N) Stuck Middle (N) Bizaardvark Bizaardvark K.C. Undercover Liv and Maddie Raven's Home Stuck in Middle
E! 65 59 60 41 The Kardashians "Cheers to That!" E! News (N) <++ Monster-in-Law (‘05, Com) Jane Fonda, Michael Vartan, Jennifer Lopez. 'TVPG' Eric and Jessie E! News
FNC 52 34 21 47 Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight The Five Hannity Tucker Carlson Tonight
FOOD 43 67 56 54 Diners, Drive-Ins SEARious (P) (N) Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Drive-Ins Food (N) Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Drive-Ins
Freeform 38 36 15 23 (:20) <+++ Hocus Pocus (‘93, Com) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy, Bette Midler. 'TVPG' <+++ Sleepy Hollow (‘99, Hor) Christina Ricci, Miranda Richardson, Johnny Depp. 'TVMA' The 700 Club
FX 44 33 31 44 < Grown Ups 2 (‘13, Com) Kevin James, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler. 'TV14' <+++ This Is the End (‘13, Com) Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, James Franco. 'TV14' <+++ This Is the End (‘13, Com) James Franco. 'TV14'
FXX 45 62 - 73 The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Archer Archer Archer Archer Paid Program Paid Program
HALL 79 87 36 87 < I Married Who? (‘12, Com) Ethan Erickson, Kellie Martin. 'TVG' < Love Blossoms (‘17, Rom) Victor Webster, Shantel VanSanten. 'TVG' The Middle The Middle Golden Girls 1/2 Golden Girls 2/2
HALLMM 63 77 - 20 Monk "Mr. Monk Meets His Dad" < Concrete Evidence: A Fixer Upper Mystery (‘17, Myst) Jewel. 'TV14' < Hailey Dean Mystery: Dating is Murder (‘17, Myst) Murder, She Wrote "The Perfect Foil"
HGTV 42 29 49 64 Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Beachfront Hunt Beachfront Hunt Bargain Hunt (N) Bargain Hunt (N) House Huntrs (N) House Hunter (N) House Hunters House Hunters
HIST 34 44 45 67 Ancient Aliens "The Hidden Empire" Ancient Aliens "The Akashic Record" Ancient Aliens: Declassified "Dark Side of the Earth" Evidence shows Satan may be misunderstood. (N) 'TVPG'
ID 58 19 - 15 Deadly Women "The Dark Side" Deadly "Hot Tempers, Cold Hearts" Dead Silent "Madness on the Lake" Deadly Women "The Dark Side" Deadly "Hot Tempers, Cold Hearts" Silent "Welcome to the Devil House"
LIFE 29 32 17 26 <++ What Happens in Vegas (‘08, Com) Cameron Diaz. 'TV14' <++ We Are Marshall (‘07, Spt) Anthony Mackie, Matthew Fox, Matthew McConaughey. 'TVPG' Little W. "A Little BBQ, A Lot of Beef"
LMN 30 78 69 78 (5:00) < The Bachelor Next Door < Manny Dearest (‘17, Thril) Ashley Scott, Mitchell Ryan. 'TV14' < The Bachelor Next Door (‘17, Dra) Michael Welch, Haylie Duff. < Manny Dearest (‘17, Thril)
LOGO - 141 - 141 Mama's Family Mama's Family Mama's Family Mama's Family Mama's Family Mama's Family The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
MSNBC 50 58 23 66 The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word (N) The 11th Hour (N) The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour With Brian Williams
NICK - 70 42 21 The Loud House < Liar, Liar, Vampire (‘15, Fam) 'TVY7' Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends Friends
OWN 68 55 59 77 20/20 "After Midnight" 20/20 "Deadly Paths" 20/20 "Death on Bethesda Row" 48 Hours.. "The Writing on the Wall" 48 Hours: Hard "The Usual Suspect" 20/20 "Death on Bethesda Row"
OXY 49 66 61 70 Secrets "Secrets in a Small Town" Secrets "The House in the Woods" Secrets Unco "Crossing the Line" (N) Criminal Confessions "Baton Rouge" Snapped "Eric Copple" Secrets Unco "Crossing the Line"
SYFY 48 53 48 57 (5:00) < Trick'r Treat (‘08, Adult) <+ Texas Chainsaw 3D (‘13, Hor) Dan Yeager, Alexandra Daddario. 'TVMA' Z Nation (N) Superstition "Pilot" (P) (N) Z Nation
TBN 69 91 65 91 Hal Lindsey End of the Age Perry Stone The Watchman Praise Increasing Faith Spirit Restore Creflo Dollar Travel the Road Treasures
TBS 27 52 9 16 Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory <+++ The Pacifier (‘05, Com)
TCM 37 86 34 74 (5:00) <++ Mahogany (‘75, Dra) (:15) <++ Winter Kills (‘79, Com) John Huston, Anthony Perkins, Jeff Bridges. (:15) <+++ Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (‘72, West) Ava Gardner, Paul Newman. 'TVPG' Movie
TLC 32 28 46 39 Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Spirits "The Legacy of Lizzie Borden" Kindred Spirits "Uninvited Guests" Kindred Spirits "The Neighbor" (N) Evil "The Ring and Time Capsule" (N) Kindred Spirits "The Neighbor"
TNT 26 41 33 32 Bones "The Mystery in the Meat" Bones "The Spark in the Park" <++ Get Hard (‘15, Com) Kevin Hart, Alison Brie, Will Ferrell. 'TVMA' (:15) <+++ Django Unchained (‘12, West) Jamie Foxx. 'TVMA'
TOON 41 64 43 39 TeenTitansGo (N) OK K.O.! Let's (N) Gumball (N) Bare Bears (N) King of the Hill American Dad! Cleveland Show American Dad! Rick and Morty Bob's Burgers Family Guy Family Guy
TRAVEL 67 27 57 53 Ghost Adventures Ex.Unknown "UFOs Over England" Josh Gates' Destination Truth Josh Gates' Destination Truth (N) Josh Gates' Destination Truth Josh Gates' Destination Truth
TRUTV 66 63 50 58 Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Carbonaro Effect Carbonaro Effect Carbonaro Effect Carbonaro Effect
UNI 78 74 - 7 Familia P. Luche Noticiero Univ. La rosa de Guadalupe Enamorandome de Ramon Mi marido tiene familia Caer en Tentacion Impacto extra Noticiero noctu.
USA 28 35 16 28 Law & Order: S.V.U. "Monogamy" Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family
WGN-A 88 12 25 62 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage. Met Your Mother Met Your Mother Met Your Mother
HBO 668 518 5 518 (5:50) < Collateral Beauty (‘16, Dra) Will Smith. 'TV14' Vice News (N) <++ Fifty Shades Darker (‘17, Rom) Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson. 'TVMA' Real Time With Bill Maher (N) Tracey Ullman Bill Maher
HBO2 669 520 70 520 (4:00) Spielberg (:25) < Sully (‘16, Bio) Aaron Eckhart, Tom Hanks. 'TV14' Curb Enthusiasm (:35) < Hidden Figures (‘16, Dra) Octavia Spencer, Taraji P. Henson. 'TVPG' (:45) Making of (:10) <++ Scream 2 (‘97, Hor)
HBOFAM 671 522 - 522 (5:25) <+++ Richie Rich (‘94, Com) <++ Aliens in the Attic (‘09, Fam) Carter Jenkins. 'TVPG' <+++ Inkheart (‘08, Adv) Brendan Fraser. 'TVPG' (:15) <++ Independence Day: Resurgence (‘16, Act) 'TV14'
HBOSIG 670 521 71 521 (5:25) <+++ View From the Top (:55) <++ The Pink Panther (‘06, Com) 'TVPG' Last Week (N) <++++ Nocturnal Animals (‘16, Dra) Jake Gyllenhaal, Amy Adams. 'TVMA' < The Birth of a Nation (‘16, Bio)
MAX 694 549 72 549 (:20) <+++ American Psycho (‘00, Thril) Christian Bale. 'TVMA' (:05) < The Legend of Tarzan (‘16, Act) Alexander Skarsgård. 'TVPG' Tour Bus (N) Tales Tour Bus <++ Yes Man (‘08, Com) Jim Carrey.
MMAX 695 551 73 551 (5:40) <+++ I Am Legend (‘07, Sci-Fi) Will Smith. 'TV14' (:25) <+++ Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 'TVM' <++ The Fast and the Furious (‘01, Act) 'TV14' (:50) <++ 2 Fast 2 Furious (‘03, Act) Paul Walker. 'TV14'
SHOW 719 578 75 578 (5:15) <++ Money Train (‘95, Act) (:15) <++++ Hell or High Water (‘16, Dra) Ben Foster, Chris Pine. 'TVMA' Shooter "Washington, D.C." (N) < Bleed for This (‘16, Bio) Aaron Eckhart, Ted Levine, Miles Teller. 'TVMA'
SHOW2 720 580 76 580 <+ The Family That Preys (‘08, Com) Sanaa Lathan, Alfre Woodard. 'TV14' White Famous White Famous Ray Donovan "Bob the Builder" Active Shooter "Washington, D.C." < The Edge of Seventeen (‘16, Com)
TMC 738 598 74 598 <++ Witness (‘85, Cri) Kelly McGillis, Josef Sommer, Harrison Ford. 'TVMA' <++ Forces of Nature (‘99, Rom) Sandra Bullock, Ben Affleck. 'TV14' <++ Heartbreakers (‘01, Com) Sigourney Weaver. 'TV14'
CBSSN 512 410 - 410 (3:00) Football NCAA Football Air Force at Nevada Site: MacKay Stadium -- Reno, Nev. (L) 'TVG' Football (N) College Football College Football College Football
CSNBA 22 30 29 86 (5:30) Pre-game NBA Basketb. Golden State Warriors at New Orleans Pelicans Site: Smoothie King Center (L) 'TVG' Warriors Post-game Live (L) WarriorsOutside. Warriors Raw (N) WarriorsOutside. Warriors Raw
CSNCA 25 - - - (4:00) Hockey Sharks Post The Happy Hour FootballWeek (N) Raiders NHL Hockey San Jose Sharks at New Jersey Devils 'TVG' Sharks Post Raiders
ESPN 23 37 26 33 (4:00) Basket. NBA Basketb. Golden State Warriors at New Orleans Pelicans Site: Smoothie King Center (L) 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
ESPN2 24 38 28 34 (4:00) NCAA Football (L) Scoreboard /(:15) NCAA Football Colorado State at New Mexico Site: Dreamstyle Stadium (L) 'TVG' (:15) Top Ten Jalen & Jacoby Fantasy Show Jalen & Jacoby
FS1 47 85 30 72 (5:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced Speak for Yourself Skip and Shannon Opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day. 'TVPG'
GOLF 62 81 27 75 (2:30) PGA Golf Golf Central (N) PGA Golf CJ Cup Round 3 Site: Nine Bridges -- Jeju Island, Korea (L) 'TVG' CHAMPS Golf
NBCSN 57 82 53 89 (4:30) NCAA Football Princeton vs. Harvard (L) 'TVG' F1 Auto Racing United States Grand Prix Practice 'TVG' Motorclub Truck Tech (N) Det. Muscle (N) Car Match (N) Car Match (N)

10 urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017
Saturday Daytime OCTOBER 21, 2017
6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30
(3.1) KIEM Saturday Today (N) 'TVG' Champ Voyage WildVet Journey EPL Soccer WBA/SOU (L) 'TVG' GoalZone Count. NASCAR Auto Racing Kansas Lottery 300 (L) 'TVG' Green 2 Broke Mike&M. NCAA Football (L) 'TVG'
(13.1) KEET George Cat B.Build D.Tiger Biz Kid$ Mexican Martha On Road Food (N) O.House House Craftsm. Woodwri. Meals TestK Ciao It. Baking "Pastry" Rail Adventures Antiques Rd. History Detectives
(17.1) KVIQ (5:00) Saturday (N) LuckyD. Dr.Chris Innovate Inspect Lucky D. O.Road Gymnastics Off-Road Racing Football NCAA Football Tennessee at Alabama (L) 'TVG' Castle Ins. Ed. News
(23.1) KAEF Homewn. Homes GMA Saturday Wild C. Ocean NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' Scoreb. NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' Scoreb. Scoreb. Pre-game /(:35) Football
(23.2) KAEF2 Petticoat Petticoat Hillbil. Hillbil. Track Track HaveGun HaveGun Maverick Wagon Train The Big Valley Gunsmoke Bonanza Rawhide Wanted Wanted Rifleman Rifleman
(28.1) KBVU Agri-Business Ocean M. Ocean M. Dr. Pol Pregame NCAA Football Maryland at Wisconsin (L) 'TVG' Football NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' Football NCAA Football (L)
(28.2) KBVU2 L.Ranger L.Ranger Lassie Lassie A Smith and Jones The Virginian 'TVG' The Virginian 'TVPG' Murder She Wrote Murder She Wrote Bionic W "Rodeo" Six Million $ Man Columbo 'TVG' Columbo
(29.1) KECA Paid Paid Wrestling Whisper Whisper Whisper Whisper Brain (N) Old (N) Campmeeting Hollywd. Queens Clevela. Paid Rookie Blue Rookie Blue Elementary Elementary
(29.2) KECA2 Traveler Paid IntoWild Paid Holly Paid Heartl. Paid Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Paid T.Music Paid LatiNat. Paid TMZ Extra Weekend Major Crimes Major Crimes
A&E InfoDoc InfoDoc Flipping Vegas Flipping Vegas Tiny House Nation: Home Made (N) 'TVPG' The Eleven The Eleven Live PD 'TV14' Live PD
AMC The Walking Dead (:05) Dead "JSS" (:05) Walking Dead (:05) Walking Dead 'TVMA' (:40) Dead "Now" (:40) Walking Dead (:40) Walking Dead (:40) Walking Dead (:50) Walking Dead (:50) Walking Dead (:50) Walking Dead :50 Dead
ANPL Dogs 101 Dogs 101 Dog TV Dogs "Stronger Together" 'TVPG' Tanked! Tanked! Tanked! Tanked! R. Mountain Vet R. Mountain Vet R. Mountain Vet
BRAVO Shahs of Sunset Flipping Out Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Housewives NJ Housewives NJ Housewives NJ Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Tardy... Movie
CNBC (3:30) Paid EPL Soccer Burn./Man. C. (L) 'TVG' Capitali "Ocean" Paid Program 'TVPG' Boss "NASCAR" Undercover Boss Boss "Buffets, Inc."
CNN Smerconish CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom News Signs CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Smerconish CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom
COMC Paid Paid Scrubs Scrubs '70s (:35) '70s (:10) '70s (:45) '70s (:20) '70s (:50) '70s Show (:25) '70s (:55) '70s (:25) '70s '70s '70s '70s <++ Me, Myself and Irene (‘00, Com) 'TVMA' SouthPk SouthPk
DISC Deadliest Catch Major League Fishing 'TVPG' Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud 2017 Barrett-Jackson Live Naked and Afraid
DISN Stuffins The Lion Puppy Mickey Stuffins Vamp Elena Pat-Dog Transyl LEGO (N) <++ Twitches 'TVG' Raven's. StuckMid Jessie Austin Girl M. Liv/Mad Bunk'd Underc. Liv Mad Bizaard. Bizaard.
E! Total Bellas Total Bellas Total Bellas Total Bellas E! News (N) The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians <++ Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (‘09, Rom) 'TV14' <++ Monster-in-Law 'TVPG'
FNC (3:00) News Bull Bear Cavuto Forbes Cash In America's News HQ 'TVG' News HQ Journal Edit. News HQ America's News HQ 'TVG' Fox Report Watters World
FOOD Paid Program The Kitchen Bob./Da. Barefoot Barefoot Pioneer Pioneer Southern The Kitchen (N) Cooking Dinner Halloween Baking Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Challenge Guy's Game
Freeform Paid Paid <+++ Edward Scissorhands (‘90, Fant) 'TV14' <+++ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 'TVPG' < Fun Size (‘12, Com) 'TVPG' (:35) <+++ Matilda (‘96, Fam) 'TVPG' (:40) < Sleepy Hollow 'TVMA'
FX Paid Paid Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men <++ Pacific Rim (‘13, Act) Idris Elba. 'TVMA' < Transformers: Age of Extinction (‘14, Act) Mark Wahlberg. 'TVPG'
FXX Raising <+++ The Vow (‘12, Dra) 'TV14' < Paper Towns (‘15, Dra) Nat Wolff. 'TV14' <++ The Lorax (‘12, Ani) 'TVG' <+++ Rio (‘11, Ani) 'TVG' <++++ Rio 2 (‘14, Ani) 'TVG' < Hotel Transylv...
HALL Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Middle Middle < Pumpkin Pie Wars (‘16, Rom) 'TVG' < Autumn Dreams (‘15, Dra) 'TVG' < All of My Heart: Inn Love 'TVG' < Harvest Love (‘17, Rom) 'TVG' < Falling for Ver...
HALMM < Columbo: How to Dial a ... < Columbo: Murder by th... Monk Monk Monk Monk Monk Monk Monk Monk Monk
HGTV Paid Program Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipATL FlipATL FlipATL FlipATL
HIST Info-Doc Info-Doc Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers "Flirtin' With Disaster" (N) 'TV14' Story of All of Us "Survivors" 'TVPG' Story of All of Us "New World" 'TVPG' Story of All of Us "Revolutions" 'TVPG'
ID Deadline Swamp Murders Deadly Women Blood Relatives Cecil "Room 1402" Home Alone Dead Silent The 1980s Unusual Suspects Married Secrets Married Secrets Silent Scream
LIFE Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Am. Beauty Star < Deadly Lessons (‘17, Thril) 'TV14' < Sleepwalking in Suburbia 'TV14' < The Wrong Mother (‘17, Thril) 'TV14'
LMN 5: < Secrets of ... <++ When Husbands Cheat 'TVPG' < The Perfect Girlfriend 'TV14' <++ The Perfect Assistant 'TVPG' < The Perfect Daughter 'TV14' < Evil Nanny (‘16, Thril) 'TV14' < My Baby is G...
LOGO Mama'sF. Mama'sF. Mama'sF. Mama'sF. Mama'sF. TBA G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Married TBA
MSNBC MSNBC Live (N) AM Joy (N) 'TVPG' News Velshi MSNBC Live (N) MSNBC Live (N) MSNBC Live (N) MSNBC Live (N) MSNBC Live (N) AM Joy Rachel Maddow The Last Word
NICK G. Lopez G. Lopez Loud H. Loud H. Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Loud H. Loud H. P Ranger Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Loud H. Loud H.
OWN Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Home Home Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life
OXY Snapped Snap. "Kim Long" Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped: Killer Snapped: Killer Snapped: Killer Maura Murray Maura Murray Snapped: Killer Cold Justice
SYFY Paid Program 'TVPG' < The Hollow (‘15, Hor) 'TV14' < Animal (‘14, Hor) 'TV14' <++ Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome 'TV14' <+ Texas Chainsaw 3D 'TVMA' < Resident Evil: Afterlife
TBN Rock Kid Auto J.Osteen J. Prince Veggie Puppets Monster Davey iShine Station HolyLand Creation LGiglio News Turning Point BGraham Stage Gaither: Precious Touch Ministries Huckabee
TBS Married <+++ Death at a Funeral 'TV14' < Think Like a Man (‘12, Com) Chris Brown. 'TV14' Friends Post Pre-Game (L) MLB Baseball National League Championship Series (L) 'TVG' MLB Friends Friends Movie
TCM (:15) <++ Joy of Living (‘38, Rom) 'TVG' < Painted Hills (:15) <+++ Kiss Me Kate 'TVG' (:15) <+ Ladykillers (‘88, Dra) 'TV14' <++ Jim Thorpe - All American 'TVG' <+++ Trapeze (‘56, Dra) 'TVG' < Brief Encounter
TLC Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Long Lost Family Long Lost Family Long Lost Family Long Lost Family Long Lost Family
TNT Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order <++ The Expendables (‘10, Act) 'TVMA' <+++ The Expendables 2 'TVMA' <++ The Expendables 3 (‘14, Act) 'TV14' Movie
TOON Ben 10 Transf. JLAct. Gumball TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. OK K.O.! OK K.O.! Gumball Gumball Teen T. Teen T. Ben 10 TeenT. TeenT. Gumball Gumball
TRAVEL Paid Program Wild Things Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Exped.Unknown Exped.Unknown Screams Screams Screams CoasterQ Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise
TRUTV Comedy Comedy Comedy Comedy Top Funniest Top Funniest Top Funniest Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Inside Jokes Chris Gethard
UNI Chavo Chavo Pagado Pagado Pocoyo Pocoyo Calimero Calimero Mickey Handy Pagado Pagado Pagado Pagado Sin Rollo Lanzate Guapos Guapos María Notice MFL Fútbol (L)
USA Burn Notice Paid Program 'TVPG' NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS "Heart Break" NCIS "Chained" NCIS "SWAK" NCIS "Cover Story" NCIS "Dog Tags" NCIS "Toxic"
WGN-A Home Videos Home Videos Home Videos Home Videos Home Videos MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH <+++ Happy Feet (‘06, Ani) 'TVPG' <+++ Happy Feet
HBO (:55) <++ Spy Kids 'TVPG' (:25) < Monsters vs. Aliens Sesame Sesame < The Lizzie McGuire Movie (:35) < Garfield: The Movie Tokyo <++ Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 'TV14' < Why Him? (‘16, Com) 'TV14'
HBO2 Movie (:35) <++ Keeping the Faith 'TV14' (:50) Tokyo Project (:25) < Krampus 'TV14' 1stLook /(:20) < Born on the Fourth of July (:45) Bill Maher (:45) <+++ Speed (‘94, Act) 'TVMA' :45 < Robin Hood: Men in ...
HBOFAM Kinder.. Curious Curious Pinky Sesame Street El Perro Pinky Hap. Aft Hap. Aft (:55) < The Borrowers 'TVG' :25 < The Great Muppet C... < The Secret of the Magic... <+++ The Princess Diaries 'TVPG' Movie
HBOSIG Making (:35) < The Shack (‘17, Dra) 'TV14' :50 < Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (:05) <++ Be Cool (‘05, Com) 'TV14' (:10) <+++ Minority Report (‘02, Sci-Fi) 'TV14' (:40) <++ Serendipity 'TV14' VicePri. :50 Deuce
MAX 5: < Midnight Co... (:55) <++++ Capote 'TVMA' :50 < Dude, Where's My Ca... (:15) <+++ Keanu (‘16, Com) 'TVMA' :55 < Charlie's Angels II: F... (:40) < Live by Night (‘16, Cri) 'TVMA' (:50) < Central Intelligence 'TV14' Movie
MMAX (:20) <+++ Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 'TV14' (:45) < The Secret Life of Bees 'TV14' (:35) <++ The Informant! 'TVMA' :25 < Mechanic: Resurrecti... (:05) < Race (‘16, Bio) 'TV14' (:20) <++++ Raging Bull 'TVMA'
SHOW (:05) < Sign O' the Times NavyFoot Inside the NFL Shameless Shameless Shameless Shameless Shameless Shame. "Iron City" Shameless Shameless Shameless
SHOW2 5:40 < Jaws: The... (:15) < Hell or High Water 'TVMA' Nemr <++ Paycheck (‘03, Sci-Fi) 'TV14' < Bleed for This (‘16, Bio) 'TVMA' <++ Southpaw (‘15, Dra) 'TVMA' (:05) <++ Out of Sight (‘98, Cri) 'TVPG'
TMC 5:20 < A Woman... < Lost Cat Corona 'TVMA' <+++ Babe (‘95, Com) 'TVG' (:05) < Smokey and the Bandit II < Who's Your Caddy? 'TV14' < Bad Ass 3: Bad Asses on... <+++ More American Graffiti 'TVPG' < The Prestige
CBSSN Truck T. D.Muscle Grid (N) F. Drift This Week (N) NCAA Football Temple at Army Site: Michie Stadium (L) 'TVG' NCAA Football Central Florida at Navy (L) 'TVG' NCAA Football BYU/E.C. (L) 'TVG'
CSNBA 49ers Raiders The Happy Hour 49ers Raiders Happy Hr Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 49ers Raiders The Happy Hour The Happy Hour Driven Driven Pre-game (L) NBA Basketball (L)
CSNCA Paid Program 'TVPG' Angl. Angl. (N) Paid Program 'TVPG' Football Sharks NHL Hockey S.J./N.Y. I. (L) 'TVG'
ESPN College GameDay (L) NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' Scoreb. NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' Scoreb. NCAA Football (L) 'TVG'
ESPN2 SportsCenter The day's news in the world of sports. (N) 'TVG' NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' Scoreb. NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' Scoreb. NCAA Football (L) 'TVG'
FS1 Mtchday DFL Soccer Dor./Fran. (L) 'TVG' Pregame NCAA Football Iowa State at Texas Tech (L) 'TVG' NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' FB Extra TBA To Be Announced
GOLF (5:00) EPGA Golf Andalucia Masters Site: Real Club Valderrama (L) 'TVG' LPGA Golf Taiwan Championship 'TVG' CHAMPS Golf 'TVG' Golf C. PGA Golf CJ Cup Round 3 Site: Nine Bridges -- Jeju Island, Korea 'TVG'
NBCSN Soccer Live (:55) EPL Soccer (L) 'TVG' NASCAR Racing NASCAR NASCAR Racing Count. Tractor Pulling F1 Auto Racing United States Grand Prix (L) 'TVG' Pregame NHL Hockey (L) 'TVG' urge.times-standard entertainment magazine 11

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Saturday Prime Time OCTOBER 21, 2017
SL CC GVL KLA 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(3.1) KIEM 3 3 3 - (4:30) NCAA Football USC at Notre Dame (L) 'TVG' News Channel 3 Outdoorsman Access Hollywood Weekend Dateline NBC News 3 at 11 (N) Sat. Night Live
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13 - Your Roots "Puritans and Pioneers" Roadtrip Nation: Being You Globe Trekker "Wild West USA" Austin City "Zac Brown Band" (N) Artists Den "Fleet Foxes" Soundstage "Jake Owen"
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6 - CSI: Miami "Caged" Blue Bloods "The Poor Door" NCIS "Home of the Brave" 48 Hours 48 Hours Family Feud (:35) Family Feud
(23.1) KAEF 7 11 - - (4:35) NCAA Football Michigan at Penn State (L) 'TVG' (:50) Studio Am. Athlete Judge Judy Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! 20/20 Scandal
(23.2) KAEF2 123 188 - - WildWest "The Night of the Fugitives" WonderW "The Girl From Ilandia" <++ Tarantula (‘55, Hor) Mara Corday, Ross Elliott, John Agar. 'TVPG' Batman Batman Star Trek "Operation: Annihilate!"
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2 - (5:00) NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' American Athlete Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory FunnyAsk Outdoorsman Hell's Kitchen "Tower of Terror"
(28.2)KBVU2 128 190 - - (5:30) Columbo The Rockford Files "Counter Gambit" Kojak "Hush Now, Don't You Die" Kojak "A Very Deadly Game" Ironside "Officer Bobby" Ironside "Trip to Hashbury"
(29.1) KECA 9 7 - - Sheriffs: Sheriffs: Cleveland Show Cleveland Show Family Guy Family Guy Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers Seinfeld Seinfeld King of Queens Movie
(29.2) KECA2 5 8 4 - Last Man St. Last Man St. Met Your Mother Met Your Mother Bones "The Witch in the Wardrobe" Bones Murdoch Mysteries The X-Files "Eve"
A&E 35 68 18 29 (5:00) Live PD Live access inside the country's busiest police forces. 'TV14' Live PD /(:05) Live PD Live PD Live access inside the country's busiest police forces. (L) (N) 'TV14'
AMC 36 26 35 25 (:55) Dead "Not Tomorrow Yet" (:55) Walking Dead "The Same Boat" The Walking Dead "Twice as Far" The Walking Dead "The Journey So Far" (N) 'TVMA' (:15) The Walking Dead "East"
ANPL 33 48 40 42 Rocky Mountain Vet "Never Give Up" R. Mountain Vet "Full Speed Ahead" Dr. Jeff: Extra Dose (N) Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet (N) Pet Makeover "Baby Got Back" Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet
BRAVO 64 54 - 61 (5:30) <++ Sweet Home Alabama (‘02, Com) Reese Witherspoon. 'TV14' <+++ The Help (‘11, Dra) Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Emma Stone. 'TV14' <+++ The Help (‘11, Dra)
CNBC 51 25 - 45 Undercover Boss "Menchie's" Boss "Popeye's Louisiana Kitchen" Under Boss "Philly Pretzel Company" Undercover Boss "ADT" Undercover Boss "Orkin" Paid Program
CNN 53 39 20 30 The Wonder List With Bill Weir (N) Anthony Bourdain "Lagos" Anthony Bourdain "Ethiopia" The Wonder List With Bill Weir (N) Anthony Bourdain "Tangier" Anthony Bourdain "South Africa"
COMC - 31 47 36 (:15) South Park (:50) South Park "Eat, Pray, Queef" (:25) South Park South Park <++ Tommy Boy (‘95, Com) David Spade, Bo Derek, Chris Farley. 'TV14' <++ Happy Gilmore (‘96, Com) Adam Sandler. 'TV14'
DISC 31 51 19 46 Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid "The Pain Forest" To Be Announced Monsters Inside Me (N) Naked and Afraid "Washed Out"
DISN 39 49 41 31 Stuck in Middle Raven's Home <+++ Nanny McPhee (‘05, Fant) Emma Thompson. 'TVG' (:40) <++ Nanny McPhee Returns (‘10, Com) Maggie Gyllenhaal. 'TVPG' (:35) StuckMid Raven's Home K.C. Undercover
E! 65 59 60 41 Movie <++ Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (‘09, Rom) Jennifer Garner, Matthew McConaughey. 'TV14' <++ What Lies Beneath (‘00, Thril) Harrison Ford, James Remar, Michelle Pfeiffer. 'TV14'
FNC 52 34 21 47 Justice With Judge Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters World Justice With Judge Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters World
FOOD 43 67 56 54 Ginormous Food Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Drive-Ins Diners, Drive-Ins Halloween "The Haunted Farm" Halloween "Don't Go Into the Forest" Hallow "Mummies vs. Werewolves" Halloween Wars "Haunted Carnival"
Freeform 38 36 15 23 (4:40) <+++ Sleepy Hollow (:10) <+++ The Addams Family (‘91, Com) Anjelica Huston. 'TVPG' (:15) <++ Addams Family Values (‘93, Com) Raul Julia, Anjelica Huston. 'TVPG' Movie
FX 44 33 31 44 Movie <++++ Guardians of the Galaxy (‘14, Adv) Zoe Saldana, Lee Pace, Chris Pratt. 'TV14' <+++ Jurassic World (‘15, Adv) Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D'Onofrio, Chris Pratt. 'TV14' Cult
FXX 45 62 - 73 (5:00) <+++ Hotel Transylvania <+++ Hotel Transylvania (‘12, Ani) Kevin James, Adam Sandler. 'TVPG' You're the Worst Always Sunny Always Sunny Always Sunny Always Sunny Always Sunny
HALL 79 87 36 87 (5:00) < Falling for Vermont < Love Struck Café (‘17, Rom) Andrew Walker, Sarah Jane Morris. 'TVG' < A Harvest Wedding (‘17, Dra) Wedding planner moves to New York. 'TVG' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
HALLMM 63 77 - 20 Monk Monk "Mr. Monk vs. the Cobra" Monk "Mr. Monk Gets Cabin Fever" Monk Wonderful Movies Murder, She Wrote
HGTV 42 29 49 64 FlipFlop Atlanta FlipFlop Atlanta FlipFlop Atlanta FlipFlop Atlanta Property Bros. "Modern Must-Have" LakefrontBargainReno (N) House Hunters Renovation (N) LogCabin (N) Log Cabin Living
HIST 34 44 45 67 Amer. Pickers "The Bundle Brothers" Amer. Pickers "Beetle In a Haystack" American Pickers "Big Moe" American Pickers "Beer Factor" (:05) A. Pickers "Hydro Homestead" (:05) Amer. Pickers "Brothers in Pick"
ID 58 19 - 15 Traces of Evil (N) Swamp "Double-Crossed" (N) Silent Scream Traces of Evil Swamp Murders "Double-Crossed" Married Secrets "Dr. Deception"
LIFE 29 32 17 26 < Psycho In-Law (‘17) Catherine Dyer, Katie Leclerc. < The Watcher in the Woods (‘17, Thril) Anjelica Houston. (P) 'TVPG' < His Secret Past (‘16, Thril) Patrick Muldoon, Brigid Brannagh. 'TV14'
LMN 30 78 69 78 (5:00) < My Baby is Gone! (‘17) < The Wrong Neighbor (‘17, Thril) Andrea Bogart, Michael Madsen. 'TV14' < My Baby is Gone! (‘17) 'TV14' < The Wrong Neighbor (‘17, Thril)
LOGO - 141 - 141 Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family
MSNBC 50 58 23 66 The 11th Hour With Brian Williams MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary
NICK - 70 42 21 The Loud House The Loud House Henry Danger Henry Danger Henry Danger (N) GShakers (N) Full House Full House Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends Friends
OWN 68 55 59 77 Released "It's Over" Released "Left Behind" Released "No More Excuses" Iyanla, Fix My Life (N) Released "Ties That Bind" (N) Iyanla, Fix My Life
OXY 49 66 61 70 Cold Justice "Mother" (N) Disappearance of Mau (N) Cold Justice "Mother" Disappearance of Mau Cold Justice "Dying Declaration" Disappearance of Mau
SYFY 48 53 48 57 Movie <++ Green Lantern (‘11, Act) Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard, Ryan Reynolds. 'TVPG' < Stickman (‘17, Hor) Anthony Lemke. < A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Th...
TBN 69 91 65 91 Jay Sekulow The Hour of Power Path to Victory Huckabee In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley < Judgement
TBS 27 52 9 16 (5:30) <+++ Tower Heist (‘11, Act) Eddie Murphy. 'TVPG' Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Full Frontal 2 Broke Girls
TCM 37 86 34 74 Movie (:45) < The Astonished Heart (‘50, Dra) Noel Coward, Celia Johnson. 'TVPG' <++++ In Which We Serve (‘42, War) Richard Attenborough, Noel Coward, John Mills. 'TVPG' < Willard (‘71, Hor) Bruce Davidson.
TLC 32 28 46 39 Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss (N) Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss
TNT 26 41 33 32 (5:30) <+++ San Andreas (‘15, Act) Carla Gugino, Dwayne Johnson. 'TV14' <+++ Avengers: Age of Ultron (‘15, Act) Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr.. 'TV14' < Into the Storm (‘14, Act)
TOON 41 64 43 39 TeenT./ OK K.O.! OKK.O.!/ Gumball We Bare Bears Teen Titans D. Ball Super D. Ball Super (N) Rick and Morty Rick and Morty Family Guy Family Guy D. Ball Super DBZ Kai Final (N)
TRAVEL 67 27 57 53 Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures (N) Ghost Adventures "Asylum 49" Ghost Adven. "Golden Ghost Town"
TRUTV 66 63 50 58 Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Adam Ruins Adam Ruins Adam Ruins Adam Ruins Imp. Jokers "Universal Appeal" Impractical Jokers "Paradise Lost"
UNI 78 74 - 7 (5:00) MFL Fútbol Pueb./Pach. (L) (:55) MFL Fútbol Necaxa at Club América (L) 'TVG' Vecinos Vecinos Crónicas de Sabado María de Todos Noticiero: FDS
USA 28 35 16 28 NCIS "Enemy on the Hill" NCIS "Safe Harbor" NCIS "Recovery" NCIS "Hit and Run" NCIS "Semper Fortis" NCIS "Sister City"
WGN-A 88 12 25 62 (5:00) <+++ Happy Feet (‘06, Ani) Person of Interest "Shadow Box" Person of Interest "2ttR" Person Interest "Prisoner's Dilemma" Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage. Raising Hope
HBO 668 518 5 518 (:55) <++ Constantine (‘05, Sci-Fi) Rachel Weisz, Keanu Reeves. 'TV14' < John Wick: Chapter 2 (‘17, Act) Common, Keanu Reeves. 'TVMA' (:05) Boxing HBO After Dark Card TBA (N) 'TVMA'
HBO2 669 520 70 520 Movie Curb Enthusiasm (:10) Enthusiasm (:45) Curb Your Enthusiasm < Loving (‘16, Bio) Ruth Negga, Marton Csokas, Joel Edgerton. 'TV14' (:40) <++ Hellboy II: The Golden Army (‘08, Adv) 'TV14'
HBOFAM 671 522 - 522 (5:30) <++ Flipped (‘10, Com) < Garfield: The Movie (‘04, Fam) Breckin Meyer. 'TVPG' (:25) <++ About a Boy (‘02, Com/Dra) Hugh Grant. 'TV14' (:10) < La La Land (‘16, Com) Ryan Gosling, John Legend, Emma Stone. 'TVPG'
HBOSIG 670 521 71 521 (5:50) Deuce (N) (:50) <+++ Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (‘16, Adv) Eva Green. 'TV14' < Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (‘16, Adv) 'TV14' (:15) Last Week Movie
MAX 694 549 72 549 (5:40) <++ Rock Star (‘01, Dra) Mark Wahlberg. 'TVMA' Tales Tour Bus <+++ Space Cowboys (‘00, Sci-Fi) Tommy Lee Jones, Clint Eastwood. 'TV14' (:15) <+++ The Beguiled (‘71, Dra) Geraldine Page, Clint Eastwood. 'TVMA'
MMAX 695 551 73 551 Movie <+++ Sleepers (‘96, Thril) Kevin Bacon, Jason Patric, Brad Pitt. 'TVM' <+++ Interview With the Vampire (‘94, Hor) Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt. 'TVM' (:05) <++ The Box (‘09, Myst)
SHOW 719 578 75 578 Shameless "Liver, I Hardly Know Her" Shameless "Emily" Shameless "Lazarus" George Michael: Freedom (P) (N) 'TVMA' White Famous White Famous George Michael
SHOW2 720 580 76 580 (:10) < Fair Game (‘10, Dra) Sean Penn, Naomi Watts. 'TV14' Active Shooter "Washington, D.C." < Bleed for This (‘16, Bio) Aaron Eckhart, Ted Levine, Miles Teller. 'TVMA' <++++ Hell or High Water
TMC 738 598 74 598 (5:00) <+++ The Prestige (‘06, Dra) (:15) <++ Transporter 3 (‘08, Act) Natalya Rudakova, Jason Statham. 'TV14' <++++ The Descent (‘05, Hor) 'TVMA' (:40) < Death Do Us Part (‘14, Hor) Julia Benson. 'TV14'
CBSSN 512 410 - 410 (4:00) NCAA Football BYU at East Carolina (L) 'TVG' NCAA Football Fresno State at San Diego State Site: Qualcomm Stadium -- San Diego, Calif. (L) 'TVG' Football (N) College Football
CSNBA 22 30 29 86 (5:00) NBA Basketball Golden State vs Memphis (L) 'TVG' Warriors Post-game Live (L) WarriorsOutside. Warriors Raw (N) Warriors (N) 49ers Central 49ers/Plan (N) Raiders 49ers Central
CSNCA 25 - - - (4:00) Hockey Sharks Post FIVB Volleyball United States vs. France 'TVG' NHL Hockey San Jose Sharks at New York Islanders 'TVG' Sharks Post In This Corner
ESPN 23 37 26 33 (4:00) NCAA Football (L) Football Score. NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
ESPN2 24 38 28 34 (4:00) NCAA Football (L) College FB 2Day /(:15) NCAA Football (L) 'TVG' (:15) College Football Final (L) 'TVG' SportsC Featured
FS1 47 85 30 72 (5:00) To Be Announced To Be Announced NCAA Football 'TVG'
GOLF 62 81 27 75 (2:30) PGA Golf Golf Central (N) PGA Golf CJ Cup Final Round Site: Nine Bridges -- Jeju Island, Korea (L) 'TVG' CHAMPS Golf
NBCSN 57 82 53 89 (4:30) NHL Hockey Fla./Was. (L) Archery World Cup ND Post-game Onward Notre D Onward Notre D Match of the Day Highlights of the day's Premier League matches. (N) 'TVG' Premier League
14 urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017
Sunday Daytime OCTOBER 22, 2017
6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30
(3.1) KIEM Dragon AnimalR. Sunday Today (N) Meet the Press (N) ISU Figure Skate Rostelecom Cup 'TVG' F1 Countdown (L) F1 Racing United States Grand Prix 'TVG' F1 Extra (L) Paid Babe W. Football Night (L) (:20) NFL Football
(13.1) KEET Rogers DinoT Sesame Sid D.Tiger Cyberch. Violins of Hope Practicing Peace Mark Twain's Jou On Story CharlieR ToCont Rubenste News News W.House W.Week News Possibil O.House House
(17.1) KVIQ JetSet Matter Sunday Morning (N) 'TVPG' FaceNat. The NFL Today (L) NFL Football Carolina Panthers at Chicago Bears (L) 'TVG' (:25) NFL Football Denver vs L.A. Chargers (L) 'TVG' Castle News
(23.1) KAEF DestinTV Garden GMA/Sunday This Week Holly Traveler House Outdoors S.Rescue Wildlife R. Park Outback Ent. Tonight X Games X Games STIHL Timber Heartland Judy News
(23.2) KAEF2 ALF ALF Hunters Hunters Beakman Beakman Bill Nye Bill Nye SaveBell SaveBell SaveBell SaveBell BradyB. BradyB. BradyB. BradyB. FactsLife FactsLife Mama'sF. Mama'sF. Lucy LucySh. The Love Boat
(28.1) KBVU Kingdom of God Fox News Sunday Worship Faith C. NFL Sunday (L) Dr. Pol Outback Hatched Pets.TV MLB Special NFL Football Dallas Cowboys at San Francisco 49ers (L) 'TVG' Modern Modern Modern Modern
(28.2) KBVU2 L.Ranger L.Ranger Voyager WildVet Journey Natural Give Champ Banacek McCloud 'TVG' Murder She Wrote Murder She Wrote Murder She Wrote Columbo Columbo
(29.1) KECA Popoff Paid Worship InSearch Tomorr. Touch Ministries KeyDavid Campmeeting Paid Paid Paid Program Clevela. Paid Made Paid < Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Rules Rules
(29.2) KECA2 Money Paid News InSearch NFL Kickoff A.Athlete Paid Latino Paid Wild Am. Paid Comedy.TV <+++ The Howling (‘81, Hor) 'TV14' <+++ Taken (‘08, Thril) 'TV14' Pawn S. Pawn S.
A&E InfoDoc InfoDoc Dog B.H. Dog B.H. Dog B.H. <+++ Con Air (‘97, Act) Nicolas Cage. 'TVMA' <++ Edge of Darkness (‘10, Cri) 'TVMA' <+++ Gridiron Gang (‘06, Spt) 'TV14' <+++ Con Air (‘97, Act) Nicolas Cage. 'TVMA'
AMC Stooge Dead "Go Getters" Dead "Swear" (:40) Walking Dead 'TVMA' (:15) Walking Dead 'TVMA' (:40) Walking Dead (:55) Walking Dead 'TVMA' The Walking Dead (:10) Walking Dead :10 Dead /:15 Dead (:20) Walking Dead
ANPL Be Alive Be Alive Be Alive Be Alive Be Alive I Was Prey I Was Prey I Was Prey Inside Me Inside Me Inside Me Inside Me
BRAVO Flipping Out Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Housewives Atl. Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Housewives NJ Housewives NJ Housewives NJ Real Wives Dallas Real Housewives
CNBC (3:30) Paid Program 'TVPG' Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank
CNN State of the Union Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources State of the Union Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom
COMC Paid Paid Scrubs Scrubs '70s (:35) '70s (:10) '70s (:45) '70s (:20) '70s (:50) '70s Show (:25) '70s (:55) '70s (:25) '70s '70s '70s '70s SouthPk SouthPk (:40) <++ Life (‘99, Com) Eddie Murphy. 'TV14'
DISC Edge of Alaska Edge of Alaska Edge of Alaska Edge of Alaska Edge of Alaska Gold Rush "Wagers and Wars" 'TV14' Gold Rush Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier Alaska/Frontier
DISN Disney Junior Puppy Mickey Puppy Vamp LEGOFree Raven's. StuckMid Bizaard. <+++ Twitches Too 'TVPG' Raven's. StuckMid Bizaard. Bunk'd Underc. Raven's. Bizaard. Bunk'd Underc. :15 < Strange M...
E! (5:30) < She's All That 'TV14' <++ She's All That (‘99, Rom) 'TV14' <++ Save the Last Dance (‘00, Dra) 'TV14' The Platinum Life The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians
FNC (3:00) News Morning Futures MediaBuzz News HQ News HQ Fox News Sunday Journal Edit. News HQ Greg Gutfeld News HQ Fox Report Watters World
FOOD Paid Program Heaton Southern Rules Heart Rules Rules Rules Rules Barefoot Pioneer Southern Bob./Da. The Kitchen Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped
Freeform Hour Mass <+++ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 'TVPG' (:05) <+++ Matilda (‘96, Fam) 'TVPG' (:10) <+++ Hocus Pocus 'TVPG' (:20) <+++ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 'TVPG' < The Addams ...
FX Paid Paid Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. Mother Mother Mother Mother < Transformers: Age of Extinction (‘14, Act) Nicola Peltz, Mark Wahlberg. 'TVPG' <++++ Guardians of the Galaxy (‘14, Adv) 'TV14' Movie
FXX (5:00) < The Vow <++ The Lorax (‘12, Ani) 'TVG' <+++ Rio (‘11, Ani) 'TVG' <++++ Rio 2 (‘14, Ani) 'TVG' Simps. Simps. Simps. Simps. Simps. Simps. Simps. Simps. < Taken 3
HALL Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy < October Kiss (‘15, Rom) 'TVG' < A Country Wedding (‘15, Dra) 'TVG' < Harvest Moon (‘15, Dra) 'TVG' < Love Struck Café (‘17, Rom) 'TVG' < Love on a Limb (‘16, Rom) 'TVG'
HALMM < Columbo: Death Lends ... < Columbo: Dead Weight < A Bone to Pick: An Aurora Teagard... < Real Murders: An Aurora Teagard... < Three Bedrooms, One Corpse: An ... < The Julius House: An Aurora Tea... < Dead Over He...
HGTV Paid Program Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers
HIST Info-Doc Info-Doc Top Gear Top Gear Counting Cars: Drive "Ultimate Challenge" (N) 'TVPG' Outlaw Chronicles Outlaw Chronicles Outlaw Chronicles Outlaw "At War" Outlaw Chronicles Outlaw Chronicles
ID Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Dateline NBC Homicide Hunter Homicide Hunter Homicide Hunter Evil Lives Here Evil Lives Here Evil Lives Here 48 Hours 48 Hours Deadline
LIFE Paid Paid Touch Ministries Amazing David J. J.Osteen Paid < Abducted: The Carlina... < Steel Magnolias 'TVPG' < Whitney (‘15, Bio) 'TV14' < Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confess... Compton
LMN 5: < Ungodly Acts < To Be Announced <++ When Husbands Cheat 'TVPG' < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < Break-Up Nightmare (‘16, Dra) 'TV14' < Stalker's Prey
LOGO Mama'sF. Mama'sF. Mama'sF. Mama'sF. Mama'sF. Mama'sF. Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Married Married Married Married Married Married Married Married 3's Co. TBA
MSNBC MSNBC Live (N) AM Joy (N) 'TVPG' MSNBC Live (N) MSNBC Live (N) Meet the Press MSNBC Live (N) MSNBC Live (N) MSNBC Live (N) MSNBC Live (N) Meet the Press MSNBC Doc.
NICK G. Lopez G. Lopez ALVIN ALVIN P Ranger Mysticon Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Loud H. Loud H. Loud H.
OWN Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Soul Sunday Soul Sunday Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil
OXY Snapped: Killer Maura Murray Criminal Confess Justice "Mother" Snapped: Killer Snapped: Killer Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snap. "Eric Copple"
SYFY Paid Program 'TVPG' <++ Resident Evil: Extinction 'TVMA' <+++ Resident Evil: Afterlife 'TVMA' < Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare < A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The... < A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The ...
TBN Kingdom T.Point Walk Walk J. Prince Carpet Jesse D. In Touch P. Point Written Victory Copelnd Kolenda John Hagee Catholic Creflo T.Point Potter's Everyday Purpose R Morris Huckabee
TBS Queens Queens Queens Queens Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends < This Is Where I Leave You 'TVMA' <+++ The Hunger Games (‘12, Act) 'TV14' <++++ The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 'TV14'
TCM (5:) < Stage Struck <+++ Raw Deal (‘48, Cri) 'TVPG' (:15) <++++ Wuthering Heights 'TVG' (:15) Bacall on Bogart 'TVG' <+++ All Through the Night 'TVPG' <++ Old Acquaintance 'TVPG' < Dracula, Prin...
TLC Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes 90 Day Fiancé
TNT Law & Order Law&O. "Shotgun" Law & Order "Fed" Law & Order Law & Order <++ Twister (‘96, Act) 'TV14' <++ Wanderlust (‘12, Com) 'TVMA' <+++ Knocked Up (‘07, Com) 'TVMA' < Horrible Boss...
TOON Steven Steven BareBear BareBear TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. TeenT. Ben 10 <++ Dr. Seuss' Cat in the Hat 'TVPG' OK K.O.! OK K.O.! TeenT. TeenT. Gumball Gumball
TRAVEL Paid Program Everest Air Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Mystery Museum Halloween Frights Halloween Tricked Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise
TRUTV Fameless Fameless Fameless Fameless Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Carbon. Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Adam Adam Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers
UNI Chavo Chavo Pagado Pagado Programa pagado Fútbol Central MFL Fútbol Mont./UNAM (L) 'TVG' Republica Al punto Aquí y ahora Netas divinas Kitos Vecinos Al punto
USA Mr. Robot Paid T.Point In Touch J.Osteen Chrisley Chrisley Law&Order: SVU SVU "Baby Killer" Law&Order: SVU SVU "Name" SVU "Alien" SVU "Uncle" Law&Order: SVU SVU "Unstable"
WGN-A <+++ Ladder 49 (‘04, Act) Joaquin Phoenix. 'TV14' Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops BlueB. "Lost Souls" Blue Bloods Blue Bloods
HBO (:20) <+++ The Rookie (‘02, Fam) 'TVG' Boxing HBO After Dark Card TBA 'TVMA' 1stLook <+++ Minority Report (‘02, Sci-Fi) 'TV14' Bill Maher (:05) < X-Men Origins: Wolverine < The Terminator
HBO2 (5:15) < Catch Me If You Can (:45) <+++ Selena (‘97, Bio) Jennifer Lopez. 'TVPG' < Hidden Figures (‘16, Dra) 'TVPG' (:10) <+++ Hacksaw Ridge (‘16, Bio) 'TVMA' Boxing HBO After Dark 'TVMA' 1stLook BillMaher
HBOFAM Curious Sesame "Gotcha!" Pinky Sesame Street El Perro Pinky Hap. Aft Company <++ Bratz (‘07, Com) 'TVPG' (:45) < The Wild Life 'TVPG' :20 < Jimmy Neutron: Boy ... :45 < The Adventures of S... :20 < Rocket Man
HBOSIG < Sixteen Candles 'TV14' (:35) <++ Enough (‘02, Thril) 'TV14' (:35) <++ The Bodyguard 'TV14' (:45) <++ Down With Love 'TV14' < Criminal Activities 'TVMA' LastWk (:45) <+++ Boiler Room 'TV14' :50 Curb
MAX <+++ The Blues Brothers 'TVMA' (:15) <++ Waterworld (‘95, Act) 'TV14' (:35) < Slumdog Millionaire 'TVMA' (:40) <++++ The Big Lebowski 'TVMA' (:40) < The Color of Money 'TVMA' (:40) <+++ Basic 'TVM'
MMAX Movie (:40) <+++ Rain Man (‘88, Dra) 'TV14' (:55) < Genius 'TVPG' :40 < Domestic Disturbance (:10) < Ouija: Origin of Evil (:50) <+++ Cape Fear (‘91, Thril) Nick Nolte, Jessica Lange, Robert De Niro. 'TVM'
SHOW (:10) < A Rising Tide (‘15, Dra) 'TVMA' Inside the NFL Access <+++ Mother's Day (‘16, Com) 'TV14' < Whitney: Can I Be Me (:15) <+ Bad Moms (‘16, Com) 'TVMA' < The Edge of Seventeen 'TVMA' Active Shooter
SHOW2 < James & the Giant Peach <++++ Cinderella Man (‘05, Bio) 'TV14' < Sign O' the Times 'TV14' <+++ Splash 'TV14' (:20) <++ Kingpin (‘96, Com) 'TV14' (:20) <+ Cell (‘16, Hor) 'TVMA' < Sign O' the T...
TMC 5: < More Ameri... <++++ The Sting (‘73, Com) 'TV14' (:15) <++ The Parent Trap (‘98, Fam) 'TVPG' < Bridge of Spies (‘15, Thril) Tom Hanks. 'TV14' <++ Bicentennial Man 'TVPG' (:15) <+++ Dazed and Confused 'TV14'
CBSSN (5:00) That Other Pre-game Show (L) F. Drift The Grid NGK F1 NGK F1 NGK F1 NGK F1 Touring Car Gold Coast 600 Australia Supercar Championship PBR Bull Riding Take the Money and Ride 'TVPG' Rodeo
CSNBA Post-game 49ers Warriors 49ers 49erPlan Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 49ers Pregame (L) Legends Red Bull Air Race "Russia" Post-game (L) Startup Startup
CSNCA Angl. SportFish Raiders Football Raiders Football Paid Program 'TVPG' MLS Soccer MIN/SJ (L) 'TVG' The National Dog Show SkiSnow. SkiSnow.
ESPN SportsCenter (N) NFL Count. NFL analysts preview Sunday's game. (L) 'TVG' Champ "Who's In?" FIFA Soccer International Friendly 'TVG' MLS Soccer (L) 'TVG' SprtC SportsCenter (N) 'TVG' Champ
ESPN2 E:60 (L) Fantasy Football Now (L) 'TVG' CFL Football Hamilton vs Montreal (L) 'TVG' NCAA Volleyball Tex./Okl. (L) 'TVG' SprtC Boxing Boxing Classics Boxing Boxing
FS1 Soccer DFL Soccer Berlin vs Freiburg (L) 'TVG' RaceClsc Race "Kansas" (L) UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed TUF: Champion TUF "Fight!" TUF: Champion TUF: Champion TUF: Champion TUF "Predator"
GOLF (4:30) EPGA Golf Andalucia Masters (L) 'TVG' LPGA Golf Taiwan Championship 'TVG' CHAMPS Golf 'TVG' Golf Central (N) PGA Golf CJ Cup Final Round Site: Nine Bridges 'TVG'
NBCSN (5:25) EPL Soccer (L) 'TVG' Live (:55) EPL Soccer Liverp’l/TOT (L) 'TVG' NASCAR America (L) 'TVG' Count. NASCAR Auto Racing Hollywood Casino 400 (L) 'TVG' PostRace Victory Lap (L) Racing Racing urge.times-standard entertainment magazine 15
‘Avenue Q’
The Theatre, Film and Dance Depart-
comes to HSU
in life. The characters lament that as chil- The cast consists of human characters ally for high school age and above since it
ment at Humboldt State University will dren, they were assured by their parents, and puppet characters who interact as if hu- does contain adult language, content and
present “Avenue Q,” the triple Tony Award- and by children's television programs such man, as in Sesame Street. The puppets are humor. Some of the songs and sub-plots
winning play that is a coming-of-age par- as PBS’“Sesame Street,” that they were "spe- animated and voiced by actor/puppeteers address decidedly adult themes, such as
able, addressing and satirizing the issues cial" and "could do anything,” but as adults, who are present, unconcealed and onstage racism, pornography, homosexuality and
and anxieties associated with entering they have discovered to their surprise and but remain "invisible" relative to the story- schadenfreude.
adulthood. The musical is notable for the dismay that in the real world their options line.That is, puppets and human characters Music direction is by HSU Music faculty
use of puppets, animated by unconcealed are limited, and they are no more "special" completely ignore the puppeteers, and the member Elisabeth Harrington. In addition
puppeteers, alongside human actors. This than anyone else. audience is expected to do so as well. “It is to Harrington, the band features HSU Music
production, opening Friday, is the first fully Originally conceived as a television series, such a good time,” said Director Rae Robi- Department staff member John Chernoff,
staged production of the 2017-18 Season at the show was developed as a stage produc- son, associate professor of theater arts. “We students Tyler Snyder and Zach Pitnick and
HSU. “Avenue Q" was conceived by Robert tion at the 2002 National MusicTheatre Con- need to laugh now. We need to laugh a lot. HSU alumni Jeremy Cotton and Liam Rand.
Lopez and Jeff Marx, who wrote the mu- ference at the Eugene O’NeilTheater Center But this show is more than funny — it’s one Avenue Q opens Friday and continues
sic and lyrics. The book was written by Jeff in Waterford, Connecticut. It opened Off- of the top three Tony winning musicals of Saturday and on Oct. 27 and 28 at 7:30 p.m.
Whitty. Broadway in March 2003, co-produced by all time for its brilliant score and script and in the Van Duzer Theater on campus. There
This musical tells the story of a bright- The New Group and the Vineyard Theatre, it will make you happy and humming those will be two matinee performances begin-
eyed college grad named Princeton. When and transferred to Broadway in July 2003 tunes as you leave the theater. And where ning at 2 p.m. on Sunday and on Oct. 29.
he arrives in the city with big dreams and where it won Tony Awards for Best Musi- else will you see a puppet stripper on a pole General admission is $15. Student and
a tiny bank account, he has to move into cal, Best Book of a Musical and Best Origi- and full puppet nudity?” seniors are $10. Lot parking is free on week-
a shabby apartment all the way out on nal Score.With 2,534 performances, Avenue Robison describes the show as being ends. For tickets, call 707-826-3928 or go
Avenue Q. Still, the neighbors seem nice. Q ranks 24th on the list of longest running about“figuring your way as an adult in the online at
There, he meets Kate, Lucy, Rod, Trekkie, shows in Broadway history. The show end- world. About finding your purpose in life. Online. For more information, call 707-826-
superintendent Gary Coleman and other ed its Broadway run on Sept. 13, 2009, and And about surrounding yourself with sup- 3566.
new friends. Together, they struggle to find then reopened Off-Broadway in October porting people to help you in that journey.”
jobs, dates and their ever-elusive purpose 2009 and is still playing. Robison adds that the production is gener-
16 urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017
Sunday Prime Time OCTOBER 22, 2017
SL CC GVL KLA 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(3.1) KIEM 3 3 3 - (5:20) NFL Football Atlanta Falcons at New England Patriots Site: Gillette Stadium (L) 'TVG' (:35) News 3 Mike & Molly 2 Broke Girls American Ninja Warrior News 3 at 11 (N) (:35) Access H.
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13 - L. Welk "You're Never Too Young" Doc Martin "In Loco" Masterp. "The Durrells in Corfu" (N) Masterpiece Classic "Poldark" (N) Masterpiece "The Collection" (N) The Streets of Wynwood
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6 - Family Feud Family Feud 60 Minutes Wisdom of Crowd "User Bias" (N) NCIS: Los Angeles "Plain Sight" (N) Madam "The Essentials" (N) Blue Bloods "Power Players"
(23.1) KAEF 7 11 - - Comedy.TV The Toy Box (N) Funniest Home Videos (N) Shark Tank Ten Days "Day 4: Below the Line" (N) Scandal
(23.2) KAEF2 123 188 - - The Love Boat Touched by An Angel "Reunion" Columbo "Undercover" 'TVPG' Touched by Angel "Operation Smile" Honeymooners The Odd Couple
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2 - Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The Mick Bob's Burgers (N) The Simpsons (N) Ghosted (N) Family Guy (N) Last Man (N) Two and a Half Two and a Half Extra Weekend
(28.2)KBVU2 128 190 - - The Rockford Files "Claire" Rockford "Say Goodbye to Jennifer" Kojak "Wall Street Gunslinger" Kojak "The Slay Ride" Ironside "Due Process of the Law" Ironside "Return of the Hero"
(29.1) KECA 9 7 - - The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Saving Hope "Blindness" <+ Twisted (‘04, Thril) Samuel L. Jackson, Andy Garcia, Ashley Judd. 'TVMA' Family Guy Family Guy Cleveland Show Movie
(29.2) KECA2 5 8 4 - Mom Mom Anger Manage Anger Manage Leverage Leverage Rizzoli & Isles "Partners in Crime" Anger Manage Anger Manage
A&E 35 68 18 29 Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars (:05) Storage W. (:35) Storage W.
AMC 36 26 35 25 (5:20) Dead Dead "Something They Need" The Walking Dead "Bonus Edition #716" (N) 'TVMA' The Walking Dead "Mercy" (SP) (N) (:05) Talking Dead "801" (SP) (N) 'TV14'
ANPL 33 48 40 42 Inside Me "My Vacation From Hell" Inside "Help! I'm Being Eaten Alive" Monsters Inside Me (N) Monsters Inside Me (N) I Was Prey "Invisible Assasin" (N) Inside "My Second Brain is Killing Me"
BRAVO 64 54 - 61 Real Housewives "Mystic Mistake" Shahs of Sunset Shahs "Reunion Part 1" Pt. 1 of 2 (N) Shahs "Reunion Part 1" Pt. 1 of 2 Housewives NJ "The Apology" WatchWhat (N) Shahs Pt. 1 of 2
CNBC 51 25 - 45 Greed "Deadly Black Gold Riches" American Greed "Recipe for Murder" Greed "From Peanuts to Sick Millions" American Greed: Scam Greed "Wine, Women and Fraud" Paid Program
CNN 53 39 20 30 Anthony Bourdain "Pittsburgh" (N) This Is Life "Patriot Movement" (N) This Is Life "Age of Consent" Anthony Bourdain "Pittsburgh" This Is Life "Patriot Movement" CNN Newsroom
COMC - 31 47 36 (:15) <++ Tommy Boy (‘95, Com) David Spade, Bo Derek, Chris Farley. 'TV14' (:25) <++ Happy Gilmore (‘96, Com) Adam Sandler. 'TV14' <++ Billy Madison (‘95, Com) Adam Sandler. 'TV14'
DISC 31 51 19 46 Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: Exposed (N) Alaska: The Last Frontier (N) Edge of Alaska "Uprooted" (N) Alaska "The Day the Cattle Swam"
DISN 39 49 41 31 (5:15) < Strange Magic (‘14, Ani) Transylvania Tangled-Series Movie Mickey Mouse Stuck in Middle Bizaardvark Raven's Home Stuck in Middle Transylvania Tangled-Series
E! 65 59 60 41 Kardashians "The Cleveland Show" The Kardashians "Milfs Gone Wild" The Kardashians "Cheers to That!" Kardashians "Clothes Quarters" (N) The Platinum Life "After THOT" (N) The Kardashians "Clothes Quarters"
FNC 52 34 21 47 The Next Revolution Fox News Sunday Watters World The Next Revolution Fox Report Weekend FOX News Weekend
FOOD 43 67 56 54 Halloween Wars "Monster Party" Guy's Game "Grocery Grudge Match" Game "One Shop Showdown" (N) Hallow "Zombie Cooking Show" (N) Halloween Wars Best Baker America "Café Classics"
Freeform 38 36 15 23 (5:00) <+++ The Addams Family (:05) <++ Addams Family Values (‘93, Com) Anjelica Huston. 'TVPG' (:15) <+++ Hocus Pocus (‘93, Com) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy, Bette Midler. 'TVPG' Movie
FX 44 33 31 44 (5:30) <+++ Jurassic World (‘15, Adv) Chris Pratt. 'TV14' <+++ Pitch Perfect 2 (‘15, Com) Rebel Wilson, Elizabeth Banks, Anna Kendrick. 'TV14' <+++ Pitch Perfect 2 (‘15, Com) Anna Kendrick. 'TV14'
FXX 45 62 - 73 (5:00) < Taken 3 (‘14, Act) Liam Neeson. 'TV14' < Taken 3 (‘14, Act) Famke Janssen, Maggie Grace, Liam Neeson. 'TV14' Archer Archer Paid Program Paid Program
HALL 79 87 36 87 < A Harvest Wedding (‘17, Dra) Wedding planner moves to New York. 'TVG' < Good Witch: Spellbound (‘17, Dra) Bailee Madison, Catherine Bell. (P) Countdown to C'mas (N) The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
HALLMM 63 77 - 20 5: < Dead Over Heels: An Aurora T... < A Bundle of Trouble: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery (‘17, Myst) 'TVPG' < Darrow & Darrow (‘17, Com) Brandi Alexander, Alistair Abell. Wonderful Movies
HGTV 42 29 49 64 Property Brothers Property Brothers Hawaii Life (N) Hawaii Life (N) Island Life (N) Island Life (N) Mexico Life (N) Mexico Life (N) House Hunters House Hunters
HIST 34 44 45 67 Forged in Fire "Cavalry Saber" Forged in Fire "The Charay" Forged in Fire "Crusader Sword" Forged in Fire "The Haladie" (:05) Forged in Fire (:05) Forged in Fire "Nepalese Kukri"
ID 58 19 - 15 48 Hours Deadline "The Vanishing Clerk" (N) Deadline "It Could Have Been Me" 48 Hours Deadline "The Vanishing Clerk" 48 Hours "Decades of Deceit"
LIFE 29 32 17 26 (5:00) Streets of Compton Streets of Compton < Surviving Compton: Dre, Suge and Michel'le (‘16) 'TV14' Michel'le: Still Standing (N) Beyond the Headlines "Michel'le"
LMN 30 78 69 78 (5:00) < Stalker's Prey (‘17, Thril) < Seduced by a Stranger (‘17, Thril) Steve Bacic, Chandra West. 'TV14' < Stalker's Prey (‘17, Thril) Cynthia Gibb, Mason Dye, Saxon Sharbino. 'TV14' < Seduced by a Stranger (‘17, Thril)
LOGO - 141 - 141 Three's Company Three's Company Three's Company Three's Company Three's Company Three's Company One Day Time One Day Time One Day Time One Day Time One Day Time One Day Time
MSNBC 50 58 23 66 MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary
NICK - 70 42 21 Lip Sync Shorties Haunted House Dude Perfect Dude Perfect Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends Friends
OWN 68 55 59 77 Master Class "Oprah Winfrey" 1/2 Master Class "Oprah Winfrey" 2/2 < Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (‘13, Bio) Naomie Harris, Terry Pheto, Idris Elba. 'TV14' < Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
OXY 49 66 61 70 Snapped "Barbara Garcia" (N) Criminal Confess "Edmonton" (N) Snapped "Lisa Graham" Snapped "Barbara Garcia" Snapped "Rebecca Fenton" Snapped "Kwaneta Harris"
SYFY 48 53 48 57 <++ A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (‘87, Hor) 'TVMA' <++ A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (‘85, Hor) 'TVM' <+++ A Nightmare on Elm Street (‘84, Hor) Robert Englund. 'TVM'
TBN 69 91 65 91 The GMA Dove Awards "48th Annual" Huckabee <+++ Jeremiah (‘98, Dra) Patrick Dempsey. 'TVPG' <++++ The Cross (‘09, Rel) Arthur Blessitt.
TBS 27 52 9 16 Movie < The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 (‘14, Adv) Jennifer Lawrence. 'TV14' Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory < The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
TCM 37 86 34 74 (5:00) < Dracula, Prince of Darkness <++ Dracula Has Risen From the Grave (‘68, Hor) Christopher Lee. 'TVPG' <+++ The Monster (‘25, Hor) Hallam Cooley, Lon Chaney. 'TVG' <++++ Eyes Without a Face
TLC 32 28 46 39 90 Day Fiancé "Parental Approval" 90 Day Fiancé "On the Brink" 90 Day Fiancé "Line in the Sand" (N) Day Fiancé "Bring on the 90 Days" (N) (:05) My Giant Life (N) (:05) 90 Day F "Line in the Sand" (N)
TNT 26 41 33 32 (5:00) <+++ Horrible Bosses 2 (‘14, Com) 'TVMA' <+++ We're the Millers (‘13, Com) Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts, Jason Sudeikis. 'TV14' Good Behavior (:55) Good Behav. :55 < Knocked Up
TOON 41 64 43 39 TeenT./ OK K.O.! OKK.O.!/ Gumball We Bare Bears Teen Titans King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob's Burgers American Dad! Family Guy Family Guy Rick and Morty Rick and Morty
TRAVEL 67 27 57 53 Food Paradise "Lay It On Thick" Food Paradise "BBQ Bragging Rights" Food Paradise "Happy Hour" (N) Screams (N) Screams (N) Haunted USA "New York" (N) Most Terrifying "Volume Five"
TRUTV 66 63 50 58 Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
UNI 78 74 - 7 María de Todos Noticiero: FDS Aquí y ahora Mira quien baila El Chapo María de Todos Noticiero: FDS
USA 28 35 16 28 Law & Order: S.V.U. "Smoked" Law&O: SVU "American Tragedy" Law&Order: SVU "Spousal Privilege" Law&O: SVU "Maternal Instincts" Law&O: SVU "A Misunderstanding" Modern Family Modern Family
WGN-A 88 12 25 62 Blue Bloods "Foreign Interference" Blue Bloods "The Thin Blue Line" Bones "The Witch in the Wardrobe" Bones "The Wannabe in the Weeds" Element. "While You Were Sleeping" Elementary "Child Predator"
HBO 668 518 5 518 Movie (:50) < John Wick: Chapter 2 (‘17, Act) Common, Ruby Rose, Keanu Reeves. 'TVMA' The Deuce "Au Reservoir" (N) Enthusiasm (N) V.Principals (N) Last Week The Deuce
HBO2 669 520 70 520 (5:30) Bill Maher Last Week (N) The Deuce "What Kind of Bad?" The Deuce "Why Me?" <+++ The Amityville Horror (‘05, Dra) 'TVMA' < The Darkness (‘16, Hor) Kevin Bacon. 'TV14'
HBOFAM 671 522 - 522 (5:20) <++ Rocket Man (‘97, Com) <++ Bratz (‘07, Com) Logan Browning. 'TVPG' (:45) <++ Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (‘01, Adv) Angelina Jolie. 'TV14' <+++ X-Men: Apocalypse (‘16, Act) 'TVPG'
HBOSIG 670 521 71 521 (5:50) Curb (N) (:25) T.Ullman (N) <++ Fifty Shades Darker (‘17, Rom) Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson. 'TVMA' <++ The Bodyguard (‘92, Susp) Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston. 'TV14' (:15) <++ Down With Love
MAX 694 549 72 549 (:20) <++ Dead Calm (‘89, Susp) Nicole Kidman, Billy Zane, Sam Neill. 'TVMA' <++ Transcendence (‘14, Act) Johnny Depp. 'TV14' (:45) < Rupture (‘16, Hor) Peter Stormare, Noomi Rapace. 'TV14' (:35) < From Hell
MMAX 695 551 73 551 (:20) <+++ Mystic River (‘03, Psy) Kevin Bacon, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn. 'TVM' Tour Bus (N) <+++ The Nice Guys (‘16, Cri) Russell Crowe, Ryan Gosling. 'TVMA' < The Boss (‘16, Com)
SHOW 719 578 75 578 White Famous White Famous Ray Donovan "Bob the Builder" Active Shooter "Washington, D.C." Ray Donovan "Michael" (N) White (N) White Famous Ray Donovan "Michael"
SHOW2 720 580 76 580 Movie George Michael: Freedom 'TVMA' <+++ High Fidelity (‘00, Dra) Iben Hjejle, Jack Black, John Cusack. 'TVM' <++++ People Like Us (‘12, Dra) Elizabeth Banks, Chris Pine. 'TV14'
TMC 738 598 74 598 <++++ American Graffiti (‘73, Dra) Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfuss. 'TVPG' <+++ I Am Number Four (‘11, Act) Timothy Olyphant, Alex Pettyfer. 'TV14' < No Escape (‘15, Thril) Lake Bell, Owen Wilson. 'TVMA' (:45) <++ 1408
CBSSN 512 410 - 410 (5:30) PRCA Rodeo Off-Road Racing Poker Night Poker Night PBR Bull Riding Take the Money and Ride Site: SAP Center -- San Jose, Calif. 'TVPG' PRCA Rodeo
CSNBA 22 30 29 86 Adventure Racing WPT Poker Borgata Open WPT Poker Borgata Open 49ers Post-game Warriors Central Warriors Ground 49ers Post-game
CSNCA 25 - - - Cal Hi Sports Bay Area (N) Future Phenoms USF: Mask MLS Soccer Minnesota United FC at San Jose Earthquakes 'TVG' Cal Hi Sports Bay Area USF: Mask In Depth
ESPN 23 37 26 33 Poker World Series Poker World Series SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsC. The day's news in the world of sports. (N) 'TVG' SportsCenter
ESPN2 24 38 28 34 (5:30) Boxing Boxing Classics Boxing Classics Boxing Classics Boxing Classics Baseball Tonight (L) ESPN FC (N) 30 for 30 "Four Days in October"
FS1 47 85 30 72 TUF: Champion "Enjoy the Moment" Victory Lane (N) ARCA Auto Racing Kansas 150 'TVG' UFC UFC 210 Site: KeyBank Center 'TV14'
GOLF 62 81 27 75 (3:00) PGA Golf CJ Cup Final Round LPGA Golf Taiwan Championship Final Round (L) 'TVG' CHAMPS Golf Dominion Energy Charity Classic Final Round 'TVG' PGA Golf CJ Cup Final Round
NBCSN 57 82 53 89 F1 Auto Racing United States Grand Prix 'TVG' Sports Jeopardy! Sports Jeopardy! Match of the Day (N) Match of the Week Extended highlights of Premier League action. (N) 'TVG' urge.times-standard entertainment magazine 17
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1 Attack with snowballs
5 Israeli actress Gadot
8 “Sesame Street” Muppet
Prefix with graph
Blonde’s secret, maybe
With much volume
Lena of “Chocolat” (2000)
nominee directed by
Roman Polanski
Former Iraqi dictator
Plant poisonous to
12 Violinist Leopold 50 “Jurassic Park” (1993) bovines
13 Baptist leader? mathematician ___ 24 Peak where you might
14 Fencing need Malcolm need 2 Down
15 Opera highlight 51 Hydrocarbon suffixes 25 Jane or John, in a police
16 Soccer ___ 52 Back talk drama
17 Police dept. alerts 53 Internet Q&A session 26 Food Network series “The
18 Record-holding 54 Easily handled, at sea Best Thing I Ever ___”
Fill in the grid “Coronation Street” star 28 Magnesium oxide, to a
so that every row, William ___ DOWN chemist
every column, 20 Represents 1 Carson’s predecessor 29 I.R.S. employee: Abbr.
and every 3x3 box 22 2 Down, to traders 2 Franc’s replacement 30 Opposite SSW
23 Break down 3 Movie princess 36 Famous gymnast
contains the digits Comaneci
1 through 9.
24 All in ___ ___ work 4 British sketch comedy
27 Hit 1990s drama “Dr. series, with “Show” 37 Gladiator’s place
Solution on page
Solution page23
31 Quinn, Medicine ___” 5 Nintendo player 38 Mil. addresses
31 Exotic water lily with a 6 “I’ll take that as ___ ___ 39 Hit 2016 film “___ ___
tasty root “ Land”
32 Shooter sometimes sold 7 Priests of the East 40 “Trinity” author
as a toy 8 Food Network competition 42 Actress Chaplin of “Game
33 Comedy series Key & ___ series of Thrones”
34 Domicile 9 “House, M.D.” star Omar 43 One having second
35 Jeremy of the NBA ___ thoughts
37 One or more 10 Sitcom that starred a 44 Inventory: Abbr.
38 Female former pupil country music superstar 47 Starchy tuber
41 Mend one’s ways 11 1980 Best Picture Solution on
Solution onpage
18 urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017
Tuesday Playgroup, 10-11:30 a.m..,
10.21 SATURDAY Discovery Museum, 612 G St., Suite 102,
Oct.19 - 25 On the Spot Improv Comedy, doors
6:30 p.m., show 7 p.m., Arcata Theatre
Eureka. For children ages 0-5. Kids play with
other kids in a fun atmosphere. Free.
Lounge, 1036 G St., Arcata. Ages 10+ with
THEATER MOVIES parental guidance. $7
“Avenue Q”, 7:30 p.m., Van Duzer “Welcome to Willits” (2017), 7 p.m., Savage Henry Comedy Night, 8:30 10.19 THURSDAY
Theatre, Humboldt State University, 1 Harpst The Miniplex, 401 I St. Arcata. $8. p.m., The Jam, 915 H St, Arcata. Eureka Farmers Market, 10 a.m.-1
St., Arcata. The laugh-out-loud musical tells the “13 Ghosts” (1960), 7:30 p.m., Eu- p.m., Henderson and F streets, Eureka.
timeless story of a recent college grad named reka Theater, 612 F St. Eureka. Rated G. $5. McKinleyville Farmers Market,
Princeton, who moves into a shabby New York “The Shining” (1980), 8 p.m., Arcata DANCE 3:30-6:30 p.m., Eureka Natural Foods, 2165
apartment all the way out on Avenue Q. He Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St., Arcata. Rated R. 10.21 SATURDAY Central Ave., McKinleyville.
soon discovers that, although the residents seem $5. The Moose Dance Club, 7-10 p.m., Willow Creek Farmers Market, 5-8
nice, it's clear that this is not your ordinary 10.21 SATURDAY Moose Lodge No. 636, 4329 Campton Road, p.m., Community Commons Park, junction of
neighborhood. Production contains adult lan- “Welcome to Willits” (2017), 5 p.m., Eureka. All members and guests welcome. state Routes 299 and 96, Willow Creek.
guage, content, and humor and is generally for The Miniplex, 401 I St. Arcata. $8. Music by Sonny and Steve. Bar open. $6 at 10.20 FRIDAY
high school age and above. $15 general, $10 “Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the the door. Southern Humboldt Farmers Mar-
seniors, students. For tickets, call 707-826-3928 World” (2017), 7:30 p.m., The Miniplex, 401 I 10.23 MONDAY ket, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Garberville Town Square,
or visit St. Arcata. $8. Come dance with the Friendship Circle, Second and Church streets, Garberville.
“Little Shop of Horrors”, 8 p.m., 7-9:30 p.m., Humboldt Grange, 5845 Hum- Potawot Community Food Garden
Ferndale Repertory Theatre, 447 Main St., Fern- 10.22 SUNDAY
“Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the boldt Hill Road, Eureka. Music by Val Leone & Farmers Market, noon-2 p.m., Potawot Health
dale. Poor Seymour. If you looked up “hapless” His Smooth Jazz Cats. $5 at the door. Village, 1600 Weeot Way, Arcata.
in the dictionary, you’d find his picture. But, World” (2017), 4 p.m., The Miniplex, 401 I St.
Arcata. $6.50. The Moose Dance Club, 7-10 p.m., 10.21 SATURDAY
hey, things are looking up: Seymour just discov- Moose Lodge No. 636, 4329 Campton Road,
ered a new breed of venus flytrap. Appropriate “Ghostbusters” (1984), 6 p.m., Arcata Farmers Market, 10 a.m.-
Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St., Arcata. Eureka. All members and guests welcome. 2 p.m., Arcata Plaza, Ninth and G streets,
for ages 16+. $10. A $2 Historical Building Music by Delta Nationals. Bar open. $6 at the
Preservation Fee will be added to each ticket. Rated PG. $5. Arcata.
“Welcome to Willits” (2017), 6 p.m., door.
For tickets and more information call 707-786- Monday Night Swing, 8 p.m., Red- 10.22 SUNDAY
5483 or visit The Miniplex, 401 I St. Arcata. $8. Trinidad Artisans Market, 11 a.m.-3
wood Raks, 824 L St, Arcata. $7. $25/month.
10.21 SATURDAY p.m., Main Street and View Avenue, Trinidad.
“Avenue Q”, 7:30 p.m., Van Duzer EVENTS 10.24 TUESDAY
Theatre, Humboldt State University, 1 Harpst St., 10.19 THURSDAY FAMILY-KIDS Eureka Farmers Market, 10 a.m.-1
Arcata. (See Friday for more details.) 10.19 THURSDAY p.m., F Street between First and Second streets,
“An Update on Luna: How a Tree-sit
“Little Shop of Horrors”, 8 p.m., Young Discovers, 10:30 a.m.-noon, Eureka.
Became a Symbol of Worldwide Sustainability”,
Ferndale Repertory Theatre, 447 Main St., Fern- Discovery Museum, 612 G St., Suite 102, Potawot Community Food Garden
7 p.m., HSU Natural History Museum, 1242
dale. $18 general, $16 students/seniors, $10 Eureka. Drop-off program for children ages 3-5 Farmers Market, noon-2 p.m., Potawot Health
G St., Arcata. Presented by Stuart Moskowitz,
youth. (See Friday for more details.) features stories, music, crafts, yoga and snacks. Village, 1600 Weeot Way, Arcata.
who serves as Luna's caretaker and on the
10.22 SUNDAY $8, $6 for members. Fortuna Farmers Market, 3 p.m., 10th
board of directors for Sanctuary Forest. For
“Avenue Q”, 2 p.m., Van Duzer The- more information, call 707-826-4479 or visit and Main streets, Fortuna.
atre, Humboldt State University, 1 Harpst St., 10.22 SUNDAY
Arcata. (See Friday for more details.) Lego Club, 12:30-2 p.m., Discovery
“Little Shop of Horrors”, 2 p.m., Museum, 612 G St., Suite 102, Eureka. Join
Ferndale Repertory Theatre, 447 Main St., Fern- museum staff for an afternoon of Lego building
dale. $18 general, $16 students/seniors, $10 with a different theme each week. Free with
youth. (See Friday for more details.) admission. urge.times-standard entertainment magazine 19

Monday Prime Time OCTOBER 23, 2017
SL CC GVL KLA 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(3.1) KIEM 3 3 3 - News 3 at 6 (N) Be a Millionaire? 2 Broke Girls Access H. The Voice "The Battles, Part 3" (N) 'TVPG' The Brave "Enhanced Protection" (N) News (N) (:35) Tonight
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13 - PBS NewsHour (N) BBC World News Curious Traveler Antique "Baton Rouge (Hour Three)" Antique "Kansas City (Hour One)" POV "Cameraperson" (N) 'TVPG' Charlie Rose (N)
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6 - The Game The Game Family Feud Family Feud Big Bang Theory 9JKL (N) Kevin Can (N) Me, Myself (N) Scorpion "Sci Hard" (N) Inside Edition (:35) Colbert
(23.1) KAEF 7 11 - - News at 6 (N) World News (N) Wheel (N) Jeopardy! (N) Dance With Stars Celebrities compete in a ballroom dancing contest. 'TVPG' Doctor "Point Three Precent" (N) News 11 (N) (:35) J. Kimmel
(23.2) KAEF2 123 188 - - Hawaii Five-O "Nightmare Road" M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show Mama's Family ALF Hogan's Heroes Hogan's Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2 - Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Modern Family Modern Family Lucifer "What Would Lucifer Do?" (N) The Gifted "eXit strategy" (N) News (N) Mom TMZ Extra
(28.2)KBVU2 128 190 - - Frasier Frasier Will & Grace W&Grace 1/2 W&Grace 2/2 Will & Grace Baywatch "Race Against Time" 1/2 Quantum Leap "Temptation Eyes" Simon and Simon "Design for Killing"
(29.1) KECA 9 7 - - American Dad! American Dad! Family Guy Family Guy Supergirl "Far From the Tree" (N) Valor "Soldier Ready" (N) Page Six TV Seinfeld Seinfeld Rules of Engage.
(29.2) KECA2 5 8 4 - Last Man St. Last Man St. Anger Manage Anger Manage Law&Order: SVU "Dreams Deferred" Law&Order: SVU "Presumed Guilty" Met Your Mother Met Your Mother Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
A&E 35 68 18 29 Killer Kids Killer Kids Juvenile Lifers Behind Bars "Maximum Security" Kids Behind Bars "Lost for Life" 'TV14' (:35) Killer Kids
AMC 36 26 35 25 5: < Halloween H2O: 20 Years Later <++ Halloween 2 ('09, Hor) Chase Wright Vanek, Sheri Moon Zombie. 'TVMA' <++++ Halloween ('78, Hor) Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence. 'TV14' Movie
ANPL 33 48 40 42 Last Alaskans "A Taste of Freedom" Last Alaskans "Legacy in Danger" The Last Alaskans "Bear Intruder" A. Bush People: Grit "Cow Boys" A.B. People "Fathers of Invention" A. Bush People: Grit "Cooped Up"
BRAVO 64 54 - 61 Housewives "Don't Rock the Boat" Housewives "Armenian Rhapsody" Orange County Social (N) The Real Housewives (N) Dallas "Ladies Who Launch" (N) WatchWhat (N) Real Housewives
CNBC 51 25 - 45 Shark Tank American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam American Greed: Scam American Greed "Sholam Weiss" Paid Program
CNN 53 39 20 30 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon CNN Tonight With Don Lemon Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
COMC - 31 47 36 Futurama South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Daily Show (N) Opposition (N)
DISC 31 51 19 46 Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud "Big Red Caddy, Part II" Fast N' Loud: Revved Up (N) Fast N' Loud (N) Diesel Bros. "Bros to the Rescue" (N) Fast N' Loud
DISN 39 49 41 31 Jessie Jessie Bunk'd Bunk'd Andi Mack Stuck in Middle Bizaardvark Raven's Home K.C. Undercover Liv and Maddie Bizaardvark Raven's Home
E! 65 59 60 41 Kardash "Lions and Tigers and Texts" E! News (N) The Kardashians "Cheers to That!" The Kardashians "Clothes Quarters" The Platinum Life "After THOT" E! News (N)
FNC 52 34 21 47 Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight
FOOD 43 67 56 54 Hallow "Mummies vs. Werewolves" Halloween Wars "Haunted Carnival" Halloween Baking "Sweet Screams" Baking "The Candyman Cometh" (N) To Be Announced Halloween "Zombie Cooking Show"
Freeform 38 36 15 23 Movie (:50) <+++ Sleepy Hollow ('99, Hor) Christina Ricci, Miranda Richardson, Johnny Depp. 'TVMA' (:20) <+++ The Nightmare Before Christmas ('93, Ani) 'TVPG' The 700 Club
FX 44 33 31 44 (5:30) <++ The Heat ('13, Com) Melissa McCarthy, Sandra Bullock. 'TVMA' <++ Spy ('15, Act/Com) Jude Law, Rose Byrne, Melissa McCarthy. 'TVMA' <++ Spy ('15, Act/Com) Melissa McCarthy. 'TVMA'
FXX 45 62 - 73 The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Always Sunny Always Sunny Always Sunny Always Sunny Paid Program Paid Program
HALL 79 87 36 87 Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
HALLMM 63 77 - 20 Monk "Mr. Monk Is on the Air" < Darrow & Darrow ('17, Com) Brandi Alexander, Alistair Abell. < Garage Sale Mystery: The Beach Murder ('17, Myst) Lori Loughlin. 'TVG' Murder, She "Unfinished Business"
HGTV 42 29 49 64 Love It or List It "Site Unseen" Love It/List It "Tree House Trouble" HouseHunters HouseHunters Tiny Luxury (N) Tiny Luxury (N) House Huntrs (N) House Hunter (N) House Hunters House Hunter (N)
HIST 34 44 45 67 American Pickers "Daredevil Duffey" American Pickers "Texas Hold 'Em" American Pickers "Mike's Big Buy" A. Pickers "Ripe for the Picking" (N) (:05) Pawn S. (N) (:35) Pawn S. (N) (:05) Pawn Stars (:35) Pawn Stars
ID 58 19 - 15 The 1980s: The Deadliest Decade Cecil A look at the famous Cecil Hotel. 20/20 "Texas Killing Fields" The 1980s: The Deadliest Decade Cecil A look at the famous Cecil Hotel. Murder/Number "Murder Calling"
LIFE 29 32 17 26 <++ Marley and Me ('08, Dra) Jennifer Aniston, Owen Wilson. 'TVPG' <++ Hitch ('05, Com) Eva Mendes, Kevin James, Will Smith. A professional 'date doctor' falls for a journalist. 'TV14' Michel'le: Still Standing
LMN 30 78 69 78 (5:00) < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced
LOGO - 141 - 141 Mama's Family Mama's Family Mama's Family Mama's Family Mama's Family Mama's Family Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice
MSNBC 50 58 23 66 The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word (N) The 11th Hour (N) The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour With Brian Williams
NICK - 70 42 21 The Loud House Henry Danger Henry Danger The Thundermans NickyRickyDicky Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends
OWN 68 55 59 77 Dateline "Mystery on the Early Shift" Dateline NBC "Deadly Denial" Dateline NBC "Circle of Friends" Dateline "In the Middle of the Night" Dateline "Mystery in South Beach" Dateline NBC "Circle of Friends"
OXY 49 66 61 70 Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Takes a Killer (N) Snapped
SYFY 48 53 48 57 < The Sandman (2017, Horror) The Sandman is summoned to life. 'TV14' < Neverknock ('17, Hor) Eliana Jones. <++ Underworld: Rise of the Lycans ('09, Act) Michael Sheen. 'TV14'
TBN 69 91 65 91 Kingdom Jesse Duplantis BillyGraham.TV GregLaurie.TV Praise Joel Osteen Perry Stone Joseph Prince Creflo Dollar DTH: Holy Land John Gray World
TBS 27 52 9 16 Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Conan
TCM 37 86 34 74 (5:00) <++++ The Elephant Man (:15) <+++ Hannah and Her Sisters ('86, Rom) Woody Allen. 'TV14' (:15) <++++ Casino ('95, Cri) Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro. 'TVMA'
TLC 32 28 46 39 Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress 90 Day Fiancé "Line in the Sand" (N) Counting On "Joseph's Wedding" (N) Fiancé "Bring on the 90 Days" (N) Counting On "Joseph's Wedding"
TNT 26 41 33 32 <++ Why Did I Get Married? ('07, Com/Dra) Sharon Leal, Tyler Perry. 'TV14' <++ Remember the Titans ('00, Dra) Will Patton, Wood Harris, Denzel Washington. 'TVPG' <++ Remember the Titans ('00, Dra) 'TVPG'
TOON 41 64 43 39 Teen Titans Go! OK K.O.! Let's Be Gumball We Bare Bears King of the Hill American Dad! Cleveland Show American Dad! Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers Family Guy Family Guy
TRAVEL 67 27 57 53 Bizarre Foods "Great Lakes" Foods "Yukon Gold Rush Trail" Bizarre Food Bizarre Food Foods "Paul Revere's Midnight Ride" Hotel "Chaos on the Cape" (N) Bizarre Food Bizarre Food
TRUTV 66 63 50 58 Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Carbonaro Effect Carbonaro Effect Carbonaro Effect Carbonaro Effect
UNI 78 74 - 7 Familia P. Luche Noticiero Univ. La rosa de Guadalupe Enamorandome de Ramon Mi marido tiene familia Caer en Tentacion Impacto extra Noticiero noctu.
USA 28 35 16 28 Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family WWE Monday Night Raw 'TVPG' (:05) Modern Fam (:35) Modern Fam
WGN-A 88 12 25 62 (4:00) <+++ The Rock ('96, Act) <+++ The Rock (1996, Action) Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, Sean Connery. A general takes over Alcatraz Island. 'TVMA' Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage. Met Your Mother Met Your Mother
HBO 668 518 5 518 (5:15) < Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Vice News (N) < Assassin's Creed ('16, Act) Marion Cotillard, Michael Fassbender. 'TV14' The Deuce "Au Reservoir" Curb Enthusiasm (:35) Boxing
HBO2 669 520 70 520 (:55) <++ Jason Bourne ('16, Act) Julia Stiles, Matt Damon. 'TV14' The Deuce "Au Reservoir" (N) Enthusiasm (N) V.Principals (N) < John Wick: Chapter 2 ('17, Act) Common, Keanu Reeves. 'TVMA'
HBOFAM 671 522 - 522 (5:00) <+++ The Princess Diaries < Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip 'TVPG' (:35) <++ Aliens in the Attic ('09, Fam) 'TVPG' < Loving ('16, Bio) Ruth Negga, Marton Csokas, Joel Edgerton. 'TV14'
HBOSIG 670 521 71 521 (:10) Real Time With Bill Maher (N) (:10) <++ Thirteen Conversations About One Thing ('01, Dra) 'TVMA' < The Birth of a Nation ('16, Bio) Aja Naomi King, Nate Parker. 'TVMA' <++++ Nocturnal Animals
MAX 694 549 72 549 (4:) < The Omen (:25) <++ The Scorpion King ('02, Act) 'TV14' < Warcraft ('16, Act) Paula Patton, Ben Foster, Travis Fimmel. 'TV14' (:05) <+++ Die Hard II: Die Harder ('90, Act) Bruce Willis. 'TVMA'
MMAX 695 551 73 551 Movie (:50) <+++ Die Hard With a Vengeance ('95, Act) Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis. 'TVM' <++++ Deadpool ('16, Act) Ryan Reynolds. 'TVMA' (:50) <++ Baby Mama ('08, Com) Tina Fey. 'TVPG'
SHOW 719 578 75 578 Movie White Famous <+++ The Hateful Eight ('15, West) Kurt Russell, Bruce Dern, Samuel L. Jackson. 'TVMA' White Famous Ray Donovan "Michael" White Famous
SHOW2 720 580 76 580 (5:00) <++ The Lawnmower Man <+++ Darkman ('90, Act) Liam Neeson. 'TVMA' (:40) <++ Darkman 2: The Return of Durant 'TVM' (:15) <+ Darkman 3: Die, Darkman, Die 'TVMA' Movie
TMC 738 598 74 598 (5:00) < Out of the Furnace ('13, Act) < Forsaken ('15, West) Kiefer Sutherland. 'TVMA' <++ Brokeback Mountain ('05, Dra) Jake Gyllenhaal, Randy Quaid, Heath Ledger. 'TVMA' <++ Southpaw ('15, Dra)
CBSSN 512 410 - 410 (5:00) Surfing Cascais Pro Women's Poker Night (N) Poker Night NCAA Football 'TVG' NFL Monday QB
CSNBA 22 30 29 86 (5:30) NBA Basketball Golden State Warriors at Dallas Mavericks (L) 'TVG' Warriors Post-game Live (L) The Happy Hour (N) WarriorsOutside. Warriors Raw (N) Warriors Central Press Conf.
CSNCA 25 - - - (4:00) Hockey Sharks Post Mixed M Arts World Series of Fighting 32 Marlon Moraes vs. Josh Hill 2 'TV14' NHL Hockey San Jose Sharks at New York Rangers 'TVG' Sharks Post Sharks Post
ESPN 23 37 26 33 (5:15) NFL Football Washington Redskins at Philadelphia Eagles (L) 'TVG' (:20) SportsCenter Scott Van Pelt presents the day in sports. (N) 'TVG' NFL PrimeTime SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt
ESPN2 24 38 28 34 (5:15) NFL Football Washington Redskins at Philadelphia Eagles (L) 'TVG' (:20) SportsCenter (N) E:60 "10 Years" SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt Jalen & Jacoby SportsC Featured
FS1 47 85 30 72 (5:30) UFC UFC Fight Night 'TVG' Speak for Yourself Skip and Shannon Opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day. 'TVPG' NASCAR Race Hub TMZ Sports (N)
GOLF 62 81 27 75 (5:00) PGA Golf CJ Cup Final Round Site: Nine Bridges -- Jeju Island, Korea 'TVG' Golf Central Feherty The Golf Fix
NBCSN 57 82 53 89 Super High Roller Bowl Super High Roller Bowl Super High Roller Bowl Super High Roller Bowl "Final Table" Super High Roller Bowl "Final Table" Super High Roller Bowl

20 urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017
Tuesday Prime Time OCTOBER 24, 2017
SL CC GVL KLA 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(3.1) KIEM 3 3 3 - News 3 at 6 (N) Be a Millionaire? 2 Broke Girls Access H. The Voice "The Battles, Part Four" (N) This Is Us "Brothers" (N) Law & Order (N) News (N) (:35) Tonight
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13 - PBS NewsHour (N) BBC World News Steves' Europe Finding/ Roots "The Vanguard" (N) The Vietnam War 'TVPG' Osiris Rex Charlie Rose (N)
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6 - The Game The Game Family Feud Family Feud NCIS "Fake It 'Til You Make It" (N) Bull "Play the Hand You're Dealt" (N) NCIS: New Orleans "Viral" (N) Inside Edition (:35) Colbert
(23.1) KAEF 7 11 - - News at 6 (N) World News (N) Wheel (N) Jeopardy! (N) The Middle (N) The Boat (N) Black-ish (N) The Mayor (N) Saves-World "How to Be Good" (N) News 11 (N) (:35) J. Kimmel
(23.2) KAEF2 123 188 - - Hawaii Five-O M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show Mama's Family ALF Hogan's Heroes Hogan's Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2 - (5:00) MLB Baseball World Series (L) 'TVG' Modern Family Modern Family Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory News (N) Mom TMZ Extra
(28.2)KBVU2 128 190 - - Frasier Frasier Will & Grace Will & Grace Will & Grace Will & Grace Baywatch "Race Against Time" 2/2 Quantum Leap "The Last Gunfighter" Simon and Simon "The List"
(29.1) KECA 9 7 - - American Dad! American Dad! Family Guy Family Guy The Flash "Luck Be a Lady" (N) Legends of Tomorrow "Zari" (N) Page Six TV Seinfeld Seinfeld Rules of Engage.
(29.2) KECA2 5 8 4 - Last Man St. Last Man St. Anger Manage Anger Manage The X-Files "E.B.E." The X-Files "Tooms" Met Your Mother Met Your Mother Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
A&E 35 68 18 29 L. Remini "Thetans in Young Bodies" Remini: Scientology Remini: Scientology Leah Remini "The Greatest Good" (N) Remini "The Business of Religion" (N) Remini / Remini Scientology
AMC 36 26 35 25 <++ Child's Play ('88, Hor) Alex Vincent, Catherine Hicks. 'TVMA' < Curse of Chucky ('13, Hor) Fiona Dourif, Chantal Quesnelle. 'TV14' < Cult of Chucky ('17, Hor) Brad Dourif, Fiona Dourif, Jennifer Tilly. (P) 'TV14'
ANPL 33 48 40 42 Woods Law "Boat Load of Trouble" North Woods Law "Crossed Wires" North Woods Law "Shifting Gears" North Woods Law: Uncuffed "The Lobsterman Ban" 'TV14' North Woods Law "The End Is Near"
BRAVO 64 54 - 61 Below Deck "Cool Beans" BelowD. "100 Feet From Catastrophe" Below Deck "Blindsided" Below Deck "Under Cover Boss" Below Deck "Under Cover Boss" WatchWhat (N) Below Deck
CNBC 51 25 - 45 Shark Tank Adventure Capitalists "Ocean" Shark Tank Shark Tank Adventure Capitalists "Ocean" Paid Program
CNN 53 39 20 30 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon CNN Tonight With Don Lemon Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
COMC - 31 47 36 Futurama Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Jim Jefferies (N) Daily Show (N) Opposition (N)
DISC 31 51 19 46 Naked and Afraid "Rain of Terror" Naked and Afraid "Worlds Collide" Naked and Afraid "Man vs. Volcano" (N) 'TV14' Naked and Afraid "The Lost World" Naked and Afraid "23 Days"
DISN 39 49 41 31 Jessie Jessie Bunk'd Bunk'd Andi Mack Stuck in Middle Bizaardvark Raven's Home K.C. Undercover Liv and Maddie Bizaardvark Raven's Home
E! 65 59 60 41 The Kardashians "Clothes Quarters" E! News (N) <+++ No Strings Attached ('11, Com) Natalie Portman. 'TV14' Total Bellas "Countdown to Mania" E! News (N)
FNC 52 34 21 47 Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight
FOOD 43 67 56 54 Chopped "Fried Chicken Time" Chopped "On the Quack Burner" Chopped "Kids With Chops" (N) Chopped "Snap Pea To It!" Chopped (N) Chopped
Freeform 38 36 15 23 Movie (:45) <++ Addams Family Values ('93, Com) Anjelica Huston. 'TVPG' (:50) <+++ Hocus Pocus ('93, Com) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy, Bette Midler. 'TVPG' The 700 Club
FX 44 33 31 44 (4:30) <++ Battleship ('12, Sci-Fi) Taylor Kitsch. 'TVPG' <++ World War Z ('13, Act) Mireille Enos, Daniella Kertesz, Brad Pitt. 'TV14' Cult "Winter of Our Discontent" (N) Cult "Winter of Our Discontent"
FXX 45 62 - 73 The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Archer Archer Archer Archer Paid Program Paid Program
HALL 79 87 36 87 Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
HALLMM 63 77 - 20 Monk "Mr. Monk and His Biggest Fan" < A Bundle of Trouble: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery ('17, Myst) 'TVPG' < Gourmet Detective: Eat, Drink and Be Buried ('17, Myst) Murder, She "Deadline for Murder"
HGTV 42 29 49 64 Fixer "Traditional Goes Ultra Modern" Fixer Upper "Retiring to the Country" Fixer Upper Fixer "Tight Budgets and Big Dreams" House Huntrs (N) House Hunter (N) House Hunters House Hunters
HIST 34 44 45 67 Forged in Fire "Butterfly Swords" Forged Fire "Master and Apprentice" Forged in Fire: Cutting Deeper (N) Forged in Fire "Knights Templar" (N) (:05) CountCars (:35) CountCars (:05) Forged Fire "Knights Templar"
ID 58 19 - 15 Killer Instinct "A Trust Betrayed" (N) Dead Silent "Run for Your Life" (N) Dead Silent "A Killer in the Swamp" Killer Instinct "A Trust Betrayed" Dead Silent "Run for Your Life" People Magazine Investigates
LIFE 29 32 17 26 Grey's A. "Sympathy for the Parents" Dance Moms Dance Moms: Dance and Chat (N) DanceMom "Under Cheryl's Spell" (N) DanceMom (N) /(:10) DanceMom (N) Dance Moms
LMN 30 78 69 78 (5:00) < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced
LOGO - 141 - 141 Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family
MSNBC 50 58 23 66 The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word (N) The 11th Hour (N) The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour With Brian Williams
NICK - 70 42 21 The Loud House Henry Danger Henry Danger Thundermans Thundermans NickyRickyDicky Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends
OWN 68 55 59 77 Undercover Boss "Fatburger" Boss "Bikinis Sports Bar and Grill" If Loving You "A Taste of Freedom" If Loving You Is Wrong "Falling" (N) Queen Sugar "Far Too Long" If Loving You "A Taste of Freedom"
OXY 49 66 61 70 Chicago P.D. "Get My Cigarettes" Chicago P.D. "The Weigh Station" Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. "An Honest Woman" Chicago P.D. "Prison Ball" Chicago P.D.
SYFY 48 53 48 57 (5:00) <++ Priest ('11, Act) <++ Underworld: Rise of the Lycans ('09, Act) Michael Sheen. 'TV14' <++ I, Frankenstein ('14, Fant) Aaron Eckhart, Yvonne Strahovski. 'TV14' <+++ The Sixth Sense ('99, Thril)
TBN 69 91 65 91 Joseph Prince John Gray World Everyday Leading the Way Praise God Joel Osteen Jay Sekulow Creflo Dollar Jewish Voice The Watchman
TBS 27 52 9 16 Seinfeld Pt. 2 of 2 Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Joker's Wild (N) Drop the Mic (N) Conan
TCM 37 86 34 74 (5:00) <+++ The Innocents <++ Diary of a Madman ('63, Hor) Nelson Olmstead, Vincent Price. 'TV14' <++ Curse of the Demon ('57, Hor) Niall MacGinnis, Dana Andrews. 'TVPG' <+++ Carnival of Souls ('62, Susp)
TLC 32 28 46 39 7 Little Johnstons "Tour de Johnston" Johnstons "A Life-changing Decision" Little C. "I Want To Be President" Little C. "Quack! Quack! Quack!" (N) 7 Little Johnstons "The M Word" (N) (:05) The Little Couple (N)
TNT 26 41 33 32 <+++ Shrek ('01, Ani) Voices of Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers. 'TVPG' <+++ Shrek 2 ('04, Ani) Voices of Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers. 'TVPG' <+++ Shrek the Third ('07, Ani) Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers. 'TVPG'
TOON 41 64 43 39 Teen Titans Go! OK K.O.! Let's Be Gumball We Bare Bears King of the Hill American Dad! Cleveland Show American Dad! Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers Family Guy Family Guy
TRAVEL 67 27 57 53 Bizarre Foods Foods "Charleston, South Carolina" Bizarre Food Bizarre Food Bizarre Food (N) Bizarre Food (N) Bizarre Food Bizarre Food Bizarre Food Bizarre Food
TRUTV 66 63 50 58 Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Adam Ruins (N) At Home (N) At Home (N) Imp. Jokers
UNI 78 74 - 7 Familia P. Luche Noticiero Univ. La rosa de Guadalupe Enamorandome de Ramon Mi marido tiene familia Caer en Tentacion Impacto extra Noticiero noctu.
USA 28 35 16 28 Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows WWE Super Smackdown Chrisley (N) Chrisley (N) Modern Family Modern Family
WGN-A 88 12 25 62 Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Raising Hope Raising Hope
HBO 668 518 5 518 Movie Real Time With Bill Maher Vice News (N) <+++ Wanted ('08, Act) Morgan Freeman, James McAvoy. 'TVMA' Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (N) The Deuce "Au Reservoir"
HBO2 669 520 70 520 (5:30) <++ Sex and the City ('08, Com) Sarah Jessica Parker. 'TVMA' Last Week Vice Principals Vice Principals Vice Principals <++ Hellboy II: The Golden Army ('08, Adv) Ron Perlman. 'TV14'
HBOFAM 671 522 - 522 (5:30) < The Peanuts Movie ('15, Ani) <++ The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 'TVPG' (:35) <++ Flipped ('10, Com) Madeleine Carroll. 'TV14' (:05) <+++ My Sister's Keeper ('09, Dra) Abigail Breslin. 'TV14'
HBOSIG 670 521 71 521 (5:45) <++ Serendipity ('01, Rom) (:20) < Collateral Beauty ('16, Dra) Edward Norton, Will Smith. 'TV14' <+++ Minority Report ('02, Sci-Fi) Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton, Tom Cruise. 'TV14' Movie
MAX 694 549 72 549 (:15) <++ Laurel Canyon ('02, Dra) Frances McDormand. 'TVM' <++ Dude, Where's My Car? ('00, Com) 'TVPG' (:25) < Central Intelligence ('16, Com) 'TV14' (:15) Tour Bus Movie
MMAX 695 551 73 551 (5:00) <++ The Brothers Bloom (:55) < By the Sea ('15, Dra) Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Angelina Jolie. 'TVMA' <++++ The English Patient ('96, Rom) Juliette Binoche, Willem Dafoe, Ralph Fiennes. 'TVMA' Movie
SHOW 719 578 75 578 (:15) <+ Cell ('16, Hor) Samuel L. Jackson, John Cusack. 'TVMA' Ray Donovan "Michael" Inside the NFL "2017 Week 7" (N) Navy Football (N) Navy Football Inside the NFL "2017 Week 7"
SHOW2 720 580 76 580 (:15) <++++ Hell or High Water ('16, Dra) Ben Foster, Chris Pine. 'TVMA' < Bleed for This ('16, Bio) Aaron Eckhart, Ted Levine, Miles Teller. 'TVMA' <+++ Gangs of New York ('02, Dra) Leonardo DiCaprio. 'TVM'
TMC 738 598 74 598 (:20) <+++ Glengarry Glen Ross ('92, Dra) Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon. 'TVPG' <++ Free State of Jones ('16, Act) Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Matthew McConaughey. 'TV14' <+ The American ('10, Cri) George Clooney. 'TVMA'
CBSSN 512 410 - 410 College Football Previews, news, highlights and more are featured. (L) 'TVG' NCAA Football 'TVG' Inside College Football
CSNBA 22 30 29 86 Press Conf. Press Conf. The Dan Patrick Show The Happy Hour Adventure Racing The Happy Hour Feherty "Matthew McConaughey"
CSNCA 25 - - - The Happy Hour EPL Soccer Liverpool at Tottenham Hotspur 'TVG' EPL Soccer Leicester City at Swansea City 'TVG' The Happy Hour
ESPN 23 37 26 33 (5:00) 30 for 30 "The U Part 2" College Football Playoff "Top 25" SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
ESPN2 24 38 28 34 Fantasy Show 30 for 30 "What Carter Lost" 'TVG' College Football Playoff "Top 25" NFL Live Jalen&Jacoby (N) Fantasy Show 30 for 30 "Four Days in October"
FS1 47 85 30 72 UFC Unleashed "Rising Stars of 2016" UFC Classics "Evans vs. Machida" To Be Announced Speak for Yourself Skip and Shannon Opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day. 'TVPG'
GOLF 62 81 27 75 (5:00) NCAA Golf Division I Championship Women's Team Match Play 'TVG' NCAA Golf Division I Championship Team Match Play Site: Rich Harvest Farms -- Sugar Grove, Ill. 'TVG' Golf Central PGA Tour (N)
NBCSN 57 82 53 89 (4:30) NHL Hockey Det./Buf. (L) (:15) NHL Overtime (L) Curling Night in America "Men's Division: USA vs. China" (N) Curling Night in America "Women's Division: Scotland vs. USA" urge.times-standard entertainment magazine 21

Wednesday Prime Time OCTOBER 25, 2017
SL CC GVL KLA 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(3.1) KIEM 3 3 3 - News 3 at 6 (N) Be a Millionaire? 2 Broke Girls Access H. The Blacklist "Ilyas Surkov" (N) Law&Order: SVU "Complicated" (N) Chicago P.D. "Home" (N) News (N) (:35) Tonight
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13 - PBS NewsHour (N) BBC World News Travels Darley Nature (N) Nova "Killer Volcanoes" (N) Frontline "Putin's Revenge" 1/2 (N) Charlie Rose (N)
(17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6 - The Game The Game Family Feud Family Feud Survivor (N) SEAL Team "Collapse" (N) Criminal Minds "Lucky Strikes" (N) Inside Edition (:35) Colbert
(23.1) KAEF 7 11 - - News at 6 (N) World News (N) Wheel (N) Jeopardy! (N) Goldberg (N) Speechless (N) Modern Fam (N) Am.Wife (N) Designated Survivor "Suckers" (N) News 11 (N) (:35) J. Kimmel
(23.2) KAEF2 123 188 - - Hawaii Five-O M*A*S*H M*A*S*H A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show Mama's Family ALF Hogan's Heroes Hogan's Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason
(28.1) KBVU 2 2 2 - (5:00) MLB Baseball World Series (L) 'TVG' Modern Family Modern Family Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory News (N) Mom TMZ Extra
(28.2)KBVU2 128 190 - - Frasier Frasier Will & Grace W&Grace 1/2 W&Grace 2/2 Will & Grace Baywatch "Lover's Cove" Quantum Leap "A Song for the Soul" Simon Simon "What's in a Gnome?"
(29.1) KECA 9 7 - - American Dad! American Dad! Family Guy Family Guy Riverdale (N) Dynasty (N) Page Six TV Seinfeld Seinfeld Rules of Engage.
(29.2) KECA2 5 8 4 - Last Man St. Last Man St. Anger Manage Anger Manage Dateline "A Teacher's Message" Dateline NBC "Finding Savanna" Met Your Mother Met Your Mother Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
A&E 35 68 18 29 Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars: Biggest Scores (N) 'TVPG'
AMC 36 26 35 25 < Cult of Chucky ('17, Hor) Brad Dourif, Fiona Dourif, Jennifer Tilly. 'TV14' < Annabelle ('14, Hor) Alfre Woodard, Eric Ladin, Annabelle Wallis. 'TVMA' (:15) <+++ Carrie ('76, Hor) John Travolta, Sissy Spacek. 'TVMA'
ANPL 33 48 40 42 Too Cute! Too Cute! "Puppy Love" Too Cute: OMG! Posh Pets (N) Posh Pets (N) Pet Makeover "The Wedding Diet" Too Cute! "Spotted Pampered Pups"
BRAVO 64 54 - 61 Housewives NJ "Shaddy Beach" Housewives NJ "Let Them Eat Cake" New Jersey Social (N) Housewives/NewJersey (N) The Real Housewives of New Jersey WatchWhat (N) Housewives NJ
CNBC 51 25 - 45 Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit The Profit "Ashtae Products" The Profit "Zoe's Chocolate Co" Paid Program
CNN 53 39 20 30 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon CNN Tonight With Don Lemon Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
COMC - 31 47 36 Futurama South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park (N) Broad City (N) Daily Show (N) Opposition (N)
DISC 31 51 19 46 Misfit Garage "Muddy Payday" Misfit "Gleams With a Sunliner" Misfit Garage: Fired "Stars Align" (N) Misfit "Fair Game for a Fairlane" (N) Garage Rehab "Abel Racing" (N) Misfit "Fair Game for a Fairlane"
DISN 39 49 41 31 Jessie Jessie Bunk'd Bunk'd Andi Mack Stuck in Middle Stuck in Middle Raven's Home K.C. Undercover Liv and Maddie Mickey Mouse Movie
E! 65 59 60 41 Total Bellas "The Wrong Move" E! News (N) Total Bellas "Countdown to Mania" Total Bellas "Bella-Mania" (SF) (N) Eric & Jessie (N) Eric and Jessie E! News (N)
FNC 52 34 21 47 Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight
FOOD 43 67 56 54 Halloween Baking "Trick or Treats" Halloween Ba "Monster Mashups" Halloween Ba "Field Of Screams" Halloween Ba "Haunted House Party" Best Baker "Modern Classics" (N) Baking "The Candyman Cometh"
Freeform 38 36 15 23 Movie (:35) <+++ Hocus Pocus ('93, Com) Bette Midler. 'TVPG' (:45) <+++ Men in Black ('97, Sci-Fi) Tommy Lee Jones, Vincent D'Onofrio, Will Smith. 'TVPG' The 700 Club
FX 44 33 31 44 (5:30) <++ World War Z ('13, Act) Mireille Enos, Brad Pitt. 'TV14' <+++ Jurassic World ('15, Adv) Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D'Onofrio, Chris Pratt. 'TV14' <+++ Jurassic World ('15, Adv) Chris Pratt. 'TV14'
FXX 45 62 - 73 (5:00) < Poltergeist ('15, Hor) The Worst (N) The Worst (N) You're the Worst Mom Mom Mom Mom You're the Worst Always Sunny Always Sunny
HALL 79 87 36 87 Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. Last Man St. The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
HALLMM 63 77 - 20 Monk < Garage Sale Mystery: Murder by Text ('17, Myst) 'TVPG' < Darrow & Darrow ('17, Com) Brandi Alexander, Alistair Abell. Murder, She Wrote
HGTV 42 29 49 64 Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Bros. "Big City Move" (N) House Huntrs (N) House Hunter (N) Property "More Time for Family"
HIST 34 44 45 67 Amer. Pickers "The Einstein Gamble" American Pickers "Coin-Op Kings" American Pickers "The Maineiacs" American Pickers (N) (:05) Amer. Pickers "Mike's Big Buy" (:05) Amer. Pickers "Shock Value"
ID 58 19 - 15 Unusual Suspects Homicide Hunter "Manifesto" (N) Homicide Hunter "Rearview Mirror" Unusual Suspects "Nightcrawler" (N) Homicide Hunter "Manifesto" Homicide Hunter "City of Fear"
LIFE 29 32 17 26 Little Women: Dallas "Girl Code" Little W. Dallas "Unlikely Alliances" Women (N) (:50) Little W. (N) Little W. "Down In The Mud" (N) Terra Little Family (N) Little W. Dallas "Down In The Mud"
LMN 30 78 69 78 (5:00) < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced < To Be Announced
LOGO - 141 - 141 Three's Company Three's Company Three's Company Three's Company Three's Company Three's Company One Day Time One Day Time One Day Time One Day Time One Day Time One Day Time
MSNBC 50 58 23 66 The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word (N) The 11th Hour (N) The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour With Brian Williams
NICK - 70 42 21 The Loud House Henry Danger The Thundermans Thundermans NickyRickyDicky Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends
OWN 68 55 59 77 Police W "As Long as You Love Me" Queen Sugar "Drums at Dusk" Queen Sugar "Fruit of the Flower" Queen Sugar "Far Too Long" Queen Sugar "Give Us This Day" Queen Sugar "Fruit of the Flower"
OXY 49 66 61 70 CSI: Crime "Lying Down With Dogs" CSI: Crime Scene "Bull" CSI "Grissom's Divine Comedy" CSI "A Thousand Days on Earth" CSI: Crime Scene "Drops Out" CSI "The Theory of Everything"
SYFY 48 53 48 57 (5:00) <++ I, Frankenstein ('14, Fant) <++ What Lies Beneath ('00, Thril) Harrison Ford, James Remar, Michelle Pfeiffer. 'TV14' No-End "The Hollow Girl" (SF) (N) <++ Jennifer's Body ('09, Hor)
TBN 69 91 65 91 Joseph Prince Steven Furtick Beth Moore Life Robert Morris John Gray World DTH: Holy Land Every Generation Jesse Duplantis GregLaurie.TV Creflo Dollar Doing Life Christine Caine
TBS 27 52 9 16 Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Full Frontal (N) Conan
TCM 37 86 34 74 (5:00) <++++ Doctor Zhivago ('65, Epic) Julie Christie, Tom Courtenay, Omar Sharif. 'TV14' <++ Nicholas and Alexandra (1971, Biography) Janet Suzman, Laurence Olivier, Michael Jayston. Chronicle of Russian leaders. 'TVPG'
TLC 32 28 46 39 Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress 90 Day Fiancé "Red Flags" 90 Day Fiancé "Reality Check" 90 Day Fiancé "On the Brink" 90 Day Fiancé "Line in the Sand" 90 Day Fiancé "Red Flags"
TNT 26 41 33 32 Bones "The Source in the Sludge" Bones <++ Real Steel ('11, Sci-Fi) Evangeline Lilly, Dakota Goyo, Hugh Jackman. 'TV14' <++ Real Steel ('11, Sci-Fi) Hugh Jackman. 'TV14'
TOON 41 64 43 39 Teen Titans Go! OK K.O.! Let's Be Gumball We Bare Bears King of the Hill American Dad! Cleveland Show American Dad! Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers Family Guy Family Guy
TRAVEL 67 27 57 53 Exped.Unknown "Close Encounters" Exped.Unknown "Ancient Visitors" Ex.Unknown "UFOs Over England" Ex.Unknown "Roswell Revealed" (N) Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown
TRUTV 66 63 50 58 Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Carbonaro Effect Carbonaro Effect Carbonaro Effect Carbonaro Effect
UNI 78 74 - 7 Familia P. Luche Noticiero Univ. La rosa de Guadalupe Enamorandome de Ramon Mi marido tiene familia Caer en Tentacion Impacto extra Noticiero noctu.
USA 28 35 16 28 NCIS "Keep Going" NCIS "Nonstop" NCIS "Something Blue" NCIS "Rendezvous" Mr. Robot "" (N) (:05) SVU "Rapists Anonymous"
WGN-A 88 12 25 62 (4:00) <++ Armageddon ('98, Adv) <++ Armageddon ('98, Adv) Liv Tyler, Ben Affleck, Bruce Willis. 'TV14' Rules of Engage. Rules of Engage. Met Your Mother Met Your Mother
HBO 668 518 5 518 (:05) <++ Jackass: The Movie ('02, Com) 'TVM' Vice News (N) < Why Him? ('16, Com) Bryan Cranston, Zoey Deutch, James Franco. 'TV14' (:55) V.Principals (:25) The Deuce "Au Reservoir" Felipe Esparza
HBO2 669 520 70 520 (5:30) <++ Fifty Shades Darker ('17, Rom) 'TVMA' (:25) Tokyo Real Time With Bill Maher Curb Enthusiasm (:35) T. Ullman (:10) <++ Lara Croft: Tomb Raider ('01, Adv) Angelina Jolie. 'TV14'
HBOFAM 671 522 - 522 (5:25) < The Wild Life ('16, Ani) <++ The Shaggy Dog ('06, Com) Tim Allen. 'TVPG' (:40) < La La Land ('16, Com) Ryan Gosling, John Legend, Emma Stone. 'TVPG' (:50) < Hidden Figures ('16, Dra) Taraji P. Henson. 'TVPG'
HBOSIG 670 521 71 521 (4:45) < Be Cool (:50) <+++ Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children ('16, Adv) Eva Green. 'TV14' < Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ('16, Adv) 'TV14' (:15) <+++ Adaptation ('02, Dra)
MAX 694 549 72 549 (5:50) < Live by Night ('16, Cri) Zoe Saldana, Ben Affleck. 'TVMA' < The Legend of Tarzan ('16, Act) Alexander Skarsgård. 'TVPG' (:55) Tour Bus (:25) <++ Yes Man ('08, Com) Jim Carrey. 'TV14'
MMAX 695 551 73 551 (5:40) <++ Zoolander ('01, Com) (:10) < How to Be Single ('16, Com) Alison Brie, Dakota Johnson. 'TVMA' < The Boss ('16, Com) Melissa McCarthy. 'TVMA' (:40) <++ She's Out of My League ('10, Com) 'TVMA'
SHOW 719 578 75 578 (5:30) <++ Young Guns II ('90, West) (:15) White Famous "Woo" (:55) <++ Southpaw ('15, Dra) Rachel McAdams, Jake Gyllenhaal. 'TVMA' < Bleed for This ('16, Bio) Aaron Eckhart, Ted Levine, Miles Teller. 'TVMA'
SHOW2 720 580 76 580 <+ The Family That Preys ('08, Com) Sanaa Lathan, Alfre Woodard. 'TV14' <++ Thelma and Louise ('91, Dra) Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon. 'TVMA' (:15) George Michael: Freedom 'TVMA' (:45) <+ Cell
TMC 738 598 74 598 (5:45) <++ The Parent Trap ('98, Fam) Dennis Quaid, Lindsay Lohan. 'TVPG' <+++ Death Becomes Her ('92, Com) 'TV14' (:45) <++ Forces of Nature ('99, Rom) Sandra Bullock, Ben Affleck. 'TV14' (:35) < Burnt
CBSSN 512 410 - 410 Truck Racing Stadium Super Trucks Formula Drift Tailgate (N) Touring Car Racing Gold Coast 600 Australia Supercar Championship -- Queensland, Australia Touring Car Grand Prix of Monterey
CSNBA 22 30 29 86 (5:00) Happy Hr Warriors Pre-game Live (L) NBA Basketball Toronto Raptors at Golden State Warriors Site: The Oracle (L) 'TVG' Warriors Post-game Live (L) WarriorsOutside. Warriors Raw (N)
CSNCA 25 - - - The Happy Hour Cal Hi Sports Bay Area Spartan (N) Notre Dame NCAA Football USC at Notre Dame 'TVG' The Happy Hour
ESPN 23 37 26 33 (5:00) NBA Basketball San Antonio vs Miami (L) 'TVG' NBA Basketball Washington Wizards at Los Angeles Lakers Site: Staples Center (L) 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
ESPN2 24 38 28 34 Fantasy Show College Football SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) APGC Golf Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship Round 1 'TVG'
FS1 47 85 30 72 TUF: A New Champion "Predator" TUF: Champion "Enjoy the Moment" To Be Announced Speak for Yourself Skip and Shannon Opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day. 'TVPG'
GOLF 62 81 27 75 (5:30) Feherty Golf Central (N) Golf WGC - HSBC Champions Round 1 Site: Sheshan International Golf Club -- Shanghai, China (L) 'TVG'
NBCSN 57 82 53 89 (5:00) NHL Hockey Buffalo vs Columbus (L) 'TVG' (:45) NHL Overtime (L) Sports Jeopardy! Sports Jeopardy! Sports Jeopardy! Sports Jeopardy! Hammers Hammers Hammers
22 urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017
this week
Hill, James Franco. Directed by: SHOW2 Hell or High Water Wilson, Anna Kendrick. mentally unstable killer Minghella. A Canadian nurse
THURSDAY Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen. A ++++ (2016, Drama) Ben Directed by: Elizabeth Banks. escapes from an institution tries to piece together the his-
8:50 p.m. Freeform Hocus Pocus group of friends seek shelter Foster, Chris Pine. Directed by: The Bellas enter an interna- and terrorizes three female tory of a badly injured pilot.
+++ (1993, Comedy) Sarah and band together in an David Mackenzie. Two brothers tional a capella competition teens. (2h) (2h45)
Jessica Parker, Bette Midler. attempt to survive the Rapture. rob branches of a bank that that no American team has 10:05 p.m. MAX Die Hard II: Die 10:00 p.m. SHOW2 Gangs of
Directed by: Kenny Ortega. (2h30) threatened to foreclose on won. (2h30) Harder +++ (1990, Action) New York +++ (2002, Drama)
Three 17th century witches are 11:00 p.m. TBS The Pacifier their family land. (1h45) TBN The Cross ++++ (2009, William Atherton, Bruce Willis. Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo
accidentally conjured into the +++ (2005, Comedy) Lauren Religious) Arthur Blessitt. In Directed by: Renny Harlin. A DiCaprio. Directed by: Martin
20th century on Halloween. Graham, Vin Diesel. Directed SUNDAY 1968 Arthur Blessitt picked up detective battles terrorists at Scorsese. Amidst escalating
(2h10) by: Adam Shankman. A tough 8:00 p.m. FX Pitch Perfect 2 a cross and started traveling an airport when a plot threat- violence in New York, a young
9:00 p.m. TCM Night of the commando is hired to protect +++ (2015, Comedy) Rebel the world with it. (1h30) ens hundreds of passengers. man seeks to avenge his
Hunter +++ (1991, Mystery) the family of an assassinated Wilson, Anna Kendrick. HBOFAM X-Men: Apocalypse (2h05) father’s murder. (2h50)
Diana Scarwid, Richard scientist. (2h) Directed by: Elizabeth Banks. +++ (2016, Action) Michael 11:00 p.m. HBOSIG Nocturnal TNT Shrek the Third +++
Chamberlain. Directed by: The Bellas enter an interna- Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence. Animals ++++ (2016, Drama) (2007, Animated) Eddie Murphy,
David Greene. A psychopath SATURDAY tional a capella competition Directed by: Bryan Singer. Jake Gyllenhaal, Amy Adams. Mike Myers. Directed by:
posing as a priest terrorizes a 8:00 p.m. BRAVO The Help that no American team has Professor X helps Raven lead Directed by: Tom Ford. An art Christa Miller. Shrek sets out to
woman and her children for +++ (2011, Drama) Viola won. (2h30) the X-Men to stop Apocalypse gallery owner is haunted by find a teenaged prince who
$10,000. (2h) Davis, Emma Stone. Directed SHOW2 High Fidelity +++ from destroying the world. her ex-husband’s novel, which can assume the throne in his
10:10 p.m. HBOFAM The Express by: Tate Taylor. Tension and sur- (2000, Drama) Iben Hjejle, John (2h25) symbolises their past. (2h) place. (2h01)
+++ (2008, Biography) Rob prises abound as three women Cusack. Directed by: Stephen 11:00 p.m. TBS The Hunger 10:05 p.m. HBOFAM My Sister’s
Brown, Dennis Quaid. Directed struggle against prejudice in a Frears. A recently dumped Games: Catching Fire ++++ TUESDAY Keeper +++ (2009, Drama)
by: Gary Fleder. A biopic focus- small town. (3h) record store owner recounts (2013, Drama) Josh Hutcherson, 8:00 p.m. E! No Strings Walter Raney, Abigail Breslin.
ing on a gifted African- his top five break-ups. (2h) Jennifer Lawrence. Directed by: Attached +++ (2011, Directed by: Nick Cassavetes. A
TNT Avengers: Age of Ultron young girl tells her story of
American athlete and his coach +++ (2015, Action) Scarlett TMC I Am Number Four +++ Francis Lawrence. As the dis- Comedy) Ashton Kutcher,
in the ‘50s and ‘60s. (2h10) tricts begin to rebel, Katniss Natalie Portman. Directed by: being born to help her sister
Johansson, Robert Downey Jr.. (2011, Action) Timothy medically. (1h50)
11:00 p.m. SYFY The Faculty Directed by: Joss Whedon. Tony Olyphant, Alex Pettyfer. and Peeta have large targets Ivan Reitman. A guy and a girl
+++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Elijah Stark develops an artificial Directed by: D.J. Caruso. An on their backs. (3h) try to maintain a purely physi- 11:00 p.m. SYFY The Sixth
Wood, Jordana Brewster. intelligence that decides that extraordinary teen must elude TCM Eyes Without a Face cal relationship with no expec- Sense +++ (1999, Thriller)
Directed by: Robert Rodriguez. humans must be destroyed. an enemy who has already ++++ (1960, Horror) Alida tations. (2h) Haley Joel Osment, Bruce
A group of students fight an (3h01) killed three people like him. Valli, Pierre Brasseur. Directed TNT Shrek 2 +++ (2004, Willis. Directed by: M. Night
alien parasite that is infecting (2h) by: Georges Franju. A surgeon Animated) Voices of Eddie Shyamalan. A child psycholo-
MAX Space Cowboys +++ gist tries to help a young boy
the school population. (2h02) (2000, Sci-Fi) Tommy Lee Jones, 9:00 p.m. TBN Jeremiah +++ steals young women’s faces Murphy, Mike Myers. Directed
hoping to heal his daughter’s by: Andrew Adamson, Kelly who is haunted by ghosts.
Clint Eastwood. Directed by: (1998, Drama) Oliver Reed,
FRIDAY Clint Eastwood. One-time hot- Patrick Dempsey. Directed by: scars. (1h45) Asbury. Shrek and Donkey set (2h30)
out to meet Princess Fiona’s TCM Carnival of Souls +++
8:00 p.m. FX This Is the End shot pilots are recruited by Harry Winer. The prophet
+++ (2013, Comedy) Jonah NASA to repair a damaged Jeremiah warns the King of MONDAY parents, who don’t know he is (1962, Suspense) Sidney Berger,
9:00 p.m. MMAX Deadpool an ogre. (2h01) Candance Hilligoss. Directed
Hill, James Franco. Directed by: Russian satellite. (2h15) Jerusalem of the city’s upcom- by: Herk Harvey. After surviving
Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen. A 8:30 p.m. TCM In Which We ing destruction. (1h30) ++++ (2016, Action) Morena HBO Wanted +++ (2008,
Baccarin, Ryan Reynolds. Action) Morgan Freeman, a car crash, a beautiful church
group of friends seek shelter Serve ++++ (1942, War) TCM The Monster +++ organist is pursued by zombie-
and band together in an Richard Attenborough, John (1925, Horror) Hallam Cooley, Directed by: Tim Miller. A mer- James McAvoy. Directed by: like ghouls. (1h30)
attempt to survive the Rapture. Mills. Directed by: Sir Noel Lon Chaney. Three people dis- cenary is subjected to a rogue Timur Bekmambetov. The son
(2h30) Coward. Survivors of a bombed cover a mad scientist has taken experiment that leaves him of a professional assassin WEDNESDAY
8:30 p.m. Freeform Sleepy British destroyer think back on over an insane asylum. (2h) with healing powers. (1h50) learns that he has his father’s
Hollow +++ (1999, Horror) the paths that led them to war. HBO2 The Amityville Horror 9:15 p.m. TCM Casino ++++ killing abilities. (2h) 8:00 p.m. FX Jurassic World
Christina Ricci, Johnny Depp. (2h30) +++ (2005, Drama) Melissa (1995, Crime Story) Sharon 8:50 p.m. Freeform Hocus Pocus +++ (2015, Adventure) Bryce
Directed by: Tim Burton. A 9:00 p.m. FX Jurassic World George, Ryan Reynolds. Stone, Robert De Niro. Directed +++ (1993, Comedy) Sarah Dallas Howard, Chris Pratt.
turn-of-the-century detective +++ (2015, Adventure) Bryce Directed by: Andrew Douglas. A by: Martin Scorsese. The rise Jessica Parker, Bette Midler. Directed by: Colin Trevorrow.
investigates a series of family moves into a house in and fall of ill-fated mobsters in Directed by: Kenny Ortega. When a hybrid dinosaur in a
Dallas Howard, Chris Pratt. theme park escapes, it’s up to
beheadings in a small village. Directed by: Colin Trevorrow. which a family was murdered a Las Vegas casino during the Three 17th century witches are
(2h30) and faces demonic forces. 1970s. (3h15) accidentally conjured into the the park staff to contain her.
When a hybrid dinosaur in a (2h30)
HBOFAM Inkheart +++ theme park escapes, it’s up to (1h30) 9:20 p.m. Freeform The 20th century on Halloween.
(2008, Adventure) Sienna the park staff to contain her. Nightmare Before Christmas (2h10) TMC Death Becomes Her
MMAX The Nice Guys +++
(2h30) +++ (1993, Animated) Voices 9:00 p.m. HBOSIG Minority +++ (1992, Comedy) Bruce
Guillory, Brendan Fraser. (2016, Crime Story) Russell
Directed by: Iain Softley. A Crowe, Ryan Gosling. Directed of Catherine O’Hara, Chris Report +++ (2002, Sci-Fi) Willis, Meryl Streep. Directed
MMAX Interview With the by: Robert Zemeckis. A woman
young girl discovers her father Vampire +++ (1994, Horror) by: Shane Black. A private eye Sarandon. Directed by: Henry Colin Farrell, Tom Cruise.
has the ability to bring story- Selick. The scariest man in Directed by: Steven Spielberg. will do anything to stay young
Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt. Directed is hired to solve the case of a and beautiful, especially when
book characters to life. (1h45) by: Patrick Clayton. A renegade missing girl and the suicide of Halloween Town kidnaps Santa A crime forecaster goes on the
Claus and tries to take over run when he is fingered as a her rival shows up. (1h45)
9:00 p.m. HBOSIG Nocturnal vampire decides to tell a a porn star. (2h)
reporter about his tormented Christmas. (1h40) potential murderer. (2h30) 8:45 p.m. Freeform Men in
Animals ++++ (2016, Drama) 9:15 p.m. Freeform Hocus Pocus Black +++ (1997, Sci-Fi)
Jake Gyllenhaal, Amy Adams. life of bloodlust. (2h05) +++ (1993, Comedy) Sarah 9:30 p.m. AMC Halloween MMAX The English Patient
++++ (1978, Horror) Jamie ++++ (1996, Romance) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith.
Directed by: Tom Ford. An art TMC The Descent ++++ Jessica Parker, Bette Midler. Directed by: Barry Sonnenfeld.
gallery owner is haunted by (2005, Horror) Natalie Directed by: Kenny Ortega. Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence. Juliette Binoche, Ralph Fiennes.
Directed by: John Carpenter. A Directed by: Anthony A cop is recruited by a secret
her ex-husband’s novel, which Mendoza, Shauna MacDonald. Three 17th century witches are organization to help control
symbolises their past. (2h) Directed by: Neil Marshall. A accidentally conjured into the Earth’s alien population. (2h15)
9:15 p.m. TCM Life and Times of group of friends are trapped 20th century on Halloween.
Judge Roy Bean +++ (1972, underground and pursued by (2h10) Sudoku Solution Crossword Solution 10:15 p.m. AMC Carrie +++
(1976, Horror) John Travolta,
Western) Ava Gardner, Paul mutant flesh eaters. (1h40) 10:00 p.m. SYFY A Nightmare puzzle on
Puzzle on page
page2918 puzzle on
Puzzle on page
page2918 Sissy Spacek. Directed by: Brian
Newman. Directed by: John 10:15 p.m. MAX The Beguiled on Elm Street +++ (1984, De Palma. A teenager uses her
Huston. A judge appointed to a +++ (1971, Drama) Geraldine Horror) Johnny Depp, Robert telekinetic powers to get
barren territory encounters var- Page, Clint Eastwood. Directed Englund. Directed by: Wes revenge on her classmates dur-
ious characters as the town by: Don Siegel. A wounded Craven. A child murderer ing prom. (2h15)
grows. (2h15) Yankee soldier hides from begins to haunt and kill teen- 10:30 p.m. FX Jurassic World
10:15 p.m. TNT Django Confederate enemies in a agers in their dreams. (2h) +++ (2015, Adventure) Bryce
Unchained +++ (2012, Southern boarding school. SHOW2 People Like Us Dallas Howard, Chris Pratt.
Western) Christoph Waltz, (1h45) ++++ (2012, Drama) Directed by: Colin Trevorrow.
Jamie Foxx. Directed by: 11:00 p.m. BRAVO The Help Elizabeth Banks, Chris Pine. When a hybrid dinosaur in a
Quentin Tarantino. A slave +++ (2011, Drama) Viola Directed by: Alex Kurtzman. theme park escapes, it’s up to
teams up with a bounty hunter Davis, Emma Stone. Directed After the death of his father, a the park staff to contain her.
to rescue his wife from her by: Tate Taylor. Tension and sur- man discovers he has a half- (2h30)
plantation owner. (3h46) prises abound as three women sister and a nephew. (2h)
10:30 p.m. FX This Is the End struggle against prejudice in a 10:30 p.m. FX Pitch Perfect 2 Eureka Times-Standard, CA: Movies Oct
+++ (2013, Comedy) Jonah small town. (3h) +++ (2015, Comedy) Rebel 19, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 urge.times-standard entertainment magazine 23

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24 urge.local tv listings_local music and venue listings_local theater and cast info_local events to enliven your weekend October 19, 2017

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