Gen X Oct. 17

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Our 138th Year Serving Sonoma Valley

Sonoma Valley, California n An edition of The Press Democrat

Rising from the ashes


Marjorie Everidge surveys what is left of the Glen Ellen home she lived in for 53 years.

Bowed, but not broken – Valley residents begin taking stock

prepare for
At 6 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 16, the So far the Sonoma County Coroner’s
Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office Office has identified only one Sonoma
lifted some evacuation orders in Valley fatality from the week of
Sonoma County and the Valley, harrowing fires. Lee Chadwick Roger,
allowing many residents to return
to their homes in Kenwood,
Boyes Hot Springs and the City of
of Glen Ellen, was 72.

Fire (Santa Rosa area), Nuns Fire students’

Sonoma that had previously been (Sonoma region), Pocket Fire
under mandatory or advisory (Geyserville) and the Oakmont
evacuation status. Fire – show a total of almost 98,000
But the fires that have raged acres burned, almost half of that
through the Wine Country in the
past week continue to threaten
– 48,627 – in the Nuns Fire in Sono-
ma, Glen Ellen and Mt. Veeder in
SVHS transitions from
landscapes and residences, and both Sonoma and Napa counties. evacuation center back to
smoky air endangers the health of On Monday fires were progress- education center
residents across a wide area. ing to the north at a moderate
Statistics for what Cal Fire is rate, being driven by steep slopes By LORNA SHERDIAN
calling the Central LNU Com-
plex – which includes the Tubbs See Fire, A4 Friends greeted each other at the Plaza on Saturday, Oct. 14. All school-based evacuation
centers in Sonoma County are
in the process of being closed,

Power returns to the Valley

and evacuees transferred to Red
Cross-operated centers so that the
campuses can prepare to reopen.
The evacuation center at

Electricity is back on, Oct. 17. Some people had been the fires. their power – and Jimenez See Schools, A10
without power since early last Teresa Jimenez, a public in- said 94 percent had it restored
but gas restoration Monday. formation officer with PG&E, by noon on Monday.

will take longer Not everybody who lost said that all electrical custom- In Sonoma County, some
power lost it because lines or ers should have had power 51,000 customers lost power.
By BILL HOBAN transmission stations were restored sometime Monday. PG&E has more than 3,000
INDEX-TRIBUNE MANAGING EDITOR damaged by the fires. Cal “That’s assuming Cal Fire employees and personnel from
Almost everyone who lost
power during the week-long
fire storm should have their
electricity restored by today,
Fire had the utility de-ener-
gize lines so that fire fighters
wouldn’t have live lines over-
head while they were fighting
gives us the OK,” she said.
Altogether, some 342,000
customers in Sonoma, Napa
and Mendocino counties lost
mutual aid partners restoring
electricity and gas to

See Power, A3
seek aid
Where you can get and
provide help
Wineries: Rumors of ruin, tales of salvation By KATE WILLIAMS
As fires devoured whole neigh-
Buildings burn but both Sonoma and Napa have impacted the ily damaged at its flagship Santa Rosa borhoods in Wine Country, people
wine industry. hillside winery in the initial firestorm further from the flames mobilized
vineyards save much of the But initial reports that several major that ravaged nearby Fountain Grove, but to help. Across the Valley, the
Valley’s agricultural heart wineries had been lost proved premature, its Kenwood tasting room location was Bay Area and beyond, feelings of
if not exaggerated. Chateau St. Jean, St. relatively unaffected. helplessness were channeled into
By CHRISTIAN KALLEN Francis and Landmark were all initially In fact, of the almost 100,000 acres action.
INDEX-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER reported on social media to have been charred since Sunday night, surprising Local restaurants donated and
Wineries are foremost among Sonoma lost, but suffered at most damage only to
County’s industries, so it’s no surprise secondary structures.
that the fires still destroying acreage in While Paradise Ridge Winery was heav- See Wineries, A2 See Help, A4

Classified A10 Puzzles A6
Date High Low Rainfall Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Year-to-date: 0 in.
Life Tributes A4 Puzzle solutions A6
Fri., 10/13 74 38 0 in. Last-year-to-date: 1.45 in.
Public notices A5 Sat., 10/14 77 38 0 in.
Sun., 10/15 78 38 0 in.
Mon., 10/16 na — 0 in. 84°/42° 77°/47° 65°/48° 67°/41°

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FD 1925 & CR 383

Valley closes evacuation centers

No FEMA hub Ave. The center brings
together federal, state and
planned for Sonoma local agencies as a “one-
stop shop” to help people
By LORNA SHERIDAN rebuild their lives.
As of Monday evening, left homeless by the fire
the last two evacuation can receive money for
centers in Sonoma Valley temporary housing and
had closed. The evacuees recoup losses from FEMA.
at Sonoma Valley High The California Department
School and at Sonoma of Motor Vehicles will also
Raceway were all reas- issue new driver’s licenses
signed to Red Cross-oper- at the center for people
ated centers. who lost theirs in the fire.
Over the next few Residents – even those
weeks, the County will who are covered by home-
be assessing locations for owner, commercial and
longer-term shelters. auto policies at the time of
According to various offi- the disaster — are urged to
cials reached by telephone apply online at DisasterAs-
on Monday, there are no or by phone at
plans at this time for there 800-621-3362.
to be an evacuation shelter A regularly updated
or a Federal Emergency map of the shelters avail-
Management Agency hub BILL HOBAN/SONOMA INDEX-TRIBUNE able in the area is available
in Sonoma Valley. At one point as many as 300 people were taking shelter at Sonoma Valley High School. at
In Santa Rosa, more
than 100 people lined up on information and access to tablished FEMA hub first The Local Assistance floor of the Press Democrat Email Lorna at lorna.sheri-
Mendocino Ave. seeking services when a newly-es- opened on Saturday. Center opened on the first building at 427 Mendocino

Continued from A1
for your support worldwide and
your passion for life!”
Long said they were still
But later that day, he deliv-
ered a “good news update – the
Miracles of Moon Mountain
assessing damage and hope to continue… The vineyards
little vineyard acreage was lost. reopen to visitors in one to two of Kamen, Birch, 16600 and
“Vineyards have a tendency weeks. Moon Mountain Vineyards
not to burn, and that’s for two Beltane Ranch, Hamel Family still stand. Miracles for sure,
reasons,” said Auteur winemak- Wines, Kenwood Vineyards, embodied by the hard work of
er Kenneth Juhasz, president of Korbin Kameron, and Land- so many.”
the Sonoma Valley Vintners and mark Vineyards also reported Only an hour or so later,
Growers Alliance. “One, most structural damage, though the Coturri reported, “Major aerial
of the vineyards are mowed, so status of many of the Valley’s assault under way above Gund-
grass levels are super-low. Also, wineries and vineyards remains lach Bundschu. Six helicopters
they’re live plants. Irrigation unclear. overhead. Make no mistake
helps as well, so they’re live, wet “No matter the this fight is a long
plants.” circumstances,” said way from over but
Maureen Cottingham,
“You can see it, looking up
in the hills – vineyards have executive director of ‘We are not we’re getting every-
thing they got right
been acting as defensives,” said the Sonoma Valley out of the now.”
Juhasz. “They’ve literally pro- Vintners & Growers So it continued
tected buildings in some places, Alliance, “our wine- woods. We are through a harrowing
they’ve protected the fire from makers … will do in the woods weekend of fires on
everything possible
moving in some places.”
This land-saving attribute of to ensure the highest and the woods the eastern fringes of
Sonoma – “I could not
vineyards has been borne out quality winemaking are burning.’ fathom what it was
by this past week’s fires. On for the rest of the 2017 like down there – sur-
Monday morning, fires sur- vintage.” – Sam Coturri rounded by fire, swirl-
rounded Gundlach Bundschu Sam Coturri, who ing winds and soaring
on Denmark Street, a venerable works with his father eucalyptus. How do
150-year old Sonoma Winery. Phil Coturri and others in En- we thank those folks for going in
Jim and Nancy Bundschu, the terprise Vineyards, spent much there and saving our town?”
74- and 72-year-old parents of of the past few days ranging By Monday, he had some
Jeff Bundschu, were hustled out the back roads of the county’s time for reflection.
of their 100-year-old home in the mountain estates and posting “To say we’re returning to
early morning hours as torna- what he found on Facebook. business as usual is far from
does of sparks raced over the Though he admittedly focused the truth because there is noth-
property, and escaped with a few on Enterprise-managed vine- ing normal about our life right
keepsakes and their memories. yards, from Thursday, Oct. 12, now… Vineyard assessments
Two barns on the property were on, his eyewitness views pro- and salvaging the harvest can
also destroyed. ROBBI PENGELLY/INDEX-TRIBUNE viding an increasing number of wait, but that comes next,” he
Nearby, Scribe Winery was Chateau St. Jean Winery on Highway 12 in Kenwood, rumored to have followers on Facebook with an wrote. “We live off the land
also surrounded by fires and been lost in the early morning fires of Monday, Oct. 9, but still standing ongoing chronicle of the fire’s here. Even if your job is selling
Arrowhead Mountain burned, later that same day. drama – and at least one lost wine in a tasting room. Saving
but firefighters succeeded in dog, found. our lives includ(es) protecting
saving the “hacienda,” struc- the winery facilities and tasting ers labored to save the historic “We are not out of the woods. our livelihoods.”
tures and vines, according to room remained intact, accord- buildings and grounds. “The We are in the woods and the When this is all over, and the
the company’s website. “Scribe ing to their Facebook post. “The fire swept to the edge of Buena woods are burning,” read one of numbers are tallied and the
is currently without power and winery was in the path of the Vista, right up to the buildings, his signature posts, on Friday, costs calculated and the insur-
water and will remain closed fire but escaped being engulfed and the remarkable fire crews Oct. 13. ance claims filed, it will be a
until further notice,” the mes- by the flames. We have some protected the winery and the Early the next morning, he hundred accounts of ordinary
sage reads, adding that the 2017 damage to fix ... Some news first stone buildings of the Cali- was reporting, “The scope of the people dealing with disaster that
harvest had all been completed sources prematurely reported fornia wine world,” said Megan Nuns Fire is massive. It is active- tells the real tale, the people’s
two days before the fire. our demise!” Long, communications manager ly burning on the northeastern history of Sonoma’s October
Nicholson Ranch, a hilltop On Saturday, Buena Vista of the Boisset Collection. edge of the town of Sonoma on fires.
winery just inside Sonoma Winery – one of the oldest Owner Jean-Charles Boisset the valley floor while actively
County on Napa Road, likewise wineries in the state – was said, with his characteristic en- burning just above the Napa Contact Christian at christian.
endured fire damage but, again, surrounded by fire and firefight- thusiasm, “Thank you everyone Valley floor in Oakville.”

Get the latest Sonoma Valley news updates online at

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Glen Ellen residents soldier on

Amid the chaos, the night Sunday by off-duty
firefighter friends who
community fought to simply appeared on site
save its own ready to fight the fire
already barreling toward
By BJ BLANCHARD them off the Mayacamas.
SPECIAL TO THE INDEX-TRIBUNE Benward quickly learned
When nature’s fury in- about backfires, digging
vaded Glen Ellen the night trenches, and firebreaks,
of Oct. 8, the winds were and together with their
sudden, furious and noisy. bobcat tractor, simple tools
Booms of transformers and a water tanker from
exploded in the distance. next door Atwood Ranch,
An orange glow lit the sky fought their fire alone un-
to the north. In Glen Ellen til six engines and a bull-
it was: grab the passports dozer arrived to help. They
and baby pictures, and go chased showers of embers
south. around the property and
Much of the communi- smashed them with shov-
ty evacuated in the early els. The 1892 bunkhouse
hours of Monday morn- that is now a landmarked
ing – to the high school, Bed and Breakfast Inn is
to Ramekins, to friends in saved, though they lost the
Sonoma. Most were calm. barn, tool shed and several
Members of the Fallen Leaf strike team take respite from
Many were not afraid. But
On the corner of Weiss
stamping out flames on the east side.
all were – and are – des-
perate for news of their and Highway 12 is the old

Firefighters weary,
homes. Gornecker turkey farm,
A few of the hearty recently incarnated as
stayed behind. SPARC, the nonprofit

but undaunted
Jaimie Edward Tellier collective growing high-
lives on Dunbar Road grade cannabis. Erich
where it crosses Arnold Pearson, the director, and
Drive. Tellier owns “the his friend Joey Ereñeta,
wood pile place” where
This crew of Glen Ellen volunteers brought refreshments to
stayed behind to protect Strike teams work engineer Jon Kempf is
piles of fire wood and the crop but all was lost. resting against his rig.
sawdust are stored. A
hungry Fish and Wildlife workers during the fires. “We’re totally wiped out” through exhaustion Coming off a 24-hour
proud man with a steady says Pearson. “The dry on the east side shift, he is about to go
eye and six-day stubble, the lame horse, and Woody retrieved after the fire. barn burned, the crop was home to watch a Packers
he has declined three the rescue horse. And he A house on the right of lost, there’s no water in By BJ BLANCHARD game, and then sleep.
written evacuation orders will stay to protect the Bonnie Way still stands as the lines.” So Pearson and SPECIAL TO THE INDEX-TRIBUNE Kempf drives a Type
hand-delivered by uni- land, still smoldering. its owner grabbed a sump Ereneta are taking the On Sunday, Oct. 15, 1 engine assigned to
formed authorities. Second house on the pump from the garage, opportunity to help others day seven of the fires structure protection.
“This is all I have, I’m left on Bonnie Way is the threw one hose into his by feeding cats, watering that have ravished the These firefighters feel
here for the long- horses, emptying fridg- Valley, all over Sonoma’s very supported by our
haul,” said Tellier. He es of rotting food, and east side there are tired community, and one crew
said he’s lived here 40 checking on homes for firefighters and ’dozer even received a visit from
years and he’s “not ‘Trixie has a bad leg. Woody is a rescue from the evacuees stuck outside guys. Packing up gear. a group of masseurs who
leaving the horses.” Valley Fire and I gave my word I’d care for him.’ theJust evacuation zone.
outside the
Resting on a rig. Waiting provided much-needed
“Trixie has a bad for orders to a new hot deep back massages.
leg. Woody is a rescue – Jaimie Edward Tellier police barricades, spot or vegetation fire. At Schell-Vista Fire
from the Valley Fire a group of children Shortly after sunup, Station 2 at Napa and
and I gave my word accompanied by mom, Brian, from Paso Robles, 8th Street East, there
I’d care for him,” said remains of Chris Ben- pool, and the other hose was bringing assistance is loading his bulldozer is a Type 3 strike team
Tellier. ziger’s family home. As watered the house and to firefighters, police and onto a very long steel from Tuolumne County.
In the initial flames, he raced to evacuate his property. volunteers. They were flat bed by the side of the Coming off the Tubbs
Tellier lost 27 out of 58 an- family on the night when Alex Benward, one of delivering goody bags con- road. He has been here Fire before this, they are
tique John Deere tractors. the fires first erupted, Ben- the owners of the Bel- taining eye drops, Chap- since Thursday, ringing working containment
Standing tall in his work ziger threw his beloved tane Ranch, rests on a stick, baby wipes, apples houses, driving fire- lines, watering flare-ups,
shirt and heavy boots, he mountain bikes into the tractor with his friend and nuts. The love in the breaks, pushing roads. and staying vigilant.
vowed stay and protect his swimming pool where they Steven Krauss. Alex air, as they say, is thicker “Sometimes,” Brian says, Cal Fire Captain Kit-
27 ducks and geese, Trixie lay until they could be was awakened at mid- than the smoke. “you are sitting high up tina Simmons describes
on that dozer and the their day: Base camp at
flames come close. You Santa Rosa Fairgrounds

Power Continued from A1 just have to figure it out.”

Down the dusty road,
Tony Kloepping, all the
to get a briefing at 7 a.m.,
then they move out to
meet with their division
customers. it’s safe to do so. way from Oregon, is for a smaller briefing.
While electrical service Restoring gas service repairing equipment. This morning they are
has mostly been restored, is a complex process, but “I’m just a cowboy on assigned to mopping up
the utility is still trying to progress is being made. a steel horse I ride,” he around structures on the
get gas service Several factors proclaims with a cheery northeast side to mini-
restored to its are in play in- grin over his Bon Jovi mize chances of rekin-
customers. cluding PG&E’s reference. This is a man dling.
Jimenez said In Sonoma access to fire who loves his work. Once “When that is secured,”
the company County, zones, authori- a logger in the fir forests Simmons says with con-
shut off gas ser- zation from the of Oregon, he now drives fidence, “we can repopu-
vice to 36,000 some 51,000 proper author- BILL HOBAN/INDEX-TRIBUNE bulldozers. “We just do late the area.”
units affecting customers lost ities to restore Loss of power and temporarily evacuated homes wrought what we do; we love to The Fallen Leaf strike
42,000 custom- gas, and the help people,” he says. team seems to have
ers. She said power. timing of when
signs like this seen Monday in Agua Caliente.
Groups of tired played a significant part
23,000 custom- customers firefighters from Tahoe, in saving Buena Vista
ers have had are allowed to identify structures that are would be resupplied with Merced, Fresno, Los Winery, the “epicenter
their gas relighted, but return to their homes. safe to restore service and gas and pressure tested to Baños gather around of the California wine
there’s still an additional “For safety reasons, cus- those that have sustained make sure it is safe. their engines, catching a industry.” Two young
15,000 who don’t have gas tomers should leave the too much damage to safely Jimenez said gas cus- break while the air, for a firefighters, tired but hap-
service and another 2,600 gas re-lighting to PG&E restore service. Because tomers can check the web- change, is clear and cool. py, point out how the fire
customers that the utility employees,” she said. gas service was turned page to see when service The lives of these strike burned to within 6 feet of
can’t get access to. According to a release off to customers, any air is scheduled to resume, or team members seems the historic stone struc-
Nearly 900 workers, from Paul Moreno, with present in the pipeline they can call 800-743-5000 to be standing around, ture. Nineteenth century
from PG&E and from oth- PG&E, once the utility system is purged to ensure for gas re-lighting only. ready, waiting, punctuat- winery founder Agoston
er energy companies, have gains access to homes that natural gas is safely ed by moments of action Haraszthy himself would
been working to re-light and businesses, gas crews delivered to every struc- Email Bill at bill.hoban@ and thrill when called. have been grateful for
pilot lights in areas where check the meter. Then they ture. After that, the system From Rohnert Park, their work.

Thank you to the many

who pitched in to help us stay open
during the devastating fires
which affected this community.
We’re so proud to be part of a community that watches out for each other!


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Help Continued from A1

prepared food for evacuees.
Schools transformed gymnasi-
ums into shelters. Individuals
filled boxes with clothing and
toiletries. Churches stockpiled
bottled water and other essen-
tials. By week’s end, many char-
itable services were inundated,
forced to refuse further in-kind
But as a smoky dawn broke
on the eighth day of the Wine
Country wildfires, the tableau
of destruction began to take
shape. With huge swaths of the
Valley cordoned off to through
traffic, the scope of the disas-
ter was still largely unknown.
Rumor and conjecture created
firestorms of their own, and
local citizens found themselves
still very much in need. Ac-
cording to spokespeople from
various nonprofits, financial
support is more useful than ma-
terial donations at this time, but
all manner of support is needed
and welcome. Below is a list of
resources for giving and getting
help this week.

arranging emergency home Volunteers Cynthia Scarborough, left, and Beverly Koepplin fold a blanket that will be added to the pile. Starting Monday, Oct. 16, Friends In Sonoma
shares for displaced individu- Helping, aka FISH, opened a fire-victim clothes and bedding center at Sonoma United Methodist Church.
als. Hosts needed, as well as vol-
unteers to answer phones. (1500
Petaluma Blvd. S., Petaluma, Epicurean Connection is United Way of the Wine 95444, The Boisset Collection is craft-
SHAREfire@petalumapeople. coordinating a “No Pay Café” Country is accepting donations. Exchange Bank is accepting ing a very special limited-edition
org) at Sonoma Springs Community ( cash donations for its Undocu- red wine, with 100 percent of
El Pueblo Inn is offering free Hall, noon to 2 p.m. Volunteers The Sonoma County Resil- fund Fire Relief: PO Box 1100, the proceeds donated to disaster
rooms to evacuees. (996-3651, needed. (18672 Sonoma High- ience Fund is accepting dona- Sebastopol, CA. 95473 relief funds. (boissetcollection. way) tions. ( com)
Airbnb is activating its Open Harvest Moon Café is donat- ma-county-resilience-fund) Mental Health
Homes program and waving ing 40 percent of sales from prix Salvation Army NorCal Wild- Trained grief and crisis Animals
service fees; persons with spare fix dinners to Sonoma Rotary. fire Fund is accepting dona- counselors are needed at SVHS. Support for displaced or needy
rooms can register to become (933-8160, 487 First St. W., har-tions. ( (888-5863) animals on Facebook: Napa/
volunteer hosts. ( The Red Cross is accepting Salon Novo is offering compli- Santa Rosa Animal Evacuations
California State Parks is donations. (redcross. mentary shampoo Info; Solano County Horse/
opening coastal campsites to Non-perishables org) and blow-dry as Livestock Fire Evacuation Help
refugees at Bodega Dunes, Sonoma United Methodist Redwood Credit available. (703-9357) Page.
Wrights Beach, and Salt Point. Church is collecting clothing Union will deploy 100 Financial Sonoma Conser- Sonoma Humane Society is
( and bedding for victims. (996- percent of donated support is vatory of Dance is asking for financial donations.
2151, 109 Patten St., sonomaumc. funds directly to fire offering free classes (
Food com) victims. (545-4000, more useful all week. (938-1424, Napa County Animal Shelter
Redwood Empire Food Bank United Way is accepting P.O. Box 6104, Santa than material 561, Broadway Suite and Adoption Center needs
is asking for financial donations non-perishable donations. (975 Rosa 95406, redwood- B, sonomaconserva- volunteers to clean and organize
and non-perishable foods. (523- Corporate Center Parkway, suite donations at this pens. (942 Hartle Ave., Napa,)
7900, 3990 Brickway Blvd, Santa 160, Santa Rosa, eRelief) time. Rohnert Park Jameson Rescue Ranch is
Rosa, Volunteer Center Gymnastics is waiv- connecting needy animals with
La Luz Center is offering Financial Support of Sonoma County ing Day Camp fees foster shelters. (Deassa@James-
free lunch (noon to 2 p.m.) and GoFundMe has a list of ver- is accepting both for fire victims this
dinner (5 to 7 p.m.) all week. ified fire relief crowdfunding volunteers and finan- week. (585-9377, 320 Broccos Old Barn is accepting
(938-5131, campaigns. cial support. (573-3399, info@ Professional Center Drive #15, donations for displaced animals.
FISH is distributing groceries. Rotary Sonoma is feeding (938-2291)
(996-0111; 18330 Sonoma High- hundreds each day, and expand- Russian River Brewing Pet Food Express will bathe
way; friendsinsonomahelping. ing its efforts beyond triage. Services for Undocumented Company will donate proceeds your pets at no charge. (935-0777,
org) Non-monetary donations can be People of Sonoma Pride beer and 2018 500 W. Napa St., petfoodexpress.
Fremont Diner is giving away delivered to 1777 W. Watmaugh Graton Day Labor Center has Pliney the Elder to fire victims. com)
coffee and donuts from 10 a.m. Road. Financial donations can established a fund to support (545-2337, 725 Fourth St., Santa
to noon. (938-7370, 2698 Fremont be made online at undocumented families. (829- Rosa, Contact Kate at kate.williams@
Drive, sSLK6Y. 1864, 2981 Bowen St, Graton,

Fire Continued from A1 tained, full containment

on all the regional fires is
not expected until Friday,
ers” were also taken into
consideration in protect-
ing property that might
Oct. 9, in the Fountain-
grove and Coffey Park
morning of the fire, Mon-
day, Oct. 9.
On Saturday, Oct. 14,
the fire protection gelling
agent Thermo-Gel.
Likewise, the Vallejo
and dry fuel, according to Oct. 20. But even within have a substantial role in Santa Rosa Mayor Chris fires returned to habitable Home in the City of Sono-
the latest incident update the perimeter, fires con- a community’s economic Coursey said that more portions of the Valley and ma – part of the Sonoma
from Cal Fire. This in- tinue to smolder, and mild health. than 2,800 structures, took homes on Castle Road State Historic Park –
cludes the northwest edge winds can jump embers A specific breakdown including homes and busi- and Seventh Street East. was also protected with
of the Nuns Fire – which out of the perimeter and by region of structures nesses, had been destroyed At least one house and Thermo-Gel, and items of
ravaged Glen Ellen on the start new fires, said Capt. damaged or destroyed by in the city, leaving roughly three structures were lost significant cultural value
morning of Oct. 9, and has Carlos Munoz of Chico on the fire is difficult to ascer- 1,200 structures outside of on Castle Road were moved to
since spread its perime- Monday morning. tain. Cumulative totals for the city limits demolished to the east of a safe location.
ter to include the former “Our primary objective the Central LNU Complex by fire. Sonoma, and Brush and
Adobe, Norrbom, Pressley in setting fire lines is lives, showed 3,947 structures In the Valley, the areas although the ‘Our primary other vegeta-
and Partrick fires to the property and the environ- destroyed, 159 damaged of greatest structure loss historic Buena objective in tion around the
southeast. ment, in that order,” said as of 7 a.m. Monday, but seem to be in and around Vista Winery Vallejo Home
While the Nuns fire is Munoz. He added that a breakout out of those Glen Ellen: about a dozen escaped, news setting fire and Mission
listed as 50 percent con- areas of “economic driv- numbers by region is on Sylvia Drive, between reports said lines is lives, San Francis-
currently not available. Highway 12 and Dunbar that it had co Solano on
A significant number of Road; and at least that sustained some property and the Spain Street
COVERING SONOMA VALLEY SINCE 1879 those are within the City many along Warm Springs fire damage. environment, in were cleared to
of Santa Rosa, which and Henno roads west of The greatest create defensi-
suffered heavy damage in the town center. All of fire activity is that order.’ ble space.
the early hours of Monday, these were lost the first currently in – Capt. Carlos Munoz On the other
ISSN 8755-9498 • USPS Number 501-220 and around side of the
Volume 138 • No. 165 • 12 Pages • 1 Section

Life Tributes
Hood Moun- Valley, across
© 2017 The Sonoma Index-Tribune tain Regional Highway
Sonoma Media Investments, LLC Park and Sugarloaf Ridge 12, the Oakmont Fire is
State Park, areas that had also very active and “is
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 escaped the earlier ravages progressing in a northerly
of the Nuns Fire. direction with moderate
Bill and Jim Lynch, Publishers Emeritus
IN THIS SECTION On Monday, Oct. 16, rate of spread,” according
PUBLISHER: John Burns, GOEDEWAAGEN, Pieter Gloria Sandoval, deputy to fire authorities. That
director of Public Affairs combined Oakmont/
CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER for California State Parks, Kenwood fire currently
Bill Hooper,
reported that Sugarloaf involves 875 acres and is at
EDITOR: Jason Walsh,
Lorna Sheridan,
Pieter Goedewaagen Ridge continues to burn, 15 percent containment, as
MANAGING EDITOR: Bill Hoban, 1931 - 2017 and six employee residenc- of midday Monday. ADVERTISING MANAGER es, campgrounds and the Other regional fires
SPORTS EDITOR: Bill Hoban, Robert Lee, Pieter passed away peacefully, visitor center are at risk. include the Pocket Fire Monday, October 2, 2017, at Some of the telescopes (11,889 acres, 40 percent
PHOTO EDITOR: Robbi Pengelly, Mary Serafini the age of 86. from the Robert Ferguson contained) and the Tubbs He was born in Oakland, Observatory, or part of Fire (36,390 acres, at 70 per-
CA to Pieter and Katrina them, have been removed cent containment). Both
Christian Kallen, EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD: Goedewaagen. He grew up in and other items of value of those fires continue to
Kate Williams, Chip Allen, Celia de la Kruse, Alameda, CA, graduated from from the park. move toward the north, Kate Eilertsen, Jay Rooke Alameda High School in 1949 “On Wednesday, the into Napa County.
FOOD & WINE EDITOR: Kathleen Hill, and the University of California mirror for the 40-inch Though the October
Berkeley in 1954. and the entire 20-inch fires in Sonoma and Napa
He was a licensed Real Estate telescopes were taken out, were devastating in terms
117 W. Napa St. • P.O. Box C, Sonoma, CA 95476
(707) 938-2111 • Fax: (707) 938-1600 Broker and Contractor and both irresplaceable items,” of acreage, structures lost
PUBLISHED: Every Tuesday and Friday. contacted to stop delivery. worked for Eichler Homes and said Roney. “If we get back and commercial damage,
OFFICE LOCATED: 117 W. Napa St., AD DEADLINES: Liner Want Ads – 2:00 the Alpha Land Company. He (Stan Koloski), Elizabeth (Fred) up there, we might take the August 2016 fires in
Sonoma, CA 95476 p.m. Wednesday for Friday issue; 2:00 also developed many projects Englehart, Jane (Michael) Frazin, out the eight-inch, but Lake County encompassed
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box C, p.m. Friday for Tuesday issue. Classified
under his own company, Karen (Michael) Knetter and that’s heavier and not as a larger area – more than
Sonoma, CA 95476 Display Ads – Noon Wednesday for Friday
OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday: issue; Noon Friday for Tuesday issue. Goedewaagen Enterprises. In nephew, Mark Goedewaagen. valuable.” 170,000 acres were burned
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Display – 3 p.m. Thursday for Tuesday semi-retirement, he worked for There are numerous cousins, Trione-Annandel State and 1,300 homes destroyed.
issue; 3 p.m. Tuesday for Friday issue. –
PHONE: News, Ads, Business: 938-2111. 933-2749. Vintage House, Senior Center, in great-nieces, and great-nephews Park in Santa Rosa also At the time, that fire
Fax: 938-1600. Circulation: 938-2215 here and in Holland.
(newspaper delivery). NEWS DEADLINES: Breaking news Sonoma, CA continued to burn on was ranked the third-most
– Anytime! Please call 938-2111 (after He loved traveling the world, was Pieter was predeceased by Monday, but no damage destructive blaze in state
hours, call 933-2731). Entertainment, club,
Tribune, founded in 1879, is owned by social, wedding, church, etc. – one week a history buff, voracious reader, his parents, brother Aart to structures had been history; on Saturday, Gov.
Sonoma Media Investments. Goedewaagen and sisters-in-law
TO SUBSCRIBE: Call 938-2215.
prior to publication. avid photographer, enjoyed Jazz reported. Defensible space Jerry Brown said of the
Subscription Rates: Inside Sonoma Valley,
ADJUDICATION: The Index-Tribune is Music, art museums, decadent Violet Marshall and Joyce Shill. had been cleared around current conflagration,
an adjudicated newspaper of general
$100 per year. For Index-Tribune e-edition, circulation in accordance with the laws desserts and a good game of There will be a Celebration of the structures to prevent “This is truly one of the
rate is $5.25 per month. All print sub- Life at a later date.
scriptions include up to two (2) premium
of California by decree number 35815 Bocce. He was a member of the fires from spreading. greatest, if not the great-
of the Superior Court of Sonoma County, In lieu of flowers, consider a
issues delivered throughout the year. For dated August 1, 1952, and qualified for Bocce Sonoma, playing on the Although Jack London est, tragedy that California
each premium issue, your account will be publication of matters required by law to Thursday Morning League. donation to Vintage House State Historic Park in Glen has ever faced.
charged up to $2.00 in the billing period
when the issue is delivered. This will adjust
be published in a newspaper.
He is survived by his wife, (, UCSF Ellen has so far escaped “It’s a horror that no
the length of your subscription. Prices are POSTAL SERVICE: Periodicals postage Melanoma Cancer Center
subject to change. If payments are not paid at Sonoma, CA 95476 and at addi- Micki (nee Margaret Mulroy); fire damage, items of one could have imagined.”
received by the expiration date of the tional mailing offices. “POSTMASTER” daughter Megan Goedewaagen; (makeagift.UCSF.EDU/ significant cultural value
current payment period, deliveries and send change-of-address orders to The
brother Thomas Goedewaagen Care) or Hospice by the Bay were moved to a safe loca- Contact Christian at chris-
electronic access will continue and will Sonoma Index-Tribune, P.O. Box C,
be billed for up to 60 days or until we are Sonoma, CA 95476. (Joyce); nieces: Jo Ann (Marty) ( tion, and the Jack London tian.kallen@sonomanews.
Solov, Chris Goedewaagen Home was protected with com.


Readers share their photos

Terrible fires made for beautiful sunsets and sunrises.

Readers around the

Valley emailed and
shared photos across
social media from the
first moments of the fire
onward. Online sites like
Facebook and Twitter
took a central role in
experience and informa-
tion sharing.

Signs popped up around town thanking first responders.

An employee from Gundlach-Bundschu evacuating donkies

from Jim and Nancy Bundschu’s ranch which burned over the

FILE NO. 2017-03274 FILE NO. 2017-03075
The following person (persons) is (are) The following person (persons) is (are)
doing business as: doing business as:
STELLA’S OYSTERS located at Woods Group Solutions located at
431-B PAYRAN ST. PETALUMA, CA 969 Country Club Lane, Sonoma, CA
94952; Mailing Address P O Box 328 95476 Sonoma County, is hereby regis-
HOPLAND, CA 95449 Sonoma County, tered by the following owner(s): James
is hereby registered by the follow- R. Woods, 969 Country Club Lane,
ing owner(s): DENISE FLEMING 555 Sonoma, CA 95476
QUIETWOOD DR. SAN RAFAEL, CA This business is conducted by: An
94903 Individual
This business is conducted by: An The registrant commenced to trans-
Individual act business under the fictitious name
Reinforcements on the way!: A line of ambulances headed toward Sonoma Valley. The registrant commenced to trans- or names above on N/A.
act business under the fictitious name I declare that all information in this
or names above on N/A. statement is true and correct. Signed:
I declare that all information in this James R. Woods, Founder
statement is true and correct. Signed: This statement was filed with the
This statement was filed with the 09/15/2017
County Clerk of SONOMA COUNTY on I hereby certify that this copy is a
10/03/2017 correct copy of the original statement
I hereby certify that this copy is a on file in my office.
correct copy of the original statement WILLIAM F. ROUSSEAU
on file in my office. Sonoma County Clerk
WILLIAM F. ROUSSEAU By /s/ M. Judith Sevilla
Sonoma County Clerk Deputy Clerk
By /s/ Alma Roman SEAL
Deputy Clerk
SEAL 2787969 - Pub. Sept. 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17,
2017 4ti.
2789325 - Pub. Oct 10, 17, 24, 31,
FILE NO. 2017-03016 In 1912
The following person (persons) is (are)
doing business as:
Santa Rosa built a new
Atlas Extracts located at 3418 Standish city hall on Hinton Ave.
Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95407; Mailing
Address 3031 W. March Ln. Ste 123S, near the county court-
Stockton, CA 95219 Sonoma County,
is hereby registered by the follow- house.
ing owner(s): Ground Level, LLC, 3418
Standish Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Pilot Weldon Cooke made
This business is conducted by: A
Limited Liability Company a successful flight over
The registrant commenced to trans-
act business under the fictitious name Santa Rosa, soaring to
or names above on August 31, 2017.

School can be an
I declare that all information in this 2,500 feet.
statement is true and correct. Signed:
John De Luca, Member/Manager Sonoma opened a Carn-
This statement was filed with the
egie Library with major

incubator for unbridled

County Clerk of SONOMA COUNTY on
I hereby certify that this copy is a support from the Sonoma
correct copy of the original statement
on file in my office. Women’s Club.

Sonoma County Clerk Jennie Colvin became the
By /s/ Darrell Light
Deputy Clerk first woman to register to
vote in the county; women
Sonoma Academy is the premier independent and private high school in 2788031 - Pub. Spet. 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17,
2017 4ti. voted in Santa Rosa’s
FICTITIOUS city election in April;
Sonoma County. Here, students from over 80 different middle schools BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT
FILE NO. 2017-03131 Atty. Francis McCaughey
The following person (persons) is (are) Martin and Sarah Latimer
and 30 different hometowns are challenged to explore their interests and doing business as:
Boutique Wine Tours located at 317 Finley, mother of editor
Mervin Ave Kenwood, CA 95452;
passions in a supportive environment that prepares them for college and Mailing Address P O Box 202 Kenwood,
CA 95452 Sonoma County, is hereby
Ernest Finley, led the
registered by the following owner(s): suffrage fight.
life beyond. If you are curious, please register at Boutique Tours & Transportation LLC
317 Mervin Ave Kenwood, CA 95452 An explosion from an
This business is conducted by: A CA
for our next Open House: Limited Liability Company automobile fire on Main
The registrant commenced to trans-
act business under the fictitious name St. killed James Mott, Pet-
or names above on 01-01-2013.

Thursday, November 2nd 2017, 6-8 pm I declare that all information in this
statement is true and correct. Signed:
aluma’s first paid fireman.
Jason Blaine - President
This statement was filed with the
The first Russian River
County Clerk of SONOMA COUNTY on water carnival was held.

I hereby certify that this copy is a
correct copy of the original statement
on file in my office.

Sonoma County Clerk
By /s/ Darrell Light Copyright © 2010
Deputy Clerk Sonoma County Historical Society
SEAL P.O. Box 1373, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
25OO FARMERS LANE, SANTA ROSA 7O7.545.177O 2788532 - Pub. Oct 3, 10, 17, 24,
2017 4ti.

Gov. Brown: Fires ‘a horror

no one could have imagined’
State officials tour Santa ta Rosa Saturday to see for them- Hundreds of people, many of
selves the scale of the disaster them newly homeless, packed
Rosa; residents decry and pledge their support for the the Santa Rosa High School
poor communication ongoing firefight and eventual gymnasium where leaders ex-
recovery. pressed support for community
By KEVIN McCALLUM “This is truly one of the great- recovery, pleaded with people to
THE PRESS DEMOCRAT est, if not the greatest, tragedy heed new evacuation notices and
A throng of federal, state and that California has ever faced,” advised residents about how to
local officials, headed by Gov. Brown said. “The devastation is sign up for a variety of types of
Jerry Brown and U.S. Sens. just unbelievable. It’s a horror assistance. ALVIN JORNADA / THE PRESS DEMOCRAT
Dianne Feinstein and Kamala that no one could have imag- Gov. Jerry Brown, joined by Sens. Kamala Harris, left, and Dianne Feinstein,
Harris, toured fire-ravaged San- ined.” See Brown, A8 speaks before a town hall meeting Saturday at Santa Rosa High School.


subscribe 9. Angry state

10. Biblical shepherd SUDOKU
to the
11. Moist, as a morn- By MYLES MELLOR AND
13. Vasco da ___
Sonoma 14. Artist Picasso
20. Catchall abbr.
Rules: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers
1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 3x3 box.
Index- 21. Call for
24. Wipes the slate
There is only one unique solution for each puzzle.

Tribune, clean
25. Lead-in
26. Knot
call 28. Canadian pen-

938-2215 29. New York time

30. Moonshine
31. Dickinson or
32. He wrote ‘The
37. Roger follower
38. So to speak
Ca. Contractors License #751739
39. Score
40. He made “The
Experience Saint”
You Can Count On 46. Religious building
Since 1985 47. Sugar cane/mo-
lasses liquor
Repairs • Maintenance 49. Certain Alaskan
Leak Detection Across names 45. ___ algebra 68. Jacob’s twin

Today’s puzzle solutions

51. Zippo
Underwater Repair 23. Starfleet Academy 48. Reporter’s query 52. Slangy assents
1. Robust
5. “Blazing Saddles”
grad. 49. Play division Down 53. Part of N.E.A.,
24. Actress Diana 50. Keg stopper abbr.
director 1. Baggins portrayer in
27. Forceful 52. Fab Four film 54. Cosmetic surgery,
8. North American fish “The Lord of the Rings”
12. Sumatra ape
30. “Told ya!” 60. Falco of TV
2. “Tosca” tune for short SUDOKU CROSSWORD
33. Hollywood’s 61. Or __! 55. Token taker
14. Mani’s mate 3. Close, a contract for
Hathaway 62. Lifeboat support 56. Ben Franklin’s
15. River floaty example
34. Nonplussed 63. ___ platter (Poly- baby
16. Paul’s ex 4. Risk
35. Put ___ show nesian menu choice) 57. Burl of stage and
17. Spanish cordial 5. The dishes served
36. Sci-fi film set 64. Fibrous song
18. “Regrets, I’ve had 6. Copyread
41. Slip 65. Competent 58. Malay palm
___” (“My Way” lyric) 7. What every good
42. “The jig ___!” 66. Ewan McGregor, 59. Words to Brutus
19. A film and an HR is
43. Massenet opera for one
Italian opera 8. Constellation
44. Sonora’s sun 67. UFO crew
22. Abbr. in many org. elements
George and Jean Noël with Rocky and Jujube

Old-Fashioned Service You Can Trust Myles Mellor publishes more than 100 puzzles a month in a host of newspapers, mag-
(707) 938-5264 azines and websites. You can reach him through his website:

We Thank the Brave Men andWomen

First Responders for Their Unwavering Help!
The Sonoma Valley Inn and the Dry Creek Inn want to extend a special thank you to the brave men and women who have
been on the front lines of one of the worst fire disasters in California history. While our hotels still stand and have been
offering shelter to people in our community since this began, many of our friends and neighbors have lost everything.

The Krug Family would like to thank you for your calls, texts, notes and concern you have shown us as our Sonoma Wine
Country community continues to struggle with this fire and its aftermath. In the meantime, if you would like to help our
community, we ask that you make a donation to Community Foundation Sonoma County. These donations will help the
thousands of people displaced in our community who are in desperate need of help. For those wishing to help animals
affected by the fires in Sonoma Valley, please donate to our friends at Pets Lifeline.

— The Krug Family

Sonoma, California Healdsburg, California

We cannot reiterate enough our condolences to everyone in the affected areas.

Our hearts are broken, our spirits are not.

Shaken residents pack impromptu town hall meeting

Elected officials, to businesses, as well as safety status of individual PG&E spokeman Brian
individuals and families, locations to how people Bottari said that more
emergency who have suffered losses could help. than 50,000 residences
responders tried to during the fires. And a Here’s a brief summa- initially lost power at the
clear confusion FEMA assistance center tion of some of the ques- fire’s outbreak. At press
– a “one-stop shop,” as tions and responses: time on Monday, electrici-
By JASON WALSH McGuire described it – for How will we know if ty had been fully restored.
INDEX-TRIBUNE EDITOR filing insurance claims our area is taken off the Gas, however, remained
Nearly 300 Sonoma and obtaining documents evacuation order? out.
residents, community would open next week at The Sheriff’s Office is Which fire is the most
leaders and emergency an unspecified location in issuing such notices two concerning to firefight-
responders packed the Sonoma Valley. ways – by “Nixle” text ers?
Prestwood Elementary Sonoma Valley Fire message alerts and by Akre said the fires on
School multipurpose room Chief Steve Akre was telephone notifications. Sugarloaf Ridge continue
on Friday night, Oct. 13, at joined at the town hall by Can people still get to grow.
a hastily scheduled town representatives of Cal Fire particulate-matter Sonoma resident Jody
hall meeting to gather to provide a general update masks for safe breath- Purdom submitted what
information and calm of where the flames stand: LORNA SHERIDAN/INDEX-TRIBUNE ing? was perhaps the most
fears in advance of a gusty the four fires burning this Nearly 300 people squeezed into the compact Prestwood 40,000 masks have thought-provoking, if
weekend of high winds and week in the Sonoma Valley Elementary School multipurpose room Friday for a already been issued; and unexpected question:
precarious fire conditions – now known collectively community town hall to address the fire. 20,000 more are on order. Is Sonoma prepared if
in the smoke-blanketed as in the Southern LNU They can be found at evacu- it were hit next week by
Sonoma Valley. Complex – have all con- ation centers such as Sono- an earthquake of signif-
The town hall was nected at times, burning an But Akre stressed that Fire officials said the ab- ma Valley High School. icant magnitude?
organized by state Sen. estimated 40,000 acres from “repopulation efforts” sence of people in the area What about school? To which officials
Bill Dodd and included in west of Napa to Bennett wouldn’t take place until made their work fighting The Sonoma Valley laughed nervously, and
attendance Congressman Valley, with fire damage multiple safety conditions fires far easier. Unified School District has quickly moved on to the
Mike Thompson, County to 34,000 structures – 1,000 were met, such as ensur- Fire officials fielded canceled school all next next question.
Supervisors Susan Gorin of which were entirely ing power lines were all pre-written questions week, from Oct. 16 to 20.
and Shirley Zane, state destroyed. energized and any remain- from meeting attendees What about the power Email Jason at jason.
Assemblymembers Cecilia Akre and the Cal Fire ing “hot spots” were out. about everything from the outages?
Aguiar-Curry and Marc spokesmen in attendance
Levine, state Sen. Mike were optimistic of the
McGuire, and members of “progress” being made on
the Sonoma City Council, the fires but stressed that,

A Better Job
among others. with the expected weekend
Fire and law enforce- winds, “we’re not out of
ment officials, as well as the woods yet.”
representatives from the The fires generated
state insurance agency mandatory evacuation

Is Right Here
and the Federal Emergen- orders in Glen Ellen and
cy Management Agency Kenwood – as well as east
were also on hand to of Fourth Street East,
provide remarks. north of East Napa Street,
It was the first Sonoma along with Seventh Street
Valley public meeting to East, Castle Road and
address community con- Lovall Valley Road.
cerns and confusion about Voluntary evacuation
the conflagrations that advisories, meanwhile,
have ravaged the Valley were issued last week in
since the flames first broke the City of Sonoma, Agua
out on Oct. 8. Caliente and Boyes Hot
Much of the meeting Springs.
was spent recognizing the
labors of emergency re-
Many evacuation
orders had been lifted by Where top companies
sponders and community press time on Monday,
leaders, while underscor-
ing information that had
however, burn areas such
as Glen Ellen remained
meet top candidates.
already been released in off limits.
the media. But one piece One of the most urgent
of news was announced questions attendees had
– federal assistance was: When can evacuees
funds are now available return to their homes?

Firefighter Wednesday, October 25 | 4 - 7 pm

fatality in Napa DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Sonoma Wine Country, Rohnert Park

Crashed water-tank water tank truck on the

Oakville Grade near the
truck near Mondavi
Mondavi Winery when
he crashed. Shew said it
Entry-Level and Advanced Positions!
was unclear what caused
PRESS DEMOCRAT STAFF REPORT the crash, but “fatigue
A firefighter who died is definitely a factor” as
early Monday was hired firefighters have been
as a contract firefighter,
said Napa County Cal
Fire Chief David Shew.
working long shifts.
Cal Fire typically hires
contracted equipment,
Attendees receive:
The man reported- such as water tenders and
ly had been driving a bulldozers, for large fires. • Face-to-face interviews
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Brown Continued from A6

“Right now we are just work of firefighters and
Parishioners gather for comfort,
here to say we are with police and pledged to sup-
you, we support you, and port the city’s recovery. Hundreds attend family in weeks ahead.
it’s going to be a long road But there were some But he has been over-
ahead,” Harris said. “But pointed questions from citywide prayer whelmed by the generosi-
there’s been so much residents who criticized service in Santa Rosa ty of others.
courage coming out of this Sonoma County’s emer- Leaders from Baptist
community.” gency alert system. By ROBERT DIGITALE churches in Northern and
The deadliest of the Buffi Frazier, a resident THE PRESS DEMOCRAT Central California warned
local blazes, the Tubbs fire, of Mark West Springs Kathleen Fidler said she him last week they had
which started in Calistoga Road, said she and her came Sunday morning to collected so many do-
Sunday night and roared family almost didn’t make St. Francis Solano Cath- nations that they were
into Santa Rosa, has it out of their neighbor- olic Church in Sonoma sending the collection to
claimed at least 22 lives hood because the emer- to praise God for keeping Crosspoint in a big rig.
and burned more than gency alert she received friends and family safe However, he said, “they
35,000 acres. on her landline around and “for a home still didn’t warn me that the
In Santa Rosa alone, it 11:30 p.m. was “vague” and standing.” 18-wheeler was only one
has destroyed more than “very ambiguous.” Fidler, a lifelong Sono- of eight trucks coming
2,800 homes and 400,000 “It said ‘Prepare to ma Valley resident, lives CHRISTOPHER CHUNG / THE PRESS DEMOCRAT here.”
square feet of commercial evacuate. It is highly in a Boyes Hot Springs Crosspoint Church Pastor Mike Baker and wife Zoë pray Church volunteers
space. recommended that you home still in a voluntary with the crowd at an areawide prayer service held at the spent six hours after ser-
While officials described evacuate,’” Frazier said. evacuation zone. She sug- Redwood Covenant Church,in Santa Rosa on Sunday. The vice Sunday giving away
significant progress in “We took that to mean that gested her religious faith Bakers lost their home in the Coffey Park neighborhood to food, toiletries, water,
fighting the fires – the we should think about has proved vital when the Tubbs fire. shoes and other supplies
Tubbs fire was at 50 evacuating. Not that we coping with a horrific to anyone in need, but
percent containment should get out now. It was week of fires that brought that didn’t make much of
Saturday night – they very confusing.” death, destroyed homes the county who already pastor of St. Francis a dent in the inventory.
also stressed that dan- She said that within 45 and turned upside down have given generously Solano about 18 months, “It would blow you
ger remained, with new minutes “our community the lives of people around to those in need. They prayed those who lost away to see how much we
evacuation orders imposed was on fire, so I’d like to the region. predicted the region’s loved ones or property still have to give away,”
on hundreds of homes in know what that call was “We have to put our residents together would “may find comfort and Baker said.
eastern Santa Rosa early supposed to tell us.” trust in God,” she said, rebuild what the fires took healing and the support of After leaving Coffey
Saturday. Santa Rosa Fire Chief standing in the morning away. our community.” Park in flames early
“We’re not out of the Tony Gossner said he sunshine outside a side The last week “turns Among those lead- Monday, Baker, his wife
woods yet,” Brown said, couldn’t remember the door after service. “Some- the page on a new chap- ing prayer at Sunday’s Zoë and their children,
urging people to stay alert exact wording of the mes- times there’s nothing ter in our region’s histo- citywide service in Santa Caitlyn, 8, and Zachary,
and be ready to evacuate. sage, but he said the intent else.” ry,” said Adam Peacocke, Rosa was Mike Baker, 4, eventually went to
State and federal was clear. Even as firefighters one of the leaders who pastor at Crosspoint Rohnert Park, where from
elected officials joined “We wanted people to battled in the nearby hills, coordinated the citywide Community Church on a friend’s commercial
local county supervisors, evacuate because (the fire) church members around prayer service at Red- Guerneville Road. Baker’s rooftop they watched
Santa Rosa City Council was coming,” Gossner Sonoma County came wood Covenant Church family is one of 10 at the smoke rise and ash fall
members and others for said. together Sunday to hear in Santa Rosa. “But I church that lost homes to over the city. Atop the
a closed-door briefing at He explained that as the words of comfort and care don’t think the wildfires the fires. roof, Caitlyn reminded
the high school. Brown’s number of people with for fellow parishioners. are going to write that “Who needs peace her father of a Sunday
staff referred to the landlines has declined The gatherings includ- chapter. I think we will tonight?” he asked at the School lesson that had
briefing as “private,” and from over 300,000 to ed an evening citywide together.” citywide service before been reinforced to her
members of the media around 175,000, the county prayer service in Santa At the 9 a.m. Mass at St. praying for God to “stop when the family went to
were denied access. The has implemented a cell- Rosa attended by about Francis Solano, the Rev. the fires in their tracks.” Africa on a summer mis-
group emerged about half phone-based alert system 700 people and led by half Alvin Villaruel told pa- Baker and his family sions trip.
an hour later and gave a SoCo Alerts, for which a dozen pastors and min- rishioners he had looked escaped the inferno that Baker recalled she told
brief press conference. people need to sign up. istry leaders whose own from his second floor destroyed hundreds of him, “Well, Daddy, I guess
While the officials The county Office of homes had burned to the office about 2:30 a.m. Sat- homes in Santa Rosa’s this is why we don’t store
vowed to find additional Emergency Services ground. urday and beheld the red Coffey Park neighbor- up treasures here on
funding, there were few calls landlines through Despite the historic glow of flames in the hills hood. earth.”
specifics. Feinstein said a reverse 911 system and losses, pastors and church about three miles away. Baker admitted it was
she and Harris would issues the SoCo Alerts members said they were “It looked so close,” he hard to live with the un- Contact Robert Digitale at
“put our heads together” to cellphones, and sends encouraged by stories of said. certainty of not knowing robert.digitale@pressdem-
to find ways to make sure out Nixle alerts through those inside and outside Villaruel,who has been where he will house his
the federal disaster relief emails, Sheriff Rob Giorda-
funds were “beefed up” no said.
in response to what is Some areas did receive
now the most devastating messages to “prepare”
wildfire in state history, in to evacuate, Giordano
terms of both the number said, “because we weren’t
of dead and structures expecting fire there right
lost. away, but we needed to get
Feinstein said she people ready.”
received assurances from But the fire moved so
Federal Emergency Man- “unbelievably fast,” he
agement Agency officials said, that it may have
that disaster relief would destroyed the infrastruc-
be available not only to ture needed to send out
reimburse government additional messages
agencies for their costs, “What happened was
but individuals, too. everything burned down.
The terms and extent of We lost cell towers, we lost
that assistance were not landlines, so a lot of people
immediately clear. One didn’t get calls because
man who lost his home they didn’t have any way
said he tried to sign up for to get calls anymore,”
FEMA disaster assistance Giordano said.
and was told his income While he stressed that
was too high to qualify. multiple messages went
The politicians earned out to numerous people
cheers from hundreds of that evening, Giordano
residents in attendance
when they praised the
acknowledged the “system
itself is only so good.” OCTOB ER 29, 2017
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Helping Our Neighbors in Need
TOTAL RAISED: $4,122,465
The North Bay and our local communities have been hit hard by the recent
devastating fires. Lives have been lost along with homes, businesses and jobs.


Redwood Credit Union, The Press Democrat, State Senator Mike McGuire and
several Business Leaders invite you to join us in helping our neighbors in need
by donating to the North Bay Fire Relief Fund. 100% of your tax-deductible
donations will go directly to aid relief efforts and help the victims
(RCU will pay all administrative costs). You may designate your donation
to support all four affected counties (Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino and Lake),
or designate which county you’d like to support.

Photos by Kent Porter, Beth Schlanker, Christopher Chung, Alvin Jornada | The Press Democrat

Community Leaders $200,000 or more: Community Supporters $100,000 or more:

Victor and Karen Trione


To Donate:
• Visit Note to fire victims:
• Visit any RCU branch ( Procedures for accessing funds
• By mail: RCU Community Fund, P.O. Box 6104, Santa Rosa, CA 95406. Please will be announced early next week.
make checks payable to RCU Community Fund and include 2017 North We are working with FEMA to ensure fairness
Bay Fire Relief in the memo line and a note of which county, or all, that you
and to distribute funds as quickly as possible.
wish to support.

• Community Leader: For companies donating $200,000 or greater, and raising

funds through your business
• Community Supporter: For companies donating between $100,000-
$199,000 and raising funds through your business
Media Supporters
Please contact RCU at: (707) 545-4000, ext. 65220 or The Press Democrat at
(707) 526-8563 KSRO1350

Redwood Credit Union Community Fund Inc. (RCUCF) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization—Tax ID #47-5084832.
All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Schools Continued from A1 Human Resources Director Loy-

al Carlon on Monday.
Staff had just returned from
According to Congressman Mike
fires. In addition to preparing She does not expect any sports
handouts of the resources avail- events to take place this week.
able to families, he was working “We have concern about
Sonoma Valley High School surveying all the campuses and Thompson, the Sonoma Valley High on logistical issues as well. air quality, we aren’t sure our
and the campground at Sonoma reported that the only campus shelter provided a safe place for “We’re working on transpor- coaches are available, we don’t
Raceway that had been available to sustain any damage was Glen more than 350 Valley residents tation issues in particular,” said know which teams would be
to evacuees both closed on Mon- Ellen’s Dunbar School, and the during the first nights of the fires, Carlon. “Our bus drivers will available to play, we don’t even
day, Oct. 10. Over the next few news from there was better than with numbers going down each be doing test runs know if we have all of
weeks, the County will be as- expected. night and 46 people staying there to see which roads our atletes available,”
sessing locations for longer-term “Dunbar’s outdoor stage and on Sunday night. On Sunday, City are passable and she said. “There are so
shelters. kindergarten playground were and school district staff met per- to adjust routes if ‘Enrollment many unknown factors
sonally with the shelter residents to
People will be transitioned to
alternative shelters in Sonoma
damaged but the overall campus
is fine,” said Carlon. provide this information, to answer
necessary.” Carlon
was unsure at press
may take a hit. that we can’t guess yet
at when sports will
County. According to Sonoma “We’re incredibly grateful to their questions, and to support them time what kind of We just don’t resume.”
through this next transition.
Police Chief Bret Sackett, on
Sunday evening, the evacuees
the firefighters and first re-
sponders,” said Dunbar princi-
arrangements would
or could be made for
know yet.’ theCarlon reported that
school’s main-
“We would like to extend a huge
were steered primarily to a shel- pal Jilliam Beall. “It is because thank you to the Sonoma Valley families now staying — Loyal Carlon tenance crews were
ter in Petaluma or the shelter at of them that, in our 160th year, Unified School District, who opened, in shelters outside of working long hours
the Santa Rosa Fairgrounds. He Dunbar remains standing managed and operated this shelter Sonoma Valley. fanning out to check
said that the move was expected strong.” since the first day of the fire storm,” “Enrollment may take a hit,” all campuses and begin clean-
to be complete by late afternoon The district office has distrib- said Thompson. “The shelter was he said. “We just don’t know ing and preparing the sites for
on Monday. uted surveys via Google Docs to entirely staffed by the administra- yet.” students next week.
As of midday on Monday, assess how many of their staff tors, teachers and staff of the school Sonoma Valley High School In terms of preparing for the
Flowery and Dunbar elementa- members were affected by the district and our amazing community principal Kathleen Hawing said start of school on Monday, Oct.
ry schools,and Altimira Middle fire and expected to have trouble volunteers.” that students are beginning to 23, Carlon said that the district
School, as well as the district returning to work on Monday. talk about rescheduling Home- was required to change every air
offices on Railroad Avenue, were The survey asked campus coming. filter on every campus. Sonoma
still without power, including principals to share any informa- for students to return on Oct “We want to move forward Valley High, which served as an
phone and Internet service, as tion they had of school families 23. The district is also exploring with Homecoming,” said Haw- evacuation center for a week,
was the Sonoma Valley Educa- impacted by the fire. the possibility of rescheduling ing. “We are working on and it is being cleaned “from top to
tion Foundation, which is locat- “We’ll been gathering and parent conferences. and consulting the with City on bottom.”
ed on the district office grounds. analyzing that information all Carlon planned to meet with ways that we might still make it
“We have been told by PG&E week,” said Carlon. the district school leadership happen.” Contact Lorna at ourschools@
that they are going to try to get According to Carlon, teachers team throughout the week to Hawing pointed out that
power restored to our campuses are planning to return to work discuss how to support school sports competitions are likely
overnight tonight,” said district on Thursday, Oct. 19 to prepare staff and families affected by the to be impacted by the closure.


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We regret that we cannot accept handwritten notices or take submissions by phone.

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wake up early! TODAY’S LESSON:
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Sponsors = Classrooms
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for some extra cash! Major Sponsors

Work as a home-delivery carrier

during the early morning hours. Classroom Partners
Proud Sponsor of 2 classrooms: Soroptimist International of Sonoma Valley
Earn up to
Proud Sponsor of 1 classroom:

$2000 * Adams Chiropractic Offices, Inc.

Arroyo Veterinary Hospital
Anderson’s Tree Service
Kenwood Investments
Kiwanis Club of Sonoma Plaza
Larson Family Winery
Sonoma Hills Retirement
Sonoma Parlor - Native Sons
Sonoma Valley Woman’s Club
per month, for just a few hours a day. Arthur Fictenberg & Assoc. Moldovan Academy Sunflower Caffé
Benziger Family Winery Murray Insurance Services Synergy Dental Group
Find out how to get started, go to Boden Plumbing Nelson Family of Companies Vadasz Family Foundation
Delta Kappa Gamma Eta Patt’s Copy World Michael Wornick Exchange Bank Steven & Joyce
Jonathan PeaseSebastiani
and Carol
Tom & Millie Ferrando Steven & Joyce Pease
Must be 18 years or older, have a valid driver’s license and insurance.
Hillside Landscape SolarCraft
Sonoma Garbage Collectors
* Amount earned is dependent on several factors including the number of Sonoma Garbage Collectors
117 W. Napa St. · Sonoma

Logo style guide 2016

papers and negotiated fees. 938-2111

For more information on how you can give the world to a local classroom, call Joyce Murphy 996-4538!

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With wildfires raging throughout

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Red Cross. We’re all in this together!




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items are not available to any commercial dealer or wholesaler. Items are subject to stock on hand. All items are not available at all stores. Photos & illustrations are for 707-996-3411 707-996-6728
display purposes only and do not necessarily depict items that are on sale. We reserve the right to correct all printed and/or typographical errors. 2016. All rights reserved. Open 5:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Open 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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