T.O. 1B-58A-1 - Flight Manual - B-58A (28-03-1969)

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FLIGHT MANUAL B-58A USAF SERIES AIRCRAFT Contracts AF 331600)36200 Fs 1.0. 188A 1.0. 18-58A-1 Reproduction for ooamilitary use of the information or illustrations conssined in this publication i not permined wichoot specie approval of the issuing service. The policy for use of Classiéed Publications is eab- ished for the Aie Force ie AFR 205-1. CURRENT FLIGHT CREW CHECKLISTS PILOTS AND NAVIGATORS DEFENSIVE SYSTEM OPERATOR'S TBSSA-ICL2 IBSSA-ICL1 28 March 1969 28 March 1969 Te seein incicne pages hug aid deed by she corre change. e [ABOMTIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE OBTAINED AS FOLLOWS: L USAF ACTIVITIES —In accordance with T.O. 0-5-2. aw 1.0. 18-S8A-1 FLIGHT MANUAL, SAFETY SUPPLEMENT, AND OPERATIONAL SUPPLEMENT STATUS This page will be published wich each Safety Supplement, Operational Supplement, Flight Manual Change, and Flight Manual Revision. Ir provides 2 comprehensive listing of the current Flight Manuals, Flight Crew Check- list, Safety Supplements, and Operational Supplements. The supplements you receive should follow in sequence. If you are missing one listed on this page, see your Publications Distribution Officer and get your copy. Period- ically check weekly Safety Supplement Index T.O. 0-1-1-2A, T.O. 0-1-1-2, and supplements thereto to make sure you have the latest Supplements, Checklists, and Basic Manuals. e@? Current Flight Manual Date Changed T.O. 1B-58A-1 28 March 69 _ T.O. 1B-58A-1-1 13 May 66 28 March © TO. 1B58A-1 28 Sep 62 10 May 68 Current Flight Crew Checklist TO. 1B58A-1CL1 28 March 9 _ TO. 1B-584-1CL2 28 March 69 - CURRENT SAFETY SUPPLEMENTS Flight Manual e Number Date Short Title Pages Afected ® SAFETY SUPPLEMENTS INCORPORATED IN THIS REVISION Flight Manual Number Date Short Title Pages Affected —17 Rotation for Takeoff 240 @ ate 23 July 68 Cansidge Sener Matfuncion 219, 54 Insrractoos 19 3 Oct 6S Gear Damage/Emergeacy 33, 344, 345, 346 Ground Egress CURRENT OPERATIONAL SUPPLEMENTS Flight Manual Number Date Short Title Pages Affected —s 20 Sep © Rescinded - e OPERATIONAL SUPPLEMENTS INCORPORATED IN THIS REVISION Flighs Manual Date Short Title Pages Affected 9 18 July 68 Piloc Capsule Door Emergency 1-110 Release —o 19 July 68 Rotation Speed Callout 240, 2-42 1 16 Sep 68 Escape Capsule Chute Manual 1-103, 1-104, 1-107, 1-110, 3.26 Deployment a 2 1 Sep @ Fuel Pal Vasiaoa/Befose 237 Lineup Checklist Change “4 2 Oct 68 Bomb-Nav Procedures Change 8-16, $21 ‘Supplement Flyleaf °@°e 1.0. 18-58A-1 AIRPLANE RETROFIT TECHNICAL ORDER INFORMATION. ‘Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO) aumbers, along with the signs are used to distinguish berween airplanes thar have been modified and those that have not. This lise includes the applicable TCTO numbers that have been issued up to the date of publication. Those issued after that date will appear in the next change/revisioa. T.C.1.0. Fylect TABLE SECTION 1 SECTION II SECTION Ill SECTION IV SECTION V SECTION VI SECTION VII SECTION Vill SECTION IX APPENDIX I 10. 16-5801 OF CONTENTS description 14 normal procedures 24 emergency procedures 3H auxiliary equipment 44 operating limitations = flight characteristics e1 systems operation mA crew duties s4 all weather operation 9-41 performance data 1S 58a) alphabetical index 1 1.0. 1B-S8A-1 Zé CRYSTAL BALL information for sale sel icine spemtion of the BUA. These fe This manval contains the ound jndgment. Multiple emergencies, adverse ‘weather, terrain, es. may require modification of the procedures. PERMISSIBLE OPERATIONS. The Flight Manual takes 2 “positive ” and normally states only what you can do. Unusual oper- ations oF (such as: loading) are prohibited unless specifically covered herein. Clear- ance must be obtained from SAAMA (SANEOF) be- Refer to weekly Safety Supplement Index, T.O. 0-1-1- 2A and T.O. 0-1-1-2 and supplements thereto for cur- reat listing of Flight Manuals, Safety Supplements, Operational Supplements, and Checklists. IS OUT OF DATE. e READ THESE PAGES, @ ‘Supplements covering loss of life will ger t0 you in 48 hours by TWX, and those serious damage to equip- ment within 10 days by mail. The title page of the Flight Manual and the ticle block of each Safety Sup- plement should be checked to determine the effect they may have on existing supplements. You must remain constantly aware of the stares of all supple- ments—curreat supplements must be complied with bot there i no point in restricting your operation by complying with a replaced or rescinded supplement. OPERATIONAL SUPPLEMENTS. Information involving changes tw operating proce- dures will be forwarded to you by Operational Sup- plements. The procedure for handling Operational Supplements is the same as for Safery Supplements. CHECKLISTS. ‘The Flight Manual contains only amplified checklists. Abbreviated checklists have been issued as separate technical orders—see the back of the title page for T.O. number and date of your latest checklist. Line items in the Flight Manual and checklists are identical with respect to arrangement and item number. Formal supplements thar require checklist changes will con- tain the changed checklist page(s) as part of the sup- plement. 7.0. 1B-S8A-1 Each fight crew member is entitled to personal copies of thc Highs Mawasl, Seicty Seppicmcats, Optional ‘Supplements, and Check Lists. The required quantities should be ordered before you need them to assure their prompt receipt. Check with your supply persoanel— it is their job to fulfill your Technical Order requests. Basically, you must order the required quantities oa the Numerical Index and Requirements Table (NI & RT). Technical Orders 00-5-1 and 00-5-2 give detailed information for properly ordering these publicatioas. ‘Make sure 2 system is established at your base to de- liver these publications to the fight crews immediately upon receipe. FLIGHT MANUAL BINDERS. Loose leaf binders and sectionalized tabs are available for use with your manual. These are obtained through local purchase procedures and are listed in the Federal ‘Supply Schedule (FSC Group 75, Office Supplies, Part 1D). Check with your supply personnel for assistance in securing these items. WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND NOTES. The following definitions apply to “Warnings,” “Cau- tions,” and “Notes” found throughout the manual. [ened will result in personal injury or loss of life if not carefully followed. Lowman Operating procedures, techniques, etc., which will result in damage to equipment if not carefully followed. Note Aa operating procedure, technique, etc., which is considered essential 10 emphasize. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY—TO LET US KNOW. Every effort is made co keep the Flight Manual cur- reat. Review conferences with operating personne! and 2 constant review of accident and flight test reports assure inclusion of che larest data in the manual. However, we cannot correct an error unless we know of its existence. In this regard, it is exeatial thar you do your part. Comments, corrections, and questions regarding this manual or any phase of the Flight Manual program are welcomed. These should be forwarded through your Command Standardization Board w Hg SAAMA (SANEOF), Kelly AFB, Texas Major differences berweea airplanes covered in this Manual are designated by number symbols which appear oa illustrations and within the text. Symbol designations for individeal aircraft, and groups of aircraft are as follows. @ 581009 B 9.241 } O12 @ 61-2056 @ss1010 B 59252 BO B 61-2058 B ss101l 59.265 @ Ou B 612059 @ 581013 B 59.265 BOs W 61-200 @ 581014 @ 59246 W117 @ 61-2066 @B 581015 59248 BG Os BW 61-2066 @ 5s1018 59-249 BH 01120 B 61-2067 @ 581019 BW 59-2450 @D 60-1121 BW 61-2068 581021 B 59.252 @ O12 @ 612009 @ 59228 @ 59-2453 M0123 B 61-2070 @ 59229 592654 MD Out B 62071 @ 59-260 @ 592455 B 1125 @ 61-2072 @ 59-2631 @ 59-2456 @ 61126 @ 61-2073 @ 59262 @ 592657 @ O17 W 61-2074 @ 59233 @ 59-2658 @ 129 @® 61-2075 @ 59-2455 @ 59-2460 @& 61-2051 BW 61-2076 © 59-2435 @ 59-2461 @ 61-2052 @ 61-2077 @ 592436 592463 BD 612053 W 61.2078 | @ 59-268 @ 1110 @ 61-2055 @ 61-2079 @ 59.269 @ 61111 @ 61-2055 @ 61-2080 @ 592440 ¢ “through” or “and on” + “and those modified by” or “airplanes modified by” — “unless modified by” or “airplanes not modified by” iti B-5SA TABLE OF CONTENTS. q The Airplane Engines —__ Engine Afterburner System Oil Supply System = Inlet Spike System Fuel Supply System Elcccrical Power Supply System Hydraulic Power Supply System Poeumatic Power Supply Systems Flight Control System Landing Gear System Nose Wheel Steering System Brake System Drag Chute = Pitot Seatic System Air Data System Inseruments Malfunction Indicator and Warning System Windshield and Window Glass Pancls Auxiliary Equipment Ss THE AIRPLANE. The B-S8A is a high-altitude, supersonic bomber factured by General Dynamics/Fort Worth, A Division ‘of General Dynamics Corporation. The airplane is de- signed to carry externally attached weapons. The tactical mission is the destroction of surface objectives by bombs. After modification to carry a camera equipped pod the airplane also has the capabilicy o performing daylight photographic reconnaissance mis sions. AIRPLANE DIMENSIONS. © Leagth (overall) 96 feet 9 inches © Height (co top of fn) 29 feec 11 inches @ Wing Span 56 fee 10 inches (© Wing Arca 1542 square feet @ Tread 13 feet 4 inches © Wing Leading Edge © degrees ‘Sweepback Refer w Section II for ruming radius and ground clearances. GROSS WEIGHT. © Weight empty without pod is approximately 58. (000 pounds. (© The maximum gross weight varies with the weap- 00 configuration attached. For information regard- ing the airplane maximum gross weight for 2 given wespon configuration, refer to “Weight Limitations” Section V. FLIGHT CREW. ‘The fight crew coasisss of 2 pilot, a navigator, and 2 defensive system operator. The navigator located at the secoad crew station performs the duties of aavi- gator and operates the bombing equipment The de- feasive system operator at the third crew station oper- ates the defensive ECM equipment and the remote controlled tail rurrer and performs the duties of 2 performance engineer. BAFRRBRESBBIRRRBS 12 Rote Gyro and Accelerometer Package (Cho Dispensers (Lat and Right Whee! Wells) PAMASKISELSLSS OMAP RLBMESS PORE EHHASS 7.0. 18-5801 20MM Gattis Type Gen Toit Terre Gen Feeder Ansembly Gon Contra! Pecioge’ Eomb Dowape Evolence Comera Package Noctlle Cocling ond Fire Access Door (Two on Each Nocelle) Emergency UHF Receiver Tronsmier UF Command Radke (AN/ARC34) UHF Command Rocks (AN/ARCS7) Toctes! Air Novigaten Sytem Podiage ‘Search Radar Phate Recoeder Rado Altmeter Unt Asopilet Anpliier Computer Assembly dir Dot Computer ‘Acaitary Flight Relerence System Directional Computer Long Rouge Commenscoton Receiver Transmitter Nose Wheel Well Canopy Coctrel Valve Secondary Pit Probe Tempersure Probe Landing ood Tex Lights IRC Antenna Coupler Unst Figure 1-1. (Sheet 1 of 2) 1.0. 1B-58A1 Section 1 nespeerreesssesss:2sese: pressurizED AREA Figure 1-1. (Sheet 2 of 2) 1.0. 18-58A-1 CHARACTERISTICS AND FEATURES. ‘The airplane fuselage is ares-rule designed and for the greatest part is covered with 2 booded, beaded skin. ‘The wing is a full cantilever, midwing, modi- fied delta design with a cambered leading edge and = bonded honeycomb skin. The three-man crew sits in tandem in separate compartments. Entrance t0 their positions is made through individeal power- actusted canopies. An air conditioning sywem main- ‘tains proper temperature, ventilation, and pressuriza- tion at all speeds and altitudes for crew compartments and temperarure-limited equipment. The crew is also provided with 2 liquid oxygen system. Electrical power for the airplane is supplied through 2 two-bus ac dis. tribution system by three 2c generators which are driven by engines 1, 2, and 3 through constant-speed drive units. A portion of the ac power is rectified to provide multiple voltages for d-c operated equipment; 2 28-volt battery provides 2 limited source of d-¢ power for operation during extreme emergencies. The tricycle landing gear, brakes, nose wheel stcering., eail turret, ‘autopilot servos, search radar, air refueling door, chaff dispenser drive, and flight control system are actuated by a dual hydraulic system. The light coatrol surfaces consist of rwo elevons and 2 rudder. The airplane is nox equipped with flaps. The flight control system has pro- sions for automatic fight control throughoot the Sight mission (except takeoff and landing). A pacu- matic system provides for emergency operation of the landing gear and brakes. Normal actuation of the can- opies, the drag chute, and the chaff dispensing system is is accomplished by separate pneumatic systems. Offen- sive armament coasists of bombing equipment. Defen- sive armament consists of defensive ECM equipment and a remote-controlled tail rurree equipped with a multi-barrel 20-mm casnoa. ENGINES. Power is developed for the airplane by four General Bi Eleccric J79-5 series engines. The approximate thrust rating of each engine at standard sea level static con- ditions is 15,600 pounds with maximum afterburner and 10,000 pounds at Military power. The engines are mounted in individual nacelles suspended beneath the wing and are numbered from left to right with the lef outboard engine being No. 1. Each nacelle is equipped with 2 variable positioning spike which is used to maintain 2a efficient airflow to the engine throughout the speed range of the airplane. For further information on the spike refer to “Ialet Spike System™ of this section. The engine is an axialfow, rebeat, turbojet engine consisting of a 17-stage compressor, 10 ‘can-type combustion chambers, 2 three-stage turbine, an afterborner, and 2 variable exhaust nozzle. The amouat of air entering the compressor is automatically controlled by variable positioning inlet guide vanes which act a5 an inler air metering device. The frst Section 1 Description six stages of the compressor are equipped with variable positioning stator vanes which are positioned so that a0 particular engine speed and compressor inlet tem perature the inlet air strikes the vanes at the mast effec- tive angle of attack. The inlet guide vanes and variable ator vanes are connected externally and rotare in sain an adequate stall margin under all operating con- ditions. The compressor and turbine, which are splined together, are supported by three bearings and rote asa single unit. The exhaust nozzle fonctions as a vari- able restriction through which gases leaving the engine are accelerated 10 convert as much 2s possible of their Pressure and temperature to velocity for thrust. Each engine is provided with 2 fuel control system, a main ignition system, and a starter system. Eogine lubricar- ing oil is provided by the oil supply system. roam! ‘areas of the engines are anti-iced by air from the anti- icing system (Refer to "Anti-lcing and Defogging Sys- tems,” Section IV). Engines 2 and 3 supply bleed air to the airplane air conditioning system and engines 1, 2, and 3 drive the electrical systems a-c generators. ENGINE FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM. ‘The cagine fuel concrol system consists of two separate systems—one for engine fuel control and one for after- burner fuel control. For information oa the afterbura- ef fuel control system, refer to “Engine Afterburner System" of this section. The primary function of the cagine fuel control system (figure 1-3) is regulating engine speed by supplying and controlling fuel flow. ‘The system also positions the inlet guide and variable sator vanes of the compressor section and initiates afterburner operation. Principal components of the system include 2 fuel strainer; a engine- driven fuel pump; 2 high pressure fuel fileer; » foe! coatrol unit; and 2 pressurizing and drain valve. Fuel flow is primarily controlled by the movement of the throttles. Movement of a throttle out of the OFF posi- tion opens the cutoff valve in the fuel control unit. Foc! is thea supplied from the airplane fuel system through the strainer to the engine-driven feel pump. (A fuel strainer bypass indicator is locaced inside the lefc fire access and ground cooling door. Strainer is indicated by = red pop-up ype button.) The fuel pump then delivers fuel under pressure to the main control unit. The basic control elements of this uait consist of an inlet guide and stator vane control unit, a bypass valve, an afterburner signal valve, and = metering valve. The inler guide and stator vane control unit ports high pressure fuel to the inlet guide and stator vane actuators which position the vanes in proportion to engine speed and com- Prestor inlec temperature. The bypass valve maintains 42 constant pressure to the metering valve by bypassing ‘excess fuel back to the feel pump inlet and controls actuating fuel pressure to open the afterburner ignition switch and the afterburner on-off valve. The metering valve automatically meters the optimum fuel flow for the particular flight condition (accelerating, 1s Section 1 1.0. 1B-58A-1 Description engine fuel control and variable exhaust nozzle system Figure 1-3. (Sheet 1 of 2) Ww 1.0. 18-58A-1 Figure 1-3. (Sheet 2 of 2) Section 1 =. decelerating, high altitude operation, etc.) in response to control signals received in terms of throttle position, engine speed, inlet air temperature, engine accelers- tion. and compressor discharge From the con- tol unit the metered fuel flows first through an oil cooler, where it is used as the cooling medium, and then to the pressurizing and drain valve. This valve maintains pressure in the fuel control unit outlet line. The drain element of the valve serves to drain the engine burner manifold whenever the engine is shut down. From the pressurizing and drain valve the fuel enters the burner manifold, where it is directed to the nozzles. Fach nozzle has an internal flow divider which sprays the fuel into the combustion chambers. The engine fuel control system also supplies fuel from the discharge side of the pressurizing and drain valve 10 the pilot burner for afterburner ignition. In addition to its normal function, the engine fuel contro! system incorporates 2 T; reset and cutback feature. The T= throttle quadrant 1.0. 1B-58A-1 reset feature permits the engine tw increase beyond rated engine speed (7560 rpm- 100 perceat spm) at high compressor inlet temperatures. The system con- sists of two temperature sensor elements. The com- pressor inler temperature sensor converts inlet tem- erature variations into a mechanical signal w the engine fuel control system. The second sensor element compensates for temperature arising from che engine nacelle and produces 2 mechanical signal which opposes the compressor inlet temperature signal in the engine fuel control system. This combined signal is used by the engine fuel control system in establish- ing stator vane and acceleration fuel flow schedules, and in providing compressor inlet temperature resets ‘of engine speed. An increase in engine speed beyoad 100 perceat is necessary to obrain air flow and thrust required for design speed. For additional information oa T- reset and T; cutback, refer so “Engines”, Sec- tion VIL. Figure 1-4. *@° 7 ae TO. 1B58A-1 Throttles. Four throttles (figure 1-4), one for cach engine, are located in a quadrant on the left side of the pilor’s sta- ‘ion. The throttles are mechanically linked to the coa- trol units of their respective engine and control engine speed, foel flow, primary and secondary nozzle area, variable inlet guide and stator vane positioning, and afterburner operation. A throttle torque booster, ia- stalled on the input shaft side of the engine fuel con- ‘ol, aids in moving the throttles. Fuel pressures from zero to 900 psi are taken from the discharge side of the main fuel pump and routed to the torque booster. ‘With 00 foel pressure, the pilot must apply approxi- mately 65 inch-pounds to the chrocles for actuation. ‘The quadrant is marked OFF, IDLE, MIL, MIN A/B, MAX A/B, and OVSP. Moving 2 throttle forward from OFF to IDLE mechanically opens the fuel cutoff valve in the engine fuel control unit. The ignition Gircuit is also energized for 75 =10 seconds provided the corresponding engine start switch is in either the GROUND or AIR positioa. In order to restore ignition after 75 =10 seconds have elapsed, the throttle must bbe retarded to OFF and then advanced to IDLE. or the engine start switch must be positioned to OFF and then to either GROUND or AIR. Advancing the throt- tle from IDLE to MIL increases engine speed from 67 to 100 percent rpm, closes secondary nozzle and posi- tioas the primary nozzle to maintain the required exhaust gas temperature for the power sex. With an ‘engine operating on the ground, rapidly advancing the thromle from IDLE to MIL causes the main fuel con- rol to transmit 2 nozzle lock (off-speed) signal to the nozzle area control. This signal prevents che primary nazzle from closing on the mechanical schedule until engine rpm reaches 93.4 percent. At this point the signal ceases and the primary nozzle closes watil the ehausc gas temperature (EGT) rises enough 1 cause temperature limiting tw begin functioning. During this transit period, back pressure oa the turbine in- creases, causing engine rpm to increase at = slower rate, Due to this condition, military thrust range may bbe reached prior 10 attaining military rpm. This is indicated by the leveling-off of fuel flow and obtaining military EGT and nozzle position. The engine should accelerate from IDLE to MIL chrusc range within five seconds (at 16°C ram air temperature) from the time the thromic is advanced to the MIL position. As the throttle is moved from the MIL positioa through the afterburner transition range, it is raised through the action of a cam to indicate that afterburner operation 4s being initiated. When the throttle is passing through this range, a pressure signal opens the afterburner on- off valve, and permits fuel at airplane booster pump Pressure to flow to the afterburner fuel pump. Mini- mam afterburner operation occurs when the throttle reaches the MIN A/B position. Advancing the throttle toward MAX A/B increases the number of afterburn- Section 1 Description ing feel outlets until maximum fuel flow and after- burner power is reached ar the MAX A/B position. Moving the throttle into the OVSP position allows the engine to overspeed 10 103.5 +0.5 percent rpm pro- viding the ram air temperature is above 10-16 degrees centigrade. However, this does not provide additional thrust to the engines until a higher ram air tempera- ture is obtained. Thrust supplied by the engines in ‘manual overspeed at temperatures below this particular ram air temperature is actually less than that in MAX A/B. The throttles must be raised and pushed forward before they can be placed in the OVSP position. The engines are stopped by placing the throttles in the OFF Position. A stop is provided at the IDLE position 20 prevent inadvertent moving of the throttles 1 OFF. ‘The throttles must be raised approximately 1/2 inch before they can be placed in the OFF position. {eammow'} To prevent the possibility of jamming the throttle(s) against the cam and track assem- bly, che throle(s) must mot be raised when advancing the throtcle(s) from the IDLE posi- tion or retarding the throctle(s) from the MAX A/B position. Throttle movement is controlled by the auto- pilot during the constant mach-altitude mode of automatic flight control. This coatrol can be overridden by the pilot if required. For information on automatic control, refer t0 Autopilot System,” Section IV. On engines 1, 2, and 3, the ac generators are taken "of the line™ when the respective throwle is retarded below idle. The throttle schedules the secondary nozzle the secondary nozzle as the throttle is moved through approximately 85 percent rpm toward the miliary range. ‘Throttle Lock Lever. The throctles are prevented from creeping by a lock lever (figure 1-4) located on the throttle quadrant. When the lever is in the UNLOCK position, the throttles are free to move. Moving the lever forward toward the LOCK position applies an increasing amount of friction to hold the thromles in the desired position. od Section 1 1.0. 1BS8A-1 Description Throttle Retard Button. A throttle recard _afterhurmer engine operation, and are closed for op- button (1, figure 1-29) is located on the left side of che control stick grip to give the pilot the capability of re- ducing power while ‘To prevent inadver- ‘tent actuation of the throctles under critical coaditions, the capsule doors must be closed before power is fur- ished to the circuit. When the button is depressed, power is furnished to drive a 115-volt ac motor lo- ‘cated under the throttle quadrant. Releasing the button breaks the circuit so that the pilot may siop the throttles where he desires. The motor unlocks the throttles in the motor's frst 10 degrees of travel and then simultaneously” retards all throttles to cruise power. This reduces engine rpm to approximately 91 percent. When the thfottles reach cruise position, a microswitch opens to de-energize the circuit. The pilot can regain control of the throttles, when the capsule ‘doors are opened, by manvally moving the throttles 10 the desired position. VARIABLE EXHAUST NOZZLE SYSTEM. Each engine is equipped with a variable exhaust nor zie system (figure 1-3). The system controls the ex: haust area to provide optimum thrust and specific foel ‘consumption for varying engine operating conditions. Ic also protects the engine from overbeating. The sys- tem consists mainly of primary and secondary nozzle flaps, 2 primary nozzle coatrol unit, primary and sec- ‘endary nozale pumps and actuators, thermocouples, temperature amplifier, » control alternator, and 3 sec- ‘endary nozzle control valve. The primary and second- ary norzle pumps, using oil from the oil supply system, supply hydraulic pressure for nozzle actuation. Each primary nozrle control unit and respective engine throttle is mechanically interconnected and syochron- ized so that throttle movement will automatically re- sult in proper actuation of the primary nozzle. How- ever, an electrical control is superimposed upon the mechanical linkage to prevent engine overheating. The temperature amplifier, acting through the primary norzle control unit, zutomatically increases the nozzle area as necessary, regardless of throttle setting, to pre- vent turbine outlet over-temperarure. Normally, at powers below military, the curbine outlet temperanare hhas little effect on the primary nozzle area; however, at military power and above. turbine outlet tempers ture is the principal factor in determining the area. In the afterburner range, primary nozzle area is used to set power; however, fuel flow should also be moai- et eee ere ees independ- ‘ent of the airplane electrical power supply system, supplies a-c power to the temperature amplifier. The secondary nozzle flaps are used to provide maximum thrust and reduce drag during the cruise and military operating ranges. They are opened during idle and 1-10 eration ia the cruise and military ranges. This is ac- ‘complished automatically by throttle movement. Nozzle Position Indicators. Four nozzle position indicators (17, figure 1-5) are lo- cated on the right side of the pilot's main instrument panel. These instruments indicate the primary nozzle position in percent of travel of a telefiex cable which is used to transmit 2 feedback signal from the nozzle actuating pistons to a synchro transmitter. The nozzle position indicator is actuated by electrical signals from the synchro transmitter. The transmitter measures noz- ale position over a range from 50 to 100 percent open aly, since the nozzle is 50 percent open at its maxi- mum closed position. The indicator dial is marked in ‘en equal major graduations from zero to 10. Indicator readings of approximately zero and 7.5 perceat indi- ‘cate chat the nozzle is at its maximum closed and open positions, respectively. There are n0 indicators for the secondary nozzle positions: however, a comentary fluctuation may be noted on each engine oil pressure indicator when the noz2le moves to either the open or closed positions The nozzle position indicators are used wo set power when operating with afterburner. The indicators operate on 115-volt a-c power. VARIABLE INLET GUIDE AND STATOR VANE SYSTEM. The inlec guide vanes (IGV) and stator vanes of the compressor’ first six sages are variable posiioning 10 provide optimum engine performance throughout the ‘engine speed range. The inlet guide vanes act as an in- lec air metering device which controls the amount of air entering the compressor. The variable stator vanes are positioned so that at a particular engine speed and compressor inlec the inlet air strikes the anes at the most efficient angle of attack. The IGV and variable stator vanes are mechaaically linked t- gether externally and operate in unison. They are avto- matically modulated by the engine fuel coatrol unit as a function of engine speed and compresor inlet temperature. In response to these factors, the inlet ‘guide and stator wane control unit directs high pressure fuel m the two actuators which hydraulically position the yanes t their scheduled position. A mechanical feedhack linkage transmits actual vane position to the servo piston in the main fuel control unit, thus eliminating vane angle error or overtravel of the vanes. The inler guide and stator vane control uait is an integral part of the main engine fuel control unit. For additional information, refer to “Inlet Guide and Variable Stator Vane Operation,” Section VIL. pilot’s main instrument panel (typical) % wr % B x” 3B 2 i seas Figure 1-6. MAIN IGNITION SYSTEM. Each engine is equipped with two separate ignition systems—one main and one afterburner. (For informa- tion on afterburner ignition, refer ro “Engine After burner System” of this section.) The main ignition system is a singlerype, low-tension, capacitor dis- charge system. Ir consists of an ignitioa-relay, an igni tion unit, 2 spark plug. a time delay relay. and an igni tioa switch actuated by the throttle. Power for igni- tion is obtained from the 28-volt d-c exeatial bus, Moving 2 throttle to the IDLE position completes a 28-vole d-c circuit from the ignition switch to the igai- tion relay, provided the corresponding engine start switch is actuated. The ignition relay supplies 28-volt direct current from the esseatial d-c bus to the ignition unit. This unit delivers high-voltage direct current to the spark plug in the No. 4 combustion chamber. The time delay relay, located in the circuit becween the ignition switch and the ignition relay, automatically deenergizes the ignition relay after 75 +10 seconds of continuous operation. This feature prevents the overheating of the ignition coils in the ignition unit if che scart switch is inadverteady left energized. The 1-12 1.0. 1B-58A-1 ilot’s left sidewall console neni ignicion cicuit i energized oaly during starting 2s combustion is continuous once the engine starts. a Four igaition switches, one for each engine, are lo- cated in the throttle quadrant and are actuated by throttle movement. Electrical power to the switches is controlled by the engine start switches. With an en- gine start switch positioned to GROUND or AIR, advancing the corresponding throttle to the IDLE posi- tioa or beyoad completes the ignition circuit and sup- plies high-voltage direct curreat to the spark plog in the No. 4 combustion chamber. ENGINE STARTER SYSTEM. The engines arc started by means of a pacumatic start fe sysoem, or, engine no. 2 may be started by either 2 poecumatic or 2 cartridge starter system. When the pocumatic starter system is utilized an external source of compressed air is required. The system is designed so that the compressed air can be supplied from a ground cart to start any one or all of the engines. The system also provides for compressor bleed air from an operating inboard eagine to be used in starting the re- maining three engines. The system consists of four en- ginemounted starters, four engine starter pressure regulating and shutoff valves, 2 receptacle located oa the right side of fuselage below the wing lesding edge for connecting the ground cart, aed four engine start switches located at the pilot’s station. The system also includes a carcridge start switch located at the pilot's station, 2 starter exhaust door, located near the bottom 1.0. 1B-S8A-1 of the no. 2 nacelle which must be unlasched before the ‘engine can be started, (with start cart, bleed air, or cart- ridge starter) and an access door on the outboard side valve to suromatically disengage the pacumatic starter a approximately 47 perceat engine rpm and the cart- ridge/poeumatic starter at approximately 37 percent engine rpm. Refer to “Engine Limitations.” Section V, for limitations on the starter. Engine Stort Switches. Four engine start switches (2, figure 1-6), one for ‘each engioe, are located on the pilot's left sidewall console. Each switch has three positions, marked AIR, GROUND, and OFF. When a switch is positioned 10 GROUND, 28-volt direct current is supplied to the starter relay. The energized relay directs 28-volt direct current to open the starter pressure regulating and shutofl valve. With the switch in this position, the ignition circuit is energized to the throttle ignition switch wich 28-vole direct current. When the switch is placed to OFF, the starter valve closes, stopping starter operation; also, the ignition circuit is de few w the ignition wai This wnicmeptiesconsion current to the spark Sehenre cores ee The ignition syscem maintains a coatiquous fame in the pilot burner dur- ing afterburner operation. Ol SUPPLY SYSTEM. Each engine is equipped with an independent priority celle. The operation of the system is entirely auto- ‘matic and no controls are provided. The oil is used not ‘aly for engine Inbrication and cooling, but it also serves as the actuating fluid in the variable exhaust noz- ‘generator; it also serves as the working fluid in the con- penser eae ene eee is installed arouod the upper right quadrant of the engine in the region of the front compressor case. The tank has 2 capacity of £5 gallons and adequate expan- sioa space. For the oil specifications, see figure 1-47. The oil tank supplies oil to the engine, variable ‘exhaust nozzle system and constant speed drive unit oa 1 priority basis so that any oil leakage in the constant- speed drive will not result in complete oil tank drain- age. This is accomplished with an internal standpipe arrangement connected to the constant-speed drive oil supply line. Should 2 leak occur, in the constant speed drive system, the oil level in the tank will descend only to the level of the standpipe inler allowing the remain- ing oil to circulate to the engine and variable exhaust nozzle system. Loss of oj! quantity is normally indicated by the following sequence: generator fre- quency variation, generazor abaorma! caution lamp lights, oil low caution lamp lights, and low oil pres- sure indication. From the oil tank, oil fows to the coa- stancspeed drive and to the two pressure elements of the gear-type oil pump. One element of the pump sup- plies oil to the variable exhaust nozzle system; the other element supplies pressurized oil for lubrication and cooling to the three main engine bearings, the transfer ‘gear case and the rear gear case. During periods of peak demand, a crossover valve which connects the lines from the two pump elements will open and allow eo- gine lubrication oil pressure to supplement the variable ‘exhaust nozzle system. After the oil has passed through the engine bearings and gear cases and the exhaust nozzle system, it is scavenged by three pumps and re- turned to the oil tank through the main sceveage filter and two oil coolers. The oil supplied to the constant- speed drive is scavenged by the constanrspeed drive scavenge pump, filtered and returned to the tank through the main scavenge filter and the two oil coolers. Under certain oil temperature conditions. the oil will bypass one or more of the coolers. In addition, 4 pressure relief valve, located in the bypass line con- necting the coastantspeed drive oil inlet and outlet lines, will open to allow oil to recirculate through ‘Section 1 Description the constant-speed drive in the eveat of excessive back pressure from the engine scavenge pumps. This produces a closed circulation that continues until the excessive back pressure is relieved and normal oil flow resumes. Deseration of the scavenged oil takes Place as the oil enters through the top and spills down the side of the tank. Fach oil cank is pressurized by the scavenge pumps to reduce oil foaming and to insure a more positive flow to the oil pump and to the constant-speed drive. The pressure is maintained at ap- Proximately 3 t0 £5 psi above the ambient pressure at altitudes below 28,000 feet and ar 5 to 65 psi above ambient pressure at altitudes above 28,000 feet. Up to 20,000 feet the pressurization is maintained by 2 tank pressurizing valve; above this altitude the tank valve is aided by 2 sump pressurizing valve. The tank pres ee ee valve which is located oa the upper right side Be eee cag ke ee omnes ae begins regulation at 20,000 feet and stcains full reguls- tion at 28,000 feet. The tank pressurizing valve also Provides for venting ambient air into the tank during rapid descent. The oil system provides 2 continuous oil supply without fow interruption in any aircraft attitades, incloding negative "G" conditions; however, only a maximum of 30 seconds negative “G” capability is provided. For information on the oil pressure indi- ators, refer to “Engines,” this section. INLET SPIKE SYSTEM. A variable position inlet spike is located in each na- celle to maintain an efficient inlet airflow to the engine throughout the speed range of the airplane. At super- sonic speeds, shock waves form at the engine air inlets. If the shock waves are not kept outside of the diffuser so that the air in the diffuser is subsonic. airflow to the engine will be greatly reduced. The inlet spike sys- tem prevents this from occurring by maintaining a constant ratio between two control pressures—a static Pressure measured on the inner surface of the inler lip and a total pressure measured on the spike tip. These pressures have no particular physical significance, but the ratio between them provides a sensitive means of controlling the inlet efficiency. The coatrol system of each nacelle includes a transducer, an actuator, a coa- trol switch located at the pilot's station, and a control unit containing the amplifier and controlling relays of cach of the four systems. Movement of the spike is for- ward and aft. During normal operation, control of this movement is completely automatic. The spike remains in the aft or retracted position uatil an airspeed of mach no. 1.42 is reached. Ar this speed, a switch in the air data computer closes and supplies a 28-volt direct ‘current signal tw the control unit, activating the sys- tem. The transducer receives the control pressures, ‘computes their ratio, and produces an electrical error 1s 1.0. 18-588-1 WS Power Reset Switch Waring and Caution Indicator Figure 1-7. signal when the computed ratio is incorrect. The am- SPIKE POSITION SWITCHES. plifier receives the error signal from the transducer, amplifies it, and closes 2 relay which supplies 200-vole will remain in its retracted position. Placing a switch 1.0. 1B58A-1 in the IN position moves its spike to the fully retracted Position. The OUT position is 2 spring-loaded guarded Position and is provided for ground checking purposes aly (engine inoperative) except when following "Three Engine Subsonic Flight” emergency proce- dures, Section IIL. Holding the switch in the OUT Position places the spike on the automatic schedule. ‘but the mach no. 1.42 lockout is bypassed and the spike will extend. The spike position switch should be re- tained at the IN position during engine ground op- exations. Holding the switch to the OUT position will extend the spike and place an excessive structural load on the nacelle inner skin. This load is caused by the re- duction in internal pressure resulting from the venturi effect (reduced flow area) with the spike extended. FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM. ‘The airplane is equipped with a fuel system (fgure 1-8) which delivers fuel at booster pump pressure plus cank Pressure t0 the fuel control system of the engines. The fuel system also transfers fuel as required for cg con- trol. Foe! is contained in four airplane tanks and two pod tanks. Refer to figure 1-10 for fuel tank capacities. The fuel tanks of the airplane consist of a forward tank, an aft tank, a reservoir tank, and 2 balance rank. The forward and aft tanks each comprise 2 section of the wing and fuselage: the reservoir tank is locared in the fuselage above the forward tank, and the balance tank is located in the aft portion of the fuselage. No provisions have been made to bullet-seal the tanks. Two types of booster pumps are used in the airplane and pod tanks. The forward tank has centrifugal-type Pumps which have a single inlet while the afr, balance and reservoir tanks and both pod tanks have impeller- type pumps which have inlets at both the top and bouom. Fuel can be supplied directly to the engines from the aft, forward, and/or reservoir tank. The foe! supply in the reservoir tank is held on standby for dicect engine supply if the pressure in cither the right or left engine supply manifold drops too low to sup- port the engines. Fuel in the balance unk and pod tanks cannot be supplied directly to the engine sup- ply manifolds, but must be transferred to the aft, for- ward, and/or reservoir tanks for engine supply. Re- fer to Section VII for fuel management information. ‘The fuel system is divided functionally into the fol- lowing subsystems: engine supply, fuel transfer, vent and pressurization, fuel damp, feel quantity measur- ing, single-point refveling, and air refueling. (Refer to Section IV for information on single-point and air refueling systems) The system is operated from the Section 1 Description fuel control panel (figure 1-11) at the pilot’s station. Six fuel system maintenance test buttons, located on the upper exterior surface of the fuselage, provide means of defveling the reservoir tank and for check- ing the operation of individual tank high level shut- ‘off valves during refueling. For the specification of the foel, see Sgure 1-47. ENGINE SUPPLY SYSTEM. The engine supply system delivers fuel ar booster pump pressure plus tank pressure to the engines from the airplane forward, aft, and/or ceservoir tank supply systems. Fuel is delivered to engines No. 1 and No. 2 through the left eagine supply manifold and to engines No. 3 and No. 4 through the right engine supply mani- fold. A check valve ia each engine supply manifold Prevents total loss of aircraft fuel due 20 2 fuel line bbeeak in the void area forward of the aft fuel tank. The two check valves are locsted in the manifold lines inside the aft fuel tank and prevent flow ia these lines from the aft tank toward the forward and reservoir tanks. For identification, the fuel booster pumps are numbered 1 through 1. The forward tank supply sys tem consists of booster pumps No. I and 2, and two booster pump low pressure caution lamps. The pumps ‘are arranged so that booster pump No. 2 supplies the right manifold and booster pump No. 1 supplies the Jefe manifold. In addition to supplying the engines, the forward tank pumps are used to transfer fuel to che balance and aft tanks for cg control. The aft tank sop- ply system consists of booster pumps No. 6, 7, 8, aad 9, and four booster pump low pressure caution lamps. ‘The pumps are arranged so that booster pumps No. 8 and 9 supply the right manifold and booster pumps No. 6 and 7 supply the left manifold. In addition £0 supplying the engines, the aft tank pumps are used s0 transfer fuel to the forward tank for cg control. When the engines are being supplied from both the forward and aft tanks, booster pumps No. 6 and 7 supply the left engine manifold and booster pump No. 2 supplies the right engine manifold. The reservoir tank supply system consists of booster pumps No. 3, 4, and 5; right and left manifolds; and three booster pump low pres sure caution lamps Although the reservoir booster Pumps can supply either the right or left manifold, the low pressure caution lamp for each is in coajunc- tioa with a specific manifold. Pumps 3 and 4 low Pressure caution lamps operate from the left manifold and pump 5 low pressure caution lamp operates from the right manifold. Booster pumps No. 3 and 4 operate ceatinuously, while booster pump No. 5 operates oaly when the right or left engine manifold pressure de- creases to 19 (=I) psig. On airplane @ 9, at lease Ww Figure 1-8. (Sheet 1 of 2) ENGINE SUPPLY PUMP SUPPLY REFUEL AND TRANSFER PRESSURIZED AIR [FROM AIR COND. SYSTEM) Fug DUMe PRESSURE SWITCH ELECTRICAL ACTUATION MECHANICAL ACTUATION SOLENOID VALVE SUCTION CHECK VALVE CHECK VALVE FUEL PUMP FLOAT VALVE ANTISUCTION VALVE POD DISCONNECT |S BH008 sovonits ezEcnenenmons> OC] Figure 1-8. (Sheet 2 of 2) Section 1 Description ‘one reservoir to manifold switch must be in NORMAL 0 allow booster pump No. 5 tw operate. This pump will come on regardless of pressure if both tanks so eagine supply knobs are positioned to OFF and one or both reservoir to manifold switches are in NORMAL. The seservoir tank pumps insure a positive fuel supply to the engines during deceleration, descent, negative ‘gravity conditions, or at any time engine supply mani- fold pressure drops t00 low to fulfill the engive re- quirements. Each reservoir manifold incorporates a Pressure relief valve, a shutoff valve, 2 check valve, and a suction check valve. The arrangement of che pumps and reservoir manifolds is such thar the upper outlet of pumps no. 3 and no. 4 and the lower outlet of Pump no. 5 supplies the right manifold and the lower ‘outlet of pumps no. 3 and no.4 and the upper outlet of pump no. 5 supplies the left manifold. If the reser- voir tank is noc supplying the engines, fuel in che reservoir manifolds is recirculated back to the tank ‘through the pressure relief valves. A shutoff valve in cach reservoir tank manifold prevents loss of fuel from the reservoir tank if 2 break in an engine supply manifold should occur. The reservoir tank is auto- matically maintained full, and is the last fuel source to be depleted. In the event of total loss of electrical Power, fuel is introduced by tank pressure into the reservoir tank manifolds through the suction check valves in sufficient quantities for the engine-driven fuel Pumps to sustain afterburner operation of the engines at altitudes up 1 6000 feet. Available fuel is limited to shat in the reservoir tank plus any fuel that can be air pressure transferred from the forward tank. Refer to Section VII for the minimum forward tank fuel quan- tity available for air pressure transfer to reservoir tank at various deck angies. Antisuctioa valves incorporated in the engine supply manifolds prevent the suction of fuel or air from the forward and aft tanks ia the evear of electrical power failure. Four fuel shutot valves, one for each engine, provide a means of shut- ting off the fuel to the engines in the event of a nacelle fire. The fuel shutoff valves are controlled by the engine fire pull handles. For additional information, refer to “Emergeacy Equipment” of this section. FUEL TRANSFER SYSTEM. The foel transfer system is used for pod to airplane fuel wansfer, reservoir tank automatic filling, center of gravity control, and fuel scavenging. For fuel system trouble shooting procedures refer to figure 7-11. Pod-To-Airplone Fuel Transfer System. The MB-1, LA-331A, and two component (BLU-2B) pod-to-airplane fuel transfer system is used to replenish fuel in the airplane forward, aft, and/or balance tanks. TO. 1B-58A-1 ‘The system ccasists primarily of rwo pod tank transfer- refuel knobs, two transfer pumps, a pod tank inrer- soanect switch, and two pod tank interconnect valves. When cither pod tank transfer-refvel knob is placed in the TRANS position, fuel in the pod is transferred 1 the airplane tanks preselected by the pilot. However, during a forward cg shift, the pod pumps are automat. ically locked out. In the cveat of » pod transfer pump failure, the interconnect valves between the two tanks may be actuated by placing the pod interconnect switch to INTERCONNECT. Pod pressurization air will open the two interconnect valves and allow fuel in the two tanks to seek 2 common level. Under these ‘conditions, the remaining active transfer pump in the pod may be used to transfer fuel co the airplane ranks. Under certain conditions where crew compartment cooling air is not required, there is insufficient air presure available at the pod air discoanect coupling to insure proper engagement. If the coupling is not engaged, there is no actuation air source available to the pod fuel taok interconnect valves. If pod tank interconnect switch is positioned to INTERCONNECT and there is no evidence of operation by 2 change of the pod fuel quantity gages, adequate air pressure can be supplied by operating the air conditioning system in the manual mode and selecting a colder temperature. Reservoir Tank Automatic Filling System. The reservoir tank automatic filling system, which consists of an automatic transfer valve and a float con- wol valve, maintains the reservoir tank supply by several different methods with 2 different fuel quanticy for cach method. The following discussions explain the various filling methods and the approximate reser- voir tank fuel quantities for each methed. All quanti- ties are for 2 ground atticude of —23 degrees unless otherwise specified. Air Pressure Tronsfer. Fuel removed from the reser- voir tank is replenished from the forward tank through the overflow-vear line. The transfer is accomplished from the forward tank by air pressure Since the airflow-vent line maintains both tanks at the same pressure, transfer from forward to reservoir tank is ini- tiated by the differential pressure caused by reducing the fuel quantity in the reservoir tank. Air pressure transfer will occur only 2s long as the overflow-vent- line in the forward tank is covered with fuel. The line is covered for forward tank fuel quantities greater than the following: approximately 19,000 pounds for 123 degrees deck angle, approximately 12,900 pounds for 2 +25 degrees deck angle, and approximately 10,000 pounds for a +5.0 degrees deck angle. The reservoir tank fuel quantity will be 4100 to 4200 pounds. 1.0. 18-58A-1 center of gravity control system (typical) Becster penge 7 pe bie Figure 1-9. Automatic Reservoir Filling. If air pressure transfer does not occur, fuel is routed into the reservoir tank through the autocransfer valve located in the line coa- necting the left engine supply manifold and the refuel manifold. Foel will fow through the autotransfer valve into the reservoir tank if the left engine supply mani- fold pressure is greater than 18 (=1) psig and the reservoir foel is below the foar control valve. The autotransfer valve will ciose if the left engine supply manifold pressure drops below 18 (=1) psig. The Soar control valve will actuate, stopping the fuel transfer when the reservoir rank quantity reaches pproxi- mately 3600 pounds. Refueling the Reservoir Tank. With the forward tank refuelscavenge knob in the OFF position, foel enters the reservoir tank from the refuel manifold through the refuel valve. The fuel source is from other airplane tanks or ground refueling. In this case, the reservoir tank fuel quantity will be determined by the high level refuel foar which acruates at approximately 3900 pounds. Section 1 1.0. 18-S8A-1 Description fuel quantity data NOTE: Weight based on JP4 fuel @ 65 powds per gallon Standard Day’ cal. Figure 1-10. 122 1.0. 1B-S8A-1 Overfiow. Once the reservoir tank is full, an overflow into the forward tank occurs. The overflow occurs dur~ ing refueling or cg shifts. The amount of foel in the reservoir tank when overflow occurs will be approxi- mately 4100 to 4200 pounds. quantity indicators to compute jue to use or transfer of fuel. The set in by adjustment of two counters on the cz system adjustment panel (see figure 1-12). Note The numbers oa the counters range from 000 through 999 t0 000, the latter representing 1000. The numbers appearing oa the counter have no direct relationship to the weight and moment. For example, 000 below 001 on the weight counter is equal to 53,000 pounds, and 000 above 999 is equal to 63,000 pounds. The moment adjustment is a function of the air- plane operating weight and cg. relative 10 foselage station 400, so che possibilities for variation are almost infinite. When the pod selector switch is manually positioned ‘to the proper pod setting, the pod dry weight values are set in automatically, upon attachment of the pod(s). In addition, values represeating moment arms for the pod fuel are ser in automatically. (This compares 20 the two sides of the slide of the balance computer, with the MB-1C on one side and the TCP oa the other.) ‘The small weapons valves are also set in automatically, requiring no manual adjustment. Pod and/or small ‘weapons inputs are then removed, automatically. by 2 of the component. Two signals, repre- senting fuel weight and mass, are fed from each of the pilor’s individual fuel gages into the cg calibrator. Section 1 Description Summing aecworks ia the calibrator add the weight signals to determine gross weight, and other networks determine moment from the fuel mass signal. The tocal ‘moment is thea electrically divided by the total weight and the result is displayed to the crew, expresed in percent MAC. An examination of the cg slide rale will show that the moment added by changing quantities of fuel in the tanks is non-linear and varies with atti- rode. The cg system compensates for non-linearity, but does not compensate for the variations dve to atticude; all computations are at the single deck line attitude of 25 degrees nose up. The proven accuracy of the system is =0.5 percent MAC (+06 percent MAC when the TCP or small weapons are attached), when compared to a machine calculation based on direct foe! gage readings and at plus 25 degrees deck attitude. ‘Whea compared to the slide rule computations at +25 degrees nose up, the accuracy is +08 percent MAC (09 perceat with TCP or small weapons accached). At other attitudes between plus 0.5 and plus 65 degrees, demonstrations have shown that the system indication is accurate within +15 percent MAC. At attitudes beyond plus 5.6 degrees, including equivalent atti- tudes due to acceleration and deceleration, chere is a variable additional degradation, but not of sufficiest magnitude to be cause for alarm. An additional error ‘of =02 percent MAC may occur at attitodes berween 00 and 0.5 degrees. ‘The values for chaff and ammunition are not included in the electrical computation of cg- ‘Therefore, if ammunition and chaff are losded the actual cg will be aft of the indicated cg. ‘Normally, this error is negligible at high gross weights and will nor exceed 10 percent MAC at low gross weights. A 6g failure detector and cg failed caution lamp are Provided to detect and caution the pilot of 2 malfunc- tion within the cg control system. When the cg failed lamp is lighted, automatic cg control is no longer pos- sible, and the remainder of the 4i plished in manual cg control. Automatic CG Control. With che cg control system in the automatic mode, the cg indicator maintains the indicated cg within 0.5 +01 percent MAC of the selected cg setting. A selector koob, located oa the cg indicator provides a means of selecting the desired g for a particular flight condition. If a cg is seleced thar is forward of the airplane cg, foel will be trans- fecred forward until the desired cg position is reached. Conversely, if 2 og is selected that is aft of the airplane cg, foel will be transferred aft. Fuel flows forward or aft in the same manner 2s during mantal cg control ‘except that the fuel transfer is automatically stopped. ‘The eg repeater indicator is located at the DSO's sia 1-23 Section 1 1.0. 18-58A-1 fuel control panel (typical) tion. The repeater indicator is identical to the cg in- dicator on the pilot’s fuel control panel. However, the repeater is wired such that selection or control of cg location is not permitted. The repeater indicator slaves from the pilot's indicator instead of receiving signals from the calibrator. Manvel CG Control. The airplane cg is manually controlled by two knobs located on the fuel control panel: the cg control knob (2, figure I-11) and the manual cg shift knob (3, Sgure 1-11), in addition wo 1-26 Figure 1-11. ro. ‘4 manual cg shift switch located on the pilot’s control stick (3, figure 1-29). For operation of this switch, refer to “Fuel System Controls and Indicators” of this section. With the cg control knob positioned to MANUAL and the manual cg shift knob positioned to AFT, booster pumps No. 1 and 2 will transfer fuel to the balance tank. If the balance tank becomes full before the desired cg is obtained, fuel will overflow into the aft tank, continuing to move the cg aft. The ‘overflow and vent tube allows fuel to fow in only one direction from the balance to the aft tank. When the aft tank becomes full, transfer aft will cease. If fuel is transferred from the pod while the cg is being moved aft, the pod fuel will also be transferred aft. ‘With the manual og shift knob positioned to FWD and the aft tank to engine supply knob off, booser pump low pressure caution lamps No. 7, 8, 10, and 11 will blink and booster pumps No. 10 and 11 will transfer fuel through the forward tank refuel valve and into the reservoir tank. Fuel will then fow through the reservoir tank overflow line and into the forward tank. If the balance tank quantity becomes less than 1500 to 2000 pounds before the desired forward cx is attained, che aft tank transfer coatrol valve will open allowing fvel in the aft tank to be transferred forward. The pod tok pumps are electrically locked out when the og is being moved forward. Scavenge System. The scavenge system is used to scavenge fuel from the airplane forward and aft tanks to the reservoir cank. ‘The system coasiscs primarily of rwo scavenge pumps, associated tubing, and two tank scavenge switches. The system also utilizes the forward and balance tank boost- ex pumps. The forward tank scavenge pump is located in the forward tank and has an outlet tube which ex- tends into the bottom of the reservoir tank. The scav- enge pump and forward tank booster pumps eransfer fuel from the forward tank to the reservoir tank when the forward tank refuel-scaveage knob is positioned to SCAV. The aft tank scavenge pump is located in the aft tank and has an outler tube which is roured into the balance tank Placing the balance tank refuel- scavenge knob in the SCAV position energizes the aft tank scavenge pump and balance tank booster pumps. ‘The scavenge pump transfers fuel from the aft tank to the balance tank where the balance tank booster pumps transfer the fuel to the reservoir ak. VENT AND PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM. The forward and aft tanks of the airplane and pod are Provided with 2 venr and pressurization system 0 Section 1 Description are vented to the forward and aft tanks respectively aod utilize the pressurization system. Pressurization of the tanks is accomplished by using air from the air conditioning system. The forward and aft tanks are ‘equipped wich 2 vent control valve which incorporates 4 pressure regulating valve. The regulating valve coa- twols the fow of engine bleed air. When tank pressure is decreasing due to descent, transfer, or engine supply, sufficient air is introduced to hold the tank pressure at 5 psig. Whenever the tank pressure begins increasing due to climb, aerodynamic heating, or fuel transfer, the veat valve holds the tank pressure berween 5 and 6 psig. Each vent valve also contains a float valve. ‘When the vent valve is submerged in fuel due to the attitude of the airplane, the foat valve prevents fuel from venting overboard until the tank pressure exceeds 115 psig. The vent control valve also provides the fuel tank with negative pressure relief and a high pressure relief valve. If the vear control valve becomes inopes- ative, the high pressure relief valve becomes indepea- dent to the vent control valve and willl vent the cank when pressure reaches 12 psig. Each pod tank has an air pressure regulator valve that controls the air pres- sore. The regulator valve senses the pressure inside the tank. If the tank presure drops below 44 psig the regulator valve will open and allow the tank pressure to build up to 47 psig. The regulator will chen close. If the tank pressure builds up to 5 psig due to climb, refueling or aerodynamic heating, the vent coatrol valve will opea and relieve the tank pressure. The vent contro! valve will close when tank pressure has de- creased t0 4.75 psig. All pods are equipped with vent valves i auxiliary relief valves. The aux- iliary relief valve is 2 sefery feature which will pre- year damage co the pod if the vent valve fails to function normally. The auxiliary relief valves relieve Pressure at 12 psig. If the airplane descends rapidly and the correct pressure cannot be maintained in the pod tanks, a negative relief valve in each rank will open and allow the tank pressure to adjust to ambient Pressure. Operation of the system is completely auto- FUEL DUMP SYSTEM. ‘The fuel dump system provides an emergency means of reducing the gross weight of the airplane in fight. The system includes 2 control solenoid valve and a dump probe assembly. When it is necessary to jettison fuel, the consrol valve is opened by means of a guarded dump switch oa the fuel control panel. The dump switch opens a control solenoid valve which allows ea- gine supply manifold pressure to disengage the probe Itch, to extend the probe, and to open the dump valve. ‘The probe extends approximately rwo feet outward from the left side of the balance tank just aft of the 1.25 Section 1 Description wing trailing edge. As the probe extends, it ruprures the thin cover over the dump probe port. When the in the aft cank is ‘The fuel quantity measuring system is a capacitor-type indicating system which messures and indicates ia pounds the quantity of fuel contained in che tanks of the airplane and pod. The system consists of cxpacitor- type tank units, six fuel quantity indicators, 2 foel quantity totalizer indicator, and 2 transfer relay. In addition to indicating the individual rank fuel quanti- ties, the system also rotals and indicates, on the total- izer indicator, the number of pounds of fuel remain- ing in the airplane and pod tanks The transfer relay ‘consists of two relay units and rwo equivalent capaci- Tonk to Engine Supply Knobs. ‘Two tank to engine supply knobs (19 and 21, fig- ture I-11), one for the forward tank and one for the aft tank, are located on the fuel control pase! The knobs bave two positions marked ON und OFF. Plac- ing cither knob in the ON position sspplits power co the respective tank booster pumps allowing ore rank pumps No. 2, 6, and 7 so that the forward ok will supply the right manifold and the aft tank will supply the left manifold. Reservoir Booster Pumps Switch. A reservoir booster pumps switch (20, figure 1-11) is located 00 the fuel control panel. The switch has ‘wo positions marked NORM and OFF. Placing the switch in the NORM position energizes booster pumps No 3 and 4 and sopplies power wo the kfr and cight engine manifold pressure switches in the starting cir- cuit of booster pump No. 5. Booster pump No. 5 will not become energized until the right or left engine supply manifold pressure decreases to 19 (1) psig. On airplanes G@ $ at least one reservoir wo manifold switch (15, igure 1-11) must be ia NORMAL to allow booster pump No. 5 to operate. 1.0. 1B-S8A-1 Reservoir to Manifold Switches. ‘Two reservoir to manifold switches (15, figure 1-11), one for the right manifold and one for the left mani- fold, are located on the fuel control panel. The switches control 28-volt direct current to the manifold shutof valves and have two positions marked NORMAL and CLOSE. Placing the switches in the NORMAL posi- tion opens the reservoir manifold shutof valves allow- ing fuel in the reservoir tank to become available 20 the engine supply manifolds Placing either switch in the CLOSE position isolates the reservoir ak from the respective engine supply manifold. The switches are guarded in the NORMAL position. CG Control Knob. A two position romry-cype cg control knob (2, Sgure 1-1, located on the fuel control panel, is marked MANUAL and AUTO. In the MANUAL position, the Knob directs 28-volt direct curreat to the manual cg shife knob contacts which control operation of the forward tank transfer control valve, aft tank transfer coatrol valve, balance tank overfow solenoid valve, balance tank refuel valve, the forward tank refuel valve, and booster pumps 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, and 11. This enables fuel to be transferred forward or aft with the ‘manual cg shife knob. In the AUTO position, the knob directs 28-volt direct current to the automatic ¢g coa- ‘rol circuits which control operation of the components used to automatically transfer fuel either forward or aft. ‘With the cg control knob in AUTO, placing either manual shift switch (on the control stick or on the feel control panel) in the FWD or AFT position will automatically reposition the cg control knob from AUTO to MANUAL, and a cg shift will begin as selected. If automatic cg control is again desired after the manval shifr has been completed, the cg control knob must be manually placed to the AUTO position. Manual CG Shift Knob. A three-position rorary-type manual og shift knob, (3, figure 1-11), located on the fuel control panel, is marked FWD, OFF, and AFT. The knob is spring- loaded to the OFF position so that it must be held 20 the FWD or AFT position. The knob operates in con- junction with the cg control knob. With the cg coa- trol knob in the MANUAL position, the manual cg shift knob directs 28-vole direct current 10 the foel system components which control the transfer of fuel ither forward or aft. Placing the manual cg shift knob in the FWD position transfers fuel from the balance aod aft tanks to the forward tank by energizing booster pumps No. 7, 8, 10, and 11; opening the aft tank transfer control solenoid valve and the forward tank refuel solenoid valve. However, the aft tank transfer control valve is preveated from opening until the foel ance tank refuel solenoid valves, the balance tank over- flow solenoid valve will close and booster pumps No. 10 and 11 will be de-energized. The OFF position also © The manual cg shift knob can be used 10 override the control stick manual cg shift switch in case of malfunction. @ If the cg control_knob on the fuel control panel is in the AUTO position whea the man- tual cg shift knob is actuated, the cg control knob will automatically drive to the MAN- UAL position, and a cg shift will begin as scheduled by the manual cg shift knob. If the automatic mode is again desiced after the cg shift bas been made, the cg control knob must be manually placed to the AUTO position. Control Stick Manval CG Shift Switch. A manual og shift G3, figure 1-29) is located on the pilot's control stick. The switch has three pasi- tioas marked FWD, OFF, and AFT, and is spring- loaded to the OFF position. The lock buttoa, located in the center of the switch, must be depressed before the switch can be moved to either the FWD or AFT posi- tion. Whenever a cg shift is selected using the control stick manual cg shift switch, booster pump operation is the same as during an automatic cg shift. Section 1 Description Note @ IE the cg control knob on the fuel control pane! is in the AUTO position when the con- trol stick manual cg shift switch is actuated, the cg control knob will automatically drive t0 the MANUAL position, and a cg shift will begin as scheduled by the control stick man- ual og shift switch. If the automatic mode is again desired after the cg shift has been made, the cg control knob must be manually placed to the AUTO position. © The control stick manual cg shift switch can be overridden by the manual cg shift knob oa the fuel control panel. © Should a malfunction occur, causing the coa- trol stick manual cg control switch to stick in either the forward or aft position, cg con- trol may be regsined by removing the ce control fuse from the 28-volt d- 4 POD FWD Figure 1-20. (Sheet 8 of 11) @ ° 2680000 ® 80000 AIRCRAFT SYSTEM GROUND TEST POWER 7.0. 18-58A-1 Section Description FUSE| FUSE MARKING PANEL HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Attitude Indicator Hydraulic Failure 123.4 4 | HYD FAL ® Hydraulic Valve 1234 4 | HYD VALVE ® Primary Hydraulic Pressure 1 | HYD PRESS PRIMARY ® Primary Hydraulic Quantity 1 | HYD QTY PRIMARY ® Utility Hydraulic Pressure 1 | HYD PRESS UTILITY ® Usiliry Hydraulic Quantity 1_| HYD gry UnLITy ® FF SYSTEM Air-to-Ground 2 | AIR TO GRD ® 3 | AIR TO GRD ® 1_| AIR TO GRD IFF ® IRS-TACAN SYSTEM 1 | TACAN ® 1 | TACAN BDH IND ® | TACAN BDH IND ® 1 | TACAN-ILs sys ® e 3_| TACAN ® INSTRUMENTS 150 Volt DC Instruments 1 150V DC INST ® 250 Volt DC Instruments 1 250V DC INST ® —150 Volt DC Inseruments 1 | —150v DC INST ® AC Instruments 1 | ac ins @ 1 | AC INST @ Angle-of-Attack Indicator 1 | ANGLE-OF-ATTACK IND ® Auxiliary Pilor’s MM3 Navigator's MM3. D-C Instruments Low Altitude Radar Altimeter Mach Indicator Pilot’s Instrument Vibrator TACAN BDH Indicator Turn and Slip Indicator PILOT AUX PILOT MM3 IND CONT REL PILOT MM3 IND & GYRO NAV'S DC INST LOW ALT RADAR LOW ALT RADAR MACH METER PILOT'S INST VIB TACAN BDH IND TACAN BDH IND | TURN & SLIP INDICATOR 1 | LANDING GEAR, POS IND 1_| LANDING GEAR WARNING ee @ ©0@ Dimming Relays e LANDING GEAR SYSTEM Pilot’s Emergency Lights Navigator's Emergency Lights Landing Gear Position Indicator DSO’s Emergency Lights Landiog Gear Warning Lamps LIGHTING SYSTEM IFR Light and Map Light e@ lserument Lights DIMMING RELAYS LIGHT PILOT LIGHT NAV LIGHT Ds OPR IFR LT & MAP LT PILOT NAV & DS OPR Figure 1-20. (Sheet 9 of 11) ©000000 131 Section 1 1.0. 18-58A-1 Description FUSE PANEL AIRCRAFT SYSTEM QTY. | FUSE MARKING No. LIGHTING SYSTEM (Continued) Internal Flood Lights 1 | Por ® 1 | NAV & Ds OPR ® Landing Lights 1 | LANDING UGHT © 1 | LANDING LIGHT ® Lower Aati-Collision Light 1 | LWR ANTI COLLN LIGHT ® Navigation Lights 1 | NAV LIGHTS @ Passageway Lights 1 | PASSAGE LIGHTS NAV ® Taxi Light 1 | TAXI LIGHT ® Upper Anti-Collision Light 1_| UP ANT COILN uGHT ® MALFUNCTION INDICATOR AND WARNING SYSTEM Angle-of-Atack Indexer (3) 1 | ANGLE-OF-ATTACK IND ‘Master Caution Lamp 1 | MASTER CAUTION ® ‘Master Warning Lamp 1 | MASTER WARNING ® Sell Warning Lamp 1 | STALL WARN IND ® Voice Warning 1_| VOICE WARNING ® NOSE WHEEL STEERING SYSTEM Nose Gear Steering 1 | NOSE GEAR STEER © Nose Wheel Steering 1 | NOSE WHEEL STEERING ® OXYGEN SYSTEM (Oxygen Low Level 1 | Oxy Low LEVEL ® Oxygen Quantity 1 | oxy gry @ PHOTO RECONNAISSANCE SYSTEM (Camera Power 3 | CAMR PWR @ PITOT-STATIC. SYSTEM Angle-of-Artack Sensor Heater 1 | aR ® Pitot Heater (Primary) PITOT HEATER @ Pitot Heater (Secondary) 1 | PITOT NO. 2 HEATER @ Doppler Radar ASTRO-TRACKER ASTRO-TRACKFR ASTRO-TRACKER PNS ASTRO-TRACKER DOPPLER RADAR DOPPLER RADAR DOPPLER RADAR ©000000 1-52 Figure 1-20. (Sheet 10 of 11) T.0. 1B-58A-1 Section 1 Description FUSE | FUSE MARKING PANEL AIRCRAFT SYSTEM ary. No. PRIMARY NAVIGATION SYSTEM (Continued) Navigation Unit Radio Altimeter Search Radar carro! low voltage power supply pressure caution Lamps Seabilization Unit beater NAV CONTROL NAV UNIT e ae NAV UNIT RADIO ALT RADIO ALT SEARCH RADAR SEARCH RADAR SEARCH RADAR SEARCH RDR CONT SEARCH RDR HTR PNS S RDR LVPS SRDR PRESS LT e »@0800000 ® STAB UNIT STAB UNIT ® STAB AREA © STAB HEATER ® ‘SMALL WEAPONS (See BOMBING SYSTEM) TACAN (See ILS-TACAN SYSTEM) VGH RECORDER VGH RECORDER VGH RECORDER ee Figure 1-20. (Sheet 11 of 11) External Power Knob. The external power knob (2, fgure 1-15), located on the electrical control panel, controls electrical power supplied from an external power unit. The four knob Positions are marked ALERT, GRD REFUEL, OFF, and GRD MAINT. Placing the knob to GED MAINT ‘connects che external power supply to the electrical system provided that the generator control switches are positioned to OFF and che air conditioning system is activated. The latter feature prevents possible dam- age to electronic equipment resulting from inadequate cooling. Placing the knob to GRD REFUEL energizes the ground refueling equipment and isolates the re- maining circuits. Placing the knob to ALERT accom- Plishes the same function 2s GRD MAINT except that the air conditioning requirement is bypassed. fcauriow } To prevent possible damage to equipment, units requiring air conditioning should not be tumed oa unless air conditioning is avail- able for equipment cooling except when fol- lowing the Scramble procedures in Section I In this case, the equipment should nox be ca for more than 90 seconds unless air con- ditioaing is available. Ls3 Section 1 1.0. 1B-S8A-1 —— d-c power distribution ow 259 WoC BS from 150 YO Bes om —1s0 v0 aes ow 25 WoC Bes Section 1 oe d-c system check panel DC LOADMETER Figure 1 HYDRAULIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM. Two separate, closed, variable delve sureype hydrsulic synems, a wility sysem (6gure 1.24) and a primary system (gure 1-29) supply power for operation of the kydeaals: equipment The tao syueent are complesely independear with ao iar. change of fluid pressure. The hydeaulic power required for operation of the elevon and redder cootrol surfaces is equally divided between the uilty and primary 977 tems, each system being connected to seperate scntors Wich cicher symem inoperative, the semsining,sysecm will assume the eatie load of fight coasrol operation. Under seth a condicion, munciownn control sire fonts cusput is limited to half that of normal dual sysean operation. Alto, the fow rate is reduced which resuls im slower response of the caceal sucfaces, however, this will noc be appreciably noticable excepe when high loads are imposed oa the coatrol surfacc. Ia addition to providing power for the elevoa and rud. der control surfaces, the wcilcy hydraulic symem also supplies power for operating the landing gear, nose wheel secring, wheel brakes, tal caret, earch 1a: dae, chaff dispensing, symem, air refutling synem, won damper servo, clevatsr damper stro, auso. [biter servos and the rudder damper serve. The oaly addivional equipment reotiviag bydracic power froat the primary system is the rudder damper serve. Each sysem coosists mainly of a peesurined reserve, eo 1.56 constant-pres- 1.0. 18-58A-1 22. engine-driven pumps, cwo ram air fluid coolers, two cooler bypass valves, a reservoir bypass valve, two ac- cumulators, ewo pressure switches, a pressure indicator, 4 quantity indicator, a spring-loaded surge damper, and two hydraulic shuroff valves. In addition, the atility system includes, landing gear, tail turret, and PCLA Glters, 2 brake accumulator and a brake hand pump. See Sgure 1-47 for hydraulic fluid specification. Each of the two byrdaulic systems is independently supplied with fluid from 2 pressurized reservoir. The reservoirs are located in the main landing gear whee! wells—the utility reservoir in the left wheel well and che primary reservoir in the right wheel well. Each reservoir is pressurized by hydraulic pressure from its respective system. With the systems operating at a normal pres- sure of 3000 (+200, —125) psi, a pressure of 60 psi will be maintained in the pump suction side of exch reservoir. The primary hydraulic system incorporates 2 pressure regulator valve, accumulator, hand pump, and a pressure gage located in the right wheel well. See figure 1-47 for servicing data. The utility hydraulic system uses a brake accumulator, hand pump, and pressure gage in conjuactioa with an added Pressure regulating valve located ia the left wheel well. The reservoir pressurization circuit can be maintained at 3000 psi on the ground by utilizing the hand pump. This will maintain 2 normal pressure of 60 psi on the remainder of the system which will facilitate mainte- ance and servicing procedures. The continuous reser- voir pressurization system will maintain 2 positive 10. 1588-1 Section 1 Description ‘C power unit data va Fuses Pulled Voltage Checked Dty Marking Location Tolerances 250V (FWD) 3. | AFT SUPPLY 2s0v-DC Lac pwr. panel 262770 z= AFT SUPPLY 250V-DC AC & HV. d-c pwr panel OUTPUT 250V (AFT) 3 | FWD SUPPLY 2sov-DC Rac pwr panel 26270 2 | FWD SUPPLY 250V-DC | AC & HLV. d-c pwr panel OUTPUT —150 (FWD) 3 | AFT SUPPLY —150V-DC L ac pwr. panel —HLAs9v 2 | AFT SUPPLY —isov-DC | AC & HLV. é-c pwr panel OUTPUT —150 (AFT) 3 | FWD SUPPLY —isov-DC | Rac pwr panel HSV 2 | FWD SUPPLY —1S0V-DC | AC & ELV. d-c pwr panel OUTPUT +150V (FWD) 3 AFT SUPPLY —150V-DC L ac pwr. panel ML-1S9V 2 | AFT SUPPLY +150V-DC AC & FLV. d-c pwr panel OUTPUT +1S0V (AFT) 3 | FWD SUPPLY +150V-DC Rac pwr panel 141-1599 2 FWD SUPPLY +150V-DC AC & ELV. d-c pwr panel OUTPUT 28V (FWD) 3 | AFT SUPPLY 28V-DC L main ac pwr. panel 245V-Fall 4 AFT SUPPLY OUTPUT 28-Volr d-c pwr. panel scale NO. 1 (2,3, 28V (AFT) 3 | FWD SUPPLY 2sV-DC R. main 2c pwr. panel 245V-Full 4 | FWD SUPPLY OUTPUT 28-Volt dc pwr. panel scale NO. 1 (2,3, 4) Figure 1-23. Pressure and will reduce tendency toward pump cavi- tation under maximum rate of flight control demand. This will also shorten hydraulic system warmup time during cold weather operations. Pressurization of the reservoirs is necessary because of the remote locs- Sion from the pumps and by high fow demands. Floid level in the reservoirs is shown by an in- tegral sliding rod arrangement, visible from the ground, and by the pilot’s quantity indicators in the pilos’s station. The rod is etched in degrees Fahrenheit to show the quantity of fuid in the reservoir. Fluid level in the reservoir varies with temperature and is serviced according to 2 placard on the reservoir. The pilot's quantity indicators show actual reservoir level as a percent of its capacity. A placard on the reser- voir shows where the level should be with regard to hydraolic system temperature. This temperarure can be read on the temperature tor (dial thermometer) located adjacent to the reservoir. The Piloc’s quantity indicator reading can be compared to reservoir level reading by 2 placard mouated on the inside of the main landing gear wheel well door. The system must be pressurized in order to check che @uid level ia the reservoir. See figure 1-47 for servicing data. Hydraulic power is supplied to the two systems by four engine-driven pumps, one per engine. Each of the hydraulic systems utilizes two pumps installed in 2 parallel arrangement—two left wing pumps for the uility system and two right wing pumps for the pri- mary system. In the event of a pump failure in either the utility or the primary hydraulic system, the affected system will continue to fonction with fluid pressure from the remaining pump. The variable delivery-rype Pumps are rated co deliver 25 gpm each at 3000 (+200, —125) psi when engine is operated near 100 percent rpm. They are mouated on the aft side of the rear gear case in the lower part of the engine section. A ram air uid cooler located in the cam air inlet duct Of each nacelle provides automatic cooling of the by- draulic fluid during normal operation of the hydraulic systems. The coolers are located in the pomp suction supply lines. Each cooler is equipped with an integral thermal bypass arrangement which provides rapid warmup of the fluid during cold starts and prevents supercooling of the fiuid in flight. Three pistoo-rype accumulators, two in the primary system and one in 1-57 Section I T.O. 1B-58A-1 hydraulic power supply system (utility) MME Pressure ME opuve sur Figure 1-24. 1.0. 1B-58A-1 RETURN ESS pneumaric pressure Section 1 Description hydraulic power supply system (primary) Figure 1-25. the utility system, provide additional flow to the elevon control surfaces during high rate demands. The utility system includes another piston-rype accumulator which supplies flow directly to the PCLA inlet and maintains proper autopilot override function, concurrent with high surface rate demands. Also included in the utility system is a pistoa-type brake accumulator which sup- plies pressure for parking brakes. These sccumularors are precharged with nitrogen according to the ambient temperature. Placards near the accumulator pressure ‘gages are used to determine the correct precharge pres sure. See figure 1-47 for servicing dam A pressure switch located in the bydraulic pressure line down- stream from exch pump controls 2 pump failure cxo- tion lamp and master caution lamp. The pressure switches, in conjunction with the czution lamps, pro- vide the normal means of determining which hydraulic pump is not functioning in case of pomp failure. An electrically actuated hydraulic shutoff valve is incor- porated in the fluid suction line of each hydranlic 139 Section 1 meas parnp'and is\locited) above the firewall in the nacelle ‘enter section. This valve is utilized to shut off che flow of hydeaulic uid to the nacelle in case of fire in the nacelle area. The hydraulic shutof valves are con- srolied with he engine fire pull handles (12, Sgure 15) on’ the pilocs main instrument panel. Refer co “Emtrgeacy Equipment” of this section. Hydraulic Pressure Indicator. ‘Two hrydeaulic preasase indicators (2, figure 1-28), oe for each hydraulic system, are located on the pilot's lower right console. The indicators are controlled by Pressure transmitters and indicate the respective system: ‘operating pressure in pounds per square inch. The indicators operate on 28-volt a¢ power. Hydraulic Reservoir Quontity Indicator. Two hydraulic reservoir quantity indicators (10, fig- ure 1-28), one for each hydraulic system resecvoir, are located on the pilot's lower right console. The indi- ‘cators are actuated by transmitters utilizing 28-volt a-< Power and indicate reservoir quantity in percent from co 100. Hydroulic Pump Caution Lomps. Four caution lamps (fgure 1-13), one for each hydra lic pump, are located on the pilot’s caution lamp panel. The caution lamps will go our when pressure increases to 2100 psi maximum. The lamps will light when the Pressure drops co 350 psi minimum. The pressure at ‘which a lamp lights should be at least 1000 psi below the pressure at which ic went out. When lighted, fare connected to the master caution lamp circuit and receive power from the 28-volt dc power panel. For resting and dimming of the lamps, refer to "Malfunc- tion Indicator and Warning System,” chis section. air from the air conditioning system. Power for emer- 1-60 1.0. 1B-58A-1 ‘storage container for pressurizing the hydraulic fuid ia event of utility hydranlic system failure and is lo- ‘cated in the nose wheel well. Pressure for opening and closing the canopies is stored in che right main landing gear wetruss. The pocumatic pressure stored in the w-truss is also used for inflating the canopy seals whea the canopies are closed from the nose wheel well. A pneumatic container for the chaff dispensing system is located in the right wing. The pressure gage is lo- cated in the left wheel well. Each of the independent Pocumatic systems uses pressurized nitrogen as the source of pneumatic power. With one or both inboard ‘engines operating, pacumatic power for inflating the ‘canopy seals is supplied by air pressure from the warm air lines of the air conditioning syseem. For detailed information on these poeumatic systems, refer to"Land- ing Gear System,” “Brake System,” “Drag Chute,” and “Canopies” of this section. FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM. ‘The fight control system (figure 1-27) provides control of the airplane by means of three control surfaces— two elevons and a rudder. The control surfaces are controlled by the pilot, the autopilot, and by the stability augmentation system (dampers), and utilize hydraulic power for actuation. Hydraulic actuation is esseatial since the control surface loads become quite high during some flight conditions. Each coa- trol surface has two independeat sets of hydraulic actuators. One ser receives hydraulic power from the utility hydraulic system and the other from the pri- mary hydraulic sysiem. See figure 1-26. With either hydraulic system inoperative, the remaining system will assume the eatize load of flight control operation. Under such a condition, maximum control surface load capability is limited to balf that of sormal dual system operation. Also, the loss of flow in one system results in slower response of the control surfaces; how- ever, this will noc be appreciably noticeable except when high loads are imposed on the coatrol surfaces. The elevoas perform the combined functions of both ailerons and elevators and are controlled by coaven- Sonal stick commands. A mixer assembly mechanically coaverts elevator and aileron commands into right and left elevoa commands. The redder is controlled by 30. WEstAn flight control hydraulic system Section 1 0. 1B-58A-1 Description flight control system diagram Figure 1-27. (Sheet 1 of 2) 1.0. 18-58A-1 Section 1 ELEVATOR SYSTEM HB AL2:0N srsteu RUDDER SYSTEM MME 2:0n system MMM exconnect syste =EEEE_CONTROL CABLE ELECTRICAL Figure 1-27. (Sheet 2 of 2) Section 1 T.0. 1B-58A-1 Description pilot’s lower right console (typical) Figure 1-28. 1-64 1.0. 18-58A-1 conventional rudder pedals and yaw damper plus the action of the aileroa-redder interconnect. The elevon and radder surface hydraulic actuators do not transmit the surface airloads back to the stick or rudder pedals: therefore, artificial feel systems are utilized tw provide ‘conventional stick and rudder forces. For the maximum deflections, rates of operation, etc, of the pilot's con- trols, the control surfaces, and the trim and damper vonits, refer to “Flight Coatrol System™ Section VIL A control valve for each of the control surfaces is mechan- ically positioned so control the fow of hydraulic fuid tw the acruators for sueface movement. Mechanical feed- back signals, proportional to the surface position, auto- matically return the control valves to neutral when the surfaces reach the command position, chereby seopping the flow of bydraulic Suid to the actuators. The iere- versible surface control hydraulic systems prevent free movement of the surfaces when the hydraulic systems are pressurized. However, the control surfaces will eventually droop if the airplane is parked for an ex- tended period of time without hydraulic pressure oo the system. This is normal and should cause no concern, as the control surfaces will return to their normal posi- tions when bydraulic power is applied. Note An unusually fast rate of elevoa droop indi- cates an abaormal condition in the system unless che stick has been displaced after shut- down of hydraulic power. Droop to full down Position in less than one hour is unusual, Also, one elevon may droop at a faster rate than the other. Aileron, elevator, and rodder crim switches provide manual control of electrical trim motors for reduc- ing control forces. The trim motors operate directly 0a the artifical feel systems to relieve control stick and pedal forces. The flying qualities of the airplane are improved by various fight control system fea- tures which inclode an elevator ratio changer, 2u%0- smacic tim, an aileron ratio changer. an aileron- rudder interconnect, a wing heavy control, and roll. Pitch, and yaw stability augmentation Additional description of cach of these fearures is contained ia this section. The ratio changers, elevator and aileron autopilot and damper servos, elevoa mixer, trim mo- tors, artificial feel systems, and the aileron-rudder mechanical interconnect are grouped together in a Power control linkage assembly (PCLA), which is lo- cated in the fuselage tail section berween the elevoas. All pilot command signals are routed through the PCLA to the surface control valves. All other surface com- mands, with the exception of rudder damper servo Section 1 Description commands, are initiated by PCLA components. The flight control system is functionally divided into three subsystems; the elevator control system, the aileron control system, and the redder control system. For information on operation of the flight control system, refer to Section VIL. Stobility Augmentation (Damping). Stability augmentation is continuously provided in roll, pitch, and yaw during fight These auromatic inputs are introduced throug’ the appropriate damper sero to improve the demping and handling qualities of the airplane. The roll and pisch damping signals ar | derived from the rate gyro and accelerometer package. The pitch damping signals and the yaw rate input 10 the roll damper are automatically gain adjusted as 2 function of mach aumber and/or altitude by the air data system. The roll damping signals are not automat- ically gain adjusted; the gain of that channel being fixed. The yaw damping signals are derived from the yaw rate gyro package and the Lateral accelerometer package and are automatically gain adjusted as a func- tion of altinade, however, the altitude seasing for this gain function is independent of the air data computer. Refer to figure 7-18. The yaw damper function is pro- vided by 2 redundant system composed of three sepa- rate channels each having its own seasors, gain adjust- ment, electronics, and servo function. Coatiavous electronic monitoring of the operation of these three channels is accomplished at several points (monitor blocks) berween the semwors and the servos to detect failure. When the signal in one channel differs from the other :wo by an amount greater than a predeter- ‘mined level, the bad channel in that particular monitor block is bypased and the YAW DAMPER cautioa lamp in the pilot's station will light, thereby notifying hhim that an initial failure has occurred. Since two ‘channels remain operable in that monitor block, the system continues to provide yaw damping with no deg- radation in performance. Similarly, a subsequent fail- ture can occur in any of the other monitor blocks with- out degrading the yaw damping function, and, since the caution lamp is already lighted as a result of the fest failure, no additional notification to the pilot will occur. Note The loss of cither bydraulic system will cause the yaw damper caution lamp to light, If the primary hydraulic system fails, a slight rud- der deflection may occur when the yaw dam- per cransfers to the utility system. If, however, after an initial failure has occurred in one of the monitor blocks, another failure occurs in one of 165 Section 1 Description the two remaining channels of the same monitor block. the system can no longer determine which is the good or bad signal, Therefore, the yaw damper function is automatically disengaged and the yaw damper will return to a neutral position. Ar the same time the YAW DAMPER warning lamp in the pilor’s station will light to notify him that the yaw damper system is in- ‘operative. Occasionally, spurious electrical transieats ia the monitor circuits can cause the yaw damper caution lamp to light when no malfunction has oc- curred. For this reason, a yaw reset button has been included to reset the monitor circuit and permit 2 check t0 determine whether an actual malfunction has occurred, Do nor depress the yaw resct button whea the yaw damper warning lamp is lighted. To do ‘So may cause a failed yaw damper channel 10 engage. Refer to “Flight Coatrol System Trouble Shooting Procedures”, Section VII for reset procedures and mal- function verification. In addition to the yaw damper system, dutch roll stability augmentation is provided at speeds above approximately mach number 0.92 by a dual channel, mach scheduled, yaw rate input to the roll damper. The signals for these yaw rate to roll damper channels are derived from two separate gyros in the rate gyro and accelerometer package and the two signals are summed. A monitor, which is ‘only when the landing gear is retracted, is provided for these signals and will cause the YAW RATE TO ROLL caution lamp to light anytime the difference between the signals from the two gyros exceeds the normal tolerance. Lighting of this caution lamp indi- ‘cates that, under the worst conditions, the ourpur of ‘one yaw rate gyro has failed. The roll damper channel will coatinue to operate on the remaining yaw rate _gyto with a slight degradation of pecformance at air- speeds above mach 0. 0.92. Below mach no. 0.92 no degradation of performance will occur. Occasional spurious electrical transients im the monitor circuits ‘cn cause the yaw rate to roll caution lamp to light when no malfunction exises. The yaw reset button also resets the yaw rate t0 roll damper monitor circuits. Refer to “Flight Control System Trouble Shooting Procedures”, Section VII for reset procedures and mal- function verification. In the event of failure of the ‘aucomatic gain adjustment in the pitch channel or the yaw rate to roll damper channel, a switch is provided at the pilot's station to select standby fixed gains. This feature is to be used oaly in the event of failure of the automatic gain adjustment. Refer to “Mach-Altirude Gain Adjustment Failure”, Section VII. 1-66 1.0. 1B-58A-1 ELEVATOR CONTROL SYSTEM. ‘The elevator control system consists of the elevator automaric trim srseem, an elevator ratio changer, the elevator stick trim and feel system, and an elevator damper servo. Elevator Autometic Trim System. The elevator auromatic trim system contains an elec cromechanical servo which automatically provides ele- ‘ator command signals to position the elevator for ight can occur in a dimb or dive as well as level flight. This servo, in addition to the elevator ratio changer, is energized by the elevator control available mode selector switch (9, figure 1-6). Automatic operation of the elevator auto- ‘matic trim is provided oaly when the switch is in the AUTO position. Whea the switch i in either the TO & LAND or MANUAL position, the servo will drive t0 2 position corresponding to 1-1/2 degrees up-elevator and lock in that position uatil the AUTO posicion is again selected. However, if elevator available is less than 7 degrees when either TO & LAND or MAN- UAL is selected, the elevator automatic trim will hold the position it had ar the time of selection until ele- vator available becomes greater than 7 degrees. The output motion of the elevator automatic tim is absorbed by the elevator feel spring and the elevator damper servo and therefore does not move the pilot's ‘control stick. The automatic trim authority in terms of elevator deflection is 10 degrees up and 1.0 degree down regandless of elevator available. Elevator Ratio Changer. The elevator ratio changer is am electro-mechanical servo mounted in the PCLA which improves the air- plane flying qualities by varying the elevator coatrol stick sensitivity, and which protects the airplane agzinst excessive “g” loading by controlling both ele- vator available and elevator damper servo. authority. The elevator ratio changer mode is controlled by the three-position elevator control available mode selector switch located on the pilot's left sidewall console. The switch positions are marked AUTO, TO & LAND and MANUAL. When AUTO is selected, the elevator ratio changer is automatically controlled. Elevator available is limited wo that value required wo develop approxi- mate limit load factor. Elevator available is con- rolled by varying the stick to surface mechanical ad- vantage and by limiting the stick displacement au thority. At maximum elevator available (20 degrees), the stick authority is 6 inches aft and 3 inches for- ‘ward (see figure 7-13). As elevator available decreases, the stick to surface mechanical advantage and the stick displacement authority decreases. At minimum elev- ator available (1.25 degrees), with the switch in AUTO, ‘and for pilot control of the airplane, the stick displace- 7.0. 18-5881 ment authority is 1.5 inches fore or aft, and the mini- mum elevator is 1.25 degrees for all modes. ‘The control stick feel sensitivity is also varied by the elevator ratio changer. The feel force at maximum stick displacement is approximately 25 pounds for all values of elevator available. When the elevator coatrol avail- able mode selector switch is placed in the TO & LAND Position, the elevator ratio changer drives to the maximum elevator available position and remains in this position until another mode is selected. When the elevator control available mode selector switch is placed in the MANUAL position, control of the elevator ratio changer is transferred to the elevator control available manual adjust switch located on the pilot's left side wall console. When the MANUAL po- sition is selected, elevator available remains fixed ua- til the pilot increases or decreases elevator available with the elevator control available manual adjust switch. The manual mode is used only in case of failure of the automatic mode and during air refueling. The TO & LAND position is used for all take-offs and landings. Ja the event of failure in the aucomatic mode, several means are provided to override che clevator ratio changer. First, the elevator control available mode selector switch can be positioned to cithes TO & LAND or MANUAL. Second, application of approxi- matcly 105-120 pounds of force at the top of the stick will trip 2 force switch in the elevator force link thar will automatically rerurn the elevator control available mode selecior switch w the TO & LAND posicion, causing the elevator ratio changer two drive to the maximum elevator available position. When the preceding provisions fail to provide enough eleva- tor available for control of the airplane, an emer- ‘gency increase elevator available handle (6, Sure 1-7), located on the pilot's lower left console, can be used to manually position the clevator ratio changer for an increase and/or decrease in elevator control available. ‘The handle provides increased control available in distincr steps. Pulling the handle out to the second detear causes the following switching to occur: the ratio changer actuator electrical circuit is disconnected, the elevator control available mode selector switch is positioned to TO & LAND, and normal electrical Power to the automatic crim actuator is discoanected: each subsequent step of the handle provides an in cqease im elevator available watil the maximum is reached. Pushing in the handle reverses the function of the handle and decreases the amount of elevator available to correspood with each position as the handle was pulled out. For the amount of elevator for ‘cach position of the handle, sce figure 7-16. Elevator Stick Trim and Feel System. Airloads oa the flight control surfaces are reacted by the hydraulic actuating systems and are not transferred back to the control stick or rudder pedals. Therefore, artifical feel is supplied in each of the chree control Section 1 Description systems to provide the pilot with synthetic indication of the airloads. The elevator feel spring is located in the PCLA and provides a 5-pound breakout force and feeds back 25 pounds of force 10 the top of the stick at maximum elevator stick displacements. The elevator stick trim aligns the spring zero-force position with the Pilot's stick position, thereby relieving the force at the top of the stick. The elevator trim motor may be manually operated by either the aileron-elevator stick trim switch (7, figure 1-29) located on the contro! stick grip or by the stick trim selector switch (3, Sgure 1.30) located on the trim contro] panel. During auto- grees of authority in terms of elevaror surface defiec- tion and can relieve approximately ~14 pounds of force at the top of the stick. In terms of elevator sur- face deflection, the trim authority decreases 2s elevator available decreases. However, discounting system noa- linearities, the elevator trim motor authority is one- half of elevator available for all values of elevator available. Elevator Damper Servo. ‘The clevator damper servo is an electrically controlled. hydraulically operated servo that automatically pro- vides elevator commands to damp the rate of pitch of the airplane. This servo is located ia the PCLA and is activated by the pitch damper switch located on the pilot's left sidewall console. The output of the eleva- tor damper servo grounds against the clevator fee! spring and does not move the pilot's control seick. The authority of the elevator damper servo is controlled by the elevator ratio changer. For values of elevator available greater than 3.33 degrees, the authority limit ‘of the elevator damper servo is =? degrees of elevator. For values of elevator available less than 333 degrees, the authority limit of the elevator damper servo is =06 times the value of elevator available. Hydraulic power for this servo is supplied by the utility bydraulic system. A pitch rate gyro located in the rate gyro and accelerometer package transmits to the servo transfer valve a gain-adjusted electrical signal proportional 10 the airplane pitch rate. The transfer valve controls, ac- cording to the electrical signal, the fow of hydraulic fluid that positions the servo actuator. The output of the actuator, and hence the commanded elevator, is always in a direction to decrease the pitch rate. The elevator damper servo should be energized during all normal flight operations. Elevator Autopilot Servo. ‘The elevator autopilot servo is an electrically con- trolled, hydraulically operated servo mounted in the PCLA. Hydraulic power to the elevator autopilot servo is supplied by the utilicy hydraulic system through a 167 Section 1 Description pressure reducer in the power control linkage assembly which reduces the pressure from 3000 psi to 750 psi Prior to entering the servo. Actuation of this servo ‘causes the stick t0 follow the servo motion, and me- chanical commands from the servo to the PCLA link- age are very similar to stick commands. For operation ‘of the autopilor, refer to “Autopilos” Section IV. AILERON CONTROL SYSTEM. The aileron control system consists of an aileron ratio ‘changer, the aileron manual trim and feel system, and aileron damper servo. Aileron Ratio Changer. ‘The aileron ratio changer is a two-position electrically controlled, hydraulically operated servo wnit. The servo is controlled by switches at the pilor’s station and operates to provide either automatic control of aileron available or full aileron control available. In the automatic mode, the servo provides either full or ooe-half aileron coacrol available as a function of the position of the elevator control available mode selector switch. Positioning the aileron control avail- able switch co AUTO with the elevator control avail- able mode selector switch in either the AUTO oc MANUAL position will cause the aileroa control avail- able to drive to HALF. Ar the pilot's discretion, che servo can be positioned to provide 15 degrees of aileroa control available by placing the aileron control avail- able switch so FULL In the eveat of loss of either elec- trical or hydraulic power, the servo will provide auto- matically 15 degrees of aileron control available. The aileroa ratio changer is suppied hydraulic power from the utility system. Aileron Stick Trim ond Feel System. Artificial feel is also provided in the aileron control system. The feel is supplied by a feel spring located in the PCLA. Due w 2 no-linear mechanism located between the control stick and the PCLA in the ailesoa ‘control system, the force gradient at the stick is a func- Son of stick position. With the stick ar neutral, the nominal breakout force is 4 pounds at the top of the stick. Also, the force gradient and the stick 0 surface mechanical advantage is high. As the stick is moved away from neutral, the force gradiear increases and the stick to surface mechanical advantage decreases. The maximum aileron stick movement in either direction from neutral is 4.5 inches and the maximum feel force at bardover stick position is approximately 15 pounds. A stick trim motor is provided w align the feel spring zero force position with the stick position: thereby, relieving the forces at the pilot's coatrol stick. The pilot may command force changes with a trim buctoa Jocated on the control stick. Maximum trim authority is =5 degrees of aileron surface displacement when the aileron ratio changer is in the full position and 5 degrees in the half position. 1-68 1.0. 18-588-1 Aileron Domper Servo. The aileron damper servo is electrically controlled and hydraulically operated. This servo is activated by = switch at the pilor’s sation. The output motion of the aileron damper servo grounds against the aileron feel spring and does not move the pilot's control stick. Also, the authority of the servo is nor changed by the aileron ratio changer; the authority is always =3 de- ‘gress in terms of aileron surface displacemeat. The Primary function of the aileron damper servo is 10 damp the airplane roll rate. The airplane roll rate is sensed by the roll rate gyro located in the rate gyro and accelerometer package. Electrical signals propor- ‘ional to the roll rate are transmitted 10 the aileron damper servo and cause the servo to command aileron ia a direction to decrease the roll rate. The servo re- ceives hydraulic power from the utility system. A sec- ondary function of the servo is 10 provide yaw damp- ing at airspeeds above approximately mach mumber 0.92. The yaw rate is sensed by two rate gyros located| in the rate gyro and acoclerometer package. Electrical signals proportional to the airplane yaw rate are trans- mited to the servo and cause the servo wo command aileron in a direction two decrease the yaw rate. The aileron damper servo should be operative during all normal flight operations. Aileron Autopilot Servo. The aileron autopilot servo is electrically controlled and hydraulically operated. Hydraulic power is sup- plied by the utility hydraulic system through a pressure reducer in the power control linkage assembly which reduces the pressure from 3000 psi 10 750 psi prior to ‘entering the servo. The outpot signals from the aileron autopilot servo cause the control stick to move with the seqvo. The authority of this servo is controlled by the aileron ratio changer and is cither 15 degrees (full) 7 degrees (half). For operation of the autopilot, refer to “Autopilot” Section IV. RUDDER CONTROL SYSTEM. The rudder control system consists of 2 rudder pedal trim and feel system, a rudder damper servo and an aileron-redder intecconnect. The aileroa-rudder inter- ‘connect gain is fixed at one degree of rudder per de- gree of aileron regardless of the Sight condition. Rudder Pedal Trim ond Feel System. The rudder pedal trim and feel system consists of a feel spring and crim motor combination located in the PCLA and a high-speed feel spring assembly located just forward of the pilot's left rudder pedal. This sys- tem features a low breakout force and a low force gradient at speeds below mach no. 0.6, 2 high beeak- ‘out force and a high force gradient at speeds above mach no. 0.6 for pedal deficcrions less than 6 degrees ‘of rodder, and a low force gradient for speeds above @ RE Eee pedal commands. Thas itis desirable vo have a high force gradient about the neutral pedal po- sition 10 control rudder sensitivity during high-speal ight conditions. If the same high spris maintained throughout the entire rudder authority (30 degrees) it would take 375 pounds of force to command maximum rudder. It is therefore desirable to reduce the spring gradient when redder commands in excess of = nominal value (6 degrees) are required. For the high- speed conditicas che breakout force is approximately 14 pounds. Approximately 75 pounds of force at the pedal is required to command 6 degrees and 170 pounds is required to command maximum authority. The high- speed feel spring assembly is caged by a magnetic brake which is controlled by an electrical signal, pro- portional so mach number, which is supplied by the air data system. The brake releases and allows the spring ground to float whenever the speed is reduced below mach no. 06 or whenever the rudder pedal trim motor is energized. The spring return to the zero force position is restricted by an eddy current damper. ‘The damper acts 10 slow the rate of return and reduces disengage transients. Ic willl normally take several sec- ‘ods for the force across the high-speed feel spriag assembly to be complecely relieved by trim commands. The rudder pedal trim motor is controlled by 2 switch at the pilot's station. The rudder pedal erim authority is =I0 degrees of rudder. Ir should be noted that the motor itself only acts directly on the feel spring in che PCLA. Rudder Damper Servo. ‘The rudder damper servo is an electrically controlled, hydraulically operated servo located in the vertical tail section. The servo provides rudder command signals Proportional to yaw rate and lateral acceleration. The e@ yaw rate signals are generated by the yaw rate gyro Package and the lateral acceleration signals are gener- ated by the lateral accelerometer package. These lateral accelerometers are operative at all airspeeds. The rud- der damper servo grounds against the rudder and aileron feel springs in the PCLA and therefore does ‘not move the rudder pedals This servo is activated by the yaw damper power switch located at the piloc’s station. The servo should remain activated during all @ [[sormal fight operations Hydraulic power for the adder damper servo is supplied by both the primary and the utility hydraulic systems. The rudder damper [servo authority is = 14.0 degrees. Section 1 Description Wing Heavy Control System. ‘The wing heavy coatrol system is provided wo sense lateral accelerations and provide corrective rudder through the rudder damper servo to prevent laceral fuel shift and subsequent wing heaviness, When the I] system is engaged it is activated at all timss provided that the landing gear is in the retracted position. The system commands 2 maximum of 35 degrees of lefc or right rudder, and can be overpowered by the pilot. STANDBY GAINS SYSTEM. ‘The gains of the pitch autopilot, pitch damper, as well as the yaw rate to roll damper signal, above mach 20. 0.92, are automatically adjusted by signals received from the air data computer through the mach alticude repeater. Standby fixed gains are provided to bypass these automatic gains in the eveat of a malfunction of the air data computer, the mach-altitude repeater, or the automatic gain potentiometers. See figure 7-18. The standby gains have been set approximately equal to the automatic gain values, and within their respective oper- ating regions, will provide damping approximately ‘equal to automatic gain damping. Within the transi- tion corridors, the correct set of standby gains will pro- vide adequate but somewhat damping. The degraded lateral autopiloc channels, roll rate wo roll damper gains are activated by positioning the gain selector switch 10 HIGH SPEED or LOW SPEED. For 2 de- scription of the proper selectioa of standby gains refer to “Standby Gains Syscem,” Section VII and "Gain Se- lector switch” this section. The use of dampers in stand- by gains is restricced to the operating regions and tran- sition corridors showa in figure 7-19. Autopilot use ia standby gains is restricted to the operating regions shown on figure 7-19 (region A for high speeds and region B for subsoaic cruise). Within these operating regions the atopilor may be used in conjunction with standby gains in the following modes: (1) Attirade stabilization; (2) Heading constant; (3) Heading Nav- igate. Transition berween the operating regions or 0 the landing condition should be made within the transition corridors with switchover from HIGH SPEED to LOW SPEED accosdiag tw the Instructions in “Flight Conrol System Trouble Shooting Pro- cedures”, Section VIL In the event of automatic gain adjustment failure, landings will be performed with low speed gains A failure of the mach-altitude ad- justed automatic gains is difficult to recognize because it appears to the pilot as a malfunction of the auto- pilot, the dampers, or the elevator ratio changer. The possible symptoms of an autopiloc or damper mal- function (whether the malfunction is caused by 2 gain adjustment system failure or not) encompass a broad ‘category of abnormal flight control system performance 1-69 Section 1 oe control stick and grip (typical) Figure 1-29. that may range from an overdamped or underdamped airplane to hardover control surface. The pilot should suspect 2 discrepancy of the gain adjustment system if any of the following conditions are apparent: (1) Aa irregularity of the mach indicator, such as no change of indicated mach number for a known flight condition change; (2) No changeover of the rudder fee! spring gradient at mach no. 0.6, or changeover at an incorrect ‘mach number; (3) Landing gear alarm buzzer operation at incorrect fight condition; (4) A marked disagree- 1-70 1.0. 18-58A-1 meat berween the mach indications of the primary and secondary air speed systems Since a gain adjustment system malfunction will no necessarily be evidenced by any of these indications, the oaly positive procedure for diagnosing such a malfunction is trial engagement of the standby gains. The standby gains should not be employed, however, watil a preliminary diagnosis of the malfunctioned channel has been made. For ex- ample, if sysiem failure is in the nature of an oxilla- Sioa in pitch, chen an attempt should be made to isolate the problems to the pitch damper before en- gaging the standby gains. If utilization of the standby gains causes the malfunction wo disappear, the trouble will have been isolated ro the gain adjustment system, and standby gains should be used. If the faulty opera: sion is due to the air datz computer, the elevator ratio changer system will be affected. In this instance it is important to search for any improper operation in the elevator ratio changer system, in the automatic mode. The elevator available and elevator position should be monitored in 1-"g” flight while the system is operating in the auromatic mode. If these items are maintained at the correct value even with changing fight condition, the elevator control available mode se- lector switch can be left in the automatic mode during the use of standby gains. For use of the standby gains, refer to “Flight Control System Trouble Shooting Pro- cedures,” Section VIL. FLIGHT CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. Control Stick. A detachable control stick provides 2 mechanical means of lateral and longitudinal control of the airplane. The control stick firs into 2 disconnect fitting at the capsule floor level to provide a separation point in event of ‘capsule ejection. The disconnect fitting also includes quick discoanect of the control stick electrical circuits. Mechanical stops incloded in the control system link- age limit the envelope of maximum stick displacement anainable. The actual envelope in TO & LAND posi- tion will be rectangular in shape with the forward and aft comers chamfered. This limitation is necessary 20 meet control system requirements for combinations of surface available and is normal. Forward and aft movement of the control stick causes the elevons 0 more up and down together for elevator control. Left or right movement of the stick causes the elevons to move in opposite directions for aileron control. A. mixer sembly mechanically converss elevator and aileron coatrol inputs into elevoa commands. Coa- ventional coatrol cables are connected to the coatrol stick and extend aft w the power control linkage asembly (PCLA). Movement of the stick cransmits a mechanical signal (motion) to elevator of aileron sy5- tem linkages located in the PCLA. These linkages act 435 connections becween equipment such as feel springs, trim actuators, ratio changers, damper servos, etc; therefore, the signal may be altered before reaching

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