Special Rules - Civpro

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CASES COVERED BY THE RULE (Sec. 1) another criminal case subject to

ordinary procedure
Rule shall govern the summary procedure in
the MTC, MTC in Cities, MCTC in the following EFFECT OF FAILURE TO ANSWER (Sec. 6)
cases falling within their jurisdiction:
If defendant fail to answer the complaint
For Civil Cases: within the period provided, court (motu
1. Cases of forcible entry and unlawful proprio or on motion of plaintiff) shall render
detainer judgm ent
a. Irrespective of the amount of
damages or unpaid rentals sought The judgment:
to be recovered 1. As may be warranted by the facts
b. Where attorney’s fees are alleged in the complaint and
awarded, it shall not exceed 2. Limited to what is prayed for
The court may in its discretion reduce the
2. All other civil cases where total amount of damages and attorney’s fees
amount of plaintiff’s claim does not claimed for being excessive or
exceed P100,000 or P200,000 in unconscionable without prejudice to the
Metropolitan Manila, exclusive of applicability of Sec. 4, Rule 18 ROC, if there
interest and costs are 2 or more defendants
a. EXCEPT: probate proceedings
For Criminal Cases APPEARANCES OF PARTIES (Sec. 7)
1. Traffic laws, rules, and regulations
A preliminary conference shall be held not
later than 30 days after the last answer is
2. Rental law violations
3. Municipal or city ordinance violations
4. All other criminal cases where penalty Rules on pre-trial in ordinary cases shall
prescribed by law for offense charged be applicable unless inconsistent with the
is imprisonment not exceeding 6 provisions of this Rule
months and/or a fine not exceeding
P1,000 Failure of plaintiff to appear in preliminary
a. Irrespective of other imposable conference
penalties, accessory or otherwise, 1. Cause for dismissal of complaint
or of civil liability arising therefrom 2. Defendant who appears in the absence
b. In offenses involving damage to of plaintiff shall be entitled to
property through criminal judgment on his counterclaim in
negligence, this rule shall govern accordance with Sec. 6
where imposable fine does not 3. All cross-claims shall be dismissed
exceed P10,000
If sole defendant shall fail to appear
Rule shall not apply: 1. Plaintiff entitled to judgment in
1. To a civil case where plaintiff’s cause of accordance with Sec. 6
action is pleaded in the same 2. Rule shall not apply where one of 2 or
complaint with another cause of action more defendants sued under a
subject to ordinary procedure common cause of action who had
2. To a criminal case where offense pleaded a common defense shall
charged is necessarily related to appear at preliminary conference
SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY OF THE RULE 3. Offenses punishable by imprisonment
exceeding one (1) year or a fine
RA 7610 Sec. 399-422, and 515 is applicable. exceeding Five thousand pesos
The LGC is now the governing law on (P5,000.00);
Katarungang Pambarangay. PD 1508 was
expressly repealed 4. Offenses where there is no private
offended party;
5. Where the dispute involves real
All disputes, civil and criminal in nature, properties located in different cities or
where parties actually reside in the SAME municipalities unless the parties
CITY/MUNICIPALITY are subjected barangay thereto agree to submit their
conciliation. differences to amicable settlement by
an appropriate lupon;
SETTLEMENT (Sec. 408, RA 7160) 6. Disputes involving parties who actually
reside in barangays of different cities
The lupon of each barangay shall have
or municipalities, except where such
authority to bring together the parties
barangay units adjoin each other and
actually residing in the same city or
the parties thereto agree to submit
municipality for amicable settlement of all
their differences to amicable
settlement by an appropriate lupon;
7. Such other classes of disputes which
In these cases, referral to barangay the President may determine in the
conciliation is not a condition precedent for interest of Justice or upon the
filing a case to court: recommendation of the Secretary of
1. Where one party is the government, or
any subdivision or instrumentality The court in which non-criminal cases not
thereof; falling within the authority of the lupon under
this Code are filed may, at any time before
2. Where one party is a public officer or trial motu propio refer the case to the lupon
employee, and the dispute relates to concerned for amicable settlement.
the performance of his official
functions; VENUE (RA 7610, Sec. 409)

Between actual residents of the same
barangay Lupon of said barangay
Lupon of the barangay where the
Between actual residents of different respondent or any of the respondents
barangays but within same actually resides at the option of
city/municipality complainant
Involving real property or any interest Lupon of barangay were the real property
therein or the larger portion thereof is located
Between parties arising at the Lupon of the barangay were the
workplace or at institutions of learning workplace or institution is located

The amicable settlement or arbitration award Any party to the dispute may, within ten (10)
may be enforced by execution by the lupon days from the date of the settlement,
within six (6) months from the date of the repudiate the same by filing with the lupon
settlement. After the lapse of such time, the chairman a statement to that effect sworn to
settlement may be enforced by action in the before him, where the consent is vitiated by
appropriate city or municipal court. (Sec. fraud, violence, or intimidation. Such
417, RA 7160) repudiation shall be sufficient basis for the
issuance of the certification for filing a
complaint as hereinabove provided. (Sec.
418, RA 7160)
SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY OF THE RULE Attachments to the Statement of Claim:
1. Certification of Non-forum Shopping
This Rule shall govern the procedure in 2. Two (2) duly certified photocopies of
actions before the MeTC, MTC in Cities, MTC the actionable document/s subject of
and MCTC for payment of money where the the claim
value of the claim does not exceed P100,000 3. Affidavits of witnesses and other
exclusive of interest and costs. (Sec. 2) evidence to support the claim
This Rule is applicable in all actions which are; NOTE: No evidence shall be allowed
(Sec. 4) during the hearing which was not
1. Purely civil in nature where the claim attached to or submitted together with
or relief prayed for by the plaintiff is the Claim. UNLESS good cause is shown
solely for payment or reimbursement for admission of additional evidence.
of sum of money, and
No formal pleading, other than the
2. Civil aspect of criminal action, or Statement of Claim, is necessary to initiate a
reserved upon the filing of the criminal small claims action.
action in court, pursuant to Rule of 111
of the Revised Rules of Criminal After examination of allegations of the Claim,
Procedure. the court may dismiss outright the case for
any of the grounds apparent for the dismissal
These claims or demands may be; of a civil action. (Sec. 9)
1. For money owned under any of the
following; If no ground of dismissal is found, the court
a. Contract of Lease; shall issue Summons directing defendant to
b. Contract of Loan; submit a verified response. (Sec. 10)
c. Contract of Services;
d. Contract of Sale; or The defendant shall file with the court and
e. Contract of Mortgage; serve on the plaintiff a duly accomplished
and verified Response within a non -
2. For damages arising from any of the extendible period of ten (10) days from
following; receipt of summons (Sec. 11). Attachments:
a. Fault or negligence; 1. Certified photocopies of documents
b. Quasi-contract; or 2. Affidavits of witnesses
c. Contract; 3. Evidence in support

3. The enforcement of a barangay NOTE: No evidence shall be allowed

amicable settlement or an arbitration during hearing which was not attached
award involving a money claim or submitted together with the
covered by this Rule pursuant to Sec. Response.
417, LGC.
Should the defendant fail to file his response
COMMENCEMENT OF SMALL CLAIMS within the required period, the court by itself
ACTION; RESPONSE (Sec. 5) shall render judgment as may be warranted
by the facts alleged in the Statement of claim
How commenced: By filing with the court an limited to what is prayed for. The court
accomplished and verified STATEMENT OF however, may, in its discretion, reduce the
CLAIM in duplicate amount of damages for being excessive or
unconscionable. (Sec. 12)
Defendant present shall be entitled to
PROHIBITED PLEADINGS AND MOTIONS (Sec. judgment on permissive counterclaim.
2. If defendant fails to appear – same
The following pleadings, motions, and effect as failure to file Response.
petitions shall not be allowed in the cases
covered by this Rule: HEARING; DUTY OF THE JUDGE

1. Motion to dismiss the compliant At the beginning of the court session, the
except on the ground of lack of judge shall read aloud a short statement
jurisdiction; explaining the nature, purpose and the rule
2. Motion for a bill of particulars; of procedure of small claims cases. (Sec. 20)
3. Motion for new trial, or for
reconsideration of a judgment, or for At the hearing, the judge shall conduct JDR
reopening of trial; through mediation, conciliation, early neutral
4. Petition for relief from judgment; evaluation, or any other mode of JDR. (Sec.
5. Motion for extension of time to file 21)
pleadings, affidavits, or any other
If JDR fails and the parties agree in writing
that the hearing of the case shall be presided
6. Memoranda;
over by the judge who conducted the JDR,
7. Petition for certiorari, mandamus, or
the hearing shall so proceed in an informal
prohibition against any interlocutory
and expeditious manner and terminated
order issued by the court;
within one (1) day. (Sec. 22)
8. Motion to declare the defendant in
default; Absent such agreement
9. Dilatory motions for postponement; 1. In case of a multi-sala court , the case
10. Reply; shall, on the same day, be transmitted
11. Third-party complaints; and to the Office of the Clerk of Court for
12. Interventions. immediate referral by the Executive
Judge to the pairing judge for hearing
and decision within five (5) working
The parties shall appear at the designated days from referral; and
date of hearing personally or through a 2. In case of single sala court, the pairing
representative authorized under a Special judge shall hear and decide the case in
Power of Attorney to: the court of origin within five (5)
1. Enter into an amicable settlement, working days from referral by the JDR
2. Submit of Judicial Dispute Resolution judge.
(JDR) and
3. Enter into stipulations or admissions of
facts and of documentary exhibits After the hearing, the court shall render its
(Sec. 16) decision on the same day, based on the facts
established by the evidence.
No attorney shall appear in behalf of or
represent a party at the hearing, unless the The decision shall immediately be entered by
attorney is the plaintiff or defendant. (Sec. the Clerk of Court in the court docket for civil
17) cases and a copy thereof forthwith served on
the parties.
Failure to appear:
1. If plaintiff fails to appear – it shall be a The decision shall be final and unappealable.
cause for dismissal without prejudice. (Sec. 23)
FORMAT AND STYLE If the case is referred to the Court En
All pleadings, motions and similar papers a. Parties shall file 10 additional
intended for the court and quasi-judicial copies.
body’s consideration and action (court- b. For the En Banc, the parties need to
bound papers) shall: submit only 2 sets of annexes, one
1. Be written in single space with one- attached to the original and an
and-a –half space between extra copy.
2. Use an easily readable font style of the All members of the Court shall share
party’s choice, of 14-size font, and on the extra copies of annexes in the
a 13 –inch by 8.5- inch white bond interest of economy of paper.
In the Court of Appeals and the
All decisions, resolutions and orders issued Sandiganbayan,
by courts and quasi-judicial bodies under the 1. One original (properly marked) and
administrative supervision of the Supreme 2. Two copies with their annexes;
Court shall comply with these requirements.
In the Court of Tax Appeals,
Similarly covered are the reports submitted
1. One original (properly marked) and
to the courts and transcripts of stenographic
2. 2 copies with annexes
On appeal to the En Banc:
a. One Original (properly marked)
The parties shall maintain the following b. 8 copies with annexes; and
margins on all court-bound papers:
In other courts,
1. Left hand margin of 1.5 inches from
1. One original (properly marked)
the edge;
2. With the stated annexes attached to it.
2. Upper margin of 1.2 inches from the
3. Right hand margin of 1.0 inch from the
edge; A party required by the rules to serve a copy
4. Lower margin of 1.0 inch from the of his court-bound on the adverse party need
edge. not enclose copies of those annexes that
based on the record of the court such party
Every page must be consecutively numbered.
already has in his possession.
In the event a party requests a set of the
Unless otherwise directed by the court, the annexes actually filed with the court, the part
number of court- bound papers that a party who filed the paper shall comply with the
is required or desires to file shall be as request within five days from receipt.
In the Supreme Court,
1. One original (properly marked) and 4 This Rule applies to all courts and quasi-
copies judicial bodies under the administrative
2. Two sets of annexes, one attached to supervision of the Supreme Court.
the original and an extra copy

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