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Values Worksheet

Topic 1
Is it legal to kill another person?

Is it moral to kill another person?

Would it make a difference to your answers if the other person was very sick, certain to die, and had begged you to
help them die?

Would it make a difference to your answers if the other person was going to kill you if you did not kill them first?

Topic 2
is it legal to sell your broken down car for $2000 although you know that it is only worth $200?

Is it moral?

Would it make a difference to your answers if the buyer was very poor?

Would it make a difference to your answers if the buyer was a qualified mechanic?

Topic 3
is it legal to hand in an assignment which has been written by another person?

Is it moral?

Would it make a difference to your answer if you had not been able to write the assignment because a close relative
had been very sick and you had been caring for her?
Would it make a difference to your answer if you would fail a subject if you did not hand the assignment in?

Topic 4
Is it legal to keep a large sum of money that you have found in a wallet on the street?

Is it moral?

Would it make a difference to your answer if you were very poor and hadn’t eaten for a couple of days?

Would it make a difference to your answer if you knew who owned the wallet?

Topic 5
is it legal to speed when driving a motor vehicle?

Is it moral?

Would it make a difference to your answer if the female passenger in the car was pregnant and about to give birth to
a baby?

Would it make a difference to your answer if you were running late for an important job interview?


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