April 19 2016 News Report-Dilma Rousseff Fights Impeachment

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Orlando Llampay
Period: Global Seminar

Dilma Rousseff Fights

Impeachment-From CNN.com
Where: Brazil, Rio De Janeiro, Brasília, Sao Paulo, Copacabana and China
When: Article Updated On April 18, 2016 (Monday) at 4:16 P.M. P.S.T., Sunday, May, August 2016,
Who: Authors: Catherine E. Shoichet and Shasta Darlington, Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, Luiz
Inacio Lula da Silva (Brazil’s former president), Bruno Araujo (Rep), Ronaldo Fonseca (Rep), Jose
Guimaraes (Rep), Paulo Pereira da Silva, Brasilia police and pro and anti-Rousseff protesters and the
What: One day after Brazil’s lower house passed a motion to impeach Rousseff, she herself said to
the press...“I will fight, like I have always done in my life...I’m sure that we will have the opportunity
to defend ourselves in the Senate.” Rousseff said the impeachment process against her is unjust.
Rousseff became Brazil’s first female president since 2010 but could soon face trial. The
impeachment motion will go next to Brazil’s senate and if it’s mostly approved, Rousseff will have to
step down for 180 days for trials. That could happen as soon as May, about 3 months before the
Summer Olympics initiate in Rio de Janiero, an event to prove how Brazil is becoming a world power.
You might ask, what did Rousseff do wrong? Well other presidents did such things to a lesser
extent. Quote: “The acts that they accuse me of, they were practiced by other presidents of the
republic before me. And it wasn’t characterized as being illegal or criminal acts. They’re considered
legal. Therefore, when I feel injustice, it’s because with me, I was treated like no one else was
treated.” Rousseff broke budgetary laws by borrowing from state banks to cover a shortfall in Brazil’s
deficit and pay for popular social programs (Like Bolsa Familia or Bolsa Escuela, in which poor
families do beneficial stuff to their children like attending school consistently or making sure their
kids have vaccines and they get money from the government in return), as mentioned by the Folha
de (Sheet of) Sao Paulo newspaper. Also lawmakers accuse Rousseff of hiding a budget deficit to re
win an election in 2014, creating the worst recession in decades (Due to lack of exports) and hold her
accountable for a massive bribery and corruption scandal that has engulfed dozens of politicians in
the Workers’ Party and coalition government. Though she isn’t implicated, the investigation is really
on Petrobras (State-owned petroleum company). Rousseff’s leave would mean the Workers’ Party
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would end, since it’s start in 2004 with election of former Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who lifted millions
of Brazilians out of extreme poverty through increased social spending, largely financed by increased
exports, especially to China...
Brazilian lawmakers shouted, scuffled and even sang as they debate whether to impeach
Rousseff on Sunday. After +6 hours of voting and hot speeches, it seemed that Rousseff was the
loser. 367 (64.4%) lawmakers went for impeachment (⅔= 342) while 137 (24%) voted against.
Representative Bruno Araujo felt triumphant as he cast the 342nd vote against Rousseff last night and
said...“It’s an honor, what an honor that destiny has reserved for me...From my voice will come the
scream of hope for millions of Brazilians.” As lawmakers spoke their opinions on this matter, tons of
demonstrators were watching and protesting for and against Rousseff. In Copacabana, Brazil, three
big screen TV’s were set up so people can watch the proceedings. In Brasilia, Brazil’s capital, police
erected a 1 kilometer (0.62 mile) long barricade on the Congress’ lawn to separate pro and anti-
Rousseff supporters. Those favouring impeachment dressed in Brazil’s flag main colors, yellow and
green, while pro-Rousseff supporters wore red. Representative Ronaldo Fonseca waved a copy of
Brazil’s constitution as he spoke...“Those who are outside, those who are in the streets, the
Constitution guarantees this act. It’s not a coup...You know what this looks like, this thing? This looks
like verbal diarrhea that nobody can take anymore. Brazil wants a decision.” However, pro-Rousseff
Rep, Jose Guimaraes said that Rousseff impeachment “isn’t good for democracy” and “they want to
take the government away from an honest woman.” Paulo Pereira da Silva became nationalistic and
patriotic singing “Dilma, go away, because Brazil doesn’t want you.” (Portuguese Translation: "Dilma,
vá embora, porque o Brasil não quer que você.") Lawmakers also sang a popular soccer chant: “I’m
Brazilian with a lot of pride, a lot of love.” (Portuguese Translation: "Eu sou brasileiro com muito
orgulho, muito amor.")

Dilma Rousseff Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

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Belo Horizonte, Brazil on Caetés, Pernambuco, Brazil

Born (Where and When) December 14, 1947 (Age: on October 27, 1945 (Age:
68) (Sunday) 70) (A Saturday)
Height 5’7 (1.7 meters) 5’7 (1.7 meters)
Net Worth $600K to $1 million ?
Spouse None Marisa Letícia Lula da Silva
Fábio Luís,
Lurian Cordeiro,
Children Paula Rousseff de Araújo Luís Cláudio,
Marcos Cláudio (adopted),
Sandro Luís
State University of
Campinas, Universidade
Education Federal de Minas Gerais , Unknown
Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande do Sul
Current President Of Brazil, Chief of Staff of Brazil
(Since 2010), Chief of Staff (2016 - 2016), President of
of Brazil (2005 - 2010) · Brazil (2003 - 2011),
Ministry of Mines and Workers' Party (1980 -
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Energy (2003 - 2005) 1994)

Capital Brasília
Population (2014) 206.08 million (5th largest worldwide)
Population Density About 63 Per Square Mile (Or 24 Per Square Kilometer)
Birth Rate 1.5 (14.46 births per 1,000) (134th in the world)
3.29 million square miles
(8.51 million square kilometers)
Life Expectancy 73.53 years (127th in the world)
GDP (Total) (2014) $2.35 trillion USD
GDP Per Capita $11,384.62 USD
Founded September 7, 1822 (Saturday)
Official Language Portuguese
Official Currency Brazilian Real (1 BR=$0.28 USD, $1 USD=3.61 BR)

Population 2.56 million
Population Density 1,143 per square mile (2,960 per square kilometer)
Size 2,240 square miles (5,802 square kilometers)
GDP Total $43.85 billion USD
GDP Per Capita $17,127.6 USD

How: Mentioned Above

Why: Mentioned Above
Interesting Fact: What do you think? Take some time and think.
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Quote: Some Mentioned Above

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