Sociolinguistics V-C "The Differences in Using Language To Text Short Message Service (SMS) Related To The Age"

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Compiled to fulfill the assignment 1 by:

KatrinHayuratri (201410100311125)

AnggieWidiyaNovitasari (201410100311128)

AwandaNoviaNusantari (201410100311138)




A. Introduction
Short Message Service (SMS) is an asynchronous mode of
communication where the people who communicate do not need to be online
at the same time. Every person uses SMS for communicate in various aspects
of life. “The Short Message Service (SMS) style of communication was
initially used for different communication purposes such as exchanging
information on events; invitation to religious, social, political, academic
meetings, making business contacts and sending goodwill messages”.(Taiwo
2009:102). It gives many advantages for people who use SMS. The
University students take advantages of SMS for texting to chat, lectures,
assignments, to pass information concerning meeting, and social networking
There is no certain rules in the choice of words to text message. In
texting message, every person has respective criteria for choosing words
which he/she thinks appropriate. There are many ways and style to text
message for other people.
Every person has their own ways to arrange a proper message based
on the person who we send the message. We can analyze this case, even the
message is appropriate and inappropriate based on our culture. It can be
analyzed by using sociolinguistic which is the study of language in relation to
society. “Sociolinguistics is that part of linguistics which is concerned with
language as a social and cultural phenomenon. It investigates the field of
language and society and hasclose connections with the social sciences”.
(Trudgill 2004: 21).Especially, it based on our culture even habitual.
We focus on the difference in using people using language when they
are texting SMS to other people who the age are same or older than them.
There are 3 examples of texting messages which are sent to friend (same age)
and lecturer (older). Using language for texting related to the age is
interesting to be analyzed because most of people use SMS to communicate
withother people. People use different language in text message based on who
will receive their message.
B. Research Question
1. Is there any differences in using language to textshortmessage service
(SMS) related to the age?

C. Literature Review
Language and communication always related and they can not be
separated. People with speech impairments communicate by using brail or
language, they also use language for communication. It can be shown that
language is needed for the variety of communication. It becomes difficult
when people do not understand each others’ language. Language barrier is the
inability to communicate by using a language. In communication, there are
various categories of communication. One of categories of communication is
written communication, such as letters, e-mail and texting SMS.
Texting is the sending of short typed messages between mobile
phones using the short message service (SMS). Since the late1990s, short
message service (SMS) is a feature of most mobile phones. Short message
service (SMS), more popularly known as text messaging, developed as an
initial by –product of the cell phone industry”. (Faulkner & Culwin,2004).
Texting message is practice where users of phone and portable device
exchange brief written message through cellular networks. It is also an action
of sending and composing electronic message between two or more mobile
phones or it can use portable devices over a phone network. Texting message
is used by most of people because it is considered more economical. In
addition, it is cheaper compared to call to another mobile phone.
Many people have different way to choose language in texting short
message service (SMS). Choosing language in texting SMS is important
because it will be a problem if we choose inappropriate language. It will
become impolite text especially for people who older than the sender. The
difference in age has different way and style to choose language in texting.
D. Method
We have used questionnaire as the research method to collect the data.
This method is very efficient because we don’t need to much time to collect Commented [Tyo1]: Dont use opinion words in academic
the data. In addition, a participant who is filled the questionnaire can answer Commented [Tyo2]: Explain, this method is crucial

freely based on his/her habit. Commented [Tyo3]: Explain, how free is free

Instruction : Please write freelysentences for texting SMS (based on your

habit to text SMS)

No. Texting SMS to Friend Texting SMS to Lecture


E. Scope and Limitation

In this research, we focus on the difference in using language to text
message related to age (younger, same age, older). A participant is chosen
from Management departement, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. She
lives on Jl. Raya Tlogomas, Malang. The questionnaire was filled on 27th
October 2016 in “Adinda” boarding house. It was done almost an hour by

F. Finding and Discussion

To complete this research, we make a hypothesis in order to prove
about our opinion that there are differences in using language when texting
message to people who the age are same and older.Based on our finding in
questionnaire with the participant, it is known that there are differences in
using language to text SMS related to the age. Those difference are below.
Instruction : Please write freely sentences for texting SMS (based on your
habit to text SMS)
No. Texting SMS to Friend Texting SMS to Lecture
1. Iya pandu pinjemin dlu gpp. Assalamualaikum wr.wb, Pak Eko.
(It’s okay, Pandu! You can Maaf mengganggu. Ini saya ketua
borrow. tingkat kelas manajemen V-J, mata
kuliah Bisnis Internasional. Bapak
sudah saya undang di grup line.
(Assalamualaikum wr. wb, Mr.Eko.
I’m sorry for disturbing you. I’m The
Captain of Management V-J,
Business International subject. You
has invited in line group)
2. Anak2 kan udh plg dri jam 11 Assalamualaikum sir, kalau untuk
tdi membuat grup kelas di edmodo itu
(Our friends have gone since apakah harus login dengan email dan
11.00 o’clock) password dari teacher?
(Assalamualaikum sir, for making
class grup in edmodo, should we
login by using email and password
from teacher?)
3. Kita nnggu dia smbil rumpik Assalamualaikum pak eko, hari
manjah :v  jum’at tanggal 28 apakah ada masuk
(we wait her during have a kuliah seperti biasa?
chit-chat) (assalamualaikum Mr.Eko, on Friday
28th, Do we have a class as usual?)

From the questionnaire, we can analyze the differences when she texted her
lecturer (people who older than her), the message tend to be longer so that it can
be read clearly. She alsoused more complex structure, grammar, and also
greeting with polite way. This involves the use of correct spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, and so on.
On the other hand, we can see inside out from the questionnaire that she
used limitation words when she texted her friend (people who have the same age
with her). The messages tend to be shorter so that it can be read closely. This
involves the use of bad spelling (limitation words), poor of punctuation and
capitalization, emoticons usually used, and so on. It is not being disrespectful
even impolite, but it made the conversation more fun in a proper way.

G. Conclusion

From the research, we can make a conclusion that selection and using word in
texting short message service (SMS) are affected by age differences.Based on the
result of the finding and discussion presented in the previous discussion, there are four
differences form between texting short message service (SMS) to friend (people who have
same age with the sender) and lecturer (people who older than the sender) in the
questionnaire. In our analysis, this phenomenon is affected by the age and status. It
also shows how the way people use the language. In addition, our analysis of this
phenomenon is based on what is around us. Because of this phenomenon does not
occur throughout the world.

1. Trudgill (2000) Sociolinguistics, Fourth edition. London: Penguin books.

2. Faulkner, X. & Culwin, F. (2004). When fingers do the talking: a study oftext
messaging.[Online].Available:[Accessed 1st November 2016]

3. Taiwo Rotimi 2009. The use of socio-cultural elements for creativity in

Nigerian, SMS texts. In: Ndimele Ozo-Mekuri (Ed.): Journal of the Linguistic
Association of Nigeria (JOLAN), No. 12. Port-Harcourt: The Linguistic
Association of Nigeria in Collaboration with M & J Grand Orbit
Communications Ltd., pp. 12-26

4. Y. Hard af Segerstad. Language in SMS—a socio-linguistic view . Retrieved

3rd November 2016 at 3 PM

5. Retrieved 3rd November 2016 AT 5 PM

Marking Criteria

No Description E VG G F P
1 Describe your experience or phenomena that you
V find in
academic or social life
2 Describe the selected sociolinguistic concept(s) and showVgood
understanding of it or them
3 Explain and justify how the concept(s) is relevant V
to the
experience or phenomenon
4 Language and academic conventions V


*E: Excellent (A), VG: Very Good (B+), G: Good (B), F: Fair (C+), P: Poor (C)
A (>80.0); B+ (75.0-79.9); B (70.0-74.9); C+ (60.0-69.9); C (55.0-59.9); D (40.0-54.9); E (<39.9)

General Comment and Suggestion for Improvement:

- Different topic will differ the language use, this kind of methods is doable but the data
collection should be limited to certain limitation such as topics, time, and place of the text.


Adityo M.A.

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