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1216/2017 fluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in Textile Industry - Texte Learner TD aar Goes a extibe le y Wel Water Systems | Me cmrtoetng Effluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in Textile Industry o Ceramic Disc Filt: - Save energy, Cheap Price Filter Press, Vacuum Bel Horizontal Vacuum Belt F EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT Maruf Mahfuz malt: nortaeynallcom Deparment of Tele engineering Word Univrsty of Banglades Introduction: ‘The etfluent treatment plant Is designe to wea he oftuent coming om arent ars of he plant ‘Te teatment of aterent eluents vais with te type of fue. Wate recycled trom fluent coming from tots & chamialndusres using sres of operations Le cxaguatn, flocculation, seater, and flration techniques mainly reverse osmosis. The afluet produce has gh BOD, COD, pH. TSS, TDS and Color mater. This study includes characterization of oflunt and making of process flow shest of Efuent Tostrent Plant alr Wo various locations in industrial areas, Points of opbmizaton wero densi in various unt operons inves cosiéarng the total cost inured dung the whole proces. It was icenifled that automaton and uso of highly substantive dyes during celoration stages (dying & pening in a txt mil considerably reduces the amount of alent produced, Efec of efferent mesh sizes of coagulating agents was (lo) stad in ‘corugation mixing sped. Iwas noted hat use of poyphosphazene membranes instead of polyamides for overs osmosis plants, a hey posses batts eistance at igh pH ard epsraturs. Nature of Effluent: Wiasie generated in texte indus % essentially based on water. based oflant generated in the varius processes. Tee ndusy agile a corpex huge volume of waste wales contaring various aical used in dyeing, pining and ishing processes. Many djs which causes intensive color in the waste wale. The eluent generated in dierent step oF processes = wll beyond he sian an {hast highy potted and dangerous. hpftexttelearer blogspot. n/201206/efuenk-trealment-plant-process.himl Filter the Water Water Company Water Water Treatment Search This Blog ‘Search Categories Selecta Category to View Get Article in Email sin ©@OOOOO Sponsored Focus On Meyda oaan TY eT oan Labels ‘Accessories | Acid Dye ‘Advanced Dyeing After Treatment Agro Textile | Automation ‘Azole Dye Bamboo Fiber Base Dye Biotextie | Bleaching | Blend Dyeing Blowroom] Bra ‘um Out Printing | Galeulaion | Campus carbon Fiber | Carding | Career CCireular Kniting || Clothing | Color Color Fastness | Combing Compression Garments | Computer Costing [Cotton | Count | Cutting Defects | Denim wa 1216/2017 Water Consumption in Textile Processing ‘The production of textile goods invohes spinning (ber to yarn), weaving / knitng (yam to fabri), cramical wet) processing, and garment manufacturing. The mary ofthe water consumption (72%) ‘akosplacoin th chemical (ws!) processing of textes. Te wats roqured for preparing the obi for {ysing, panting and fishing operatons, Ilemadiate wasnng / tnsing operations and machine caning other major u of water inthe texte Industry + team generation (bol fed water) + Wer resent plan (eet stra, paid leaning of raveres cams pln regeneraon and washing of demeraization softener plan, hack wash of mesa ters) + Cootg (procsssing machines, cotng ower: Humitscato pinning proces ana * Domestic purposes irgaton otlawn and garden, satan, clearing, inking and miscstaneous sos) ETP System for Dyeing Industries Tele oyoingindustas need huge quantity of water for toxtlecysing, when thy normaly pump out repeatedly rom he ground ornatal water sources resting n depletion of round wate lve. Fiowe a3 Wate Conumpn of Component ot Wwottrocesan of Tassos TR bn the dyeing process tenia industies ganerste huge quantity of txe eluent containing claus, ‘sedum suphate,sodum cote, sodum hyeroxise and vaces of other sats. These ate generated ser dyeing and ater washing of garments fates, Aer dyaing the wasle water produc fe called Dye Bath water and eter washing te wast war goneratad i called wash wate. Oye Bat contains higher sods in the range 45% whereas wash wala contains only 051% sos Based on e above mentioned faet"SSP*has devaloped a technology which can process such harmful tone etluent water and transfor ito reusable water, Thus the ttle Indust wl have the ‘advantage of sing the seme watarin tb dying process repesoly, algo he salt used for dyeng can ba reused or sls nthe mart. The technology ofeed by SSP can overcome al problems pecaising to ‘mvrnmenis poluton in respect texte dying indus. Need of ETP Wate is basic necessity of fe used for many puposes one of whch is indusial use. Industies ‘onoraly take wator fom rier lakes but hoy have to pay heavy taxes for that So ts necessary for thom fo rexjle that to rosuc cost and also conserve ft Man function ofthis ETP Is o clean GOP fluent and recycle itor further ss “Tho basic thrust ofthe tchnology is fo convert eno guantily of fluent to zor level by separating ator and salt using evaporation and separation tchnology. The corcop and treatments basa on {he rroval of the ere CODIBOD and te condensate coming out fo met the fosh water quality requitoment inthe process Effluent Generation and Character hpftexttelearer blogspot.n/201206/etuenk-trealment-plant-process.himl fluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in exile Industry - Texte Learner Design| Desizing [Direct Dye Disperse Dye | rafting | Drawirame Dye | Dyeing Dyei 19 Auxiliaries | Dyeing Fault Dyeing Lad Dyeing WIC | Ebooks cote Embrodery Environmental Texte [Enzyme | ETP Experiment Fe Fabrie Manufacturing Fabrie Stracture and Design | Fabric Test Factory | Fashion Fashion and Design | Fiber] Finishing Finishing MC | Flow Chart Garment Wash | Garments WUC Garments Manufacturing Geotertle | Glass Fier | History Home Textile | | Inspection | Intetining Jute Fiber Jute Spinning | Knitting Knitting M/C | Loom | Loom Motion Machines Maintenance | Manmade Fiber | Marker Medical Textile | Mercerizing Merchandising | Microfiber Nanotechnology Ne jo [Nonwoven Nylon | Others Pattom | Pigment | Plasma Technology Polyester | Pretreatment | Printing Printing and Finishing | Production Properties Questions | Reactive Dye| Recycling Report Research| Ring Frame Rotor Spinning Safety Textile | Sample | Scouring || Seam Sewing | Sewing WC] Shedding | ik Simplex Singeing [Sizing] Smart Textile Software Spandex Special Dye |Special Fabric Special Fiber| Special Finishing Special Spinning | Spinning Spinning M/C | Sponsor | Sponsored ana 1216/2017 Effluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in exile Industry - Texte Learner Wet prosaning of tes isos, natn to eters aroun of water and dyes, amber ot || 5.3, Srcading |Site Stop Motion Inorgnie end organ chemicals, legen, soap a fishing chemicals oi in the dying process \oimpar the deste properias to ded etl product. Resaual hemeal en renaiaintha.fiyent | Sulpher Dye | Technical textile rom these processes, n adie, natal mpunies sich as waxes, plans ané omen! and aor Impurities used processing such aa spinning all, slang chenscals anol sans present elton tenes, are removed during desizng, scouting and whaching operation. THe resus nan atent of | Texte Terms. Thagig | Thread oor gusiy, which le high n BOD and COD lead. Table 4. ts yc values of various water qulty Parameter In utetad fuert fom the procesing of ebre using eactve, ul and vat dys and compates these to the DOE eluent standards for dscharge ino an inland suface water body (eg, | Undergarment| Uster MIC Vat Dye iver ike, te), As demonstrated he atuent tom teatle industries “Textile Industry waste water characteristics: Testing MIC | Textile News: Trac] Twist hesvly posted Wiarp Knitting | Warping Washing | Wastage | Water | Weaving Parameters | — Sandan Cotton Synthetic Woot ca 555008 [oor Tx 0 Wet process | Winding | Woot | Yarn oo ang=250ponT_|200= 2400 pom —| 400= oso ppm —[ 10-00-70. 000 RT De S00 2900] Sta0~ 770 pm] 2080 Azeem] 20,000 35000 Table 44: Eftuent Characteristics of Unrated Effluent trom Processing of Fabric Using Reactive, Sulfur and Vat Dyes and DOE Standards for Waste for Discharge Into An inland Surface Water Body D0 Bandas For bs ess om tuna S| paramatrs | unts|nypcatvaues | Ueis'er Breer ae "Foran Suro \ioarbisure He is za 2 [cabr E 2 + [ew ie on [10-16 Vanes depen one [Saeed eR SS— [na Paw o a daccls am mot | 5000-00 2100 [| Re ORD DRT mos | seco (600) rot] 1500= 1750 200 TRS 8 | Demand (B00) mgt] 500-600 a afore Gere aoa oo a maser : fi tsame as name i Effluent Treatment Plant Design Tale industies (oie dyeing and chomicl tostmen!indusas) 6 caeiios according to he Enveenmenal Conservation Rules 1997 as Red calagery idusbee, and heels sn ETP must be designed and condrute to Wet plant efuet. The eluent om the plant msl meet the national tnt ascharge quay stances, ndudng the “Qually landars or Clessied Industries, bole uchatge to te envecment. These qualy standards must be enauted atthe moment of begining Wal production. The waste dacharge alandardsdifer according tothe ial dapoea pace of the feftuent The eluent slandards a presented in Tables 43 and 64 (ato inclided in Patt). is the DOE's mandate to enfrce tis teplaon, and this guide provides the lols requed to assess the TPs propose by texte ndustes inthe EMPIEIA Discharge Quality Standard for Classified Industries hpftexttelearer blogspo.n/201206ietuenk-trealment-plant-process.himl ana 1216/2017 fluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in Textile Industry - Texte Learner ae ——. oe : : : ee a ——- ‘Cres eo) a oS a = oe a se ae 7 St ee = = ==" ma Se ee = “Thora ar various typos of ETPs ad tho sign wil vary depending on th quay ard quay of tho ‘oftvont, amount of money avaliable for constuction, operation ané raintonanc, an the mount of lan avai, Thor are tres mochanisms for ratment which ao: Physical, Chemical and Bilal ‘Trese mechani wl fen be aed together ina single ETP, ‘Thora ar gonraly four levels of tealmen, a dosribes belo + Preliminary: Removal of large sols such as rags, sks, git and grease that may osu in <éamage to equipment o operational preblons (Physi + Primary: Removal of fostng and setesble materals, |. suspended solids and organ mater (rye ana Chemie: + Secondary: Removal of biodegradable organic mater and suspended sade (iloicl and hemi 1 Tentary: Removal of rescual susponded sols / solves sols (Physical, Cramical and Boogie * propery cesignes biological eaten’ plat, which pial icles sereoning, equatzaton, pH onl, avaton and song, can efcieily salty BOD, pH, TSS, oil and grease rqurements. oweve: the compounds in industrial oan may bo txt he microorganisms so proveatmont ‘may be necessary. Most dyes are complex chomicals andar fc for icrobes to dograd 50 ‘hora is usa very te cole romovs + Another opten is = physio-chemical treatment slant, which typically Includes secenng ‘qualzaton, pH conta, chemical storaga tanks, ming unt, faculaton uni, setting unit and ‘huge dewatering, This type of teatment wil remove much ofthe colour depending on the processes usd. can be cutis reduce 800 and COD to meet eluent standards and isnot asset remove TOS. Moat often, physico-chemical tata wil be combined with biological tamer. The (pial components of such @ lant ave seeerng, equalization, sna pH eal chanical serage, mit, ‘oceulton, pematy selleg, eraten, and saconsary setlng. The pryseohemialteatnert ways comes belore the Dilogial tesbnent uns, Using & combination of westmenis wl general reduce palatal to Blow he #scharge standards. -8 ‘Arte form of bcoscal ream Is the red bod, which canbe use witha setting tank rn combinaon wi chor estment processes It presents a naira mathos of eating olen which armer blogspot inv'2013108/event-reatment-plant-pracess him! ana 1216/2017 fluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in exile Industry -Texle Learner |Sclton ower in capita, opeation and maintenance cots. Rees bods can contibule fo 8 roducton ‘nolo, a decease COD, a increase sssclves oxygen an a eduction in hea mela, but ‘ution bet with sme for of petetnat. [As éscusso, hore are mary optons forthe design of an ETH. The type of plant and the various companenis oth plant wil dpand on the charactrsis f te eluent. In evaluating an ETP design Inn apleaton fer an ECC, Iris necessary to estormne whator he companants of the ETP ao sid corecty for he flow and Yo atsees whether the eflent i Ikely to meet the requrements ofthe dscharge standares. Overview of Stages in ETP Assessment Procedure: ‘Shows tho ETP assssront procedure, Thre are 2 siagos for rviowing an ETP design and checks ar provided foreach. inated, inary slag he infomation proved or he poposed ETP is found fo be inadequate, incorrect or outside idling values, the indy must be conte to Provide o caret he inermation ‘Check Inman lersces camamrensss | __, eae (Ghestis atte 31) Coens ‘nea cari) Soe ‘Detaled Review of TP Data [Proce rameters | Inematonis lsrage2 rowed nia Irene train ater Vist free Proposed Un orators Jstaces companeni ETF ‘eons operas Tan) eae temic ersten ee Sen Effluent Treatment plant of a Garments Washing unit: hpftexttelearer blogspo.n/201206/efuent-trealment-plan-process.himl 53 1216/2017 gees] ace S| Se eel He] Industry Cooling & Mixing ‘Aer prevayfaton the kor pases to coalng and mg tank in which unor mig of ents trom vais process lakes pce A pale nitris provide or msng, Coclng of teeter may be ane wi he tp cookg tower. Neutralization ‘Toa otant a pumped o @ tank whch ff neutralized by ack! oral dozing, The tank has an automate dosing contolar which at automatealy contol te dose of ack or ael to mastain the requires PH Co-Agulation ‘Then the ofluet is pureed to the coagulation tank. Chercal co-agulaon very efecto for removal of color ané suspended raters, aluninu,forous subhates, fic chlorio,cerinats éeopper et toineroas he ofcioncy of co-aquation, coagulation gain maybe add for exarekepohacyats, Sotting & Separation of Sludge Some of te soluble overicmatr and Kah suspended sole wil form a blanket af Noculent mtr with he co-aguns. The blink i eked of noth tank athe ramining elation s moved Lo pressure er Pressure Filter Foc pressure vation vacuum pumps maybe usd to frce through the titer and suspended teks are ete ne pressure fe ite. Discharging to Drain [Aeration the puri water seta drain whch eventual each tothe vor anyanare ae, Process Diagram o ETP hptexttelearer blogspol.n/201206/efuenk-trealment-plant-process.himl fluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in exile Industry - Texte Learner ona 1216/2017 Effluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in Textile Industry -Texle Learner 4. Inlet Launder ‘The purpose of laure et flow the eluent of gas sruboer to tbuton chambar inl channel esgned for @ surge low of 1850nSiw @ slope of 2% 0 water lows at 7Smissal clsning ‘voto Sel clearing voll f thal vebeiy at which ithe sludge Nowe x wl nt get accumulated in the mune 2. Distribution on chamber Purpose of dstbuton chamber It die the fw (sig thw of 1143 ite wo equal ows. In cage one ofthe thickener is closed hen there would be no dstbuion so slecbon pipes dona on ths eral. These of gates is designed such at ther Is equa estrbsion aways 3. Flash Mixer ‘Teco are wo fish mixers designed fora fw of 40m wth a retention tne of 6D se. Sos ‘volme must be around 18m. n ash miner alu (coagulant acts ypon sludge so tat suspended ‘0s soto down. In action pH of sludge is also raised by Imo asi is rqure to havea pH of 7 Plylsctrolye(occulants) ao acts upon to fasion the pocoss of coagulation, Flash Mixer & Flocculation Tank 4, Chemical action of alum & lime 12 (S04). 2.0 2AR+ + 38042-+ 12420 8042-20 HSO%-+ OH. (Cause pH change) ca(OH) 2ca2+ +204 (Cause oH change) ‘Ta basic water causes ANOH) 3 fo precise brhging small partles wih them and thn making hipftexttelearer blagspo.n/201206/efuent-trealment-plant-process.himl ma 1216/2017 fluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in exile Industry - Texte Learner olor char FeZ03 is removed mainly by coagulaton. Te polacayte makes big lamps of the coagulated paces so they sl down, 5. Clarifier ‘The dave separates ho weates sy rom clean water. The sludge setos down anc cleans water at the op tows downto th cocng tower rom where it is coales and ecyles. According to PG the SS ‘content this wala must not be grate than 100 ppm. The clare has a racer arm which extracts the sludge out of clair In case if sludge Heght goes higher than tie racker arm thon wil automaticaly ft up and thon sete down taking shige with i. From here skdpe is pursed to sludge ENERAL STRUCTURE OF CLARIFIER ‘Suspended Carrier Tank tho frank, xgaitrs ate foun onthe inside of special plas ring. Ti lank patorme most of the teatment. The organiss appeat as a thin brown fm on the rngs ‘Sludge tank bythe sludge tank te sig contaucusyagtated in oder to prevent Setlemant of sdge. Each tank has capacty of 224m anda ol! fr hs, Main purpose ofthe tank eo old alge fr transfert tar press. From sudge tank he sludge Is purged to titer press by fer press feed pump In he second tank organisms which are suspended inthe tank perform he est ofthe weatment. The organisa are very smal and appear a fine brown sludge cad Actvatd Sludge) ne tank hpftexttelearerblogspo.n/201306/etuent-trealment-plan-process.himl ana 1216/2017 Eftuent women Plant Process Sequence in Texte Industry - Textle Learner si Hi ‘Studgeank ‘Secondary Clarifier “The i tank is clarifrn which he suspended organisms are separated rom he Weatod oftont by ‘tng. The sted organisms ae pumped back othe second ark to ksop them inthe syst. >. a Filter press ‘Sludge trom ths shige tank wil be pumped tote Fitor Press equipments for dewatoing purpose According to performance guarantee the cake rss should not be mare han 20%. For hs purpose oro types of ftors are used namely gravy sors, gravy bolt iors, congos, vacuum oF prossure bol fliers ans ite gross, But among these fits: posse most ofclent ans economical, hor Aran sysioms offer ig prossur vation, but ony ts Mir press has bots high possi captity and effciont lor cake removal The Mtr elements are contuces of ighweightpobproylene. They ae exreralycorosion rasan and uly inal lato breakage Filter process hpftexttelearer blagspo.n/201206/efuenk-trealment-plan-process.himl ana 1216/2017 fluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in exile Industry -Texle Learner Polishing ‘Tee west eftuet from the slater is turer seated by Nocclaton with chemicals folowed by Dissotes Ar Fliaton. Ts sap pales the efuet before dschage ta the rer. Dewatering Dewatering secomplshed by pumping a slaty oF sludge into chambers sureunded by er membranes. As pumping pessue ls inteased the rate forced tough the acum er cake snd mamta unt the ehamber etl of sold Re cake, The chambers are fomed by two raeased sts eld together under hyareutc pressure. The hydaute ram moves the flower again! te stack of ler slates closing the ress, The ram continues to apply sealing presse of stent free to counteract he high itamal compaction pressures ‘Ted stock and tal stock are held in place by specially engreerad se ral support bars. The fate passes trough the mamavane and 's directed by channels the plates and dain pots 0 te head stack fr scharge. The vat piel contains las than 16 PPM suspended golds. The Mer cake I eal removed by smpy reversing te nycaulc ram, hus opening te sess. The ightwegnt Plots may then be moved apart, permiting te compacted cake to fal Yom the chambers. Higher the Intra! pessuro, ne gest he soles compaction. Tho standard pass is constted to wirstand 100, I compacton pressu producing a har ary cake. The spacial hgh pressure press can withstand 226 PSI sludge more ful o dwar. ‘Ozone Treatment for Texte Efiunt Treatment Plant COD. Colour Removal Ozone Wastewater ‘The use of ozone In texte font ieatmant appears to be very stractve atemaive wih considerate application poten. Ozone is a pow axiding agent when compared wr otr wll rows ending agents, Ozone i capable of causing he degradation afd [Advantages of Ozone Generator in Textile Industry Eftuent Treatment Plants + Ozone redyoas C00, + Ozone reduces 80D. + Ozone removes Coo + Ozone eiminates Odour, + ozonation ineeases the biodegradation afectvenss. + Dacompose ep, leaving no harmful byproducts + Ineo oiciency of Fite armer blogspot in'2013108/efuentreatment-plan-pracess him! son3 1216/2017 fluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in exile Industry - Texte Learner ‘Benefits of Ozone Generator in Texte Industry EMfuent Treatment Plants + Duo tots unstable physical ropa shoud bo generate a he point of aplication for use in ‘tealment purposes + tor chemical oat rosdual zone rovers to xygon. + Envronment endl ga, + Canbe rerofted io exstng and new tealment lant + Low operating cos. + Easy operate & hale Conclusion ‘The tel insu sone ofthe facing sectors inthe Bangladesh economy as connbites neatly 14 porcant to te fot industalprecucton (business mapsona com), Ths untested ttle wastwtor ean cavso ap dopleton of dissolved oxigen itis eroctyechargc into the surface war sources uo 10 ts igh 80D value, The flues with Nigh loves of BOD and COD vales are righ toxic to bicogical Ho. The igh akalnty ad races of chromium which fs employed in dys acvorsay act tho Aquat Ho and aso intoro withthe iclogcal teatmentprocossos (Palamihodot al, 2011.The _ualy of such fluent can te analyz by ter physicocsemical and bogical analysis. Mentoring of the envkonmenial parameters of the event waUIS alow having, at any tne, © precedes on porformance evaluation of ETP and i nacessary, appropriate measuos may bo undertaken to prevont forse impact on environment, The dbiaines resus wore vary much UHofd in entiation and rectifeaton of epernional and maintenance problem andi can be als zed fo esabsh mothods for improved References: Manual of Ervionment &fresty Division Under minty of nvzenment of Bangladesh 2. 2. ip utertoaser blogspot conearchalETP 4 Handbook of textile miniry You ean als te 4. Water Consumption in Textil iter Purification Procsss for Textile Wet Processing Inutry Determination of Hardness of Water Water Hardness at WTP) | Process Sequence of Water Treatment Pant Problem Caused by Hard Water in Wet Processing/Oyeing Industry LUme-Soda Water Softening Proc 2 a 4 5 6, Characteratics of fluent Wat 1 8 8. Base Exchange lon Exchange) Water Softening Process 0, Demineralization Process of Water Softening ‘1 wnat ie Hardness of Water? | Potential Problem Caused by Hard Water in Toxtla Wet Processing Industy 12, Some Important Paramsters of Wator for Text Wet Processing Industry 13. plementation of Efuent Treatment Plans for Waste Water & Effect of Untreated on 14 Etuont Treatment Plant Process Sequence In Textile Industry 16, Function of Diternt Units of Biological fluent Treatment Plant (ETP) hpftexttelearer blogspot. n/20106/efuent-trealment-plant-process.himl nia 1216/2017 fluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in exile Industry -Texle Learner Nonstop (you | ‘Sharing Knowledge: Students, teachers and professionals can publish your article here. Tt {sa platform to express your knowledge throughout the word. For deals: Submit Article ron is textile consultant and researcher on online i business promotion. Hes working with one European textile machinery company a country agent. Hei also a contributor of Wikipedia Let's Get Connected: Linkedin | Facebook | Google Plus PREVIOUS NEXT Comparison Between Weaving and Kiting ‘Seafolds fr Tissue Engineering | CCharaeterstis and Basie Funetions of Scaffold | Applatons of Seatelds “onde coop Well Water Systems Drinking Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis Water ‘Sewage Treatment Plant Related Post: + Water Treatment Pant (WTP) | Process Sequence of Water Treatment Plant ‘Characteristics of fluent Water in Texte Wet Processing Industies | Classification of, ‘Texte Waste Which are Generated in Textile Industry + Function of Different Units of Biological Effuent Treatment Plant (ETP) Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) + Implementation of Eftuent Treatment Plats for Waste Waler & Elect of Untreated on Environment (Part-1) hpltexttelearer blogspot.n/201206/efuent-trealment-plant-process.himl sana 1216/2017 fluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in exile Industry - Texte Learner 6 Comments Son by ofdest. )_Srurham inaia- Senior management at shubham ine ‘oiee Shubham Ine has esmed its place inthe markt as one of the most trusted, ond ‘recommended supplier and manufacturer of Sewage Treaiment Plants and Wale Trestment Plants We are an end to end server provider right rom Design, Supplies, Erection, ‘Commissioning and Operations & Maintanance, Our exparence includes collaborations wth European, American Israel, UAE, and Asian Companies. h:/srubhaminsiacom! Uke Raph May 5, 20154046 PA meinen lke Rept No 209512260 Virendra Kumar Patel Curry Callege “The latest technique fr Texte oftuent weatement theo Solar dyer systems highly appreciated percualy the latest one gereraly ued on based of Geraman Technoly Uke Reply 1-049, 20766199 {Chris Thompson ‘Such ance blog ana appreciate your a efor wal done >! Like Raph Feb 1, 2017 13am = ragyan Sahoo Marketing Executive at Choka [Nice doals hore, about efuent reatmant plant related to tox indus. Please explain ‘somoting mere about wastewater treatment plant, sewage treatment plant oe Thanks Fe sarees cn tt ater “cutee do oe ‘Thanks ones again, Uke Reply Ju 12.2017 806m ack Commas un hpltexttelearer blogspol.n/201206/efuenk-trealment-plan-process.himl sana

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