Assignment in Cadd Ii: Prepared By: John Harold F. Alincastre CEIT-01-603P

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Prepared by:
John Harold F. Alincastre

Submitted to:
Prof. Jennis Articona
1) What is Mass?
Mass is the whole shape or the whole 3D model/ object in Revit which you can
eventually place floors and walls and modify it with other different building elements such as
roofs, curtain systems, doors, windows, etc.

2) Tell the difference between massing for component and whole building massing.
Massing for component is massing or modifying a specific/ individual element of the
building like floors, walls, doors, windows, stairs, etc., and modify it with your very liking. While
the whole building massing is modifying the whole shape of the building for your final
conceptualization and visualization of your 3D object.

3) How to create the following:

a. Mass Geometry
To create a Mass Geometry, you must first select New Conceptual Mass in the
Start-up window of Revit. You can create it using the Modify Tab, you then go
to the Modify Tab, choose on the Model Ribbon and select Model Line, it will
then show Draw options where you can pick whether you want to create different
lines, shapes such as rectangle, circle, and etc., then you can have your first
shape in creating a mass geometry.
Let’s say we pick the rectangle, we the draw it in our Drawing Area, after you
draw it, it will then show a Form option where you can decide if you want to form
it as a Solid form or a Void form, you will then select Solid form, and it will
automatically be elevated with a particular height, you can then change the
height of your model with your own liking by click the dimension and specify the
height that you want, and there you have it, you have your Mass Geometry
b. In-Place Mass
To create an In-Place Mass, let’s say you are already in your Project File creating
your own project. You must go the Massing and Site Tab, select the In-Place
Mass in Conceptual Mass Ribbon. After clicking the In-Place Mass button,
you will then be prompted by a dialog box asking what you want to name your
Mass, type and enter whatever you want and get started. After you name your
mass, Revit will automatically show you the Draw option where you can, again,
pick whether you want to create different lines, shapes such as rectangle, circle,
and etc., then you can have your first shape in creating your In-Place Mass.
Pick whatever shape you want in the Draw option and draw it in your Drawing
Area, after you draw it there, Revit will automatically show you the Form option
and let you decide and select whether you want your mass to be in Solid form or
in Void form and click Finish Mass then after it you can then modify the height,
the shape, the materials, the building elements you want to put in your In-Place
Mass model
c. Mass Floors
After you have created your Mass Model, you can then create Mass Floors into
it. First, you have to click on your Mass model, and after you click it Revit will
automatically show you on the Ribbon the Model option, you will see there the
Mass Floor button, click it, and a dialog box will pop-up and will ask you to
check/ select the floor levels you want to have a Mass Floor on. Let’s say you
have five (5) floor levels, the dialog box will then show you five (5) levels and will
ask you to select there what levels you want to have Mass floor, let’s assume you
have selected all the five levels, you will then have five Mass floors from Level 1
up to Level 5 of your model.

4) How to create and schedule masses?

To schedule masses, go to View Tab on your Ribbon, and browse your Create option
and click/ select there the Schedule button, after you click it you will then be showed six (6)
selections namely: Schedule/ Quantities, Graphical Column Schedule, Material Takeoff, Sheet
List, Note Block, and View List.
You should select Schedule/ Quantities, and an option box will pop-up, you will then
be asked to select in the numbers of Categories, and you should select Mass and double-
click it, after you clicked it you will then be asked by Revit to which fields you want to add on
your Schedule, select the fields that you need and click the Add button and it will
automatically be added. After you have added all the fields you need, click OK, and after you
click OK, Revit will direct you on your Schedule/ Quantities Section on your Project
Browser and there you can rename and have some modifications to the Schedule you have

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