Year 5 Penulisan - Answer Scheme

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Section A

1. anywhere
2. children, students, adults
3. built in games
4. send and receive pictures and videos
5. 5-year guarantee

Section B (i)

1. Never accept anything from strangers

2. Be aware of the surroundings
3. Carry a protection tool such as pepper sprays or taser gun
(accept any suitable answers)

Section B (ii)

18, Taman Mahligai Bahagia,

71300 Rembau, N. Sembilan

25 September, 2017
Dear Irene,
How are you? I hope you are fine. I heard that there are few kidnapping cases at your
place and you are worried about your safety. Here I would like to suggest some tips that you
can do to prevent yourself from being kidnapped.

First, you should be aware of your surroundings at all times. You must make sure that
the area is safe before you wait for your parents.

Next, you should not be alone when you are waiting for your parents. You can wait
with your friends. If you have to wait alone, you need to make sure that you carry a
protection tool such as pepper sprays. That’s all from me. Take care of yourself.

Your cousin,

(accept any suitable answers)

Section C

Question 1

Sophia has a cute and fluffy Persian cat. Her pet is called Princess. She takes a good
care of her cat. She loves her cat so much.

One day, after Sophia had her sleep, she called Princess because she wanted to play
with her. Princess did not come to her like usual. She called her few times and she realised
that she had lost Princess. Sophia started to cry and her parents consoled her. Her parents
asked her to search for her cat carefully.

Sophia searched for Princess calmly. Suddenly she heard Princess’ sound. She ran to
the garage and found Princess in a box. She was surprised that Princess had giving birth to
three adorable kittens. Sophia was happy that Princess and her kittens were saved.

(accept any suitable answers)

Question 2

Puan Izzah is an art teacher. She is creative and good at drawing and colouring
beautiful artworks. She enjoys teaching her pupils. Their pupils always look forward to her
art class.

Last week, Puan Izzah organised a drawing competition. Most of the pupils in her
school took part in the competition. They drew different patterns creatively and painted the
drawings with colourful colours.

After the competition ended, Puan Izzah searched for the winners. She chose the most
creative and neat drawings as the winners. The winners who won the competition were
delighted to receive the prizes.

(accept any suitable answers)

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