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Refractories are inorganic materials which can withstand very high temperatures without
softening, or deforming.


They serve as structural material used at high temperature service condition.

Rocket engines, Space vehicles
Construction of equipments in the metallurgical and chemical industry.
refractories are mostly used in Contruction of : furnace linings, Reactors, recuperators,
Crucibles, ladles, Rocket nozzles, Lauch pads.

Requisites of a good refractory

They should possess good refractory properties.

1. They should be chemically stable under service conditions in which they are employed.

2. They should posses good thermal strength

3. They should posses good resistance to abrasion

4. They should be able to withstand the charge load at working temperature.

5. They should posses low permeability.

Classification of refractories
Important Characteristics of refracteries.
1. Chemical inertness: The refractories for any particular use should be chosen
on the basis of their chemical inertness to ensure that they do not react with
the components under the operating conditions.
According to environment choose the refractory.
2. Refractoriness: it is the ability of arefractory material to withstand heat ,
without significant deformation.under given working condition. In practice
refractoriness is measured as the softening temperature of the refractory material
because most of the refractory materials are a mixture of components and hence do
not have sharp melting points.
Spalling relates to fracture of refractory brick which may occur due to the following reasons:
• A temperature gradient in the brick which is caused by sudden heating or cooling.
• Compression in a structure of refractory due to expansion
• Variation in coefficient of thermal expansion between the surface layer and the body of the
• Variation in coefficient of thermal expansion between the surface layer and the body of the
brick is due to slag penetration or due to structural change.
Jaw crusher

Gyratory crusher

Ball mill
For Mixing-A typical pugmill consists of a horizontal boxlike chamber with a top inlet and a bottom discharge at the
other end, 2 shafts with opposing paddles, and a drive assembly.

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