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Meeting Script (Draft)

Topic : Production Issue on Coating Layer Problem(IC Section) and Compound Sticky on
Mould (ECU Section) in the factory production line.

Role Play :

Top Management of Toolshop Department ChipPAC ELECTRONICS (M) SDN. BHD.

Head of Department (Toolshop) - Mr. Mohd Idzwarosli bin Ramli

Senior Engineer Quality Control(QC) - Mr. Shahandzir bin Baharom
Senior Engineer Intergrated Circuirt(IC) Section - Mr. Mohd Padzly bin Radzi
Senior Engineer Moulding(MOULD) Section - Mr. Asmizam bin Mokhtar
Secretary - Technical Assistant(TA) - Mr. Azuan Affandi bin Md Jahaya

Meeting content.

Mr. Idzwarosli (HOD): Good Evening everyone. Today, I conduct this meeting because we
have problems encountered but before we go any further, I would like to check the attendance.
So we will have a round of roll call. May I know from Mr. Azuan, do we have our full
attendance today for this meeting?

Mr Azuan (TA): No, Mr. Idzwarosli. Except Mr. Aziha from Inventory Store Engineer are
absent and all the committees are present today. We have Mr. Shahandzir, Senior Engineer in
QC, Senior Engineer IC Section, Mr. Mohd Padzly and the Senior Engineer Moulding Section
Mr. Asmizam here today.

Mr. Idzwarosli (HOD): Okay, thank you Mr Azuan.

Mr Azuan (TA): Just info, our Family Day will be held on 24-26 Dec 2017 at Bora Bora Resort
and Spa, Bali Indonesia. Please contact Mrs Azimah(Family Days Organizer) for details and
secondly about staff traning. It will done in quarterly next year. This matters agree on HR
meeting on 10 Dec 2017. Please refer to Mr. Rozikin (Training Unit Officer) HR depatment for
more details.

Mr. Idzwarosli (HOD): Okay, thank you again Mr Azuan for that info. Then, we continue with
our meeting.

Everyone: Ok. Boss.

Mr. Idzwarosli (HOD): I hope all of you are already noted of why we conduct this meeting
since the notice has been sent. It is actually regarding about 2 issues, first is regarding the
Coating Layer Problem(IC Section) and also issue Compound Sticky on Mould (ECU Section).
So we are here today to discuss about the causes of these issues and provide a solution to it. So
that we can ensure that our company can run its operation smoothly. So can we hear from
Senior Engineer QC regarding the quality issue? Anyone can feel free to voice up their
concerns if have.
Mr. Shahandzir (QC): Regarding the Coating Layer Problem in IC Section, I have checked the
sample and I found out that coating layer not in 100% successful. The main cause of this is
because of some of the workers especially the new ones did not follow the Standard Operation
Procedure (SOP) of coating process. According to the inspection as well, some of the workers
did not have the full knowledge to operate the machine of coating.

Mr. Idzwarosli (HOD): May I know how many newly hired workers we have in the factory?

Mr Azuan (TA): From HR department, it says that we have 10 out of 30 workers are newly
hired in our factory currently. If not mistaken, we only provided them 1 training so far after
they are hired.

Mr. Padzly(IC Section): Sorry to interrupt. May I say something regarding this?

Mr. Idzwarosli (HOD): Yes, of course you may.

Mr. Padzly(IC Section): In my opinion, I think we overlook on handling our new workers and
providing them a professional training. Results in causing detection on coating that happened

* Mr. Shahandzir (QC) ignored and paying attention his mobile phone only*

Mr. Padzly(IC Section): Excuse me, Mr. Shahandzir (QC). I do not mean to be rude but did
you copy what I mentioned a moment ago?

Mr. Shahandzir (QC) : What did you mention?

Mr. Idzwarosli (HOD): Sorry that I did not mention this earlier, but it is common and
compulsory that everyone’s mobile phone must be switched off in a meeting. I hope you
understand Mr. Shahandzir (QC).

Mr. Asmizam(MOULD). Yes, it is true that we have to switch off our mobile phone so we can
full focus in today’s meeting and to ensure a quality outcome which is to provide a solution to
issues we face in this case.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : So may I have you r mobile phone switched off Mr. Syauqi?

Mr. Shahandzir (QC) : I apologize for what I have done. Yes, I will switch it off right away
and thank you for pointing it out.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : Thank you very much for that. So shall we resume where we have
stopped? Can Mr. Shahandzir (QC)repeat what you mentioned just now?

Mr. Shahandzir (QC) : Yes, sure. Why not? I was previously saying that we overlook on
handling our new workers and providing them a professional training.
Mr. Padzly(IC Section): Yes, I do agree with what you have said. I think we overlook it when
we were in a hurry to use the manpower to rush in completing the batch of new products that
time. That is why we only provided one training session for them. So what do you all suggest?

Mr. Asmizam(MOULD): I suggest that we have to give a training covering certain topics and
technical knowledge.

Mr Azuan (TA): I also agree for that suggestion. It will make be better quality in production.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : Yes, definitely. Topics covered should be Do’s and Dont’s, safety
precautions, rules and regulation briefing and how to operate every machine.

Mr. Shahandzir (QC): Okay, I will take note and make an arrangement for that.

Mr. Padzly(IC Section): Sorry to interrupt again, but can we also cover about Professional
Ethics in the training?

Mr. Asmizam(MOULD): Yes, I agreed. Professional Ethics can make ours workers more
discipline and good attitude.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : May I know why, Mr. Padzly(IC Section)?

Mr. Padzly(IC Section): Thank Mr. Asmizam(MOULD) for supporting my idea. It is because,
from what I have noticed is that workers themselves are not professional enough and
sometimes causes silly mistakes when working. I know this because it affects also the
production rate from my side.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : I see. Can you add that into the training as well Mr. Shahandzir (QC)?

Mr. Shahandzir (QC) : Yes, noted.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : Shall we move on discussing another issue that we are facing now? Or
some of you still have any concerns or doubts?

Everyone : Nope, we shall proceed.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : Okay. The second issue that we are facing is regarding Compound
Sticky on Mould (ECU Section) cause low production rate in the factory production line of our
products lately.

Mr Azuan (TA): According to the statistic report, we take almost twice longer to produce as
compared to before. This caused our company to incur a penalty because we failed to deliver
the products in time to our customers.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : If not mistaken, i have noticed some of our machines are currently not
in used. May I know why? Is it because it is heater system of machine or compound material?
Mr. Asmizam(MOULD): Heater system Mr. Idzwan. Temperature reason makes compound
material stick at mould. It will make operator clean mould manually. It will take more time to
complete that task.

Mr Azuan (TA): Can we know how many machines are currently not in used?

Mr. Asmizam(MOULD): We have currently 15 out of 35 machines not in used.

Mr. Padzly(IC Section): Well, that explains why the production rate is low, it is almost 50% of
the machines are not in used. That is a very high drop in production rate.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : I suggest that we need to find a technician to check if our machines are
fixable and then fix it if we can as soon as possible.

Mr Azuan (TA): What if it cannot be fixed Mr. Idzwan?

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : Then we will have to buy a new system of heating system for each of
machines. Please take note regarding this Mr. Asmizam(MOULD)

Mr. Asmizam(MOULD): Yes, I will follow up regarding it.

Mr. Shahandzir (QC) : Besides, can we also find out why the machines spoiled at the first
place? This is to prevent more machines to be spoiled in the future and affect our production

Mr. Asmizam(MOULD): The reason is because we did not request for technician to check it
frequently. Basically, there is no proper and constant maintenance done.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : If it is that case, we need to request the technician to check on machine
on schedule and maintain the machines.

Mr Azuan (TA): I suggest twice a month will be good. Because checking too frequent on the
machine will lower the production rate again.

Mr. Shahandzir(QC) Yes, I agreed. It will determine machine condition time by time.

Mr. Padzly(IC Section): Me also, good opinion.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : Is it possible Mr. Asmizam(MOULD)? If yes then please proceed to

arrange it.

Mr. Asmizam(MOULD): Yes, definitely.

Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : I believe that we have already discussed and have an outcome to solve
the issues we are facing. Mr Azuan (TA), is there any problem faced for the today’s meeting

Mr Azuan (TA): Nope, Mr. Idzwan. Everything is fine so far. I will send to everyone by today
so that we can recap and follow up clearer later.
Mr. Idzwarosli(HOD) : Okay, with that I would like to say thank you for your time and effort
in this meeting. We shall have another meeting next week to check what the progress is and
follow up the solutions we discussed just now. Thank you.

Everyone: Thank you, good bye.

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