PNP Bicol Readies "Ligtas Sumvac": To Cover Summer Vacation

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VoL. XXiV, no. 39 bicoL, tHe pHiLippines apriL 16-22, 2017 p5.


to cover summer vacation

pnp bicoL
sumVac" By JorGe HAllAre

The head of the Police

Regional Office in Bicol
(PRO5) said they have put
in place “Ligtas SumVac
2017” covering the sum-
mer vacation period during
which police help desks will
be stationed in major areas
of convergence to ensure
public order and the securi-
ty and safety of tourists and
southbound travelers from
Metro Manila to any part of
Chief supt. BuenAFe the Bicol region. Condensed from Approaching easter/Jane Williams
Chief Supt. Melvin Ra-
mon Buenafe, regional po- But mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she
tourism infras to rise lice director, said aside from
the police assistance centers,
bent over to look into the tomb; and she saw two angels in

in closed dumpsite the Philippine National Po-

lice will be establishing beat
patrols and traffic manage-
white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at
the head and the other at the feet. they said to her: “Woman,
ment teams, especially in ar-
why are you weeping?” she said to them. “they have taken
LEGAZPI CITY – A eas of convergence in main away my lord, and i do not know where they had laid Him.”
housing project or even a thoroughfares and highways When she had said this, she turned round and saw Jesus
golf course, recreation cen- heading towards different
ter and other tourism re- tourist destinations.
standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus
lated infrastructure projects He said Ligtas SumVac said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? For whom are
will be constructed at the 2017, which will cover the pe- you looking?” supposing him to be the gardener, she said
newly closed old dumpsite riod from April 7 to June 13 or
of this city, according to the from the start of the students’
to him, “sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you
local chief executive here. vacation up to the opening have laid him, and i will take him away.” Jesus said to her,
City Mayor Noel Rosal of their new school calendar “mary!” she turned and said to him in Hebrew, ‘rabbouni!’
said he wants to ensure that year, include the observance
(which means teacher). Jesus said to her, ‘do not hold on to
the land will be used as part of the Lenten season, Araw
mayor rosAl me, because i have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to
of the developments in the ng Kagitingan, Labor Day,
city to benefit its people, es- Rosal made the remarks Flores de Mayo and various my brothers and say to them, “i am ascending to my Father
town fiestas usually held in
pecially the residents in the during the three-day gathering
the summer months of April
and your Father, to my God and your God.”
upper portion of the southern and training of environment -- John 20:11-17
villages. (Turn to page 2) (Turn to page 6)

K-960 Aries St., Villa grande homes, Con. grande, Naga City • TEL. (054) 884-93-76 • Cp 0921-3183720 / 0929-245-7353 / 0920-5337766

BR_April 16-22 noel.indd 1 4/17/2017 10:39:12 AM

2 bikol reporter opinion april 16-22, 2017

editorial Holy Week Greetings!

Defeatism (Atty. APA – chairs Acyatan &
Co., CPAs-DFK International – is
not close our eyes to this wonderful
blessing from our living God. Let
and Triumph past chair of ASEAN Federation of
CPAs, PICPA past president and opinions us continue to live by God's word
and teachings. Be kind, helpful
Hall-of-Famer, and ACPAPP Lifetime and understanding of others. Love
A social commentator once observed that
we Filipinos have the propensity to celebrate
Achievement Awardee). unlimited as much as we can, even to the ex-
Dear FRIENDS - and All tent of sacrifice.
our downfall, citing the Fall of Bataan each
This Holy Week - let us reflect on By Easter Sunday - we will once
April 9 of each year, as an example.
the real meaning of Jesus' sacrifice again realize that indeed - we are
If this is defeatism, then we can view with
not only for us but also for all of hu- God's chosen people - for his love
understanding the seeming surrender of manity and the whole world. Atty. TONY (APA) ACYATAN and mercy, and compassion.
President Duterte of the Benham Rise to the
Even as our Lord Jesus offered His FEEL THE SOLEMNITY OF
own life that we may be redeemed of THE HOLY WEEK - AND ENJOY
Yet, over the weekend, he directed the our sins - both original and those of that God gifted me with - enjoyable THE JOYFUL BLESSINGS OF
military to take the islands in the South our own - the Devil continues to tempt life, simple but adequate provisions, OUR EASTER SUNDAY. REMEM-
China Sea which belong to the Philippines. us: With treasure, honor and lofty po- good family and friends, and wonder- BER - WITHOUT GOOD FRIDAY
This shows how difficult it is to read the sitions. Let us be strong and mindful ful livelihood. I fully know - we are - THERE WILL BE NO EASTER
vacillating mind of the President, as well of their pitfalls. blessed specially according to our SUNDAY! WITHOUT THE CRU-
as perhaps, how he may indeed just take a At my "ripe" age (when my con- own status. CIFIXION AND DEATH - THERE
jetski one day and plant the Philippine flag temporaries are dying one by one) I MAGANDANG BUHAY - is the WILL BE NO RESURRECTION.
at the West Philippine Sea. have realized how precious is the life best gift we have received. Let us HAPPY EASTER TO US ALL!
Defeatism may be a survival response of
a siege mentality. It may explain why some
of our fellow Filipinos opted to side with the
invaders during the Japanese occupation.
Lent and Beyond: What is your Family’s Contribution?
This explains why some of them had been
executed by the guerillas without trial, like Let me share the following write-up Family advocacy
the victims of today’s EJKs. of Fr. Armand Robrelza, SDB in the What is your family’s contribution—
Such mindset is certainly a rich lode for Philippine Daily Inquirer dated April 12,
2017 for our reflections:
from to street children, cancer patients or
the elderly? This is a more timely,
investigation and scholarly research as it is Christ, the fortitude of ever-fresh
enduring and genuine show of faith
part of what historian Dr. Danilo M. Gerona motivation. this Lenten season—making even
called ‘social history,” which he appended The secret of enthusiastic people is a nonbelievers feel they’re part of it.
to his lecture on the Japanese occupation,
to distinguish it from the mayhem and
clear motivation. Prayer is the source of
genuine motivations in life. window Father Robleza said that the
authenticity of our witness is anchored
bloodshed of the war. Indeed, looking at Pray with a strong heart, forgive again on our belongingness in the family,
social history of the war as Dr. Gerona did and again and again. Believe. There is which is sealed by the death and
during this lecture over the weekend at the always a reason for everything. nenita fuentebella-peÑones resurrection of Christ, celebrated in
Authentic the Eucharist.
Holy Rosary Minor Seminary, can help us
Father Robleza reminded, however, He also noted that while history’s
look at our behavior in times of crisis. Some that harm comes to everyone. Being Faith is about friendship with the Lord. teachers/prophets have said variations
cringed and crumpled. Some took to the good doesn’t assure you of a comfortable No one is left alone—that is why He of the same things, Christ was the only
hills. life. Things happen for a reason—if you created the Church, and families are the one to have encouraged us to love
Moments of crisis can numbed people to believe this, you can forgive anything, and domestic Church. our enemies, putting more emphasis
surrender, as some of our kababayan did it is only in prayer that you can believe that Families are the vital cells to transform to loving our enemies and praying for
during the Japanese war. there is a reason. the world. Families are witnesses to faith, those who persecute us.
In the light of our faith, however, times like Meekness, passion, enthusiasm are inspiring the world. Starting in your home, Pope Francis’ message to Filipinos
the traits of disciples who inspire others. model shepherding and hospitality. during his 2015 visit to the country was,
these also provide us with an opportunity to
To inspire, one must be authentic, and When your child leaves home, instead “Your faith is your gift. Share it with joy.”
draw strength and help from the root of our such authentic disciples have their minds, of simply saying, “Ingat” (take care), try We are agents of reparation. Let
faith, our true savior, Jesus Christ. hearts and actions configured to Christ. instead: “Be a good example to your us commit to extend our concern, our
This is the timeless message of Lent. That As the Church is perceived to be out of friends. Inspire your friends.” Looking preferential option for the poor, through
humans as we are, we have a God who loved touch in today’s world, we need inspiring, out just for your child is only being “on a family advocacy.
us so much he gave his only son to save authentic believers. maintenance mode.” We are communities of communion.
us. By being human like us, Christ showed “The Jesus I am trying to become—do The first hospitals are families. Pope In daily life, let us care not only for our
us He too shared our suffering, a suffering I see Him in you?” Father Robleza asked. Francis mentioned that families are families.
from which most of us react with defeat. “Your children, neighbors, spouse, etc. witnesses of the Church’s motherhood. We are disciples in prayer. Let us
are begging, ‘We wish to see Jesus.’ So, let your family become a little connect. Set aside time for family
Christ, however, emerged victorious from
Ask yourself: ‘Am I an inspiration to Church that not only cares for each other, prayer. A praying spirit can understand
this suffering which caused His own death. nonbelievers?’” but also reaches out to heal society. the mysteries of life. — CONTRIBUTED
He showed us, there is salvation from
these sufferings, whether it is brought by Tourism infras to rise . . . government has been imple- waste management program.
poverty, sickness or even the sick mind of menting a “no segregation no Rosal said since inception
a leader. officers from different parts of intentionally Produced Per- collection policy.” of the city’s solid waste man-
the country on the best tech- sistent Organic Pollutants” or “We want to make sure all agement program in 2010, the
We shall overcome this Good Friday UPPOP project.
nology for solid waste man- the residual waste materials City Environment and Natural
because our Lord did. Happy Easter! agement noting the completed The UPPOP project came will be deposited at the sani- Resources Office or CENRO
civil works for closure of the about after the global fund- tary landfill as the best way of has been collecting waste ma-
old dumpsite in the southern ing body recognized Legazpi maintaining the cleanliness in terials from 49 barangays (vil-
part of the city. City’s efforts in properly seg- our locality,” he said. lages) in the downtown areas
The old dumpsite is located regating its solid waste materi- He said Legazpi City prac- of the city.
adjacent to the engineered san- als and its effective campaign tices the no burning of garbage “But now we have already
itary landfill, that was funded in preventing the open burning in public places, backyards, 57 barangays (in the expanded
by a grant from Spanish devel- of garbage in the communities. residences and all other areas list) because of the eight vil-
opment agency AECID (Span- Rosal said the city used the in the communities. lages who have conformed
ish Agency for International financial grant for civil works Rosal said the measure to the city’s ecological solid
Development Cooperation), in of the closure project. aims to reduce air pollution waste collection practices,” he
Barangay Banquerohan in the “The civil works included that causes serious health pointed out. There are 70 vil-
southern part of this city. the site preparation, road con- problems and destroys the en- lages in Legazpi City.
Published every Sunday and circulated in the six provinces Rosal said the rehabilita- struction, leach collection sys- vironment. Rosal disclosed that his ad-
and seven cities of the Bicol Region including Metro Manila. tion and closure of the old tem, slope protection, erosion
And also mailed throughout the country and other continents.
He said that his admin- ministration has also received
Editorial and Business Address: K-960 Aries St., Villa Grande
dumpsite site, which materi- control, flood control, drainage istration will continue to im- a grant from the WB for three
Homes, Concepcion Grande, Naga City. Tel. No. (054) 884-93-76 alized through a P12.6-mil- system, gas venting, final cap- plement that proper way of garbage trucks and eight mo-
lion grant of the World Bank ping, aesthetic improvement disposing waste materials to torized collection equipment
Global Environment Fund and landscaping” of the old maintain the image of Legazpi that could be used to improve
(WB-GEF) to the city, had dumpsite area, he said. as one of the best implement- the city’s solid waste disposal
been a requirement for the Rosal told the participants ers in the Bicol region of the program. -MAL/SAA/EPS-
implementation of the “Un- of the training that the city national government’s solid PIA5/Albay
ed g. yu
0939-604-3144 Visit our website:
Lee G. Dullesco II
Head, Advertising Associates

BR_April 16-22 noel.indd 2 4/17/2017 10:39:12 AM

april 16-22, 2017 business section bikol reporter 3

BR_April 16-22 noel.indd 3 4/17/2017 10:39:15 AM

4 bikol reporter april 16-22, 2017

Kantong putikon! A Ngaran ka Panahon Ta

Riding-in-Tandem Isipon mo a upong-upong na A mga lalawgon naglulutow-
An bagong Ayaland sa Bikol: University of Nueva
Caceres sa centro Naga.
Sa ulwabo nababayad mo sa arayo Dis*Karte lutow
Sa taub ag ati ka kasaysayan.

 Kin sari ika, sa gilid ka angpas,
Legazpi, Albay an regional center kan Bikol ngonian. Mga kabayong layas, kaskas Isurat a ngaran
An City of Naga, dating capital town kan CamSur from Na nagdadaguso paiyan kanimo. ka panahon na arog kadi
1948-55, ngonian maguiguin Pili chartered city na,
pero independent of CamSur & the Villafuertes, sabi Sa ibaba, kinakawikaw
*Kurso sa raga ka rugan.
Agko yan pirme
ni Mayor Tom. Kaya lang habo ni VG Ato, ex mayor Ka mga kukuw na kuku ka mga alon Lengwahe
Nonoy & Gov Migz ta mamahal an buwis sa CWC.
A pangpang, mantang Ka pangyayari.
frank peÑones jr. (iriga, July 7, 2011)
Babay na sa Naga as Heart of Bicol o puso kan Bikol,
good bye maogmang lugar ni Fr O’brien, adios to naga

An American Family in Japanese-Occupied Naga

as highly urbanized city of Region 5. Mas dakula na an
Legazpi now.
An ABS-CBN tv madali nang magdakit sa Daraga o
Legazpi. An official Bicol language Albay Bikol na. An Last March 8, the Tang- By DANILO MADRID GERONA, Ph.D. to in one hour. Mr. Suga called
boses kan Bikol si Cong Salceda & Cong Lagman. Si cong Vaca Guerilla Unit cel- Jimmy out to his office and ex-
VP Leni an mutya sana kan rona! ebrated its 75th Foundation plained to him that we women
 Anniver-sary in Canaman, could not visit the men any-
Camarines Sur. This is how it more. What a shock! He said
Riding-in-tandem sa Naga media: Ed & Grace, Joper
began. the Commandante in Legaspi
& Juan eskan, Armero & Osabal, Efren & Ricky sa 5 & had issued a new ruling to this
abangan si Dollanö & Basmayor sa fm! One episode in Bicol his- effect. However, if we are going
 tory which remains to be to move to the Faculty House,
Kantöng putikon sa centro: Crown! written is the short but dra- we won’t be so concerned. We
matic period of World War are still looking to this arrange-
II. Except for few published ment.
Easter Sunday ushers books which relied on highly
questionable sources, much
This afternoon just as I was
trying to keep my mind on a

new hope for salvation of what is known about this

historic episode is preserved
book, I hear a familiar voice
ask the children in the sala,
in oral accounts which lack wrote: shall remember this treat for a “Where is your mother?” I im-
historiographic merit un- Again we went to the jail long time. After tea he took us mediately went out to greet our
less substantiated by written to see the men. This time we all around – first showed us the dear friend Kabota (but should
primary accounts. A bigger were all quite happy, as there Faculty House. It had 15 bed- be Kubota), accompanied by
lacuna however exists within are definite plans being made rooms –three bathrooms, one Abelardo Flores. Kabota was
this few available narrative, to move the American men and of which has many showers and all dressed up in a white shirt,
an immensely important epi- women to the Faculty House of toilets. Then the big, big glassed and believe it or not took his
sode of the war, the ordeal the Ateneo de Naga (Catholic in living room, with a veranda hat off in the house! He began
of foreigners trapped in the School?). It is a new building, on three sides, furnished with telling us (by this time the other
region right in the middle of just completed – built for the Je- comfortable, new, cushioned women had come out, too) that
this seething conflict. For- suit priests. The priests were put rattan furniture, tables here and they were looking for a good
tunately, some of these for- in jail, but they are to be sent to there and a large reading table place to move us so we could
eigners left their own diaries Manila where they will be free. in the center. Most attractive to all be together. My hopes went
providing a virtual chronicle The Bishop offered this build- us almost were the shelves and up, so I pleadingly suggested
EASTER SUNDAY which marks the end of Holy Week, of major events they them- ing for the use of the Ameri- shelves of very good books of the Faculty House. Imagine our
signifies the triumphat return of the Son of Man to his right- selves witnessed and directly cans and it looks as though the every kind. How Pasty would disappointment when he said,
ful seat in the throne of Heaven, back to the fold of God participated in. One of these Japanese are going to allow us love that! “No fence around it- no good.”
the Father. was the “Wartime Diaries of to move. Just think we can be The Japanese officials, par- I tried again though, and sug-
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, after Elizabeth James,” wife of the with Jimmy all the time. How ticularly the powerful Japanese gested that a fence could easily
dying in the Cross, is the keystone of the arch of human pre-war ALATCO Vice-Pres- grand that will be, even though civilian, Mr. Kubota, a pre-war be built – the Bshop was quite
salvation. Remove it and the whole world structure of re- ident Jimmy James. An entire we will have Japanese guards palay dealer and President of willing and our men would
demption from the evil ways of sinful life crumbles to dust. copy of these diaries was do- on the place all the time. the Japanese Association in Ca- even help with labor and finan-
The good news of the Gospel is that Christ died for our nated to the Hoover Institute This afternoon, Borther marines Sur, was assigned the cial part of it. He said he wasn’t
sins, and that he rose again. His resurrection, highlighting and the other was given to me Adriatico (a very fine Filipino task of attending to the “hous- afraid we would try to get away
Easter Sunday, is the proof that his death atoned for sin. by Mr. Scott Wilson, the hus- priest) invited all of us Ameri- ing issue” of the American in- but he didn’t like the Catholics
Jesus said to his disciples: “Truly I say to you again; band of Jennifer James, the can women and the entire ternees who were detained at –I tried to urge a bit more., but it
and your hearts will rejoice in such a way that no one will grand-daughter of Elizabeth Papa family to tea at the Fac- the Provincial Jail in Naga (the was just like butting up against
take your joy from you. When that day comes, you will not James. It was largely through ulty House. And what a tea it area fronting Plaza Rizal where the stone wall.
ask me anything. Truly, I say to you, whatever you ask the her diaries that a widow on was! Tea with canned milk and the building of Puregold now Kubota decided to house
Father in my name, he will give you.” the wartime Bicol was opened white sugar, cakes, candies, stands). I wish to conclude this them in the Naga Central
A poet also says that we would not be what we are today for us. even Kraft cheese and most negotiation with an entry on School but Abelardo Flores,
if we have never seen the sunrise or the moon, the flowers On her March 1, 1942 en- especially ice water from their March 8, 1942: apparently taking pity on the
in bloom or the beauty in people’s faces. We are not rich try, Betty James and her chil- Frigidaire! The first ice water Another visit to the jail, but terrible condition in that build-
enough if we cannot think and hear the the songs of angels, dren who were interned at the we had tasted in months. The this time bad news. While we ing which Flores described as
the song of the birds, and human voices. Manley House located beside splendour of it all – white table- were all sitting around trying “too low and wet and only one
In a sense, too, the narrative of the Passion of Christ the foot of the Colgante Bridge, cloth and napkins – well, we to get all said that we wanted (Turn to page 6)
of the people of God. For it is during the time of Jesus’ life

Ten Fellows to the 7th Saringsing Writers’ Workshop named

that He reveals to us that the only path to freedom is in
self-forgetfulness, sacrifice and self-transcendence, not in
the strict observance of any law nor any kind of intellectual
In making himself the paschal lamb, Christ highlights the By Julius Denido Bulahan ment of Naga. syon sa Wikang Filipino, a
fact that liberation from our bondage to sin is only effected This year’s ten writing poet, and an author of four
through sacrifice and the opportunity to love and be present With the aim of enhanc- fellows include Fernando books, Estelito B. Jacob;
to one another in a caring way. And because of this great ing and promoting the use C. Chavez, Las Piñas City; grand prize winner in the
sacrifice on Jesus’ part, he is ever present to us in history, of the Bikol language and John Paul Collantes, Polan- First Premio Tomas Arejola
particularly in every celebration of this paschal feast in the preserving the Bikolano gui Albay; Ryan C. Cuatrona, para sa Literaturang Bikol-
Eucharist. culture through arts and Buhi, Camarines Sur; Julie non (Short Story category),
When you walk through the fierce storm, it is impossible literature, the Parasurat Ann Fabay, Minalabac, Ca- Rizaldy Manrique; 2nd prize
to see the sunshine and the rainbow filling the next valley.
Bikolnon, Inc. announces marines Sur; Jao Francis P. Palanca Awardee, Emmanuel
You only feel the fierce of impact of the rain and the strength
of the wind. This is when you need to share your heart with the fellows to the 7th Sar- Mancera, Naga City; Niño R. Barrameda; writer, poet, and
others who walked where you are walking. ingsing Writers’ Workshop Mape, Ligao, Albay; Regine director, Carlo A. Arejola; a
It is also time to put a notebook in your Bible and begin to be held from April 17-20, T. Palma, Calabanga Cama- poet, painter, and a fellow of
to jot down answers to prayer, even small ones which you 2017 in Naga College Foun- rines Sur; Pejay A. Padrigon, 9th Lamiraw Creative Writ-
know could not have just happened. Faith does not baseits dation, Naga City and Que Iriga City; Adem Nalu V. Ru- ing Workshop, Irmina Torres;
hope on what is seen, or even emotions or feelings but on Pasacao Beach Resort, Pas- bio, Virac, Catanduanes; and and an actress, writer, and
the sure strength of God’s promises contained in his Word, acao, Camarines Sur. Jessica M. Tarala, Calabanga founder of Teatro Ragayano,
the Bible. Camarines Sur. Eilyn Nidea. They will be
This year’s workshop is
God is not a man, that he should lie, “says Numbers 23:19
nor a Son of Man, that he should change his mind. Does he the first ever national writ- The panel of writers and joined by resident critics/
speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? ers’ workshop sponsored by critics for this year includes panelists Irvin P. Sto. Tomas,
When you think that everything is against you and that the Parasurat Bikolnon, Inc. National Commission for Marissa Reorizo-Redbrun,
God has forgotten you, go back and read the story of in partnership with the Naga Literary and Arts South Lu- Jerome M. Hipolito, Jusan
Joseph’s Pilgrimage to Egypt. Then, remember sometimes College Foundation, Office zon representative H. Fran- Misolas, Marvin D. Aquino,
only the perspective of time will help you understand, ‘He of the House of Representa- cisco V. Peñones Jr; seven Clinton Abilong, and Elbert
ws there all the time!’ You just didn’t know. It’s what we don’t tive 2nd District, Camarines time National Awardee for O. Baeta.
know that must be taken by faith. Sur, Que Pasacao Beach Re- Poetry, Honesto M. Pesimo Julius Denido Bulahan is
sort, and the City Govern- Jr.; national winner in Komi- this year’s workshop director.

BR_April 16-22 noel.indd 4 4/17/2017 10:39:16 AM

apriL 16-22, 2017 biKoL reporter 5

KabiKoLan at War dAnnY GeronA FB

A social History of World War ii exhibit and lecture series organized by sumaro Bikolnon, studies program and Assistant professor of department of History of the Ateneo de manila
a cultural group held at the Holy rosary minor seminary, naga City on April 7-9, 2017. the university; and leo paulo imperial, faculty member of the social sciences department of
exhibit on the Japanese war in Kabikolan aims to provide the viewers a glimpse into the social Ateneo de naga university. (in center photo) mrs. elisa lazaro Jimenez receiving the award for
world which evolved in the course of the war. lecturers include: (in photo) danilo madrid- her late husband Commo. Jaime C. Jimenez, sr. pn (ret.) (right photo) ms. Queenie miranda
Gerona, ph.d, a well-known Bicolano historian; Karl ian Chua, ph.d, director of the Japanese receiving the award for her late grandfather maj. Juan Q. miranda, infantry pA.

CBsuA hosts literature confab

based multilingual education
Sentro ng Wika at Kul-
tura Director Dr. Lourdes S.
Bascuña stated that the 3-day
conference will greatly help
those in the academe to come
up with effective and useful
learning materials that the in-
structors can use in the class-
Other invited speakers
include Bicol Commissioner
Abdon M. Balde, a native of
By AnA-liZA s. mACAtAnGAY Albay and an award-winning
Filipino novelist, Ateneo De
PILI, Camarines Sur Makina, Balagtasismo versus Naga Professor Paz Verdades With its goal to provide its first branch this year in fied members whereby mem-
-- National Commission Modernismo,Walong Dekada “Doods” Santos and Bicol- financial access to socioeco- 389 M.L. Quezon St. Brgy. ber can buy shares of stocks
for Culture and the Arts ng Makabagong Tula Pilipi- ano writer Kristian Sendon nomically challenged Fili- Gregorio Loreto Sr., Baybay through transfer of their com-
(NCCA) Chairperson, no, Mutyang Dilim and Bar- Cordero. pinos, CARD Bank opens City, Leyte on March 20, pulsory savings as payment
Komisyon sa Wikang Fili- laan at Josaphat. 2017. for shares of stocks. In return,
“CARD Bank is pleased to stockholders can receive an-
Gsis invites entries
pino (KWF) and Pamban- The literature confab,
sang Alagad ng Sining Tag- which was participated in by open and provide financial ser- nual dividends. In addition, to
apangulo Virgilio Almario educators and students com- vices to Baybay and its adja- emphasize participation by the
believes that there is a need
for a deeper understanding
ing from various universities
in the Bicol region, endeav-
to 2017 art contest cent communities. As a Micro-
finance Oriented Rural Bank,
clients in the policy formula-
tion and governance, clients
and better appreciation of ors to enrich the people’s we are here to continuously sit on the Board of Directors of
The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) is
Bicol literature and propa- comprehension of the Bicol give access to every family CARD Bank”, Bañez added.
inviting entries to the 2017 GSIS National Art Competi-
gation of such by prioritiz- dialect, the current issues our financial and non-financial Financial literacy
tion, one of the country’s biggest and much-awaited art services”. Ms. Lorenza dT. Ba-
ing its usage in the daily confronting its usage and CARD Bank provides fi-
contests. ñez, executive vice president nancial literacy to its clients.
course of our conversation. ways to improve it, particu- According to GSIS officer-in-charge and Senior Vice of CARD Bank, said. Bañez also shared that they
This was his message dur- larly showcasing its integra- President for NCR Operations, Atty. Nora Malubay-Salu- Continuous Access to Fi- wanted to improve the lives of
ing the opening of the three- tion in teaching. dares, Filipino artists both based here and abroad may join nancially Inclusive Services their clients not only through
day Pambansang Kumperen- The conduct of the said any or all of the contest’s three categories: representational “We believe that we are financial products but also
siya sa Wika at Panitikang activity is also pursuant (figurative), nonrepresentational (abstract), and sculpture. here to serve and eventually through financial education.
Bikol which started Wednes- to Department of Educa- “The competition, which is now on its 13th year, has an eradicate poverty. We want to The banking institution de-
day, April 5 until today, April tion (DepEd) memorandum open theme this year to encourage artists to conceptualize help the women have an ac- livers Credit with Education
7 at the Central Bicol State No.50, series of 2017 enjoin- freely. We would like this art competition to continue rec- cess to financially inclusive (CwE) to help its clients make
University of Agriculture ing all the department heads, ognizing and promoting the talent of aspiring Filipino artists services and yet have a better efficient investments in health,
(CBSUA) auditorium, here. regional directors, heads and here and abroad,” Atty. Saludares said. family income”, Bañez said. education, or in income-gener-
Almario, who was also administrators of both public Cash prizes ranging from Php30,000 to Php300,000.00 CARD Bank is a micro- ating activities.
known as Rio Alma was in- and private schools to attend await the winners, aside from taking the most prominent finance-oriented rural bank “We believe that education
vited as the confab’s guest. the said activity. space at the exhibit of selected entries in the GSIS Museo ng catering to the needs of more plays an important role to raise
He was known for his re- The tripartite partnership Sining starting June 2, 2017. than two million unserved and economic and social develop-
invention of the traditional of CBSUA, NCCA and KWF Entry forms and competition guidelines may be down- underserved families in the ment in our clients,” Bañez
Filipino poetic forms and also brought to the fore dis- loaded from the GSIS website,, or ob- country. It gives micro loans, shared.
among the leading poets, cussions on the history of tained from any GSIS office nationwide starting March 15, savings products and remit- CARD Bank and poverty
literary historian and critic Bicol literature, formation of 2017. tance services that would help eradication
here in the Philippines. His the conceptual framework of Submission of entries is on May 6, 2017 (Saturday) from its clients improve their lives. The Baybay branch has an
works mostly deal with the Bicol and national literature, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the GSIS Gymnasium, GSIS Head Office, We would like our clients initial 1,000 transferred clients
issues concerning the soci- understanding the contempo- Financial Center, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City. to enjoy the best banking from CARD, Inc., a microfi-
ety and the examination of rary literature in Bicol and in- Queries regarding the competition may be directed to services that we could offer. nance NGO and a member a
self. Among his works are tegration of Bicol literature in 859-0395 or 479-3588, or emailed to Thus, we also offer transfer of member institution of CARD
Ang Makata sa Panahon ng the Kto12 and mother-tongue ownership of capital to quali- (Turn to page 7)

a Day for our Heroes Ceppio

starting this year, the city government is giving an annual stipend of p5,000.00 per living with this "payout." shown in photos (l to r) Hon. salvador G. Cajot (ret.), district Commander
war veteran, a sincere gesture of the city's appreciation for and recognition of their valor for of philippine Veterans Federation delivering a message in honor to the philippine Veterans.
fighting for country. Beyond just commemorating and celebrating the Araw ng Kagitingan, naga City mayor John Bongat distributing p5,000.00 stipend to WWii Veterans.the City
however, are the most important, meaningful and powerful two words we wanted them to feel Officials, Unified Troops Leaders and Veterans in a group photo.

BR_April 16-22 noel.indd 5 4/17/2017 10:39:17 AM

6 bikol reporter april 16-22, 2017

2017 mayoral... bredo and Rosales awards) of nominations is on May 15,

are evaluated by a search and 2017. Nomination forms may
The Lt. Delfin Rosales
selection committee for their: be obtained at:
Award recognizes Naguenos
Personal/Professional/Orga- Awards Committee Secre-
who have shown extraordinary
nizational Qualifications and tariat: City Events, Protocol and
acts of heroism, valor and civic
Moral Integrity (30%); Quality Information Office (CEPPIO),
duty including act of honesty
of Service & Degree of Com- 2nd Floor, City Hall, J. Miranda
worth emulating. Rosales, the
mitment in their respective field Avenue, Naga City, with Tel.
young soldier then, died while
of endeavor (40%); and Extent No. (054) 881-8328 or (054)
trying to save his comrade in
of Involvement and Impact 871-3098
a gun battle with the Japanese
of Project/ Activity (for youth Nomination forms may also
forces on the other side of the
award) (30%). be downloaded from www.
Naga River.
Deadline for the submission
On the other hand, qualified
for Mayoral Recognitions are
those who are: Republic of the Philippines
• Included in the Top 10 in LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICE
national examinations; Province: Camarines Sur
• Gold, Silver, and Bronze City of Naga
DIALOGUE PART II: A Dialogue on the Mode of Appeal of decision rendered by the local Medalists of national or inter-
PLEB was the subject of the meeting between the Naga City People’s Law Enforcement national sports or academic NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION
Board (PLEB) and the Chairman of the Regional Appelate Board (RAB) and the OIC competitions In compliance with the publication requirement and pursu-
NAPOLCOM Regional Director at the NAPOLCOM office, RV in Legazpi City, recently. • National or International ant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guide-
Subject of the interaction were the innovations in the PLEB proceedings in Constance Awardees on leadership, public lines in the Implementation of the Administrative Order No.
with the newly effective NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2016-002, cases under the service, volunteerism and the 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), Notice is hereby
concurrent jurisdiction of disciplining authorities and the application of the exclusivity like served to the public that PRINCE KRISCEL OBEÑA PAS-
rule on cases filed before them. Awardees for the major TRANA has filed with this Office, a Petition for correction of
At the meeting, parties agreed that the RAB Chairman & NAPOLCOM Director shall awards (Miranda, Aureus, Ro- entry in Sex from “FEMALE” to “MALE” in the certificate
schedule a visit and observe the local PLEB hearing in Naga City. of live birth of PRINCE KRISCEL OBEÑA PASTRANA at
Shown in photo seated at right are: OIC NAPOLCOM regional director Atty. Edman B. Franchising and Regulatory Naga City, Camarines Sur and whose parents are CELSO
Pares and RAB Chairman Franco Fermin B. Avila stressing some important points on Board, private radio groups, SOLA PASTRANA and ALICE QUITO OBEÑA.
the new procedures. Also in photo are the members of the Naga City PLEB Atty. Mila R. non-government organizations Any person adversely affected by said petition may
Francia, Chairman and members, Jose Tuazon, J.Antonio Amparado, Lito del Rosario, and other community-based file his written opposition with this office not later than
Jorge Salva and secretariat staff Fatima Sarife and Vilma Estonido. volunteers to help them provide April 30, 2017.
public assistance in ports and
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PNP Bicol . . . road safety services. (Sgd.) ALEXANDER M. CAYETANO
Buenafe said he has directed City Civil Registrar
AUCTION SALE/SUBASTA and May. all the provincial police office Naga City, Camarines Sur
He said during this period, directors and the city director BIKOL REPORTER
All unredeemed items/articles pawned at R. M. ASPE of Naga City Police Office to
PAWNSHOP, Cor. Panganiban & Elias Angeles Street, Naga
thousands of people will be in Published: April 16 and 23, 2017
major thoroughfares, business maximize their PNP person-
City, pawned from NOVEMBER 1-30, 2016 whose terms have
expired will be sold to public auction sale on MAY 01, 2017 and commercial centers, recre- nel to ensure the community is
from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON. ational areas and tourist desti- protected and local and foreign
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the nations. vacationers are safe.
above-mentioned date will be honored until APRIL 29, 2017 Buenafe said traffic conges- “They have to be vigilant Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the only
only. and must always take precau-
THE MANAGEMENT tion and accidents are expected surviving heirs of the late LUIS BALMONTE and TERESITA
in the areas where the crowds tionary measures against do- BAYRANTE BALMONTE, both died in Naga City on Decem-
Published: APRIL 16, 2017 converge while criminals such mestic threat groups and law- ber 10, 2012 and July 14, 2016 respectively; without any Will
as robbers, pickpockets and less elements who may take
and no known debts; left a parcel of land situated in Brgy.
other lawless elements are ex- advantage of the occasions," he
Triangulo, Naga City covered by Transfer Certificate Number
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC pected to step up their activities. said.
Buenafe has appealed for 1493; that pursuant to Rule 74, Sec. 1 of the Revised Rules
AUCTION SALE/SUBASTA Aside from the PNP person- of Court of the Philippines, and with full capacity to contract,
the active support and involve-
nel, who will be assigned in all the Heirs hereby adjudicate among themselves the land de-
All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ASPE EXPLOR- ment of the public by reporting
strategic places, the Bicol police scribed, pro indiviso; that for and in consideration of the sum
ER PAWNSHOP, Ground Floor, Bichara Complex, Abella St., any relevant and timely infor-
has coordinated with partner mation that may distract police of TWO MILLION (P2,000,000.00) pesos, full receipt in cash
Igualdad, Naga City, pawned from NOVEMBER 1-30, 2016
whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale agencies like the Department operations during summer. of which is duly acknowledged to have been received from
on MAY 01, 2017 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON. of Health, Land Transportation He said the Bicol police is EDWIN R. ENRILE referrred to as the Buyer, with postal
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the Office, Land Transportation accessible through the social address at Liboton, Naga City, do hereby SELL, TRANSFER
above-mentioned date will be honored until APRIL 29, 2017
only. media Facebook account “Ka- and CONVEY in a manner of absolute and irrevocable, the
THE MANAGEMENT An American... surog Bicol,” twitter account land described; as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty.
BIKOL REPORTER @PRO5 React, or they can call Nydia A. Hebrio,, Doc. No. 230, Page No. 8, Book No. 17,
Published: APRIL 16, 2017 toilet,” objected. Kubota then or text CRMS hotline 0917- Series of 2017.
decided they should be housed 3097862, 911 and Text Bato BIKOL REPORTER
at the Chinese School. Noth- 2286. -PNA Published: April 16, 23 and 30, 2017
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ing much was reached by this
AUCTION SALE/SUBASTA effort and so the Americans
remained in the provincial Jail
All unredeemed items/articles pawned at ROWENA ASPE until May 1, 1942 when they
PAWNSHOP, P. Burgos St., corner J. Hernandez Avenue, were released by the guerrillas
Naga City, pawned from NOVEMBER 1-30, 2016 whose terms who stormed the building. After
have expired will be sold to public auction sale on MAY 01, enjoying few days of freedom,
2017 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 NOON.
Redemption/Renewals of all pledges covered by the
above-mentioned date will be honored until APRIL 29, 2017
a large Japanese force accom-
panied by their air force retook
for march
only. Naga and these enemy nation-
THE MANAGEMENT Name of Deceased Date of Interment
als were again on the run, hunt-
BIKOL REPORTER ed by the Japanese for the next
Published: APRIL 16, 2017 MONICA F. DELOS SANTOS March 3, 2017
three years. VICENTE D. MACANDOG March 3, 2017
WILLIAM D. ALFONSO March 4, 2017
WINNIE B. BEGINO March 4, 2017
FELIX L. BUCAD March 6, 2017
ROGELIO S. BERMUDO March 7, 2017
GERARDO S. BOLIVAR March 10, 2017
MARIANO R. COLUMBE March 12, 2017
LIBERATO A. OROPESA March 12, 2017
EMILIA B. ABUCAR March 12, 2017
ELISA H. ANGELES March 13, 2017
MARIEL MAE A. MULTO March 15, 2017
LETICIA L. SALES March 19, 2017
DEXTER F. CATOLICO March 17, 2017
JACOB A. CASCABEL JR. March 17, 2017
RUBEN C. RIVERA March 16, 2017
MANUEL V. MORAÑO March 18, 2017
VICSEL R. OJEDA March 17, 2017
JOSEFINA G. MANCERA March 19, 2017
RICO B. NAVALES March 25, 2017
ARACELI RAYALA March 19, 2017
ARNULFO P. ENCISO March 27, 2017
MARIO F. IMPERIAL March 31, 2017

BR_April 16-22 noel.indd 6 4/17/2017 10:39:18 AM

april 16-22, 2017 7 bikol reporter
Bicol delegation to Palarong Pambansa . . .
tion--PHp5.2 million; meals- million to DepEd-Bicol for during the Bicol fun run con- Naga City council opposes
appointment of brgy officials
-PHp4.7 million; and uniform the Palaro budget while the re- ducted months ago by the re-
of athletes, coaching staff, gional office gave an additional gional office with help from all
trainors, DepEd officials and PHp3.7 million as counterpart. DepEd schools divisions.
chaperons—PHp3 million. Asis said DepEd-Bicol He said they did away with
He said DepEd central of- has an additional fund of PHp the usual practice of hiring NAGA CITY —- Presi- hind the proposal is to get
fice has allocated PHp10.11 850,000 that was earmarked caterers to serve the meals of dent Rodrigo Duterte’s rid of those barangay leaders
the delegates this year to cut public pronouncement to involved in (illegal) drugs,
on costs so that what would appoint a “punong baran- the proper course of action
24K PAWNSHOP & JEWELRY STORE be saved could serve as added gay” or barangay chairman is not to punish the people
Blk 7, Stalls 2 & 4 GF, NCPM Naga City budget for all the teams’ meals. (village chief) was opposed and disenfranchise them of
Asis said the Palaro Board Tuesday by the Naga City their rights to suffrage but to
decided to assign officials from Council which issued a col- charge those concerned offi-
AUCTION SALE on APRIL 28, 2017 of all the Masbate schools division
lective motion citing that 40 cials before the courts and let
unredeemed articles pledged from SEPTEMBER to take charge of the meals in-
stead. percent of the village heads due process (take its course)
- OCTOBER 2016 at 9:00 a.m. He said they expect this all over the country have administratively, (and) crimi-
BIKOL REPORTER been found to be allegedly
year’s athletes from Bicol to nally punish them,” said the
Published: APRIL 16, 2017 involved in the illegal drug vm legacion
excel in the team sports like resolution.
basketball, baseball and vol- trade, either as so-called us- The city council is furnish-
R. GUINHAWA PAWNSHOP leyball because of the inten- ers or pushers. from whom sovereignty re- ing a copy of the resolution
Blk. 11, Stall 2, GF, NCPM, Naga City sive preparations and trainings Resolution No. 2017 of sides and all government au- to the Liga ng mga Barangay
for these sports the whole year the city council sees the idea
thority emanates.” (league of barangays), Presi-
of appointing village chiefs
AUCTION SALE on APRIL 28, 2017 of all “Bicol’s athletes never ex-
by the President as running
Vice Mayor Nelson Lega-
cion said their opposition
dent Duterte, Senate Presi-
unredeemed articles pledged from SEPTEMBER celled in the team sports events dent Aquilino Pimentel III,
during the (past) Palarong “counter to the essence of stemmed from a clamor of Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez,
- OCTOBER 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
BIKOL REPORTER Pambansa but due to the com- democracy and hearing the village officials for elections Camarines Sur third district
Published: APRIL 16, 2017 plete equipment and facilities, voice of the Filipino people, rather than appointment of Rep. Gabriel Bordado Jr. and
funding and a big number of village officials. Vice President Ma. Leonor
good athletes who were select- give additional incentives for
“If the raison d’etre be- G. Robredo for action. -PNA
Republic of the Philippines ed to compete, Bicol region has the gold medalists aside from
LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICE a big chance (of getting a good the usual PHp 5,000 incentive.
Province: Camarines Sur finish),” he added. “Even the schools divisions
City/Municipality: Libmanan The Palarong Pambansa and local government units in
Board officials are hopeful that the region have allocated ad-
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Bicol’s athletes will get more ditional funds for the gold, sil-
CCE-0021-2017 R.A.10172 gold medals in the gymnastics ver and bronze medalists,” she
In compliance with the publication requirement and and athletics events. said.
pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 "We are also hopeful in Jumamil said in Antique,
Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative the arnis, wrestling, wushu, all the Bicol delegates, includ-
Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), No- taekwondo and swimming ing the faculty and staff, will be
tice is hereby served to the public that JELLY IBARRA events,” said Asis. billeted in San Pedro National
MAMARIL-SY has filed with this Office, a Petition for Cor- He said there is a big chance High School and San Pedro El-
rection of entry in the Sex from “MALE” to “FEMALE” in for medals, particularly in the ementary School.
the certificate of live birth of JELLY IBARRA MAMARIL arnis event, wherein Bicol’s In December, DepEd
at Libmanan, Camarines Sur and whose parents are BEN- bet from Tabaco City became formed a steering committee
a champion and was declared that would direct the conduct
“Batang Pinoy” in the 2015 of the Palarong Pambansa that
Any person adversely affected by said petition may
Palarong Pambansa in Tagum Antique will host for the first
file his written opposition with this office not later than
City in Davao. time.
April 22, 2017.
He said the athlete in the In its website, DepEd said
wrestling event who became the steering committee is com-
a silver medalist last year in posed Undersecretary Alberto
Municipal Civil Registrar Muyot, Undersecretary Alain
the 45 kilograms division will
compete this year in the 43 kgs. Del Pascua, and Assistant Sec-
Published: April 9 and 16, 2017 division. retary Tonisito Umali.
Asis also cited the swim-
ming talents from Legazpi City
Republic of the Philippines and the athletics competitors
LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRY OFFICE from Ligao City who will gun
Province: Camarines Sur for medals for the Bicol contin-
City/Municipality: Libmanan gent.
He said, however, that if it
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC is not possible to land in fifth
CCE-0030-2017 R.A.10172 place they have remained hope-
In compliance with the publication requirement and ful they could get the seventh
pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 place.
Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative May Jumamil, public infor-
Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), Notice is mation officer of DepEd-Bicol,
hereby served to the public that CYRIL CURIOSO PER- said to encourage the athletes to
PETUA has filed with this Office, a Petition for Correction give their best efforts they will
of entry in the Sex from “FEMALE” to “MALE” in the
certificate of live birth of CYRIL CURIOSO PERPETUA CARD Bank . . .
at Libmanan, Camarines Sur and whose parents are RO- Mutually Reinforcing Institu-
Any person adversely affected by said petition may the help of other institutions
file his written opposition with this office not later than under CARD MRI, where
April 22, 2017. CARD Bank is also a member,
it provides microinsurance
(Sgd.) EMILIE S. AGNES-DAIRAO products, health, education,
Municipal Civil Registrar livelihood, and other capacity-
building programs.
Published: April 9 and 16, 2017
“We provide a holistic ap-
proach for the social and eco-
nomic development of our
clients. We always dream for
a zero poverty country,” Bañez
Allyn B. Soller shared
her experience with CARD,
“CARD provides a lot of ben-
efits to my family. Through
CARD, I was able to send my
two children to college who
are now professionals. My
youngest child is also a CARD
scholar and I am also a stock-
holder of CARD
Bank.” She advises her
co-members to build the right
character, have discipline and
sense of responsibility as a
member of CARD for them to
succeed on their business.

BR_April 16-22 noel.indd 7 4/17/2017 10:39:19 AM

page 8 Bicol, the philippines april 16-22, 2017

2017 Mayoral Awards launched

By Jason B. Neola growth, honor and glory. gular honor, recognition and sional Service (Education,
The major awards to be positive impact to Naga City Law, Medicine, Banking Con-
NAGA CITY --- The conferred are the Juan Q. by the award given him/her in struction and Real Estate, Me-
search for this year’s nomi- Miranda Award (the high- the national or international dia, Literature, Engineering
nees to the prestigious an- est city award and named level within the period Janu- and Architecture, Banking,
nual Mayoral Awards is after the father of the Naga ary 1, 2016-April 15, 2017. Transportation and Culture
now on. City’s Charter); Leon Sa Au- The Juan Q. Miranda and Arts); and, Volunteer Ser-
These awards are pre- reus Award (Mayoral Special Award is given to a Nagueno vice (Services to the poor and
sented to individual Nagueño/ Award); Jesse M. Robredo for his/her outstanding perfor- marginalized, youth service,
Nagueña or groups who have Youth Award, and; Lt. Delfin mance, achievement or ser- religious, family and environ-
distinguished themselves in Rosales Award. vice for at least ten (10) years ment).
various fields of endeavor, Also to be given are May- in field of either Government There is only one awardee
thereby contributing to the oral Recognitions for Nague- Service (local/regional/na- for this category for each year.
enhancement of the city’s nos who have brought sin- tional/international); Profes- The Leon Sa. Aureus
Award is the second highest
Bicol delegation to Palarong Pambansa city award and named after
Naga’s first Mayor when it

expects 5th place finish - DepEd became a chartered city. A

nominee is evaluated for his/
her outstanding performance,
By Jorge Hallare Board, told a media briefing ments and budget needs of the achievement, and service for
that there were several reasons participants. at least five (5) years. This
LEGAZPI CITY —- The why they believed the Bi- Bicol’s delegation of 623 is award category may be given
Bicol delegation of 623 ath- col contingent, which placed composed of 497 athletes and to 5 awardees each year. They
letes to this year’s Palarong ninth in the medal standings 126 coaching staff and chaper- are normally recognized for
Pambansang in San Jose, during the 2016 Palarong ons. Among the 497 athletes, their leadership in Business
Antique, who left at 2 p.m. Pambansa hosted by Albay 456 will compete in the regu- (Entrepreneurship, Business
tuesday (April 4), are ex- province, could perform bet- lar events, 35 in special events Leadership, Business Ad-
pecting to get an over-all ter in this year’s national meet and 6 in demonstration sports. ministration, Commerce and
finish of fifth place, said a set on April 23 to 29. “A budget of PHp14.66 Industry, Micro, Small and
high-ranking official of the He said there are better million has been allocated Medium Industrial/Enterprise
Department of Education prospects this year because of for the Bicol delegation,” Development); Arts (Paint-
(DepEd) in Bicol. the “well-organized” prepara- said Asis. Included in this ing, History, Sculpture, Mu-
Ronald Asis, secretary tions in terms of the selection budget is that for transporta- sic, Movies, Arts and Culture,
general of DepEd’s Palaro of athletes, training require- (Turn to page 7) Fine Arts, Theater or Perform- executive, a multi-awarded skills in making a difference
ing Arts, Literature; Sports; City Mayor, and later as De- and becoming socially in-
Medicine; banking, law, engi- partment of the Interior and volved in their respective com-
neering and architecture, and Local Government Secretary, munities and/or organizations
other professional endeavors. is open to young individuals for the greater interest of their
The Jesse M. Robredo (15-30 years old) and youth constituents and members.
Youth Award, named af- groups or organization; Maximum of three award-
ter one of Naga’s illustrious The search is focused on ees are to be recognized for
sons, who at age 29, already young people who dedicated each year.
led Naga as its local chief their talents and leadership (Turn to page 6)

SPES helps poor Naga City students

By Jason B. Neola

NAGA CITY - At least

350 students were able to
qualify this year to the Spe-
cial Program for the Em-
ployment of Students under
the auspices of the local gov-
ernment unit here.
The program assists poor
but deserving students and
out-of-school youths intend-
ing to pursue their education
by working during summer
or any time of the year, be
they are in senior high school, SUMMER JOB CEPPIO
technical-vocational or col- A student logs his name in the roster of SPES beneficiaries
lege level. who are to undergo orientation after proceeding to different
The program is being of- City Hall offices to perform their individual tasks.
fered also to any dependent of
displaced or about to be dis- workers. ing from 15-30 years old,
placed workers due to busi- The orientation which was have seen the importance
ness closures or work stop- conducted early this week at of education as they pursue
pages as reported to DOLE. the Naga City People’s Hall their studies despite financial
The employment of stu- was attended by 200 students constraints,” says Ephraim
dents allows them to be pro- who compose the first batch Calleja, the program’s focal
vided with income to help that will report for work from person.
them cope up with their tu- April 24 to May 22, this year. Students who belong to
ition and other fees when “This year’s number of the 2nd batch are going to
DOT ACCREDITED TRAVEL AGENCIES classes open. student-applicants has dra- report for orientation this
The Arts, Culture and Tourism Office of the City of Naga would like to remind locals and The summer job program matically grown to 68% from month and will be assigned to
visitors to exercise caution in transacting with travel and tour agencies. Please refer to the also allows students to har- last year’s 1,720. The fig- their respective workstations
following listing of duly-registered and DOT-accredited travel agencies and tour operators ures show that more young beginning May 15 until June
ness their potentials and learn
based in Naga City.
about responsibilities as paid individuals, with ages rang- 9, this year.

BR_April 16-22 noel.indd 8 4/17/2017 10:39:23 AM

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