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Solid State Sciences 4 (2002) 197–203

Investigations on the defect chemistry and the sintering of barium titanate

ceramics by oxygen coulometry
Hans Theo Langhammer a,∗ , Quan Ming Song a , Karl-Heinz Felgner a , Hans-Peter Abicht b
a Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Fachbereich Physik, Friedemann-Bach-Platz 6, D-06108 Halle, Germany
b Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Fachbereich Chemie, Kurt-Mothes-Straße 2, D-06120 Halle, Germany

Accepted 6 November 2001

Dedicated to Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Georg von Schnering on the occasion of his 70th birthday

The application of the oxygen coulometry method on the investigation of the defect chemistry and the sintering process of donor- and
acceptor-doped barium titanate ceramics is described. The measuring principle is based on two identical solid electrolyte circonia cells with
two electrode pairs both for measuring of the oxygen partial pressure and for oxygen pumping. Three different oxygen exchange processes of
the samples could be detected. (1) The oxygen exchange due to the change of the equilibrium temperature at a fixed oxygen partial pressure,
which is caused by the change of the concentration of oxygen vacancies. (2) The oxygen exchange which is related to the valence change
of MnTi during the change of the ambient atmosphere. The data are consistent with the assumption that manganese occurs as Mn3+ at an
oxygen partial pressure of 2.4 Pa and a temperature of about 1400 ◦ C. (3) During the sintering of donor-doped barium titanate ceramics,
oxygen expelling processes were detected which are related to the incorporation of the donor into the lattice. In the case of a doping level of
0.5 mol% La, the estimated amount of expelled oxygen is less than expected for exclusive electronic donor compensation.  2002 Éditions
scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Barium titanate; BaTiO3 ; Defect chemistry; Sintering; Oxygen coulometry

1. Introduction try [5–8], sometimes combined with mass spectroscopy to

identify oxygen as the mass changing element [9]. Other in-
For BaTiO3 as an oxide compound, its deviation from teresting oxygen exchange processes occur during the incor-
the stoichiometric composition with respect to oxygen de- poration of higher valency elements at Ba or Ti sites, if they
termines the macroscopic properties of the material consid- are introduced as oxides, or, during the reduction/oxydation
erably. As an example, oxygen vacancies act as donors and of 3d elements, e.g., MnTi, which can easily change their
can change the electric conductivity in a great extent. Hence, valency state. Summarizing, the oxygen can be exchanged
the measurement of the high-temperature electrical conduc- with the ambient atmosphere both during the formation of
tivity in dependence on the oxygen partial pressure in a wide the final material, e.g., the sintering process, and/or during
pressure range is a common method for the development of
the reaching of the equilibrium with the ambient atmosphere
models for the majority defects of barium titanate, see, e.g.,
with respect of temperature and oxygen partial pressure.
[1–4]. On the other hand, the determination of the amount
Although known for a long time [10,11], the method of
of oxygen exchange with the ambient atmosphere at ele-
vated temperatures is also an important task in the investi- the oxygen coulometry was not applied to the investigation
gation of the defect chemistry of BaTiO3 . In the past, the of such processes in BaTiO3 until now, except for a short
mostly used method for this purpose is the thermogravime- note publication of our preliminary results [12]. Thus, the
aim of this paper is the investigation of different oxygen
exchange processes between the specimen and the ambient
* Correspondence and reprints.
atmosphere which occur both during the change of the
E-mail addresses:
(H.T. Langhammer), (K.-H. Felgner), thermal equilibrium and during the sintering of barium (H.-P. Abicht). titanate as a structural forming process.
1293-2558/02/$ – see front matter  2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 2 9 3 - 2 5 5 8 ( 0 1 ) 0 1 2 4 9 - 3
198 H.T. Langhammer et al. / Solid State Sciences 4 (2002) 197–203

Fig. 1. Scheme of the measuring equipment of the oxygen coulometry device. See Section 2.2 for details.

We report both on the development of a suitable measur- of the oxygen partial pressure, pO2 , of the flowing gas stream
ing system, on the measuring of the change of the oxygen by measuring the voltage between the electrodes, U cell , ac-
vacancy concentration due to the change of the thermal equi- cording to the Nernst equation (1)
librium, on the change of the valency state of MnTi defects
RT pO2
in dependence on the oxygen partial pressure and on the sin- U cell = ln ref , (1)
tering of undoped and donor-doped barium titanate ceramics 4F pO2
with varying Ba/Ti stoichiometry. R molar gas constant, T absolute temperature, F Faraday
constant, pO 2
oxygen partial pressure of air as the reference
2. Experimental procedure The second pair of electrodes is used for the transport of
a well-defined amount of oxygen between the flowing gas
2.1. Preparation of specimens and characterisation inside the cell and the ambient air by an applied electric
current, I , according to the following Eq. (2)
Ceramic powders with a nominal composition of Ba1−x -
Lax TiO3 + y TiO2 (0  x  0.05, 0  y  0.05) and I
nO2 = t. (2)
BaTi1−x Mnx O3 (0  x  0.05) were prepared by the clas- 4F
sical mixed-oxide powder technique. After mixing (agate nO2 is the mole number of oxygen transported during the
balls, water) and calcination (1100 ◦ C, 2 h in air) of time t. The sign of I determines the transport direction.
appropriate amounts of BaCO3 (Solvay, VL600), TiO2 The maximum current amounts to 100 mA with a stability
(Merck, no. 808) and La2 (C2 O4 )3 ·9 H2 O (SKW Piesteritz) better than 1 µA.
or MnCO3 (Riedel de Haen, p.a.) the powder was milled Both electrode pairs are connected by an electronic
again and densified to disks with a diameter of 12 mm and a control circuit with the set point U set and the control variable
height of nearly 3 mm. The samples were sintered both in a I in that sense, that a constant output pO2 (U cell ) of the cell
special gas-tight furnace of the coulometry system (see be- is maintained by an oxygen transport into or out of the ZrO2
low) and in air at temperatures between 1300 and 1400 ◦ C tube (see Fig. 1).
for the purpose of comparison. To avoid interfering contam- The measuring principle is described as follows. After
ination during sintering they were contained in ZrO2 powder the preparation of the carrier gas (gas mixing and flow
covered Pt /Al2 O3 dishes. control of total 200 ml min−1 by a device manufactured by
The microstructure of the polished and chemically etched Horiba Ltd., Japan) cell 2 is used to produce a working
specimens was examined by optical microscopy and by gas stream with well-defined pO2 for the furnace with the
scanning electron microscopy (SEM). sample to be investigated. After passing the furnace, the gas
streams through cell 1, which set point U set is chosen to
2.2. Oxygen coulometry get a appropriate current I pump . As long as no change of
the oxygen partial pressure between the two cells occurs,
The measuring principle is described by means of the this current is constant and exhibites the base line of the
schematic diagram in Fig. 1. The mean components of the measurement I0 . If an oxygen exchange between the sample
equipment are two identical, electronically controlled, oxy- and the ambient atmosphere occurs, e.g., during change
gen conducting ZrO2 Nernst cells (SensoTech, Magdeburg- of the furnace temperature, a changing current I1 will
Barleben, Germany, model Oxylyt 10-21), which exhibit two compensate the changed oxygen partial pressure of the
pairs of electrodes. One of them is used for the determining output gas stream of the furnace. Thus, the total amount
H.T. Langhammer et al. / Solid State Sciences 4 (2002) 197–203 199

Fig. 2. Oxygen pumping current I1 in dependence on temperature during

the heating without a specimen to determine the “empty effect” of the
coulometry device, pO2 = 2.4 Pa.

of exchanged oxygen during a time interval t2 − t1 can be Fig. 3. Oxygen pumping current I1 and temperature T in dependence on
calculated by the following expression the measuring time during a two-step temperature change between 1140
and 1350 ◦ C of “undoped” BaTiO3 , pO2 = 2.4 Pa.
1  pump 
nO2 = I1 (t) − I0 dt. (3)
4F Table 1
t1 Change of the total concentration of oxygen vacancies [VOtot ] (cm−3 ) after
pump the change of the equilibrium temperature from T1 to T2 at an oxygen
Minimum peaks of I1 indicate an oxygen release or a partial pressure of 2.4 Pa, both determined by oxygen coulometry and
reduction of the sample, while maximum peaks point to an calculated by means of the defect model of Daniels et al. [1]
oxygen consumption or oxidation process.
T1 → T2 (◦ C) Experimental data Model calculation
A quantitative check of the procedure was performed by
1245 → 1140 9.3 × 1017 5.0 × 1017
the decomposition reaction
1140 → 1245 8.8 × 1017 5.0 × 1017
+ Q 1245 → 1347 26.2 × 1017 14.4 × 1017
BaO2 −→ BaO + 1
O2 ↑, (4)
2 1347 → 1245 26.7 × 1017 14.4 × 1017
and resulted in errors  5% within a mass range of BaO2
of between 0.4 and 4.0 mg which corresponds to about 10−6
and 10−5 mol O2 ↑. The interesting oxygen exchange effects about 100 ppm (see [2], e.g.) caused by the raw materials.
of the BaTiO3 samples investigated (mass ≈ 1 g) amount The oxygen exchange of a specimen during the temperature
to between 10−7 and 10−5 mol. The sensitivity limit of change between 1140 and 1350 ◦ C in two intervals at an oxy-
the apparatus can be estimated by Eq. (2) to  10−9 mol gen partial pressure of 2.4 Pa is shown in Fig. 3. Assuming
or 0.032 µg O2 if we assume a pumping current of 10 µA that all exchanged oxygen is caused by the formation (oxy-
during a measuring time of 60 s. Hence, the sensitivity is at gen release) or by the annihilation (oxygen consumption) of
least one order better than the sensitivity of a commercial oxygen vacancies after changing the equilibrium tempera-
thermobalance (≈ 1 µg at 1400 ◦ C). ture, the change of their total concentration, [VOtot], can be
To separate the influence of alumina (furnace tube and determined by the measured oxygen exchange nO2 accord-
sample holder) and zirconia (sample pad, ≈ 300 mg) on the ing to
oxygen exchange, empty tests were performed. As shown   NA ρBaTiO3
in Fig. 2, only at temperatures higher than about 1300 ◦ C a VOtot = 2 nO2 , (5)
noticeable release of oxygen is observed. The total expelled
oxygen amounts to maximum 1.0 × 10−7 mol during the where NA is the Avogadro constant, ρBaTiO3 is the sample
heating at 10 K min−1 up to 1400 ◦ C. Probably, the oxygen density and m is the sample mass. The good correspondence
loss is caused by the formation of Schottky-type oxygen of the data between the heating and cooling steps (see Fig. 3
vacancies in ZrO2 and Al2 O3 . All further quantitative results or Table 1) proves the reversibility of that processes and
were corrected by subtracting of that apparatus effect. supports the assumption above.
To compare the experimental data with existing de-
fect models of BaTiO3 , we used the data of Daniels and
3. Results and discussion Härdtl [1], who published a complete set of constants of the
mass action laws of their defect model, enabling the calcu-
3.1. Equilibrium measurements in “undoped” BaTiO3 lation of the total oxygen vacancy concentration in depen-
dence on temperature and oxygen partial pressure. Table 1
To investigate the response of BaTiO3 ceramics to a shows the comparison between the experimental and the cal-
change of the thermal equilibrium, nominally undoped ma- culated data of [VOtot ]. Although the model does not in-
terial was chosen, having an accidental acceptor impurity of clude all defect types which are established by now (e.g.,
200 H.T. Langhammer et al. / Solid State Sciences 4 (2002) 197–203

background acceptor impurity), the corresponding order of

the data in Table 1 indicate that, nevertheless, parts of the
model can be used to estimate the defect concentrations in
the considered temperature and pO2 region.
The systematic investigation of the oxygen exchange
between specimen and the ambient atmosphere after change
of the thermal equilibrium in a wide range of temperature
and oxygen partial pressure is the subject of our future work.
These data shall be used for the check of existing defect
models, or, to refine the model parameters by additional
coulometry data.

3.2. Sintering of Mn-doped BaTiO3

For Mn-doped BaTiO3 it is known that Mn substitutes Fig. 4. Oxygen pumping current I1 and temperature T in dependence
for titanium and can adopt the valency states 4+, 3+ and on the measuring time during the sintering of BaTi1−x Mnx O3 ceramics
2+ [13–17]. While in air-sintered and otherwise undoped (0.005  x  0.04), pO2 = 2.4 Pa.
samples the isovalent defect Mn4+Ti dominates, the sintering
or annealing in reducing atmosphere reduces manganese to Table 2
Mn3+ 2+
Ti and MnTi , respectively [13,16,17]. In the valence Amount of the expelled oxygen (mole fraction xO ) due to the change
states 3+ and 2+, respectively, Ti-site occupying manganese of the valency of Mn from 4+ to 3+ or 2+, respectively, during the
is negatively charged (Mn Ti and Mn Ti, respectively) and sintering of BaTi1−x Mnx O3 in reducing atmosphere (pO2 = 2.4 Pa). The
data were determined both coulometrically (roughly estimated maximum
must be compensated either electronically by holes or
values) and calculated, assuming exclusive oxygen vacancy compensation
by positively charged oxygen vacancies VO•• according to of either Mn3+ or Mn2+ as the dominating valence state of manganese
following equations:1 x Roughly estimated Compensation Compensation
experimental data of Mn3+ of Mn2+
MnxTi ↔ Mn Ti + h• ↔ Mn Ti + 2h• , (6)
0.005 0.0024 0.0025 0.005
2 MnxTi + OxO ↔ 2 Mn Ti + VO•• + 12 O2 ↑, (7) 0.02 0.011 0.010 0.020
0.03 0.016 0.015 0.030
MnxTi + OxO ↔ Mn Ti + VO•• + 12 O2 ↑. (8) 0.04 0.019 0.020 0.040

While hole compensation produces no oxygen vacancies, in

the case of vacancy compensation, depending on the valency relative inaccuracy of the experimental data, the comparison
state of Mn, different amounts of VO•• are created and, clearly indicates Mn3+ as the dominating valency state
consequently, different amounts of oxygen are expelled and at a pO2 of 2.4 Pa. This is in partial accordance with
can be measured by coulometry. Hence, these data are useful the defect model of Kim et al. [19]. But, of course, a
for the determination of the percentage of the valency states simultaneous occurence of Mn4+ , Mn3+ and Mn2+ , which
of MnTi in dependence on temperature and oxygen partial could be compensated partially by oxygen vacancies and
pressure which data are known only very vague. Fig. 4 holes, cannot be excluded.
shows the results for the sintering of a series of Mn-doped
samples in reducing atmosphere at pO2 = 2.4 Pa which 3.3. Sintering of “undoped” and donor-doped BaTiO3
were calcined in air before. To be seen distinctly in Fig. 4,
at least two different oxygen expelling processes overlap
Fig. 5 shows the coulometry measurement during the
during the sintering. Except of the creation of oxygen
sintering of undoped BaTiO3 as the pumping current versus
vacancies due to the valency change of Mn mentioned
temperature for the complete heating and cooling cycle.
above, inter alia, Schottky-type equilibrium vacancies are
During the heating cycle, a distinct oxygen release peak is
formed at high temperatures. Therefore, the amount of
observed, which occurs more or less pronounced with all
expelled oxygen which can be assigned to the valency
BaTiO3 samples, doped or undoped, at an onset temperature
change of Mn could be estimated only approximately.
between 950 and 1150 ◦ C and has no counterpart during
Table 2 shows the comparison of the mole fraction of that
cooling contrary to the oxygen release due to the formation
expelled oxygen xO = 2 nO2 /nsample with data calculated
of Schottky-type oxygen vacancies VO . The reoxidation
under the assumption of an exclusive occurrence of Mn Ti
process during cooling related to the annihilation of VO is
(Eq. (7)) and Mn Ti (Eq. (8)), respectively. Despite of the
observed in all measurements. During the repetition of the
measurement under the same oxygen partial pressure, the
1 Here and in the following the Kröger–Vink notation of defects [18] is oxygen release peak is completely vanished. Obviously, it is
used. caused by the lower oxygen partial pressure of 2.4 Pa during
H.T. Langhammer et al. / Solid State Sciences 4 (2002) 197–203 201

Fig. 6. Oxygen pumping current I1 in dependence on tempera-

Fig. 5. Oxygen pumping current I1 in dependence on temperature both ture during the sintering of a sample (supplied by Miha Drofenik,
during the sintering of undoped BaTiO3 + 2.0 mol% TiO2 and during the Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Slovenia) with a composition of
re-heating of the same sample, which was annealed before in air for two BaTi0.9974 Nb0.0026 O3 + 4.0 mol% TiO2 + 0.6 mol% SiO2 (heating and
hours at 1200 ◦ C, pO2 = 2.4 Pa. cooling cycle), pO2 = 2.4 Pa. Marks (I)–(IV) are explained in the text.

the coulometry measurement, compared to air (pO2 = 2.1 × Schottky-type equilibrium oxygen vacancies. To attribute
104 Pa) as the ambient atmosphere during the calcination peaks (II) and (III) to particular processes during the
of the powder. Hence, the sample releases oxygen for as sintering, additional measurements at soaking temperatures
long as the new equilibrium oxygen activity is reached. of 1200 and 1300 ◦ C were performed in the case of La-doped
To check this, the sample was annealed at 1200 ◦ C for material. The results together with the related microstructure
two hours in air to reoxidize and then measured again data are shown in Fig. 7b,c. While a sintering temperature
at a pO2 of 2.4 Pa. The results, also shown in Fig. 5, of 1200 ◦ C is too low to initiate the anormal grain growth
exhibit the expected behaviour. Due to the circumstance of BaTiO3 , the microstructure of the specimens sintered at
that the restoration of the thermodynamic equilibrium in the 1300 and 1430 ◦ C exhibits the typical bimodal intermediate
sintered, coarse-grained sample needs much more time than and final stage, respectively. The onset temperatures of
in the fine-grained power compact, the onset temperature of the peaks (II) and (III) correspond very well with the
the peak is shifted for about 70 K to higher temperatures starting temperatures of the exaggerated grain growth in
as well as the expelled oxygen amounts to approximately the presence of a SiO2 and TiO2 containing liquid phase,
50% of the corresponding value of the former sintering step. respectively [20–22]. In the case of La-doped material, the
Whereas the oxygen exchange between sample and ambient SiO2 impurities result from the abrasion of the agate balls
atmosphere is determined mainly by bulk diffusion in or during milling. Their small amount causes an incomplete
out of the large grains of the sintered specimen, the much grain growth. The Nb-doped samples exhibit an analogous
faster grain barrier diffusion is the rate-controlling process behaviour with respect to the microstructure development at
for the oxygen release of the sintering green compact. This different sintering temperatures.
oxygen release effect strongly varies with different powder Hence, the oxygen release related to the peaks (II) and
qualities and with different chemical compositions, and it is (III) originates from the incorporation reaction of La at Ba
significantly influenced by the Ba/Ti stoichiometry. sites
The oxygen exchange during the sintering of donor-
doped BaTiO3 is shown in Figs. 6 and 7a with NbTi and La2 O3 + 2 TiO2 → 2 La•Ba + 2 Ti Ti + 6 O×
O + 2 O2 ↑,
LaBa as the dopant elements, respectively. In both cases, four which is in accordance to the findings of Drofenik [23], who
oxygen release peaks can be observed during the heating stated that in BaTiO3 the endothermic donor incorporation
cycle, denoted with increasing temperature by numbers I– according to Eq. (9) is only possible as long as a constant,
IV. Peak (I), which is strongly developed only in the case of sufficient high energy is provided by the stored free surface
La-doping, results from the different oxygen partial pressure energy during the exaggerated grain growth. It should be
of the ambient atmospheres during calcination and sintering noted that this finding is in contradiction to numerous
which was described above. Only peak (IV), for La-doped publications where the authors assumed that the donor
BaTiO3 strongly overlapping with peak (III), corresponds dopant is already incorporated after the calcination of
to a reversible process since it has a counterpart during the ceramic powder at about 1150 ◦ C. To confirm the
the cooling cycle as in the case of undoped BaTiO3 (see coincidence of the beginning of the liquid phase promoted
Fig. 5) and obviously originates from the formation of anomalous grain growth with a distinct oxygen release
202 H.T. Langhammer et al. / Solid State Sciences 4 (2002) 197–203

Fig. 7. Oxygen pumping current I1 in dependence on time during the sintering of specimens with a composition of Ba0.995 La0.005 TiO3 + 1 mol% TiO2 at three
different maximum temperatures 1430 ◦ C (a), 1200 ◦ C (b) and 1300 ◦ C (c). Ambient atmosphere: pO2 = 2.4 Pa. Optical micrographs of the corresponding
microstructure are also presented (bar = 500 µm). Marks (I)–(IV) are explained in the text.

in the range of between 1300 and 1350 ◦ C (not shown here)

reflect that tendency very well.
In the case of 0.5 mol% La-doped BaTiO3 , a quantitative
analysis of the oxygen release was performed. By means of
the three coulometry measurements at different maximum
sintering temperatures (see Fig. 7) and the subtraction of the
contributions of the Schottky-type oxygen vacancies both
from the specimen and from the apparatus, the mole fraction
of expelled oxygen of the sample sintered at 1430 ◦ C caused
by the La incorporation was estimated to xO = 0.0012.
If the total amount of 0.5 mol% La would be incorporated
during the sintering according to Eq. (9), an oxygen release
of xO = 0.0025 is expected. Since no La segregation
at grain boundaries or triple points was detected, this
discrepancy may be explained by two different assumptions.
Fig. 8. Oxygen pumping current I1 in dependence on temperature during
First, about the half of the donors are incorporated really
the sintering of samples (supplied by Silvio Gablenz, FB Chemie, Univer- already during the calcination. Second, not all La•Ba ions
sity Halle, Germany) with a composition of Ba0.998 La0.002 TiO3 + x mol% are electronically compensated, but, e.g., by Ti vacancies
TiO2 (3.0  x  5.0), pO2 = 2.4 Pa. The grain growth related oxygen re- according to following equation
lease peaks are marked by an arrow.
2 La2 O3 + 3 TiO2 → 4 La•Ba + VTi + 3 Ti× ×
Ti + 12 OO . (10)
peak, a series of 0.2 mol% La-doped specimens with Meanwhile, the titanium vacancies are commonly accepted
varying excess of TiO2 (0–5 mol%) were investigated. The as the dominating charge compensating defect in highly
coulometric data (Fig. 8) show a systematic shift of the donor-doped BaTiO3 [24]. But, in the case of low doping
onset temperature of the grain growth related oxygen release concentrations up to about 1 mol%, the question for the act-
peak towards higher temperatures with increasing excess ing compensating mechanism(s) is still open. Recently, Mor-
of TiO2 . Investigations of the microstructure and of the rison et al. [25] published the hypothesis that even for low
room temperature electrical conductivity of the samples in concentrations of the donor dopant, where the air-sintered
dependence on the sintering temperature with steps of 10 K samples are semiconducting and electrical conductivities of
H.T. Langhammer et al. / Solid State Sciences 4 (2002) 197–203 203

0.1 ( cm)−1 or more are reached, all donors are compen- charge compensation is assumed. Hence, a portion of
sated by titanium vacancies. They explain the observed elec- lanthanum is already incorporated during calcination
trical conductivity and its well-known anomaly in BaTiO3 and/or the donors are, at least partially, compensated by
by the exclusive influence of oxygen vacancies as intrinsic cation vacancies. To disentangle this question and other
donors which should be inhomogeneously distributed be- problems related to the donor incorporation in BaTiO3 ,
tween the core and the outer regions of the grains of the ce- a systematic, quantitative analysis of the grain growth
ramic samples. This hypothesis is a quite new variant in the related oxygen release in a wide range of the doping
long-standing discussion of the doping anomaly of BaTiO3 , level and with different donor dopants is the subject of
but, nevertheless, it seems to be a somewhat doubtful one. In our further work.
our opinion, the observed coincidence between the oxygen
release and the start of the rapid exaggerated grain growth
during sintering is a good argument for the occurence of the Acknowledgements
electronic donor compensation, if Drofenik’s model of the
grain growth anomaly is accepted. The authors would like to thank Dr. Helfried Näfe from
the Max Planck Institute für Metallforschung Stuttgart for
valuable discussion. Financial support from the Kultusmin-
4. Summary
isterium des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt and from the Fonds der
Chemischen Industrie is gratefully acknowledged.
The qualitative and quantitative determination of the
oxygen exchange between the barium titanate ceramic and
its ambient atmosphere both during the restoration of the
thermodynamic equilibrium and during non-equilibrium
processes like sintering as well as the determination of the
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