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NPC s , T alents and S pells ...
N ew T alents
D r a g o n A ge

N ew T alents Journeyman: Your companion receives one of the

following abilities at this level or one of those in the
previous level.
The following are new or modified talents for Players
and NPCs that represent social aspects of play and Using bull strength or lightning agility your
other concepts. As a merchant is unlikely to be a companion can bring their target to the ground.
practiced fighter, they will more likely have a silver On the turn they charge your companion
tongue and capacity to sway opinion. Although some automatically knocks down their target. If they
of these are ostensibly NPC talents, players may take subsequently use the knock down stunt then the
them if the GM allows. bonus is increased to +2.
Your companion is now a seasoned fighter. They
increase their Health by +10.
ANIMAL COMPANION Master: Your companion receives one of the
Classes: Mage, Rogue and Warrior following abilities at this level or one of those in the
Requirement: You must have Communication 3 or higher. previous levels.
Deadly blows rain down on your enemies as your
You have formed a close bond with a specific animal. companion crushes and tears them apart. Any
This creature becomes your brother in all but blood, attack made by your companion automatically
staying by your side out of a sense of loyalty and pierces armour in addition to any stunts it
affection rather than ingrained training. generates. If it uses the pierce armour stunt as well
Novice: You may take a single (Ordinary Rank) then the blow becomes penetrating instead.
animal companion from those available (see Volume Your companion knows just when to push
2 Bestiary), subject to GM approval. You may have the attack. If your companion’s target is prone
more ‘pet’ animals using the Animal Training they must take a Strength (Might) or Dexterity
talent but only a single animal will be your Animal (Acrobatics) test (depending on the type of
Companion. The most common are Mabari, dogs, animal) vs your companion‘s to get back up again.
war horses, wolves and big cats but can include If they fail they stay prone and may only use
birds of prey, halla, wild boar, bears and so on. Your their fists and a light shield to protect themselves.
animal companion acts as another character and will Your companion inflicts an additional +3 Damage
fight alongside you. The player controls the animal’s whilst their target is prone.
If an animal companion is killed then the player
may take a new one at the same level as the previous BLOOD PRIEST
one, although this should be after a suitable grieving Classes: Mage
period and become a significant event in the Requirement: You must have the Blood Mage
character’s life. If a character refuses to take another Specialisation.
one then they can replace the animal companion
talent with another one at the same level instead. You draw on demonic energy more directly, flirting
with possession in order to gain greater power.
Every time you gain a level you must choose
how to spread the advances between you and Novice: As an Activate Action you can draw power
your companion. If you wish you may give your from a demon. You gain +1 Strength and Dexterity
companion any or all of your health, attribute and and 1 free point of mana every round. Your demonic
focus advances at every level, representing the power gives you an unnatural aura.
training and nurturing you have invested in your
Journeyman: The power you draw manifests more
companion over yourself. Companion animals have
directly, imbuing you with a fearsome aspect and
Warrior Primary and Secondary Attributes.
insidious aura. When Activating this talent you gain
Your companion receives one of the following Fear (11) and Aura of Fire, Aura of Craving or Aura
abilities chosen at this level: of Distraction (see Volume 2: Bestiary).
Through physical intimidation or a dreadful howl Master: Your path has taken you to the edge of
your companion can cow even the strongest foe. the abyss. It takes all of your self control not to
Enemies attacking your companion must take a hurl yourself over. You are an Abomination in all
Willpower (Courage) test vs TN 13 (Fear Ghastly). but name. Once you perform the Activate action
Failure incurs a -2 penalty to tests against your you gain all the special rules associated with the
companion for the rest of the encounter. demon powering you. See Volume 2: Bestiary - this
includes the Demonic special rule, Natural Armour,
Your companion’s resilience is above average.
summoning minions, shapeshifting, etc.
They increase their natural armour rating by +2.
N ew T alents

D r a g o n A ge
When it comes time to turn off the Talent you must STREETWISE
make an Opposed test pitting your Willpower (Self
Classes: Mage, Rogue and Warrior
Discipline) vs the chosen Demon’s. If you succeed
Requirement: You must have Perception 3 or higher.
you manage to fend off the demon for now. If you
fail, record the Dragon Die result. The next time you
take this test the Demon adds this to their test. Each Your contacts and experience on the streets enable
successive failure adds to this, so that eventually you you to avoid or escape their dangers.
will not be able to force the Demon out. You will be Novice: You know how to deal with the seedier parts
lost, leaving nothing but the demon... of town. You gain a +2 bonus to any tests interacting
with the underbelly of a town, from beggars to
whores and gangs. This includes turning them into
MUSIC Contacts.
Classes: Mage, Rogue and Warrior
Journeyman: You are aware of or know how to find
Requirement: You must have the Communication
secret bolt holes, smuggling tunnels, gambling dens
(Performance) focus or the Cunning (Musical
etc. You can pry these details from the aforementioned
Lore) focus and Communication 3 or higher.
underbelly with a successful test, the type and TN
of which are up to the GM. Without this Talent it
You have a natural talent for music. would either be impossible and/or very dangerous
Novice: You know how to play an instrument, sing, (resulting in a shiv to the kidneys or ambush) to
and write and read music. You have learnt one uncover these secret locations.
ancient song to inspire your comrades. Master: Whilst in urban environments you are
Journeyman: Your musical journey continues as you supremely confident and capable. You can use any
learn to play more instruments. You know how to exploration stunt for 1 point less than normal when
play a total number of instruments equal to your in an urban context. You may always choose to be in
Communication. You learn an additional song. an advantageous position.
Master: You are a true virtuoso. You can play all the
instruments common to Thedas. If you come across a
more exotic instrument, you can learn to play it with
1d6 weeks of practice. NPCs start out with a positive ARTISAN
disposition towards you due to your fame and skill, Classes: Mage, Rogue and Warrior
regardless of your background. Requirement: You must possess the appropriate Focus.

You can make exquisite goods.

Novice: Choose a single area of expertise: Smithing,
Classes: Mage, Rogue and Warrior
Crafting, Brewing, Masonry, Carpentry You are
Requirement: You must have Communication 3 or higher.
skilled in this area and can create Average quality
items (TN and Success Threshold set by the GM see
You know what to say, when to say it and how. later for suggestions). In the same time you can make
Novice: You can convince others of your position 2 Poor Quality or 4 Crude Quality items.
with a flourish and well placed word. You receive +2 Journeyman: Your skills have improved and now
to Communication tests when debating with others. you can create Superior Quality items. Halve success
Journeyman: Your famed ability at rhetoric means Thresholds for Average Quality items. You can work
many will stop to listen. If you wish you may choose with +1 and +2 materials (see materials).
to drag others into your discussion even if they Master: You are a Master of your Craft and can
weren’t the initial target of it. Anyone within a radius now make Magnificent Quality items. Halve success
equal to your Communication x10 yards will stop to thresholds for Superior Quality items and gain +2 to
listen to what you have to say for a number of rounds the construction of Average Quality items (you gain
equal to your Communication value. If you score no bonus to Poor or Crude items because they are
stunts during this time then they will move in closer beneath you). You can work with +3 and +4 materials.
to hear you. If not they will lose interest and leave
unless you specifically try to talk to them.
Master: Your way with crowds gives you the ability
to use any Roleplaying stunt for 1 point less than
normal. Bon Mot may be used at your discretion in
any roleplaying encounter, although you don’t have
to use it.
NPC C reation
D r a g o n A ge

NPC C reation C lasses and R anks

Although the lands of Thedas are teeming with Each NPC in this section fits into one of four Classes:
beasts fair and foul, it is the machinations of man, Civilian, Mage, Rogue or Warrior. As such they
elf and dwarf that adventurers will most often come follow the level progression found in the PC Classes
up against. Whether it be the illegal dealings of in the Dragon Age Players’ Guides and this book.
slave traders, simple bandits or the Templars of the However NPCs do not level in the same way as PC
Chantry, there are a myriad of civilised adversaries adventurers. Instead they are split into four Ranks
standing between you and your goals. and assume that each Rank is equivalent to the 3rd
The following works like the Bestiary in Volume PC level of that Rank. Thus a Veteran Rank Rogue
2, albeit of men and other sentient races. As in the NPC will possess every Class ability granted by the
Bestiary each NPC is defined by different features first 8 Levels of the Rogue Class.
like Class, Race and affiliation. These differences are
reflected in the following rules. All NPC statistics are NPC R anks
calculated using the following rules, if a discrepancy Rank Recommended Calibrated to
appears and no special rule covers it then it will be for PC Level PC Level
a typo. Ordinary 1-5 3
The rules should be straightforward enough to figure Veteran 6-10 8
out what the correct values should be.
Elite 11-15 13
IMPORTANT NOTE: These are just guidelines. Lord 16-20 18
Everything in here was calculated comparatively to retain
consistency. However you should not feel required to
These are of course guidelines.
slavishly follow all the conventions written here.
The NPCs given here often represent the Ordinary
Rank, although some will be too powerful to exist at
S tarting A ttributes lower Ranks. Generally you shouldn’t downgrade a
For simplicity we assume that every NPC starts Rank, but increasing Ranks is not too difficult.
with the same set of Attributes, although where the
For leaders and special NPCs a good rule of thumb
numbers go will be determined by the type of NPC
is to make them one Rank higher than their minions.
in question. These values are as follows:
Thus a group of Ordinary Brigands will be led by a
-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 Veteran Brigand (referred to as a Captain or Boss).
All equipment described here has its material listed
R acial M odifications in the entry (see Volume 1: Vault). You can further
tailor these by modifying their equipment materials
NPCs don’t use Backgrounds to define them, if you wish.
instead they are differentiated based on race. Each
race provides a modification and/or special rule
to the NPC’s starting Attributes. In this way NPCs L anguages
with the same Class will still appear distinct. Racial All NPCs speak the Trade tongue and one language
modifications are as follows: dependent on their homeland referred to as a ‘mother
Elf: +1 Dexterity or Perception and the Speed Focus tongue’ in the NPC stat tables. Alternatively you can
(+2 to speed). Speed 10. just give them a mother tongue and enjoy the hilarity
of the players trying to mime their intentions to
Dwarf: +1 Constitution or Willpower and the nervous border guards...
Fortitude Focus (+2 Encumbrance Capacity).
Stalwart: Dwarves gain +2 to tests to resist spells S pecialisations
but their base Speed is reduced to 8.
All NPCs can take appropriate specialisations.
Human: +1 Communication or Cunning and one Some will be described with them already. Only
Focus. Speed 10. NPCs of Veteran Rank or above should be given
Qunari: +1 Strength or Constitution and one Focus.
Speed 10.
O rganisations
Child of the Qun: Qunari suffer -1 to tests to resist
spells but gain +1 to Strength (Might) tests and NPCs receive none of the benefits a PC gets from
damage rolls. joining an organisation. Their organisation is listed
for completeness and to aid developing encounters.
NPC C reation

D r a g o n A ge
C ivilian L evel 1
Starting Talents: You begin as a Novice in one Talent and
Not everyone in Thedas is a sword or spell wielding Journeyman in another.
maniac bent on the slaughter of his foes. The majority
of Thedosians are peasants, craftsmen, merchants Starting Focus: Start with one additional focus of your choice.
and scholars. These civilians gain little in the way L evel 2
of combat experience, instead accruing extensive New Talent/Degree
knowledge in their fields of interest. L evel 3
This is technically a fourth class for Dragon Age, New Talent/Degree
although it’s really just one of the normal classes L evel 4
sans class abilities. It’s here mostly to create many
New Weapon Group: Light Blades, Slings, Bows, Staves, or
of the NPCs found in this section but can also be
taken by players if they so wish. Being a Civilian
gives you plenty of freedom to create a character L evel 5
around whatever concept takes your fancy as they New Talent/Degree
have access to more Talent levels than any other L evel 6
Class. However they receive no class abilities and are New Focus: Gain 1 additional Focus, ignoring Level
restricted taking combat Talents making them less restrictions.
useful in a combat heavy game.
New Talent/Degree
Primary and Secondary Abilities L evel 7
Choose three Abilities to be your Primary ones. New Talent/Degree
Everything else is a Secondary Ability. L evel 8
Starting Health New Talent/Degree

20 + Constitution + 1D6. L evel 9

New Talent/Degree
Weapon Groups
L evel 10
Brawling and one of the following: Slings, Bows,
New Talent/Degree
L evel 11
Restricted Talents
New Focus: Gain 1 additional Focus, ignoring Level
A Civilian cannot take the following Talents: restrictions.
L evel 12
• Armour Training.
New Talent/Degree
• Any Magic (Primal, Creation etc).
L evel 13
• Two-Hander Weapon Style
New Talent/Degree
• Duel Weapon Style
L evel 14
• Sword and Shield Style
New Weapon Group: Light Blades, Bludgeons, Slings, Bows,
Ignore the Class limitations on other Talents. Staves, or Spears.
Specialisations L evel 15
Civilians cannot take Specialisations: They take a New Talent/Degree
Talent level whenever they would be expected to take L evel 16
a Specialisation level.
New Focus: Gain 1 additional Focus, ignoring Level
Focuses restrictions.

Unlike Mages, Rogues or Warriors, a Civilian may New Talent/Degree

take a Focus twice from level 1. Taking a Focus a L evel 17
second time increases the bonus to +3 (see Set 3). New Talent/Degree
L evel 18
New Talent/Degree
L evel 19
New Talent/Degree
L evel 20
Epic Civilian: You gain a +1 bonus when generating
Roleplaying and Exploration stunts.

NPC C reation
D r a g o n A ge

C ivilians R ogues
Civilians make up the majority of the Thedosian Thieves, ne’er-do-wells, scouts, cads and plain
population. They are the bakers, farmers, scholars murderous scum, Rogues ply their trade wherever
and nobles that run the day to day of civilisation. there is coin to be made. Lithe and quick-witted
Those that choose to take up adventuring will be they find their particular skills in high demand from
represented by one of the normal Classes instead. shady merchants and even the nobility. As quick at
the mouth as on their feet Rogues are often found at
The following table lists the various things a Civilian
the centre of political intrigues and the instigator of
NPC has at each Rank.
bawdy jokes.

C ivilian R anks The following table lists the various things a Rogue
NPC has at each Rank.
Rank Talents/ Focuses Weapon Class
Degrees Groups Abilities
Ordinary 5 3 2 -
R ogue R anks
Rank Talents/ Focuses Wpn Class Abilities
Veteran 9 9 3 -
Degrees Grps
Elite 13 15 3 -
Ordinary 2 3 4 Backstab,
Lord 17 21 4 - Rogue’s Armour,
Stunt Bonus
Veteran 4 8 4 Bluff, Stunt
Bonus, Dirty
M ages Elite 7 13 4 Lethality,
Thedas has a long and tumultuous history with Slippery, Stunt
magic. From the ancient elves to the Tevinter Bonus
Imperium magic has been central to Thedosian Lord 9 18 4 Perforate,
existence. Mages come from all walks of life, some Quickshot
learn under shamans in the wilds, others are taken in
by the Chantry and raised in the Circle of Magi. All Rogues are divided into four Archetypes defined by
have access to extraordinary power and consequently their Primary Attributes. They are as follows:
extraordinary risk from the denizens of the Fade.
Rogue: Communication, Dexterity, Perception.
The following table lists the various things a Mage
NPC has at each Rank. Ruffian: Communication, Dexterity, Strength.
Shark: Dexterity, Perception, Willpower.
M age R anks Scoundrel: Communication, Perception, Cunning.
Rank Talents/ Focuses Wpn Spells Class
Degrees Grps Abilities
Ordinary 2 3 2 4 Arcane Lance
Veteran 4 8 2 7 Spell Lance,
Long Lance
Elite 6 13 2 10 Power Lance,
Stunt Bonus
Lord 7 18 2 12 -

Mages are divided into four Archetypes defined by

their Primary Attributes. These are as follows:
Mage: Cunning, Magic, Willpower.
Trainer: Communication, Cunning, Willpower.
Field Mage: Dexterity, Magic, Willpower.
Experimenter: Constitution, Cunning, Magic.

NPC C reation

D r a g o n A ge
W arriors H ealth
Walking mountains of muscle and a temperament to NPCs receive Health in a similar manner to PCs,
match, Warriors make up the mainstay of militaries although they all receive the same starting amount.
across Thedas. Merchant guards, noble bodyguards The following table lists the type of dice rolled to
and the Templars of the Chantry all represent the determine Health for an NPC when it Ranks up. The
physical presence Warriors have and the muzzled NPCs listed in this document all use the Average dice
violence just waiting to be unleashed. roll listed to work out their Health (adding fractions
and then rounding down).
The following table lists the various things a Warrior
NPC has at each Rank.
NPC H ealth
W arrior R anks Levels Base Health Average
Rank Talents/ Focuses Wpn Class 1-10 10 1D6+Con 3.5+Con
Degrees Grps Abilities 11-20 - Con Con
Ordinary 4 4 4 -
Veteran 6 9 6 Stunt Bonus, An Ordinary Rank NPC like a Bandit would thus
Stunt Bonus have Con+3.5 x 3 levels plus Base 10 for being a
Elite 9 14 6 Expert Strike, Typical Creature. Bandits have a Con of 2 so they
Veteran would receive (2+3.5) x 3 (16.5) plus Base 10 for a
total Health of 26 (fractions rounded down). This
Lord 11 19 6 Quick Strike,
Stunt Bonus
is really just like creating a PC character at a higher
starting level and working out their levels all at once.

Warriors are divided into four Archetypes defined To avoid gimping NPCs we assume they receive a
by their Primary Attributes. They are as follows: minimum of 1 Health per level within the Rank even
if they have a Con of 0 or less. ie the Bandit with -6
Warrior: Constitution, Dexterity, Strength. Con would roll 1D6+ (-6) and get 0. This would still
Leader: Communication, Dexterity, Strength. grant 1 pt of Health.
Skirmisher: Constitution, Dexterity, Perception. Averages are given if GMs would rather not roll
copious quantities of dice. After calculation round all
Brute: Constitution, Strength, Willpower. fractions down.
Note: All NPC Health is calculated using their current
Constitution value, effectively working on a retroactive
basis. This just makes it easier to work out their Health
PCS AND ARCHETYPES values and will generally only change their Health by a
few points at most.
Each of the NPC Classes listed here possess
three additional Archetypes represented by their
Primary Attributes. These create a subtle but
notable difference between NPCs generated from
the same Classes.
If the GM wishes players can use these Archetypes
to create their own characters, creating additional
differences between characters of the same Class.
Note that these Archetypes may change the
capacity for characters to take some Specialisations
by changing which Attributes can be increased

NPC C reation
D r a g o n A ge

Equipment: Higher level NPCs that use equipment

R ank I ncrease will generally be equipped with better quality
The following entries present a wide variety of materials. Elites will most likely use Veridium and
different NPC types but you may feel that they aren’t Red Steel whilst Lords will use Silverite, Dragonbone
powerful enough to go up against your adventurers. and even more powerful materials. They may even
The following are some simple guidelines for carry magic items with runic engravings at the GM’s
modifying an NPC to a higher Rank. discretion. Perhaps long lost heirlooms of a forgotten
age, fitting rewards for mighty adventurers.
The table below lists how many additional Attribute
points are added to the base starting Scheme for each There is plenty of room to fiddle with these to make
NPC Rank. NPC Classes have a variety of Primary/ it work for you and your group.
Secondary Attribute schemes. Each NPC will display
their specific Attribute separation in their stat table.
N ew F ocuses
NPC A ttribute B onuses The following are new Focuses:
Rank Primary Secondary
Attribute Attribute C ommunication F ocuses
Ordinary 1 1 Coercion: Using underhanded means to force others
Veteran 4 3 to do what you want, even against their will.
Elite 6 6 Provocation: Goading others into rash action.
Lord 9 8
C onstitution F ocuses
Health: Veterans add 5x Con+dice (or average).
Fortitude: Heightened physical endurance enables
Elites add 2xCon+dice (or average) and 3xCon.
you to carry greater loads. Increase Base Encumbrance
Lords add 5xCon.
Capacity by +2. Note Dwarves start with this Focus.
Mana: Veterans add 5x Mag+dice (or average). Elites
add 2xMag+dice (or average) and 3xMag. Lords add
D exterity F ocuses
Speed: Increases Base Speed by +2. Note Elves start
So an NPC that starts as a Veteran and increases by
with this Focus.
two Ranks to a Lord will increase its Health by 2x
Con+dice and 8xCon and so on. Carpentry: Building with wood.
To make more powerful NPCs stand out from the
crowd, you can apply the following additional rules: P erception F ocuses
Stunt Prowess: This NPC is a mighty individual, Tasting: Using your tasting sense.
capable of pulling off the most amazing feats. They
Touching: Using your touch sense.
receive +1 to the Dragon Die when calculating the
number of Stunt points generated. This can put them
over 6. eg an NPC rolls 3, 3 and 4 (DD). They receive S trength F ocuses
5 SP instead of 4. Masonry: Building with stone.
This takes the place of the PC Stunt Point bonus
granted at level 11.
Legendary: Possessing a power beyond
comprehension, such people are the stuff of legends.
The NPC may treat one die as one number higher or
lower to generate Stunt Points, although it doesn’t
actually change the die number. eg the NPC rolls a
3, 4 and 6 (DD). It may treat the 3 as a 4 in order to
generate Stunt Points. If the rolls were 1, 3 and 5 (DD)
you could not produce doubles.
Generally an Elite NPC will have Stunt Prowess
whilst a Lord will have Stunt Prowess AND Diabolic

C ivilians

D r a g o n A ge
C ivilians Advisors are useful contacts in a court due to their
detailed knowledge of the goings on of the various
lackeys, sycophants and minor nobles that plague the
The majority of Thedosians are Civilians, going about court. However their position of confidence with the
their day oblivious to the encroaching darkness. nobility means that they can be formidable enemies.
Civilians are the cooks and merchants, farmers and
scholars on which civilisation rests. It is they that Given their experience an advisor can be a potent
adventurers protect on their bloody escapades, or at demagogue, rousing their audience to action,
least that’s what they tell themselves... whether in defence of some noble ideal, or simply to
lynch their rivals...
A dvisor
A dventure H ook
Every nobleman needs an advisor. Trained in the
ways of etiquette, history and conversation they The noble’s most trusted advisor wishes to bribe the
provide a valued voice in a noble’s court. However players into performing an act of espionage.
their political nous and ambition can often get them
into hot water with convoluted schemes and risky

Rank Class Race
Veteran Civilian Human
A bilities ( focuses )
 4 Communication (Etiquette, Persuasion)
1 Constitution
Cunning (Research, Writing,
 4
Historical Lore, )
1 Dexterity (Initiative)
1 Magic
 3 Perception (Empathy)
0 Strength
1 Willpower (Morale, Self Discipline)
C ombat R atings
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
11 46 11 1
A ttacks
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Steel Dagger +1 1D6+1
F avoured S tunts
The Object of your Attention, And Another Thing.
S pecial R ules
Talents: Lore (Master), Linguistics (Master), Silver
Tongue (Novice), Contacts (Journeyman).
W eapon G roups L anguages
Brawling, Light Trade, (mother tongue),
Blades, Staves. +4 from Linguistics
E quipment
Steel Dagger [1], Light clothes [1].
Encumbrance: 2 Capacity: 3

C ivilians
D r a g o n A ge

B eggar C harcoal B urner

Filthy and wretched, beggars are found across It takes singular individuals to take up the mantle
Thedas. Wherever there are great populations of of the charcoal burner. They live their lives in a
people there will be those unable to make their way. miasma of peat smoke and soot, often stained head
Without even a roof over their heads they are forced to foot with the product of their labour. Due to the
to line the streets with hands outstretched, waiting fragrant nature of their work, they almost always
for the charity of others. There are some beggars live away from society, often near rich sources of
however that have turned their occupation into an their livelihood. Alone in the wilderness they are
artform, using sophisticated speechcraft to tug on the often hardy if odd individuals.
heartstrings of the wealthy. Some even go so far as to
hide limbs under their filthy garments in an effort to
elicit more sympathy as a ‘war veteran’.
A dventure H ook
The players stumble upon a charcoal burner’s hut
A dventure H ook surrounded by dozens of dead darkspawn.

A beggar tells the players he is really a local noble on

the run for his life.


Rank Class Race Rank Class Race
Ordinary Civilian Human Ordinary Civilian Human
A bilities ( focuses ) A bilities ( focuses )
Communication (Bargaining, 1 Communication
 2
Deception, Gambling)  3 Constitution (Stamina)
1 Constitution 1 Cunning (Natural Lore)
 2 Cunning  1 Dexterity (Crafting)
2 Dexterity (Ledgerdemain) 0 Magic
0 Magic -1 Perception
 2 Perception (Hearing)  2 Strength
0 Strength 0 Willpower (Self-Discipline)
-1 Willpower C ombat R atings
C ombat R atings Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating 11 29 11 1
12 23 12 0 A ttacks
A ttacks Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Weapon Attack Roll Damage Elm Club +1 1D6+2 (-2)
Elm Club +1 1D6+1 (-2) F avoured S tunts
F avoured S tunts That Makes Me Wonder and Resources at Hand.
Efficient Search and Sway the Crowd. S pecial R ules
S pecial R ules Talents: Trap-Making (Journeyman), Scouting
Talents: Contacts (Novice), Thievery (Journeyman), (Novice), Quick Reflexes (Journeman).
Streetwise (Journeyman).
W eapon G roups L anguages
W eapon G roups L anguages Brawling, Staves. Trade, (mother tongue)
Brawling, Staves. Trade, (mother tongue) E quipment
E quipment Elm Club [1], Traps (x3) [1], Rough Hide Leathers
Elm Club [1], beggar’s rags [1]. [3], Charcoal.
Encumbrance: 2 Capacity: 4 Encumbrance: 5 Capacity: 6

C ivilians

D r a g o n A ge
C hirurgeon C oachman
Despite the prevalence of magic in Thedas, most Travelling Thedas is not for the faint of heart. Beasts
people will never see a healing mage. Instead and brigands abound across the lands, more than
they rely on the skills of trained physicians to set willing to part a person with their life. But for those
broken bones and administer curatives for fevers. that can’t afford a sea voyage, travel by coach is the
Chirurgeons rely on herbal remedies and poultices fastest option. Coachmen must be tough to endure
to fix the greater number of ailments they encounter. the weather as they drive and resolute in the face
Commoners trust chirurgeons and will go to them of danger should they be waylaid. Many a time
for advice. an overly confident bandit has attempted to board
a coach only to suffer a crack to the skull for their
A dventure H ook
A chirurgeon is feared by the local people, yet they A dventure H ook
do not attempt to run them out of town.
Coaches are going missing in a narrow mountain

Rank Class Race Rank Class Race
Veteran Civilian Human Ordinary Civilian Dwarf
A bilities ( focuses ) A bilities ( focuses )
 4 Communication (Investigation)  2 Communication (Animal Handling)
1 Constitution (Drinking) 2 Constitution (Fortitude)
Cunning (Research, Writing, Healing, 0 Cunning
 4
Herb Lore)
 1 Dexterity (Staves)
1 Dexterity
-1 Magic
1 Magic
1 Perception
 3 Perception (Empathy, Seeing)
 3 Strength (Drive)
0 Strength
1 Willpower
1 Willpower (Morale, Self Discipline)
C ombat R atings
C ombat R atings
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
9 26 11 2
11 46 11 1
A ttacks
A ttacks
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Ironbark Club +3 1D6+3 (+2)
Steel Dagger +1 1D6+1
F avoured S tunts
F avoured S tunts
Advantageous Positioning and Jest.
The Object of your Attention, And Another Thing.
S pecial R ules
S pecial R ules
Talents: Herbalist (Master), Chirurgy (Master),
Silver Tongue (Novice), Lore (Journeyman). Talents: Animal Training (Novice), Single Weapon
Style (Journeyman), Streetwise (Journeyman).
W eapon G roups L anguages
W eapon G roups L anguages
Brawling, Light Trade, (mother tongue)
Blades, Staves. Brawling, Staves. Trade, (mother tongue)
E quipment E quipment
Steel Dagger [1], Light clothes [1]. Ironbark Club [1], Heavy Clothes [2].
Encumbrance: 2 Capacity: 3 Encumbrance: 3 Capacity: 7 (+2)

C ivilians
D r a g o n A ge

C rafter E nchanter
A good craftsman is worth his weight in silver. Their Anything that involves the use of lyrium is a risky
skilled hands can produce works of exquisite beauty business and many enchanters have been injured
as well as lifelong durability. Many rich merchants or gone insane as a result. The best enchanters can
and nobles have their own personal crafters, ensuring also craft their own runes to enchant onto weapons,
they receive only the best equipment and a lifelong or even weave magical effects into the weapons
service. Many crafters become rich enough to set up themselves.
their own shops and distribution, and the best rival
even merchants in their wealth.
A dventure H ook
A dventure H ook Driven insane by lyrium an enchanter starts binding
demons into the items he makes.
A wealthy crafter hires the players to protect him
from threats against his life.
Rank Class Race
Veteran Civilian Human
A bilities ( focuses )
Communication (Bargaining,
CRAFTER  4 Constitution (stamina)
 4 Cunning (Arcane Lore, Enchantment)
Rank Class Race
 2 Dexterity (Initiative, Runecrafting)
Ordinary Civilian Human
0 Magic
A bilities ( focuses )
1 Perception (Seeing)
0 Communication (Bargaining)
1 Strength
1 Constitution
0 Willpower (Morale, Self-Discipline)
 3 Cunning (Evaluation)
C ombat R atings
 2 Dexterity (Crafting)
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
-1 Magic
12 70 12 4
 2 Perception
A ttacks
1 Strength (Driving)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
0 Willpower
Sylvanwood +2 1D6+3 (+3)
C ombat R atings Metal Shod
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating Staff
12 23 12 2 F avoured S tunts
A ttacks The Object of Your Attention and Resources at Hand.
Weapon Attack Roll Damage S pecial R ules
Steel Shortsword +2 1D6+3 Talents: Runecrafting (Master), Enchantment
F avoured S tunts (Master), Lore (Novice).
Efficient Search and Sway the Crowd. W eapon G roups L anguages
S pecial R ules Brawling, Staves, Trade, (mother tongue)
Talents: Artisan (choose one) (Master), Contacts Light Blades.
(Novice), Silver Tongue (Novice). E quipment
W eapon G roups L anguages Sylvanwood Metal Shod Staff (Master Lightning
Rune, Masterpiece Paralysis Rune, Journeyman
Brawling, Light Blades. Trade, (mother tongue)
Lightning Rune) [2], shadowthread heavy clothes
E quipment (Evasion Rune, Journeyman Barrier Rune) [2], tools.
Steel Shortsword [1], Spidersilk light clothes [1]. Encumbrance: 4 Capacity: 7
Encumbrance: 2 Capacity: 4

C ivilians

D r a g o n A ge
F armer M abari T rainer
Thedas runs on the backs of its farmers. Tough and In Ferelden the mabari is a revered animal. Extremely
no-nonsense, farmers tirelessly tend to their fields intelligent, loyal and terrifyingly fierce they are
and herds. They are no stranger to conflict and will perfect companions. The loyalty of a mabari is
often carry a bow to kill any predators eyeing off considered a sign of good character, however most
their animals. Even darkspawn have been ended by are trained that way by dedicated trainers who are as
an enraged farmer’s arrow. loyal to the mabari as they are to them.

A dventure H ook A dventure H ook

A local farmer claims to have been attacked by a A mabari hunter asks the players for help in finding
strange horned beast and has the wounds to prove it. a puppy thief.

Rank Class Race
Veteran Civilian Human
FARMER A bilities ( focuses )
Rank Class Race  3 Communication (Animal Handling)
Ordinary Civilian Human 2 Constitution (Fortitude, Stamina)
A bilities ( focuses )  1 Cunning (Natural Lore)
1 Communication (Animal Handling) 1 Dexterity (Staves)
 2 Constitution (Stamina) -1 Magic
0 Cunning  3 Perception (Smelling, Seeing)
1 Dexterity 3 Strength (Might)
-1 Magic 0 Willpower (Morale)
 1 Perception (Smelling) C ombat R atings
 2 Strength (Might) Speed Health Defence Armour Rating

0 Willpower 11 54 11 5
C ombat R atings A ttacks
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating Weapon Attack Roll Damage
11 26 11 0 Ironbark Metal +3 1D6+3 (+2)
Shod Staff
A ttacks
Weapon Attack Roll Damage Veridium Short +3 1D6+2 (+1)
Yew Club 0 1D6+2
F avoured S tunts
Yew Bow +1 1D6+4
Lightning Attack and Knock Prone.
F avoured S tunts
S pecial R ules
Mighty Blow and Efficient Search.
Talents: Animal Training (Master), Single Weapon
S pecial R ules Style (Journeyman), Horsemanship (Journeyman),
Talents: Animal Training (Journeyman), Archery Animal Companion (Mabari) (Journeyman).
Style (Novice), Horsemanship (Novice), Trap- W eapon G roups L anguages
Making (Novice).
Brawling, Staves, Trade, (mother tongue)
W eapon G roups L anguages Light Blades.
Brawling, Bows. Trade, (mother tongue) E quipment
E quipment Ironbark Metal Shod Staff [2], Veridium Short
Yew Bow [2], Yew Club [1], Traps (x3) [1], Peasant Sword [1], Mabari Crunch (x5), Hardened Studded
clothes [1]. Leathers [4].
Encumbrance: 5 Capacity: 6 Encumbrance: 8 Capacity: 6 (+2)

C ivilians
D r a g o n A ge

M erchant N oble
As the nobility has granted more rights to those Every society in Thedas possesses a noble class,
under them a new class of person has risen. These except the Qunari. Even the Dalish possess, one,
individuals are wealthy but lack breeding and fit a although as each clan is descended from a noble
middle ground in Thedosian society. Merchants are house of the Dales, they are all technically nobility.
the most common of these, making their money on
the buying and selling of products. It is said that a
good merchant can buy your pants off your backside
A dventure H ook
and sell them back to you at twice the price.
The deeds of the players come to the attention of the
local noble, who demands an audience.
A dventure H ook
Merchant caravans are being raided by people
dressed as merchants.
Rank Class Race
Elite Civilian Human
A bilities ( focuses )
Communication (Etiquette, Deception,
 4
MERCHANT 2 Constitution (Drinking)
Cunning (Cultural Lore, Evaluation,
Rank Class Race  3
Writing, Heraldry)
Ordinary Civilian Human
Dexterity (Calligraphy, Initiative,
A bilities ( focuses ) 4
Light Blades, Riding)
Communication (Bargaining, 0 Magic
 3
Leadership, Persuasion)
1 Perception (Hearing)
0 Constitution
3 Strength
 2 Cunning
 1 Willpower (Faith)
0 Dexterity (Riding)
C ombat R atings
1 Magic
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
 1 Perception
14 71 14 4
0 Strength
A ttacks
1 Willpower
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
C ombat R atings
Magnificent +6 (+2) 1D6+5 (+3)
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating Silverite Short
10 20 10 0 Sword
A ttacks F avoured S tunts
Weapon Attack Roll Damage Bon Mot and And Another Thing.
Steel shortsword -2 1D6+2 S pecial R ules
F avoured S tunts Talents: Contacts (Journeyman), Horsemanship
The Object of your Attention, And Another Thing. (Master), Linguistics (Journeyman), Silver Tongue
(Master), Single Weapon Style (Master).
S pecial R ules
W eapon G roups L anguages
Talents: Horsemanship (Novice), Linguistics
(Journeyman), Silver Tongue (Journeyman). Brawling, Light Trade, (mother tongue),
Blades, Staves. +2 from Linguistics
W eapon G roups L anguages
E quipment
Brawling, Staves. Trade, (mother tongue)
Magnificent Silverite Short Sword (Master Flame
E quipment
Rune) [1], Inscribed Light Clothes [1], Riding
Steel shortsword [1], Merchant garb [1]. Horse.
Encumbrance: 2 Capacity: 2 Encumbrance: 2 Capacity: 7

C ivilians

D r a g o n A ge
The ubiquity of minstrels has made their profession
M instrel a perfect cover for covert actions. The Orlesians even
have their own bards specifically trained in spycraft.
One of the most popular forms of entertainment is
music and song. Minstrels ply their trade the length
and breadth of Thedas and are some of the most A dventure H ook
culturally knowledgeable people in the land. Most
taverns will boast at least one minstrel, and many A minstrel is declared an Orlesian Bard and sentenced
employe minstrels on a permanent basis, so long as to hang.
they can get one to stay still for an extended period
of time.

Minstrels have a flair for the dramatic and

enthusiastically use their skills to seduce as many
people as possible.

Rank Class Race
Veteran Civilian Human
A bilities ( focuses )
Communication (Performance,
 4
0 Constitution (Fortitude)
Cunning (Musical Lore, Cultural
 3
3 Dexterity (Initiative)
0 Magic
 2 Perception (Hearing)
1 Strength (Driving)
0 Willpower (Courage)
C ombat R atings
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
13 38 13 6
A ttacks
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Superior Steel +3 (+1) 1D6+2
Short Sword
F avoured S tunts
Resources at Hand.
S pecial R ules
Talents: Contacts (Journeyman), Music (Master),
Thievery (Novice), Streetwise (Novice), Silver
Tongue (Journeyman).
W eapon G roups L anguages
Brawling, Light Trade, (mother tongue)
Blades, Staves.
E quipment
Superior Steel Short Sword [1], Inscribed Leathers
[3], musical instrument [1].
Encumbrance: 5 Capacity: 3 (+2)

C ivilians
D r a g o n A ge

Who knows what secret arts, lost knowledge or

M ysterious H ermit dreadful curses these mysterious individuals bear?
The vast wilds of Thedas hide many secrets.
Forgotten cities, lost bloodlines, hidden treasures. A dventure H ook
There are also those that have abandoned civilisation
to live a solitary existence away from the distractions The players are captured in a trap by a mysterious
of society. hermit.

Rank Class Race
Lord Civilian Human?
A bilities ( focuses )
2 Communication (Disguise)
Constitution (Drinking, Running,
 4
Stamina, Swimming)
Cunning (Healing, Natural Lore,
Poison Lore)
Dexterity (Ledgerdemain , Light Blades,
Stealth, Traps)
0 Magic
Perception (Searching, Smelling,
 3
Strength (Climbing, Intimidation,
 5
Jumping, Might)
Willpower (Courage, Morale, Self-
C ombat R atings
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
117 23 15 14
A ttacks
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
Iron +5 3D6+5 (+4)
Elm Shortbow? +5 2D6+6 (+4)
F avoured S tunts
Lethal Blow and Advantageous Positioning
S pecial R ules
Talents: Archery Style (Master), Trap-Making
(Master), Single Weapon Style (Master), Chirurgy
(Master), Quick Reflexes (Master), Poison Making
W eapon G roups L anguages
Brawling, Staves, Trade, (mother tongue)
Bows, Light Blades.
E quipment
Elm Shortbow? [1], Iron shortsword? [1], beggar’s
rags [1], Traps x6 [2].
Encumbrance: 5 Capacity: 11

C ivilians

D r a g o n A ge
R atcatcher S cholar
Where civilisation goes, vermin follow. No city is free The most ancient centre of learning in Thedas is the
from rats and as a result, every city has ratcatchers. Tevinter city of Minrathous. Here for thousands of
These calloused hunters are often a little deranged years the best minds in the land studied, discovering
due to the unpleasant vapours they inhale on their many secrets. Scholars often make a pilgrimage to
hunts through the sewerworks. Every ratcatcher has Minrathous in order to gain a greater understanding
at their side a loyal companion, small but vicious. of their area of expertise. Many nobles also hire
They tend not to make many distinctions between scholars to teach their children, to better prepare
rats and other people though... them for their responsibilities.

A dventure H ook A dventure H ook

Shouts of anger and fear draw the players to a
The players find a scholar half dead on the imperial
ratcatcher retreating back out of a manhole.
highway, his research missing.

Rank Class Race
Ordinary Civilian Human
A bilities ( focuses ) Rank Class Race
0 Communication Ordinary Civilian Human
2 Constitution (Stamina) A bilities ( focuses )
 1 Cunning  3 Communication (Persuasion)
 2 Dexterity (Stealth, Traps) -1 Constitution
-1 Magic  3 Cunning (Research, Writing)
2 Perception (Hearing) 0(-2) Dexterity
1 Strength 1 Magic
 1 Willpower  1 Perception
C ombat R atings 0 Strength
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating 1 Willpower (Self Discipline)
12 26 12 2 C ombat R atings
A ttacks Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
Weapon Attack Roll Damage 8 17 8 0
Yew +2 2D6+3 A ttacks
Ratcrusher* Weapon Attack Roll Damage
F avoured S tunts Ash +0 1D6+1 (-1)
Efficient Search and Lethal Blow. Quarterstaff
S pecial R ules F avoured S tunts
Talents: Trapmaking (Journeyman), Streetwise The Object of your Attention, And Another Thing.
(Novice), Animal Companion (Dog) (Journeyman). S pecial R ules
*Treat as a metal shod staff with the stats of a flail. Talents: Lore (Master), Linguistics (Novice), Silver
W eapon G roups L anguages Tongue (Novice).
Brawling, Staves. Trade, (mother tongue) W eapon G roups L anguages
E quipment Brawling, Staves. Trade, (mother tongue)
Yew ratcrusher [2], small but vicious dog, heavy E quipment
clothes [2], Traps x3 [1]. Ash quarterstaff [2], academic’s robes [1].
Encumbrance: 5 Capacity: 5 Encumbrance: 3 Capacity: 1

C ivilians
D r a g o n A ge

R evered M other “Its gates forever shut.

Heaven has been filled with silence,
The Chant of light must be spread across Thedas to
ensure the return of the Maker. Revered Mothers lead I knew then,
individual Chantries around Thedas overseeing their
duties to the Maker. Revered Mothers are stern yet And cross’d my heart with shame.
compassionate, fierce yet serene. They often mediate -Andraste 1:11”
disputes amongst the higher classes and are sought
out for wise counsel.

A dventure H ook
The local Revered Mother takes a keen interest in the
actions of the Players.

Rank Class Race
Elite Civilian Human
A bilities ( focuses )
Communication (Bargaining,
 5
Leadership, Persuasion)
1 Constitution
Cunning (Research, Writing, Cultural
Lore, Religious Lore)
 1 Dexterity (Calligraphy, Initiative)
0 Magic
 3 Perception (Empathy, Hearing)
0 Strength (Intimidation)
Willpower (Faith, Morale, Self-
C ombat R atings
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
11 58 11 6
A ttacks
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
- - -
F avoured S tunts
The Object of your Attention, And Another Thing.
S pecial R ules
Talents: Lore (Master), Linguistics (Master), Silver
Tongue (Master), Contacts (Journeyman), Command
W eapon G roups L anguages
Brawling, Light Trade, (mother tongue),
Blades, Staves. +4 from Linguistics
E quipment
Dragonweave Heavy clothes [2].
Encumbrance: 2 Capacity: 3

C ivilians

D r a g o n A ge
S ervant S mith
One of the few jobs most city elves can get is as a Specialist crafters, smiths are responsible for
servant to the human nobility. There they can at least everything from horse shoes to nails, carpentry tools
earn a steady wage, albeit under constant scrutiny by and weapons of war. Without doubt the finest smiths
the human servants watching for sticky fingers. The in the land are the dwarves and many who have fled
richest merchants also hire servants, often to emulate to the surface take up the trade to great success. Few
the households of the nobility they aspire to join. human smiths can compete with dwarven skill.
Servants often overhear all sorts of gossip, which can
be hazardous to their health.
A dventure H ook
A dventure H ook The players seek out a smith to repair their equipment,
only to find him hanging an out of business sign on
The players encounter a servant being brutally the door.
beaten in an alley.

SERVANT Rank Class Race
Ordinary Civilian Dwarf
Rank Class Race
A bilities ( focuses )
Ordinary Civilian Elf
0 Communication
A bilities ( focuses )
 2 Constitution (Stamina, Fortitude)
 2 Communication (Bargaining, Etiquette)
2 Cunning
2 Constitution (Stamina)
1 Dexterity
0 Cunning
-1 Magic
 2 Dexterity (Speed)
 0 Perception
1 Magic
 3 Strength (Smithing)
 2 Perception
1 Willpower (Self Discipline)
-1 Strength
C ombat R atings
0 Willpower
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
C ombat R atings
9 26 11 5
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
A ttacks
14 26 12 0
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
A ttacks
Red Steel Club +3 1D6+3 (+2)
Weapon Attack Roll Damage
F avoured S tunts
Elm Club +2 1D6+1 (-2)
Knock Prone and Mighty Blow.
F avoured S tunts
S pecial R ules
Speedy Search, Flirt.
S pecial R ules
Talents: Streetwise (Novice), Artisan
Talents: Thievery (Novice), Quick Reflexes
(Journeyman), Contacts (Journeyman).
(Journeyman), Contacts (Journeyman).
W eapon G roups L anguages
W eapon G roups L anguages
Brawling, Staves. Trade, (mother tongue)
Brawling, Staves. Trade, (mother tongue)
E quipment
E quipment
Red Steel Club [2], Hardened Studded Leather [4].
Elm Club [1], servant garb [1].
Encumbrance: 6 Capacity: 7 (+2)
Encumbrance: 2 Capacity: 3

C ivilians
D r a g o n A ge

S treet U rchin W hore

Unfortunately it’s a sad fact that many children It’s said to be the oldest profession in the world,
are abandoned by impoverished families or left as catering to base human needs. The Chantry frowns
orphans. Those that don’t die or receive succour upon such things as they consider it a sin, leading to
from the Chantry grow up on the seedy streets of lustful demonic temptation. But Prostitution thrives
Thedas, learning from a young age to steal, cheat and throughout Thedas and there are many famous
fight. Street urchins are cynical beyond their years brothels able to cater for any earthly (and many
and think nothing of shanking a passing merchant unearthly) desires. Whores come to their profession
in order to get enough money for another day. For by many different routes, most unsavoury. Many are
most their only escape is eventually through the resigned to their fate whilst others still have a spark
hangman’s noose. of fire that can never be completely quenched.

A dventure H ook A dventure H ook

A street urchin lifts several players’ purses. A player hears some scandalous gossip whilst
visiting their favourite companion.

Rank Class Race WHORE
Ordinary Civilian Elf Rank Class Race
A bilities ( focuses ) Ordinary Civilian Human
 2 Communication (Deception) A bilities ( focuses )
0 Constitution Communication (Bargaining,
 2
1 Cunning Persuasion)
 4 Dexterity (Speed, Ledgerdemain) 1 Constitution (Stamina)
0 Magic 1 Cunning
1 Perception (Touching)  2 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
0 Strength 0 Magic
 0 Willpower  1 Perception
C ombat R atings 1 Strength
Speed Health Defence Armour Rating 1 Willpower
11 15 14 0 C ombat R atings
A ttacks Speed Health Defence Armour Rating
Weapon Attack Roll Damage 12 20 12 0
Grey Iron +4 1D6+1 (-1) A ttacks
Dagger Weapon Attack Roll Damage
F avoured S tunts Steel Hidden +0 1D6+1
Efficient Search and Sway the Crowd. Dagger
S pecial R ules F avoured S tunts
Paltry Size Knock Prone and Mighty Blow.
Talents: Quick Reflexes (Novice), Thievery S pecial R ules
(Journeyman), Streetwise (Journeyman). Talents: Streetwise (Journeyman), Quick Reflexes
W eapon G roups L anguages (Journeyman), Contacts (Novice).
Brawling, Light Trade, (mother tongue) W eapon G roups L anguages
Blades. Brawling, Staves. Trade, (mother tongue)
E quipment E quipment
Grey Iron Dagger [1], Urchin rags [1]. Steel Hidden Dagger [1], Dress [1].
Encumbrance: 2 Capacity: 2 Encumbrance: 2 Capacity: 4


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