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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tabango, Leyte
3rd Periodical Test in Technology and Livelihood Education Cookery 10
S.Y. 2017-2018

General Instructions: Read all the instructions carefully before answering the questions. All answers must be written clearly.


Instruction: Read the following statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. As a chef of a fine dining restaurant, Genie simmers meat, fish and vegetables. Which of the following liquids is a by-product after
the different food stuffs have been simmered?
a. glaze b. sauce c. stock d. water
2. As a rule, which should not be added to the stock because it causes saltiness?
a. MSG b. salt c. spices d. sugar
3. Mrs. Cruz will be having visitors for dinner. If she will prepare stock for their dinner, which of the following flavouring agents will she
use to give aroma to the stock?
a. aromatic flavouring b. garlic c. ginger d. smoke
4. Which of the following can be done to prevent drying when reheating?
a. cooked using sauces and gravy c. remove fat before cooking
b. overcook the poultry d. none of the above
5. Which of the following is not a thickening agent?
a. dairy cream b. egg c. flour d. spice
6. What makes the stock tasty and appetizing?
a. appearance b. color c. ingredients d. smell
7. What stock uses chicken bones as its main ingredients?
a. fish stock b. ham stock c. prawn stock d. chicken stock
8.What stock is made by boiling prawn shell?
a. fish stock b. fish stock c. chicken stock d. ham stock
9. Among the different types of stock, which one is the easiest to prepare?
a. brown stock b. fish stock c. white stock d. vegetable stock
10. Which of the following is the approximate cooking time for white beef stock?
a. 6-8 hours b. 8-10 hours c. 7-8 hours d. 7-10 hours
11. Which of the following is the third principles of preparing soup?
a. simmering b. cutting vegetables c. skimming d. select your protein based
12. What is the major distinction between broth and stock?
a. broths can be served as is while stocks are used in production of other dishes
b. broths cannot be served while stocks are used in production of other dishes
c. stocks is more flavorful than stocks
d. stocks can be served while broths are used in production of other dishes.
13. Whatb do you call the process by which starch granules absorb water and swell many times?
a. roux b. gelatinization c. slurry d. lumping
14. What do you call a cooked mixture of equal parts by weight of fat and flour?
a. slurry b. starches c. roux d. clarified butter
15. Which of the following is not a kind of roux?
a. brown roux b. blond roux c. flour roux d. white roux
16. Which of the following is a clear soup?
a. bisque b. bouillon c. cream d. puree
17. What type of soup can be served either hot or cold?
a. ancient soup b. cold soup c. dessert soup d. fruit soup
18. What utensil is appropriate in serving hot soup?
a. basin b. cup c. tray d. bowl
19.What do you call is the combination of chopped onions, carrots and celery?
a. left-over b. bouquet garni c. mirepoix d. seasoning
20. Which of the following is a good way to cool the stock?
a. place the uncovered stock on the table
b. place the stock on the container with ice cubes
c. place the hot stock pot in a sink full of cold water and ice cubes until it is lukewarm
d. place the hot stock pot in the icebucket
21. How many galloons of chilled stock to be use for sauces?
a. 2 galloons b. ½ galloons c. 1 galloon d. 2 ½ galloons
22. The following are three ways to reconstitute stocks, except?
a. Skim the surface and strain off the stock
b. Cool the stock as quickly as possible
c. add the water to the stock
d. refrigerate the stock in covered containers
23. What will happen if the stock is improperly cooled?
a. the stock may spoil
b. the stock will be cloudy
c. the stock will turned to gelatine
d. the stock will evaporate
24. If the stock is properly refrigerated, how long will it last?
a. 1-2 days b. 8 months c. 2-3 days d. 1 year
25. The following are principles in making sauce , except?
a. never mix an old batch of sauce with a new batch
b. hold sauce no longer than 2 hours
c. never hold hollandaise or any other acid product in aluminum
d. make sure all equipment is perfectly clean
26. What do you call the reduction wherein the sauce becomes more concentrated and more flavorful?
a. reduction to adjust textures
b. reduction to add new flavor
c. reduction to thickened sauce
d. reduction to concentrate basic flavors
27. What do you call the reduction wherein the sauce is simmered until it reaches the desired thickness?
a. reduction to thickened sauce
b. reduction to concentrate basic flavor
c. reduction to adjust textures
d. reduction to add new flavors
28. What particular cream is added to give flavor and richness to sauce?
a. soft cream b. heavy cream c. buttered cream d. liaison
29. What kind of fat that is used as a substitute for butter?
a. animal fat b. clarified butter c. margarine d. vegetable oi
30. what thickening agent that is commonly used as thickeners for sauce making?
a. starch b. flour c. butterl d. animal fat


31. It is a flavourful liquid prepared by simmering meaty bones a. stocks

32. A traditional soup which is typical broth, clear soup or starch thickend soup b. vegetable oil
33. Made from beef or veal bones tht is browned first before simmered c. bread flour
34. Can be used for roux, but it adds no flavor d. Asian soup
35. Commonly used in commercial cooking and is sometimes browned for use in brown roux. e. brown stock
f. Filipino soup


36. Is derived from beef, chicken and is used to determine the kind of stock.
37. Helps dissolve connective tissue and extract flavor and body from bones.
38. They are clear wholesome and appropriate to the stock being made.
39. An assortment of fresh herbs and aromatic ingredients tied in a bundle with string.
40. Used to flavor white stock and soups.
41. These are the most commonly used thickeners for sauce making.
42. This is the most important components of a dish.
43. It is thickened with flour enriched with butter, its basic ingredients is milk.
44. Its base is usually finished with a liaison of heavy cream egg yolk.
45. A clear seasoned stock or broth with addition of one or more vegetables.


Direction: Read the situation below and answer the questions that follows:
Situation 1
Liza was absent by the day that her teacher gave an oral recitation about the procedures in making sauce. Her teacher give
her a special oral recitation by the day she was present..Her teacher give her the unarranged recipe in making hollandaise sauice.

1. Place the egg yolk and cold water in stainless steel bowl and beat well.
2. Remove the bowl from the heat. Add the butter and drop by drop at first.
3. Clarify the butter. Keep the butter warm but not hot.
4. When all the butter has been added, beat lemon juice to taste and adjust seasonings with salt and cayenne.
5. Hold the bowl over a hot water bath and continue to beat until the yolks are thickened and creamy
46-50. Shown above, what is the correct arrangement of the procedures in making hollandaise sauce.

Situation 2
Rachel asked her teacher about the qualities of a good consommé. Her teacher gave her the five qualities of a good

51-55. What do you think are the five qualities of a good consommé that Rachel’s teacher give?

Situation 3
Jenny prepared a chicken stock for she will make a potato soup for her grandma. While putting the finished stock on the
container her mother asked her to buy medicine from the drug store. After filling the container, Jenny put the stock on the table and
immediately go to the drug store. It takes one hour before Jenny got home.

56-57. What do you think will happen to Jenny’s chicken stock?

58-60. If you were Jenny will you do the same thing? Why?

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