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Monitor and Control Center User Manual

1 Welcome to the RELIANT Monitor and Control Center ....................................... 1

2 Getting Started: How to Process Products ........................................................ 6
3 Main Window ................................................................................................... 16
4 Searching for Products .................................................................................... 22
5 Real-time Monitoring ....................................................................................... 30
6 Monitoring Voice Products ............................................................................... 37
7 Monitoring Data Products ................................................................................ 46
8 Monitoring VoIP and Video Content ................................................................ 80
9 Monitoring Fax Products .................................................................................. 85
10 Monitoring Messaging Products ...................................................................... 87
11 Monitoring Information Products ...................................................................... 88
12 Managing Work List and Result Sets .............................................................. 89
13 Viewing the Result Set Timeline ...................................................................... 98
14 Managing Products ........................................................................................ 102
15 Product Download and Export Options ......................................................... 105
16 Viewing and Managing Folders and Folder Items ......................................... 122
17 Customizing the Workstation ......................................................................... 130
18 Monitoring Job and Request Status .............................................................. 135
19 List of Product Categories and Product Types .............................................. 137
20 List of Product Information Fields .................................................................. 138
21 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)............................................................... 145
22 Index .............................................................................................................. 149
Note :-

The features mentioned in the document are Generic in nature and may not
be available in the installed system.
This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Verint Inc. and
is protected by copyright laws and related international treaties. Unauthorized use,
duplication, disclosure or modification of this document in whole or in part without
the written consent of Verint is strictly prohibited.

By providing this document, Verint is not making any representations regarding the
correctness or completeness of its contents and reserves the right to alter this
document at any time without notice.

© 2000-2012 Verint Inc. All rights reserved.

Welcome to the Reliant Monitor and Control Center

1 Welcome to the RELIANT Monitor and Control Center

RELIANT helps your organization follow the activities of suspects by monitoring their
communications and making them available to you. When a subscriber that is
defined as a RELIANT target communicates with an associate, RELIANT intercepts
and copies the communication and saves it as a product. RELIANT can intercept
and decode all types of communication from various types of networks.

Your Monitor and Control Center, also known as Operator Workstation, provides
access to intercepted products for monitoring and analysis. Your job as an operator
is to monitor and analyze the content and data of targets' intercepted products, and
add your own input based on these sources.

N OTICE This user guide presents all features of your operator workstation. Some
options may not be available in your system.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 1

Welcome to the Reliant Monitor and Control Center

1.1 Basic Concepts

This manual explains how to use the Operator Workstation to process products. It
uses the terms defined in this section. These options are available and supported
in this version, but may not be available in your system.

Targets and products

Target A target is a subscriber identifier, such as telephone number or

email address, that is defined for network monitoring.
Communications both to and from the target are intercepted.

Targets can be organized into groups and subgroups called cases

and subcases. For example, the case Drug Investigation can
contain a subcase for each suspect, and each subcase can contain
the suspect‟s communication methods (such as email addresses or
IP addresses) as targets.

Product The intercepted communication of a target, such as a telephone

conversation or email.

Product Information related to a product includes the following:

 Information received from the network, such as the start
and end times of the product, initiator and recipient of the
product, and more.
 Storage and processing details, such as decoding status,
location of content, etc.

 Operator input, such as comment, keyword, language

and production status, and the name of the operator who
processed the product.

Processing a The process of listening to or viewing a product, adding input and

Product annotations, and marking it as produced.

Work List A default work list which displays up to 1000 unproduced products
intercepted in the operator's assigned targets in the last 24 hours.
The default work list is configurable per system.

Result Set The list of products that result from a user's query.

Users and user rights

User rights Each user can be assigned different functional rights for his tasks,
either generally, or on a target-specific basis. Therefore, different
users may be able to perform different tasks.

2 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Welcome to the Reliant Monitor and Control Center

Operator The person that processes products using the Operator

Workstation. A single RELIANT system can have many operators.
Each operator may be assigned different user rights, and may
therefore perform different product operations in the Operator

Group Leader The person in charge of a group of operators.

System The person that manages the system, including:

 Targets – what is being monitored.

 Users – who can use the Operator Workstations and

which options are available to them.
 Jobs – Burning products as evidence, exporting of
products, or other post-interception product processing

System The workstation used to manage target definitions, users, and

Administration target management within the monitoring center.

Product management options - depending on project content and


Export/ Export selected products in standard format to network destination.

Download The export destination for each target is determined by the system

You define the download destination to a local directory.

Data Decoding Data decoding of raw data products can be performed either
automatically, by the system's decoding server, or selectively by
the user who selects which raw products should be decoded

Rules and RELIANT automatically alerts users to suspect activities of specific

Alerts targets. Define rules to determine which activities are suspect and
therefore require alerts, determine which targets should be
monitored for suspect activities, and define the users to receive
alerts for their assigned targets.

1.2 Starting/Closing the Monitoring and Control Workstation

To start the Operator Workstation:

1 Double-click the workstation icon on your desktop.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 3
Welcome to the Reliant Monitor and Control Center

2 In the login window, enter your user name and password as provided by your
system administrator. The password is case-sensitive.

Your password consists of a predefined combination of uppercase letters,

lowercase letters, digits or special characters, depending on your system

If you are required to modify the password upon entering the workstation, or
the password is about to expire, a dialog box appears indicating the number of
days remaining until the password expires, and requiring you to define a new
If you do not change your password until the expiration date, you have a grace
period, during which you can continue entering the workstation for the purpose
of changing the password only.

IMPORTANT You will be locked out of the RELIANT workstation in one of the
following cases:

- If you fail to enter the correct password in three successive attempts.

- If the password has expired and you have not changed your password during the
grace period.

In this case, contact your system administrator and request that he define a new
password for you so that you can renew your attempts to access the workstation.
3 Click Login. The main window appears.

To close the workstation:

 Click the Close Window icon ,

 -Or-

 Click the Application icon in the top left corner of the screen and select

Automatic Logout:

If you have not been active within the workstation for a certain period of time,
RELIANT automatically logs you out of the Operator workstation.

A five-minute countdown window appears, allowing you to cancel the logout action.

4 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Welcome to the Reliant Monitor and Control Center

1.3 Accessing Help

 From the Help menu, select Contents.

In a dedicated action window, click the help icon in the window title bar for
specific instructions that apply to this action.

The Help provides a recommended workflow, an introduction to the workstation

and how to work in it, and detailed instructions on how to perform all operations
in the workstation.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 5

Getting Started: How to Process Products

2 Getting Started: How to Process Products

On login, the Operator Workstation displays your Work List for product processing.

The basic workflow when processing a product is as follows:

1 Identify products of interest in one of the following ways:
Review the default Work List and sort/filter it to locate products of interest


Generate a system query (see "Step 1: Generate a System Query" on page 8)

to locate products of specific interest.

2 Open the product for review (see "Step 2: Open the Product" on page 8).

3 Monitor the product (review content, listen to the audio, etc) (see "Step 3:
Monitor the Product" on page 12).

4 Review the product information.

5 In the user input fields, enter your inputs,

In the annotation area, enter a summary of the product contents (see "Step 5:
Add Your Input" on page 14).

6 Mark the product as Produced.

2.1 Step 1: Find a Product and Open It

The work list provides main details about the product. This gives you an idea of
what to expect when accessing the product for review and processing.
1 Begin by viewing your work list.
The work list provides main details about the recently intercepted products.
This gives you an idea of what to expect when accessing the product for review
and processing.
By default, this list displays for your assigned targets, the unproduced products
from the last 24 hours, in descending order.
Learn more about navigating the pages of your work list.

IMPORTANT : The work list is generated automatically upon login. From time to
time, make sure to refresh the work list with recent products. Click anywhere in the

Work List and in the Home tab, click Refresh .

2 In the Target Tree, expand targets of interest to view for each target the type
and number of unproduced products (see "Work List/Result Set Target Tree"
on page 17).

6 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Getting Started: How to Process Products

3 Check the Target Status Pane for currently active targets that you may want to
review (see "Real-time Monitoring" on page 30).



Worklist/Target tree updates:

While working, your work assignment may be updated. The update may take a few
minutes. After the update is completed, the workstation displays the entry screen
with an updated target tree and Work List (see "Target Tree Update Policy and
Automatic Relogin" on page 19).

Find the product you want:

 For systems with data products, view the Description field to locate products of
 Sort the product list (see "Sorting the Result Set" on page 90)
 View a target's products (see "Locating Products of a Single Target" on page
25), and the types of products intercepted for each target
 View unproduced products intercepted for each target (see "Work List/Result
Set Target Tree" on page 17)
 Filter products (see "Filtering the Result Set" on page 90)
 Locate cases and targets with new products (see "Locating Cases and Targets
with New Products" on page 27)
 Search for products using a system query (see "Searching for Products" on
page 22)
 Optionally, the product list indicates any virus-infected products in a virus
indicator column . Learn how to access and handle virus-infected products
(see "Accessing and Managing Virus-Infected Products" on page 75).

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 7

Getting Started: How to Process Products

2.2 Step 1: Generate a System Query

1 Generate a system query to locate products of interest. Use one of the system
queries, or additional query options available in your system.
The following system query forms are available:
 System data query (queries the RELIANT product database)
 Product ID
 Target Product Number.
Learn about searching for products using system queries (see "Searching for
Products" on page 22).

2 Review the resulting result set and locate products of interest.

2.3 Step 2: Open the Product

You can view the contents of a product in one of the following ways:
 Preview Mode - Quickly scan product contents and apply quick produce
and modify actions (see "Working in Preview Mode" on page 9).
 Produce mode - Access the product with full processing options. Open
the product with all review and monitoring tools. This mode allows you to enter
user input fields and add annotations.
 Real-time review mode (see "Real-time Monitoring" on page 30). Access an
active target to review current communications.

To access products in: Perform the following:

Preview mode 1 In the result set right-click product rows

In the Overview right-click a selected

2 In View tab click Product Preview .

Learn about working in Preview mode (on page


Full Produce mode Double-click the product row,

or, Right-click the product row and select Open.

Real-time  In the Target Status pane, click on the

target box to access the current target

8 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Getting Started: How to Process Products

For Full Produce mode and Real-time mode:

The product viewer appears, displaying the product contents, product information
fields, system event tags and the product annotation pane for entering user
annotations, transcriptions or translations.

Navigation Bar:

Content Information
Display Fields

Access to


The product viewer provides the following tools:

Content Display Pane Displays the product contents:

 Voice player for voice or VoIP content

 Text display for text or image content.

The Content tab displays main data and tools. Additional

tabs provide additional product data (see "Product
Content Tabs" on page 11).

Product navigation bar For navigating between products in the list.

 Click to navigate to the next/previous

Use the Alt+Up/Down arrows on your

 Click to quickly access the first/last

product of the result set.

Product Information Displays the user input fields and product information
Pane available for the product (see "Step 4: Review Product
Information" on page 13).

2.3.1 Working in Preview Mode

The preview pane allows quick scanning of product contents and quick
identification of products that are of greater interest. For products of interest, you
can access them with full monitoring and processing tools.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 9

Getting Started: How to Process Products

1 In the View tab click Product Preview . The preview display starts playing
selected products automatically, according to the defined interval. Data
products are replaced according to the time interval, Voice products are played
till the end.
The work space is divided into two, the result set in the top pane and the
selected product displayed in the bottom pane.

Result Bar


Drag the separator line between the Preview pane and the result set to adjust
your display area.

2 Use the toolbar to control the automatic slideshow display and to modify
product details or mark it as produced:

Play/pause slide show, according to the interval set in the Delay field.

Next/Previous product, according to the result set.

Mark as produced. Marks the product as produced.

Modify product details. Opens the window for entering user input fields.

Expand to Full View. Expands the display pane for the full work space

Dock to Right Bottom. Places the viewer to the right of the result set.

To cancel preview mode:

1 In the View tab click Product Preview . The result set is displayed in full.

10 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Getting Started: How to Process Products

Setup the preview pane to the right of the result set:

 In the Preview pane toolbar, click the Dock to Bottom Right icon. The display
pane is placed to the right of the result set.



2.3.2 Product Content Tabs

Product information can be found in the Information pane and in the information
tabs within the product viewer. Information tabs are available depending on the
time of review (real-time or post-recording) and may differ between the various
product types.

To view product information within the viewer tabs:

Within the viewer pane, click the information tabs, according to available tabs.

Possible tabs include:

 Details - Displays varying types of details regarding the processing of the
specific product type.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 11

Getting Started: How to Process Products

 File List tab - Displays the file components that compose the product.

 Tag View - for communications or information products intercepted in mobile

networks, displays call location details.

2.4 Step 3: Monitor the Product

The product viewer displays the contents of the product and provides processing
tools according to the type of product:
 Voice products. Voice products include any voice or video calls (see
"Monitoring Voice Products" on page 37).
 Data products. Data products include all actions and correspondence
performed on data media, such as Web sites, email, file transfer, etc. (see
"Monitoring Data Products" on page 46)
 Fax products. Fax products apply to fax and fax over IP (FoIP) products (see
"Monitoring Fax Products" on page 85).
 Messaging products. Apply to SMS, UUS, MMS, EMS message contents (see
"Monitoring Information Products" on page 88).
 Information products. Apply to non-call events derived from the network
 Subscriber events or location information retrieved from mobile networks

12 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Getting Started: How to Process Products

2.5 Step 4: Review Product Information

Product Information is shown in the right side of the Produce window. The
categories and fields that appear depend on the product type (see "List of Product
Information Fields" on page 138) and on the fields you have marked for display in
the information pane (see "Customizing the Product Information Pane and Print
Fields" on page 130).

User Input
Click and Select an
Or Type in Your Entry

N OTE : In data products, you may find different information in the information fields
of the raw product and its decoded products. To get all information about a data
product, review the information fields of both the decoded product and its related
raw product.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 13

Getting Started: How to Process Products

2.6 Step 5: Mark the Product As Produced

When you first login to the system, the work list shows only unproduced products.
You can create your own query and use it as your work list, and you can choose
whether or not produced products are displayed. (see "Searching for Products" on
page 22)

To mark a single product as produced:

 Access the product viewer and in the Home tab, click the Produce/Unproduce

toggle button .
The product is marked as produced and no longer appears in your work list.
Failed requests appears in the Request Log (see "Checking Request Status"
on page 135).

Clicking the button again will mark the product as not produced, and it will
again appear in your work list.

To move to the next/previous product

 Click to navigate to the next/previous product, or press your hotkey

combination (see "Setting Hot Key Preferences" on page 130).

To mark multiple products as produced from the Work List or Result Set:
1 In a result set, select multiple products using the Shift and/or Ctrl keys.

2 In the Home tab click Modify .

3 Mark the selected products as follows:

 In the user input fields, select or enter the desired value
 In the classification fields, elect the radio button to produce the product or
mark it for special handling within RELIANT
and click OK.

14 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Getting Started: How to Process Products

If the product fields are not updated, you can check the status of the modification
request (see "Checking Request Status" on page 135). In the event of a failure, the
reason for the failure is displayed in the Request Log.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 15

Main Window

3 Main Window
Quick Access


Work Area:
- Folder Display
- Work List Display
- Query Display
- Product Display



Quick Access Provides access to online help and to commonly performed

Toolbar standard actions such as print, copy, paste, etc.

Ribbon Provides image-based access to all functions of the workstation.

Target Tree The Target Tree displays the targets assigned to you by the group
leader / system administrator. For each target, you can view the
type and number of products that are not yet produced. When the
case of a target is not assigned to you, the target appears under a
restricted case.

The target icon indicates whether the target is activated or not:

- Not activated

- Activated

Optionally, in the Target Tree toolbar, click the Hide/Display

Active Targets icon to hide inactive targets, or to display all
targets (see "Hiding/Displaying Inactive Targets" on page 18).

Folder Tree Displays the folders assigned to you by your system

administrator. Allows you to perform queries and save information
to common and personal folders for analysis.

Each folder can include saved queries, external files, etc.

To update the folder pane display:

 Click in the Folder Tree window or select the Folder tab

and click Refresh Folder .

16 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Main Window

Workspace This section changes according to your current activities:

 Folder display. Displays the items stored in a specific


 Work List. Displays the default work list for your

workstation, based on the default query defined for your

 Query. Displays the new query for you to define, or a

stored query for you to run.

 Result set. Displays the results of your query.

 Preview Pane. Displays the content viewer for a

product selected in the result set.
 Product. Displays the content and product information
of a selected product.

Target Status  This pane displays the recording status of your

Pane assigned targets. View it to identify and access real-
time products.

You can resize the workstation window panes as in any Windows application.
Place the cursor over a divider and drag it to the desired location. Also,
hide/display work areas as required.

3.1 Work List/Result Set Target Tree

Number of
Target with
unproduced voice
products, and their
total duration
Number of
unproduced products
of this product type

In the Work List and in the query result set list, the Target Tree performs the
following functions:
 Provides statistical information about the total and unproduced products of
each target (see "Step 6: Mark the Product As Produced" on page 14) for the
Work List query. A list of unproduced products can be viewed by expanding the
target tree.
Click the checkbox of a target with unproduced products and view the following
 The types of unproduced products - Under the target, an icon list appears,
indicating the types of products that are not yet produced.
 For each type of product, the number of unproduced products is displayed
in brackets.
 For Voice products, the total number of products is displayed in brackets,
together with the total cumulative duration of unproduced content.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 17

Main Window

 Historical Data products are not included in the number of unproduced

 Enables you to filter the list of products according to a specific target (see
"Locating Products of a Single Target" on page 25).

Use the Search Tree field to locate required targets (see "Locating a Target in the
Target Tree" on page 18).

Setting highlight options:

You can set the highlight mode for updated target counters. After a refresh action,
any updated counters (of either total products or non-produced products) are
highlighted in the selected mode (see "Customizing Your Password, Language
Settings and Target Counter Highlight Mode" on page 132).

3.1.1 Locating a Target in the Target Tree

You can use the Target Tree toolbar to search for cases/targets, or to refresh the
Target Tree.

1 In the search field, enter the name or partial string of the required case/target
and click the Search icon . The first case/target that contains the search
string is highlighted in the tree.
If there are other items that contain the search string, the Find Next icon is

2 Click the Find Next icon to locate the next case/target with the search string

Click Cancel to clear the search field.

3.1.2 Hiding/Displaying Inactive Targets

In the Target Tree toolbar use the Hide/Display Inactive Targets icon to toggle
the target tree display. Click to hide all inactive targets and leave only active
targets, and click again to return to a full target display.

Click to Display/Hide
Inactive Targets



18 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Main Window

The target status is updated in the tree following user login, or following
reassignment of the case, subcase or target.

3.2 Target Tree Update Policy and Automatic Relogin

When your assigned targets or your user rights are updated, the system performs
one of the following actions:
 Target is added or renamed. The Target Tree is updated to display newly
added targets or targets that have been renamed.
 Target is removed. Upon target removal by the administrator, the target is
removed from the various target display functions:
 Target Tree, Target Status Pane, and the query target tree - The target is
 Target manager. The target is removed. Any non-saved changes are lost.
 Result sets containing the removed target. The result set is not refreshed
and will continue to display target products and to include target products in
the result set statistics, until you select the result set display area and in the

Home tab click Refresh .

 Accessing products of removed targets. The products are displayed in the
result set, but are blocked for access. A message appears, notifying you
that you can no longer access products of this target.
 Working within an open product of the removed target. A message appears
notifying you that the product's target has been removed and requiring you
to save your changes. Once you have saved your changes, the product is
closed and is no longer accessible.
 In case of a disconnection, you are automatically relogged in.

3.3 Target and Case Name Changes

The names of the case, subcase or target items may be changed at any time by
your system administrator.

Optionally, depending on system configuration, a system message appears,

notifying you which item has been changed, and the item's new name.

In the event of a changed name, the following functionalities are affected:

 Current queries and result sets:

 In the Home tab click Refresh . Any existing queries are updated to
include the renamed item.
 Evidence functionality (optional, depending on system configuration).
 All media burned after the modification will bear the new item name.
 An evidence media search will include all media related to the item,
including previous names and current names.
 An import query will display the name of the target at the time the media
was burned. Any media burned before the name change will display the
previous name.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 19

Main Window

 Export functionality (optional, depending on system configuration). Exported

products will be located in a new directory branch, based on the item's new
name. Previously exported products will remain in the previous export
directories, under the branch bearing the item's previous name.
 Free Text Search (optional, depending on system configuration). Free Text
queries using the item's previous name will result in products that were
intercepted at the time the target bore the previous name. A Free Text query
using the item's new name will result in products that were intercepted after the
item's name was changed.

3.4 Navigating the Work Space

Work Tabs:
- Folder View
- Work List
- Query Tabs
Navigation Bar
- Query Tab
- List Tab
- Timeline Tab
- Product Tabs

Work tabs:

The work space displays horizontal work tabs, each dedicated to a separate/new
query or work mode:
 Folder Contents: Displays all items saved to the selected folder in the Folder
system. This tab serves each of your assigned or personal folders when
selected in the Folder pane.
 Work List: Displays the results of your default Work List query, and provides
access to the Work List products.
 Query tabs: You can generate multiple queries and handle them separately
(see "Performing Multiple Queries" on page 27). The work space is limited to a
configurable number of concurrent queries.
Navigation bar:

Within each work mode tab, a navigation bar indicates each step in your query
procedure, and allows you to navigate quickly to the required step:
 Query: The query form you generated, including the search criteria of the
current query. For the Work List, this tab is inactive.
 List: The results of the generated query.
 Timeline. Displays the products of all result set targets on a timeline.
 Product: One of the products you accessed from the list of this query. In case
you have opened multiple products from this list, click the drop down list to
access one of the open products. You can open up to five products at a time.

20 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Main Window

To close a work tab (excluding the Work List tab):

 Right-click the tab and select Close.

To rename a work tab:

 Right-click the query or report tab, select Rename and enter a new name for
the tab.

To close a product:

 In the drop-down list, click the X mark in the product row.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 21

Searching for Products

4 Searching for Products

RELIANT provides a number of search tools to help locate products of interest. The
resulting products are displayed for access in a result set.

The following queries are available:

 System queries.
 By System Data (see "Performing a System Query" on page 22) is the
default search tool for products currently stored in the system.
 By Product ID allows you to search by product ID.
 By Target Product Number allows you to search by serial number of the
products of a specific target.
Your system may include additional queries, based on system functionality.

4.1 Performing a System Query

1 In the Home tab click System Query ,

Target/s Select Time


If you know the identifier details of a specific product, such as Product ID or

Target Product Number, select one of the other system templates for your
 By Product ID allows you to search by product ID.
 By Target Product Number allows you to search by serial number of the
products of a specific target.
2 In the Target Tree, select the targets for the query.
3 Select the time frame for the query based on recent days or weeks,

Define a time range based on date and time.

4 In the search fields, click and define the search filtering criteria. Learn
about available query search fields (see "Search Criteria for Your Query" on
page 24).

22 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Searching for Products

a Define product category and product types (see "List of Product Categories
and Product Types" on page 137). Each category covers a number of
similar product types. Retain the default selection of all product types within
a category, or select a single product within the category.
b Enter textual search strings to define multiple criteria with complex phrases
"Defining Textual Search Fields" on page 24)
Select location filters based on country or cellular network locations
Define a geographical area for location-based queries
Select options from a list box:
- Click the required row to select it, or
- Use Ctrl and Shift keys for multiple selections, or
- Use Ctrl and select row to cancel a selection.
Your entries and selections appear in the field headings.
c Click to close the criterion field.
If you have made no entry or selection, the field does not apply to the search.

T IP In the main window toolbar or in the query toolbar, click Expand All to

open and display all criteria fields, or click Collapse All to minimize all fields.

5 In the Advanced Parameters section, click and set the results display to
determine the appearance of the search results:

Maximum Results Limits the number of results that will be shown. Keep this
number as low as possible for faster results.

Query Timeout (sec.) Determines the length of time the search will continue
before giving up. This prevents your workstation from
“hanging” if for some reason the query cannot be fulfilled.

Sort by Start Time Determines whether the results are displayed starting
from the oldest products (ascending) or the most recent
products (descending).

6 In the query form toolbar, click . The result set is generated.

T IP To edit the search criteria and rerun the search, in the navigation bar, click the
Query tab.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 23

Searching for Products

4.1.1 Search Criteria for Your Query

The search fields are based on either user input, product status within the RELIANT
system, or network information about the product.

Product status information:

Some of these fields are available only if the related functionality is available in
your system.
 Production Status and Producer - If the product is marked as produced, and
if so, by which operator.
 Privileged - If the product is marked as privileged.
 Retained - If the product is retained in the system storage, and is excluded by
the system's purging mechanism.
 Virus - If the product is suspected as marked by a virus or not.
 Encrypted - If the product has encrypted content or encrypted file attachments,
or is not encrypted.
 Content Recorded - Indicates if the content was intercepted and recorded for
the product or not.
 Target Product Number - Allows you to search for products of a specific serial
number, either on a selected target, or on several targets.

Network information:
 From/To and Participant - Enter an identifier such as phone number, email
address, login name, etc. that can be the initiator or a recipient of the
 Data product search: Use these fields to locate the identifiers that appear
in the Participants tab of data products (see "Participants Tabs" on page
 Webmail product search: When searching for webmail products, these
fields apply also to addressees of the mail.
 Call Duration - Total duration of the call.
 Direction - If the product is incoming or outgoing regarding the target.

24 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Searching for Products

4.1.2 Media Type Options

You can search for intercepted product contents according to the following Media
Type options:
 Binary
 Fax
 Image
 Text
 Video
 Voice

Each of these options represents the type of content, disregarding the

communication medium used. For example, search for Media Type Fax will display
all products with fax content intercepted in either a telephony or an IP network.
Learn about the result set display icons (see "Filtering by Media Type" on page 94).

This option is useful for systems that support multiple interception solutions, and
store products intercepted in different telecommunication networks.

4.1.3 Toolbar Shortcut Options

Function Shortcut

Add Item

Edit Item Enter


Exclude !

4.2 Locating Products of a Single Target

In either the Work List, or in a query result set, you can quickly filter the result set to
display only the products of a specific target, or of a specific product type for the
selected target.

To filter the result set for a target's products:

1 In the Target Tree, locate the required target (see "Locating a Target in the
Target Tree" on page 18).
2 Double-click the required target,

Right-click the required target and select Filter Result Set.

3 The filter pane opens, displaying the selected target as filter criterion, and the
result set displays only the target's product. You can expand the target branch

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 25

Searching for Products

to view the product types intercepted for the target, and the remaining number
of non-produced products for each type.

To filter the result set for a target's specific product type:

1 In the Target Tree, locate the required target and double-click the plus sign to
view its product types.
2 Double-click the required product type,

Right-click the required product type and select Filter Result Set.

The filter pane opens, displaying the selected target and product type as filter
criteria, and the result set displays only the required product types for the

Filter with

Result Set

26 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Searching for Products

4.3 Locating Cases and Targets with New Products

You can set the Target Tree to highlight those cases, subcases and targets that
include newly intercepted products following a refresh action of the target tree (see
"Customizing Your Password, Language Settings and Target Counter Highlight
Mode" on page 132).

Updated items are marked as one of the following options:

 Highlight - marks updated items with a colorful background.
 Bold - marks the names of updated items in Bold font.
 Normal - marks the names of updated items in regular font.


4.4 Performing Multiple Queries

Each time you generate a new query, a new tab opens.

You can have several tabs open at the same time. On reaching the toolbar display
limit, navigation icons appear allowing you to navigate to the next/previous tab.

To close a tab, select it and click the toolbar Close icon.

4.5 Defining Personal and Default Queries

You can save queries for future use.

You can also choose one of the queries to be your default query which determines
which products appear in your Work List when you first login.
 Personal query: The personal query saves the selected targets, time range,
search criteria and display settings. The query is saved to one of your personal
 Default query: The default query determines your Work List and determines
the time range, search criteria and display settings that apply to all your
assigned targets. Only a query saved to your personal folder can be defined as
a default query.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 27

Searching for Products

To create a personal query:

1 Define a new query and in the Home tab click Save . The Save Query
window appears.

2 In the Name field, enter a name for the query and in the Folder field select the
folder to which you want to save the query.
You can save the query to a public folder, for use by all users who are
assigned to the folder,

You can save the query to your personal folder, for your own use in future, or to
be defined as a default query.
3 Optionally, enter a short description and comment.

4 If you want this query to run as the default query for your Work List, select the
Default Query checkbox. In this case the Work List on your next login will be
generated according to this query. If you want the query to update your current

Work List, access the Work List and in the Home tab click Refresh .
5 Click OK. The query is saved to the specified folder and can be viewed in the
Folder tab.

To run the query:

1 In the Folder pane, access the folder where the query is saved.

2 In the Folder tab, double-click the query row. The query template appears
displaying the query search criteria and in the Target Tree the relevant targets
are selected.
28 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual
Searching for Products

3 In the query toolbar, click .

Setting a query as your default query:

1 In the Folder pane, access the personal folder in which the query is saved.

2 In the Folder tab, right-click the query row and select Set as Default Query
and confirm the change.
The new default query applies from your next login.
3 If you want the query to update your current Work List, access the Work List

and in the Home tab click Refresh .

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 29

Real-time Monitoring

5 Real-time Monitoring
Real-Time products represent communications that are currently taking place.
Real-time products are recorded like other products and can be monitored later at
any time.

You can access real-time communications only if assigned the required right by
your administrator.
 In voice products, you can listen to the call and process it while it is taking
place (see "Accessing a Real-time Product" on page 33). The play, pause and
volume playback options are available, but other options are not available. You
can access a voice product in near real-time, in order to use additional
playback controls, and enter your comments and annotations.
 In SMS products, you can view the target's SMS products sent or received
during the past 30 seconds.
 In data products, you can view a target's most recently decoded products:
 Display time. Data products are displayed until the related stream is
closed. This means you may view decoded products that were decoded
some time ago, but are still displayed. If another system user has deleted
the decoded product and the stream is not yet closed, the product will still
be displayed despite the fact that it is no longer accessible.
 Website, Web page or Chat products are data products that may
progress over time. When you access a chat or Web page you get a
snapshot of the currently processed content. Refresh the product to get an
updated snapshot of the content.
 For other data products, such as VoIP, you can access the product to
view contact and communication details, but will be able to access the
content and play it only after the product is closed.

Indicators for real-time communications:

The following indicators represent real-time activities currently taking place:

Real-time counter in the Indicates the number of targets currently active.

workstation status bar
Live Targets

Target Status pane The Target Status pane (see "About the Target Status
Pane" on page 31) displays currently active targets, and
can be set to one of several display modes (see "Setting
the Target Status Pane Display" on page 37).

30 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Real-time Monitoring

Work List/Result Set A real-time product appears in the Work List/result set
together with closed products, indicating Active in the
End Time and Product Duration fields.

Active products apply to the time the list was generated:

 The Work List represents products for the time
the user entered the workstation, or the Work
List was last refreshed.
 The result set represents products for the time
the query was run.

Audible Alerts You can set the workstation for audible real-time alerts
(see "Defining a Target's Real-time Settings" on page 35).
After applying this option, an audible alert is heard,
indicating a new real-time product is available.

Viewing Alerts on Alerts can be defined for products of special interest

predefined target

5.1 About the Target Status Pane

The Target Status Pane indicates the recording status of a target.

Each target box indicates the type of target, and provides a link to active products if
the target is currently active. A number in parentheses (1) indicates the number of
active calls.

The target status pane is limited to the number of targets that can be displayed
concurrently. The default limitation is 400 targets, but may be configured differently
for your system. To ensure you are viewing the most important targets, you can
select specific targets to appear in the target status pane (see "Defining a Target's
Real-time Settings" on page 35).

Targets are represented as follows:

Orange background  An orange background indicates a target with an

accessible real-time product (at least one).

 Number within parentheses indicates the

number of ongoing real-time products.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 31

Real-time Monitoring

Orange background An orange background and target name underlined in

with underlined name Orange indicates a target with a real-time product that is
currently open in the Active tab.

Light grey background Packet data target with light-grey background indicates a
target with an ongoing transmission, but there are no
decoded products available yet. As soon as the first
product is decoded, the box appears orange, and you can
access the product.

Dark grey background A non-active target.

5.2 Setting the Target Status Pane Display

 From the View menu, select Target Status Pane and select one of the
following display modes:
 To display only active targets, select Live Targets Only.
 To display both active and non-active targets assigned to you, select All
 To display only those targets that are currently active, and that you selected
in the Target Manager (see "Defining a Target's Real-time Settings" on
page 35), select Selected Live Targets Only.
 To display all targets that that you selected in the Target Manager (see
"Defining a Target's Real-time Settings” on page 35), whether active or not,
select Selected Targets Only.

To hide the Target Status Pane:

 Select Full View.

32 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Real-time Monitoring

5.3 Accessing a Real-time Product

1 In the Target Status pane, check for active targets: orange background target
boxes . In the event of data communications, the orange
background indicates accessible decoded data communications.

If several products are currently taking place you can select the product you
want to access from a drop-down list (see "Viewing a Target's Multiple Real-
time Products" on page 34).

2 Click the target name hyperlink. The real-time product opens in a separate
Active tab for review and processing.


In Process

Play Mode

Real-time options:
 Only the Play/Pause control is applicable. All other controls are disabled. You
can stop the player at any time. On restarting it, the player skips to the current
player time and continues playing the content.
 Enter Annotations or user input fields as any other product.
 Click Switch to NRT to review previously heard content and use playback

5.4 Accessing a Voice Product in Near Real-time

Near real-time products are real-time products that are played back with a delay of
a few seconds. This allows you access to all options for processing the product
(unlike true real-time), although some tags and product information fields will still
be unavailable.

To access a voice product in near real-time:

 In the work list or result set, click the product row to access a product with an
Active End Time

The player appears in Near Real-Time mode.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 33

Real-time Monitoring

To switch from real-time to near real-time:

1 After accessing a product from the Target Status Pane, the product appears in
Real-time mode.

2 In the Viewer bottom toolbar, click the Switch to NRT link.

Switch to Near

To switch back to real-time:

 In the Viewer bottom toolbar, click the Real-Time link.

5.5 Viewing a Target's Multiple Real-time Products

When a target is managing one or more communications, the target box in the
status pane displays the number of concurrent calls in parentheses.

To access one of several concurrent products:

 In the Target Status pane, click the number in parentheses and select one of
the ongoing products.

2… and
select one of
the active
products to
access it in

1. Click to
view multiple

 In circuit-switched targets, multiple products are displayed with the start

time of each product.
 In packet data targets, the currently processed products are displayed,
indicating the product type and process time.
The real-time product you selected appears in the Active tab for review and

34 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Real-time Monitoring

5.6 Viewing a Data Product in Near Real-time

You can view certain data products in near real-time to view part of the product
contents, and to view the existing communication events, protocol information or
connection information.

View the following product types in near real-time: Chat, Web site, Web page,
Telnet and Presence.

The tab toolbar indicates this is a near real-time product by indicating this product
is In Process.


After you access the data product in near real-time, the target may continue his
activities, in which case you can manually refresh the viewer to update the product

To update the contents of the product:

 In the Home tab, click Refresh .

5.7 Defining a Target's Real-time Settings

The Target Manager allows you to determine, for each of your assigned targets, its
behavior and prioritization in your workstation:
 Prioritize selected targets over others for real-time access. When a target
is set to Real-time Priority, any newly intercepted product is displayed
automatically, as soon as it begins, in a separate Priority tab.
 Target display in the Target Status pane. Define the targets to appear in the
Target Status pane when they are active. When you set the Target Status Pane
to display only Live Selected Targets (see "Setting the Target Status Pane
Display" on page 37), only these targets will appear when they are active.
 Register for audio alerts. For each target, determine audio alerts to sound for
real-time activities. When necessary, you can temporarily mute all audio alerts
in your workstation.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 35

Real-time Monitoring

To define targets' real-time settings

1 In the Setup and Tools tab, select Target Manager .

For each target, the Status column indicates the target's current settings using
a color/grey icon:

Real-time priority
Is prioritized for automatic real-time display

Not prioritized for real-time display

Target Status Pane Appears in the pane when active

Does not appear in the pane when active

Audio Alerts Registered for audio alerts

Not registered for audio alerts

2 Select a target and click the checkbox of the required settings to determine its
real-time behavior.

For audio alerts, determine the volume level (High or Low).

3 Click Save and continue, or click Save and Close to close the dialog box.

To mute/enable your workstation's audio alerts:

 In the Setup and Tools tab, click Audio Alerts .

36 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Voice Products

6 Monitoring Voice Products

Location of

Work Mode


Call & Target Details

The voice player includes the following:

 Call time indicators. Indicate the start time and end time of a closed call,
duration played of the total duration and current time of the playhead in the call.
 Playback window. Displays the call content, playhead, system and user tags,
and the Tag and Mute controls.
A time scale is part of the playback window and of the Location bar, and marks
the product duration in intervals of 10, 15 and 30 seconds, depending on the
zoom scale.
 Playback Toolbar. Displays basic and advanced controls for playback,
looping, volume, zooming and balance. Learn about audio playback controls
(see "Listening to Voice Content" on page 38).
 Work Mode Selection. Click one of the following:
 Tag List. Displays system tags and allows you to add user tags. Learn
about adding user tags (see "Adding/Managing User Tags" on page 43).
 Settings. Allows the user to determine the player settings regarding skip
and scan intervals, playback speed and playback volume. Learn about
audio playback settings (see "Listening to Voice Content" on page 38).
 Voice Samples (optional). Allows you to play voice samples of the suspect,
in order to compare them to the current participant in the call. Learn about
playing voice samples (on page 44).
 Navigation Bar. Allows you to skip to the previous/next product, or the first/last
product in the result set.
 Product and target details row. Displays general information about the target,
date and time of the voice product, and duration of the product audio. It also
indicates the play mode, and in case of real-time access, it provides a link to
near real-time playback (see "Accessing a Voice Product in Near Real-time" on
page 33).

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 37

Monitoring Voice Products

6.1 Listening to Voice Content

Listen to the voice content using the player controls or keyboard shortcut options.
Determine the player's settings (see "Defining Player Settings" on page 40)
according to your needs.

In addition, your workstation may provide a player control based on annotation


Control Function Shortcut

Play/Pause Numlock+5

Go to beginning/end Ctrl+Shift+B

Short skip backward/forward Numlock+4


Long skip backward/forward Ctrl+Shift+T


Scan Ctrl+Shift+C

Plays sections according to predefined

skip and play intervals.

Playhead (current location)

The playhead is indicated by a Red

needle within the playback window.

 Click the pointer anywhere in

the playback window to move
the playhead there.

38 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Voice Products

Control Function Shortcut

Loop Numlock+7

To mark a section for loopback: Numlock+0

Click and drag the cursor to highlight the
required section,


Place the playhead at the beginning of

the section and click Beginning of

Loop , then drag the playhead to

the end of the section and click End of

Loop .

To begin play:

Click .

To cancel the loop:

Stop play and click outside the marked




Zoom in/out Ctrl+Shift+Z

The audio scale is adjusted to display
the shorter/longer time segments.

Volume up/down Numlock+9



In a stereo call, select whether you hear

the audio in one ear (Left-most or Right-
most) or in both ears (Center).

The selection applies only to the current


Speed up/Slow down Adjust playback speed during playback. Numlock+8


RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 39

Monitoring Voice Products

Control Function Shortcut

Mute toggle. Ctrl+M

Click to temporarily cancel the voice of a

specific audio input.

6.2 Defining Player Settings

1 Click Settings. The Player Settings pane appears.

2 In the Skip Settings section determine the following:

 Short skip and Long skip. Set how many seconds to skip
backward/forward for short skips, and for long skips.
 Scan Settings. Set how many seconds to play and how many seconds to
skip during scanning behavior.
 Back track interval. Determine the number of seconds to skip back when
returning to play after a pause.
 Skip silence. Set the audio level definition for silence. When in 'skip
silence' mode, the player skips audio sections below this level.
3 In the Advanced Settings section determine the following:
 Auto playback. Start playback on accessing the product.
 Hide tags. Hide system and user tags on playback window.
 Automatic loop playback. Start playing a marked loop section on marking
the section.
 Auto replay. Automatically restart playing the audio content on reaching
the end of the product's audio.
 Summation. Play both sides of a stereo call together. When clear, each
side of a stereo call is played separately.
4 Pitch. Set the speed and pitch levels. Set the playback speed to the required
level (0.5-2.00). The speed level affects the pitch of the audio playback.
5 In the Equalizer Settings section set the frequency scales to the required

6 Click Save. All settings apply immediately, and are saved for your next login.

40 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Voice Products

7 To cancel any personal settings and revert to factory settings, click Default

6.3 Reviewing System Tags

Tag Dislay
Add Tag

Tag Display
Pane Tag Edit

Tags represent events that occurred during the call. System tags and user tags are
displayed in the audio playback window while the text content of each tag and
details are displayed in the Tag Pane.

To view tag information:

1 Click Tag List. The Tag pane appears, displaying the system tags of the
product. Each tag provides information about the event type, network cell
location, and time within the product.
2 View the Tag pane for information about all tags,

In the playback window, hover over the tag to view its details.

The following tags may appear:

DTMF/DNR Tags DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) / DNR (Dialed

(green) Number Record) tags display numbers dialed after the
call was initially made, such as the number of an
extension or a PIN number to access an account.

The DTMF tags may display incoming / outgoing

direction, depending on your system version.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 41

Monitoring Voice Products

Switch Tags (blue) Switch tags display information received from the switch,
such as:
 Answer – The called party answered the call.

 Conference – Phone number of the additional

party in a conference call.
 Conference Drop – One of the parties of the
conference call closed the call.
 Forward – The called party forwarded the call
to another extension or number.

 Handover – The time at which a cellular phone

user moves from one cell location to another in
the cellular network.
 Hold – Indicates that one of the parties to the
call was put on hold.

 Inquiry – First party places the second party on

Hold. Then it may dial a third party, create a
conference call, or return to the original party
placed on Hold.

 Inquiry Initiated – Phone number of inquiry call

in a different timeslot.
 Overdial – Digits dialed during the call.

 Retrieve – The user returns to the original call

after having placed it on Hold.
 Waiting – Phone number of a third party that is
waiting to contact the target. The indication
appears in the current call the first time a
waiting party is noted, or as a separate call with
product information only.
 Waiting Hold – Indicates that a waiting call has
been answered and recorded on another
channel. The current call enters a “hold” state.

 Stopped due to Prioritization - Indicates that

the call recording was stopped due to the
recording of a target with a greater priority level
in its stead.

You can move between tags in the following ways:

 Double-click a tag on the audio strip to jump to its record in the tag pane.
Double-click the first part of a tag record to jump to its place on the audio strip
(if it appears there).

 Skip to previous/next tag by clicking: .

42 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Voice Products

6.4 Viewing the Graphic Audio Display

Graphic Audio Display (GAD) is the display of voice content with energy levels.
This allows you to easily identify periods of silence and loudness in a call.

Your system may be configured to apply graphic audio display in one of the
following modes:
 Automatically to all voice products, or based upon duration. In this case, the
graphic audio display is applied to all voice products, or to those of a certain
duration and upward (based on system configuration).
 Manually to selected products. In this case, you can choose which voice
product may benefit from a graphic audio display, and initiate this action. This
setting is optional, and is available only in systems that require it.
The graphic audio display is not output as part of evidence or export activities.
When restoring or importing voice calls, you must manually reprocess the products.

6.5 Opening Multiple Products

You can open multiple products concurrently, and listen to the audio of one product
while reviewing the content of other products.

To open multiple products:

1 In the result set, or different result sets, double-click the row of the products
you want to view. The products are listed in the navigation bar of the specific
query, indicating which products are open from that specific result set.

2 Move from one product to another. Only one player can be played at a time.

To access the product viewer of the product that is currently playing:

 In the View tab click Currently Active Player .

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 43

Monitoring Voice Products

6.6 Playing Voice Samples

Voice samples are managed by your system administrator, for the purpose of
comparing a confirmed sample of a target's voice to newly recorded calls. Voice
samples can also apply to additional speakers that may be intercepted, such as
family members, professionals such as lawyers or physicians. Voice samples are
listed in two groups:
 Relevant parties (Alert) - Voice samples of speakers who should be recorded,
such as the suspect, and to identify additional parties of interest in the call.
 Irrelevant parties (Minimize) - Voice samples of speakers who are of less
interest, such as family members, lawyers, etc.
To compare speakers to voice samples:

1 When accessing a product of a target that has linked voice sample files, the
files appear in the Voice Samples tab.

Samples for
Minimize Samples for

Volume for

2 While playing the products audio content, in the list of Minimize Samples or in
the list of Alert Samples, select the suspected speaker and click Play. The
audio content of the voice sample file is played repeatedly in one of your
headphones. Drag the Sample Volume scale bar to increase or decrease the
volume of the voice sample playback.
3 Compare the voice of the speaker to the sample voice and determine your
actions. You can minimize or record calls based on the comparison, or add
information to the annotation section.

4 Click Stop to stop the sample playback, or select another sample for playback.

6.7 Splitting/Merging Products

When recording audio content through dedicated lines, you can manage lengthy
audio products by splitting them, and possibly later merging them back into a single
 Split product. You can split any audio product at any point during the audio
 Merge product. You can merge two voice products into one product, with the
following limitations:
 Both products are not active and have completed recording.
 Both products must have the same Produce or Privileged status. This
means that both products must be either produced or unproduced; and both
products must be either privileged or not privileged.

44 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Voice Products

 The two products are subsequent products of the same target (they were
received one after the other).
 In the case of non-microphone targets, the two products must originally
have been split from one product

In addition, RELIANT can be configured to automatically split audio recording at

predefined intervals. The recording interval in your system is adjusted according to
your organization's needs, and can be set to up to several hours.

To split a product:

1 Open the product

You can split it during Near Real-Time playback, or during playback of a closed
product after it is fully transferred to the storage server. To verify that a closed
product has been transferred, check that the information field Raw Content
Status has the value Transferred.

2 Place the playhead where you want the split.

3 In the Home tab click Split and confirm the action. A message indicates
the request is made, and displays the Product ID of the new product that is
generated as a result of the split.

4 Click OK to close the message window.

5 Check the progress of the split request in the Request Monitor (see "Checking
Request Status" on page 135). Check the request status, the Product ID of the
newly generated product, and that the request is completed successfully.

6 The original product remains on the screen. The second product can be
located either by using a System Data query for the target‟s products, or using
a Product ID query (see "Performing a System Query" on page 22).

To merge two products:

1 From the result set, select the second product (the product with the later start
time), or open the second product.

2 In the Home tab click Merge and confirm the action. A message indicates
the request is made, and displays the Product ID of the merged product
3 Click OK to close the message window.

4 Check the progress of the merge request in the Request Monitor (see
"Checking Request Status" on page 135). Check the request status, the
Product ID of the newly generated product, and that the request is completed
5 A popup message indicates the merge action is completed successfully. The
current result set t is updated and the second product no longer appears.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 45

Monitoring Data Products

7 Monitoring Data Products

Data products include all communications intercepted in a data telecommunication

Raw data communications:

All data communications are the decoded results of a raw data session that may
include multiple data activities of different types. Each raw data session represents
the target's activities in an IP network. At t he time of interception, RELIANT divides
the raw data session into segments for easier handling and decoding. Each
session may be divided into segments, according to one of the following
configurable parameters:
 Time: 20 minutes
 Size: 20 MBytes
 Silence: Ongoing silence, indicating no data activity
Decoded communications:

Different decoding solutions may provide slightly different product information and
content displays:
 Type of target interception criteria: The type of interception criteria used to
define and intercept the target's communication may affect the availability of
certain content and communication information. When the target is defined for
Chat or VoIP interception, RELIANT decodes the intercepted raw data to access
and analyze the communication details. Therefore, the raw data is not stored
and is not available for review.
 Type of intercepted communication network. Different decoding tools apply
to different intercepted networks (ISP, mobile packet data or PSTN). Therefore,
the decoded content and information depend on the source of your system's
data input.
 Back-end decoding versus Front-end decoding:
 Back-end decoding: The raw data is delivered to the monitoring center for
storage and decoding. In this solution, both raw data and the decoded
products are stored and are available for review and operator monitoring. In
this solution, the user can access the raw content to listen to the raw
These options are determined per RELIANT system and are not selected by the

In addition to the product's content and details, the data product provides additional
information about the target's activities such as additional products from the same
login activity, and associated products (see "Viewing Associated Products" on page
70) which are listed within the product's Content tab.

Presence products (see "Presence" on page 52) are separate products that
provide information about the connection of a subscriber to a messaging service,
and provides details about his contact lists, user profiles, etc. This is not a data
communication with other contacts, but shows the subscriber's administration of his
messaging setup.

46 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

7.1 Viewing Content

For most data products, the Content tab displays the following types of content
information, depending on the type of product:
 Content of the communication, together with the parties that participated in it.
The content may be textual messages, Web page, chat or IM activity, etc.
 Identification of participating parties, depending on the type of product. The
following may be displayed: names or nicknames, IP address of participating
PCs, etc.
 Transferred files. The files transferred or received by the target, as in the case
of FTP transfer products or email attachments.
 Link to associated products. Data communications may include several
activities that are linked to each other, but are separate types of
communications. The Content tab provides a link to other decoded products
that are related to the currently viewed product (see "Viewing Associated
Products" on page 70).

In some products, the content of the communication is displayed in a separate tab,

due to the type of product.

To view... Access the...

Most data products Content tab

FoIP product FoIP Content tab

SMS over Web product Form Data tab - check for the input text

Presence product and P2P Protocol tab


T IP: To improve your viewing capability, click the Expand to Full Window Size
icon .

Accessing large content files:

In some cases, product content or related information is extremely large. In these

cases, you can access the data through a link that copies the file to your
workstation computer (see "Viewing Large Files" on page 68).

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 47

Monitoring Data Products

7.1.1 Email Content

Intercepted email communications were sent/received by the target, but not

necessarily read by the target. It is possible that the target has not opened or read
the email communication at all.

To access and view email attachments:

 Click the attachment icon of the required file. You can view the attachment
only if the file application is available on your PC. If it is, the image/file is
displayed, together with a print option.
If the required application is not available, a download option appears, allowing
you to download the file and open it in the required application on another

To change the encoding type of the email content:

 In the email body area, right-click and select the encoding option you require
(see "Modifying the Product's Encoding" on page 64).

Viewing multiple email body content:

In some protocol scenarios, the email product's Content tab may display the
contents of multiple email bodies linked together. In such cases, the encoding
action (see "Modifying the Product's Encoding" on page 64) applies only to the
body content selected for the action.

Learn about:
 Encrypted file attachments (see "Identifying Encrypted Products and
Attachments" on page 76) (marked by a lock icon ).

48 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

7.1.2 Webmail

Any email communications handled in Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo sites are

categorized as webmail type communications. Webmail communications are
displayed twice: Once as a Webmail product that has the look and feel of an email,
and once as a Web product as this is an action performed in a Web page. The
webmail display is applicable only for packet data input type and provides better
query and viewing abilities than the Web product.

Webmail products are intercepted at the time the target accesses them for review,
therefore this is an indication that the target has actually read the communication.
The product is created again for each time that the target accesses the mail, so
you may view several products with the same mail content. For the same reason,
the target may have additional mail communications awaiting his review, but until
he accesses them, RELIANT cannot intercept them.

Encrypted attachments:

In Email, Webmail, and File transfer products, any of the attached files may be
encrypted. In such cases, the encrypted file is marked by a lock icon ( ).
Encrypted files may be of type PGP, Office application files, zip file, etc. Learn
about identifying encrypted products and attachments (on page 76).

Draft Webmails (decoding version 2.0 and up):

When drafting webmails, the target‟s webmail communication may be saved as a

draft copy. Webmails can be saved as a draft intentionally by the target, or, as in
gmail, automatically at a predefined interval of a few minutes during the
connection. This results in several „copies‟ of the webmail prior to delivery of the

As of decoding version 2.0, RELIANT identifies the draft copy of a target‟s webmail
communication, decodes it and displays it as a Webmail product. This allows
RELIANT users to follow the target‟s communications as they form, and not be
required to wait for the exact time the target received or sent the webmail.

When the final copy of the webmail is sent/delivered, this is added to the target‟s
webmail products too.

The RELIANT Operator Workstation distinguishes between draft and final webmails.
In the Details tab, view the Folder Type field, which indicates that the product is a

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 49

Monitoring Data Products



In some cases of „automatic draft‟, any attachment to the webmail is saved in the
first draft copy created after the attachment is linked to the message. Therefore,
previous or subsequent draft copies do not include the attachment, and therefore
not all Webmail products contain the attachment files in addition to the webmail

7.1.3 Webmail Folder

Webmail Folder product displays the list of mails viewed by the target in his
webmail inbox.

The mail list is usually displayed in the Content tab, however, in cases of partial
parsing, the original content is displayed in the Original View tab.

In the Content tab, review the service name and owner of the webmail folder. The
contents of the owner's inbox are displayed, showing the following details.
 Time - indicates date of delivery to the inbox
 From - originator of the mail
 Subject - Subject line of the mail

50 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

 Attachment, if any
 Size of the mail
Non-accessed mails are displayed in bold font. Accessed mails are displayed in
regular font.

7.1.4 Chat and Instant Messaging

Instant messaging product represents communications performed in messaging

services such as ICQ, MSN, Yahoo messenger, and others.

Chat room product represents real-time communications between multiple users in

a public Chat room on a Web site or part of an online service such as IRC or eMule

The message flow displays information about the messaging action.

Real-time display: Chat and IM products represent ongoing activities. You can
access these products in real-time and refresh the display to view recently added

In cases where the name or address of one of the parties is a target, the target
entries are displayed in blue or bold font.

The message flow contains the following details:

 Room name: The room name is displayed only when relevant.
 Event types may be one of the following:
 Join – Party joins the chat/messaging activity
 Leave – Party leaves the chat/messaging activity
 Message – Party sends a message/chat entry
 File - Party performs a file transfer action. See Associated Products (see
"Viewing Associated Products" on page 70) to learn about accessing the file
transfer product.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 51

Monitoring Data Products

Cases of non-intercepted chat/IM communications:

In some communication scenarios, chat/IM communications are performed in peer-

to-peer mode. Depending on network coverage, your system may not intercept
these communications, or may intercept only part of them.

7.1.5 SMS Over Web

This product displays SMS messages sent from the Operator's web site. RELIANT
supports products from predefined web sites, configured specifically per project,
according to customer request.

To view the content of the SMS message:

1 Access the Form Data tab. It displays the details of the target's activities in the
web site page, including the text of the SMS message, time it was sent, etc.
2 The displayed fields depend on the specific site, and may differ from one
product to another. Search for a field indicating 'Input' to view the SMS text.

To view the Web site used to send the message:

 Access the Content tab.

7.1.6 Presence

The Presence product indicates the connection of a subscriber to a messaging

service, such as MSN, and provides details about his contact lists, user profiles,

Real-time display: The Presence product can be accessed in near real-time, as

an ongoing activity. The product is active so long as the target is connected to the
messaging service, and the Protocol tab displays additional target activity as soon
as it is performed.

52 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

Content tab

 Contact List. Displays the contact list at the time of connection.

 Associated Products. Display links to the chat communications that took
place at the time the contact list was updated. A single Presence product may
be linked to several associated products, as the target may have performed
multiple chat communications from the same login.
Protocol tab

List of

The Protocol tab displays the detailed communications and actions of the target
within the messaging service. The command flow lists each of the commands and
actions performed during the link.

Different applications (MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, etc.), may generate an 'event' for
different actions, so for the same action performed in one application an event is
logged, but not in another.

To view the details of each command:

 In the Command flow list, click the command line.

The details about this command appear in the display area on the right.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 53

Monitoring Data Products

7.1.7 File Transfer

The File Transfer protocol is used for lengthy file transfers. Files may be
transferred over FTP (on page 54), Chat and Instant Messaging (on page 51). The
file is separate from the associated communication product because the file is
transferred on a separate TCP connection. The file may also be transferred long
after the associated communication channel has been closed.

The Transferred File section displays the transferred file/s together with transfer
status and direction information.

To access the transferred file/s:

 In the File Name field, click the file link.

Learn about:
 Associated Products (see "Viewing Associated Products" on page 70)
 Encrypted file attachments (see "Identifying Encrypted Products and
Attachments" on page 76) (marked by a lock icon ).

7.1.8 FTP

The Authentication Information section displays authentication information about

the target's FTP login. In some cases, the authentication information does not exist,
in which case RELIANT displays the substitute of 'Anonymous'.

54 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

Learn about:
 Associated Products (see "Viewing Associated Products" on page 70). The link
to the file transfer product enables access to the product only after the product
is available in the work list.

7.1.9 Web Products

Web products display the target's access to a Web page of a web site, and the
selections and operations he performed in this page.

RELIANT offers two web decoding and viewing solutions. Your system may include
one of the following:
 Web decoding solution, version 3.0 and up (see "Web Products" on page
55) - RELIANT rebuilds the Web page to present a full layout with all page
components. Each main page, or site, is stored as a separate product, with
links indicating the target's activities in the site.
 Web products, up to version 2.1 (see "Web Site, Web Search and Web
Products" on page 57) - RELIANT defines different product types for different
Web site activities: Web site, Web search and Web products. Web Products

Web products display the target's access to a Web page of a web site, and the
selections and operations he performed in this page. When intercepting and
decoding a target's activities, RELIANT also intercepts the advertisements, images,
pictures and other 'additionals' that are available on the site. RELIANT rebuilds the
Web page to present a full layout with all page components.

Web products include the following activities:

 Access to any web page
 Access to any Web search engine
 Access by cellular network to any site in WAP format
Each specific page is decoded as a single Web product, including its text, images,
links and videos.

Indication of target actions:

 When a target clicks on a link within the page, the link appears highlighted with
a yellow background to indicate a used link.
 When a target enters input in a Web form, the input data is available in the
Form Data tab of the product (see "Form Data" on page 66).
Locating products of interest

 In the Work List or Product List, view the Description, Form Data and Product
Size fields to locate the main page of the accessed site.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 55

Monitoring Data Products

Viewing Web content:

1 Access the Web product of interest, usually the first Web product according to
the Start time. The Web product appears in the Product Viewer, displaying the
 URL of the Web page
 Web page with all related content, images and links
 Highlighted links, if any, indicate a link used by the target


page of

Link to page
accessed by
the target

2 To navigate to additional pages of a Web product, click the required link. If the
page is available, the Web Activity tab appears, as a separate navigation mode
for accessing additional pages of the same Web activity, related to the selected
Web product.

To navigate within the Web activity, click links in the separate pages. The
pages are loaded to the same Web Activity tab and the navigation bar at the
bottom of the viewer indicates the page number you are viewing. To access
next/previous pages, click the navigation bar arrows.

The different Web pages are related through the Web Activity tab, and can be
navigated, but are presented as separate products in the Work List.


page of
Link to
page in
the site

within the
Web Site

56 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

To view the target's entries in Web pages:

 Access the Form Data tab to view the contents of the target's input in a specific
Web page (see "Form Data" on page 66). In this case, the Content tab displays
the Web page used to enter the target's input.

Opening a new Web product:

 When opening a new Web product that is not related to the current Web
Activity, a new Web Activity tab opens, overriding the previous one. You can
now start a new navigation activity within the currently accessed product. Web Site, Web Search and Web Products

Web products display the target's access to a Web page of a web site, and the
selections and operations he performed in this page. RELIANT identifies the
following Web products:
 Web Site product: A target's Web activities in a specific Web site result in
multiple Web pages that belong to the same site. RELIANT groups these pages
together according to the URL of the site and displays the target's activities in
the specific site within a single product.
Near real-time viewing: When accessing an ongoing Web site product, you can
refresh the viewer to display the target's recent activities.
 Web Search product: A target's activities within a search site such as Google
or Yahoo are defined as independent actions that have little link with other
search activities within the site. Therefore, RELIANT displays each page of these
sites as a separate product. The sites that provide Web pages are listed in a
predefined list of sites that can be updated according to customer definitions.
Default sites include the following:,*, search.msn.*,*,*
 Web product: Any web page that the user accessed for review or action, and
is not linked to other pages of the same URL, and is not part of a known Web
search site. This includes for example video download products, such as
YouTube products, supported as of Decoding version 2.1.
Locating products of interest

Each action within a Web site results in an additional product within RELIANT. When
intercepting and decoding a target's activities within a site, RELIANT also intercepts
the advertisements, images, pictures and other 'additionals' that are available on
the site. This means that for each site you may have multiple intercepted

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 57

Monitoring Data Products

 In the Work List or Product List, view the Description, Form Data and Product
Size fields to locate the main page of the accessed site.

Web Site Content

Page Navigation
Controls Current Page
Page List
Expand Button

Web Content

The Content tab displays the Web page/Web site accessed by the target together
with color-coded links indicating any hyperlinks that are available on the page:
 Green links - indicate links activated by the target and currently available as
additional products. This means the linked page is available in the system, and
does not necessarily mean the target accessed the page from this page, in this
specific order. In some cases, due to the manner of loading the page, RELIANT
may display some hyperlinks in green and provide access to the page, despite
the fact that the target did not actually use the link.
 Red links - indicate hyperlinks not activated by the target, and not available in
the system as an additional page.

To view the user entries in Web pages:

 Access the Form Data tab to view the contents of the target's input in a specific
Web page. In this case, the Content tab displays the Web page used to enter
the user's input.

To scroll through the pages of a Web site product:

 In the page navigation bar, click the expand button to view the list of web site
pages and select the required page,

58 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

In the page navigation bar, click the Next or Previous button.

The contents of the selected page are displayed in the Content tab.

To access the next previous actions of the target in a Web page product:

 Click the green links within the Web page,


In the Viewer toolbar, click the next/previous icons to access the

next/previous products of the target.

Language and Encoding problems:

If the text of a Web page cannot be read, it may be setup in a different language,
change the product's encoding type (see "Modifying the Product's Encoding" on
page 64).

Handling missing pictures or frames:

As a result of the data decoding procedure, some web pages may be displayed
with missing content, usually embedded pictures or frames. This occurs because
the links between the page and the embedded content are calculated by scripts,
which are disabled on the workstation for security reasons. The embedded content
can usually be found as a different product type. Search for other products for the

7.1.10 P2P File and P2P Session

The P2P Session and P2P File products represent the target‟s activities within
eMule or Bit-Torrent services. For each action, two products are generated:
 P2P Session - Displays the connection details, user's query, and at times also
the name of the requested file.
 P2P File - Displays the connection and file details.
The actual file that was downloaded is part of the intercepted raw data (if exists),
but is not part of the decoded P2P products. Both products contain metadata
extracted from the related protocols.

P2P Session
 Content tab - Displays the P2P session protocol: eMule or BitTorrent
 Protocol Tab - Displays the user details, and the user's P2P command flow.
For eMule protocol, the command flow also displays the queries generated by
the user. The query details show the string searched by the user.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 59

Monitoring Data Products

Optionally, the P2P Session product may also include the name of the
downloaded file, if any. This depends on the user's security settings and on the
service behavior.


and User ID



P2P File
 Content tab - Displays the P2P protocol: eMule or BitTorrent
 Protocol Tab - Displays the user connection and file details.

60 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

7.1.11 Telnet Product

The Telnet content section displays the date and time of the transactions, the
target and server input, and raw data.

You can filter the display by selecting the required radio button in the Display

7.1.12 ICMP Product

The ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) product contains the network
messages and errors between a host server and a gateway to the Internet.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 61

Monitoring Data Products

7.1.13 IPSEC Product

IPSEC (Internet Protocol Security) is a framework for a set of protocols for security
at the network or packet processing layer of network communication. The IPSEC
product displays the content of IPSEC transmissions between servers, usually
when implementing virtual private networks (VPN) and for remote user access
through dial-up connection to private networks.

7.1.14 FoIP

This product is available only for packet data input type.

The FoIP transmission is part of a VoIP communication, and is located in a VoIP


This product is accessible only after all pages of the transmission are processed
and are available for review.

To view FoIP content, together with navigation and viewing toolbars:

 Access the FoIP Content tab of the VoIP product.

62 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

Navigation Toolbar

Control Function

Next/Previous Page

First/Last Page

Skip to specified page

In the page identifier field, enter the number of the required

page and click.

View all pages

Click to view all pages in a single batch.

Viewing Toolbar

Control Function

Zoom options

Zoom in/out by steps, or select a viewing scale from the drop-

down list.



Fit to Frame

Fit to Width

Rotate 180 degrees

Rotate 90 degrees left

Rotate 90 degrees right

Reset Image

Click to cancel all viewing modifications, and revert to the

original viewing mode.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 63

Monitoring Data Products

7.1.15 Modifying the Product's Encoding

You can change the encoding of the product's encoding for email content, Web
page content and Web site content.

To change the language encoding:

 In the Content tab, right-click the section that you want to modify, and select
one of the encoding options. The page is displayed again.

7.2 Viewing Generic Information Tabs

Data product information can be found in the Information pane and in the
information tabs within the product viewer. This information is available depending
on the time of review (real-time or post-recording) and may differ between the
decoded product and its related raw product.

To get full information about a data product, review the information fields of both
the decoded product and its related raw product. Learn about available information
fields, and how to locate a decoded product's raw product (see "Locating a
Decoded Product's Raw Product" on page 72).

To view product information within the viewer tabs:

 Click additional information tabs.

7.2.1 Details Tab

Includes further details about the product, the server/client who sent it, delivery
details, authentication information and more, depending on the product type.

Details of web content are shown here:

64 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

7.2.2 Raw Data

Following minimal decoding up to the TCP or UDP flow level, RELIANT displays the
raw data of the specific product within the stream. Raw Data is available only in
back-end decoding solutions.

 In the Side field, select to view the Received, Sent or Both parties.
 In the Format field, select to view Text or HTML content.
The full raw data of the target's communication, including all packet TCP/UDP/IP
headers, is available as the raw data product of the target (see "Locating a
Decoded Product's Raw Product" on page 72).

7.2.3 Protocol Tab

The Protocol tab displays a simple description of the flow of communication

between the two computers, including information which was not directly seen by
the target.

Protocol history of an email product is shown below:

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 65

Monitoring Data Products

7.2.4 Participants Tabs

Information about those who took part in the product, such as chat participants or
email participants. The nicknames, user names and hosts displayed in this tab are
the identifiers you can use in the From and To fields of the system query.

Chat participants are shown here:

7.2.5 Form Data

The Form Data tab displays data that was entered into a Web form page, such as a
hotel reservation, or the contents of a webmail, such as hotmail.

For example, the Form Data tab displays the content of an SMS message
delivered over a Web site (see "SMS Over Web" on page 52).

7.2.6 File List Tab

The File List tab provides details about the file components that compose the

66 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

Optionally, in the event of any files with Virus infection or Encryption status, the
relevant files are listed together with additional details about the virus or encryption

The tab displays the following sections:

 Virus-infected Files - Optional. List of files infected by a known virus. The list
indicates the file name, virus type and file status. Applies only to products with
intercepted attachments and content.
 Encrypted File list - Optional. Indicates the file name and information about
the encryption type, if any.
 Clean and non-encrypted files - List of files that compose the product that are
identified by RELIANT as clean of viruses, and are not encrypted.
If there are no virus-infected files or encrypted files, the File List tab displays a list
of product files.

To open a file for review:

 Click the file link to view its contents.

To download the file:

3 Right-click the file link. The File Download dialog box appears.

4 Click Save. A Save as dialog box appears.

5 Browse to the network location where you want to save the file, enter a name
for the file and click Save.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 67

Monitoring Data Products

7.3 Viewing Large Files

Some product components may include extremely large scales of content. In these
cases, the product viewer enables access to the product component by providing a

The link displays a file name, usually indicating the type of content and its size. File
types may be txt, xml, image, etc.

The files may apply to different product components, and may therefore appear in
different tabs.

Real-time products:

For real-time products, the link appears with a ++ sign, indicating that the product is

 To update the file contents, in the Home tab click Refresh .

In some products, the real-time file format is blocked for access, but the file is
converted to an accessible format after the product is closed. In real-time Telnet
product, a link may appear to a temporary file which contains partial Telnet content,
and may also contain sections that are still encoded. After the product is closed it is
fully accessible and decoded.

Raw data files:

Raw data is a binary file that can be accessed with an appropriate viewer.

To access a large file:

1 Click the file link.

If the file can be copied to the workstation, the file opens within the workstation

68 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

If the file cannot be copied to the workstation, the standard Windows download
window appears.

2 Click Save. The download commences to the local workstation, or the standard
Windows Save As window appears.

3 In the Save As window, define the destination path and file name and click

You can continue working in the workstation while the download process is
taking place.
On completing the download, a message appears, indicating the download is

4 Click Open to open the file on your workstation computer. The file is opened in
a viewer appropriate to the file type, or a window appears requiring you to
select a viewing application.

If the required application is not listed in the viewer options, copy the
downloaded file to a computer where the required application is installed and
open it there.

5 After you have finished working with the file, remember to delete it from your

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 69

Monitoring Data Products

7.4 Viewing Attached Files

1 Click the file link. The file appears in a standard viewer which allows you to
print its contents, or in the application used to create it, assuming that
application is available on your computer.
2 In the event you do not have the required application to view the file contents,
download the file and transfer the file to a computer that contains the
appropriate application.

For security reasons, some file formats are restricted. When you attempt to access
such a file, either you are prompted to save the file locally (you cannot access the
file via Windows Explorer), or a message indicates that access to the file is denied.

7.5 Viewing Associated Products

In data communications, the target may perform several activities that are linked to
each other, but are separate types of communications. For example, for
messenger activities the target accesses his messenger service and then sends a
message. This results in two products:
 Presence product (indicating access and management activities)
 Message product.
The two products are associated and are indicated in each of the products to help
you locate linked products.

The associated products of each product are displayed in the Content tab.

The following products may have associated products:

Product Associated Products

File FTP, Presence, Chat (Parent product)

FTP File Transfer

Chat Presence, VoIP, File Transfer

Presence Chat, VoIP, File Transfer

VoIP Presence, Chat (Parent product)

70 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

Click to access
the associated

7.6 About Raw Data Products and Related Products

You can locate decoded products and raw data products that are related to each
other, for a better understanding of the target's data session.

7.6.1 Viewing Related Data Products

A target often performs several data activities in a single login to the Internet or to a
cellular packet data provider. These activities result in several products, that are
intercepted in the same data session. For example, if the target was connected to
the Internet for a full week and visited 140 web pages, sent/received 40 emails,
and participated in 2 chat events, each of these items appear as separate products
even though they all took place during one login. If the login is very long or the
target is very active during login, the intercepted activity is divided into segments
for internal processing. You can view the products that belong to the same data
segment to see the activities performed by the target at the time. When you
reprocess a data product, all products in its segment are reprocessed as well.

To view all products from the same data segment:

1 In the product list, right-click the product and select Show Related and then
select Decoded Products. A new tab appears, titled Related Products, and
displays all decoded products of the related segment.

2 In case of multiple related products:

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 71

Monitoring Data Products

You can view all related products by generating a query for the target's
communications during the specific login time. The resulting product list
displays the target's activities for that time, and will thus show all activities
performed during that time, and related to the target's activities.

7.6.2 Locating a Decoded Product's Raw Product

 In the result set, right-click the decoded product and select Show Related and
then select Raw Products. A new tab appears, titled Raw Products, and
displays the raw product of the decoded product.

Raw Products


7.6.3 Viewing Raw Data Products (Content Available)

This option is available only in systems that support back-end decoding and store
reconstructed raw data.

The raw data product includes the RF1761 file which is the source raw data used
for processing and reprocessing and for digital signature stamping. It also displays
all IP and UDP connections that started within the data segment, including those
that occurred on a non-standard port.

You can view the raw content of a data segment and page through the raw content
of each of the connections performed by the target during that data link. Depending
on the type of traffic generated by the target, you may find that some types of data
activity were not decoded and are available in the raw data viewer only.

Select Application Navigation

Protocol Bar


The raw data product presents the following:

 Application Protocol List- Lists the types of protocols identified in the data
link. Select the protocol type to view a list of all connections of that type. The
connections are decoded to TCP/UDP flow level. This list includes connections
of all decoded products, as well as connections that the system was unable to
classify or decode. The list also contains connections that occurred on a non-
standard port.
 Connections List - Displays the details of all connections of the selected
protocol, in batches of 25.
 Optionally, click any of the column headers to sort the list by that field.
 In the Navigation Bar, click View All to display a full list of all connections of
the selected type.
72 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual
Monitoring Data Products

IMPORTANT For raw data files that are imported from external systems, only the first
8,000 are decoded and available for viewing. You may find additional connections
using a third party viewer for viewing the raw product after downloading, exporting
or burning the product for evidence. The raw product therefore is marked as
partially processed.
 Navigation Bar - Enables the user to navigate to the various connections in the
list, using navigation buttons, or a search field to access a specific connection.
To view the raw data of a specific connection:

1 Optionally, to sort the connections according to time, IP address, or any other

parameter, click the column header of the required column. This option is
available for certain decoding versions only.

2 In the Connections List select the required connection,


In the Navigation bar, click the navigation icons,


In the Go to Connection field, enter the connection number you require and
click the Go To button .
The raw data of the selected connection is displayed:




3 In the Display Selection bar set the display settings:

 In the Side field, select to view the Received, Sent or Both parties.
 In the Format field, select to view Text or HTML content.
Viewing product information of a raw data product:

 Raw Data products display the communication's delivery protocol and decoding
details. Its information pane may display communication details that are not
found in the details of the decoded product.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 73

Monitoring Data Products

7.6.4 Viewing Raw Data Product (Data Only)

This display applies to the raw data products in systems or targets that intercept
only the communication details, and not the communication contents. This applies
to Data Only target interception and CDR collection. Raw Data products are
available only in systems that support back-end decoding.

The raw data product of data only interceptions differs from raw data products with
content (see "Viewing Raw Data Products (Content Available)" on page 72) in that
only the action information is available, however the actual raw content cannot be
viewed. This applies also in systems that for storage reasons do not store the
reconstructed raw data.



The raw data product displays the following:

 List of activities - Displays the details of all actions performed by the target, in
batches of 25. The list is displayed according to time of event, and includes the
source and destination IP address and port of both parties.
 Optionally, click any of the column headers to sort the list by that field. This
option is available for certain decoding versions only.
 In the Navigation Bar, click View All to display a full list of all activities.
IMPORTANT For raw data files that are imported from external systems, only the first
8,000 are decoded and available for viewing. You may find additional connections
using a third party viewer for viewing the raw product after downloading, exporting
or burning the product for evidence. The raw product therefore is marked as
partially processed.
 Navigation Bar - Enables the user to navigate to the various actions in the list,
using navigation buttons, or a user input field to access a specific event.

74 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

7.7 Accessing and Managing Virus-Infected Products

RELIANT scans intercepted data products for virus infections. When a product is
found to include virus-infected files, or is suspected of virus infection, the product is
marked with a virus indicator .
 Infected products are marked and quarantined. An infected product is marked
with the virus indicator and the infected file is blocked. You can decide how and
where to open the product, if at all. The product includes a list of the identified
viruses. Download or export the product and access the infected files from an
external machine.
 Suspected products are those products which RELIANT failed to scan, and
therefore it is unknown if they are infected or not. A suspected product is
marked with the virus indicator. You can decide if you want to open the product,
and whether to open the product's attached files.
You can perform the following actions:
 Query for infected products. Use the Virus field to query for products with the
following statuses: Infected, Not infected, Not Scanned or Scanning Failed
statuses. The result set displays the virus indicator for any suspected or
infected product.
 Open an infected product and review its contents, file list, and list of viruses. A
warning message appears when opening the product.
 Open suspected products that have not been scanned for viruses due to a scan
failure. A warning message appears. The system allows the user to open the
product and access its attached files.
 Download infected products to the network. When downloading suspect or
infected products, you can choose to download the product in full, or only non-
infected components of the product.

Products suspected of virus-infection are marked in several ways:

 Product List indication.
In the product list, any products that are found to include virus-infected files are
indicated by a virus indicator .
Virus Indication

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 75

Monitoring Data Products

 Product Content tab - indicates attachments or transferred files.


 File List tab - indicates the infected file, virus type and file status. Also
indicates encrypted files, if any. Depending on system version, the File List tab
lists all file components of the product.

 Product Information pane - Virus field. The Virus field appears as part of the
product information pane, and displays the product's virus-infection status.

7.8 Identifying Encrypted Products and Attachments

Many data activities can be performed using a secured Web scheme that adds an
additional authentication/encryption layer to the regular resource. This enables
Web users to securely perform sensitive actions such as bank payments or
corporate logons. Products are identified as secured products, and are marked with
an 's' in their name, for example: HTTPS, NNTPS, POP3S, IMAPS, TelnetS.

RELIANT intercepts and stores the original encrypted content and stores it as an
RFC1761 file. You can download the products for further decryption or processing
outside RELIANT, or open the file using Wireshark.

Products with encrypted content or attachments (MSOffice files, zip files, or image
files) are marked as Encrypted'. Only Email, Webmail, and File Transfer product
types may have encrypted attachments.
76 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual
Monitoring Data Products

Identifying products with encrypted content or attachments:

You can query for encrypted or non-encrypted products using one of the following:
 Search for products with encrypted content or attachments using the
Encryption field in the system query.
 In any result set, use the Encryption column for indication of products marked
as Encrypted.
To view the product content:

1 In the Side field, select Sent or Received to view the communications of a

specific party, or select Sent-Received to view communications of both sides.
2 In the Format field, select Text or Hex to determine the viewing format

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 77

Monitoring Data Products

To view the raw content file (RFC1761):

 In the File List tab, click the [Product ID].net file.

Identifying encrypted attachments:

In Email, Webmail, and File transfer products, any of the attached files may be
encrypted. In such cases, the encrypted file is marked by a lock icon ( ).
Encrypted files may be of type PGP, Office application files, zip file, etc.

7.9 Applying Data Decoding

Apply data decoding to a raw product to attain its decoded products. If you select a
decoded product for this action, its related raw product is marked for decoding, and
a message appears indicating it is already decoded.

In systems with Web Decoding solutions, the decoding cannot be rerun, and the
original decoded Web pages remain.

In systems where only predefined targets can be sent for processing, this option
applies only to products of targets that have been defined for selective processing
by the system administrator. In systems where all targets are decoded
automatically, this option enables you to reprocess the raw product. The decoded
product is replaced.

To apply data decoding to a raw product:

1 To decode multiple raw products: In the Work List/result set, in the Home tab
click .

To decode a single raw product: Access a raw product and in the Home tab
click .
A message appears indicating the request has been initiated.

2 Check the request status in the request log.

78 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Data Products

3 In the Home tab click Refresh ,

Refresh the product details and check the Data Decoding Status from time to

When decoding is completed, locate the raw product's related products to access
and review the resulting decoded products (see "Viewing Related Data Products"
on page 71).

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 79

Monitoring VoIP and Video Content

8 Monitoring VoIP and Video Content

An audio/visual call is made using one of the following media:
 VoIP service such as Skype, Net2Phone, etc.
 Messenger service, such as MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, etc.
 GSM telephony video communications
A VoIP call may contain only audio content, in which event the product is managed
and monitored as a regular voice product (see "Monitoring Voice Products" on
page 37), or may contain both audio and video content, in which event the product
viewer provides dedicated tools for monitoring the audio/visual content (see
"Product Containing Voice and Video" on page 81).

In special cases of fax delivery over IP, you may find the communication includes a
FoIP transfer (see "FoIP" on page 62).

8.1 VoIP Product with Audio Content Only

Access the product's Media Player tab. In some cases, the voice content may not
be available (see "Missing VoIP Content" on page 83).

Data Tabs

Work Mode


Call & Target Details

The voice player includes the following:

 Call time indicators. Indicate the start time and end time of a closed call,
duration played of the total duration and current time of the playhead in the call.
 Playback window. Displays the call content, playhead, system and user tags,
and the Tag and Mute controls.
A time scale is part of the playback window and of the Location bar, and marks
the product duration in intervals of 10, 15 and 30 seconds, depending on the
zoom scale.
 Separate and Combined Audio Streams.
 Each separate audio stream represents one of the parties in the call, and
can be managed independently. Separate audio streams are optional, and
depend on the mode of interception in your system.

80 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring VoIP and Video Content

 The combined audio stream represents the combined audio of all parties in
the call.

 Playback Toolbar. Displays basic and advanced controls for playback,

looping, volume, zooming and balance. Learn about audio playback controls
(see "Listening to Voice Content" on page 38).
 Work Mode Selection. Click one of the following:
 Tag List. Displays system tags and allows you to add user tags. Learn
about adding user tags (see "Adding/Managing User Tags" on page 43).
 Settings. Allows the user to determine the player settings regarding skip
and scan intervals, playback speed and playback volume. Learn about
audio playback settings (see "Listening to Voice Content" on page 38).
 Navigation Bar. Allows you to skip to the previous/next product, or the first/last
product in the result set.
 Product and target details row. Displays general information about the target,
date and time of the voice product, and duration of the product audio.

8.2 Product Containing Voice and Video

The VoIP and Video product types contain audio content, and optionally video
content, resulting from VoIP activities or GSM video communications. Graphic
audio display allows users to easily identify areas of activity during the call.

To play and view the product content:

Access the product's Player tab. In some cases, the voice content may not be
available (see "Missing VoIP Content" on page 83).


(Parties A
and B)

Work Modes

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 81

Monitoring VoIP and Video Content

The player tab includes the following tools and display options:
 Combined audio stream. The combined audio stream represents the
combined audio of all parties in the call
 Separate Audio/Video Streams.
Each separate audio/video stream represents one of the parties in the call, and
can be managed independently.
Each stream displays the party's video content and audio content, including
playhead, system and user tags.

The following controls are available for each separate party:

Tag control In the audio stream of the required party, click on the required
location and click the Tag Control icon to add a tag. In the tag
pane, enter the required comment and click OK.

Mute toggle Click to temporarily cancel the voice of a specific audio input.
A time scale is part of the playback window and of the Location bar, and marks
the product duration in intervals of seconds. The duration is displayed in a total
of seconds.
 Video stream display. The video playback is fully synchronized with the audio
playback of the call. Where one of the parties of the call has not yet answered
the call, a temporary figure image is displayed in the window, indicating 'no
action' status.

To hide the separate audio and video display section, click . Only the
combined audio strip and toolbar remain.
 Playback Toolbar. Displays basic and advanced controls for playback,
looping, zooming and balance. Learn about audio playback controls (see
"Listening to Voice Content" on page 38).
 Work Mode Selection. Click one of the following:
 Tag View. Displays system tags and allows you to add user tags (see
"Adding/Managing User Tags" on page 43).
 Control Pane. Allows the user to determine the audio playback settings
(see "Defining Player Settings" on page 40).

82 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring VoIP and Video Content

8.3 VoIP Content Tab

The VoIP content tab is available in products that are intercepted in IP networks

To view product caller and event information:

 Access the product's VoIP Content tab.

Participant Information

Information about the originator and destination parties.

Event Information

Events indicate the progress of the call and indicate special actions within the call.

Event information is available in near real-time. Click Refresh to update the

event information during the call.

The following events may appear:

 Answer. Indicates the call was answered.
 DTMF. Indicates numbers dialed during the call.
 Hold/Retrieve. Indicate a temporary pause in the call.
 End. Indicates the caller closed the call.

For each event, the participant (side) who performed the action, and the date and
time it occurred, are shown. The time in brackets indicates the time that elapsed
since the beginning of the call.

8.4 Missing VoIP Content

The content of a VoIP communication may not be available in the following cases:
 The call codec is not supported.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 83

Monitoring VoIP and Video Content

 For SIP VoIP products, each call is split into two separate network calls:
 A 'logical' setup call. This call is a VoIP product that does not contain any
content at all, it contains only the setup details, and ends after authorization
is received from the server.
 The actual call content. This is the VoIP product with the call content.
When the call is not answered or canceled, the call setup remains as a VoIP
product with details only, while no actual content was recorded.

8.5 Missing Call Data in VoIP Product

In some cases, RELIANT may not receive or intercept the signaling data from the
network. In such cases, RELIANT intercepts the target telecommunications
according to his subscriber ID such as IP address, Radius identifier, etc. As a
result, these products appear with no call information (From/To identifiers, switch
time, etc.) but the content and all connection data are available.

You can identify these products by reviewing the protocol tab, when RTP protocol
appears, but the signaling protocol (such as H.323 or SIP) is missing.

84 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Fax Products

9 Monitoring Fax Products

Fax products are available for review only after all pages of the transmission are

You can access the raw audio of a fax transmission to play it:

1 Access the decoded fax product or in the result set select the required fax

2 In the Home tab click the Show Related Products drop down list and
select Open Raw Fax Product (see "Viewing Raw Data Products (Content
Available)" on page 72).

While viewing the raw fax, you can return to the decoded fax for viewing:
 Access the raw fax product, and in the Home tab click the Show Related
Products drop down list and select Open Decoded Fax Product.

Printing a fax product

When printing fax products, it is recommended to select Portrait

To view fax content, together with navigation and viewing toolbars:

 Access the Content tab

Navigation Toolbar

Control Function

Next/Previous Page

First/Last Page

Skip to specified page

In the page identifier field, enter the number of the required

page and click this button.

View all pages

Click to view all pages in a single batch.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 85

Monitoring Fax Products

Viewing Toolbar

Control Function

Zoom options

Zoom in/out by steps, or select a viewing scale from the drop

down list.



Fit to Frame

Fit to Width

Rotate 180 degrees

Rotate 90 degrees left

Rotate 90 degrees right

Reset Image

Click to cancel all viewing modifications, and revert to the

original viewing mode.

86 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Messaging Products

10 Monitoring Messaging Products

Messaging content can be any of the following mobile messaging options:
 SMS - Short Message Service, supports text messaging.
 UUS - User-to-User Signaling, supports text messaging.
 MMS - Multi-media Messaging Service, supports text, images, audio, and video
 EMS - Enhanced Message Service, supports both text and picture content.
For SMS and UUS products:

For text messaging, view the Content tab to view the text message and the phone
numbers of the originator and destination parties.

For MMS and EMS products:

In the Content tab, view the text and image content, and any additional files,
together with the phone numbers that sent/received the message.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 87

Monitoring Information Products

11 Monitoring Information Products

Information products include any network service information, or subscriber
location information, regarding the target that does not apply to a specific product.
Information products are also known as non-call events that are communicated on
the telecommunications network.

Details about the type of event, and the location coordinates are displayed as tag
information within the product viewer.

Switch event
Event type
and location

Information products include the following types of events:

 Network event:
 Network information type - Indicates the target activity as registered by
the switch: Target Activation, Target Deactivation, Target Modification,
Service Activation, Mobile opened, Mobile closed, and Alert.
 Network information description - Displays the text message that is sent
by the switch for the Alert activity.
 Cell event: Change location, handover, etc. Cell coordinates appear in the
switch event row within the viewer, and the target's location appears on the
 External event: Location information imported from external parties and stored
as target information that is separate from any target product.

88 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Managing Work List and Result Sets

12 Managing Work List and Result Sets



Result Set

Result Set


The result set displays the products that comply with the query parameters, and
contains the following sections:
 Navigation Bar. Allows quick access to the various steps in your query and
product review process.
 Grouping Bar. Allows you to group products in the product list according to
any of the product information fields.
 Result set and information columns. The product list displays information
columns for each product in the result set. Information columns include
communication data and system processing data regarding each of the
products. Information columns may vary for different query forms.
 Result Set Navigation Bar. Indicates the current displayed page, allows you to
access the next/previous or first/last page of the result set, and indicates the
number of products and the number of selected products, if any.
To quickly access the next/previous page of the result set, use the hotkey
combination Alt+Right/Left arrows on your keyboard.
 Statistics. Displays details about the total result set products and selected

12.1 Information Columns

The result set includes textual fields such as product ID, participant ID fields, etc.
and icon-based fields that indicate the type of product contents:

Indicates the product category. The same color-code applies to all product
types related to the same category.

Indicates the product type (see "List of Product Categories and Product
Types" on page 137). Place your cursor over the Product Type icon to
identify the type of content.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 89

Managing Work List and Result Sets

Indicates whether the product is incoming to the target, outgoing, both

directions, not applicable, or unknown: , , ,

Indicates if the product includes an attachment.

You can customize (see "Customizing Result Set Columns" on page 93) which
fields appear in the result sets of your workstation.

12.2 Sorting the Result Set

The sort action applies to the current page of the result set, and is applied
automatically to each result set page that you access after the sort action.

To sort the result set:

 Click once on the required column heading. The sort direction toggle appears
, and automatically sorts the list according to the ascending order of the
selected column.

To toggle the sort order to descending order , click the sort arrow again.

12.3 Filtering the Result Set

The filter action applies to the current page of the result set. To apply the filter to
additional pages, first navigate to those pages and reapply the filter.

T IP: You can quickly filter a result set page for products of a specific target, or for
a specific product type of a selected target by double-clicking the required target, or
one of its product types, in the target tree (see "Locating Products of a Single
Target" on page 25).

To filter the result set:

1 In the Home tab click Filter . The filter window appears.

2 For each field you want to use as filter, select the following:

90 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Managing Work List and Result Sets

 Filter condition. Define a relational rule: is equal to, is not equal to, is
small/greater than, etc.
 Value. Click in the field and enter the filter value or select from a drop down
list. The drop down list displays only applicable values from the result set.
Start entering a value and the first relevant option is completed automatically.
3 Click Filter to apply the filter to the result set.

4 Click the filter icon again to close the window.

To revoke all currently applied filters:

 In the Home tab click Clear Filter ,


In the Filter pane, click Reset.

12.4 Grouping Result Set Products

You can group the result set in a multi-level hierarchy by selecting grouping fields.
The group action applies to the whole result set.

To group products:

1 Select the column heading of the field you want to use as the grouping filter,
and drag it to the grouping area at the top of the result set. Red arrows appear
indicating the destination location of the grouping field.
After you drop the field in the grouping area, the result set is grouped according
to possible values of this field.

2 Select additional column headings as subgrouping fields, and drag them to the
initial grouping filter in the grouping area. Again, red arrows appear indicating
the destination.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 91

Managing Work List and Result Sets

After you define the subgrouping field, the original groups are further divided
into subgroups.

3 To cancel the grouping hierarchy, drag the grouping field/s back to the column
heading area. Red arrow marks appear, indicating the destination location of
the field. You can drag the grouping field to any location in the result set, and
not necessarily to its original location in the column order.

12.5 Removing Products from the Result Set

1 Select the product/s you require.

2 In the Home tab click Remove Rows ,

Press the Delete button on your keyboard.

The rows are temporarily removed from the result set.

To undo the latest remove action:

 In the Quick Access toolbar, click .

12.6 Refreshing the Result Set

Refresh the Work List or result list from time to time to ensure that it includes
products that were intercepted recently. The order of the products is redefined, so
note any product you are currently monitoring.

To refresh the Work List or Product List:

 In the Home tab click Refresh . The updated list appears with no
product selected.

92 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Managing Work List and Result Sets

12.7 Selecting Products in the Result Set

To select multiple products within a page:

 Use the Shift and/or Ctrl keys and click the products you require.

To select all products of a page:

 Press Ctrl+A,

In the Home tab, click Select All and Rows.

12.8 Customizing Result Set Columns

1 In the Setup and Tools tab, click User Preferences . The Preferences
window appears.
2 Click Result Set Columns. The display area presents the query form name
and fields of the currently active query on your workstation.

3 Retain the current query form selection,


In the Customize result set columns for: field, select the query form you
want to customize.
The list of information fields changes according to the query form you select.

4 Indicate which fields to display and in what order:

 In the Display column, select the checkbox of columns that you want to
display in the result set.
RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 93
Managing Work List and Result Sets

 In the Print column, select the checkbox of the columns that you want to
printout, when printing the result set.
 Use the arrow buttons to change the position of the selected column in the
5 Click OK.

12.9 Filtering by Media Type

In systems with multiple interception solutions, result set columns indicate the type
of contents found in each product. This allows you to locate products with the same
content type, disregarding the telecommunication network.

Media Type

12.10 Copying Products to a New or Existing Result Set

You can copy products from your result set to a new/existing result set for further
processing, or to concentrate products of interest in a single result set.

To copy products to a new result set, or to one of the currently open result

1 In the result set, select the products you want to copy

2 In the Home tab click Add Products To and select New Result Set or the
name of one of the open result sets.

A new result set tab appears, containing the selected products, or the existing
result set is updated.

3 You can leave the result set open, and copy products from other result sets to
this one.

94 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Managing Work List and Result Sets

12.11 Result Set Intersection Analysis

You can compare the products of several result sets to locate products that are
common to some or all of them. The resulting intersection is displayed in a graphic
mapping of the products that are common or specific to each result set.

You can only run an intersection analysis on result sets derived from the same type
of query (System query or Textual query) and that are currently open in the work
area. The analysis is applied to the list page that is currently open. To compare the
products of additional pages, navigate to the required page and apply the analysis

You can generate an intersection analysis on up to three result sets at a time.

12.11.1 Generating an Intersection Analysis

1 Generate at least two result sets based on the same type of query and in the
Home tab click Result Set Intersection .
The Result Set Intersection window appears, displaying the result sets you
have saved and opened in the main workstation work area.


Set List


2 Select the result sets for your analysis:

From the Result Set list, drag and drop the required result sets to the work

In the Result set list, double-click the required result sets.

3 In the toolbar, in the Merge by field, determine the merge and intersection
criterion: Product ID, MSISDN, IMSI, IMEI, Network, LAC, Cells, Roaming Type

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 95

Managing Work List and Result Sets

The result sets are displayed in the work area. Each result set is represented
by a color-coded circle, with the name of the Folder and Result set adjacent to
it, and the total number of products used for the comparison (either the total, or
the maximum displayed per page).

List of


Overlapping areas indicate products common to two or three result sets.

The number within each area indicates the number of products found for that
4 You can replace or modify the selected result sets:
 To remove a result set, right-click the required circle and select Remove
Result Set.
 To clear all result sets, right-click anywhere in the work area and select
Remove All Result Set or in the toolbar, click .
 To add/remove result sets in the result set list, close the Result Set
Intersection window and open different result sets in the main workstation
work area.

You can select any of the displayed intersections and generate a product result set
for further analysis in the main work area of your workstation (see "Generating a
Result Set for an Intersection Result" on page 97).

96 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Managing Work List and Result Sets

12.11.2 Generating a Result Set for an Intersection Result

1 In the work area of the Result Set Intersection window, select the intersection
area/s you require:
 To select an area, click it.
 To cancel a selected area, click again in the area, or right-click the area and
select Deselect Group.
 To cancel all selected areas, right-click anywhere in the work area and
select Clear Selection, or in the toolbar click the Clear Selection icon .
The selected areas appear with black stripes.


2 Right-click the selected area and select Generate Result Set.


In the toolbar, click the Generate Result Set icon .

The resulting result set appears in the main work area of the workstation. The
Source Color column indicates the result set to which the product originally

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 97

Viewing the Result Set Timeline

13 Viewing the Result Set Timeline

View the activities of the result set targets according to a timeline to better
understand their activities, and identify synchronized activities between multiple

The timeline is fully synchronized with the result set display and filter. Therefore,
any change in the result set or timeline contents, such as filter, removal of target,
etc. is applied to both the result set and its timeline.

After filtering the timeline to display time ranges and targets of interest, you can
perform product analysis actions (view product details summary or access a
product) and timeline actions such as save the timeline to a folder, or print a

To view the result set in timeline display:

1 In the query navigation bar click Timeline. The Timeline display pane appears
with a grouped display of the targets' products. All categories and product types
of each target are displayed on a single row.
Zoom In/Out

Target Product display

List row per target

2 Adjust the display pane according to your needs:

 Toolbar Expand/collapse controls. Expand/collapse all displayed targets
according to the display rule.
 Toolbar display rule. Choose one of the display rules, to display the target
with its related categories and products, targets with categories only, or
according to category and product.
 Target List. Displays the targets currently included in the result set and
their related products and categories.
- Select the checkbox of a target to remove it from the timeline and from the
result set. Your action is applied immediately to the result set. If you
navigate to the List tab, the displayed result set will not include the products
of the removed target.
- Click the Expand button of a target to display the category/product types in
separate rows.
 Zoom in/out control. Allows you to modify the Date/Time scale to better
view the products within a specific time range.
 Date/Time Scale. Displays the current dates/hour intervals in which the
products occurred.
 Product display. The products and their duration are displayed according
to the currently selected time scale. Voice and lengthy data activities may
have lengthier durations, while single action activities such as messaging,
email and file transfer are represented as a single action, with no duration.
Initially, all product activities are displayed in a single row per target. You
can expand required targets to display categories and product types on
separate rows.

98 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Viewing the Result Set Timeline

3 In the toolbar, select the display rule you require and expand the targets of
interest. The target is expanded to display products according to product type.

Expanded categories
Target displayed on
separate rows

4 You can perform the following product actions:

 Display a product's details. Hover over the product in the timeline display
(see "Displaying a Product's Details" on page 99).
 Access a product. Double-click the required product indicator.
5 You can perform the following timeline actions:
 Save a timeline to a folder as an image file (see "Saving a Timeline to a
System Folder" on page 100).
 Printout the current timeline (see "Printing a Timeline" on page 101).

13.1 Displaying a Product's Details

 In the timeline display, hover the mouse cursor over the required product. A
details box appears displaying the product details.

Selected Interval

Details of
products for the
selected interval

If several products are displayed as overlapping on the timeline scale, the

display box contains the details of the most recent three products in the
selected location.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 99

Viewing the Result Set Timeline

13.2 Saving a Timeline to a System Folder

1 In the Home tab click Save . The Upload File window appears.

2 In the Name field, view the default name provided for the timeline. Change the
name according to your needs, and in the Folder field select the folder to which
you want to save the timeline image.
You can save the timeline to a public folder, for use by all users who are
assigned to the folder,

You can save the timeline to your personal folder, for your own use in future.

IMPORTANT To ensure the correct image file is saved, do not modify the directory
path displayed in the Local File Path field.

3 Optionally, enter a short description and comment.

4 Click OK. The timeline image is saved to the specified folder and can be
viewed in the Folder tab.

100 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Viewing the Result Set Timeline

13.3 Printing a Timeline

1 In the Quick Access toolbar, click the Print icon. A preview page appears,
displaying the expected print output.

2 Click Print. The Windows Print dialog box appears, displaying the printer
options available from your workstation.
3 Select the required printer, optionally click Preferences to setup the print
output, and click Print. The timeline is printed to your printer.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 101

Managing Products

14 Managing Products
RELIANT allows you to perform several actions on products to better handle your
assigned tasks.

14.1 Deleting a Product

1 In a result set right-click the product and select Delete, or in the Home tab click
Delete Product

Access the product, and in the Home tab click Delete Product .
The Delete Subscriber Information dialog box appears, displaying the details of
the selected products.

2 In the Delete Definition section, select the Product Information checkbox if

you want to delete the product's data in addition to its contents.

A note appears specifying which components you are deleting.

3 Enter your password, and click Delete.

14.2 Retaining a Product

This option allows you to save a product from being deleted from the system by the
automatic purging mechanism. When it is no longer needed, you can manually
delete the retained product (see "Deleting a Product" on page 102).

The number of retained products is limited by system configuration.

102 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Managing Products

To retain a product:

 Access the product and in the Home tab click Retain . The Retained
information field indicates the retained status.

IMPORTANT : If you have reached the maximum number of retained products,

release a product before you retain another product.

To release a product:

 Access the retained product and in the Home tab click Retain . The
Retained information field indicates the released status.

To retain/release multiple products:

1 In the result set, select the required products, right-click and select Modify. All
selected products are updated, unless they already have the applied status - in
which case a failure message appears.

2 Select the Retained/Release radio button, enter user input if necessary and
click OK.

14.3 Marking Products as Privileged

You can mark a product as privileged so that only authorized users can access it.
Even authorized users cannot download or export privileged products.

To mark a single product as privileged:

 Access the product and in the Home tab click Privileged . The Privileged
information field indicates the Privileged status.

To mark multiple products as privileged:

1 In the result set, select the required products, right-click and select Modify.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 103

Managing Products

2 Select the Privileged/Non-Privileged radio button, enter user input if

necessary and click OK.

104 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Product Download and Export Options

15 Product Download and Export Options

RELIANT provides several options for downloading products and printing or
exporting product details in standard formats to external destinations.

15.1 Printing Product Information and Content

There are several print options:
 Print the product information of a result set's products (see "Printing a
Result Set" on page 106). Print the information fields of all products in a result
 Print the product information and/or annotation of selected products from
a result set (see "Printing Selected Products" on page 107). Print the
information fields and annotation forms of products selected from the result set.
The number of selected products is limited, based on system configuration.
 Print the content of a product, together with product information and/or
annotations (see "Printing Product Content and Information/Annotations" on
page 108). For a product open in the product viewer, print the information
fields, annotations and the tab that is in focus in the product viewer pane
(Content, Details, etc.).

You can customize the fields that are printed for each product (see "Customizing
the Product Information Pane and Print Fields" on page 130), and the fields to be
printed for a product list (see "Customizing Result Set Columns" on page 93).

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 105

Product Download and Export Options

15.1.1 Printing a Result Set

1 Select the information fields you want to print (see "Customizing Result Set
Columns" on page 93) for the result set.

2 In the result set, select the products for which you want to print product

3 In the toolbar, click . A dialog box displays the fields set for printing:

4 Use the Assign and Remove arrows to define the list of printed fields.
Click the Up/Down arrows to set the order of printing of the fields.

5 Define the Report title, footers and font size.

6 To print only selected products, click the Print only selected items checkbox.
This option is available only if you have selected products in the result set.

106 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Product Download and Export Options

7 Click Generate. The report appears.

8 In the report toolbar, click the Print icon to print.

15.1.2 Printing Selected Products

1 Select the information fields you want to print (see "Customizing Result Set
Columns" on page 93) for the result set.
2 From the result set, select the products you want to print, up to the configured
number for your system. Right-click the products and select Print.

3 In the Print Preferences dialog box, select what to print:

 Product information prints the product's information fields that are
selected for printing.
 Annotation types prints the contents of the annotation files that exist for
the product. Select the checkbox of the required annotation forms.
4 In the Layout section, select Portrait or Landscape. If printing fax products, it
is recommended to select Portrait layout.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 107

Product Download and Export Options

5 Click Print. A preview tab appears.


6 Optionally, in the toolbar, click Next or Previous to view any other products
selected for printing.
7 To print, in the toolbar click Print to printout the product.

15.1.3 Printing Product Content and Information/Annotations

1 Select the information fields you want to print (see "Customizing the Product
Information Pane and Print Fields" on page 130) for the product.
2 Access the product.

3 In the Viewer pane, focus on the content tab you want to print (Content,
Details, etc.) and in the toolbar click .

4 In the Print Preferences dialog box, select what to print:

 Product information prints the product's information fields that are
selected for printing.
 Product content prints the tab that is in focus in the Viewer window.

108 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Product Download and Export Options

5 In the Layout section, select Portrait or Landscape. If printing fax products, it

is recommended to select Portrait layout.
6 Click Print. A preview tab appears.


7 Optionally, in the toolbar, click Next or Previous to view any other products
selected for printing.
8 To print, in the toolbar click Print to printout the product.

15.2 Downloading Products

This option saves product components in standard formats in a zip file. This option
is available only to users who are authorized to export products from the system.

To download a product:

1 Optionally, copy the required products from different result sets to the same
result set (see "Copying Products to a New or Existing Result Set" on page 94),
in order to download them together.
2 Select products to download:
 In the result set, select the required products, right-click and select
Download. The maximum number of products you can choose is limited by
system configuration.

 In an open product: In the Information Sharing tab click Download .

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 109

Product Download and Export Options

3 In the Download Products dialog box, define the job name and output
destination path:

 Job name: Name to easily identify and locate the job in future.
 Destination Directory: Download destination. Click the Browse icon … to
define a different destination.
T IP: A default destination directory is provided the first time you download a
product. Depending on your version, if you change the path name, the new name
becomes your default download path.

If any of the selected products is found to have virus-infected components, you

can decide to download them anyway, or download only non-infected

4 Click OK to start downloading. A message appears, indicating the download

was completed successfully and the location of the output items. Click Yes to
open the output product, or No to close the window.
If the system fails to create the job, a message appears indicating a failure.
Check the download job status (see "Checking the Job Status" on page 136).

IMPORTANT : For these, and for any other failure messages, contact your system's
Technical Support.
5 Optionally, for extremely large file downloads, a standard Windows Save as
dialog box appears. Enter again the destination path to which you want to
download the selected products and click OK. This enables the download
activity to take place while allowing you to continue working in the RELIANT
System configuration determines the size from which this dialog box appears.
By default it appears if the download exceeds 60 MByte.
6 You can now access the products you have downloaded (see "Accessing
Downloaded Products" on page 112).

7 Check the job status and remove the history of completed jobs (see "Checking
the Job Status" on page 136).

110 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Product Download and Export Options

15.2.1 Messages on Failed Download Products

If a job fails, check the Status Information column for the failure reasons. Try to
solve the problem according to the following instructions, or forward the information
to the system support engineer.

Reason Solution

Failed to retrieve product Retry after ten minutes. If the failure continues,
information from the contact Technical Support.

Failed to create a zip file. Contact Technical Support.

Failed to copy the product. Retry the download job. If it fails again, contact
Technical Support.

The database blocks access Do not retry, and call Technical Support.
to this product's

The product is still active. Check in the product information pane that the
product is closed.

After the product is closed, define a new

download job.

Product was not fully Check in the product information pane that the
processed. product is transferred successfully to the online
storage, and that decoding is completed.

After the product is transferred and decoded,

define a new download job.

IOPS did not copy the Check in the product information pane that the
product's audio content to product is transferred successfully to the online
the OSP. storage.

After the product is transferred, define a new

download job.

Unknown reason. Contact Technical Support.

Internal failure.

Failed to create the product

object. Contact customer

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 111

Product Download and Export Options

15.2.2 Accessing Downloaded Products

1 Open the file containing the downloaded product.
At download, the product is saved to the default location (Desktop or other), or
to the specified directory, as a zip file that contains internal target
subdirectories for downloaded products.
The ProductViewer.hta file is located in the root directory of the download
2 Double-click the ProductViewer.hta file. The Product Viewer appears.




3 Select the time range and query parameters. Click Search.


In the Folder Search field, browse to the download folder you require and
open it to load downloaded products from that folder.


Click the Search icon and in the Browse window click Search to display the
products you have downloaded.

4 Double-click a product to view it.

112 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Product Download and Export Options

15.3 Exporting Products

You can export products to a predefined network directory, based on export
definitions set by the system administrator for the system targets.

For each export job, RELIANT exports a proprietary viewing utility that is located in
the export network destination. The viewing utility allows the user to access and
review all exported products in a standalone environment that is independent of the
RELIANT system.

To export target products:

1 In the result set, select the required products, right-click and select Export.


Access a product, and in the Information Sharing tab click Export Products

2 Check the status of your export requests using the Request Log (see
"Checking Request Status" on page 135).
3 Access and view exported products using the external Product Viewer tool (see
"Accessing the Product Viewer" on page 115).

15.3.1 Export Directory Structure

For each exported product, RELIANT automatically creates a target and product
directory under the defined root directory. The structure of the export directory is
configurable per system and may include the case or subcase name.

Default Generic Folder Structure

Root\[Job Name]\[Target]\[Date]\[Hour]\[Product ID]\[Product subdirectories]

 Root. The shared destination directory defined in the job
 Job Name. The name of the export job.
 Target. The target name
 Date. The date of the product start time
 Hour. The hour in the day the product started.
 Product ID. The unique identifier of the product within RELIANT
 Product subdirectories. Product subdirectories vary, depending on the type
of product. There are two product subdirectories:
 _client: Includes non-compressed audio content for playback in the Export
 raw data: Includes compressed audio content, for playback in any standard

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 113

Product Download and Export Options

Each product is exported into a number of default export files and optional files
depending on product type.

The Product Viewer file (ProductViewer.hta) is located in the root path of your
export directory.

Each product can be exported with the following files, depending on your system
 PRI.xml - Includes all product information fields exported from the DBS in the
RELIANT database format. This file is used by the RELIANT viewing utility, for
future import purposes, if necessary, and optionally for interfacing with third
party storage systems.
 Decoded content per product type - Modem, Fax, Internet, InternetN (where
N represents a reprocessed output).
 Raw Data - Includes the raw content, as recorded and stored in the RELIANT
storage server. RELIANT supports the following formats:
*.wav: for PSTN switch, voice, fax or modem
*.net: for packet-data content in RFC1761 format

*.xml: for XML collection

*.eml: for email collection

N OTE : Raw Data is available only in systems with back-end decoding.

 Transcription - Includes user annotations and input, in either HTML or
Microsoft Word™.
 Raw IRI - Includes the raw IRI content collected from the network (for systems
that collect and store raw IRI).
 PRI_Translation.xml - A localized file of the product information fields. The
localization language is determined for each export job, depending on system

114 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Product Download and Export Options

15.3.2 Accessing the Product Viewer

The Export Product Viewer (ProductViewer.hta) is located in the root path of your
export directory.

1 In the Destination computer, browse to the export directory and double-click


The Product Viewer loads in a default language. If another language is defined

for your system, you can modify the user interface language from the Tools

2 View the required products in one of the following ways:

 Search the export folder. The Folder search option allows you to view
products in a network folder and run a product query to filter the displayed
 Search for exported products. The Product Search option allows you to
select specific products from a network path.
 Browse to the exported products. The Browse option allows you to view the
product folders found in a specific network folder.

For detailed instructions on how to best use the Product Viewer tool, refer to the
Product Viewer User Manual.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 115

Product Download and Export Options

15.3.3 Messages on Failed Export Products

The following reasons may define a product as failed when partial export is

Reason Solution

Failed to copy the product Retry sending the product for export. If the problem
from the storage to the recurs, contact Local Support.
destination server (Error 1).
Retry. If recurs, contact Local

Failed to create a local Domain or network security problem. Contact Local

directory on the destination Support to check domain definitions/network
server (Error 2). Contact connections.
Local Support

Failed to retrieve product Contact your system's Local Support. Refer to the
information from the RELIANT Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
database (Error 3). Contact Manual for troubleshooting instructions.
Local Support

Failed to finalize product Contact your system's Local Support. Refer to the
setup in the local directory RELIANT Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
(Error 4). Contact Local Manual for troubleshooting instructions.

The product exceeds the size Contact your system's Local Support. Refer to the
limit and is not processed RELIANT Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
(Error 5). Contact Local Manual for troubleshooting instructions.
Delete the error.

Internal failure (Error 6). Contact your system's Local Support. Refer to the
Contact Local Support RELIANT Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Manual for troubleshooting instructions.

Failed to transfer the Contact your system's Local Support. Refer to the
products from the local RELIANT Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
directory to the destination Manual for troubleshooting instructions.
(Error 7). Contact Local

The database blocks access Contact your system's Local Support. Refer to the
to this product's information RELIANT Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
(Error 8). Contact Local Manual for troubleshooting instructions.

Internal failure. Failed to Contact your system's Local Support. Refer to the
create the product object RELIANT Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
(Error 9). Contact Local Manual for troubleshooting instructions.

116 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Product Download and Export Options

Product is still active (Error 1 Check that the product is indeed open and
10). Retry after the product is active.
closed. If it does not close,
2 Wait for the product to close and then retry.
contact Local Support.
3 If the product is still active after 24 hours,
contact Local Support. Refer to the RELIANT
Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Manual for troubleshooting instructions.

Failed to copy the product Lack of space for export products.

due to full disk or access
problem (Error 11). Contact Contact your system's Local Support. Refer to the
Local Support RELIANT Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Manual for troubleshooting instructions.

Internal error (Error 12). Contact your system's Local Support. Refer to the
Contact Local Support. RELIANT Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Manual for troubleshooting instructions.

Preclassification product In the Operator Workstation, set the product's

(Error 30). Define the classification value and retry.
product’s classification and
retry (Applies to systems that require product classification).

15.3.4 Messages on Partially Succeeded Export Products

The following reasons may appear for products that were partially exported:

Product content problems:

Reason Solution

Partial. Failed to copy user input files (Error 1 In the Operator Workstation,
614). In the Operator Workstation, save the access the product, check
product annotations again and retry. If the annotation contents and
recurs contact Local Support make sure they are saved
2 Retry export/evidence.

3 If the problem recurs,

contact Local Support.

Partial. Failed to locate user input files 1 In the Operator Workstation,

(Error 618). In the Operator Workstation, access the product, check
save the annotations and retry. If recurs, the annotation contents and
contact Local Support make sure they are saved

2 Retry export/evidence.
3 If the problem recurs,
contact Local Support.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 117

Product Download and Export Options

Partial. Failed to convert proprietary audio Contact Local Support.

file into standard PCM wav file (Error 650).
Viewer cannot display the file. Copy the raw
audio file to an external converter. Contact
Local Support.

Partial. The WAV file exceeds the maximum

268 MB.
Failed to convert proprietary audio file into
standard PCM wav file. Wav file size After the product is exported, in the
exceeds maximum 268 MB (Error 652). Copy output destination path, locate the
the exported raw audio file to an external raw product file and copy it to an
converter. Contact Local Support. external conversion application,
where you can convert the raw audio
to standard WAV format.

Contact Local Support.

Partial. Part of the product content was not 1 In the Operator workstation,
transferred to the destination path (Error check the decoded product
500). View output product in Viewer and and ensure it is decoded
compare to the product display in the properly.
workstation. Apply decoding again and
2 Apply Decoding again and
3 If recurs, contact Local

Partial. Failed to copy the graphic audio Contact Local Support.

display (GAD) file (Error 505). Check for
GAD display and retry. Contact Local

Partial. Product content is missing because Product content has been purged.
it has been purged (Error 626). If Evidence
copy exists, restore from Evidence DVD If a copy has been burned to an
Evidence DVD, restore it from the
media and retry.

Partial content due to internal error (Error Internal error. Contact Local Support.
615). Contact Local Support

Partial. Product content not found in the For data products, apply decoding
system storage (Error 617). For data product again to the raw product and then
apply decoding. If not, contact Local retry.
For non-data products, contact Local

Partial. Files not found in system storage For data products, apply decoding
(Error 621). Apply decoding again and retry. again to the raw product and then
If recurs, contact Local Support. retry.

For non-data products, contact Local


118 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Product Download and Export Options

Network problems:

Reason Solution

Partial due to network access problems Contact Local Support to check

(Error 620). network access and connections.

Retry and if recurs contact Local Support

Partial. Invalid source network path (Error Contact Local Support to check
623). Retry and if recurs contact Local network access and connections.

Partial. Failed to output product files due to Problem accessing local storage.
destination path error (Error 624). Contact
Local Support Contact your system's Local
Support. Refer to the RELIANT
Preventive Maintenance and
Troubleshooting Manual for
troubleshooting instructions

Partial. Failed to copy the standard wav file Contact Local Support to verify disk
into the destination product folder (Error space on evidence/export services.
651). Contact Local Support.

Decoding problems:

Reason Solution

Partial. The product's related raw segment is Wait for a while for the raw product
still open (Error 613). Wait for the raw product to close and then retry.
to close and retry. If recurs, contact Local
Support. If the product is not closed after a
reasonable time, contact Local

Partial. Failed to copy some of the product's In the Operator Workstation, apply
TCP connection files (Error 504). Apply decoding again to the raw product
decoding and retry and retry.

If recurs, contact Local Support.

Partial. Decoding has failed (Error 625). Apply In the Operator Workstation, apply
decoding again and retry. If recurs, contact decoding again to the raw product
Local Support and retry.

If recurs, contact Local Support.

Partial. Decoding failure (Error 627). Apply Apply decoding again to the raw
decoding again and retry. If recurs, contact product and retry.
Local Support
If recurs, contact Local Support

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 119

Product Download and Export Options

Partial. Decoding process partially succeeded In the Operator Workstation, apply

(Error 630). Apply decoding again and retry. If decoding again to the raw product
recurs, contact Local Support and retry.

If recurs, contact Local Support.

Partial. Incomplete decoded product (Error In the Operator Workstation, apply

616). Apply decoding again and retry. If decoding again to the raw product
recurs, contact Local Support and retry.

If recurs, contact Local Support.

Partial. Incorrect path for product content files In the Operator Workstation, apply
(Error 619). Apply decoding again and retry. If decoding again to the raw product
recurs, contact Local Support and retry.

If recurs, contact Local Support.

System setup problems:

Reason Solution

Partial. No policy file found (Error 660). Contact your system's Local
Contact Local Support to check system Support. Refer to the RELIANT
configuration. Preventive Maintenance and
Troubleshooting Manual for
troubleshooting instructions.

Partial. Failed to copy readable product Configuration problem. Contact

viewer (Error 661). Contact Local Support your system's Local Support.

Partial. Failed to report product status to Configuration problem. Contact

logger (Error 662). Contact Local Support. your system's Local Support.

15.4 Copying Product Information to an External Editor

1 Access the product and in the Home tab select Copy Product Information
and then select Copy Product Information Fields.
2 Open an external editor and paste the copied contents into the required file.
Click Save to save the updated file.

15.5 Copying SMS Content

1 Access the product and in the Home tab select Copy Product Information
and then select Copy SMS Content.
2 Open a text editor application and paste the clipboard contents (Ctrl+V).

120 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Product Download and Export Options

15.6 Copying/Pasting Product Information from the Result Set

You can perform a copy/paste action on data from the product row in order to
reuse it in definition fields within the workstation, or to copy the data to an external
editor such as an Excel file.

To copy the contents of a product cell:

1 In the result set, locate the product of interest, right-click the cell you want to
copy and select Copy Cell/Row.

2 Access an external editor or to a definition field within the workstation such as a

query field, or a filter field, and paste the copied data using standard Paste
controls (Ctrl+V).

To copy the contents of a product row:

1 In the result set, locate the product of interest, in the left-most column right-click
the row you want to copy and select Copy Cell/Row.

2 Access an external editor and paste the copied data using standard Paste
controls (Ctrl+V). The data is displayed clearly in an Excel file, but may appear
slightly disrupted in other tools.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 121

Viewing and Managing Folders and Folder Items

16 Viewing and Managing Folders and Folder Items

Folders allow system users to store and share information that applies to their case


Items Stored in
the Selected


The folder pane displays your available folders in a folder hierarchy. For each
selected folder, the Folder View tab displays the items saved in the folder and
available to you for use or review.

Folder Hierarchy
 Public folders - Your system administrator assigns folders to you and to your
colleagues. All items that are saved to a public folder are available to other
users assigned to that folder. You can add subfolder levels for your use and for
sharing the information with your colleagues. Any subfolder that you create
under an assigned folder is automatically available to the other users assigned
to that parent folder.
 Personal folder - You can define personal folders to store interim information
that is not yet ready for use or access by other users. Items stored in your
personal folder are not available to any other user.

1st Level



Folder Items

Folders can store the following items:

Query. Can be used by authorized folder users to run on

selected targets.

AOI layer

122 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Viewing and Managing Folders and Folder Items

Hotspot layer

User layer

Imported layer

Location map

External files (text, image, audio, etc.). External files are

opened using related applications installed on your

Note that indexing does not apply to folder items, therefore textual queries do not
search folder items.

Working in folders:
 On entering the workstation, and from time to time, review your assigned
folders for items of interest.

In the toolbar, click Refresh to update the list of assigned folders.

 Create new folders (see "Creating a New Folder" on page 124)
 Move items between folders (see "Moving Folders" on page 124)
 Notify your colleagues about items you save to public folders, for their use. Use
the workstation's user messaging tool (see "Viewing and Sending User
Messages" on page 136).

Searching the folder tree and folder items:

1 In the search field, enter the name or partial string of the first word of the
folder/item you and click the Search icon . The first case/target that
contains the search string is highlighted in the tree.

Optionally, click the Filter icon to exclude item types you don't require.

2 If there are other items that contain the search string, the Find Next icon is

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 123

Viewing and Managing Folders and Folder Items

16.1 Creating a New Folder

1 Right-click the folder to which you want to add a subfolder and select Create
New Folder,

2 Define the following properties for the folder:

 Enter a name for the folder that is helpful to other users
 Enter a description or comment that helps other users understand the
scope of the saved folder.
Click OK. The new subfolder is created and appears in your folder tree.
3 Notify your colleagues about new folders you have created, using the
workstation's user messaging tool (see "Viewing and Sending User Messages"
on page 136).

16.2 Moving Folders

The ability to move folders in the folder tree depends on the user rights assigned to
you by your system administrator.
1 In the folder tree, drag the folder you want to move to the destination parent

Right-click the folder you want to move select Cut. Then right-click the
destination parent folder and select Paste.
A message appears notifying you that all users assigned to the folder will be
removed, and only the users assigned to the new destination folder will be
assigned to the moved folder.

2 Click OK. The item is moved to the destination folder.

124 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Viewing and Managing Folders and Folder Items

16.3 Uploading External Files

You can upload external files of standard types to the folder system. You can open
the file in industry-standard applications, and edit the file. Your changes apply to
the uploaded file, and are not applied to the external source file

As of version 11.0, the personal folder size is limited to a configurable size. When
uploading new files to a folder that has reached the storage limit, you are notified
that you cannot upload any further files.

To upload an external file:

1 In the Folder Contents tab click Upload File .


Drag and drop the required file from the network path to the displayed folder.
Drag and drop options are available depending on system setup.

2 In the Local File Path field, click the Browse button and select the required file
from your network. Click Open. The file path and its name appear in the Local
File Path field.

If you have dragged the file to the folder, the file path and name already
3 Enter the file properties:
 Name. Enter a name for the file that is clear to all users.
 Folder. Displays the path of the destination folder. Click the Browse button
to define a different destination folder.
 Description and Comment. Enter a short description of the file you are
loading. These appear in the folder item display columns.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 125

Viewing and Managing Folders and Folder Items

4 Optionally, click Open after save to automatically open the file after it is loaded
to the system.
5 Click OK. The file is loaded to the folder, and appears with a file icon indicator

To open an uploaded file from the folder:

 In the folder, right-click the required file and select one of the following:
 View File (Read-only) - The file is opened for review purposes only.
Review the file and then close it.
 Open File for Editing - The file is opened for review and allows
modifications. Review the file, make your changes and save the file. If you
do not wish to save your changes, exit the close the file without saving, and
then right-click the file and select Release.
Double-click the file. It opens in the related application in editing mode.
If you make any changes, ensure you save your changes.

 If you close the file with no changes, the file remains locked by you. Right-click
the file and select Release to make it available to other users.

16.4 Managing Folder Items

All system items that are created or imported by users and saved for future use are
stored in one of the system folders. Each item can only be saved to one folder, and
is accessed and edited from that folder.

You can perform the following item management actions (most actions are also
available from the right-click context sensitive menu:

To: Perform the following steps:

Open an item  Click the item and in the Folder tab

click Open .

Open an external file  Double-click the item. The item opens in

edit mode, in the file's application (if
installed), and is locked by you.

To release the file:

 After your review, close the file, right-
click it and select Release File.

Edit an item 1 Double-click the item.

2 Make the changes you require and in

the Home tab click Save .

126 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Viewing and Managing Folders and Folder Items

Move an item/file To move a system entity (query, map AOI

layer, rule:
1 Right-click the file and select Cut.

2 Right-click the destination folder and

select Paste, (or drag the right-most
column of the file row to the destination

To move/copy an external file (PDF, jpg,


3 Right-click the file and select Cut or


4 Right-click the destination folder and

select Paste.

Save a file locally 1 Right-click the file and select Save File

2 Select the destination directory and click


Delete an item  Right-click the item, select Delete and

confirm your action.

16.4.1 Accessing a Folder Item

In the Folder view tab, review the list of items that are stored in the folder. The
folder contains system items such as queries, result sets or maps, and may contain
external files such as images or textual documents that have been loaded to the

To open system items:

 Double-click the item to open it

Right-click the item and select Open, or click the item and in the Folder tab

click Open .

To open external files:

1 Double-click the item. The item opens automatically in edit mode, in the file's
application. Your workstation must have an appropriate editing application for
this file type installed on the PC.

Right-click the item and select Open File for Edit, or Open File in Read-Only

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 127

Viewing and Managing Folders and Folder Items

2 If you have opened the file in edit mode, the file is locked until you release it.
After completing your review and work, close the file and then release it: Right-
click the file and select Release File.

16.4.2 Editing Item Content

Editing system items:

1 Double-click the item, such as query or map, to open it in the workstation edit

2 Make the changes you require and in the Home tab click Save . The item
is updated with your changes.

16.4.3 Moving Folders

1 Right-click the folder you want to move select Cut. Then right-click the
destination parent folder and select Paste.

Optionally, in the folder tree, drag the folder you want to move to the
destination parent folder and drop it there. Drag and drop options are
dependent on system setup.
A message appears notifying you that all users assigned to the folder will be
removed, and only the users assigned to the new destination folder will be
assigned to the moved folder.
2 Click OK. The item is moved to the destination folder and its properties are

16.4.4 Moving Folder Files

To move a RELIANT entity such as query, map, AOI layer, rule, etc:
 Right-click the file you want to move select Cut. Then right-click the destination
folder and select Paste.

Optionally, click the right-most column of the file row you want to move, drag it
to the destination parent folder and drop it there,

To move/copy an external file such as PDF, jpg, etc.:

1 Right-click the file you want to move/copy and select Cut or Copy.
 Right-click the destination folder and select Paste.

16.4.5 Saving a Folder File to Your Local Network

1 Right-click the required file and select Save File Locally.
2 Define the destination folder and click Save. The file is output to the selected

128 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Viewing and Managing Folders and Folder Items

16.4.6 Viewing/Editing Item Properties

1 In a selected folder, right-click the required item and select Properties, or in

the Folder tab click Properties .

The item's properties window appears, displaying item name and folder
location, creation details, and user input fields.
2 Add a description of the item in the Description or Comment fields and click
OK to save your changes.

To change the name or storage folder of the item:

 Change the item name or folder location and click OK.

16.4.7 Deleting an Item

1 Locate the required item in the folder.

2 Right-click the item and select Delete, or in the Folder tab click Delete .
3 Confirm your action.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 129

Customizing the Workstation

17 Customizing the Workstation

Setup you workstation to behave and act according to your preferred work
 Setup the result set columns for display and printout (see "Customizing Result
Set Columns" on page 93)
 Setup the product information fields display and printout (see "Customizing the
Product Information Pane and Print Fields" on page 130)
 Restore default settings (see "Restoring Default Settings" on page 131)
 Customize password, workstation language and target counter display options
(see "Customizing Your Password, Language Settings and Target Counter
Highlight Mode" on page 132)
 Customize shortcut keys for predefined comments, or use system shortcuts
(see "Setting User Shortcut Keys for Predefined Comments" on page 133).
 Customize workstation panes (see "Customizing the Workstation Pane Display"
on page 134)

17.1 Customizing the Product Information Pane and Print


1 In the Setup and Tools tab, click User Preferences and click the
Product Information Fields tab.

2 In each category, Indicate which fields to display and in what order:

 In the Display column, select the checkbox of columns that you want to
display in the product information pane.
 In the Print column, select the checkbox of the columns that you want to
printout, when printing the product.
 Use the arrow buttons to change the position of the selected field within the
3 Click OK.
130 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual
Customizing the Workstation

17.2 Restoring Default Settings

After choosing to restore the workstation to original factory settings, the workstation
logs out automatically upon your confirmation.

To restore a specific type of workstation setting:

1 In the Setup and Tools tab, click User Preferences and click the
Restore Default Settings tab. The Restore Default Settings option is available
only for those items that have been changed from the default settings.

2 Click the Restore Default Settings button for the required setting.
3 Click OK. A message appears notifying you that this action requires a
workstation logout.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 131

Customizing the Workstation

17.3 Customizing Your Password, Language Settings and

Target Counter Highlight Mode

 In the Setup and Tools tab, click User Preferences and click the
Other Preferences tab.

To change your password:

1 Click Change Password.

2 In the Old password field, enter your current password, and in the New
password and Confirm new password fields, enter a new password. Make
sure the new password complies with the system password rules.

3 Click OK.

To change your workstation language:

1 Click Change Language.

2 From the drop-down list, select a language and click OK.

3 Logout from the workstation and login again to apply the new language to your
workstation interface.

132 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Customizing the Workstation

The new language is supported only if the appropriate language pack is

installed. If you fail to login to the workstation with the selected language,
contact Customer Support.

4 Click OK.

To set your highlight preferences:

Set the highlight mode for target counters that are updated in the Target Tree after
a Refresh action.
1 In the Highlight counters options field, select the preferred option in the drop-
down list: Highlight, Normal, or Bold.

2 Click OK.

17.4 Setting User Shortcut Keys for Predefined Comments

RELIANT enables users to define a list of comments in advance to use when
entering comments in the Comment input field. A shortcut is assigned to each field.

The list of options can be defined in one of the following ways:

 Individually by each user. Each user enters a list of commonly used
comments for use in his workstation.
 By the system administrator. The system administrator determines the
comments for all RELIANT users.

Optionally, the list can be a combination of the two modes of work, where basic
comments are defined by the system administrator, and additional fields are
entered individually by each user.

To set predefined comments:

1 In the Setup and Tools tab, click User Preferences and click the
Personal Predefined Comments tab.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 133

Customizing the Workstation

2 Type the text next to the desired shortcut and repeat for all required shortcut
3 Click OK.

4 Use these shortcuts when entering your input in the Comments field.

17.5 Customizing the Workstation Pane Display

In the View tab, determine the display of the various work panes, as follows:

Main Window Options

 Target/Folder View. Displays/hides the Target Tree and folder pane.
 Target Status Pane. Displays/hides the Target Status pane, and allows you to
determine which targets are displayed in the pane (see "Setting the Target
Status Pane Display" on page 37). Full View of the Target Status Pane
expands the pane to the total available work space.
Result Set Viewing Options
 Show Row Numbers. Adds/removes a sequential numbering column to the
result set.
 Product Preview. Displays/hides a preview pane for the product selected in
the result set.

Product Viewer

 Product Information. Displays/hides the product information pane of the

currently displayed product.

 Annotation. Displays/hides the Annotation tab of the currently displayed


 Current Active Player. In the event of multiple open products, displays the
product view pane of the player that is currently being played.

Status Monitor

Provides access to progress monitoring tools that follow user action requests or job
 Request Log (see "Checking Request Status" on page 135).
 Job Monitor (see "Checking the Job Status" on page 136).

Allows you to navigate to one of the currently open windows, or to close all

134 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Monitoring Job and Request Status

18 Monitoring Job and Request Status

RELIANT tracks the actions you initiate. You can check the status of your requests
to ensure they are completed successfully, or check the reason for any failure that
may occur.
 Request Log (see "Checking Request Status" on page 135) - Displays the
status of user actions such as produce, apply decoding, export, retain, release,
 Job Monitor (see "Checking the Job Status" on page 136) - Displays the
processing status of your Download, evidence and restore jobs.

18.1 Checking Request Status

1 From the View tab, click the Job Status drop-down list and select
Request Log.

2 Click the required action: Produce Requests, Decoding Requests, and various
other request logs may apply to your system. The related log of requests
appears. The log is not purged by the system and may contain the history of
your actions for a lengthy period.
3 Check the Status icon and Status columns to ensure the actions are
completed successfully.

4 In case of failures, log the failure information and contact your Technical
5 To clear the log from time to time:

 - Clears only completed or veteran requests that are selected by the


 - Clears all completed requests.

 - Clears the log.

6 Click Close to close the window.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 135

Monitoring Job and Request Status

18.2 Checking the Job Status

1 From the View tab, click the Job Status drop-down list and select Job




2 In the Job Types pane, click the tab of the requested job type. The Job Status
pane displays the status of all the jobs of this type that you have initiated, and
that are currently stored in the system.
3 Check the Status column to ensure the actions are completed successfully. If
they were not completed successfully, you would have received a failure
reason at the time the job was initiated.

4 In case of failures, log the failure information and contact your Technical

5 You can resend a job that has been completed successfully. Select a job with
'Done' status and click Resend .
6 To clear the log from time to time:

 Clear All - Clears all completed or veteran jobs, disregarding the row
you are standing on.

 Clear Selected - Clears only completed requests that are selected by

the user. The cleared jobs reappear following a refresh of the monitor.

 Delete - Deletes selected jobs.

 Refresh - Updates the monitor with recent jobs.

Actions on completed jobs apply disregarding the status of the job, if failed,
succeeded, or partially succeeded.

7 Click Close to close the window.

136 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

List of Product Categories and Product Types

19 List of Product Categories and Product Types

Product categories group together several product types of similar kinds.
Categories simplify your search procedure, but are not part of the product

Categories are color-coded to help identify groups of product types that have
similar origins. The icons of products that belong to each category use the same
color theme.

The following categories and types are available:

Category Product Types

Voice, VoIP, Video, Microphone
Web Web, Web Site, Web Search, WAP
others, News, WML, HTTPS, NNTPS
Email Email, Webmail, Webmail folder, POP3S,
Fax Fax
Telephony messaging
SMS, UUS, MMS, SMS over Web,
Chat and Instant
Chat room, Instant messaging, IRCS,
Veteran products:
Skype and Skype CDR apply to systems with
veteran Skype products that were decoded in veteran
File transfer
FTP, XYZ modem, Chat file transfer,
Simple FTP, FTPS, File Transfer, P2P File,
P2P Session, FTP Protocol
Raw Raw data, Text over Modem, Unknown products
Network access Telnet, RTELNET, TELNETS, SSH, ICMP,

Information event, Subscriber Info

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 137

List of Product Information Fields

20 List of Product Information Fields

For each product, the information pane may display different information fields,
depending on the type of content and on the interception network.

You can customize the fields that are displayed in your workstation (see
"Customizing the Product Information Pane and Print Fields" on page 130).

20.1 Production-related Information Fields

Field Description

Producer The user name of the operator who marked this product as

Produced on Date and time the product was produced.

Production status Indicates if the product is Produced or Unproduced.

Reprocessing The number of times the product has been reprocessed.


Original File For products imported from external systems via the auto-import
Name function, this field displays the name of the original imported file.
Appears only in the raw data product or in voice products. Does
not appear in the decoded product.

No. of Decoding No. of times the product has been decoded.


Input fields Time the user input fields were last updated.
modification time

20.2 Content-related Information Fields

Field Description

Product Type Indicates the product type (see "List of Product Categories and
Product Types" on page 137).

138 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

List of Product Information Fields

Raw Content Indicates if the raw content is available:

 Content Recorded
 Content Not Recorded – recording failure; no raw
content available.

 Not required – target was defined to be recorded

without content (call data only) so no raw content is
 Partially Recorded - part of the content is not recorded
due to prioritization.

Storage Status Indicates the status of the product's raw content:

 Transfer completed – Transferred from the Collection
Device to the Storage Server.

 In transfer – In the process of being transferred from

the Collection Device to the Storage Server.
 Transfer failed – The transfer to the Storage Server
 Deleted by user – Raw audio has been deleted from
the Storage Server by a user.
 Purged - Raw audio has been deleted from the
Storage Server by the cyclical deletion mechanism.

 No Content Found - No content is found for this

product, due to various reasons. In the case of
information products, no content is available.

 Split/Merge in process – Raw audio not currently

accessible due to split/merge activities.

DTMF Displays DTMF tones.

Processing For raw data products only. Indicates if Processed, Not

Status Processed, Partially processed or Failed.

For imported raw products, may indicate that only first 8,000
connections are decoded and displayed.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 139

List of Product Information Fields

Data Decoding Indicates the decoding status of raw products. Applicable to raw
Status products only.
 Initiated. Decoding has started, and is not completed

 Partially succeeded. The product is only partially

decoded. Some sections may not have been decoded.

 Succeeded. Decoding is completed successfully. The

product is decoded in full.
 Failed. The system could not decode this product.

 Not processed - The product was not sent for

decoding. This applies to decoded products.

Optionally, in some systems, the system administrator determines

which targets are decoded automatically, and which by user
initiative. The decoding status indicates which mechanism
initiated the decoding:
 Automatic - Decoding is initiated automatically by the

 Selective - Decoding is initiated by the user.

Description Presents the most informative details for each product. For
example, for SMS and MMS communications, presents the
textual content of the message (first characters of the message

Encrypted If the product has encrypted content or encrypted file

attachments, or is not encrypted.

Call Data only Indicates if the target is defined for interception of call data only or

News Name of newsgroup.

Room Name of chat room.

URI URI address of Internet activity.

URL URL address of Internet activity.

Host Name of host computer.

Subject Subject line contents in an email product.

Source (product Indicates the original intercepted content: Audio for circuit-
subtype) switched interception, Packet Data for packet data interception,
UDI for ISDN interception, Does not exist for calls with no
intercepted content.

Cell Description Indicates the cell in which the product was started/received.

140 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

List of Product Information Fields

20.3 Product-related Information Fields

Field Description

Product ID The unique number identifying the product within the system.

Target Product The sequential number assigned by the system to a product, per
Number target.

Product Size Size of the product in the system's default units (dependent on your
workstation configuration).

Start Time Time the product started.

End Time Displays the time the product ended.

From The initiating party.

To The destination party.

Digital Signature Indicates if Digital Signature stamping is successful or has failed.


Retained Indicates if the product is retained or not.

Split/merge Indicates if the product is split or merged.

End Reason Reason for ending the call: Normal, subscriber unavailable, network
fault, and more.

Redirecting Redirected number or call forwarding number.


Dialed Number The initial number dialed, disregarding any additional

numbers/extensions dialed during the call. In other cases, if the
number is part of a Call Forward event, it appears as a text tag in a
call forward event.

Direction Based on the target‟s perspective, this field indicates whether the call





The icons appear instead of the textual values when viewed in the
product list.

Recording Mode For audio recordings in a circuit-switched network, indicates stereo,

mono or wideband stereo recording.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 141

List of Product Information Fields

Priority Priority level assigned due to an alert rule.

Virus Indicates the virus-scanning status of the product, if infected, not

infected, or not scanned.

20.4 Event-related Information Fields

Displays information received from the network switch regarding non-call events.

Field Description

Information Event Type of network event that generated the information product

Free Text Textual description of the event

Switch Error Reason for the communication error (if any)


20.5 Target-related Information Fields

Field Description

Target Target code defined by the system administrator.

Target Name Target suspect's name defined by the system administrator.

Target Number The serial number assigned to a target within RELIANT.

Target Type Indicates if it is a Network, Internet, Line or Import target.

Case or Subcase The case or subcase to which the target is assigned.

Interception ID The identifier used to intercept target telecommunications.

Interception Type of criterion for intercepting the target‟s activities such as

Criterion Lawful Interception ID or ISP Lawful Interception ID, which may
represent the target‟s phone number, email address, etc.

Subject The subject defined for the target by the system administrator.

AMS Number The identifier of the recording subsystem of a Line target. The AMS
number is 0-based (0.1.2 ...).

Channel Number The identifier of the recording channel within the recording system.

142 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

List of Product Information Fields

20.6 Interception-related Information Fields

IP Address IP address of the target's computer.


In raw products of email products: IP address of the client

computer and IP address of the server computer, with a direction
arrow from the client to the server, in the following format: [Client
IP address]->[Server IP address]

MAC Address MAC address of the target's computer.

End Status Network message indicating the normal/irregular end of the call,
and the reason for irregular closure, if any. Completed

Start Status Network message indicating the successful start/failure of the call,
and the reason for failure, if any. Completed Successfully.

Switch Start Time Time the product started, marked by the switch.

Switch End Time Time the product ended, marked by the switch.

Product Closed Indicates the subsystem that closed the product.


Call Status Status signal sent to the dialing party, indicating if the called party
is busy, disconnected, etc.

Network ID Identifier of the telecommunications network in which the target is


Switch Channel The channel on which the communication was delivered from the

Dial Mode In PSTN line targets. Indicates the dialing method: DTMF, Pulse,
MFR1, Incoming line.

POP Dialed The DN (Directory Number) dialed by the subscriber to access the
Number ISP.

POP ID An identifier assigned by the ISP to a specific Point of Presence


PD Target ID An identifier associated with the specific PD target.


ISP ID The Internet service provider.

Lease Time The maximum period during which the target will own the
assigned IP address.

PD User Name The name used by the target to login to the ISP.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 143

List of Product Information Fields

Phone Number The subscriber phone number used for the communication.

Service Code Code for network service.

Message Center Center handling SMS messaging.

Access Point The gateway GPRS service node that provides service to a
Name roaming GPRS mobile phone.

Interception ISP The ISP domain in which the product was intercepted.

20.7 Messaging-related Information Fields

These fields apply to SMS products only.

Field Description

SMS Result Success or Failure, indicating the result of the SMS processing.

20.8 All Parties and Additional Interception Information Fields

 All Parties - Subscriber identifiers of the parties that participated in the call.
These parties may include the originator and destination numbers, and also
additional parties due to conference or call forwarding activities.
Sample information fields include the following:

Subscriber phone number, Name, Address, ID Number, Email address, IMEI,

 Additional Interception Information - Various background or service details
about the subscriber provided by the TSP, such as communication type, bearer
service (service provider), etc.

20.9 Participant Information Fields

Subscriber information about a participant in this communication, even if the
subscriber is not a target.

144 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

21 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

21.1 Cannot Find Product

A product that you know is there may not be available because:
 It has been deleted from the system to make room for newer products.
 You have activated a filter, so you can only see products that match that filter.
Remove the filter so you can see all products (click the Remove Filter link).
 It has been produced, and you are viewing the work list which only shows
unproduced products. Run a search without specifying produced/unproduced.
 Decoded products in the RT bar are not found. The RT bar may display a
decoded product that has already been deleted by another system user. The
display is related to the raw data stream, which is not yet closed, and therefore
the product is still displayed despite the fact that the product has been deleted
by the user.

21.2 Cannot Access Product/Option

There can be several reasons why you cannot access a product or option, such as:
 Another operator has the product open so you can open that product only in
read-only mode. When this happens, the locked toolbar button is
 The system administrator may have marked the product as privileged, making
several options unavailable to you.
 The product may be marked by the system as a secrecy holder product, with
blocked access.
 If you found the product via FTS, it may have been deleted. Depending on
system load, there may be a delay from the time an Operator deletes an item
and the time the FTS is updated.
 The system administrator may not have assigned all of the target‟s cases to
you, or may not have assigned you the rights to view this product. Cases not
assigned to you are marked classified.
 The system administrator may have defined one or more of your targets as not
being accessible via the Target Status pane.
 The feature may not be included in your system.
 The option may not be relevant to your current work mode.
 Cannot view email attachment. Your compute may not contain the require
application for viewing the attachment file.
 Cannot access Graphic Audio Display of a restored/imported voice product.
You need to reprocess the product in order to create a new graphic audio
display of the voice contents.
 Partial content. A product may have been partially recorded due to prioritization
between targets within the system.

If you need access to a product/option that is unavailable, contact your system


RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 145

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

21.3 Email Product Viewing Problems

 Cannot view the content of an email product. This may be due to incorrect
or failed encoding rule. Download (see "Email Content” on page 48) the email
body content to text or HTML format and view it using a standard application
such as Explorer or Microsoft Exchange.

21.4 Repeated Login

For security or other reasons, you may be forcibly logged out of your system, or be
asked to logout and login again. Be aware that input added after your last save will
need to be re-entered, so save frequently as you work.

21.5 Real-Time Product Information is Incomplete

When a real-time or near real-time product ends, its product information is updated.
To view the updated product information fields you must refresh the display using

the Refresh button.

21.6 Workstation Display Does Not Appear as it Should

 In very rare cases, part of the workstation window does not look right, possibly

due to network delays. When this happens, click the Refresh button.
 Make sure your monitor is set to Normal Color (96 DPI).
 On the desktop, right-click and select Properties.
 In the Settings tab click Advanced and view General tab for DPI Setting.

21.7 Work List/Product List Display Different Products

Your Work List may display different products from those displayed for the same

Make sure to refresh the Work List in order to update it with recently intercepted

To refresh the work list, in the toolbar click .

21.8 Avoid Overload

It is recommended to wait until any action you have initiated is completed before
attempting to perform any other action. This helps keep the application from

146 RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

21.9 Product Management

Product export issues
 After reprocessing a product, the product is not re-exported to the required
destination of the target.
Check with your system administrator to make sure that the export job that he
has defined for the job includes the Automatic Update option.
 Can import targets/products from a DVD, but cannot import from a File server.
Check with your system administrator to make sure that you are assigned the
appropriate rights.

RELIANT Monitor and Control Center User Manual 147


22 Index
A Free text search(FTS) • 118
Frequently Asked Questions • 278
Actions menu
merge • 51 FTS • 118
split • 51
Analysis • 254
Graphic audio display • 50
locked • 278 Highlighted results in FTS • 125
new message • 266
playback controls • 44, 46 I
print • 184
Privileged • 182 Import
produce/unproduce • 18 Check import status • 217
real time indicator • 36 Information products • 95
refresh • 279
retain • 181 K
save Evidence job • 202
tag controls • 47 Keywords • 118
Comment Link Analysis • 230
comment2 • 262
D Automatic Logout • 5
Forced logout • 23
Data products • 53 How to login/logout • 5
decoding • 53 M
Default product list • 34
Maps, Link Analysis • 232
Download • 188
Maps, visual
About download • 188
Accessing download products • 191 Item unification • 252
Download job • 188 Map export • 256
Save • 256
E Media Type • 30, 110
Evidence Merging products • 51
Evidence failures • 206, 208 Message products • 94
Evidence job • 202
Evidence job, Abort • 205 Messages • 266
Export N
Export directory structure • 192
Exported files • 192 Near real time • 36
F Notes • 254

FAQ • 278 O
Fax products • 92 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) • 118
Filtering a link analysis map • 250

Reliant Monitor and Control Center User Manual


Personal query Save as • 188
Personal query
Search • 26
Search • 34
Shortcut keys • 262
Playback controls • 44 SMS products • 94
Playback shortcuts • 44 Splitting products • 51
Predefind comments • 262 Summation • 46
PRI panel, customizing • 259
Product information fields • 269
Understanding • 269
System tags • 47
Printing Operator input • 184
Searching for a target's products • 30
Printing product list • 184
Target status panel • 37
Priority Targets
Setting • 37, 38, 41, 178, 281 Target Tree • 21
Viewing • 36 Updating the Target Tree • 23
Privileged/non-privileged setting Tools menu
Single product • 182 Customize columns • 109
Customize PRI • 259
Produce product • 18
Message viewer • 266
Product Predefined comments • 262
Burning for Evidence • 202 Target manager • 37, 38, 41, 178, 281
Decoding, PD source versus Modem source
• 53 U
Downloading • 188
Duration • 43 U2U products • 94
Importing • 212 V
Monitor • 13
Produce • 18
Voice products • 43
Restoring • 212
Retaining • 181 W
Select in product list • 109
Product category • 26 Work list
Refresh • 108
Product list setting • 34
Customizing • 109
Refresh • 108
Select product • 109
Setting default list • 34
Product type • 268
Query • 26
Real time products • 36
Audio alert • 37, 38, 41, 178, 281
Rename • 23
Retain product • 181

150 Reliant Monitor and Control Center User Manual)

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