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Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training

An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge


Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Relays for protection of distribution feeders

Short distribution feeders are protected against the following
types of faults:
 Phase to phase short circuit faults
 Phase to earth faults
 Normally phase faults are rare and the magnitude of phase
fault currents are high as these depend upon the impedances
of the equipments mainly the transformer
 The earth fault are relatively more frequent and current
magnitude depends upon:
 The resistance of earth contact
 Value of neutral grounding resistance
 Protection against earth fault can be obtained by using a relay
which responds only to residual current of the system, since
residual current flows only when the current flows to earth
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

 More sensitive protection against earth fault is

provided by using earth fault relay fed by a core
Balance current transformer (CBCT) since CBCT
produces output voltage in the CT secondary
winding only in the event of earth fault , especially
in case or power systems where the magnitude of
earth fault current is low, to which the earth fault
relay connected in residual circuit of CTs may not
 Such situation arises in case of low resistance earth
systems where the magnitude of earth fault current
is limited by insertion of Neutral Grounding
Resistance (NGR) between neutral of transformer
winding and earth

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Protection of Radial feeders

• Radial feeders from the substations to the load
centre or to the consumer’s premises are
protected against the above types of faults by over
current and earth fault relays without directional
features as the power flow is unidirectional .
Protection against phase faults
• The protections against phase faults is provided
as under :
 Two/Three element, High set instantaneous
protection relays f fed by three phase CTs or short
circuit faults (50) with definite time delay (2)
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Protection against Earth faults

• The protections against Earth faults is provided as
under :
 One element , High set instantaneous protection relay
for Earth fault protection (50N) connected in residual
circuit of CTs
 One element , Inverse time over current (IDMT) relay for
Earth fault protection (51N) connected in residual circuit
of CTs
 One element Sensitive earth fault protection (50G)
connected to secondary winding of Core Balance CT
(CBCT) , especially y for low resistance grounded power
systems in which earth fault current is limited by Neutral
Grounding Resistor(NGR)
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

 One element evoltage operated earth fault relay

connected across the neutral Grounding
Resistor(NGR), especially y in case of high
resistance grounded power systems
 One element voltage operated earth fault relay
connected to the open delta windings of potential
transformers, to protect the system against earth
fault any where in the power system, especially in
case of Ungrounded power systems

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Protection against phase faults

• The instantaneous short circuit protection elements (50)

having adjustable range typically as under:
 Current setting range-In to 40 In
 Time setting range- Definite time setting range 0.03 to 2
• The setting range for IDMT over current elements (51)
element is typically as under:
 Current setting range- 0.2 In to 4In
 Time setting range (with time setting multiplier) - o.05 to
• In most of the numerical relays (50) and (51) elements
are available by default and type of characteristic is site
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

• The type of characteristics available in the IDMT relays which

can be site selectable are:
 Normal inverse characteristics where
Operating time t= 0.14/ ( I/Is)0.02 -1 x TMS seconds
 Very Inverse characteristics where
Operating time t= 13.5 / ( I/Is) -1x TMS seconds
 Extremely Inverse characteristics where
Operating time t= 80/ ( I/Is)2 -1x TMS seconds
 t = Tripping time in seconds
 TMS = Time multiplier setting
 Is = Fault current
 I = Rated current

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Protection against Earth faults

 The instantaneous Earth fault protection elements
sensing residual current, (50N) having adjustable range
typically as under:
 Current setting range- 0.01 In to 15 In
 Definite time setting range- 0.03 to 2 seconds
 The setting range for IDMT Earth fault elements (51N) is
typically as under:
 Current setting range-0.01 In to 2 In
 Time setting range- (with time setting multiplier) o.05 to
 The type of characteristics available in the Numerical
relay is site selectable

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

 The type of characteristics available in the relay

which can be site selectable are:
 Normal inverse characteristics where
 Operating time t= 0.14/ ( I/Is)0.02 -1 x TMS seconds
 Very Inverse characteristics where
 Operating time t= 13.5 / ( I/Is) -1x TMS seconds
 Extremely Inverse characteristics
 Operating time t= 80/ ( I/Is)2 -1x TMS seconds
 Where
 t = Tripping time
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
Pilot wire Protection for Radial 9001:2008 Certified
feeders Empowering through Knowledge

For more sensitive protection of Radial feeders, Pilot wire protection is


There are two types of Pilot wire protection schemes

Circulating current type

Balanced voltage type

 In both these schemes, the pilot wire relays (87) are connected in
differential scheme

 In circulating current scheme, relay elements are connected across the

CTs at two ends having dis similar polarities forming a series connection.

Hence there is no differential current for through faults. However, CT

saturation may produce difference current on external fault causing
instability. To guard against this the relay branch is made high
impedance with stabilizing resistance

 In Balanced voltage scheme, outputs of the CTS at two ends are

connected in opposition, resulting in no current flow through relay
element in case of through fault. However, CT errors and Pilot
capacitance may cause excessive spill on through faults. To guard
against this, through current bias (restraint) feature is provided

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

C e n t r e f oFunctions
r Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge
 Measurement of current in all three phases
Other Functions
Following functions are optionally provided for
numerical feeder protection relays:
 Latching output contacts (86)
 Trip circuit supervision (95)
 Flexibility of selection due to wide range of ac/dc
auxiliary supply
 Circuit breaker failure protection ( 50 BF)
 Blocking logic
 Multi shot auto reclose ( 79)
 Circuit breaker and Isolators monitoring and control
 Measurement of voltage, frequency, real , reactive and
apparent power
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge
Other functions ( continued)
 Event recording
 Fault recording
 Disturbance recording
 RS 232 port for communication
 RS 485 port for communication
 Both RS 232 and RS 485 ports for communication
 Communication protocol IEC 61850/ IEC 80870-5-103/
Profibus/Modbus RTU
 Relay powered by external auxiliary supply
 Relay powered by CTs
 Continuous monitoring of Hardware and Software of the
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Protection of doubly infeeded lines/ feeders or Ring networks

 In an interconnected power system, the feeders are interconnected

between substations so as to ensure that in case of fault in one feeder,
the faulty feeder is isolated and the power feed continues to the
substation through other available feeder.

 The relays for protection of doubly infeeded lines/ feeders the protection
relay shall be capable of identifying the direction of flow of fault current
and theretofore need Directional over current and earth fault protection
elements (67) and (67N)

 In order to isolate the faulty section of Ring main, the feeders radiating
from source of power supply are provided with Non directional relays as
there is no possibility of in feed reversal while all intermediate stations
are provided with Directional relays

 Directional IDMT relays are also used for parallel transformer protection
on secondary side , similar to parallel feeders

 Incase of Utility grids, Directional IDMT relays are provided as Back up

protection to the Main Distance protection

 The metering functions and other functions mentioned above are also
provided optionally for these relays

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Relay co ordination
 Whenever a fault develops in equipment/ section of power
system which is operating normally, it is necessary to:
 Indentify the location of fault
 Isolate only the faulty equipment/ section of power system from
the source of power in minimum possible time, so as to ensure
that the rest of the system, which is healthy, continue to remain
in operation without interruption
 In order to achieve the above objective, it is necessary that:-
 Suitable protection relays are installed at appropriate locations in
the power system
 Operation of the relays is so co ordinate that in the event of
occurrence of fault, the relays located closest to the fault operate
and isolate the faulty equipment/ section from supply source.
 In case the relays located closest to fault fail to operate, the
relays located at immediate upstream operate and so on

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge
 In case the power system sections from the source to the
location of fault carry the almost the same current, due to
relatively negligible impedance between the sections, the
discriminative operation of relays cannot be achieved by grading
based on the current magnitude. In such cases the relays are
allowed to pick up but the operating time of relay is graded with
adequate margin to achieve discrimination between the fault and
healthy section of the power system
Grading Margin
 The time interval or the grading margin between adjacent relays
for selective operation depends upon the following factors:
 Circuit breaker operating time Tcb, which is of the order of 50 ms
 Over shoot time of the relay To, which is of the order of 20 ms in
case of Numerical relays
 Relay timing error in % Er, which is of the order of /- 5% in
Numerical relays
 Safety margin Tsm, which of the order of 50 ms as per the
prevalent practice
 T is relay operating time in ms guaranteed by manufacturer
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

 The suitable grading margin Tg , between adjacent

relays can be calculated as under:
 Tg = (2xEr/100) x T + Tcb +To +Tsm
= ( 2x5/100)x100+ 50+ 20+ 50
= 130 ms
 For numerical relays grading margin of the order of
150 to 200 ms is considered adequate as per
present day practice compared to about 300 to 400
ms for electromagnetic relays. This reduction is
mainly attributable to comparatively lower relay
errors and very low or negligible over shoot.

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge
Grading of relays for feeders
 In case of Relays provided in power distribution system
comprising of Radial feeders, following methodologies
are adopted for grading:
 Grading on the basis of current
 Grading on the basis of operating time of relays
Grading on the basis of current
• Grading on the basis of current is adopted where the
current in the event of fault at the two ends of the feeder
are substantially different, due to substantial circuit
impedance between the two ends
• Typical example is a power system wherein two voltage
level systems are connected to the two windings of
• The current on HV and LV side of transformer is
substantially different
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Grading on the basis of operating time of relays

• Grading on the basis of operating time of relays is
adopted where the current at the two ends of the
feeder is almost the same and does not very by
significant magnitude. The methodologies adopted
for grading on the basis of operating time of relays
are as under:
 Grading of instantaneous elements (50) by Definite
minimum time
 Grading of IDMT elements
 Grading by combination of Instantaneous elements
and IDMT elements
 A standard inverse characteristic covers most of
the applications,
 Extremely Inverse characteristics is suitable for
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge
 In case of grading of IDMT relays, often it may not be
possible to grade the fault clearing time with fuses
having lower current ratings ( say 250 A and below) In
spite of using Extremely Inverse characteristics as the
fuse operating time may be higher than the relay
operating time for current values beyond the value at
which the fuse and relay operating time is the same

 In such cases possibility of providing higher rated fuse

than actually required without compromising the
protection shall be examined

 In case of power system comprising of radial feeders,

with step down transformers, the protection relay
provided on HV side should not operate for faults on LV
side of the transformer, However, HV side protection
shall act as Back up protection. In such case the
operating time of the relay would be longer if IDMT relay
is commonly used to satisfy the above two conditions.
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

 In such cases, it is advantageous to use

Instantaneous element of the relay in conjunction
with timer for HV side faults as primary protection
and IDMT element is set to provide back up
protection for LV side faults I order to ensure fast
clearance of HV side faults
 Time grading for Ring main system can be worked
out by considering the ring open on one side of
supply point reducing it to a radial feeding system
and grade from tail end. The same procedure is
repeated by opening the ring on the other side at
the supply point.

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

switch to fault protection

 Some faults may be due to fault conditions not removed
from the feeder after a reclosing cycle or manual
tripping or due to earthing clamps left on following
maintenance works.
 In such cases the over current protection would not
clear the fault until the set operate delay had elapsed
 In these cases it may be desirable to clear the fault
condition in fast time rather than waiting for trip delay
time DT or IDMT associated with the involved
 Modern numerical relays incorporate configurable
switch on to fault protection. It provides an
instantaneous trip during settable time delay by
communicating between the relays
Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Circuit breaker failure protection

Following inception of fault, one or more main protection
devices operate and issue trip command to the circuit
breakers associated with the faulted circuit
• The circuit breaker failure protection (50BF) verifies the
effective opening of circuit breaker by dedicated
undercurrent threshold isolating fault and preventing
• 50 BF protection relay logic verifies that th trip
commend to the CB has been issued by operation of
main protection relay , yet the flow of current has not
• 50 BF relay issues trip command to the circuit breaker
upstream to the failed circuit breaker

Centre for Industrial Solution and Advanced Training
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Empowering through Knowledge

Use of voltage controlled over current relays

 In case of generators, especially diesel generators
where fast acting voltage regulators are not
provided, the sustained fault current in the event of
fault is less than the full load current
 Under fault condition, the greater drop in bus
voltage is caused than under over load condition
 In such cases normal IDMT relay would not detect
the fault current . Hence voltage controlled IDMT
relays are provided in which the IDMT
characteristics of relay shifts downward on sensing
low voltage and protect the generator


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