Temppotpermitplanadvanced: Duck, Cover, Hold On'

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Serving Eureka and Humboldt County

Friday, October 20, 2017 $1.00 FACEBOOK.COM/TIMESSTANDARD TWITTER.COM/EUREKATS times-standard.com

Temp pot permit plan advanced


Environmental groups two months away, but Humboldt farmers can be in line for a state The Humboldt
County still has close to 2,000 permit by the Jan. 1 statewide County Planning
says changes could pending cannabis business ap- market opener. Commission advanced
overlook environmental plications to sort through. With- “We do want the cannabis in- an amendment that
out local approval, these appli- dustry to be successful, the per- would allow some
damages cants won’t be able to get a state mitted cannabis industry to be cannabis farmers to
licenses. successful,” County Planning obtain a temporary
To address this, the Humboldt and Building Department Direc- county permit so they
By Will Houston could be eligible for a
County Planning Commission tor John Ford said.
advanced a proposal Thursday Ford said that the temporary state license.
@Will_S_Houston on Twitter
that would allow some cannabis permits would only be issued for
California’s marijuana mar- farmers to apply for a temporary farms that existed prior to Jan. WILL HOUSTON — THE
ket opener is a little more than county permit. That way, these POT PERMIT » PAGE 3


No word
40,000 Humboldt County residents, most of whom are students, practiced earthquake drill
Money woes ‘not limited
to athletics,’ Rossbacher
By Ryan Sparks
@sparksonsports on Twitter

In a news conference on Thurs-

day, Humboldt State University
President Lisa Rossbacher and
interim Athletic Director Dun-
can Robins reiterated the admin-
istration’s verbal support of ath-
letics, but refrained from provid-
ing a specific date as to when a
decision will be made regarding
the future of any sports programs.
“I want to begin by acknowl-
edging the incredible support that
intercollegiate athletics has from
the entire community in this re-
gion, and that’s on campus with
the faculty, staff and students and
it’s also the alumni and boost-
ers — the passion, the commit-
ment we see in this community
for the intercollegiate programs
we have at Humboldt State is re-
ally amazing and we’re all grate-
ful for it,” Rossbacher said in her
opening comments before speak-
SHAUN WALKER — THE TIMES-STANDARD ing about the current status of the
Kiara Tayag goes for cover under her desk during the Great California ShakeOut earthquake drills in Hollie Goodman’s fourth-grade HSU athletics programs, specifi-
cally the football team.
class at Washington Elementary School in Eureka on Thursday morning. The worldwide event had more than 55 million people “I know there is particular in-
registered to participate, of which nearly 40,000 were in Humboldt County, mostly students. Rescue teams, emergency managers, terest in and support for our foot-
ball program,” she said. “I want
researchers and school safety advocates all agree that the drill’s “Duck, Cover and Hold On” is the appropriate action to reduce in- to emphasize that because of our
jury and death during earthquakes, according to the event website at earthquakecountry.org. “Methods like standing in a doorway, budget situation, we have some
difficult choices to make. No de-
running outside, and ‘triangle of life’ method are considered dangerous and are not recommended,” the website states. cisions have been made yet about
the future of any of our intercolle-
giate athletic programs.”
In an Oct. 9 news release, the
WILDFIRES university extended a deadline

‘People are often greatly under-insured’

date for an athletics pledge drive
that was implemented to help
raise $350,000 in pledges in an
effort “to save all sports.”
The original deadline of Oct. 9
By George Avalos
they’ve lost and begin the long was moved back to “mid-October”
Bay Area News Group
road to recovery. according to HSU Sports Infor-
Preliminary data from eight mation Director Andrew Goetz.
California’s deadly wildfires California insurers, which are At Thursday’s news conference,
have already sparked tens of processing claims for tens of no specific deadline date was pro-
thousands of claims with insur- thousands of policyholders, re- vided by the administration.
ance companies, and experts flect $1.045 billion in losses from According to Robins, the
warn the reimbursement process the devastating fires, including pledge drive has raised “just short
ahead could frustrate many home commercial and residential struc- of $300,000” to date.
and vehicle owners. tures, personal and commercial Rossbacher stated that current
Fires have damaged or de- vehicles, and agricultural equip- financial woes are not just specific
stroyed more than 7,000 struc- ment. Those figures are expected to the athletics department, but
tures in several counties in the to rise, the commissioner said. the university as a whole.
state, according to California “These numbers are just the be- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
“The fiscal situation we find in
Insurance Commissioner Dave ginning of the story as one of the our athletics program right now
Jones. Residents are leaving evac- deadliest and costliest wildfire ca- A sign on the chimney of a home warns looters after it was is not limited to athletics. It is
uation centers to figure out what INSURANCE » PAGE 3
destroyed by wildfires in Glen Ellen. ATHLETICS » PAGE 5


Artists show various

works at gallery
Crowdfunding campaign
cancelled due to pot ties U Dow Jones
23,163.04 (+5.44)
St. Joseph aids with
respirator masks
The Fortuna Art Council is pre-
senting a group exhibit through
WePay is refusing to pass
along over $13,000 in dona- U S&P 500
2562.10 (+0.84)
St. Joseph Health in Eureka
sent down respirator masks

D Nasdaq
Dec. 15at the Redwood Art tions raised by the California to its sister hospitals in areas
Association gallery. PAGE A7 Growers Association. PAGE A2 6605.07 (-19.15) affected by wildfires. PAGE A2

INDEX Local .............A2 Lottery..........A3 Opinion......... A4 Art .................A6 Sports........... B1 Comics......... B5 Obituaries.... B6 8 19182 00050 6
» times-standard.com

Dispatchers aided ‘amidst the chaos’


3 local communications workers return any evolving critical incident.”

The wave of more than 25 county
from fire aid work in Mendocino County and community law enforcement offi-
cials sent to aid to Mendocino County
have mostly returned, but accord-
ing to Humboldt County spokesman
By Sam Armanino
While it wasn’t the first time Hum- Sean Quincey, there are some special-
boldt County Sheriff’s Office Emer- ists who remain in the Mendocino
@SamSva32 on Twitter gency Communications Supervisor County area. Quincey said the dis-
Morgan Schlesiger has worked in a patches are part of the most recent
Three Humboldt County-based dis- disaster situation, she said it was the wave of people returning.
patchers were part of a group that re- first time she went out of the county “The former group of deputies got
turned from Mendocino County on to assist. called back,” Quincey said.
Monday, along with other local offi- “Working through the chaos is There are still a few groups of Hum-
cials and county workers. what dispatchers do best, that’s boldt County Mental Health special-
Responding to the call for mutual our favorite place to be, amidst ists in Mendocino County, Quincey
aid were two Humboldt County Sher- the chaos,” Schlesiger wrote in an said, noting they will most likely be Morgan Schlesiger, right, a communications supervisor, and
iff’s Office dispatchers and one For- email to the Times-Standard. “... We down there the longest. Natalie McCall, a senior emergency communications dispatcher,
tuna Police Department dispatcher. worked through it just as we do on DISPATCH » PAGE 5 pose in front of a Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office vehicle.



aids with
Candidate for U.S. Senate, who is eyeing Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s seat, shares views with locals respirator
54 cases sent down
to Santa Rosa and
Napa hospitals
By Sam Armanino
@SamSva32 on Twitter

St. Joseph Health in Eu-

reka sent down more than
8,460 respirator masks to
its sister hospitals in areas
affected by recent wildfires.
Last week, 54 cases of re-
spiratory masks were sent
down to the Santa Rosa Me-
morial and Queen of the
Valley in Napa, according
to a St. Joseph official.
“State and county agen-
cies in coordination with
their disaster relief poli-
cies reached out to St. Jo-
seph Health, Humboldt
County,” St. Joseph spokes-
person Christian Hill wrote
in an email to the Times-
“The N95 respirator
masks provided by St. Jo-
seph Health, Humboldt
County help protect lungs
by filtering out harmful
particles found in wildfire
smoke,” Tammy Bark, St.
Joseph’s chief nursing offi-
SHAUN WALKER — THE TIMES-STANDARD cer, said in a statement.
California U.S. Senate candidate Pat Harris speaks at a meeting of Humboldt Progressive Democrats in Eureka on Wednesday evening. The shipment of masks
was part of an effort by St.
Harris, a Democrat, is a former public defender and criminal defense attorney who now specializes in civil rights cases. He is running on Joseph Health CEO Rod Ho-
a progressive platform that includes universal health care, increased use of clean energy, immigration reform, criminal justice reform, and chman to provide access to
emergency funds for all
an end to “dark money” in politics. physicians, staff and volun-
teers “who lost their homes
due to the fires.”
“Our Engineering re-
WILDFIRES sources provided support to
ensure Santa Rosa Memo-
Crowdfunding campaign returns money due to pot ties rial remained a safe place
for patients and caregivers,”
Hill wrote.
The importance of the
Effect on cannabis industry along more than $13,000 in dona- and destroying an estimated 6,000 The growers association use of respirator masks was
called ‘unprecedented’ tions the California Growers Asso- homes and businesses. launched its first fundraising emphasized Thursday as
ciation has raised for affected fam- While he hasn’t heard of any campaign a week ago on YouCar- the California Department
ilies. deaths within the cannabis com- ing called MendoFire: CalGrow- of Public Health reminded
By Brooke Edwards Staggs
“We’ve got folks who have needs munity, Allen called the impact to ers Wildfire Relief Fund, and they those affected by the wild-
The Cannifornian
who we would like to start like to the industry “unprecedented” — all quickly blew past the initial goal of fires to use the masks as
start helping,” Hezekiah Allen, di- while farmers are already scram- raising $5,000 to support impacted protection from chemicals
An online payment company rector of the growers association bling to comply with evolving state Mendocino County farmers. in the air.
has shut down a fundraising cam- and organizer of the fundraising laws that will kick in Jan. 1. As they learned that growers in “As the clean-up process
paign set up to support cannabis campaign, said Tuesday. “We’re He said they’re aware of a few at least six counties had been af- begins and people return to
cultivators who’ve been impacted still hopeful that they’ll process dozen cannabis growers facing fected, Allen said they decided to burned areas, it is impor-
by the deadly wildfires in Califor- those payments. We’re waiting “devastation,” as they’ve lost their launch a second campaign with tant to be aware of poten-
nia, saying marijuana remains il- with fingers crossed.” homes, their farms or both. And he a broader focus. The CalGrowers tial health hazards, under-
legal under federal law. Dozens of people remain missing expects that number to grow sub- Wildfire Recovery Fund went live stand how to reduce risks,
WePay, which processes pay- after a series of wildfires scorched stantially as evacuation orders are about a week ago, with $13,335 and know when to seek
ments for the crowdfunding site more than 200,000 acres over the lifted and people are able to assess raised from 88 donors. medical attention,” state
YouCaring.com, is refusing to pass past week, killing at least 41 people the damages. The MendoFire campaign is Health Officer Karen Smith

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EUREKA Election Roundup

MAKING THE TRAIL The Times-Standard She will kick off her re-
election campaign Tues-
Virginia Bass to seek day at 5:15 p.m. at the
re-election Eureka Woman’s Club,
should be 150 words or
fewer, and only events
and group endorsements
will be included.
located at 1531 J St. in Eu- Submissions are also
Fourth District Super- reka. The public is invited. subject to editing. To
visor Virginia Bass an- submit information for
nounced Wednesday she’s the Election Roundup,
seeking re-election to the Election Roundup runs send an email to editor@
Humboldt County Board on a regular basis times-standard.com with
of Supervisors in the June during the election the word “politics” in the
2018 election. season. Submissions subject line.

Pot Permit
“In fact, there are a this agreement, the farmer
number of applicants that would have to comply with
claimed 1 acre of existing all state and local cannabis
FROM PAGE 1 cultivation,” Bauer said. laws and commit to com-
“However, we could find no pleting their application by
2016, and had submitted a cultivation activities prior to July 1, 2018. If this pact is
completed permit applica- January 2016 in our aerial violated, the farmer’s per-
tion to the county by July photo analysis.” mit application is perma-
14 this year. The farms Bauer recommended the nently withdrawn and any
would not be allowed to county at least review aer- of its approved permits will
expand their cultivation ial imagery before issuing be nullified, according to
area under the temporary temporary licenses, which Ford.
permit and would have to the planning commission Third District Commis-
commit to completing their approved of. sioner Noah Levy and Com-
PHOTOS BY SHAUN WALKER — THE TIMES-STANDARD actual permit by mid-2018. Environmental groups mission Chairman Bob Mor-
But the proposal worried also brought up the con- ris said that this agreement
A new tidal wetland is being created between Blue Ox and the Eureka Slough in local environmental orga- cern that these temporary would give the permit some
northern Eureka, as seen during the rain Thursday evening. The wetland is environ- nizations and the Califor- permits could be violating regulatory teeth. Levy said
nia Department of Fish and state environmental laws. that anyone who sought
mental mitigation for the impact of the Eureka Waterfront Trail, which will partially Wildlife because it appeared The county’s current to break the pact would
wrap around it and is slated to be finished in early 2018. the county would be permit- medical cannabis rules be making a “pretty stu-
ting farms without address- claim to not result in sig- pid gamble” of losing their
ing environmental damage nificant environmental im- chance for a license in order
that may exist on some of pacts and therefore don’t to get a larger crop yield for
the sites. require an environmental one year.
CDFW senior environ- impact report under the Despite a previous prom-
mental scientist Scott Bauer California Environmental ise to process all completed
said about 725 permit ap- Quality Act. cannabis applications sub-
plications will be eligible Friends of the Eel River mitted before June 30 by
for these temporary per- Executive Director Stepha- the time the state market
mits, which Ford confirmed. nie Tidwell said issuing tem- opens, Ford said that they
Bauer said this number porary permits would “pull will not be able to do that
causes the department sig- the rug out” from under the because of the backlog of
nificant concerns of allow- county’s environmental ar- permits.
ing so many farms to oper- gument. Morris said that it be-
ate without the county con- Addressing these con- hooves the county to ap-
ducting an environmental cerns, Ford said the county prove the temporary per-
review. already allows existing mits.
Of the approximately growers to continue culti- “We have a backlog here
200 Humboldt County ap- vating up to the amount of and that backlog isn’t re-
plications his department cannabis they were growing ally the problem of the ap-
has reviewed so far, Bauer prior to Jan. 1, 2016, as long plicant,” Morris said. “... If
said they have found doz- as they are in the process of we don’t do something to
ens of pre-existing farm- obtaining a permit. He said address the backlog, we’re
ers had lied to the county the temporary permit would just probably going to force
about how much mari- not change that. a significant amount of the
juana they were growing To prevent cheating, the applicants to stay in the
prior to Jan. 1, 2016 — the farmer would also have to black market.”
county’s cutoff date for be- sign an agreement with the
ing able to be called a pre- county as a condition of re- Will Houston can be
A loader piles up tons of dirt north of the Samoa Bridge in Eureka on Wednesday. existing farmer. ceiving the permit. Under reached at 707-441-0504.

tations about reimbursement of predicting the magnitude 800 automobile claims. said Sarkissian. “This is Farmers spokeswoman.
Insurance without having read into the
fine print of their policies, ex-
of this, they might not be
able to pay fully. The sheer
By Thursday afternoon,
State Farm had received
what insurance is for. This
is what State Farm is pre-
“So far, we’ve deployed
more than 130 additional
FROM PAGE 1 perts warn. scope of this could not have more than 4,300 claims, pared for. We are respond- claims staff into the area
“Fire insurance claims been predicted.” including 3,220 homeown- ing to customers’ needs in to help expedite the claims
tastrophes in California’s processing is particularly Based on the experience ers’ claims and 1,100 vehi- the North Bay region and process,” Kraft said. “We
history,” Jones said. “The labor intensive,” said Ivo of one insurer, State Farm, cle claims, said spokesman around the country.” have had several relief sites
tragic death of 42 people Labar, an attorney with the number of claims will Sevag Sarkissian. Farmers Insurance said open for customers to file
and over a billion in prop- San Francisco-based Kerr almost certainly soar. In less than a week, the that as of Thursday, it had their claims and speak with
erty losses are numbers — & Wagstaffe, a law firm Last week, State Farm total number of State Farm received about 2,700 claims their agents.”
behind these numbers are whose specialties include reported it had received claims rose 49 percent. in connection with the North “The insurance industry
thousands of people who’ve insurance law. “We will see 2,100 homeowners’ insur- “State Farm deals with Bay wildfires. The vast ma- constantly prepares for di-
been traumatized by un- a lot of delays and a lot of ance claims connected with catastrophes throughout jority were homeowners’ sasters,” said Janet Ruiz, a
fathomable loss.” unhappy homeowners in the California wildfires and the country year-round,” claims, said Carly Kraft, a spokeswoman for the In-
Two big insurers — Farm- the coming months.” surance Information Insti-
ers Insurance and State Even worse, other re- tute. “We have experts, we
Farm Insurance — said they
have received about 7,000
cent natural disasters,
including brutal hurri-
SPECIALTY CAR...SPECIAL PRICE have disaster and catastro-
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claims so far in connec- canes that drenched Texas Ready or not, however,
tion with the fires. The vast and Florida and ravaged a mammoth bill awaits in-
majority are linked to the Puerto Rico, may pinch surers.
blazes in the North Bay and the reserves of even ma- “The damages are in the
are homeowners’ insurance jor insurers, warned Lydia billions, just looking at the
claims, officials with both in- Ortega, a professor of eco- number of homes destroyed
surers said. nomics at San Jose State LEATHER, LOADED and the tragic loss of life,”
Homeowners now face University. said Gerald Singleton, an
a forbidding journey to re- “No insurance company 58,625 MILES attorney based in the San
coup losses from their insur- could have imagined some- #115884 Diego suburb of Solana
ers. The speed of reimburse- thing of this magnitude,” Beach and an expert in
ment could be slowed if in- Ortega said. “Even with all wildfire-related litigation.

surers’ capital is spread too their goodwill, it’s possible Insured claimants
thinly among the fire claims the insurance companies shouldn’t think the process
and other recent natural di- will not be able to make the will necessarily go smoothly
sasters, and homeowners process relatively painless. even if they quickly receive
may have unrealistic expec- If their estimates fall short a check from the insurance
company, warned Labar.
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Paula Patton, Publisher
Marc Valles, Managing Editor

Serving Eureka and Humboldt County

My Word Cartoonist’s take

One vet offers

reflections for
Veterans Day
By Peter Aronson they represent.
I’m reminded by Veter-
ans Day that the fuel of war
On Nov. 11 this Army vet- is revenge, again common
eran will pause to reflect on to both sides and motivated
the history of Veterans Day by carnage and personal
and revisit a bothersome loss regardless of initial ra-
theme common to all wars — tionale for the conflict’s ori-
that the first casualty of war gin. When someone near and
is the truth. dear to you gets injured re-
Before Veterans Day there venge is always nearby.
was Armistice Day and Re- We all know someone af-
membrance Day. fected by war, whether phys- RICK MCKEE — THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE
Armistice is a temporary ically, emotionally or mor-
truce by agreement of oppos- ally. This Veterans Day I’ll
ing sides to stop fighting for remember those I know suf-
a certain time. fered from war, including Letters to the editor
The armistice of Nov. 11, those brothers and sisters I
1918 essentially brought an don’t know. Including also Mayor offers response to ences. If we don’t embrace op- the railroads account for 50 per-
end to four years of fighting those called “enemy” because Tim Martin’s Arcata take portunity, we end up believing cent of the area’s economy. The
in World War I between Ger- when the truth about “why” the same tired ideas. Where is THA could partner with the
many and the Allies. It went is finally revealed to be very Tim, your thoughts on Arcata the fun in that? Maritime Society and create a
into effect at 11 a.m. on Nov. different than that portrayed are yesterday’s news! (“Hey, Ar- Mayor Susan Ornelas, Arcata package excursion trip, with a
11, 1918, hence the reference — it wounds everyone again. cata: Welcome to the real world,” rail trip around the bay, along
to “11-11-11.” The actual end I was a Vietnam-era Army Times-Standard, Oct. 15, Page President Trump ‘has the with a bay cruise. This could
of WWI occurred with the medic. Since serving, his- A4.) empathy of a cockroach’ not only bring tourists to Old
Treaty of Versailles on June tory and my own awaken- The city of Arcata embraced Town, but the whole of Eureka.
28, 1919. ing about the twisted truth understanding racial experience Trump’s entire political ca- In time, transportation could
Armistice Day is also relating to the Vietnam war a year and a half ago. We are ed- reer was built on lies. In his first be provided as far south as For-
know as Remembrance Day has lent to a particular fo- ucating ourselves on how to lis- nine months he has made hun- tuna.
in the United Kingdom and cus on the recent Ken Burns- ten, be more compassionate. dreds of false statements and The THA has been working
the Commonwealth of Na- Lynn Novick series, “The As mayor, my heart is warmed lies. As soon as he is caught ly- hard and putting a lot of en-
tions. Both days are set aside Vietnam War.” by personal stories from peo- ing he yells ”Fake Media!” He ergy to make this a reality, but
to honor veterans of WWI. Though it did well by in- ple, to see the world from many lies about his taxes, Putin, health they need continued community
In June 1954, to honor cluding reflections from sol- points of view. It has made my care, Puerto Rico, DACA, the en- support. So if this sounds like a
Americans who fought in diers on each side it fell life richer for the encounter, and vironment, Clean Coal, tax re- good idea to you, please support
all wars, the U.S. Congress far short on “big picture” residents have been reaching out form, Iraq, etc. If his lips are their efforts.
struck the word “Armistice” themes, like why we were with support. moving he is lying. The Republi- Scott R. Baker, McKinleyville
from the 1938 Act officially there in the first place. The city, the university and cans know he is unfit for office.
declaring Armistice Day I’ve learned to despise war business community meet They remain quiet because they Editor’s note: On our
a national holiday and in- and its architects as most are monthly to assist each other to: are all bought and paid. Trump election letters policy
serted the word “Veterans,” based on deception or out- 1 — raise the consciousness of is happy to take them down. He
creating Veterans Day as we right lies that we typically residents, business owners and has the empathy of a cockroach. Effective Sept. 19-Nov. 7: We
know it. learn decades later, if at all. employees around racial equity Impeach this treacherous man invite readers to limit commen-
An understated theme to There are historians and and implicit bias; before he blows up the planet. tary on candidates and measures
remember this Veterans Day social scientists with much 2 — help students receive eq- Larry A. Lange, Bayside on the November ballot to letters
is that the sacrifices, hero- more insight about war and uity in housing; of up to 250 words. Letters must
ism, camaraderie, pain and militarism than I’ll ever 3 — understand cultural con- Imagine the lure of rail include the author’s full name,
loss are not common to one know. This Veterans Day I’ll ditioning around racial bias; around Humboldt Bay address and daytime telephone
side. Soldiers and their loved pursue clarity and explana- 4 — deepen our community number for purposes of verifica-
ones share the same hor- tion for my country’s occupa- connections; The feasibility of reestab- tion. Letters are published in the
ror, the same fear, loss, and tion with war throughout its 5 — share and enjoy each oth- lishing rail service to the south order received within 24 hours
heartache regardless of who long history of wars. After er’s cultures. of Eureka is again being dis- of verification. Group letters, let-
all, in our 241-year history Even the police are involved! cussed. With the large invest- ter-writing campaigns or let-
the U.S. has been at war ev- The city of Arcata is hosting ment needed to rebuild the rail ters published elsewhere will
This ery year but 22 years! a Fair and Impartial Policing lines infrastructure, especially not be published here. No more
Veterans Day We all should be curious workshop, and invited other through the Eel River corridor, than one letter per author will
why this is our truth. county and city police agencies. so high, the idea is financially be published within a 21-day pe-
I’ll pursue For the best critique of We want to share opportunities unattainable. riod. Oct. 31 will be the last day
clarity and the recent Vietnam series, as for education and growth. My wife and I recently re- before the Nov. 7 election that
explanation well as the truth about why So Tim, maybe check in with turned from Colorado, where we we will publish letters raising a
for my we were in Vietnam, and in your friends in Arcata more of- spent nine days traveling on the new issue about a candidate or
so many other global con- ten. Like many communities we historic railroads. While enjoy- measure on that ballot. Election
country’s flicts, see Robert Freeman’s are taking an honest look at the ing the historic fabric of the rail letters that are merely character
occupation “Does Vietnam Even Matter racial discrimination and in- lines, I thought of the Timber attacks, event announcements
with war Anymore? Does Ken Burns?” equity that exists in our city. Heritage Association quest to or thank-you notes will not be
(https://goo.gl/3sxZry). This has challenged us to make establish such a rail line, along published.
throughout May this Veterans Day be things better. Yes, we have more with a museum in our commu- Email letters to letters@
its long one of reflection for all of us. to learn, but that is what makes nity. times-standard.com or mail
history of life interesting. I am thankful to Because of their popularity, them to: Letters to the Times-
Peter Aronson resides in live in a community that values reservations are required a year Standard, P.O. Box 3580, Eu-
wars. Eureka. others for their unique differ- in advance. We were informed reka, CA 95502.


‘If kids feel threatened ... they are not focusing on the lesson’
I’ll never forget the sound of by Chapman University. Both an- ing harassed or bullied more fre- 1 in 4 lesbian, gay or bisexual are friends with a gay student
the lighter as it sparked behind alyzed data from the California quently than boys. For exam- students have been threatened or friends with a trans stu-
my head in a high school English Healthy Kids Survey — also re- ple, 13 percent of ninth-grade with harm. For trans students, dent, they are still protected,”
class, followed by the unmistak- ferred to as CHKS — that stu- girls in the Fortuna Union High it’s nearly 1 in 3. she said.
able scent of my own hair burn- dents fill out responding to ques- School District reported be- And only 15.9 percent of LGB She said that bullying is not
ing. tions about health and safety at ing harassed or bullied because students feel safe at school, ac- always coming from other stu-
While I wear it short now, for school. The Williams Institute they are lesbian or someone cording to the Chapman data. dents.
the first 40 years report also included data from thought they were, according to “Even with the advent of new ”We’d like to say we never
of my life, my the California Student Survey. the 2015-16 CHKS report. In Eu- laws and protection of LGBT see that from teachers, we only
curly hair went “Half of LGB students have reka City Schools, 15 percent of persons, there is still stigma,” see that from other students,
most of the way considered killing themselves,” seventh-graders reported simi- Meyer said. but that’s not true,” she said.
down my back. said Kristin Meyer, with the Los lar experiences, but that dipped According to Jenny Bowen, a While I’d like to say it gets
I can recall a Angeles County Department of to 8 percent among ninth-grade spokesperson for the Humboldt better, as the saying goes, what
classmate telling Public Health, who was one of girls. In the Northern Humboldt County Office of Education, it’s seems to get better is ones abil-
Schneider the fire-starter the presenters of a webinar that Union High and Southern Hum- up to each individual district ity to deal with the bullying
to put the lighter examined the results of the Chap- boldt Joint Unified, 12 percent to find ways to handle student and harassment that seems to
away. The Eng- man University survey. “These of ninth-grade girls reported be- safety. go hand in hand with being a
lish instructor never said a word. are really concerning responses.” ing bullied or harassed for be- One way students are pro- part of the LGBTQ community.
If there was a #metoo social Depending on which report ing lesbian or someone thought tected is from “Seth’s Law,” It’s certainly less preva-
media trend for the bullying kids you look at, the number of stu- they were. which was implemented in lent now than it used to be.
experience for being different, dents who identify as LGBTQ In contrast, boys report less 2012 and strengthens anti-bul- But there is still room to im-
that would be but one of my ex- vary between about 5 percent harassment. In Fortuna Union lying laws. prove, here locally and across
periences. and 10 percent of students. High schools, 7 percent of Schools have a “legal obliga- the state.
A pair of recently published “How they experience school ninth-grade boys reported be- tion to provide a safe and non- Nobody deserves to have
reports look at the health and has long-term implications,” said ing harassed or bullied for be- discriminatory environment for their hair set on fire in a class-
safety of LGBTQ students in Cal- Meyer. “... If kids feel threatened ing gay or being perceived to all students,” according to Me- room.
ifornia public school. One sur- and insecure, they are not focus- be gay. It’s also 7 percent in Eu- lissa Goodman, director of the Let’s have a next genera-
vey was from the Williams Insti- ing on the lesson you’re teach- reka City Schools and 6 percent LGBTQ, Gender and Reproduc- tion that doesn’t have to say
tute, a UCLA-based group that ing. They’re focusing on that in Northern Humboldt Union tive Justice Project at ACLU of #metoo.
specializes in research on sex- next threat.” high schools. Southern California.
ual orientation and gender iden- In Humboldt County schools, Across the state, the Chap- “Anyone who is being bul- Ruth Schneider can be reached
tity; the other survey was done for the most part, girls report be- man University study found lied or harassed because they at 707-441-0520.

How to have your say: Letters to the Editor should be no more than 250 words and Email: Phone: Twitter: Facebook: Leave
My Word submissions should be 500-750 words. All submissions must include your letters@times-standard.com 707-441-0507 Follow and comments at
true name, address and daytime phone number for verification. Not all submissions Mail to: Letters to the Times-Standard, Fax: send tweets to FACEBOOK.COM/
are published. Send to Marc Valles, Managing Editor. Emails are preferred. P.O. Box 3580, Eureka, CA 95502 707-441-0501 @EUREKATS TIMESSTANDARD
News feed
in a district covering north- sembling an expensive when viewed from the U.S. cades, cutting rates for in- Senate budget plan rather
ern Los Angeles County af- brick driveway. side. dividuals and corporations than risk lengthy negotia-
California Assembly ter previously running as a Companies have until T he a d ministrat ion while eliminating trillions tions that could delay the
paid $100K to settle Republican. He served one Oct. 26 to finish the models hasn’t said how many win- of dollars of deductions and tax measure.
harassment claims term and was defeated in but Border Patrol spokes- ners it will pick or whether special interest tax breaks. T he House measure
2014 and again in 2016 by man Theron Francisco said Trump will weigh in him- The tax cuts would add calls for a tax plan that
SACRAMENTO » The Califor- Republican Assemblyman the last two came into pro- self. up to $1.5 trillion to the def- wouldn’t add to the defi-
nia Assembly paid $100,000 Tom Lackey. file, with crews installing There is currently 654 icit over the coming decade, cit, as well as $200 billion
to settle harassment, dis- News of the settlement a corrugated metal surface miles of single-layer fence however, as Republicans worth of cuts to benefit
crimination and retalia- comes during a week when on the eighth model on a on the 1,954-mile border, have shelved fears about programs that the Senate
tion claims made in 2014 a letter signed by nearly dirt lot just a few steps plus 51 miles of double- and the growing budget deficit has rejected.
against then-Assemblyman 150 women including law- from homes in Tijuana, triple-layer fence. in favor of a once-in-a-gen- Democrats blasted the
Steve Fox, who an aide said makers, lobbyists and leg- Mexico. “I’m sure they will en- eration opportunity to re- GOP budget, warning vot-
exposed himself and then islative staff was circulated As the crews worked, gage in a lot of tests against write tax laws. ers that the upcoming tax
fired her when she reported and said California’s Cap- three men and two women, these structures to see how “These are reforms that measure will shower ben-
his behavior. itol has a “pervasive” cul- one carrying a large red they function with differ- change incentives and drive efits on top-bracket earn-
The settlement, reached ture of harassment against purse, jumped a short ent challenges,” U.S. Rep. growth, and we’ve never ers, corporations, business
in April, closed out a law- women. rusted fence from Tijuana Bob Goodlatte, a Virginia done that before,” said Sen. partnerships and people
suit by Nancy Kathleen “Men have groped and into the construction site Republican who chairs the Pat Toomey, R-Pa. inheriting multimillion-
Finnigan, former legisla- touched us without our and were immediately House Judiciary Commit- Divisions within the GOP dollar estates. Tr ump
tive director for Fox, D- consent, made inappropri- stopped by agents on horse- tee, said Tuesday after tour- indicate the process won’t promises that the tax plan
Palmdale, according to a ate comments about our back. ing the construction site. be easy despite the political — still under development
copy obtained by The Asso- bodies and our abilities,” Francisco said there have Trump has asked Con- imperative. — is aimed at the middle
ciated Press through a pub- the letter said. “Insults been four or five other ille- gress for $1.6 billion to re- The upcoming tax mea- class, but previous ver-
lic records request. and sexual innuendo, fre- gal crossing attempts at the place 14 miles of wall in San sure, always a top item on sions have seen upper-in-
The settlement docu- quently disguised as jokes, site since work began Sept. Diego and build 60 miles in the GOP agenda, has taken come individuals benefit-
ment does not contain de- have undermined our pro- 26. Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, on even greater urgency ing the most.
tails of Finnigan’s claims. fessional positions and ca- The models, which cost the busiest corridor for il- with the failure of the party Under Capitol Hill’s byz-
But the Sacramento Bee re- pabilities.” the government up to legal crossings. to carry out its longstand- antine budget rules, the
ported Finnigan’s lawsuit The letter did not iden- $500,000 each, were spaced ing promise to dismantle nonbinding budget resolu-
alleged she once arrived tify any men by name. 30 feet apart. Slopes, thick- WASHINGTON former President Barack tion is supposed to lay out
at Fox’s apartment to pick ness and curves vary. One Obama’s signature health a long-term fiscal frame-
him up for a legislative ses- SAN DIEGO has two shades of blue with Senate backs GOP care law. Republicans have work for the government.
sion when he overslept and white trim. The others are budget in step said failure on taxes would This year’s measure calls
found him with his pants Trump’s border wall gray, tan or brown — in toward tax revamp be politically devastating in for $473 billion in cuts from
unzipped and unbuttoned models take shape sync with the desert. next year’s midterm elec- Medicare over 10 years and
and not wearing under- Bidding guidelines call WASHINGTON » Republicans tions, when control of the more than $1 trillion from
wear. SAN DIEGO » The last two of for the prototypes to stand on Thursday muscled a $4 House and Senate are at Medicaid. All told, Sen-
She also alleged Fox eight prototypes for Presi- between 18 and 30 feet high trillion budget through the stake. ate Republicans would cut
made unwanted sexual ad- dent Donald Trump’s pro- and be able to withstand at Senate in a major step for- When reconciled with spending by more than
vances against another em- posed border wall took least an hour of punishment ward for President Donald the House budget plan, $5 trillion over a decade,
ployee and asked her to per- shape Thursday at a con- from a sledgehammer, pick- Trump’s ambitious promise the nonbinding measure though they don’t attempt
form work unrelated to her struction site in San Diego. axe, torch, chisel or battery- of “massive tax cuts and re- would set up special pro- to spell out where the cuts
legislative duties. Finni- The prototypes form a operated tools. form.” cedures to pass follow-up would come from.
gan’s suit claimed she was tightly packed row of im- Features also should pre- The 51-49 vote sets the tax legislation without the Even so, the measure
fired for reporting Fox’s be- posing concrete and metal vent the use of climbing aids stage for debate later this threat of a filibuster by Sen- doesn’t promise to balance
havior, the Bee reported. panels, including one with such as grappling hooks, year to dramatically over- ate Democrats. Pressure is the budget, projecting def-
Fox was elected on the sharp metal edges on top. and the segments must be haul the U.S. tax code for mounting, however, on the icits that would never drop
Democratic ticket in 2012 Another has a surface re- “aesthetically pleasing” the first time in three de- House to simply adopt the below $400 billion.

that,” she said. “We have Understanding agreement, to take action to support “Attract, retain, and lem is here at Humboldt
Athletics among the highest student
fees in the CSU system right
July 2007], trying to reinsti-
tute that is a real challenge.
and properly fund the ath-
letics department since tak-
graduate students — all
successful universities
State University. ... Years
ago, the University shifted
now and we need to keep Especially in the context of ing the job in July 2014. work under this mantra,” all funding [for athletics]
education at HSU afford- the university trying to save In his HSU Hall of Fame said Lindemenn, who said from the state side to the
something the entire uni- able for students.” $2 million out of the general dinner speech on Friday, he has worked with ap- student side so that stu-
versity is coping with,” she Responding to questions, fund budget for next year. ... former HSU Athletic Di- proximately 120 universi- dents bear the full cost of
said. “We have expenses Rossbacher stated that a “If, as I hope happens, rector and NCA A Vice ties during his time as an athletics on this campus.
that exceed our revenues switch to using a general we’re successful in gener- President Chuck Linde- NCA A executive and an That doesn’t happen any-
across the university. So it’s fund-based model, simi- ating the funds from the menn stated his displea- independent consultant. where else but in the state
not just athletics.” lar to models used by ev- community, and I’ve made sure with the current ad- “That’s what it’s about. And of California.
Rossbacher added ery CSU school except HSU, a commitment to do every- ministration’s handling of the trouble we’re having “So what’s our working
that increasing student would be difficult because thing I can to find resources the athletics department’s on this campus is we don’t capital in athletics? It’s stu-
fees, which is the pri- of the institution’s overall to match that, if those come budget shortfalls, which he have a plan based on those dent enrollment and enroll-
mary funding method of budget crisis. from general funds that states were not the product three words. It’s not hap- ment is down. Why is en-
the athletics department “The challenge of find- means we have to cut an- of an athletics department pening here. The result is rollment down? We haven’t
ba sed on the cur rent ing general fund money other $500,000 from some- that “can’t live within it’s we have a declining enroll- got a plan.”
funding model, is not a to support athletics, when where else.” means,” rather a lack of a ment and what the Univer-
feasible solution. that was reversed 10 years Opponents have argued clear, defined plan from the sity is doing is trying to re- Ryan Sparks can be
“We really want to avoid ago [in a Memorandum of that Rossbacher has failed administration. define what the real prob- reached at 707-441-0526.

of the donations will be Sgt. Charles Ellebrecht,

Money refunded. And they both

said they’ve had to do it
for other cannabis-related FROM PAGE 2
who is both a communica-
tions specialist and a patrol
FROM PAGE 2 campaigns in the past. As far as Fortuna Police
still up and going. But on Though he was sur- called back,” Quincey said. Chief Bill Dobberstein re-
Monday, Allen received an prised by the ban, Allen Among the wave return- members, Sgt. Charles Elle-
email from the company said everyone who works ing were also two District brecht is first dispatcher to
letting him know that his with cannabis is used to Attorney investigators who be sent out of Fortuna for a
CalGrowers campaign “vi- being flexible. helped with loot patrol. mutual aid request.
olated their terms of ser- “This is sort of par for There are still a few groups Along with Ellebrecht,
vice” and wouldn’t be al- the course in our indus- of Humboldt County Mental the FPD sent down four of-
lowed to continue. Soon, try,” he said. Health specialists in Men- ficers who also returned on
he heard from a few do- He immediately got to docino County, Quincey Monday, Dobberstein said,
nors who said their contri- work building a fundrais- said, noting they will most adding It’s a good oppor-
butions had been refunded. ing page directly through likely be down there the tunity for them to help a
YouCaring spokesman the California Growers As- longest. neighboring county as well
Austin K apur said his The CalGrowers Wildfire Recovery Fund went live sociation website, where he Schlesiger, who was as a good opportunity for
company “suppor ts all about a week ago, with $13,335 raised from 88donors. said payments will be pro- joined by colleague Nata- the officers to experience
forms of treatment and Thursday evening the website showed the message “this cessed using PayPal. lie McCall, a senior emer- how to work during a di-
most fundraiser types.” fundraiser is not accepting donations” and a balance of While he suspects the gency communications dis- saster.
But he said in an email $0. widespread loss of crops patcher with the sheriff’s “I think they were start-
that their payment pro- might drive up the whole- office,wrote that the main ing to get a handle on
viders, WePay and Pay- we can process payments thanks to the plant’s fed- sale cost of cannabis in role was to provide dis- things,” Dobberst ein said.
Pal, “do not allow fund- for campaigns to support eral status — a challenge coming months, Allen patch support to the Men- Dispatchers are accus-
raisers for anything mar- growers’ families, but not that Allen, as a former cul- doesn’t believe such in- docino County Communi- tomed to stressful jobs
ijuana-related, including to support their cannabis tivator, has dealt with first creases will be passed cation Center. On the first and working down in
for medical reasons” due crops.” hand. But he said he didn’t along to consumers. But day, they worked in the com- Mendocino was no differ-
to federal law. He said Allen said his associa- imagine an effort to raise even if they are, he said it munications center but they ent, Schlesiger wrote that
that includes any thing tion has formed a commit- money to support farmers will likely be impossible to spent the second and third the only added stress came
cannabis-related, even in tee with representatives and their families hit by link any market impacts to day working in the field at from the challenges faced
states where the industry from different counties to fire would face the same the fires, since prices are al- a command post dedicated with equipment issues. She
is legal. help determine how funds roadblocks. ready expected to be vola- for the Redwood Valley Fire. wrote that the Humboldt
WePay is handling the will be dispersed. But while On Tuesday afternoon tile as state regulations T he t wo Humboldt County operates on a dif-
growers association cam- they intend to help farmers he said he was still wait- take affect and recreational County Sheriff’s Office dis- ferent computer dispatch
paign. Company spokes- make mortgage payments, ing to hear back from You- cannabis sales start in 2018 patchers left alongside For- system “as well as radio
man Jeremy Milk emailed replace damaged equip- Caring and WePay. The tuna Police Department jargon.”
this statement: “To com- ment, rebuild their homes second campaign can’t ac-

Toy For Kids

ply with federal law and and more, Allen said there cept any donations. But Al-
related government no- is no plan to use donor funds len said he also can’t with-
tices, WePay’s bank and to buy marijuana seeds or draw those funds, while
card association partners plants. only a handful of donors
prohibit us from process- The cannabis industry have had their payments
ing payments related to has long struggled with reversed.
marijuana. This means access to banking services Kapur and Milk said all
Help us make Christmas morning merry
and bright for local kids in need!
St. Joseph
be c autious in sif ting tant to monitor children
through ash. and young adults as they
“Residents should seek may be more susceptible UPCOMING FUNDRAISER! 30% of proceeds will be donated to
FROM PAGE 2 medical care if they ex- to the health and emo- Friday, October 20th at McClurg’s Bar at 6PM Toys for Kids of Humboldt County!
per ience hea lth issues tional effects of fire re-
said in a statement. such as chest pain, chest covery.”
Public Hea lth urged tightness or shor tness
r e sident s i n r e c ent ly of breath,” Smith said. Sam Armanino can be
s c o r c h e d a r e a s t a k e “It is especially impor- reached at 707-441-0509.

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“Camel Rock in the Mist” by the late Chi-wei Lin

For the love of Trinidad

Painting sales will benefit the city this artist loved
The Times-Standard work will benefit the Trin- and improving its eco-
idad Civic Club in its ef- nomic well-being. Lin was
The Trinidad Civic Club forts to save the Trinidad a city councilmember for
and Trinidad Coastal Land Memorial Lighthouse and more than eight years and
Trust are holding a memo- the Trinidad Coastal Land was twice elected mayor of
rial service honoring the Trust in its efforts to main- Trinidad. He also served
life of Chi-wei Lin Nov. 4 tain the pristine Trinidad on the Planning Commis-
from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at Trin- coastline. There are over sion.
idad Town Hall, 409 Trin- 100 paintings, ranging in Lin was a founding
ity St. price from $20 to $400. trustee of the Trinidad “Old Trinidad Pier” by the late Chi-wei Lin
This will be an informal Any paintings remain- Trust Fund and was an
afternoon of sharing sto- ing after the benefit will ardent supporter of im- seum, library and Sim- profit organization dedi- also a beneficiary, is a non-
ries about Lin’s life from be hung at the Trinidad proving the water quality mons Gallery. He was also cated to protecting for the profit, community service
China to Trinidad. The ser- Coastal Land Trust’s Sim- of the Trinidad Bay. He co- a passionate tennis player public benefit, the natu- organization devoted to
vice will be followed by a mons Gallery at 380 Janis wrote much of the city’s re- who spent many hours ral beauty and character civic improvement, stew-
benefit reception from 3:30 Court for the month of No- sponse to state regulations working to improve the of Humboldt County from ardship of the Memorial
to 5 p.m. at the same lo- vember. and grant applications for city’s tennis court, includ- Little River to Big Lagoon. Lighthouse, child welfare,
cation featuring the paint- Lin devoted seemingly multiple storm water proj- ing successfully obtaining The trust’s 20 coastal prop- education and the promo-
ings of Lin and his wife, endless time and energy ects. a grant from the U.S. Ten- erties are managed by vol- tion of community spirit.
Donna. In honor of the to the city of Trinidad and Lin developed the Saun- nis Association to upgrade unteers for public access, For more information, call
dedication of Lin’s life to had a major influence on ders Park concept, which the court, now called Lin recreation and open space Patti Fleschner at 707-677-
public service, proceeds the city government while later led to the develop- Court, in honor of Lin and protection. For more infor- 3816 or Jan West at 707-
from the sale of the art- serving this community ment of the Trinidad Mu- his wife. mation, call Ben Morehead 677-3655 or go to face-
The Trinidad Coastal at 707-677-2501 or go to book.com/Trinidadcaciv-
Land Trust, as a desig- trinidadcoastallandtrust. icclub or gofundme.com/
nated beneficiary of Lin’s org. save-trinidad-memorial-
art collection, is a non- The Trinidad Civic Club, lighthouse.

October 22! HomeDecorating
Show off your home this Halloween/Harvest
season and win a Fabulous Prize!
(Outside Home Decorations Only)

• Submit photos October 25th - October 30th
• Categories: Best Scariest & Best Harvest Home
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• Submit photo of the outside of your home to:
Halloween@times-standard.com or come in and submit your vote
at a voting box at the Times-Standard office counter.
(Be sure to submit photo, name of participant, contact phone & email)
• Winners announced at Halloween Extravaganza

Everyone is invited to the

Times-Standard’s 2nd Annual
Halloween Extravaganza
October 31st from 3-4:30PM!
• Pumpkin Carving Contest (Best Juvenille & Best Adult pumpkin to win a prize)
(Bring in your pumpkins already carved, painted or decorated)
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• Candy - Bring your Trick or Treat bags!

Come join us for some

spooktacular fun everyone!

(707) 441-0500 • 930 6th St, Eureka, CA 95502
| 7


Artists show various works at gallery Harry Potter exhibit marks

The Times-Standard

The Fortuna Art Council

20th anniversary of first book
is presenting a group ex-
hibit through Dec. 15 at the By Danica Kirka
Redwood Art Association The Associated Press
gallery, 603 F St. in Eureka.
Featured artists include LONDON » Harry Potter fans
Abbie Perrott, Elaine Gre- owe a debt of gratitude to
dassoff, George Ventura, Alice Newton.
Janet Frost, Karen San- Alice was 8 years old
guinetti, Kim Reid, Louise when her father, a Blooms-
Bacon-Ogden and Natalya bury Publishing executive,
Burke. Their works vary in brought home a new man-
theme, style and medium, uscript for her to read.
reflecting the versatility “The excitement in this
and talent of each artist. book made me feel warm
Perrott became inter- inside,” she scrawled in a
ested in art at 13. She uses note to her dad. “I think it
acrylics, watercolor and oil is probably one of the best PHOTOS BY TIM IRELAND – THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
pastels and her sculptures books an 8/9 year old could
are ceramic and papier-mâ- read.” A member of British Library staff poses for a picture at
ché. She creates cards from Based on this glowing the “Harry Potter - A History of Magic” exhibition at the
her original art and gives review, Bloomsbury pub- British Library, in London.
fantasy and joy to people “Aquarius” by Karen Sanguinetti lished “Harry Potter and
with her face painting. She the Philosopher’s Stone,”
wants people to feel some launching a literary jugger-
emotion when they see her naut that brought magic to
art — anything from a blue a generation of children.
mood to laughter is what Alice’s penciled note is
she is looking for. part of the British Library’s
Gredassoff creates land- new exhibition, “Harry Pot-
scapes and florals in water- ter: A History of Magic.”
color. The show, which coincides
“There is a trail of where with the 20th anniversary
the brush has been as the of the publication of J.K.
pigments work together to Rowling’s first book, is an
form the images and colors unabashed celebration of
in washes and layers; the the stories and their ante-
white of the painting is that cedents. The exhibition marks the 20th anniversary of the
of the unpainted paper,” she “There are some rich his- publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,
said. “As I paint, I continue torical traditions behind showing items from the British Library’s collection, and
to explore the medium and the magic in the Harry Pot- items from author J.K Rowling and the book publisher’s
evolve my techniques, style ter stories, which J.K. Row- collection.
and subjects.” ling was aware of,” said Al-
Gredassoff paints en exander Lock, one of the ex- with cauldrons, broom- Rowling wove into her sto-
plein air, from her photo- hibit curators, who added sticks, crystal balls and po- ries, with historical objects
graphs and memories of her that he was impressed with tion manuals that offer in- illustrating the scholarship
outdoors adventures. Rowling’s ability to layer in- sight into Rowling’s inspi- behind the narrative.
Ventura has a fascina- formation and offer depth. ration and how the books The potions section, for
tion with light and his pho- “They go into the stories came to be. example, features a Bronze
tographs are inspired by and make them so rich.” “I’ve taken liberties with Age/Iron Age Battersea
the diffraction of light in The exhibit, which opens folklore,” Rowling says in a Cauldron on loan from the
nature, architecture and Friday, includes Rowling’s video that opens the show. British Museum. It sits be-
portraiture. His inspira- outline for the book, her The show is divided into neath cauldron light fix-
tion began with the beauty personal drawings of char- rooms based on the sub- tures that flicker in the
of the forests and beaches acters and a map of Hog- jects studied at Hogwarts, subdued light and offer the
of Humboldt County and “Empty Nest” by Louise Bacon-Ogden warts School of Witchcraft the setting for Rowling’s viewer a chance to get into
the emotional connection and Wizardry. novels following the adven- the Halloween-like aura of
between a piece of art and It also looks at magic and tures of Harry, the orphan it all.
the one viewing it. His lat- the nature of belief, reveal- who learns at age 11 that he There is also a discus-
est works are flamboyant ing that many of the things is a wizard. Sections include sion of alchemy, the medi-
abstractions of pure dif- Harry Potter fans thought Potions, Herbology, Divina- eval forerunner of chemis-
fraction, which stand alone, were imaginary were actu- tion, Care of Magical Crea- try, and features the Ripley
no longer obstructed by re- ally based in fact — or folk- tures and Defense Against Scroll, a six-meter (yard)
ality. For a virtual tour of lore. It includes rare books the Dark Arts. long manuscript from the
his work, visit diffraction- and manuscripts from Each section touches on 1500s that describes how to
ist.com. around the world, together the legends and beliefs that make a Philosopher’s Stone.
Frost works in oils and
watercolors in a represen-
tational style. Her paint- North Coast Happenings
ings of still life and land-
scapes portray places, ob- Saturday Wilson Creek bridge, west and cultural resources; and
jects or experiences that side U.S. Highway 101.) promote sustainability.
CAR CLUB MEETS This medium difficulty, This project will engage the
hold personal meaning for
her. Much artistic impetus ARCATA: The Humboldt 8-mile hike will be a ramble ideas and support of the
comes from nature in all its Bay Model A Club will meet through lush old-growth entire community. Saturday
contrasts. Her garden is a Saturday at 1p.m. at the upon a stretch of Redwood is the first part of a series
constant inspiration. She is Fiesta Grill & Cantina, 3525 Highway replaced in the of two community work-
a member of the Redwood Janes Road. 1930s by the present 101 shops to gather residents’
Art Association, Fortuna MARSH TOUR route, itself soon to be thoughts, ideas and visions.
Art Council and Represen- ARCATA: Friends of the abandoned for more stable With this public input, the
tational Art League. Arcata Marsh is sponsoring inland terrain. With luck, city will create a collabora-
Sanguinetti expresses her a free tour of the Arcata there will be a descent to tive design and plan for the
creativity through painting, Marsh and Wildlife Sanctu- the beach below. Bring wa- future of the park. To stay
printmaking, photography “Phantasmigorical” by George Ventura ary Saturday at 2p.m. Meet ter and lunch. No dogs. For updated and add your voice
and illustration. Her inspi- leader Elliott Dabill Stillman more information, contact and ideas to the conversa-
ration is multifaceted; she spiration for her original nia from Ukraine. She loves at the Interpretive Center leader Ned at 825-3652or tion, go to Facebook.com/
sees a subject for painting artwork. She is currently the beauty of the North on South G Street for a nedforsyth48@gmail.com. eurekasequoiapark. Free
within a landscape scene, working on a series of por- Coast, which inspires her 90-minute walk focus- Heavy rain cancels the trip. food and refreshments will
a photograph in the reflec- traits of iconic ancient red- paintings of flowers and ing on the ecology of the ARTIST GROUP be available at the meeting.
tion on a window, an illus- woods. landscapes. She has be- marsh. Loaner binoculars EUREKA: Societies for Po-
tration in the vignette of an Ogden-Bacon has exper- come proficient in vari- are available with a photo
etic Action, an artist group
everyday task and an intri- imented with different me- ous art mediums includ- ID. For more information, located in Eureka that PANCAKES HERE
cate print in the pattern of diums, but has found her ing chalk, coal, sand, wa- call 826-2359. creates art and actions for FERNDALE: The American
the grass on a hillside. niche and favors produc- tercolor, oil, acrylic and ecological and social justice Legion and Veterans of
Reid is a professional ing black-and-white im- acrylic on glass. The new- TOUR THE MARSH
causes, is embarking on a Foreign Wars will have their
freelance illustrator and ages. The mediums she est medium to excite her is ARCATA: The Redwood monthly pancake breakfast
Region Audubon Society year-long project creating
graphic artist/designer. uses to create her art in- 3D leather wall art. a “People’s Map of Eureka” Sunday from 8to 11:30 a.m.
Her watercolor and pencil clude graphite, pen and G a l ler y hou r s a r e is sponsoring a free public at the Veterans Memorial
field trip at the Arcata as part of the group’s effort
illustrations may be found ink, scratchboard and ink Wednesday through Sun- Building on Main Street.
at KimARTandDesign.com. washes. She is most drawn day, noon to 5 p.m. Arts Marsh and Wildlife Sanctu- toward a more engaged and Tickets are $7for adults
The giant redwoods forests to subjects featuring nature A live! receptions are ary Saturday. Bring binocu- participatory community. At and $4for children. This is
and seascape grandeur of in all its beautiful detail. planned on Nov. 4 and Dec. lars for birding. Meet leader 3p.m. Saturday, the group the last breakfast of the
the North Coast are the in- Burke comes to Califor- 2 from 6 to 9 p.m. Cindy Moyer in the parking will launch the project at year. For more information,
lot at the end of South a community meeting at
Synapsis Nova, 212G St, call Karl Brungs at 768-
I Street (Klopp Lake) in 4293.
EUREKA Arcata at 8:30a.m., rain or Suite 102. The members of
shine. The trip ends around Societies for Poetic Action
Landscapes evoke emotional responses 11a.m.
will introduce the project
through a creative, inter-
active dialogue with the
North Coast Happenings
is a free service for
ARCATA: Friends of the Ar- community. clubs, government
The Times-Standard cata Marsh is hosting an in- FOR SEQUOIA PARK agencies and nonprofit
vasive plant removal work- organizations that wish
Brian Ziegler is October’s day Saturday. Meet at the EUREKA: “Old Growth, to publicize events. Send
featured artist at Old Town Arcata Marsh Interpretive New Adventures,” a Se- notices one week prior
Art Gallery, 417 Second St., Center parking lot on South quoia Park re-envisioning to publication to the
Suite 102. G Street at 9a.m. Tools and community workshop and Times-Standard Lifestyle
As a long-time resident of gloves are provided; wear free barbecue sponsored Section, by e-mail to
Humboldt County, Ziegler work clothes and sturdy by Redwood Capital Bank, style@times-standard.
appreciates the beauty of shoes. The focus of this will be held Saturday rain com, by fax to 441-0501
the area. Realizing the workday will be the usual or shine from 12:30 to 3 or by mail to P.O. Box
beauty of nature is captured suspects: fennel, Scotch p.m. at Sequoia Park, 3414 3580, Eureka, CA, 95502.
by many artists, his current broom, teasel, English ivy W St. Sequoia Park has Include a phone number.
body of work, “Atmosphere,” and periwinkle, to name a been a Eureka treasure for The Times-Standard
specifically avoids any one few. For more information, over 100years. Covered reserves the right to edit
particular scene, yet uses contact George Ziminsky in tall-standing redwood for Associated Press
elements that are familiar: at gmz2@humboldt.edu or trees, this park has some- style, clarity and to fit
landscapes. He emphasizes 599-2655. thing for everyone: trails, available space.
or de-emphasizes the colors playgrounds, picnic areas, a
Buying or
and details so that one can duck pond and the oppor-
recognize the subject matter CONTRIBUTED – OTAG CRESCENT CITY: The tunity to connect with 67
as familiar and, in doing so,
peaks the interest.
Ziegler’s landscapes de-
Brian Ziegler’s current body of work is titled “Atmosphere.”
This is one of the pieces in the series.
North Group Sierra Club in- acres of old growth forest
vites the public to a hike on in the middle of the city.
Del Norte Redwood State With your help, the city
Selling a Home?
pict no one particular place, distinct elements for the ence of fine art with the Park’s Last Chance Coastal wants to make the park
leaving the viewer open to viewer to interpret. more obvious building Trail Saturday. Carpools more inclusive; diversify Joe
meet at 9a.m. at Ray’s Val- the park’s experiences;
feel the emotion, the “at-
mosphere” that might oth-
Ziegler answered the
call of artistry early in life
blocks of graphic design in
a career that was launched ley West Shopping Center enhance the play area; Matteoli
erwise be lost. Some works
are obvious with dark, tur-
by pursuing a career in
commercial arts. For the
when he was recruited by
one of the larger employ-
in Arcata or at 10:30 a.m. expand recreational oppor-
tunities; upgrade the trail
at the Damnation Creek
bulent sky, while others are better part of 20 years, he ers in Humboldt County at trailhead (3.3miles north of system; add more gather-
subtle, with layers and in- blended the subtle influ- that time. ing space; preserve natural
8 | A



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Week 9 brings title scenarios


St. Bernard’s can clinch Little 3, South Fork eyeing share of NCL III
By Danny Penza
land to face Hoopa Valley tonight. tonight, then the Crusaders are cer-
At the same time down in South- tainly in good shape.
@penzatopaper on Twitter ern Humboldt, South Fork — which Albeit in more of a run-heavy
has played one game since its Sept. kind of fashion, the Crusaders’ of-
EUREKA » With only a few short 29 win over Round Valley — can, fense continued to put up big point
weeks of the regular season to go, at the very minimum, capture a totals in last Saturday’s 48-14 win
the time of year is upon us where share of the North Central League over Arcata. It was the sixth time
league titles are being determined. III North Division title with a vic- in their first seven games this sea-
In the Little 3 conference that is tory tonight over Anderson Valley son that they have surpassed the
certainly true. in Miranda. 40-point plateau.
The same goes for the lone eight- St. Bernard’s (7-0 overall, 2-0 One of those games was against
man football team in Humboldt league) clinched a share of the Lit- Hoopa Valley (1-7, 0-2) on Sept. 30.
County. tle 3 title two weeks ago with its 62- Going back to last season, the
One of the Humboldt-Del Norte 23 win over Ferndale in the Cream Crusaders have won 19 of their last
League’s two remaining unbeatens, City. Now, the Crusaders go for the 20 games. RYAN SPARKS — THE TIMES-STANDARD
St. Bernard’s, will look to clinch its full pop. As simple as it is for St. Bernard’s St. Bernard’s senior quarterback T.J. Campbell and the
fifth straight league crown tonight If precedent is any indication of to win the league title, South Fork Crusaders look to win their eighth straight game to open the
as it makes the hour-long drive in- how things will go up in the valley FOOTBALL » PAGE 2 2017season when they face Hoopa Valley on the road tonight.


The good of
shows, aids
CHAMPS Oakland
wins wild
fire victims
It was impossible to not no-
tice the sign that was hanging
right next to the ticket booth at
Husky Field on Friday night.
Warriors top Tigers to win first outright title since 2009
ball game
vs. Chiefs
By Matt Schneidman
Bay Area News Group
OAKLAND » Derek Carr is paid like
TOGETHER an elite franchise quarterback. He
WITH CARDI- had a chance to finally validate
NAL NEWMAN” his salary in 2017, if only for one
The sign wasn’t game, with one final drive.
very big — prob- Less than three minutes on the
Danny ably the size of clock, ball on the Raiders’ 15-yard
Penza a couple of le- line, Carr under center with one
gal pads placed timeout, Chiefs up six.
alongside one an- Oh yeah, maybe even Oakland’s
other — but you season on the line.
couldn’t miss it. This was as much of a “must-
Those six words signified the win” for the Raiders as a Week 7
huge effort that many on the game can be.
North Coast are doing right now There were fights on the field,
to help their fire-ravaged compa- fights on the sideline, plays unlike
triots to the south. anything we’ve seen at the Coli-
No matter if it’s the doz- seum this year. But when all sub-
ens upon dozens of trash bags sided and the wonkiness of Thurs-
full of supplies collected in For- day Night Football had taken it’s
tuna, South Fork Athletic Direc- course, the scoreboard had more
tor Andy Olsen clearing out his points next to the Raiders logo
equipment closet to help out a than their opponent’s for the first
school like Roseland Collegiate time in five games.
Prep in need or the Humboldt The jumbotron read “Raiders
State softball team putting care 31, Chiefs 30.” With a masterful
packages together, Humboldt final drive by Carr, and a game-
County has done whatever it can winning extra point by Giorgio
from a few hours north to help Tavecchio with no time on the
those in the Santa Rosa area. clock, the Raiders orchestrated a
I’m mentioning this because comeback win that may just have
this community, one that as of kept their playoff hopes afloat in
my birthday on Sunday will be this young season.
one I’ve lived in for nearly half of Forget Amari Cooper’s two
my life, continues to amaze me. first-half touchdowns and Tavec-
Humboldt County has a bad chio’s two missed field goals, his
rap according to many. It’s the first two misses of the year. Mar-
same area that caused the reac- shawn Lynch got tossed and CBS’
tion of “Hey, I didn’t know you Tracy Wolfson said offensive line
smoked...” when I told people coach Mike Tice broke up a fight
just a few months before gradu- between Michael Crabtree and
ating high school that I was go- Donald Penn on the sideline. If
ing to be attending Humboldt anything, the Thursday Night
State in the fall of 2004. Football brand got a huge boost,
But think of the three major actual plays aside.
events that have seen people put But since Cooper has been dor-
down their respective school al- mant almost all season, maybe
legiances. it’s fair to highlight his 113 first-
• Bailey Foley suffering a half receiving yards and two first-
stroke on the opening day quarter touchdowns. In Weeks
against Cardinal Newman in 2-6, Cooper reeled in 84 combined
Santa Rosa. yards with no touchdowns.
• Humboldt State football be- He scored on the Raiders’ first
ing put on the chopping block drive of the year and took a five-
and a massive financial burden week break before re-introduc-
suddenly being placed on the ing himself to the 2017 season in
community. grand fashion Thursday night.
• And now, the devastating One touchdown went for 38 yards
wildfires that have gone through PHOTO BY MICHAEL ZOGG — WESCOM NEWS SERVICE down the left sideline, the other
Sonoma County and Napa and on a crossing route and subse-
destroyed so much and taken Del Norte’s Peyton Healy sets the ball while Arcata’s Sky Wingate (11) defends during the quent burst of speed down the
more lives than any event like it Warriors’ 3-1 victory Thursday in Crescent City. The win clinches the Big 5 title for Del right sideline 45 yards to paydirt.
in California history. Of course the Chiefs answered
PENZA » PAGE 2 Norte, its first solo league crown since 2009. because, well, they’re probably
the NFL’s best team. Alex Smith
was the new-and-improved Alex
Smith. Tyreek Hill was the new
NLCS Usain Bolt. Kareem Hunt hardly
looked like a rookie third-rounder

Hernandez hits 3 HRs, Dodgers knock off Cubs who only started Week 1 because

LA reaches World Series, man, Clayton Kershaw and the Series,” Kershaw said. “It’s been Lasorda managed Los Angeles
Los Angeles Dodgers are finally a long time coming for this to its last championship in 1988.
to face Yankees or Astros going to the World Series. team.” The Dodgers will host the
Hernandez homered three After years of playoff heart- New York Yankees or Houston
By Jay Cohen
times and drove in a record ache, there was just no stop- Astros in Game 1 of the World
The Associated Press
seven runs, Kershaw breezed ping these Dodgers. With Ker- Series on Tuesday night. The
through six crisp innings and shaw firing away at the top of a Yankees have a 3-2 lead in the
CHICAGO » Enrique Hernandez Los Angeles ended the Chi- deep pitching staff and co-NLCS ALCS heading into Game 6 at
put a Hollywood ending on an cago Cubs’ title defense with an MVPs Justin Turner and Chris Houston on Friday night, so one BEN MARGOT — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
LA story three decades in the 11-1 rout in Game 5 of the NL Taylor leading a tough lineup, more New York win would set up Raiders wide receiver Michael
making. Championship Series on Thurs- one of baseball’s most storied another chapter in an old Octo- Crabtree, bottom, catches a
Fueled by a home run trilogy day night. franchises captured its first pen- ber rivalry between the Yankees touchdown pass during the
from their emotional utility- “It feels good to hear World nant since Hall of Famer Tommy DODGERS » PAGE 3 second half Thursday in Oakland.
2 | B

Today’s local events LOCAL ROUNDUP

Warriors oust Arcata,

Women’s College Soccer: Women’s Junior College
Sonoma State vs. Cal State Los Soccer: Shasta College at
Angeles, at Humboldt State, 8 Redwoods, 4p.m.
a.m.; Cal State Dominguez Hills Prep Football, 8 Man: Anderson
at Humboldt State, 1p.m.
Valley at South Fork, 7 p.m.

clinch Big 5 championship

Men’s College Soccer: Sonoma
State vs. Cal State Los Angeles, Prep Football: Fortuna vs.
at Humboldt State, 10:30 a.m.; Arcata, at McKinleyville High
Cal State Dominguez Hills at School, 7:30 p.m.; St. Bernard’s
Humboldt State, 3:30p.m. at Hoopa Valley, 7:30 p.m.
Men’s Junior College Soccer: College Volleyball: Stanislaus
Shasta College at Redwoods, 2p.m. State at Humboldt State, 7 p.m.
Del Norte earns first 11:32, 1st; Reece Thomp-
son (Pacific Union), 11:50,
On TV solo Big 5 title since 2nd; Tyson Evanow (Grant),
GOLF 2009 with 3-1 win 11:54, 3rd.
European PGA Tour, Andalucia Valderrama Masters, Second Boys 6-8 (two miles):
Round: GOLF, 6:30 a.m. By Ryan Sparks
Carson Tucker (Jacoby
LPGA Tour, Swinging Skirts Taiwan Championship, Second rsparks@times-standard.com
Creek), 11:27, 1st; Cruz Ga-
Round: GOLF, 9:30a.m. @sparksonsports on Twitter mez (Van Duzen), 11:31,
Champions Tour, Dominion Charity Classic, First Round: GOLF,
2nd; Mason Evanow (Win-
CRESCENT CITY » They’ll be ship), 11:45, 3rd.
11:30 a.m.
no “co-” attached to this Girls K-2 (one mile): Car-
PGA Tour, The CJ Cup, Third Round: GOLF, 7 p.m.
championship banner. oline Taylor (Jacoby Creek),
AUTO RACING The Del Norte Warriors 7:32, 1st; Betty Miles (Pa-
Formula One, United States Grand Prix Practice: NBCSN, 8a.m. are the outright Humboldt- cific Union), 7:43, 2nd; Val-
NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Hollywood Casino 400 Del Norte League Big 5 entine Midence (Trinidad),
Practice: NBCSN, 8:45a.m. champs for the first time 7:47, 3rd.
NASCAR, Xfinity Series, Kansas Lottery 300 Practice: NBCSN, since 2009 after defeating Girls 3-5 (two miles):
2p.m. the Arcata Tigers 26-24, 25- Kristina Hatch (Morris),
NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Hollywood Casino 400 19 and 25-23 on Thursday 13:52, 1st; Josie Maguire
Qualifying: NBCSN, 3p.m. in Crescent City. PHOTO BY MICHAEL ZOGG — WESCOM NEWS SERVICE (Coastal Grove), 13:53, 2nd;
Claire Smith had a game- Madison Trieu (Jacoby
ARCA Series, Kansas 150: FS2, 5:30 p.m. Del Norte libero Antonia Alcala records one of her team-
high 19 kills while blocking Creek), 14:16, 3rd.
Formula One, United States Grand Prix Practice: NBCSN, 8p.m. high 11digs during the Warriors’ 3-1win over Arcata on
three shots and recording Girls 6-8 (two miles): Ai-
SOCCER nine digs for Del Norte Lan McGoldrick (Jacoby
(23-2 overall, 7-0 Big 5). Creek), 11:33, 1st; Annie
Bundesliga, Schalke vs. Mainz: FS2, 11:20 a.m.
Kaleya Sanchez added by winning the first two
Youth Cross Country MacDonald (Jacoby Creek),
COLLEGE FOOTBALL 13 kills while Antonia Al- sets 25-21 and 25-23, re- SIX RIVERS RUNNING CLUB 11:39, 2nd; tildy MacDonald
W. Kentucky at Old Dominion: CBBSN, 3p.m. cala totalled 11 digs for the spectively. HOLDS FINAL MEET OF SEA- (Jacoby Creek), 12:20, 3rd.
Marshall at Middle Tennessee: ESPN2, 4p.m. Warriors. But the Panthers (9- SON » A total of 347 youth
Princeton at Harvard: NBCSN, 4:30 p.m. Del Norte finishes out 18, 1-6) got back into the distance runners took part Golf
Air Force at Nevada: CBSSN, 6:30 p.m. its regular-season sched- match with a thrilling 28- in the Six Rivers Running HALLOWEEN FUN DAY RE-
Colorado St. at New Mexico: ESPN2, 7:15p.m. ule at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday 26 third-set win before tak- Club’s final meet of the sea- SULTS » The team of Janet
against McKinleyville at ing the fourth set 25-22. son on Tuesday at the Ar- Barnwell, Carol Kinser and
NBA McKinleyville High School. But Eureka rebounded cata Community Center & Tove Simonsen took the top
Cavaliers at Bucks: ESPN, 4p.m. Arcata (18-10, 4-3) faces to take the fifth and final HealthSport. spot in the Halloween Fun
Kings at Mavericks: NBCSCA, 5:30p.m. the Fortuna Huskies at set 15-8. Runners in grades K-8 Day event on Thursday at
Warriors at Pelicans: NBCSBA and ESPN, 6:30p.m. 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday in Mack was led by Mackie took part in three separate the Redwood Empire Golf
Fortuna. Gonsalves’ 19 digs while races, with the top-three & Country Club in Fortuna.
MLB PLAYOFFS EUREKA 3, MCKINLEYVILLE 2 Livy Alves finished with finishers for both the boys Second place went to the
AL Championship Series, Game 6, Yankees at Astros: FS1, 5p.m. » Up 2-0, the Eureka Log- 15 digs. and girls grade level receiv- team of Catherine Culver,
PREP FOOTBALL gers held off a late rally by The Panthers also re- ing awards. Jo Ann French and Vickie
3Deep Coverage: NBC, 11:17p.m. the McKinleyville Panthers corded 23 blocks as a team, Results — Boys K-2 Thornton.
to earn a 3-2 victory Thurs- led by sophomore Rian (one mile): Kaleb Gard- Closest-to-pin winner
day in McKinleyville. Heenan, who had nine in ner (Fieldbrook), 6:30, 1st; were Barnwell (No. 2 and 9)
On Radio In a highly-competitive the game. Calahan Figas (Jacoby and Kinser (No. 6). The long
contest where both teams Mack hosts Del Norte at Creek), 6:34, 2nd; John drive competition went to
MLB PLAYOFFS scored at least 20 points in 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Corigliano (Fieldbrook), Barnwell and Sherron Biss-
AL Championship Series, Game 6, Yankees at Astros: KATA 1340 each of the first four sets, The Loggers host For- 6:35, 3rd. meyer. Carolyn Podratz and
AM and 92.7FM, 5p.m. the Loggers (18-12 overall, tuna at 12:30 p.m. on Sat- Boys 3-5 (two miles): Bissmeyer won the accuracy
NBA 5-3 Big 5) took a 2-0 lead urday. Teegin Jones (Morris), drive competitions.
Warriors at Pelicans: KINS 106.3FM, 6:30 p.m.
on the night — to make it
Fortuna at Arcata: KMDR 95.1and 106.7FM, 7:10p.m. a one-score affair again.
Now it was up to the
FROM PAGE 1 same Raiders’ defense
Local Standings that allowed the Chargers
Fortuna 1-5 7-13 the actual starter got in- to march down the field for
McKinleyville 1-6 9-18 jured in preseason. a win last Sunday to come
GNAC Standings If it wasn’t for Tavec- up with a stop.
Little 4 Standings
GNAC Overall chio’s two misses — one With a third-down sack
Little 4 Overall
kick blocked and the other split by Khalil Mack and
Central Washington 5-0 7-0
W-L W-L wide left — the AFC West’s Denico Autry, Oakland got
Humboldt State 4-1 5-1 St. Bernard’s 7-0 8-10 best and worst teams its chance.
Ferndale 1-2 1-2
Azusa Pacific
Western Oregon
2-5 South Fork 0-3 0-3
would’ve been tied at half. A 39-yard completion
Simon Fraser 0-4 0-6 Hoopa Valley 0-3 0-9 Instead, the visitors led, from Carr to Cooper kept
20-14, with the Raiders re- the drive alive into Chiefs’
Pacific 7 Standings MEN’S COLLEGE SOCCER ceiving the ball after the territory. Then a 13-yard
Pac 7 Overall CCAA Standings break. pass to Jared Cook on 4th-
W-L W-L CCAA Overall
And who needs Lynch and-11 revived the Raiders
anyway? How about De- Raiders kicker Giorgio Tavecchio, left, is congratulated once more. Then a touch-
Foothill 2-0 6-1
Yuba 2-1 5-2
Andre Washington, the after the game-winning extra point against the Kansas down-called-back to Cook
Los Medanos 1-1 5-1 Cal Poly Pomona 8-2
CSU Dominguez Hills 7-1
10-3-1 third-stringer who’s been City Chiefs on Thursday. The Raiders won 31-30. that left the ball at the 1.
San Jose City 1-1 2-5
Shasta 0-1 2-3 UC San Diego 6-1-2 8-1-4 non-existent all season? He Then a cluster of yellow
Chico State 6-1-1 8-4-1
Redwoods 0-2 1-5
CSU San Bernardino 5-4-1 7-7-1 punched one in from the for Albert Wilson landed Then Harrison Butker flags and incompletions
CSU Los Angeles 4-2-2 10-2-2 doorstep to put the Raid- in the hands of Oakland tacked on a field goal to put and one final completion
PREP FOOTBALL Humboldt State 4-5 7-6
San Francisco State 3-3-2 8-3-2 ers back in front. safety Keith McGill — un- the visitors up nine head- to Michael Crabtree, and
Big 5 Standings Stanislaus State
Sonoma State
If the latest edition of til it bounced out and fell ing into the final quarter. one final extra point by
Big 5 Overall CSU Monterey Bay 1-7 2-10 Thursday Night Football to Wilson for a 63-yard Tavecchio responded with Tavecchio.
CSU East Bay
CSU San Marcos
hadn’t been wild enough, touchdown. Chiefs back his own chip shot — his Somehow, the Raiders
Eureka 1-0 7-0 Smith’s bomb intended up six. first make of three tries escaped with a win.
Arcata 1-0 5-2 GVC Standings
Fortuna 3-1 6-2
Del Norte 2-2 3-5 GVC Overall

McKinleyville 0-4 0-7
Olsen and the Cubs will Also, for the second Big 5.
Lake Tahoe 4-1-1 9-3-3
know more regarding the straight week, Del Norte Arcata (5-2, 1-0), also
Little 3 Standings standing of the Upper Lake has had a game cancelled coming off a loss last week-
Butte 3-0-3 7-1-7
Little 4 Overall Lassen 3-0-1 4-6-2
FROM PAGE 1 game and the postseason due to the wildfires taking end, has only played one
Feather River 3-1-1 6-3-2
W-L W-L Siskiyous 2-3 4-7-1 format early next week. place in Santa Rosa, with league game so far this sea-
St. Bernard’s 2-0 7-0 Redwoods 1-5 3-10 needs a little bit of help to As was the case last the Warriors’ game against son, an 18-14 win over Del
Ferndale 1-1 3-5 Shasta 0-6 1-11
claim the NCL III North all week, the local high school Elsie Allen being called off Norte two weeks ago at the
Hoopa Valley 0-2 1-7
as its own. football schedule is lighter earlier this week. Redwood Bowl.
NCL III (North) Standings The Cubs (4-1, 3-0) are than it usually is this time That means there will be The Tigers’ two losses on
CCAA Standings currently tied with Upper of year. just two Big 5 teams taking the season have come in their
NCL Overall

CCAA Overall Lake for first place in their Ferndale, which snapped to the field this weekend, last three games. And of the
Upper Lake 3-0 5-1 W-L W-L division with one game to its five-game losing skid with Fortuna and Arcata 140 points it has allowed this
South Fork 3-0 4-1 UC San Diego 9-0 12-2 go. South Fork’s contest with a win over Hoopa Val- meeting at McKinleyville season, 91 of those have come
Laytonville 2-1 3-2 CSU Los Angeles
Cal Poly Pomona
against that same Upper ley last Friday night, is on a High School at 7:30 p.m. in Arcata’s losses.
Anderson Valley 1-2 1-4
Roseland Prep 0-3 1-5 Sonoma State 5-2 11-2 Lake team, which was post- regularly-scheduled bye this tonight. With Arcata — which
Round Valley 0-4 0-6 CSU San Marcos 5-4
San Francisco State 4-3-1
poned twice due to wild- week. The Wildcats will re- Both the Huskies (6-2, closes out the regular sea-
Chico State 4-4 8-5 fires in Mendocino County, turn to the field against St. 3-1) and Tigers (5-2, 1-0) are son on Nov. 3 at Eureka —
COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL CSU San Bernardino 4-4 6-6-1
could still be rescheduled or Bernard’s on Oct. 28. coming off losses last week. playing each Big 5 opponent
Stanislaus State 3-4-1 8-4-2
CCAA North Standings CSU Monterey Bay 2-5-1 5-6-3 be played as a first-round Eureka’s homecoming Fortuna saw its six-game once this year, this will be
CCAA Overall
CSU Dominguez Hills2-5-1
Humboldt State 2-6-1
playoff game, according to game at Albee Stadium that winning streak snapped in the only time it will face
CSU East Bay 1-7 4-10 head coach Andy Olsen. was set for Saturday night last Friday night’s show- Fortuna. The Huskies have
Sonoma State 8-1 14-4 GVC Standings
As it stands right now, the will not take place due to down with Eureka, the first beaten the Tigers their past
CSU East Bay 6-4 13-6 top two teams in the NCL McKinleyville cancelling time the Huskies had suf- six meetings, with Arcata’s
GVC Overall
CSU Monterey Bay 5-5 11-6 III’s two divisions will ad- the rest of its 2017 season fered a loss since their sea- last win over Fortuna com-
Chico State 5-6 11-10
Humboldt State 2-7 3-12
W-L W-L vance to the postseason. The two weeks ago. The Log- son opener against Cardi- ing during its Big 5-winning
San Francisco State 2-8 6-12 Lake Tahoe 6-0 10-2-3 North’s top seed will play the gers’ boys soccer team will nal Newman in late-August. campaign in 2012.
Shasta 4-2 9-4
Stanislaus State 1-9 1-17
Butte 4-2 9-5 No. 2 seed from the South now occupy the marquee A Fortuna win would
CCAA South Standings Redwoods 3-3 7-3-1 Division and vice versa in 6:30 p.m. kickoff spot dur- give the Huskies the inside Contact Danny Penza
CCAA Overall
the two semifinal games. ing Saturday’s festivities. track for second place in the at 707-441-0528
Feather River 0-4-1 2-8-1

UC San Diego 8-2 14-4 PREP BOYS SOCCER to raise thousands of dol- After an emotional It was just another
CSU San Bernardino 8-3 12-7
CSU San Marcos 7-3 10-8 H-DN Standings lars, with the GoFundMe loss, Benbow was taken sight to behold as to what
Cal Poly Pomona 5-6 9-10 H-DN Overall
page set up to help Fol- aback by what he saw this community can do
CSU Dominguez Hills 4-5 8-10 FROM PAGE 1 ey’s medical expenses take place well before his and why I’m happy to live
CSU Los Angeles 4-5 8-9 filled with names from team even took the field, here.
Fortuna 11-0-2 16-0-3
GVC Standings Arcata 9-2-1 12-3-1
All of that has hap- the Santa Rosa area. something that was ba- But I guess it shouldn’t
GVC Overall
Eureka 8-5 10-6 pened within two months. And in turn, two sically organized on the be surprising based on
Del Norte
Two freakin’ months. months later, you see fly just the day before by how all of these things
St. Bernard’s 3-10 4-13 That’s unbelievable. the outpouring of sup- a group of people at For- can be linked together.
Feather River
Ferndale 1-11 1-11 Each time, you have port heading right back tuna High. Humboldt County,
South Fork 0-10 0-11
Siskiyous 3-2 7-13 seen people from all in Cardinal Newman’s di- He surely wasn’t the once again, you should be
Shasta 2-3 4-19 PREP GIRLS SOCCER around rally together. rection. only one, either. proud of yourselves.
Lassen 1-4 5-16 Cardinal Newman par- Even as I briefly talked There were trash bags Not only was it a great
Redwoods 0-5 0-5 H-DN Standings ents and students have to Fortuna head coach upon trash bags being and exciting night of
H-DN Overall been just as big of Foley Mike Benbow about the filled with pillows, blan- football at Husky Field on
W-L W-L supporters as his own community’s support for kets and multitude of Friday, but the character
Big 5 Standings Eureka 12-1 14-1-1 teammates as the Hus- fire victims after Friday other supplies that so of this small yet spacious
Arcata 11-2 15-3-1
Big 5 Overall Fortuna 7-3-3 11-3-3 kies’ senior running back night’s loss to Eureka — many people are in des- community showed itself
St. Bernard’s
slowly but surely re- one that probably means perate need of right now once again.
Del Norte 7-0 23-2 Del Norte 3-9-1 3-9-1 covers from such a life- his Huskies won’t win the as they try to pick up the
Eureka 5-3 17-12 South Fork 1-10-2 4-11-2 threatening occurrence. Big 5 this season — he pieces from seeing their Contact Danny Penza
Arcata 4-3 18-10 Ferndale 1-11 1-11
They’ve rallied together was able to crack a smile. homes destroyed. at 707-441-0528
49ERS Scoreboard Oak — FG Tavecchio 26, 11:53.
Oak — Crabtree 2 pass from Carr (Tavec-
New Orleans

CEO York doesn’t believe

chio kick), :00. NORTHWEST DIVISION
NFL A — 55,090.
W L Pct GB
KC Oak
Utah 1 0 1.000 —
Portland 1 0 1.000 —

Kap is being blackballed

Total net yards 425 505
Oklahoma City 1 0 1.000 —
WEST DIVISION Rushes-yards 23-94 21-88
Minnesota 0 1 .000 1
Passing yards 331 417
Denver 0 1 .000 1
W L T Pct PF PA Punt returns-yds 2-13 1-0
Kansas City 5 2 0 .714 207 161 Kickoff returns-yds 2-37 1-19
Denver 3 2 0 .600 108 97
Oakland 3 4 0 .429 155 156 Comp-att-int 25-36-0 29-52-0
Sacked-yards lost 1-11 0-0 ATLANTIC DIVISION
Chargers 2 4 0 .333 116 131
Punts-average 3-45.7 3-48.7
W L Pct GB
Fumbles-lost 1-0 0-0
Bay Area News Group Penalties-yds 8-108 10-97 Toronto 1 0 1.000 —
Time of poss. 30:36 29:24 New York 0 1 .000 1
SANTA CLARA » T hese New England 4 2 0 .667 172 159
INDIVIDUAL STATS Philadelphia 0 1 .000 1
weren’t Jed York’s 15 min- Buffalo
.600 89 74
.600 61 84 Rushing — Kansas City, K.Hunt 18-87,
Brooklyn 0 1 .000 1
Boston 0 2 .000 11/2
utes of blame. Instead, Jets 3 3 0 .500 109 130 Hill 2-7, A.Smith 1-0, Spiller 2-0. Oakland,
Washington 9-33, Richard 9-31, Carr SOUTHEAST DIVISION
the 49ers CEO used that SOUTH DIVISION 1-15, Lynch 2-9.
length of time Thursday W L T Pct PF PA Passing-yards — Kansas City, A.Smith
W L Pct GB

for an impromptu me- Tennessee 3 3 0 .500 146 164

25-36-0-342. Oakland, Carr 29-52-0-417.
Receiving — Kansas City, Hill 6-125,
0 1.000
0 1.000

dia session to promote a Jacksonville 3 3 0 .500 156 110 Robinson 5-69, Kelce 4-33, K.Hunt 4-30, Atlanta 1 0 1.000 —
unity-driven, optimistic Houston 3 3 0 .500 177 147 D.Harris 2-16, A.Wilson 1-63, Travis 1-3,
Thomas 1-2, A.Hunt 1-1. Oakland, Cooper
Charlotte 0 1 .000 1
Indianapolis 2 4 0 .333 119 195 Miami 0 1 .000 1
agenda for his team, play- NORTH DIVISION
11-210, J.Cook 6-107, Richard 4-45, Crab-
tree 3-24, Washington 3-7, Roberts 1-15, CENTRAL DIVISION
ers and the NFL. Patterson 1-9.
York, 36, spoke passion- W L T Pct PF PA
Missed field goals — Oakland, Tavec- W L Pct GB

ately about several topics, Pittsburgh

.667 118 102
.500 114 124
chio 45. Detroit 1 0 1.000 —
Indiana 1 0 1.000 —
only limiting his response Cincinnati 2 3 0 .400 84 83
when it came to ex-quar- Cleveland 0 6 0 .000 94 157 College football Milwaukee
0 1.000
0 1.000

terback Colin Kaeper- Chicago 0 1 .000 1
nick’s unemployment sta- TOP 25
Detroit 102, Charlotte 90
tus and collusion claim WEST DIVISION Thursday Indiana 140, Brooklyn 131
against the NFL. W L T Pct PF PA
No. 25 Memphis 42, Houston 38 Orlando 116, Miami 109
Washington 120, Philadelphia 115
“Obviously there’s the MARCIO JOSE SANCHEZ — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Rams 4 2 0 .667 179 138
No. 1 Alabama vs. Tennessee, 12:30 p.m.
Milwaukee 108, Boston 100
lawsuit going on so it’s Then-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, left, and Seattle 3 2 0 .600 110 87 No. 2 Penn State vs. No. 19 Michigan,
Memphis 103, New Orleans 91
Atlanta 117, Dallas 111
hard for me to get into safety Eric Reid kneel during the national anthem in 2016.
Arizona 3 3 0 .500 119 158 4:30 p.m.
Utah 106, Denver 96
San Fran 0 6 0 .000 113 146 No. 4 TCU vs. Kansas, 5 p.m.
details or really share my EAST DIVISION No. 5 Wisconsin vs. Maryland, 9 a.m. San Antonio 107, Minnesota 99
opinion,” York said. “But I No. 8 Miami vs. Syracuse, 12:30 p.m. Houston 105, Sacramento 100
Portland 124, Phoenix 76
don’t believe there’s base ers’ meeting in New York change. He wants players W L T Pct PF PA No. 9 Oklahoma at Kansas State, 1 p.m.
No. 10 Oklahoma State at Texas, 9 a.m. Thursday’s games
to that claim that he’s be- as well as the 49ers’ up- capable of exercising their Philadelphia
113 No. 11 USC at No. 13 Notre Dame, 4:30 p.m. Toronto 117, Chicago 100
ing blackballed.” coming game Sunday hon- constitutional rights. And Dallas 2 3 0 .400 125 132 No. 14 Virginia Tech vs. North Carolina,
12:30 p.m.
Oklahoma City 105, New York 84
LA Clippers 108, LA Lakers 92
York’s interview, con- oring team icon Dwight he wants the still-winless Giants 1 5 0 .167 105 132
No. 15 Washington State vs. Colorado, Friday’s games
ducted as the 49ers prac- Clark. 49ers to continue what he SOUTH DIVISION 7:45 p.m. Atlanta at Charlotte, 4 p.m.
No. 16 South Florida at Tulane, 4 p.m.
ticed on a nearby field, He wants the league to sees as progress toward W L T Pct PF PA No. 18 Michigan State vs. Indiana, 12:30 p.m.
Boston at Philadelphia, 4 p.m.
Cleveland at Milwaukee, 4 p.m.
was unofficially designed partner better with play- a championship-caliber Carolina 4 2 0 .667 128 122 No. 20 UCF at Navy, 12:30 p.m. Detroit at Washington, 4 p.m.
to discuss the recent own- ers striving for social team. New Orleans
No. 21 Auburn at Arkansas, 4:30 p.m.
No. 23 West Virginia at Baylor, 5 p.m.
Portland at Indiana, 4 p.m.
Orlando at Brooklyn, 4:30 p.m.
Tampa Bay 2 3 0 .400 118 121 No. 24 LSU at Mississippi, 4:15 p.m. Utah at Minnesota, 5 p.m.
NORTH DIVISION Sacramento at Dallas, 5:30 p.m.
PREP FOOTBALL MLB playoffs Golden State at New Orleans, 6:30 p.m.
W L T Pct PF PA Lakers at Phoenix, 7 p.m.

Fires forcing NCS to consider

Minnesota 4 2 0 .667 122 103
League Championship Series
Green Bay 4 2 0 .667 147 135
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Golf
Detroit 3 3 0 .500 161 149

changes for football postseason

Chicago 2 4 0 .333 105 148
Oakland 31, Kansas City 30
Sunday’s games NEW YORK 3, HOUSTON 2 Thursday
Tampa Bay at Buffalo, 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 13: Houston 2, New York 1 At Nine Bridges
New Orleans at Green Bay, 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 14: Houston 2, New York 1 Jeju Island, South Korea
Marin Independent Journal an even number of con- impact of losing between 25 Baltimore at Minnesota, 10 a.m. Monday: New York 8, Houston 1 Purse: $9.25 million
tests. The latter addresses and 30 teams from the play- Tennessee at Cleveland, 10 a.m. Tuesday: New York 6, Houston 4 Yardage: 7,196; Par: 72 (36-36)
Jets at Miami, 10 a.m. Wednesday: New York 5, Houston 0 First round
The CIF North Coast issues presented by the off structure, how much relief Jacksonville at Indianapolis, 10 a.m. Friday: New York (Severino 14-6) at
Justin Thomas ......................... 34-29—63 -9
Section Executive Com- cancelation of many ath- the proposal would actually Arizona vs Rams at London, UK, 10 a.m. Houston (Verlander 15-8), 5:08 p.m.
Chez Reavie.............................. 33-33—66 -6
mittee will have a meet- letic contests over the past offer, and schools who may Carolina at Chicago, 10 a.m.
Dallas at San Francisco, 1:05 p.m. x-Saturday: New York at Houston, 5:08
Gavin Kyle Green..................... 35-31—66 -6
ing on Friday at 1 p.m. to two weeks due to the North have already purchased mer- Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, 1:25 p.m. p.m. (FS1) Scott Brown ............................. 34-32—66 -6
Marc Leishman........................36-30—66 -6
discuss three items, high- Bay fires. chandise and memorabilia for Seattle at Giants, 1:25 p.m. Patrick Reed............................. 33-33—66 -6
Denver at Chargers, 1:25 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE
lighted by a proposal for a The North Bay fires are an expected playoff appear- Atlanta at New England, 5:30 p.m.
Tony Finau ................................ 33-34—67 -5
Charles Howell III.................... 34-33—67 -5
reduction of the size of the also the issue that led to the ance. The Central Coast Sec- Open: Detroit, Houston LOS ANGELES 4, CHICAGO 1 Russell Henley ......................... 33-34—67 -5
2017 NCS Football Cham- proposal extending the reg- tion approved a similar mea- Monday’s game Saturday, Oct. 14: Los Angeles 5,
Jhonattan Vegas ..................... 35-32—67 -5
Ollie Schniederjans ................ 33-34—67 -5
Washington at Philadelphia, 5:30 p.m.
pionship brackets, from ular season and cutting the sure nine days ago. Chicago 2
Sunday, Oct. 15: Los Angeles 4, Chicago 1
16 teams to eight, and ex- playoff brackets in half. The The proposal, should it Raiders 31, Chiefs 30 Tuesday: Los Angeles 6, Chicago 1 LPGA TOUR
tending the regular season idea behind the proposal be approved by the NCS Wednesday: Chicago 3, Los Angeles 2 SWINGING SKIRTS CLASSIC
Kansas City 10 10 10 0 — 30
a week longer. is that an extra week for committee, would impact Oakland 14 0 7 10 — 31
Thursday: Los Angeles 11, Chicago 1
The smaller items to be schools to get in all 10 games only the 2017 NCS playoffs. First quarter NBA
At Miramar Resort and Country Club
Taipei, Taiwan
discussed are a proposal could allow every team a Although the change from KC — FG Butker 53, 10:14. Purse: $2.2 million
to revise the interpreta- fair chance of playing a full 11 weeks to play 10 games Oak — Cooper 38 pass from Carr (Tavec-
chio kick), 8:11.
Yardage: 6,504; Par: 72 (36-36)
tion of “participation” in schedule, regardless of the to 12 weeks may be consid- WESTERN CONFERENCE First round
KC — Kelce 10 pass from A.Smith (Butker
regards to students trans- impact the fires had on their ered for long-term imple- kick), 4:17. PACIFIC DIVISION
Eun-Hee Ji................................. 33-33—66 -6
ferring schools, and a mor- athletic calender. Other is- mentation, that possibility Oak — Cooper 45 pass from Carr (Tavec-
chio kick), :40. W L Pct GB Ariya Jutanugarn .................... 35-34—69 -3
atorium on a rule requir- sues the committee will con- will not be discussed at Fri- Second quarter Clippers 1 0 1.000 —
Sei Young Kim.......................... 36-33—69 -3
Megan Khang........................... 33-36—69 -3
ing teams to have played sider include the monetary day’s meeting. KC — Hill 64 pass from A.Smith (Butker Golden State 0 1 .000 1 Lydia Ko .....................................37-33—70 -2
kick), 8:51. Sacramento 0 1 .000 1 Azahara Munoz ........................35-35—70 -2
KC — FG Butker 39, 1:06. Phoenix 0 1 .000 1 Brittany Altomare.................... 33-37—70 -2
Third quarter Lakers 0 1 .000 1 Jenny Shin .................................36-34—70 -2

just OK in his first two the franchise record. Oak — Washington 4 run (Tavecchio SOUTHWEST DIVISION
Min Lee ......................................35-35—70 -2
Candie Kung..............................35-36—71 -1
starts in this year’s post- When Kenley Jansen kick), 10:45.
W L Pct GB Angel Yin ...................................36-35—71 -1
KC — A.Wilson 63 pass from A.Smith
season, but Los Angeles’ retired Willson Contre- (Butker kick), 7:08. Houston 2 0 1.000 —
Nicole Broch Larsen ................35-36—71 -1
Brittany Lincicome ..................36-35—71 -1
FROM PAGE 1 loaded lineup picked him ras on a liner to shortstop KC — FG Butker 37, :47. Memphis 1 0 1.000 1/2 Brittany Lang............................36-35—71 -1
up each time. Backed by for the final out, the party Fourth quarter San Antonio 1 0 1.000 1/2 Shanshan Feng ..........................36-36—72 E
and Dodgers. Hernandez’s power f ul was on.
Los Angeles made the show in Chicago, Kershaw Kris Bryant homered for
playoffs eight times in the turned in an efficient Chicago, but the NL Cen-
previous 13 seasons and three-hit per formance tral champions finished
came up short each time, with five strikeouts in his with just four hits in an-
often with Kershaw shoul- sixth career playoff win — other tough night at the
dering much of the blame. matching Burt Hooton for plate.
The three-time NL Cy
Young Award winner took
the loss when his team was
eliminated by the Cubs in
Game 6 of last year’s NLCS
Boyd Sewing &
at Wrigley Field.
The ace left-hander was Vacuum
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Adult is calling and Horoscope

By Eugenia Last
NEA Crossword

texting a young teen FRIDAY, OCT. 20

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.

23) — Don’t let a last-min-
DEAR AMY » Some time Of course, it is possible ute change of plans throw
ago, I found out that that the girl is initiating you off-guard. Assess and
my 20-year-old grand- these communications. restructure your plan, and
daughter “Sally’s” A parent should definit- keep moving forward.
ex-boyfriend, “Jason,” is ely take a closer look at Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov.
calling and texting Sally’s this. 22) — A change in how you
13-year-old sister late at If your daughter live or handle your personal
night. (the girl’s mother) thinks finances will lead to greater
When I expressed my that a distance of five disposable income. An un-
concern to these girls’ hours is any serious usual investment will catch
mother (my daughter) impediment to an im- your interest.
that a 20-something male proper relationship, then Sagittarius (Nov. 23-
was calling and texting she hasn’t seen enough Dec. 21) — Look at a pro-
a 12-year- episodes of “Dateline posal or what’s being asked
old (she NBC.” of you before jumping in
has since The degree to which a and taking part. Determine
turned 13), predator can successfully whether what’s being of-
her mother reach a target, without fered is doable.
brushed anyone knowing about it, Capricorn (Dec. 22-
Amy it off, is alarming. Jan. 19) — Step up and
Dickinson saying that The girl’s mother take the reins. Your abil-
Ask Amy he had should check the girl’s ity to intuitively make the
always been phone and look at texts, right choice will put you
close to Sally’s younger investigate any other in a good position when it
sisters, and anyway — channels of communica- comes to handling money.
he lives five hours tion between the two Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
away. (apps such as Snapchat, 19) — Look for alternative
This has been going Kik, WhatsApp, FB ways to conquer a growing
on for months now, and I private messaging, or the problem. Overreacting will
find it inappropriate, no good old U.S. mail) and not help the situation, but
matter how far away he — if she doesn’t like what a safe alternative solution
lives. she sees — she should will help you deal with loss
Jason and Sally dated intervene. or an unexpected change.
for about two years, but (There are also Pisces (Feb. 20-March
I don’t suppose Jason products available that 20) — You’ll have the up-
saw the younger sisters make it possible for per hand if you negotiate on
more than half a dozen parents to monitor a your behalf. An opportunity
times in that time. To child’s online activity looks interesting, and with
be fair, anytime I was without them knowing a unique approach you will
aware of him, he seemed about it.) surpass your expectations.
to be a thoroughly nice She should talk openly Aries (March 21-April
young man, but I still feel with the child and check 19) — You are best off
that there is something her reaction regarding keeping secrets and with-
off — or wrong — about interrupting or ceasing holding information that
this. contact. The degree to could affect your reputa-
What is your take? which the girl freaks out tion or position if it got
— Concerned Grandma is a rough measurement out. Emotional outbursts
of the intensity of the will not help you resolve an
boyfriends and girlfriends relationship. The mother issue.
become very close to should do her best to Taurus (April 20-May
their partner’s siblings, be understanding and 20) — Stressful situations
and see them in a very openhearted toward will affect your health and
benign “little sister” sort her daughter. Adoles- relationships with peers.
cents are emotionally Look for opportunities to
of way. But, other than an
and physically vulner- collaborate and bring about
occasional, “Hey, kiddo,
able, and their parents positive change.
I heard you scored a goal
need to protect them. Gemini (May 21-June
in soccer — good for you!”
text, I agree with you that 20) — Documents and
a 20-something should deals should be looked over
You can contact Amy
not be in frequent contact carefully. Don’t overre-
Dickinson via email:
act if something doesn’t
with an unrelated ado- askamy@amydickinson.
look right. Get the facts Celebrity Cipher By Luis Campos
lescent through private com and follow her on
channels. and make adjustments.
Twitter @askingamy. Instructions: Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people,
Socializing will lead to new
beginnings. past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands for another.
Sudoku Cancer (June 21-July
22) — Getting together
with friends or peers will
do you good. Listen to the
ideas and suggestions
offered to get a sense of
what you want to pursue.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
— Emotions will be difficult
to control. Look after
your finances and protect
against situations that
could turn out to be costly.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept.
22) — Taking a trip or
reconnecting with someone
from your past will do you
good. Attend a reunion or
visit old friends or relatives.
Catching up will spark

Friday Evening October 20, 2017

SL CC GVL KLA 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30
(3.1) KIEM 3 3 3 - News (N) Million? 2 Broke G. Access H. Law & Order Dateline NBC 'TVPG'
(13.1) KEET 13 13 13 - PBS NewsHour (N) BBC News W.House W.Week Third (N) Great Performances "She Loves Me" (N) 'TVG'
Answer to Previous Puzzle (17.1) KVIQ 6 6 6 - The Game The Game Fam. Feud Fam. Feud MacGyver (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) Blue Bloods (N)
(23.1) KAEF 7 11 - - News (N) News (N) Wheel (N) Jeop. (N) Once Upon a Time (N) Marvel's Inhumans (N) 20/20
Instructions: (28.1) KBVU 2 2 2 - BigBang BigBang Modern Modern Hell's Kitchen (N) The Exorcist (N) News (N) Mom
The object is (29.1) KECA 9 7 - - Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (N) Jane the Virgin (N) Page Six Seinfeld
to place the (29.2) KECA2 5 8 - Last Man Last Man Anger M. Anger M. American Ninja Warrior American Ninja Warrior Mother Mother
numbers 1 to 9 A&E 35 68 18 29 (5:00) Live PD 'TV14' Live PD /(:05) Live PD Live PD (L) (N) 'TV14'
in the empty AMC 36 26 35 25 Dead "The Distance" Dead "Remember" Walking Dead "Forget" Walking Dead "Spend" The Walking Dead (N)
squares so that BRAVO 64 54 - 61 Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... Tardy... (N) Tardy... <++ Sweet Home Alabama ('02, Com) 'TV14'
each row, each CNBC 51 25 - 45 Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank Adventure Cap "Ocean"
column and CNN 53 39 20 30 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360
CSPAN 76 17 63 13 Politics & Public Policy Today The day's major public affairs and political events. 'TVG'
each 3x3 box DISC 31 51 19 46 Gold Rush "Final Fury" Gold Rush: Pay Dirt "Wagers and Wars" (N) 'TV14' Gold Rush (N) Gold Rush (N)
contains the DISN 39 49 41 31 Raven's. StuckMid Bizaard. Raven's. Raven's. StuckMid Bizaard. Bizaard. Underc. Liv Maddie
number only once. E! 65 59 60 41 The Kardashians E! News (N) <++ Monster-in-Law ('05, Com) Jennifer Lopez. 'TVPG' Eric&Jessie
FNC 52 34 21 47 Hannity Fox News Tonight Tucker Carlson Tonight The Five Hannity
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FREE 38 36 15 23 (:20) <+++ Hocus Pocus ('93, Com) Bette Midler. 'TVPG' <+++ Sleepy Hollow ('99, Hor) Johnny Depp. 'TVMA'
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HALLMM 63 77 - 138 Monk < Concrete Evidence: A Fixer Upper Mystery < Hailey Dean Mystery: Dating is Murder
HGTV 42 29 49 64 Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Bargain Bargain Bargain (N) Bargain (N) H.Hunt (N) House (N)
Find the 7 words to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses HIST 34 44 45 67 Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens: Declassified "Dark Side of the Earth" (N) 'TVPG'
represent the number of letters in each solution. Each letter INV.DISC 58 19 - 134 Deadly "The Dark Side" Deadly Women Dead Silent Deadly "The Dark Side" Deadly Women
combination can be used only once, but all letter combinations LIFE 29 32 17 26 <++ What Happens in Vegas ('08, Com) 'TV14' <++ We Are Marshall ('07, Spt) Matthew McConaughey. 'TVPG'
will be necessary to complete the puzzle. LMN 30 78 - 137 5: < The Bachelor Nex... < Manny Dearest ('17, Thril) Mitchell Ryan. 'TV14' < The Bachelor Next Door ('17, Dra) 'TV14'
MSNBC 50 58 23 66 Rachel Maddow (N) The Last Word (N) The 11th Hour (N) Rachel Maddow The Last Word
CLUES SOLUTIONS OWN 68 55 59 116 20/20 "After Midnight" 20/20 "Deadly Paths" 20/20 48 Hours: Evidence 48 Hours: Evidence
OXY 49 66 61 70 Secrets Uncovered Secrets Uncovered Secrets Uncovered (N) Criminal "Baton Rouge" Snapped "Eric Copple"
1 scratching with talons (7) ___________ SYFY 48 53 48 57 (5:00) < Trick'r Treat <+ Texas Chainsaw 3D ('13, Hor) 'TVMA' Z Nation (N) Super "Pilot" (P) (N)
2 2016 Literature Nobelist Bob (5) ___________ TBN 69 91 65 16 HLindsey End of Age P. Stone Watchman Praise Faith Spirit Restore Creflo
TBS 27 52 9 22 Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang
3 lawn constituents (6) ___________ TCM 37 86 34 74 (5:00) <++ Mahogany (:15) <++ Winter Kills ('79, Com) Jeff Bridges. (:15) < Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean 'TVPG'
TLC 32 28 46 38 Yes Dress Yes Dress Kindred Spirits Kindred Spirits Kindred Spirits (N) Evil Things (N)
4 Cheetos mascot (7) ___________
TNT 26 41 33 32 Bones Bones <++ Get Hard ('15, Com) Will Ferrell. 'TVMA' :15 < Django Unchained
5 beavers and capybaras (7) ___________ TOON 41 64 43 39 TeenT. (N) OK K.O.! Gumball BareBear King of Hill Amer. Dad Cleveland Amer. Dad RickMort BobBurg.
TRAVEL 67 27 57 53 Ghost Adventures Expedition Unknown:E Destination Truth Destination Truth (N) Destination Truth
6 glowing quality (8) ___________ USA 28 35 16 35 SVU "Monogamy" Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern
7 big name in men’s shoes (9) ___________ WGN-A - 12 25 10 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Mother
HBO 668 500 5 501 (5:50) < Collateral Beauty 'TV14' News (N) <++ Fifty Shades Darker ('17, Rom) 'TVMA' Bill Maher (N)
HBO2 669 502 70 502 4: Spielber (:25) < Sully ('16, Bio) 'TV14' Curb (:35) < Hidden Figures ('16, Dra) 'TVPG' :45 Making
CL EN BLA NG CH HBO3 670 504 71 504 5:25 < View From the T... (:55) <++ The Pink Panther 'TVPG' Last Wk (N) <++++ Nocturnal Animals ('16, Dra) 'TVMA'
HBOF 671 506 - 507 (5:25) <+++ Richie Rich <++ Aliens in the Attic 'TVPG' <+++ Inkheart ('08, Adv) 'TVPG' :15 < Independence D...
MAX 694 520 72 521 (:20) <+++ American Psycho ('00, Thril) 'TVMA' (:05) < The Legend of Tarzan ('16, Act) 'TVPG' TourBus Tour Bus
LAN DIA IM TS RS SHOW 719 600 75 600 (5:15) <++ Money Train (:15) <++++ Hell or High Water ('16, Dra) 'TVMA' Active Shooter (N) < Bleed for This
TMC 738 620 74 620 <++ Witness ('85, Cri) Harrison Ford. 'TVMA' <++ Forces of Nature ('99, Rom) 'TV14' <++ Heartbreakers


86 5: Pre-game NBA Basketball Golden State vs New Orleans (L) 'TVG'
(4:) Hockey Sharks The Happy Hour Football Raiders
Warriors Post-game (L) Warriors Warriors
NHL Hockey San Jose vs New Jersey 'TVG'
ESPN 23 37 26 33 (4:) Basket. NBA Basketball Golden State vs New Orleans (L) 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
EST HE AWI NCE ROD ESPN2 24 38 28 34 (4:00) NCAA Football (L) Scoreb. /(:15) NCAA Football Colorado State at New Mexico (L) 'TVG' :15 Top Ten J & J
FS1 47 85 30 72 (5:00) MLB Baseball 'TVG' To Be Announced Speak for Yourself Skip and Shannon
Previous Answers: 1. MICROSCOPE 2. SKEWERING 3. STUDIOS GOLF 62 81 27 75 (2:30) Golf Golf C. (N) PGA Golf CJ Cup Round 3 Site: Nine Bridges -- Jeju Island, Korea (L) 'TVG'
4. MUSE 5. COUTURIERS 6. WILSHIRE 7. HUBBARD 10/20 Other SL stations: 8 – Educational Access, 10 – Access CA, 11 & 12 – Community Bulletin Board, 19 – HSN, 20 – QVC,

ZITS Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman SHERMAN’S LAGOON Jim Toomey

MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM Mike Peters WUMO Wulff & Morgenthaler

THE DUPLEX Glenn McCoy LUANN Greg Evans

BABY BLUES Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman BALDO Hector D. Cantu & Carlos Castellanos

BLONDIE Dean Young & John Marshall BIG NATE Lincoln Peirce

SIX CHIX Bannerman, Shulock, Piccolo, Gibbons, Epstein & Piro TAKE IT FROM THE TINKERSONS Bill Bettwy

TUNDRA Chad Carpenter PICKLES Brian Crane

6 | B

Deaths and Funeral Notices extensively 1977,

Germany during many
the Second World War. ities. Once he became in- Charles L. Moon Music throughout the mountains warmer weather, they
CHARLES L AFO’s fought in front of the terested in a subject, he Scholarship Endowment of Northern California. moved to Willow Creek un-
MOON front lines of infantry, a dove in and mastered it. He Contributions may also be A personal family memo- til 1995 when they moved
very important and danger- was a rock hound and an made to Hospice of Hum- rial will be held at Hobo to Bullhead City, AZ. She
ous position. Seventy per- accomplished gem faceter, boldt, 3327 Timber Fall Gulch where Dee and John was a member of the Bull-
cent of AFO’s lost their serving as the American Court, Eureka, CA 95503. were married, memorial head City VFW and the
lives and Charles was fortu- Co-Ordinator for the West- A Memorial Service will donations can be made to Woman’s Club. Helen re-
nate, and grateful, to have ern Hemisphere Australian be held at the Lutheran loval breast and Gyn Health mained there until 2015
survived. His Infantry Divi- International Faceting Com- Church of Arcata, 151 Project 987 8th Street, when her son, David, final-
sion was assigned to the petition. He also taught E.16th Street, on Saturday, Arcata Ca 95521. www.hcb ly convinced her to move
British Second to cover the faceting. He grew orchids, November 25 at 1:00. Re- hp.org back to Eureka. Helen was
northern part of Germany and spent a lot of time in ception to follow. Please sign the guestbook proud to be sharp minded
till they met the Russians at the hills seeking out rare lil- Please sign the guestbook at www.times-standard.com and live independently in
Charles Moon was born Schwerin. He served in bat- ies. Charles never quit at www.times-standard.com her own home even after
August 2, 1922 in Jenks, tle for six months, and re- learning and was a great re- HELEN LOUISE turning 99 years old.
Oklahoma and died in turned to the States in the source for information on DARLENE (DEE) DOUGLAS Helen was a rabid Golden
Arcata, California on Tues- summer of 1946. He was all sorts of topics, whether ROBERTSON State Warriors fan. She
day, October 3, at the age discharged from the Army it was music, rocks, birds, knew all of the stats, the
of 95. He was the youngest in 1947. or wildflowers. He was a players and never missed a
of five children born to Charles earned two B. A.s rare combination of intelli- game. They lost an incredi-
James Noah Moon and Sar- from the University of gence, warmth, and humili- bly loyal fan.
ah Elizabeth Bolton Moon Oklahoma, in Piano Per- ty. Her sister, Carol (Lani)
and was raised on a farm in formance and Music Theo- Charles was active until Coon was her best friend.
Altus, Oklahoma. Charles ry. His first teaching job the last month of his life. They called each other sev-
started playing the piano was at Wayland Baptist He and his best friend and eral times a week. Helen al-
when he was three years College in Plainview, partner, Ellsworth Hilligoss, so had a large family of
old, and his remarkable Texas, after which he went attended concerts, and trav- At 99 years young, Helen nephews and nieces that
ability was immediately ap- on to earn his Masters De- eled around the United Darlene (Dee) Robertson, died unexpectedly on she loved sending letters,
parent. As a young child, gree in Music Theory at States visiting interesting 78 passed away July 24, October 14 at St Joseph cards and getting phone
he provided music for his Eastman School of Music in sites, gem shows, family 2017 in Eureka CA. Dee Hospital. She was sur- calls from. Her dear friends
older siblings’ parties by us- 1952. He started work on and friends. A musical will be remembered loving- rounded by her loving fam- from Bullhead City, Char-
ing pedals on a player pia- his Doctorate at Eastman, prodigy, gifted teacher, ly by her many friends and ily when she passed. lotte and Harold also stayed
no, and taught himself to but took a year off to teach American hero, loyal friend, family. Dee was born to Helen Louise James was in contact with her.
play by watching the keys. piano, music theory, and and delightful human Johnie and Loveta born in Mobridge, South Helen was preceded in
He started formal lessons at music composition at Hum- being-his life was full and Cantelberry in Basin, Dakota on October 6, 1918 death by her husband,
the age of eight but had boldt State College. One rich. He was blessed, Wyoming. Dee is survived one of six children to Hen- Francis (Doug) in 1997. Al-
only three lessons before year stretched into many loved, and always grateful. by her loving and caring ry and Lydia (Parker) so preceding her was her
the Great Depression hit and he retired from HSU in And those who knew and husband John Robertson of James. After graduation in brother, Bob James and Sis-
and the family lost nearly 1989, after a long and re- loved him were grateful 28 years, daughters Darlynn Mobridge she moved to Or- ters Muriel Hector, Betty
everything. At the age of warding academic career. that he was part of their Nierrasz (Greg) Shannon egon where she worked for Sprague and Lillian (Jimmy)
fourteen, he heard the Uni- He also taught himself to lives. He is survived by his Pellegrini (Skip) & Trinity Western Union in Klamath Niles.
versity of Oklahoma band play harp, which he taught devoted partner, Ellsworth, Pellegrini. Family also in- Falls. There she met the Also surviving Helen is
and knew that music was and played in the Hum- numerous nieces and neph- cludes her mother Loueta love of her life, Francis her son, David Douglas and
his calling. He visited back- boldt Orchestra. ews, close friends, and also Ashley 96, grand-children (Doug) McB Douglas. They his wife Sylvia and their
stage where he saw bottles Charles was a demanding by the music that he loved, Kristina Smith (Adam) Nick became engaged and soon three daughters, Tara (Rob-
used as an instrument. and well-loved instructor, taught, and shared. As one Randle (Macey) Caleb after Pearl Harbor, Doug ert), Morgan (Chad), Erin
Bright and resourceful, he and many of his students of his students recently Pellegrini. Great grand- joined the Army. Helen and great grandson, River.
developed a program of went on to successful ca- wrote-his life will be an children Austin and Emma continued as a telegrapher Helen was proud of her
music using bottles and reers in music. He was endless coda as he lives Smith and Maya Randle. often working 7 days a son’s family and never
performed in southern dedicated to music and to through the many students Dee’s sisters are Neala week. After the war ended missed an opportunity to
Oklahoma and parts of teaching, and his high he touched. Cantleberry Larchick, Laura they were married. tell people about them. She
Texas. He also played pia- standards helped others The Charles L. Moon Mu- Taylor (Eugene) and Ka- Doug worked for the Bu- was a loving wife, mother
no for singing competitions reach their potential. One sic Scholarship Endowment thryn Osergard (Pete). reau of Reclamation and and grandmother. She will
and church services, and at of his great joys was stay- has been created at Hum- Dee was a wonderful car- they lived in several loca- be greatly missed.
the age of twelve taught ing in contact with stu- boldt State University to ing mother. She took them tions in CA and OR. After The family wishes to
himself to read music. His dents, following their ca- honor Charles’ life. To on trips including camping, they moved to Allyn, WA in thank Julie Abrahamsen
advanced music studies reers, and knowing that make a contribution please hiking or hoseback riding 1952 they adopted their and Leah Rosa for their as-
started when he was six- they had finally forgiven contact Humboldt State Of- at Trinity Alps and Trinity son, David. They moved to sistance and friendship to
teen years old and that year him for being such a tough fice of Philanthropy at 707- Lake skiing. She loved Eureka in 1956 where Helen and the family.
he also won his first music music theory instructor. He 826-5200, or use the follow- making her blackberry Doug managed Coast Oys- Please sign the guestbook
competition. Charles en- genuinely loved his work ing address: dumpling and making sure ter. Helen lived for her at www.times-standard.com
tered the University of and his students, and was Gift Processing Center her girls always had a kiss family and was a hostess to
Oklahoma as a music major proud of their success. At- Cashiers Office - SBS 285 goodnight. Doug’s business associates
at the age of 18. Two years tending a musical event Humboldt State University Dee was a founding mem- and was the leader of Da-
later, in 1942, he was sent with Charles was always a 1 Harpst St. ber of Back Country Horse- vid’s cub scouts. She was a GRANITE
to basic training in North
Carolina. He served as a
like a reunion-the bonds of
music sustaining friend-
Arcata, CA 95521
Please make checks paya-
man’s Association (BCHA)
and Chapter of North Coast
member of the Gadabouts
and enjoyed golfing. Helen
Second Lieutenant Artillery ships of many years. ble to: Humboldt State Uni- Horse Association (NCHA) loved to paint and many of
Forward Observer (AFO) in In addition to music, versity Advancement Foun- being a member over 20 her original paintings are in
the Army’s 8th Infantry Di- Charles had many interests dation (HSUAF) and note in years. She and John packed her home. Lewis Redwood Products
vision in Germany during and excelled in many activ- the memo section: The mules and rode extensively In 1977, in search of 707-725-2006

Pets- Auto- Real Estate- Jobs- Legals- Puzzles- Notices class@times-standard.com
r es r es st m General General General General Education Education Education
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Estate Sale Part I:
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| 7

i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆViÃ
STATEMENT A Non Industrial Timber Manage-
STATEMENT STATEMENT ing prepared in Humboldt County. ment Plan (NTMP) is being pre-
NEW FILING NEW FILING NEW FILING The proposed THP is located in pared in Humboldt County, approxi-
FIRST FILING FIRST FILING FIRST FILING Humboldt County, approximately 7 mately 15 air miles south of the
17-00529 17-00543 17-00508 1/4 miles north of the town of Trini- community of Willow Creek, CA.
dad CA. The legal description is Sec- The proposed NTMP is located on
THE FOLLOWING THE FOLLOWING THE FOLLOWING tion 13, T9N, R1W; Humboldt Base, the Broad Camp Mt 7.5’ USGS Quad-
PERSONS ARE PERSONS ARE PERSONS ARE and Meridian, Humboldt County. rangle, in portions of Sections 13, 14
DOING BUSINESS DOING BUSINESS DOING BUSINESS The THP drains directly to; or to un- & 24, T4N, R4E, HB&M. White Oak
i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià i}> œÌˆVià AS: AS: AS: named tributaries that drain to Big Creek runs through the NTMP boun-
Lagoon. The THP is located on the daries. If you are aware of a domes-
Kool Beanz Coffee Humboldt Green Gold Farm Trinidad & Rodgers Peak 7.5’ USGS
FICTITIOUS 1338 Myrtle Ave tic water supply that comes direct-
SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICAL) Handicrafts and Landscape Quadrangles. If you are aware of a ly from the described watercourses
Case No.(Numero del Caso): BUSINESS NAME Unit B 511 6th St. Services
STATEMENT domestic water supply that comes within 1,000 feet downstream of the
SW 260833 Eureka, CA 95501 Eureka, CA 95501 1400 Table Bluff directly from the described
NEW FILING Humboldt named harvest location, please con-
Humboldt Rd watercourses within 1,000 feet tact Stephen Hohman within 10
17-00493 downstream of the named harvest days of the publication of this no-
DEMANDADO): Jennifer Nielsen and PO Box 16 NAME OF INDIVID- Humboldt location, please contact Stephen
Eureka, CA 95502 UAL tice at:
DOES 1-10 REGIS- Hohman within 10 days of the publi- Hohman & Associates
PERSONS ARE NAME OF INDIVID- cation of this notice at: P.O. Box 733
YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: Loleta, CA 95551 Hydesville, CA 95547
AS: Hohman & Associates
DEMANDANTE) : Gabriel Barragan TRANTS: 4132 Soule St. NAME OF INDIVID- P.O. Box 733
Eureka, CA 95503 UAL REGIS- Hydesville, CA 95547
NOTICE! You have been sued. The Vargas Jonathan S. Beer TRANTS:
court may decide against you with- Fabrication and 2621 Bainbridge This business
out your being heard unless you re- Repair St conducted by: An Timothy M. De

spond within 30 days. Read the in- 624 K St. Eureka, CA 95503 Individual Haan
formation below. Fortuna, CA 95540 1400 Table Bluff

This business The registrants Rd

You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after
this summons and legal papers are conducted by: An commenced to Loleta, CA 95551
served on you to file a written re- PO Box 790 Individual transact business
sponse at this court and have a Fortuna, CA 95540 under the ficti- This business Find Us Online at
copy served on the Plaintiff. A letter The registrants tious business conducted by: An www.times-standard.com
or phone call will not protect you. NAME OF INDIVID- commenced to name or names Individual
Your written response must be in UAL REGIS- transact business listed above on News • Sports • MORE!
proper legal form if you want the TRANTS: under the ficti- N/A The registrants
court to hear your case. There may tious business commenced to
be a court form that you can use for Abraham Vargas- name or names s/ Rita R. Keating- transact business
your response. You can find these Rodriguez listed above on Owner under the ficti-
forms and more information at the 680 5th St N/A 10/11/2017 tious business
California Courts Online Self-Help Scotia, CA 95565 name or names
Center (www.courtinfo.cagov/selfh s/ Jonathan S. This statement listed above on
elp), your county law library, or the Salvador Vargas- Beer- Owner was filed with the N/A
courthouse nearest you. If you can- Rodriguez 10/03/2017 Humboldt County
not pay the filing fee, ask the court 680 5th St Clerk October 11, s/ Timothy De
clerk for a fee waiver form. If you Scotia, CA 9556 5 This statement 2017 Haan- Owner
do not file your response on time, was filed with the 09/20/2017
you may lose the case by default, This business Humboldt County KELLY E. SANDERS
and your wages, money, and proper- conducted by: A Clerk October 03, Humboldt County This statement
ty may be taken without further General Partner- 2017 Clerk was filed with the
warning from the court. ship sc Humboldt County
KELLY E. SANDERS Deputy Clerk September

There are other legal requirements.

You may want to call an attorney The registrants Humboldt County 10/13,20,27/2017, 20, 2017
right away. If you do not know an at- commenced to Clerk 11/3/2017
torney, you may want to call an at- transact business sc KELLY E. SANDERS
under the ficti- Deputy FICTITIOUS
torney referral service. If you can- Humboldt County
not afford an attorney, you may be tious business 10/13,20,27/2017, BUSINESS NAME Clerk
name or names 11/3/2017 STATEMENT
eligible for free legal services from 17-00533 se

a nonprofit legal services program. listed above on Deputy
You can locate these nonprofit BUSINESS NAME FIRST FILING 10/20,27/2017,
groups at the California Legal Serv- STATEMENT 11/3,10/2017
ices Web site (www.lawhelpcalifor- s/ Abraham
line Self-Help Center (www.courtinf - General Partner
o.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting

AS: 17-00559
your local court or county bar asso-
ciation. NOTE: The court has a statu- This statement THE FOLLOWING NEW FILING
was filed with the PERSONS ARE Bon Bistro & FIRST FILING
tory lien for waived fees and cots Bakery
on any settlement or arbitration Humboldt County DOING BUSINESS
Clerk September AS: 867 Redwood Dr. THE FOLLOWING
award of $10,000 or more in a civil Garberville, CA
case. The court’s lien must be paid 13, 2017 CORPORATION IS
Fortuna 95542 DOING BUSINESS
before the court will dismiss the

Call Christina
KELLY E. SANDERS Automotive Humboldt AS:
case. AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si
no responde dentro de 30 dias, la Humboldt County 124 Main St. Suite
Clerk B PO Box 16 Global
corte puede decidir en su contra sin

for a Quote
se Fortuna, CA 95540 Eureka, CA 95502 Transformation
esuchar su version. Lea la Humboldt 4399 Excelsior Rd
informacion a continuacion. Deputy
10/6,13,20,27/2017 NAME OF Corpo- Eureka, CA 95503
TV Listings

NAME OF INDIVID- ration as shown Humboldt

despues de que le entreguen esta REGIS- in the Articles of

citacion y papeles legales para Inc./Org./Reg/LLC NAME OF Corpo-
presentar una respuesta por LIC HEARING TRANTS:
ANDOPPORTUNI- : ration as shown
escrito en esta corte y hacer que se Russell C. Moxon
entregue una copia al demandante. TY TO COM- in the Articles of
Una carta o una llamada telefonica MENT, The State 4092 Excelsior Rd GG & NL Inc./Org./Reg/LLC Office Coordinator / Certified Notary
Water Resour- Eureka, CA 95503 Investments LLC :
no lo protegen. Su respuesta por
escrito tiene que estar en formato ces Control
B o a r d will re- This
(GA 16102630)
business 9085 West End Rd Sound of Thunder
707-441-0575 | Fax 441-0569
legal correcto si desea que carends@times-standard.com
procesen su caso en la corte. Es ceive written conducted by: An Arcata, CA 95521 Ministries
comments and Individual (CA 2666767)
possible que haya un formulario This business 4399 Excelsior Rd
que usted pueda usar para su hold a public
hearing to re- The registrants conducted by: A Eureka, CA 95503
respuesta. Puede encontrar estos to Limited Liability
formularios de la corte y mas ceive oral com- commenced
informacion en el Centro de Ayuda ments on the transact business Company This business
de las Cortes de California (www.co Draft Amend- under the ficti- conducted by: A
ments and Draft tious business Registrants com- Corporation
urtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp/espanol/) ,
en la biblioteca de leyes de su Staff Report, in- name or names menced to trans-

condado o en la corte que le quede cluding Substi- listed above on act business un- Registrants com-
tute Environ- N/A der the fictitious menced to trans-
mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la business name act business un-
cuota de presentacion, pida al mental Docu-
secretario de la corte que la de un mentation, for s/ Russell Moxon- listed above on der the fictitious
the Water Quali- Owner N/A business name
formulario de exencion de pago de
cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta ty Control Plan 10/06/2017 listed above on
for Enclosed s/ Grant N/A
a tiempo, puede perder el caso por statement G i o v a n n e t t i -
incumplimiento y la corte le podra Bays and Estua- This
quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes ries: Sediment was filed with the Owner s/ Kelryn Green-
sin mas advertencia. Quality Provi- Humboldt County Date: 10/02/2017 Co-founder
Hay otros requistos legales. Es rec- sions. The Sedi- Clerk October 06, Date: 10/17/2017
ment Quality 2017 This statement
ommendable que llame a un was filed with the This
abogado inmediatamente. Si no Provisions in- statement
conoce a un abogado, puede llamar clude applica- KELLY E. SANDERS Humboldt County was filed with the
tion and imple- Humboldt County Clerk OCTOBER Humboldt County
a un servicio de remision a 04, 2017.
abogados. Si no puede pagar a un mentation of Clerk Clerk OCTOBER
abogado, es possible que cumpla the sediment sc 17, 2017.
quality objec- Deputy KELLY E. SANDERS
con los requisitos para obtener
servicios legales gratuitos de un tive protecting 10/13,20,27/2017, Humboldt County KELLY E. SANDERS
benthic com- 11/3/2017 Clerk Humboldt County
programa de servicios legales sin sc
fines de lucro. Puede encontrar munities from di- Clerk
rect exposure to DEPUTY CLERK sm
estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el 10/13,20,27/2017, DEPUTY CLERK
sitio web de California Legal Serv- pollutants in
and More!

sediments, and 11/3/2017 10/20,27/2017,

ices, (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org),
en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes application and 11/3,10/2017
de California, (www.courtinfo.ca.go implementation
v/selfhelp/espanol/) o poniendose of the sediment
en contacto con la corte o el quality objec-
colegio de abogados locales. tive protecting
AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene human consum-
derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los ers of resident
costos exentos por imponer un sportfish from
gravamen sobre cualquier contaminants
recuperacion de $10,000 o mas de t h a t
valor recibida mediante un acuerdo bioaccumulate
o una concesion de arbitraje en un from sediment
caso de derecho civil. Tiene que into fish tissue.
pagar el gravamen de la corte an- The public hear-
tes de que la corte pueda desechar ing will be held
el caso. on December 5,
2017, at 1001 I
St., Sacramento,
The name and address of the court
is ( El nombre y direccion de la CA and will be-
gin at 9:30 a.m. Crossword Edited by Will Shortz No. 0915
of Justice 600 Administration Dr., ments are due
Rm. 107-J, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 December 14, ACROSS 27 “Seriously!” 53 1979 film 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2017 by 12:00
1 Rock and Roll
whose name
The name, address, and telephone p.m. Please see 31 Alfredo sauce comes from a 14 15 16
number of plaintiff’s attorney, or the link for infor-
mation, docu-
Hall of Fame brand “Chicago” song
plaintiff without an attorney is: (El
ments, and the designer
Nombre, la direccion y el numero
process for sub-
32 Computer 57 ___-Magnon
17 18 19
de telephono del de abogado del
mitting com- 6 “Philomena” science pioneer
demandante, o del demandante
ments: http://w co-star, 2013 John von ___ 58 University 20 21 22
que no tiene abogado, es):
MAX G. ARNOLD (Bar #98495) ww.waterboard
11 Sound from a of California
The Law Offices of Max G. Arnold s.ca.gov/water_ 33 Cries of campus site 23 24 25 26
20 Constitution Dr., Ste. A, issues/program silencer enlightenment
Chico, CA 95973 s/bptcp/sedime 59 Put to shame
Tel:(530) 897-5030 nt.shtml or con- 14 Beat, in a way 35 School of 27 28 29 30 31
Fax: (530) 897-5020 tact Chris
whales 61 Business card
Beegan at 916- 15 First name in
341-5912 (Chris. aviation abbr. 32 33 34
Date (Fecha): JUN 15, 2017
Beegan@waterb 36 Snap, with “out”
Clerk (Secretario) by Jose O. Guillen
o a rd s .c a .g o v ). 16 What’s big in
62 Widen, as jeans
Deputy (Adjunto) by Jennifer Ellis
10/6,13,20,27/2017 Check the web- Texas? 37 Tolstoy’s first legs 35 36 37 38 39 40

site for updates name, in Russia 63 Parker ___,

and more infor- 17 Canadian 41 42 43
Find Us Online at 38 See 60-Down
mation, as
these dates are
Michael “Queen of the 44 45 46 47 48
subject to 41 Go down Indies”
www.times-standard.com change.
18 Foe
20 “Por ___
42 Reggie, to
Archie, in
64 Fine-grained
49 50 51 52

News • Sports • MORE! THE

Cabeza” (tango
Archie Comics
65 Was really
53 54 55 56 57

44 Greeting in angry 58 59 60
21 Atmosphere Victoria
around a 66 Celsius, for one
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek celebrity trial, 47 “Well, I 61 62 63

say declare!”
Unscramble these four Jumbles, DOWN 64 65 66
one letter to each square, 23 Prison area 49 Bridesmaid
to form four ordinary words. dress shade 1 “It’son me”
25 Royal son of
the comics 51 Richard Gere 2 The world’s PUZZLE BY DAMON GULCZYNSKI
GRYOL title role tallest
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

26 Tributary of the mountain, base 11 Paragraph 34 Bygone Chevy 46 Never-before-

Mississippi 52 Leave in to peak analogue model seen
©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
3 Who said 12 Saul Bellow 38 Precedent
All Rights Reserved. 48 Beseech
ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE “Without novel setter
PRUEP A L A S A C M E R O B S promotion, 13 “Psst!” 39 Underwater 50 Refuse
C O M A C H I L D E R I E terrible 19 Retail giant 40 One way of 54 Org. fighting
T O O T H I S O W N H O R N happens … since 1886 seeing anti-Muslim
S U E D M A N I F E S T S nothing!” 22 Making discrimination
SEOUDX 41 Peter Fonda’s
C E N S U R E D C A C H E 4 Dragon roll 24 Brother’s title role in “Easy
G E T M A D D E N R O S S ingredient Rider” 55 Tube alternative
28 Basic beverage,
I N T R O S S E U S S 5 Latin word in a in baby talk 43 Some college 56 Video game
D O U N T O O T H E R S footnote Greeks sounds
EYXNOG S T A F F R Y D E L L 6 Look-alike
29 Nutso
Now arrange the circled letters 44 Expressionless
N E S T S T E V I E V I E 30 Posh hotel, 60 With 38-Across,
to form the surprise answer, as 7 It may be familiarly 45 Widen pasta shape
suggested by the above cartoon. E X U L T D I A S T E M A spoiled
Ans: “ - ” 8 Bygone Chevy Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past
S E E D P E A R L S I L E S model puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year).
(Answers tomorrow) U R D U S T A I R E L S E 9 Pitch setter
Jumbles: OUTDO GUMBO PILLOW DENTAL Read about and comment on each puzzle: nytimes.com/wordplay.
Yesterday’s S T O P A S N O F E S T
Answer: The twins got in trouble a lot. They were 10 Dirty cop?
often — UP “TWO” NO GOOD
8 | B

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59° 64° 65° 69°

57° Morning
53° 52° 49° 50° 48°
46° Rather cloudy, showers around. Mostly cloudy
and seasonably cool tonight.
Rain and drizzle in the
A morning shower; partly
sunny, warmer
Sunny Abundant sunshine and nice

Brookings National forecast

Regional outlook 54/47
City name Today’s 51/41 Yreka
High/low forecast
Water temperature
55 Crescent City Happy Camp
54/47 52/42
Mostly cloudy today with showers; cool Klamath Glen Edgewood
in the south and mountains. Mostly 54/46 Etna 52/38
cloudy tonight. Rain and drizzle tomor-
Callahan 51/39
row morning, then a shower.
Orick 39/32
MARINE FORECAST 53/44 Mount Shasta
Wind SW 6-12 knots today. Seas 16-20 Trinidad 48/35
feet. Spotty showers. Wind S 8-16 knots 55/47 Hoopa
Blue Lake 58/45
tonight. Seas 12-16 feet. Mostly cloudy.
Wind S 10-20 knots tomorrow. Seas
10-14 feet. Rain.
McKinleyville 56/44 Willow Creek
56/45 56/44
Burnt Ranch Lewiston
Eureka Arcata
56/42 Kneeland 56/44 55/42 Shasta Dam Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation.
55 57/46
49/41 Weaverville 60/45
Temperature bands are highs for the day.

58/46 Hyampom 54/41
58/47 54/42 Hayfork Redding NATIONAL SUMMARY
Scotia Bridgeville 52/40 64/45 Much of the eastern two-thirds of the nation can expect a continuation of dry, sunny weather today. Tem-
peratures over much of the same area will be above average as well. Exceptions to the dry conditions will
58/47 55/42
Petrolia be in South Florida, where showers are forecast and in parts of Oklahoma and Texas, where thunderstorms
are likely to erupt. Humidity levels will remain low in most areas east of the Mississippi River. Winds are
Garberville projected to become quite gusty over the Plains, where humidity levels will be on the rise. A strong push of

58/43 Red Bluff cool air is expected to reach the Southwest states. While little or no rain will fall from Southern California
the Northwest will be stormy at times. Low-elevation rain and mountain snow are forecast from Washing-
65/44 ton to Northern California, Idaho, western Montana and northwestern Wyoming.
Shelter Cove
Covelo Corning Today Saturday Today Saturday
City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
57/40 Albany, NY
Orland Anchorage 29/22/s 31/25/sn Minneapolis 76/60/s 69/45/t
Laytonville 65/46 Atlanta 79/56/pc 78/60/pc New Orleans 83/73/pc 84/73/c
56/41 Atlantic City
New York City

Boise 54/35/r 49/44/r Oklahoma City 77/66/s 78/47/t
Fort Bragg Boston 69/52/s 73/55/s Orlando 86/70/pc 87/73/sh
59/49 Buffalo 67/50/s 73/55/pc Philadelphia 74/54/s 78/56/s
Burlington, VT 65/46/s 71/51/s Phoenix 88/61/s 86/61/s
ALMANAC RIVER LEVELS SUN AND MOON Charleston, SC 81/56/s 82/63/pc Pittsburgh 71/47/s 75/53/pc
Eureka through 6 p.m. yesterday In feet as of 7 a.m. yesterday Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset Charlotte 80/49/s 80/52/pc Portland, ME 66/42/s 69/46/s
Temperatures Flood 24-hr Today 7:33 a.m. 6:29 p.m. 8:17 a.m. 7:26 p.m. Cheyenne 73/34/pc 51/37/pc Portland, OR 55/45/r 60/54/r
River/Location stage Level Chng Chicago 76/58/s 77/62/pc Providence 71/49/s 77/50/s
High/low ........................................................ 65°/51° Saturday 7:35 a.m. 6:27 p.m. 9:16 a.m. 8:00 p.m.
Mad River / Arcata 22 5.00 none Cincinnati 75/51/s 75/55/pc Raleigh 78/51/s 78/53/pc
Normal high/low .......................................... 62°/47° Hours of sunlight
Eel River / Scotia 51 8.60 none Cleveland 74/52/s 77/58/pc Reno 52/33/c 64/38/pc
Record high ............................................. 78° in 1913 10 hr., 56 min.
Van Duzen River / Bridgeville 17 0.20 none Oct 27 Nov 3 Nov 10 Nov 18 Dallas 80/69/pc 88/60/pc St. Louis 79/60/s 79/62/pc
Record low .............................................. 34° in 1949
Trinity River / Hoopa 48 11.30 none Denver 79/38/s 57/36/pc Salt Lake City 63/38/c 57/43/s
Precipitation Detroit 73/53/s 74/57/pc San Antonio 85/71/pc 89/68/pc
24 hours through 6 p.m. yesterday ................. 0.56”
Klamath River / Orleans 38 3.30 none Forecasts and graphics provided by Great Falls 60/36/c 53/44/pc Seattle 54/45/r 55/51/r
Smith River / Fort Dick 33 11.80 none
Month to date ................................................... 0.58” Redwood Creek / near Orick 32 9.50 none
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2017 Hartford 70/46/s 77/47/s Spokane 53/36/c 45/43/r
Normal month to date ..................................... 1.01” Honolulu 87/74/pc 87/74/pc Tampa 89/74/pc 90/74/pc
Season (Oct. 1) to date .................................... 0.58” CALIFORNIA CITIES Houston 80/70/t 88/70/pc Tucson 90/59/s 83/56/s
Normal season to date .................................... 1.01” Kansas City 76/63/s 72/47/t Washington, DC 76/54/s 76/56/s
Today Saturday Today Saturday
Record for October 19 ......................... 1.99” in 2007 Las Vegas 79/54/c 74/55/s Wichita 77/64/s 74/44/t
City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
Alturas 44/31/sn 50/32/pc Paradise 59/44/c 64/46/pc Little Rock 78/61/pc 81/63/pc Yuma, AZ 86/61/pc 86/60/s
Humboldt Bay Time High Time Low
Big Sur
Red Bluff
63/48/pc International cities
Today 1:14 a.m. 6.6 6:40 a.m. 1.6 Bishop 69/30/c 72/34/s Redwood City 64/47/pc 69/51/s Amsterdam 59/52/sh 62/51/r Moscow 43/32/c 38/26/r
1:04 p.m. 7.6 7:20 p.m. -0.1 Chico 64/46/c 68/48/pc Sacramento 68/44/c 71/45/pc Bangkok 91/79/t 92/77/t Nairobi 79/59/sh 80/58/pc
Saturday 1:58 a.m. 6.4 7:16 a.m. 2.0 Concord 68/46/pc 72/48/s Salinas 65/42/pc 68/46/s Beijing 68/50/s 64/47/c New Delhi 97/68/pc 96/69/pc
1:35 p.m. 7.5 7:58 p.m. -0.1 Crescent City 54/47/sh 56/50/r San Bernardino 72/52/sh 83/56/s Berlin 65/48/c 58/50/pc Oslo 44/42/sh 45/41/r
Shelter Cove Time High Time Low Eureka 57/46/sh 59/52/r San Diego 73/61/sh 77/61/pc Bogota 69/51/r 67/50/r Ottawa 63/43/s 71/47/pc
Today 12:10 a.m. 5.3 5:49 a.m. 1.5 Fort Bragg 59/49/c 62/50/pc San Francisco 62/50/pc 65/52/s Brussels 59/50/sh 63/48/sh Panama City 88/75/t 88/76/t
11:53 a.m. 6.1 6:32 p.m. 0.0 Fortuna 58/46/sh 59/51/r San Jose 66/46/pc 70/50/s Buenos Aires 74/53/pc 65/45/s Paris 62/53/pc 63/48/sh
Saturday 12:56 a.m. 5.1 6:23 a.m. 1.9 Fremont 64/47/pc 69/51/s San Rafael 65/44/pc 70/48/s Cairo 85/66/s 83/65/s Rio de Janeiro 85/71/s 91/74/pc
12:23 p.m. 6.0 7:11 p.m. 0.0 Fresno 67/46/c 69/48/s Santa Ana 75/57/sh 81/60/s Copenhagen 57/51/sh 56/49/r Riyadh 95/67/s 97/67/s
Hollister 66/43/pc 72/44/s Santa Barbara 76/44/pc 76/47/s Dublin 54/50/r 55/44/r Rome 73/51/pc 74/57/s
Crescent City Time High Time Low Helsinki 44/30/pc 41/28/pc San Juan 87/78/s 87/77/s
Lake Isabella 63/39/c 70/46/s Santa Cruz 63/47/pc 68/50/s
Today 12:38 a.m. 6.3 6:22 a.m. 1.5 Livermore 64/41/pc 70/44/s Santa Rosa 66/40/pc 72/42/pc Hong Kong 84/70/s 83/68/pc Santiago 68/45/pc 82/52/s
12:26 p.m. 7.2 7:00 p.m. -0.1 Los Angeles 75/59/pc 82/62/s SFO Airport 64/51/pc 67/53/s Johannesburg 85/56/t 79/55/t Seoul 71/49/s 72/48/s
Saturday 1:21 a.m. 6.2 6:57 a.m. 1.9 Mammoth Mountain 53/18/c 64/25/s South Lake Tahoe 43/26/r 57/30/s Lima 68/60/pc 70/62/pc Singapore 92/80/pc 90/79/c
12:56 p.m. 7.1 7:37 p.m. -0.1 Monterey 62/46/pc 64/48/s Stockton 69/43/pc 73/46/s London 58/54/pc 59/48/pc Sydney 68/58/r 66/57/pc
Trinidad Time High Time Low Morgan Hill 65/44/pc 70/48/s Tehachapi 53/35/sh 64/43/s Madrid 72/54/s 73/45/pc Tel Aviv 83/67/s 81/68/s
Today 12:36 a.m. 6.1 6:19 a.m. 1.5 Mount Shasta 48/35/r 49/37/c Torrance 74/55/sh 79/58/s Manila 89/80/c 87/78/pc Tokyo 63/61/r 67/63/r
12:24 p.m. 6.9 6:57 p.m. -0.1 Napa 65/39/pc 70/44/pc Ukiah 61/40/c 66/40/pc Mexico City 76/52/pc 78/52/pc Toronto 69/50/s 72/51/pc
Saturday 1:19 a.m. 6.0 6:54 a.m. 1.9 Oakland 64/45/pc 67/48/s Willow Creek 56/44/sh 58/50/r Montreal 63/46/s 69/48/s Vancouver 53/42/sh 50/46/r
12:54 p.m. 6.8 7:34 p.m. -0.1 Palm Springs 82/59/pc 88/64/s Yreka 53/40/r 57/41/r Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice

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