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Let me ask you a question, what is legacy? It is something that

we leave for somebody else, it could be material or

Example, anong pumapasok sa isip mo kapag nakikita or naalala

mo ang parents mo? The first thing that will enter into your mind
when you think of your parents. Let me give you an example,
when I think of my father, I think of him teaching and preaching.

Legacy may be passed on consciously or unconsciously,

Hindi ko alam kung aware siya doon, but today it really affected
me, and I do it with my disciples as well, I teach them. I love to

I remember the story of Susana Wesley, simple mother with 19

children, busy sa bahay,busy na nanay, she taught God to her
children, kung maglalagay na siya ng veil sa kanyang ulo, all her
children would know “si nanay may belo na, wag na tayo
magulo, quiet na, magdedevotion na siya”, she never realized
na dahil doon mag iiwan siya ng legacy, out of 19, mayroon
siyang 2 anak na lalaki, the first one was John Wesley, the
second one was Charles Wesley.

Itong dalwang ito, nagsimula ng spiritual revival sa England, at ito

ay nagkaroon ng malaking impact sa Europe, sa America. Ang
sabi pa ng isang scholar, John Wesley’s influence was so
powerful that he elevated the middle class in England.

How did that happen? dahil sa pagtuturo niya ng Bible kasama ni

Charles na malupit sumulat ng mga himno, ginagawa nila ito sa
maliliit na grupo ng mga tao, kaya siya rin after Jesus ang
nagsimula ng Cell Group, hanggang sa kakaBible study nila, ang
mga tao noon natutong magbasa, and that is the stepping stone
to the middle class of Europe.

And according to some historians, such step of John and Charles

Wesley, prevented England from having a bloody revolution
that happened in France. John Wesley today is better known as
the founder of the Methodist Church. Out of his mother’s legacy,
John Wesley Impacted the world.



Genesis 12:2-3
1The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native
country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and
go to the land that I will show you. 2 I will make you
into a great nation. I will bless you and make you
famous, and you will be a blessing to others.

2200 BC// 803,000 days

Naalala niyo sa Genesis, anong pangalan ng asawa ni

Abraham? Sarah, anong problema ni Sarah at ni
Abraham, si Sarah ay baog. So when God promised
Abraham, “Abraham halika, magkakaroon ka ng anak”
if you are Abraham, anong sasabhin mo? “eh di wow,
ano to joke time” If God tells you something, he will
do it. Bible tells us sarah baog at the age of 90,
menopause, sa tagalog, tuyung tuyo na. Abraham had
no Viagra, they had children, how many? 1 name Isaac,
God made a promise to Isaac, what is God’s promise to

Genesis 26:4

4 I will cause your descendants to become as

numerous as the stars of the sky, and I will give them
all these lands. And through your descendants all the
nations of the earth will be blessed.


What happened to Isaac? Ang asawa niya na si

Rebeccah, baog nanaman!!! Si God lakas ng sense of
humor. May promise ako, relax, tutuparin ko iyan. So,
nagkaanak, Jacob an Esau. God also made a promise to

1896BC 692,040 days


Genesis 28:14

14 Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust

of the earth! They will spread out in all directions—to
the west and the east, to the north and the south. And
all the families of the earth will be blessed through
you and your descendants.

1836 BC 670,140 days

In other words, these all are words of promises of God

that all of us will be blessed through the descendants
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Today the whole world is
being blessed because of the descendant of AIJ, who is
the greatest descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

John 3:16

16 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave[a] his one
and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not
perish but have eternal life.


John 16:33
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on
earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart,
because I have overcome the world."
Romans 5:10
For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God
through the death of His Son, much more, having been
reconciled, we shall be saved by His life

Galatians 5:1
So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay
free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.

Let me ask you a question, Do you have a Legacy? Answer,

lahat tayo mag iiwan ng legacy. Whether consciously or
unconsciously you will have a legacy, good or bad, positive or
negative, lahat tayo ay mag iiwan ng legacy.

This is the question, what legacy are you going to pass on?
“ano ang ipapamana mo, ask them”

Now I will be teaching you, how to leave a godly legacy?

This message is important, napakahalaga nito sa akin, because
at the end of my life, I will leave a legacy, at the end of your life,
you will leave a legacy.
will make good choices, it will then affect your behavior, and in the
end, your behavior will result on Godly Legacy.

And everything will just come from perspective. Do not focus on

legacy immediately, behavior, choices, thinking, everything
begins in perspective.
You know what, whether you like it or not, magkakaproblema ka,
you will face disappointments, how you will deal
disappointment will spell the difference between whether you
will leave a good legacy or a bad legacy. Kung ano ang
gagawin mo sa panahon na ikaw ay dumadaan sa problema at
pagsubok ang magtatakda kung ano ang legacy na maiiwan mo,
masama ba o mabuti?

In times of panic, in times of problem, our godly perspective is

being tested. In times of panic, in times of problem, people are
watching you, nanunuod sila sa’yo.
Kung nagpapanic ka, You are conveying to your disciples that
in times of panic, God is absent. Pinapakita mo sa kanila na
ang Diyos ay hindi totoo kung sa panahon ng pagsubok
nagpapanic ka. And I tell you, you are offending God. “haaaa
mapuputulan na kami ng kuryente! Waaah!!”

It doesn’t matter how much you teach them the word of God, but
when you fail to respond properly in times of crisis, what are
you telling to your disciples? “God is only theoretical”.

New Breeders, God has to be real. The godly legacy im talking

about is that something you can pass on to the next
generation. You can pass on money, position, poplularity. But
listen to me, the greatest treasure that you can pass on will
be GOD.

What is legacy? Legacy is the sum total of your daily choices.


What is the legacy here? Sasamahan ka ng Diyos. God will be
with you. At the end of my life, I will tell to my primary 12, no
matter what happens to you, no matter what trials you may face
someday, I want you to know something, God will be with you.
If people will be thinking of you, they will tell “You know what, He
introduced God to our family, in my life”
Hindi mo magagawa iyan, until, you have a personal intimate
experience with God. Only then when you experience miracle
when you can leave miracle as legacy. God wants you to

But you are the one saying no to him, how? By disobedience,

by not trusting Him, by compromising,

Lapida, sooner or later, this will be your name, but before I talk to
your name, I just want to ask you, what enters in your mind when
you think of the legacy of your leader? Your legacy? WALKED BY

Do you believe that everything in your life has purpose? Walk

by faith. Ykel! Whatever people would tell against you, would
do against you, I am greater, My purpose is better.

And do you believe that God can make all things work together for
good to those who love God? Yes!
Romans 8:28
28Alam nating sa lahat ng bagay ay gumagawa ang Diyos
para sa ikabubuti ng mga nagmamahal sa kanya, b silang
mga tinawag ayon sa kanyang layunin.
Hindi ka magqquit, hindi ka maggive up, Lord even in my own
mistake, I will trust you.
Don’t fall in love with Egypt. Because God’s legacy for us is
the promised land.
Do not fall in love with this world, this world is not our home.
Ladies and Gentlemen, God gave us a promise, a far better
place, and I will tell my children , do not fall in love in this
world but fall in love with God.
And the promises of God is not always fulfilled in your
lifetime, because Joseph, did not see this fulfilled, it was 400
years later, when this was fulfilled. The VISIONARY may die,
but the VISION will never die, so we need to pass on our
VISION as our legacy.

The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grand children is not money or other
material things accumulated in one’s life , but rather a legacy of character and faith.

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